The negative influence of the transit of Neptune 10th house. Neptune transits

Neptune transits in Pisces from April 4 to August 4, 2011 and from February 3, 2012 to January 27, 2026. The planet makes a complete cycle in the Zodiac in 164 years, remaining in each sign for about 14 years. In modern astrology, Neptune is considered the ruler of the Pisces sign, here he feels comfortable and most clearly manifesting his qualities.

Neptune's influences are vague and uncertain. Unlike other planets, they are very difficult to understand and realize. The planet is symbolically associated with illusions, spirituality, psychic abilities, unconditional love, deceit, dreams, intuition, art, psychology, esotericism, mysticism, secrets. The planet governs liquids, bodies of water, seas and oceans. Photography and cinema are under the jurisdiction of Neptune, as they are essentially an illusion. Sleep and dreams are also among the manifestations of this planet.

Passing through the sign of Pisces, Neptune enhances all the qualities and characteristics of this zodiac sign. Spirituality is important to the planet, so we can use the vibrations of Neptune to become more spiritually advanced.

People who are receptive to his energies live in their own creative world, they are sensitive, compassionate, kind and sympathetic. They are concerned about the problems of society, they want to make the world a better place and feel this need as a personal duty. But in negative manifestations, the person becomes weak-willed and easily controlled.

The transit of Neptune in Pisces has a different expression, depending on the indicators of the natal chart. Below is an interpretation of the position of the planet in the houses of an individual horoscope (natal chart).

Neptune in Pisces in the first house

The transit of a planet has a lasting effect. You will reconsider your whole life, starting from childhood, and see how your Karma manifests itself. This is a great time to get in touch with your higher self, use psychic abilities, help others. Service to others will help you let go of painful emotions, bring out the best in your personality, and gain self-confidence.

Neptune in Pisces in the 2nd house

Self-esteem depends on material circumstances, money, property, wealth. Under the influence of the planet of illusions, it is not easy to put your financial affairs in order. But this is exactly what you need to do in order to gain self-confidence, to show others what your true worth is. Imagination, faith and intuition will help you resolve issues related to the material world.

Neptune in Pisces in the third house

You may have periods of confusion, perhaps even mental laziness. There is a desire to master secret knowledge, to study esoteric sciences. You will feel that you had such knowledge in a past life. Brothers and sisters, classmates or people living in the neighborhood can be your teachers and mentors. It's not about being like one of them. No need to compare yourself to others, you have your own destiny.

Neptune in Pisces in the fourth house

Home and family life becomes more spiritual. Karmic problems will make themselves felt, especially with parents. You will find that your own problems are echoes of your parents' problems that they did not solve at the time. In any case, relationships with parents or one of them change for better or worse.

Neptune in Pisces in the fifth house

Karma finds its way to you through your love affairs, creative expression, and children. Be very careful not to be deceived and disappointed in your romantic interests. Believe in your talents, realize yourself in some kind of creativity, but do not expect admiration and recognition from other people. Rely on yourself, not on anyone else.

Neptune in Pisces in the 6th house

The topic of health is of particular importance. Taking care of your physical body, exercising, eating healthy becomes part of your daily life. This is a great time to find the perfect means of keeping yourself in good shape. But it is also necessary to be careful not to be deceived in this area of ​​life, so your eyes should be wide open. Service to others is another important theme. What you do for others will come back to you multiplied.

Neptune in Pisces in the 7th house

Partners, clients, or a spouse can be either a blessing or a curse. Karma finds its way to you through relationships. You will find flaws in partners, but you will still have to deal with them until you realize that their flaws are a reflection of your own. This is not the time to look at people through rose-colored glasses, you need to see them realistically. Then you can decide if you want to have them in your life.

Neptune in Pisces in the 8th house

The past returns to life and, depending on what content your past is filled with, such will be the fruits of the present. The topics of trust and deceit are topical. Be realistic so you don't mistake people. The eighth house is associated with general finances, here planetary influence can be expressed in deceptive situations regarding money, inheritance, debts. But sometimes miracles happen and big money comes.

Neptune in Pisces in the ninth house

You are destined to take a different look at the boundaries of your world, expand it and fill it with new content. In life, events occur that you regard as divine intervention. Spiritual insights lead to a revision of the fundamental principles of life. By transcending your intellectual and spiritual boundaries, you become an inspiration to others. Karma finds its way to you through meeting new people, traveling to other cities and countries, exploring unfamiliar territories.

Neptune in Pisces in the tenth house

A planetary transit has an impact on your professional and career development. Faith and intuition help you move forward, realize your business goals and ambitions. Creative inspiration contributes to the achievement of heights in a career. There is a chance that you will find those who are trying to hinder you behind the scenes, or a secret will appear related to an authoritative person for you.

Neptune in Pisces in the eleventh house

Social interactions take on special significance. Friends can be a source of inspiration for you, or, in a negative way, they can turn out to be deceivers and manipulators. Old contacts are renewed, new ones appear - people come to your circle for a reason, each of them can be a conductor of your karmic task. You need to be very careful to determine who your true friend is and who is not. Perhaps, seeing some of them in their true light, you will decide to cut ties.

Neptune in Pisces in the twelfth house

Your highest calling is service to others. You may not have dealt with it in a past life, and now it's time to try again. Helping the weak will unravel the karmic knots. By helping the less fortunate, you will get rid of your own emotional problems and become stronger. But the right choice matters - so as not to start helping those who only play the role of the disadvantaged. Your mission is to save others, then avoid the fate of becoming a victim yourself. To gain inner strength, rely on faith and intuition.

Read more about the planet in the article

In the first house: when Neptune passes over the Ascendant, a person “turns” somewhat in consciousness - he becomes tearful, sentimental, relaxed, sometimes he drinks. The face becomes swollen. Passing through this house, Neptune weakens the vigilance of a person. On the external level, it is difficult for a person to pull himself together, become rigid, “iron” - in some ways he will be soft, lethargic, relaxed. But with an initially good Neptune, a good secret consciousness of instinct, premonitions, the ability to program oneself awakens in a person. Neptune in the first house does not allow you to gather in order to meet the danger fully armed (as opposed to Saturn). There is a reshaping of the personality of a person, with a good Neptune - favorable, making the personality more intuitive and sensitive. A person subconsciously chooses the direction he needs for development, orientation. With bad Neptune - a person is thrown into a binge, he sinks, relaxes, dissolves - he can become lazy and stupid.

A planet located in the middle of a house manifests the whole essence of this house, as if in exaltation.

In the second house: here Neptune creates a chaotic, disorderly relationship to money, to material resources, to the accumulated. Even those people who at other times very clearly monitor their spending (not to mention the spending of others, at this time they begin to lose money, lend and forget about it. A lot of some kind of senseless spending appears, a craving for some there is a desire to have some random things ("I want - then take it out and put it in!") - to get them at all costs. Such chaotic, confused, vague problems associated not only with money, but also with food - it is difficult to take care of oneself - the result of the transit of Neptune of a bad cosmic status in the second house. There are secret, but distinct urges to eat delicious food, to eat something exotic, especially exotic drinks. A person becomes a slave to his habits and this is for a long time. At this time, a person does not can accumulate nothing - money runs away like water.To accumulate health at this time, efforts must be invested twice as much as at other times.

In the third house: here Neptune is in exile. A person has chaos in learning, the clarity of information disappears, it is impossible to clearly express thoughts, chaos in relations with relatives, neighbors. It can be all sorts of secret alliances against a person, anonymous letters, erratic trips, a person has the position of a vagabond. None of your letters will be given a go, none of the ideas you would like to publish at this time will see the light of day. With a good cosmic status of Neptune - the possibility of using secret levers of pressure.

In the fourth home: with the bad cosmic status of Neptune, a person’s household becomes his enemies, this is especially evident in his childhood and youth, and there is envy on the part of parents. With a good cosmic status, Neptune can give deep research in the field of the occult and secrecy. A person is drawn to the arrangement of his place of residence.

in the fifth house: Neptune is fallen. Painful cravings increase. If Venus and Lilith are somehow poorly expressed in a person’s horoscope, then Neptune will “set fire” to them in the fifth house - painful inclinations, obsessions in the field of sex, promiscuity, emancipation will appear. There is chaos and confusion in relationships with children, especially among men. There may be illegitimate children, and there may be a greater craving for them than for children from marriage. It is better not to have children at this time - they may turn out to be secret or a person may not see them for a long time (if Neptune is of a very high cosmic status). During the transit of Neptune through the fifth house, a person becomes creatively flawed, feeling, as it were, a blow to his creative freedom - all his self-manifestations and expressions of will are blurred, sprout with intrigues, envy from other people. And then a bottle and illegitimate children appear on the scene.

With a good Neptune - emancipation in the sexual area. With such a transit through the horoscope of a child, it is very easy to corrupt him or lay a rhythm of debauchery in him.

It should be noted that Neptune in the lower hemisphere of the horoscope behaves much worse than in the upper hemisphere.

in the sixth house: This is the place of Neptune's exile. Transit affects the general condition (morbidity), hypochondria can increase, inventing non-existent diseases, constant listening to your body, frequent visits to doctors with non-existent diseases. There may be chaos at work, there may be erratic wandering from one place to another.

in the seventh house: this is already the upper hemisphere and here Neptune behaves well - peacefully, quietly, calmly. If your wife constantly “hollows” you, your mother-in-law interferes with your life, if you constantly sue someone, wait for Neptune in the seventh house and he will clarify everything for you. He will establish peace in your family, even if this peace is a divorce. All confusing situations will be resolved. Neptune in the first house, on the contrary, confuses everything. Intuition appears in relation to the authorities, some kind of inputs and outputs appear in social instances, a common language is found with opponents, diplomacy appears - many compromises, agreements, smoothing out conflicts. At this time, it is very good to look for an ideal partner for yourself, a stable marriage is laid during the transit of Neptune through the seventh house.

in the eighth house: here Neptune behaves badly - the situation of hovering over the abyss. A person will be drawn to get into some kind of story or risky situation. At this time, the fear of death or retribution is removed. Neptune of very good cosmic status strongly affects the possibility of receiving an inheritance (in any form).

Health is strengthened from unearthly sources, a person uses cosmic energy. Nightmares often occur during this time. If Neptune is the dispositor of the solar sign and has a very high cosmic status (especially in Pisces), then a person perceives this transit very painfully - fear, depression, some negative changes.

in the ninth house: this is one of the best standings of Neptune - romance and adventure, life becomes brighter and more diverse. At this time, many leave, forever leaving their homeland. At this time, if before that a person behaved well, then he can meet his esoteric Teacher - he receives a creed, the purpose of his existence becomes clear, he receives spiritual initiation.

in the tenth house: if Neptune is strong, then this may be a secret power. It could also be the pinnacle of a career. With bad Neptune, the opposite is true for a person - everything is taken away from him or obstacles are created. A person, before that completely invisible, suddenly begins to arouse envy, and everyone begins to look for negative traits in him. All sorts of deceptions happen. His secret means of putting pressure on the authorities are beginning to be realized. The acquisition of high patrons and defenders who sit in the shadows, or - service in a secret organization.

in the eleventh house: very good position. A person can consciously correct the events of his life. Secret friends appear to help him. Favorable for the introduction into life of everything new, unusual. Making new, completely unusual acquaintances, entering a new circle of friends. The time is most favorable for a break with the past.

in the twelfth house: excellent standing. Some people have a desire to manage their affairs in secret from others. There may be signs of kleptomania. Appears indulgence to their passions. At this time, a person succeeds in all his secret deeds (and esoteric ones too), meditation, self-deepening, withdrawal from the world, severing interfering ties. Sharpens intuition. At the same time, a person is not burdened by loneliness - he spits on everyone and believes that he is right.

Neptune in the 12th house gives very good opportunities for a harmonious sense of self, even if it is quite infernal. The person feels neither fear nor remorse. The period contributes to all black deeds - guidance, damage, psychometry, etc.

When transiting Neptune passes through the 8th house, enters the sign of Scorpio, or forms an aspect with Pluto, there may be confusion in the combined capitals. During this period, it is unwise to make important decisions regarding your funds.

What events does transiting Neptune bring to life in the 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th houses

Transiting Neptune in the 8th house or Scorpio

If you are about to divorce, your spouse may hide funds or misrepresent their income. You can also be disinherited or deceived in receiving it. At this time, your level of sexuality may change.

I have observed how, during the transit of Neptune, clients acquire new sexual possibilities or their sexual abilities fade away, up to the onset of impotence. Psychologically, you can rise to a much higher level of spirituality.

Transiting Neptune in 9th house or Sagittarius

When transiting Neptune passes through the 9th house, enters Sagittarius, or is in aspect to Jupiter, religion and spiritual life can become your great passion. You can follow the instructions of a guru or spiritual father.

Transiting Neptune in 10th house or Capricorn

When transiting Neptune transits the 10th house, enters Capricorn, or is in aspect to Saturn, your career aspirations may be disrupted, or you may be hesitant about your current job, line of work, or career.

You may be pulled into the realm of more altruistic, spiritual, creative activities. I have watched the most successful lawyer give up his practice and become an artist, and a doctor abandon traditional medicine to explore alternative healing techniques.

With unfavorable aspects formed by Neptune in the tenth house, scandals are possible. I have watched people fall prey to deceit, lose their social position and reputation both through their own actions and as a result of false accusations leveled against them.

During very favorable transits of Neptune, I have seen people put on a pedestal and turned into idols. Neptune also has the ability to empower and increase, and I see clients with positive aspects of Neptune in transit Saturn reaching new heights.

Neptune is a planet that manifests itself in the sphere of love, marriage, close relationships, but the attraction to the breadth, not the depth. The aspects of Neptune change these situations. Neptune's main motivation is psychological comfort. It is typical for people with a strong Neptune to go into Neptunian spaces from any tension, but this also happens from high sensitivity. Strong Neptune gives instability in key life situations, does not give clarity to understanding oneself. Neptune often manifests itself in emotional strings.
Example: a woman has Neptune square Saturn. Her first marriage was emotionally intense, strong experiences left their mark on the second marriage. She kept her distance from her second husband for 30 years, and when he retired and began to be at home more often, he began to annoy her and she began to think about a divorce. Instead of learning to open up, for 30 years she simply fenced herself off. Neptune - the desire for intimacy. Saturn - the desire to enclose oneself. Neptune has no desire to overcome the current situation.
Strong Neptune is hard with his own children. Neptune in square to the Sun and Venus - either a person needs to open up, or go through a difficult emotional break. In this situation, there is a fear of dissolution.
Neptune does not seek to go out and understand others. Discharge: alcohol, drugs, sex. Subjective assessment of the external world, closed in itself, cannot understand others. The Neptunian wave can lead anywhere, a person will not even feel remorse, not wanting to be responsible for anything. In a positive version, Neptune gives high sensitivity, the ability to empathize. Neptune enhances mental, hereditary abilities, diseases and karma. There was a grandmother or great-grandmother in the family with unusual mental abilities.
Instability, frequent changes, or complete immersion in one thing is characteristic of Neptune.


Hypersensitivity, high sensitivity, clairvoyant abilities, mediumship, rare magnetism, laziness, fear of effort. The mother of a person who had Neptune on ASC had a mild birth, but if there are dissonant aspects, then entanglement of the umbilical cord, suffocation, the child may choke, toxicosis in the mother is possible.
In the eyes of such people - the sea in the eyes. Makeup prefer soft. In halftone clothes. In motion, either slowness or soft plasticity. An expressionless face, in the sense that it does not express its emotions. Great charm, magnetism. Either attractive or attractive. Amorousness, but if there is no strong aspect /opposition or quadrature/, then love does not reach depth. Increased reactivity to any negative irritations. The world for them is a place of high, if this is not there, then withdrawal into oneself. If there is no control from another planet / Jupiter or Saturn /, it is very difficult for such a person to determine himself. If there is no stable target / according to Jupiter /, the blurring of Neptune for a long time, up to 40 years.


Gives a lot in material terms, if there are no serious defeats. Life in a wealthy family. Neptune does not give power. The danger of diseases of the liver, lymphatic system, blood, can give genetic diseases /especially at the top of the 2nd house/. When associated with the 6th house /for example, Neptune rules the 6th house/, it can indicate money from Neptunian professions. Exactly at the top of the 2nd house, the mother could have problems during pregnancy or immediately after childbirth: toxicosis, lack of milk.


Studying and craving for Neptunian things. Music, plastic arts, language learning, humanitarian sphere, psychology. A person can grab on to many different things. An aspect from the 3rd house may indicate the nature of relatives and the possibility of illness. In a negative sense - the danger from water during trips.


Can make a mess in the house, a lot of rubbish, especially in connection with the IC. Here he can act very emotionally, deeply and give a deep, emotional type of nature, but this is with close relationships. Global maternal attitude to all. These people are the bearers of traditions. They have a warm relationship with children. Inherit faith from parents. But you need to look at aspects, if there is opposition from Neptune, then there may be difficulties in the family. May indicate an early move. Very strong influence of heredity, especially maternal. If there are aspects to the luminaries: for example, to the Moon, then heredity on the maternal side, if to the Sun, then heredity on the paternal side, and if to both luminaries, then heredity along both lines. If a person has Neptune in the 4th house, then he will strive to protect his house from other people's influences. Increased reaction to a large number of people in the house, disgust. After the cycle of Saturn, this house is harmonized. Children are of great importance, it is necessary to give birth. The deep position of Neptune is better than the high position, 9th and 11th houses are good, 6th and 8th houses are dangerous, in conjunction with the MC, and in the 12th house it gives protracted situations.


A direct indication of children, according to Neptune, children can be calculated. Creativity in the field of music, subtle emotionality, heart affairs. If there is square or opposition to the Sun or Moon, then adultery is possible. Self-deception in feelings, an illusory image of love. Children with unusual abilities, unusual character. It is not recommended to risk money and spend thoughtlessly. Pronounced visual perception. When a person has an aspect between the Moon and Mercury, then the word is felt in the verses, and if the aspect is between Mercury and Neptune, then music is felt in the verses.


Indicates a profession, but rarely gives musical specialties. Can give psychology, biology, medicine, attraction to care and patronage. But you need to look at the aspects, because. it can also give diseases: metabolic disorders, food poisoning, chronic, protracted diseases. Violation of the digestive system, especially when the Sun makes a tense aspect to Neptune / especially when the left quadrature /. Doesn't give me a big problem at work. If there are horizontal aspects / opposition, quincunx / gossip, slander, deception at work. In this situation, either a person is set up, or he is others, but you have to look who is stronger. Fuzziness, falseness, duality of relations / 6 - 12, 1 - 7 houses /. There is a danger of mental illness if there is a lesion from the 8th house.


The DSC may indicate an unusual situation during childbirth. Fears of activity, when it is necessary to act, lowers his hands, runs to the side. A strong Neptune saves itself first.
Example: the child is very ill, and the father, instead of being next to him in the hospital and supporting him, withdraws into himself and feels sorry for himself. Amorousness, difficult situations in love. Can give a stable, deep connection or confusion in a relationship. Slander, deceit, more often it is a victim of someone else's deceit. Professions may be related to displaying clothing if Mercury, Venus, Mars are affected. Visible planets give clarity in relationships, and Neptune gives fuzziness.
Neptune in the 7th house gives blurred situations of intimacy that can disappear at any moment. This position is bad for situations that require precision and clarity.
The transit of Neptune and Uranus through the house can give "not clean" contacts, but Uranus destroys this, which can lead to a break.
Neptune has a desire for conflict-free relationships, where there is no responsibility and depth. Deception, slander, gossip, rumors - a fake relationship. Or Neptunian partners. Neptune gives the return of connections / and in 1.5 and 10 houses /. A good memory of your own experiences. Or gives bad situations. Neptune tries to avoid sharp breaks.


Sleep disturbance, or increased light sleep / and on aspects with Mercury and the Sun /. Hereditary diseases, mental disorders. Dangers related to water /1st danger during childbirth/. May give intrusive thoughts. Example: if there is an opposition from the 1st to the 7th house and squares to Neptune go from them, then the discharge will go through drinking or falling in love. Unusual abilities of ancestors, or hereditary deviations, and all this a person passes on to his children. Congenital sensitivity, heightened sensitivity, occult abilities. A subtle feeling of the energies of other partners, increased sensitivity to the subtle world.


Bright, visual imagination, painting, fashion designers, unusual perception of the world / also when the Moon is in the 9th house /, innate religiosity, mystics. It can give a sense of its calling, a messianic complex, if even in the natal chart Jupiter stands in some special way: struck or in exile. With the high position of Neptune, a person can even be proud of his suffering, this, allegedly, emphasizes their chosenness. In such a situation, it is difficult for a person to help, you don’t even have to argue with him, but humor is possible, but very subtle. You can ask a question and step aside, do not let him answer, so that he cannot speak out and he will have to think alone. Possible water hazard. There is no clear and precise picture of the worldview. Can give ideological career guidance, real clairvoyance.


Similar effects of Neptune in the 4th house, moving, which has a strong effect on the child. Romanticism in relationships. Transit can give the awakening of Neptunian abilities / a person can begin to write poetry, compose music /. Indication of a humanitarian occupation. Excessively strong work of the imagination, a person may have visions, but it is difficult to distinguish between an imaginary image and a real one. Often schizophrenia. They can believe in any message from the other world. Well, if there is a dissonant aspect, it will help a person to doubt. The tendency to see any information passing through them as prophecy. By itself, Neptune will not give a high position in society, there must also be social planets. For a woman, this is the house of marriage, as well as the 4th house, it can give confusion.


The multiplicity of friendships, changeability, echoes the characteristics of the 9th house. Creative and occult abilities. Romantic love, twisted, halo around love. Susceptibility to images of the higher world. Creativity according to Neptune. Children's abilities. Departure to Neptunian spaces. Professional guidance if ruling the 6th house. Genetics, biology, psychology are connected with Neptune.


Religious, secret societies, backstage affairs, secret connections, occult abilities, mystics, monks. Emigration, separation from the motherland, blood ties. Chronic diseases that last a long time. If there are tense aspects, then dangers are possible on long trips. Impaired development, or hereditary diseases according to Neptune, venereal diseases, liver, lymph, impaired immunity, toxicosis, poisoning with poisons, blood cancer.
Example: Neptune is in the 12th or 2nd house and is associated with Mercury, which is in the 2nd or 12th house - developmental disturbance is possible due to the fact that the parents were alcoholics.
