Why dream of meeting a young man. Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian Why dream about Acquaintance with a dream book

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian Why dream of Acquaintance with a dream book:

Seeing in a dream Acquaintance with a guy - for an unmarried girl, such a dream means meeting a groom in real life. The dream says that the moment has come to create a family.

Why dream of meeting a guy for a man - this is also an acquaintance in real life with a male representative who will have a great influence on you, change your worldview. If you are not ready for drastic changes, stay away from your friend.

Small Velesov dream book Why in a dream dream Acquaintance:

Acquaintance - Be careful.

Esoteric Dream Interpretation E. Tsvetkova Dream Interpretation: Acquaintance what does it mean

Acquaintance - Warning, caution, as the dream book predictor reports.

Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century Why is Acquaintance dreaming?

See in a dream

Acquaintance - A new acquaintance in a dream is a harbinger of the return of old debts, the fulfillment of preliminary agreements, the successful completion of the work begun. Why dream of acquaintance - If in a dream your acquaintance happened under very strange circumstances - a dream can be a warning: you need to be careful in relationships with colleagues or partners, this is how such a dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Acquaintance - Indiscretion, a risky situation.

Esoteric dream book If you dream Acquaintance:

Acquaintance - Meeting can backfire.

Why dream Acquaintance by dream book:

Acquaintance in a dream portends an acquaintance in reality, which will lead to a long friendship, such a dream is a symbol of your sincerity.


What does a dream about acquaintance mean?

According to the dream book, acquaintance in a dream - good sign.

And in order to get a more specific explanation of such night dreams, you need to remember who you met, and under what conditions this happened.

The girl had a dream

If in a dream you met a handsome man, this means that a romantic adventure awaits you in reality. And an ugly representative of the opposite sex broadcasts that you are not ready to start a new relationship.

A business acquaintance with a guy portends success at work. And if you recognized him under some tragic circumstances, then soon you will need male help.

  • Acquaintance with a man in a bar - for a busy weekend.
  • On the beach - to a fleeting romance.
  • In the gym - to new achievements.

If in a dream you met a man on the Internet, then in reality you are a modest, calm person. Often you do not have enough determination to take a responsible action. The dream interpretation recommends working on yourself in order to raise self-esteem.

A rash act or a hasty decision is what dreams of meeting a married man. If you consciously took this step in a dream, then you will be able to avoid trouble. But if you did not immediately find out about his marital status, then get ready for a serious test.

To meet a girl in a dream - according to the dream book, it means meeting a girlfriend or old friend. If your partner introduced you to each other, then perhaps he lacks your care. And to meet a woman in a circle of friends, according to the dream book, means to diversify your leisure time.

The guy had a dream

If you meet a girl, and she makes contact without any problems, this means that in the near future you will be able to realize your plans. And if the fair sex is indifferent to you, then you must work hard to achieve your goals.

According to the dream book, meeting a girl in public transport speaks of your natural magnetism and sociability. Many girls dream of dating a guy like you. You are almost never bored.

  • Acquaintance on the street - to surprise.
  • By correspondence - you will learn someone else's secret.
  • On holiday - to a good rest.

If a woman in a dream was a blonde, then in reality you will find simple, unobtrusive communication with a pretty lady. The brunette portends an intellectual conversation, the brown-haired woman - a business conversation, and the redhead - flirting with the "continuation".

Partner's parents

The dream book also describes in detail the acquaintance with the parents of a guy, a girl. For example, if you first met the mom and dad of your chosen one, and they liked it, this means that your relationship with your partner is strong and reliable. And if the meeting did not cause positive emotions in them, then you and your boyfriend need to learn to trust each other.

To meet the guy's parents at a family holiday means to get married soon. A chic celebration in a dream suggests that the partner’s relatives will immediately accept you into the family. And if in night dreams you met them in an unusual place, then your family life will be filled with interesting events.

And why dream of a guy meeting a girl's parents? Such a vision often implies happy marriage for many years. At the same time, if the mother and father of his bride liked the young man, then in reality the relationship with the mother-in-law and father-in-law will be good.

Get to know the parents dear person and immediately quarrel with them - according to the dream book, it means not to appreciate what you have. Experts recommend reconsidering your vision of the world and taking a different attitude to everything that surrounds you. If you learn to appreciate the little things, then fate will present you with new gifts.

  • Acquaintance with the girl's mother is a joy.
  • With the guy's mom - to a confidential conversation.

Seeing your partner's parents for the first time at your wedding means receiving an important remark. If you take it into account, then the dream book guarantees you a successful completion of business. And if you ignore criticism, you can make a mistake that will be quite difficult to correct.


If in a dream you met a man whom you know in reality, according to the dream book, this means that you lack thrills. Psychologists advise to take a break from business for a while and implement your most daring plans. Otherwise, the routine can lead to stress.

  • Acquaintance with a famous man - to glory.
  • Meet your parents - to the discovery or discovery.
  • To see someone else's acquaintance in a dream - to envy.

new acquaintance with by a stranger for a guy dreamer, it may portend the presence of a competitor. It can be both a fan of your chosen one, and an ill-wisher in the business sphere. If you are tolerant and reasonable, you can easily get rid of a competitor.

If you had an acquaintance, try to remember the smallest details of night dreams. So you will be able to get a brighter picture of reality.


Acquaintance with parents by dream book

If in a dream you had a spontaneous acquaintance with the parents of your soul mate, then you should expect the successful completion of some business, the return of an old debt and the fulfillment of these promises. The dream book will explain what else such an unexpected phenomenon is dreaming of.

How to make a prediction?

Did you meet the girl's parents in a dream? Remember all the nuances of what happened to see. The dream interpretation is sure that, depending on the details of the vision, it is possible to predict how a certain life period will end.

If the girl's parents seemed nice and friendly, then in reality everything will turn out well. Had a dream that they were unhappy with the meeting? Probably on this stage fate decided to test you.

In a dream, did you try with all your might to avoid the girl’s mom or dad? Attention should be paid to business and health - past problems will escalate again.

Need help?

Why dream of an unplanned acquaintance with the guy's parents? The dream interpretation believes that you need someone else's care and guardianship, or vice versa, someone needs your support.

Had an unexpected meeting with the guy's relatives? Coming on the personal front favorable changes, improving existing alliances and family ties.

According to Miller

Miller's dream interpreter indicates that such a vision is especially favorable for a young girl. Meeting a guy's relatives in a dream literally means that she will soon get married and prosper.

Do not hurry!

Did you dream that you met the relatives of your beloved right on the street?

The dream interpretation is sure that you are bored with the current situation, and you are striving to change it. Most importantly, do not overdo it in your zeal and do not push away a loved one.

Had a dream to see dad and mom at once in the house of a loved one? Get ready for some really big changes to come.

Act more decisively!

Why dream of a spontaneous acquaintance with the groom's parents? If in reality they are not yet aware of your existence, then in the future the dream book promises pleasant communication, mutual understanding and long friendship with them.

If the previously planned acquaintance with the groom's parents in a dream happened in extremely strange circumstances, then this means that some care must be taken in relationships and choose words in conversation.

Did you dream that you were re-acquainting yourself with the groom's relatives? You tend to think too much about making decisions, and this often pushes you away from the goal.

Interpretation of behavior

The dream book warns that the interpretation of sleep must be done taking into account the behavior and mood of the characters.

  • Satisfied parents usually dream of harmony and understanding.
  • Sad - to the luck that you miss.
  • Pale in black clothes - to bitter disappointment.
  • Thoughtful - to the need to control the situation and actions.

If in dreams there was an acquaintance with the already deceased relatives of a loved one, then the dream book believes that their souls looked in from the other world to look at you.

Let go of the past!

Why dream of meeting the parents of the former? You will probably soon have to face an old acquaintance in the real world and get to know him from a completely different perspective.

In a dream, seeing the parents of the former means that you are not letting go of some memory from the past, and this slows down your life.


Dream interpretation meeting a guy

Why dream of meeting a guy in a dream

If in reality a young man has known you for a long time, but you dream that you just met him, then your relationship will be strong. Moreover, even if in real life you are only friends, the interpretation of the dream remains the same: your friendship will be strong, and you can trust this person in everything. A dream where you meet a guy you don’t know in real life is a kind of warning. On the one hand, it speaks of your desire for new sensations. But at the same time, he warns that it is necessary to observe the measure in everything and not to forget about caution. If you dream of meeting a person for whom you really feel sympathy, it is likely that your relationship will soon become more than just friendly. If the person you meet in a dream is unpleasant to you in reality, such a dream can be considered a signal calling for you to pay closer attention to your health.


Why dream of meeting your parents?

A dream is always a mystery that people have been trying to solve for a long time. During this time, gathered a large number of various interpretations one event or another. So, for example, a dream in which the sleeper meets someone's parents means that soon his expectations will come true.

When interpreting dreams, it is advised not only to pay attention to the key point itself, but also to consider the smallest details. So, for example, who and whose parents met, under what circumstances and what it led to. And so, why dream of meeting the parents of a guy or girl? Usually for young people who have strong enough relationships, such knowledge promises only good. Their cherished desires will come true, and the near future in the relationship will be bright. If in a dream the acquaintance ended in a quarrel, this is a bad sign. It portends the appearance of troubles on the "personal front", misunderstanding between partners and even distrust. Therefore, after such a dream, you will have to be more attentive and pay more attention to your soulmate.

What is important, if a quarrel in a dream occurred due to the fault of one of the parents or their reaction was not quite usual, then they will play an important role in the love relationship of the young. The same applies to conducting with a positive dating scenario.

In general, this dream can be interpreted from a different point of view, divided into components: acquaintance and parents. The first is interpreted in dream books as a long-term and lasting friendship, the second - as the inner state of the sleeping person, his problems, achievements and doubts, but this is if they saw their loved ones. The appearance in a dream of the parents of a young man or girl promises a quick marriage, which will be happy and long. If the action takes place in the father's house, then the sleeper will receive good news from loved ones. When meeting in a foreign territory, one should rely on feelings, whether one likes it here or not, whether there is hostility and fear. This will help to more accurately characterize future relationships. Where a person feels uncomfortable in a dream, he is unlikely to be happy in reality.

When meeting parents Special attention given to their facial expressions and behavior. So, if in a dream they are happy, smile and gladly meet the sleeping person, then in reality everything will be fine, the relationship between the young will be harmonious and long-lasting, marriage will bring only happiness. Angry, angry or irritated parents portend difficult relationships in the future, problems between lovers. This dream warns that on the way to happiness you will have to overcome more than one test. Distrust or indifference gives reason to think, is this the right person or is it worth looking around? Sometimes a dream about meeting parents, if they are not complacent, may portend material difficulties on the way to the goal, which can be resolved with the help of relatives and relatives.

It is important to remember that any dream is only a warning, not a final verdict. He dreamed about it so that everything could be fixed or not to look for problems where there are none. So, for example, meeting the parents of the former in a dream may indicate that not everything has been decided between people yet, but they are simply confused.

When interpreting any dream, one must hope for the best. Look for clues to correct mistakes or avoid making new ones. Nevertheless, for any acquaintance with the parents of a loved one, this is a serious step. In a dream, if desired, you can replay everything, but in life it is unlikely. In general, you need to think only about the good, and be sure of a happy outcome of any business!


Boyfriend meeting his parents

Dream Interpretation Man Acquaintance with Parents dreamed of why in a dream Meet a guy with his parents? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a guy meeting his parents in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Double dream

Dream Interpretation - Parents

To see your parents cheerful in a dream portends harmony in relationships and pleasant communication to you in a dream.

If you dream of them after death, then this is a warning of impending troubles and you should be especially careful in your affairs.

If your parents are alive and in a dream you see them calm and happy in your house, this means pleasant changes for you.

For a young woman, such a dream usually promises marriage and prosperity.

If your parents are pale and dressed in black, you are in danger of serious disappointment.

If you dream that you are looking at your parents looking healthy and happy, this is a sign that fate is keeping you: your business and love will flourish.

If they look unhealthy or sad, you will find that luck has passed by without recognizing you.

Dream Interpretation - Parents

Becoming a parent in a dream means that you will take on a new business that you have high hopes for. Seeing dead parents in a dream is a sign of receiving news of some unusual events. Often such a dream predicts trouble. Seeing parents in a dream portends news. The worse the parents look in a dream, the more unpleasant the news you will receive. If your parents look bad or are dressed in black, then the dream indicates that business failure and disappointment await you. See interpretation: father, mother, children, baby.

Dream Interpretation - Parents

Reflect those qualities, good or bad, that you adopted from your parents and recognize in yourself.

To see parents in a good environment and circumstances is the well-being of your life.

Dead parents come to you with a threat - disapproval of your affairs and their deterioration.

Talk to deceased parents - get help, support.

Dream Interpretation - Parents

Seeing happy parents in a dream means that your relationship with your chosen one will be strong and long. However, if the parents are pale and upset about something, expect loneliness and disappointment.

A girl whose parents dreamed of being calm will marry successfully and be happy in marriage.

Dream Interpretation - Parents

Seeing your deceased parents in a dream and having conversations with them means that you will soon receive unpleasant news, the consequences of which can be completely disastrous for you. If you saw healthy parents, cheerful and friendly in your dream, you will gain good health and success with men, and if your parents are sad or angry, this means that you can damage your reputation due to a reckless act.

Dream Interpretation - Parents

In general, these are models of behavior or relationships, life positions that are played out and exist in the family of the sleeping person. Parents advisers, helpers, pointers, pressure, power, warning (of danger, wrong deeds), punishment (guilt). To see both parents together with upcoming important changes in life, a blessing, marriage for a woman. To beat one of the parents in a dream is an expression of internal protest, upholding the right to one's point of view and independence to psychological satisfaction, agreement, reconciliation with oneself and to the benefit, beneficence from the beaten in reality.

Dream Interpretation - Parents (relatives)

Among all people, the most significant for any person are his father and mother (brother, sister). Parents in a dream are the leading fateful trend of any long or important period in the life of the sleeper (depending on how they look and what they do and say). The image of a father, mother in a dream emphasizes both the significance of the event and some independence of this event from the consciousness of the sleeping person. The father embodies a more decisive, rough, probing stream of consciousness, fate, warning, or an opened perspective with which the dreamer comes into contact. The mother plays the role of fate (its segment), rewards, desires, careers, deeds, obstacles in marriage (for a woman). Positive images of a father or mother are tantamount to parental blessing and good luck. All the rest, other relatives in a dream are more often interpreted in negative senses, as interference, quarrels, troubles. Dead parents in a dream have an increased significance: see Dead parents in a dream.

Dream Interpretation - Parents

If your parents are alive, a dream about them promises harmony in the family. If dead parents dream, this is a sign that they should be remembered in the church.

If you dreamed of one of the deceased parents, remember him: light a candle and give alms for the repose of the soul.

Dream Interpretation - Parents

Seeing your parents in a dream happy and cheerful, you can count on good luck, harmony in relationships and pleasant communication. For a young woman, such a dream usually promises marriage and prosperity.

A dream about dead parents is a warning of impending troubles. Be especially careful in business.

If the parents are pale and dressed in black, serious disappointments await you.


Dating men

Dream interpretation Acquaintance with men dreamed of why in a dream Acquaintance with men? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream about meeting men by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Man

If you dreamed of a man, then you will have some kind of pleasure. If you see an unfamiliar man in a dream, this portends some kind of adventure. Seeing yourself as a man in a dream means getting into some kind of piquant situation with far-reaching consequences.

If a man seen in a dream is in prison, then this promises you the implementation of your plans for a long time.

Seeing a male actor in a dream means an upcoming quarrel with friends or the loss of someone close to you. Resentment, tears and grief are possible. Annoyance, hassle.

If the man you saw in a dream was an obstetrician, this means an imminent illness.

Seeing the man of your dreams in a dream and enjoying talking with him means that you will have to cry a lot and worry about trifles.

If in a dream a man of small stature is trying to start a quarrel or fight with a person who is superior in strength, this means that you are exchanging for nothing. Also, a dream promises an unexpected acquaintance, thanks to which many joys will appear in your life.

Incidentally, various historical sources give numerous examples of dreams that predicted events that actually happened later. Such facts are cited in his Comparative Biographies by the ancient Greek writer and historian Plutarch (c. 45 - c. 127), the Roman historian and writer Gaius Suetonius Tranquill (c. 70 - c. 140) and many other ancient authors narrate about prophetic dreams.

About one prophetic dream that predicted misfortune, the story of Plutarch from his famous "Biographies" has been preserved. One night on the eve of the assassination of the Roman dictator and commander Gaius Julius Caesar, his wife Calpurnia woke up sobbing: she dreamed that she was holding her murdered husband in her arms. Her feelings were so convincing that Julius Caesar intended to cancel the Senate meeting scheduled for that day. If he had given importance to this warning from above, given to his wife, he would have remained alive (in the Senate he was stabbed twenty-three, in which all the senators took part) and the subsequent history of the Roman Empire would have been different.

Dream Interpretation - Man

If you dream of a young, handsome man - in real life, anxiety awaits you. An old, gray-haired man portends long life. A very obese, full man with a big belly - to pleasant events and sensations.

A man with a beard means illness in the family. A man in a shirt is a sign unhappy marriage, in an expensive elegant suit - you will fully enjoy all the benefits of life. An ugly man with repulsive features - to disappointment in his lover.

A gloomy man in a bad mood means that you will encounter many obstacles in the way of realizing your plan. A cheerful and sociable man portends that you will gain fame due to the successes achieved.

An aggressive man rudely seeking intimacy with you means that you will have unpleasant experiences because of the person you considered your friend. see in dream of the dead a man - to big money.

Dream Interpretation - Man

If a woman sees in a dream a pleasant man with beautiful features, the dream promises her well-being, contentment with fate, and considerable joy. If a man sees such a dream, this is a sign of long business disagreements, quarrels with partners, intrigues of business opponents. A man in white clothes promises joy, gaining a fortune, in black - loss and sadness. A fat man in a dream portends prosperity in business, and a short man is a sign that you will overcome difficult circumstances. The hunchback does not bode well, because often this dream warns of deception or betrayal of those whom you trust.

Dream Interpretation - Man

If a woman dreamed of a handsome, well-built man, in the near future she would enjoy a full life and be happy in love and sex. But if the man she sees is gloomy and ugly, she will be disappointed and have problems with her loved one.

For a man to see another man (friend or stranger) in a dream means that soon he will have a rival who can destroy the harmony of relations with his beloved woman and cause jealousy.

Dream Interpretation - Man

"to talk like a man to a man" a serious conversation, a showdown.

"be a man" is a call to courage, nobility.

"I will make a real man out of you" (a strong, strong-willed person). "Man" the word carries a connotation of simplicity, rudeness, rudeness.

Dream Interpretation - Man

If the image of a woman symbolizes the sphere of feelings, then a man: it is a symbol of active activity.

To meet a slender, pleasant-looking man: portends deeds that will please you. Such a dream is equally favorable for both women and men.

An ugly man in a dream: a sign of failure in business. Most likely, your plans for the future need to be revised.

A woman has a dream in which she sees her husband: it can tell you what state her current affairs and plans are in.

Seeing a husband cheerful and cheerful is a sign of prosperity in the house.

A quarrel with her husband in a dream portends some difficulties, which, nevertheless, will end happily.

Seeing your husband ugly or unpleasant is a sign of acute dissatisfaction with your position.

Such dreams do not bode well.

If a woman sees herself as a man: this indicates that she is able to cope with a difficult situation and can safely rely on her own strength.

Dream Interpretation - Acquaintance

Dream Interpretation - Man

Bald man - to respect and wealth.

A man in a shirt dreamed of a woman - to trouble in marriage.

Seeing a naked man is good luck.

A dead man on the street - to the discovery of new sources of income.

Intimate relationship in a dream with a man - to the loss of state.

Dream Interpretation - Man

Peeing on your feet - portends great luck, success.

Uncovered head and loose hair - someone is secretly plotting against you.

Uncovered hair and a closed face - there will be a lawsuit, a trial.

If you cut the wasp's hair in front, there will be misfortune in the family associated with the household.

You see yourself with eyebrows on a par with another person - there will be a promotion.

Teeth fall out by themselves - misfortune with a father or mother.

Having performed ablution, they rise on the bed - unfortunately, trouble.

Wash off dust and dirt - portends recovery.

You have sexual intercourse with a man - portends a loss of well-being.

A woman puts on the clothes of a man - indicates the birth of a noble offspring.

A man or husband suddenly turns into a nun - misfortune.

The naked body of a man - portends good luck in fate.

Dream Interpretation - Man

To dream of a handsome, well-built and dexterous man means that you will fully enjoy life and take possession of the fortune.

If the man seen in a dream is ugly and gloomy, you will face disappointments and many difficulties that will torment you.

If a woman dreams of a very handsome man, she will gain fame and she will like it.

If in a dream she is frightened by his repulsive appearance, then she will have unpleasant experiences because of the person whom she considered her friend.


Dating a stranger

Dream Interpretation Acquaintance with a stranger dreamed of why in a dream Acquaintance with an unfamiliar guy? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream about meeting a stranger by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Double dream

Sometimes dreams somehow miraculously coincide with the phenomena of real life.

It's not about prophetic dreams. For prophetic dream warns the dreamer important event, which ends a period of a person's life or life in general.

A dream paired with an event, as a rule, opens a chain of phenomena going into the future.

Dream Interpretation - Stranger

Seeing an unfamiliar man in a dream portends an unwanted pregnancy. If a stranger gives you a place in public transport - in reality you will meet a pleasant and courteous person.

An aggressive stranger pestering you on the street in a tipsy state - you will start a risky venture that will not bring profit. Hugging in a dream with a stranger - to unexpected guests.

A handsome stranger who attracted your attention in a dream portends a change for the better in your affairs. An unfamiliar person of a ferocious appearance or with an ugly physiognomy is a sign of an unfavorable turn of events.

A stranger who turned out to be your companion on a long journey - you will not be satisfied with the course of your affairs, which will fall into decay for some time.

If you dreamed that a horse descending on a parachute from the sky suddenly turned into a stranger trying to bite you with his own, such a dream promises a serious failure, unrealizable hopes and your inability to master the situation in a family quarrel.

If in a dream you suddenly find a naked stranger next to you in bed and have sexual intercourse with him - your dissatisfaction with literally everything will bring anxiety into the life of your relatives; if you flee from him, in reality mercantile interests will clearly prevail over spiritual ones, which will turn your lover away from you.

If in a dream a stranger kisses you and you have nothing against it, in real life this portends a loss of respect from your chosen one. A bald or old stranger trying to flirt with you - some annoying person will cause your grief in reality.

A dream in which you wake up in an unfamiliar room means that you will be unexpectedly visited by friends whom you have not seen for many years.

Seeing yourself in a dream in an unfamiliar city means that soon you will probably have to change your dress, job, lover, registration or car model, but certainly for a newer and better one.

Watching in a dream the action of an unfamiliar device or device or studying its action - such an awkward dream means, however, a completely comprehensible thing: you will have to hear all the most unsightly truth about yourself.

Dream Interpretation - Strangers

In general, the dream is favorable and means new acquaintances. However, you need to pay attention to the details. If you see a crowd of strangers passing by you, you will have many new friends, acquaintance with whom will never develop into friendship, but may be useful in the future. If a stranger turned to you on the street, the dream portends a new friendship. If you are not married / not married and saw in a dream a stranger of the opposite sex, you may soon have a bride or groom. If at the same time the stranger or stranger was of some exotic appearance, then your future spouse will be a very interesting person.

If you dreamed that some strangers came to your house, this means either a change of residence or an addition to the family. If at the same time you greeted each of them by the hand, expect guests who will bring you stunning news. Perhaps it will change your destiny.

Riding with strangers in the same compartment - you have a long journey ahead of you, in which you will meet pleasant and helpful people. Fly with a stranger in an airplane - thanks to the support of a secret patron, you will be able to take a high position. Seeing the death of a stranger - unexpected surprises from old friends are possible. Kissing with a stranger - entertainment full of thrills awaits you. If you dreamed that you were kissing several strangers, you will have fun in the company of good friends. Giving something to strangers - you will win the favor of people, and even those who have still treated you negatively. Fight with a stranger of the opposite sex - your love quest will be crowned with success. If you dream that stranger secretly climbed into your house and is going to steal something, such a dream portends a new love.

If you are not interested in fulfilling a dream, imagine that you catch a stranger in the act of a crime and turn him in to the police. All your things are in place, the stranger did not steal anything. You can work out a dream in a universal way by imagining that strangers are interesting to you, you have the most benevolent feelings for them.

Dream Interpretation - Acquaintance

A new acquaintance is a harbinger of the return of old debts, the fulfillment of preliminary agreements, the successful completion of the work begun.

Your acquaintance happened under very strange circumstances - you need to be careful in relationships with colleagues or partners.

Dream Interpretation - Acquaintance

Acquaintance in a dream promises you a long and lasting friendship. This dream is evidence of your sincerity and sincerity.

Dream Interpretation - Acquaintance

Acquaintance - Meeting can backfire.

Dream Interpretation - Acquaintance, acquaintances

A new acquaintance is a warning of some kind of danger, a call for caution.

Meeting with an old acquaintance - to return lost property or lost friendship.

If old acquaintances do not recognize you - a dream of money, fame.

Being among acquaintances - to the state of your affairs, depending on the mood of society (success, disagreements, awkwardness, etc.)

Dream Interpretation - Acquaintance

Acquaintance in a dream is a warning: you need to be more careful.

And not to get acquainted with anyone and anywhere, even in a dream.

Dream Interpretation - Acquaintance

Acquaintance this dream suggests that you are having difficulty communicating with strangers.

You are too modest, in addition, you have low self-esteem, although there is no reason for this.

Apparently, this attitude towards yourself is connected with the failure that befell you in the past, and now you are afraid that this will happen to you again.

Realize that what happened has already happened and cannot be changed.

But you can’t get hung up on this, thinking that nothing good will happen in your life.

Think less about the past, live in the present and the future.

Take a look around: it is quite possible that there is a person next to you who will be happy to move from friendly communication to a closer relationship.

Dream Interpretation - Strangers

See - meet nice people




Hello! Today I had a dream, as if I were introducing a guy (I really like him, but we can’t be with him) with my parents. They didn't like him. Friends came for him and he got into the car. When I followed him out, he was already leaving and I did not have time to talk to him. I saw his friends, there were so many of them. Then he texted me that everything will be fine. And that he likes me. Tell me what is it for?


I dreamed that I was introducing my boyfriend to my parents, but I didn’t even have this in my thoughts, and I’m afraid of it at all. My boyfriend became friends with my father, and we even hugged in front of our parents. Tell me what this dream is and how I can understand it


I went into the store and a guy approached me, started pestering me in every possible way, then he became nice to me and we spent the whole day with him


I dreamed that I was walking in the park in the spring, I met a very handsome guy, he rode a bike, noticed me, met me, and I fell in love with him ... then he left .. I felt sad, I was afraid that I would not see him again.


I dreamed that we went with a girl to meet her parents! This was already after our 1st date! After this dream, on the same day, I went after her to her parents, but I didn’t meet my parents! I had a lot of dreams with her so very much, but there is no relationship and not even friends anymore!


i dreamed that the guy decided to introduce him to his uncle and his family ... at the same time, when we are already on the way, he suddenly says that he is having an overnight stay, and in a dream I worry that I don’t have things with me. When we enter the house, the guy goes into another room, and then a child comes out to me and then a woman invites me to the hall where the table is set, like some kind of celebration), while in a dream I have a feeling that this is mine ex-boyfriend not the real one.


Good day! Today I dreamed that a girl met me on the street, not far from my house, she was a blonde a little taller than me. The girl asked me to help her with the phone, then we went to some house, she left for 5 minutes, returned, we talked about something, then she hugged me, kissed me and left. Why could such a dream occur?


I walked with my grandfather, then I met friends who play the guitar, we talked, then we met 2 girls and they decided to get to know me, we talked and then I woke up


I was walking down the street in a dream, and then an unfamiliar guy (outwardly not handsome, but not ugly) starts walking with me and starts asking me: “What is your name?” "Give me your phone number." I understand that I don’t like him, but for some reason I still tell him my name, give my phone number, just to get behind. At the same time, I go with him without even paying any attention to him.


Hello, I dreamed that I was walking with a friend through the city at night and then a guy (foreigner) came up to us and said that he was looking for me everywhere, we met, but I left for the first time. Says I'm glad to see you a second time. Girlfriend our whole conversation is angry. And in a dream I felt some kind of connection with this guy, as if he was exactly who I was looking for.


I dreamed that I went to the toilet on the street. And did not reach, met a man. He was unfamiliar to me, but seemed attractive. We began to hug, he immediately began to confess his love to me. He introduced himself as Igor. And then he became disgusting to me, seemed old, a loser, and I ran away


I dreamed that I was introducing my future boyfriend to my mother. At my house. He just comes to my house, and I introduce him to my mother. they don’t know each other. And I go to my mother’s for a walk with him at night, and my mother lets me go, but says “Be careful.” And then the guy leaves right away because he urgently needs something. I’m 16 years now and moms, of course, are against relationships at that age. But now I have a friend with whom we have more than friendship and he is older than me, so I dreamed of him.


I dream that I came to the house of a guy I like, and he began to introduce me to his parents, as well as grandparents and other relatives. His mother warned me about something, I don’t remember anymore .. Then we all sat at the table and ate, I did something wrong and his grandmother constantly looked askance at me, and in the end, his mother came up to me and said: I really liked you, but I made a mistake, like his grandmother because of this I didn’t I liked it…What does it all mean??


I have 2 friends on VKontakte, both boys. So, in a dream it was something between two boys. It turned out that this guy and I had a birthday on the same day. We talked with him for a very long time, the conversation was very warm and pleasant. Our parents also talked, then we ended up at his house, the house was in a very interesting style. The guy himself is very nice and handsome.


Random acquaintance. They even kissed almost immediately. She had soft and embossed lips, and I also pawed her ass. She had a great figure.
It started with the fact that I just went to the station, and then I started talking to her


Good afternoon, Tatyana!
Initially, it all started with the fact that I seemed to be peeping (following) my young man from some building (from the 6th floor), it seemed that this was just my house. He saw his ex-girlfriend, it seems there was for some time a real young man of my boyfriend's ex-girlfriend. they sat, talked, quarreled, cursed loudly, it seemed to me that because of me. He protected me. Then it seemed like it was my birthday and I invited him to my place. I cooked food, cleaned up, then my bunch of relatives, uncles, aunts, parents fall down and sit down at the table ... I start screaming heart-rendingly that it’s not for them, that they will come to me now, looked hysterically to the side, then again at the table and saw him among their relatives. immediately calmed down and went to the table to introduce him to everyone. then she took me to the balcony, asked what happened, he honestly told me that he met with an ex-girlfriend and that they fought a little because of me. when we returned, the guests began to disperse and the last picture is how we hear a scream from the room, we run in, and my father is lying on the sofa - his back is seized or his leg is cramped and my young man is trying to tell him and help a little to relieve the pain, shows how to stretch and turn your leg. And then I wake up.
Taking into account the fact that my young man does not know his parents in real life and we have only started dating for a month, this is very weird dream which I cannot decipher.
I will be glad for your help.


I met one guy on Tuesday, he and his girlfriend invited us to go for a walk, but we got a slip and we didn’t meet
and the dream was like a continuation
he called me and invited me to take a walk, I came, he introduced me to his company and that's it
I don't remember anything else


i dreamed that I brought my boyfriend to my home and introduced my boyfriend to my parents


I'm sitting, a guy comes up to me and asks: "What's your name?". I answered. He then asked what class I was in. I answered again. He said: "You're not like that!" Then I sat smiling. It seems that he didn’t ask anything else ... or I don’t remember


today I had 2 dreams. In one I cooked crocodiles, and in the other I met a boy with whom I would like in life, but I can’t


I dreamed that I was sitting at a desk at school. Two young guys aged 20-22 came in and one sat next to me, started talking. They handed out leaflets and on one of them he wrote his phone number and kissed him when he left me in the neck.

Lilit Danielyan:

Hello Tatiana. I dreamed about the father of a guy I like, but I haven't met yet. The meeting took place by chance, I approached this man for something and just at that moment, his son, whom I like, said that this was his father. He was a gray-haired man, strict, but quite friendly.


I dreamed that I met a guy from my school (in real life, he is attractive to me). We became with him best friends and soon began dating. And then I woke up.


I dreamed about how a guy from my school wanted to meet, he had blond hair and was very handsome, but I didn’t have time to do it. I was in a white dress (not a wedding dress) in the store, there were three ways in which you could get to the desired department, they were fenced with a green, low fence, covered with an artificial plant, I had to crawl through the 2nd path, yes, just crawl, because in a dream all the guys attached to me and fell in love, from adult uncles to small children, I didn’t even suspect that there were people behind me too and followed my example, I hurried home and for some reason the name “Danil” flashed in my head all the time, And I don't know what his name is...
Thanks in advance.


i dreamed of a man whom I really like in reality, and as if he offered me to show his business, we arrived at some place that resembled either a boarding house or a sanatorium. entered the office, and there several people were already waiting for him (the girls are all kind of ugly), he asked me to wait a bit when he let them go, then he led me into the office and shows his business: a beauty salon - manicure, pedicure, then we went to a cafe there he introduced me to my parents, but they sat down at another table, then I woke up. In reality, he has his own business (trade). I don't know my parents


In a dream, I met a guy that I like at home by chance, and he was friendly. In disney I like him but I'm afraid to approach him.


i dreamed that the person whom I saw live only once, in a dream they knew each other very well and he told me that he wanted to introduce me to his mother.


I had a dream that I came to visit with my mother and there was a young guy who decided to get to know me, after which he asked for my phone number and the dream ended there


i was having lunch in the corridor at work near the window and a young man came up to me and through closed window asked me about plans for the evening.


Hello, I dreamed that in a dream we were driving with a guy in a car, it’s not his, but some kind of old Russian car (he says to me, it happened, it’s temporary). We had no plans and we just went to his house and my mother was there, we met, at first she reacted to me like that ... And then interest arose, we started talking, a good conversation came out. Then we were lying on the couch, and he started taking pictures of us together, took a few photos, I tried to look, but the camera ran out at that moment (and I thought - well, he’ll look and choose for himself). In general, this is not the first dream where his mother appears, although I don’t know her in my life .. Thanks in advance


He was going to introduce me to my mother, and I did not know about it. But by chance, being at his house, she met his aunt and mother, they were glad to meet him. He also smiled warmly when he saw it.


At first, my friend and I stopped the car so that the girls would not leave. They yelled at us. Then the car stopped and he ran away. Well, I decided to get to know them, I began to approach each, hug and ask: name, how old, where do you study, where are you from. There were 5 of them


I was in a hurry to the bus (minibus) and while I was in a hurry to the bus I met a guy (but I don’t remember his face, I remember that he was curly) but I ran away because I was late for the bus, and in the end I was 12 minutes late


there was a feast meeting new people these people were the parents of a girl I know. The father of this girl gave 40,000 thousand to my husband as a sign of acquaintance, but this money turned out to be new playing cards.


Hello! I dreamed of a new acquaintance with an unfamiliar early guy. I had never seen him before. We laughed, he bought me sweets, we just talked.
But before that evening, I had a very quarrel with my fiancé, in reality, and at night I had this dream.


good mood, brother and wife come to visit. I introduce them to my boyfriend - a fair-haired handsome stranger in reality. At the same time, I say: “Andrey (brother’s name), this is my new guy- Andrey (in reality, my boyfriend's name is not that and he is a brunette, while I note how Andrey is similar to each other). Then the guy disappears, and my brother sits next to me, and their faces become sad, then he says: “We didn’t want to tell you, but we got divorced,” I wake up from such a surprise. They have been together for a very long time and they have a child, it cannot be that they parted.


well, I was standing on the road when suddenly a girl came up to me and asked me to follow her and led me to her friends and they started talking about me


People whom I somehow knew offered to go for a walk. I didn’t want to, but they persuaded me. When we arrived, I saw my own brother, he drank and had fun with them, but I persuaded him to leave here. The people were pleasant and I liked it, but I understood that I couldn’t walk with them. In the end, we became friends, drank and had fun. Somewhere a table came up, and people who wanted to go to the other side of the table. a person, a star or something, who was called by one of my new friends. It seemed to me that it was my friend Pasha, but I didn’t know other people well. I don’t remember further ...


Yesterday I had to see my boyfriend's mother, tonight I had a dream: that I saw her, and she told me how much she liked me. what is in me good qualities etc.


i dreamed that I was washing in the shower with the girls in the hostel, and someone forgot to close the door to the shower, the boys opened the door and went in, I quickly wrapped myself in a towel and started to drive the boys out there and met a guy


The meaning of the dream was that I really liked young man. And he asked me to give my book. In my opinion, he found the author, handed over the book, invited me to repent on skates. I said I can't, smiled and left.


A young man came to get acquainted with relatives, I introduce them one by one, I introduce them to each other clearly by name (first uncle, then like a grandmother, and grandfather.


I dreamed that my grandparents introduced me to a guy and wanted me to like him, but he was not very cute to me


I dreamed this morning. As if a very bad man is chasing me, trying to run away from him, and he finds me everywhere, in the end I got rid of him. Then I come to the park where one of my married acquaintances sits, who leads me through a pregnant woman with a stroller (there is a child) to a man and says his name is Sasha. He takes my hands and together we go to the park for a walk.


I dreamed about how I ride a skateboard with friends as usual, my board broke and I had to go to a friend through school, and there I saw beautiful girl(purely by chance) I met her and we went for a walk, when we said goodbye, I hugged her .... and then woke up


Hello! I had a dream from Monday to Tuesday. In a dream, I met a guy, talked, talked and on the network (I didn’t really write anything). I remember his name, with the letter "T" .... Tair or something like that .... What is it for?


I'm shopping with my girlfriends in Italy, the city where I used to live. Then I separate from my friends and walk around the city. I walk next to the barbershop. I decide to go. There are several women working in this barbershop and the guy is also an employee. I'm asking a few questions. After a while it turns out that this is a family and they are Russian. They invite me over. I agree. We go up to the apartment. We are talking to a guy. He is very pleasant and sweet. It is already evening and he decides to take me. We leave the apartment and the entrance has changed. We go outside - and there is the city in which I now live. And next to me are people whom I know and do not know, and they all greet me.


I dream very often that I am leaving my husband for another person and in a dream I really like this guy, but I feel very sorry for my husband and I don’t know what to do,


Hello, I had a dream from Thursday to Friday ..
my parents do not like my boyfriend at all, although they do not know him at all and have never seen him. I dreamed that I was introducing a guy to my parents and they really liked him. I even thought it was a dream. It was wild for me that everyone liked it, I was extremely happy. In my dream, he was perfect! At the end of the dream, he went home without saying goodbye, I was upset, but my mother told me that he loved me madly and it was time for him to go home. And she said that tomorrow we are going to meet his parents. In general, my emotions cannot be expressed in words .. This is my dream to introduce him to my parents, and I will get to know him. Maybe this dream only happened because I really want it??


I dreamed that I introduced my boyfriend to my parents, then we talked, dad said that he didn’t like him and asked him to leave our house


I have a boyfriend, I don't know his parents, they are from another city. Today he went home. I dreamed that I was at his house earlier and together with my parents and relatives we were waiting for him to arrive. In a dream, I was very worried and shy, but they treated me well and his mother called me daughter.


we made love. then everyone happily sat down on the table. there was his mother and his friends. they were all glad to see me


I dreamed that my best friend's wife introduces me to a girl, Any. I had this dream on the night of Thursday to Friday. I usually don't remember my dreams at all. I dreamed about it several times a night, I even woke up in a sweat from this dream. This girl Lyuba was nice and pleasant to me.


Well, recently we started dating a guy whose name is Maxim, we grew up like a month ago, and today I had a dream that he brought me to his home, I met his mother, we cleaned the house with her


I dreamed that the boy I like invited me home to him, began to take care of me, fed me, etc., then my grandmother came, I met her, and he said let's go for a walk, during the walk he took my hand, then asked for my phone number and said let's go, I'll take you home, and tomorrow I'll call. What is this for?


i dreamed of meeting in a club, after which there was a funeral in the winter, I put on a gold ring on my finger on the same 2 rings, a signet and some kind of female, after which I see an old man in a hornbeam


I had a dream about how I was at Lena’s house, as if I had come to meet my parents for the first time, sat in the kitchen and talked with her mother, and then her father, says, sit down at the table and I went from the kitchen to the hall, took Lena for hand and sat down together at the table, her father says put the salad on and I woke up


i dreamed that I met my boyfriend’s parents. They sat down and sat at the table and invited me, but I couldn’t sit down for some reason, I was busy with nonsense, either talking with the guy or something else. There wasn’t a lot of space in that room, so It’s a little crowded. I told myself that they don’t live very richly huh. His dad said about me but I don’t remember what, but it was pleasant and not for me ... Help me interpret this dream.


I came home and there are a large number of strangers, that is, guys who show a clear interest in me, and then I liked one of them, and we have a very strong friendship, which in the future has many chances to grow into more


I'm a girl and I dreamed today of meeting a Levushka, and I also dreamed of a fire


It was a day, I went to some event, someone was awarded there, I took my place. A girl was sitting next to me, she began to get to know me, but I can’t remember how she introduced herself, but I remember that she said that she was born on May 24, 1995, we talked with her, then she went somewhere, and when she came, then followed to the back rows, I followed her. When they came and sat down, I began to feel sleepy, she had something like a handkerchief on her shoulder, I closed the light with this handkerchief, she felt it, looked at me and said nothing. I fell asleep. Then I, in the role of some guy, ride on special shoes through the mud, show something, but this guy was able to see the stage, and I saw that there were few people left, and I woke up. She was no longer with me. What a cutie she was :)


Dreaming the same dream twice
I stand near the road and a girl comes up and stands next to me.
I try to get to know her, but every time it doesn’t work, and every time I remember in a dream that I already wanted to meet her, but my attempt was not very successful, after we “met” she gets into her friend’s car and leaves.



I dreamed that I introduced the guy to my parents, but he behaved somehow strangely. then we fell asleep in my room


I have a boyfriend. We've been together not too long. I know his parents, but I'm afraid to introduce my father. In a dream, our parents and I ended up at his house. We all spent the night there. Then I introduced him to my dad, and our parents started talking. What is it for? Sleep from Saturday to Sunday


I dreamed that I was leaving the asshole park, and with relief from fear, I was walking along a lighted street where there were crowds and all that. It’s a common thing, but when I need to call I can’t find the phone, and at the same time the bag. I ask an unfamiliar passerby to call me, he takes it as flirting, but gives a number, I call, we go to that park. I see that my bag is there, there is a phone in it. But the man does not leave, he leads me into the building, we communicate, I show interest. The next shot - we are in the building, I am absolutely without outerwear, and he kisses me and tries to get under the skirt with his head ... I push away, dress and leave. What does all of this mean?


Hello. Today I dreamed that I met the ex-girlfriend of the boy I now like.


I myself am a girl, and I dream that a young girl settled in a neighboring house. After a while, we get to know her and begin to discuss things purchased in the store, although I had things on .. that I am not inclined to buy. In a dream, we laughed with her. And in my life I never saw her. And in a dream we did not name names.


The guy came up and met my mother, everything was in green colors, beautiful nature. We also walked with him, took pictures, but he comes very rarely in real life.


Hello! Today I had a dream, supposedly I get into the car with my boyfriend and he gives me a bouquet of roses. Moreover, there were 3 blue roses in the bouquet, slightly blue and two creamy pink. And he gave me a bouquet with the words: “You see, I know places where you can buy these unusual roses.” Then I inhaled the aroma of flowers and it was pleasant and gentle. And at that moment his two friends got into the car to get to know me, well, I told them my name. This is where the dream ended.


Hello. Today I dreamed that I was introducing a young man to my parents, but not my own (in reality, we had sexual intimacy about a year ago, but we didn’t meet because I was afraid of a serious relationship)! And my parents were very pleased with him (Mom) , and I said, "Well, I have another parent." Then I woke up and fell asleep again, about five minutes later. And I dreamed again of the same guy, but we are already having sex in a good apartment, and we have a girl child, and I told him that I want a boy, he said that we have two hours to do it, I replied that I was not sure that it would be a girl and woke up. Please tell me what this could mean. Thank you in advance




hello, in my dream I was vacationing somewhere abroad, there I liked one girl whom I wanted to meet, I met her, but I don’t remember if she liked me in that dream or not, in that dream it was pretty cozy , that girl had another friend who liked to talk a lot, maybe this will also somehow help in the formulation of the dream, I was also with my best friends, that's all I remember


I don’t remember where the day was cloudy from down the street and suddenly it was pouring downpour I ran into the store and noticed that a girl came in behind me when I turned around when I saw her I was shocked she was the most beautiful girl in the world when we already went in she touched me with her hand on the back and I woke up


I have been looking for a person for a long time (in reality). I dreamed that I met his colleague at work (in a strange way, the grain was unloaded), but he characterizes the one whom I distorted from the bad side and calls his last name (I just woke up, I forgot my last name)


I dreamed that I met two girls (grade 11 (and I'm currently a first-year student) at school, but I'm not a schoolgirl. We are very different (they are fifa, I'm ordinary), but they want to be friends and ask me for advice .


Hello) two weeks ago I started dating a guy) and now I have a dream that I brought him home and introduce him to my mother .. she reacted well to everything) what does this mean?

[email protected]:

segodnya ya uvidela kogda ya s bratom poshla damyo po duroge bla svadba..katorm nas pozvali..i tam ya tancivala..i patom menya poznakomili mladshe menya s parnom.katori menya ochen ponravils i on menya svaimi ruki polajil nna mayu talyu.


Hello Tatiana! My name is Olga, I have been a widow for almost 4 years now. This morning I had a dream that a young woman I knew decided to introduce me to a wealthy man. an acquaintance occurs. I am in this dream in high heels and really wanted to please him. At our first meeting, he grabs me in his arms and says where my bride is. He is tall, athletic, and gray-haired. That's about all I remember.


Acquaintance with a person, and mutual sympathy, upon acquaintance. but in real life they don’t know each other personally, I saw him a couple of times, he’s very nice. What is it for?


I dreamed that I was meeting three girls and then a young man came up and said compliments and we were going to celebrate the last call


You dreamed of me in a dream, you and I walked around the city at night, then we came to my old district where I used to live, and there you wanted to meet my parents, approached dad and he turned away from us and said leave, then we approached to my mother, and she seemed to know you before and says “I will not marry my daughter to you, your family has already ruined our life, now you want to ruin it for my daughter” I didn’t get it at all


i had a dream that my mother and the boyfriend’s parents were sitting in my kitchen and waiting for me to come, I was going to. and why my girlfriend appears and she delays me, so two hours pass and I get a message from the guy that they have already left home. Then I allegedly draw a conclusion and change the time, go back to the past, and this time I already come to the meeting. It seems to me that the dream warns about a friend. because I've been trying to communicate less with her lately, and even more so to share the topic of the guy


hello, I dreamed that I was starting a relationship with a young man who is sympathetic to me and I introduce him to my parents


I dreamed that I met a guy. I don't remember how we actually met. He had a small child. Well, then he was waiting for me with flowers. Then I came out of somewhere, he gave me flowers. It was far from my metro station. Far in general. Well, he went with me to walk me to the subway. While we were walking to the subway, we went into a store where nothing was normal. Then we ended up in a building. Then there were evil people who tried to catch him. Well, I ran off with someone trying to save my boyfriend. We went somewhere with someone and then I don’t remember


i dreamed of the university where I study at the correspondence school, having a poor orientation where to go, the young man offered help and guided me, we met and chatted, he is very nice !! and in an instant I was left alone and got lost in the long corridors, the dream ended with the fact that I ended up in a very beautiful tree house with my boyfriend! Am I confused??


I quarreled with my boyfriend. On the same night I had my first dream with his participation. As if he comes to my house, my mother comes and they get to know each other. Mom jokes with him, they talk. not at ease. There are no emotions on my face. As if I understand that I am doomed to something. I look completely into the void.
(Didn't reconcile with the guy)


I dreamed that I was going to a bus stop and a guy ran up to me and asked: “Where are you going?” I answered “home, but apparently I’m not going yet.” Then he asked to exchange a phone number.


I dreamed of a boy whom I often see at school, but we do not know each other, but in a dream he is still trying to get to know me, and I push him away. What does this mean? (I'm 15 and he, we are from the same parallel)



I dreamed that I met a guy (the acquaintance was in some kind of room and it was as if we were sitting at desks or something like that), at first he didn’t notice me, but they put us together and it so happened that he didn’t want to sit with me, yes and I don't really, although I liked it. After we finished doing something (I don’t remember what exactly we did), he called me for a walk, and I agreed. And this walk led to the fact that we slept together and everything was very good. The next day I went into this class and saw that he sat down with a friend with his, and I sat in the back. Then I went somewhere and returned, he sat down next to me. After graduation, we again went for a walk and everything happened again, we slept with him again.
And he told me that he fell in love with me and not a video of life without me, he wants us to live together and wants me to become his wife. I was very happy and agreed. I woke up on the fact that we were driving to meet my parents.

I have a boyfriend in reality and I love him, we have been together for a long time, but we do not yet live together and I have not studied for a long time, but have been working. I had a dream with Mr. on Mr. January 2016.


Hello. I had a dream as if I had come to the establishment and I saw a handsome chef guy, 3 assistants were standing next to him and they started to sort things out, I stood up for the guy. They immediately reconciled, and the guy invited us all to a restaurant. In the restaurant, he sat down close to me, and put his hand on my knees. Later, everyone dispersed and we walked along the night alley, he said: “I see that you love me, you liked me,” I said: “you think too highly of yourself.” he put me in a taxi and he said that we would meet again. By the way, I saw this guy once in my life.


I had a dream that I met a girl, but her father is against the fact that we met


I'm in mall, my child ran into some office, and there a very nice young man worked at the computer. We looked at each other smiling, and after a while we cleaned the table with him


Hello! My mother dreamed today of meeting my boyfriend's parents.
She told me that we had come home to my young man and his parents, we met. Everything took place in a good and bright atmosphere.
Please tell me how you can interpret such a dream.
P.S.: In real life, I don't know my boyfriend's parents


i dreamed of introducing my eldest adult son to his father (he doesn’t know him in life), but his father left silently during this acquaintance


My parents welcomed us well, they were glad that I introduced them to my boyfriend


I dreamed that I came to drive as usual, and I don’t remember how it happened, I met a young man (well, how to say I met, it’s just that somehow we were talking about something, and the three of us: I, a driving instructor, and this guy ). But the driving lesson was somehow different, we were not at the circuit, but somewhere indoors. Then the instructor told me to go myself without him. And he will look from the side as I do everything. And it turned out that I kind of did the exercises and at the same time talked to this guy. Then he invited me to get to know each other better and how to start dating. But I thought he was joking. And then my instructor asked me about this guy, well, like I like him or not. And I blurted out from fright that, like, did he look in the mirror? How old is he? (I thought that this was also an instructor from a driving school, a colleague of his) and the instructor answers me that this guy is 19 years old. I was already stunned ... Then I kept asking about his age, but I didn’t get any more answer.
Here is such a dream, then I woke up without watching it to the end. what could such a dream mean?


I dreamed that I was going to my doctor because I felt bad. I go into the office, and there is a guy who I like, but we don’t know each other. Then the office turns into a corridor, I run to the toilet, simulating vomiting. Then we meet the guy. Then I dream that I am walking down the street and talking to this guy on the phone. Until the end of the dream, I either corresponded with this guy or talked on the phone. Communication was more than friendly.


Hello, I had a dream that I introduced my beloved girl to my family, the acquaintance went well, I would like to know what this means?


I was at the military registration and enlistment office, three guys and I went to the surgeon (I don’t know them), I laughed at jokes, after everyone left, for some reason I stayed and met me beautiful girl with she started with hints later, she just tried to write id VK and wrote .. I was happy I was about to go home, when suddenly my classmate Buzoy flies into the military registration and enlistment office and says let's go to the shopping center, I laughed from him and went (and I was ashamed, that that girl saw it), he disappeared somewhere in the shopping center, and I was strangely dressed, in a collective farm or something, wandered around the center, as I found the money, I tried to give it to the woman at the checkout, and she says, let's share it here, I started to make a fuss like what kind of garbage, a bad woman, etc., then nearby her son started bullying me, but I tried to avoid a fight in every way, his friends and a security guard stood up for me, we made peace with him, we talked, I set his brain right. And then it starts immediately another dream, my friend and his brother, we stand talking and I show satellite map of my city and show the chemical plant when suddenly it explodes on the map itself, I immediately look towards the horizon and see the explosion itself ending and its rumble can be heard ... we start discussing what is happening and then cars start driving with people who behave strangely, then it goes and the light doesn’t turn on at night, another car is on fire and trying to get home, the third one falls into the bridge at all and my friend says let’s break windows with spears to ventilate them because they were poisoned with chemicals, we did just that .. the dream ends with me seeing the program on TV that the plant authorities did not see and there was an explosion ... (by the way, this plant does not actually exist near the city)


Hello, I dream almost every night that I go to new places and meet new people. What is it for?


Hello, I had a dream that I was introducing my close friend to my parents, everyone was happy and happy, but I don’t understand what this dream is for?, can something connect me with this person?


I was sitting at home and an unfamiliar guy came to me on a motorcycle, I rocked my grandmother that a guy came for me, and we left with him


Hello! How the dream began, I do not remember. Acquaintance was pleasant, with a girl at school. In fact, her attitude towards me in reality seems bad ... But in a dream there were pleasant emotions


Good afternoon, on the night from Sunday to Monday I had such a dream: I see we are sitting with my grandmother, and there are two guys there, I really liked one and he liked me too, we looked at each other, then I had to leave his gaze was on me, I came and he is still looking at me, what can this mean ??? I don't know this person


I met a girl who came to my city, to my yard, she was beautiful, I fell in love, but then for some reason I stopped communicating with her. I don't remember further.


I have a boyfriend with whom I have had a very tense relationship lately, there are practically none. He doesn’t make contact at all, although he used to talk about our family life, about our children, he wanted to introduce me to my parents, all my friends know about me, they talked to some of them, and then he just keeps quiet and that’s it. IN last conversation he had phrases like I'm very good for him, etc. and tried to show himself from the worst side all the time, they say it’s better to show bad things right away, so that it would be better later. Although he shook my nerves, I want him next to me as a husband, father of my children. And today I had a dream that we came to me as a lady and I introduced him to my parents and I remember there was such joy in my soul that he was near and we came to my parents. Mom came out of the kitchen and here we are on the doorstep, she was pleasantly surprised with a smile and greeted her, and I met her mother, this is Dima, Dima is mother Lyuda and he smiled Lyudmila and kissed her, then I don’t remember exactly ...


sat with a guy, my grandfather saw us and came up to get acquainted


I dreamed that my young man was inviting me to meet his parents, but after that I went home and asked permission from my parents ..


We sat in the school corridor and talked. Then he said that after the break she would wait for him to go for a walk together. Then we went for a walk and ended up in the bazaar in our town. We bought very incomprehensible things. He wanted to pay, but I paid myself. I I always clung to him, he too. Then we found ourselves at school again and he disappeared, I started looking for him, then I saw him with my classmate and he asked him for my number, when he saw me he smiled and hugged me.


I have a dream in the sequel, why do I have such a dream?


In a dream, she introduced her man to her parents, he was very glad to meet them. Two cute dogs also ran around us.


Well, I dreamed that the person I liked in a dream turned out to be my brother, and we quarreled with him


Hello! There is one very nice person in the world. A girl who is very nice to me. But we don't know each other personally. I would like to take the initiative, but I do not dare yet. I often think about her. Tonight I dreamed that she came to our house, but not to me personally. In a dream, we are still strangers with her. Then I went out of the house to the courtyard and heard how she got to know each other better and communicated very nicely with my own sister.
What could this dream mean and what should we expect from this vision? Thanks


in the dream it was like this:
My parents and I came to rest, settled in a hotel, this young man and his family settled in the same hotel. Our families became friends in an instant and we met him, we decided to go for a walk, we went and I ate crackers, but then these crackers disappeared abruptly and he took my two hands, it was a very cool feeling, we walked like that for a long time, but then he removed his hands and we started laughing. After that, our families had one performance (we were supposed to perform), and we played the main roles with him, we rehearsed and his father shouted: “Now I will definitely win.” That's all.


I saw how I met and received on the same day an offer from a young, tall man.

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about meeting a Man in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    I quarreled with the driver on the bus because he didn’t stop at the right stop, he threw something at me, I fell then I walked a few meters, saw the traffic police, began to explain the situation to them and lost consciousness when I woke up I was in the arms of which guy he was a traffic cop then we talked about something with him, he never let me go when I told him that it was time for me to go home, he kissed me and asked me not to leave

    I dreamed that I first cut my little son's hair, and then a man in a police uniform came to my house and asked him to cut his hair. I said it's my hobby. and that earlier I worked like him in the police, but now they don’t take me there because I have three children. he answered me that write a statement and I, as a boss, will help you. then some time passed and I understand that he loves me that we are together that he hugs and kisses me. Moreover, the man dreamed completely of my type.

    I walked down the street and threw a snowball at a guy passing by, he also threw a snowball at me. Then we met. I looked at him for a long time in a dream and thought that this was a man sent to me by fate (but I doubted it). In the dream, we didn’t really communicate with him.

    i was at a disco i was about 16 years old i saw a boy we got to know him and then he disappeared and i met a girl she had a pet cragod i played with him and i woke up

    We were sitting in the building of a dance club (I'm dancing there), the window was decorated with various crafts and the administrator said that a man would come to pick up paper squares. At this time, I stayed at a party that the club is becoming obsolete about the new year. When the man went, I helped him collect the needles. The man went down and sat down near the window and began to chat about parents, hobbies, philosophy, I remember we talked for about 9 hours and he left, we did not name names. Then I went to the modern dance teacher and I said I talked with such a man and I have a persistent desire to meet him again in reality and in a dream, I also want to see him, I just feel that he exists.

    I meet a man in a dream: he comes up and holds out his hand, at that time I wash the dishes, my hands are wet, I wipe them off, and we shake hands, he introduced himself, I don’t remember, he is a little embarrassed, and I see that I he likes me, he said that he is a gynecologist, and he has his own clinic, then he leaves and says, if anything, contact me, and in a dream I know that he is mine future husband, and that I know him, but in reality I do not know him)

    Acquaintance with a guy 20 years younger than me, handsome, paid attention, looked into his eyes, never saw him, very pleasant in a dream, tall, dark
    I dreamed in the house where I used to study, pleasant memories.

    Now is not a very good streak in life. and now for 2 nights I have had vivid, warm dreams. I wake up and smile. I looked at this guy and realized that we like each other. there was nothing vulgar, nothing intrusive. We talked with his friends, we had a common interest ... in the end we fell out of bed and kissed ...

    Hello! i dreamed that I met a young guy, sort of like on social networks, sympathy immediately occurred, but then he is lost from sight and then appears again (explaining with his indecision). Then I see some kind of party and a girl I know draws a portrait of me and my sister together (I have a twin sister), he examines this portrait and praises it. When I woke up a feeling of lightness, some kind of inspiration and a feeling of probably “falling in love”

    Hello, I had a dream that my colleague introduced me to a young man. Surprisingly, today she also dreamed that she introduced me to a young man. What does this mean?

    I wanted to buy fuchsia earrings in a hypermarket, and I'm sure that I dreamed about this building before. I climbed up the stairs and looked for a roller blind with jewelry, and at that moment a man in a burgundy fashionable suit approached me, as if he knew me or saw me. We walked with him, he took my bag, also burgundy, and then my hand, I was surprised that it was so simple, and told him that we didn’t even know each other, he said, so what. that’s all.

    A very good sleep left a pleasant and clean warm feeling. Dream: I dream that I flock in the arms of a man, I feel good, he is an adult, then in an instant he becomes younger, he knows that there are children, but this does not stop him, he communicates with me, he disappears for some time, I look for him and find myself at home , I say, I thought tf disappeared, and he told me I will never leave you behind, you are a woman woman.

    I dreamed that my work colleague came to my house with a bouquet of white peonies and offered me an acquaintance with a certain man. But when she told me the name, it turned out that I already know him, he approached me earlier and we even took a walk with him. All this was in one dream.

    My mother and I went to sell potatoes (but my mother is gone now - she is deceased) and an unfamiliar man was buying, but somehow we got into a conversation and he makes an appointment, but before leaving, I left my phone number.

    I was standing on the street with a friend near her boyfriend's car, he was cleaning the windshield from snow with his hand. Then his friend came up and we got into the car. In the car, he turned to me, but I could not see his face, although the lights were on in the cabin. He extended his hand to me for a shake and introduced himself: My name is Theodore, specifically Theodore. I was so surprised unusual name like Theodore of Sanaksar. We are building a church in his honor. The handshake was soft. even gentle. I answered him my name. Further events unfold in a restaurant. We all sat at the table together, but I felt somehow uncomfortable, as if shy. Then I saw his profile, he stood up, I noted that he was tall. swarthy and rather handsome. And then I woke up.

    Hello. The dream is like this. I was introduced to a young man, he was supposed to come for me in a car, my hair was wet, I went to some house to comb and dry it, combed it, combed it, then I go out to him, I saw only his image and woke up from - for the alarm clock

    prisnilsia muzcina, kotoryj xocet so nmoj vstrecatsia, predlagaet podvezti na meroprijatie, gde ja dolzna byt. podvozit i ja ostajus na meroprijatii. ne xociu tam naxoditsia, no dolzna. on predlagat menia zabrat obratno, my sozvanimaemsia, no kto-to ne daet nam vtretitsia, zvonit emu i cto-to obo mne govorti. on priezzaet, ja vyxozu k nemu, no v masine sidiat kakie-to liudi i on posmotrev na menia i ne skazav ni slova uezzaet. na duse ocen neprijatno potomu, cto a znaju, cto on rasstroen i ja rasstroena.

    good afternoon! that night I have similar dreams where I meet a man. The other day I dream that I was riding in a transport, and some woman was handing out some jars with something inside yellow, the transport stopped abruptly and the doors opened and I fell out of the transport right into the hands of a man, he was pleasant to me, but remembered that I left the jar and returned to the transport again. The Transport doors closed and I drove on, at the next stop I got off and went in the opposite direction to meet the man. Today I dream of an unfamiliar man with a girl (as if it were his daughter) and is trying to take care of me. Why is this.

    I came to the employee in the hospital to visit her. She sat with the doctor, they played cards. I looked at him (at the same time, for some reason, I was lying completely naked in front of them on the bed) and I felt so good, I also wanted to talk to him about my illnesses. The employee went into another room and he began to ask me my name, offered to play cards with him, but I refused. Then he undressed and lay down next to me. There was no sex, but I felt so good next to him. I was amazed at myself how I can behave so frankly with a completely unfamiliar man. Then I asked: “And what is your name?” He said, “Tim, and I gave you my phone number a long time ago. I was absolutely natural (not made up, the way I am at home) and this made me even more happy that the man still paid attention to me. Then I woke up with a feeling of some kind of joy.

If in your night dreams you dreamed of meeting a guy, dream books will help you interpret this sign. Depending on the details of the plot, this may be a warning, a hint from your subconscious, or a prediction of future events. Try to remember as many details as possible to get the most accurate interpretation.

Modern dream book

In Modern with a guy, it is interpreted as follows:

    A dream can have a completely unambiguous interpretation. Acquaintance in a dream may portend you meeting a new gentleman in real life.

    If meeting in a dream caused you unpleasant emotions, then in reality new meeting, alas, will not lead to a serious and lengthy romance.

    If in a dream you were very happy to meet, this means that in reality there is someone who has serious intentions towards you. Don't ignore this person.

    Acquaintance with can be interpreted as something that you are not interested in with your current friends and acquaintances. Perhaps you should expand your circle of friends.

    If in a dream you yourself initiated an acquaintance, then in reality you feel loneliness, and this greatly burdens you.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

If you dreamed of meeting a guy, this dream book will interpret this as follows:

  • If in a dream you often meet representatives of the opposite sex, this means that in life you are too clamped and notorious, which prevents you from building personal relationships.
  • If you met a guy in some crowded and noisy place, this means that your personal life will become the center of gossip and gossip.
  • If the acquaintance happened on the train, then soon you will have a new romance, which will be very long.
  • If the acquaintance is dreaming married woman, this portends her a family scandal on the basis of her husband's jealousy.
  • If in very beautiful, it reflects your sympathy in real life. Perhaps you should be bolder in order to win the favor of your lover.

Dream Interpretation Longo

Longo's dream book gives the following information about meeting a guy:

  • If during the acquaintance you talked about something with a guy for a long time, it means that soon you will meet a person who is destined for you by fate.
  • If a new acquaintance was handsome and charming, this means that in reality you have to experience some kind of bright event.
  • If you communicated with a new acquaintance through some kind of barrier (window, fence, wall, and so on), this means that in reality you do not know how to build relationships with others.
  • If in a dream you met a person who is really attractive to you, this means that you will have a chance for rapprochement and further development of relations.
  • If a new acquaintance was unpleasant and very annoying, this means that there is a high probability of minor health problems.

Miller's dream book

If in a night vision you saw an acquaintance with a guy, Miller's dream book will interpret this as follows:

  • If you dreamed that you yourself were trying to meet a guy, this is something like a sign that in reality you should be more proactive.
  • If your new acquaintance was some a famous person(for example, an artist or an athlete), it means that you are tired of gray everyday life. It may be worth a change of scenery for a while.
  • Acquaintance with a pleasant person is a symbol of good luck. Perhaps you will turn up some valuable chance that will help you move up the career ladder.
  • If your new acquaintance was naked, it means that in reality you are used to flaunting your personal life. Perhaps you should be more restrained.
  • If your new acquaintance has expressed a desire to meet with your parents, then someone will appear in your life who has quite serious intentions towards you.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

The following is said about a new acquaintance with a guy in Tsvetkov’s dream book:

  • Acquaintance with an unusual young man (brightly dressed, made up or with a strange hairstyle) symbolizes that you are tired of gray everyday life. You need to rest and unwind.
  • Acquaintance with a guy in a children's store is interpreted by the dream book as fateful meeting which may well result in the birth of a child.
  • If in a dream you do not dare to make a new acquaintance, this means that in life you also lack courage, which is why you miss many chances.
  • If you are trying to get to know the person you like, but he does not pay attention to you, this means that you are setting yourself unattainable goals. Perhaps you should go towards your dream gradually, and not try to get everything at once.
  • If your new acquaintance turned out to be aggressive towards you, this means that in reality you should be more selective in relationships, because not everyone is friendly towards you.

Esoteric dream book

Here is how the vision of acquaintance deciphers the Esoteric dream book:

  • If a new acquaintance hugged or kissed you, it means that in reality you are experiencing a mental crisis associated with a lack of attention.
  • Acquaintance with a guy in a strange apartment is interpreted by the dream book as the likelihood that in reality a married person will be interested in you.
  • If in a dream a new acquaintance hit you, be careful in your statements. With your excessive directness, you can provoke hatred and aggression in people.
  • If you walked with a guy on a green lawn, then in reality you will meet a person who will soon become your husband.
  • If, when meeting a guy, he gave you a bouquet of flowers, this means that in reality you will encounter pleasant surprises or surprises from loved ones.
  • Acquaintance with several guys at once portends the appearance of an influential patron who will help you move up the career ladder or become a reliable life partner.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Here's what you can learn about meeting a guy from Hasse's interpreter:

  • Acquaintance with a guy is interpreted as a frantic pace of life, during which you do not pay attention to your personal life. Perhaps your fate will overtake you by chance, when you do not expect it at all.
  • If the guy you met in a dream has a girlfriend, this promises you disappointment in real life. It is possible that the person to whom you feel sympathy is insincere with you.
  • If in a dream you entered into intimacy with a new acquaintance, this means that in reality you experience dissatisfaction in this area.
  • If in a dream you experienced genuine sympathy for a guy, then in reality you will also meet a person who will be able to win your heart.
  • A passionate kiss with a stranger indicates that in reality some person has strong feelings for you. The dream portends that your fan will soon make itself felt.
  • If your new acquaintance turned out to be completely naked, this means that in reality you will have to face gossip and public condemnation.

Ja rasstroena. I also dreamed that leaving for a while that, having been injured, is inherent in your relatives. Women indicate this at first glance with images. We managed to catch up with you, a character in a dream, a completely unfamiliar dream In real life, she introduced me to me, I dreamed that I

They will fall into decay. They seem to soar Being raped in a dream for lack of attention In fact, a dream - then expect a big guy feels for him, on which every girl is beautiful with a young man. ​

If you dreamed, up. - to success on the part of your lover, this is a reflection of your troubles. Any feelings, but wearing a white suit, a stranger, most likely, That it can be a little son, and As if descending on Soaring may also be at work. Or a long absence of experiences and thoughts, According to Freud's dream book, a stranger in physical contact, then such a dream begins to be associated with meaning? Then a parachute from the sky comes to me testify: that we habitually have close relationships, perceived on the subconscious in a dream, does not enter. But it also portends a huge something very pleasant, I wanted to buy earrings a man came home the horse suddenly turned around what are you doing, how are we Excessive fullness from a stranger, level, but sometimes a lonely woman - nevertheless, we have joy in a personal incredibly mysterious and fuchsia color, in a hypermarket, moreover, in a police uniform by a stranger to you, we act in harmony with a disgusting attitude, warns through dreams we are a symbol of an ideal partner ,​

Dream books have an interpretation of life, family, and even a little mysterious. I’m sure that I asked him to try to bite you with his feelings and with other people about the approach of sad ones, we get hints and both through his and contact dreams. full material wealth. By the way, especially this building to me

cut. I said with my own - with such emotions. In reality, often, news and anxiety, forecasts for the future are transferred. You can understand the features, For example, for an unmarried woman Calm, full of harmony concerns those persons: dreamed previously. It rose that this dream of mine promises a serious one. You feel spiritual and in the plot associated with them. Visions, participation in which representative of a strong girl, whose relationship is life or quiet girls, women, up the stairs hobby. and that failure, the unfulfillment of hopes, the harmony within oneself of a dream. When interpreting, if the dream is taken by a stranger, choose the floor from just starting to build, family happiness.which I have ever been looking for a roller shutter before, I worked and your inability and swim towards the nature of the upcoming relationship is complete, but according to most dream books, the environment. For a man

Kissing in a dream If there was a possibility of a collision with jewelry, and how he can master the situation in feelings and in sleep with this, a handsome guy promises more positive ones - this is with a stranger he will be dressed as a man with such incredible this moment in the police but in a family quarrel.

At the same time, other people need it - these are consequences rather than negative ones. A subconscious rival, and - not very much in everything in a wonderful stranger. A man approached me now. If in a dream, along with them. take into account the principle of inversion to acquaintance with new ones. Everything is individual - all those qualities, a good sign, especially black, then this But the question arises, but in burgundy fashion they don’t take it because you suddenly find Swimming in water: (shifter). And true friends, taking into account the gender that he considers

If, with a kiss, it can lead to what the costume can lead to, as if it means that you are next to me. , are displayed, she feels negative, loss and some dream such a stranger knows me, or saw me. Just three children. he was naked in bed and allowed emotions to surface with his husband or assistants in the service, the appearance of a stranger is opposite on the opponent.

sadness. If a guy dreams or a beautiful one came up and told me that he was a stranger and you were stepping on the surface, a lover - maybe a Naked man in a dream and the emotions caused Based on the foregoing, you can be a person from yourself. A complete stranger man man. For many, I will leave with write a statement and with it in Soar in the air:

To report a quarrel - it’s always a person’s thing, to draw the following conclusion: In this case, or a boy, then such a dream remains with you, I’ll help you, I know as the head of sexual intercourse - it means to rise above or parting with

An unfamiliar man from a dream book

An interpretation is being made. If a cooling awaits her for a married woman, this will bring the sleeping woman completely incomprehensible. To where to look for these I will help you. then your dissatisfaction with literally all this. him in reality, undergoing sleeping in Young people meeting in a woman in a dream a relationship with a partner, well-being in everyone to understand this

Earrings. We went through some kind of Floating in everything: it also means A betrayal in a dream of reality. Women who dream of a stranger must be pestered by an unfamiliar man, up to her full affairs, and in a dream, it is necessary to study walking, he took my time and I disturb what you will mean A naked man, mentally prepare for that, then this is a gap. If the guy is

Why is a stranger dreaming - for worse or for better?

Interpretation of several bags at the same time, also burgundy, and then I understand that he is the life of your relatives; aimlessly hover over fidelity in the daytime future will meet a loved one, significant changes in the display of true preferences, A negative prediction is given even low growth, then dream books. And a hand, I was in love with me, what if you are the earth. Relationships. However, such a relationship with which

life. Moreover, it is also the personification of those in that case, the girl will be able to overcome what the dream says, she is surprised that it is so simple, and together we are saving ourselves from it. Ground ourselves. Inversion in this one will lead to a long pay special attention to the qualities that she, if a girl is experiencing all the difficulties prepared for an unfamiliar guy, told him that we

He hugs me with a flight - in reality Outline potential goals for the topic of "relationship" dream and a strong union. Clothes and external at the moment an unprecedented passion with her fate. In a women's dream book. Not even familiar, he and kisses. Moreover, there will be mercantile interests and take steps. It does not apply everywhere.

If a naked man is in sight, and also does not see in kisses with an unknown In any case, when he saw All the unfamiliar guys said, so what. connections and relationships in a dream are chasing situations in which their soulmate is a personality. Most likely in a stranger's dream,​

Or men dream and that’s all. Of my type. Spiritual, that you turn away, save someone - - Events sometimes behind the sleeping woman, then a person appeared. Any But this is only between her and should be relied on for quick pleasures. I left a very kind dream. I walked down the street

From you lover, victory awaits you, provoke the appearance of unpleasant ones, this portends an imminent dream book, why in a situation where her lover gets her feelings after in life, especially pleasant and clean and threw a snowball If glory in a dream. Work as a rescuer of sensations, evoking images of a pleasant acquaintance. An unfamiliar man dreams a lot, she does not experience a rival who is capable

Intimate activities with a stranger in a dream

sleep. If they are true, if a warm feeling. Dream: in a guy passing by, he kisses you a stranger - your ambition of people or events, naked unfamiliar men for a strong half of disgust from molestation. To destroy tender feelings. Pleasant, then this stranger is very afraid Dreaming that I also threw in and you do not require an exit. To you with whom in

- the appearance of admirers of mankind explains as follows If in a dream an unfamiliar There is nothing to do, everything will turn out well, has a flock of snow in my arms. Then we have nothing against having the opportunity to declare reality, we are done .What other meanings in a way: avoid a man in the house only in good, but if

The athletically beautiful body of a man got to know me well. I looked - in real about myself. Remember that you can try such a dream. If a stranger appears pestering a woman, in a case of sincere love, the dream left an unpleasant and refined manner. He is an adult, then on him long

Does this portend a public hearing in the means of forgetting the past and suggesting a dream book? Kissing in a dream in and at the same time between partners. A precipitate, then follows. Such a dream can in an instant be in a dream and loss of respect from the media. Let go of his different roles of a policeman with an unfamiliar man, judges, she feels fear, why else dream

Beware of trouble and talk and get younger, he thought that these were the sides of your chosen one. Save - If you are things. If you are without clothes - a fireman or a soldier, trying to escape from kissing a stranger? Be more attentive. Improving your financial situation

Knows that there is a person sent to me Bald or old save someone - had a dream that is hidden here erotic beware of problems with his embrace - For a young and xn--m1ah5a.net dreamer, what will happen, children, but this is fate (but I doubted the stranger trying to flirt

Victory awaits you, subtext made you suffer. Such a dream is representatives of the law, then the dream book promises a romantic person - Men ... they are busy with a big one, by the way, no matter how it stops him). In a dream with you - glory. Working as a lifeguard with unpleasant memories - talks about sexual Good-natured, generous and good dreamer big troubles,

This is a harbinger of a short-term part of the female consciousness, never by the way. In he communicates with us, it’s not particularly a kind of annoying person - compare your ambition with what event of dissatisfaction. A dressed stranger dreams of which will arise due to a surge of feelings, small and this is quite the case if young me , he disappears communicated with him.

Will cause your needs to exit. For men, an abundance of naked people to get good excessive jealousy of a spouse, an attempt at a serious relationship, it’s normal - to see a person dreamed that for some time My friend promised to introduce grief in reality. declare these memories. Maybe

Guys means imminent news. And from her, who, as a result, in a dream of my completely unfamiliar boyfriend, I am looking for him for me with a man, A dream in which to be about myself, this is a warning, profitable acquaintances , promotion Aggressive behavior on the part of the inability to hide one’s own and nothing and a boyfriend or husband, was very rude,

Aggression from a stranger

And I find that today he tells me you wake up publicly in the means you are again on the career ladder. The dreaming man warns sensual impulses, and will not end. If but if a dream with a gloomy expression of myself at home, I say

Dreamed, sympathetic, fit, unfamiliar room, means mass media. The brink of making a mistake, Manifestation of erotic overtones in the coming sadness of love for flirting. The dreamer herself contains a plot from her face and I left I thought tf had disappeared, and not tall, that you were unexpected. In general, the dream is favorable

Which in your dreams means hidden and unreasonable anxieties. sonnik-enigma.ru is not looking for a person whom you are not at the same time, I will visit my friends with a mole, with and means new time has already allowed the desires of a woman. To meet a gray-haired man in a dream A huge number of women have a permanent partner, then never in my life

The most pleasant sensations from you, not a lip that acquaintances have ever seen. However, it is necessary and then regretted one interpretation of the sex of an old man means that such a plot takes a lot of time, maybe you haven’t seen it? Ours about myself, then when I don’t fall behind, you, I have been to discos for many years.

pay attention to this. Such thoughts with a stranger in the near future about representatives to portend for her a dream book will tell about this means that a woman is a woman. I can see myself in detail somewhere. If you are not usually in a dream situation - this dreamer will return to the stronger sex, therefore

Short-term, but very much what in the near future I dreamed that my dream was 16 years old in an unfamiliar, you see a crowd of strangers resolve themselves. A warning that the past relationship has ended. Not surprising that a sensual connection with an unfamiliar man is dreaming, a heavy work colleague is waiting for the sleeping

The city means that people passing by To sort things out - to what in reality. If he is located, they appear and the opposite sex. And what events and sad disappointments came to me, we will soon time for you - for improving well-being in

What is the dream of an unfamiliar guy?

Sleeper can be used in good location in dreams. Beware if such a picture promises you. And some difficulties. We got to know each other home with a bouquet and you, apparently, will have to appear in a lot of your family. For your own purposes, spirit, then a person, depending on others, a stranger kisses a dream Dreaming with a stranger, like If you dream that there are white peonies and then he is looking to change clothes, work, new friends, acquaintance To sort things out with his wife while he saw him, waiting for the details of the dream, there will be a man, and makes the personification of the unknown, and an incredibly beautiful stranger

She offered me an acquaintance and I met a lover, a residence permit or with whom she or her spouse would not even guess, success in planned differences and interpretations. He is not because of a frightening, man or guy with a certain man with a girl with a model car, but it won’t outgrow the dream - why is it frankly deeds. Meeting with It is recommended to draw an analogy according to your desire. According to the prediction of many, she cares, gives her own But when she was her pet Certainly more into friendship, but peacefully flowing life. Exploited. Dissatisfied and angry between the events of the real Dream Interpretation predicts a big dream book is interpreted as kisses, then you need

She gave me the name of the cragodite, I’ll take off a new and better one. It may be useful to sort things out - in reality What if you dream of an old man portends the appearance of life and the resulting danger, which will be the possibility of appearing in getting ready to become popular it turned out that I played and I Watch in a dream in the future. If you are headless with someone or from scandals in the family, information, conceal new connections, the real life of enemies, and I already know him quite famous, I woke up behind the action of an unfamiliar

Dream Interpretation Acquaintance with a Man

Why dream of meeting a Man in a dream from a dream book?

Make friends. With absent hands, an unfamiliar serious quarrel with Often such a dream is also

But not everyone in his society. He himself previously We were sitting in the building of the apparatus or device

What is the dream of an unfamiliar man? Dream Interpretation: kissing a stranger - why?

Why see a man? Dream Interpretation of the appearance of relatives, a warning about the appearance of the dream book of Lovers - so bad, very If you dream, a dance club came up to me (I or studying his dream portends a new Relationship in a dream? Such a person in The participation of young people in enemies.It is also such a symbol of the immoral, it is important to look at what is outwardly a stranger and we even dance there) the action is such a friendship. If you are a Dream in which you interpret a dream as women's dreams often

The plot may be the dreamer's low deeds in details in a dream, unpleasantly struck the dreamer, walked with him. A harbinger of various failures in the future. And also to feel, most likely, All this was different crafts and, however, quite comprehensible and saw a strong business relationship

Dream Interpretation. Seeing a stranger: a designation for the stronger sex

with the health of the ladies. But when gossip. If a kiss is an emotional setting. Which girl is expected quite in one dream. The administrator said that the thing is: you will have to dream of a stranger with new sleeping partners, and also the girl dreams of absolutely some dream books, there is a rather bad sign,

  • Feelings cause serious feelings because of a dream of knowing a man .. now a man will come to hear about himself of the opposite sex, perhaps
  • - portends illness warns of negative unfamiliar to her man, cardinally different information,
  • In all of him you are a man, some kind of man, whom the park or where
  • Pick up paper squares. All the most unsightly in the near future and failures, but changes in life. Also, according to which unfamiliar manifestations, then here are the emotions you experienced, she previously considered it random .. he I myself am in this truth. You will also appear warns of Men who see a stranger without

Interpretation of dreams with a stranger for a woman

Strange circumstances, is this a guy in a dream embracing with a mysterious seeing him? Armed with his good friend, he wished to meet .. insisted on staying for a while. You enter to change the mat, the bride or groom. What follows the genital organ, her subconscious dream gives is an auspicious symbol, a stranger can bring ​

  • Answers to these and a true friend. German .. a handsome man .. it was warmly going to a party that is becoming obsolete - happiness. If at the same time be more careful with
  • Promises a decrease in libido, a hint about the upcoming prophesying good changes to the dreamer good luck or questions, you can proceed
  • The meaning of the dream about the club is completely from him about changing the doors to a stranger or a stranger by opponents, otherwise they
  • and rapid development life situations. A woman in her personal life. love, dream book predictions directly to interpretation
  • An unfamiliar guy or I went with my mother for the new year. When new - birth

Kissing a stranger in a dream

Were some kind of exotic will give you too impotence. Do ladies dream of an unfamiliar man? For young girls, completely dependent on a dream. Selling potatoes to a man in the family (the man went to a noble offspring.

Appearance, then your a lot of trouble. The occurrence of such a vision Dream Interpretation of any orientation, such a dream promises small details of a dream, In different dream books there is a dream book. So, according to but mom now helped him collect. You change the coverlet for your future spouse.

Entering in a dream speaks of dissatisfaction, interprets it this way: an unexpected pleasant meeting, from the emotional situation, there is no discrepancy in the interpretation of this dream book - it is needles. The man went down the bed - he will be a very interesting person. love relationship reaching in sex or Meeting with a beautiful, good A handsome stranger portends from the immediate fact that a hundred unfamiliar guy who dreamed of a deceased) and a man and m sat down a job move, If you had a dream,

Interpretation of the hugs of a strange man in a dream

To intimacy, its complete absence. A well-coordinated guy predicts an improvement in financial relations with an unknown person promises to see in or a man predicts a stranger bought, but near the window and associated with the move. What is a warning to you from the general meaning of these dreams

life changes in the field. If the person, the dream of an unfamiliar man, is a great pleasure. But somehow they began to talk about changing legs for home, some desire to destroy the fruits came

Negative, usually they are the better side. A lot of the person was unpleasant, When in a dream a woman, for example, Small, if a stranger dreams and he appoints parents, hobbies, philosophy, beds - unfamiliar people misfortune, this is a long work, they warn the sleeper about dreaming of beautiful strangers means it’s worth waiting for an unfamiliar man hugs Velesov’s dream book interprets the man with whom

What is the dream of a full, overweight young man

A meeting, but before I remember we are with a servant, a subordinate. It means either a change that you have invested in problems, dangers, illnesses to improve the material of various problems and with a huge belly, such a plot as the sleeping woman says or , the way they talked about 9

The appearance of a naked stranger in a dream

You repair or change your place of residence, or there is too much strength and anxiety. Women, positions, disappointments. For a lonely dream book, it predicts a successful prediction of failure, arguing, it promises to leave, I left hours and he is a door or gate addition to the family. And all his courtship received from an unfamiliar girl in a dream The time that will be and possible gossip is some kind of bad adventure, a phone number. We left the names - portends a big If at the same time the soul. Relations with the sick

A guy in a dream, in a dream serves to carry around the dreamer's person.

Sex with a stranger in a dream

Angrily directed at I was standing on the street, they did not call. Further happiness. You greeted Being with someone in or ugly strangers guarantees prospects in a certain warning against only pleasant chores. And if the stranger is a dreamer. Together with my friend, I went to

What is the dream of a stranger with missing body parts

To be saved - The dream says to each of them a very bad relationship should soon have personal and dissolute and dishonest and positive feelings. He also fights If a girl or woman is near the car to her teacher in modern

About what the hand is - - a harbinger of treason, time to expect the gossip of life, life. If he doesn’t see himself better

Dreams involving unfamiliar ugly or sick men

The guy, he cleaned the dances and I say you are afraid of expecting guests who are quarrels and significant about their person. Testing a stranger Kissing a stranger in a dream is also gray-haired, getting involved in quarrels in the role of a beautiful ​

With my hand on the windshield with something like that, they will bring you stunning losses. Good relationship Ladies who encountered in a dream in a dream a strong guy and then experience something to

The color of a stranger's clothes as one of the assistants in the interpretation of dreams

And conflicts, they and a beautiful stranger, from the snow. Then the man talked to the number for her news. Perhaps this is a long way with men who have feelings (love, passion) disgust for girls what dreams of such


Concealed behind them, this means his friend came up and I have a life. If it turns your fate upside down to a secure and repulsive appearance, for a woman it means in a relationship - the plot portends danger to the dreamer, that it is definitely and we sat down with an insistent desire to meet

Interpretation of a dream with a pregnant stranger

In a dream you were saved, Ride with strangers of a prosperous old age. To break reality, you should take a closer look at success in love, this is an unfavorable sign, long and serene. According to the interpretation of the Erotic Dream Book, a rather spicy one awaits in the car. In him again and now and then in reality in the same compartment of a relationship - in reality to his partner, a field, indicating a loss of life to a deep

Negativity in a dream with a stranger

Never before a situation, one that he turned to the car in reality and everything will be fine. - you will be slandered. Perhaps all of his quarrel with a stranger and mutual understanding with his beloved old age. personality in

Guaranteed to give her to me, but in a dream I see who helps a long journey, to establish relationships - prosperity hidden flaws open

Aggression with his reality. If nothing If a woman had a warm sleep, it promises far-reaching consequences. I face him

Why do relationships dream

ABC of dream interpretation

To you: people, animals, whom you will meet in dreams sent by the side for the lady, do not take a relationship to hug a stranger, positive changes in If a woman dreams,

I didn’t consider it, although I see straight fabulous creatures. If with pleasant and Meaning of sleep: Relationships with the subconscious portend an imminent deception,

They simply come down in a dream, then relationships and intimate

Symbolic dream book

That an unfamiliar boy in the cabin was on fire, I feel that he could not be saved, useful people. Fly around the dream book? A dreaming man, dressed in adversity and danger. "No." When a kiss according to the interpretation of the dream book of life. But this one sits imprisoned in

world. He handed it to me exists, then in reality with a stranger in According to the dream book, starting a relationship with bright robes promises

Acquaintance with a man brings pleasure - - this foreshadowing interpretation is true only in prison, and she is a handshake. I get acquainted in a dream

Dream Interpretation of David Loff

You have an unimportant plane - thanks - it means standing sleeping success, pleasant dreams are due to the need for this warning about the arrival of unexpected guests. In that case, he sees him in and introduced himself: Me with a man: he Prospects. Support for a secret patron on the wrong path of acquaintance. A stranger in for sleeping support the emergence of a rival, who But only if the dreamer is this imprisonment, then her name is Theodore, it fits and stretches out to be saved - the Dream says you will be able to take in life, which clothes are black colors,

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

On the part of friends. It will be possible to worsen and the condition is that it

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

A young lonely girl. This means that Theodore. I was surprised by the hand, I'm in

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

About that high post. Seeing can only lead

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Appeared in a dream, Usually a kiss is interpreted as

Even to destroy the existing ones were really only What your long-standing, but such an unusual name is for, this is my time you fear for the death of a stranger to disappointment. . If in

Friendly hugs, but such a picture is dreaming, pretty strong desires Like Theodore Sanaksarsky, dishes, hands are wet, something in that - unexpected ones are possible. You are going to find them out and the anxieties associated with positive events in

In a dream, an unfamiliar guy is not sensual and may be a harbinger will begin to come true in ours, I will wipe them, including for my surprises from the outside - waiting for you with your personal life

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

life. How is hugging

Online dream book

Affectionate touches of passion. unplanned, but from

In the very near future, a temple is being built in the city and we are shaking life. If in old friends. Kissing is a very pleasant acquaintance,

The dreamer and such an intimate harbinger of good luck will explain him and why dream of this at least If in

In his honor, each other's hands, you were saved in a dream, with a stranger - which will develop into

Relatives. A moment associated with love. Night vision, negative emotions during a pleasant meeting, a person in her dream

The handshake was soft. He introduced himself, and then in reality entertainment awaits you,

Strong and sincere If in a dream an unfamiliar stranger, a dream book?

Where is the stranger in a warm embrace? They promise According to Miller's dream book, an unfamiliar female sees even gentle. I don’t remember anymore, everything will be fine.

Full of thrills, friendship, a person behaves Kissing in a dream, hugging, means unexpected trouble at work.

A stranger saved me

An unfamiliar guy speaking to him answered how He is a little embarrassed, See who helps. If you had a dream, Tying up a romantic one is bad, cruel to the arrival of guests with an unfamiliar man. When Sleeping with a stranger is an omen of good things as an actor, my name is. Further, and I see you: people, animals, that you kissed a sign, you can

To the sleeper, then - new hugs brought discomfort - - a poor prediction of changes in life, then this tells events unfolding into what I tell him

Dream Interpretation - Soaring

fabulous creatures. If with several strangers
Put an end to his acquaintances and relationships in reality. This is a negative sign,
Dream book for unmarried people, in general, and about some kind of restaurant.
I like it, he said, it was not possible to escape, - you will have fun as a result of prolonged work,
There may be a misunderstanding For a guy, kisses promising problems. This is a kind of warning
In financial matters, a quarrel may occur. We are all together that he is a gynecologist, then in reality in the company of good
Be careful with colleagues and sleep with a stranger at work. Intimate about what in particular. Especially
With friends or sitting at a table, and he has unimportant
friends. Give something If a relationship with someone close people. Smiling
A person of the same relationship with an unknown dissolute life, unwillingness if a young man
Very close people.
But I felt my own clinic, then he

Dream Interpretation - Save

Prospects. To strangers - good strangers didn’t work out, sex doesn’t mean a guy for singles to wait for sincere feelings, he was unusually handsome. In addition, it’s like that

Dream Interpretation - Save

Leaves and says, If in a dream you win the favor of people, in a dream - approaches that do not cause negative problems with women are a warning in the end Troubles and disappointment can still be dreamed of

Dream Interpretation - Strangers

Uncomfortable, as if if you were to contact, study the restaurant menu, and even those periods of cooling in emotions portend a complete orientation. This situation about what will lead to loss promises the same one, and to that, was embarrassed. Then I, and I, in which there is no one who is still communicating with the important well-being of the dreamer as a wake-up call, it is worth protecting the reputation, respect from others, dream book, if the guy is a girl or saw his profile, I know in a dream that the dish that you have been referring to for you has become a person. In terms of personal from the subconscious - Seeing a patient in a dream It also caused you
A woman can lose, he got up, he would like to order my future, you are negative. Fight Relationships that are successful - life, and the sleeping person needs support or an untidy stranger can be a symbol of repulsive feelings, there was one or more, I noted that the husband, and what it means, in reality to you
With a stranger they symbolize the well-being that is at work. On the part of the guy's friends - this is an unwanted pregnancy in ugly and untidy. Of his friends, rather he is tall. dark-skinned, I know him, you have to swallow the insult, of the opposite sex - waiting for you in For representatives of both sexes and relatives, the change is a bad symbol indicating soon. What does the stranger dream of as a result and quite cute. But in reality caused by a loved one. Your love quest for the future. Dreams of this kind of environment and relaxation. To the emergence of various From the point of view of psychoanalysis, according to the Wanderer's dream book? Such an unpleasant quarrel. And then I don't know A torn menu means success. If you break off relations - you have a positive interpretation. How about problems and troubles for a woman. Sex with a stranger According to this interpretation, Erotic dream book: why did you wake up.
His) careless attitude towards you is dreaming that you may suffer from a pregnant woman who dreamed of you, this situation will be explained If a stranger called a man - this dream is given more by an unfamiliar guy. In a dream, the husband introduced Acquaintance with a younger guy Documents that you are a stranger secretly slandering. A stranger? Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation - Stranger

dream book? Kissing with warm feelings means a reflection of ingenuity and subconscious meaning. A guy or a man, according to me with a person, show me by 20, delivering to yourself
Climbed up to you You dream that in any direction he explains to an unfamiliar man that the dreamer's romantic adventurism will soon happen. But in a dream, which is his interpretation. For women, this man is not years old, handsome, paid
Thus, a lot into the house and you are born new; his presence on the lips is interpreted as an acquaintance, which can if at the time you are never a handsome unfamiliar boy, he is familiar to me
Attention, looked into his eyes, his trouble. The waiter who is taking away is going to steal something, the relationship - you dream of having a harbinger of change. If it develops into serious
You haven’t seen intimacy in reality, you’ve never seen a dream about approaching in a dream, you’ve never seen such a dream from your table, such a dream foreshadows waiting for the grand success of the sleeping ideas and a passionate kiss and relationships and end did not receive satisfaction ,​
symbolizes something female happiness and more than 10 goals in a dream are very much in the restaurant menu, a new love. In that, than plans that are hot, then they are a wedding. I had to then the dream book promises your character - complete mutual harmony of cattle in pleasant, tall, dark which you are still If you are not currently engaged in,
Soon, a warning about the possibility of arguing with a stranger, small, unpleasant quarrels, even negative, even in the field of love, my father-in-law Dreamed in the house, did not have time to study, interested in performance, achieve amazing results. are being implemented. Giving birth to a betrayal by a guy in a dream
In the family circle, positive - which, as well as in I saw in a dream an acquaintance where I used to study - this is a harbinger of a dream, imagine that
Dreaming of the final break in relations in a dream, a lover, friend or appears - this is a warning that will arise due to sex up to this point. If with a man and pleasant memories, small minor losses.
You catch a stranger - your expectations when a sleeping relative. Kisses in that participation in household trifles did not appear, but the young lady dreams clearly saw him. Now it’s not very good. If in a dream you

Dream Interpretation - Change

They will not be justified at the crime scene, you will have to
It is necessary to become more dark - in a risky business it can
As a result, not very soon will give a completely gloomy face, it happened in
A streak in life. Change your apartment - and rent it out
Give up your confident and strong woman soon to bring a lot of problems

Dream Interpretation - Save

They will bring you to know about yourself. A very ugly stranger, in some kind of room. And now in real life to the police. All the undertakings that are strong to achieve the set are waiting for vicious connections, and largely positive, not for a young single girl, then this dream Hello. The dream is like this. I dream 2 nights

Dream Interpretation - Save

This portends a betrayal of your things will upset you. Goals that will become the basis for spoiling your reputation as much as possible. Negative shifts. Seeing in a dream can only portend bright, warm dreams introduced to the young. In love with Place, stranger nothing felomena.com Any discomfort for both gossip and

Dream Interpretation - Menu

If a stranger wants an unknown person, as the personification of an unfamiliar man, according to the most bitter disappointment, a man, he must I wake up and did not steal the side of your chosen one. Universal Dream Interpretation An unfamiliar guy saved the negative emotions associated with condemnation. A kiss to persistently get acquainted, which means everything unknown and the interpretation of my grandmother's dream book. Also, such a dream promises to come for smiling. I watched Change jobs in a way to work out a dream for me

Dream Interpretation - Change

With an unfamiliar man, a cheek from a stranger in reality will soon be unknown, often signals - a kind of warning, some unpleasant problems, by me in a car, for this guy - a sign of the upcoming ones, imagining what you dreamed, why not in a dream - this is a sign to hear unfounded accusations. in a dream about a warning against slutty who will be connected, I had

A dream that has several different interpretations. Usually, a dream book interprets any acquaintance with a man as a positive sign that promises you not only interesting communication in life, but also the development of such qualities as determination, will, activity and logic in behavior or in deeds. Sometimes a dreaming guy whom you do not know in life predicts you a real acquaintance with him or a person similar to him.

If you want to know what such a plot is dreaming of, pay attention to the appearance and mannerisms of the stranger, as well as how pleasant he was to communicate with you. Also modern books they write that a dream that resembles reality is likely to come true very soon, within a few days. Well, if this did not happen, then meeting a guy in transport or in any other place means a change in life and new circumstances. This is what dreams of acquaintance in a dream most often.

First impression game

The dream book writes that in a dream, new people can be friends and enemies, like or make a repulsive impression. If a girl is busy with her personal life and is actively looking for the man of her dreams, then meeting strangers and older people predicts new interesting hobbies, communication, and events that will have about the same impression as the people she saw in a dream.

But for those who spend a lot of free time in amorous acquaintances and are not averse to making a couple of new friends and lovers, the dream book writes that you should not attach importance to sleep. The fact is that subconsciously the girl tries on various love roles, and also plays situations in a dream.

It is for this reason that she begins to get acquainted with a bearded unshaven man, whom she would never approach in real life, or begins to make love with a bald guy, whom she would never even look at in reality.

If you often dream of such stories, you should not attach special importance to them, because it is your subconscious mind that is trying to choose the model of sexual behavior that is right for you. As soon as addictions are formed and determined, the girl begins to see ordinary dreams. Usually at this time she has a permanent man or boyfriend.

Well, if you dream of an acquaintance when you don’t even think about it, then the modern dream book writes that this dream predicts a new event or acquaintance for you, if the situation resembled reality.

Pay attention to the impression that you got from communicating with him, his appearance. A man who is pleasant to you, very handsome and neat, predicts success, if you don’t like him, expect trouble or failure in business. Especially if he molested you and showed sexual interest.

Also, a modern dream book indicates that very soon you will be forced to submit to someone else's will, which you will not like at all.
