Numerology of numbers: meaning and interpretation of numbers. How to decrypt the secret code

The ancient priests were right in asserting that the science of numbers and the art of fortitude are the magical keys that open all the doors of the universe. This gives an amazing power of power over oneself. The science of numbers, numerology, helps to know oneself from the magical side of numbers. Numbers will explain everything about us and “give” advice for the future. Mystic? Not really. It is a science, a science of numbers, along with astrology.

The science is simple, at the level of arithmetic and insanely exciting. The ability to read the language of numbers will make a person a little magician, predicting fate, which guarantees popularity in any company.

The so-called Pythagorean table, the construction of which gives a complete picture of a person, is a more universal tool.

How to decipher your destiny

It is necessary to perform a number of simple mathematical operations.

First: Write your date of birth in a string.

15 5 1967 - now we will work with these numbers. Zeros in the date of birth are not included in the string.

We do four calculations

Payment number one is important basic number. We need to add all the numbers in our date:

1+5+5+1+9+6+7 =34.

Now, under the number 1 in line 15 5 1967, write down this amount.

Payment number two:

the amount in the first calculation must also be added, i.e. the sum of 34 is added together:

write it down under the second digit of our date.

Payment number three:

From the main number 34 subtracts the doubled first digit of our date of birth, i.e. 2.

We also write it in the bottom line under the third digit.

Payment number four:

The figures of calculation number three must be added:

Now we got the basic numbers for the Pythagorean table:

The first line is our date of birth: 15 5 1967

The second line of our four calculations: 34 7 32 5

The square of Pythagoras has nine cells. To build our square, we need to enter in each cell of the square the number of those numbers that we see in our two lines.

For example, we enter units in cell 1, in fact there are two units, but we need to write down not two, but 11, then in cell number 2, we write down how many twos are in our lines. In our case, it is one, so we write a deuce in singular. And so we fill in all nine cells.

The square of Pythagoras for the birthday 15 5 1967 will look like this:

Not all cells are always filled. Sometimes, some numbers are not in our matrix. In this case, there are no eights. According to the teachings of Pythagoras, empty cells signify the absence of some quality that needs to be developed in order to achieve spiritual purity. The more empty cells, the more a person has to work on himself, the personality is considered disharmonious.

Each cell of the square describes a person and the strength of his qualities.

Cell 1 - Sun (Strength of character, strong-willed traits)

Creativity, individuality, the ability of vital burning. Shows the ability to make decisions and solve them alone. These are leadership qualities. If there are one or two units in the cell, then this person has an accommodating character, is weak, needs praise and is an egoist.

111-calm in nature, but in an extreme situation a strong will will manifest itself.

1111 - powerful, strong person.

Disadvantages: desire to stand out, self-centeredness, posturing.

Cell 2 - Moon (Amount of energy)

The human soul, its sensitivity, readiness for friendship and mutual understanding. Flexibility in relations, diplomacy. The gift of intuition, the ability to predict the future.

If we have 2 or 22, there is little energy, it cannot endure conflicts, because it gets very tired.

222 or 2222 - super energetic, active, has extrasensory abilities.

Disadvantages: the duality of character, its instability, capriciousness.

Cell 3 - Mars (Interests of the individual)

Volitional qualities, aggressiveness, movement towards the goal.

Mars is characterized by the desire for creativity, three is the number of the creator. optimism and ambition.

People have success in a team, society, comprehend the heights of glory.

3 or 33 - diligent, neat, good at studying.

333 - pedant, many interests, but a little of everything.

3333 - criticizes everything and is easily irritated, intolerant when its order is violated.

Disadvantages: rudeness, turning into rudeness, anger and harshness.

Cell 4 - Mercury (Health of the individual)

He loves order, regularity, up to pedantry. The predominance of fours speaks of perseverance and reliability. These are stable people, performers by nature.

Having a square of 4 or 44 - it can be assumed that a person has poor health, often colds.

444 - speaks of good health, athlete.

4444 – good health combined with high energy, which yearns for realization in sports or work.

Disadvantages: capable of deceit, deceit. Cunning.

Cell 5 - Jupiter (Intuition)

If there is one 5 in the square - a person with weak intuition, studies own experience and mistakes.

55 - a person intuitively feels what can be done and what is better to avoid.

555 – a wise man, listen to his advice.

Weaknesses: lust for power, swagger and vanity

Cell 6 - Venus (Physical labor)

It symbolizes the beauty of the soul and harmony, feelings and attractions, softness and compliance.

Venus promotes homeliness and the creation of a cozy space in it. Six is ​​the number of peacemaker and communicator. Talking about a tendency to family life and comfort in it. Lovers of helping other people.

Owners of one 6 are more prone to mental work, they avoid physical labor.

66 - likes to work physically, but not much. Maybe a gardener.

666 or 6666 - loves to work and eat properly.

Disadvantages: laziness, parasitism, apathy.

Cell 7 - Saturn (Personal talents)

Reason, the desire to systematize everything, loneliness, stamina and endurance. Saturn contributes to self-knowledge, deep analysis, to understand the essence of everything that happens.

Seven is individuality and the ability to protect personal territory. Philosopher's figure.

If one is 7, she has a dim talent from birth. You have to try to find yourself.

77 - definitely has talent, especially in what he does.

777 or 7777 is a highly talented person. Sooner or later he will find a way out.

Disadvantages: suspiciousness and gloom.

Cell 8 - Uranus (Responsibility)

Invention and reformation. Uranus gives the traits of a leader who has a flair for dealing with money, the ability to find extraordinary financial solutions. The predominance of eights says that a person is destined for a prosperous life. These are financiers.

Having one 8 person is optional. He forgives himself and others a lot.

88 - a developed sense of duty, responsible.

888 - highly principled, with a strong sense of duty and infallibility.

Weaknesses: cynicism.

Cell 9 - Neptune (Personal Intelligence)

Higher intuition, meditation, the ability to see things from the point of view of eternity. They can dream of the unattainable, believe in bright ideals. Nine is a tendency to sacrifice oneself for a high goal, even to the detriment of reality. Spirituality number.

If one is 9, the learning process will be difficult, although you will like learning.

99 are smart individuals with a good memory.

999 or 9999 are scientists with excellent memory and thinking.

Disadvantages: fanaticism and withdrawal in illusion.

The number of digits in a cell matters. There is a certain standard for them. For ones, fives, eights, and nines, that's three. And the rest should not be more than one. If they are more than the norm, then these qualities are strengthened, if they are less, they are weakened. But do not be discouraged, weakened qualities are usually compensated by other traits.

In addition to the main cells, there are additional ones. It is necessary to count the number of digits in the rows, in the columns and along the diagonal of the square.

First, we count the number of digits in the strings.

Counting the numbers of the top row will characterize - purposefulness .

Shows how desires coincide with opportunities.

family is the second line. It shows whether a person is disposed to building a family and how good he is as a family man.

Stability (habits) - the third line.

Talks about the reliability of a person. Balance between habits and desire for change.

Now count the number of digits in the columns:

The number of the leftmost column is determined by self-esteem person.

Low self-esteem will show that the person is indecisive, does not believe in himself. Overestimation leads to disappointment and a lot of mistakes.

The numbers in the next column will show the level of social well-being, status and well-being.

And the number of digits in the last column will show the talent of a person from birth. And the realization of talent will already depend on other qualities of the matrix: purposefulness, self-esteem and diligence.

The diagonal numbers will tell about the attraction, temperament and spirituality of the individual.

A falling diagonal from left to right will speak of spirituality.

Do not confuse this quality with religiosity. In this case, it determines the beliefs and the desire to follow them, the balance between principles and the willingness to sacrifice them.

From left to right, the ascending diagonal will show the level of temperament. This indicator becomes important in determining the compatibility of partners. It is ideal that the partners do not differ much in temperament.

The ancient science of numbers will help every person to see their true purpose in life. Sofia numerology considers the name and surname as a special code. Having deciphered it, you will understand what you have an indisputable talent for. This helps in choosing a profession or hobby, and for someone it can help to radically change their lives. The number of the name is easy to learn from the numerological alphabet. If you are ready for a change, then surprise yourself with this information.

The secret of the name will reveal not only your abilities, you can find out what the soul of the child, your soulmate, lies in.

This ancient knowledge can make life easier, direct a person on the right path. The letters have their own meaning, and it can make the owner of the name the happiest of people. If a person changes his first or last name, then his fate will also change - do not forget about it.

Fate Numerology

It has been known for a long time that the greatest secret of the Universe is hidden in numbers. Many scientists have devoted their lives to numerology, and this science is half exact, half mystical. The letters have their own magic, which will be revealed only to those who are ready to plunge headlong into this secret knowledge. Letters surround us, first of all - our first and last name. Parents choose pleasant-sounding names, sometimes completely unbelievable, invented ones.

Are they doing the right thing or not? A set of letters gives the number of the name, and it determines his future life, fate. Be sure to check which name, along with the surname, will give your baby a lucky fate. If you have been living with your name for a long time, then find out how it can help you. We all have talents, hidden skills. We do not always know about them, but if developed, our talents can bring us not only satisfaction, but also fame, fame, money.

For any alphabet, you can calculate a numerological map. Find out everything about yourself, your family and friends. All you need - full name, patronymic and surname. If your friend is from a country that doesn't use a middle name, just put the father's full name for calculations. This is important, because the middle name is a kind of guiding beacon that connects your life and the fate of your parents. In the most secret lies the answer to your question "Who am I?".

What's in a name

Different names - different fates. Repeating the same name in the family many times is a mistake. All its positive qualities, of course, are preserved, and the negative ones become a generic trait. Here, unfortunately:

  • alcoholism, drug addiction;
  • propensity to gambling;
  • propensity to change;
  • aggressiveness, criminal tendencies.

It's better to bring in new names - they will become a stream fresh air for you and your descendants. Diversity, a mixture of cultures is good for your family. Unusual name can be very happy. Calculate its value using the Russian alphabet. In the Latin layout, it can give a different meaning.

The alphabet matters

The alphabet matters, because a child or an adult will write it many times, sign it. The name is in passports, passes, on personal documents. It also gives them a special fate. It is believed that people with long, sonorous names are always happier. This is not necessarily the case, because we consider the name as a combination of the name itself, patronymic and surname. In fact, these are three names: your own, father, the whole family.

Tables of values

Everything has already been calculated, a table has been compiled for each alphabet. You just have to substitute the value - it's not difficult. The calculations are simple and anyone can do them.

Russian alphabet values ​​(Cyrillic)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Kommersant S b E YU I

In this order, they should be used. Combinations of letters and numbers will give you the final number. If you have already done calculations for classical numerology, then you know how to do it. If not, then an example will tell.

Latin alphabet values

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

The numerological map for the Latin alphabet is no different. The calculations are done in exactly the same way.

Name number count

NICHOLAS 6+1+3+7+4+1+2=33=3+3=6

VASILIEVICH 3+1+1+1+4+3+6+3+1+7=66=6+6=12=3

GOGOL 4+7+4+7+4+3=29=2+9=11=2

We got three numbers. Each of them has importance letters, which can be considered separately. To find out the final value, add three numbers:

Here it is, destiny number this person. In the same way, numerology allows you to choose a name for a child. You already have a surname and, most likely, a patronymic. choose perfect combination. True, this method can deprive your baby of an important thing - a gift from Fortune. Parents are mainly guided by their feelings on behalf of, and not by counting letters. This gives the child a chance to get an unexpected talent.

Name number decoding

The alphabet is important, but in fact, it is only needed to obtain this value. This numerology tool has been used since ancient times.


The person does not even take a step back. His whole life is a constant movement towards the intended goal. Have you met such people? They only have what they love on their minds. It can be a hobby that has become a job. It's hard with them, no one argues. But, pay attention - their idea always exceeds expectations. A person with the number 1 always brings the matter to the end. Most likely, he chose the profession of a lawyer, economist, investment specialist or is engaged in high technology. Less often these people are doctors, politicians. The number 1 is difficult for its owner, it does not allow deviating from the intended path to relationships, extra feelings, experiences.

Units are people of action


The number of letters of the name gave 2. A person strives for harmony in life. But, cannot reach it. He is never satisfied, he always wants to get something better. People often suffer from health problems, especially mental ones. It seems that he lives only one life known to him. Always a lot of plans, prone to creative activity. the pictures are only half painted, everything is not done to the end. It is part of his nature to quickly become disillusioned with the results of his labors, not yet waiting for the results. It happens that once they are lucky - they receive recognition, applause, glory. All life is a reminder of that moment. It's hard, agree. Poets, artists, researchers - that's their destiny.


For Troikas, the main thing is stability and balance.

Stable personalities with the name number 3. The numerological alphabet shows 3 when a person knows how to find harmony in his existence. Three - the first of the number of harmony, it says that in the spiritual, material and personal terms, a person has achieved balance. He knows how to be different at the same time, change, adapt to circumstances. It will find a place for itself in almost any field of activity, but most often - doctors, designers, teachers. Moreover, they are very successful in their work. People with the name number 3 can only be envied, because they find such a path through life that leads to a straight path.


Four is the second stable number. It characterizes 4 elements. The harmony of that number is colossal, so that a person can not only improve his life, but also bring balance to the lives of other people. Most often these are social professions, psychology, massage, people working with children. If this is your number, then you probably noticed that animals love you very much, people are drawn to you, children always smile. This is your inner property to give away is visible from afar. Positive person with great potential.


Fives need to control themselves

Five is a very dangerous number. It says that a person often deviates from the plan. Pulling everything to quit, start something new, come up with another project. He needs constant supervision. In childhood, these are parents, and then? The man is an adult, but children's problems still remain. He wants to take leadership position, but it is difficult to do this, and if it works out, failure is inevitable. The alphabet of your name says that you just need to take hold of yourself with both hands. Make plans, schedules, keep a diary. This will help you concentrate.


The third harmonious number, consisting of two triples or 2 and 4. Very lucky for those who have it. Often names that give 6 are specifically given to children. A person is at the epicenter of events, but does not lose his head; focused when needed, and after that - can relax, have fun; knows exactly how to distribute his time and love between family, friends, work, personal life. The positive number 6 is capable of many things. First of all, they are good drivers. Of the professions, 6 chooses legal specialties, cooking, and is fluent in numbers.


Seven is the number of the adventurer. Very often these people cannot hold money in their hands. They literally burn your pocket. There is a great danger of getting addicted to gambling. It seems that the wheel of Fortune is turning towards you, here it is - the long-awaited good luck. The lucky period passes quickly, and it is simply impossible to catch up with Fortune. Together with gambling comes a passion for waste, useless purchases. Pay attention to what you spend money on, it may very well be that they flow away so quickly precisely because of the inability to spend. This person definitely cannot work where there is cash.

Gambling Sevens are always on the move


Eight says that the alphabet of your name is harmonious, although there are problems. Man fixated on material world. Things, objects, money, income mean too much to you. You are completely absorbed in your material life, and you have not thought about the spiritual sphere for a long time. It's about not only about the religious aspect, but simply about good rest, values. Traveling out of town is a pleasure from nature, clean air. A good book - an impression, a fantasy, a dream. Dinner with old friends - laughter, emotions, fun. All this makes life richer spiritually. Why not? You are used to working, thinking about your family, solving problems. Who will think of you? Such a person has established himself as an administrator, business leader, political scientist, university professor.


Nines are prophets among people

Sophian numerology agrees here with the classical one. People with the number 9 are messengers of heaven. They came into the world with a specific purpose, they bear their burden for as long as it is necessary. Their path is always clear, because the Angels lead a person with a nine. He knows exactly where to step, where to turn, what to do next. How? Don't ask, just believe in him. It is not easy for him from his mission, but he is a sign - if not him, then no one can do it. The most beautiful thing is that after its completion, he feels unprecedented freedom. What should have happened, he fulfilled the divine purpose. What will happen next? Maybe, new plan waiting for him, but for now - a little rest.

Change of first and last name

Now it is fashionable to change the name. A person can choose an exotic name for himself, or vice versa - change to a simpler one. This is good, because we can change fate together with him. Always approach the change process intelligently if you decide to. Changing letters will change your name number, and new talents may come along with it. Unfortunately, something old will definitely go away.

Another situation with the change of surname. Women do this often, just to keep up the tradition, to please their husband. If you see that a new surname will bring you trouble, it is better not to change it. Numerological alphabet allows you to calculate everything possible options. Why not, maybe your husband wants to change his last name in this case?

Fate is in your hands. Fortunately, you can influence the number of the name. If you think that:

  • fate treats you too harshly;
  • you fail;
  • relationships, love, friendship do not add up.

Think about it, maybe it's in the name? Of course, in order to decide to change the name, a very good reason is needed, the presence of all these points at once, for example. Changing names is exciting, but not always beneficial. You can't confuse fate. Change is possible only once in a lifetime, it cannot be done more often.

Conventional ciphers from detective novels are often arranged like this: each letter of the message is replaced by some particular icon or other letter. Such ciphers are very unreliable, and here's why. Letters in texts in Russian (and in any language in general) occur unevenly. For example, the letter "O" in Russian texts is the most common of all other letters, and the letter "Ъ" is the least common. Each letter has its own approximate frequency of occurrence in the text (see the table in the field on the right).

Letter combinations also occur unevenly (for example, "ь" does not occur at all). Of course, all these frequencies depend on the specific text - say, in a biological article about ground beetles, the letter "g" will clearly appear more often than usual. But the table below is quite suitable as a guide.

So, the described encryption method does not change the frequencies - it's just that now with a similar frequency, not the letter itself will appear, but the icon replacing it. By calculating the frequency of occurrence of each icon in the encryption and comparing the data obtained with the frequency table, we can make assumptions about which letter corresponds to which icon. Next, we try to replace the icons one by one with letters, checking our guesses, correcting them and making new ones, and gradually decipher the text. If it is not too short, we will most likely decipher it completely (although this may not be an easy task). By the way, a space separating words is much more common than any letter. Therefore, if a space is used in encryption and is also replaced by some kind of icon, we will solve it first.

Perfect cipher

Let us now describe a cipher, which in principle cannot be decrypted without knowing the key. Let's match each letter of the Russian alphabet with its own sequence of 0 and 1 of length 5 (five-digit binary code), for example: A - 00000, B - 00001, C - 00010 and so on (or in some other order). If the letters E and E are encoded in the same way, then there are just enough sequences (there are 32 of them, and there are 33 letters in the alphabet).

Let's replace each letter in the text with its binary code, we get a sequence of 0 and 1 (binary text). This is not encryption yet - we could easily figure out which letter was replaced by which sequence (by the same method as in the case of replacing letters with icons).

To encrypt the resulting binary text, we need another key - a random sequence of 0 and 1 of the same length. Both the sender of the encrypted message and the recipient must have this key.

To encrypt, we simply add two sequences of zeros and ones - the binary text of the message and the key: the first digit with the first, the second with the second, and so on. But we add according to special rules:

0 + 0 = 0, 1 + 0 = 1, 0 + 1 = 1, 1 + 1 = 0

(in mathematics this is called modulo 2 addition).

The resulting sequence will be the encrypted message. To decrypt it, you just need to... add the key to it again! Then we, as it were, add the key to the original sequence twice. And according to our rules, adding two same digits we do not change anything, that is, we will return to the original binary text. Schematically, the process of encryption and decryption can be described as follows:

text + key = encryption;

encryption + key = text + key + key = text.

It is clear that it is impossible to decrypt a message without knowing the key. It is as if we are given the sum of two numbers, and it is impossible to restore one of the terms without knowing anything about the other. Having on hand only encryption, we only know that the source text can be absolutely any text of the appropriate length. Indeed, for any such text, you can make a key that will lead to exactly the same encryption!

The disadvantage of the described method is that each text requires a new key of the same length - if you repeat the keys, it becomes possible to decrypt. For example, we could try instead of a long key to use a key of only five characters, say 11010. We break the binary text into fives of digits and add 11010 to each five. In fact, we simply replace each five of digits with some other fixed five. In this case, decrypting the original text is as easy as if we simply replaced it with binary code without adding any key. Using long keys, but still significantly shorter than the text, is also dangerous - there is a method for determining the key length, and after the key length is set, frequency analysis can be applied.

Therefore, it is necessary to prepare a key of enormous length in advance and only indicate, for example, at the beginning of encryption, which part of the key is used. In this case, it is very important that the key be a random sequence of 0 and 1. For example, the sequences 11111111111111111 and 010101010101010 are not random. By the way, coming up with a random sequence is not so easy. It is even difficult (but possible) to give a clear definition of which sequences can be considered random.

Some history and literature

A similar cipher was used by Max Christiansen-Clausen, a cipher Soviet spy Richard Sorge. Most commonly used letters English alphabet s, i, o, e, r, a, t, n were replaced by numbers from 0 to 7, and the remaining letters were replaced by numbers from 80 to 99 (to avoid confusion when numbers were written in a row). The key was the old editions of the Statistical Yearbook of the German Reich, with a lot of numerical data. The key was written down under the text and added, and if the sum of two digits exceeded 10, then only its last digit was recorded. For example, instead of 7 + 5, they wrote 2, discarding a dozen (in mathematics, this is called addition modulo 10). The original message was restored by "subtracting" the key from the encryption. When a negative number came out, as, say, when subtracting 5 from 2, it was clear that it was necessary to subtract 10 more from the number, that is, from 12 - so we got 7.

The Japanese secret services intercepted many of Sorge's radio messages, but failed to decipher a single one. For a fuller account of this, read Julius Mader's excellent book Reporting on Dr. Sorge.

And the hero of Yulian Semyonov's adventure novels "Seventeen Moments of Spring" and "Ordered to Survive" scout Stirlitz, better known to us from the famous movie, used Montaigne's fiction book as a key. At the same time, the meaningful text of the message "added up" with the meaningful (and therefore not random!) Key text. When the German counterintelligence officers became aware of the alleged content of one of the ciphers, in particular, some words that could be found there, they tried to substitute them in different places encryption and see what the key is. Once in Right place, they opened a piece of the key, in which parts of meaningful words were guessed. Restoring these words, they also revealed a new piece of encryption, and so they gradually deciphered it.

Public key ciphers

Beginning in 1977, new ciphers began to appear, based on deep mathematical ideas expressed by the American mathematicians Diffie and Hellman two years earlier. Imagine that two businessmen want to correspond with each other, securely encrypting messages, but forgot to agree on the key. They are in different countries, all their communication can be tapped by competitors. How to be here? It turns out there are ways. We will describe one of them, but without details, only the principle itself.

A method of encryption was invented, for which you need to know only the product pq some two prime numbers p And q, and the numbers themselves p And q no need to know. But to decrypt the message, it is imperative to have at your disposal a number p, and the number q. "Well, what's wrong with that?" You ask. And here's what. The fact is that these prime numbers can be taken very large. And here we are faced with such a phenomenon: modern computer power is huge, but still limited. Let's say a computer can factorize a 200-digit number in a reasonable time, but it can no longer factorize 300-digit numbers (any of the known algorithms will take many years). There is always some kind of limit. And to find out about a number, whether it is prime or not, computers can very quickly for much longer numbers. So, the first of the companions can use a computer to find any two, say, 400-digit prime numbers p And q, multiply them and openly send the result to the second (and the numbers themselves p And q keep secret). Having received the work pq, he will encrypt his message and send it back to the first one. And the first one will easily decipher it - he knows both numbers p And q. But to decipher any eavesdroppers there, they will first have to factorize the product pq, in which 800 characters - and no modern computer can handle this! This encryption method is called RSA, after the first letters of the names of its creators - Rivest, Shamir and Adleman.

Of course, with the development of computer technology, it becomes possible to decipher old messages. The first encryption of the RSA authors, published by them in 1977 as a challenge to all decryptors in the world, lasted 17 years. There is also a danger that a new, fast algorithm for decomposing numbers into prime factors will be found. But there is a mathematical hypothesis that all such algorithms work fundamentally no faster than the already known ones.

Will you succeed?

Here is a text that is obtained from a well-known substitution of each letter for some other. Decode it.

Atokg atsyng tslekytuy tslaueng yi Cholsv, and uimi Cholsey umanloti ki eekpv nipeme vmatyfyuem, tsatkzme utochtiyime, zhna ni atyng yimalchiti, andotti atoky dunalakve, mokyy omvki chatado txs, bockvti:

- Piyo d uimam soto in Ukorkayo palatodz, like a dzadatok e svmion, zhna tvzhbo omv kechso e schzng komaron. Tslezhekayo ro duomv aupatpe yolpiti, zhna uesyn v kocha d olsjo d chtiiv. Esh kisa vsiteng, ekijo ak kepachsi ko schvson zhotadopam, e Ukorkiy palatodi uashlikken kis kem udaf dtiung.

“Ka ko tsamarobg te nz cholso pip-keshvsg vkezhnareng janv dtiung?”

- Wetgkoo, zhom aki oung, s ko machv oh usoting. Ko desebg lido, pip dotepi oh wow? Ko desebg, wife oyo utvrin e tfse e redankzo? Dosg aki shauiy ashabti tsatudoni! Ko in kiu yikeming oyo uetv! Ueti - oh metam, codecs sonupam wolsozhpo. Oute aki wimi ko umaron clakepkvng d zholnache Ukorkayo palatodze e dtozhg e wolsii Py aupatpe, on mz e tsasidka oyo ko tsamarom! D sdvsh metysh anufsi kizhekionuy uis Ukorkayo palatodz. Ankoue nvsi sodazhpv, utsvune in schatgbacha pvuni, heron pliukzme ychasime, e, mobpie, daldliyuyuy ashlinka!

Have yaneme utadime eekpi casuiseti Cholswki utsekv atoky, e nan schlauetuy shoring wa duosh kach.

Ever since mankind has grown to writing, codes and ciphers are used to protect messages. The Greeks and Egyptians used ciphers to protect personal correspondence. In fact, it is from this glorious tradition that modern tradition breaking codes and ciphers. Cryptanalysis studies codes and methods for breaking them, and this activity in modern realities can bring a lot of benefits. If you want to learn this, then you can start by studying the most common ciphers and everything connected with them. In general, read this article!


Decryption of substitution ciphers

    Start by looking for words with one letter. Most ciphers based on relatively simple substitutions are easiest to break with simple brute force substitution. Yes, you will have to tinker, but it will only get more difficult.

    • Words from one letter in Russian are pronouns and prepositions (I, v, u, o, a). To find them, you will have to carefully study the text. Guess, check, fix or try new options - there is no other way to solve the cipher.
    • You must learn to read the cipher. Breaking it is not so important. Learn to snatch the patterns and rules that underlie the cipher, and then breaking it will not be fundamentally difficult for you.
  1. Look for the most commonly used symbols and letters. For example, in English these are “e”, “t” and “a”. When working with a cipher, use your knowledge of the language and sentence structure, on the basis of which you make hypotheses and assumptions. Yes, you will rarely be 100% sure, but solving ciphers is a game where you are required to make guesses and correct your own mistakes!

    • Double symbols and short words look first of all, try to start decoding with them. It's easier, after all, to work with two letters than with 7-10.
  2. Pay attention to apostrophes and symbols around. If there are apostrophes in the text, then you are in luck! So, in case in English, the use of an apostrophe means that characters such as s, t, d, m, ll, or re are encrypted after. Accordingly, if there are two identical characters after the apostrophe, then this is probably L!

    Try to determine what type of cipher you have. If, while solving a cipher, at a certain moment you understand which of the above types it belongs to, then you have practically solved it. Of course, this will not happen so often, but the more ciphers you solve, the easier it will be for you later.

    • Digital substitution and key ciphers are the most common these days. When working on a cipher, the first thing to check is if it is of this type.

    Recognition of common ciphers

    1. substitution ciphers. Strictly speaking, substitution ciphers encode a message by replacing one letter with another, according to a predetermined algorithm. The algorithm is the key to unraveling the cipher, if you unravel it, then decoding the message will not be a problem.

      • Even if the code contains numbers, Cyrillic or Latin, hieroglyphs or unusual characters - as long as the same types of characters are used, then you are probably working with a substitution cipher. Accordingly, you need to study the alphabet used and derive substitution rules from it.
    2. Square cipher. The simplest encryption used by the ancient Greeks, based on the use of a table of numbers, each of which corresponds to a letter and from which words are subsequently composed. It's really simple code, sort of the basics. If you need to solve a cipher in the form of a long string of numbers, it is likely that square cipher methods will come in handy.

      Caesar's cipher. Caesar not only knew how to do three things at the same time, he also understood encryption. Caesar created a good, simple, understandable and, at the same time, resistant to cracking cipher, which was named after him. The Caesar Cipher is the first step towards learning complex codes and ciphers. The essence of the Caesar cipher is that all the characters of the alphabet are shifted in one direction by a certain number of characters. For example, shifting 3 characters to the left will change A to D, B to E, and so on.

      Watch out for keyboard templates. Based on the traditional QWERTY keyboard layout, various ciphers are currently being created that work on the principle of displacement and substitution. The letters are shifted left, right, up and down by a certain number of characters, which allows you to create a cipher. In the case of such ciphers, you need to know in which direction the characters were shifted.

      • So, changing the columns one position up, "wikihow" becomes "28i8y92".
      • polyalphabetic ciphers. Simple substitution ciphers rely on the cipher to create a sort of alphabet for encryption. But already in the Middle Ages it became too unreliable, too easy to crack. Then cryptography took a step forward and became more difficult, starting to use characters from several alphabets for encryption at once. Needless to say, the reliability of encryption immediately increased.

    What does it mean to be a codebreaker

      Be patient. Breaking the cipher is patience, patience and more patience. Well, perseverance, of course. This is slow, painstaking work big amount disappointment due to common mistakes and the need to constantly select symbols, words, methods, etc. A good decryptor simply has to be patient.
