Russian loto the same numbers on the cards. How to play the Russian Lotto lottery via the Internet - detailed instructions

Surprisingly, people have been gambling since ancient times, for example, ancient Greek myths tell about the lottery: a warrior was determined by lottery: he had to draw a pebble from a special golden helmet, white meant mercy, and black meant to fight in a duel with Great Zeus and die with dignity. Lotteries are mentioned in the Bible, as well as in the history of Ancient China, Rome and other great empires. An interesting fact is that in ancient China in the Han Dynasty, lotteries were not only gaming, but also strategic in nature: the emperor arranged lotteries in order to build the Great Wall of China with the help of proceeds from players. Thus, it was not a pity for the residents to donate money, and someone won really valuable prizes.

Lotto became known in Europe and Italy in the 16th century. In Russia, this game appeared much later, in the 18th century, and immediately caused a great stir among the inhabitants, but the upper strata of the population could play this game, and only in the 20th century absolutely everyone could play the loto. In the Soviet Union, "Russian Lotto" was positioned as a family and educational game, although it would be more correct to call it gambling.

Rules of the game in Russian Lotto

The set includes several cardboard boxes with lined tables and numbers, 24 cards in total, 150-200 tokens.
A rag opaque bag and wooden barrels, on the top and bottom of which numbers are drawn: in the classic version there are always 90 of them, and the numbers vary from 1 to 90.
In total, there are about three ways to play Russian loto with kegs.

A simple and classic game of Russian Lotto

Each participant is given one card with a table, and the leader takes out one barrel from the bag, respectively, the more numbers match the barrels and numbers on the card, and the faster the participant fills in the empty fields, the more chances to win. The field on the cards is filled with special tokens or barrels.

Short Russian Lotto game

It is possible that several participants can win the game, the winners can be chosen using the second method called "Short Game", in which you need to fill in only one row of numbers.

Russian loto "Three by three"

This is the most popular way among players. The essence of this game is that the host gives each player three cards, which are randomly chosen by the host: while each card costs a certain amount of money if adults play, while children put buttons, sweets, beads and other trifles on the line.

The goal is similar: you need to quickly fill in the fields of the bottom rows of each card. The one who fills the line of cards in the middle fastest of all, he takes a third of the total amount of bets. But you can also come up with your own ways, which will depend on the agreement between the presenters and participants.

How to play commercial Russian Lotto

There are also popular TV lotteries in which, under a successful set of circumstances, a participant can choose a good amount of money or an apartment: the chances are not great, but they are always there. To do this, in special stalls you need to buy tickets on which the numbers will be indicated.

Next, the participant waits for the release of a television program, where the presenter rotates the lottery drum and takes out balls with the numbers indicated on them, if, say, six numbers in a row match (it all depends on the rules of a particular game) with the numbers in the participant’s card, the participant becomes the winner, and with contacted by the organizers.

In general, in order to play loto, it is not necessary to be a gambler, because you can buy kegs and play in a company, for example, for sweets or for purely symbolic things. Or you can test your luck by buying a special ticket, because they are often quite inexpensive, from 50 to 100 rubles.

Not so long ago, when TVs were far from being in every home, and the Internet had not yet been heard, each family had a bag with chips and cards on which numbers were written. Every member of the family, down to a small child, knew the rules of the lotto game. Thanks to this fun, the whole family gathered at a common table, communicating during the game. Maybe that's why family ties were so much stronger in those days?

Game history

The game of lotto came to us from Italy, where it appeared in the distant 16th century. In translation, lotto means "lottery". This game quickly became popular, but was soon banned in its homeland. But she continued her procession around the world, where she gained considerable popularity and variations.

In our country, loto took root in the 18th century, but in those days this game enjoyed special respect only among aristocrats. At any time of the year in the salons one could find a company that joyfully shouted out the numbers of the barrels and congratulated the winners.

Already at the beginning of the 20th century, the rules of the lotto game were well known to all segments of the population, and a linen bag with kegs and cardboard cards was probably in every family. Such a set was honorable, standing on a par with checkers, chess and dominoes. This game was one of the popular souvenirs.

The essence of the game

First you need to find out what the loto set consists of. Everything is simple here - it includes 90 kegs with numbers from 1 to 90, cards, of which there are usually 24 pieces, a linen, necessarily opaque bag (so that the presenter cannot see the number of the keg and "hack"). In addition, the set includes a storage box and the lotto rules themselves. There may also be special "closers" that are used to close the same numbers. Older sets did not contain such chips, and similar numbers were closed with buttons.

In order to win the lotto, you must be the first of all players to close the line or card with barrels with the corresponding numbers. At the same time, the rules for playing lotto at home could differ slightly from those generally accepted. Indeed, each family could have its own traditions or preferences, which brought variety to this fun. The main thing is not to lose the essence - the winner was the one who was lucky. This was, and still is, the main interest of the game.

Varieties of lotto

The rules of the game in Russian loto imply several varieties of this fun.

Simple Lotto: the game is played on three cards, but the winner is the participant who first closes all the numbers on one of them. When one of the players closes one line, he loudly announces this by saying the word "apartment". Thus, he warns the rest of the players about the step to achieve victory.

Lotto short: a shortened version of the simple lotto. Players receive one playing card each, but they only need to close one line to win. This game can be called fast, it is also designed for a large number of players (maximum 24).

Lotto "three by three"": it is considered the most gambling version of the lotto game. It can be played both for material values ​​and for a variety of items. So, closing the first, top line, the rest of the players double the stake. Closing the middle line, the winner has the right to take a third of the stake for himself. Whoever closes the bottom number line first takes all the winnings, and the stake is determined by the items or money that were given to buy back the playing card.

A separate type of this game is children's loto. Instead of numbers, it uses various thematic pictures - fruits and vegetables, clothing, furniture, vehicles or other, a wide variety of items. The purpose of such a lotto is to develop a child's attention, memory, ingenuity, as well as to consolidate knowledge about the main subjects surrounding him.

Russian lotto rules

This game does not require specific knowledge. And the rules are extremely simple and understandable to everyone. The host takes turns taking out barrels with numbers from the bag, calling them out loud. Whoever has this number on the card closes it. If another player also has the same number, additional chips are used - "closers" (or buttons). The winner is the one who first closes all the numbers in one line or on the entire card (depending on the rules).

At home, in the family circle, the rules of the table lotto game can be modified. For example, to win, you need to close the card completely, instead of one line, or all three game cards completely. It doesn't matter what the rules will be in your family, the main thing is that this game brings fun, communication and allows you to spend time together.

At the same time, each family comes up with its own, original names for the numbers. This gives the game variety, makes it fun and interesting for all ages.

Conventions for some numbers

The incredible popularity of this hobby has given rise to a variety of lotto rules. At home, everyone, of course, has their own conventions for all or some of the numbers that are used in the game. Therefore, we present here only the most famous of them.

"all alone", "count", "lord"

"swan", "couple"

"let's figure it out for three"

"chair", "on four sides"

"axe", "poker"



"Baker's dozen"

"swan in the lake"





"lady's feet"

The examples given in the table are the most popular titles that are recorded in the official game. They are built on comparisons, folk sayings, important dates. The rest are historically named that way, although, unfortunately, there are no sources why these numbers are called that way.

Children's Lotto Rules

Lotto for young children (mainly preschoolers) is not only their first board game, but also an opportunity to get acquainted with the world around them, consolidate knowledge and broaden their horizons.

Bright pictures will certainly attract the attention of kids, showing their interest and curiosity. The rules for playing loto for kids are simple and similar to adults. The facilitator takes out a card with an image and names what is drawn or written there. Children look for this item on their card. Thus, there is a process of memorization and acquaintance with various categories and objects.

Thanks to the children's loto, you can learn the alphabet, the world of animals and nature, and even a foreign language (for those who are older). This game develops well, enriches the child's vocabulary and sociability.


With the development of information technology, the lotto game is no longer as popular as it was 20-30 years ago. But that doesn't mean she's forgotten. In many countries, lotto is still popular, taking you into the fascinating world of fun and excitement. The rules of playing homemade or Russian lotto are unchanged, simple and allow you to be carried away into the world of carefree childhood.

Lotto (RUSSIAN LOTTO)- a game designed to cheer you up in a large and fun campaign, captures with its excitement and dynamics. A popular, traditionally Russian game that came to us from time immemorial, and to this day remains one of the most popular board games, both for a fun, noisy campaign, and for playing in the family circle. .

The rules of the game in "Russian Lotto" are simple and clear. You can play loto at home or any other place, the main thing is that there would be a suitable “company”. There are several types of Russian Lotto game rules: simple lotto, short lotto and three by three lotto. Before the start of the game, the participants agree on which Russian Lotto game they will play.

The composition of the game "Russian Lotto"

  • wooden barrels 90 pieces, with numbers on the ends from 1 to 90;
  • game cardboard cards 24 pieces, each card has three rows of cells, each row contains five numbers from 1 to 90 in random order;
  • plastic or cardboard chips (markers) for closing cells with numbers;
  • opaque bag for storing wooden barrels.

Rules of the game in simple "Russian Lotto"

Each player receives three game cards and places them in front of him in a convenient order. The number of players is limited by the number of cards. A leader is appointed - a player who takes the kegs out of the bag and announces the numbers.

Players who have a number or numbers, cover them with chips (markers). If a player closes one of the lines on his cards, he is obliged to warn other participants in the game about this with the word “apartment”, after which the leader takes out no more than one barrel from the bag.

The player who first closes all the numbers on one of the cards wins.

Rules of the game in the short "Russian Lotto"

Each player receives one game card. The number of players is limited by the number of cards. A leader is appointed - a player who takes the kegs out of the bag and announces the numbers.

Players who have a number or numbers, cover them with chips (markers). If a player closes four out of five numbers in any line, he is obliged to warn other participants in the game about this with the word “apartment”, after which the leader takes out no more than one barrel from the bag.

The first player to cover all the numbers in any row wins.

Rules of the game in "Russian Lotto" three by three

It is considered the most "gambling" game in "Russian Lotto". Players buy cards, and this may not necessarily be money, the main thing is to observe “interest”. A leader is appointed - a player who takes the kegs out of the bag and announces the numbers.

Players who have a number or numbers, cover them with chips (markers).

If the player closes in any line four out of five numbers, he is obliged to warn other participants in the game about this by the word "flat", after that the host takes out no more than one barrel from the bag.

In case if:

  • the player closes the top line on the card, other players report the end and the game continues on;
  • the player closes the middle line on the card, he takes a third of the horse for himself, and the rest report the horse and the game continues on;
  • the player closes the bottom line on the card, he takes the hand and the game stops.

The presenter blindly takes out one barrel from the bag, after which he announces its number. There is a special terminology for declaring numbers in LOTTO:

1 - count
3 - three
10 - bull's eye
11 - drumsticks
12 - a dozen
13 - damn dozen
18 - for the first time
22 - ducklings
25 - again 25
44 - chairs
50 - half a hundred
55 - gloves
66 - felt boots
69 - back and forth
77 - hatchets
88 - grandmother
89 - grandfather's neighbor
90 - grandfather

The player, whose number on the card coincided with the number named by the leader, closes this number with a special token or chip.

A game « » appeared in the 20th century. In the USSR, it was the only gambling allowed by law. Many people know this indescribable feeling when the right barrel is taken out of the bag? But now you can play this game while sitting in front of the TV screen. Now it is not only a fairly popular type of entertainment, but also an opportunity to win a decent amount of money.

Game order

Games take place once a week. Barrels with numbers from 1 to 90 are placed in the bag. Then the presenter pulls them out one at a time, showing and naming the corresponding number. Participants cross out matching numbers on their tickets. The order in which the numbers are drawn is also important. The winners are those participants who will close first:

5 numbers horizontally;
15 numbers in one of the cards;
The whole card.

If 15 numbers in the card coincide on the 15th move, the participant wins the Jackpot.

The game takes place in 3 rounds.

1st round. Tickets that match 5 numbers in one of the lines become the winners.
2nd round. Those tickets win where all 15 numbers in one of the cards matched first.

Attention! The jackpot is not won in every game, which means that its amount is constantly increasing and as a result sometimes reaches millions of rubles!

3rd round and subsequent ones. Tickets with the same 30 numbers in two cards win, and if this happens earlier than other players.

In addition to the standard rounds for each drawing, after the end of the game, there is a drawing of various prizes according to the ticket number. If there is an inscription "", an additional game is held, where those tickets win in which all the numbers that do not match the drawn numbers are in one of the fields of the lottery ticket.


In the initial rounds, the largest amounts are played. In addition to money, drawings of various valuable prizes often take place. When you win, you can choose the equivalent of receiving a prize - money or a gift.

Places of distribution

Ticket sales points are quite common - these are Russian Post and its branches, Euroset, Svyaznoy, Alt-Telecom, Baltbet, 1Xbet, Balt Lotto. Using the Internet, you can buy a lotto on the site, as well as through its mobile version on the Android or iPhone platform. The service of buying a lottery ticket is also available via SMS, by sending a short text to the number 9999.

What types of tickets are available at different points of sale?

When purchasing a ticket for stoloto, via SMS, as well as in Euroset, Alt-Telecom, Baltbet and 1Xbet, a prerequisite is to provide your phone number. It is required for security purposes and is required to send a special winning code to it in order to further receive the prize. This way of playing the lottery is the fastest, most convenient and easily accessible. To play in « » in this case, you do not even need to leave the house to buy a ticket. It's simple: you need to register on the site, and carry out certain operations in your Personal Account - print a ticket in paper form, see all the winning combinations, play and win without leaving your home!
Important! These tickets can only be purchased for the next game!

Many lottery stalls sell tickets that have two parts: a color ticket without a draw number + a black and white receipt with printed draw details. When buying such a ticket, there is no need to provide your mobile phone number. The basis for the payment of the prize is a black and white receipt.

Important! The receipt must be protected from direct sunlight, as it cannot be restored in case of loss or damage. They can only be purchased for the next draw.

Full-color tickets printed with details of the lottery draw contain information about the prizes to be drawn. They are the basis for the payment of prizes. They can be purchased in the required quantity for several runs at once.

The principle of the game in retail outlets

When playing at a retail outlet, one or more lottery tickets are selected. If information about the date and time of the draw is indicated on its front side, then it is paid and the time of the draw is expected. If there is no such information, then it can be obtained from the seller, who will print out a lottery receipt with the drawing data. It will contain the necessary data about the draw and will serve as a pretext for issuing your winnings. If the seller asks for a cell phone number, then the ticket will also have an electronic duplicate, which can be seen on the stoloto website by registering using the provided phone number and entering the Personal Account. If there is an electronic copy, information about the winnings comes in an SMS message.

Play and win! Who does not take risks does not drink champagne!

LOTTO is a game of chance, very close to the lottery. Winning in Lotto, provided that experienced players play, is almost entirely determined by luck. You can reduce the dependence on luck by increasing the number of cards one participant has, and then theoretically the possibility of an error due to inattention increases. But experienced players claim that this only works with beginners.

Lotto first appeared in Genoa in the 16th century, the word Lotto itself, translated from Italian, means “fate” (everyone who watched the cartoon “Dobrynya Nikitich and the Serpent Gorynych” may be surprised by this circumstance, but this is so - in the 10th century in Kievan Rus in this could not play the game).

Soon, LOTTO became widespread throughout Italy, and already in 1521 the first ban came out - the Senate of the Venetian Republic banned this game as gambling. But the game quickly gained popularity in France. Until now, the custom of indulging in Le Lotto with passion on Saturdays is part of the French way of life.

Nevertheless, in the Soviet Union, LOTTO was considered not a game of chance, but an educational game along with chess and checkers. In some ways, the Soviet officials, no doubt, were right, Lotto develops attention and memory, but then why, for example, cards were not welcomed, because many card games develop these qualities to a much greater extent.

Now everything has fallen into place: Lotto, of course, is primarily a game of chance. An attempt to build a business on the organization of such games, for example, to open a Lotto hall following the example of American bingo halls, will most likely end up in problems with law enforcement agencies. But this does not mean that we cannot gather with friends for a fun pastime with our favorite game.

To play you need:

1. Barrels with numbers on the end faces - 90 pieces.

2. A bag for kegs, always made of opaque material.

3. Cards with three rows of numbers - 24 pieces.

4. Tokens or chips designed to cover the numbers on the cards, their number can be in the range from 150 to 200 pieces.

The game can be played for interest, or it can have a bank. There are three main game options:

1. Simple LOTTO - the winner is the one who first closes all the numbers on one of his cards. He takes over the bank. Usually, when playing a simple LOTO, each player receives three cards.

2. Short LOTTO - the winner is the one who first closes all the numbers in any one line. Usually, when playing short LOTO, each player receives one card.

3. LOTO three by three. Here you also need to close the numbers in one line, but the result will depend on the location of this line:

- when one of the players fills in any top line, the rest double their bets to the bank;

- when one of the players fills any middle line, he takes half of the bank;

- when one of the players fills in any bottom line, he is declared the winner and takes the entire bank.

In a three-on-three game, it is possible to create unequal conditions between players who have made an unequal contribution to the pot. Any player can double or even triple his contribution and receive not one, but two or three cards, respectively. This is possible because it is considered that "the card plays" and each card has equal rights and obligations, regardless of how many cards the player has.

At the beginning of the game, a leader is chosen, he can receive cards and participate in the game on an equal basis with others, or he may not receive them, this is determined by an agreement between the players.

The presenter blindly takes out one barrel from the bag, after which he announces its number. There is a special terminology for declaring numbers in LOTTO:

1 - count
3 - three
10 - bull's eye
11 - drum sticks
12 - dozen
13 - damn dozen
18 - for the first time
22 - ducklings
25 - again 25
44 - chairs
50 - half a hundred
55 - gloves
66 - felt boots
69 - back and forth
77 - hatchets
88 - grandmother
89 - grandfather's neighbor
90 - grandfather

The player, whose number on the card coincided with the number named by the leader, closes this number with a special token or chip.

When playing a simple LOTO, a player on whose card one row is completely closed is obliged to notify other players about this by saying “apartment”.

The winner is determined depending on the variant of the game.

In America, this popular game has received a different name. Initially, instead of chips, dried beans were used there (in English - bean), laying a winning bean on the card, the player exclaimed: "Bingo", which is why the Lotto game itself in America began to be called Bingo.

Currently, in the US, there are ten players in Bingo halls per casino player, now it is already a whole subculture with its own customs, etiquette, and language. Here are just the most common terms:

Front of House - The table closest to the entrance.

Early Bird is a warm-up game before the main Bingo game.

Eyes Down (look down) - means that the game begins and the croupier will now begin to call the numbers.

Flyer - A Bingo ticket that can be used for one game.

Market Bingo (Market Bingo) - means a game in which the prize is provided in non-monetary form. In Basket Bingo, the prize is a basket filled with prize items.

Cash-In-Prize - refers to a game in which the prize is provided in cash.

Admission Packet (Starter Pack) - the minimum number of cards that you should take (buy) to participate in the game.

Bingo Board (Scoreboard) - an electronic scoreboard on which the numbers pronounced by the croupier are duplicated.

Blackout (Full filling) - a variant of the game when you need to close the entire card to win.

Four corners (Cheryre corner) - a variant of the game when you need to close the numbers in the corners of the card to win.

Pattern (Scheme) - a variant of the game when, in order to win, you need to close the numbers with chips according to a predetermined pattern (for example, a diagonal).

Catch-up (Quick game) - in this game, the machine fills the card for the player.

Jackpot (Jackpot) - the main prize.

Money Ball (Money ball) - this ball is played before the start of the game, the player on whose card it will receive a special prize.

Wait - The last number that the player must close to complete the winning pattern, and then shout "Bingo!"

Wrap up is the latest game in the Bingo series.

TV game "Russian Lotto"

A huge number of lotteries have been created on the basis of LOTTO, at present the most popular of them in our country is the All-Russian State Drawing Lottery VGTL 1 Pobeda Russian Lotto, the drawings of which are held every Sunday at 8.15 on NTV channel.

To participate in the lottery, as in the usual LOTTO, you will need cards with numbers. But, unlike the classic game, you don’t have to cover the numbers on the cards with chips or beans, you don’t even need to cross out anything, as the game organizers recommend. This is a regular lottery ticket and does not need your help to win or lose.

At retail outlets, you can purchase a colorful ticket equipped with the required security levels, such a ticket indicates the number of the draw and the date of the draw, the same ticket will be the basis for receiving the prize.

If the draw number and date are not indicated on the ticket, the seller is obliged to issue you a receipt printed by the terminal, on which this information is present, in which case it is the receipt that will be the basis for receiving the winnings. You will be asked for a phone number (you don't have to give it), which will also be printed on the receipt. In this case, using your phone number, you can register on the website and find a virtual copy of your ticket there, in addition, if you win, you will receive an SMS.

In addition to buying at retail points of sale, there are many ways to take part in the game, a bet can be made on the website, via SMS, in Euroset and Alt-Telecom communication stores, in BaltBet-Loto lottery stores. In all these cases, it is mandatory to indicate the phone number, since its use is necessary for security, after all, we are talking about money. An SMS with a secret code will be sent to the number you specified, which, together with the receipt number and mobile phone number, will be the basis for receiving the winnings.

There are many ways on the website to simplify the choice of tickets for the player, each ticket manually, at once and in many, with favorite numbers, with different numbers, etc. I will not dwell on their description, because this has nothing to do with the rules of the game.

It should be remembered that bets on the next draw are accepted until 12:00 Saturday (Moscow time).

Now the rules of the game. The draw is divided into rounds, in addition, the Jackpot is played.

In the first round, tickets are won, in which the numbers in any horizontal line are closed before everyone else, it does not matter if it happened in the upper or lower table.

In the second round, tickets are won, in which all 15 numbers in the upper or lower table are closed before everyone else. In the third and subsequent rounds, tickets are won in which all 30 numbers on the card are closed.

The jackpot wins a ticket on which 15 numbers are closed after the first 15 barrels played. The jackpot does not necessarily go to one of the participants in the draw, if this does not happen, it will accumulate until someone wins it.

In general, the rules are not complicated, the organizers tried to ensure that those wishing to take part in the lottery had no problems with buying a ticket, they would have money, and they would definitely accept your bet in the wrong way, the great popularity of the lottery leads to the formation of a large prize fund. These are pluses.

But the classic game of LOTTO with friends also has its advantages. Firstly, such a game does not have an organizer, which means that 100% of bets go to the bank, and not 50%, as in the lottery. Secondly, seeing your opponents, watching their reaction is much more interesting than playing while sitting on the couch in front of a TV or in front of a computer monitor against thousands of strangers.
