The adverb denotes an additional action. The participle, its concept and application

A participle is a part of speech that means that in parallel with some action, another is performed. Some linguists consider it more of a verb form, although there are many criticisms of this opinion. In any case, it contains both the signs of a verb and an adverb, denoting both the action and the way it is performed.

On what to build a participle?

It can be formed from a verb. For example: "think - thinking." At the same time, it retains such features as:

  • View. In total, two types of verbs can be distinguished - perfect and imperfect. They differ according to the criterion whether an action is done or not done. For example, the word of the perfect form is read. And imperfect - to read. In some cases, the view does not depend on the context. It is important to look at which question the word answers "what to do" or "what to do". And now we will transfer all this to the participle. The perfect verb is "think". The special immutable form formed from it retains all the signs - “thinking”.
  • recurrence. Reflexive are those verbs in which there is a postfix "sya". For example, wash. Accordingly, irrevocable are those in which it is not. A reflexive participle is something that is formed from a reflexive verb. The example of the perfect gerund “thinking” given earlier is also reflexive, because it is formed from the word “think about”.
  • Transitivity. Transitive are those verbs and, accordingly, the gerunds derived from them, which can be combined with a noun in the accusative case. Or at extreme case, with a pronoun. In this case, there should be no suggestion. An example is the word "read". A special form built from it will sound like “reading”. Everything is simple.

This scheme says that we are considering just a special form of the existing part of speech. Although two opposite points of view are given here due to the debatability of this subject in scientific circles. Well, we move on.

The participle, as a special form of the verb, retains some of its features, which makes it not quite a separate part of speech. After all, even a noun and an adjective have their own characteristics, features, and is not a mixture of two parts. Also, it does not change in the same way as an adverb. In general, this is a debatable issue.

General participle rules

It is necessary to form these special forms in different ways, depending on the situation. Consider two cases:

In addition, it is impossible to form a special form from some other words, like want, sing, climb, and so on.

What is the meaning of this part in human speech?

Participles in speech play a very important role. They indicate how the action was performed with the help of an additional action. This sounds complicated enough. But with an example, everything will become clear "When he saw her, he was delighted." The word “rejoiced” indicates the main action. But why did he do it? And this is indicated by the gerund “seeing”. That is, in order for him to rejoice, it was necessary to see her. And if he had not seen, then he would have walked gloomy.

In order to describe the same sentence without any special tricks, much more words are needed, which negatively affects conciseness. For example, “when he saw her, he was delighted”. This proposal, of course, is not very cumbersome, but still, there are more words needed to express the same thought. However, the essence is preserved, so there are also disputes about the meaning of this form.

  • The participle is the subject of discussion among linguists in all aspects, starting with its belonging to the verb and ending with the need to use it in general. After all, what it means can be expressed in other words. However, the ability different ways to convey the same thought has always characterized a person from the good side.
  • Even native Russian speakers often avoid such complex forms in their opinion.(although some consider the participle a part of speech, which, on the contrary, simplifies speech).

Thus, a lot of ambiguities revolve around the gerund and it is not known whether there will be such a part of speech or a form of the verb in 100 years, due to how quickly languages ​​have changed in recent times.

German participle in Russian

By origin, the participle in the Russian language goes back to the unarticulated (short) form of the nominative case of the participle and arose in the Old Russian language due to the loss of the declension forms of the unarticulated participles. However, it also has the features of a verb - for example, time.


  • imperfect - denotes the present and future tenses. Formed from verbs imperfect form with suffixes but (-I) and answers the question “what are you doing?” If the gerund is in the past tense, then in the sentence it is before the predicate, if in the future - after.
  • perfect - denotes the past tense and answers the question "what did you do?". Example: extract - remove, sit down - crouching, crouching.

The participles from the stem of the past tense with the suffix -lice (former, knowing, ehavshi, having, plowed, licked, stuck) are considered obsolete and usually of little use, previously they denoted an action that had just been completed to the present moment: “having said this, he sat down”, “seeing this, he grabbed the pitchfork." At the present time, they are used in the form -uvs, formed from reflexive verbs: wash - having washed, let out - let out, decompose - decomposed, starve - hungry, etc.

Syntactic role

  • Usually adjacent to a verb that acts as a predicate, is a circumstance and does not conjugate.
  • Less often adjoins nominal predicate, expressed short adjective or noun.
  • Adjacent to the predicate, it can denote an additional action accompanying the action that carries the main idea of ​​the predicate; allows replacement by the conjugated form of the verb.

In modern Russian, actions indicated by a gerund and a verb-predicate must belong to the same subject of the action. Failure to follow this rule will result in comic effect described by Chekhov in the story "" (the phrase " Approaching this station and looking at nature through the window, my hat flew off. I. Yarmonkin»).

On a letter adverbial phrases(germs with dependent words) and separate gerunds in most cases are separated by commas.


  • « telling he laughed out loud."
  • "Arrow, flying stuck in a tree."
  • "Winter. Peasant, triumphant, On firewood, renews the path "(, A. S. Pushkin)
  • "Not after graduating university, I had to get a job.”

see also



  • E. I. Litnevskaya Russian language: a short theoretical course for schoolchildren (gerund participle)
  • Development of the category of gerund in Russian. Abstract of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philology.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "Green participle" is in other dictionaries:

    A form of a verb that represents an action as a sign of another action. In Russian, the gerund participle has the forms of aspect and pledge; refers to the same person or object to which the verb, defined by the gerund, refers. The offer usually... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    GENERAL PARTICIPLE, I, cf. In grammar: the form of the verb, which, along with the categories of the verb (kind, voice), has the sign of an adverb (invariability), for example. lying, playing, taking. | adj. participle, oh, oh. D. turnover (general participle with related ... ... Dictionary Ozhegov

    GENERAL PARTICIPLE, a form of a verb denoting a secondary action, subordinate to the main one, expressed in a sentence by a predicate or an infinitive in various syntactic functions. In a sentence, it usually acts as a circumstance (He answered not ... ... Modern Encyclopedia

    gerund, gerund, cf. (gram.). verbal adverb, eg. sitting, reading, taking, leaving, leaving. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    gerund- GENERAL PARTICIPLE. The verbal form of the Russian language, which has the form of aspect and voice, retains the control of the verb (see), enters into combination only with verb words(see) and denoting a verbal attribute or object, as a receptacle ... ... Dictionary of literary terms

    gerund- GENERAL PARTICIPLE, a form of a verb denoting a secondary action, subordinate to the main one, expressed in a sentence by a predicate or an infinitive in various syntactic functions. In a sentence, it usually appears as a circumstance (“He answered not ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    gerund- The participle is a non-finite form of the verb (verboid), denoting a secondary action subordinate to the main action expressed in the sentence by the predicate or the infinitive in various syntactic functions (“Wrote, looking into the book from time to time”; ... ... Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Non-conjugated form of the verb. Denotes an additional action of the same subject as the conjugated one, coinciding in time with the main one (present participle from imperfective verbs) or preceding it (past participle ... Literary Encyclopedia

    I; cf. Gram. An invariable form of a verb that combines the features of a verb and an adverb (for example: hurrying, learning, reading, etc.). ◁ Participle, oh, oh. D. turnover (a circumstance expressed by a gerund with words that depend on it). * * *… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    gerund- 1. Attributive (non-predicative) invariable form of the verb, denoting an action (state, relation) as an accompanying sign of another action (state, relation): Shining in the sun, snow lies (P.) V.V. Vinogradov defined the gerund ... Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

Like the participle, the participle can be considered as an independent part of speech or as a special form of the verb. We proceed from the understanding of the participle as a verb form.

gerund is a special form of the verb that has the following features:

1. Denotesadditional action , answers the questions what by doing? or doing what?

2–3. It hasgrammatical features of the verb and adverb .

The features of the verb areview ( reading - NSV,having read - SW),transitivity ( reading book - transitional,sitting on a chair - intransitive.) andrecurrence ( washing - irrevocable,washing your face - return). In addition, the participle is characterized by the samecontrol , as well as other verb forms:reading / reading / reading / reading a book, but reading a book.

Adverbial signs of adverbial participles includeimmutability (germs do not have morphological signs of mood, tense, person, gender, number, characteristic of conjugated forms of the verb, and do not decline, unlike participles); syntactic function gerunds -circumstance ; in a sentence, the participle depends on the verb.

Imperfect gerunds kind answer the question what do you do? and denote an action simultaneous with another action (for example, with the one indicated by the predicate):Standing on a stool, he pulled books from the top shelf.

The gerunds NSV are formed from the verbs NSV from the stem of the present tense with the help of the formative suffix -а(-я).

In the verb to be, the gerund participle is formed with the help of the suffix -learn from the basis of the future tense:bud-learn . The same suffix is ​​used to form stylistically colored variant forms of gerunds in some other verbs:game-i - game-yuchi .

Imperfect participles are not present in all NSV verbs; so, gerunds NSV are not formed:

- from verbs in -ch:bake - baking ( oven );

- from verbs in -nut:wither - wilting ,;

- from some verbs into sibilant in the stem of the present tense:write , write - writing , lick - licking (but the adverb is lying);

- from verbs with the stem of the present tense, consisting only of consonants, and derivatives from them:drink , drink (pj-ut) -pb I.

At the verbgive the gerund is formed from a special stem:Giving (come on j-a).

Participles of the perfect kind of answer the question what did they do? and denote the action that preceded the action of the main verb:Standing on a stool, he took a book from the top shelf.

The gerunds SV are formed from the verbs SV from the stem of the past tense with the help of suffixes

In from verbs with a stem to a vowel:done-in ,

Lice from reflexive verbs with a vowel stem (or obsolete, stylistically non-neutral gerunds likeseeing, looking etc.): mind-lice,

Shi from verbs with stem to consonant: baked-shi .

Some verbs have variant forms of the gerund participle SV: one is formed according to the scheme described above, the other is formed by adding the suffix -а(-я) to the stem of the future tense:frown-lice-s - frown-I-s .

Verbsread, acquire do not have gerunds formed in the standard way, instead of which gerunds are usedread, find , formed from the basis of the simple future tense with the help of the suffix -я.

Two aspect verbs may have two gerunds formed according to the rules for the formation of gerunds NSV and CB, for example:

promise: promise-i - NSV,promise-in - SW,

marry: wives - NSV,marry-in - SW.

The participle must indicate the action of the object (person) that is called the subject, and this object (person) must be the subject of two actions - named in the predicate and in the participle. If these requirements are not met, then wrong sentences type:

? Leaving the house gave me a headache (the gerund and the conjugated form of the verb denote the actions of different subjects).

? Lost, the puppy was soon found by the owners (the noun in the subject is the subject of the action, called the gerund, and the object of the action, called the predicate).

The adverb can calladditional action related to the main member one-part sentence, as well as to other members of the sentence, expressed by the infinitive, participle or other participle. The sentence is constructed correctly if the additional and main action have the same subject. For example:When crossing the street, you should look around.

Morphological analysis of the participle

Morphological analysis we will conduct participles according to the following plan:

I.Part of speech (a special form of the verb). General value. What verb is it derived from

II.Morphological features: a) species, b) recurrence, c) transitivity.

III.Syntactic role

Sample morphological parsing of a gerund

Sipping the sour wine, squinting from the smoke of his pipe, he listened gloomily to what Zoya was telling him. When she finished, she cracked her fingers (A. N. Tolstoy).

I.Sipping (what are you doing?) - gerund;

II.Fast. signs: NSV, non-returnable, transitional, unchangeable;

non-post. signs: no;

III.Listened to (how?) sipping (circumstance)

I.(what are you doing?) - gerund;

II.Fast. signs: NSV, return, non-transition., unchangeable;

non-post. signs: no;

III.Listened (how?) squinting (circumstance)

I.Having finished (what doing?) - gerund;

II. signs: ST, non-return, transition, unchangeable;

non-post. signs: no;

III.Cracked (when?) ending (circumstance)

To enrich speech, to give it a certain dynamics, participles help. Grade 6 is the period when they are studied at school. Unfortunately, many neglect this part of speech, but in vain. After all, without knowing what a gerund is, it is impossible to speak competently, and correctly convey this part of speech in writing. Frequent punctuation errors are also associated with its use.

The concept of participle

What is a gerund? This is such an independent part of speech, containing both verbal and adverbial signs. Grammatically, the participle conveys an additional action, it explains how the verb-predicate acts. Answers the questions "what are you doing?" or "having done what?"

Compare offers:

  • The kitten curled up in a ball and slept quietly in the corner.
  • The kitten, curled up in a ball, slept quietly in the corner.

In the first case, homogeneous predicates are used in the sentence: curled up sleeping. In the second - the main action slept- this is a predicate, but it complements, brings specifics precisely the participle curled up.

It is possible to distinguish a gerund among other parts of speech by quite specific suffixes: -but; -I; lice; -shi; -in. For example: asking, asking, asking; running, running, running.

What is a gerund as part of a sentence? This circumstance is directly related to the verb-predicate. For example, a sentence: He left without even waving goodbye . Without waving- gerund: gone(how? doing what?) without waving.

Signs of adverbs and verbs in gerunds

As mentioned above, the gerund participle combines verbal and adverbial signs. From the first participle "inherited":

  • Returnability: washing the child(irrevocable) - washing your face in the evening(returnable). This category depends on postfix -sya(s);
  • View: talking(imperfect view - doing what?) - after talking(perfect view - having done what?). The specific forms of gerunds are formed as follows: imperfective gerunds come from the stem of the present tense verb, suffixes are involved in this -and I; and from the stem of the infinitive - the perfect participle, with the help of suffixes -in; -shi; -lice. For example, adverb opening formed from an imperfective verb open(what to do?); opening- formed from the perfect verb open(what to do?).
  • Spontaneous participles are distributed according to the principle of verbs: read a novel - reading a novel; feed the animals - feed the animals.

From the adverb, the participle has absorbed an invariable form and dependence on the verb-predicate.

To avoid grammatical errors, it should be remembered: the gerund always refers only to the verb-predicate and is performed by the same person. There are frequent cases of erroneous use of this part of speech. Let's take an example:

  • Working on the book made my head spin.

This is a categorically incorrect use of the adverbial turnover, because it does not apply to the verb-predicate. Such constructions are easily corrected: it is enough to remake the sentence into a complex one:

  • As I was working on the book, I got dizzy.

You can fix it, and leaving the participle:

  • While working on the book, I felt dizzy.

To check, we replace the participle with a homogeneous predicate:

  • I was working on a book and felt dizzy.

Rules for writing gerunds

There is a spelling rule for writing gerunds: particle not they are always written separately. The exception is those cases when the word does not exist without it. For example:

  • I dropped the book before I had even read half of it.

gerund having read from not written separately.

  • Indignant, the grandmother ran after her granddaughter to the playground.

In this case, adverb indignantly from not it is written together, because without this particle it cannot be used.

As for punctuation, it should be remembered that both single gerunds and gerunds (germs with dependent words) are always separated by commas.

  • Smiling, the girl left the room.

Single gerund smiling separated by a comma.

  • The girl, smiling enigmatically, left the room.

Participial turnover smiling mysteriously separated by commas on both sides.

Morphological analysis

Parsing morphological gerunds is not special work. It is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. General grammatical meaning (here it is important to remember what a gerund is).
  2. Initial form and morphological features: appearance, recurrence, unchanged form.
  3. function in a sentence.

For example, let's analyze the participle included in the sentence "Whistling something, the boy walked along the pavement":

  1. whistling- gerund because it answers a question doing what? and has the value of an additional action.
  2. whistling - initial form. Morphological features: irreversible (no postfix -sya), an imperfect form (doing what?). fickle signs No, because this part of speech is invariable.
  3. In the sentence, it has the function of the circumstance of the mode of action and refers directly to the predicate: walked(how? in what way?), whistling.

A part of speech is called which is determined by morphological and syntactic features. In world vocabulary, the name (further divided into and others) and the verb are opposed. A classification of parts of speech is also accepted in accordance with the functions performed. So, they can be official and independent.

Special form of the verb

IN domestic science There are four views on gerunds as parts of speech. grammatical meaning this category, morphological features, and is also determined by the peculiarity of this form. The participle in Russian combines the signs and meaning of an adverb and a verb.


According to Vinogradov, this is a special, adverbial-verbal hybrid category. Bogoroditsky classifies gerunds as adverbs. In accordance with encyclopedic information, these words and phrases are considered a special verbal invariable, non-conjugated attributive form. How does the concept of "general participle" define Grade 7 school curriculum? This category is a special verb form denoting an additional action against the background of the main one expressed by the verb. The gerund answers the questions "what have you done?", "what are you doing?", "how?", "when?"


Participles as parts of speech combine the features of an adverb and a verb. The main feature is that they denote an action that is additional to the main one. The participle is a verbal form and, like the verb, has the form (imperfect and perfect). This category has "returnability" (for example, clinging - non-returning, clinging - returning). Participles as parts of speech are distributed with nouns, pronouns, adverbs. With dependent words turns are formed. Participles as parts of speech also have the features of adverbs: they do not change, they simultaneously characterize the main action, illustrating when, how, why, etc. it is being done. In a sentence, they act as circumstances, referring to the verb-predicate.

Morphological analysis

There are several features that define gerunds as parts of speech and distinguish them from other forms. In addition to the fact that it is formed from a verb, it contains, as a rule, such suffixes as -a, -shi, -lice, -я. In participial phrases, you can ask a question to dependent words. Morphological analysis should be carried out in accordance with a specific plan:

  1. General grammatical meaning.
  2. Morphological features:

Indefinite (initial) verb form;


View, return.

3. Syntactic role.

An example of a written analysis can be given as an example.

"Murmuring, running stream"

Oral analysis

The word "murmur" is a gerund participle - a special verb category. First of all, it illustrates an additional action to the main one (runs, murmurs). Formed from the verb "murmur" (initial form). This gerund does not change, it has an imperfect form. As part of the sentence, this form acts as a circumstance of the mode of action.

How are the verb forms under consideration formed? What are the types of adverbs?

The verb forms under consideration can fall into one of two categories. Imperfect gerunds illustrate an additional unfinished action. It happens simultaneously with the process expressed by the verb. This type is formed using the suffixes -я, -а, based on the form that determines the action in the present tense. For example: reading-reading, flying-flying and others. From verbs with suffix -va- education The gerund comes from the infinitive: recognize-recognizing. From a number of words describing the action, the verb form is not formed: they flow, beat, cherish, tear, and others. illustrates an additional completed action. It usually occurs before the start of the process that the verb expresses. The formation of this form is carried out with the help of suffixes -lice, -shi, -v on the basis of an indefinite verb form: to be deceived - deceived, sad - sad and others. From a number of words illustrating the action, double turns can be formed: dry-dry, dry-dry; unlock-unlock, unlock-unlock.

Stem verb tenses

In some cases, the form of the future tense is used to form gerunds. To form a participle, the suffixes -ya, -a are used: read-read, come-come. Categories formed from the verb stem in the past tense using suffixes. -lice- (knowing, former, plowed, ehavshi, licked and others) are considered obsolete. As a rule, they are little used, rarely. Previously, they were used to indicate actions that had just been committed by now: "seeing what was happening, he grabbed a pitchfork", "having said this, she sat down." Currently, they are used with the suffix -having, formed from the reflexive verb form: let it out-let it out, wash-washed, starve-hungry, decompose-decomposed and others.


Single gerunds related to sitting, standing, lying down, silently, joking, slowly and others are not distinguished with the help of punctuation marks (commas). The form data does not illustrate an incremental action. For example:

He walked slowly (that is, slowly).

She spoke excitedly (excitedly, it means).

In these and similar cases, the gerund does not illustrate an additional action, but a sign of the main process. In contrast to, for example, such a sentence: "You must read while sitting at a normal table and with good lighting". Here, the gerund acts as an illustration of an additional action. Phraseological turns, which include the verb forms under consideration, are not isolated. Such constructions, in particular, include the following: work tirelessly, shout yourself without remembering, run headlong and others. In other cases, adverbial phrases - expressions containing dependent words - are always separated by commas.

Syntactic role

The adverb, as a rule, adjoins constructively to verbal predicate. In the structure of the sentence, this form acts as a circumstance, it is not conjugated. Less often, a participle can adjoin a nominal predicate, which can be expressed either as a noun. In a construction in a sentence, this verb form denotes an additional action that accompanies the process that carries main idea predicate. In this case, it is allowed to replace the conjugated verb form with a gerund. Similar constructions are present in various Indo-European dialects - Latin, French. The gerunds are used in Eskimo, Hungarian, Turkic. In the vocabulary of other countries, the construction may be called a gerund. Some languages ​​do not have a separate form for the verbal construction in question. Such a situation, for example, in English language, where the participle acts as a participle.
