How to keep a Christmas tree longer? Expert advice. To make the tree stand for a long time

New Year is approaching, shops are filled with all sorts of holiday attributes, including artificial Christmas trees. Existing Choice green beauties, it would seem, should satisfy the most diverse tastes. There are Christmas trees and pine trees, big and small, in the windows, different shades and different fluffiness. Some even want to go up and touch the twig, check if it’s real, it looks so believable.

However, many people try to buy a live Christmas tree. The smell of pine needles relieves stress, takes you back to childhood, causing positive emotions, and for some it is also a tribute to family tradition. What to do to make the tree stand for a long time? After all, you don’t want to throw it away the next day after the holiday, due to the fact that the needles crumble without touching the tree. Decorating a Christmas tree correctly is half the battle. The life of a Christmas tree can be extended if you use the following tips.

Live Christmas tree or pine: to stand for a long time!

1. The safety of the Christmas tree is greatly affected by when it was bought and in what form, where it was stored before installation. The tree that has been recently cut down will last the longest. The crown must be intact, not broken off, not cut down, otherwise the tree will quickly dry out.

When buying, pay attention to the color of the needles, the flexibility of the branches, the smell of the needles. At a freshly cut Christmas tree, saturated green color, the twigs do not break, the needles do not crumble and smell strongly if rubbed with your fingers. Inspect the trunk, make sure that there is no mold, cracks on it. A healthy trunk is covered with green needles, as are branches. Too thin trunk indicates that the Christmas tree is weak, stock nutrients she has not enough, it is unlikely that she will be able to look fresh for a long time.

The type of tree also matters, it stays longer than others in a warm room without special care fir - 2 weeks or more. Pine - a little less. And spruce usually costs about 10 days at all.

2. Before you put the Christmas tree brought from the frost in the house, you need to hold it in a cool place, for example, in a stairwell or a closed loggia. Otherwise, from a sharp temperature drop, the branches will become brittle. the same goes for pine. In the room, do not put a tree near the battery. It is better to choose a ventilated place, and where there is enough light. Do not decorate the Christmas tree as soon as you set it up, give it a few hours, or even a day, to adapt, straighten the branches. Do not overload the Christmas tree with toys.

3. If possible, then make a new cut, 2-3 cm is enough, cut the branches at the very bottom, remove the bark. These measures will help the trunk absorb more water, and the pine or tree will be able to stand longer. Try not to leave the Christmas tree with a prepared bare trunk long time without water.

4. To install a Christmas tree, either a special fixture or a simple bucket is used. Devices for attaching a Christmas tree come with a vessel for water, and there are also without the ability to put the trunk into the water. When there is no place to pour water, wrap the bottom of the trunk with a damp cloth and every day make sure that it does not dry out.

5. The tree is very well preserved in a bucket of wet sand. Sand should be chosen clean, preferably forest. Fill the bucket three-quarters full with sand. Fix the tree trunk so that it does not touch the very bottom, but at the same time, the entire bare part is in the sand. Add fresh water daily. Some Christmas trees, depending on size, may require up to two liters of fresh water. Use settled, but not filtered water. With such care, the tree often even begins to produce new green shoots and give roots.

6. Some improvised means can help the Christmas tree not crumble longer. Mix a spoonful of salt, sugar and one aspirin tablet and add to the water if you put the Christmas tree in a bucket of water. Or dissolve aspirin and three tablespoons of sugar in a liter of water and pour it into a bucket if the tree is in the sand.

Do not use only sugar as a top dressing, the water will quickly go out. You can dissolve a few crystals of potassium permanganate in sweetened water so that microbes do not multiply.

Some people use sprite carbonated drink as a top dressing.

Another recipe consists of crushed chalk mixed with 1/2 teaspoon citric acid and spoons of gelatin. All this dissolves in the water that is poured over the Christmas tree.

Keeps the freshness of the Christmas tree glycerin, added to the water in the amount of three tablespoons.

7. You can add Zircon biostimulator or similar fertilizer to the water in which the tree stands. It improves the penetration of water into the cells of the stem, making the plant more resistant to stress. Use according to instructions. Feed every 2 days. Fertilizers for indoor plants are also suitable.

8. Good climate, supporting the life of the Christmas tree, will create a humidifier. If there is no such device, you can spray the Christmas tree from a spray bottle. But this must be done very carefully so as not to get on the garland. It will be enough to sprinkle on the lowest branches, as they are the first to begin to dry out. When watering or spraying, be sure to turn off the garland.

9. Pine care is not much different from spruce care. Pine also prefers wet sand, additional feeding. There is only one nuance. The trunk of a pine, drying out, rather quickly decreases in diameter. Therefore, installing it in a cross or in another fixing device, you need to monitor the stability of the tree, and correct it if necessary. Pine is more drought tolerant than spruce, it tolerates heat more easily, so it will require less water when watering.

Usually, Christmas markets open a week before the holiday. But with today's technology, you can buy a Christmas tree as early as mid-December. So that the forest beauty can please you for as long as possible, there are several recipes and rules that we will tell you about today.

1. Choose the right Christmas tree!

The longevity of a Christmas tree largely depends on its health. Therefore, when choosing a forest beauty, you need to pay attention to its trunk: it should be thick and, like the branches, all covered with needles, and the branches on the trunk should grow quite densely. When the tree is in good condition, its branches are elastic, the needles are prickly and have a dark green color. The yellowish color of the needles should alert you and you should refuse to buy such a spruce.
It is important that the branches of the tree bend well, and do not break or crumble, since even a tree recently brought from the forest can be dry. Another factor by which one can determine healthy tree- the specific smell of the forest. It is very important to keep the tips of the branches and especially the tops, therefore, when transporting the Christmas tree, it is necessary to carefully and carefully fasten it to the trunk, and strengthen the branches with wide strings.

2. Christmas tree at home.

It is undesirable to keep the tree in warm room before decorating it. If you bought a Christmas tree ahead of time - keep it in the cold. Before you bring it into a warm room, hold it for several hours on a cold balcony or loggia. To make dried needles fall off, tap the tree trunk on the floor. If the Christmas tree is not stored in frost, two days before installation, lower the end of the trunk into a bucket of water, to which 3-4 tablespoons of glycerin are added.
Having brought the Christmas tree into the house from the balcony, you should not immediately unfold it. It needs to be warmed up gradually. room temperature to prevent shedding of needles. The lower cut of the tree is made even.

In a bucket of wet sand. This is the ideal option. The sand must be clean enough. About a liter of water should be added to a bucket of sand, in which a little glycerin or gelatin is placed, or an aspirin tablet plus 2 tablespoons of sugar. It is better to place the Christmas tree in such a way that the lower part of the trunk is covered with wet sand for at least 20 centimeters. Sand needs to be watered after 1-2 days.

A worse option is in a bucket or tank of water. It is worth adding half a teaspoon of citric acid, a spoonful of gelatin and a little crushed chalk to the water.

And finally, you can simply wrap the barrel at the cut point with a damp cloth that needs to be moistened periodically.

Whichever option you use, the bottom of the tree trunk needs to be cleaned of bark by 8-10 cm, and cut with a sharp knife to open fresh pores. Sprigs of the Christmas tree can be sprayed from time to time with a spray bottle, this will help the tree stay fresh longer.

To install the Christmas tree, you can use a special stand, or you can use any durable deep vessel. You can strengthen the trunk with the help of stretch marks, wooden planks, an ordinary rope. From above, the vessel is covered with corrugated paper, tinsel or cloth.

4. So that the tree does not crumble until the Old New Year ...

A freshly cut Christmas tree can stand for quite a long time even in ordinary water. The water is preliminarily defended in the light so that the chlorine evaporates. The bark on the Christmas tree is removed from the bottom of the trunk, at the butt, by about 10 cm and the cut is refreshed, making a new one at an angle of 45 degrees. Make sure that the water level is always above the place where the bark is removed. By using the nutrient solution formulations described below, significantly better results can be achieved.

So that your Christmas tree can stand without crumbling until the old New Year, put it in a bucket or jar of water with a little glycerin added (2 tablespoons of glycerin per 10 liters of water). If glycerin is not at hand, it can be replaced with 0.5 teaspoon of urea. If you do not want to put a Christmas tree with water, split the tree trunk from below and put a woolen cloth in it soaked in a solution prepared according to the recipe below.

For 1 liter of water - 3 tablespoons of the drug for window glass and 1 tablespoon of glycerin. The solution is valid for 10 days, then it is replaced with fresh, and after another 10 days - clean water.

Another recipe that will help keep your Christmas tree for a long time. In 3 liters of water, add 5 grams of citric acid and gelatin, as well as an incomplete tablespoon of chalk. This nourishing and preserving solution will help your beauty stay fresher for longer. long term. As the water evaporates, it must be topped up to the required level.

Here comes the most long-awaited holiday - the New Year! What does he smell like? Frost and tangerines, fresh pastries and spices, candles and incense. And, of course, a Christmas tree - the most important attribute of the New Year's celebration! What a holiday without the aroma of fresh needles in the house, so familiar to us from childhood and so good for health.

Living spruce, according to legend, keeps an inexhaustible source of vital energy, and the spirits living in it protect the home from various evil influences.

If you have opted for a living tree, then you really want to preserve the freshness of the Christmas tree and its bright aroma for the entire duration of the holidays. How to prolong the life of the forest beauty? Here are some tips.

This method is the most efficient. Just buy not a cut down tree, but a Christmas tree growing in a special tub, where the roots continue their life activity. The main condition for its preservation in its original form is to protect the forest beauty from heat shock when moving from frost to warm house. This should be done gradually, first holding the plant for several days on a glazed balcony or veranda. You can replace the Christmas tree with more heat-loving trees like cypress or araucaria.

It is very important to choose the right freshly cut tree.

  • To do this, you need to pay attention to the trunk. It is good if its surface is covered with needles, and the cut does not have a wide dark border.
  • The freshness of the Christmas tree is evidenced by the elasticity of its branches and bright, rich green color needles. If you rub a few needles in your fingers, a strong spruce smell must necessarily appear, and the surface of the skin will become oily.
  • Try hitting the base of the barrel hard on the ground. If the needles fell down, it means that the tree is not the first freshness and it is not worth taking it.
  • It is very good if the crown and tips of the branches remain intact during transportation.

Try not to bring the Christmas tree into a warm room immediately after purchase, but keep it wrapped in paper for several days on a glazed veranda or balcony. There she will go required period acclimatization .

In a warm room, do not immediately unfold the forest guest, but let it slowly warm up to ambient temperature.

When installing a Christmas tree, remove the lower branches (they are perfect for a New Year's wreath or bouquet), clean the trunk by 10-20 cm, be sure to update the saw cut and place the plant in settled water for a couple of days, constantly adding liquid. Then set the tree in a stand with a container filled with wet sand or water. You can also wrap the cleaned part of the trunk with any loose cloth and regularly moisten it with water or a specially prepared solution.

To prolong the life of the forest beauty, make the water more nutritious for her, and also take measures to prevent the growth of pathogenic bacteria. Here are some recipes:

  • Most famous variant- add a few cubes of refined sugar, an aspirin tablet and a handful of salt to the water. Pour the solution into a prepared container with water or sand.
  • Dissolve half a tablespoon of pre-crushed chalk and 5 grams of gelatin and citric acid in 3 liters of water.
  • A tree that stands in water with several dissolved crystals of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) retains its freshness well. The color of the liquid should be bright pink. This compound acts as a micro-fertilizer and your Christmas tree may even take root.
  • Yours will feel great Christmas decoration, if you add any specialized top dressing for conifers to the water at a dosage according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  • The nutritional composition can be obtained by mixing a teaspoon of superphosphate, a tablespoon of ammonium nitrate and half a teaspoon of potassium nitrate into the water. This fertilizer needs to be topped up daily at 1 tablespoon.
  • If, immediately after cleaning the trunk, the tree is lowered into a hot solution of acetic acid, then the heat will further open the pores of the tree, and the essence will protect against pests and preserve the plant.
  • Can also be put into water copper coins Soviet times (perhaps someone else has preserved) or simply copper wire. In this case, it will not be superfluous to add a few pieces of sugar along with an aspirin tablet.

The liquid, as it evaporates, must be topped up so that the cleaned lower part of the barrel is constantly under water. These same solutions can be used to regularly dampen sand or fabric.

According to the National Christmas Tree Association, nearly 36 million families will traditionally have a Christmas tree at home. There is still debate: which Christmas tree is better - live and prickly or artificial? The coniferous aroma awakens in the soul the feeling of a Christmas miracle - that unique and elusive feeling that makes us hope for the best ...

Choosing the right tree

If you decide to install a live Christmas tree at home, make sure that new year holidays dry fallen needles or yellowed needles did not spoil.
Carefully choose a tree: the branches should gently spring, the needles should not crumble at the slightest touch, and the trunk should be strong and moist.

Do not rush to decorate the Christmas tree right away. Wrap it with a dense natural cloth or paper and leave it on the balcony for a while. Before decorating, bring the forest beauty into the room, do not remove the fabric or paper, let the tree get used to the temperature difference and “warm up”. Otherwise, the needles will fall off. Cut the trunk at an angle to a height of about 15-20 cm.

How to save a Christmas tree?

To make the green beauty stay longer, they will help you simple tips experts.

Place the tree in a container of water. The tree will absorb moisture at the rate of 1 liter per 1 inch of trunk diameter. Scientist Les Werner says that the Christmas tree will feel great in clean water- the main thing is to change it more often and make sure that the trunk does not rot.

The Christmas tree can be stuck in a container with sand and poured with water, in which potassium permanganate crystals are dissolved. The solution should be a juicy pink color.

Add a tablespoon of sugar syrup or a few tablespoons of glycerin to the water - these simple "preservatives" will provide the Christmas tree with food and prolong its life.

Prepare a supernutrient solution: take aspirin at the rate of 1 tablet per 1 liter + three tablespoons of sugar.

Do not place the Christmas tree near a radiator or heaters - the needles will dry out quickly and fall off. Spray the tree or the air around warm water every day - the forest beauty will delight you for a very long time!

Here comes the most long-awaited holiday - the New Year! What does he smell like? Frost and tangerines, fresh pastries and spices, candles and incense. And, of course, a Christmas tree - the most important attribute of the New Year's celebration! What a holiday without the aroma of fresh needles in the house, so familiar to us from childhood and so good for health.

Living spruce, according to legend, keeps an inexhaustible source of vital energy, and the spirits living in it protect the home from various evil influences.

If you have opted for a living tree, then you really want to preserve the freshness of the Christmas tree and its bright aroma for the entire duration of the holidays. How to prolong the life of the forest beauty? Here are some tips.

This method is the most efficient. Just buy not a cut down tree, but a Christmas tree growing in a special tub, where the roots continue their life activity. The main condition for its preservation in its original form is to protect the forest beauty from heat shock when moving from frost to a warm house. This should be done gradually, first holding the plant for several days on a glazed balcony or veranda. You can replace the Christmas tree with more heat-loving trees like cypress or araucaria.

It is very important to choose the right freshly cut tree.

  • To do this, you need to pay attention to the trunk. It is good if its surface is covered with needles, and the cut does not have a wide dark border.
  • The freshness of the Christmas tree is evidenced by the elasticity of its branches and the bright, rich green color of the needles. If you rub a few needles in your fingers, a strong spruce smell must necessarily appear, and the surface of the skin will become oily.
  • Try hitting the base of the barrel hard on the ground. If the needles fell down, it means that the tree is not the first freshness and it is not worth taking it.
  • It is very good if the crown and tips of the branches remain intact during transportation.

Try not to bring the Christmas tree into a warm room immediately after purchase, but keep it wrapped in paper for several days on a glazed veranda or balcony. There she will go required acclimatization period.

In a warm room, do not immediately unfold the forest guest, but let it slowly warm up to ambient temperature.

When installing a Christmas tree, remove the lower branches (they are perfect for a New Year's wreath or bouquet), clean the trunk by 10-20 cm, be sure to update the saw cut and place the plant in settled water for a couple of days, constantly adding liquid. Then set the tree in a stand with a container filled with wet sand or water. You can also wrap the cleaned part of the trunk with any loose cloth and regularly moisten it with water or a specially prepared solution.

To prolong the life of the forest beauty, make the water more nutritious for her, and also take measures to prevent the growth of pathogenic bacteria. Here are some recipes:

  • The most famous option is to add a few cubes of refined sugar, an aspirin tablet and a handful of salt to the water. Pour the solution into a prepared container with water or sand.
  • Dissolve half a tablespoon of pre-crushed chalk and 5 grams of gelatin and citric acid in 3 liters of water.
  • A tree that stands in water with several dissolved crystals of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) retains its freshness well. The color of the liquid should be bright pink. This compound acts as a micro-fertilizer and your Christmas tree may even take root.
  • Your New Year's decoration will feel great if you add any specialized feed for conifers to the water in a dosage according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  • The nutritional composition can be obtained by mixing a teaspoon of superphosphate, a tablespoon of ammonium nitrate and half a teaspoon of potassium nitrate into the water. This fertilizer needs to be topped up daily at 1 tablespoon.
  • If, immediately after cleaning the trunk, the tree is lowered into a hot solution of acetic acid, then the heat will further open the pores of the tree, and the essence will protect against pests and preserve the plant.
  • You can also put Soviet-era copper coins in the water (maybe someone else still has them) or just copper wire. In this case, it will not be superfluous to add a few pieces of sugar along with an aspirin tablet.

The liquid, as it evaporates, must be topped up so that the cleaned lower part of the barrel is constantly under water. These same solutions can be used to regularly dampen sand or fabric.
