Eduard Limonov: Navalny's mysterious impunity. Eduard Limonov: Navalny's mysterious impunity The effect is comical

I looked and looked at him, and came to this conclusion, excuse me, good people. All people are like some kind of animals, and so Alexei Anatolyevich Navalny is like a cow standing upright.

There is a beginning belly of a cow, an extensive cow's neck floats into the skull.
The truth of the Officers is even worse, but he is a provincial, God himself commands him to oversatiate himself.
It is important for me how people look, I immediately judge them by their appearance.

During the trial, Navalny and his chief of staff, Leonid Volkov, spoke out nonstop.

Navalny: "The Government of the Russian Federation fears and respects me"; "Our campaign is about getting them to sign me up."

Leonid Volkov:
"Legal aspects don't matter when it comes to political decisions."

Navalny in court. From the last word:

“What the prosecutor’s office has now stated is such a message to me: “Aleksey, we politely warn you again that you should not participate in the elections.” So, I answer this message: “I understand everything, thank you very much, but no, I refuse this generous offer. We will cancel this verdict both in the ECHR and in the Supreme Court even before the official start of the campaign. In any case, according to the Constitution, any person who is not in prison has the right to participate in elections. It’s not that I’m hinting to you that what other option do you have to prevent me from participating, but nevertheless. I will participate, this campaign will not stop and will not stop.”

And here is what Article Three of the Federal Law on Elections of the President of the Russian Federation says. its clause 5.2.
(Before reading, please, kind people, keep in mind that Navalny and Ofitserov were convicted and are now once again on trial under Article 160 of the Criminal Code. This is a serious article of the Criminal Code.)

“A citizen of the Russian Federation has no right to be elected President of the Russian Federation:
1) A person sentenced to PRISONITY for committing a grave and (or) especially grave crime and having, as of the voting day, an unexpunged and outstanding conviction for the specified crime.

1.1) Convicted TO DEprivation of FREEDOM for committing a serious crime, whose conviction has been expunged or extinguished - until the expiration of 10 years from the date of removal or cancellation of the conviction.

There are many more points, but we are interested in those that I have quoted.

What about probation? If they give you a suspended sentence?
I turned to the well-known lawyer Sergei Valentinovich Belyak for an explanation. Here is what he answered me:

“Navalny, after receiving a sentence TO DESERVATION OF FREEDOM, will conditionally not be able to participate in the elections. If there is another verdict - a fine, etc., then he can. Even if it's a suspended sentence."
“Navalny is bluffing, if he is sentenced even conditionally, he will be out of the elections.”

Judge Vtyurin reads the verdict. Participants complain of boredom. Well, the court is not a fun place at all, it shouldn't be fun there. And surprises rarely happen in court.
Not out of boredom, but nervous, Navalny even began to take selfies in the courtroom, noting with a post: “Actually, such disrespect for the court, but I could not resist. It’s boring here, they just read the old sentence.”

Leonid Volkov oppresses his own, for which he receives money, once again explains that the guilty verdict will not affect Navalny's campaign in any way.
Volkov knows perfectly well that the same Federal Law on Presidential Elections of the Russian Federation specifies the dates for the start of the presidential election campaign. Not earlier than 100 days before the declared election date and not later than 90 days before the same date. Dot.

Why is all this being done?

And Navalny needs a history of his political struggle. And since there is no political struggle, only lawsuits, then these court days, Navalny’s disagreement with the verdict of embezzlement or fraud, will be passed off as a political struggle.
Navalny and his Volkov and his team are earning their political capital. No, not for this 2018 election, but for the future, he wants to register himself as an opposition presidential candidate, register himself in liberal minds, in liberal hearts.
So that at the word “opposition candidate”, citizens, as when solving a crossword puzzle, would automatically write in the cells “N-A-B-A-L-L-N-Y-Y”.

Bluff, bluff, and bluff. There will be no participation in the elections. Navalny doesn't even want him. Because the result will be humiliating, similar to the humiliating results of the PARNAS party and other liberal parties.

Now there will be a verdict, the judge will pronounce it just about. There, in the Leninsky court of the city of Kirov ...

Well. Five years of imprisonment conditionally for Navalny and 500 thousand fines.
Four years of imprisonment conditionally for Ofitserov, and also a fine. All the nerds who rattled about Navalny's mission to be a sparring partner of VVP in the 2018 elections fell into a puddle.

Photo: Nickolay Vinokurov /

I have more and more confidence that Navalny was rolled out onto the stage and is being intensively promoted by a powerful power group, one of the "Kremlin towers", relatively speaking. And such an impression, and there can be no other way, that Navalny is trying to oppose the GDP.

In this case, you and I have to admit that the GDP does not have full power in the Russian Federation, I have been admitting this for a long time, but you still do not?

Otherwise, Navalny would not have been so arrogant and offensive.

The question is, who are these people who are moving Navalny?

There is a liberal bloc in the government, such as "Kudrin's children", as I call them, or else I call them "capitalist ministers". This is Anton Germanovich Siluanov, this is German Gref - the head of the powerful Sberbank, this is Nabiullina - the head of the Central Bank. This is probably the Alpha Group, led by billionaire Friedman. The board of directors of Aeroflot (do you still remember this episode?) Navalny was introduced by the banker Alexander Lebedev, almost certainly this is Lebedev. This is all my personal opinion, of course, about both Fridman and Lebedev, personal, how could it be otherwise.

The opening of one campaign headquarters of Navalny in a Russian city is a lot of money, it is millions of rubles, Navalny has already opened several dozen of them (moreover, he is not going to participate in the elections), and this is already a billion, or even two. Where does the money come from, Zin? Where do you throw that kind of money down the drain?

I tend to think that the money is Russian, although the joy of Navalny's existence can also be experienced abroad.

Navalny is untouchable, has two suspended sentences, has violated them rudely and impudently on numerous occasions, and is not in prison. Spent one night in jail, do you remember? And the next morning he was released. Yes, in all of Russian history, starting with Rurik, there is not a single such precedent for a person who has received a solid sentence to not go to serve it.

I will not give all the arguments, the arguments are a wagon and a small cart. And his fabulous exit from the pre-trial detention center, although the gates of the castle of darkness seemed to be closed behind the unfortunate, and a wonderful gift from the municipal deputies of United Russia, number 51, to let Navalny through to the Moscow elections ...

I think it’s a sin, this is my personal, personal opinion, that even Nikita Belykh was put in jail so that he would not suddenly say too much about his ex-advisor. "Yes, said the poor man..."

So think.

Navalny has the biggest, I'm sure, anti-rating in the country. But he is thrust against us against our desires, and if they impose him, then not with the help of elections, in which, since he has a huge anti-rating, you can’t even draw a winning result for him, because how can you draw a huge winning result for a person whom no one likes, except his fans, the same as Spartak or Zenith ...

If they impose it on us, then not with the help of elections, but with the help of some kind of trick.

We are a country of lies and conspiracies.

There is some deception going on.

Navalny again! - another reader will become embittered.

New - well-forgotten old.
In 1992, I met the young Zhirinovsky.
After the presidential elections in Russia, where he competed with Yeltsin, and received an unexpectedly high result (in my opinion, the third one came), Vladimir Volfovich bathed in the rays of glory. Crowds of foreign journalists followed him. He did not go into his pocket for a word, he said outrageous things. He was unusually bright for Russian politics. Very talented.

Having looked closely at him, the authorities took his LDPR party to the elections to the State Duma in 1993.
In those elections, they also took the then still poorly known leader of the newly formed Communist Party (an interesting detail, the founding congress of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation was held in the premises of the Central Election Commission, Novy Arbat, 19 ...)

The radicals were not admitted then to the elections. Neither the left-wing radicals of Viktor Anpilov (that Anpilov was the leader of huge crowds of patriots), nor the right-wing ones from the National Salvation Front of Ilya Konstantinov (the one who is now replacing his son Daniel in the CC of the bourgeois opposition).

On what basis did Yeltsin and his people select the participants in the elections?
They chose the negotiable. And not allowed to the elections incapable of negotiating.

They chose those who are ready for the broadest compromises, who were ready to give up their political, ideological and moral principles in order to preserve their status quo (systemic politician, State Duma deputy).
And 20 years later, we see that Yeltsin was not mistaken in Zhirinovsky and Zyuganov. They are still negotiable and obedient.

In the unfortunate, murky small businessman Navalny, the authorities saw a figure capable of negotiating a deal, by introducing him into systemic politics, this policy can be significantly revived. Update.
Satisfy thousands of Moscow hipsters and office plankton and servants of Moscow firms and corporations (the arrogant self-name "creative class") that has raged in the last year and a half.
Just as at one time the authorities adapted the then super-talented and popular Zhirinovsky, the authorities these days are adapting, taking on Alexei Navalny.

He was probed for negotiability, posing the problem with an edge, Sobyanin put it: - Are you ready, Alexei, to publicly (this is necessarily a public humiliation) take signatures from the deputies of United Russia of the same party of Crooks and Thieves, from your opponents, thereby recognizing yourself vassal?

Ready!, said Alexei Navalny without hesitation.
At that moment, he sold his soul to the Devil of Power.

They pulled their man out of prison, gave him a mandate.
- Blow, boy!
And he will blow.

Not everyone in power unanimously wants Navalny to appear in systemic politics. Sobyanin clearly wants. The Prosecutor General's Office wants (they also initiated his release from the sentence). There is a whole group behind Sobyanin and the Prosecutor General's Office. We don't know the names yet.

But the Investigative Committee, I guess, wants Navalny to sit behind bars. They were investigating it.
(And here we also stumble upon the traditional enmity between the Prosecutor's Office and the Investigative Committee, once again...)
The Investigative Committee also has its own strong clan.

It seems that Putin, like a bodhisattva (check the spelling, I must have made a mistake!) hung over the clash between the two clans of power. He looked at them from above, said: - Figure it out yourself, the main thing for me is that it was quiet in Moscow ...

Said he cut it off.

Here they understand.
New - well-forgotten old. There is nothing to rejoice. This is not even a swamp victory. This is Navalny's career, his significant promotion. Career.

Almost yesterday, all sorts of Kremlin Nashis were poking and poking foreign citizenship (remember how they poisoned Kasparov and Alekseev with American citizenship), but here we find the joyful Navalny, who discovered Israeli citizenship from Senator Malkin. And reproaches.

Wonderful are thy works, Lord! Relentless, like the prosecutor Vyshinsky, Navalny, and his students sniff out, get and publish information about the apartments, accounts and citizenships of deputies and senators.

They serve as a team of scavengers.

I have never hidden that I do not love Navalny. He is a class alien to me.

I have already expressed my opinion on the topic, comparing the activities of this "whistleblower" with the "criminal" activities of Soviet schoolboys-hooligans of my childhood, who put buttons in the teacher's chair.
I believe that Navalny's role as a whistleblower of wealth goes like a cow's saddle. He is not poor, involved in half a dozen murky cases, either guilty or not, but wildly doubtful. Sutyaga, lawyer, friend of Alexander Lebedev, Aeroflot in a word, and Aeroflot under military intelligence, this is their feeder. That's what people say. Navalny does not walk around in a burnt overcoat. Carries from Navalny and hypocrisy and order.

And I'm not the only one who thinks so. Yesterday, Gleb Pavlovsky, a fresh defector from power, on Ekho Moskvy, about Navalny: "Why is he getting this information, and from whom?"

Pavlovsky is politically immoral, no doubt, but you can't take away his dodgy mind. And you can't take away the experience of Kremlin puzzles. He has no reasons for enmity towards Navalny, for simple hostility.

What did Pavlovsky mean? I believe that Pavlovsky believes, as I do, that Navalny is a protege of the Russian big bourgeoisie, perhaps a whole group of oligarchs who have decided to resist Putin's group. One of these oligarchs is clearly Lebedev. Who are the others?

I find it difficult to say... But Abramovich suddenly lost several billion over the past year, so much so that he did not even enter the top hundred billionaires. Where did the billions go? He did not seem to have had a grandiose spending in a year. Based on the widespread opinion that Abramovich is just the manager of the Yeltsin family's capital, their wallet, it is possible to assume that the family took part of the billions from under his management, since they no longer trust him. Why doesn't he trust? I assume that the family does not approve of the political position that Abramovich has taken. He apparently joined a group in conflict with Putin's group.

There is a deliberate discrediting of deputies and senators. That is why Navalny receives "this information" in order to voice it, to be heard. From Navalny - they will hear.

The effect is comical.

Several deputies: Pekhtin, Yarovaya, Isaev, and so far one senator, and nothing more. It turns out that everyone else is without a hitch statesmen, right?
Those for whom Navalny works are stupid.
And they are cowardly, otherwise they would not engage in this petty business of squealing, but would present their claims to power severely and to the fullest.

Eduard Limonov

On June 12, an agreed-upon protest rally was held in Moscow on Akademik Sakharov Avenue, in which about 1,800 people took part, although the organizers announced 15,000. FBK applied to the mayor's office to hold this rally on May 29. The city authorities had every reason not to allow the holding of a mass action on the Day of Russia. Nevertheless, the mayor's office agreed on the opposition's event, offering the applicants Sakharov Avenue instead of the Tverskaya Street they demanded, since a large-scale historical festival "Times and Epochs" is being held between Manezhnaya and Pushkinskaya Squares on that day.

The Anti-Corruption Foundation agreed, but on the night before the rally, Navalny changed his mind and urged his supporters to come not to the agreed place, but to Tverskaya Street, where the festival was planned. The blogger said that he could not agree with the contractors on the installation of the stage and sound equipment on Sakharov Avenue. Although during the events on the Day of Russia, all this was there.

The Moscow mayor's office called the blogger's actions a provocation. For calls to participate in an unauthorized rally in the center of Moscow, that is, for repeated violation of the article of the Code of Administrative Offenses, as well as for disobedience to law enforcement agencies, the police detained the head of the FBK at the entrance to his house on the afternoon of June 12. Thus, once again urging his supporters to break the law, Navalny himself did not get to the unsanctioned rally. Some suggest that by doing this, the authorities protected the blogger from possible more serious troubles.

Celebrations of the Day of Russia began in the center of the capital at noon, reenactors showed Muscovites scenes from the history of Russia. When Navalny's supporters approached Tverskaya, the holiday ended. According to the Moscow authorities, there were about 5,000 participants in the opposition rally on Tverskaya. They provoked a stampede. The raging youth did not care much that families with small children and the elderly who came to the holiday were in danger.

Navalnists stormed buildings under reconstruction, balconies of neighboring houses, shops of reenactors. One of the employees of the National Guard was sprayed in the face with pepper spray, another was kicked when he fell in a crush. About six hundred participants of the unauthorized action were detained, including Maria Baronova, Mark Galperin, Vyacheslav Maltsev.

At the same time, everything happened peacefully at the opposition rally on Sakharov Avenue and no provocations were recorded, Yana Lantratova, executive secretary of the presidential Human Rights Council (HRC), told RIA Novosti. At the same time, none of Navalny's friends came to the place agreed by the mayor's office, except for FBK director Roman Rubanov. As lawyer Violetta Volkova wrote on her Twitter, he turned off the microphone to the speakers.

On Tuesday night, the Simonovsky Court of Moscow arrested Alexei Navalny for 30 days, starting June 12, for calling for participation in unauthorized actions, as well as for disobeying the lawful demands of the police. The blogger's lawyers intend to appeal the court's decision. According to them, it cannot be proven that Navalny's supporters came to Tverskaya because of his conscription.

Eduard Limonov, writer:

“Navalny probably wanted to arrange a small Khodynka. After all, the center of Moscow is all dug up, and to call people on a holiday to all these ditches means to invite them to break their legs. Despite this, it seemed to work out, and nothing serious happened.

But Navalny is clearly running into trouble. Of course, he is not a man from the opposition, as he is called. He is no opposition. It is already clear that a person can act so with impunity only if he has a good roof in power. So he is a man of power, or, as we say, one of the towers of the Kremlin. To say which one, you need to know about the balance of power. But one of our influential persons, apparently, is pushing him hard. Maybe Kudrin or, as I call them, capitalist ministers, liberals - all these Siluanovs, Nabiullina, Gref.

Alexei Navalny understands that he cannot qualify for participation in the 2018 elections. So his actions are such a far-reaching swing, every time he asserts himself as supposedly the leader of the opposition, and with each such event he raises his status in this capacity.
