Why do you dream of bald patches on your head. Why see yourself naked in a dream - to shame or an erotic adventure? Dreaming of Dandruff, why

    Dream interpretation "prisnilos"

    Besides, see myself naked in dream- evidence of your excessive timidity and shyness. It is possible that it is these qualities that prevent you from demonstrating to others all your abilities and getting what you really deserve. Finally, the plot can also be the personification of the feeling of shame that you feel for some act. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    See in dream myself naked- there is a sign of illness, poverty, insult and labor; run naked marks crafty relatives and unworthy friends; see myself naked in the bath there is a sign of joy, pleasure; see naked his friend or servant portends a quarrel with them; see stranger naked portends an unexpected fright.Read completely

  • Dream Interpretation "sonnik-enigma"

    Why dream see myself naked should be interpreted according to one's own taste. If seen in dream it seemed attractive and exciting to you, you admire your body and are even proud of your nudity, well-being awaits you. If, having taken off her clothes, the dreamer suddenly discovers deformities or ulcers on the body, changes are coming in her personal life, unfortunately, not in better side, - the dream book warns. Read completely

    Dream interpretation "info-girl"

    Interpretation dreams- for what see myself naked. Why are we see myself naked in dream? See your own naked body, and to understand that this is bad - this dream indicates that you are aware that the problem exists and are mentally prepared to solve it. This is very important, because awareness of the existence of a problem is the way to get rid of it. If you saw myself naked, and you are very embarrassed for this - such dream tells that in your soul you do not want to accept the presence of a problem. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "taro-mymagic"

    See myself in dream naked- to shame, to shame, to an unpleasant situation. It has the same meaning dreamsee myself half-naked in dream or underwear. In dream see myself beautiful, with thick hair - to wealth, to profit, to joy and love. See myself in dream ugly - to disappointment, to a situation in which you will feel myself misunderstood, others will condemn you.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

    See myself naked in dream, I dreamed that you were naked or naked - weakness, Vulnerability, Defenselessness; otherwise, ruin your reputation. If in dream you were left without clothes in the middle a large number dressed people, Dream portends you public shame or indicates that in the current environment you feel myself very uncomfortable. Either way be nude in dream means that in reality you will find yourself very vulnerable and defenseless.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "1001goroskop"

    Everyone at least once had seen myself in dream naked in the middle of a crowd or in slippers at a dinner party! What do these mean dreams And why do we dream about them at all? See myself in dream naked or dressed out of place for many people is a common thing. And this is not surprising, because clothes in dream, as in life, reflects the image of a person, his position in society. “I often see in dream, as if a combined concert is going on, - singer Natalya Gulkina spoke about her nightmares in one of the interviews. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magiachisel"

    Seeing in dream beautiful naked opposite person gender- in reality you can satisfy your secret old passion. If you dreamed of an ugly naked man - in love affairs you will fail, you may be disgraced. In the event that the type naked a person scared you - in reality you will also experience a fright. See naked most myself- be in a difficult financial situation.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Nudity - See myself in dream naked - to unseemly acts and scandals. See naked others - a sign that someone is trying to interfere with you. If you dream that you are trying to cover up your nakedness, then high feelings will collide with a thirst for illicit passions. If a young woman in dream admires her naked body - she will be lucky thanks to her charm.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "krasotulya"

    I happened to be talking to a girl about what it can mean when see myself naked in dream. Turns out it's quite common. dream, when a person sees myself naked in different situations not always related to sex. Well, it still happens that dreams naked female, naked a man, but it’s clearer here - this is just, usually, an expression of sexual desire. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "TainaSnov"

    half naked girl, vintage clothes, lord, subway, conferring of subjects, antiquity, ancient castle, kisses, others have sex, beautiful girls, acting, binoculars, rules of conduct, making love, people of noble birth, lords. Dream in which the man sees myself girl, can symbolize the darkening of the mind. See in dream virgin - good luck in business. If a young woman dreams that she is a virgin, then perhaps she will regret her past. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "woman-v"

    See myself naked in dream at times it was necessary, probably, to each woman. Sometimes people dream that they are absolutely naked or only in underwear perform some actions. What does this mean, and what does it symbolize to be naked? There is an opinion that when a person dreams that he sees, what he naked, - this means his subconscious vulnerability, which he carefully hides under impenetrable self-confidence and indifference. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "esonniki"

    Naked in dream dream book. See myself in dream naked- to scandals and unreasonable acts. See naked others means that in reality they will try to persuade you to give up your ideas. If you dreamed that you found that you naked, and trying to cover up nudity, then in reality you will strive for dubious pleasures, although you will be ashamed of them. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "junona"

    In dream see Naked. See myself naked naked seeing such dream, will be punished. If a woman sees naked men swimming in clean water She will have many fans. But if the water is dirty or muddy, beware: one of the jealous fans will spread evil gossip about you. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "astro101"

    See myself naked in dream means fear of exposure. Becomes not yourself when you realize myself naked in a public place, this may reflect your fear that some unpleasant facts will be revealed or a sense of shame. Maybe you are hiding something and are afraid that other people see right through you. Symbolically, clothes are a means of disguise, but without clothes everything becomes obvious and you are deprived of protection.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "vseproson"

    See in dream myself being naked and feeling ashamed for this reason, asking people for a piece of cloth in order to cover yourself - this is a sure sign that you need to visit the church and confess. If you are an honest and humble person, then dream portends that in reality all your sins will be forgiven. If your conscience is not clear - wait after this sleep troubles!Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "meduniver"

    In dream we see what must be done. Such dreams, which predict to us what will happen in reality, are usually called prophetic. However, not everyone dream is prophetic, sometimes we dream of some people and events only because we are too worried about some problem. For example, a girl in love often dreams of her lover, not because he is in real life will lead myself just like her saw his in dream.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "owoman"

    Why dream of Nudity in dream: Nudity - See myself naked- to illness, trouble. See naked others - a sign that they will try to persuade you to give up your ideas. If a woman sees in dream naked men swimming in clear water - she will have many admirers. But if the water is dirty or muddy, she should get ready: one of her jealous boyfriends will spread evil gossip about her. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "zizn"

    my grandmother in dream saw half naked girl in dream,naked to the waist, what could that mean? dream not very pleasant for the elderly, if it is prophetic, then this is a sign of weakness, malaise or illness. But there is another option: to unrealizable desires, the inability to do what you wanted ... Read more

    Dream Interpretation "os.moy"

    Home » 2014 » September » 3 » Dream Interpretation: Nudity in public, see myself naked in dream.Interpretation sleep. You are surprised to find myself completely naked in a public place and frantically trying to cover your body or hide behind everything that comes your way. Everyone around is fully clothed, and although you are extremely embarrassed, no one seems to notice your nakedness.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "NeoLove"

    Interpretation sleep Nudity - See myself in dream naked - portends a scandal and generally unseemly deeds. See naked others - a sign that... See in dream myself naked with a beautiful body - to well-being; see body with injuries - to personal trouble; others see naked - to the scandal. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    If it looks repulsive - be careful when communicating with people who are different from you. gender, they can be extremely hypocritical and just make fun of you. I dreamed of Nudity, but the right interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out what Nudity is dreaming of in dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if in myself, about your strengths and weaknesses. If you see in time sleep in the mirror your face, you should be prepared for certain changes in life, which will be quite serious and tangible. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "DomSnov"

    Interpretation (meaning) sleep See myself. See myself in dream- You have good plans and hopes for the future. A possible promotion can bring you great financial benefits. See myself pregnant in dream- dreams of successful love for girls, for old women dream does not bode well. see myself let's throw in a dream I was wondering what it means.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Why dream Naked. What means dream Tuesday to Wednesday? Eastern dream book. See myself naked- to illness, scandals and unreasonable acts. To swim naked in clear water - to forbidden, but sweet love, for which a woman, seeing such dream, will be punished. Dream in which you seen naked small children - portends you a bright, pure happiness. Seeing in dream beautiful naked opposite person gender- in reality you can satisfy your secret old passion.

\\ u003c ul \\ u003e \\ u003c li \\ u003e Seeing yourself naked - to illness, scandals and unreasonable acts. Swimming naked in clear water is a forbidden but sweet love, for which a woman who has such a dream will be punished. If a woman sees naked men swimming in clear water, she will have many admirers. But if the water is dirty or muddy, beware: one of the jealous admirers will spread evil gossip about you. \\ u003c / Li \\ u003e \\ u003c / ul \\ u003e

\\ U003cUl \\ u003e \\ u003cli \\ u003e A dream in which you admire your naked body portends you many good and worthy admirers. However, it is unlikely that you will be able to stop at one of them; as a result, you will lose everyone. If you are not delighted with the contemplation of your nudity, beware of scandals. If you dreamed that you were swimming naked in clear water, a sweet, but forbidden love awaits you, for which you will soon have to answer to others. A dream in which you watch naked men bathe in water promises you a lot of admirers. Just try to carefully examine the water in a dream. If you see that it is not crystal clear, but cloudy or just dirty, then you will have a hard time: one of your pseudo-fans will spread evil gossip about you. \\U003c/Li\\u003e\\u003c/ul\\u003e

Nudity - A dream in which you got up naked portends a scandal and some unseemly deeds. They saw someone else naked - get ready for the fact that ill-wishers will try to lead you astray. In addition, illness can interfere with your success. If you dreamed that you suddenly noticed your nakedness and tried to cover it up, your noble feelings will come into conflict with the thirst for unlawful passions. A young woman, who in a dream is carried away by her own nakedness, in real life will achieve a man, but will not keep her. And this is on condition that she is well built: otherwise her reputation will be tarnished by some scandal. If she dreamed that she was swimming naked in clear water, then she would have to enjoy secret love. Seeing in a dream naked men bathing in clear water, she can count on a crowd of admirers. If the water is dirty, a jealous admirer will let some vicious gossip about it. D. Loffa interpreted “naked dreams” as follows: “Nude in a dream - significant event. Often people say that in dreams they were completely naked or dressed only in underwear. Such dreams often reveal our vulnerability, which is hidden under the seemingly impenetrable veil of self-confidence. This vulnerability originates in the part of our being that we hide from others. Concealment can be conscious, for example, hiding a taboo, or less conscious, which comes from our universal conclusion: if others know the whole ins and outs of a person, then he will not be fully accepted and understood by them, moreover, he will be absolutely defenseless. A feature of "naked dreams" is their Feedback with the tale of the king's new dress. If you remember, the tale tells of two tailors who persuade the king to stand naked at the throne, and his courtiers pretend to admire the "new dress". In the end only little boy decides to voice the obvious - what everyone sees, but is afraid to say out loud: "Kor ...

Nudity. Seeing yourself naked in a dream - before a scandal, unseemly acts, others - someone will try to lead you astray, as well as to illness. If you suddenly find that you are naked (naked) and try to hide behind - your beliefs will come into conflict with your desires and passion. If a young woman dreams that she likes her naked body, she will get the man she likes, but will not keep him; will be happy thanks to her charm; if she dreams that she is poorly built - before a scandal and the danger of tarnishing her reputation. A young woman swims naked in clear water - she will enjoy secret love, but she risks getting sick or losing her attractiveness; if bathed in dirty water- her secret deeds will be exposed and her reputation will suffer. For a woman, to see naked men bathing in clear water - to numerous admirers, from whom she will receive a lot of pleasure; men in dirty water - fans will cause trouble, be jealous and gossip, many dream books interpret such a dream.

Nudity - Seeing yourself naked - to illness, trouble. Seeing others naked is a sign that they will try to persuade you to give up your ideas. If a woman sees in a dream naked men swimming in clear water, she will have many admirers. But if the water is dirty or muddy, she should get ready: one of her jealous fans will spread evil gossip about her.

Nudity - to be naked - squalor. Seeing others naked - you will live without worries. Run naked - have cunning relatives. To see yourself naked - you will not be able to hide your shortcomings from friends. Looking at naked people - you will achieve well-being by overcoming many obstacles. Walking down the street without clothes - your relatives are plotting a tricky move, trying to leave you without an inheritance. To be on a nudist beach - you will encounter financial difficulties. Naked children - a strong fright

Miller's dream book is less optimistic: seeing yourself naked in a dream means incurring trouble in reality. If a girl sees herself in a mirror, admiring her own nakedness, it is quite possible that she will be lucky, however, success will be short-lived. If a naked reflection in a mirror is not aesthetically pleasing, avoid conflict situations, swearing - not the best decoration for your image.

Loff's dream book believes that only the woman in whose life is about to happen has to see herself naked in a dream significant event, which will be sudden and very exciting. The dreamer may seem that she is not ready for him. At some point, you will have to experience awkwardness and defenselessness, as if you really were naked.

Why dream of seeing yourself naked should be interpreted based on your attitude towards dreaming of nudity. Narcissism with a naked body in a public place indicates excessive self-confidence, which is not always justified. Disgust or shame should be regarded as a warning: it will not be superfluous to take care of health and reputation.

There is another interpretation of sleep: seeing yourself naked and trying to cover up your nakedness reflects your inner struggle. Secret desires and reputation are not at stake, which risks being called into question if they are fulfilled.

Despite the fact that you try to hide your discomfort in any way you can, no one around you notices, because to them you continue to seem protected and confident, and not at all that vulnerable and vulnerable person which you yourself feel. Through your fear of showing your vulnerability in ordinary life you may appear cold towards other people, and they may feel uncomfortable that you hide your true feelings. If you are missing an important?? pieces of clothing, this means that you are usually a confident person, but it seems to you that a crack has appeared in your armor. However, the more you cover yourself up, the harder it becomes for you to showcase your unique talents. There are often situations in life when the only way to truly express your talent is to simply open up and be yourself.

Our skin forms a visible barrier between our inner and outside world, and sometimes we can feel vulnerable if this barrier is not protected. We often use the words "thick-skinned" or "thin-skinned" to describe how a person reacts when faced with criticism or insult. Now, in many cultures, the naked body in public is perceived much more easily than before; facilities mass media surrounded us with images of poorly covered bodies. But even people who dare to expose their skin in public often use tattoos as a statement of identity and a protective barrier.

This dream helps you discover your need for self-expression. It may seem that it is much easier to hide your abilities so as not to expose them to the judgments and criticisms of other people. And although it seems to be the most safe way action, it can lead you to frustration and dissatisfaction. By choosing to keep your talents under wraps, you are often forced to look the way you are expected to, instead of expressing yourself in the way that best suits you. The more you open your talents to other people, the more deeply you understand your uniqueness.

Without any exaggeration, we can say that our exclusive service Dream Interpretation of Juno online - with more than 75 dream books - is on this moment most big dream book in Runet. From October 2008 to the present day, it includes the largest number of interpretations of dreams of all symbols and images from different dream books- both folk and written by different authors, among which are both well-known interpreters of dreams, and little known yet, but nevertheless, talented authors deserve attention.

Uncertainty and weakness, chills and fever, dry mouth, heavy sweating, digestive disorders - these are the main symptoms that in real life can cause a dream of nudity.

Seeing yourself naked in a dream is an important event.

Often people tell that in their dreams they were completely naked, or they were wearing only underwear. Such dreams often reveal our vulnerability, hidden under the seemingly impenetrable veil of self-confidence. This vulnerability begins in that particle of our essence, which we carefully hide from others. This concealment can be deliberate, for example, not advertising some kind of taboo, or unconscious, coming from our conclusion that if people around know everything about a person, then they will not be accepted and understood in full, and he will be absolutely defenseless.

Seeing yourself naked in a dream with an awareness of the abnormality of the situation, but not feeling shame at the same time

It means to see naked your illness (or the cause of your own failures). Understanding the cause of this disease is already the first step towards recovery. Understanding the emotional cause of the disease means getting rid of negative emotions along with the disease. Sleep is very favorable.

Seeing yourself naked in a dream, while experiencing the strongest shame and the desire to get dressed

The dream speaks of unwillingness to realize the source of the disease (your own participation in its appearance). Sleep, most likely, is not very favorable.

Interpretation of sleep according to the English dream book

Seeing yourself naked in a dream is very bad sign predicting misfortune, poverty and dishonor. If you are a businessman, then expect a complete failure and bankruptcy of your business, which can lead to prison. If you are a sailor and go sailing on sea ​​vessels, then, according to this dream, a strong storm awaits you with a shipwreck. And if you have your own farm, then expect crop failure and loss of livestock, a robbery is possible. Such a dream tells a man in love that his girlfriend will marry another person, and he himself will marry a woman with a difficult character. For married people, a dream predicts adultery, dysfunctional children and poverty.

Interpretation of sleep according to the Eastern dream book

Naked - to trouble and illness. Seeing others naked is a sign that they will try to persuade you to sacrifice your ideas, and if a woman sees naked men swimming in clear water in a dream, then she has many admirers ahead of her. If the water is muddy and dirty, one of her suitors will spread evil gossip about her.

Interpretation of sleep according to the latest dream book

Seeing yourself naked in a bath (bath) in a dream is an unexpected illness, and very fast. Own nakedness - to the disease, and a stranger

aya - to the illness of the person they saw. Predisposition to skin diseases.

Interpretation of sleep according to the family dream book

Seeing yourself naked in a dream is a prediction of a scandal and some suspicious cases. If you saw someone else naked, then get ready for the fact that your ill-wishers will try to lead you astray. Illness will hinder your success. If in a dream you suddenly discovered your nakedness and tried to cover it up, then this means that your elevated feelings will come into conflict with the desire for forbidden passions. A young lady, admiring her nakedness in a dream, will conquer a man in real life, but will not be able to keep him. This is provided that she has a good physique, otherwise she will generally be disgraced by some kind of scandal.

Interpretation of sleep according to the modern dream book

Seeing yourself naked in a dream - to unreasonable acts and scandals. Seeing others naked is a sign that insidious people in reality will try to persuade you to betray your duty. Your luck will be hampered by illness. If you saw yourself naked in a dream and are trying to cover your nakedness, then in real life you are trying to get forbidden pleasures in defiance of your noble nature and intend to break with unacceptable desires. If a woman dreams that she swims without clothes in clear water, then in real life she will rejoice forbidden love, but in the future, nature will take revenge on her by sending diseases or taking away her charm.

If in a dream you had a chance to see yourself naked, then the consequences of such an unusual plot in reality can differ markedly. Much depends on the emotions experienced by the dreamer during such a dream. If a sleeping person sincerely admired his own body, then the dream book advises him to think: is he too self-confident, selfish? And if nudity in a dream was perceived with a sense of shame and embarrassment, then when you wake up you need to think about health or about your position in society. There is a great risk of losing reputation, losing a prestigious place.

The dream book has a detailed explanation of such a dream. Often it is caused by psychological stress in reality. A person can observe such a dream, precisely because he is too timid, shy. And it prevents him from finding Good work to succeed with the opposite sex.

Do you know why you dream of seeing yourself naked in a festively dressed crowd? If you are completely naked, and the crowd of people is quite embarrassing and disturbing, then do not rush to worry. In fact, everything will be fine. It will be possible to save some secret information that is significant to you. It will not be made public and everything will turn out exactly as you planned.

But if without clothes you are not at all embarrassed in public, then the dream book warns against excessive carelessness and frivolity.

The interpretation of a dream in which you are trying to hide nudity is a reflection of the internal struggle taking place in reality. It is possible that you are faced with a dilemma: how to achieve a certain goal, and at the same time, for the time being, without notifying anyone about your plans. Also, your reputation, honor, if you manage to achieve the desired result, may be in question.

The dream book advises paying attention to the emotions experienced during sleep with a “naked” plot. Admiring your body, proudly showing it, means that there is a wonderful period ahead without material hassle. And if you dream of yourself naked and suddenly find ulcers, scars and other ugly marks on your body? In that case, take care. The dream interpretation, alas, does not promise an easy life.

Why else can you dream of seeing yourself naked

According to Loff's dream book, for a woman, such a dream guarantees a significant event soon. It will happen unexpectedly. And its consequences will be just as unpredictable. Initially, the dreamer will experience awkwardness and feel indecision. In order for everything to end in her favor, you need to take into account such a sign sent down from above, and be fully equipped for any surprises.

But Miller in his dream book gives a less optimistic forecast. In his opinion, seeing yourself naked in a dream is not good. If a young girl dreamed of a similar plot, and even in a dream she enjoyed the sight of a body in a mirror, then she needs to know that luck accompanies her for a short time.

A critical attitude towards one's own reflection in the nude style, in a dream, can actually be reflected in conflicts and quarrels. Try to avoid scandals and disputes, they are now completely out of place.

Why dream of swimming naked in clear water? Such a vision in a dream suggests that the temptation to know the joys of secret passion will be great. The dreamer should think carefully before succumbing to temptation. The fact is that everything secret will become clear, and she will have to bitterly repent of her deed.

Was the water in the dream dirty and cloudy? Such a bathing in a dream anticipates troubles, the causes of which will be the distrust and jealousy of a fan or legal spouse.

According to a dream book popular in France, nudity is an unpleasant sign. A woman who finds herself in a dream in a similar form should be more careful about her own health, since there is a high probability of an exacerbation of a number of diseases. However, she needs to be prepared for other unkind surprises.

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday 03/20/2019

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday is full of activity and an abundance of various plots. Finding the only correct semantic thread in this chaos is almost impossible. ...

Many people see themselves naked in their dreams. Various dream books offer all sorts of interpretations of such a dream, but most often of a negative nature. Often, nudity symbolizes insecurity and openness to the blows of fate. Many dream books who see themselves naked in a dream recommend listening to the body so as not to miss the development of the disease.

According to Freud

In the dream book of the famous psychoanalyst, the interpretation of nudity seen in a dream is different for men and women. For ladies, this, as a rule, means dissatisfaction with their own figure, lack of confidence in their personal attractiveness. A man who saw himself in a dream without clothes doubts his success with the opposite sex, and also has a number of complexes regarding external attractiveness.

According to Miller

If you dreamed of seeing yourself naked, according to Miller's dream book, this portends an impending serious scandal.

When in a dream a naked man suddenly realizes that he is without clothes, it means that in reality his good intentions will contradict the thirst for forbidden passions.

If a woman sees a dream where men admire her nakedness, such a dream promises her success with the opposite sex, which will nevertheless be short-lived. In the case when a naked woman is laughed at, in reality her reputation is threatened by undeserved slander.

According to Vanga

For those who are interested in why they dream of seeing themselves naked, the dream book of a famous seer has her own answer. Usually similar dream does not bode well and symbolizes the approach of a disease. Most likely, processes of a disease-causing nature have already begun to occur in the human body, and the body, with the help of sleep, is trying to convey this information to the subconscious.

By Juno

A dream where you can see yourself naked, according to Juno's dream book, is a symbol of high self-esteem, although the person himself most likely does not realize or notice this. Also, such a dream may signify a profit in the near future.

According to Tsvetkov

Tsvetkov created his own dream book, where to see yourself naked - marks the approach of illness and various kinds of troubles. If you dreamed that you had to run naked - in reality they expect disappointment in love relationships with the opposite sex.

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