Dream Interpretation to pick up copper coins which means. What does it mean if you dreamed of coins

Dreams may not visit you every day. In order to interpret them, it is necessary to pay attention to each of them, even the most insignificant nuance. What are the coins for? How to interpret such a dream?

Why do coins dream - the main interpretation

A lot of money is a real joy for many. Who would not dream of winning a significant amount of money and thus solving many of their life problems? Why do you dream of coins if you collect them from the ground - such a dream does not promise you big profits. You will have to be content with little, otherwise you will not get even that. Such a dream can also indicate insignificant incomes, precisely because a person is not too keen on them.

In order to fully interpret the dream, you need to delve into all its details:

What kind of coins did you see in a dream;

How many coins have you seen?

What metal were they made from?

· Where exactly did you see the coins.

If you saw in a dream coins that have the same denomination, such a dream promises you the opportunity to choose from several of the same type of options. Perhaps you wanted to buy something, now you will have such an opportunity. If you dream that you could not find a coin in your pocket for a long time, in reality you will also not be able to make a decision for a long time.

What will prevent you from doing this? Most likely, you will not be able to concentrate on an important matter and will simply constantly put it off. It will be difficult for you to decide to take active actions, and the point is not at all that you are afraid of the consequences, you do not know how to realize your plan.

A dream in which you look for coins in your pocket for a long time and find that these are not the ones you need - you should stop. If you decide to do something, for example, invest money, conclude a contract, this will be a losing business that is not worth your attention.

A dream in which you cannot get a change in your pocket for a long time and eventually find the keys indicates that you can invest money very profitably and get the desired result. Such a dream may also indicate that you have a huge number of opportunities and prospects, you just need to be more active in achieving your goal. Try to set even the most unusual and extravagant goals, which you will achieve very easily.

A dream in which you see someone paying with coins for an expensive purchase indicates that you will have the opportunity to improve your material well-being and, if you used to be petty and did not allow yourself much. Now you have the opportunity to earn a lot and spend a lot. But make sure that your expenses do not exceed your income.

The dream in which you work as a cashier and they bring you a whole package of coins that you have to count means that soon you will receive quite tempting offers, by accepting them you can greatly improve your financial situation. But take a closer look at each of them, because you can rush and miscalculate.

A dream in which you have been trying to get a coin out of your wallet for a long time speaks of a difficult decision, of a conflict that is brewing with your loved one. If in a dream you scatter coins, it’s time for you to think about what exactly you want from life. Perhaps you want a holiday and happiness, perhaps you have enough of what you get from life anyway. Perhaps you are trying to understand your true feelings and needs more and more, but you are not so good at it.

If you scatter coins over the heads of the newlyweds, it means that a life surprise awaits you, joy and happiness await you. Try to more actively monitor everything that will happen in your life and do not miss the happy moments of life.

The dream in which you see silver coins speaks of difficulties in your financial and spiritual condition. It will be difficult for you to live and enjoy life. You will so withdraw into yourself that even close people will hardly please you.

The dream in which you count gold coins speaks of improving your health, of those opportunities that will allow you to improve your life, make new friends, get support and help.

The dream in which you see that the coins are copper and you put them in a vase speaks of the complexity of your financial situation. You can work long and hard, but you will not get a result that would satisfy you. A dream in which you have several handfuls of coins indicates that you will have to share your success and fame with colleagues.

If in a dream you bury coins in the ground, this is a very negative dream that portends you failure and negative thoughts. You should keep track of expenses and predict them, otherwise, instead of a joyful and successful life, you will begin to live difficult and penniless.

The dream in which you see a man giving you coins indicates that your chosen one will be stingy and rude. If you want to build a family with such a man, the dream book advises you to rely only on yourself, but if you want to build a family with a loving and sincere man, you need to look at other gentlemen. Because this young man cannot make you happy.

Why dream of coins according to Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book says that gold coins dream of luxury and joy, which may soon reign in your personal life. Your joy and happiness will be connected both with your acquaintances and with you personally. Someone will make you very happy and will give you a lot of positive emotions and feelings. Try to indulge this person in everything and not enter into conflicts. Then happiness will last a long time.

If in a dream you don’t have enough coins to pay off, then you won’t have enough little things to build a relationship for life. You need to figure out what it's about. Perhaps you are too categorical towards your partner, perhaps you allow yourself too much.

If you change coins for paper money in a dream, you will want to change the relationship that has been pleasing you for a long time for something new. You can meet a new man and it may seem to you that he is really worthy of your attention. You shouldn't change partners so drastically. Consider if it's worth it.

Why do coins dream according to the Esoteric dream book

The Esoteric Dream Book says that the coins that you count in a dream promise you poverty and difficulties in life. The coins that you give to someone speak of your extravagance. And now, even if someone needs your financial support, you should refuse, otherwise you yourself will be left with nothing.

The dream in which you see how children play with coins and scatter them indicates that you will be negligent about your earnings, you will not look for additional sources of income, although you need them. In reality, you will rely more and more on intuition, and it will let you down.

A dream in which you will try to pick up a coin from the floor for a long time indicates that your loss will seriously affect your future life. You will be trying for a long time to restore your image, your former reputation, and this will not work out for you.

Try to work more actively on yourself after such a dream. A dream in which you have been trying to figure out for a long time how many coins you need to pay for a purchase indicates that you will not be able to figure out your plans in reality and will count the money for a long time, trying to figure out how much you need to spend.

Why dream of coins in other dream books

Grishina's dream book says that coins in a dream do not always promise well-being and joy in reality. Try to take a closer look at your needs and figure out exactly what you want and what exactly you are striving for.

The dream in which you bury coins indicates that you have invested a lot of effort and now you need to wait for the result. If you do so, he will not keep you waiting long. But after a positive result, it is important not to give up positions.

Aesop's dream book says that coins dream when a person wants to achieve something new in life. This desire can be quite justified, it is important not to deviate from your goals and your positions. It is important to understand the new opportunities that life will open before you. The dream in which you lost coins promises you disappointment in loved ones. Don't expect much from them. Just be happy for them.

Money is not the main thing, but it's better when you have it. When there are enough of them for a comfortable life, it's good. What if money appears in a dream? Large banknotes are a favorable sign. Very often, such a vision promises pleasant worries and troubles.

But money is different. Why dream of a trifle? If the dream was vivid and memorable, you should not ignore it - it is better to decipher your dream in order to avoid unpleasant events.

The main interpretation says that dreaming of small coins promise you unnecessary chores, empty conversations and activities. In order to reliably and accurately decipher a dream, it is necessary to study the interpretation of the details of sleep and information from different dream books. This article will help with this.

What does it mean to see money in a dream?

Many people dream of money: both large bills and small change. Seeing something like this in a dream is one sign or another that can be unraveled by reading one or another dream book.

So, according to some dream books, a trifle or larger iron money seen in a dream is an omen of great changes in a person’s life. But if you dreamed not of a trifle, but of paper money, then this will already be interpreted differently.

The answer to the question of why a trifle is dreaming will not be unambiguous. However, most dream books assure: to see small money in a dream is a positive sign, promising interesting and exciting events in a person’s life.

Remember: the interpretation depends not only on the fact that you saw a change or other types of money in a dream, but also on what actions you perform with them. Counting, collecting, scattering small money - all this is very important in the interpretation.


just look at the coins

If in a dream you did not do anything, but simply saw small money, then the interpretation will depend on their appearance.

  • Dreaming of gold coins - you will start to get lucky in business, luck will be on your side. If they were silver, brand new, shone, then you can safely take on the most difficult and risky business, everything will work out.
  • Copper money - you have to work hard. If you are honest with yourself and the people around you, then you will find such a reward that you have not even dreamed of. Also, such a vision suggests that you will do a good deed, and this will warm your soul.
  • Seeing old money - fate will teach you a lesson, you will gain invaluable experience that will come in handy in the future.

A lot of scattered little things - to tears. But do not be upset in advance. The dream interpretation says that these will be ordinary tears, perhaps you will just become sad, or you will watch a sincere film. In any case, grief and trouble will bypass.

One small coin dreams, as a rule, for replenishment in your family.

Did you happen to observe that the coins are in the water? The dream interpretation gives two options for the development of events:

  1. If the water was clean and transparent, then you can achieve a lot with your perseverance and work.
  2. The water is muddy - losses, unsuccessful deals, betrayal of partners await you.


Actions with coins

  • You are given a lot of silver coins - a certain person wants to harm you. He will treat you dishonestly and unfairly.
  • Giving coins - you will finally be able to complete the work that you have been painstakingly working on for a long time. Sharing coins with another person is a quarrel with a work colleague or a scandal in the home circle.
  • To collect a trifle - you will be lucky, but only in minor, petty matters. It is better not to take on large transactions and serious work now.
  • Scatter coins - you spend too much time and effort on unnecessary things.
  • To find a treasure with small coins - you will begin to be in a good mood, any work will easily succeed.
  • Collect scattered coins - you will have to tickle your nerves, but the result will be favorable.
  • Collecting pennies in a cemetery - you will invest in an unprofitable business.

Collect small money in a dream

  1. If in a dream you were collecting change, for example, picking up coins from the floor or rummaging around the bed with your hands, expect to be "harnessed" into painful meticulous work, the result of which will not please you at all. They will give you so little money for it that you will be ashamed to carry it into your home piggy bank. There will be a desire to spend everything faster.
  2. According to another version, picking up little things promises material problems: income will decrease, but unforeseen expenses will appear. You will be mean to anyone. Perhaps you will refuse the person who comes to you to ask for a loan.

If in a dream you saw that a trifle was lying around everywhere, and were going to start picking it up, then when you wake up, be sure to remember what the coins looked like. If most of all there were silver coins, it means that someone is turning an insidious business regarding you, but you will be able to guess the attacker.

If coppers prevailed, some scandal will soon flare up, but because of trifles. Gold coins portend significant material income.

Pick up change

When in night dreams attention is focused on the fact that you are picking up a trifle from the ground, then soon your material condition in real life will improve significantly.

In addition, such a dream is interpreted in some dream books as a sign that in the present life period, many problems will be resolved positively on their own. If there are a lot of small coins found, then such a dream plot portends global positive life changes.

But if in a dream you collect change in someone else's hat, then you will have to realize other people's ideas in reality.

Collect money in different places

The plot of a dream stands out separately, in which you collect money in different places. Such a dream is a harbinger of the fact that you will successfully be able to realize your grandiose plans. But at the same time, it is very important not to save money on this, because all costs will pay off handsomely.

If in a dream you feel that you did not manage to collect a lot of little things, then this indicates that in real life not enough efforts have been made to implement the plans. But you should not worry about this, you just need to change your behavior and show diligence, and as a result, luck will still smile at you.


Also a bad sign are night dreams in which you ask for alms and see how they throw you a change.

This means that in real life there will be a strong dependence on someone, which will be a burden to you.


Scatter change

Even such night dreams may mean that one of the enemies wants to set you up.

If you give change to someone

Most dream books believe that giving a change to another person or people is a good sign. Everything will be great for you! You will pass on the accumulated knowledge to younger generations, other people will learn valuable experience from you.

  1. Giving away a change in a dream, you bring Fortune closer to you. The generosity shown while you sleep is reflected in your real life. It shows that you have something to give, which means that you are a kind and not greedy person.
  2. Dream Interpretation Maya is of the opinion that if in a dream you gave small money, for example, in debt or paid for a purchase in a store, a receipt in the mail, it means that soon the one who works with you will try to pass off your ideas as his own.
  3. The soothsayer Vanga interprets the dream in which you mercifully handed a coin to the needy: be more attentive to your capital, do not scatter it. In the near future, you will need very large finances, because it will be possible to realize your plans.

It happens that you dream that when you are going to pay for a purchase, you take out some change from your wallet and give it to the merchant behind the counter. The dream, according to the Summer Interpreter, tells you: you should not regret something lost. It may return.

Count change

  1. In general terms, this dream is of a dual nature: on the one hand, it does not portend anything bad, but only characterizes the dreamer as a thrifty and economical person.
  2. But on the other hand, it shows the dreamer's slight dissatisfaction with the state of his financial affairs.
  3. It is also an important fact for understanding sleep, what result did the action lead to: counting a trifle.
  4. If a loss was discovered during the calculation, then in real life the dreamer will have problems with payments.

If the opposite is true and the dreamer cannot complete the count due to the large number of coins, then this will soon be evidence of well-being and happiness. It is also worth paying attention to what the coins are saddles in a dream from (copper, silver or gold).

The worst sign is the presence of copper coins in a dream, which means that in the near future the dreamer will throw all his strength into ensuring the financial well-being of the family, but there will be no proper return on the efforts made.

Silver ones threaten the dreamer with big problems in marriage or love relationships, up to and including divorce. But gold portends a strong rise in financial terms.

Psychologists offer another important information regarding this dream: a wallet in a dream performs, rather, not a familiar role, but a kind of symbol of a person’s self-esteem. And they tell him the need to reconsider this aspect of life, since the price is paid very high.

Having examined in detail the possible variants of the meaning of this dream, an unequivocal conclusion arises that it should not escape attention, since it carries quite a few important information for the dreamer. And it is worth taking seriously, not only to this kind of dreams, but to any others, so as not to miss something important.


Detect shortage when counting in a dream

  • Interpreting what a trifle is dreaming of, the dream book, even in a dream, does not recommend taking the currency that has gone out of use. Such a dream portends deceit and an unsuccessful attempt to repeat past success.
  • When in a dream it happens to see a change in the bank, without being able to get it at your disposal, it is very likely that you are trying to be in time in all directions at once and as a result you are late everywhere.
  • If you dreamed about how they give you mere pennies for your work, do not rush to get upset: slightly paraphrasing a well-known saying, the dream book says that in reality you will be lucky in love.


Dreaming a lot of little things

Finding a large number of coins means that in the future you can count on luck, perhaps you will move up the career ladder. Another such dream promises quick changes in life and a fun pastime.


If you dream of a penny

According to Hasse's dream book, seeing one penny in a dream or picking it up means that you are satisfied with your current financial condition. If you count pennies, this indicates your stinginess. Soon greed will manifest itself in maximum strength.

  1. If, on the contrary, you extend pennies to the poor and begging, then you will definitely meet people on your way who will later become sincere and true friends.
  2. If in a dream you accidentally found a penny, be prepared to devote a lot of energy to the realization of the idea. However, the business will not bring you large profits.
  3. If you lost a penny, the same thing will happen in life. You will lose money somewhere, but not very much.

However, it will be morally difficult for you to part even with this small amount. If you pay pennies for a valuable item in a store, this is a sign for you: do not be so mean and overly frugal.

Whether the small money received in another way is found

Money finds in a dream are a positive sign. A large amount or a trifle - it does not matter in this case. The main thing is that you have found coins, which means that you can take on any undertaking: it will bring you success.

If a woman expecting a child finds a change in a dream, she will be offered to participate in the deal. You need to agree, because the deal will bring profit.

Stolen change

Did you see in a dream that small coins were stolen from you? Dream Interpretations believe that a big find awaits you.

What exactly it will be is still unknown, but what you find will please you extremely. If you yourself stole a change from someone in a dream, in real life you will be in danger. And you will be the one to blame. You should not get into all sorts of adventures, they still will not bring the desired results.

Small coins found in a pocket or purse

  1. If you dreamed that you were opening a wallet, and there was only a trifle in it, although you knew that there was a lot of money there, it means that soon relatives and friends will support you and help you in difficult times.
  2. If you look into your wallet and find that it is full of copper coins, learn to control your actions: fate is constantly pushing you to commit crimes against your conscience, tempting you with various intriguing situations. You must not be provoked. For true love, you must stop being manipulated.
  3. If in a dream you reached into your pocket and felt a small change there, although in real life you could not afford this and always kept even small money in more reliable places, then you know how to enjoy the little things and appreciate what you have. This is great quality! Always remain that person.

Small change in the bank

If you dreamed of an ordinary glass jar, and in it a pile of little things, but you don’t know how to get money or you are forbidden to use it, then you should stop and think: what exactly do you want from life?

The fact is that you are constantly trying to do several things at once, but this is physically impossible.

Choose one path and follow it to reach the goal. Otherwise, you risk losing everything and achieving nothing.

The dreamer is given change

If in a dream you dreamed that the president of the country was handing you a handful of little things or even just one penny, you can safely go through life: all anxieties and troubles will pass by, and if you already have some kind of trouble, you will soon forget about it.

Such an interpretation of a dream with a trifle is offered by the old ancient Persian dream book Taflisi.

Coins of various types

If a face in profile was carved on a dreaming coin and an ornament was present, you will have a duel with the enemy. The fight will be very hard and long.

  1. If the coin was dark in color, unpleasant squabbles and troubles threaten.
  2. Light money, on the contrary, is considered a positive and good sign.


Gold, silver and copper

For the correct interpretation of the dream, it is also important to take into account the material from which the coins were made. Of course, it is not always possible to remember such a detail the next morning after sleep, but if it worked out, that's good. In this case, the interpretation of dreams will be much more accurate.

  • A small change made of copper is a sign of a difficult financial situation, and sometimes even poverty.
  • Silver is also a bad sign, because it means disappointment, frustration, troubles and tears. Sometimes a trifle made of this material means the appearance of a disease.

  • But gold coins are good. To see them in a dream means to be soon recognized in society. Honor, respect, and authority - this is what a trifle (money) made of such a noble material as gold dreams of.


Lots of gold coins

Why dream a lot of little things? A huge number of coins in a dream, in any case, will be remembered until the morning. There is a lot of money (little things) in the dream book - a good sign that a person will soon become rich, and maybe even famous. It is very important to remember what metal the coins were made of.

For example, gold money means prosperity. A person will be appreciated in all his undertakings. After such a dream, a person's life will change for the better.

It must be remembered that when light coins are withdrawn - for good, dark - for quarrels that will develop into enmity. Do not take the interpretation of dreams to heart. It's just that in most cases people lose sight of some of the details that drastically affect the prediction of a dream.


Interpretation of a dream in different dream books

Freud's dream book

A trifle in a dream promises an unstable sex life. You can change partners, you may not be satisfied with everything around. You may even be disgusted with sex life if you suddenly found coins under your bed in a dream. Such a dream may also indicate that someone outsider wishes you and your relationship harm.

  • The dream in which you give coins to your man means that you will shed many tears because of his attitude towards you. It will not only be petty grievances and betrayal - it can be big problems, betrayals.
  • A dream in which you collect coins in a piggy bank means that you are accumulating memories of your former partners. Try to stop thinking about them and start your personal life anew. Turn the page of your life and open a new one.
  • The dream in which you leave coins in the church means that you really want a family and cannot get it in any way. You should help someone else get what they want and your cherished desire will come true.


Modern dream book

Now it’s worth talking about what a trifle (money) dreams of in a 21st century dream book. The meanings of such a vision are many.

  1. If a person begins to collect small things in a dream, this is to resolve minor issues that have worried the dreamer for some time. And they will disappear by themselves. So you should stop worrying about this and calmly do more important things.
  2. For a long time to collect a trifle in a dream - good luck. Very soon, a white streak will begin in life. Things will improve at work, in personal life.
  3. Scatter a trifle - to quarrels and disputes. It is worth being prepared for the fact that you will have to fight rumors and gossip, prove something and even swear. It is possible that the arguments presented will be futile. This dream sometimes means that someone is deliberately trying to slander a person, slander his reputation and call into question the good name of an honest and decent person. Well, then you should be careful and react less to provocative statements or actions.
  4. If a person sees how he asks for a change in a dream, then it's time to think about gaining independence. It is worth, finally, to start arranging your life and stop being dependent on someone. But stealing coins in a dream is a danger.

Miller's dream book

It is worth talking about why a trifle (money) is dreaming of according to Miller's dream book, which is one of the most popular interpretation books.

  1. If the dreamer receives coins from someone he trusts, then this is a good idea. Moreover, in the future, a person will be able to bring it to life, and successfully.
  2. But to take a trifle from someone with whom the dreamer's relationship is not pleasant is not a very positive sign. Most likely he will be deceived, or he will find himself in an unpleasant situation. And not of their own free will - this situation will be set up by someone. It is possible that the person who dreamed.
  3. If a person sees how he considers a trifle with his soulmate, you need to be wary. It is likely that soon there will be quarrels or misunderstandings between them on the basis of financial issues.


Dream Interpretation Kananita

  • Dreaming of brand new coins - to wealth.
  • Old ones - to unnecessary troubles.

To mint coins yourself - you will be busy with unnecessary work. Copper - fortunately, and gold or silver - to trouble. Small coins are something insignificant, whether it be business, relationships, chores or joy. Something not worth your attention.

For a woman, small coins can mean the courtship of a person who is completely indifferent to you.

Esoteric dream book

The Esoteric dream book says that coins are dreamed when a person begins to waste time on trifles. You ask a lot from life and, at the same time, you are not ready to give something to life. A dream in which you feel fear when you look for missing coins in your pocket indicates that you will be afraid of not finishing the job.

  1. A dream in which it seems to you that someone threw coins into your yard indicates that you have a friend who secretly feels hatred and envy for you. Perhaps you even know who it is, but you don't want to believe it. Try to look at the situation with open eyes and then everything will become clear.
  2. Why do coins dream if you find them at a crossroads - such a dream indicates that someone is clearly trying to harm you magically. Try to listen to your inner voice, whether there is anxiety in you, perhaps you suddenly fell seriously ill. Such a dream suggests that a series of troubles awaits you, the fault of which will be an outsider.
  3. The dream in which you mint coins indicates that you yourself will be to blame for your problems. Try not to aggravate the situation and avoid excessive nervousness and excitement. Keep yourself in control, even if you dream that someone is stealing coins from you. Such a dream means that you can return all the negativity, all the bad things to the one who brought it on you.

Dream interpretation of medium Hasse

Seeing small coins is a kind of struggle, resistance.

If they were copper, then happiness awaits you, while gold and silver promise trouble and grief.

Gypsy dream book

  • I dreamed that you were making money at the mint - your life will be full of prosperity, you will no longer experience material need.
  • To see that they are fake - commit a dishonorable act, as a result of which you will feel shame.

This dream book believes that the simpler the material from which the coin was created, the better for a sleeping person. Gold, as in other dream books, promises grief and trouble.

Esoteric dream book

Find coins in a dream - you really love a fun life and spend a lot of money on entertainment, moderate your ardor. Just seeing small money is a fun pastime.

Give or lose - to insignificant, but pleasant income.

Dream Interpretation of Adaskina

This dream book approaches interpretation thoroughly, considering the slightest nuances of your dream:

  • find money - a secure life;
  • to give - a streak of failures will follow;
  • lose - family troubles, quarrels;
  • count and detect a shortage - you have a major purchase ahead, spend a significant amount;
  • steal - you will be involved in a dubious case.

Russian dream book

Dream Interpretation: a trifle, money of small denomination, iron coins in a dream are all insignificant, petty (small expenses, stupid fears, useless petty achievements).

“Change for small coins” - spend energy and attention on unworthy trifles.

French dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: the interpretation of “a trifle to give alms” boils down to the following - in a difficult situation, you will behave with dignity and get out of it without ruining your reputation.
  • Dream Interpretation: a trifle to receive alms in a dream - you will soon receive a lot of money or an inheritance.
  • What does it mean if you dream of “a change to ask passers-by” - a love adventure will happen.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

What does a trifle mean in a dream - gossip, gossip or intrigue, as well as minor troubles that will take you a lot of strength and nerves, mean a trifle seen in a dream in a dream.

It’s not very good to see a change in a dream, it says that in real life you will only have a change in your pockets, no major transactions or large material injections.


Dream interpretation of the 21st century

Pennies dream of tears. It is also worth paying attention to the metal from which money is minted in a dream:

  1. gold - profit;
  2. silver - a quarrel, lack of understanding with others;
  3. copper - minor deeds, deceit.

I dreamed that you hear coins ringing - you will be offered a business that will not be entirely profitable for you.

They give you money - you will be busy with chores. If you start giving away, you will incur financial expenses. If in a dream you carried a change in your pocket, changes will occur in real life.

Collect coins - luck will smile at you.

Small Velesov dream book

Money dreams of tears, annoying incidents. For a reliable interpretation, it is worth recalling your actions:

  • they give you money - in real life you will need them;
  • give to someone - you will incur unforeseen expenses;
  • count - material well-being;
  • hide - you can be robbed;
  • collect - make a profit;
  • to see that they are fake - to the disease.



Dreams about small money can mean some little things in life that complicate it, small incomes, often tears. However, it must be remembered that even a small income is better than its complete absence, and tears are an opportunity to get rid of the accumulated negativity.

In addition, such a dream partly suggests that you should not waste your time on trifles, but you need to set a goal for yourself and move towards it without being distracted. Look for large bills in your wallet and stumble upon a trifle - to be disappointed in others or the results of your labors.

To pay for something with a trifle - to solve your accumulated problems with “little blood” or to receive unexpected income, to distribute a trifle to the poor - to receive unexpected help yourself.

If you dreamed of one small, but brand new coin, this is to unexpected luck, and often to the appearance of a child.


Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon Kananit

  1. Why dream that they gave a change to pay for the goods - sorrow will lie on the heart.
  2. Seeing a change in your hands in a dream - soon there will be expenses.

Dream Interpretation of Grandma Agafya

The meaning of dreams "trifle" comes down to one single interpretation - small insignificant matters, problems, obstacles and money.

Idiomatic dream book

What does a trifle mean in a dream? In real life, such a dream is interpreted literally: a trifle in your pockets and in your wallet.

Why dream a trifle in a dream? Everything that will happen to you will be petty, insignificant and insignificant.

Combined dream book

Seeing small money in a dream is a trifle - a symbol of insignificant and petty, insignificant and routine, passing and not worthy of your attention.

In a dream, a trifle is in your pocket - the dream says that you are wasting your nerves, time, and most importantly, your strength.

The “change in hand” dream says that you are chasing momentary profit and do not notice a profitable money offer.

  1. Dream Interpretation: collecting small change coins in a dream - collecting small change money in a dream means that in reality you will show commercialism and greed.
  2. Dream Interpretation: they gave a change of alms in a dream - if you see a change in a dream, they gave me in the form of alms, then after hard work and many years of a poor life, you will achieve material well-being.

The dream “to give alms at the church” - you will be asked for help, but you will not be able to provide it.

Seeing a trifle in a dream, giving it to the poor is a good sign - you will share your knowledge and experience, respect from others.

The dream “give change money in change” says that if in a dream they gave change in a store and there was a lot of it, a whole mountain, then after hardships you will find prosperity, and after hard work, you will have a quiet life.

Autumn dream book

Dream Interpretation: find a change in a wallet in a dream - you will lose honor.

Summer dream book

The dream of “paying with change” is reassuring: not everything is lost yet. Dream Interpretation: a change in a dream was stolen with a wallet - to bankruptcy.

Spring dream book

Why dream of a small penny - to tears. Dream Interpretation: to find a lot of little things in your wallet - to debts and lack of money.

Dream Interpretation of Adaskin

  • I dreamed of a lot of little things - you spend a lot of time and energy on insignificant, petty and insignificant.
  • I dreamed of counting a trifle in a dream - you will achieve material stability, but out of the habit of saving, you will save further.
  • I dreamed of giving a change to the poor - fate will be favorable to you.

Dream Interpretation Longo

The dream “money, a lot of change, give alms” says that you live among others, as if not at ease, you put on a mask and cannot live as you want and show your real “I”.

In a dream, I dreamed of a trifle “serve near the church to the poor” - you live as an unsatisfied person, but you cannot understand how to change this way of life. Turn to God and find your own way.

To collect alms in a dream - to see how a change is served to you, then the dream wants to warn you: you have enough money now, but you don’t care about the future and don’t save for a “rainy day”, your financial situation may worsen if you don’t stop useless to waste money.

Generalized dream book

Why dream a trifle in a dream? Dream Interpretation: a trifle dreamed - if a trifle dreamed in a dream, it means that what you spend a lot of time, effort and nerves on is insignificant and unimportant.

  • Why dream of a small coin in your hands? I dreamed of “a change in my hand” - a whole handful of little things in a dream are dreamed of by those who are chasing instant profit and thereby missing real profitable offers.
  • Why dream of a trifle to collect money? Dream Interpretation: collecting money is a trifle in a dream - it means that in reality you will have to show greed and commercialism.
  • Why dream of counting a penny? Dream Interpretation: counting little things in a dream - thanks to your frugality, your rational mind and your hard work, you will achieve a lot.
  • Why dream of paying in small change in a store? Dream Interpretation: paying with change in a dream means that in reality you will get rich, because in a dream you gave away a change in order to acquire something necessary and valuable.

Why do you dream of a change giving money in change in a store - Dream Interpretation: they gave change in change in a store in a dream - to receive change in change in a dream, although the amount was large and the change turned out to be a lot, it means that in reality after many years of deprivation and hard work peace and material well-being will come.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Why dream of giving change to the dead as alms - to wealth and material well-being. Why dream of receiving a change as alms - you will be rich and respected.

Gypsy dream book

I dreamed of a trifle in my wallet - there will be money, but they will be enough only for the most necessary.


Worldly dream book

Dream Interpretation Trifle interprets as follows: What does it mean to see a Trifle in a dream? Trifle - Seeing a trifle in a dream means that in real life you spend too much time and energy on things that give practically no result. Think about how you could use your time more efficiently and produce more tangible results.

Pocket dream book

If you dream of a trifle, what is it for: Trifle - If you dream of a trifle, then you will face big problems on the way to overcoming your intended goal. After such a dream, your contract may be broken or your loved one will accuse you of inattention to him.

Dreaming in a dream, how you lost a trifle - then a strip of minor problems awaits you. It is a dream that in a dream you found a trifle - then you will be lucky. If you dream that you are counting a trifle, then your frugality and scrupulousness will greatly help you in life.

Angelic dream book

Why dream of a trifle in a dream book: A trifle - Seeing a trifle in a dream means that in real life you spend too much time and effort on things that give practically no result. Think about how you could use your time more efficiently and produce more tangible results.

  • If you dream of a small change lying in your wallet, while you expected to see larger bills there, in reality you will be disappointed in people close to you. Perhaps betrayal by those from whom you do not expect it at all.
  • If you had a dream in which you are counting a trifle, hoping to make a purchase, but you understand that you are missing quite a bit, then in real life you can achieve impressive success in the field of finance, because you will always take good care of money.
  • If you dream that you are giving change to the poor, then in reality a person will soon appear in your life who will help you in difficult situations without asking for anything in return.
  • If you dream that you have lost a change, then in the near future you will be assigned a lot of unpleasant duties, the fulfillment of which, however, gives you a chance to achieve a promotion or gain the trust of the person you need.
  • If you had a dream in which you found a few coins, then in real life temptations await you, which you will have to give up in the name of more promising activities.


Symbolic dream book

Gold, silver and other metal coins (except copper) are an extremely auspicious sign, promising extraordinary profits in any enterprise. If you considered a trifle, this may indicate both your practicality and dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs.


Muslim dream book (Islamic)

A dream concerning any money portends excitement, anxiety and unpleasant events. To exchange coins in a dream - to have a skeptical idea of ​​\u200b\u200bits actions in real life.


Coins in a dream from the point of view of psychologists

It is believed that if you dream of money, then you should pay close attention to something equivalent to them in importance. It can be your time, internal energy, relationships with other people.

If there is not a lot of money, then you feel a lack of certain things in your life. For example, you lack attention or communication. You can also feel a breakdown - you experience a lack of energy, life potential is at zero.

  • Pay large sums in a dream - you feel guilty, you understand that the hour of reckoning will come.
  • Fake coins are dreaming - you are a dishonest person, you often deceived people. Now it seems to you that they also want to deceive you, in reality you beware and are afraid of this.

According to psychologist Miller, finding big money in a dream along with small ones is a great happiness, which will be slightly overshadowed by minor troubles and troubles.

Counting a lot of coins - you can very well influence how to become a wealthy and happy person. Scattering small coins is a dismissive attitude towards certain things, certain people and even oneself. This is exactly what Miller proposes.

What to do if the dream book predicted bad

Very often people see the so-called bad dreams, which, even in oblivion, cause trembling in the hands and tears in the eyes. Waking up in the morning, the dreamer remembers the dream image all day. And when he finds his interpretation in the dream book, he gets upset and waits with horror for his embodiment. How to avoid a bad omen?

First, you need to tune in to a positive wave. Even if a dream portends misfortune, one must believe that it can be avoided. For example, a person is looking for what rats dream of and dream books say that this is a disaster, it is necessary to prevent it with the help of special words. It is recommended to use one of the rituals, prayers or conspiracies that have been preserved and have come down to our days since pagan times.

The most common conspiracy is the phrase - "Where the night is, there is my dream." These words seem to drive away bad news, protect a person from the realization of unsuccessful, disappointing dreams.

No less popular words that can set the dreamer in a good mood is a small prayer.

  • “Someone’s dream comes true, but it doesn’t concern me! The Lord is always with me, and a bad dream is not mine! Amen".
  • This prayer is read at dawn, immediately after waking up.
  • In this case, you should not look out the window.

You can get rid of thoughts about a bad dream with the help of the elements. It is recommended to wash your hands under running water, while telling the flow of dreamed misfortunes. You can completely visit the shower and thereby wash away your terrible dreams and worries.

There is another way. Waking up in the morning, you need to write your dream on a blank sheet of paper, and then burn the paper, thinking that anxiety will pass along with the ashes.



Our dreams are a reflection of past events. There is an opinion that they are subjective, and it is impossible to create a universal interpreter. But most often, predictions of the future from dream books come true. Therefore, carefully study your dreams, pay attention to the details, and our dream book will help you with this.

Coins in a dream - Seeing gold coins in a dream- to profit, silver - to quarrels in the family, copper coins dream of great difficulties associated with money.
Seeing silver coins in a dream- to wealth. You may soon get an inheritance or a big win.
Seeing copper coins, on the contrary, portends poverty and oblivion.
Throw away coins- to breaking up relationships, leaving the family, parting with loved ones due to a long business trip.
The giver can do something good for you in real life.
A girl who saw in a dream that a loved one gave her silver coins should be prepared for the fact that the chosen one will act dishonestly towards her. Shiny and bright silver coins portend the favor of fate, while copper coins mean hard work and despair.
Money, in the form of coins seen in a dream, portends success and prosperity in reality.
For a man, sleeping with gold coins is especially important, because if he cannot resist the temptation to take possession of a woman, then he will never be happy in love.
If you dreamed that you were giving coins, it means that soon you will have to part with something valuable to you.
If you dreamed that you picked up a coin from the ground, then one of your friends lives at your expense. Think about it.
If you dreamed that you were paying for something with coins, be careful with money. You may lose them.
If you had a dream about coins- wait for events that will make you rich.
If you dream that you are giving someone coins, then in life you want everyone to admire you and be grateful for any little thing. Don't waste your energy on this activity.
If you are given coins in a dream, this is an auspicious dream.
If in a dream you see coins, then this indicates your tendency to hoarding. At this point in your life, you can't think of anything else. Your whole life revolves only around material goods in general and money in particular. You should seriously think about the meaning of life and determine for yourself the place of money in your heart.
If in a dream you found a treasure with coins, then good news awaits you soon. Such a dream sometimes promises a monetary reward.
If in a dream you cannot make out what is depicted on a coin, this means that in reality you are in danger of big losses.
If in a dream someone gave you a few coins, then in life you will get rid of the anxieties and sorrows that torment you.
If in a dream you see a scattered trifle- this is for tears.
If you give alms in a dream, then this indicates that your selflessness will be trampled on by the same people whom you help in real life.
If a woman sees a dream with gold coins, then she will most likely have to face the problem of choosing a family or career.
If the coins were blackened or stained with dirt, you will be mired in conflicts with loved ones, which can even lead to enmity. At the same time, a clearly distinguishable profile and numbers on the coin mean the fierceness of your confrontation.
If the coins in your dream were gold, then in the real world you will be a happy, rich, famous and influential person. this dream prophesies a fascinating and informative journey.
If the coins are old- the legacy will be impressive.
If you dreamed of a dark coin are conflicts and enmity.
If the silver is darkened, then quarrels and secrets from each other will begin in the family.
If you dream that the coin has returned, it means that in life all the troubles will be solved safely, but if this did not happen, then the outcome may be unfavorable.
If you dream of gold coins is for prosperity.
If a person dreamed that a coin was stolen from him or he himself lost it, then the children will cause a lot of trouble.
Iron or copper coins in a dream indicate that you will have a hard time in the near future. Problems will begin at work and financially, poverty threatens you. You have to work hard to feed yourself and your family.
Gold coins in a dream will bring you happiness, success in life, prosperity and wealth. This dream is considered a very good sign.
Dreaming of gold coins means that a person will be judged as a worthy person.
Sometimes dreams about coins portend deception on the part of acquaintances. Such a dream warns that money should be treated carefully.
When you see gold coins in front of you in a dream, expect temptations.
A bent coin, on the contrary, warns that your detractors will slander your name, which can lead to your imprisonment. such a dream may indicate that difficult and long negotiations await you in your professional activities.
Seeing coins in a dream means that a number of events will soon happen in your life. Which ones can be predicted if you remember the metal or the color of the coins you saw in a dream.
Copper coins seen in a dream indicate that in real life you will have to suffer losses, hardships, hard work and need.
Silver coins dream of the dishonesty of your soulmate, family troubles, which, however, will quickly end, leaving no remorse and painful memories behind.
Coins made of gold promise respect and reverence from the surrounding people.
Finding coins in a dream means the implementation of new plans and projects in reality, you will acquire useful connections and strong patrons, you will successfully study or find a new job.
Count coins in a dream and share them with someone- to unexpected wealth and a calm family life.
Counting coins in a dream predicts sadness, tears, sorrows and unpleasant chores.
Lose coins in a dream- to losses.
A dreaming pile of coins will bring fame and fortune.
Hiding coins in a dream, burying a treasure with gold coins means that your curiosity and desire to participate in all events in the life of friends and relatives will not lead to anything good. They begin to dislike you, feel irritation and anger towards your person.
Light coins dream of good, and bent ones portend a lie against the person who saw this dream.
See silver coins in a dream- to family happiness, mutual understanding with loved ones, fidelity of the spouse and comfort in the house.
Old unusual coins dream of good luck and success among colleagues.
Counting coins and sharing them with your soulmate means discord in the family, and a very small, literally tiny coin means the birth of a child.
spend coins- a dream prophesies a big win, great luck, a fateful meeting and a lot of fun in reality.
Clean, shiny coins dream of good events in your life.

Why dream of collecting coins? The dream interpretation claims: ahead of loss, worries, small changes, family troubles. But such a sign in a dream also portends financial success, a favorable course of affairs, and a good reward.

Improving financial condition

Did you dream of finding money and picking it up? Wake up will be materially improved.

Seeing how you raise money and put it in your hat means: you will successfully implement your idea and get a good reward.

Collected coins in a dream, and piled up a large pile of money? You will soon be rich and famous.

Be careful with others, take care of small worries more easily

Why dream of picking up the found trifle? Waking should be careful when communicating with others: they can cause harm.

Did you dream of collecting handfuls of coins found on the street? The dream interpretation explains: there will be luck, a good reward.

Scattering and collecting them is a waste of energy on minor worries. The dreamer is too tense where much less effort can be applied.

Had a chance to scatter and look for them in a dream? Financial losses are possible - the more significant, the more little things crumbled.

Miller's dream book: ahead of the excitement

Why dream of collecting coins? A dream warns of upcoming unrest - at work or because of relatives.

Gift, success in the business field

Were they old in the dream? It's time to stop living in memories of the past. You have to keep up with the times.

Did you dream of collecting coins not modern, but old? The dream book tells you: get an original interesting gift.

If the old coins were large, expect an improvement in the business area, a good profit. And rare, valuable portend a valuable acquisition, and not only in material terms.

Minor changes, turmoil

Did you raise ten-ruble coins in a dream? The dream interpretation says: you are ineptly managing your money affairs and therefore you think that there are always few of them.

Why do small ones dream? The vision indicates: the dreams of the sleeper cannot come true, therefore, for now, they will remain only dreams.

Dreamed of small coins? According to the dream book, changes in business are coming, but they will turn out to be insignificant.

Collecting silver coins in a dream means: quarrels and troubles with households will begin. Efforts should be made to resolve them.

What were they like?

The interpretation of sleep takes into account what they were:

  • gold - prosperity awaits you ahead;
  • silver - quarrels with friends;
  • copper - hard physical labor;
  • nickel - the result of some undertaking will not be worth the effort spent on it.

Don't Put Money Above Everything

Why dream of finding gold coins? The dream interpretation indicates: you attach paramount importance to material goods. Life can disappoint, proving otherwise.

Seeing and picking up gold from the ground in a dream means: the sleeper will not stop at any steps to get rich. He can go not only to humiliation, but also to betrayal. You shouldn't extol money like that, because you can't buy a reputation - if you ruin it once, you'll have to live with it forever.

A dream about acquired money carries a positive charge. As in real life, unexpected cash replenishment is a pleasant event. But in a dream, minor little things can radically change the meaning of everything seen. In order to find out for certain what the coins are dreaming of, it is necessary to study at least several sources.

A dream about acquired money carries a positive charge

Numerous situations related to money have different, often opposite, meanings.

Coins in a dream can:

  • to find;
  • lose;
  • give;
  • share;
  • scatter;
  • steal and so on.

Counting coins in a dream means that during this period you can find a solution to the problem only if you observe economy and thrift.

If valuable metal money was stolen from the dreamer in large quantities, then you should take care of your safety. In the near future, it is better to avoid those places and situations where you can get injured.

When in a dream it was possible to find several small coins, then such an omen promises failure in business. The source of such troubles, most likely, will be a close person or relative.

Coins in the dream book (video)

Why dream of a trifle, rubles, kopecks

Money seen in a dream can have a lot of characteristics:

  • small or large coins in size;
  • at face value;
  • made from different materials;
  • modern or vintage;
  • new or worn;
  • rare, collectible, anniversary;
  • damaged and so on.

Scattered trifle dreams of tears. It's not always tears of grief.

  1. Losing small money means getting a small income.
  2. Collecting small money means success in small projects, getting rid of the hassle and resolving minor conflicts. At this time, all troubles are eliminated by themselves, so you should not waste your energy on them. It is better to take on larger projects.
  3. A one-ruble metal coin seen in a dream symbolizes trouble. If the coin is made of cheap metal, then such troubles can bring the dreamer to tears.
  4. Also, small money can mean quick changes in fate. They will be bright and will radically change the dreamer's life.
  5. If in a dream you count the change and find a shortage, then you can expect trouble with bank transfers and other electronic transactions. Counting a large number of little things means getting happiness only after making an effort.
  6. If spouses keep count of small coins, then they should expect minor quarrels and misunderstandings in relationships. Most likely, the cause of squabbles will be a financial issue.
  7. To take a penny from the hands of a friend or relative in a dream means a good idea that can be successfully implemented. If a stranger stretches a penny, then this is a sign of impending failure. At this time, there is a high probability of being deceived or involved in an illegal event.

Collecting small money means success in small projects, getting rid of hassle and resolving minor conflicts.

By external signs, a trifle can be light, which means a good omen, or dark, which promises quarrels and enmity.

Why dream of gold money or iron coins

Gold coins in a dream are a symbol of well-being and wealth. Most often, they evoke pleasant associations in the dreamer. Seeing a chest full of gold promises the realization of what was conceived. A dreaming of a golden monisto of coins promises great achievements, provided that its shortcomings are eradicated. This is a great period for practicing self-improvement, both spiritual and physical.

  • If gold coins were received as a gift, then the girl is destined to marry a rich groom. At the same time, he will be extremely stingy. If the gold coins in a dream are old and rare, then only one's own merits in the business arena can help achieve the goal.
  • Hearing a ringing in a dream and understanding that this is the ringing of gold coins means finding the right path to prosperity and well-being. If a treasure with gold is surrendered to the state, then in real life you can lose the trust of loved ones and work colleagues. Selling gold money is a sign of prolonged loneliness. After such a dream, you need to take care of your personal life and communicate more with people.
  • Money made of gold means a good reputation as a dreamer. Such a dream is a sure sign of prosperity. Interesting sea voyages are possible, which will leave wonderful memories of yourself.
  • Parting with gold money in a dream promises the loss of a job or other source of income.

Old iron money seen in a dream symbolizes the useful experience accumulated over the years.

Old iron money seen in a dream symbolizes the useful experience accumulated over the years. Soon someone will pass on important knowledge to the dreamer or he will learn a lesson from current events. At this time, you can safely count on compensation for your own patience. To give iron money means to successfully complete the work begun earlier.

To dream of commemorative coins, old and collectible

If in a dream you happened to find a rare commemorative or collectible coin, then this is a sign that you will soon receive a loan from an institution or from someone you know. As a result of this event, the dreamer will be able to realize his immediate plans.

If in a dream you happened to find a rare commemorative or collectible coin, then this is a sign of an imminent loan from an institution or from someone you know.

Ancient coins promise a quick gift, which will be distinguished by surprise and originality. If they are large, then you can count on an early improvement in the financial situation. This period will be favorable for conducting financial affairs, as their result will be a significant profit. If a large treasure consisted of such coins, then good luck in business will be accompanied by a rise in strength and a passion for working capacity.

Rare ancient coins seen in a dream are a sign of a valuable acquisition. It's not just about material things. You can get rich:

  • secret knowledge;
  • invaluable experience;
  • wisdom from older comrades.

If such an opportunity arises, then it should not be missed, as this knowledge will be used in practice to achieve an important goal.

What does it mean to find silver coins in a dream

For a family man, silver coins can be an unfavorable sign. In the near future, quarrels and other troubles in everyday life may happen. Sleep will entail empty chores and unpleasant situations associated with friends.

For a family man, silver coins can be an unfavorable sign.

Other dream books say that if you dreamed of shiny new silver coins, then they can still bring pleasant predictions. The larger the silver disc, the more favorable the fate of the dreamer. A bad dream can be considered a ghostly little thing made of silver. If at this time the question is about the realization of any hope or dream, then, most likely, the plan will not come true. The dream about melted or crumpled metal money worsens the situation.

Collect coins in a dream: meaning

To find and collect coins in a dream means to improve your material well-being in reality. If the coins that the dreamer collects were scattered by them, then the prediction has the opposite meaning. Financial losses and failures in business are possible. The more coins were on the ground, the heavier the financial damage will be.

If the dreamer sees that he is putting the collected coins into his hat, then one of his ideas will be successfully implemented. This will be accompanied by monetary gain. If the hat in a dream turned out to be someone else's, then taking advantage of other people's plans, the dreamer will be able to improve his financial situation. You need to pay attention to your condition at this moment: if the dreamer’s mood deteriorated while collecting money, and there were few coins in the hat, then you need to be more careful. This period is fraught with financial losses. You should not start projects and accept offers related to money matters.

To see in a dream how handfuls of coins are collected means in reality to become the owner of a large reward. If few were collected, then too little effort was made to achieve the goal. You should reconsider your views on financial issues that have been relevant until recently. Perhaps they can still be profitably implemented if you try to be more active.

Why dream of a trifle (video)

According to other sources, collecting coins can become a symbol of minor troubles and worries. With a reasonable approach, these problems will be solved in favor of the dreamer and will bring him benefits.

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