Spice girls wannabe year of release. How are members of the Spice Girls doing now?

Earlier this year, the Spice Girls celebrated their anniversary. True, the girls have not sung together for a long time. How is their life going now?

Victoria Beckham is building her empire

If you have a reliable shoulder, you are a queen. 17 years ago Vicki Adams became miss Beckham and since then her life has taken on a whole new quality. Unlike her bandmates, she excelled on all fronts. Happily married - and once, and all this time keeps her husband on a short leash.

She gave birth to three sons and a cute daughter, and two of the children, brooklyn and Romeo, in popularity will soon be able to compete with her and her husband (they are the faces of fashion brands). It is considered a style icon and has a fantastic figure (you can never say that the mother of four children). Well, she has her own fashion empire, which she began to build after she ended her solo career in 2004.

It's because of your business Wiki refused to join Spice Girls for anniversary performances. She is very busy creating her own line of cosmetics. In addition, it produces glasses, handbags, dresses, perfumes - brand products Victoria Beckham sold in more than 60 countries around the world. The game is worth the candle: last year alone, she earned $ 48 million - almost twice as much as her husband.

Melanie Chisholm is looking for the man of her dreams

The first thing Mel C, as she was called, did after the breakup of the group - she went to the beautician and left 10 thousand pounds sterling there for the removed tattoos. She didn't want to be reminded of her past life when a new one was started. What did she do? Of course, a solo career - in her archive there are several gold and platinum albums.

Besides, Melanie tried herself as an actress - played in the London musical blood brothers and was even nominated for the prestigious Laurence Olivier Theater Award. Now the singer is engaged in charity work and continues to perform (though not so actively). But when Spice Girls offered to reunite this year for an anniversary concert tour, Mel C refused. Not out of harm.

- The mechanism can only work properly if all the screws are in place she explained.

Literally, this meant: the group is interesting to the audience and sponsors only in its entirety. And since Victoria Beckham refused to perform with the team, in a partial reunion Mel C sees no point.

In personal life Melanie still quiet. Ten years was in a civil marriage with a developer Thomas Starr, gave birth to a daughter (now she is already 7 years old) and divorced. After that, she had short romances with a DJ Greg Burns and a singer Matt cardlom. For the last 4 years, the singer, according to her, periodically goes on dates, which her friends arrange for her. Even through dating sites I tried to find my soul mate - to no avail.

- When you hit 42, you have a lot of work and a child, meeting the man of your dreams is very problematic. And then, I don’t want to injure my daughter by introducing a person who can disappear from her and my life at any moment. she complains.

But it looks like "Schwarzenegger in a skirt", as she was nicknamed for her muscular arms and masculine figure, even better than in the days of spice girls. For this special thanks to the famous Hollywood "sculptor" of stellar bodies - coach Matt Roberts, and vegetarianism, which Chalk Xi has been confessing for many years. By the way, the singer will introduce an active lifestyle - for several years in a row she has been participating in the London triathlon competition.

I have always loved playing sports and challenging myself. So running, swimming and cycling are just right for me.- jokes Melanie.

Gerry Halliwell opens school

She was leaving from Spice Girls, then returned again, as if trying to understand where she really belongs. Along the way, she made a solo career. Very successful - her discs became gold, and one of the songs was included in the soundtrack of the film "Bridget Jones's Diary".

When the group broke up completely, by a strong-willed decision Jerry ended her solo career. The singer took up much more interesting, in her opinion, things: charity and raising her daughter. And also literary activity - she signed a contract for six children's books and published two autobiographies.

Personal life halliwell all these years it was a key. She threw one boyfriend - and immediately found another. British screenwriter Sasha Gervasi(her daughter's father Bluewell), dancer Ivan Velez, Italian millionaire Fabrizio Politi a wealthy British aristocrat Henry Beckett and actor Russell Brand is an incomplete list of her lovers. The ex-“peppercorn” stopped in May last year, when she married the head of one of the Formula 1 teams Christiana Horner.

Since then Jerry like a second wind. She is obsessed with the idea of ​​​​opening a private free school near her own home in London and introducing the most modern educational methods there. And even seems to have started recording a new album, which plans to release this year.

- It will be more mature music, and the album itself will tell the story of her life, - insiders reveal the secret.

Well, let's see...

Emma Bunton acting in films

The youngest "peppercorn" for several years after the breakup of the group actively recorded songs and toured across America and beyond. Then she decided that it was time to settle down and spend more time with her little son (now there are already two children) - over the past nine years she has recorded only two songs.

Since 2008, Bunton more attracted to television projects - she was a judge of the British "X-factor" and a talent show, assessed the skills of the participants in "Dancing on Ice" and herself participated in "Dancing with the Stars", a little short of reaching the final. In general, the work was not dusty, profitable and all the time in plain sight.

At the same time, she got a job as a DJ on the radio Heart, plays in musicals (in one of them he became a partner Stephen fry) and periodically acts in films - in the filmography Emma already 9 pictures. Soon another one will be added to them - a remake of the series “You can’t forbid living beautifully”, where Bunton will play with Kate moss.

Do you remember how these five girls were rocking? In the 90s, only the lazy did not know the legendary"peppercorn" . Then every teenager on the planet was a fan of their songs, and posters depicting the soloists of the group decorated the room of any self-respecting schoolgirl. These girls were definitely role models. Admit that you also made yourself tails like Baby Spice, dreamed of shoes on a huge platform, like Scary Spice, and looked with envy at older girls who wore tops, like Ginger Spice.

The most popular and commercially successful girl group, which began its existence in 1994 and disbanded in 2000, has released only three studio albums, selling over 75 million copies worldwide. Despite the fact that the group has been gone for a long time, fans continue to love their work and dream of a reunion of the girls!

In the meantime, PEOPLETALK decided to find out how the fate of the members of the Spice Girls after the breakup of the team and what they do today.

Victoria Beckham, nee Adams, was born into a fairly wealthy British family. In 1994, after seeing an ad in a newspaper about recruiting for a group and beating several hundred competitors at the audition, the girl became one of the "peppercorns". After the breakup of the group, she tried to start a solo career, but failed. It was then that Victoria decided to try her hand at the fashion industry, and here her business went much more successfully. Today she is better known as a successful designer, style icon and wife of the famous football player David Beckham (39). She is also the mother of four children and the author of two books - an autobiography and a fashion guide. Her clothing collections are getting worldwide recognition and are worn by celebrities such as Michelle Williams (34), Julianne Moore (54), (33), (42) and (39).

Baby Spice - Emma Bunton (39)

Emma, ​​the youngest member of the group, joined the Spice Girls on the recommendation of her vocal coach. After the collapse of the team, the girl took up a solo career and even released three albums. But Emma did not achieve much popularity, so she easily left the stage for another important role - she became a mother. Now Emma Bunton is raising two sons from singer Jade Jones (36), participates in British TV shows as a judge and presenter, and since 2009 has been working as a DJ on the waves of the British radio station Heart.

Ginger-Spice - Geri Halliwell (42)

The brightest and, perhaps, the most discussed member of the group. Prior to starting her musical career, Jeri worked as a nightclub dancer in Mallorca, as a fashion model and game show host on Turkish television. After the popularity came to her, many British magazines published erotic photographs of the girl, in which she was completely naked. What was more scandalous - her romances, sexy outfits, nude photos or an early exit from the Spice Girls - is difficult to assess. But all this, of course, has borne fruit and made Halliwell incredibly popular. After the breakup of the group, she had the most successful solo career of all the members. In 2006, Jeri gave birth to a daughter from Hollywood screenwriter Sasha Gervasi (49). Now the singer has contracts not only for a new record, but also for a series of children's books.

Sport Spice - Mel C (41)

Melanie Jane Chisholm, better known as Mel C, was nicknamed Sporty Spice for her way of dressing. The girl was the most inconspicuous in the Spice Girls, there was always much less information about her in the press than about her colleagues. After leaving the group, Mel made a quite successful solo career: she has six albums and 11 singles that topped the UK composite chart (this is the third result in history - only Paul McCartney (72) and John Lennon (1940-1980) are ahead). By the way, she was the only professional vocalist in the Spice Girls. In 2009, Mel made a fairly successful debut in the theater. The singer is not married, she is raising her daughter Scarlett Starr (6), regularly practices yoga and is working on her next record.

Scary Spice - Melanie Brown (39)

Best known as Mel B and Scary Spice. Melanie dreamed of a musical career since childhood and even graduated from a music school with a drum class. She also responded to an ad in the newspaper and soon became Scary-Spice - Mel received this pseudonym because of her mannered accent and lush African hair, and also because of the extravagant style of dressing. In parallel with participation in the group, the singer was engaged in a solo career. So after the official breakup of the team, she had a fallback, but he never brought her success, and critics even called her “hopeless Spice”. Now Mel lives in California, raises three daughters (one of them is from actor Eddie Murphy (54)), wrote an autobiography and, in spite of all, continues to make music.

And at the end of our review, I propose to remember how it was: let's watch a few clips of the Spice Girls and indulge in nostalgia!

Wannabe, 1996

2 Become 1, 1996

Who Do You Think You Are, 1996

Say You'll Be There, 1996

Spice Up Your Life 1997

Stop, 1997

Too Much 1997

Viva Forever 1998

Goodbye 1999

Holler, 2000

Victoria Adams was born into a fairly wealthy family. In 1994, she came to the casting of the group, bypassed several hundred competitors and became one of the "peppercorns". After the breakup of the Spice Girls, Victoria tried to sing solo, but it didn't work out well for her. Then she married the famous football player David Beckham, took her husband's surname and started designing clothes. Now Victoria Beckham is known as a successful designer, style icon, mother of four children. Her clothing collections are recognized worldwide and sold in more than 60 countries around the world. She made $48 million last year alone.

Emma Bunton (Babby Spice)

Emma Bunton got into the Spice Girls on the recommendation of her vocal coach. After the collapse of the team, the girl took up a solo career, her first two discs sold well in Britain and Germany, but the third was not successful. Therefore, Emma decided to leave the stage to become a mother, she gave birth to two sons from singer Jade Jones. Bunton at the end of the 2000s judged the participants of the X-Factor show and evaluated the contestants of the British version of Dancing on Ice. Now Emma works as a DJ at one of the British radio stations, plays in musicals and occasionally acts in films - there are already 9 films in Emma's filmography.

Geri Halliwell (Ginger Spice)

Prior to joining the band, Geri Halliwell worked as a nightclub dancer, fashion model, and television game show host. Behind her was the glory of one of the most scandalous "peppercorns" - numerous novels, sexy outfits and nude photos in magazines. All this made her incredibly popular. After the breakup of the group, the singer had the most successful solo career. In addition to music, the girl tried herself as a fashion designer and TV presenter. And in 2007, she signed a contract with a major publishing house for six children's books and published two autobiographies. Jerry had many novels, she gave birth to a daughter from screenwriter Sasha Gervasi. And last year, Jeri married the head of one of the Formula 1 teams, Christian Horner. Halliwell dreams of opening a private free school in London and introducing the most modern methods of education there. Rumor has it that she has begun recording a new album, which she plans to release this year.

Mel C (Sporty Spice)

Melanie Jane Chisholm, better known as Mel C, was nicknamed Sporty Spice for her way of dressing. Mel is the only professional vocalist in the group. After leaving the Spice Girls, the girl made a quite successful solo career: she has six albums and 11 singles to her credit, which topped the UK composite chart. In addition, Melanie tried herself as an actress - she played in the London musical Blood Brothers. Now the singer is engaged in charity work and continues to perform. Mel C is not married, she had a 10-year relationship with the developer Thomas Starr, with whom she gave birth to a daughter, Scarlett Starr.

Melanie Brown (Scari-Spice)

Melanie Brown or otherwise Mel B dreamed of a musical career since childhood. She, like other participants, saw an advertisement in the newspaper for recruitment into the group. In parallel with participation in the Spice Girls, Melanie pursued a solo career, but this did not help her after the group's breakup. The girl released several successful singles and then fell silent. Now Mel B lives in California with her husband - film producer Stephen Belafonte and three daughters.

The network continues to receive news about the imminent reunion of the legendary pop group of the 90s. It is said that Emma Bunton, Victoria Beckham, Jerry Halliwell, Melanie Chisholm and Melanie Brown have already agreed to a meeting with producer Simon Fuller to review the terms of the contract.

Of course, it is too early to say that ex-soloists will start touring the world. But with a favorable set of circumstances, they should definitely appear on all kinds of TV shows. Moreover, each of them will be paid for this ... 10 million dollars!

The history of the creation of the Spice Girls group is still surprising, as is its lightning popularity. Perhaps the whole point is that all four soloists were accepted into the team practically from the street. That is, before signing a producer contract, they were ordinary girls without connections and prestigious education ...

It all started with the fact that producers Bob Herbert, Chris Herbert and Lindsey Casbon advertised in Stages magazine with an invitation to the casting: "Girls aged 18 to 23 years old, able to sing and dance, beautiful, hardworking, honest" are required. More than 400 Britons responded to the offer. But among them, four were ultimately chosen - Emma Bunton, Victoria Beckham, Gerry Halliwell, Melanie Chisholm and Melanie Brown. In the summer of 1996, the girls recorded the first single Wannabe, and in the fall they presented a solo album. Then they were waiting for fame, tours and all kinds of music awards. However, in 2001, the team began to disintegrate. Jerry left first. Then each of the participants also began to engage in solo projects. Only in 2007 and 2012 did all four soloists reunite for a joint tour. In 2016, there were rumors about the Spice Girls concert in honor of the 20th anniversary of the group. However, this did not happen. Victoria Beckham and Melanie C refused to participate. Insiders assured that then the stars were not satisfied with the monetary reward for an unplanned appearance on the stage. In addition, at this time, each of them had their own life ...

We tell how the life of each soloist of the Spice Girls turned out. We also compare their photos at the peak of popularity and in recent years.

Emma Bunton

Emma from childhood dreamed of becoming a famous singer, although there were no prerequisites for this. She was born in a small area in north London, her father was a milkman and her mother a karate coach. As a child, Bunton attended a Catholic school, and shortly before casting for the Spice Girls, she began to make independent attempts to break into show business: in 1992, when she was 16, she starred in an episode of the film East Enders, and a year later appeared in episode of the drama "Purely English Murder".

Bunton, by her own admission, came to the casting of the Spice Girls out of curiosity. The girl did not expect to win. However, the producers saw talent in her and accepted her into the group. She was the youngest in the team, for which she received the pseudonym Baby Spice (Baby Spice). Throughout her career in the group, she did not change the image of a pretty girl - she wore short dresses in pastel shades (mostly pink) and collected her blond hair in two tails.

After the collapse of the group, Emma began her solo career as a singer: she released three albums and 11 videos. True, in 2007 she abandoned her attempts to become a world drinker, presenting the last video All I Need to Know. Only in 2012, together with another ex-soloist of the Spice Girls, Melanie C, she presented a video for the single I Know Him So Well.

But Baby Spice managed to make a career as a DJ. Since 2009, she has been working at one of the British radio stations. She also often becomes the host of various talk shows. And in 2012, she became a judge of the British version of the Dancing on Ice program.

Externally, Banton has not changed much. Just got thinner and older.

In her personal life, Emma was also lucky. Her relationship with singer Jade Jones, whom she began dating back in 1998, grew into a marriage. The couple have two sons, 10-year-old Beau and 6-year-old Tate.

Victoria Beckham (Victoria Adams)

Victoria, who had the surname Adams before her marriage to football player David Beckham, was born into a rather wealthy family, but far from show business. Her father was an electronics engineer and business owner, and her mother was a housewife. From early childhood, no one cherished the soul in the girl, and her desire to become a popular artist was unquestioningly approved. At the age of 17, she enrolled in a prestigious art college and also sang in the little-known band Persuasion. In general, before getting into the Spice Girls, she already had a good experience of performing on stage.

In the Spice Girls group, Victoria was given the pseudonym Posh Spice for her ability to present herself and impeccable taste. True, during her career she often changed her image. Fans have seen her with perfectly straight shoulder-length brown hair, and a brunette with a short haircut, and even a blonde with a bob. Beckham also lost weight, then recovered again, and also had several plastic surgeries. True, not all were successful. She, for example, didn’t like the “new” breast of the third size, and she got rid of the implants. Only by the year 2000, that is, by the collapse of the project, did Vicki finally find herself. And fortunately: for several years now she has been considered the main icon of the style of Britain. In addition, her solo singing career did not work out (she released only one album), and she devoted herself to fashion. For several years now, she has been producing clothes and accessories under her own name.

Victoria's family life was also successful. She has been married to David Beckham for 18 years and has four children: 18-year-old Brooklyn, 15-year-old Romeo, 12-year-old Cruz and 6-year-old Harper.

Gerry Halliwell

Jerry has an interesting background - her father is half English, half Swedish, and her mother is Spanish. She grew up in a middle-class family and went to an all-girls school. Before joining the Spice Girls, Halliwell worked as a dancer in a club, a fashion model and a presenter on one of the Turkish channels. She came to the casting of the group at the very last moment, but because of her bright appearance she was noticed and reached the final.

In the Spice Girls team, Halliwell got the pseudonym Ginger-Spice because of the fiery red shade of her hair. True, most often she was called Sexy Spice, because she always wore a neckline and mini. And in general, in the group, she was considered the leader. And not only because of the image. Jerry took part in writing singles and put on dances. In addition, she became the first girl to leave the project for a solo project.

Currently, Halliwell has three albums (the last one was released in 2005) and 12 clips. The most famous - It's Raining Men and Calling - are still considered hits. By the way, starting to sing solo, Halliwell radically changed her image. First, she dyed her hair blonde and made a bob, and then she lost a lot of weight. And at one point, the singer with diets and training brought herself to anorexia and spent some time in the hospital.

In addition to his singing career, Jerry also tries his hand at writing. She has published a book on beauty and health, as well as several children's books.

At first, Ginger-Spice's personal life did not work out. In 2005, she met with screenwriter Sasha Gervasi, but the relationship did not work out. In 2006, Jerry gave birth to a daughter, Bluebell, from a former lover, whose godparents were Emma Bunton and Victoria Beckham.

After an unsuccessful romance, Halliwell was considered a single mother for a long time. Only in 2015, after 15 months of relationship, she married the head of the Formula 1 team, Christian Horner. In 2017, the couple had a son, Montagu. Now she is finally happy and often shares happy family shots on her microblog.

Mel C (Melanie Chisholm)

Melanie Chisholm dreamed of becoming a singer long before she saw the Spice Girls casting ad. But, having appeared before the producers, behind her were three years of study at the college of dance, music and theatrical skills.
