How to make a paper clip robot? A dozen homemade robots Do-it-yourself walking robot little animal drawings.

Walkers made of paper clips and a motor are not just homemade toys, but also a whole arsenal technological methods and engineering thinking.

Making such a robot with your own hands is not only interesting, but it develops fine motor skills of the fingers, and for a child it will be a whole revelation - after all, a real walking robot is actually created from nothing!

To assemble a simple working robot from ordinary paper clips with your own hands, you will need a few simple and easily accessible materials. Firstly, these are the metal braces themselves, as well as a small set of tools. Of the tools you will need a soldering iron, solder, pliers, wire cutters, round nose pliers, as well as a small Electrical engine with gearbox and battery.

To begin with, you need to make a support frame from a long and thick paper clip, that is, bend it into a rectangle and securely solder its ends with solder. Parts and elements of the robot will be installed on this frame during the assembly process.

Next, you need to make loops on which the legs of the robot will be attached. They will need to be soldered to the rectangular frame using a soldering iron. The paper clips are then used to make small legs for a walking robot. In this case, it is first desirable to assemble the complex front paws, and then all the rest.

After assembling the limbs of the robot, you need to start manufacturing the crankshaft. The brace for it should be strong and absolutely even.

The crankshaft should be carefully made with pliers and round nose pliers. When the shaft is finished, it should be carefully put on the motor gear. After that, special connecting rods are made that will connect the legs of the robot to the crankshaft. Then the gear is soldered to the crankshaft.

Then a battery and a switch are installed on the robot frame. If everything is done correctly, the robot will start walking.

Here is a video tutorial on how to make a homemade walking robot from paper clips with your own hands, watch it if something is not clear to you from the article.

01.06.2010, 12:15

Very often on all kinds of forums or sites dedicated to robotics, you can find the following question: how to make a robot from improvised materials?
On such questions, it is immediately clear that the person who asks them is a beginner and knows little about robotics. But oddly enough, it is POSSIBLE to make a robot out of improvised materials ... you just need to be smart.


I did not set out to write some kind of grandiose book or a comprehensive training course. I just wanted to answer some newbie questions. Actually, I will not waste time and immediately describe how you can make a simple robot that would respond to environment, or rather toured obstacles.


    I think you understand that certain parts are needed to create a robot. Namely:
    1. 1. two motors, 1.5 volts each
    2. 2. two SPDT switches
    3. 3. two batteries
    4. 4. one case for these batteries
    5. 5. one plastic ball with a through hole
    6. 6. three paper clips
    7. 7. some wiring
Almost all these parts can be found at home (motors can be pulled out of some toy), but SPDT switches will have to be bought (they are inexpensive - 100 rubles each). So, you have acquired all the necessary parts, and I begin to explain what and how to do.

Step 1

We have wires. We cut 13 wires of 6 cm each.

Now, at each wire, we remove 1 cm of insulation from both ends with pliers or a knife.

Step 2

Using a soldering iron, we attach two wires to the motors and three wires to the SPDT switches.

Step 3

Get a battery case. On the one hand, red and black wires depart from it. Therefore, solder another wire to the other side.

Now turn the battery holder upside down and use glue to glue the SPDT switches in the shape of the letter V.

Step 4 Next, we glue our two motors to the battery case so that they rotate forward.

Step 5

We take a large paper clip. Let's unfold it. We get one wire. We take a plastic or metal ball and drag the "former paper clip" through the through hole. Now glue this design to the battery holder.

Step 6

The most difficult process has begun. You need to properly solder and solder all the wiring. How to do this is shown in the figure.

Step 7

In order for our robot to react to the world around it and be able to go around obstacles, we will make antennas for it. We take two paper clips, unbend them.

Next, glue them to the SPDT switches (it's better to glue than solder - otherwise you can solder the switches through).

Step 8

To protect the axles of the motors from breakage, we will dress them in rubber. To do this, you can take the insulation from the wire and put it on the axis.

Step 9

Well? So you and I made the first simple robot that reacts to obstacles and goes around them. To make this robot go, insert batteries and vice versa. And to speed up the movement of the robot or slow it down, then glue the motors, as in the figure.


In this article, we examined the creation of the most elementary robot.
But you don't want to and won't stop there, right?

Usually we talk about robots created by various research centers or companies. However, robots varying degrees success around the world collect ordinary people. So, today we bring you ten homemade robots.


A German neuroscience student assembled an android named Adam. Its name stands for Advanced Dual Arm Manipulator or "advanced two-handed manipulator". The robot's arms have five degrees of freedom. They are driven by the Robolink joints of the German company Igus. External cables are used to rotate Adam's joints. In addition, two video cameras, a loudspeaker, a speech synthesizer, and an LCD panel that simulates the movements of the robot's lips are installed on Adam's head.


The MPR-1 robot is notable for the fact that it is not constructed from iron or plastic, like most of its counterparts, but from paper. According to the creator of the robot, artist Kikousya, the materials for the MPR-1 are paper, a few dowels, and a couple of rubber bands. At the same time, the robot moves confidently, although its mechanical elements are also made of paper. The crank mechanism provides the movement of the legs of the robot, and its feet are designed so that their surface is always parallel to the floor.

Robot Paparazzi Boxie

The Boxie robot was created by American engineer Alexander Reben from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Boxie, who looks somewhat like the hero of the well-known cartoon Wall-E, must help fund staff mass media. The small and nimble paparazzi is completely made of cardboard, he moves with the help of caterpillars, and navigates the street using ultrasound, which helps him overcome various obstacles. The robot takes the interview in a funny childish voice, and the respondent can interrupt the conversation at any time by pressing a special button. Boxie can record up to six hours of video and send it to its owner using the nearest Wi-Fi hotspot.


Norwegian engineer Kare Halvorsen has created a six-legged Morphex robot that can turn into a ball and back. In addition, the robot is able to move. The movement of the robot is due to the motors pushing it forward. The robot moves in an arc, not a straight line. Due to its design, Morphex cannot independently correct the trajectory of its movement. AT this moment Halvorsen is working to resolve this issue. An interesting update is coming: the creator of the robot wants to add 36 LEDs that would allow Morphex to change colors.


Americans Tim Heath and Ryan Hickman decided to create a small robot based on android phone. The Truckbot robot they created is quite simple in terms of its design: the HTC G1 phone is on top of the robot, being its “brain”. At the moment, the robot is able to move on a flat surface, choose the direction of movement and accompany with all sorts of phrases collision with obstacles.

Robot shareholder

Once an American, Brian Dory, who develops expansion boards, faced the following problem: it is very difficult to solder a two-row pin comb with your own hands. Brian needed an assistant, so he decided to create a robot that could solder. It took Brian two months to develop the robot. The made robot is equipped with two soldering irons that can solder two rows of contacts at the same time. You can control the robot through a PC and a tablet.

Mechatronic Tank

Every family has its favorite hobby. For example, in the family of the American engineer Robert Beatty, they construct robots. Robert is helped by his teenage daughters, and his wife and newborn daughter provide them with moral support. Their most impressive creation is the self-propelled Mechatronic Tank. With 20 kg of armor, this security robot is a threat to any criminal. Eight sonar mounted on the robot's tower allow it to calculate the distance to objects in its field of view to within an inch. The robot also shoots metal bullets at a speed of a thousand rounds per minute.

robot dog

An American named Max created a mini-copy of the famous. Max made the supporting structure of the robot from scraps of five-millimeter acrylic glass, and ordinary threaded bolts were used to fasten all the parts together. In addition, when creating the robot, miniature servos were used that are responsible for the movement of its limbs, as well as parts from the Arduino Mega kit, which coordinate the motor process of a mechanical dog.

robot ball

The gingerbread robot was designed by Jerome Demers, it works on solar panels. There is a capacitor inside the robot that is connected to the solar powered parts. It is needed to accumulate energy in bad weather. When there is enough solar energy, the ball begins to roll forward.


Initially a teacher Institute of Technology Georgia, Gil Weinberg designed a robotic arm for a drummer whose arm had been amputated. Jill then created an automated timing technology that would allow a two-armed drummer to use his robotic arm as a extra hand. Robohand reacts to the way the drummer plays, creating its own rhythm. The robotic arm also knows how to improvise, while analyzing the rhythm in which the drummer plays.

It perfectly imitates real living beings that live with us on our planet. Making such a robot is not difficult, but you need to have the desire and some skills in the field of electronics.

Materials and tools:
- a piece of copper wire;
- two holders of finger batteries;
- two monolithic ceramic capacitors of 0.22 mF each;
- one resistor with a nominal value of 3.3M;
- 74NST240 octal inverter chip for eight channels (one);
- 20 pin DIP 74XX240 or 74XX245 (one);
- servomotor (one);
- switch;
- one plastic gear;
- wire connector.

Manufacturing process:

Step one. Gear preparation
You need to take a plastic gear and cut it into two identical parts. Then you need to remove the horn and use glue to fix it to one semicircle.

Step two. Engine rework
The servomotor needs to be modified in such a way that it works only for rotation. Then you need to glue to it copper wire as indicated in the picture.

Also at this stage, you will need a plastic tube of a suitable diameter, it must be glued to a semicircle. The horn of the servomotor is subsequently placed in its original place. On the copper wire then you need to put on plastic tube. At this stage, the work can be considered completed.

Step three. Creating and installing robot paws
Used as legs copper wire, it must be bent as shown in the picture. Then the author glues the paws to the semicircles. You can also glue battery holders to the servomotor now.

Step four. Working with electronics
Perhaps this is the most difficult and crucial moment. The entire system must be connected exactly as indicated in the diagram. Immediately after connecting, the robot will be ready and can be tested.

By changing the angle of the paws, you can achieve various characteristics from a robot. You can do it faster or slower. You can also equip the robot additional elements control, for example, a mustache, by which he will determine the obstacle. The robot can also be equipped with eyes in the form of LEDs, this will create even more realistic likeness of a living being.

You need to run such a robot on a flat surface. To prevent his legs from slipping, cambric can be put on their ends.

Walking robots are a class of robots that mimic the movement of animals or insects. Typically, robots use mechanical legs to move. Movement with the help of legs has millions of years of history. By contrast, the history of locomotion by wheel began between 10,000 and 7,000 years ago. Wheeled travel is quite efficient, but requires relatively flat roads. One need only look at an aerial photograph of a city or its suburbs to notice a network of intertwining roads.

The purpose of creating walking robots

Walking robots can move over rough terrain inaccessible to conventional wheeled vehicles. For a similar purpose, walking robots are usually created.

Imitation of life

Perfect walking robots imitate the movements of insects, crustaceans, and sometimes humans. Bipedal robot designs are rare because they require complex engineering solutions to implement. I plan to review the bipedal robot project in my next book with code name Pic-Robotics. In this chapter, we will build a six-legged walking robot.

Six legs - tripod gait

Using the six-legged model, we can demonstrate the famous "tripod" gait, i.e., the three-legged gait that most creatures use. In the following drawings, a dark circle means that the foot is planted firmly on the ground and is supporting the creature's weight. A light circle means that the leg is up and in motion.

On fig. 11.1 shows our being in the "standing" position. All feet rest on the ground. From the position of "standing" our being decides to go forward. In order to take a step, it raises three of its legs (see light circles in Figure 11.2), resting its weight on the remaining three legs (dark circles). Note that the weight-supporting legs (solid circles) are arranged in a tripod (triangle) shape. Such a position is stable and our being cannot fall. The other three legs (light circles) can and do move forward. On fig. 11.3 shows the moment of movement of the raised legs. At this point, the creature's weight shifts from stationary to moving legs (see Figure 11.4). Note that the weight of the creature is still supported by the triangular arrangement of the supporting legs. Then the other three legs are rearranged in the same way, and the cycle repeats. This mode of transportation is called tripod gait, since the weight of the creature's body at each moment of time is supported by the triangular position of the supporting legs.

Rice. 11.1. Tripod gait. Starting position

Rice. 11.2. Tripod gait, first step forward

Rice. 11.3. Tripod gait, second movement, shifting the center of gravity

Rice. 11.4. Tripod gait, third movement

Building a walking robot

There are many models of small clockwork walking toys. Such toy "pedestrians" move their legs up and down and back and forth using cam mechanisms. Although such designs are quite capable of "walking" and some do so agilely, our goal is to create a walking robot that does not use cam mechanisms to simulate walking.

We will build a robot that mimics a tripod gait. The robot described in this chapter requires three servos to move. There are other six-legged and four-legged models of walking robots that require greater degrees of freedom in their legs. Accordingly, the presence more degrees of freedom requires more control mechanisms for each of the legs. If servomotors are used for this purpose, then two, three or even four motors will be required for each leg.

The need for so many servomotors (drives) is dictated by the fact that at least two degrees of freedom are required. One for lowering and raising the leg, and the other for moving it back and forth.

Walking robot with three servos

The walking robot we're about to make is a compromise in design and design, and only requires three servos. However, even in this case, it provides locomotion with a tripod gait. Our design uses three lightweight HS300 servomotors (torque 1.3 kgf) and a 16F84-04 microcontroller.

Device operation

Before we start constructing the robot, let's look at the finished robot shown in Fig. 11.5 and analyze how the robot moves. The tripod gait used in this design is not the only possible one.

Rice. 11.5. Six-legged walker ready to go

Two servomotors are fixed in front of the robot. Each of the servomotors controls the movement of the front and back legs from the corresponding side of the robot. The front leg is attached directly to the servo rotor and is able to swing back and forth. The back leg is connected to the front leg by means of a traction. The traction allows the back leg to follow the forward and backward motions of the front leg. The two central legs are controlled by a third servomotor. This servo rotates the central legs along the longitudinal axis by 20° to 30° clockwise and counterclockwise, which tilts the robot to the right or left.

Using information about the leg drive mechanism, we will now see how our robot will move. Let's look at fig. 11.6. We'll start from a resting position. Each circle marks the position of the leg. As in the previous case, the dark circles show the position of the supporting legs. Please note that in the resting position, the middle legs are not supporting. These legs are 3 mm shorter than the front and hind legs.

Rice. 11.6. Six-legged movement phases

In position A, the central legs turn clockwise at an angle of approximately 20° from the central position. This causes the robot to tilt to the right. In this position, the weight of the robot is supported by the right front and back legs and the left central leg. This is the standard "tripod" position that was described above. Since the left front and left hind legs are "in the air", they can be moved forward, as shown in figure 11.6, position B.

In position C, the central legs turn counterclockwise at an angle of approximately 20° from the central position. This causes the robot to tilt to the left. In this position, the weight of the robot is distributed between the left front and back legs and the right middle leg. Now the right front and hind legs are unloaded and can be moved forward as shown in pos. D fig. 11.6.

In position E, the central legs return to the middle position. In this position, the robot "stands" straight and rests only on the front and hind legs. In position F, the front and hind legs simultaneously move back, and the robot, respectively, moves forward. Then the cycle of movement is repeated.

This was the first walking method I tried to reproduce and this system works. You can develop, refine, and construct other walking patterns that you can experiment with. I'll leave it up to you to work out how to walk backwards (reversing) and turn right and left. I will continue to improve this robot by adding sensors for the presence of walls and obstacles, as well as ways to move back and turn.

Robot design

For the basis of the “body” of the robot, I took a sheet of aluminum with dimensions of 200x75x0.8 mm. The servomotors are attached to the front of the plate (see Figure 11.7). The layout of the holes for the servomotors must be copied from the drawing and transferred to the aluminum sheet. Such copying will ensure the accuracy of the position of the holes for mounting the servomotors. Four holes with a diameter of 4.3 mm are located slightly behind the center line and are designed to mount the center servo. These four holes are offset to the right. This must be done so that the flange of the central servomotor is exactly in the center of the "body". The two rear holes are designed for movable attachment of the hind legs.

Rice. 11.7. The base of the "body"

A center punch must be used to mark the centers of the holes for drilling. Otherwise, when drilling holes, the drill may “take away”. If you don't have a punch, you can use a sharp nail as a good substitute.

The legs of the robot are made of an aluminum strip 12 mm wide and 3 mm thick (see Fig. 11.8). Four holes are drilled in the front legs. Two holes are drilled in the hind legs: one for the movable mount and the other for the traction mount. Note that the hind legs are 6 mm shorter than the front. This is due to the fact that it is necessary to take into account the height of the servomotor flange, to which the front legs are attached, above general level plates. Shortening the hind legs evens out the position of the platform.

Rice. 11.8. Front and rear leg design

After drilling required holes it is necessary to bend the aluminum strip along desired form. Clamp the strip in a vise from the side of the drilled holes at a distance of 70 mm. Press the plate and bend it at an angle of 90°. It is best to press the plate directly next to the vise jaws. This will flex the plate at a 90° angle without the risk of arching the “lower” part of the leg.

The central legs are made from a single piece of aluminum (see fig. 11.9). When attached to the robot, the central legs are 3 mm shorter than the front and rear legs. Thus, in the middle position, they do not touch the ground. These legs are for tilting the robot to the right and left. When the central servo is rotated, the legs tilt the robot at an angle of approximately ±20°.

Rice. 11.9. Medium legs

When manufacturing the central legs in an aluminum strip measuring 3x12x235 mm, first three central holes are drilled for the servomotor flange. Then the aluminum strip is fixed in a vise, and the jaws of the vise along the upper edge should fix the strip at a distance of 20 mm from the center of the strip. Clamp the strip with pliers at a distance of about 12 mm from the top edge of the vise. Keeping the clamp of the pliers, carefully twist the aluminum strip at a 90° angle. Perform the operation slowly enough, otherwise you can easily break the plate. Twist the plate on the other side in the same way.

Once the 90° twist is complete, bend the plate further 90° in two places, as we did for the front and hind legs.

Installation of servomotors

The front servos are attached to the aluminum base with 3mm plastic screws and nuts. I chose plastic screws because they can be slightly bent to compensate for small mismatches in the positions of the holes drilled in the plate and the servo mounting holes.

The legs are attached to the plastic flange of the servomotor. For this I used 2mm screws and nuts. When attaching the flange to the servo shaft, make sure that each leg can swing back and forth the same angle from the mid-perpendicular position.

Traction design

The link between the front and hind legs is made of a 3 mm threaded rod (see Fig. 11.10). In the original design, the length of the rod is 132 mm from center to center. The link is inserted into the holes on the front and back legs of the robot and can be secured with a few nuts.

Rice. 11.10. Detailed drawing of hinge and linkage

The rear legs of the robot must be attached to the base before the arm can be installed. The rear leg attachment is made of a 9.5 mm threaded rivet and a mounting screw. Detailed fastening of the leg is shown in fig. 11.10. Place plastic washers under the base to fill the space between the bottom of the base and the screw head. This design provides fastening of the leg to the base without its "hanging out". Plastic washers can be used to reduce friction. Do not use too many washers - this will lead to excessive pressure on the foot surface of the base. The leg should rotate freely enough at the joint. On fig. 11.11 and 11.12 are photographs of a partially assembled six-legged robot.

Rice. 11.11. Hexagon - bottom view. Front two servomotors

Rice. 11.12. Partially assembled hexapod with two front servos

Central servomotor

Two L-brackets are required to mount the center servomotor (see Figure 11.13). Drill appropriate holes in the aluminum strips and bend them at a 90° angle to form staples. Attach the two L-brackets to the center servo with plastic screws and nuts (see Figure 11.14). Then attach the center servo assembly to the bottom of the base. Align the four holes on the base with the holes on the top of the L-brackets. Fasten the parts with plastic screws and nuts. On fig. 11.15 and 11.16 are photographs of the top and bottom views for a six-legged robot.

Rice. 11.13. Bracket of the central servomotor

Rice. 11.14. Central motor assembly with mounting brackets and middle legs

Rice. 11.15. Hexagon - bottom view with three servos

Rice. 11.16. Hexagon assembled. Structure ready for electronic control mounting

Electrical part

On fig. 11.17 shows a diagram for controlling servomotors using a PIC microcontroller. The servomotors and the microcontroller are powered by a 6 V battery. The 6 V battery compartment contains 4 AA cells. The microcontroller circuit is assembled on a small breadboard. The battery compartment and circuitry are attached to the top of the aluminum base. Figure 11.5 shows finished construction robot ready to move.

Rice. 11.17. circuit diagram six-legged robot control

Program for the microcontroller

The 16F84 microcontroller controls the operation of three servomotors. Availability a large number unused I / O buses and space for the program provides an opportunity to improve and modify the basic model of the robot.

PICBASIC program

‘Six-legged walking robot


'Left Servo Pin RB1

'Right Servo Pin RB2

‘Tilt Servo Pin RB0

'Move only forward

for B0 = 1 to 60

pulsout 0, 155 ‘Tilt clockwise, right side up

pulsout 1, 145 ‘Left feet in place

pulsout 2, 145 ‘Right feet move forward

for B0 = 1 to 60

pulsout 0, 190 ‘Tilt counterclockwise, left side up

pulsout 1, 200 ‘Left feet move forward

pulsout 2, 145 ‘Right legs stay forward

for B0 = 1 to 15

pulsout 1, 200 ‘Left feet keep forward

pulsout 2,145 ‘Right legs keep forward

for B0 = 1 to 60

pulsout 0, 172 ‘Middle position, no slope

pulsout 1, 145 ‘Move left legs back

pulsout 2, 200 ‘Move right legs back

Not all servos react the same way to the pulsout command. It is possible that to create a robot you will purchase servos, the characteristics of which will be slightly different from those that were used by me. In this case, note that the parameters of the pulsout command, which determines the position of the servo rotor, must be adjusted. In this case, you need to select the numerical values ​​of the pulsout parameters that would correspond to the type of servomotor that is used in your six-legged robot design.

This program on PICBASIC allows the robot to move only in forward direction, however, by changing the program a little, the designer can make the robot move back and make turns to the right and to the left. Installing multiple sensors can inform the robot about the presence of obstacles.

List of walking robot design parts

Servo motors

Microcontrollers 16F84

aluminum strips

aluminum sheet

Bars and nuts with 3 mm thread

Plastic screws, nuts and washers

Parts can be ordered from:
