Main signs. Signs related to the house

Magic in the home. Important signs that you should know.

Turns out, life modern man full of signs or rituals that can be safely attributed to magic .

Everyone knows that spilled salt - to a quarrel. But not everyone knows where this sign came from.

In the old days, salt was very rare, and therefore an expensive product. And the waste of such value in vain inevitably led to a showdown.

Hence and omen.

There are many such examples, including a sign with an empty or full bucket that is carried towards you, or the need to sit down in your own house in front of the road.

Several centuries ago, mothers knew how to treat their children, as it was believed that a person connected by blood ties is able to heal from any ailment.

In especially difficult situations, they turned to the help of otherworldly forces. Every woman of childbearing age had in her arsenal spells for almost all occasions: protection from those in power, from unrighteous judges, from sickness, from the evil eye, and so on. Such "conspiracies" were based not only on words. This is a unique combination of words, desires, thoughts, actions and special auxiliary items.

Now few people practice conspiracies and spells in everyday life, but you still need to know them in order to protect your home from troubles and misfortunes, in order to be able to resist negative impacts from other people to bring wealth and prosperity to the home.

One of the most important rooms in the house is the bedroom.

It is especially important to harmonize the space if a young couple lives in the room. It is believed that sleeping place at the window - to constant traveling. It is better if the spouses sleep on the same bed - a sofa or a double bed. Two shifted "one and a half" - not the best way if you do not want discord in your intimate life.

By the way, it is recommended to sleep under a large one-piece blanket. Any obstacle between the bodies of partners entails an energy separation, it is extremely important not to allow this, especially the first few months of life together.

If during sleep the body is located with its feet towards the exit from the room, then during the night the vital forces leave. The custom of carrying the deceased forward with their feet is very closely connected with this sign.

Be sure to properly position the mirrors in the apartment.

In the bedroom, in no case should you put or hang a mirror so that sleeping people are reflected in it, even some part of the body. The mirror in the hallway should be on the side of front door, but not vice versa.

Since ancient times, the mirror has been attributed magical properties, considering it a door to another world. And again we recall the signs of the dead. If the body of a deceased person is in the house, then the mirrors must be hung with a dark cloth so that they do not “remember” sorrow and grief, and the soul is not lost in the “mirror”.

If you want to lure money into the house, you can do one or more rituals.

Count the money in your wallet regularly. You can not give or borrow in the evening, especially after sunset.

Under the front door mat, you can put a few coins "eagle" up. And put a bill under the tablecloth in the kitchen. Try not to brush the crumbs off the table with your hand.

Do not throw anything out the window, even if we are talking about a simple cigarette butt. This action entails leaving the house of material values.

You can hide "treasures" in the house. Coins and banknotes are removed in hard-to-reach places: several books in the closet, behind desk, under the clothes on the shelves. Each time, removing the money in a secluded place, say: "money to money." And then prosperity will surely come to you, because you will already surround yourself with various amounts of money everywhere.

When guests come to you, you should be especially careful.

Do not allow them to wash dishes in your house, this can lead to strife in the family.

The custom of treating guests also has a fairly good reason. Previously, it was believed that you should not attack a person, wish him harm or harm if you shared bread and salt with him.

If some holiday is celebrated in the house, then you need to cover all the invited guests, plus one more - for an unexpected guest. Even if the place is free all evening, this simple sign will attract money and peace to your hospitable home.

By the way, this custom has a quite practical orientation. If suddenly an unexpected guest appears, then the hostess will not need to fuss to find cutlery, plates, a chair for him.

When the guests have left your house, you need to pay attention to a few points when clearing the table. In no case should you eat up from other people's plates or drink from other people's glasses - you can take the illnesses of others for yourself.

There are many household signs which can predict or even influence your future.

If you often hold on to the corner of the table, then there is a high probability that your living space will appear in the near future.

Broken or chipped dishes should be immediately taken out of the house in order to maintain harmony and prevent quarrels.

If you return or give someone a certain container (jar, box, bucket), then you must definitely put something inside, preferably a small coin. If you give away part of yours, you will receive it back in an increased equivalent.

You can’t look at the same mirror at the same time - to a quarrel and division of any property. For two young girls, this could mean that they fall in love with the same guy.

And finally, the most important sign.

It should be treated with special respect. If you are doing something for the home, like what is listed in this article, DO NOT TELL ANYONE ABOUT THIS. You are doing this for yourself and for your home, a stranger's eye (and sometimes it can be unkind) is completely useless here.

Probably, many people know the sign of accidentally spilled salt, which portends quarrels, scandals and other troubles. But what about sugar? Perhaps more favorable events await us? We will present you with some interpretations of the signs "why sprinkle sugar."

It turns out there is effective method neutralize Negative influence scattered salt: for this, it is enough to pour quite a bit of sugar on the scattered crystals. Quarrels in this case can be avoided, according to popular sign. Scattering sweet crystals during a quarrel between spouses promises them an early reconciliation.

Notes on sugar

There are not very many of them. In the distant past, it was an expensive product that not everyone could afford, but only very wealthy people. Once upon a time, sweet sand was made only from reed, which in Russia was exotic plant. So it was until there was a way to get it from beets, which were perfectly grown in the vast expanses of the country. And despite this for a long time, this product was practically inaccessible to low-income people because of its high cost.

Probably for this reason, all interpretations of signs - to sprinkle sugar on the table, on the floor, at the door, etc. - are interpreted as the threshold of a sweet life, luxury and pleasure. Signs about spilled sugar have some clarification. The place where the sweet grains fell is important:

  • Scattered on the table - expect financial profit.
  • On the floor - a harbinger of pleasant changes in personal life: interesting acquaintances, flirting. For married people, the sign portends new stage in a relationship, second honeymoon.
  • On a saucer - good luck in everyday matters.
  • I got on clothes - for new clothes and going out. For everyone, this concept is interpreted in its own way: for some, this is a visit to the theater, someone is planning a trip to a disco or a rock festival. In any case, it will be an appearance in a public place.

What to expect a person who has spilled sugar?

Whether you believe in signs or are skeptical about them, most likely you will be interested to know how loose sugar was treated in the distant past and how it is interpreted today.

Do not worry if you accidentally spilled sugar on the table - a sign promises you a comfortable, sweet life. What does the word "sweet" mean in this case? It can be defined as happy, without sorrows and hardships.

Sugar at the door

Often, people who believe in signs and various mystical rites, salt and even earth are poured at the door on purpose. This rite is negative or, in the case of salt, protective. Sweet crystals, accidentally spilled at the door, promise you quick and pleasant changes in the house: repairs (although for many this is not the most pleasant event), major acquisitions.

The sign has one more meaning - the financial wealth of family members (repaid debts, bonuses). And one more meaning - guests will come to your house, whom you will be very happy about.

To the money

It turns out that it’s not bad at all to sprinkle sugar today: a sign promises you to receive a significant amount in the near future, which will come as a surprise to you. Moreover, you will be pleasantly surprised by the source of income - it can be a good deal, a tangible increase in salary, or an inheritance from a distant relative.

It's good when the sugar crumbled in a slide. This portends you to receive a large one-time profit, which can be regarded as random luck: winning a dispute, lottery, repaying a debt.

To family happiness

There was once a tradition for newlyweds to throw sugar on their wedding day. It was believed that the life of this couple would become happy and sweet. Sometimes only pinches were thrown, and sometimes handfuls. However, today this tradition is not observed by everyone, since sticky sugar can ruin the outfits, hairstyles of the newlyweds, but the path along which they will walk can be lightly sprinkled with sweet sand.

To success in love

Here, it turns out, why sprinkle sugar! For a young girl, this sign can be interpreted as follows: she came to prepare for the beautiful deeds of her faithful admirer and expect a romantic date. If a man spilled sugar, the omen promises him the conquest of the lady of his heart. And even if she is not too supportive, there is every reason to count on success.

To building relationships

What to expect if in large numbers sprinkle sugar? The sign portends the establishment of relations with a loved one with whom you long time couldn't find common language. Your relationship will change very soon: mutual understanding and respect will come.

Sugar scattered on the floor promises gaining peace of mind and inner peace, good luck in business. A bursting bag of sweet sand portends good news.

Rafinated sugar

If before you bite off a piece of refined sugar, the sweet cube crumbles, this means that very soon you will find financial well-being. A piece of refined sugar that has fallen out of your hands and broken, portends a series of happy events.

For an unmarried woman

Success in love awaits everyone if you accidentally sprinkle sugar! The sign for unmarried ladies is especially good. It is believed that the sugar scattered by negligence portends their acquaintance with the betrothed. For this sign to work, you need to draw a heart on the scattered sugar.

Married ladies in this case will receive increased attention from their spouse. Relations in the family will acquire a new, romantic character.

The interpretation of folk signs may differ somewhat depending on the gender, age, marital status of the person to whom they refer. If you believe in signs, then spilled sugar, as follows from all of the above, is one of the most pleasant of them.

Popular wisdom says: if you want to enhance the effect of signs, then do not rush to immediately remove sugar. Wait at least five minutes before cleaning, and only then collect everything that was scattered. In addition, spilled sugar should not be thrown into the trash. Sweep it carefully and take it out into the street: throwing sugar into a bucket, you will deprive yourself of all the positive promised by the omen. And one more piece of advice: deliberately spilled sugar, most likely, will only bring you losses. Signs come true when everything happens by chance.

1) To be identified in a person - for a wedding or for a dead person.
2) To lose a glove - unfortunately.
3)) Break the mirror - for worse.
4) If you step on someone else's footprint, your legs will hurt.
5) Sew a dress on yourself, sew on a button - you will sew a memory.
6) Clothes inside out - either drunk or you will be beaten.
7) The right eye itches - to look at the cute.
8) Whose cheeks are burning, there is a rumor about that.
9) The eyelash will fall out - for a gift.
10) Hiccuped - did you remember it for good?
11) The elbow itches - to grief.
12) The back of the head itches - unfortunately.
13) Itching in the nose - to the good news.
14) Cheeks itch and burn - to tears.
15) The right eyebrow itches - to a date with a friend, the left one - with a secret enemy.
16) Bread or a spoon will fall at dinner - the guest is in a hurry.
17) Choking at dinner - the guest is in a hurry.
18) A spoon forgotten on the table - to the guest.
19) Accidentally extinguish a candle - to the guests
20) Whoever's ear is on fire, they say about him: the right one is the truth, the left one is a lie.
21) Ringing in the right ear - a good mention; in the left - thin.
22) Accidentally spilling salt - to a quarrel (and so that a quarrel does not happen, sprinkle salt on your head, laugh or let yourself be hit on the forehead).
23) When the sun has set, do not throw rubbish on the street: you will be thrown through.
24) At sunset, do not count money, do not conduct calculations.
25) In one hut, do not take revenge with different brooms: wealth will scatter in the corners.
26) During the new moon, do not show the moon an empty wallet: it will always be empty.
27) To wipe yourself with one towel with two - in the next world to be torn.
28) On Monday you sneeze - a gift in the week.
29) He sneezed - so he told the truth. Sneeze for the truth.
30) He who is ticklish is jealous.
31) Elbow itches - sleep in a new place.
32) To go out in the rain is a harbinger of a prosperous road, as in any enterprise.
A lot of signs are associated with animals. It was believed that they, unlike people, developed a special flair for upcoming events or changes in life. By their behavior, they always helped people, warned them or, on the contrary, gave the go-ahead for decisive action.
1) Raven. If a raven sits on the dome or bell tower of a temple, the deceased will be buried in that church. If on the roof of the house - someone will die.
2) Dove. A dove will fly in the window - to be a fire or someone to die, sometimes to be news.
3) Cat. When a cat washes its paw towards itself - to be guests, and when it sleeps with a stigma under its belly - to bad weather or to cold.
4) Swallow. There is a sign that if someone kills a swallow (which is recognized as a mistress, a housewife, a housewife) or a dove, a titmouse, then he will not be happy in cattle breeding.
5) Spiders. According to popular Russian belief, all spiders are harmful - from small to large. Whoever accidentally eats a spider will suffer from dropsy or swelling in the stomach.
6) Dog. According to popular belief, a dog howls - either to a fire, or to a dead person, or to his own death. To a fire - howls up with his muzzle, to a dead person - down, and to his death - sitting or lying down. If the dog reaches out to someone, then to the update.
7) Owl. This bird is popularly considered destructive, because it portends misfortune (as if). Superstitious people carry her claws with them to protect themselves from sorcery.
8) The yard bird is plucked - to bad weather.
9) The chicken stands on one leg - to the cold. A mother hen puts chickens under her - to bad weather.
10) Crows gather in a bunch or bathe - to bad weather.
11) Sparrows bathe in dust or chirp - to rain.
12) Swallows fly low - to rain, and high - to the sun.
Signs of our grandmothers for especially superstitious people. These signs will also help you protect yourself from various troubles and surprises.
1) It was customary for some superstitious people to keep hair and nails, who thought that in the next world they would have to give an account for every hair. When combing, leaving a strand of hair not braided meant - the road from home.
2) Road. In the old days, it was not advised to leave on Monday: a failure on the trip. Also bad omen it was considered if the hare ran across the road. And if someone wants to see the person leaving on the road as soon as possible, he, returning to the threshold, should look back after the person leaving.
3) Porridge. When the porridge boiled in the oven rose above the edges of the pot and leaned back, it was a superstitious sign of happiness and abundance, and when the slop was at the mouth of the oven - loss, damage, ruin of the house.
4) Moon. Who will see the new moon with right side, that, according to old Russian beliefs, will receive income within a month, right out of the blue, from the left - an expense. It is also advised to hold on to money at the sight of a new moon so that there is a profit for the whole month.
5) A pregnant woman. In the old days, they assured that a pregnant woman certainly had to put aside all the troubles and objects of an unpleasant appearance - animals, ugly people. Otherwise, she could give birth to a child whose face or image could bear a strong resemblance to an animal or that freak that she often saw or was frightened of.
6) If someone notices a mother that her baby is beautiful or healthy, in a word - praises, then the superstitious mother, so that they do not take lessons from the baby, licked his face three times and each time spat on the ground. The same is done with the child in the bath.
7) Update. The one who spat on the dress inadvertently hoped to receive or sew a new one by all means. White spots on the fingernails also indicate updates; their size is used to judge the value of these updates.
Do not leave pieces of bread and other food after eating. To small children, mothers and grandmothers, worried about the poor appetite of their child, say that without eating, they leave their strength. Bread has long been considered a symbol of prosperity and well-being. Therefore, according to the sign, if a person leaves pieces of bread, then one of his relatives far from him is in need. Or soon he himself will face material difficulties.
You should not give things over the threshold. Also, you should not say hello through the threshold, as you risk quarreling. The threshold, according to popular belief, served as a border dividing the space into two halves, one of which was the possession of evil spirits. And a person standing on this line, as it were, had one foot in the world of evil spirits and therefore became vulnerable to them. For the same reason, it is considered a bad omen, also foreshadowing a quarrel, for two close people to bypass the pillar from different sides.
When leaving home, do not rush, so as not to forget something in a hurry, as the return is considered bad sign indicating failure awaiting you. By returning, you kill your beginning. If it so happened that you had to return, then it is better to give up on this day from any serious matters. There is also a belief that if you had to return, then when you leave, you need to look in the mirror. However, if you do not attach importance to this folk wisdom, but you have had to return more than once, then following this superstitious rule will not hurt you: you will become less distracted.
You can’t sew clothes on yourself or sew on buttons, especially in front of the road: you will sew the road, in other words, there is a possibility that trouble may happen to you on the road. In general, everything that, one way or another, is connected with the human body, has long been given great importance.
Sorcerers and sorcerers, in order to bring damage to a person, made a doll similar to him and stuck needles into it, after which the one who became a victim of damage began to slowly fade away. Another sign is connected with this phenomenon, according to which, talking about diseases, physical disabilities or the wounds of another, you can not show on yourself that this person hurts.
This series of superstitions also includes numerous signs associated with human hair: you can’t leave your hair in a comb, because in this case you leave all your worries of the current day for the next day. It is considered a bad sign to cut your own hair. Hair should not be thrown anywhere, but it is best to bury or burn it. These signs are also associated with the fact that hair carries information about a person. And if they fall into the hands of a fortune teller, he can use it to harm a person.
In no case should you wear other people's things and give your own. Since things, being in the long-term use of their owner, are also a kind of treasury of his energy information. Every thing has its own energy field. All changes in the energy of a person are reflected in his things. The antiquity of this superstition is also indicated folk tales: sorceresses often used in their magical actions (damage, evil eye) personal items of the person they wanted to harm.
Break dishes, glass during some celebration was considered a good sign. From here came the custom at the wedding to beat the dishes for good luck. In the Urals, in rural regions, the custom is still tenacious, according to which, on the second day after the wedding, the young husband must break the plate, which was used to cover the pancake dish, presented by the mother-in-law to her new relative.

Many of us believe that all signs and superstitions are a relic of the past. However, we are still afraid of black cats on the roads and broken mirrors. Consider the most famous signs and their meanings. Probably, after that you will be able to answer the question: is it worth believing in omens?

Why not celebrate 40 years?

The origins of this sign stretch from the time Kievan Rus. In ancient times, it was customary to check a buried person forty days later for incorruptibility. In this regard, the number 40 was included in everyday life with a special mystical meaning. And if you believe the esotericists, then 40 is the number of death and corresponds to the “Death” card in fortune-telling on the Tarot card. It is believed that if a person celebrates his fortieth birthday, he will attract trouble.

Why can't you donate a watch?

Give a watch Bad sign. This superstition came to us from Ancient China. The inhabitants of this country still believe that the donated watch is an invitation to their funeral, and they will count the minutes until the death of the person who gave such a present.

Why can't you take the trash out of the house at night?

According to popular belief, those who take out the garbage from the house after sunset will become victims of gossip and gossip. The meaning of this sign and its origin is unknown. It is believed that people who took out the trash in the dark were hiding something. Curious neighbors saw everything and began to speculate about the contents of the trash can: after all, it’s not without reason that a person takes out the trash at night!

Why are the dishes breaking?

Many people think that broken dishes are Bad sign. However, it is not. The ancient Chinese believed that if, for example, a cup broke, it meant that it had accumulated a lot of negative energy and broke from the fact that she can no longer withstand the pressure of negative emotions. Broken dishes must be immediately collected and thrown away from the house.

Why does the left palm itch?

People say that if the left palm itches, then this is for monetary profit. If it itches right palm, then it is necessary, on the contrary, to give money. It is believed that left palm- taking, and the right - giving. So if you want to attract money, then scratch more often left palm, then the profit itself will be pulled to you.

Sprinkle salt - to a quarrel?

There is a popular sign that says: spilled salt - expect a quarrel. This old sign originated at a time when salt was considered a delicacy. She was brought to the table only on holidays, as she was very expensive. If someone spilled salt, then he was strongly scolded for it and could even be beaten.

Break a mirror - to grief?

The origin and meaning of this sign came to us from the ancient teachings of feng shui. The mirror, according to Chinese wisdom, is an indicator of the atmosphere in the house. If it broke, it means that a lot of negative energy has accumulated in the house. It is believed that if you break a mirror, then seven years of bad luck await you. This consequence can be avoided if you do not look at the fragments, quickly collect them and throw them away from home.

Wearing clothes inside out - to trouble?

It is believed that clothes worn inside out will attract trouble. In ancient times, holy fools wore clothes inside out. Therefore, the meaning of this sign is quite justified: clothes inside out are a sign of an unlucky, sick and poor person.

Why can't you eat with a knife?

According to this popular belief, eating from a knife means being charged with negative energy. Since ancient times, knives have been designed for hunting and war, so if you decide to eat from a knife, it will make you aggressive, angry and irritable.

Why can't you take pictures of sleeping people?

The meaning of this sign is still not fully understood. Many argue that it is impossible to photograph sleeping people just because in a dream the soul of a person leaves his body, and in the picture he will turn out in this case without a soul, which can harm him.

The origin of these signs is connected with ancient beliefs, which at present have practically no justification. But this is no reason not to believe folk signs! Trust only good superstitions then they will bring you good luck and happiness! We are waiting for your comments on the topic and do not forget to click on the buttons and

11.02.2014 15:23

Signs after death have been observed for many hundreds of years. Despite the ban of the church, many are trying to fulfill the original ...

Throughout the history of mankind, people have always noticed some strange patterns, after the execution of which something bad or good happened. Subsequently, these patterns were called signs and superstitions. Despite the fact that their vast majority is more of a mere coincidence than a sign of fate, many people continue to blindly believe in them. So what do folk omens really mean?

AT new house the animal must be released first. The people believed that the cat is able to determine the positive and negative places in the house: it lies on the energetically unfavorable zones and neutralizes them. And the dog, on the contrary, chooses auspicious places on which it is recommended to equip a resting place - a bedroom.

Say hello and say goodbye on the threshold - to a quarrel. The point is that the threshold special place in the system of mystical symbols. This is a kind of boundary between housing and outside world, and inappropriate behavior can attract evil spirit. In addition, greeting a person or saying goodbye to him on the threshold is contrary to the rules of decency.

The broom should stand in the corner with the handle down. There is an opinion that a brownie lives on a broom - the keeper of the family hearth and well-being. Storing a broom in this position will increase its service life, and the “tenant” will diligently fulfill their duties (to protect the house from the evil eye and evil spirits). By the way, it is not in vain that there is a sign to take an old broom to a new house.

You can not put the bag in which the wallet is located on the floor. Remember the saying: "what fell is gone." So it is: everything that is dropped or placed on the ground is a symbolic offering of gifts to the gods.

Do not wash and sweep the floor immediately after the guest leaves.. This can harm the departed person. To destroy his still preserved mystical traces is the same as to drive him out of the house.

Keep broken dishes- Unfortunately. Broken dishes represent inconsistency, inferiority, and keeping it in the house can bring discord into the family.

Sprinkle salt - to a quarrel. The thing is that in ancient times, salt was a very expensive product. Spilling this product on the floor meant displeasure or even anger of the owner.

Do not leave empty dishes (bottle) on the table. This portends lack of money. For this reason, housewives turn pots, pots, jars upside down at night if they are empty.

It is forbidden to whistle in the house. The whistle is like the howl of the wind, which can cause damage. household- take good.

You can't go home halfway. This sign is explained very simply: having returned home from half the road, a person did not achieve his goal, for which he left his home.

To meet a person with an empty bucket is a failure. In the old days, if you met a person with an empty bucket, it meant that there was no water in the nearest well. Naturally, the one who walked on the water considered his campaign unsuccessful.

You can not fully open the umbrella in the house. This can bring bad luck, because an umbrella is associated with clouds and bad weather.

Is it worth looking for mystical signs where they are not? After all, everything we believe in comes true, so believe only in the good!

Do you know that...

One of the worst signs is considered a broken mirror. And this sign appeared in medieval Italy. The mirrors there were incredibly expensive, and in order for the servants to treat them carefully, the owners invented fairy tales that a broken mirror promises a whole list of misfortunes.

To whom does a black cat bring good luck?

Each nation has its own superstitions and signs that reflect the culture and mentality of the inhabitants of a particular country. Many signs different countries are similar to our beliefs, but most of them contradict the beliefs of our ancestors. For example, if we have a cat personifies dark forces, then in England, on the contrary, it brings good luck. Let's learn more about the most common signs of other countries.

GREECE. In any self-respecting Greek house, a lush cactus grows near the threshold. Armed with sharp thorns, it effectively protects the home from various troubles.

CHINA. If a butterfly flew into the house, then soon expect guests.

JAPAN. The Japanese are not allowed to be photographed together. It is believed that the one who is in the middle can bring death on himself.

In addition, on Japanese the number "four" is pronounced the same as the word "death", and "nine" - as "illness". Therefore, in local houses, especially in hospitals, there are no fourth and ninth floors.

ENGLAND. Contrary to our fear of black cats, in this country they are very fond of and even give them to each other "for good luck."

MALTA. On the island, in churches, there are at least two towers, the clocks on which show different time. It is believed that this will confuse the evil spirits, and they will not know the time of the beginning of the service.

SPAIN. You can not leave the scissors open - this will lead to loss and poverty.

GERMANY. Do not slam the door loudly and abruptly. The one who did this will be haunted by misfortunes for a long time, because slamming the door can pinch someone's soul.

ITALY. Temperamental Italians are afraid of peacock feathers, as the “evil eye” is located on their edges. For the same reason, Italian ladies do not like compliments. To protect themselves from envious people and unpleasant wishes, they wear a horn-shaped pendant around their neck.
