How to name a daughter: we choose the rarest, most beautiful and unusual name for a girl. Beautiful names: how to name a child

All newly-made parents, without exception, immediately before birth, begin to be puzzled by the choice of a name for the child, but only a correctly compiled rating can help in this event, in this case, the rating of female names in 2016. Well, as for 2016, during its duration, the children of mom and dad chose names that corresponded only to popularity indicators. So, a rating of the most popular female names of the outgoing year was compiled, and you can find it below ...

The most popular names for girls in 2016

The list turned out to be large, but we chose the most “rated” ones from its list. They became such variations ...

Diana - and this name form reappeared in the list of the most popular. Being a product of the Latin language and interpreted as "Divine", it once again found itself at the peak of popularity, it was not in vain that it got into the rating of female names in 2016. And judging by the data, in 2017 it will again be on the list of the most popular.

Svetlana is a purely Slavic name, it has simply the most excellent meaning and promises a lot of good character. After many years of absence from the list of popular names, it got into it again - the reason is the patronage of the same Monkey ...

Anastasia - the patron of this name is the Rabbit, which goes well with the Monkey. One of the most famous names. In the past year, it won demand in Ukraine and most regions of Russia.

Vasilisa - and this name form has long been forgotten, but suddenly found a new life in 2016. And this name also has incredible chances of returning to the rating in 2017, the year of the Rooster. True, as practice has shown, they remembered him only in Russia, and even then not in all regions.

Alexandra is the “protector of people”, this is the interpretation of this name form. It has purely Greek roots and is extremely rare today, although, starting this year, apparently, everything will change ...

The monkey wished for a different outcome...

Veronica is one of the most famous names, originating from antiquity, and having clear Greek roots. Protected by the Monkey. Means "victorious".

Agatha is an ancient Greek female name derived from the word "agathos" and meaning "good" and "good." It is considered one of the rarest in the Russian Federation and throughout the post-Soviet space. It didn’t make it into the ranking of female names in 2016, although it should have ...

Sophia is an old name generated by history and legends, interpreted as "endowed with wisdom." It is in demand not only here, but also in the West.

Well, the complete list includes such well-known name forms as Marianna, Martha, Milada, Sarah and many others.

And at the end...

Each parent has the right to independently choose a name, and it doesn’t matter if it is from the rating of names of 2016, or from the list of rare names, and the patronage of the symbol, whether it is astrological or zodiac, plays only a secondary role in building the personality of the named person. But if you are a good-natured dad, or a mom who believes in astrology along the way, then it’s better to take this matter as responsibly as possible, because the meaning of the chosen name, by giving, has the greatest impact on the future character.

Sofia. This name in 2016 will be preferred by most young parents. Sophia in translation from the ancient Greek language means "wise" or "reasonable." Little Sophia is growing up as an active and sociable child. He studies well at school thanks to his sharp mind, excellent memory and perseverance. Having matured, Sofia becomes a very attractive girl, attracting attention from the opposite sex. Sofia clearly define the main goals in life and strive to realize their plans. A woman with this name knows how to listen carefully to the interlocutor, sincerely delving into his problems, so people are drawn to her. Thanks to her sociability, Sofia is quickly moving up the career ladder. In family life, she demands full dedication from her husband, wants to constantly feel loved and desired. If in her personal life she lacks passion, then she can break a successful marriage for the sake of a new love affair.

Alice. This beautiful female name will be no less popular in 2016. Since childhood, Alice has shown such character traits as activity and optimism. At first glance, Alice seems to be a modest and quiet girl, but once you take a closer look at her, it becomes clear that a strong and strong-willed person is hiding behind her calm appearance. A woman with that name is obligatory, therefore she always brings the matter to the end. In society, Alice causes sympathy and admiration. Alice become excellent philologists, art historians, artists, stylists, designers, journalists and singers. Alice's family life proceeds without any special difficulties. If the husband can appreciate what a faithful, devoted and caring wife he got, then the marriage will be strong and successful. If Alice is faced with jealousy, distrust or betrayal by her chosen one, then divorce is most likely inevitable.

Victoria. Translated from Latin, the name Victoria means "victory" or "winner." As a child, Vika is a calm, slow and dreamy girl. In games with other children, she is never a ringleader, being content with secondary roles. In her youth, Victoria revives, such traits as assertiveness, cunning, stubbornness, mobility and business activity begin to appear in her character. But along with strong-willed qualities, Victoria remains indecisive, shy and amorous person. To hide her shortcomings, Vika demonstrates excessive pretentiousness, which is sometimes expressed in a very bizarre form: too extravagant outfit, a strong smell of perfume, defiant behavior, etc. In her professional activities, Victoria most often chooses the specialty of a teacher, educator, pediatrician, nurse. In her personal life, she chooses her partner for a long time and carefully, even after getting married, she may doubt the correctness of this step. The ideal husband for Victoria can be an attentive, sensitive and caring man who will give her confidence in her abilities.

Pauline. Polina grows up as a flexible, friendly and sympathetic girl. During her school years, Polina tries to keep up with fashion. The name Polina is musical, so its owners sing well and write poetry. Outwardly, Polina gives the impression of a proud and impregnable girl, but in reality she is a modest and insecure person. Polina is easy to piss off, she does not know how to argue at all and immediately goes into a scream. Girls with this name are naturally creative natures, so they make excellent actresses, singers, writers and artists. Polina treats other professions calmly, but shows commitment and conscientiousness. She loves children, easily finds a common language with them, so she can become an excellent teacher or educator. In family life, Polina is a caring wife and mother, she knows how to cook deliciously and maintains comfort in the house, but, nevertheless, she is cold about household affairs.

Barbara. The name Barbara has Latin roots and means "foreigner", "savage". A girl named Varya is growing up as a kind, smiling and modest girl. Outwardly, Barbara looks like her father. Having matured, Varvara closes herself even more, and in communication even with the closest people she prefers to keep her distance, not letting anyone into her inner world. A girl with that name has great taste, so the profession, designer, stylist or artist is suitable for her. By nature, Varvara is very amorous, therefore she tends to make mistakes in choosing a partner. A happy marriage with Varya is possible only with a male father who is ready to endure all her antics. Varvara is an excellent hostess, cleanliness and comfort always reign in her house.

Anastasia. The name Anastasia in Greek means "reborn" or "resurrected". Anastasia is, as a rule, a long-awaited and desired child, she is her father's favorite. Little Nastya is charm itself, she is admired in kindergarten and at school. She loves to read fairy tales, dream and fantasize. An integral part of the character inherent in this name is diligence, however, the excessive daydreaming inherent in Nastya can distract her from important affairs. Anastasia is kind, sincere and sympathetic, therefore she often chooses professions where she can help people (nurse, doctor, psychologist, educator, social worker, etc.). Anastasia is a real craftswoman, she knows how to sew, knit and cook deliciously. As a husband, he chooses a strong and strong-willed man in order to feel protected.

Elizabeth. As a child, Elizabeth is a cheerful, playful, restless and intelligent girl. At school, she studies well in those subjects that she is really interested in. Lisa has problems with discipline, as she does not like to obey generally accepted rules and norms. Adult Elizabeth is a narcissistic, impulsive, domineering and categorical person. The tendency to enter into conflicts negatively affects relationships with colleagues, Lisa loves to spread gossip and weave intrigues. In the women's team, Elizabeth prefers to be a leader. The ideal areas of activity for the owners of this name are television and radio journalism. The first place in the life of Elizabeth is family, she is an excellent hostess, a wonderful wife and mother.

Daria. Little Dasha is growing up as an obedient, smart, artistic and sociable girl. During her school years, Daria likes to command her peers and can even get into a fight. Dasha is a very sociable child, it is important for her to constantly be in society, she cannot stand loneliness. Having matured, Daria becomes a bright personality, she is pretty, charming and witty. A girl with that name is in dire need of love, so she quickly falls in love and sometimes cannot distinguish simple sympathy from sexual attraction. Dasha chooses a profession in accordance with her abilities and capabilities, most often she works as a translator, engineer, teacher and secretary. In family relationships, he tries to become a leader, wants to be independent, but will not go for treason.

Eve. As a child, Eva may seem like a timid and naive child, but in fact she simply does not know how to express her emotions, parents need to make a lot of efforts to teach her to show her feelings. Adult Eve is distinguished by a strong-willed character, she has such features as poise, restraint, attentiveness and prudence. A woman with this name has an increased level of intelligence, her mind is flexible and resourceful. As for professional activities, Eva can work as a doctor, teacher, translator and journalist. In relations with men, rationalism fades into the background, Eva turns into a tender and sensual girl. In the family, Eva prefers to dominate, but she does it very carefully and tactfully. She is a wonderful hostess and an excellent cook.

Diana. In infancy, Diana has poor health, all sorts of infections constantly stick to her, but with age, her immune system strengthens. The owner of this beautiful name is an energetic, cheerful and sensual nature. Diana does not tolerate monotony, so professions that require perseverance, attentiveness and scrupulousness are not suitable for her. She can succeed in creativity and her own business. Diana has a warm heart, so she does not like cold and indifferent people. Diana is pretty and charming, she is able to charm any man. In marriage, Diana manifests herself as a caring wife and mother.

Also in 2016, such beautiful female names as Ustina, Miroslava, Berta, Emma, ​​Milana, Bella, Teresa, Pelageya and Maya will be popular.

The process of choosing a name for a baby among our ancestors was minimized, since the newborn was called according to the "Saints" - a church book where all the saints whose names are honored in the Orthodox Church were recorded. At the same time, it was believed that a child named after them would live happily and for a very long time.

Name for a girl 2016

For those parents who want to continue these traditions, we recall which names for girls by months for 2016 will be the most relevant:

  1. January: Ulyana, Eva, Tatyana, Emilia, Anastasia;
  2. February: Inessa, Maria, Evgenia, Anna, Inna, Xenia;
  3. March: Kira, Nika, Anastasia, Maria, Marianna, Anna;
  4. April: Irina, Daria, Alexandra, Victoria, Louise, Sabina;
  5. May: Elizabeth, Julia, Maria, Alexandra, Taisia, Valeria, Carolina, Christina, Anastasia;
  6. June: Maria, Elena, Anna, Valeria, Ulyana, Sofia;
  7. July: Inna, Margarita, Julia, Elena, Marina, Olga, Rimma, Maria, Emma;
  8. August: Christina, Anna, Ulyana, Maria, Daria, Irina, Ksenia;
  9. September: Natalia, Sofia, Elizabeth, Anna, Adeline, Victoria, Maria, Vasilisa, Anna;
  10. October: Irina, Sofia, Veronika, Anna, Taisiya, Maria, Vera, Anna, Alina, Zlata, Viola;
  11. November: Anna, Elizabeth, Anastasia, Ulyana, Maria, Cleopatra;
  12. December: Catherine, Elizabeth, Anna, Elena, Maria, Karina, Victoria, Anna.

The names of the girls for the months for 2016 by patronymic according to “Saints”, keep in mind that it is not necessary to call the baby the name of the saint on the day of veneration of which she was born, if you don’t like any of the names or if only male saints are venerated on this day. You can choose the option that suits you best by looking a little ahead - a day or several days. Also, you should not name your daughter in honor of the great martyr, so that her life would not be difficult and full of hardships.

New names for girls in 2016

For the most part, the names of girls in 2016 echo the popular names of the past, 2015. So the names Maria, Sofia, Eva, Alina, Anna, Lisa, Daria, Christina, Polina remain relevant. Anastasia, Nika, Xenia, Yulia, Veronika, Darina and Angelina will also move to 2016.

For those parents who want to name the baby in an unusual way, we recommend considering new names for girls in 2016 with old roots (Milena (Milana), Lada, Zlata, Lyubava) or foreign origin (Helen, Agnes, Ilona, ​​Violetta, Louise, Camilla, Aurora) .

The list of popular names for girls will be replenished with such once very popular options as Alexandra, Valeria, Evgenia, Vlada, Natalya, Elena.

Popular girls names of 2016

When choosing how to name your future smart and beautiful woman, consider two more very important nuances. Firstly, the name should be consonant and harmonious with the patronymic and surname that your daughter will bear. Secondly, if you name the baby in honor of one of the specific women (relatives, acquaintances or very famous ones) - do not risk the fate of the child if this woman cannot be called happy and successful.

When choosing a name for their daughter, parents are guided by various factors, including the memory of a loved one, the unusual sound, and its hidden meaning. Any names carry some information that, after birth, can influence its carrier, forming special habits, worldview, character. In addition, before naming the girl, it is necessary to compare the choice with the patronymic and pronounce the rumor, analyzing the general sound. Consult with relatives, thereby you will find out the collective opinion.

How to name a girl

If you are interested in names for a girl, then think about whether the choice you made is suitable for the baby. Equally important is its acceptance by society. A child living among people, how will they react to a pretentiously exotic option? Each is beautiful, but in its own way, in a certain area and for each nationality.

It would be inappropriate to use an Arabic name for a fair-haired girl living in European territory, even if it is very beautiful, melodic and unusual. It is better to focus on the multinational version, which can be selected from the directory. And if you have a twin girl, then the search becomes much harder. In such cases, it is recommended to call the baby a consonant variant with the name of the second child: Ksenia and Semyon, Olga and Oleg, Masha and Misha.

The beautiful double names of girls Anna-Maria, Sofia-Victoria, Olga-Anastasia are gaining popularity. This happens because parents cannot decide on one of the options. Sometimes mothers believe that this will give the baby a pair of guardian angels at once. Psychologists say that such girls can begin to lead a double life. To prevent this from happening, the child is given one name, which is registered in the registry office, the second - at baptism.

Choosing a name for a girl according to the Orthodox church calendar

Orthodox names have different origins - Hebrew, Greek, Latin. This is due to the fact that the Byzantines "collected" all the options they encountered. The church calendar included Scandinavian - Olga, common Slavic - Bogdan, ancient Germanic - Henrietta. Recently, it has become fashionable to call a daughter according to the holy calendar. To choose your own option for a girl, you need a complete church calendar, in which the name days of the saints are marked for each specific date of the month. Here is an example of several options for Christmas time:

  • The January girls were called: Anastasia, Ulyana, Eugene, Maria, Tatyana, Eva, Alice, Polina.
  • February: Zoya, Xenia, Anna, Svetlana, Valentine, Agnia, Innami.
  • Martovskikh: Antonins, Marinas, Margaritas, Anastasias, Kiras, Galins, Ulyans, Valeriy, Darias.
  • April: Annas, Darias, Alexandrs, Allamis, Larissas, Evas, Nicks, Sophias, Olgas, Irinas, Lydias, Tamars.
  • Maisky: Elizabeth, Mary, Taisia, Julius, Zoya, Irinami, Faina.
  • June: Alena, Sophia, Elena, Innami, Anna.
  • July: Angelina, Innami, Irinami, Jeanne, Yulianna, Olga, Valentine, Yulia, Rimma, Veronica.
  • Avgustovsky: Mary, Magdalene, Svetlana, Milena, Nonna, Olympiad, Ulyana, Eva, Daria.
  • September: Anfis, Natalia, Vasilisa, Milena, Ulyanami.
  • Oktyabrsky: Ariadnes, Irinami, Sophia, Evlampiy, Pelageya, Marianne, Veronica, Zinaida.
  • Noyabrsky: Alena, Elizabeth, Elena, Natalya, Valery.
  • December: Angelina, Catherine, Anfisa, Olga, Barbara, Anna.

Girls names by months for 2016 and 2019

The popularity of names changes every year. Fashionable in one season, it becomes irrelevant in another. In the current season 2016-2017, there were no big changes. Let's look at fashionable Slavic options by month. December girls are recommended to be called Ekaterina, Olga, Varvara, Marina. For those born in January, Anastasia, Tatyana, Nina, Claudia, Evgenia are relevant; in February - Maria, Anna, Evdokia, Svetlana, Zoya.

Serious names are chosen for spring girls, who are distinguished by their cheerfulness and lively character, to balance their activity. Girls born in March are recommended to be called Kira, Margarita, Regina. For April babies, Christina, Taisiya, Tamara, Olga are suitable, for May babies - Antonina, Valeria, Sofia. Summer girls are feminine and have a unique ability to please others. Call the June beauty Ulyana, Alena, Maria.

Born in July - Jeanne, Julia, Elena. Name the August maiden Anna, Seraphim, Valentina, Olga or Milena. Practical and purposeful ladies are born in autumn. The September girls this season were called Nadezhda, Anfisa, Vera. In October, preference is given to Veronika, Zlata, Anna, in November - Eurosinya, Natalya, Alena, Olga.

Beautiful and rare Russian names for girls

In Russia, in ancient times, girls were called in order to protect them from evil spirits and unkind deeds. They formed names from words denoting animals, plants. They are very similar to nicknames. After the Baptism of Russia, women began to give girls personal names. Then most of the options appeared, which are currently considered to be modern and rare. They reflected the religious character, because the girls were named at the time of baptism. It is interesting that in those days the names were divided into aristocratic and peasant. The most beautiful that have come down to us are:

  • Gold.
  • Anna.
  • Olga.
  • Seraphim.
  • Vasilisa.
  • Angelina.
  • Ulyana.
  • Nellie.
  • August.
  • Anfisa.
  • Paul.
  • Alice.

List of the most popular female names and their meaning

In Russia, the list of popular girls' names includes old and new versions. To make the right choice for a girl, it is necessary not only to correlate them by ear, but also to know its history and meaning. The fate of the baby largely depends on this. It is worth avoiding cool, overly original. Let's look at what the most popular names for newborn girls mean, according to dictionaries. Let's start with the letter "A", and then alphabetically:

  • Arina is calm.
  • Anna is Hebrew for "grace".
  • Valentina from Old Russian means healthy.
  • Valeria is strong.
  • Victoria from Old Slavonic means “victory”.
  • Galina is calm.
  • Daria is the winner.
  • Diana in honor of the Roman goddess.
  • Ekaterina from ancient Russian - immaculate.
  • Elena is sunny.
  • Elizabeth from the old Russian - honoring God.
  • Jeanne is a gift from God.
  • Irina is the world.
  • Xenia from Old Russian - someone else's.
  • Christina is dedicated to God.
  • Kira is Mrs.
  • Maria from old Russian - bitter.
  • Olga is a saint.
  • Polina is smart and beautiful.
  • Seraphim, which came from the Hebrew - mobile.
  • Julia is gentle, affectionate.

Top modern foreign names for girls according to the rating of 2019

The rating contains the following modern names of girls: Eastern Azerbaijani, Turkish, Kazakh, Uzbek, Bashkir, Asian, Kyrgyz, Georgian, European, Belarusian, Moldovan and even foreign Polish, German, American and English. Consider the most interesting, unusual and beautiful options for babies of different nationalities and cultures. Muslim, Islamic names come from Turkic culture, some of them are taken from the Koran. Among them are the famous Arab - Zuhra, Aliya and Latifa; Persian - Gulnara, Dilyara, Firuza and Yasmina.

As Islamic culture spread, Zainab, Asiya, Fatima became popular among the eastern peoples, known for their Islamic sacred texts. Uzbek babies receive names whose roots go deep into the history of Islam: Asmira in translation "the most feminine and beautiful princess." Guldasta - "bouquet". Dinora - "gold coin". Zuhra - "beautiful". Farkhunda - "happy." Tatar girls are usually called Lucy, Albina, Roses. Popular - Aisha, Vazikha, Bella, Nadia. According to statistics, the most common Crimean Tatar girl's name is Alina.

Girls of Kazakh nationality are named Aliya, Asiya, Asem, Bibigul, Botagoz, Gulmira. Caucasian peoples professing the Christian Catholic faith name their daughters in accordance with the desired qualities and with meaning. This is how Armenian girls are called: Amalia - pure, Azniv - honest, Azatui - freedom-loving, Gayane - keeper of the house. In the ranking of European options, Alena, Kira and Valeria are in the lead. In Moldova, newborn girls are called Yaroslavs, Sofyas, and Luna and Soare are in the lead among non-traditional names.

Choosing a name for a child is a whole problem. Olga Vladimirovna Gorelova, a teacher at the Russian Language Department of the Far Eastern State University for the Humanities, will tell you how to find a suitable, beautiful and at the same time rare option. In her words, each name is not just some combination of letters and sounds, it is a story of a person. From the moment the child is born and has a name, he begins his journey. When choosing a name, it is necessary to pay attention to the ease of pronunciation, interpretation and combination with a patronymic. In addition, from our video story you can find out how you should not name your child.

The problem of choosing a name for a girl (rare and beautiful) 2016 by months, at first glance, does not seem serious. It would seem that picking it up is easy. However, parents often cannot make a choice, and sometimes there are no ideas at all.

Psychologists recommend to be sensitive to the meaning of the name, referring to the accompaniment of the corresponding name of fate. Astrologers, in turn, advise, when choosing a name, to focus on the zodiac and eastern horoscopes.

Of course, first of all, parents wish the child a beautiful, rare, euphonious and with a good meaning name. It is important that it is not too complicated, so that the girl remembers and loves it. However, it is worth remembering that the name also has its own meaning and can influence the whole future life of a little person, including his character and habits.

Those who believe in symbolism are sure that a well-chosen name in the future will be a good help in a successful career, a happy personal life. Psychologists, on the other hand, conducted their social experiments and found out that the sound of a name can have an impact on the adoption of various decisions in the modern world. Here are just some of the factors that you should definitely not forget about when looking through.


You should not give the child a name like that of a mother, aunt or grandmother, no matter how much others like it. According to psychologists, the child will feel uncomfortable in the future in a family where there is already an older person with the same name, especially if they were named after their mother. Subconsciously, the girl will still compare herself with her, and find flaws in herself. Also, do not name deceased family members or friends, no matter how significant they were. Without realizing it, the child can to some extent repeat in his life something from the fate of that person.

middle name

Forgetting about the middle name, of course, is not worth it. Any beautiful name should be combined with it, because in the future, an already grown-up child will be called with the name of his father, especially if your child has a prestigious position. Therefore, many fathers, quite justifiably, wish their daughters names that are consonant with themselves. "Victoria Viktorovna" or "Yulia Yuryevna" appeared just like that.

Remember that choosing a deliberately European name in an ordinary family, where the father has a completely Slavic one, is not recommended. Agree, "Milinda Igorevna" at least sounds strange.

It is quite inconvenient when the last letter of the daughter's name and the first letter of the patronymic are the same. For example, "Anastasia Yanovna" or "Katerina Alekseevna".

In addition, if the patronymic is already supposed to be long, then the name will suit it short and simple. For example, "Inga Valerievna".

You can use tables from sites, they will select options for successful combinations whennames for girls (rare and beautiful) 2016 by monthsagree with the father's patronymic.

Hardness with softness

According to some experts, the chosen hard names give stubbornness, firmness, uncompromisingness and willfulness in the character of girls, while modern, softer names, on the contrary, make their mistresses softer and more feminine.

Rare and beautiful girl names

It is very mistaken to follow fashion trends, selectingnames for girls (rare and beautiful) 2016 by months. Fashion will pass - the name will remain forever. We believe that it is not necessary to talk about the use of political slogans to form a name. It is unlikely that anyone wants to call their child - "Dognat", "Peregnat", "Mels", etc.

The most popular names according to the results of the survey now: Valeria and Alina. Deservedly in second place are Christina, Maria, Victoria, Diana, and then Daria, Julia and Angelina.

Church names for girls 2016 by months

Girls born in the second month of summer will grow up sensitive, open and friendly. They will have a wide social circle, "July" bright, ardent personalities, people like them and attract them. They love bright outfits, big companies, being in the center of social attention. The best names for summer girls would be Inna, Irina and Agrippina, as well as Ulyana, Zhanna and Efrosinya. If the child was born by the end of July, you can call Angelina, Martha and Anna. Beautiful name Julianna and Evdokia. Kind Maria or Sarah and Valentina, sunny Julia and Alevtina, beautiful Marina and Margarita. Names such as Rimma or Efimiya will be perfectly combined with the fate of a child born in the summer.

Many people want to name their daughters, guided by the calendar, where recommendations are written on which name is best for which month of birth.

Born in the last days of the month of hot July - Alevtina, Valentina and Margarita.

Born in August 2016 - the beginning of the month - the modest Maria and the beautiful Christina. Anna, Olympiad, Praskovya, Anfisa and Seraphim will also be perfectly combined. Toward the middle of the month - Evdokia and Nonna, you can Maria. Toward the end - quick-witted Concordia or faithful Ulyana. Suchnames for girls (rare and beautiful) 2016 by months (church)will carry a noble destiny.

Born in September 2016 - the beginning of the month - kind Vassa and reasonable Natalia. And also Anfisa and Anna. Toward the middle of the month - Martha and Rufina or Vasilisa, you can Elizabeth and Raisa. After the twentieth numbers - Pulcheria, maybe Iya or Lyudmila, maybe Faith and Love or Hope, maybe Sofia.

Born in October of this year - the beginning of the month - Ariadne, maybe Irina or Sofia. By the middle of the month - Anna, Ustinya, Virineya and Veronica. After the twentieth numbers - bright Taisia, active Pelageya, collected Zinaida and concentrated Praskovya.

Born in November 2016 - the beginning of the month - sensual Cleopatra and faithful Kapitolina. It can also be called: Neonila, Praskovya, Anna, Anastasia, Maria, possibly Mavra. Toward the middle of the month - persistent Alexandra or gentle Euphrosyne. Claudia, Matryona and Stephanida will also sound beautiful.

Born in December of this year - the beginning of the month - Anna and Cecilia, maybe Augusta, maybe Catherine. By the middle of the month - Varvara and Ulyana, you can Anfisa or Anna. After the twentieth numbers - Angelina or Zoya.

Tatar names for girls 2016 by months

They are increasingly gaining sympathy in modern society. The Tatars, like many eastern peoples, attach great importance to the name. It has its own meaning and is believed to characterize the best qualities of a woman and protect her. They are more repelled precisely from the meaning of the name itself, although the date is also of no small importance.

The most harmonious and relevant now Tatar names:

  • Aliya - as exalted or high, she is honorable and outstanding. Should be called closer to the beginning of August.
  • Amani (with it the accent goes on the second syllable) - desired dreams, innermost. Mid August.
  • Amilya - the roots of the name are Arabic, which means a worker or a worker. Suitable for those born after the 20th of August.
  • Amira is a princess or princess, the offspring of the royal family.Name for a girl (rare and beautiful) 2016 by month (Tatar)comes to the end of August.
  • Anisa (accent comes with the second syllable) - touching, sweet, gentle, affectionate and friendly as a companion, friendly. September name.
  • Asia is a comforter, a healer. That was the name of the wife of the pharaoh - the oppressor of the Jews. Suitable if the baby was born in mid-September.
  • Jamila is beautiful (this September name came from the ancient Arabs).
  • Krima is a generous and noble daughter. Such a significant name is suitable for those born at the end of September (after the 20th).
  • Farida (stress in the second syllable) - she is unique, incomparable, extraordinary and amazing. Another option is a pearl. Early October.
  • Guzel - incredibly beautiful, graceful, enthusiastic. Period from 3 to 12 October.
  • Jana - "soul". He is also mentioned in the Quran. Mid October.
  • Fairuza - or turquoise. She is azure, or, otherwise, famous and famous. The name suits those who were born at the end of October.
  • Jasmine is the flower of Jasmine. With a variation of "Yasmine" - a branch of jasmine. November.
  • Aisylu is a popular popular name "keeper of the secrets of the moon." End of November.
  • Ayla, Ayly - her face is like the moon. A warm name for a cold winter - suitable for a December birthday.
  • Alsu is a well-known name. She is charming and wonderful. Such a beautiful name is recommended to be used in the January cold.
  • Irkya is refined and affectionate, touching. According to another translation - baby, baby or honest, generous. End of January - beginning of February.

Muslim names for girls 2016 by months

There is a huge selection of beautiful and harmonious Islamic names with deep meaning. It is believed that the name of a Muslim woman reflects her character traits. Sometimes girls can be named based on the name of the month in which she was born.

The most beautiful, harmonious Muslim names:


  • Aliya is sublime and stately.
  • Amani is the embodiment of dreams and desires.
  • Amira - she is a princess or princess. By naming the child so, parents want to emphasize its inner dignity, the nobility of the soul, character.
  • Anisa is a wonderful conversationalist, affectionate and friendly.


  • Asia is a comforter, a healer. This name can be found in the Koran.
  • Darin is an ancient beautiful name.
  • Jamila is beautiful. An ancient, Arabic word, the Prophet loved him.
  • Judy - that was the name of the mountain, according to legend, Nuh's ark stood on it.
  • Jumana - literally - a pearl.
  • Juri is the most beautiful rose.


  • Zagra - brilliance and beauty.
  • Karima is noble and generous.
  • Malika is a queen or queen. Rare.
  • Mira - provisions or provisions.
  • Munira - shiny and bright, light. Previously, such names were often worn by royal daughters.


  • Narmin is tender and soft. The first syllable is stressed.
  • Nujud - hill or plateau.
  • Rania - stares intently, without even blinking. Attentive and persistent. Stressed first syllable.
  • Rahma - mercy or mercy.
  • Ruweida is a young lady.
  • Salima is whole, healthy and unharmed. Another meaning is vulnerable.
  • Saliha - pious.


  • Salsabil is one of the sources located in Paradise.
  • Safiya is clear, pure and transparent.
  • Tasnim, like Salsabil, is a source in Eden.


  • Farah is joy. For some regions, this name is also suitable for boys.
  • Halima is meek and gentle.
  • Sharifa is noble.
  • Sheima is a good person.

These are amazing and meaningfulnames for girls (rare and beautiful) 2016 by months muslim.

The rarest and most modern names for girls in 2016

Olga - the name has Scandinavian roots. Its meaning is "sacred or great". A girl with this name is ambitious, feminine and thoughtful. She will be a good housewife and wife. Olga has clearly set goals and a great desire to achieve them. She does not grow up as a problem child for the family or teachers, only somewhat touchy and sensitive.

Anna - in history it was worn by empresses and martyrs, "merciful, gracious." Now the girls named by that name are artistic and beautiful, they have a big soul and an open heart, ready to warm anyone. Anna has golden hands and delicate taste. She is neat, influential, has a developed intuition and does not like to regret the past. Everything is in order with self-esteem and there is no danger of falling under the influence of others.

Hope - has ancient Slavic roots. Girls with similar names are purposeful, restrained in character, but not without emotionality. They are adventurous. For Nadezhda, the family comes first, and her mother is special. She has a sharp mind and the ability to get along with anyone, a true friend.

Faith has Slavic roots. Means "faith, belief". She is distinguished by prudence and prudence, she has logical thinking, supported by worldly wisdom. Once having chosen her path, Vera follows it. She is a great friend and always ready to help.

Milena is a rather rare name today, invented by the Slavs. Milena is a gentle, easy-going, soft girl with a big heart. Milena loves warmth and care, the family comes first on the scale of values. Virtuous, true true friend, favorite of parents, friends.

In addition, you can pick up names for girls (rare and beautiful for 2016 by months) by video, where they talk about the meaning of each, examples of common and famous namesakes.
