Birth year of the fiery monkey. metal monkey

Closer to this holiday, children cannot sit still, waiting for joy and fun experiences, and adults are preparing for it, anticipating changes in their lives, and swear that life will change for the better. New life, new desires, new successes. That is the New Year!

Since childhood, he has been associated with something fabulous and unforgettable, and many people believe with pleasure that, as with a wave of a magic wand, everything will come to their senses, all desires will come true. And what people are not capable of for the sake of happiness in the new year. What is the tradition with a burning piece of paper worth. The internet is exploding with thousands of requests for how to satisfy the sign of the coming year, and 2016 is no exception. What beast awaits in 2016? What does he love? How to change yourself and your life for the better in the new year?

After the Wood Goat, the Fire Monkey will take a kind of annual “throne”. An image of a fidget, a mischievous and unpredictable animal immediately appears in my head. Really the Fire Monkey will turn all life upside down. The combination of the madness of the sign and the power of the elements will definitely make everyone feel the energy. So, what are the gifts of the Year of the Monkey 2016, characteristics and wishes!

Incredibly lucky those who were born under the auspices of this sign. They don’t even have to worry about luck, but the rest shouldn’t despair at all, there’s enough cute little animals for everyone.

No one can resist the magic of the coming year. In the literal sense, something will push for new decisions, unexpected actions and a surge of strength. Unattainable goals will seem quite real, failures will quickly be forgotten, giving way to determination and fun. For some, this will seem too unexpected, while others will not refuse a coup and new opportunities. It is best to forget about the ordinary, agreeing to pleasant adventures. All previous years cannot be compared with the cheerful Monkey. Sharp turns, surprises and success awaits anyone who can mentally withstand the test, discovering incredible opportunities in themselves.

The hostess of 2016 will support everyone, but you should take good care of your health. Rejoicing at the changes, you may not notice a deterioration in well-being, problems. You have to start watching and listening to your body. The right way of life, the rejection of bad habits - the year will provide all the conditions for this. And support all those who work. Productivity, climbing the career ladder, success and material well-being - any choice will be favorable. Those who are engaged in creativity will feel the presence of this minx. In 2016 they are waiting for unprecedented success.

But why all the well-being without the usual human emotions and communication? And here the Monkey will help. As if with invisible threads, it connects people, forming new and strengthening old ties. But you should be prepared for sharp turns of fate. But do not worry too much, what the Monkey will do will balance the Fire.

Do not be afraid of undertakings, even if it seems that everything is impossible. If you want to be among the favorites of the hostess of the coming year, you have to do it, agree to everything, in general, dare! Only those will remain in disfavor who will be lazy, sad and resist the new. The characteristics of the 2016 Year of the Fire Monkey presented above confirms that things may soon change for the better. And you should not rely only on the help of the tailed one. Everything depends on ourselves. Good luck!

Years of the Monkey: 1908, 1920, 1932, 1944, 1954, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016.

We all know that symbolic animals also have their own element.

And the characters of people born in different years of Monkeys can vary significantly.

On February 8, 2016, the year of the Red or Fire Monkey began - active, temperamental, emotional.

Many people know that they are a Monkey according to the Eastern horoscope, but they have no idea about the element of their animal, in the year in which they were born.

Metal Monkey: 1920, 1980

The Metal or White Monkey has a very strong will. Whatever she undertakes, she does everything purposefully and, in general, prefers to work independently, and not in a team.

White primates often prefer to work independently and enjoy the fruits of their work alone.

She is vain, wise and opinionated and is not afraid of hard work; can be considered an expert in financial matters and tends to invest his money wisely.

Monkey self-confidence is further aggravated in the Metal element. These people are sure that their vocation is to shine in society.

Metal sometimes inclines sociable Monkeys to individualism. But, despite the independent nature, the Metal Monkey loves society, attending parties and participating in all kinds of activities.

The family of these people occupies one of the highest places in the system of values. In relation to relatives, she is caring and kind.

Water Monkey: 1932, 1992

The Water or Black Monkey has a sensitive, receptive character. She is more disciplined than other types of Monkeys, and more inclined to work for any one purpose than to be distracted and scattered over trifles.

The Black Monkey is the most sensitive, especially to criticism, and secretive. She has good insight and intuition, which helps her adapt to any environment.

However, despite the secrecy, the Water Monkey is very sociable. Without communication, Black Monkeys wither away and feel sad. And they also perfectly understand the needs and weaknesses of people, have good abilities to convince and persuade interlocutors to their side and even manipulate them.

Those few who can earn her trust will find in her a good-natured and affectionate person who loves peace and harmony. These are kind, not aggressive people, leading a very rich emotional life.

She is not characterized by frankness regarding her plans, and in conversation she tries to avoid this topic.

Among the shortcomings, it is worth noting the indecision, which sometimes prevents the Black Monkeys from choosing the right path.

They are quite eccentric and original. Their wit and eloquence attract the attention of others., Thanks to her ability to convince, she gains supporters relatively easily.

She understands human weaknesses, which helps to get along well with people.

Wood Monkey: 1944, 2004

Wood Green Monkey is rational, organized and pedantic. She does everything well and conscientiously, and she is annoyed when others do not want to follow her example.

This is a skilled and responsible worker. She has a rich imagination and tries in every possible way to acquire new knowledge, is progressive in her ideas.

A person born in the year of the Green Wood Monkey is reputed to be a resilient optimist who is always cheerful and bravely looking forward. He stands firmly on his feet and is not inclined to worry too long about some life troubles there.

Like other animals of the Wood element, Green Monkeys have a real passion for development. New skills, knowledge, life experience - all this is of the highest value for them.

Constant self-improvement, study and renewal is their lifestyle and even a habit, they cannot imagine themselves without it.

Wood Monkeys, as a rule, have a noticeable ideology. Therefore, politics will be quite a likely field for them. They are true to their ideals to the very end and strive to defend the interests of society, even forgetting their personal ones.

However, her enthusiasm can quickly fade; she easily loses her patience and gives up if things don't go her way.

She is not alien to the spirit of adventurism and the desire for risk. The Wood Monkey loves to travel.

Among colleagues and friends he enjoys trust and respect.

Fire Monkey: 1956, 2016

The Fire or Red Monkey is a bright, active lover of life with an incredible supply of energy. She can rush to any extremes, relying solely on her intuition and luck.

The Fire Monkey is smart, full of vitality and easily wins the respect of others. This is a typical adventurer and incorrigible adventurer. The scope of her interests is very wide.

She has a rich imagination, versatile interests, however, they sometimes distract her from more useful and profitable things.

She is curious and always aware of all the happenings.

However, she can be very stubborn if not everything goes according to her plan, and sometimes suppresses those who do not have such a strong will.

They also have a strong competitive spirit: the Red Monkey always strives to be the first and the best.

It is also worth noting that the Fire Monkey is very irritable and quick-tempered.

A stormy emotional life and sincerity, unusual for other Monkeys, often become causes of conflicts with others. Such people are often selfish, rude and tactless, which is completely uncharacteristic of other primates.

Her character is very lively, she is very popular with the opposite sex, she is very devoted to her partner.

Earth Monkey: 1908, 1968

The Yellow Monkey is the most calm and balanced. Unlike her sisters, she has strong relationships with family and friends.

Monkey adventurism is somewhat reduced in the element of Earth - prudence, foresight and common sense often manifest themselves here. Such people are sometimes even reputed to be conservatives and do not welcome reforms.

She is not as sociable as other Monkeys, and prefers quieter and more solid activities.

The Earth Monkey is inquisitive, well-read and usually achieves a lot in his chosen profession.

She has high principles, a caring character, great generosity towards the unfortunate.

A person born in the year of the Earth Monkey often helps the outcast and disadvantaged, not considering charity a waste of time.

She is lucky in business and finances and can have a significant fortune in old age.

With a calming influence on those around her, she is generally loved and respected by all.

Especially attentive to those whom she trusts.

The true simian passion for rivalry is waning - Earth Monkeys tend to be indifferent to medals and other trappings of success.

She does not seek to win the recognition of the crowd, instead gathering a close circle of people she likes nearby.

General qualities of Monkeys

The monkey is born under the sign of imagination. She is inquisitive, extremely curious and always aware of the events taking place around her.

The monkey is smart, well-read, loves to learn, has an excellent memory. Among the Monkeys there are many scholars and linguists.

She has a very persuasive manner of speaking and loves to participate in discussions and debates.

Her friendliness and confident manners make it easy to win admirers and admirers.

It is thanks to these qualities that there are many politicians and diplomats among the Monkeys.

They are usually good at jobs that require interaction with people, such as teaching, selling.

The monkey, however, is quite dexterous and cunning, and even often not very clean in his actions.

She will never miss the opportunity to get her way in any way, she can circle anyone around her finger, but the victim realizes this too late. She even risks outwitting herself.

In addition, she is so self-confident that she rarely takes anyone's advice.

The monkey loves to advise others, but she herself prefers to rely only on her own judgments.

The monkey perfectly knows how to get out of the most difficult situations. Moreover, she is able to pull not only herself, but also others out of the most hopeless situation.

She has a very strong survival instinct.

Possessing a variety of talents and abilities, the Monkey is good at making money, but loves a chic life too much to be able to deny himself something.

Sometimes she is very envious if someone has what she herself dreams of.

The Monkey has an original mindset and, despite sociability, a desire for independence.

She must have freedom of action, and any Monkey, by the will of fate bound by rigid boundaries, very quickly begins to feel unhappy.

If her life becomes too monotonous and boring, she soon loses all interest and begins to seek variety.

The monkey clearly lacks perseverance and perseverance, and this often ruins her career. If the Monkey manages to focus his attention on one thing, then, of course, he will be able to achieve a lot.

The Monkey is an excellent organizer and, although it is sometimes prone to make mistakes, it always has some kind of plan or idea. On the rare occasions when the plan doesn't work, she just shrugs her shoulders and starts experimenting.

She never repeats the same mistake twice and tries her hand at many activities throughout her life.

The monkey loves to impress, and, as a rule, she succeeds well.

Many are attracted to her appearance, wit and the fact that she certainly inspires confidence.

Monkeys usually marry young, and for their union to be successful, partners need to give the Monkeys some freedom of action and the opportunity to satisfy their thirst for adventure.

The Monkey must have some variety in life.

The most successful union of the Monkey with the Rat, Dragon, Pig and Goat.

The impatient, life-loving Monkey can also get along with the Ox, Rabbit, Snake and Dog, but will probably annoy the Rooster and Horse, and the Tiger simply will not tolerate her antics.

The union of two Monkeys can also be good - they easily understand each other and will be able to help one another in various situations.

The monkey is a smart lady, very observant and insightful. Her opinions and assessments are highly valued, and her confident demeanor helps her achieve her goals.

She has many different interests, the desire to participate in several projects at once.

She pays great attention to her appearance, dresses elegantly and likes to take care of her hair.

She is a wonderful, caring mother, and during her life she makes many friends.

Provided that the Monkey manages to moderate his ardor and not be distracted by what is happening around, he, of course, will be able to achieve his goal in life.

Faced with life's failures, she must stop and think about their causes.

The monkey is an optimist, and his life is rich in events and adventures.

Famous people born in the Year of the Monkey:

Julius Caesar, Charles Dickens, Scott Fitzgerald, Paul Gauguin, Edward Kennedy, Jonathan King, Martina Navratilova, Elizabeth Taylor, Harry Truman, Leonardo da Vinci.

The Chinese calendar assigned its patron to each year in a cycle of twelve years, only the defining color changes. And no matter how we treat the predictions of astrologers, each of us will definitely read what the coming year has in store for him, so I want to hope for the best.

The Wood Goat leaves with a steady pace, the calm, thoughtful, slow Goat is replaced by an impulsive, cunning and very persistent Monkey. If the previous year was stagnant and did not promise victories in business, then the Fire Monkey will turn everything around, she will have enough mischief and strength to restore your self-confidence. It will be a year of victories, a year of accomplishments and a year of success.

What does the coming year hold for all of us?

Next year, many of us will make fateful decisions, it will be a very busy year of new meetings, new acquaintances. Almost all signs of the zodiac should not be afraid of such cardinal changes in life. As all astrologers say, the year of the Monkey 2016 is characterized by changes in everything that surrounds you. Moreover, the smart and cheerful Monkey is not going to bring trouble to anyone, she will joke out of place, mischievous to the best of her ability, but not be rude.

A small nuance - next year the number of scammers will increase: large and small, but since astrologers have already warned you, you don’t have to worry.

Next year is a time for adventure and travel, be sure to plan something original for yourself. Everyone, without exception, should start something new - the year promises good luck to those who will not sit still, but embark on adventures. When traveling, try to expand your circle of acquaintances, even a fleeting meeting will bring good luck.

Once again about love

The Wood Goat hasn't completely shed its spell yet. Therefore, the year will begin with petty quarrels, the beginning of the year will especially shake the nerves of people born under the signs of Libra, Cancer, Sagittarius and Capricorn.

Then spring is the time of the awakening of nature and sincere feelings, it was then that the Monkey became generous and will give Virgos, Lions and Pisces true love. Spring will smoothly flow into summer - how not to have romantic dates under the moonlight and not enjoy pleasant dates, even small disagreements will be forgotten at this time. A great summer awaits you.

Autumn, bright, warm - it can bring disappointment to those families in which spouses are prone to adultery. Be careful, this is a very tricky and unreliable time. The only consolation is that many financial problems will be resolved in the fall.

A few words about business and finance

The Fire Monkey is a very active creature, it will help you quickly establish new connections and find financial injections. If you are ready to make quick decisions with the Monkey and not sit still, success is guaranteed to you. According to astrologers, the year of the Fire Monkey 2016 is characterized by the rallying of work teams. Fateful decisions will be made that will lead to the most unpredictable heights - the main thing is not to be afraid to take risks.

Schemers and spiteful critics will not find a patron this year - the Fire Monkey does not sympathize with them.

Be a little wary of dubious offers in financial matters, especially at the beginning of the year. From the middle of summer, almost everyone will have the opportunity to make great money, if you are not lucky yet, wait in the wings. And yet, once again, advice - beware of scammers, they will act even more decisively in the year of the cunning Monkey.

The most important toast is for health

Try to start a new healthy life together with the Red Monkey, give up bad habits, try to immediately consult a doctor when the disease is in remission, then you will not be in danger.

Who is born in the year of the Monkey - he is given a chance to become famous

One has only to look at the list of people born in the year of the Monkey to understand - you can become a celebrity too! On any simpler person - active, active can reach any heights. You will be as popular as Mick Jagger, as talented as Leonardo da Vinci, as famous as David Copperfield. Is it worth it to list them all? Success awaits you, this is guaranteed to you by your patron - the Fire Monkey.

Being active and playful, the Monkey amazes others with erudition, she knows how to perfectly maintain a conversation, she can be sincere. But sometimes pettiness is also inherent in her, she is capricious if she does not get what she dreamed about. Loving yourself is not bad, but in moderation - you will say, but the Monkey will not agree with you, her whims must be fulfilled.

Sitting still and doing monotonous work is not for her, she loves a vibrant life, change. Pay attention - the Monkey is not simple, but Fiery! What should be taken into account in the Year of the Monkey 2016, the characteristic color of this year is fire, movement. So all astrologers say that the color of the year is red. Moreover, the concept of “red” includes not only color, but also the true meaning of the word - the year will be beautiful.

This is how it is worth meeting the patroness of the year, the Fire Monkey - in red outfits, orange, with tints of yellow. The monkey has a sweet tooth - it will gladly accept a brown, chocolate outfit. It is important to put on a lot of jewelry - bright, shiny, only from natural materials.

Treat yourself to the arrival of the New Year in such a robe - success will certainly await you, the Fire Monkey will appreciate your desire to please her.

An energetic fidget will bring success

Throughout the year you will feel a surge of energy. You will be in high spirits all the time, you will want to make important decisions, and it is this year that you can safely rely on intuition, and if you were also born in the year of the Monkey, then you are guaranteed a phenomenal success.

Any work of the Monkey brings great pleasure, but still she loves to achieve results quickly, easily gets carried away by new projects, but if she feels their imperfection, she can also quickly abandon any business - if you need to work long and hard, then the Monkey is not your assistant.

Getting along with a person born in the year of the Monkey is difficult - the continuous search for something new, the speed in making decisions can surprise anyone. But over the years, it is these people who become the most reliable support, so forgive them for childish pranks - these are very cheerful and loyal partners.

, Fire Monkey, Earth Monkey, Metal Monkey, Water Monkey.

The Fire Monkey is very respected in society. Smart, energetic, gifted, she is keenly interested in absolutely everything that happens around her. Very often she succumbs to the temptation to get involved in a business that she absolutely does not need either for her soul or for profit. This Monkey does not like strong, authoritarian, persistent people nearby, because they can mix up all her plans. Fire Monkeys are prominent, interesting, sociable, have many admirers, have romances on the side, but they remain very devoted to their chosen ones and life partners. A real assessment of one's own and other people's merits, a loyal attitude to other people's shortcomings, would protect this Monkey from many troubles.

An active and energetic Monkey, a born leader and inventor. Self-confident and decisive, expressive and truthful, very fond of the opposite sex. Fire endows her with great vitality; she tends to dominate those who are not as assertive as herself, and teach them. The Fire Monkey is imaginative and needs to be careful not to let his ideas get ahead of him. She is inventive, but very carefully calculates the consequences.

The Fire Monkey is always irresistibly attracted to the heights of her profession. She is a very strong opponent and quite greedy. Her creative power is nourished by will, urgent need and initiative. The Fire Monkey is the strongest and most powerful of all the Monkeys. She enjoys being in control of the situation. Can be intractable and stubborn if she is in a bad mood. Likes to argue. She is lucky in risky ventures because she knows how to accurately calculate the risk. But, demonstrating assertiveness and composure to others, this Monkey secretly darkly suspects everyone of a possible betrayal.

Fire Monkey Chinese Zodiac

A bright cheerful person with the energy of a thermal power plant, this sign can turn out to be courageous, throwing himself headlong into the abyss and relying solely on his intuition. He has a strong competitive spirit: he always wants to be the first, discover new paths and prove that his initiatives are the best. In this sense, he is an indisputable leader. Since he is very stubborn, he easily gets involved in an argument, especially if he is objected to. From his irritability, first of all, those close to him suffer.

Decisive, quite sincere for the Monkey and very emotional, the Fire Monkey loves to flutter like a butterfly, from flower to flower, having no idea about fidelity. This is a great heartthrob, using his eloquence and charm to conquer the opposite sex. But he is usually not able to maintain a long and lasting relationship.

Fire Monkey Man

This man lives the way he sees fit. Has all the data to act boldly and decisively. Among his advantages include a sharp mind and high performance. Natural sexuality, magnetism slightly soften the rigidity of his nature, for those around him, the Fire Monkey is a mysterious person. Women are not at all averse to learning his secrets, if, of course, he allows. The Fire Monkey is a man who is self-confident, therefore he immediately declares his ambitions. He sees himself exclusively in the chair of the head, and works hard to achieve this goal. Clever, resourceful, if necessary, can cheat. After all, the main thing for him is not to miss a happy chance, and the struggle requires sacrifice.

This is a real heartthrob, a big lover of women. The Fire Monkey is a prominent, handsome, and energetic man. It will not be difficult for him to break away hundreds of kilometers in the middle of the night for the whim of his beloved. He courts with knowledge of the matter, has a rich imagination, so he arranges amazing dates. No woman can resist this charming man, absolutely all women fall under his spell. However, the stormy temperament does not prevent the Fire Monkey from making the right choice. He understands perfectly well that for a quiet family life he needs a quiet woman, able to endure his antics. In marriage, he seeks not only vivid sensations, but also peace.

Fire Monkey Woman

This woman is not shy, she knows how to attract attention. He behaves quite liberated, he is not lost even in the most difficult situation. The Fire Monkey is a beautiful woman, and also smart, therefore she correctly disposes of her spectacular external data. He is distinguished by prudence, always correctly calculates the possible consequences of his actions. Moderately ambitious and conceited, she tries to choose a profession that allows her to reveal natural data as profitably as possible. Women of this sign can make both sought-after actresses and successful managers. These are born leaders who can lead people.

For every man, an affair with this passionate woman is a real gift of fate. Energetic Fire Monkey loves noisy entertainment. It can easily agree to break into an unplanned trip, though first make sure that there are no urgent matters at work. This is not at all an enthusiastic, romantic girl, but a smart and prudent woman. Even a strong feeling does not deprive her of her mind, acts solely in her own interests. Rather marry a wealthy businessman than a poor student. Men go crazy over her, and the status of a married woman is not able to cool the passion of fans. However, in marriage he behaves impeccably, does not start novels on the side.

It is always interesting for mothers to know before the birth of the baby what he will be like. It is no secret that the year in which he was born has an impact on the character of the baby.
In 2016, the fiery Monkey rules. It is believed that children born in the year of the Monkey are naturally wise, dexterous and quick-witted. The Chinese say that in the year of the Monkey the greatest number of talented people are born.

Characteristics of children born in 2016

  • Talent. This year's children will show their abilities and talents in various fields. Business, finance and the exact sciences will be within their power thanks to their natural ingenuity, impeccable memory and careful attention. The future symbol of the year is favorable to musicians and artists, artists and writers. In the year of the monkey, such creative personalities were born: Leonardo Da Vinci, Anton Chekhov, Gianni Rodari.
  • Character. Individual traits will always distinguish the baby from the crowd. His extraordinary character is very quick-tempered. From the outside, he will look spoiled and capricious, as well as cunning and practical. They are characterized by: gullibility, dexterity, wisdom, ingenuity. Children born in the year of the Monkey love to be in society, give them more attention. A change of scenery and new experiences are very necessary for your child.
  • Thinking. Children grow up quickly, beyond their years. They become far-sighted and judicious. Their decisions and actions are unusual. Such a child is difficult to deceive, he can read your thoughts. Little monkeys pick up new material on the fly and will delight you with their success quite early.
  • Health. As a rule, children are healthy or slightly ill. Weak spot pressure and work of the heart.
  • Purposefulness. The likelihood that they are early determined from professions is very high. Confidence in themselves and their future well-being is in the blood of such children, they have no doubt that they will soon achieve what they dream of.

Names most suitable for monkeys:

  • Girls: Miroslava and Sofia are sociable; Olga and Zlata are purposeful; Veronica and Vasilisa are compliant.
  • Boys: Artem and Danil are friendly; Yegor and Vladimir are disciplined.
    Colour, bringing good luck to children in 2016 - gold, white, blue. Numbers- 9 and 4.
  • To instill a team spirit and team spirit;
  • Shouts and punishments will not achieve anything, act softer;
  • Children are active, their energy should be directed to sports;
  • Encourage the creativity of toddlers;
  • Teach your baby to read and write early, he will love it.

Aries Child - Year of the Monkey

Your Aries child can be quite persistent and stubborn. But with age, it can become a good helper and an excellent nanny for your brothers and sisters. Because it has an innate responsibility and ingenuity. Such children will always be able to find a way out of a difficult situation. Your Monkey - Aries can keep the room in order, but at the same time be very lazy and not always be able to finish what he started. The task of parents is to help him acquire this skill.

Taurus Child - Year of the Monkey

Your little Taurus, born in the year of the Monkey, will be quite reasonable, practical and somewhere even wise, which will surprise you a lot. Will show thriftiness and enterprise from an early age, they have a developed sense of justice. He will be a good friend to his inner circle. To his goal will go slowly but surely. Your child is a realist, able to give a sound assessment of difficult situations.

Gemini Child - Year of the Monkey

Gemini children are sympathetic and kind creatures. Try to send your Gemini Monkey to art school, there is a good chance that he has a talent in this area. Your child is a big animal lover. Choose an animal that you agree to and give it to your child, let him do it. Otherwise, one fine day, when you come home, you may find a swamp toad that your baby brought into the house, believing that it will be more comfortable here. Remember that your child is very responsive. This is a positive and talented kid.

Cancer Child - Year of the Monkey

Your baby Cancer Monkey is very scrupulous in everything related to hygiene, cleanliness and order. Taste in food can be quite selective. You can entrust him with an important task, and he will diligently perform it, because he is quite obedient and has a sense of responsibility. Your child can fall in love quite early, support him during this period. Be more attentive to the inner world of your child and he will become your good friend and helper with age.

Leo child - Year of the Monkey

The Leo child is brilliant and unique. This is a born leader, self-confident. Parents should communicate with such a Monkey child on an equal footing, without lisping, he may be offended if you do not listen to his opinion in resolving some important issues. Vanity is something that can sometimes interfere with their lives.

Virgo Child - Year of the Monkey

Your baby is a family and home child who does not like to be left at home alone. A very talented, but at the same time shy child who finds it difficult to open up. Monkey Virgo needs you to help her gain self-confidence. Talk to your child more often and perhaps the gift of a great writer will be revealed in him.

Libra Child - Year of the Monkey

Monkey - Libra will be a restrained and reasonable child. They try to highlight the main thing for themselves and will be engaged only in this occupation and convince him that physics is useful, if he thinks that it will not be useful to him, it will be simply unrealistic. They do not tolerate injustice in all its manifestations. For him there is no middle ground, there is good and bad, there is no third.

Scorpio Child - Year of the Monkey

Your kid is charming and rather amorous, even in kindergarten you will experience his first feeling of love with him. In relation to parents, this is an attentive and caring son or daughter. Good psychologists can come out of monkeys - Scorpios. They are easily given such disciplines as history, biology and foreign languages, the exact sciences are given to them much worse. For the most part, they are calm and patient.

Sagittarius Child - Year of the Monkey

Monkeys - Sagittarians are quite resourceful, cunning, ringleaders in all games and activities. Such children are quite charming and know how to use it. There may be sports abilities. Try to enroll your child in dancing - ballroom or sports. Help his talents to open up a little, and he himself knows where to go.

Capricorn Child - Year of the Monkey

Children who love to learn and study is easy for them. At the same time, they like to take a walk to unwind and break away from their studies. He can devote a lot of time to his hobbies and hobbies, you should not scold them too much for this. Capricorn - Monkey, considers himself quite independent, and will make some decisions himself, without your opinion and consent, which can often upset you.

Aquarius Child - Year of the Monkey

Your child is smart, calm and does not need the opinion of the people around him. However, at the same time he knows how to listen to others and is known as a good conversationalist. Adequately perceives reality is not prone to star disease. Aquarius - Monkey can struggle for a long time over solving a problem and enjoy both the process itself and at the end of it, when the problem is solved. Promotion in life is not very fast, but they achieve their goal for sure.

Pisces Child - Year of the Monkey

The Pisces child is the most tender and sensitive Monkey of the entire zodiac. These children are smart, generous and adventurous. They have such good intuition that some of them can predict the future. Big dreamers, which can sometimes get in the way of getting things done. These children are talented; their creativity is highly developed. Your task is to notice in time what your child is inclined to and develop these talents. The Pisces child can be touchy and sensitive to lies. Try to be as open and honest with him as possible.

Child, this is the most beautiful thing in our life. Health to you and good luck.
