Rites and rituals of Buddhism are unusual traditions of the East. What are the religious traditions and holidays of Buddhism

Buddhism, along with Islam and Christianity, is considered a world religion. This means that she is not defined by the ethnicity of her followers. Anyone can profess it, regardless of race, nationality and place of residence. In the article we will briefly consider the main ideas of Buddhism.

Summary of the Ideas and Philosophy of Buddhism

Briefly about the history of the emergence of Buddhism

Buddhism is one of the most ancient religions in the world. Its origin took place as a counterweight to the prevailing Brahmanism back in the middle of the first millennium BC in the northern part. In the philosophy of ancient India, Buddhism occupied and occupies a key place, closely intertwined with it.

If we consider the emergence of Buddhism briefly, then, according to a separate category of scientists, certain changes in the life of the Indian people contributed to this phenomenon. Approximately in the middle of the VI century BC. Indian society was overtaken by a cultural and economic crisis.

Those tribal and traditional ties that existed before that time began to gradually undergo changes. It is very important that it was during that period that the formation of class relations took place. There were many ascetics roaming the expanses of India, who formed their own vision of the world, which they shared with other people. So, in opposition to the foundations of that time, Buddhism appeared, which earned recognition among the people.

A large number of scholars believe that the founder of Buddhism was a real person named Siddhartha Gautama , known as Buddha Shakyamuni . He was born in 560 BC. in a wealthy family of the king of the Shakya tribe. From childhood, he knew neither disappointment nor need, he was surrounded by boundless luxury. And so Siddhartha lived his youth, being ignorant of the existence of disease, old age and death.

The real shock for him was that he once encountered an old man, a sick man and a funeral procession while walking outside the palace. This influenced him so much that at the age of 29 he joins a group of wandering hermits. So he begins the search for the truth of being. Gautama tries to understand the nature of human troubles and tries to find ways to eliminate them. Realizing that an endless series of reincarnations is inevitable if one does not get rid of suffering, he tried to find answers to his questions from the sages.

After spending 6 years wandering, he tested different techniques, practiced yoga, but came to the conclusion that such methods of enlightenment cannot be achieved. He considered reflection and prayer as effective methods. It was while he was spending time meditating under the Bodhi tree that he experienced enlightenment through which he found the answer to his question.

After his discovery, he spent a few more days at the site of a sudden insight, and then went to the valley. And they began to call him Buddha ("enlightened"). There he began to preach the doctrine to people. The very first sermon took place in Benares.

Basic concepts and ideas of Buddhism

One of the main goals of Buddhism is the path to nirvana. Nirvana is a state of awareness of one's soul, achieved through self-denial, rejection of the comfortable conditions of the external environment. The Buddha, after spending a long time in meditation and deep reflection, mastered the method of controlling his own consciousness. In the process, he came to the conclusion that people are very attached to worldly goods, overly worried about the opinions of other people. Because of this, the human soul not only does not develop, but also degrades. Having reached nirvana, you can lose this addiction.

The essential four truths underlying Buddhism are:

  1. There is the concept of dukkha (suffering, anger, fear, self-flagellation and other negatively colored experiences). Everyone is affected by dukkha to a greater or lesser extent.
  2. Dukkha always has a cause that contributes to the appearance of addiction - greed, vanity, lust, etc.
  3. Addiction and suffering can be overcome.
  4. It is possible to be completely free from dukkha through the path leading to nirvana.

The Buddha was of the opinion that it is necessary to adhere to the "middle way", that is, each person must find the "golden" mean between the well-to-do, satiated with luxury, and the ascetic, devoid of all the benefits of humanity, way of life.

There are three main treasures in Buddhism:

  1. Buddha - he can be both the creator of the teaching himself, and his follower who has achieved enlightenment.
  2. Dharma is the teaching itself, its foundations and principles, and what it can give to its followers.
  3. Sangha is a community of Buddhists who adhere to the laws of this religious teaching.

In order to achieve all three jewels, Buddhists resort to fighting three poisons:

  • removal from the truth of being and ignorance;
  • desires and passions that contribute to the emergence of suffering;
  • intemperance, anger, inability to accept anything here and now.

According to the ideas of Buddhism, every person experiences both bodily and mental suffering. Sickness, death and even birth are suffering. But such a state is unnatural, so you need to get rid of it.

Briefly about the philosophy of Buddhism

This doctrine cannot be called only a religion, in the center of which is God, who created the world. Buddhism is a philosophy, the principles of which we will briefly discuss below. The teaching involves assistance in directing a person to the path of self-development and self-awareness.

In Buddhism, there is no idea that there is an eternal soul that atones for sins. However, everything that a person does and how, finds its imprint - it will definitely return to him. This is not divine punishment. These are the consequences of all actions and thoughts that leave traces on one's own karma.

In Buddhism, there are basic truths revealed by the Buddha:

  1. Human life is suffering. All things are impermanent and transitory. When it arises, everything must be destroyed. Existence itself is symbolized in Buddhism as a flame that devours itself, and fire can only bring suffering.
  2. Suffering comes from desire. Man is so attached to the material aspects of existence that he craves life passionately. The more this desire is, the more he will suffer.
  3. Getting rid of suffering is possible only with the help of getting rid of desires. Nirvana is a state upon reaching which a person experiences the extinction of passions and thirst. Thanks to nirvana, a feeling of bliss arises, freedom from the transmigration of souls.
  4. To achieve the goal of getting rid of desire, one should resort to the eightfold path of salvation. It is this path that is called the "middle" one, which allows you to get rid of suffering by refusing to go to extremes, which is somewhere between the torture of the flesh and the indulgence of physical pleasures.

The Eightfold Path of Salvation suggests:

  • right understanding - the most important thing to do is to realize that the world is full of suffering and sorrow;
  • right intentions - you need to take the path of limiting your passions and aspirations, the fundamental basis of which is human egoism;
  • correct speech - it should be good, so you should watch your words (so that they do not exude evil);
  • right deeds - one should do good deeds, refrain from non-virtuous deeds;
  • the right way of life - only a worthy way of life, not harming all living things, can bring a person closer to getting rid of suffering;
  • right efforts - you need to tune in to good, drive away all evil from yourself, carefully following the course of your thoughts;
  • right thoughts - the most important evil comes from our own flesh, getting rid of the desires of which you can get rid of suffering;
  • correct concentration - the eightfold path requires constant training, concentration.

The first two stages are called prajna and suggest the stage of attaining wisdom. The next three are the regulation of morality and right conduct (sila). The remaining three steps represent the discipline of the mind (samadha).

Directions of Buddhism

The very first who supported the teachings of the Buddha began to gather in a secluded place for the period while it was raining. Since they renounced any property, they were called bhiksha - "beggars". They shaved their heads, dressed in rags (mostly yellow) and moved from place to place.

Their life was unusually ascetic. When it rains, they hide in caves. They were usually buried where they lived, and on the site of their graves a stupa was built (structures-crypts of a domed shape). Their entrances were made blindly immured and buildings of various purposes were built around the stupas.

After the death of the Buddha, a convocation of his followers took place, who canonized the teaching. But the period of the greatest flourishing of Buddhism can be considered the reign of Emperor Ashoka - III century BC. BC.

Can be distinguished three main philosophical schools of Buddhism , formed in different periods of the existence of the doctrine:

  1. Hinayana. The monk is considered the main ideal of the direction - only he can get rid of reincarnations. There is no pantheon of saints who could intercede for a person, there are no rituals, the concept of hell and paradise, cult sculptures, icons. Everything that happens to a person is the result of his actions, thoughts and lifestyle.
  2. Mahayana. Even a layman (of course, if he is pious), along with a monk, can achieve salvation. There is an institution of bodhisattvas, who are saints who help people on the path to their salvation. The concept of paradise, the pantheon of saints, images of buddhas and bodhisattvas also appear.
  3. Vajrayana. It is a tantric teaching based on the principles of self-control and meditation.

So, the main idea of ​​Buddhism is that human life is suffering and one should strive to get rid of it. This teaching continues to spread steadily around the planet, gaining more and more supporters.

The culture and philosophy of the East has long occupied the minds of Europeans with its special attitude to life, living beings and the world as a whole, but Buddhism was especially alluring: this religion became the third most massive, after Christianity and Islam. Buddhist holidays and rituals have always been colorful, pompous and special, specific rituals dating back to ancient times. They are based on the teachings of the great saint Buddha Gotama (Gautama).

Briefly about Buddhism

The founder of this religious teaching was Shakyamuni Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama), a real person who achieved Enlightenment on the 49th day of meditation. It is worth noting that Buddha is not a name, but rather a designation for a specific state of consciousness: literally, it means "enlightened, awakened."

It was Siddhartha who became the founder of one of the most powerful and influential religions on earth, although in fact Buddhism is more of a science than a belief in the divine. The Buddha formulated four truths, on the basis of which the teaching grew - "Four Diamond (Noble) Truths":

  1. Life is suffering.
  2. The cause of suffering is desire.
  3. Relief from suffering is in Nirvana.
  4. One can reach Nirvana by following the Eightfold Path.

Buddhism is divided into several main and many minor schools, between which there are minor, but still differences in views on their teaching:

  • Mahayana is one of the leading schools in Buddhism. One of its main ideas is compassion for all living beings and non-harm to all things.
  • Vajrayana - some also call it Tantric Buddhism. The essence of the teaching and its techniques involve the use of mystical practices that can significantly affect the subconscious of a person, leading him to enlightenment. Some researchers claim that the Vajrayana school is a branch of the first teaching, the Mahayana.
  • Theravada is the earliest branch of Buddhism. Supporters of this school claim that their teaching most accurately conveys the words and instructions of Buddha Shakyamuni set forth in the Pali Canon, the oldest teaching that was transmitted orally for quite a long time and was recorded relatively recently, although with some distortions, according to experts. Theravada monks firmly believe that only the most zealous and diligent follower of the teaching can achieve enlightenment, this is confirmed by stories about 28 enlightened masters (there were so many of them in the entire history of Buddhism).

Chinese Buddhism and Zen are also considered to be offshoots of Buddhism, but they emphasize the achievements of the later masters rather than Gotama Buddha himself.

What is special about Buddhist holidays?

The Eastern mentality is significantly different from the European one, and the religious one is even more so: “a holiday means we have a rest and walk” - this is not about Buddhists. On the contrary, these days they zealously observe various restrictions, austerities and vows, perform various rituals, because they know that the energy of the holidays is special and can enhance the effect of actions hundreds of times: both positive and negative.

Another feature is that the Buddhist chronology follows the lunar calendar, and since the lunar month is shorter than the solar month, almost all holiday dates are rolling, that is, sliding in numbers (Christian Easter is also a rolling holiday). Also, many dates originate from a specific event, the birthday of the Buddha, for example. Therefore, astrologers are constantly busy calculating future celebrations, memorable events and important events.

The most important holidays in Buddhism

Regardless of belonging to different currents of Buddhism, most of the holidays are common, which means that they are celebrated simultaneously in all regions and schools. The following list of holidays in Buddhism includes events that are important for all adherents of this trend.

  • Gautama Buddha's Birthday: Usually falls at the end of May or beginning of June in the European calendar.
  • The day when the Buddha revealed his teaching to the first disciples is the beginning of the term of retreat for bhikkhus, Buddhist monks. Occurs on a full moon in July.
  • The Kalachakra festival falls on April - May and is celebrated for three days, but the most solemn action falls on the 15th lunar day of the third month of the Buddhist calendar.
  • Circulation of Maitreya (Maidari Khural) is one of the revered events, which gathers a crowd of thousands. A huge statue of Buddha Maitreya is taken out of the temple on a chariot and they go around the territory of the temple, moving in the direction of the sun. Believers follow the chariot, forming a living wheel (justifying the name), they sing mantras, read prayers. The procession moves slowly, often stopping, so the action drags on until late in the evening.
  • The holiday of a thousand lamps (Zula Khural) is the day when Bogdo Tsongkhava, the bohdisattva who founded the Gelug school in Tibet, which is currently considered the main one in the world, enters nirvana. The celebration falls on the 25th day of the moon of the first month and lasts for three whole days, during which oil lamps and candles are continuously lit in memory of the great Teacher.
  • The descent of the Buddha from Heaven to Earth (Lhabab Duisen) - on the 22nd day of the 9th lunar month, the great Buddha descended to Earth for his last rebirth in the human body (Siddhartha Gotama).
  • Abhidhamma Day - the ascent of the Buddha to the Tushita sky, is celebrated in April according to the Gregorian calendar, on the full moon of the seventh lunar month - according to the Buddhist.
  • Songkran is celebrated in different years between the end of January and the second decade of March.

In addition to the main ones, the Dalai Lama's birthday is celebrated - the only fixed holiday, as well as many less pompous, but also important events for Buddhist communities.


One of the main Buddhist holidays has several names that designate this day in different schools of Buddhism - the birthday, the day of going to Paranirvana and the day of attaining Enlightenment. Almost all schools of this teaching are sure that these three most important events in the life of the Buddha occurred on the same day, only in different years. Vesak, Donchod-Khural, Saga Deva, Vishakha Puja - all these names mean the same thing. For a whole week, the followers of the Buddha celebrate Wesak, telling the world about the life of their guru, lighting lanterns made of paper in his honor, which are a symbol of enlightenment, to which the Teacher leads.

In monasteries and temples, solemn prayers, processions are held and prayers are read all night, mantras are sung and thousands of candles are lit around the sacred stupas. The monks tell everyone interesting stories from the life of Buddha Shakyamuni and his faithful disciples, and guests can take part in a general meditation or make an offering to the monastery, showing their commitment to the Dhamma.

Asalha, Dhamma day

The most important holiday in Buddhism is Asalha (Asala, Asalha Puja, Chokhor Duchen), the day when the Buddha first delivered his sermon on the Noble Truths to his first five disciples, with whom he later founded the first community for monks (Sangha). In honor of such an outstanding holiday in Buddhism, the monks annually on this day read "Dharma-chakra-pravartana" - one of the sutras, and also give instructions on how to correctly follow the teachings of the Buddha. Many spend this Buddhist religious holiday in meditation, hoping to achieve Enlightenment on such a significant date, as happened to Kaundinya (one of the first students of Gautama).

Asola Perajara

This is what the Buddhists call the "Feast of the Tooth of the Buddha", which is especially revered in Sri Lanka, although it is not of a religious nature. At the origins of this celebration lies the legend that after the cremation of the Buddha Gautama, one of his disciples noticed the tooth of the Buddha in the ashes, miraculously preserved. This relic was placed in a Buddhist temple in India, but was transported to the island of Sri Lanka in the 4th century in order to save a valuable artifact for future generations. A special temple was built in which the tooth of the Buddha is kept to this day.

The celebration lasts for two weeks. Colorful processions go through the streets: dressed-up elephants and dancing people in the best outfits, on one of the elephants there is a casket with a relic, which is carried through all the streets. Buddhists sing songs, set off fireworks, glorifying their great guru.

elephant festival

In India, this holiday is also called the Procession of the Elephants, and it has more secular and social significance than religious. The fundamental principle is the story of how the Buddha once compared a wild untrained elephant and a domestic elephant tamed by people: in order for a wild elephant to understand where he should move, he is harnessed to the same harness along with a trained one. So it is with a person: in order to comprehend the Teaching of the Eightfold Path, one should attach oneself to one who has already been trained, that is, one who has attained Enlightenment.

How does the Buddhist festival of elephants go, reminding followers of the teachings about this sermon by Gautama? A mass procession of decorated elephants moves through the streets of the city to the sound of musical instruments, ritual singing and enthusiastic greetings from the inhabitants: more than 100 animals of all ages participate in this action, even babies of two weeks old.

Rituals in Buddhism

Many religious rituals are distinguished by specific beliefs and beliefs (as for a European person), sometimes a little strange, but at the same time having a mystical background to everything that happens on Earth. That is why Buddhists are trying in every possible way to influence karma with their good deeds, and not only their own, but the whole of humanity.

1. Mengyn Zasal: once every nine years, Buddhists perform this ritual to get rid of the "unpleasant consequences of the ninth year", which, according to legend, falls on the 18th, 27th, 36th, etc. year of a person's life. During these years, a person is especially vulnerable, which is why the Mengyn ritual is performed: a person collects nine “special” pebbles and gives them to a lama, who reads special prayers over them, blows his blessed breath and tells the person to throw them out in a special way in different directions. Buddhists believe that in this way a person is protected from misfortunes for nine whole years, so they try to spend it in the first month of the New Year.

2. Tchaptui: A ritual bath for those who are prone to illness or misfortune. It is believed that if this happens to a person, his life energy is too polluted, and it must be cleansed with a special ritual. In a closed room over a special vessel, a mantra is read in a huge number of repetitions (from 100,000 to 1,000,000 times). Buddhists believe that then a deity descends into the water in a vessel and endows it with healing power, which removes negativity from a person.

3. Mandala Shiva, or Four-part mandala offering to Tara - the goddess who removes any obstacles on the path. Often used at the birth of a child, marriage, or an important undertaking of a new business, building a house, for example. During the ritual, the goddess Green Tara is brought fragrant water, flowers, blessed food and incense, as well as lamps. Then a special mandala of 37 elements is presented and the corresponding mantras are chanted.

4. Chasum (Gyabsha ritual) - this is the name of the pagan offering to various subtle entities (devas, nagas, asuras, pretas), which negatively affect the life of a person and the planet as a whole. At the same time, these creatures are so quarrelsome and capricious that the time of offerings must be carefully selected so as not to bring even more anger to the person. It is especially important to carry out this ritual for those whose work is related to the extraction of metals, logging - any intervention in nature endangers the pest, so they try in every possible way to appease higher beings. Turning to the Buddha, those who ask read prayers and offer lamps, food and lud-tormas - these are human figures made of dough, as well as tsatsa - relief images of Buddhist stupas, the Buddha himself made of plaster or clay. Each version of the offering should be equal to 100 units, in the end it turns out 400 - that's why the Gyabshi ritual is called - "four hundred".

Buddhist New Year: Saagalgan

This holiday in Buddhism symbolizes the beginning of the New Year, which in Buddhist tradition falls in the spring. An interesting fact is that in different countries that profess Buddhism, the New Year holiday may fall on different dates, because they live according to the lunar calendar, which does not coincide with the solar one, so astrologers calculate in advance all the festive and important dates, notifying the people.

Three days before the onset of Saagalgan, the monks in the temples hold a special prayer service - Dharmapalam, which is dedicated to the ten deities guarding the teachings of the Buddha, lamps are lit, and the bells beat 108 times. The goddess Shri-Devi is especially revered, who, according to legend, travels around all the possessions three times on New Year's Eve, checking whether people are ready, whether their houses are clean enough, whether pets are in poverty, whether children are happy. Buddhists firmly believe that if you do not sleep that night until six in the morning and sing mantras and prayers dedicated to the goddess, then luck in the coming year will be on their side. It is very important that on New Year's Eve there are milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, butter on the table. It was also recommended to spend the first day of Saalagalgan with the family.

There is an interesting tradition of launching the "Wind-Fortune Horse" - this is an image on the fabric, symbolizing the well-being of a person or family. Be sure to consecrate this symbol in the temple and then tie it to a house or a nearby tree so that it sways in the wind. It is believed that the "Horse of the Wind-Fortune" is a powerful family amulet against failures, illnesses and sorrows of any kind.

In some provinces of the south, adherents of the Theravada schools put new monastic robes on the Buddha statues, which are then given to the monks for use: it is believed that such actions increase the good karma of a person. In Laos, on this day, people try to buy live fish and release them into the wild, thus also improving karma through compassion for a living being.


Bun Kathin is another holiday in Buddhism that motivates worldly people to do good deeds and thus "accumulate" good karma. "Kathina" - this word is called a special pattern, according to which clothes for monks are cut out. The holiday involves donating new clothes to bhikkhus (monks), for this the donor or his family invites the monk to the house for a festive dinner, before which a special prayer is read. After the meal, they go to the temple to present gifts. They are accompanied by lay people singing, dancing and playing local musical instruments. Before entering the temple, the whole procession goes around it three times, always counterclockwise, and only then everyone goes inside and sits down for the ceremony: the elders are in front, and the young ones are behind.

An important point: a robe for a monk must be made 24 hours before the holiday, that is, a person must have time to make threads from cotton, weave fabric on a loom, cut out a robe and then dye it in the traditional orange color, which means not sleeping or eating during these days, paying tribute to the members of the Sangha (monastic community) with such an act. It is interesting that at the moment of donation, the rector of the holy place asks all those gathered: is (the name of the monk is called) worthy of the gift, and if all those present confirm three times with the word “sadhu”, only then the bhikhu receives his gift, blessing the manufacturer. This blessing is considered very valuable, so hundreds of people try to make a gift for the bhikhu on the eve of the Buddhist holiday of Kathin.

Einstein called the Buddhist doctrine "the most scientific religion", which is especially evident in the tradition of its holidays. Denying the existence of God as the supreme Creator, Buddhists deeply revere the laws of nature and spiritual guides. Following this principle, the main holidays of Buddhism are dedicated to Siddhartha Gautama Buddha.

Gautama, known as Prince Shakyamuni, lived in the 6th century BC. e. in northern India. Siddhartha was born into a royal family. At the age of 29, he left the luxurious palace forever, setting off in search of the truth. Becoming an ascetic, he wandered for a long time to discover the secret of getting rid of human suffering - illness, old age and death.

At the age of 35, during a long meditation under the sacred Bodhi tree, he achieved enlightenment and became known as the Buddha, which is translated from Sanskrit as ‘awakened’. Gautama Buddha devoted the rest of his life to the peaceful preaching of his teachings.

Buddhist celebration customs

The philosophy of celebration in Buddhism differs from other religions in its essence. This is not a time for sumptuous meals and rest from the labors of the righteous, but, first of all, intense spiritual work.

True Buddhists believe that karmic retribution is amplified thousands of times on significant days. In the same amount, the power of both good and negative thoughts increases. Therefore, this is the best moment for meditation and philosophical reflection. It is believed that religious unity during solemn ceremonies contributes to the achievement of enlightenment.

Another aspect inherent in the holidays of Buddhism is in tune with the Christian tradition. We are talking about ritual cleanliness - moral and physical. On the days of religious celebrations, Buddhists carefully clean their homes and monasteries. Such actions are not ordinary general cleaning, but a special sacred ceremony. The purification process is accompanied by the singing of mantras, the extraction of musical sounds, which are designed to harmonize the surrounding space.

Other traditions include:

  • visiting temples;
  • participation in ritual ceremonies;
  • donations of gifts to monasteries;
  • offerings to monks and teachers;
  • doing good deeds.

Celebration time

Religious holidays in Buddhism are celebrated according to the lunar calendar. Their dates are calculated according to special tables by lamas-astrologers and change annually. Since ancient times, Buddhists have believed that during the full moon, energy intensifies, so many holidays fall on the full moon.

List of Buddhist holidays

  • Vesak - Birthday, Enlightenment and Departure to Nirvana of the Buddha;
  • Buddhist New Year;
  • Monlam - the memory of 15 miracles performed by the Buddha;
  • Maidari-khural;
  • Mystery TsAM;
  • Turning the wheel of learning;
  • Birthday of the Dalai Lama.

There are no strict regulations on which holidays in Buddhism must be celebrated strictly. Ritual preferences depend on the school (Mahayana, Theravada, Tantra) and on the historical traditions of individual countries.

The above list is far from complete. In particular, in Tibetan Buddhism, Dzul, unknown to other currents, is celebrated everywhere - the Day of Commemoration of the philosopher Tsongkhava.

Asola Perahara, the celebration of the Tooth of the Buddha is celebrated only by Theravada followers in the only temple on the island of Sri Lanka, where this amazing relic is kept. The lavish celebrations last for two weeks and include processions with festively decorated elephants. On one of them, a casket with a sacred Tooth is transported around the city.

The main holidays of Buddhism

It is worth telling more about the most significant dates in the Buddhist world. To the question "What is the most important holiday in Buddhism?" can be answered unequivocally - Vesak. It symbolizes three sacred events at once: the birth, enlightenment and death of the Buddha. According to legend, Gautama was born, gained the gift of enlightenment, and passed into Nirvana on the second full moon of the year. Usually it falls on the last days of May.

The Wesak celebration lasts for a whole week. In the monastic communities, special prayers are served and magnificent ceremonies are arranged. Houses and temples are lovingly decorated with lanterns, fresh flowers and burning lamps, which symbolize the light of the Buddha's great compassion. People make pilgrimages, come to monasteries to indulge in meditation and listen to the stories of the monks. Agricultural work these days is prohibited as a sign of mercy to all earthly creatures, including livestock.


New Year in the Buddhist tradition is celebrated on the first new moon of spring. Due to differences in the chronology of different schools, the New Year in countries such as Mongolia, Tibet, Kalmykia is celebrated at different times.

On the eve of Saagalgan, respected astrologer lamas announce predictions for the next year. In the monasteries, prayers are performed to revered deities. The most beloved goddess is Sri Devi. She patronizes the ancient Tibetan capital - Lhasa.

There is a belief here that Sri Devi inspects his possessions on New Year's Eve to make sure that the inhabitants are well prepared for her arrival. In order to earn the grace of the goddess and secure her favor for the year ahead, it is recommended to stay up all night: pray in the temple or chant mantras at the home altar.

A festive feast, according to tradition, should include dishes from white products. This period of the year is associated with the mass appearance of offspring in livestock. There is a lot of milk, hence the name Sagaalgan, which translates as ‘white month’.


The Monlam prayer begins at the first dawn of the New Year and is read for 15 days in a row. The holiday is dedicated to the memory of the fifteen miracles created by the Buddha. The story goes that several monks left their former ascetic teachers to join the Buddha's followers. The monks who hated him began publicly slandering the Teacher, refuting his holiness.

The Buddha was indifferent to all ridicule, but his disciples begged him to show visible evidence of his power. In the Indian village of Shrasvati, Buddha performed miraculous deeds for 15 days in a row, after which his fame spread throughout the world.

After the end of the solemn prayers, the monks take exams for a higher rank. On the last day of the holiday, which always falls on a full moon, 15 clarified butter figurines are made to represent the miracles of the Buddha. They are exhibited for viewing in datsans.

Maidari Khural

This holiday is dedicated to the incarnation of Maitreya Buddha at the end of time. His reign is associated with a blessed era of prosperity and bliss, when people on earth will live 84 thousand years.

Many pilgrims flock to the monasteries at Maidari Khural. From the temples, a sculpture of Buddha Maitreya is taken out, which is erected on a richly decorated chariot. The procession, accompanied by numerous believers, slowly walks around the walls of the monastery in the direction of the sun. This event is reflected in the name of the festival - Maitreya's Circulation.

The ceremony is often interrupted by sutra readings and ritual tea parties, so it continues all day long. At the end, a table is laid with plentiful treats, gifts are brought to the monastic community.

Mystery TsAM

Some researchers believe that the roots of the ritual action of TsAM should be sought in ancient shamanic rites. It was introduced into the temple practice of Northern Buddhism by the great teacher Padmasambhava (VIII century). Mystery is especially widespread in Mongolian, Buryat, Tibetan monasteries.

The rite is a pantomime performed by lamas in frightening masks of dokshits (guardians). The characters act out a ritual action, dancing in a circle, gesticulating with their hands. The annually performed mystery pursued several tasks:

  • frighten and alienate evil spirits from the followers of Buddhism;
  • demonstrate the triumph of true dogma;
  • show the presence of a deity in the visible world;
  • prepare a person for the visions in the afterlife journey that accompany him on the path to rebirth.

The mission of fulfilling Tsam is entrusted to monks who have received a special initiation. A few days before the beginning of the mystery, they fast and plunge into deep meditation.

Turning the Wheel of Teaching

The most important holiday in Buddhism, celebrated on the fourth day of the sixth lunar month. Marks the day of the first sermon of Shakyamuni Buddha in the Indian province of Sarnath. The first teachings from the mouth of the Buddha were heard by five ascetics, who later became his devoted disciples.

The main action of the celebration is a tour of the temple with a sculptural image of Maitreya Buddha, which is accompanied by reading special sutras and playing ritual musical instruments. The spiritual task of the ceremony is to bring the period of the reign of Buddha Maitreya closer.

Birthday of the Dalai Lama

The list of Buddhist holidays would be incomplete without mentioning a memorable date, the only one calculated according to the solar calendar. Every year on July 6, northern Buddhists celebrate the birthday of their spiritual leader in exile, the 14th Dalai Lama. The fate of this amazing person is a living illustration of Buddhist doctrine. He is considered the last physical incarnation of the Buddha of Compassion.

His predecessor left an indication where to look for his rebirth. It was there that, after the death of the 13th Dalai Lama, a search party of monks went. Born into a poor peasant family, 2-year-old boy Tenzin Gyatso was found by special signs that determine the new reincarnation of the Dalai Lama.

This was followed by a series of special tests, during which the boy had to find a thing that belonged to him in a past life. Having successfully passed the test, on February 22, 1940, he was elevated to the throne of the Dalai Lama.

This is only a small fraction of the great collection of holidays and rituals that exist in Buddhism. Less significant celebrations are dedicated to deities, saints and patrons revered by individual schools, monasteries and communities.

Hello, dear readers - seekers of knowledge and truth!

Buddhist philosophy, like any other religion, is associated with special traditions and customs. In today's article, we will talk about the rites and rituals of Buddhism, and also tell about how the followers of the Buddha celebrate the holidays.

Ritual part of religion

Next comes the burial, which should also take place according to special rules, accompanied by the illumination of the grave, the singing of mantras. People believe that this will help to avoid new victims in the family and will put the soul of the loved one to rest.

Visiting temples

The Buddhist faith is inseparable from visiting temples. Services are held here according to the lunar calendar, which can be considered traditional: the days of the new and full moon have special power. But this does not cancel the weekly and even daily services.

The believer comes to the sanctuary, where a mandatory attribute is a statue of Buddha, seated with a serene half-smile. Here and there are images of other deities, mythical creatures. The worshiper takes off his shoes, sits down, bows and communicates with the divine in his own way.

The monastery is filled with the spirit of peace, the sweet smell of incense and the whisper of mantras as a musical accompaniment to unity with the gods. Offerings to them and to the monks are considered an inseparable part of the visit. Often there are those who are able to convey a prayer amplified hundreds of thousands of times.

But even outside the walls of the temple, a person is accompanied by his faith. The Buddhist cult is expressed by meditations, rituals at the home altar, reading sacred literature. During vows, the essence of which is similar to fasting, Buddhists try to limit themselves in food, lead a more ascetic lifestyle, feed their mind with bright thoughts - do everything to get as close as possible to harmony within themselves and in the outside world.


For Buddhists, a holiday is not a day of excesses, as Westerners often embody this event. Even in English, the holiday is “holy day”, which means “holy day” in translation. And the supporters of the Buddha do not forget about this for a minute.

They know that the energy of this day is special, and any action - good or bad - increases its strength, its impact on the world around. Cleanliness is what the soul needs today more than ever, so people try to visit the temple, pray, turn with thanksgiving, supported by offerings, to deities, monks and to each other.

The celebration results in the celebration of life, the joint reading of mantras, religious texts, chants, playing favorite musical instruments, turning to cult objects. Especially widely, reverently celebrated Vesak , or Visakha Puja - the birthday, enlightenment and departure to nirvana of the Awakened.

It is interesting! In the Mahayana direction, the three main events of the Buddha's life path are celebrated on different days, while in all other schools, including Theravada, they fall on the same day. Therefore, it is celebrated with a special scale.

Vesak is usually celebrated in May. Throughout the week, crowds of believers flock to the temples, where prayers are held day and night, and the abbots tell exciting stories about the path of the Buddha and his faithful disciples.

At this moment, everything is illuminated with light, which symbolizes the enlightenment of the Teacher: candles are burning near the stupas, and monasteries, streets and even houses are decorated with paper lanterns.

A distinctive feature lies in the fact that they depend on the lunar calendar, so they "jump" from year to year. Because of this, the work of local astrologers is so important, who constantly calculate the dates of upcoming events and make forecasts.


In Buddhist practice, rituals are often used that European people have not heard of. Despite this, the representatives of the West endlessly believe in the effectiveness of these methods, so they take them extremely seriously. Their names may vary from direction to direction, but the basis remains unshakable.

We have chosen the main, most interesting, in our opinion, rituals, and we will talk a little about them:

  • Mangyn Zasal

Buddhist philosophy claims that every nine years a person faces a kind of crisis, for example, at the 18th, 27th, 36th, 45th year of life, and so on. To avoid stagnation and trouble at this age, it is worth resorting to the help of llamas.

First you need to collect nine special stones and bring it to the llama. He, in turn, will perform a ceremony over them, read special prayers, and bless them with a good breath. After that, you will need to throw stones on different sides, as the monk says.

  • Tchaptui

If a person is often sick or fails at every step, then his energy is polluted. And here, too, mantras will help. To do this, you need a special vessel filled with water. After reading the prayer many times - thousands, maybe a million times - the water will become endowed with healing properties and wash away all bad energy.

  • Mandal Shiva

This ritual helps a lot with any undertakings - the miracle of birth, the creation of a new family, the construction of a home. Green Tara, a goddess known for her benevolence, is responsible for this. However, in order to deserve it, one should make offerings to her in the form of flowers, incense sticks, sweet water, food, light, as well as give a 37-link mandala and recite special mantras.


The Buddhist tradition is unique and multifaceted, which is further confirmed by numerous ritual rites. They may seem mysterious and unusual, but, interestingly, they work, you just have to believe.

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The history of Buddhism has a long span of time, as well as many followers today. The beginning of this religion has its own romantic legend, which will be discussed in this article. Also in Buddhism there are a sufficient number of large and small holidays, the meaning of which differs significantly from traditional ones.

Buddhism is considered one of the first historical religions (another two are Christianity and Islam). However, if we compare it with the other two, then it turns out that the definition of a philosophical and religious system is more suitable for Buddhism, since it is not necessary to talk about God in the usual sense. He's just not here.

Some researchers are inclined to believe that Buddhism is very close to the world of science, since there is a thirst for knowledge of the laws of the surrounding world (nature, the human soul, the Universe). In addition, according to the tradition of Buddhism, it is believed that human life after the death of the body takes a different form, and does not go into oblivion. This is very similar to the law on the conservation of matter in the world or its transition to another state of aggregation.

Since ancient times, this teaching, due to its breadth of views, has gathered many true thinkers, scientists from various fields, and outstanding doctors. This is what Buddhist monasteries were famous for, and also for their books on scientific topics.

By the way, Buddhism also devotes its holidays to gaining new knowledge through enlightenment (if anyone succeeds). Some of them are revealed through the performances that the monks act out (for example, the mystery of Tsam).

Childhood and adolescence of Gautama Buddha

The birth and birth of the future founder of the world religion is shrouded in legends and mysticism. The Buddha was originally an Indian prince, whose name was Siddhartha Gautama. His conception is mysterious and intriguing. The mother of the future enlightened one once had a dream that a white elephant entered her side. After some time, she discovered that she was pregnant, and nine months later she gave birth to a male baby. The boy was named Siddhartha, which means "fulfilled his destiny." The baby's mother could not bear the birth and died a couple of days later. This determined the feelings that the ruler, his father, had for Siddhartha. He loved his wife very much, and when she was gone, he transferred all his unspent love to his son.

By the way, Buddha's birthday is a rather controversial date, which, however, is fixed today. Since the lunar calendar is accepted in Buddhism, the eighth day of the lunar month of Vesak is considered the moment of birth of the founder. However, with the year of birth, they did not come to a compromise.

A great future was predicted for a boy born by the sage Asita, namely, the accomplishment of a great religious feat. Of course, the father did not want this for him, he did not want his son to pursue a religious career. By this he determined the childhood years of Gautama and subsequent ones. Although from birth he was prone to dreams and daydreams, he was able to experience brief moments of enlightenment. From childhood, the Buddha strove for solitude and deep contemplation.

However, my father was against all this. Surrounding his son with luxury and all the blessings, marrying him to a beautiful girl, and also hiding from his eyes all the bad underside of this world (poverty, hunger, disease, etc.), he hoped that the sublimity was forgotten, anxious moods were driven away. However, this did not lead to the expected result, and after a while the hidden became clear.

According to legend, once on the street he saw a funeral, a sick man and an ascetic. All this made an indelible impression on him. He realized that the world is not as he knows it and is full of suffering. That very night he left his house.

Hermitage and preaching of the Buddha

The next Buddha period is the search for truth. On his way, he met many trials - from a simple study of philosophical treatises to ascetic asceticism. However, nothing answered the questions. Only once, after he had renounced all false teachings, thinned his soul with previous researches, did an insight come. The thing he had been waiting for all these years had happened. He saw not only his own life in the true light, but also the life of other people, all the connections between the material and the non-material. Now he knew...

From that moment on, he became a Buddha, Enlightened and beholding the truth. Gautama preached his teaching for forty years, traveling between villages and cities. Death came to him at the age of eighty, after parting words. This day is revered no less than the birthday of the Buddha, as well as the moment when enlightenment descended on him.

The rise of Buddhism as a religion

It should be noted that Buddhism itself spread very quickly throughout India, as well as Southeast and Central Asia, and penetrated a little into Siberia and Central Asia. During its formation, several directions of this doctrine appeared, some of them carry a rational grain, others are mystical.

One of the most important is the Mahayana tradition. Her followers believe that it is very important to maintain a compassionate attitude towards other living beings. In their opinion, the meaning of spiritual enlightenment is to achieve it, and then continue to live in this world for its benefit.

Also in this tradition, the Sanskrit language is used for religious texts.

Another direction that is quite large and was formed from the Mahayana is called the Vajrayana. The second name is Tantric Buddhism. The customs of Vajrayana Buddhism are connected by mystical practices, where powerful symbols are used in order to influence the subconscious of a person. This allows you to use all the resources to the fullest and helps the Buddhist to move to the point of enlightenment. By the way, today elements of this direction are present in some traditions as separate parts.

Another large and very widespread direction is Theravada. Today it is the only school that dates back to the first traditions. This teaching is based on the Pali Canon, which is written in the Pali language. It is believed that it is these scriptures (albeit in a distorted form, since they were transmitted orally for a long time) that most truthfully convey the words of the Buddha. This teaching also believes that enlightenment can be achieved by the most dedicated follower. Thus, in the entire history of Buddhism, twenty-eight such enlightenments have already been counted. These Buddhas are also especially revered by those who profess this religion.

However, it should be noted that the main dates of the holidays coincide in almost all traditions.

Some traditions of this teaching (family and others)

So, among other things, there are many different traditions in Buddhism. For example, the attitude to marriage in this religion is special. No one forces anyone to anything, but nevertheless there is no revelry and betrayal. In the Buddhist tradition of family life, there are some guidelines on how to make it happy and dignified. The founder of the doctrine gave only some recommendations that one should be faithful, not flirt and not kindle feelings in oneself for someone other than one's spouse or spouse. In addition, it was not necessary to fornicate and have sex outside of marriage.

However, there is nothing against if a person does not enter into family relations, since this is a personal matter for everyone. It is believed that if necessary, people can disperse by mutual agreement, if it is no longer possible to live together. However, such a need is rare if a man and a woman strictly follow the rules and precepts of the Buddha. He also advised not to marry those people who have a big difference in age (for example, an elderly man and a young woman).

In principle, marriage in Buddhism is an opportunity for joint development, support in everything for each other. It is also an opportunity to avoid loneliness (if it is difficult to live with it), fear and deprivation.

Buddhist monasteries and the way of life of monks

Followers of this teaching usually live in sangha communities that occupy a particular temple of the Buddha. Monks are not priests in our usual sense. They just go through training there, studying sacred texts, meditating. Almost any person (both man and woman) can become a member of such a community.

Each direction of teaching has its own set of rules, which must be strictly observed by monks-followers. Some of them prohibit eating meat, some prescribe agricultural activities, and others prohibit interfering in social and political life (monks live on alms).

Thus, one who has become a follower of the Buddha must abide by the rules and not deviate from them.

Meanings of holidays in Buddhism

If we talk about such a religion as Buddhism, the holidays here have a special status. They are not marked the way we do. In Buddhism, a holiday is a special day that has more restrictions than permissions. According to their beliefs, these days there is a thousandfold increase in all mental and physical deeds, as well as their consequences (both positive and negative). It is believed that the observance of all major dates allows one to comprehend the nature and essence of the teaching, to approach the Absolute as close as possible.

The essence of the celebration is to create purity around and in yourself. This can be achieved through special rites of Buddhism, as well as the repetition of mantras, playing musical instruments (the sounds that they emit are important), and the use of some cult objects. All this leads to the fact that a person's fine structure is restored, which significantly clears his consciousness. On a holiday, it is necessary to perform such an action as visiting a temple, as well as making an offering to the Community, the Teacher, the Buddhas.

Celebrating at home is not considered shameful in the Buddhist tradition, because the most important thing is the mood, as well as knowledge of what it is all about. It is believed that every person, even without being in a crowd of the same celebrants, can, after appropriate adjustment, join the general field of celebration.

Buddhism Holidays: Visakha Puja

There are various holidays of Buddhism, the list of which is quite long. Let's consider the most important of them. For example, one of such holidays for all Buddhists is Visakha Puja. It is a symbol of three events that took place in the life of the founder of this doctrine - birth, enlightenment and departure from life (into nirvana). Very many schools of followers believe that all these events happened on the same day.

Celebrate this holiday in a big way. All temples are decorated with paper lanterns and flower garlands. On their territory put a lot of lamps with oil. The monks recite prayers and tell stories about the Buddha to the laity. This holiday lasts for a week.

Holidays of Buddhism: Asalha

If we talk about the religious holidays of Buddhism, then this one can be attributed to them. He talks about that teaching, Dharma, which was brought to people, and with the help of which it was possible to achieve enlightenment. The celebration of this event takes place in July (Asalha), on the day of the full moon.

It is worth noting that this day, among other things, also indicates the founding of the Sangha. The first in this community were those followers who followed the Buddha and carried out his instructions. It also means that three refuges have appeared in the world - Buddha, Dharma, Sangha.

Also this day is the beginning of the period of seclusion for the monks (waso). However, this does not mean that at this time you only need to abstain from food. It's just that the practice of the Sangha includes the moment that it is permissible to eat only in the morning (from sunrise to noon).

Buddhist holidays: Kathina

This day ends the waso period. Celebrated on the full moon in October. On this day, a special robe is presented to the bhikhi by the laity. The name of this person is called at the time when Kathina is celebrated. After the end of this period (waso), the monks again set off on their journey.

Thus, Buddhism holidays has quite a variety. This ends a certain period of celebration of religious important days, but there are many more.

Mystery Tsam

This is a very interesting annual festival that lasts for several days. They perform it in the monasteries of Nepal, Tibet, Buryatia, Mongolia and Tuva. By the way, this mystery could be performed at completely different times - in winter and summer, and also have a completely different genre.

The performance could also be ambiguous. For example, one Buddha temple created a ritual dance, and another put on a play with dialogues that were read by several actors. And, finally, the third temple could put on a multi-component acting performance, where there were a large number of participants.

The meaning of this mystery is manifold. For example, with the help of it it was possible to frighten the enemies of the teaching, as well as to demonstrate the true teaching over false teaching. It was still possible to pacify the evil forces for the next year. Or simply prepare a person for the path that he makes after death for the next rebirth.

So, Buddhism holidays are not only religious in nature, but also solemn and sublime.

Other holidays of Buddhism

There are also other holidays of Buddhism, which include:

  • New Year;
  • a day dedicated to the fifteen miracles of the Buddha;
  • festival of Kalachakra;
  • Maidari-hular;
  • Loy Krathong;
  • Rek Na and many others.

Thus, we see that there are the main holidays of Buddhism and others that are no less valuable and important, but are celebrated more modestly.


So, we see that this teaching is quite diverse both in terms of knowledge and holidays. The long history of Buddhism has undergone many changes over time that have transformed the religion itself. But its essence and the path of the person who passed it first and gave certain knowledge to his followers did not distort.

All the numerous dates of the holidays in one way or another reflect the essence of the teaching. Their annual celebration gives hope and rethinking of their deeds among followers. By participating in a common celebration, some come a little closer to the essence of Buddhism and become one step closer to the very enlightenment that the founder was awarded.
