February 8 is the birthday of famous people. February - memorable events and significant dates

Date of birth on February 8, the zodiac sign corresponds to Aquarius, which endows its wards with philanthropy, ingenuity, dreaminess and the desire to make people's lives better than it is. However, the influence of the birthday is such that this particular Aquarius turns out to be rather a practical dreamer who manages to stand firmly on his feet and who can make a career in many areas of professional activity.

Often those born on February 8 become real workaholics, no matter what the sign of the zodiac is on February 8. They are stubborn and enterprising, Aquarius often endows these people with the gift of an inventor. They accurately feel the time and know how to guess the right moment. They always know exactly what is needed to achieve their goal. These people make excellent financiers, because they have a keen sense of when to hold on to money and when to put it into circulation.

Humanity interests these people, causes their sympathy and desire to help, make life easier and more enjoyable, this one feature completely answers the question on February 8 - what is the sign of the zodiac, because such mercy, coupled with ingenuity, distinguishes only Aquarius. They sincerely desire to be useful to mankind.

Diseases born on February 8

Those born on February 8 have a special attitude towards their health - they do not want to discuss it with anyone, often even with doctors. Therefore, from a young age, they need to find one doctor with whom they will be observed all their lives and who they completely trust, and make him their family doctor. The vulnerabilities of their body are the immune system, the lymphatic system and the cardiovascular system.

In adulthood, varicose veins may appear. The diet of those born on February 8 should be chosen sparingly, try to drink and smoke less. Ideally, you should completely abandon these addictions. Remember to get enough rest and remember to exercise regularly. In no case do not prophesy about the appearance of any disease - your strong energy can play a trick on you.

Work and career of those born on February 8

The gift of people born on February 8 is foresight. Their desires are often granted thanks to their ability to self-suggestion and self-programming. Unconsciously, they behave in the best way to achieve the desired goal, and from the outside it is very similar to magic. However, intuition, especially the temporary instinct of these people is well developed.

They can always accurately guess the right moment to start or temporarily freeze a project, which they actively use in their professional activities. Business relations, financial flow management - they control all this with the help of their powerful intuition. Often among those born on this date there are real soothsayers and psychics.

But even those who do not have such a gift usually subtly feel all the nuances of relationships between people, even between those whom they see for the first time. Before undertaking anything, these people always mentally imagine the result, and this self-hypnosis helps them achieve what they want. The world of ideas and ideas is their world.

Dreamer-Aquarius is the zodiac sign of people born on February 8, but never and under no circumstances will these people just lie on the couch and indulge in empty dreams. Sometimes this is very surprising to their acquaintances, who see, first of all, in those born on February 8, naivety and childishness. But these people can be trusted even with the most difficult work tasks, they are usually attentive and collected professionals in their field.

But as for their emotions and the sphere of feelings, then there is never peace and stability. They cannot stand loneliness, but often it becomes their lot, especially if they do not learn brick by brick to build relationships. By nature, they don’t know how to do this at all, and it’s hard to learn, a lot of pain and mental suffering await them along the way. Those born on February 8 should be more careful about the issue of responsibility and try not to take on too much.

They are able to make concessions, for which other people love them. And this is where the intuition of these people regularly falters, so this is when choosing life partners. On the difficult path to personal happiness, they should follow the road of compromise and concessions. Ease and ease, as in love stories, they will most likely not be able to meet in life.

Those born on February 8th are resourceful, hard-working, and the type of practical dreamer with enough tenacity and enterprise to succeed in any endeavor. No matter which path you choose, you always know what to do to achieve the best results. Your sense of timing is impeccable. In financial matters, instinct tells you when to take the initiative and when to wait. Despite the harsh independence of Aquarians, your ambitions are more related to the prosperity of society. You care about people, are interested in their problems and feel the need to create or invent something good for all of humanity.

Born February 8 often suffer from hidden diseases that they do not want to discuss. If possible, they should be checked regularly by a family doctor, especially if he knows how to keep other people's secrets and never fails his patients. Those born on February 8 should pay attention to the lymphatic, immune and vascular systems. In old age, many of them face varicose veins. Those born on this day should follow a sparing diet, reduce or minimize smoking and alcohol consumption. A moderate load is recommended and, most importantly, more rest. Beware of not only speaking, but even thinking of prophecies for yourself, as you have a strong destructive energy.

Those born on February 8 are endowed with great telepathic abilities and have the ability to predict events. Sometimes they can purely theoretically suggest how they will control the situation and put their ideas into practice - not with the help of physical effort, but with the power of suggestion, which gives shape to their desires and directs them in the right direction. In addition, they have the ability to anticipate events and, accordingly, calculate the most appropriate time for the implementation of a promising project or successful promotion.

Zodiac sign February 8 -

Sign Element: . Your Zodiac sign belongs to the signs of the Air element, which possess the following qualities: innovation, tirelessness in work, impartiality, suddenness, love of freedom.

Planet Ruler: . Gives Aquarius progress. Uranus is the patron saint for TV announcers. The planet in exile is the Sun. Responsible for a poor understanding of their own interests, as well as an inability to prioritize.

Date of birth on February 8, the zodiac sign corresponds to Aquarius, which endows its wards with philanthropy, ingenuity, dreaminess and the desire to make people's lives better than it is. However, the influence of the birthday is such that this particular Aquarius turns out to be rather a practical dreamer who manages to stand firmly on his feet and who can make a career in many areas of professional activity. Often those born on February 8 become real workaholics, no matter what the sign of the zodiac is on February 8. They are stubborn and enterprising, Aquarius often endows these people with the gift of an inventor. They accurately feel the time and know how to guess the right moment. They always know exactly what is needed to achieve their goal. These people make excellent financiers, because they have a keen sense of when to hold on to money and when to put it into circulation.

In financial matters, those born on February 8 know how to choose the right moment for investment, as well as for establishing or terminating business relationships. One can hardly resist the temptation not to say that those born on February 8 are able to see the future. Perhaps the whole point is not in this, but in their ability to feel ambiguity in relationships between people. However, among those born on February 8, there are actually clairvoyants who read the thoughts of others and can transmit their own. But even the most ordinary individuals have a pronounced sixth sense. Born February 8 strictly adhere to their ideas about the future. Before proceeding to achieve the goal through trial and error, they will step aside, objectively consider the situation from all sides and imagine how everything should happen. Often it seems that they live in a different world, the world of ideas.

They may be intellectuals or economists, architects or cartographers, musicians, scientists or programmers, but the only thing they are not is lazy dreamers. People around are surprised by this fact, mistakenly believing that those born on February 8 are naive people. In fact, they can lead projects involving the most complex technology without making a single mistake. Despite their talents, the emotional life of those born on February 8 is unstable and even fickle. If they fail to reveal their natural inclinations and direct their energy to improving personal relationships, they, unfortunately, will be doomed to loneliness, but this state is unbearable for them.

Often, those born on this day are deeply mistaken in taking on responsibility that they cannot afford. Many of them are prone to compromise, and this not only finds a positive response from others, but also allows those born on February 8 to surround themselves with everyone's attention. Unfortunately, their telepathic abilities do not help them in choosing loved ones. Often they demand that problems be solved easily and quickly, but this does not work for everyone. We must come to such relations, which would be built on mutual concessions, and maintain them.

Aquarius man - born on February 8

Men with a date of birth on February 8 can be proud of the following features: such a gentleman is independent, progressive, humane. These people usually create a family when all his friends and girlfriends have already created families, have given birth to children and live happily in a family life. When the Aquarius partner of a man has been dating him for a long time, and already despaired of waiting for a logical continuation, she suddenly receives an offer from him - she just has to blink her eyes and agree.

Aquarius woman - born on February 8

Women born on February 8 have the following qualities: such a lady is mysterious, unique, easy to communicate with. People born on this day protect their feelings from prying eyes and influence. These people are both open to the world and ready to communicate, and at the same time, they try to close themselves and not let anyone into their soul. They are in a space that can be called an aquarium - you can see them, examine them, but you won’t be able to touch them.

Birthday February 8

February 8 - how does your date of birth shape your personality? Those born on February 8, zodiac sign Aquarius, have the ability to foresee, and they guess events that have not yet occurred. And they also manage to bring any of their undertakings to life, while using the power of self-hypnosis, aimed at the effectiveness of their own actions. In addition, anticipating the possible development of events, they choose the most appropriate time to open a new project or implement any important decisions. This supernatural intuition helps them invest at the right time, and terminate relationships with partners or enter into new agreements in time.

About people born on February 8, the zodiac sign Aquarius, one gets the impression that the events of the future are open to them, and everything that happens is known to them in advance. Maybe their overdeveloped intuition and the ability to understand the psychology of people play a role here, which is analyzed at a subconscious level and its results are accepted by consciousness. But still, some of the people with such a date of birth really possess the gift of clairvoyance and the ability to transmit thoughts over a distance. And also they all have an amazingly developed sixth sense, which tells them the right decision in critical cases.

People born on February 8, Aquarius zodiac sign, have a clear idea of ​​their own future. And for its implementation, they calculate in detail all their actions aimed at achieving these goals. Sometimes they give the impression of people who are not of this world, although the meaningless pastime in dreams is alien to them. They make good architects and cartographers, or economists. And also they can realize themselves in music, programming or science. This causes bewilderment among their acquaintances, who usually do not take them seriously. However, people born on this day are able to understand the most complex technique and accurately complete any projects they start.

At the same time, people with a date of birth on February 8, the zodiac sign Aquarius, are emotionally unstable and prone to mood swings. They often rush from one extreme to another, and the transition from joy to despondency takes a very short time. Not every person can endure this, and therefore they are often left alone. But their soul cannot stand loneliness, they need a close person who can share their aspirations and hopes.

Having achieved peace in their souls, and having achieved spiritual perfection, they will be able to tip the scales in their favor. Often, those born on February 8, Aquarius, take on inflated obligations that they are unable to fulfill, which is their typical mistake in relationships. The ability to understand and hear another person adds to their attractiveness in the eyes of others, but their intuition is usually silent when choosing their life partner. Often they come across people who demand too much from them and expect more than they give in return. Therefore, it is necessary to look for equal relations, where each side could give in something, and somewhere insist on its own.

What should you pay special attention to people born on February 8 zodiac sign Aquarius? Listen to your intuition, but do not forget the reality. Try to achieve harmony in your soul, this will help you maintain personal relationships.

Love and Compatibility

Their behavior is unstable and chaotic, so often they cannot keep the “necessary” people they meet on the path of life and, on the contrary, are hopelessly drawn to those who should not be. They give much more than they receive in return, so they need to find a balance between taking and giving.

The best chances for building a successful family are in the sign of Aquarius, born on February 8 with Libra, Gemini and Sagittarius. It is with them that these people are most compatible, and will be able to create a prosperous family, where there will be common life goals. There is also a chance for a successful union and complete understanding with Aries, Pisces and Sagittarius. But in these couples, there is a but - they need to hear each other, not to limit in freedom and learn to give in. In the later age of Aquarius, he may have a successful union with Leo. There are very few chances for a favorable marriage union with Aquarius - with representatives of Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus, Aquarius and Virgo. It is unlikely that they will be able to get along under the same roof, they are too different, and they look in different directions.

Work and Career

The gift of people born on February 8 is foresight. Their desires are often granted due to their ability to self-suggestion and self-programming. Unconsciously, they behave in the best way to achieve the desired goal, and from the outside it is very similar to magic. However, intuition, especially the temporary instinct of these people is well developed. They can always accurately guess the right moment to start or temporarily freeze a project, which they actively use in their professional activities. Business relationships, financial flow management - they control all this with the help of their powerful intuition. Often among those born on this date there are real soothsayers and psychics.

But even those who do not have such a gift usually subtly feel all the nuances of relationships between people, even between those whom they see for the first time. Before undertaking anything, these people always mentally imagine the result, and this self-hypnosis helps them achieve what they want. The world of ideas and ideas is their world. Dreamer-Aquarius is the zodiac sign of people born on February 8, but never and under no circumstances will these people just lie on the couch and indulge in empty dreams. Sometimes this is very surprising to their acquaintances, who see, first of all, in those born on February 8, naivety and childishness. But these people can be trusted even with the most difficult work tasks, they are usually attentive and collected professionals in their field.

Health and Disease

Those born on February 8 have a special attitude towards their health - they do not want to discuss it with anyone, often even with doctors. Therefore, from a young age, they need to find one doctor with whom they will be observed all their lives and who they completely trust, and make him their family doctor. The vulnerabilities of their body are the immune system, the lymphatic system and the cardiovascular system.

On this page you will learn about the significant dates of the winter day on February 8, what famous people were born on this February day, events took place, we will also talk about folk signs and Orthodox holidays of this day, public holidays of different countries from around the world.

Today, as on any day, as you will see, events have taken place over the centuries, each of them was remembered for something, and the day of February 8 was no exception, which was also remembered for its own dates and birthdays of famous people, as well as holidays and folk tales. You and I must always remember and know about those who left their indelible mark on culture, science, sports, politics, medicine and all other areas of human and social development.

The day of the eighth of February left its indelible mark on history, events and memorable dates, as well as who was born on this autumn day, once again confirm this. Find out what happened on the eighth winter February day on February 8, what events and memorable dates it was marked with and what was remembered, who was born, the signs characterizing the day and much more that you should know about, it’s just interesting to know.

Who was born on February 8 (eighth)

Vyacheslav Vasilyevich Tikhonov (February 8, 1928, Pavlovsky Posad - December 4, 2009, Moscow) - Soviet and Russian theater and film actor. People's Artist of the USSR (1974). Hero of Socialist Labor (1982). Laureate of the Lenin Prize (1980) and the State Prize of the USSR (1976).

Irina Vadimovna Muravyova. She was born on February 8, 1949 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian theater and film actress. People's Artist of the Russian Federation (1994), laureate of the USSR State Prize (1981).

Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev (January 27, 1834, Tobolsk - January 20, 1907, St. Petersburg). Russian encyclopedic scientist: chemist, physical chemist, physicist, metrologist, economist, technologist, geologist, meteorologist, oilman, teacher, aeronaut, instrument maker. Professor of St. Petersburg University; Corresponding member in the category of "Physics" of the Imperial St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. Among the most famous discoveries is the periodic law of chemical elements, one of the fundamental laws of the universe, inalienable for all natural science. Author of the classic work "Fundamentals of Chemistry".

Kimbo Slice (Kimbo Slice), real name - Kevin Ferguson (Kevin Ferguson) was born February 8, 1974 in Nassau (Bahamas).

Jules Gabriel Verne (French Jules Gabriel Verne; February 8, 1828, Nantes, France - March 24, 1905, Amiens, France) - French geographer and writer, classic of adventure literature, one of the founders of science fiction.
Nikki Yanofsky (February 8, 1994 [Montreal, Quebec]) is a Canadian jazz-pop singer;

Jim Verraros (02/08/1983 [Crystal Lake]) - American singer and actor;

Joshua Keaton (February 8, 1979 [Hacienda Heights]) is an American film and television actor, voice actor, singer, and music producer;

Victoria Wenonah Banks (02/08/1973 [Muskoke]) - Canadian singer and songwriter;

Mary McCormack (02/08/1969 [Plainfield]) - American actress;

Gary Coleman (02/08/1968 [Illinois] - 05/28/2010 [Utah]) - American actor;

Hristo Stoichkov (02/08/1966 [Plovdiv]) - Bulgarian football player, striker;

Mathilde May (02/08/1965 [Paris]) - French actress;

German Gref (02/08/1964 [Panfilovo village, Pavlodar region, Kazakh SSR]) - Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Russia;

Vince Neil (02/08/1961 [Hollywood]) is an American musician, vocalist of the American glam metal band Mötley Crüe;

Egor Zaitsev (02/08/1960) - Russian fashion designer;

Sergei Shustitsky (02/08/1958 [East Berlin]) - Soviet and Russian musician, TV presenter, showman;

Mary Steenbergen (02/08/1953 [Newport]) - American actress;

Julia Barr (02/08/1949 [Fort Wayne, Indiana]) is an American actress;

Brooke Adams (02/08/1949 [New York]) - American actress, director;

Alexander Julien (02/08/1948 [Chapel Hill]) - designer of clothes and accessories;

Christian Marin (02/08/1929 [Lyon] - 09/05/2012 [Paris]) - French actor;

Claude Rich (02/08/1929 [Strasbourg]) - French actor;

Audrey Meadows (02/08/1922 [Wuchang] - 02/03/1996 [Beverly Hills]) - American actress;

Leonid Pchelkin (02/08/1924 [Kupino] - 09/25/2004 [Moscow]) - Russian director;

Lana Turner (02/08/1921 [Wallace] - 06/29/1995 [Los Angeles]) - American actress;

Betty Field (02/08/1918 [Hyannis] - 09/13/1973 [Hyannis]) - American actress;

Steffi Duna (02/08/1910 [Budapest] - 04/22/1992 [Beverly Hills]) - actress of Hungarian origin;

Chester Carlson (02/08/1906 [Seattle] - 09/19/1968 [New York]) - American scientist, talented physicist, inventor of xerography;

Igor Belza (02/08/1904 [Kielce] - 01/05/1994 [Moscow]) - Soviet musicologist, composer and literary critic;

Lyle Talbot (02/08/1902 [Pittsburgh] - 03/02/1996 [San Francisco]) - American theater and film actor;

Edith Evans (02/08/1888 [London] - 10/14/1976 [Kent]) - English actress;

Nikolai Breshko-Breshkovsky (02/08/1874 [St. Petersburg] - 08/23/1943 [Berlin]) - Russian writer, journalist, art critic;

Theodor Lessing (02/08/1872 [Hannover] - 08/31/1933 [Marianske Lazne]) - German-Jewish philosopher and publicist;

Wilhelmina Sagan (02/08/1781 [Mitau] - 11/29/1839 [Vienna]) - a famous society lady, Metternich's mistress;

Bernard Courtois (02/08/1777 [Dijon, Burgundy] - 09/27/1838 [Paris]) - French chemist;

Giovanni Guercino (02/08/1591 [Cento near Bologna] - 12/22/1666 [Bologna]) - Italian Baroque painter;

Robert Burton (02/08/1577 [Leicestershire] - 01/25/1640 [Oxford]) - English writer;

Yaroslav Vsevolodovich (02/08/1191 - 09/30/1246) - Grand Duke of Kyiv and Vladimir;

Proclus Diadochus (02/08/0412 [Byzantium] - 04/07/0485 [Athens]) was an ancient Neoplatonist philosopher, head of the Platonic Academy, under whom Neoplatonism reached its last flowering.

Dates February 8

Science Day

Day of the military topographer and the day of the realtor

Slovenia celebrates the Day of Slovenian Culture or Prishern Day

Mother's Day in Norway

According to the folk calendar, this is Fedor's memorial

A snowstorm that day foreshadowed poor food, and a strong wind - a rainy summer.

February 8 - memorable events and significant dates

in 1587 the famous Mary Stuart lost her rebellious head

Tsar Alexei Romanov died in 1676

in 1692, the Salem witch trials began, which served as an inspiration for many writers and directors

1696 Tsar Ivan V Alekseevich Romanov dies

in 1725, the first emperor of Russia, Peter I, died, a very rich day on the death of Russian rulers

in 1837 there was a tragic duel on the Black River between the poet Pushkin and Georges Dantes

in 1904, as usual, unexpectedly, Japanese troops attacked the main naval base of the Russian Pacific Fleet Port Arthur, two battleships and one cruiser were put out of action

Peter Kropotkin, a prominent Russian anarchist, died in 1921

in 1924, instead of the word helicopter, the word helicopter appears, proposed by the designer Nikolai Kamov

in 1948, the games of the V Winter Olympics in St. Moritz ended, the first place in the medal standings was shared by the Swedes and Norwegians

in 1984, the opening of the games of the XIV Olympiad in Sarajevo took place

in 1992, the next Winter Olympics opened in Albertville, France

in 2002, another Winter Olympic Games, XIX in a row, open already on the other side of the Atlantic - in Salt Lake City

Anna Nicole Smith, American model who starred in The Naked Gun, died in 2007.

In 2011, winter time was again canceled in Russia.

Events February 8

Taking care of the scientific and technological progress of Russia, Peter I contributed to the development of domestic science as best he could. On February 8, 1724, by order of the Emperor, the first Russian Academy of Sciences and Arts was founded. Not only the noble youths, but also other lower classes, up to the peasants, could study in the new higher educational institution.

For diligent teaching and achievements in the sciences and arts, the king showered the gifted youths with his good graces. The Academy was instructed to organize and conduct research in the field of various human knowledge: chemistry, biology, natural science, physics, etc.

The academy made a huge contribution to the creation of the state museum of outlandish exhibits - the Kunstkamera. The Academy gave rise to the great St. Petersburg museums, dozens of which have survived to this day. Outstanding Russian scientists came out of the walls of the Russian Academy: Mikhail Lomonosov, Pavlov, Mendeleev and others.

These great scientists are known to the whole world, because the discoveries that they made in science have advanced the development of human civilization far ahead. Since its inception, the Academy has published millions of editions of printed works on various scientific topics. The activities of the Academy brought the Russian Empire to a new level of scientific and technological progress.

February 8, 1837, on the outskirts of St. Petersburg, near the Commandant's dacha, there was a duel between Alexander Pushkin and Georges Dantes. As a result of the incident, Pushkin was seriously injured and died two days later. As contemporaries wrote, the cause of the duel was anonymous letters, which allegedly talked about the infidelity of Alexander Sergeevich's wife.

Suspicion in the letters fell on the Dutch diplomat Georges Dantes, who, as if not by choice, but by chance, met Pushkin's wife at one of the festive balls. Pushkin was not a supporter of secular, court life; he preferred home comfort and literary creativity to all this.

Pushkin's wife, Natalya, loved lavish balls and the courtship of gentlemen, so allegedly she could not resist the beauty of Dantes, who in those days was famous for his wonderful and courteous lover. Tokmo, having learned about the contents of the letters and about the Petersburg gossip concerning his family, Pushkin sent Dantes a challenge to a duel, but this time the duel did not take place.

Firstly, Dantes proposed to the sister of Pushkin's wife, which in itself eased the psychological tension, and secondly, Pushkin attended an audience with Emperor Nicholas I, who greatly admired Pushkin's literary talent.

However, relations with Dantes did not improve, and the spreading squabbles and gossip again aggravated the contradictions between the two young and proud nobles. In 1837, Pushkin sent a very insulting letter to Dantes' house, which provoked Dantes into an armed confrontation with Pushkin.

Soon the duel itself took place, Pushkin was seriously wounded in the stomach, Dantes escaped with a wound in the arm. Two days later, the great poet died of diffuse peritonitis at home. Dantes recovered from his wound and lived a long and eventful life.

American artist and inventor, first president of the American Academy of Sciences. He traveled around Europe, where he studied the work of great artists and sculptors. Returning to the United States on a ship, Morse was keenly interested in everything about how the ship is arranged and works, how the ship is managed and controlled.

From one of his fellow travelers, he learns about the ability of current to act on a magnet and instantly pass through wires over a long distance. The art historian got excited about the idea of ​​using an electromagnetic pulse to transmit signals at a great distance from the transmission source.

Morse did not have a special technical or physical education, he was driven by a keen interest in invention. Using improvised means and working for ten years, he managed to create a prototype telegraph apparatus.

In 1837, he demonstrated the possibilities of his invention, he managed to transmit a telegraph message over a distance of 500 meters, but it was not possible to read the telegram, because his system did not have symbols.

Then Morse developed special code signals, in the form of long and short electromagnetic pulses, so the famous “Morse code” appeared. On February 8, 1838, Morse demonstrated the possibilities of a new invention of communication and transmitted a readable telegram over a distance of 15 kilometers.

On February 8, 1963, a military coup took place in Iraq that overthrew the regime of Abdel-Kerim Qasem, as a result of which the Ba'ath Party seized power. The Ba'ath leader, General Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr, took over as prime minister, and his party ally, Abdel-Salam Aref, became president of Iraq. Qasem's authoritarian, or rather criminal, style of government led to the coup.

Abdel Kasem established the most brutal dictatorship in the country, he practically destroyed the opposition, thousands of people were imprisoned and executed. Realizing the impossibility of continuing the existence of Qasem's power and showing particular concern for the fate of the state, a number of Iraqi army officers decided to overthrow the bloody regime.

Because of the danger of revealing the conspiracy, it was postponed several times, and yet, on the eve of the coup itself, Kasem nevertheless learned about the impending overthrow, but it was too late, the conspiracy machine was launched and worked at full capacity.

The rebellion began early in the morning on February 8, 1963, at which time, on the threshold of his own house, the commander-in-chief of the Iraqi Air Force, Jalal Awkati, was killed. Rebel tanks and armored vehicles seized the radio station.

For several days, fighting continued between the rebels and the detachments of Kasem. Kasem's last hiding place was the Ministry of Defense, where the fighting was especially fierce. Realizing the hopelessness of the situation, Kasem decided to surrender to the rebels, but demanded from them a promise to save his life.

The leaders of the rebellion promised to save the life of the dictator. Kasem, along with the generals loyal to him, surrendered to the mercy of the victors, he was immediately arrested and taken under heavy guard to the television studio of the central television. A situational, or rather an impromptu trial of the dictator was organized there.

The court session found Kasem and his accomplices guilty of state crimes, they were immediately shot, live. The new authorities soon began to destroy all supporters of the former regime. A new dictatorship was established in the country, which, however, did not last long and was overthrown by another rebel force.

Signs February 8 - Fedor Day

February 8 is considered a very mysterious date in the folk calendar. It was said that on this day, deceased relatives yearn for their loved ones who remained in the world of the living. And it was believed that right now they visit their homes, if people have forgotten about them, do not come to the cemetery, do not commemorate them with prayer.

Therefore, on February 8, various rituals were performed, which were designed to calm the souls of the dead, to keep them in the afterlife. This day also had its own signs that were tracked.

Also, according to the Orthodox prayer book, on February 8, the memory of St. Theodore the Studite, a Greek public figure and monk, who was later canonized by the clergy, was honored.

A variety of techniques helped to protect against evil spirits. For example, on February 8, they put an ax under the threshold, drew crosses on windows and doors with chalk, allowed wanderers to spend the night in the house that day, because it was believed that dead relatives were afraid of strangers living people.

If the deceased appears very often, you need to hit him with a bridle or throw a stone at him. It is also worth considering why the dead man comes, and do everything so that this does not happen again. If a widow dies and no one buries her, then on February 8 parish priests can pray for her.

On February 8, you can call the spirits yourself. To do this, you need to carefully prepare - 12 Fridays to observe a strict fast.

Folk omens February 8

Windless and clear day - spring will be warm and come early

If on Fedor Studit, on February 8, a dead man showed up, it is imperative to serve a prayer service in the church, and the courtyard and corners of the house must be sprinkled with holy water.

By the way, they said that this can be done on any other day, even if the deceased appeared in a dream

So that the dead do not disturb, then at the front door on February 8 you need to hang a bunch of mountain ash or nettle.

It was believed that these plants scare away evil spirits. In addition, it is believed that if on February 8 you put a thistle flower and a juniper branch under a beam on the roof

Guessed on February 8 on the weather. They scattered a handful of peas on a saucer and listened: if it hit the saucer loudly, then frosts would soon come. If the sound is deaf, then, according to the sign, you can expect snowfall.

We hope you enjoyed reading the material on this page and were satisfied with what you read. Agree, it is useful to know the history of events and dates, and also those famous people who were born today, on the eighth February day of winter February 8, what mark this person left with his actions and deeds in the history of mankind, our world with you.

We are also sure that the folk signs of this day helped you understand some of the subtleties and nuances. By the way, with the help of them, you can check in practice the authenticity and veracity of folk signs.

Good luck to all of you in life, love and deeds, read more of the necessary, important, useful, interesting and informative - reading expands your horizons and develops your imagination, learn about everything, develop diversified!

What is interesting and significant in world history on February 8, science, sports, culture, politics?

February 8, what events in the world history of science and culture are famous and interesting for this day?

What holidays can be celebrated and celebrated on February 8?

What national, international and professional holidays are celebrated annually on February 8? What religious holidays are celebrated on February 8? What is celebrated on this day according to the Orthodox calendar?

What is the national day of February 8 according to the calendar?

What folk signs and beliefs are associated with the day of February 8? What is celebrated on this day according to the Orthodox calendar?

What significant events and memorable dates are celebrated on February 8?

What significant historical events on February 8 and memorable dates in world history are celebrated on this summer day? Memorial Day of which famous and great people on February 8?

Which of the great, famous and famous died on February 8?

February 8, the Day of Remembrance of which famous, great and famous people of the world, historical figures, actors, artists, musicians, politicians, artists, athletes is celebrated on this day?

Events of the day February 8 2017 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of February 8, 2017, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the eighth day of the month of February of the seventeenth year.

Events of the day February 8 2018 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of February 8, 2018, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the eighth day of February of the month of the eighteenth year.

Events of the day February 8 2019 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of February 8, 2019, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the eighth day of February of the month of the nineteenth year.

Events of the day February 8 2020 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of February 8, 2020, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the eighth of February of the month of the twentieth year.

Events of the day February 8 2021 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of February 1, 2021, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the eighth of February of the month of the twenty-first year.

Events of the day February 8 2022 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of February 8, 2022, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the eighth of February of the twenty-second month.

Events of the day February 8 2023 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of February 8, 2023, find out who was born from famous people, folk omens and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the eighth day of February of the twenty-third year.

Events of the day February 8 2024 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of February 8, 2024, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the eighth day of February of the twenty-fourth month.

Events of the day February 8 2025 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of February 8, 2025, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the eighth day of the month of February of the twenty-fifth year.

Events of the day February 8 2026 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of February 8, 2026, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the eighth day of February of the month of the twenty-sixth year.

Events of the day February 8 2027 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of February 8, 2027, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the eighth of February of the month of the twenty-seventh year.

Events of the day February 8 2028 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of February 8, 2028, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the eighth of February of the month of the twenty-eighth year.

Events of the day February 8 2029 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of February 8, 2029, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the eighth of February of the month of the twenty-ninth year.

Events of the day February 8 2030 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of February 8, 2030, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the eighth day of the month of February of the thirtieth year.

Few people know that February 8 is the zodiac sign of Aquarius, which belongs to the element of air. People born on this day are innovative, open-minded and free-spirited. With the help of the ruling planet Uranus, Aquarius is constantly moving forward successfully. Aquarius talismans are angel figurines made of porcelain or glass. They will help you overcome life's difficulties.

general characteristics

Since you know who the horoscope is on February 8, you can talk about the character itself. These people are capable think deeply, unbanal, drawing such conclusions that those around them are not given to understand, no matter how hard they try. Aquarius analytical thinking, which allows you to find a way out of any situation and find non-standard solutions to problems.

With qualities such as perseverance and perseverance able to quickly climb the career ladder in any profession. After all, they have a wonderful intuition, which often helps in the field of activity.

Aquarius sociable and benevolent individuals. They are always happy to be in the spotlight, and therefore they have many friends. People around appreciate Aquarius for altruism and mercy, as they will always help any person and will not bypass even the enemy.

Aquarians are beautiful interlocutors, they are dominated by eloquence and rich imagination. People around, friends and relatives really like to communicate with the owner of this sign, because you can learn a lot from them. Such people are quite capable of becoming famous writers or screenwriters.

Aquarius also has negative qualities. The main ones are:

  • stubbornness;
  • authority;
  • abrupt mood swings.

These negative qualities sometimes make it difficult to focus on communication or work, which spoils a good reputation.

Aquarius Man

Born February 8 - the sign of the zodiac Aquarius man has good nature, independence and innovative abilities. Their career and self-realization always come first. Throughout their lives they strive to develop and improve themselves. To do this, they read a lot of useful literature, attend seminars, lectures.

Aquarius men are smart and smart. Therefore, they are suitable for such work in which they can show their ingenuity. For example, he can find a non-standard and useful application to ordinary household items, create a memorable advertisement or his own company. Of course, he always strives to ensure that income exceeds expenses.

home and family

Aquarians are in no hurry to burden themselves with the bonds of marriage. First they will build a career, and only then they begin to select a chosen one. After marriage, they are in no hurry to have children, as they believe that they should be given all the best. Therefore, they continue to stubbornly build a career and only after a few years of marriage they decide to have children.

When an Aquarius man has a child, he shows himself to be the best father. That's when he no longer strives to make money, but tries to pay as much attention to his baby as possible.

Husband also tries to be the best. He spares nothing for his wife, since she is a queen for him and should look 100%. However, a man expects the same attitude from his wife.


The Aquarius man carefully monitors his health, but not out of self-love. He worries more about work and others, because he understands that many people depend on him and he should not let them down. A man does not discuss his health with anyone, he believes that no one should know about his weak, vulnerable places.

A man needs to pay attention to the cardiovascular system and weak immunity. To improve your health, you need daily walks in the morning and the right regimen.


If the birthday is February 8, the woman's zodiac sign is Aquarius. These are bright, smart, mysterious personalities. Not sociable, but not with everyone. The owners of this sign often hide their inner world and rarely share their emotions. Aquarius women are original and like to periodically change their image beyond recognition.

Aquarius women often surprise others with their unpredictable behavior. Their moods are constantly changing, and therefore they cannot always control their emotions. This happens due to stress and nervous tension.

The Aquarius woman successfully climbs the career ladder, overcomes any obstacles on the way. Knows how to get along with colleagues and with superiors, so at work she very rarely has enemies.

They are comfortable working as a psychologist, doctor, guide, travel agent and in other areas where you need to communicate politely. They take their work seriously and give it their all. Therefore, they achieve excellent results in any field of activity.

home and family

Like men, Aquarius women think about the family last. They will not get married early, as they build a career first, and then they think about their personal lives. However, she tries her best to be a good wife, but only if the chosen one treats her with respect, helps with the housework, takes care of the children and can adequately provide for her family.

After the birth of a child, a woman becomes not only a loving wife, but also a wonderful mother. She is ready for any sacrifice for the sake of children, just to raise him as a worthy member of society.


If women learn to overcome stress, then they will have excellent health. Otherwise, they are prone to diseases of the cardiovascular system. To avoid this, you need to regularly temper yourself with a contrast shower and morning walks.

More women are prone to such diseases:

  • neurasthenia;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • depression;
  • muscle spasms.

To avoid unnecessary diseases, you need to eat a lot of fresh vegetables, fruits and adhere to the correct daily routine.


Aquarius men and women get along with almost any sign, but there are some difficulties. An ideal relationship develops with Aries, as both are active, energetic and purposeful. They are perfectly combined with Gemini thanks to their general cheerfulness. Aquarius gets along well with Libra, as together they will achieve tremendous results due to their tirelessness. And also Sagittarius and Aquarius fall into this list, since both of them are purposeful and bright personalities.

A slightly difficult relationship can be with Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio, Leo and Virgo. These signs have the same strong character as Aquarius. That is why it will be difficult for them to yield to each other.

Taurus and Capricorn are fundamentally different from Aquarius, as they have completely different outlooks on life. Therefore, these signs rarely understand and they can even part because of this, which will make life easier for everyone.

Celebrities born on February 8

  1. Irina Muravyova is a famous actress and screenwriter.
  2. Victor Proskurin - People's Artist of the Russian Federation.
  3. Dmitry Mendeleev is a great scientist (chemist, physicist, metrologist, etc.).
  4. Jules Verne is a French writer.
  5. Leonid Pcholkin is a Russian director.
  6. Edith Evans is an English actress.
  7. Yaroslav Vsevolodovich - Grand Duke of Kyiv and Vladimir.
  8. Johann Korb is an Austrian diplomat.
  9. Bernard Courtois is a French chemist.
  10. Nikolai Breshko-Breshkovsky is a Russian writer and journalist.

All of the above celebrities have achieved a lot in life thanks to their hard work and perseverance.

Very often, Aquarians do not understand why they have difficult periods in their lives. So here are some important tips for them:

  1. Avoid excessive responsibility, as you often overestimate your capabilities and take on a lot of work that is unrealistic to handle.
  2. If they offer help, never refuse.
  3. Keep your emotions under control, as a sharp change in mood often affects relationships with others.
  4. Listen to your intuition, as it will help you make the right decision in any business.

So, February 8, what is the zodiac sign? This is Aquarius - kind and cheerful people who very often make concessions to others, for which they win universal love.

Attention, only TODAY!

Day of Foresight.

February 8 celebrity birthday- actress Irina Muravieva, actor Vyacheslav Tikhonov, actor James Dean, actor Viktor Proskurin

The nature of Aquarius born on February 8- Those born on February 8 are endowed with great telepathic abilities and have the ability to predict events. Sometimes people whose birthday is February 8 can purely theoretically suggest how they will control the situation and put their ideas into practice - not with the help of physical effort, but with the power of suggestion, which gives shape to their desires and directs them in the right direction. In addition, they have the ability to anticipate events and, accordingly, calculate the most appropriate time for the implementation of a promising project or successful promotion. In financial matters, those born on February 8 know how to choose the right moment for investment, as well as for establishing or terminating business relationships.

One can hardly resist the temptation not to say that those born on February 8 are able to see the future. Perhaps the whole point is not in this, but in their ability to feel ambiguity in relationships between people. However, among those born on February 8, there are actually clairvoyants who read the thoughts of others and can transmit their own. But even the most ordinary individuals have a pronounced sixth sense.

What are the people whose zodiac sign is February 8th? They strictly adhere to their ideas about the future. Before proceeding to achieve the goal through trial and error, people whose birthday is February 8 will step aside, objectively consider the situation from all sides and imagine how everything should happen. It often seems as if those born on February 8 live in a different world, a world of ideas. They may be intellectuals or economists, architects or cartographers, musicians, scientists or programmers, but the only thing they are not is lazy dreamers. People around are surprised by this fact, mistakenly believing that those born on February 8 are naive people. In fact, they can lead projects involving the most complex technology without making a single mistake.

Despite their talents, the emotional life of those born on February 8 is unstable and even fickle. If they fail to reveal their natural inclinations and direct their energy to improving personal relationships, they, unfortunately, will be doomed to loneliness, but this state is unbearable for them. Often, those born on this day are deeply mistaken in taking on responsibility that they cannot afford. Many of them are prone to compromise, and this not only finds a positive response from others, but also allows those born on February 8 to surround themselves with everyone's attention. Unfortunately, their telepathic abilities do not help them in choosing loved ones. Often they demand that problems be solved easily and quickly, but this does not work for everyone. We must come to such relations, which would be built on mutual concessions, and maintain them.
