Why dream of fresh hay. Feed rabbits dry grass

A haystack in a dream is a harbinger of a joyful, pleasant event in life, unexpectedly smiling. Also, hay is often dreamed of by those who spent their childhood in a village or on a farm. Why else dream of hay can be found in several popular dream interpreters.

Interpreters' predictions

    Miller's dream book

    I dreamed of hay in a dream, lying freely on the field, portends an improvement in financial situation. men similar dream indicates good luck in business.

    Gather cut grass predicts unprecedented luck, a lucky break. Touching straw with your hands in a dream indicates happiness in your personal life. For a young girl, such a dream promises a meeting with a guy who will become the love of her life.

    See how another person stacks straw in a haystack, portends enrichment with the help of a true friend. Seeing a haystack on fire prophesies material losses and disappointment in love.

    Mowing or removing straw at night indicates material losses and troubles at work. Also, a dream can mean a break in friendships or romantic relationships.

    Mowing straw in a dream - to money abundance, to the opportunity to make good money. Cleaning straw - for an unexpected visit, which will result in a profitable offer.

    Dream interpretation of the 21st century

    Feel the pleasant smell of straw in a dream portends pleasant events in life, receiving good news. Collecting straw indicates unexpected losses.

    Man lying on a haystack portends the favor of the woman you like. For a woman, such a dream predicts an unexpected.

    Eating hay straw portends large debts, the burden of responsibility for another person. If the stack in a dream broke up into several parts, then the dreamer expects happy love soon.

    Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

    See mowed grass in a dream means that the dreamer needs to be patient and strong- ahead of him is a period of trials and hardships. Lying on a haystack indicates a strong will and character of a person.

    Seeing wet, dirty straw in a dream indicates a loss of strength, the dreamer's soreness, portends a series of failures due to his own inattention or passivity.

    Modern dream book

    Haul straw into a haystack portends joyful events in life. A young dream prophesies a quick wedding, and for a guy - getting a bread job.

    Putting hay in a barn or barn promises happiness and love. For a woman, a dream prophesies an acquaintance with interesting man with whom she falls in love at first sight.

    hay wagon, promises a chance to move forward career ladder with the help of a stranger or unfamiliar person.

    French dream book

    haystack in a dream indicates the fulfillment of the dreamer's secret, forbidden desires. A pleasant smell from hay portends a joyful event in life. If the hay exudes an unpleasant odor, then in reality the dreamer should be afraid of robbery or fraud. For married women, a dream indicates the infidelity of a spouse.

    Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

    Haystack in a dream this is an omen of unexpected happiness, or marrying a loved one, promotion at work.

    Remove straw in a dream portends illness or even death loved one . Carrying hay in a car or sleigh predicts the dreamer's presence at the funeral.

    Dream Interpretation of Felomen

    Seeing a haystack in a dream portends the dreamer wealth and prosperity, the implementation of the desired in life. For women and young girls, a dream prophesies a meeting with a man with whom the dreamer will spend the rest of her life in love and harmony.

    See how haystacks are transported from the field, talking about business meetings on which the future of the dreamer will depend. The dream interpretation promises a successful completion of the transaction or receiving a profitable offer from a stranger.

    See hay on the road - to improve the financial situation, increase wages . For men, a dream prophesies that they will go on a business trip, after which they will be promoted.

    Rotten hay in a dream portends women receiving an expensive gift, the return of an already forgotten debt, and for men - the danger of falling into a tangle of other people's intrigues, becoming the object of unpleasant gossip.

    Collect hay in a dream means hard work who will be richly rewarded. business people a dream prophesies a profitable investment.

    Removing hay from the field to cardinal changes in the dreamer, which may be associated with a change of residence, a change in place of work, a break in romantic relationships, and so on.

    Buying hay in a dream means that now the dreamer is faced with a choice on which his happiness depends. If hay burns in a dream, then in reality the dreamer needs to monitor his words and actions, otherwise his carelessness will bring him a lot of problems.

    Dry hay in a dream indicates the possibility of realizing your plans. You just need to use your chance carefully so as not to frighten off luck, and try not to be greedy.

    Lots of hay predicts profit from several sources at once. The dream also indicates that in the near future it will be possible to realize a long-planned business.

In stacks or bales

Seeing hay in stacks in the fields in a dream predicts the implementation of the plan, the implementation of all plans in life, good luck in business. See a large number of stacks promises happiness in personal life, a serene future with family and friends.

See hay in bales indicates hard, exhausting work, which, nevertheless, will be generously paid. In reality, a person works in an unloved but well-paid job for the well-being of his family.

See how the hay is taken away on carts, portends a chance to work for yourself, open your own own business . For women, a dream portends by calculation with the unloved, but decent person.


Haymaking in a dream portends changes in personal life, a meeting with a person whose company will make the dreamer happy.

For women, a dream indicates that in reality, she will become the object of close attention and attraction of a colleague or neighbor.

Man dream portends a meeting with a girl, which will become perfect wife and mother.

If a large number of people took part in haymaking, then in reality, the dreamer will become a participant in some kind of celebration or holiday(It is possible that the wedding).

See an animal in the hayfield promises a meeting with an old friend or girlfriend.


A hayloft in a dream is a harbinger of passionate and strong love, as well as receiving a stable income and position in society. Lying in the hayloft and looking at the sky means getting joy from life, and portends the presence at someone else's wedding as a guest.

Lying in the hayloft at night indicates promiscuity and neglect of your loved one. For girls, a dream can promise unexpected pregnancy outside of marriage.

See burning hay in a dream predicts losses, material difficulties, discord in friendly or romantic relationship . If hay burns at night, then in reality the dreamer will witness someone else's collapse.

To set fire to the hay yourself means human desire to end past life and start a new one.

Dream Interpretation Hay See in a dream freshly cut, shuffling with a perfumed aroma meadow grasses hay is a sign of happiness and prosperity in family life. Raking hay is not easy money, climbing a haystack - rise thanks to your talent. Wallowing in the hayloft, having fun with your lover - you will be suspected of adultery. Sleep on a mattress full of hay - you will be forced to accept harsh conditions. To mow or see how hay is mowed is to wealth. Dream interpretation from A to Z

Dream Interpretation Hay HAY (see STRAW) - success, considerable profit, unexpected happiness, for good (in summer), unexpected happiness (in winter) // death, quarrel, trouble, illness; to carry to the barn - a dead man; row - profit // illness, death, chores, hard work; smells good - a pleasant incident; foul smelling - loss; mow - good // bad, shame, quarrel; if the grass is tall - harvest; low - hunger; stack - a disease. Small Velesov dream book

Dream Interpretation Hay Hayloft, haystack: stability, material well-being. Stack, collect hay: time to take care of your financial situation. There will be great luck or profit earned by labor. Don't miss the opportunity. But the paths to achieve must be honest. Seeing in other circumstances: to the successful completion of the next business. Esoteric dream book

Dream Hay Hay dreams in the autumn season: it means that the quality of energy in the body corresponds to the season. The necessary savings for the summer have been made, and one can fearlessly expect the coming of winter. A slight sadness here is also beneficial, this parting, farewell to summer. Rest on hay / inhale the smell of hay: it is favorable in any season, because the smell of hay streams the energy of the earth and is especially good for the lungs, so in autumn sleep means conformity with the season. In other seasons, resting in a dream on hay means that there was or is a distortion in the flow of energy in the lung meridian, but the body has the strength to recover. The body itself shows a restoring balance of energy in the lungs sleep. To see wet, rotting hay: unfavorable: the accumulation of energy in the body necessary for autumn and winter has not been produced, the lungs are exhausted. To sit on wet, rotting hay / grass / brushwood with a feeling of cold, but in a stupor, or without strength to get up: pathogenic, disease-causing energy has penetrated the body in autumn and will affect kidney diseases and diseases in winter. Bladder. Sleep should be considered a warning from your own body to the dreamer: it is not too late to take action. As far as the dreamer is able to take advantage of the warning, so the dream will be favorable. Imperial dream book

Dream Interpretation Hay Hay: success, considerable profit, unexpected happiness, for good (in summer), unexpected happiness (in winter) / death, quarrel, trouble, illness to carry to the barn: dead man to row: profit / illness, death, chores, hard work smells good: pleasant foul-smelling incident: loss to mow: good / bad, shame, quarrel if the grass is high: the crop is low: famine mow: disease.

Hay in many people is usually associated with the field, the countryside and something romantic. According to the dream book, if you see a haystack in a dream, then this auspicious sign in all respects, but sometimes such a dream can have a negative meaning. In order to interpret it correctly, you need to remember what the hay was like, where it lay, as well as other details. So why dream of hay and what does such a dream mean?

in bales

Why dream of hay in a dream in bales? According to the dream book , in reality a person is expected:

  • success in business;
  • pleasant events;
  • profitable enterprise.

Carrying bales in a car or cart in a dream - in reality, the dreamer expects a difficult, but useful work, the results of which will bring pleasure. If a girl dreamed of a bale of dried grass - soon pregnancy is expected, and if it fell apart - to parting with the fan. Why dream of hay in bales married woman? The dream interpretation in this case portends household chores.

If the bales are in the bedroom - the appearance of gossip about young man dreamers, and if they stand near the stove, the woman is in danger. She should be wary of a fire in the house or other damage to property. Rotten or wet bale in a dream - bad sign warning of a possible dangerous disease family members.

harvest hay

Why dream of hay young man, which he removes from the field with a rake? According to the dream book, this auspicious dream, symbolizing that he is ready to enter into adulthood or get married.

If a girl has such a dream, the dream book portends her a good bright future. Clean up dried grass with friends - for the upcoming wedding or the arrival of guests on a good occasion.

Cleans hay in a dream on a field or in a yard Old man- to secure old age and good health. If the dried grass gets wet during cleaning - a bad sign, meaning that the dreamer's plans will be spoiled by enemies and envious people. Harvest hay and stumble upon a stone - there will be an obstacle on the path of life.

stack hay

If a girl dreams that she puts dried grass in a barn, a new good friend may appear who can give useful advice. fold wet or rotten hay, according to the dream book, means:

According to the dream book, hay, fresh and fragrant, portends the onset of a favorable period for business. The dreamer will be pursued by success - and when searching new job, and when signing a major contract.

Putting dried grass in bags in a dream - in reality get a good offer, from which the dreamer should not refuse. Carrying hay in bags and putting it in a barn - hard work is foreseen that will bring success.

in rolls

According to the dream book, hay in rolls on the field means that the dreamer's work will be appreciated, it is possible that a large cash bonus or salary increase awaits him.

Huge rolls in the yard portend a waking meeting with important person who will provide financial assistance. If the roll crumbled - to the appearance of gossip and unpleasant conversations that will not damage the dreamer's reputation. Rolling a roll across the field - luck is on his side.

If a girl dreams that she is sitting on a roll of dried grass and laughing merrily - in reality she too frivolous and careless. A woman in a dream saw a tightly twisted roll - such a dream portends an early pregnancy and easy childbirth.

Haymaking in a dream

Haymaking usually symbolizes hard work, therefore, if a dreamer mows grass in a dream, he will have to work hard. A new and very sharp braid portends that everything planned in life will be achieved. If the scythe is rusty, old and cuts poorly, it is likely that the dreamer has embarked on the wrong path, and he should also change his field of activity. Mow the grass in a dream and stumble upon a stone - in reality envious and enemies will stand in the way dreamer. During haymaking, lie down to rest on the grass - to receive good news from home.

The dream in which sleep began during haymaking is a good sign foretelling that all life circumstances will turn out well. To injure an oblique leg and see blood - major troubles are possible at work or your best friend will become seriously ill.

Miller's Dream Book and Big Dream Book

According to such dream books, hay in a dream - to receive unpleasant news from distant relatives. If the patient dreamed of a fresh haystack, it is likely that there will be an improvement in health and recovery. A woman stacking dried grass in a shed in a dream receive an unexpected gift.

If a girl dreamed of wet hay, one should be wary of dirty rumors about her personal life. A man mowing grass in a dream - in reality he will be successful in all matters.

To see dried grass in the yard - you should expect the arrival of guests. Throwing it into the oven - a deterioration in the financial situation due to large debts is possible. When hay burns - to a fire or loss.

If in a dream a cow chews dry grass - to a strong and good health. Scattering it around the house - to the illness or loss of a loved one. Lying in a dream in the hayloft with a man - to unpleasant conversation or gossip.

A dream of a stack of dry grass portends an increase in salary. A dream in which hay is being brought for sale is interpreted by the dream book as a loss of trust by loved ones. If it is dirty - to slander a friend.

Thus, hay in a dream is a good symbol, which rarely means something bad, but most often indicates that something has come in a person’s life. auspicious time. So that such a dream does not mean and whatever the interpretations are, you need to be sure that only a white stripe awaits ahead.

If you give great importance dreams, you probably often turn to the dream book for an explanation of this or that plot. To find out as accurately as possible what it means to dream of seeing hay in a dream, you should turn to several interpreters at once, as each of them explains the sneaky dream in its own way.

As a rule, straw predicts a pleasant event that you do not expect at all in real life. But, if we take into account all the details of the dream, it may turn out that it means something completely different.

Why dream dry hay explained by the dream book of birthdays. It turns out that such a dream predicts in reality a long tedious work. Another option for explaining such a plot is a big noise due to someone's incident and event. Maybe even some long-hidden secret will be revealed and cause a huge reaction.

The French dream book says that to see a haystack in a dream means the fulfillment of secret desires and the most cherished plans. You don't even have to put in a lot of effort to achieve your goal. Everything will happen by itself, thanks to luck and luck.

Dry grass exuding a pleasant aroma clearly indicates that in reality a pleasant event will happen for you soon. Perhaps the one you have been waiting for a long time. It is also interpreted what hay means in a dream, which has bad smell. Such a dream is an extremely bad omen. In reality, someone will steal a valuable thing for you. Accept this dream as a warning, keep a close eye on your possessions and don't trust anyone.

The interpretation of sleep with hay according to Tsvetkov's dream book promises unforeseen happiness. Why dream of harvesting hay is told in the Ukrainian dream book. It turns out that such a plot is a negative sign. In reality, you should expect some kind of trouble. A serious illness or death of a person you know cannot be ruled out. Carrying hay in bales in a dream means waking up the dead. You may have to bury a friend or relative.

Why dream a lot of hay is explained in dream book XXI century. If it is clean, of high quality and fragrant, then get ready in real life for a significant and positive incident. Lying on dry grass - to find a quiet, calm joy that will last a sufficient period. There is straw - to large monetary debts and doing low-paid work.

Collect hay in stacks, according to the dream book - to the loss of any thing that belongs to you. If a folded stack fell apart in half, then exactly half of your family life will bring you joy. The rest of the marriage will bring only suffering and emotional distress. Marriage may end in divorce.

Interpretations of hay according to Miller's dream book

What straw / hay dreams about can be found in Miller's interpreter. Straw lying in the field promises prosperity. If you dreamed that you were actively stirring it with your hands or with a pitchfork, then rejoice, in reality you will live safely and happily. Most likely, the period of your prosperity will be long.

Cleaning dry grass in neat stacks in a dream is a sign of good luck, which will knock on your door very soon. It is possible that the efforts of a certain person of great influence will help you seriously improve your life. If at night in a dream you saw that someone else was gutting dried grass with a pitchfork, then your affairs in reality will get better and material difficulties will disappear.

Hay according to the dream book of the esoteric E. Tsvetkov

Interpretation of the dream book: Hay - Hay in a dream - means that your cherished plans and dreams will soon come true. Hay - Having a pleasant smell, to see portends an important and pleasant incident for us, but having no smell or bad portends the loss of some thing. Hay - Unforeseen happiness.

Hay - How hay dreams, then this Bad sign, there will be some kind of trouble, dead man or weakness. As you dream that you carry dry hay, you will definitely carry the dead. Hay - Seeing hay with a pleasant smell in a dream portends an important and pleasant incident for you. Harvesting hay in a dream is an omen of the loss of some thing. Lying on hay in a dream - you will find quiet joy, eating hay - to debts, seeing hay or straw - to low-paid work. If in a dream a stack of hay falls apart in half, half of family life will be happy and joyful, and half will be unhappy.

Large modern dream book/ Zaitsev S., Kuzmin S.

Interpretation of 7777 dreams: Hay

Hay - You saw hay in a dream - you will find happiness where you did not expect to find it. It’s as if you are lying on hay - small family joys will greatly brighten up your life. You stir up hay in a dream - someone out of bad motives will undertake to stir up your past; this is exactly the case when they say: do not be afraid of enemies, be afraid of friends. It’s like you are removing dried hay - a dream promises you good profits. You dream of a big cart of hay - you will be able to turn even an unfavorable situation to your advantage.

Hay - you will have a job that will bring a solid income, stability and a quiet life in abundance. Imagine a vast meadow with tall grass. Summer, sunny day, warm, but not hot - the weather is the most comfortable. You go out into the meadow and mow hay. The work is easy, you do not get tired, but enjoy. Remember the smell of cut grass, which is carried by a warm breeze. Then you just as easily, tirelessly put the hay into haystacks, and admire your work - the haystacks turned out to be high and even. All this hay, like the meadow, belongs to you.

The meaning of the dream about the Hayloft (interpretation of the healer Fedorovskaya)

Hay - To an intimate friend. Hay - Joy. Hay - Hayloft, stack stability, material well-being. Mow, collect hay, time to take care of your financial situation. There will be great luck or profit earned by labor. Don't miss the opportunity. But the paths to achieve must be honest. To see in other circumstances to the successful completion of the next affairs. Hay - Success in business.

Hay (see Straw) - Success, considerable profit, unexpected happiness, for good (in summer), unexpected happiness (in winter) // death, quarrel, trouble, illness; to carry to the barn - a dead man; row - profit // illness, death, chores, hard work; smells good - a pleasant incident; foul-smelling - loss; mow - good // bad, shame, quarrel; if the grass is tall, the harvest; low - hunger; mow - a disease. You dreamed of Hay - you have protection from the guardian angel. Magical practices are possible that will bring success.

Hay - success in business, profit is possible. You dreamed of Hay - Seeing hay in a dream in spring is a pleasure; in summer - for fun; autumn - to sadness. A dream that occurred in winter - to malaise. Rake - skillfully use income. You dreamed of Hay - Quiet wealth and work that brings satisfaction. Imagine tall, well-packed haystacks. All of them belong to you.

Psychological dream book

What does it mean to see Hay in a dream

  1. In ancient times, hay represented fun, relaxation and lack of responsibility. Now, hay represents irritation - like hay fever - and an unknown quality. Seeing hay means considering practicality in ourselves. It is an opportunity to provide shelter and livelihood for others.
  2. Happy memories and good feelings in a dream can be represented by stereotypical romantic scenarios where these feelings need to be re-enacted.
  3. Summer, the feeling of warmth and happiness that it gives, is associated with spiritual progress.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

What does a dream with Sen mean, taking into account the date of birth

In the spring, why dream hay in a dream - To tedious work.

If you dreamed of hay in a dream in the summer - A noise will rise throughout the whole house, in the next interpreter you can find out what this dream is about.

In the fall, why dreamed of hay - To a stormy showdown.

In winter, why dream of Hay - Multiplication of the state.
