How to put diction. For the correct pronunciation of "g", "k" and "x"

Good diction, clear pronunciation of sounds and pleasant are the key to success in many areas. modern life. Unique speech data is very rarely given to a person by nature. However, this art can be learned at any age if you regularly perform exercises to improve diction. When you eliminate speech defects, you will stop worrying about and will communicate more freely in informal settings. Perhaps your career will go up after that. Remember that in any place and in any profession, people are singled out who can express their thoughts in a beautiful and concise form. In this article, we present simple but effective exercises to help improve speech diction.

Articulation gymnastics

We often hear about the benefits exercise for human health. However, few people think that the articulatory apparatus also needs constant training. By doing an exercise to improve diction, just 10-15 minutes a day, you can achieve very good results. Start your day with this gymnastics - and very soon you will notice how the muscular system of the tongue, lips and cheeks has become stronger. The articulatory apparatus will become more mobile, and speech will become clearer.

  • "Fence" - close your teeth and smile broadly. Hold this position for ten seconds and return to the starting position. Make sure that the upper and lower row of teeth are clearly visible. Repeat the exercise several times.
  • "Tubule" - without opening your teeth, pull your lips forward. At the same time, you can pull the sound “oooo” for ten seconds. Repeat the exercise.
  • "Needle" - open your mouth and stretch your sharp tongue as far as possible. Hold this position for five seconds and relax your muscles. Repeat several times.
  • “Damn” - show your reflection your tongue by putting it on your lower lip and making it as wide as possible. Repeat.
  • "Licking lips" - relax the lower jaw and try to keep it in one position. Lick your upper lip, stretching out your tongue as much as possible. Repeat the same action with the lower lip.
  • "Swing" - touch the upper and lower lips alternately with your tongue. Do the exercise in slow pace and try not to move your chin.
  • "Hamster" - close your lips and press from the inside with your tongue on your cheek for five seconds. Repeat the manipulation with the other cheek.

Proper breathing

Few people pay attention to their posture, the frequency of inhalations and exhalations while communicating with other people. It's a pity! These factors play an important role in setting beautiful voice and clear pronunciation of words. Do the following exercise daily to improve your diction.

Inhalation and exhalation exercises

  • Starting position: stand up straight, put your hands on your belt, and your feet shoulder-width apart. Open your lips a little and exhale slowly, as if overcoming resistance. When you start to succeed, complicate the task. For example, while exhaling, read any quatrain. Then try this exercise in combination with walking or squats.
  • Return to the starting position, take a calm breath, slowly leaning forward. At the same time, pay attention to the back, which should be straight. As you exhale, begin to rise and pull the sound “mmm”.

10 exercises to improve diction and voice timbre

  1. Lower your chin to your chest and begin to move left and right. The exercise is performed slowly and without sudden movements.
  2. Starting position: the back is straight, the head is also lowered down. Slowly push your jaw forward and take it as far back as possible.
  3. Fold your arms over your chest and slowly lean forward while making the sound "oooo" in a low voice.
  4. Stretch your lips into a wide smile and open your teeth. Start moving your tongue from right to left, relaxing your facial muscles.
  5. Pull out your tongue and swipe it across outside upper and lower teeth. Repeat several times.
  6. Pull your tongue forward so that it resembles a bowl. Repeat.
  7. Do not forget about the role of good posture in the production of speech. Always be aware of the position of your back. So that you understand how difficult it is, put some books on your head and walk around the room with them. Try, while in this position, to read a text or a poem.
  8. Read texts with a pen or pencil between your teeth. Try to pronounce words and individual sounds as clearly as possible. Repeat this exercise every day for 15 minutes.
  9. Read at a fast and slow pace, in a loud and quiet voice.
  10. Complicate the previous exercise. Read poetry when or while walking. Make sure that your breath does not go astray and intonation pauses are maintained.

Clean tongues

You can work out the pronunciation of individual sounds using special rhyming phrases or tongue twisters. The same consonant occurs several times in them, and you can easily learn the sounds. Do these diction exercises daily.

Useful tips on how to improve diction and clarity of speech are given below. Start by pronouncing the tongue twisters at a slow pace. Say each sound, pay attention to difficult combinations and check the clarity of your pronunciation. To avoid mistakes, listen to the audio recordings of the announcers. At the end of each workout, record yourself on a voice recorder, mark mistakes and achievements.

Tongue Twisters

An exercise familiar to everyone since childhood to improve diction is a very effective tool to achieve this goal. By pronouncing difficult sounds and their combinations, you learn a clear and clear pronunciation. Read the tongue twister very slowly, try to figuratively imagine the picture that the rhyme tells about. After that, try to increase the pace a little. Be sure to speak out loud, but if you start to stumble, then immediately return to slow pronunciation. After a while, you will notice how naughty sounds begin to be pronounced easily and naturally.


You are making a big mistake if you think that people perceive only the information that is embedded in your speech. In fact, the listener's attention is captured by the intonation with which the speaker speaks. Learn to pronounce phrases expressively by raising and lowering your voice. Only when you make accents and pause, the interlocutor will fully appreciate your statements.

  • Start with the most simple exercises and gradually increase the difficulty.
  • Use every minute of free time for training. Only in this case you will be able to quickly achieve your goals.
  • Exercise regularly without long breaks.
  • Record short speeches with a voice recorder or camera. Watch videos, note positive changes and take into account the points that you have to work on in the future.
  • Read literature on how to improve diction. Exercises should be varied, otherwise you will quickly lose interest and abandon classes.
  • Do not neglect the help of specialists and teachers who can offer you a useful exercise to improve your diction and eliminate common beginner mistakes.
  • If you have the opportunity to enroll in acting classes, then do it immediately. Classes will help you liberate speech, movements and gestures. You will also learn expressive recitation and stop being afraid of public speaking.

Beautiful clear speech not only pleasing to the ear, but therefore arouses the disposition of a person who knows how to speak well. In some cases, doing without this skill is completely impossible. For example, it is difficult to imagine a central television announcer who is unable to clearly pronounce sounds.

Good articulation will be useful to anyone who is forced to speak a lot to a wide audience: a lecturer, teacher, politician, YouTuber. By regularly performing exercises for diction, you can achieve noticeable success in the first weeks of classes.

Diction is not directly related to the voice, its innate characteristics. Diction is something that can and should be “set” through regular training and special exercises. Under the "correct diction" is understood the distinct and sonorous pronunciation of all phonemes in accordance with the accepted norms of the language. To a large extent, it depends on the correct setting of the position of the organs of articulation (lips, tongue), on the ability to breathe correctly. Expressiveness, a rich emotional coloring of speech exerts its influence.

Attention! To achieve a lasting effect, diction training must become a habit, because without regular repetition of exercises, the skill is quickly lost.

Slurred pronunciation, swallowed sounds - they say about such a person "he has porridge in his mouth." It is difficult to understand the meaning of the spoken words, the necessary expressiveness and stimulating intensity are lost. In professions that require frequent speaking in public, this is simply unacceptable.

If the voice is not a working instrument, skill possession beautiful speech no less useful. Knowing how to express your thoughts clearly, intelligibly and in an accessible way, it is much easier to win over a business partner, employer, win a competition or get a coveted place in a casting.

Types of exercises for the development of diction and clarity of speech

Where should you start, how to improve diction and clarity of speech? There are several different methods that allow you to achieve amazing success with careful and regular exercise. Among them:

  1. - probably the most famous, common way to deal with speech defects, which consists in the rapid repetition of phrases and rhymes, composed in such a way as to train the clarity of articulation of difficult sounds and sound combinations.
  2. Clean tongues - have a similar function with tongue twisters, their pronunciation also contributes to the development and consolidation of the skill of pronunciation of complex phonemes, but they differ in form, representing a set of rhyming lines.
  3. - kit speech therapy exercises to develop the mobility of the lips, tongue, in order to "teach" them to take the correct position, for a clear pronunciation of syllables.
  4. Respiratory gymnastics - the endurance of the lungs and vocal cords, the uniformity of breathing have a great influence on speech in general, therefore, when mastering the skills of correct speaking, one should not neglect the training of these instruments.

Important! Performing exercises for diction and voice training, it is useful to record the process of classes on a voice recorder. This measure is needed in order to control the correct execution, fix errors, problem areas which are still to be worked on.

Features of exercises and how to perform them correctly

It should be remembered that the beginning of work on pronunciation and in adulthood is associated with a number of difficulties. It is quite difficult to get rid of habits that have developed over the years, to change the entire system of speech to the ground.

Experts recommend starting with the development of articulation, muscle endurance training, accustoming the speech organs to setting in the correct position, improving the timbre and tone of the voice. For this, the following exercises are perfect, which can be performed anytime and anywhere, the more often the better:

  • as a warm-up, warming up, it is recommended to make a long drawn-out moo;
  • elements of respiratory and articulatory gymnastics contain an exercise during which you should make a variety of sounds by hitting your chest with your palms;
  • clearly, with expression, making pauses, read the poetic lines, changing the tone of the voice - raising and lowering it alternately;
  • read the texts of poems and prose at the same time as jumping rope, while running, trying to keep breathing as even as possible;
  • pronounce words and whole sentences, stretching the facial muscles in a smile, maintain clarity of pronunciation;
  • read aloud, after holding a small oblong object between the teeth, for example, a fountain pen, during the exercise, strive for a clear pronunciation of syllables and sounds;
  • well helps the development of articulation, muscle training, the use of small rounded objects (for example, walnuts), nested on one or both cheeks while reading poetry and literary texts.

Much attention should be paid to the daily gymnastics of the organs of speech, since it is impossible to put speech and diction on your own without this:

  1. opening your mouth as wide as possible, move the lower jaw forward, backward and to the sides;
  2. with an open mouth, stick out the tongue to the maximum length, folding it with a “sting”;
  3. slightly spreading the jaws, smile broadly, run the tongue along the upper and lower rows of teeth, touching each tooth with the tip in succession;
  4. touch the inside of both cheeks with a tense tip of the tongue, first with an open, then with a closed mouth;
  5. stick out the most relaxed tongue from the parted mouth with a “shovel”;
  6. fold your arms on your chest, lean forward, in an inclined, slightly bent position, pronounce vowel sounds in the lowest possible tone: “o”, “s”, “y”. When you finish pulling one sound, straighten up and bend down again for the next run.

Important! The duration of one exercise is at least 10 seconds. During one lesson, 4-5 approaches are performed.

Formation correct pronunciation is inseparably connected with breathing, since speech itself is impossible without it. The air jet, touching the tense ligaments, makes a sound, the shape of which a person gives already by other organs. speech apparatus. Therefore, the answer to the question of how to improve diction, among other things, includes training the lungs, developing the diaphragm.

The ability to breathe is an integral part of life, but not everyone knows how to do it right. The following set of exercises will help strengthen the voice, give it a more pleasant, melodic timbre:

  • take a comfortable body position - lying, standing or sitting, press left palm to the stomach, right - to the lower part of the sternum from the side, draw in the air with the nose, controlling the expansion of the diaphragm with the hands, slowly exhale to the end;
  • inhale slowly through your nose, hold the air for a couple of seconds, exhale through your mouth;
  • inhale briefly, while exhaling, stretching as much as possible, pronounce any lasting vowel sound;
  • count on exhalation from 1, trying to pronounce the maximum number of digits without haste;
  • exhaling, pronounce combinations of vowel sounds, for example: “oooooooouuuu”, “aaaayyyy”.

Since it is impossible to develop diction in one day, when starting training, you should be patient. At the very beginning, it will be useful to draw up a lesson plan, to outline the range of problems that will have to be eliminated in order to obtain the desired effect. As the speech improves, correct and supplement the original sketch with new details.

Do not neglect any opportunity for exercise, because it is in their regularity that the key to success lies.

Reciting poetry, pronouncing tongue twisters and tongue twisters will help you quickly “warm up” before a performance, when there is a long and important conversation ahead. They must be learned and spoken out loud at least several times a day.

Acting or rhetoric courses will provide invaluable assistance in correct pronunciation.

Classes in stage speech, supported by diction exercises, among other things, will add sonority and charm to the voice, make it more expressive.

Clear diction has great importance not only for singers, television presenters and public speakers - in Everyday life she also takes special place. If you have problems with diction, then later some difficulties in communicating with people are not excluded, however, it is in your power to correct the situation by starting classes with a teacher or starting self-study.

What is diction and why should it be developed

Diction is called a clear pronunciation of words and all letters. It is definitely worth working on, as this has a positive effect on how people around us perceive us. It is worth noting that this is an extremely rare quality - diction, clear by nature. However, this does not mean that we cannot improve own pronunciation This is possible both in childhood and in adults. Of course, the second option involves a more painstaking approach. An adult person gets used to speaking in a certain way over the years, so changing this is not too easy. But later the results will certainly justify themselves.

Exercises for the development of diction

As a rule, in order to develop diction, certain exercises are used: tongue twisters, breathing exercises, and so on. Exercise with cork, nuts, or candy in your mouth This exercise is very useful before pronunciation of tongue twisters. So, knead the tongue and lips! To do this, you should clamp a candy, nut, cork or pencil with your front teeth. Note that your tongue should not be in contact with the selected object. Bare your teeth with your mouth slightly open. Now, clamping your teeth, for example, a nut, start pronouncing consonant sounds, then add vowels to them, thus forming syllables. After that, you can begin to pronounce words and complete phrases. repeating tongue twisters Without tongue twisters it is quite difficult to develop a beautiful speech. Try to adopt several tongue twisters at once, subsequently paying attention to which ones are harder for you. Concentrate on the "problem" sounds by spending more time on them. Do not forget about the regularity of classes, so that the speech apparatus has the opportunity to get used to the correct pronunciation. We present to your attention some very useful tongue twisters: “Thunderstorm is formidable, thunderstorm is formidable”, “Grandfather has become old”, “Mow, braid, while dew, dew down - and we are home”, “At the village the fox sat down, at the edge of the forest”, “Klim pounded a wedge in one pancake”.

Making a beautiful speech yourself

Of course, if you want your speech to be beautiful and literate, it is important to read as much as possible, thereby replenishing your lexicon. It is better to give preference to the classics and scientific literature. Reading. Read aloud, but make sure that your voice does not sound monotonous. Imagine that you are reading to someone and you want the person to listen with interest. Of course, in this case it is important to change intonation, reading speed, and also volume. Please note that sometimes pauses may be necessary - for example, before starting a dialogue or when highlighting particularly important points. It is also important that the pauses are in place, and it is recommended not to delay them. Voice. You probably noticed by yourself that confident and calm speech is perceived better. Learn to control your emotions so that your voice sounds clear, confident, and persuasive. Retelling. It is important to “fix” what you have read or watched. For example, after reading some work or feature film, retell it. Of course, it is desirable to do this using a voice recorder. Subsequently, you can listen to the recording and identify all your shortcomings. Also periodically retell the learned material to friends or relatives, watching how the story is perceived - is the person clearly bored, trying to change the subject, or listening with genuine interest? Enrich your vocabulary. Try to add new words to your speech regularly. If you come across some unknown word, be sure to memorize it, look at the meaning. Many people prefer to insert "smart" words into a conversation without fully understanding what they mean - do not make such an oversight. Be interested in new information. Sometimes facts from history and modern culture sound quite appropriate and organic in a conversation, and it would be great if you had an idea of ​​at least some of them. To do this, you should periodically look at the news and be interested in well-known and simply entertaining historical facts. Accents. Some people have an annoying problem - they write competently, but cannot boast of perfect speech, and all this is due to incorrect placement of stresses. If you're not sure how to pronounce a word, then don't use it until you can look in the dictionary and find out the information you need. expressiveness. Make sure that what you say sounds expressive - it is unacceptable to mutter under your breath or give everything out in one breath. To ensure that your speech sounds with the right intonation, periodically read with expression. Flexibility. Learn to "feel" your interlocutor. For example, you see that a person is upset and listens to your stories without interest - he probably wants to talk himself out, he is worried about something. Choose the right words to help him open up. Conciseness. Conciseness is exactly what many people lack when voicing any information. Most often, this annoys the interlocutors, especially when telephone conversation or at the moment when a person is busy with some business. If you want to convey something really important to someone, you should learn to speak to the point, without making long introductions and without deviating from the topic.

What is articulation

Clear articulation of the speaker enables listeners to understand him correctly. If articulation is impaired, and this may be caused by physiological characteristics, then in some cases this may interfere with full communication. However, exercising the muscles of the lips and tongue can improve the position.

Organs of articulation

The organs of articulation can be conditionally divided into movable and immovable. The former include the uvula, lips, and tongue, while the latter include the teeth, as well as the hard and soft palate. The tongue is considered the most active of these organs - it can occupy various positions in the mouth, approaching organs that are less mobile. As a result, certain speech sounds are formed.

Articulation exercises

    1) First you need to develop the tip of the tongue. Imagine your tongue as a hammer with which you hit your teeth. In this case, you need to repeat: "yes-yes-yes-yes." Then proceed to the letters "D" and "T" in the same way. 2) Let's free the larynx and tongue. You need to quickly inhale through your nose, and then quickly exhale through your mouth. Exhalation sound: "Fu". Wanting to strengthen the muscles of the larynx, instead of "Fu", say "G" or "K". 3) Before each phrase, it is important to be able to breathe in time. Let's develop this skill. Start reading aloud a story, taking a breath before each sentence. If you regularly perform this exercise, then the desired skill will become a habit. Please note that inhalation, however, as well as exhalation, should be silent, almost imperceptible to others. 4) Activate the labial muscles. Puff out your cheeks, then, through a compressed mouth, release the air with cotton. At the same time, say "P" and "B" (quickly, one after the other). 5) Do not forget to separate the air correctly if you want your articulation to be developed. When a person speaks loudly, they usually need more breathing. In turn, a quiet pronunciation makes more control over the exhalation. Alternately pronounce the phrases either in a quiet or in a loud voice.6) Try to learn how to pronounce vowels in one stream, alternating them with a clear pronunciation of consonants. Take a book and read a sentence. Now repeat it, ignoring the consonants. vowels at the same time, as it were, pull a little. After that, insert clear consonants into a smooth stream of vowels. 7) This technique also works to improve diction. Pronounce any words, highlighting their endings - they should sound clear and sharp. With this exercise, your speech will gain more expressiveness. 8) Take on board a few tongue twisters that will not be similar to each other. This will help you develop articulation. Start pronouncing tongue twisters slowly, but gradually the pace should increase. It is important that your phrases sound not only intelligible, but also expressive. 9) It is in your power to improve the way the sounds you pronounce sound. Include sounds that are "problematic" in your case. Now say out loud words that include these sounds. A dictionary can be used for this purpose. The more often you work on this sound, the faster you will learn to pronounce it without any difficulty.

Voice, diction and speech are important ingredients for any successful public speaking. Many people have slurred speech, a low voice and lame diction. The reasons for this are countless. Below we will consider the most basic causes of such “diseases”, as well as consider ways that will help you develop your voice, develop diction and speech on your own. If you are interested in this topic, please read this article carefully and complete all the exercises outlined in it.

I know only a few reasons for a quiet voice, poor diction and slurred speech - these are self-doubt, low self-esteem and complexes. There are also genetic reasons, but we will not touch on them. Why do I think that the main reasons for all this are self-doubt, shyness and complexes? Do you think confident people with high self-esteem have a quiet voice? Do they speak softly? Do they have slurred speech? In most cases, such people do not have speech problems. Look at politicians, actors, singers. All of them are self-confident people, constantly speaking to the public. Therefore, their speech is developed, and the voice is loud and there are no problems with diction.

Now let's take a shy person. During communication, this shy person experiences self-doubt, he believes that something is wrong with him (complexes), he embraces a feeling of fear and, as a result, his voice is quiet, his speech is unintelligible, and it is simply impossible to listen to him. Therefore, if you want to develop your voice, if you want to develop diction, if you want to develop speech, you need to do a lot of work on yourself. Without effort, the voice will not become loud. Now we will move on to exercises that will help you achieve what you want. Let's start in order.

So, as we have already found out, voice development is an important task for people whose profession is related to public speaking. Voice staging is important not only for public people. A developed and loud voice will facilitate your communication in everyday life, and you will not be asked forever: “Ahh?”, “What?”, “What?” and other annoying questions. By performing a series of exercises for the development of the voice, you will eliminate many defects and shortcomings. So let's get started.

1) In order for the voice to be sonorous, it is very important to breathe correctly. If you have just begun to develop your voice, then breathing exercises are the first thing you should do. Stand up, straighten your spine, put your feet shoulder-width apart, put one hand on your chest, the other on your stomach. When inhaling through the nose, push the tummy forward (expanding the lower chest area). Exhale freely and naturally through your mouth, returning your stomach and chest to their original position. This is how you design the diaphragm.

2) The second breathing exercise is connected with air retention. Breathe in quickly through your nose and then hold your breath for three seconds. Then exhale the air through your mouth. Do this exercise for 5-10 minutes.

3) Inhale as much air as possible through your mouth, then slowly begin to exhale it, pronouncing the vowels (a, o, u, i, e, s). Try to make the sound of the vowel sound as loud as possible and for as long as possible. You can also smoothly jump from one vowel to another while exhaling - aaaaoooooouyyyy.

4) With your mouth closed while exhaling, begin to "mumble" - saying mmm. Try to mumble so that there is a tickle in the lips. In addition, be sure to change the volume of the sound - from quiet to loud and vice versa. This exercise will help develop the articulatory apparatus, which will give strength to the voice.

5) Now start growling, saying rrrr. This exercise also develops the articulatory apparatus. Change the volume of the sound, as well as the intonation from subtle to rough.

How to develop diction?

Diction is the quality of pronunciation of words (distinctness), the manner of pronouncing words. Diction is very important for actors, singers, politicians, teachers.

For the development of diction, tongue twisters are suitable. You can easily find them on the Internet. Here is an example video for you!

In order to start developing diction, you first need to stretch your tongue, lips, facial muscles and articulatory apparatus.

1) Let's start with the language. Stick your tongue forward as far as you can, then stick it back (just don't swallow it). Start forcing your tongue forward and then back. The duration of the exercise is 5-7 minutes.

2) Pricking the cheeks with the tongue. Start pricking your cheeks alternately with your tongue. Prick the left cheek first, then the right. Take 7-12 minutes to complete. This is a great language exercise.

3) A good tongue exercise is "Brushing your teeth". You begin to rotate the tongue in a circle. The mouth must be closed. Do 20-30 rotations hourly and counterclockwise.

4) Then, stick out your tongue and start twisting it in a circle. Do 10-15 circles clockwise, then counterclockwise. After that, dry yourself (wipe drool from your lips).

5) Almost the same with lips. The exercise is called "Tube - smile." First you pull your lips forward, after 3 seconds you start smiling as wide as possible. First lips forward, then back. Do this exercise for at least 7 minutes.

6) Next, stretch your lips into a tube and start lifting your heels first up, then down. Then start doing the same, only to the left, to the right. Then begin to twist the piglet in a circle, hourly and counterclockwise.

7) The next exercise is "Bubble". You puff up your cheeks and start spinning this bubble in a circle.

8) Start biting your upper lip with your teeth. Do it carefully, do not bite yourself. Then start biting your bottom lip. After that, start wiping your upper teeth with your upper lip. Try to wipe so that the lower lip does not move. It's difficult, but possible. Do this exercise in front of a mirror to control yourself. Then start wiping the lower teeth with the lower lip, the upper lip should also not move.

9) After completing this warm-up, stand near the window and say the following phrase: “Outside good weather, and I have a beautiful, clear, intelligible speech. Say this phrase loudly, clearly and distinctly. You must be heard on the street.

10) To warm up the facial muscles, start kneading your face in any way. Make faces, bulge your eyes. It doesn't look pretty from the outside, but it's funny and very effective.

11) In order for the pronunciation of words to be distinct, it is necessary to pronounce the endings. Many people swallow endings, especially "t". Start pronouncing the next row:




BI - PI - BE - PE - BA - PA - BO - PO - BU - PU - BY - PY

PI - BI - PE - BE - PA - BA - PO - BO - PU - BU - PY - BY




This row develops your diction. Don't forget about tongue twisters.

How to develop speech?

To develop speech, you will need discipline, conscious control and constancy. good speech nowadays it is becoming less and less common. You can listen to one person for hours, and you want to run away from another. Your professional and personal life. Half of the success depends on the ability to communicate, and in order to be able to communicate, you need not only erudition, but also developed speech.

1) For the development of speech, the first thing I advise you is to read newspapers, magazines, books. And you need to read aloud. While reading, try to force intonations, avoid monotony. Also, change the speed and volume of reading. Speak all endings, observe punctuation marks. Reading aloud is the main exercise for the development of speech.

3) Thirdly, as with reading aloud, watch the pace of speech. Enrich it with intonations. Highlight with pauses important points conversation. The pause should be appropriate and not prolonged.

4) Fourth, expand your vocabulary. You can do this while watching movies, trainings, reading books. If you have heard the president or another politician speak on TV, why not try saying the same thing at home. Imagine that you are speaking to the public in the role of president. Tell your imaginary people about the political and economic situation in our country. This is a very exciting activity for the development of speech and replenishment of vocabulary.

I train my voice, diction and speech according to the above method, your speech will be transformed beyond recognition in three months. Therefore, do not be surprised if acquaintances begin to tell you that something has changed in you. And the voice, diction and speech have changed. Practice every day and then your efforts will be rewarded.

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Some people think that they have no problems with diction, and this is true. However, when they come, for example, to get a job on television or as a radio presenter, they can immediately be answered that for this it is necessary to improve diction. What methods can easily and quickly improve the level of diction? There are several ways to help solve this problem in a short time.

You will need:

First Steps to Persuasive Speaking

To speak confidently, beautifully and harmoniously, you need to perform a number of certain exercises. The first step is to learn how to pronounce explosive sounds well and clearly. Of course, if deaf consonants are inaudible, then the level of diction will drop significantly. Due to the fact that the voiceless sounds themselves, in their structure, are quite quiet and incomprehensible, they must be pronounced much better than other vowels.

For example: p, t, k.

Speak deaf sounds without a voice, but with great activity, as if exploding these sounds. After the exercise, say the same sounds, but with a voice. This can be done by using consonants that follow the deaf ones.

For example, by, then, to, etc.

After the exercises done, connect voiced vowels and hissing.

A book and reading aloud is a great helper in improving diction

The second and very strong mistake of many is the incorrect pronunciation of the letter "G".

Cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood

Lisping speech is an unforgivable mistake. Of course, if a person has an improperly developed bite or has a piercing in the tongue, then this is forgivable. However, it often happens that neither one nor the other is observed, respectively, the weak language is the culprit.

To solve this problem it is necessary to do exercises not only for hissing sounds. For example, you need to learn how to pronounce the sound “C” accurately and clearly.

It is also necessary to learn how to relax the muscles of the mouth and strain the tongue. You can do it like this:

  1. smile so that you can see your teeth;
  2. pull out the tongue a little;
  3. blow some air with your mouth onto the tip of your tongue to hear a small whistle (such a whistle is similar to the pronunciation of the letter "C").

Need to see your mistakes directly

good exercise is reading and talking in front of a mirror.

This is necessary so that you yourself see your mistakes and see for yourself how your mouth muscles work. If you pronounce sounds and words, phrases in front of a mirror with diligent force, that is, make movements more plastic and strong, open your mouth more, etc., then over time you will hear that the level of your diction has increased significantly. And after such exercises, it will be much easier for you to pronounce certain sounds.

Use third party items

Do exercises with foreign objects.

  • For example, you can put small nuts in your mouth and speak tongue twisters with nuts in your mouth, while pronouncing each sound well.
  • You can also use, for example, a pen. Hold the pen with your lips or teeth, and then also start reading tongue twisters by yourself.

It is worth considering that the first time is unlikely to succeed, but you do not need to give up ahead of time. With long training, everything will work out. In addition, the first time should not be in a hurry.

It is better to pronounce each word at a slow pace, but clearly and clearly.
