Fortune telling on matches for love. Different ways of divination with matches

What people have not used for divination throughout human history. Here, too, it was worth a century and a half ago to appear a novelty - matches, as they were immediately adapted for fortune-telling. And it is natural that fortune-telling on matches for love immediately gained the highest popularity, especially among the fair sex. In general, there are many varieties of such fortune-telling. There is also a ritual when fortune-telling is done on matches and water or on matches and pebbles, but, in principle, matches alone are enough.

How to guess with matches?

In order to tell fortunes on a loved one, you only need two matches. It is clear that they must be dry, otherwise fortune-telling may break. One of them symbolizes the betrothed, the other - you. In order not to be confused, it is worth marking them.

Both matches must be fixed in a standing position. The easiest way is to attach them to any surface with plasticine or putty. You can also use bread crumbs. Having fixed, you should light both matches at the same time and observe how their position will change.

Divination interpretation

If you are guessing at a betrothed, then the position of the burnt matches will mean the following:

  • an evenly standing match, implying the subject of your interest, means his indifference to you;
  • if, after burning, the match symbolizing a man turned away from the one that symbolizes you, it means that his feelings for you are negative;
  • but if the “male” match leaned towards yours, then he definitely feels love for you.

You should know that love divination with matches is considered one of the most reliable among the many methods of divination.

However, this way you can guess not only “for love”, but also for the attitude of any person you are interested in towards you - work colleagues, girlfriends, etc. You just need to sign one of the matches with the name of the person you are guessing at.

Divination with matches and water

This already mentioned method allows you to understand how to behave in various situations. You will need matches and a small container of water - a glass or cup is enough. Ask a question that concerns you, light a match and lower it into the water. Then repeat the procedure again:

  • matches lying in parallel portend success;
  • if they lay down a "cross" - difficulties will meet on your way;
  • smoke rising from the surface of the water means the presence of some kind of ill-wisher interfering with your plans.

Similarly, the ritual of divination by "desire" is performed. As you can see, the process is not complicated and anyone can carry it out.

Kan Victoria Vladimirovna

Specialist in divination and spiritual practices. For 2 years she traveled in Tibet and India. Conducts fortune-telling sessions for readers of our resource for free.

Articles written

Fortune-telling with matches is very popular among people, since the element of fire has a spiritual connection with the universe. It can help you find answers to some questions. From ancestors, the method of divination with matches and water passed to us.

In the article you will learn how to correctly guess on matches.

Fortune telling with matches should be done at night when it is dark outside. If you do it during the day, the results will be wrong.

Divination by desire

Option one

The easiest way to guess. You need matches and a candle. The latter will serve as a link to the universe. You need to do the following:

  1. Light a candle.
  2. Make up a question in your head and take a few matches without counting them.
  3. Throw on the table
  4. Do the math.
  5. If their number of matches is even, the wish will come true. Odd - no.

Option two

Find big matches. So that they burn longer than usual. Try to light one. If:

  • They could not light it right away, the desire was not destined to come true.
  • It will break when you try to set it on fire, in order to fulfill a dream you will have to overcome many obstacles.
  • Not burned out - there will be a good start, but still not fulfilled.
  • If the match burns and the fire is bright, it will soon come true.

Divination for love

Method one

Light the matches and see which way they lean:

  • If both are drawn to each other, you love each other.
  • Only one bent over - one of the lovers has more feelings.
  • The match burned out without bending. It means he doesn't have feelings for you.
  • One of the matches turned away from the other. A person experiences only negative emotions towards you. It is impossible to build a relationship with him.

Method two

Here we need matches and water. We need to do the following:

  1. Pour water into a bowl so that it is half empty.
  2. Light a match and wait for it to burn out.
  3. Throw into the water.
  4. Repeat one more time.

If there is a long distance between matches, then you cannot be together. If the matches are nearby, then this person is your other half.

Method three

This fortune-telling on matches is a little more complicated than the previous ones. It is rather. You need to do the following:

  1. Find two candles. Best in church. It is you who should buy them, and not another girl.
  2. On one candle, scratch the capital letter of your name with a needle. On the second - beloved.
  3. Light one candle. Wait until the match is half burnt.
  4. Throw a match into a bowl.
  5. Repeat with the second candle.
  6. Take two candles, and drip hot wax into the center of the container for half a minute.
  7. An image will appear on the water. Look at him: Circles appeared - you will have a happy relationship; Heart - there will be some obstacles; If both matches were connected with wax, you will marry him.

There are many ways to guess on matches for love. These three are the most common.

Fortune telling on the betrothed.

This type of ritual is necessary if two guys are after you and it's hard for you to make a choice.

You need:

  1. Take three matches and put them on the table. Use plasticine.
  2. Give the matches names. Yours and loved ones. Install yours in the center, because the choice is yours. Men on the side.
  3. Set fire to the one in the middle. Wait for the result.
  • If she burned out and did not lean towards either of the others, both men will not become your betrothed.
  • If she turned, but not to other matches, but in a different direction, then there is another man whom you know and who will be your betrothed.
  • If she leaned towards one of the men, you will be with him.

Definition of spoilage on matches

Fortune telling with matches will help you find out if damage has been imposed on a person.

Method one

So you need:

  1. Take a glass and fill it halfway with water.
  2. Wrap your arms around it for a few minutes. This is how you transfer your energy to the water.
  3. After a while, throw salt into the water.
  4. Light a match. Wait for the flame to reach your fingers.
  5. Throw into the water. Repeat this two or four times.
  6. Look into the water.
  • If everyone drowns, you have been heavily corrupted. You may not be able to remove it yourself, and you will have to ask the magician.
  • If it drowned, two or three matches, then the damage is weak, and you can remove it at home.
  • If none of them drowned, then there is no damage to you.

You can use bread instead of matches.

Method two

Another way is a bit similar to the previous one. But it can only be done on Friday.

  1. It is necessary to fill the glass with water so that a couple of centimeters remain to the edge.
  2. Take three matches.
  3. Light one and throw it into the water as soon as it burns out. You can not shift it from one hand to another or put it on the table.
  4. The same goes for the rest of the matches.
  5. Leave the glass until morning. If the matches are afloat, there is no damage. If one drowned, the damage is weak. Two is strong. Everything, damage to death.

Removing damage with matches

Fortune telling on matches can not only determine damage, but also remove it. There are several ways.

Ritual with nine matches

You need to call a friend, because it is he who will guess.

  1. You need a glass of water from a spring.
  2. Take a new box and pour out all the extra ones so that only 9 matches remain.
  3. Sit opposite the assistant. He should take a match, look at you through the fire, and say:

God, help your slave(s) (name). Pure heavenly blood, save and save (name) from the black evil eye, from the evil hour, from the male, from the female, from the spoken, from the spoken, from the envious and hated. Amen.

  1. When the flame reaches his fingers, he must throw the match into the water and repeat this 8 more times.
  2. If none of the matches sank, then there was no damage. If several drowned, then it was, and you successfully removed it. If everyone drowned, then the damage is very strong and it cannot be removed in one day. It is necessary to repeat the ritual two more times over the next two days. (If even after a few days all the matches sink, then only a real magician can remove the damage)
  3. On the third day, you need to take 4 sips of this water, one on each side of the glass and say:

God help me! Do not leave your servant (name). Amen.

  • Go outside and pour out the rest of the water. Definitely over the left shoulder. (Away from your home)

Ritual with three matches

Take a jar of water. Say three times:

Save and heal the mother queen, save and heal, and have mercy from the day, from the noon, from the night, from the midnight, from the hour, from the half-hour, from the second, from the half-second thin eye. Amen.

  • Burn three matches one after the other. At the same time, baptize the water, repeating:

Fire and water dashing in the eye.

  • Now throw the matches into the water. Sprinkle yourself, or the one who was spoiled with water, saying:

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

  • Now you need to drink this water. Recommended several times. Wet your hands, face and hair with it. Dry off the wrong side of your clothing.

Christmas divination


You need:

  1. Fill a cup with water and place it next to the bed.
  2. Make a square well out of matches. He must wrap the cup. It is important that it looks exactly like a well, and not like a fence.
  3. Put a padlock on the handle and close it.
  4. Place a thimble next to the well. It will act as a bucket.
  5. Put the key under your pillow.
  6. You will need willpower, because you will have to eat two teaspoons of salt. Go to bed quickly and don't talk to anyone until morning.

At night the bridegroom will come to open the well and give you water.

There is another option if you do not want to eat salt. In a dream, your future husband will come to you. He will ask you for the key to the well in order to give his horse water to drink.

What to expect in the new year

Take 7 matches and throw them on the floor. The results will depend on what the dropped drawing resembles:

  • Home - A happy family life awaits you.
  • Bird - Mutual love.
  • Something like a roof - comrades will support you.
  • Beast - In the new year you will meet a good friend.
  • Tree - A baby will appear.
  • Cross - Problems, obstacles or conflicts.
  • Heart - You will meet your love.

Guessing with matches and water is very simple, and there are many options for guessing with matches. This article shows the best ways. As a rule, the results are correct.

In addition to fortune-telling on matches for love, there are other rituals.

There are a lot of different options for fortune telling on matches. It all depends on what or who you need to guess.

The elements of fire have been worshiped since ancient times. With its help, magicians contact the Universe, communicate with spirits and tune in to work. You can look at fire endlessly, it calms, clears thoughts. And he can give answers to a variety of questions. Fortune telling on water and matches is a simplified version that we inherited from our ancestors.

Divination with matches for love

To perform the ritual, you will need a new box of matches. Mentally imagine the person you are guessing at. Take two matches and set them vertically to each other at a short distance. You can fix it with plasticine, dough, wax, a piece of bread and so on. Mentally decide which match will characterize you. And which one is your favorite.

First way

Light matches and watch them burn.

Leaned towards each other - mutual love.

One of them leaned towards someone, which means that that person has more feelings than the other.

The match burned out evenly - the person is absolutely indifferent.

The match turned away from the other, which means that there is hostility and there can be no talk of any relationship.

Second way

Another option for divination with matches and water.

Take a bowl and fill it halfway with water. Light one match and wait until it burns out, and throw it into the water. Do the same with the second match. Then watch how they behave. If they stay away from each other, then your relationship is not destined to develop. If they are side by side, you have found your soul mate.

Third way

This divination is more complex, it refers to magical rituals. For these purposes, you need to buy two wax candles, preferably in a church. You can not entrust the purchase to others.

On the first candle, draw the first letter of your name with a needle, on the second - your loved one. Light a candle, wait until the match burns out to the middle and throw it into a container of water. Do the same with the second candle.

Take candles in both hands and drip wax into the center of the dish. Do this for thirty seconds. A pattern will begin to emerge on the surface of the water. Watch closely and evaluate.

If circles have arisen, then a wonderful relationship awaits you.

The heart is love, but with an obstacle and a nervous jolt.

Wax connected two matches - there will be a wedding.

Fortune telling on matches for a betrothed

This type of fortune-telling is carried out if you need to make a choice between two contenders for the heart. Take out three matches from the box and fix them on the table. Decide mentally which one is which. You should be at the center as the choice is made. Contenders on the sides. Light the central match and watch the process. Meaning:

If the match burned out evenly, then none of the guessed ones is narrowed.

If the match turned away in the other direction, then there is a third person to whom you are not indifferent.

If the match leans towards someone, you have found your betrothed.

Divination by desire

Method one

The ritual is performed after sunset. You will need a wax candle and matches. A candle is needed to connect with the universe. Light it up and put it on the table. Mentally formulate a question and pull matches out of the box at random. Throw them on the table and count them. An even number - the wish will come true. Odd - no.

Method two

It is better to use long matches, for example, hunting ones. To burn longer.

The match did not light the first time - the wish will not come true.

Broke down when trying to ignite - there are obstacles to execution.

Not burned out to the end - everything will start well, but in the end it will not come true.

The match burns with a bright flame - the wish will come true in the near future.

Fortune telling with matches is quite simple, but the results are true in most cases.

Video compilation

Fire - symbolizes the heat of love, and fortune-telling with matches in 80% gives a result that is confirmed in later life. In the article, you can read online for free the meaning of divination, which today will help you find out the result.

Divination for love with matches and water

For divination, you will need a glass of water and a box of matches. Take two matches. Give one of them the name of your loved one and say it out loud. Light a match and throw it into a glass of water, saying: “Light the fire of love in yourself!”.

Then light the second match and say your name out loud. Immediately, before it burns out, throw it into the same glass.

If the matches are arranged crosswise, or at an angle to each other, then you will have a romantic relationship with your chosen one. Matches placed in parallel symbolize that the relationship will not work out.

Divination for love on matches with answers

Take 9 matches, put them in your left hand, move and throw them on the table. Try to see the resulting pattern - this will be your future.

For example, if the matches formed a pattern similar to a heart, then love awaits you, the sun means strong and bright friendship. Matches, located in the form of an airplane, symbolize a long journey.

In general, the answer to your question will be prompted by your imagination and intuition.

Divination by matches for the love of a man (boyfriend), woman (girl)

This type of divination has been known since ancient times. Take a match. Call her the name of a loved one, saying it out loud.

Light a match and try to keep it burning for as long as possible. When the fire begins to burn a little, put it out by blowing lightly and again pronouncing the name of your loved one.

If the head of the match turned away from you, it means that they don’t like you, remained flat - they are indifferent to you, turned towards you - your feelings are mutual.

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One of the most popular Christmas fortune-telling is fortune-telling with matches. Two matches, one of which symbolizes a girl, and the other - a guy, are placed in a box and set on fire. In the process of burning, charred matches can deviate in different directions, and when the fire goes out, you need to carefully consider and interpret their positions relative to each other.

For example, if the matches are leaning their heads towards each other, then you have mutual sympathy. They look in different directions - there can be no talk of any feelings. One match tends to another, which means that he feels sympathy, and if the other match does not move away, then the lover has a chance.

According to the degree of inclination of the matches, one can interpret the feelings of the couple in different ways, the main thing is to show maximum imagination and believe that fortune-telling has a special predictive power during the holy week.

And if you can't imagine the result? You can use online fortune-telling with matches. There, the computer will set fire to the matches for you, and when they burn out, it will interpret their position itself. Do you strongly disagree with the result? You can tell fortunes again, most importantly, tune in to the right wave and think about the person you are guessing at.

In ancient times, instead of matches, dry straws or thin torches were often used. You could also take two strings - one from the shirt of the object of divination, the other from your own. The result was no worse than on matches, especially when you consider that the threads carried in themselves, as it were, a piece of the soul of their owners. If you believe in the magic of Christmas divination, then perhaps you should get some threads from clothes, but everything is already serious here and it is not allowed to guess.

And also, our grandmothers, especially in difficult rural years, for the sake of economy, didn’t burn matches, but simply put them in boxes and shook them carefully, saying: “My betrothed, mummers, tell me if your heart is leaning towards me,” and then looked at the result . According to the position of the matches, they interpreted not only the relationship of lovers at the moment, but also how their family life would develop in the future, if, for example, they were already engaged.

So this fortune-telling is suitable not only for unmarried people, but also for everyone who wants to entrust their fate to the magic of Christmas fortune-telling.

Of course, fortunetelling in Russia was customary not only in winter Christmas time, but also in summer, one might say, pagan holidays, for example, on the day of Ivan Kupala. Traditionally, this day was considered the holiday of lovers, when new couples were formed and marriage unions were sealed. And in Orthodoxy, July 8 is considered the day of lovers - the day of Saints Peter and Fevronya, whose devotion to each other has become a real legend in Russia, and whose example still inspires many people to protect their loved ones. On the eve of these days, why not guess at your betrothed, because for sure the patrons of the holidays of lovers are ready to answer the questions of those in need. And in what way to turn to them for help - through traditional methods or the Internet, I think there is not much difference.
