Gloxinia reproduction, the easiest ways. Gloxinia - reproduction at home with a leaf

Gloxinia with large bells and pubescent leaves is one of the most desirable indoor flowers for both beginners and experienced flower growers. Instructions for propagating gloxinia at home, photos of caring for the plant at this crucial stage will tell you how to replenish the collection with a bright flower on your own.

Gloxinia, like their closest related species, can reproduce vegetatively:

  • using a sheet or part of it;
  • stem cuttings cut from an adult plant;
  • by rooting the peduncle, on which daughter plants are formed;
  • tuber division.

Not all methods are equal in terms of simplicity and effectiveness, but when we are talking about a rare variety or saving a favorite flower, you need to know how gloxinia reproduces and take advantage of all the opportunities.

Reproduction of gloxinia leaf

The simplest and most common way, rarely leading to failure, is to use as planting material adult healthy leaf.

When rooted on the basis sheet plate and even on large veins, gloxinia can form tiny daughter rosettes with their own nodules.

You can root a leaf for propagation of gloxinia:

  • in water until the cuttings develop roots sufficient to receive nutrition in the ground, after which the seedling is transferred to the substrate or peat tablet;
  • immediately planting a leaf cutting in a peat tablet or light mixture.

How to propagate gloxinia with a leaf cutting?

First of all, you need to stock up on a clean, or better yet, a new blade or scalpel. A leaf is cut from an adult healthy plant so that a stalk 2–2.5 cm long remains at the base of the leaf plate.

Do not take old, fading or, conversely, only opening young leaves for reproduction. If the gloxinia is small, the “baby” first leaves remain in the lower tiers - they are also not suitable for obtaining young rosettes.

If the leaf of gloxinia is large, you can cut it into fragments with separate veins, so that when propagating gloxinia, as in the photo, and caring for the plant, you can get more daughter outlets.

The leaves are carefully dipped into sized transparent glasses filled with boiled water. room temperature.

Do not deepen the cutting into the liquid. This can lead to the development of rot. It is enough that the water covers no more than a centimeter of the length of the cutting or leaf fragment.

From above, a glass with gloxinia propagation material is covered with a bag without squeezing or injuring the leaf. A miniature greenhouse is placed in a warm, well-lit place where there is no risk of direct sunlight. In this form, the leaf will have to stay from 2 to 3 weeks, until a callus or a full-fledged root system. During these days, caring for gloxinia at home, as in the photo, during reproduction, an impromptu greenhouse is gently ventilated several times.

After the formation of centimeter roots, the leaf can be transplanted into the ground. Depending on the capabilities and preferences of the grower, this can be:

  • ready mix for indoor plants based ;
  • a mixture of sphagnum and finished soil;
  • perlite or vermiculite;
  • sandy-peat substrate;
  • crushed sphagnum.

Before the leaf used for propagating gloxinia enters the soil, drainage holes must be made at the bottom of the container and a 1-3 cm layer of crushed polystyrene or other material that does not absorb moisture is equipped. A substrate is poured on top, which is well moistened.

When planting, it is important not to crush or damage the leaf in any way, otherwise the tissues in this place quickly rot, causing the death of the entire leaf plate.

The petiole is deepened by 5–10 mm so that the formed roots and callus are covered with soil. Shallow embedment depth helps small rosettes to break through to the surface faster. And if necessary, the substrate around the handle can be additionally poured.

The leaf planted in the ground again, together with the container in which it is located, is covered with a bag. Caring for gloxinia during its reproduction at home, as in the photo, comes down to airing and gently moistening when the substrate dries out.

In the future, the grower will have to be patient, since the first daughter rosettes with a tiny nodule at the base may appear only after a month or later. Sometimes only tubers can be observed. This means that the children have plunged into "hibernation", and after a while the foliage will definitely appear.

After studying the video about the reproduction of gloxinia with a leaf, you can find out all the intricacies of the process and visually get acquainted with all its stages. This will help you avoid mistakes in practice and successfully grow your own young rosettes of your favorite flower.

Propagation of gloxinia by a peduncle

If there is a plant in the grower's collection that I would like to propagate, but there are not so many leaves on the bush, you can use another method. In this case, flower stalks are taken, on which flowers have only recently withered, and gloxinia is propagated like a leaf.

To obtain small plants, it is enough to leave a stalk of 5-6 cm. The excess is cut off with a blade, and the peduncle is immersed in water per centimeter. The rest of the technique is completely the same as growing gloxinia using a leaf.

The method is useful for propagating gloxinia of rare varieties and hybrids, since in this case there is little risk of spontaneous mutations that change appearance plants and its flowers.

Planting a stem cutting of gloxinia

Root and get young plant can be from the top of the stem. Such planting material should have several leaves and a 3-centimeter stalk to be immersed in the substrate.

It is better to cut the stalk from a compact healthy bush, previously located in a well-lit place and receiving the proper amount of nutrition and moisture.

Since a rather large apical stalk is planted in the ground, for the reproduction of gloxinia this way fit a pot with a diameter of 9 cm. At the bottom of the container, powerful drainage is made at least 2 cm thick, and a light loose substrate is poured on top, which passes air and water well.

Trying not to press or damage, the stalk is buried 2 cm into the ground, previously watered with settled water at room temperature. The substrate at the base of the stem is easily compacted to give the shoot a stable upright position.

As with propagation of gloxinia by a leaf, the pot with the cutting is covered with a bag on top and left in diffused light, warm, until the plant takes root. As necessary, the seedling is ventilated, and the soil is gently moistened with a spray bottle, trying not to get on the leaf plates. After a month, the plant gives roots, and it can be transferred to the usual mode of cultivation.

How to divide the tuber?

The most difficult and risky thing is to use tubers for propagation of gloxinia, since the occurrence of rot on them or their drying inevitably leads to irreparable consequences. The danger is aggravated by the fact that the cut tubers take much longer to acclimatize and recover than the green parts of the plant. And only after that, the growth of new outlets begins on them.

How to propagate gloxinia by tuber division? And what are the features of plant care after such an operation?

For this method, only large tubers are suitable:

  • with a diameter of at least 5 - 6 cm;
  • with an elastic healthy surface without signs of rot, fungal infections or other damage;
  • with awakened growth points, and even better with sprouts about 2 cm high.

Divide the tuber with a disinfected sharp blade into parts so that each fragment has its own sprout or potential growth point. Places of cuts are processed crushed to a state of powder activated carbon or, if this remedy is not available, paint over with a layer of brilliant green. In order for the tuber to be less injured in the soil, it is dried and additionally coated with garden pitch. This measure will help to avoid bacterial or fungal infection of the planting material used in the propagation of gloxinia by tubers.

Parts of the tuber, without deepening, are embedded in a moist substrate. AT further care for gloxinia during its reproduction lies in extremely careful watering. If the soil is watered too generously, the tuber dies in most cases.

For planting, it is more convenient to take transparent glasses in order to constantly monitor the development of the root system and the condition of the tubers. For moderate watering, you can use a pan with water and a wick, and to moisten the surface layer of the soil, take a syringe with a thick needle.

When white healthy roots braid the entire volume of soil, and the rosette at the top of the tuber gets stronger, the plant is transferred to a permanent pot.

Video about breeding gloxinia

Not so long ago, you could go into any house and see these unpretentious flowers on the window - gloxinia, or "glasses", as they are called by the people. And now these "charms" are quite popular among flower growers. How to make reproduction of gloxinia at home accessible even to a novice grower? I will try to tell you what methods of reproduction will help you with this.

These babies do not require increased attention for themselves.

Gloxinia breeding methods

There are several ways to propagate gloxinia:

  1. Leaf cuttings.
  2. Part of a sheet.
  3. seed reproduction.
  4. Tuber division.
  5. Rooting of the peduncle.

Let's consider each of these methods in more detail.

Reproduction by leaf cuttings

Gloxinia leaf propagation is one of the easiest and most affordable ways.

Take young leaves only during the budding of the plant. The length of the petiole of the leaf is three to four centimeters. If the leaf is wilted, dip it in water - it will gain elasticity.

1 way

2 way

Reproduction by part of a leaf

If you are seriously thinking about, then this article is for you. Read useful information about various ways breeding begonias, choose the most suitable for you.

A flower that brings happiness to your home. How to grow dracaena at home without any problems, see.

seed propagation

This method is rather laborious. Care for seedlings requires especially careful. But the strongest and most viable can be called gloxinia grown from seeds.
You can buy seeds in the store, or you can collect from your plants. To do this, you need to pollinate a gloxinia flower with pollen from another flower and wait until the seeds ripen. So, the seeds are ready. Let's start sowing.

How to divide the tuber?

Well, now let's talk about the reproduction of tubers. This method is quite risky. Divided plants get sick for a long time. But it happens that there is no way out, and you have to share. How to do it right? How to care for planted delenok?

find out Interesting Facts Oh, briefly and clearly about difficult processes.

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An exotic plant - yucca - is quite possible to grow in an apartment. Enough self-confidence, a little skill and flower propagation.

We propagate with peduncles

To propagate especially valuable varieties of gloxinia, you can also use faded flower stalks. The rooting technique is the same as for leaf cuttings. I note that simple gloxinia take root in this way without difficulty. But terry often rot. Therefore, their cuttings in this way require increased attention.

Mistakes in breeding gloxinia

It happens that when trying to propagate gloxinia at home, difficulties arise.
The most common problem is rotten rooted leaves. If 2-3 leaves are missing, it's not scary. But if all or most of it rots, then it's your faults.

    • When planting the cutting, you pressed hard on it. You can't do this. It is better to make a hole in the soil with a stick, put a cutting in it and carefully compress the earth around it.
    • The sun's rays fall on the greenhouse with rooted plants. Urgently protect the cuttings from them.
    • Plants have little light. Amplify the lighting by moving the stalk closer to the window, or turn on the backlight.

Sunlight for germinated plants is very useful.

    • The cuts are made with a poorly sanitized blade or simply broken off from the mother plant.
    • Very hot or, conversely, very cold.
    • Old leaves were taken for rooting. It is better to take leaves during the budding or flowering of the plant.

For landing it is necessary to take the best of the best.

  • Soil waterlogging. Gloxinia do not tolerate high humidity.

Flower growers about the reproduction of "glasses"

Gloxinia lovers speak differently about the methods of propagation of these cute flowers.
One grower writes:

“I tried to divide gloxinia tubers. As a result, all delenki rotted. It’s good that I managed to root the leaves, otherwise I would have lost my favorite varieties.

Another lover echoes him:

"Most reliable way quickly and efficiently propagate your favorite variety - cut the leaves with cuttings and put them in water. When sowing seeds, I received a lot of re-sorting.

Let's summarize. Gloxinia can be propagated in different ways.
The main thing is to follow the necessary conditions: heat, bright diffused light, use of mini-greenhouses. And then bright beautiful gramophones will delight both you and your friends.

Greetings friends. One of the brightest and most unusual indoor plants is gloxinia, which is native to Brazil. Thanks to the work of breeders, today many varieties of this plant have been bred, which differ in flower size and color.

Gloxinia is considered one of the unpretentious indoor plants, the cultivation of which does not require special skills and abilities from the owner. In order to have at home a large collection of this decorative culture it is important to know how to propagate gloxinia at home yourself.

Reproduction of gloxinia can be carried out in several ways, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages, we will consider each of them in more detail.

Reproduction by leaf cuttings

This plant is the owner of rather large leaves, so one of the common ways to breed a flower at home is considered to be propagation of gloxinia by a leaf. We also recommend reading the article why gloxinia does not bloom and what to do about it.

Some flower growers, using this method, pre-cut the leaf of the plant into several fragments, which after a while allows you to get several tubers ready for planting at once.

For propagation of gloxinia, it is necessary to choose not too long young leaves, in which the stump is no more than 2 cm. They not only take root well, but also allow you to grow a powerful and strong plant.

In order to prevent the development of various diseases, as well as to avoid leaf rotting, some flower growers treat planting material with a solution of chlorine bleach. In such a solution, which is prepared from 1/11 parts of Whiteness and 10/11 parts of water, the sheet is lowered for only 1-2 minutes, after which it is thoroughly washed clean water and planted in prepared soil.

Some flower lovers, when asked how to propagate gloxinia with a leaf, answer that the leaf cuttings or parts of the leaf must first be rooted in water, and only after the roots appear, plant the flower in the soil.

Others confidently state that rooting planting material in water is not at all necessary and not even desirable. It is best to plant immediately prepared leaves in well-moistened soil, in which roots form in gloxinia in just a month.

In order to speed up the process of root formation, it is recommended to cover a glass with a planted plant with a jar or put it in a transparent bag, which will increase the temperature of the soil by creating a greenhouse effect. After rooting gloxinia, you can safely remove the greenhouse and gradually accustom the plants to room conditions habitat.

An important condition for the normal growth and development of gloxinia during the rooting period is a sufficient amount sunlight. With its lack, the process of root formation can slow down, and the shoots will become very stretched.

After 1.5 months, the appearance of children can be observed in a planted gloxinia leaf or its fragments, but there are cases when they are absent during the year.

Reproduction of gloxinia by seeds

Another way to breed gloxinia at home is to propagate it by seeds. It turns out that the seeds of this plant are very small and are sown as follows: they prepare a container with loose soil, on the surface of which they simply scatter the seeds without deepening them.

After that, young seedlings must be covered with a bag or glass and placed in a well-lit room. During this period, you should be very careful and careful with watering, and this is best done with a syringe.

You can start planting young gloxinia after the formation of 3-4 leaves on the plant and this is best done with a toothpick.

In the event that you plant seeds in winter, then enjoy the bright and unusual flowers gloxinia can already be in the fall. Gloxinia, whose seeds were propagated at home, can surprise its owner - the flowers of young plants can be very different from each other.

Division of gloxinia tuber

It is necessary to start plant propagation by dividing the tuber after it has formed a large number of growing shoots. At growing gloxinia propagation by tubers is one of the popular methods after using the leaves of the plant.

To do this, with the onset of spring, it is necessary to cut a strongly grown tuber into several parts according to the number of strong shoots, each of which should have about 1-2 leaves. After that, it is recommended to sprinkle the tuber slices with crushed charcoal or a crushed activated charcoal tablet and plant its parts in separate containers.

The cuttings should be planted in such a way that about a third of the tuber remains on the soil surface. This will help prevent the development of the rotting process, and as the shoots grow, it will be possible to add required amount land for closing tubers.

After planting, the tubers should be at rest for 2 days, and at this time, watering should be abandoned. Start watering young plantings carefully, evenly moistening the soil. After all, it is precisely a sufficient amount of moisture that is a prerequisite good growth flower, and high humidity can cause rotting of gloxinia tubers.

In the event that signs of rot appear, it is necessary to dig up the flower tuber as soon as possible and rinse it thoroughly with water. After that, it is necessary to carefully cut out the damaged parts of the tuber until healthy ones appear and dry the cut a little.

It is recommended to disinfect the planting material with a solution of potassium permanganate, in which it is dipped for 10-15 minutes. After this procedure, you can safely plant the tuber in a new prepared soil and after 1-2 days proceed to carefully water the soil from above.

Reproduction of gloxinia with the help of peduncles

Another interesting way breeding this plant at home is the reproduction of gloxinia by a peduncle. To do this, the peduncle must be carefully cut and placed in water, the depth of which should not exceed 2 cm. In the event that the peduncle is thick, you can slightly split it by about 5 mm.

If the water from the container evaporates, it is recommended to add the required amount to the desired level. A container with a peduncle must be placed on a windowsill with a sufficient amount of sunlight, and after 25-30 days it will be possible to observe the appearance of roots.

After about 1.5-2 months, nodules and leaves will begin to form at the peduncle, and after their appearance, young gloxinia can be safely planted in separate pots. Admire the bright and unusual flowers to get only next year.

It turns out that there are many ways to propagate gloxinia at home, and from them each grower will be able to choose exactly the one that he considers the most interesting and fruitful.

Growing this plant is a simple and unusual activity, and with necessary rules flower care, you can get gloxinia, which will become a real decoration of your home collection of indoor plants.

Not so long ago, you could go into any house and see these unpretentious flowers on the window - gloxinia, or "glasses", as they are called by the people. And now these "charms" are quite popular among flower growers. The flower owes such a double name to the botanist and doctor Peter Gloksin and the scientist botanical garden University of Bonn to Wilhelm Sinning.

Gloxinia leaves are green, velvety, on juicy petioles, emphasizing the elegance of numerous flowers (up to 50 pieces). But it’s not only the beauty of gramophone flowers that is fascinating, but also the surprisingly soft smell of the gloxinia leaves themselves.

Gloxinia is a tuberous plant with a long daylight hours and requires very bright diffused lighting. It grows well on the east and west windows, on the north - sockets will be pulled out, and on the south - shading is necessary (especially on hot sunny days).

Landing gloxinia:

Gloxinia tubers after winter dormancy begin to germinate in January-February. Until the roots appear, you need to transplant them into fresh soil with a deepening up flush with the ground.

Before planting gloxinia, it is advisable to soak (for 30 minutes) in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Gloxinia prefers wide, but not very deep containers. In a cramped container, it begins to bloom earlier. Put the pots on the windowsills and, as the earth dries up, moderately water the flower warm water(slightly above room temperature), without falling into the growth point.

The soil mixture for planting gloxinia is prepared from leafy and soddy soil, humus, peat, sand (4:2:2:1) and a little sphagnum moss is added. Drainage is definitely needed, since the likelihood of root rot when overflowing with water is high.

Gloxinia care:

Gloxinia belongs to heat-loving plants. For normal development, she needs a temperature of 18-22 degrees. Air humidity - not higher than 50%.

Gloxinia feels great in the kitchen, where there is always high humidity, on a glazed balcony.

From April to early August, gloxinia is fed once a week with fertilizers for flowering houseplants (Belvito, Kemira Lux), which contain more potassium and phosphorus than nitrogen. The solution is prepared two to three times lower concentration than indicated in the instructions.

Reproduction of gloxinia:

Reproduction by leaf cuttings

Gloxinia leaf propagation is one of the easiest and most affordable ways.

Take young leaves only during the budding of the plant. The length of the petiole of the leaf is three to four centimeters. If the leaf is wilted, dip it in water - it will gain elasticity.

1 way

For the first time, "isolate" the cutting from the outside world.

2 way

Reproduction by part of a leaf

How to divide the tuber?

Well, now let's talk about the reproduction of tubers. This method is quite risky. Divided plants get sick for a long time. But it happens that there is no way out, and you have to share. How to do it right? How to care for planted delenok?

We propagate with peduncles

To propagate especially valuable varieties of gloxinia, you can also use faded flower stalks. The rooting technique is the same as for leaf cuttings. I note that simple gloxinia take root in this way without difficulty. But terry often rot. Therefore, their cuttings in this way require increased attention.

Mistakes in breeding gloxinia

It happens that when trying to propagate gloxinia at home, difficulties arise.
The most common problem is rotten rooted leaves. If 2-3 leaves are missing, it's not scary. But if all or most of it rots, then it's your faults.

    • When planting the cutting, you pressed hard on it. You can't do this. It is better to make a hole in the soil with a stick, put a cutting in it and carefully compress the earth around it.
    • The sun's rays fall on the greenhouse with rooted plants. Urgently protect the cuttings from them.
    • Plants have little light. Amplify the lighting by moving the stalk closer to the window, or turn on the backlight.

Sunlight for germinated plants is very useful.

    • The cuts are made with a poorly sanitized blade or simply broken off from the mother plant.
    • Very hot or, conversely, very cold.
    • Old leaves were taken for rooting. It is better to take leaves during the budding or flowering of the plant.

Storage of gloxinia tubers:

There are many ways to store gloxinia tubers:

- you can fill the go-shock with sand from above, do not pour, store in a dark place at a temperature of 10-12 degrees;

- clean the tubers from the ground, sprinkle with dry sand or shavings, store in the refrigerator in containers for vegetables;

- put pots with tubers in a dark, cool place, for example, under a bath, water 1-2 times a month, avoiding overwetting and drying out.

In order for gloxinia to be comfortable, good lighting, high air humidity, a properly selected soil mixture, shading (if necessary), moderate watering with warm water and top dressing, timely replanting, lowering the temperature during dormancy, keeping the plants clean.

Starting to grow gloxinia in their home, many flower lovers face various problems caused by improper conditions. The plant, despite the care, is sick and may die from overflow, lack of light or heat. It is especially disappointing when expensive and rare varieties die. And this can happen both among amateurs and professionals involved in breeding gloxinia.

To save a flower or protect yourself from possible losses, it is better to breed it in advance, while it is healthy. Moreover, having received many children, you can give extra copies of it to your friends. Reproduction of gloxinia can be carried out by seeds, leaf cuttings and even part of the leaf plate, peduncle and tuber division.

Each of these methods has its own characteristics and nuances that you need to know about in order for the result of the work carried out to be positive.

Reproduction of gloxinia leaves and leaf cuttings

For a grower who has grown and propagated with leaves at least once indoor violets(saintpaulia), growing gloxinia with leaf cuttings is not difficult. Gloxinia, the reproduction of which can be carried out in this way, takes root very well and gives several children. Gloxinia obtained from the leaf is quite strong, and completely repeats varietal qualities mother plant.

Carry out rooting leaf cutting can be done in two ways:

  • a cut leaf of gloxinia is placed in a glass of water, and after the roots appear (at least 1 cm), it can be planted in a peat tablet or a glass with prepared soil;
  • the cut leaf is immediately planted in a soaked peat tablet or soil. This method is considered more rational. It is not necessary to plant a leaf in the prepared soil deeply - by 1-1.5 cm, in order to only cover the roots and speed up the appearance of children.

The leaf is cut off with a sterile scalpel or blade along with the petiole, not less than 2 cm. A medium-sized leaf can be planted immediately, and a large one can be divided into two full parts, from which gloxinia tubers will grow. If the leaf is placed in water, then it should be no more than 1-1.5 cm in the cup, so that it covers only the petiole, does not reach the leaf and does not cause it to rot.

In both the first and second cases, a glass of water or soil, in which a leaf stalk is placed (sits down), is covered with a bag to create a greenhouse under it, which improves its rooting. Usually, at the end of the leaf, nodules are formed on the 18-20th day. And even if you planted a leaf, but did not see the first shoots, nodules in the soil may continue to grow or simply go dormant. At the same time, the sheet may wither itself or it must be cut off and put the glass in a warm and bright place - in summer period, and to a cooler place - in the middle of autumn, in winter. To make the rooting of the cuttings more successful, “Kornevin” is added to the soil for gloxinia, which improves the formation of the root system.

Growing gloxinia from seeds at home

If you decide to grow gloxinia from seeds, then you need to either buy the seeds of the gloxinia you like, or pollinate the plants you already have by transferring pollen from the anther of one flower to the stigma of the pistil of another synningia. In the appeared seed box, the seeds ripen from one and a half to two months. When the box dries up and cracks, the seeds that have spilled out of it are ready for sowing.

Getting gloxinia from seeds is an entertaining and interesting process that all flower lovers enjoy. Thus, pollinating the flowers different types gloxinia, owners of large collections receive new varieties that become their main pride. Propagation of gloxinia seeds is carried out as follows:

  • a special organo-mineral peat substrate (with the same parts - peat, sand and leafy earth) is poured into a pre-prepared dish (wide enough);
  • after which gloxinia seeds mixed with sand are sown on top. It is not necessary to deepen them, since they are very small and germinate only in the light;
  • when all the seeds are sown, the soil can be sprinkled with water from a spray bottle, but be very careful not to wash the seeds away and prevent them from sinking deep into the soil. Soil moisture is important in order to dissolve the shell of the seeds and speed up their germination;
  • the seed container is closed with a transparent oilcloth and placed in a bright and warm place(in winter, it must be placed under a fluorescent lamp).

Gloxinia germinates from seeds for 7-9 days in the form of small sprouts. When can they be transplanted? After 20-25 days, the children grow strongly, begin to interfere with each other and need the first pick. Properly carried out picking will give them the opportunity to grow even, strong. They will not stretch and grow large, fleshy leaves. The second pick is made on the 45-50th day. Young and already strong bushes can be seated in separate cups or flowerpots. In this case, the plants no longer need cover. If you have carried out all the steps correctly, 3.5-4 months after sowing, you will be able to see the first buds.

Reproduction of gloxinia with the help of a peduncle

Particularly rare varieties of synningia are propagated with the help of a peduncle. How difficult is it to grow gloxinia from a peduncle? To do this, you can take a faded peduncle and root it in the same way as with a leaf cutting. Simple, non-terry varieties of gloxinia root very easily in this way, but terry ones often get sick and rot. Therefore, you can resort to this method if you are confident in your abilities, since in this case the flower requires special attention.

How to divide gloxinia tubers for its reproduction so that they do not disappear?

It is advisable to divide the gloxinia tuber only in the spring. To do this, take an overgrown tuber (at least 6 cm) and divide it into parts with a sterile knife so that they have one or even two sprouts. Sections must be treated with activated charcoal and allowed to dry a little. Some even use garden var, which closes the sections and prevents the tuber from rotting. After that, they can be transplanted into flowerpots and not watered for several days.

How to plant gloxinia so that it grows healthy and does not get sick? How to grow it correctly? Such questions are asked by many amateur flower growers. And what soil will be optimal for this plant? All this can be read in the article on the care of gloxinia.
