Zoning a living room and an office - how to combine two interiors? (95 photos). Living room zoning: subtleties in combining rooms Repair of a living room with a workplace

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When repairing, we focus on our own feelings, not knowing the basics of design, which is why so often the result does not live up to expectations.

website collected the most common mistakes that are made when decorating a living room interior.

Overhead lighting in your living room

Lighting creates atmosphere and should be tailored to your mood, so a living room can't get by with a single chandelier in the center of the room. Create your own lighting system ( desk lamp, wall lamps, floor lamps, ceiling lighting, etc.).

Missing or wrong size carpet

Small carpets bring imbalance to the room, you should choose a carpet right size for your living room. A large carpet will provide visual extension space, and the interior will take on a finished look.

Your TV is out of place

The best place to place a TV is an empty wall. Do not install the TV in front of or near a window, it is harmful to your eyesight and prevents you from seeing the image clearly. The distance between the TV and the sofa depends on the size of the screen: the distance should be 3-5 diagonals. Keep this in mind when buying a new TV.

You underestimate the power of pillows

Sofa cushions create a cozy and relaxed atmosphere. When choosing pillows, consider whether the texture of the material is suitable for the upholstery of a sofa or chair. If a cushioned furniture in the living room is made of velvet or velor, then cotton or linen textiles would be out of place. For small furniture fit neat and small items, and a massive sofa can contain several voluminous pillows.

Your sofa is against the wall

This rule works for large rooms. If you have the opportunity to put the sofa not against the wall, then be sure to do it - thereby you will visually increase the space and create coziness. The sofa against the wall in the spacious room looks more like a dance class than a living room.

Dark furniture in a low room

Your living room will become visually more squat and cramped if you purchase dark-colored furniture. Suitable for a low living room compact sofas, armchairs and neat tables, always on raised legs. Opt for neutral light shades.

You choose furniture based on design, not personal convenience.

Just because a piece of furniture looks nice doesn't mean it will suit your home. Make sure your furniture is comfortable for you, try it out. Sit in a chair or at a table that you like. Otherwise, you will rarely use these things and you will have to part with them.

Furniture that has lost its relevance

There is also furniture fashion. Bulky upholstered furniture with voluminous backs and armrests has long lost its relevance. Pay attention to furniture with straight lines and a clear silhouette. Can choose traditional sofa, but in an unexpected and modern color.

Photos hang incorrectly

The ideal height is 153 cm from floor level to the center of the image. If you have too many photos, then great solution there will be a gallery on the wall, and not photo frames placed in all corners.

Oversized furniture

The most common mistake- force the room with furniture that does not fit in size, especially for sofas. This makes the room seem even smaller. If you have a large living room, then you can afford a roomy corner sofa. For small living rooms, a double sofa and a couple of armchairs will be preferable.

You neglect the functionality of the living room

If you have a rectangular room, then you can adjust it with a closet or shelving, since the square shape of the room is the most advantageous and it is easier to maintain balance in such a room.

Several options for zoning:

  • Living room and bedroom - the bedroom will always be closer to the window, as by definition sleeping place should be away from the entrance.
  • Living room and kitchen - the placement of both zones is strictly according to your taste, although it is preferable to place the kitchen near the window so that the hostess is comfortable and light enough to cook food.
  • The living room and dining room are two full-fledged units that should have enough space and space in the conditions of one room.
  • Living room and office - an office can occupy a very small corner, the main thing is to install additional source Sveta.

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  1. There is a long-awaited 3rd room apartment in a block high-rise building (P44 series), mortgage debts, a married couple (about 30 years old) and one active male child of 4 years old.

    The long-awaited apartment has a room of 18 meters with a balcony and sliding doors from which you want to make a living room-study.

    The task - to zoning the room into the working and living areas - turned out to be unbearable for us. Therefore, I hope for the help of specialists.

    I will try to state all the points that were indicated in the memo on the design of the question to the experts on this forum.

    Measurement plan

    BTI plan

    What is now

    Now (after a recent move) the room is furnished according to the residual principle - there is furniture that did not fit or did not fit into other rooms: an old wall (wardrobe, bookcase, secretary, closet for things), a sideboard torn from another wall, a sliding sofa, armchair, 2 computer tables with chairs and a bedside table on which bookshelves a la shelving. You can live, but without much comfort.
    Something definitely needs to be done with the table in the left corner, because. Now there is nowhere to put the scanner.

    I really want to turn this room into a comfortable living room-study. The furniture will gradually go under replacement, maybe there will be one desktop and a sofa (for the first time). Therefore, they repelled in their plans not from what is, but from what is needed and wanted. Therefore, the ideas are accepted very different, but preferably, not requiring the manufacture of the entire environment to order.

  2. We thought a lot, climbed the Internet, etc. On the one hand, there are many solutions, but somehow they do not fit our tasks and features

    Here are a few design solutions, which I found on the net (may their authors forgive me)

    This one looks pretty positive, with storage drawers and open shelves to let the light in. True, in domestic production it will most likely look like in the second picture.

    More often I came across zoning options for a bedroom-study, which is not very suitable for us, besides workplace just one.

    There was one option - with two desks - symmetrically located at the corners, but this is again more like a bedroom with workplaces and there is no separation of zones.

    and three options living room - office

  3. Our solutions to the problem

    We are thinking of placing the working area (computer tables) by the window on two sides of the balcony door. And try to separate the “office” from the living room with the help of a rack or (less likely) a built partition.

    In the living room, put a corner sofa or a sofa with an armchair along one wall, several low cabinets against the wall. But these are all some general thoughts, and there are no specific design ideas yet.

    What do you want to come to

    List of functional areas

    Working area for 2 workplaces.

    Sadly, but the main priority is the work area (“office”), since we spend 70% of our free time at computers. Therefore, I would like to equip the workplace as comfortable and functional as possible.

    Features and difficulties

    1. desktop computers + additional office equipment = large tables
    The common options for using small tables and laptops, unfortunately, do not suit us. You need two full-fledged workstations for stationary computers (two monitors are connected to one computer), a printer and a scanner are connected to the other. In principle, the printer can be hidden under a table or on a shelf, but I use a permanent scanner and I need a place so that the top cover normally leans back. Those. the size of the table is no less than 115-120 cm in length, or additional cabinets (or other horizontal surfaces) are needed for the scanner. is the first difficulty.

    2. Lots of books, documents and work folders.
    Places (boxes, shelves, racks) are needed for storing papers and other things.

    3. Balcony door and window.

    There must be free access to the balcony and access from the window so that you can open the transom for ventilation. Those. it turns out that right under the window you can’t put a wide table and a corner computer desk also questionable.

    Living area

    There are no special exotic requirements for the living area. Desirable cozy corner, where you can sit with friends or watch TV, while not being very cluttered with furniture. But there are also pitfalls

    Features and difficulties

    1. Safe place for a child

    Our child is an active being, moves at high speeds and is social, prefers to be in the same place as his parents, moreover, along with his toys. Therefore, it is impossible to strongly isolate the “office” from the “living room”. Moreover, you need a free passage between the "zones" without sharp corners, unstable structures and breakable objects. And it is desirable for mom, sitting at the computer, with one eye to see what is happening in the "living room"

    2. Place for receiving guests

    We do not have guests very often, but they do happen, and even in the amount of more than 3 people (often with children). Therefore, a place where you can sit in a circle is desirable. Only a corner sofa or sofa and a small chair come to mind. A stationary coffee table is a big question - because the room is narrow, and it takes up a lot of space, interferes with children's running around the room, etc. Maybe there is some kind of mobile option so that it can be removed from the aisle, or some very compact option.

    Extra bed.

    Sometimes grandmothers come to visit and can stay overnight. Therefore, the sofa in the living room is sliding. And with a new environment, a sliding version of upholstered furniture is desirable.

    Place to store things.

    From old wall we hope to get rid of it, but, nevertheless, some cabinets or other structures are needed for storing things (many books, albums, computer and photo spare parts and devices that should “live” somewhere). I would like the room to have a lot of air, so we thought about low pedestals along the free wall. At the same time, at least one glass cabinet for dishes is desirable.

  4. The very first option that came to our mind. But there are many doubts and questions.

    1. On which wall is it better to put a sofa- on the left, where is a large wall, or on the right - where is the window? In which case there will be more light and space.

    2. If you put two built-in wardrobes right at the entrance to the rooms(or a closet) from floor to ceiling with a depth of 45-50 cm - will it eat up a lot of space? Maybe you can somehow come up with something so that they look like columns or something ... Or is it better not to clutter up the entrance?

    We figured that we need at least 185 cm for comfortable work, i.e. The “cabinet” is 3.24 by 1.85 cm.

    It is assumed that the blue rectangles are interior shelving, as in the first picture (white shelving with orange drawers), which go up in steps
    The bottom is all closed, however, it is not clear from which side of the rack to climb there, because. everything is packed: on one side there is a table sidewall, on the other - a sofa.

    Generally idea with two racks and a passage in the middle I don’t really like it, the room is already narrow and long, and if all the furniture is placed along the long walls and the passage to the “office” is made in the middle, then in general it’s like a subway car. Or am I exaggerating?

    My husband liked the option with a partition of horizontal rails (shown in the picture).
    It seems to me less functional (you can put things in the rack). I also liked that the passage to the “office” is depicted there on the side.

    3. Is it possible, given our dimensions and the need for two workplaces, to make a passage to the office not in the middle of the room, but along one of the walls?

    I would be grateful if someone from the experts responds

  5. I have a feeling that, trying to describe the situation with the room as fully as possible, I scared the respected members of the forum with the amount of text

    But maybe one of the professionals can still answer three small and specific questions, my last message? I will be very grateful.

  6. Lemur, hello.
    I'll try to answer your questions:
    1. I see the sofa on the left - without turning your head you see the incoming person.
    2. Two built-in wardrobes-columns on the sides of the entrance in this room - already too much, I guess.
    3. The passage to the office can be done as on the plan - there the trajectory of movement is not in the middle of the room, but also the workplaces, respectively, are not opposite each other. I don’t know how convenient this option for placing workplaces is for your specific work, but when all office equipment (and everything related to it) is concentrated in one place, it looks more compact.
    In general, I wanted to "clean up" your ideas, make them more concise. And I don't like the room divider in the form of shelving (the clutter in the center of the room), so I agree with your husband and vote for a decorative partition, like the one with slats.
    I propose to make the wall on the right one with closed and open shelves, built-in TV.

Many of us from time to time, and even regularly have to work from home. But, unfortunately, not everyone has a living space that allows them to allocate a separate room for an office or workshop. Today we will talk about how to arrange a comfortable workplace in the living room without harming its design.

Workplace in the living room - where exactly to place it?

To answer this question, decide what time you usually have to work from home.

Working at home during the day

If you work at home mainly during daylight hours, it is better to place your workplace in an area with good natural light. After all sunlight improves mood and improves performance. A traditional approach with obvious merit is a window seat in the living room. You will not only “catch” the daylight, but you will certainly find a place for shelves with books or documents. The desktop in this case can be made to order so that its countertop and window sill are one. It not only looks harmonious, but also saves space. AT small room you can do without a table at all, wide window sill successfully fulfill his role.

You are especially lucky if the living room has a bay window. After all, this multifaceted glazed “lantern” seems to have been created to design a comfortable working area, the main advantage of which is excellent uniform lighting from all sides. A curtain or blinds will protect from direct sunlight.

If there is an insulated balcony or loggia in the apartment working area can be set up there. So you will extract maximum benefit of all its square meters, without taking an inch from the actual living room. Sometimes it is advisable to combine this area with the living room. In some cases, this can be done simply by removing window block between the room and the balcony, and fix the countertop on the rest of the wall partition. As a result of these minimal disruptions, you will increase your living space and create a workplace with good natural light.

Working from home in the evening

If you have to work at home mainly in the evening, first of all you need to take into account that the living room is common room. And, as a rule, it is in the evenings that the whole family gathers here to chat or watch TV. Therefore, the working area in the living room should be located so as not to infringe on anyone's interests: one should be comfortable to relax, and the other to work. How to achieve this?

You might like the idea of ​​a neat console table leaning against the back of the sofa. With this arrangement of furniture, the work area and the seating area in the living room are outlined, but not completely separated. Sitting at a table with work or needlework, you will be close to your loved ones, you can support a general conversation or watch an interesting program out of the corner of your eye.

If classes require concentration and increased attention, it is worth removing the workplace away from the TV. The worker will be less distracted if he sits with his back to the living room. In this case, the table can be installed in the gap between the cabinets or between the cabinet and the wall. Such an impromptu niche will create a sense of isolation from everything around what is happening and help you tune in to the working mood.

Working area in the living room - are partitions needed?

When deciding whether the work area in the living room will be separated by a partition from the rest of the room, take into account the size and shape of the room, the location of the windows, as well as the number of inhabitants of the apartment and your occupation.

The partition is not an end in itself, but a tool that must be used wisely. After all small room she can make it even tighter, but long rectangular room able to give proportion and comfort.

The photos below show a beautiful living room with a workplace in a small studio apartment. The owners installed a narrow table for two in a shallow, specially created niche, but did not separate the working area from the rest of the room with a partition. See how spacious this small but seamless multifunctional space feels.

And the room in the next photo gives the impression of being too elongated and somewhat dull. Zoning the workplace with a neat partition in this living room would be quite appropriate.

It is not necessary to block the living room if there is only one free artist living in the apartment, because he will not interfere with himself. He can place his workplace absolutely anywhere, even on a console shelf next to the TV. And for a family man it will be extremely inconvenient: try to concentrate when football or melodramatic passions boil over your ear!

If a large family lives in the apartment, a living room with a working area placed outside the partition will be a real salvation for a person engaged in mental work. There are many ways to separate your shelter from the noisy world of the living room: a solid plasterboard “wall” in the spirit of minimalism or a popular design with niche shelves, a bookcase or light translucent plastic, a glass panel with decor or a partition with increased sound insulation made of frosted glass blocks, sliding panels or simply heavy curtains...

The list doesn't end there, the choice is yours.
The main thing is that in this corner you can concentrate without interference, as well as place work supplies, folders with documents, and even allow yourself some creative mess. After all, you have received not just a workplace in the common living room - you have created a piece of your personal space.

Living room with workspace… in the closet

The lucky person, whose main working tool is a laptop, can afford to work without even getting out of bed. For him, the organization of the workplace is more a matter of self-discipline.

It is more difficult for those who deal with a lot of paper documents. And it’s really difficult for needlewomen when they are faced with the need to organize their workplace in a common living room, especially if the room is small. Where, without littering the room, to store kilometers of fabrics and ribbons, kilograms of yarn, mountains of beads, piles of accessories and other treasures? Yes, even so that everything is at hand, otherwise it will take hours to find the right piece or thread.

Let's look at the experience of previous generations. They lived long before the advent of digital media in a very “real” world, and therefore they came up with a secretary. What do you like more: bureau in vintage style with hinged lid or modern model with a pull-out table? Or you can make a spacious wardrobe organizer to order, which will have several folding and retractable work surfaces at once.

In the bowels of this furniture there is a place for a personal office with an extensive paper archive, and for a home workshop with all its tools and consumables. At the right time, the magic closet folds easily and quickly so as not to disturb the order in the living room. You don’t have to worry that needles or important papers left on the table will fall into the hands of a young fidget, because everything is securely closed. Finally, the psychological moment is also important: you opened the closet - and you are at work, closed it - you can relax and unwind.

Look at a selection of our photos and make sure that a living room with a workplace arranged in a closet is beautiful and very comfortable.

Design of a living room with a workplace - briefly about the main thing

Thinking over the design of a living room with a workplace, you can go in two ways: either emphasize the working area, or, conversely, make it as inconspicuous as possible. The main thing is that the result is an interior that is comfortable for you and your loved ones.

The working area in the living room is distinguished by contrasting furniture, decorative partitions, the color and texture of the walls, lighting and multi-level ceilings. You can organize a work area on the podium, using it as a spacious storage system. At the same time, it is important not to forget that the work area and the recreation area are parts of a single space, and there should be no stylistic dissonance between them.

Choosing furniture

Furniture for a living room with a workplace should be not only comfortable, but also harmoniously matched. To simplify the task can purchase a wall with a desktop already provided. Such furniture sets are functional and, as a rule, have a discreet, laconic design. With their help, it is easy to create a holistic interior of a modern living room.

But for a small room, the wall is not the best option She just might not fit in there. In this case, give Special attention desktop selection. Hardly anyone will like a living room with a massive work table in office style. Compact narrow tables are preferred, possibly folding. They save space and lighten the space of the model with two legs that are attached to the wall at the back, as well as tables-shelves and tables-windowsills. They can be equipped with a retractable part, where you can easily hide writing instruments and even a laptop.

Pay attention to the design of this wonderful living room. At first glance, you don’t understand that in the photo there is a living room with a workplace. The hostess simply hid her low glass work table behind the back of the sofa. From the side front door the working area in this bright living room is almost invisible.

Playing with color

For the design of the working area, calm neutral colors are traditionally used: white, light gray, beige. Light light green and shades of blue are also popular. It is believed that they contribute to concentration.

An all-out bright red, deep purple, and other intense colors lead to quick overwork, but they are good as small accents. A chair and a couple of such accessories in the work area will make the design of the room more alive. The main thing is that these color spots resonate in the overall palette of the living room.

How to fit a desktop into the living room interior? We often ask ourselves this question, since many of us are forced to work from home, or take work home, and we simply need a well-organized workplace. But in addition to thoughtful functionality, I would like to have a beautiful and harmonious picture of the living room. There are several possible solutions to this issue.

The simplest and most obvious is to organize a small workplace near the window. You can put a desk or an elegant console. In this case, give preference to transparent or mirror surfaces. The table and transparent chair will merge with the interior and will not “fall out” of it.

Often in such cases, the surface of the window sill is used, it is simply enlarged, and we get an impromptu desktop. With an attached and insulated balcony or loggia, the issue of placing a mini-study is even easier and more functional.

If your work requires concentration and attention, it is better to separate the working area from the entire living room. This can be done with lightweight shelving and partitions.

Thick curtains will also cope with this.

Organizing your mini office, provide for a number of shelves and drawers for storing documents and literature.

In the event that such work rushes do not happen often in your life, then a certain (convenient in height) part of the shelves or racks can be used as a desktop. It will be enough to move a chair or armchair and install a laptop.

It is often a pity to destroy the already established interior of the living room, simply by placing a desk. Organize a workplace in one of the sections of the closet already standing in the living room, use it as a secretary.

Many designers suggest not to hide the work area in the living room, on the contrary, to visually emphasize it. To do this, you can use various floor and ceiling coverings, wallpapers with different patterns, Decoration Materials different invoices.

Was Became Question/Answer

Reader Question

We are a young couple, we are 30 years old, we live in a two-room apartment, we have no children. We love to receive guests, and in the evening to relax on comfortable sofa front of the TV. Recently, my husband switched to freelancing, which required a full-fledged workplace. Any advice on where to place it? We do not want to put a computer in the bedroom, so the 18-meter living room remains. How can we arrange a workplace in the living room so that it is not too visible and the living room does not turn into a “room with a computer desk”?

Sincerely, Alena, Moscow.

Designer's response

  • 1 of 1

On the picture:

With the help of the rack we divide the room into zones. The sofa is located on the same side as the desktop so that a working person does not feel that someone is sitting behind his back and this would not interfere with his work. A completely open rack can be replaced with a structure closed with doors on one side, then we will get a more secluded work area.

Decorator Zhanna Buzaeva suggested a traditional solution to the "living room-study" problem. Since two full-fledged zones are needed in the space, we select them using zoning with a translucent rack-partition. This allows, on the one hand, to achieve privacy in the office. On the other hand, do not deprive the sofa area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe living room of sunlight.

Since the reader did not indicate exact dimensions premises, for example, a typical 18-meter living room was chosen. Typically, this is a room big window and access to the balcony. To a large extent, exactly balcony door dictates the layout - the "route" of movement from the door to the window, and, as a result, the arrangement of furniture along one wall.

View of the recreation area. It has everything you need to enjoy your time with friends - a large corner sofa, a side table for drinks and a soft carpet. In our selection - a set of furniture used by the decorator in the preparation of the design project.

The decorator chose a calm gamut in neutral colors using different shades gray and added a few bright spots in the form of a coffee table, office chair, paintings and posters. Lighting plays an important role. The decorator moved away from the standard approach and did not place the chandelier in the center of the room, but hung it over a coffee table in the relaxation area: after all, the office will have its own table lamp!

Furniture for the TV specially occupies the entire wall. This is done in order to unite the living room space, and not divide it into two even smaller zones. In a small room, a significant amount of space is given over to storage systems that a worker at home will surely need.


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