michael jackson forbidden love. michael jackson forbidden love


Gentle, vanilla, cute, naive, don't touch me and my imaginary world where everything is fine

August 22, 1976, Tallinn, Estonia A quiet wind unsuccessfully tried to break into the open window, now and then trying to rip off the beige curtains that had long bored the eye. The girl lay on the made bed and stared at the white ceiling. Despite the late hour, she was not going to sleep. Not that she was haunted by some annoying thoughts ... But the excitement did not leave her. Tonight no one can stop them. "Diana," a faint voice called out to her. The girl jumped up on the bed and, torn apart by a strong heartbeat, took a deep breath. Going out onto the balcony, she suddenly realized that it was suspiciously warm outside and wrapping herself in a warm bike was not at all worth it. Diana touched the cold railing, peering into the predawn darkness. Somewhere out there stood her favorite person on the planet. - Get down, Dee! - the guy tried to speak as quietly as possible, almost a whisper. She was about to say that this was probably a stupid idea, but this enchanting voice abruptly convinced her. That night they were going to run away from home and meet the dawn together. Such is forbidden love at 17. Diana tied a long sheet she had prepared to the railing, took off her sweatshirt, tossing it on the bed, and climbed over the parapet, finding herself on a thin stone ledge. She deftly sat down and, with trembling hands, grabbed the "rope" like a tick. - I'm afraid, Michael! she murmured. - I'll catch you, bolder. He gave her confidence in her actions again. Dee carefully descended, closing her eyes, until she finally felt warm, strong hands on her waist. The girl tightly pressed herself into Michael, completely unwilling to let go. "Let's go quickly before your parents wake up," he gently took her hand, and they ran towards the gate. Diana's father and mother were categorically against communication with Michael. They considered him a stupid and naive boy who, instead of thinking about education and somehow building his future, spent all his free time writing poetry and music. Despite all sorts of prohibitions from her parents, Dee still spent most of her free time either “in the library,” or “at a friend’s house,” or “at extra classes at school.” They could rightly be called soulmates with Michael, but this is not another typical love story. They walked along the dark street, not always making out the way. Diana didn't even know where Michael was taking her. "It's a surprise," the guy replied. Their walk was accompanied by conversations about everything: about school, about friendship, about life. He again slightly timidly took her tiny hand, warming with tenderness. At such moments, it ceased to seem that they were just “good” friends. No one dared to take the first step. But here, without words, everything was clear: they were drawn to each other. It was their first escape. Diana was not afraid of the dangers of the street as much as her parents. She was worried that they might suddenly visit her room at night, supposedly about, by the way, they say, the two of them went out to drink water at the same time, and at the same time they went to check how their beloved daughter was. The girl locked the door from the inside, although it was strictly forbidden in their house. The only reassurance was that for which it was all conceived. Michael was there. But you don't need more to be happy. "We're here," the guy said. His bright smile was visible even in the dark. Now both were standing near a high wooden fence, which made Dee still not sure where they were. - Do we have to cross over? The blonde was surprised. - It's true. - Is it even legal? - I think not quite, - the guy laughed, but, seeing the obvious fright on the face of his companion, he continued. - Don't worry so much, there is a broken board nearby, children or teenagers climb here every now and then. The territory is not protected. Let's go. After walking a few more steps, Michael carefully moved two planks aside and climbed inside. The girl did the same. Looking around, she still didn't recognize the place. It started to get light. They silently reached a large object resembling a building. "Now close your eyes," the boy said, taking Dee's hand again. - Watch out, steps. A minute later they were at their destination. - You can open it. She opened her eyelids wide. Before her stretched incredibly magnificent views. Although not everything could be considered to the utmost, the girl was amazed at the beauty of this place. Singing field. Somewhere in the distance, benches from a recent event held here could be seen. They themselves stood on a huge stage. Above the head was a "roof" in the form of a semicircle. From a bird's eye view, it would have looked much more luxurious. She walked to the very edge. A familiar warm wind blew across her face. While she was admiring this place, the sun began to appear over the horizon. Dawn gave only charm to this picture. Michael, who had been standing somewhere behind all this time, hugged Diana, leaving a light kiss on her soft hair. The girl was so afraid to ruin this beautiful moment, which she must have dreamed of all her life. The boy still had his hands on her waist as Dee turned around, placing her palms on his broad shoulders. A slight smile lit up her face. Inside, she screamed with happiness. "I've never seen sunrise on a huge stage before," he said. "I've never kissed on a huge stage at dawn before," the girl replied. Michael just kindly averted his eyes, and then suddenly, removing a strand of blond hair from Dee's face, touched her lips. So soft and fleeting. For too long she lived in dreams. Slightly confusing the real world with the fictional one, she boldly put her hand into the black, naughty curls of the guy and pulled him back to her, prolonging the moment of tenderness. So they sat there for about two hours, meeting the dawn and chatting about everything. The girl did not even hesitate to ask Michael for a sweater, because the wind suddenly brought cold, but not in their hearts. Inhaling the so desired smell of cologne, no, not so, the so desired smell of a guy, Diana hugged him longer, completely dissolving in love. - Michael, believe it or not, but I'm sure that one day your concert will take place on this stage and this whole field will be completely packed with your fans, - she said dreamily. - Yes, it is unlikely that so many people will listen to my music, - Michael shrugged. - Rest assured, it will happen. I'm willing to bet. - For what? - Hmm ... Come on desire, nothing else comes to mind. - Well, it's coming, - they shook hands. Dee didn't want to go home. It was all very dull and boring. It seemed that love would never settle there, unlike her heart. Michael walked the girl to the most peacefully hanging sheet. She couldn't help but kiss his sweet lips again, wrapping her arms around his neck. The guy answered her with no less weak pressure, letting go of his hands to wander along her back. This kiss lasted much longer. At some point, the girl simply broke away from his divine lips, moving to the neck, leaving light kisses on her cheeks. She would like to do many things that a decent girl is not allowed to do. For example, get under his T-shirt and stroke the velvet skin with your hands. But now it was impossible. Dee didn't want to let Michael go, and Michael didn't want to let Dee go. But the time has come. August 22, 1997, Tallinn, Estonia “Get me that girl at any cost,” Michael said into the mute microphone. At the same moment, the familiar notes of such a lyrical song, which had been on everyone's lips for the second year, began to play for the crowd of thousands. It was a chance for many fans to touch their idol. But he didn't choose them. He sang line after line as the guards moved through the crowd to bring her in. After so many years, she has not changed at all, on the contrary, she has remained as beautiful, sweet and charming as she was many years ago. It was so difficult for a man to perform, realizing who was looking at him. I wanted to quickly pull her onto the stage myself and just hug her for a long, long time. Light jeans, white T-shirt and black sneakers. Shoulder-length reddish hair, expressive, green eyes, a modest smile. She remained the same. Diane slowly climbed the stairs to the stage, trying to control her slight dizziness. At some point, she seemed to be frozen - she could not move, could not even take a step towards him. The last time she held his hand was twenty years ago. Or rather, not even him. It was a young, surprisingly shy guy who was embarrassed by the word "sex". The woman was amazed at how relaxed he behaves on stage now. With a glance, she caught his every movement, with bated breath, she followed his palm to the very crotch. Shameless this Jackson, you can't mock like that! Moreover, he came out in such a tight-fitting suit ... The man extended his hand to her, and she did not refuse him. Finally, finding herself at a distance of a couple of tens of centimeters, Dee simply threw herself into the arms of a seemingly still beloved person. It might seem that they did not part at all. Michael held her close to him as tightly as he had never wanted to let go. The man continued to sing, and Dee, taking advantage of the moment, finally dared to whisper something to him: - You have not forgotten me. After this remark, and even under such a soulful song, it was difficult for him to hold back his tears. It was like a TV series where all the action takes place with the right music, giving drama. “I missed you,” the woman was completely moved, finally forgetting that she had once promised herself never to believe him again, not to love him, not to think about him and in no case remember her past youth. Memories washed over both. The atmosphere in the form of a thousand flickering lights was conducive to romantic deeds. Not noticing the huge crowd that filled the entire Singing Field, they were ready to kiss each other even now. It seems like a completely different person is in front of you, in some way a stranger, actually unfamiliar, but you just have to peer into the eyes, into these incredible shades, which should not exist in nature, an incredible warmth immediately spreads somewhere inside, warming memories come up, involuntarily an image of forgotten love arises in my head. The returned mind interfered. Well, and a couple of bodyguards who suddenly appeared on the scene. Imperceptibly showing a gesture to the operators to turn off the microphone, Michael only had time to say: - Do not leave after the concert. Dee nodded in understanding and headed for the exit from the stage, accompanied by large men in black suits. Maybe sometimes you should trust your heart?

An hour and a half later, the woman was brought straight to the door of Jackson's dressing room. She, gaining full light determination, and only, without knocking, opened the door. Before her appeared the cutest picture - Michael without a shirt. To be honest, Diana herself was ready right here and now to pounce on this handsome man. She hasn't been in a relationship for so long. “Sorry, I didn’t have time to change clothes,” he was still embarrassed like a child. Throwing on a white shirt, he laughed. We'll both be in white. - And you remained the same. All the same kind and naive guy. I thought fame changed you a lot, Dee crossed her arms. - Where did you get it? Because of the articles in the press? He slightly raised his voice. The best defense is an attack. - Yes, from the fact that twenty years ago you left without even saying goodbye. “Dee, I have a lot to explain to you,” the guy began, exhaling tensely. I have been trying to find you for a long time. I came to your house - other people lived there, looked for you by name - so they told me that such a person does not live in Tallinn at all. I know you are probably married, you have a different last name now. "Good point, Sherlock," the woman chuckled. - I divorced. But didn't you even have a minute to come and say bye? - My parents woke me up at night and said that they had a good offer and we were leaving this very minute. You know, we already lived on suitcases due to frequent moves. I did not make it in time. Please don't hate me now for this for the rest of your life. I called you, I wrote you letters, but I never got an answer. My brothers convinced me that you simply don't need me anymore. "Damn, I also moved out two weeks after you...disappeared." How stupid everything turned out, - she could hardly hold back the surging tears. - I until the last refused to believe that you threw me. I waited, but eventually gave in. - Lord, my girl, - Michael walked up to Dee and wrapped her in his strong arms. - You know, as they say, let go of something, and if it is part of your destiny, it will return to you. Vanilla, of course, but, in my opinion, you are a living example of this quote. I was sure that you would come when I added Estonia to the set list, I felt… - You didn't know anything, you fool, you just got lucky. “I missed you, sweetie,” Jackson laughed. Who would have thought that after so many years the candle is still burning, that the dim sunset is burning with fire, that feelings are still alive ... Or maybe these are just the first emotions that cover them after a long separation. “I’ll wet your shirt,” she sniffed, burying herself in a thin white cloth. "It's okay," the man smiled, stroking her hair. In the depths of his soul, he understood that somewhere under the seven locks his love, perhaps, was alive. But during this time so much has happened that you can’t tell even over one cup of tea. "Let's go get some air outside." - To the stage? Like the good old ones? - Like the good old ones.

They sat peacefully on the stage, looking at the colorful sunset, chatted about everything, shared their thoughts, feelings, funny life situations. Dee asked a lot about how Jackson's career developed, how his life changed with it. Michael talked about his ranch, and about previous tours, and about skin disease. - I know that you also want to know about this moment ... - he said. “You have no idea how handsome you are now,” she dispelled all his doubts about his own appearance. - And what is this beauty of mine? - In your eyes the color of dark chocolate, in your cute black curls, and even in your skin, - Diana dared to put her hand on Michael's cheek, once again marveling at how he himself does not understand how much half of the entire female population wants him. “Evening of favors,” he said, embarrassed. Years go by, habits do not change. Both understood that over these twenty years they had changed only in appearance and, God forbid, if they had become a little wiser. 38-year-old Miss Moreva and Mr. Jackson were sitting on the stage, and for some reason I saw 17-year-old Diana and Michael, who were still timidly holding hands and casting fleeting glances in the direction of each other. Do you remember our fight? - the woman asked an unexpected question. - I remember. Surprisingly, you won. You was right. I would never have thought more than thirty years ago that someday I would assemble such a stadium. - It's true. - And what do you want? Jackson asked. "Let me think," the woman instantly took on a victorious look. They talked for about two hours, after which she realized that the same Michael was sitting in front of her now, just matured and prettier. She involuntarily stared at his beauty, watching him bite his lower lip every now and then or just smile. She was so sorry that he, to put it mildly, did not love himself. Proving something verbally would be difficult. Seeing the numerous dark spots on the man's chest back then, in the dressing room, she caught herself thinking that she would like to kiss each of them. The two looked at each other awkwardly in the long silence. Without further ado, the man reached out to Diana and softly touched her lips, holding the unruly strands of hair. For several seconds, Dee was inactive, she so liked it when he dominated her. In an instant, she carefully settled herself on his lap, as if afraid that he would push her away, but Michael's hands only began to wander along the woman's back, now and then penetrating under the knitted fabric of her white T-shirt. He deepened the kiss, slightly painfully squeezing her waist. Is it really he - that naive guy who really didn’t know how to kiss? They don't call him the king for nothing. Dee tore herself away from his lips, greedily swallowing air, and Jackson now and then went down the thin neck and climbed back, leaving a wet track after kisses. - Michael, what if one of your employees sees it? - she got excited. By the way, an hour ago the staff was here at every turn, over time they began to appear on stage less often. "Don't care," he laughed. - Indeed, - Dee smiled and brazenly dug into his lips again, unbuttoning the buttons on a white shirt.

More work by this author

She is in love with the sky. 23

Fandom: Michael Jackson Pairing & Characters: Michael/Diana Rating: PG-13 are fanfictions that may contain kiss-level romance and/or may contain hints of violence and other difficult moments."> PG-13 Size: Mini- a little fanfiction. Size from one typewritten page to 20."> Mini, 5 pages, 1 part Status: completed Tags:

Yes. That's why I'm going home now - it escaped me on the go, quite by accident. Most of all, I didn’t want to do this, I didn’t want to go home ... Scandalizing with Michael was much more fun than sitting at home alone and dying from loneliness. I really didn’t want him to say something like: “Well, go!” or “Who needs you?!”. He didn't say it. - You're not leaving. - Name at least one reason why I can’t get into the car and go home now. - Do you love me!

More on the "Michael Jackson" fandom

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Fandom: Michael Jackson Rating: NC-17- fanfics that can describe in detail erotic scenes, violence or some other difficult moments."> NC-17 Size: planned Maxi- great fanfiction. The size often exceeds the average novel. Approximately 70 typewritten pages."> Maxi, 452 pages written, 50 parts Status: in progress Tags:

Two girl fans who have lost their idol... A lonely man living in the suburbs of Budapest... Paris with its unchanging Eiffel Tower... Sparkling St. Petersburg... And all this is united by only one name...

The Shrew, or the Christmas Rush 44

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A 17-year-old wealthy heiress visits her father for winter vacation in a snowy town in Minnesota. The people and life here are completely different from what she was used to. The young beauty frankly begins to miss the bustle of the city and the clubs, still completely unaware of what this Christmas can turn out for her.

Finished Tags: Mary Sue (Marty Stu) - The work uses an archetypal, most often original character, deliberately inscribed in the center of the plot so that the behavior of other characters and the realities of the world in which the action takes place exist solely for the sake of this character and for development only his or her story. Traditionally, MCs distort how the world works around them; drawing attention to the personal qualities or actions of the MC is put by the author higher than supporting the rules and / or characters of other characters set by the canon." class="tag ">Mary Sue (Marty Stew) Show spoilers

I was listening to Michael Jackson's wonderful song "Little Susie" the other day and thought I could expand on the story. And even figure out how Michael wrote this song. I hope you like it, because I and the co-author will try.

Michael gave money to sick children all his life, but people quickly forget the good things. We love, we mourn, we remember!!!

Zhadyra Valikhanov

Father called THIS MIRACLE
U R O D O M????
I do not understand such a father!
Look at the smile of little Michael! How???? AS???!!! He's great!!!
A handsome child, a handsome young man... Of all the five Jackson 5s, he is the most charming. Or am I wrong???
No words!

Mr X

This is how they get rid of the best representatives of humanity! People are so morally decomposed that they are no longer able to think about anything other than sex, so they see it everywhere. Michael is an example of giving Love!

Zhanna Znakova

He was a good man. If only everyone had such a sensitive and kind soul...

A kind, vulnerable and trusting person who was never understood! He gave the world everything! Even on his death, people made money.
You are in our hearts, Michael! Rest in peace...

Mari Poppins

How many nasty things happened to this wonderful, kindest person in his short life ...

Ksenya Cat

Michael - this is the best thing in world pop music!

Poor Michael Jackson, he was like a little defenseless child and everyone manipulated and offended him, that he was a faggot, what he had to endure, poets do not live long, like they take the best, blessed memory Michael

Tatiana Igonina

I'm 53, and I love his songs and I don't care what they say about him, he's history

Valentina Pautova

The film is about how ugly our society is, how it can cripple and hurt souls. Michael Jackson is the one and only, unique, inimitable on stage and in life! A pure childish naive soul, preserved in an adult, but devalued and trampled on.

Olya Kozak

around lies and slander, they made money on it in the most black ways. who can stand it? only a thick-skinned nihilist, but not a creative person. an asterisk flashed and went out ... sorry for him

Irina Linkova

It's a pity ... It's a pity that he is no more! All the dirt in the minds of people splashed out on this man. Is it possible to suspect something that he himself is not inclined to? Namely, in the purity of intentions. This is such a society... dirty... accusing of their sins. Not able to understand. Adhesive labels. It was society that killed him - like a foreign organism. Gobbled up. Used. I'm sorry.

Only he has reached the highest level of performer, dancer, show and PERSON! An adult with the soul of a child, a kind, sincere, honest genius!

Yes... human things destroyed Michael: envy, lies and greed... He is an incredibly God-gifted person... and he is also a child who was deprived of childhood and a loving father... he was born and grew up in a cruel racist society and perhaps wanted unconsciously compensate and prove something...
Lord, accept his soul, in the world he dreamed of, without tears, diseases, full of purity...

Valentina Volkova

This GREAT HUMAN evokes indescribable delight and respect!!! How much good he brought to the world!! How many lives did he save! How much happiness he gave to children!! I used to think of him as just a great singer, but now I saw what a huge heart and what a wounded soul he had!

Lera Valera

It is unique and there will never be another like it.

Anna Lavshuk

Bastards!!! Nothing but dirt!!! Poor Michael!!! And why is it all for him? When will they finally leave him alone? How many lies have been told! That is why Michael and hid from all of this. He is tired of slander and lies!!! Michael is alive and he will return and then every bastard who spoke nasty things about him will answer for everything ...


Thank you Michael for being... and being a rare PERSON! You gave the world a lot of love, which means you really changed the world, you really achieved what you believed in! And I would like to add that every loving parent knows that it is impossible to close the door in front of a child who is sad to sleep alone, that any child wants hugs, kisses, tenderness before going to bed and in general that it is wonderful to bring him warm milk at night, to wipe his tears after a nightmare , not to mention the children who mentally and physically HURRY! And what is incredible - he was NOT AFRAID to see this pain, it is very hard. Thank you again for everything you have given us Michael! I love you, every time I see you, I cry from love and pain for you!

3) The son of Jackson did not see any dying convulsions of his father.
When Murray (according to him found) Michael, Michael, in fact, was already dead.
Murray, hiding this fact, called the children into the room. The prince held his already dead father as Murray simulated resuscitation.

4) During Murray's trial, a photo from the morgue was made public, which clearly shows traces of vitiligo all over Michael Jackson's body.
This photo finally removed all questions.
This is not conjecture. It's really true. Michael Jackson's skin began to lighten due to this disease and attempts to combat it.

5) The question of plastic surgery is very ambiguous.
Don't believe in miracles. The possibilities of plastic surgery are greatly exaggerated!
And the advertising of plastic surgery is significantly at odds with reality.

No one will tell you from the TV screen how many negative consequences, complications and side effects people who have undergone these operations have to face.
The failure rate is deliberately underestimated.
Plastic surgeons of all ages protect themselves legally, and the patient often finds himself completely unprotected in case of failure or abuse of the surgeon.

Was Michael's experience with plastic surgery an attempt to change his appearance for the better, was it an attempt to match the brightened skin with Negro features ... or was this whole endless series of plastic surgery a banal attempt to cope with the consequences of the jambs of plastic surgeons (such a desire is very common pushes people to go through more and more new operations!) - an open question.
Fact... if Michael Jackson actually had a prosthetic nose... the prosthesis is made under the skin! And such a nose cannot fall off!
No changes in cheekbones, lips, etc. did not have. The shape of the face has been preserved since childhood. But there was a lot of make-up and there was a tattoo (the use of which is again associated with vitiligo).

Plastic surgeons who do not miss the opportunity to show off in front of the camera and carry all sorts of nonsense, it would not hurt to give a good kick in the ass

6) Regarding the nation of Islam...
I wouldn't interpret it that way

I personally really liked the movie about Malcolm X
Malcolm X's message was more philosophy and common sense than religion per se.
If this movement could get rid of the religious component, then personally I would take my hat off to them.
Because it was a really cool idea and philosophy... the idea of ​​how to achieve justice in a society in which for you, because of your skin color (or for any other reason), there is no justice and cannot be, by definition

Another thing is that a bunch of vultures always gather around any serious idea.
But again, this is a separate issue.

What is the nation of Islam... in my opinion, this is a complex, ambiguous issue that requires a separate, deep and comprehensive study.
It is impossible to draw quick and unambiguous conclusions here.

7) Regarding the Invincible album...
Personally, I had exactly the same opinion as the author voiced, until the moment I learned about the behind-the-scenes moments that accompanied Michael Jackson in those years (about the ATV catalogs, about the relationship with Sony, that Michael owned! half of Sony, about that the Invinsble album was originally supposed to be different, but Sony forced to re-record the album again and again, dragging Jackson into debt, and in the end refused to promote the result ...)
(For those of you who don't know, the Invincible album got into debt! Not the usual waste! Since the recording of the album!)
The situation was actually much more complicated than it seemed to an outside observer.

For me personally, musically, Michael Jackson ended on the History album.
I consider the History album to be his last powerful work.
But the reason for the decline and fading of Michael's internal energy, I see not in age, not in exhausted talent, but in the courts, constant skirmishes with Sony, in which he was dragged into debt, persecution of the press, etc.

They had a really serious conflict with Sony, which began almost immediately after the signing of the contract
Over the years, this conflict has grown and escalated. Sony wanted to get Michael's catalogs. But it so happened that at some stage, he beat them.

As Karen Faye (Michael Jackson's make-up artist) recently confessed, Michael Jackson himself believed that the 1993 and 2005 trials were directly related to the conflict with Sony and the ATV catalogs.
Frankly, I personally always thought so too. In the 90s, there was a clear feeling that Michael Jackson was deliberately broken.

8) Too many witnesses claim that Michael Jackson never agreed to 50 concerts
He only wanted to do 10 concerts
He was essentially forced to go to these concerts by being threatened with everything he owned (including his own children)
Too many people are talking about it to ignore it.

9) In his life, Michael Jackson was not afraid because of the fans.
And because of those who are commonly called "business partners"

10) Bill Clinton didn't just ask Michael Jackson to sing at his inauguration.
Bill Clinton didn't have the money he needed for the election campaign.
And Michael Jackson helped raise that money (by performing on stage).
Bill Clinton said that Michael Jackson is his friend.
Bill Clinton came to Jackson's house and held his newborn children in his arms.

I can list for a long time. But in general ... all this is useless.
It is clear that the program was made by people who do not study the biography of Michael Jackson under a microscope.
They make the mass audience think, provoke them to ask questions, and this is already good. This is already a big step forward!

Before our eyes, one of the world's largest, long-term tragedies took place.
The banter that is heard from the lips of our home-grown, illiterate journalists (some "wise men" from Dozhd recently distinguished themselves) is extremely inappropriate in such circumstances.
Stories like the story of Michael Jackson need to be known, analyzed, and tried to draw conclusions so that such tragedies do not happen again in the future.
The behavior and bullying of the crowd over a humiliated, sick and suffering person is a separate topic for study and analysis.

I really think Mlechin's program is good and useful.
Special thanks for the information about the courts! There has never been such information on our television.
It was very important to voice it.

Lawyers should study Michael Jackson's history very carefully... from the criminal courts to the business he ran and the environment surrounding that business. IMHO

As a child, Michael Jackson said that he did not understand what kind of reverse side show business could have.
Later he understood this very well. What is called, I felt everything with my own skin.
Moreover, he felt all this more than any other artist in history.
Because Michael Jackson rose above any other artist in history, and had an influence that other artists could not even dream of.

I hope that this film was made not just for PR crafts in the style of Michael Jackson from the Circus Du Soleil
(Crafts that have practically nothing to do with Michael Jackson himself! A commercial product in its most common manifestation, nothing more!)

The wise men from The Rain managed to say that the Cirque du Soleil tour is the best of all the tours of Michael Jackson
Guys, are you completely out of your mind when you say such things?
Or does the desire to light up your face pushes your conscience to the most remote corners of the subconscious?
