I often dream about my sister. Why is my sister dreaming - interpretation of sleep from dream books

A sister visiting us in a dream is a close, significant, complex image. Moreover, we can talk about both native and consolidated. Therefore, the interpretation given by different dream books sometimes does not match. Read carefully and decide for yourself which interpretation is closer to you.

Relation degree

Why is my sister dreaming? Of decisive importance is how strong family ties the dreamer is connected with her: there is a big difference between twins and cousins.

Native in a dream often reflects annoying interference that prevents you from realizing your own plans. Miller's dream book claims that you are burdened by the care of loved ones - this is the most common interpretation. But according to Medea's dream book - if the elder dreamed, there is a shortage of female participation, friendly revelations. In any case, Medea predicts trouble, vanity, anxiety.

According to the Wanderer's dream book, in a woman's dream this is the image of a cunning rival, and the youngest is the embodiment of the dreamer herself. Vanga advises to look around: someone nearby needs help and participation.

The Small Velesov dream book hints: you can expect expensive gifts, but only if you dreamed not of a cousin - otherwise, expect false gossip and bitter insults. Second cousin - a reminder: in your personal life, rash acts, hasty decisions should be avoided. In addition, cousins ​​\u200b\u200bmay appear in a dream to break family relationships or minor injuries, such as a finger cut.

The interpretation of dreams about a twin is given depending on whether the dreamer has a twin. If there really is, the events in the dream are interpreted literally, no, this is an alarm: the Esoteric dream book recommends paying attention to your well-being, energy balance.

Particularly joyful predictions are given regarding what the birth of a little sister is dreaming of - serene happiness will reign in the house.

And why is a completely alien woman dreaming in this role? Dream Interpretations say: one of the relatives will marry, it is possible - the dreamer herself.

wedding and pregnancy

A wedding, first of all, is a harbinger of great changes in the life of a girl or in the fate of the one who saw this event, and with the direct, active participation of the heroine of the dream. Are these changes good or bad? If you are already married in reality - the fulfillment of desires is ahead, no - there will be a reason to complain about your well-being.

It happens to see in a dream how a young lady gets married - a premonition of the loss of something important. Why dream in a wedding dress - you will have to part for a long time, suffer from separation. I dreamed about being a guest at a wedding - interpretations will affect you personally. From the outside, to observe how she got married - the dream is not prophetic.

To see her walking down the aisle pregnant predicts huge profits.

A pregnant sister in a dream gives hope for big changes regarding the family. And if in fact the young lady is "marriageable" - get ready to go through the wedding chores.

The dream that she gave birth to a girl speaks of a trusting relationship between you and, possibly, of a similar fate. If she gave birth to a boy - ahead of favorable changes and improved well-being. To see how a very good sign gives birth, much will change for the better in her life, and if she gives birth to a boy, the business will flourish and bring solid profits.


The husband's sister, otherwise the sister-in-law, portends a tempting romantic acquaintance. Dream Interpretations also give the exact opposite explanation, promising consent, mutual understanding in marriage. If the sister-in-law was with a cat or a dog, an unexpected meeting with an old friend lies ahead.

The sister of a loved one is perceived as a rival. We saw your boyfriend's sister - get ready for gossip, gossip behind your back. And the sister of the ex-boyfriend in a dream recalls the unquenched feelings of a young man suffering in separation.

If a woman dreamed of her sister's husband, this is a hint of a sensual interest in this person. Similarly, for a man, his wife's sister does not appear in a dream by chance - he really looks at a pretty relative.

The desire to blindly imitate idols - this is how dream books explain why a sister's friend is dreaming. But the sister of a friend is an alarming sign that warns of a fragile attachment: you are not satisfied with the relationship and are involuntarily looking for another girlfriend.

Emotions and quarrels

Do not be upset when you see a girl crying - in fact, dream books promise your native blood not just well-being, but a resounding success. The English dream book says: if you dreamed of crying bitterly, this is a symbol of parting with girlhood, news of an imminent wedding.

Kissing her - according to Miller's dream book, this is a sign of confidence in a good, sincere relationship. Hugging - Hasse's dream book interprets as a danger of quarrel and betrayal, but Esoteric reassures: feel free to count on her support.

A quarrel with this very dear girlfriend, even in a dream, does not bode well, only deceptive illusions and the collapse of plans. If you happened to quarrel with her, you received a sign about the obstacles that your environment involuntarily erects on the path to your success, and to fight means that you are ready to decisively sweep away obstacles.

Any fight according to Longo's dream book is a reflection of an active life position. But only if it is not offensive. Hitting a sister in the face is not good even in a dream; this is interpreted as a vindictive desire to settle scores out of envy.

Sister's death

Do not lose your temper, do not be scared if you dreamed about the death of your sister or something related to a sad event. As a rule, the interpretation of such dreams is made "on the contrary." Be sure that a long and very prosperous life awaits her, and this prediction also applies to the dreamer.

The image of a dead sister actually promises: it will be possible to resolve old problems, get out of a confusing situation. The only thing that threatens the one who sees her is a decrease in income, but only if the girl died in her sleep right before our eyes.

Being present at the funeral is interpreted as the need to rely on one's own strength. To stand over the grave - in reality the situation develops in such a way that there is no need to wait for help from anywhere.

If the deceased sister dreamed alive, it is important to remember the circumstances: they saw the deceased in a coffin - you need to visit the grave, talked with the deceased - in her words you can find answers to topical questions, she slept peacefully - it means that she completely departed into another world.

The details are especially important in order to understand what the missing sister was dreaming of. Place, conversations, smells - every little thing gives a hint where to look for a girl.

strange situations

Seeing your sister drunk in a dream means: you are too lenient towards her misdeeds, crazy - she is preparing an unexpected but pleasant gift for you. She cut off her hair or drowned - you or she has a creative crisis, you need to deal with a breakdown. To kill her is to incur monetary losses.

You can be calm when you find out why she is dreaming that she is driving a car. There is no reason to worry, she knows how to keep the situation under control.

If you dreamed naked, be sure to pay attention to your health, since it is precisely this that is at risk. It doesn’t hurt for a man to show prudence when he finds out why a brother and sister dream of having sex - according to the Intimate Dream Book, in reality the dreamer is ready to do something shameful that will become the subject of gossip. Take care of your reputation.

Why is my husband's sister dreaming?

Close relatives who come in a dream can often bring very important information. The dreaming sister-in-law, if she sincerely loves her brother, can in this way express concern about his condition. But, of course, the meaning of sleep largely depends on the personal relationships of women in reality.

If a woman with her sister-in-law managed to become true friends, a kind of allies, then her husband's dream sister, if she looks good, friendly and benevolent, means only positive. Peace and love will be preserved in the family. There will be no troubles, and if they suddenly appear, they will be so insignificant that it will be possible not to pay much attention to them.

A dreaming sister-in-law, with whom relations did not work out in life, portends clouds on the family horizon. No matter how kind she was in a dream, you should not believe it. The husband harbored some kind of resentment, there is an understatement that can result in a serious scandal.

If the husband's sister lives far away, and you have to see her infrequently, then this only enhances the meaning of sleep. It is quite possible that she has not heard from her brother for a very long time, but, connected with him by invisible family ties, she is extremely concerned about the state of his family life.

If in a dream a sister-in-law, even one who is on very friendly terms with a woman, shows too accentuated courtesy, flattery that is not characteristic of her in ordinary meetings, then with a high degree of probability one can suspect her husband of a rather serious romance on the side.

The gifts and treats brought by the husband's sister are a good sign, promising an increase in well-being. It’s another matter if the products are clearly spoiled - this is an alarm signal that prompts you to take an interest in the state of health and problems in the personal life of the sister-in-law herself.

The husband's sister who came in a dream, warning of some kind of adversity, should not be underestimated. Perhaps in reality she became aware of the hostile attitude towards her brother's family from third parties, the impending deceit or betrayal. Of course, she herself, to the best of her ability, is trying to smooth out the conflict without telling anything to her beloved brother, so as not to aggravate the situation. But a woman who dreamed of this should be wary. It is better to reconsider the circle of your acquaintances, if possible - to move away from selfish and envious people.

What is the dream of her husband's sister, who in reality has already gone to another world? A very alarming signal regarding the husband, his health or inner state of mind! It is especially bad if the sister-in-law was drunk in a dream. It is worth taking a closer look at the state of the spouse, you can try to unobtrusively find out what has been tormenting him lately.

Whatever the distance between close relatives, an invisible connection between them remains. Almost always, with rare exceptions, there is a subconscious feeling of concern for the health and well-being of loved ones. The arrival of relatives in a person’s dream with questions or warnings is a vivid confirmation of this.

Dreams about loved ones often do not need a separate interpretation, since they only mean that you think about your relatives or spend a lot of time with them. However, you need to turn to the dream book if you dream of some events that are not typical of real life.

So, for example, if in reality your sister lives far away and you haven’t seen her for a long time, then such a dream may mean that an unfavorable period is coming in your life when you have to overcome considerable difficulties. When you dream that your sister is leaving for a long time, you will have to deal with problems on your own, not counting on anyone's help.

Dream interpretation pregnant sister in a dream

What is the dream of a pregnant sister. Dream interpretation

Why is Sister dreaming?

You can find out for free in the dream book, what is the dream of Sister by reading below the interpretation of dreams from the online dream books of the House of the Sun. If you need to find out what it means if you see in a dream not a Sister, but something else, use the search form for online interpretations of dreams.

What is the dream of Sister

Seeing a sister in a dream

Seeing or talking to her is a good relationship

What does the dream Sister mean

Dream about Sister

What do dreams mean Sister

Sister - to the scandal.

Dream about sister

What does Sister mean in a dream

For luck, get a gift; cousin - lies, gossip, resentment.

Dream Meaning Sister

What does Sister mean in a dream

To the news of her illness.

The meaning of sleep Sister

Dream Interpretation Sister

What does Sister predict in a dream

What does it mean to see a sister in a dream

Dream Interpretation Sister

What does the dream Sister predict

The meaning of the dream Sister

Perhaps even yourself.

Seeing Sister in a dream

A woman will help out in trouble.

Sleep Prediction Sister

What is the dream of Sister

See my sister

Dream Interpretation See my own sister dreamed of why in a dream to see my own sister? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see your sister in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Seeing a sister in a dream means unforeseen difficulties, troubles and worries. If in a dream you quarrel with your sister, this portends the collapse of all hopes for the future, the promise of an unrealizable one. If you dream that you are saying goodbye to your sister, this means that a period is coming in your life when you can rely solely on your own strength, without expecting help from outside. A dream in which you see a dying sister promises you a deterioration in your financial situation.

If in a dream you see a half-sister, then this means that in your life there comes a period when everyone has a desire to advise you and be interested in your affairs, to actively interfere in your affairs.

By the way, the famous archaeologist G. Gilprecht for a long time could not read the disparate ancient Sumerian text on two fragments of agate found during excavations. This find was mentioned in a book he had just written and which was to be delivered to the publisher the next day. However, without deciphering the ancient Sumerian inscription, the text of the book turned out to be incomplete. Therefore, Gilprecht sat in his office until late the night before, to no avail sorting out and comparing various versions of the translations of this inscription. The archaeologist did not notice how he dozed off in his chair. In a dream, he saw a middle-aged man wearing ancient Sumerian priestly robes standing next to him. At the sight of this man, Gilprecht was surprised, hastily got up, but not from the chair, but from some stone step on which he found himself sitting.

The man ordered the archaeologist to follow him, promising to help him. Although the stranger did not speak at all in the ancient Sumerian dialect, but in English, this did not at all surprise the sleeping Gilprecht. The scientist and the priest walked for a short time along some deserted street, passed several huge buildings located quite close to each other. In one of these massive houses, which seemed larger than the others, Gilprecht and his strange companion entered. They ended up in a dimly lit room. When asked by Gilprecht where they were, the guide replied that they were in Nipura, between the Tigris and Euphrates, in the temple of Bel, the father of the gods.

The archaeologist knew about this temple. During the excavations, it was not possible to find a treasury - a room that, as scientists knew, was located at the temple. When the scholar turned to his guide with a similar question, he silently took him to a small room at the back of the temple. In this room, in a wooden chest, there were several pieces of agate, among which were the two pieces found during the excavations. The priest said that these pieces were parts of a cylinder donated by the temple steward to Kurigalzu. The cylinder was sawn to make ear ornaments for the statue of the god, and one piece was split. On it, there were those inscriptions that were part of the whole text. At the request of the archaeologist, the priest read this text, dating back to 1300 BC. e. Awakened, Gilprecht wrote down his dream and the exact transcript of the text.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

To irritation, anger through one's own fault, change.

The departure of a sister always means happiness; to see a dead sister is a lack of certainty about the future.

An unknown girl declares herself to be your sister - it promises a quick marriage of one of your friends.

The sister of your husband who dreamed about you - to calmness and mutual understanding in the family.

Cousin - to family contention.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Sister - sister will dream - fortunately. "sister dreams - you will receive a gift" - a titmouse - household chores; guests; true love.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

The images of brothers and sisters in your dream can be understood in two ways.

Firstly, it is often a simple reflection of kindred feelings and related unrest.

However, in a broad sense, the image of a brother and sister in a dream: this is a reflection of your own "I".

A conflict with a brother or sister in this sense means internal discord, fraught with failures and mistakes in reality.

Seeing your brothers and sisters full of energy and rejoicing in it portends you a successful course of affairs.

Seeing them sad is a sign of impending misfortune.

Cousins, sister - the uncertainty of relations with a person.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

To meet with your sister is to feel someone's care or get into circumstances that only family ties with someone can help to get out of safely.

If your own sister marries in a dream.

Perhaps even yourself.

Seeing a half-sister is experiencing annoying guardianship.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

To dream of your own sister in good health - a dream means good relations with relatives.

Imagine that you are giving your sister a nice gift, like gemstone earrings.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Seeing a half-sister is an annoying guardianship and painful inspection. Also see Cousin.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

If you dreamed of a sister - your dream means that in reality you will face the betrayal of a person close to you.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Sister - to the scandal.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

A dream about her portends news about her or from her. See what she looks like. If it's good, then the news will be good. And vice versa. If you have a bad relationship with your sister in life, then a dream about her portends trouble, new quarrels and worries. See interpretation: relatives.

See your own older sister

Dream Interpretation See your own older sister dreamed of why in a dream Seeing your own older sister? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see your own elder sister in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Seeing a sister in a dream means unforeseen difficulties, troubles and worries. If in a dream you quarrel with your sister, this portends the collapse of all hopes for the future, the promise of an unrealizable one. If you dream that you are saying goodbye to your sister, this means that a period is coming in your life when you can rely solely on your own strength, without expecting help from outside. A dream in which you see a dying sister promises you a deterioration in your financial situation.

If in a dream you see a half-sister, then this means that in your life there comes a period when everyone has a desire to advise you and be interested in your affairs, to actively interfere in your affairs.

By the way, the famous archaeologist G. Gilprecht for a long time could not read the disparate ancient Sumerian text on two fragments of agate found during excavations. This find was mentioned in a book he had just written and which was to be delivered to the publisher the next day. However, without deciphering the ancient Sumerian inscription, the text of the book turned out to be incomplete. Therefore, Gilprecht sat in his office until late the night before, to no avail sorting out and comparing various versions of the translations of this inscription. The archaeologist did not notice how he dozed off in his chair. In a dream, he saw a middle-aged man wearing ancient Sumerian priestly robes standing next to him. At the sight of this man, Gilprecht was surprised, hastily got up, but not from the chair, but from some stone step on which he found himself sitting.

The man ordered the archaeologist to follow him, promising to help him. Although the stranger did not speak at all in the ancient Sumerian dialect, but in English, this did not at all surprise the sleeping Gilprecht. The scientist and the priest walked for a short time along some deserted street, passed several huge buildings located quite close to each other. In one of these massive houses, which seemed larger than the others, Gilprecht and his strange companion entered. They ended up in a dimly lit room. When asked by Gilprecht where they were, the guide replied that they were in Nipura, between the Tigris and Euphrates, in the temple of Bel, the father of the gods.

The archaeologist knew about this temple. During the excavations, it was not possible to find a treasury - a room that, as scientists knew, was located at the temple. When the scholar turned to his guide with a similar question, he silently took him to a small room at the back of the temple. In this room, in a wooden chest, there were several pieces of agate, among which were the two pieces found during the excavations. The priest said that these pieces were parts of a cylinder donated by the temple steward to Kurigalzu. The cylinder was sawn to make ear ornaments for the statue of the god, and one piece was split. On it, there were those inscriptions that were part of the whole text. At the request of the archaeologist, the priest read this text, dating back to 1300 BC. e. Awakened, Gilprecht wrote down his dream and the exact transcript of the text.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

To irritation, anger through one's own fault, change.

The departure of a sister always means happiness; to see a dead sister is a lack of certainty about the future.

An unknown girl declares herself to be your sister - it promises a quick marriage of one of your friends.

The sister of your husband who dreamed about you - to calmness and mutual understanding in the family.

Cousin - to family contention.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Sister - sister will dream - fortunately. "sister dreams - you will receive a gift" - a titmouse - household chores; guests; true love.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

The images of brothers and sisters in your dream can be understood in two ways.

Firstly, it is often a simple reflection of kindred feelings and related unrest.

However, in a broad sense, the image of a brother and sister in a dream: this is a reflection of your own "I".

A conflict with a brother or sister in this sense means internal discord, fraught with failures and mistakes in reality.

Seeing your brothers and sisters full of energy and rejoicing in it portends you a successful course of affairs.

Seeing them sad is a sign of impending misfortune.

Cousins, sister - the uncertainty of relations with a person.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

To meet with your sister is to feel someone's care or get into circumstances that only family ties with someone can help to get out of safely.

If your own sister marries in a dream.

Perhaps even yourself.

Seeing a half-sister is experiencing annoying guardianship.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

To dream of your own sister in good health - a dream means good relations with relatives.

Imagine that you are giving your sister a nice gift, like gemstone earrings.

Dream Interpretation - Senior

Bowing and expressing respect to the elder - portends happiness.

Folding, collecting new clothes - there will be various hardships, failures.

To bow in bow, to express respect for the elder - great happiness and prosperity.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Seeing a half-sister is an annoying guardianship and painful inspection. Also see Cousin.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

If you dreamed of a sister - your dream means that in reality you will face the betrayal of a person close to you.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Sex with sister

Dream Interpretation Sex with sister dreamed of why in a dream Sex with a sister? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see Sex with your sister in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Seeing a sister in a dream means unforeseen difficulties, troubles and worries. If in a dream you quarrel with your sister, this portends the collapse of all hopes for the future, the promise of an unrealizable one. If you dream that you are saying goodbye to your sister, this means that a period is coming in your life when you can rely solely on your own strength, without expecting help from outside. A dream in which you see a dying sister promises you a deterioration in your financial situation.

If in a dream you see a half-sister, then this means that in your life there comes a period when everyone has a desire to advise you and be interested in your affairs, to actively interfere in your affairs.

By the way, the famous archaeologist G. Gilprecht for a long time could not read the disparate ancient Sumerian text on two fragments of agate found during excavations. This find was mentioned in a book he had just written and which was to be delivered to the publisher the next day. However, without deciphering the ancient Sumerian inscription, the text of the book turned out to be incomplete. Therefore, Gilprecht sat in his office until late the night before, to no avail sorting out and comparing various versions of the translations of this inscription. The archaeologist did not notice how he dozed off in his chair. In a dream, he saw a middle-aged man wearing ancient Sumerian priestly robes standing next to him. At the sight of this man, Gilprecht was surprised, hastily got up, but not from the chair, but from some stone step on which he found himself sitting.

The man ordered the archaeologist to follow him, promising to help him. Although the stranger did not speak at all in the ancient Sumerian dialect, but in English, this did not at all surprise the sleeping Gilprecht. The scientist and the priest walked for a short time along some deserted street, passed several huge buildings located quite close to each other. In one of these massive houses, which seemed larger than the others, Gilprecht and his strange companion entered. They ended up in a dimly lit room. When asked by Gilprecht where they were, the guide replied that they were in Nipura, between the Tigris and Euphrates, in the temple of Bel, the father of the gods.

The archaeologist knew about this temple. During the excavations, it was not possible to find a treasury - a room that, as scientists knew, was located at the temple. When the scholar turned to his guide with a similar question, he silently took him to a small room at the back of the temple. In this room, in a wooden chest, there were several pieces of agate, among which were the two pieces found during the excavations. The priest said that these pieces were parts of a cylinder donated by the temple steward to Kurigalzu. The cylinder was sawn to make ear ornaments for the statue of the god, and one piece was split. On it, there were those inscriptions that were part of the whole text. At the request of the archaeologist, the priest read this text, dating back to 1300 BC. e. Awakened, Gilprecht wrote down his dream and the exact transcript of the text.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

To irritation, anger through one's own fault, change.

The departure of a sister always means happiness; to see a dead sister is a lack of certainty about the future.

An unknown girl declares herself to be your sister - it promises a quick marriage of one of your friends.

The sister of your husband who dreamed about you - to calmness and mutual understanding in the family.

Cousin - to family contention.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Sister - sister will dream - fortunately. "sister dreams - you will receive a gift" - a titmouse - household chores; guests; true love.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

The images of brothers and sisters in your dream can be understood in two ways.

Firstly, it is often a simple reflection of kindred feelings and related unrest.

However, in a broad sense, the image of a brother and sister in a dream: this is a reflection of your own "I".

A conflict with a brother or sister in this sense means internal discord, fraught with failures and mistakes in reality.

Seeing your brothers and sisters full of energy and rejoicing in it portends you a successful course of affairs.

Seeing them sad is a sign of impending misfortune.

Cousins, sister - the uncertainty of relations with a person.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

To meet with your sister is to feel someone's care or get into circumstances that only family ties with someone can help to get out of safely.

If your own sister marries in a dream.

Perhaps even yourself.

Seeing a half-sister is experiencing annoying guardianship.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

To dream of your own sister in good health - a dream means good relations with relatives.

Imagine that you are giving your sister a nice gift, like gemstone earrings.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Seeing a half-sister is an annoying guardianship and painful inspection. Also see Cousin.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

If you dreamed of a sister - your dream means that in reality you will face the betrayal of a person close to you.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Sister - to the scandal.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

A dream about her portends news about her or from her. See what she looks like. If it's good, then the news will be good. And vice versa. If you have a bad relationship with your sister in life, then a dream about her portends trouble, new quarrels and worries. See interpretation: relatives.

I saw my own sister naked

Dream Interpretation - Sister

If you dreamed of a sister - your dream means that in reality you will face the betrayal of a person close to you.

Dream Interpretation - Naked

Naked - To be - to a disease that you want to hide. Seeing a lot of naked people - to war or death in a disaster. Children - to the loss of loved ones.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Sister - to the scandal.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

A dream about her portends news about her or from her. See what she looks like. If it's good, then the news will be good. And vice versa. If you have a bad relationship with your sister in life, then a dream about her portends trouble, new quarrels and worries. See interpretation: relatives.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Seeing a sister in a dream - to the hope of help.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Sister dreams of childhood memories.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Guardianship, unnecessary influences, interference in business; for a woman, an insidious rival, she herself is the younger sister.

Dream Interpretation - Sisters

They symbolize the need for friendly feelings, female support.

For women, it can mean rivalry in love.

Seeing a sister in a dream portends new worries and troubles.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Worries, troubles problems.

It's even worse to see a cousin.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Sisters are a reward for skillful work.

My sister told me

Dream Interpretation My sister told me dreamed of why in a dream Did my sister tell me? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream My sister told me by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Seeing a sister in a dream means unforeseen difficulties, troubles and worries. If in a dream you quarrel with your sister, this portends the collapse of all hopes for the future, the promise of an unrealizable one. If you dream that you are saying goodbye to your sister, this means that a period is coming in your life when you can rely solely on your own strength, without expecting help from outside. A dream in which you see a dying sister promises you a deterioration in your financial situation.

If in a dream you see a half-sister, then this means that in your life there comes a period when everyone has a desire to advise you and be interested in your affairs, to actively interfere in your affairs.

By the way, the famous archaeologist G. Gilprecht for a long time could not read the disparate ancient Sumerian text on two fragments of agate found during excavations. This find was mentioned in a book he had just written and which was to be delivered to the publisher the next day. However, without deciphering the ancient Sumerian inscription, the text of the book turned out to be incomplete. Therefore, Gilprecht sat in his office until late the night before, to no avail sorting out and comparing various versions of the translations of this inscription. The archaeologist did not notice how he dozed off in his chair. In a dream, he saw a middle-aged man wearing ancient Sumerian priestly robes standing next to him. At the sight of this man, Gilprecht was surprised, hastily got up, but not from the chair, but from some stone step on which he found himself sitting.

The man ordered the archaeologist to follow him, promising to help him. Although the stranger did not speak at all in the ancient Sumerian dialect, but in English, this did not at all surprise the sleeping Gilprecht. The scientist and the priest walked for a short time along some deserted street, passed several huge buildings located quite close to each other. In one of these massive houses, which seemed larger than the others, Gilprecht and his strange companion entered. They ended up in a dimly lit room. When asked by Gilprecht where they were, the guide replied that they were in Nipura, between the Tigris and Euphrates, in the temple of Bel, the father of the gods.

The archaeologist knew about this temple. During the excavations, it was not possible to find a treasury - a room that, as scientists knew, was located at the temple. When the scholar turned to his guide with a similar question, he silently took him to a small room at the back of the temple. In this room, in a wooden chest, there were several pieces of agate, among which were the two pieces found during the excavations. The priest said that these pieces were parts of a cylinder donated by the temple steward to Kurigalzu. The cylinder was sawn to make ear ornaments for the statue of the god, and one piece was split. On it, there were those inscriptions that were part of the whole text. At the request of the archaeologist, the priest read this text, dating back to 1300 BC. e. Awakened, Gilprecht wrote down his dream and the exact transcript of the text.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

To irritation, anger through one's own fault, change.

The departure of a sister always means happiness; to see a dead sister is a lack of certainty about the future.

An unknown girl declares herself to be your sister - it promises a quick marriage of one of your friends.

The sister of your husband who dreamed about you - to calmness and mutual understanding in the family.

Cousin - to family contention.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Sister - sister will dream - fortunately. "sister dreams - you will receive a gift" - a titmouse - household chores; guests; true love.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

The images of brothers and sisters in your dream can be understood in two ways.

Firstly, it is often a simple reflection of kindred feelings and related unrest.

However, in a broad sense, the image of a brother and sister in a dream: this is a reflection of your own "I".

A conflict with a brother or sister in this sense means internal discord, fraught with failures and mistakes in reality.

Seeing your brothers and sisters full of energy and rejoicing in it portends you a successful course of affairs.

Seeing them sad is a sign of impending misfortune.

Cousins, sister - the uncertainty of relations with a person.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

To meet with your sister is to feel someone's care or get into circumstances that only family ties with someone can help to get out of safely.

If your own sister marries in a dream.

Perhaps even yourself.

Seeing a half-sister is experiencing annoying guardianship.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

To dream of your own sister in good health - a dream means good relations with relatives.

Imagine that you are giving your sister a nice gift, like gemstone earrings.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Seeing a half-sister is an annoying guardianship and painful inspection. Also see Cousin.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

If you dreamed of a sister - your dream means that in reality you will face the betrayal of a person close to you.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Sister - to the scandal.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

A dream about her portends news about her or from her. See what she looks like. If it's good, then the news will be good. And vice versa. If you have a bad relationship with your sister in life, then a dream about her portends trouble, new quarrels and worries. See interpretation: relatives.



Hello! I dreamed of my own pregnant sister. She is actually in her 30th week of pregnancy. Sleep - pregnant sister ON THE STOMACH! (namely, the pregnant belly) was sliding down the mountain and by the expression on her face it was clear that she was in pain.


I saw in a dream that my man was holding his hands on the belly of my pregnant sister, whose child was pushing. What is it for?


I dreamed that I was buying a pregnancy test for my sister. Why is this. And she has one test positive result shows.


I have 2 cousins, one of them already has 2 children, twins. I dreamed that both sisters were pregnant with twins with a difference of 2 months.


I swim in red muddy water with my husband, then I find out that my sister is pregnant, she goes with her aunt in a red and white jacket, I fly up to her, unbutton her jacket to make sure that she is pregnant, and start slapping her, saying that she a prostitute, then I want to find her boyfriend and beat him too. The term of the sister in a dream is small.


I am a pensioner. I have problems sleeping, so I rarely see dreams. I am constantly in a quarrel with my sister. At night from May 14 to May 15. sister with a belly. she clearly saw her belly. She told me that she was pregnant. Then she told me that she had a water turtle. she was on a leash in my hands. I accidentally released her and she swam into the sea ... I don't remember well. That's all.


Hello, I dreamed that a pregnant sister (she is actually pregnant) danced in front of the guests as if for show, but when I looked carefully, she was inappropriately dressed - some kind of skirt, but short and the genitals were half visible ..
Mom screamed at her so that she would not dance and went into the room, I also told her something. thanks


on the way home I accidentally met two cousins ​​​​and both were pregnant, then their mother (my aunt) came, I was also delighted with her and kissed her, because I had not seen them for 12 years


Good afternoon, I dreamed that my mother was telling me that my sister was pregnant and that she hid it very much, what does this mean?


Hello. I dreamed that I was arguing about something with my pregnant sister (in real life she is married and not pregnant). She has loose red hair and she, gesticulating strongly, is trying to prove something to me. We are standing in some kind of forest belt on a stone overpass, a strong wind and I can’t clearly hear her words, but the feeling in a dream is good that she is pregnant. Then she left and I was left alone on this overpass ... And then a friend comes up to me, whom I had not seen in real life for about 5 years, and also pregnant. He hugs me, happily asks about how I'm doing ... and also leaves the overpass, I'm left alone .. the weather from the dream was clear, only the wind was strong ...


I dreamed that I was pregnant from my sister’s boyfriend, and she was pregnant from some kind of foodball player, and my mother saw that this guy began to pay attention to me and constantly tried to divert attention, and also dreamed that we were walking somewhere in the swamp and I saw a flower and I wanted to rip it off and I plucked one small other big one but almost drowned and this guy rushed to pee on me, and then when we were at home he wanted to kiss me.


I had a dream of how I sobbed because of the ex-boyfriend, missed him in my opinion. Well, in real life, I never seem to have cried so much because of him.


I saw a fire, houses are burning, not neighboring and not ours. I see my mother, the cat is watching this. I see my sister pregnant with a big belly, in a pink dress. I see a snake that has given birth, my niece is playing with the cub in our yard. I only did what I experienced in a dream.


i dreamed of my cousin who is actually pregnant. In a dream, I seemed to be lying next to her and she was sleeping, her stomach was visible.


A couple of weeks ago I saw in a dream that both of my cousins ​​(25 and 21 years old) were pregnant and I talked to them. The dream was vivid, realistic


in a dream, I saw my own sister and she was pregnant, it seems like a boy, she was happy. and she also chose from the list of fans of the future dad (very pleased). in life, my sister is not married and now she does not have a permanent relationship with anyone, she has a child.


I walk down the street, I meet my sister Tanya, I say hello, and I see that her stomach is big and elastic, she still moves her hips, I ask, “Tatiana, what is it with you?!” I was shocked then, because she was almost 39 years old.


At the beginning of sleep, my mother kicked me out of the house, and after that I was already in the house with my mother and sister discussing my sister's pregnancy.


A pregnant sister in real life, she will soon give birth, in a dream she saw her that she gave birth, but her tummy was the same and lowered.


Hello, I dreamed that my own sister was pregnant, the sleep period was already long. In a dream, she is expecting a boy (according to a dream, her stomach has an acute shape and we conclude that it will be a boy or twins). From a dream, only she and I know who the father of the child is, because he is married and has a family.


my sister is pregnant and I don’t live with her, I don’t know how she is ... but I dreamed that we get along well and she told me that she was pregnant and then I ran away from her, what is it for?


10/13/14 i dreamed of my husband's cousin, who was pregnant (the tummy is already decent), in a dream she said to pay the mortgage.
14.10.15 in a dream, they told me about the death of my mother, I didn’t see my mother myself, my husband and I wanted to move to my father so that he was not alone. We began to look for another school for the child, I went all the time together, my husband and dad. The weather was cloudy, you turn the sun around the corner, then you pass again overcast, etc.


Good afternoon! I dreamed about my cousin being pregnant at about 5 months. What does this mean? Thanks!


I dream that my younger sister is in some kind of building, and this is a private house, there are a lot of strangers, she already has a big belly. her in this basin and I ask her if it doesn’t hurt you to do this, but at first she is silent, and then she answers that it doesn’t hurt yet! to this house, and after a while he goes out with my sister, I look at this man, he is so tall with a red beard, I ask my sister who it is, where are you going, and she says ask Marina, she knows, then I ask he is the father of this child, she says yes, I ask you are leaving to live with him, she answers yes, and left. Then I discuss this situation with some guy or man, he says it’s okay, this is her decision, and I say yes how so she is only 14 and she is already pregnant and even left with some kind of b bearded uncle………..and that’s all I woke up


I see the belly of my sister who is pregnant and how the child pushes her arms so hard that small arms were visible and I take them and lift them, the child is in my arms, a beautiful little girl. It was very joyful.


Hello, I dreamed that my sister and I were going with our bellies, picking apricots, then giving birth with an interval of two days and helping each other ... thanks


I dreamed of my already ex-boyfriend that he was on some kind of mountain. And I went downstairs so that he would not notice me (I don’t remember the rest). Then we go with my sister (she is 2-3 months pregnant) and pass by a herd of cows. One unexpectedly runs up to her and starts butting, outwardly there is not a scratch on her, but she cries and says that everything inside hurts. After I stand in some company, my sister is nearby and they are going somewhere and call me


my sister is in a position, she cooks something, then she becomes stuffy and her aunt takes her out into the street. Here, for some reason, they are building some kind of balcony, for some reason, a very high green color, I go in there and someone helps me get out. ate at a large table a little later everyone disappeared where I don’t know


Hello! my name is Katya and I really need your help, today I had a very strange dream that I didn’t find in more than one dream book, the weather is fine on the street, the sun is shining and we’re going to a neighboring village, some woman on a bicycle is taking me and my sister, I’m sitting on frame, my sister is sitting on the trunk, after driving a little, I notice that this woman begins to stroke my hand, I remove her hand, but she continues to do it more insistently, I make a lot of efforts to remove her hands and then she turns onto some kind of ladder that leads to some kind of garden, unable to control it, she jumps out onto this field and we fall, she undermines herself and pounces on me, starts kissing me, I try to escape but I can’t, I have fear for my sister, since she is both in a dream and in reality I am pregnant I’m worried about how she is, but I can’t get up this woman is holding me, I shouted at the top of my voice: “help” and woke up if you can help decipher this dream, since I see dreams very rarely, spa in advance sibo,


tonight I dreamed that my husband's sister, and 2 years younger than him, that she became pregnant. but for some reason, all the relatives knew except my husband and I, and when we found out we didn’t like it, why yes, because my beloved was against the fact that she would give birth to us first, since we had not yet given birth to a conscientious child, I have a son from my first marriage and with my husband we have been together for 3 years now and we can’t, and he was very annoyed that she would be the first in this.


i dreamed that my second cousin and I were pregnant. First I dance at a disco, and then I sit somewhere with my friend, my sister climbed up the pole, I also went at first but returned and talked with a friend. The picture is changing dramatically, I am already talking with the baby, as in a dream my sister’s child is already.


I dreamed of a pregnant sister in a yellow dress, she was sitting in the car, and I was walking from somewhere and saw her and approached. I really wanted to touch my stomach, I was very glad. The stomach was small


good afternoon, everything I remember * I remember that my sister and I corresponded by SMS, because we live in Italy and we often correspond with each other. And in a deaky hour I am writing it ... ..and the woman from this family is sure that my sister is still alive. Sabrina (that’s the name of that woman) was heard by voice reminders… the voice outside the boon nibi is three evil chi rasdratovaniya…. it seems that she went to look for her VAGITA. I'm out of school.


my sister and I came to my grandmother and she has a big tummy and she looked very beautiful but she is actually pregnant


i dreamed that my sister got pregnant from her boyfriend, but they were not married. we lived by the lake. my sister then gave birth to a very beautiful boy, but this boy did not look like either his mother or his father.


hello, I dreamed about my sister as if she were pregnant, immediately gave birth and they called her "blood" what does this mean?


i dreamed that my younger sister and I were pregnant and already with big bellies! I saw that my sister gave birth to a boy! and then I looked at home in the mirror with a bare belly and suddenly noticed that the shape of the abdomen was not the same! I came closer and realized that the child was located horizontally there and suddenly my stomach becomes more and more transparent and I see a child! his face! it was a boy! In reality, I still don’t have my own children and my sister too!


Hello. I remember that in a dream I had a sister announcing her pregnancy and after that with a skillful happy face. what does this mean?


I don’t remember the whole dream. I remember that I told my sister that she would soon become pregnant, and then she already dreams with a big belly and follows me, and I tell her - “you see, I told you that you would get pregnant.” It's just that my sister can never get pregnant.


I dreamed of a pregnant sister of the 7th month. She is married, she is 44 years old. Sleep feels very good. Even in a dream there was a group of children aged 3-5, my sister taught them to dance.


I dreamed about my sister being pregnant at first, then she gave me her son, I asked if my mother knew, and she said that she did not have time to tell her. And asked to look after him, I agreed.


Dreamed of a pregnant sister. She told me about her early pregnancy. and in my head immediately thoughts in my head, what gifts to buy for her, what handbag, more expensive, and all sorts of different undershirts. Well, of course I was delighted. all. nothing more


a pregnant sister with a clearly visible tummy and a protruding leg of a child is visible xp skin, and the sister denied that she was pregnant.


My sister is only 12 years old, I dreamed that she had a small belly, she herself did not know what was happening. I understand that this is pregnancy, and I begin to reproach my mother for raising her incorrectly, that this could have happened in our family at all! I just yelled at my mom.


i dreamed of a second cousin with her common-law husband and she was in early pregnancy, she was thin and her tummy was barely noticeable. he really wanted this child and, in my opinion, she too. although in real life she does not want to talk about children.


my younger sister is not actually pregnant, she is 17 and she has a boyfriend, today I dreamed that she was 4-5 months old, in a dream I was not very happy about this


i dreamed that I came to visit my sister, and she had a tummy, I asked you that she was pregnant, she answered and said that she would give birth soon


I dreamed about a pregnant sister as if she was a pregnant girl and touched her stomach and she moved in my sister's belly, my sister is married and she already has a child, a boy, but he seemed to have died in a dream, my sister told me why such a dream, please tell me


Hello, I dreamed of a pregnant cousin and my aunt was also pregnant, both with big bellies arrived somewhere where I was and get out of the car and I see that they are pregnant and I am surprised


Hello. I dreamed about my sister being pregnant, before she had an abortion 3 years ago, but now she was pregnant in a dream and didn’t know what to do, I told her to give birth. We were joyful. She didn't have much time. But the mood is good.


I dreamed of my older sister, who was pregnant with three fetuses, but her stomach was not visible, for a short time, and I thought, how will she continue to live with three children? In general, I was somewhat surprised.




Hello. i had a dream about 2 sisters, one is my own, the other is my cousin, and she asks me how are you when you were pregnant, I say no and she asks what should I do, I told her more healthy food and less loads and that’s all I woke up


hello, I dreamed that I was offended by my sister 2nd that she was pregnant and didn’t tell me and my aunt also turned out to be pregnant


In a dream, my sister had a third-life, well, she’s actually pregnant with me, she should give birth soon, two weeks left, well, she dreamed of me in a dream pregnant dressed in a beautiful white lace dress, we were all going to kudoto, well, then I woke up, well, however, the dream was colored like straight to the surface!


i dreamed that my sister and I had a fight, she was sitting on the couch, I was on the floor nearby, then she grabbed her heart or chest and began to groan, then she died. After her death, I had her late mother in the house, I asked her if I could take my sister’s things, she agreed, I opened the closet, it began to close and so constantly, then we had some kind of holiday, I had fun and at the same moment I cried because on the same day we were supposed to bury my sister, I woke up on the fact that I told my mother how she died, I didn't see the funeral itself.


I dreamed today that my sister, who is 42 years old and has no children and a husband (only a lover) with whom I told me in a quarrel for half a year that she was expecting a baby, I was delighted and started hugging her .. But she had a head wrapped in something blue and her face too. I mean, I didn't see her face.


aunt dreamed (my mother’s sister is now 48 years old, married, has children) that she was pregnant at 7 months, but she said that a girl died inside her child. (Note: I myself recently experienced a frozen pregnancy 2 weeks ago - maybe it's just fears)


Hello, I even wondered what my dream could mean. I dreamed that night. I don’t remember everything in detail. hospital. It seemed like there were 2 of them completely unfamiliar to me, they were with their men. Then, on a hike the next day, I woke up and found out that my sister was pregnant (in fact, right now she is 22 in practice). I remember the moment my sister was lying pregnant on the couch and my mother was lying and stroked her belly. and they argued whether my sister should get married. and at the same moment a large door with a mirror fell but didn’t break. Then I woke up. I’m a guy I’m 19 years old. Thank you


Today I dreamed about my sister, and I saw that she was pregnant .... soon, she gave birth to a small, cute, boy ... It seems she called him a steppe, my cousin is 19 years old, she is not yet married and will learn! ... What does it tell you


As if we came with the class to be tested for pregnancy, but none of us was pregnant ... But for that, my sister was pregnant and she had a very big belly))


I'm actually pregnant. I dream that my sister and I went for an ultrasound scan to see my baby, they told me that there would be a girl and then the doctor tells my sister that she also needs to do an ultrasound scan, she does it and shows that she has twins, two girls and prints out another picture, we then went and looked at this picture


I dreamed of a pregnant sister, the dream was kind, my sister was kind and affectionate. In real life, she is not pregnant and does not love me.


i dreamed of a pregnant sister (she recently got married) sitting in a car, she was in a dark brown sweater and a black skirt, and someone else was sitting next to her, I don’t remember exactly, and in the same dream I saw her sitting on a long bench with what then girls, what can this mean?


I dreamed that my sister didn’t take the teleon for a while, and then a pregnant woman came, sobbed and said, “Mommy, I’m sorry, I didn’t want to.” to him it?


i dreamed my own sister was pregnant and she was already in her last month, but when we walked, she started giving birth, but then some kind of nonsense began
that her child hatched from a nut and then another also by itself.
although in real life she is not pregnant and does not even have a boyfriend


Hello! This week I dreamed of my own sister, it was clearly visible from her big belly that she was in a position. But she is not married and she does not have a serious relationship, as such. Why would this be a dream?


Good afternoon. I had a dream that I was pregnant and giving birth at home .... and my sister was sitting next to me .... then somehow I got up as if nothing had happened. And then the relative's sister begins to give birth, although when she was sitting she was not pregnant.


Hello! I dreamed of a pregnant sister (waiting for a girl), in fact, she had 2 sons, but in a dream there was also a daughter, she was not married.


I saw my younger unmarried sister pregnant, everyone was very happy, but for some reason she was scared before giving birth. and after some time in the same dream she gave birth to a boy.


dreamed of an older native married young sister who already has two small children at the moment she is not pregnant


The married sister was pregnant, I saw a small tummy. She was in pontolons and tried to keep the pregnancy. I was surprised by this incident in a dream.


On the phone, the sister said that she was pregnant not from her husband and would get a divorce


I dreamed that my sister and I were at the gynecologist and she was told that she was pregnant. And the next day I again dreamed of pregnant women, there were 2 of them, but I don’t know them.


Good afternoon! I dreamed that my sister was pregnant and she already had a small baby of 1.5 years old. Nothing more, just a dream. My sister is currently married but has no children yet.


I dreamed of a cousin in a position, I was surprised and glad to see her, we hugged and I didn’t want to let her go, but her husband was in a hurry, it was cold winter, twilight


Hello! I dreamed that my own sister (twin) was pregnant .... I was very happy for her ... .., but on the other hand, some kind of longing ... because my husband and I have been trying to conceive a child for 1.5-2 years, we can't.


three pregnant sisters, my own, cousin, brother's sister, whom I persuade to leave the child


Hello, my cousin had a dream about the fact that I was doing two pregnancy tests, one positive, the other negative, I am not married, I am dating a guy and I have a son.




hello, I dreamed that my older sister was pregnant from a guy with whom she is now in a litter, we discussed with her whether she wants to leave this child, she decided to leave the child, and finally part with the guy! yes, in real life she has a daughter of 7 years


my little sister got pissed off and she was an adult
I wanted to scold her, but since my mother did not want to scold her, I did not scold her either.


my little sister flew into my dream, she was a little older.


I dreamed that my older sister (she is married, has a daughter), pregnant, began to give birth at home, fainted and I brought her to her senses! What does this mean please help


In a dream, I saw my cousin who was pregnant, everything was like in life, but this pregnancy is driving me crazy, what could it be? Sister is only 17


I dreamed of a pregnant cousin. In life, she is divorced and has no children. I saw her rounded belly very clearly, but for some reason a small child was moving there, the outlines of the head, arms and legs were clearly visible. And she had contractions already. I also felt pregnant in a dream and even saw my stomach, but not clearly. A week ago I dreamed of a pregnant friend, she is married and recently gave birth to a third child. I also have three children. And I dreamed that we became pregnant with the fourth.


I see a married sister pregnant with twins, she has no children, but she really wants to. like girls. we pray for healthy babies


My sister's baby died in the womb at 38 weeks in May. Yesterday I had a dream that she was pregnant. we went for an ultrasound and they told her that you will have a son and he will be white and not as smart as the one you buried. and when she came out from the ultrasound she gave her belly to kiss her grandmother and she was happy and dressed in a red blouse that was always worn before her son died.


My sister is 6 years old. I dreamed that she was pregnant. In a dream, I was shocked and completely opposed to her giving birth (unlike her parents). Throughout the dream, I felt disgusted, ran to her to say that it was impossible to have a child at that age, then to my parents, but they thought that I was talking nonsense, that giving birth at the age of 6 was absolutely not dangerous and necessary. And I kept saying that it would ruin her life or even kill her. My internal state in this dream was simply terrible: it was disgusting, disgusting, I was very angry and worried.


I am in the village with my mother, and on the way, two of my second cousins ​​​​go to meet me, one of them is pregnant, according to conversations, she is already 5 months pregnant

If you do not have any sister, even a second cousin, the appearance of an unknown sister in a dream is quite possible. The sister in your dream is you. This is a projection of your real feelings, dreams, fears, hidden emotions.

Your attitude towards your sister in a dream shows the true attitude towards yourself. Maybe you are full of love and tenderness, ready to surround her with care and help in solving problems. Maybe your little sister is crying, and you play with her, distract her with toys, buy a smart dress and braid her pigtails.

You strive to give the baby what you yourself are deprived of and what you would like to receive for yourself - care, attention, love. You lack this, you dream of selfless care, gifts, beautiful things.

In the second option, you experience irritation and indignation towards your sister in a dream. You don't like the unceremonious manner of an obnoxious girl, you would love to punch her. It is she who is to blame for all your troubles. She mocks you and sets you up for trouble. Perhaps in a dream you expressed frankly what you think about her behavior.

In fact, you only demonstrate the true attitude towards yourself, which you yourself hide from yourself. Dissatisfaction with yourself at the initial stages is a great tool for motivation and productivity, you have to work better and do more, because it is impossible to hide from the internal censor, you cannot deceive him.

The next stage of dissatisfaction with oneself and a cruel inner censor is depression. Yes, you do not meet your own rigid standards, you do not cope. Obviously, you are not as smart, talented, efficient as you would like. Dissatisfaction with oneself develops into depression, apathy and, if not stopped in time, can even cause mental illness.

Most often, people hide dissatisfaction with themselves under the guise of a loved one in a dream. To understand what the sister is dreaming of, let's turn to dream books compiled by leading psychologists and interpreters of dreams. If your sister dreams too often, go to a good psychologist. The specialist will help to understand difficult internal experiences.

The main meanings of a sister in a dream

  • Your own sister in a dream is you yourself. Whether or not you have a real sister. In the most striking cases, you will see your twin, which you allegedly did not know about for many years. Such a dream is a clear call for the help you need. It seems that you are a prisoner of the demands of others, and your own false ideas about what should be.
  • If your husband's sister is dreaming, you should be wary of a rival. Yes, this girl looks very sweet and innocent, does not arouse any suspicion. They are so close since childhood and share secrets, you love how she affects your husband in your dream. Turn on the big alarm siren and get predatory smiles - it's time.
  • The death of a sister in a dream - everything is in order with a real sister. You just backed yourself into a corner and rehearsed tragic scenarios. Perhaps you need to give up your usual lifestyle and change something drastically. Most likely, you consider yourself special, not like everyone else. Sometimes you think that you are better than others, sometimes - that is much worse. This is fine. Surprisingly, everyone considers himself special and not like that. In this we are all the same.
  • If your relative cries in a dream, complains - you are unhappy with yourself or you are not satisfied with the current situation. Tears are a sign of impotence. You need to overcome it and take control into your own hands.

What is the dream of a sister in dream books

  • Miller's dream book connects the appearance of a sister in a dream with excessive guardianship from relatives or with a loss of self-control. You constantly look at yourself from the outside instead of a full life. Do not harass yourself and those around you with nit-picking. This world is not perfect.
  • The English dream book draws attention to the behavior of the sister in a dream. If she cries and worries, it is quite possible that you cannot decide on some serious step. For example, you don't know if you should get married. Hugging with your sister in the English dream book - to quick and serious quarrels in the family. But you can kiss her - in this case, the dream book promises complete well-being. Fight with your own sister, slap her in the face for something - do not try to compensate for the absence of a strict parent. Life is not a prison.
  • If your sister in a dream is in an abnormal state - drunk or talking nonsense, deliberate nonsense - you are confused and lied to. Take a break, relax, try to remember who and what you said. Does not work? Maybe other people won't remember either. Remove too colorful details from your stories about yourself and fictional details. Life will become easier.
  • The female dream book sees relatives as a need for support and help.


Seeing a sister in a dream is an interesting sign. In fact, you yourself came to negotiate. You are very lucky, because many people have to spend years to understand themselves and learn to understand how you really feel. And your sister in a dream - at a glance. Try to study your projection, understand your real feelings. Most likely, you yourself are putting sticks in your wheels.

If you scold your imaginary sister in a dream, then you are very unhappy with yourself and this is a deep feeling. Constant dissatisfaction with oneself is a destructive feeling. Learn to love yourself as you are, do something good for yourself. Since self-control is so strong - try not a stick, but a carrot.

Give yourself days off, let yourself lie in bed as much as you like in the morning, break strict plans and do not be angry with yourself. You need to rest. Do not hesitate to ask for help from loved ones. Based on the opinions expressed, it will be easier to form your own.

according to Miller's dream book

The half-sister you saw in a dream means intrusive guardianship and painful inspection.

Why is my sister dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

the request will be denied; reproaches or rival (for women).

Why do relatives dream

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

distance; troubles, failures in business.

To dream of relatives, family, mother, father

according to Loff's dream book

Relatives are significant figures both in real life and in a dream. For this reason, the interpretation of dreams with the presence of relatives is not an easy task. There are hundreds of different possible interpretations, which may be based on the dream script or on the laws of classical psychology. The reason for the predominance of dreams about the family lies in the desire of each person to answer the question of what state of affairs in the family is “normal”, and then apply the knowledge gained in practice. A huge number of clients undergo psychological treatment courses, conditioned their complaints by the desire to have a normal family or a normal marriage. This idea comes from our relatives and how well they fit or don't fit our definition of normal. Dreams about family can reinforce or undermine our "normal" perception of family. Relationships within the extended family are important for the development of family concepts and traditions. As you mature and critique the notion of "normal" to fit your own views of life, these traditions either take a deeper hold in your mind or conflict with your own ideas. The obligations of family members, as well as the procedure and schedule for the implementation of certain assignments, depend on the levers of influence that exist in the "extended family". As a result, we create our own family history, which defines our true position within this cell of society and outlines its position in our system of world perception. At the archetype level, dreams involving relatives can be interpreted as the desire of the sleeper to see how he interacts with a large human community consisting of relatives. To interpret dreams of this kind, it is necessary to determine which of the relatives took part in the dream, and also to establish whether they are actually alive: often deceased relatives continue to live in our dreams. Usually there are the following reasons for this: either the action taking place in a dream reminds you of the ritual aspects of the relationship with this relative, or your relationship with him remains unclear. As a rule, dreams about relatives are periodically repeated. Such a repetition can have prophetic or historical significance, especially if the central figures in the dream are relatives with whom you have friction on an emotional level, or there are concerns about their state of health. In the case of friction on an emotional level, a dream can indicate the cause of this friction and indicate the possibility of eliminating it. In the case of the precarious health of some relatives, a dream can warn of the impending death of a family member. The place and basis for the appearance of relatives in a dream are important for their interpretation. For example, if only women are present in your dream doing things that they traditionally did together, this may mean that you are reuniting with your family in some new capacity. Here are some interpretations of this dream: 1. The unwillingness to join women in their cause is a hint of a conflicting attitude towards family traditions. 2. Joining a group consisting exclusively of persons of the opposite sex - confusion with determining one's place in the family. 3. Joining a group of family members who have a common unique feature, for example: all bald, all with cancer, all widowers, all single - indicates identification with such a group or fear of sharing fate with those for whom you feel pity or sadness. Despite the fact that family members are significant figures, in a dream they can carry a different meaning. The free associations you often have in this regard are the key to unraveling their influence on your sleep and the meaning of this influence. Typical figures of family members, such as fathers and mothers or their images, are symbolic in dreams. Regardless of the attitude towards them, they were the first people who influenced the formation of our personality, which includes our reaction to the world around us, as well as self-esteem and internal value system. Thus, another significant aspect of dreams involving relatives is the reflection of the positive or negative influence of individual relatives on the formation of your ego and personality strengths. Your strengths and weaknesses often alternate between different generations. For example, in one generation, the father expresses his anger quite violently. In the next generation, anger falls into the taboo category and is not expressed at all. In this regard, dreams about one parent have a compensatory effect. Sometimes in a dream you can see a family member close to you in an unusual environment for him, for example, scuba diving in the company of his grandmother. As a rule, dreams of this kind are replete with many other symbols and images that indicate its true meaning.

Dreamed of a family

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing in a dream some kind of family, friendly and happy, promises you health and prosperity, but if there is neither peace nor health in the family, this portends you despondency and disappointment.

Dreamed cousin

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing your cousin in a dream means disappointment and disappointment. This dream portends sad events in your life. To dream that you are carrying on a lively correspondence with your brother and sister means the final break between families.

Why is my brother dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

hostility in business or family; (in a dream) - an enemy in reality; died - the end of the lawsuit; burying a brother is the end of enmity.

See brothers or sisters in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Dreams about brothers and sisters are quite common. If you have brothers and / or sisters in your life, then it is assumed that they will be present in dreams about your family. The work of interpreting a dream begins if one of your brothers and/or sisters is absent, or if you suddenly have brothers and/or sisters in your dream who do not exist in reality. If the absence of a brother or sister that exists in real life is one of the central moments of the events taking place in a dream, then perhaps this reflects your perception of the family as a whole. If you or your sibling do not get along with the family, then the dream of an incomplete family reflects a break in family relations with one or more persons. Sometimes, if you tend to identify with your work colleagues, they may appear in the family in the form of a newfound brother or sister. If the solution proposed in a dream is quite acceptable for you, then this may portend a constructive partnership. However, this event can cause a little anxiety: in dreams of this nature, you may feel that the new brother sister penetrates too deeply into your life and claims to be too close, from your point of view, family relationships.

Why does the Sister dream in a dream from a dream book?

Why is my sister dreaming? The dream reflects the need for support from a woman, friendship. It can also promise problems and fuss, minor chores in the future.

What kind of family ties do you have with the sister you dreamed about?

What is the dream of the wife's sister

The dream about the wife's sister is not accidental. He says that in reality you have views of her and experience serious attraction. Think about the possible consequences of your desires.

Seeing a second cousin in a dream

I dreamed of a second cousin - avoid rash acts in your personal life, do not rush to make decisions. A dream may portend a break in family ties or a minor injury.

Dreamed half sister

A half-sister is dreaming - the guardianship established over you causes irritation and a desire to free yourself from constant teachings. You have to be patient and show restraint.

The guy's sister is dreaming

Why is the guy's sister dreaming? A dream portends the appearance of a rival on the horizon. Someone will spread rumors and gossip about you, slander behind your back. Get ready to accept it and resist.

Which sister did you see in your dream?

Dreaming of a sister without a right hand

The dream book considers a sister without a right hand extremely negatively. In reality, you will part with your loved one or soul mate, who is truly dear and close to you.

What events related to your sister happened in a dream?

Lost sister in a dream

The dream of losing a sister is an alarming sign. He portends that relations with someone close (it is possible that with the sister herself) will noticeably deteriorate.

Was there anyone else near your sister?

Dreaming of a sister with a child

A sister with a child in a dream promises vanity and difficulties in reality. However, with proper determination it will not be difficult to cope with them, it is enough just to show perseverance and diligence.

What age was your sister in a dream?

Dreamed of an older sister

The dream book considers the older sister as the appearance of an insidious rival on the horizon. You will have to try hard to overcome it, and you will not receive guarantees that this is possible.

Seeing a younger sister in a dream

The younger sister dreamed - look around. Your loved ones need support or your attention. Surely, there are such people, so we need to provide them with assistance and assistance.

How do other dream books interpret?

Dream Interpretation Sister's Pregnancy

Why dream of a sister's pregnancy in a dream from a dream book?

A pregnant sister dreams of an upcoming happy marriage if she is not married in reality. Your joy for her promises a successful marriage.

The pregnancy of a married sister portends diverse changes in her life, especially in family relationships.

Which sister is pregnant?

Dreamed of a pregnant sister

The pregnancy of a sister, according to Felomena's dream book, is interpreted as a quick marriage. If the news of pregnancy brought you joy, this is a good sign for a future marriage, meaning the longevity and happiness of the spouses.

Dreaming of a pregnant cousin

A dream about a pregnant cousin symbolizes resentment, disappointment. In reality, a streak of failures sets in, which must be waited out. The measures taken will not bring the desired results.

Seeing a pregnant sister in a dream

I dreamed of a pregnant married sister - serious changes are planned in the life of a loved one and her husband, which you cannot influence. Just take it for granted.

The deceased sister dreamed of a pregnant woman

The deceased sister of a pregnant woman is dreaming - the collapse of plans, planned cases. You will find yourself on the threshold of an uncertain future. The decision will have to be made quickly.

Native sister

Dream Interpretation Sister had a dream about what a sister dreams about in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a sister in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Sister - to the scandal.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

dead sister alive

Dream Interpretation Dead Sister Alive dreamed of why the dead sister is alive in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a dead sister alive in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Seeing a sister in a dream means unforeseen difficulties, troubles and worries. If in a dream you quarrel with your sister, this portends the collapse of all hopes for the future, the promise of an unrealizable one. If you dream that you are saying goodbye to your sister, this means that a period is coming in your life when you can rely solely on your own strength, without expecting help from outside. A dream in which you see a dying sister promises you a deterioration in your financial situation. If in a dream you see a half-sister, then this means that in your life there comes a period when everyone has a desire to advise you and be interested in your affairs, to actively interfere in your affairs. By the way, the famous archaeologist G. Gilprecht for a long time could not read the disparate ancient Sumerian text on two fragments of agate found during excavations. This find was mentioned in a book he had just written and which was to be delivered to the publisher the next day. However, without deciphering the ancient Sumerian inscription, the text of the book turned out to be incomplete. Therefore, Gilprecht sat in his office until late the night before, to no avail sorting out and comparing various versions of the translations of this inscription. The archaeologist did not notice how he dozed off in his chair. In a dream, he saw a middle-aged man wearing ancient Sumerian priestly robes standing next to him. At the sight of this man, Gilprecht was surprised, hastily got up, but not from the chair, but from some stone step on which he found himself sitting. The man ordered the archaeologist to follow him, promising to help him. Although the stranger did not speak at all in the ancient Sumerian dialect, but in English, this did not at all surprise the sleeping Gilprecht. The scientist and the priest walked for a short time along some deserted street, passed several huge buildings located quite close to each other. In one of these massive houses, which seemed larger than the others, Gilprecht and his strange companion entered. They ended up in a dimly lit room. When asked by Gilprecht where they were, the guide replied that they were in Nipura, between the Tigris and Euphrates, in the temple of Bel, the father of the gods. The archaeologist knew about this temple. During the excavations, it was not possible to find a treasury - a room that, as scientists knew, was located at the temple. When the scholar turned to his guide with a similar question, he silently took him to a small room at the back of the temple. In this room, in a wooden chest, there were several pieces of agate, among which were the two pieces found during the excavations. The priest said that these pieces were parts of a cylinder donated by the temple steward to Kurigalzu. The cylinder was sawn to make ear ornaments for the statue of the god, and one piece was split. On it, there were those inscriptions that were part of the whole text. At the request of the archaeologist, the priest read this text, dating back to 1300 BC. e. Awakened, Gilprecht wrote down his dream and the exact transcript of the text.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased, deceased

Dream Interpretation - Sister

To irritation, anger through one's own fault, change. The departure of a sister always means happiness, to see a dead sister - a lack of certainty about the future. An unknown girl declares herself your sister - promises a quick marriage of one of your friends. family. Cousin - to family strife.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Sister - sister will dream - fortunately. “Sister is dreaming - you will receive a gift” - a titmouse - household chores; guests; true love.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

The images of brothers and sisters in your dream can be understood in two ways. Firstly, it is often a simple reflection of kindred feelings and related worries. However, in a broad sense, the image of a brother and sister in a dream is a reflection of your own self. Conflict with a brother or a sister in this sense means internal discord, fraught with failures and mistakes in reality. Seeing your brothers and sisters full of strength and rejoicing in it: portends you a successful course of affairs. Seeing them sad is a sign of impending misfortune.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

To meet your sister - to feel someone's care or get into circumstances that only family ties with someone can help you get out of safely. If your own sister marries in a dream. Perhaps even you yourself. Seeing a half-sister - experience intrusive guardianship.

Dream Interpretation - Dead

To see deceased relatives, friends or loved ones - the fulfillment of secret desires / help in a difficult situation / your desire to receive support, longing for the warmth of relationships, for loved ones / weather changes or severe frosts begin. But if the deceased kisses, calls, leads, or you yourself go along serious illnesses and troubles / death are on his trail. It is even worse to give them money, food, clothes, etc. - serious illnesses / danger to life. Giving a photo to the deceased - the one in the portrait will die. Taking something from the deceased in a dream - happiness, wealth. Congratulating him is a good deed to do. talking to another in a dream is important news. Everything that the deceased says in a dream is true, “ambassadors of the future.” Seeing a portrait of the deceased is spiritual help in material need. Seeing both deceased parents together is happiness, wealth. the nature of their appearance is always of particular importance, while: the mother - with her appearance most often warns against rash acts. The father - warns against what you will be ashamed of later. The deceased grandfather or grandmother - are in a dream before significant ceremonies. The deceased brother - to happiness. A dead sister - to an obscure, uncertain future. Sleeping with a dead husband is a nuisance

Dream Interpretation - People who died in reality (appeared in a dream)

Those people who are no longer in reality continue to live (exist!) in our minds. In a popular sign, "to see the dead in a dream for a change in the weather." And there is some truth in this as a result of sharp changes in atmospheric pressure in the image of loved ones of the deceased, either the phantoms of deceased acquaintances, or lucifages from the non-physical dimensions of the earth's noosphere in order to study, contact and influence the sleeping person most easily penetrate into dreams. The essence of the latter can be clarified by special techniques only in lucid dreams. And since the energy of the Lucifags is alien (inhuman), it is quite easy to determine their arrival. And although Lucifagi very often “hide” under the images of our loved ones who have gone to another world of loved ones, when meeting with supposedly our dead relatives, for some reason, instead of joy, we experience special discomfort, great excitement and even fear! However, the absence of a full-fledged daytime consciousness, i.e., the unawareness that, together with the high-speed action of our body, is our spiritual protection from them, saves us from reaching direct destructive energy contact with the true representatives of the underground infernal spaces. Nevertheless, quite often we can also see “genuine”, “real” bodysuits of loved ones who once lived with us. In this case, contact with them is accompanied by fundamentally different states and moods. These moods are more trusting, intimate, intimate and benevolent. In this case, we can receive good parting words, a warning, a message about future events, and real spiritual and energy support and protection from deceased relatives (especially if the deceased were Christian believers during their lifetime). In other cases, dead people in a dream are our own projections, showing the so-called "incomplete gestalt", an unfinished relationship with this person. Such non-physically continuing relationships are expressed by the need for reconciliation, love, intimacy, understanding, resolution of past conflicts. As a result, such meetings become healing and are expressed by a feeling of sadness, guilt, regret, remorse, spiritual cleansing.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

To dream of your own sister in good health - a dream means good relations with relatives. Imagine that you give your sister a good gift, such as earrings with precious stones.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Seeing a half-sister is an annoying guardianship and painful inspection. Also see Cousin.

Sister's boyfriend

Dream Interpretation Sister's Boyfriend had a dream about what the sister's boyfriend dreams of in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a sister’s boyfriend in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Soaring

May have outwardly opposite meanings. Follow your emotions to decide which meaning is right for you. Soaring can be a symbol: liberation and getting rid of problems and restrictions. Soar emotionally above the situation: can mean exit from a traumatic experience. Sometimes people remember that, having been injured, they seem to soar upwards. Soaring can also indicate: that you are in harmony with your feelings and emotions. You feel spiritual harmony within yourself and swim towards the feelings and at the same time with them. Swim in the water: means that you have allowed your emotions to surface. Float in the air: means to rise above it all. Float: also means that you are aimlessly floating above the ground.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Seeing a sister in a dream means unforeseen difficulties, troubles and worries. If in a dream you quarrel with your sister, this portends the collapse of all hopes for the future, the promise of an unrealizable one. If you dream that you are saying goodbye to your sister, this means that a period is coming in your life when you can rely solely on your own strength, without expecting help from outside. A dream in which you see a dying sister promises you a deterioration in your financial situation. If in a dream you see a half-sister, then this means that in your life there comes a period when everyone has a desire to advise you and be interested in your affairs, to actively interfere in your affairs. By the way, the famous archaeologist G. Gilprecht for a long time could not read the disparate ancient Sumerian text on two fragments of agate found during excavations. This find was mentioned in a book he had just written and which was to be delivered to the publisher the next day. However, without deciphering the ancient Sumerian inscription, the text of the book turned out to be incomplete. Therefore, Gilprecht sat in his office until late the night before, to no avail sorting out and comparing various versions of the translations of this inscription. The archaeologist did not notice how he dozed off in his chair. In a dream, he saw a middle-aged man wearing ancient Sumerian priestly robes standing next to him. At the sight of this man, Gilprecht was surprised, hastily got up, but not from the chair, but from some stone step on which he found himself sitting. The man ordered the archaeologist to follow him, promising to help him. Although the stranger did not speak at all in the ancient Sumerian dialect, but in English, this did not at all surprise the sleeping Gilprecht. The scientist and the priest walked for a short time along some deserted street, passed several huge buildings located quite close to each other. In one of these massive houses, which seemed larger than the others, Gilprecht and his strange companion entered. They ended up in a dimly lit room. When asked by Gilprecht where they were, the guide replied that they were in Nipura, between the Tigris and Euphrates, in the temple of Bel, the father of the gods. The archaeologist knew about this temple. During the excavations, it was not possible to find a treasury - a room that, as scientists knew, was located at the temple. When the scholar turned to his guide with a similar question, he silently took him to a small room at the back of the temple. In this room, in a wooden chest, there were several pieces of agate, among which were the two pieces found during the excavations. The priest said that these pieces were parts of a cylinder donated by the temple steward to Kurigalzu. The cylinder was sawn to make ear ornaments for the statue of the god, and one piece was split. On it, there were those inscriptions that were part of the whole text. At the request of the archaeologist, the priest read this text, dating back to 1300 BC. e. Awakened, Gilprecht wrote down his dream and the exact transcript of the text.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

To irritation, anger through one's own fault, change. The departure of a sister always means happiness, to see a dead sister - a lack of certainty about the future. An unknown girl declares herself your sister - promises a quick marriage of one of your friends. family. Cousin - to family strife.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Sister - sister will dream - fortunately. “Sister is dreaming - you will receive a gift” - a titmouse - household chores; guests; true love.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

The images of brothers and sisters in your dream can be understood in two ways. Firstly, it is often a simple reflection of kindred feelings and related worries. However, in a broad sense, the image of a brother and sister in a dream is a reflection of your own self. Conflict with a brother or a sister in this sense means internal discord, fraught with failures and mistakes in reality. Seeing your brothers and sisters full of strength and rejoicing in it: portends you a successful course of affairs. Seeing them sad is a sign of impending misfortune.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

To meet your sister - to feel someone's care or get into circumstances that only family ties with someone can help you get out of safely. If your own sister marries in a dream. Perhaps even you yourself. Seeing a half-sister - experience intrusive guardianship.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

To dream of your own sister in good health - a dream means good relations with relatives. Imagine that you give your sister a good gift, such as earrings with precious stones.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Seeing a half-sister is an annoying guardianship and painful inspection. Also see Cousin.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

If you dreamed of a sister, your dream means that in reality you will face the betrayal of a person close to you.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Sister - to the scandal.

see sister in white

Dream Interpretation See sister in white dreamed of why in a dream Seeing a sister in white? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a sister in white in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Seeing a sister in a dream means unforeseen difficulties, troubles and worries. If in a dream you quarrel with your sister, this portends the collapse of all hopes for the future, the promise of an unrealizable one. If you dream that you are saying goodbye to your sister, this means that a period is coming in your life when you can rely solely on your own strength, without expecting help from outside. A dream in which you see a dying sister promises you a deterioration in your financial situation. If in a dream you see a half-sister, then this means that in your life there comes a period when everyone has a desire to advise you and be interested in your affairs, to actively interfere in your affairs. By the way, the famous archaeologist G. Gilprecht for a long time could not read the disparate ancient Sumerian text on two fragments of agate found during excavations. This find was mentioned in a book he had just written and which was to be delivered to the publisher the next day. However, without deciphering the ancient Sumerian inscription, the text of the book turned out to be incomplete. Therefore, Gilprecht sat in his office until late the night before, to no avail sorting out and comparing various versions of the translations of this inscription. The archaeologist did not notice how he dozed off in his chair. In a dream, he saw a middle-aged man wearing ancient Sumerian priestly robes standing next to him. At the sight of this man, Gilprecht was surprised, hastily got up, but not from the chair, but from some stone step on which he found himself sitting. The man ordered the archaeologist to follow him, promising to help him. Although the stranger did not speak at all in the ancient Sumerian dialect, but in English, this did not at all surprise the sleeping Gilprecht. The scientist and the priest walked for a short time along some deserted street, passed several huge buildings located quite close to each other. In one of these massive houses, which seemed larger than the others, Gilprecht and his strange companion entered. They ended up in a dimly lit room. When asked by Gilprecht where they were, the guide replied that they were in Nipura, between the Tigris and Euphrates, in the temple of Bel, the father of the gods. The archaeologist knew about this temple. During the excavations, it was not possible to find a treasury - a room that, as scientists knew, was located at the temple. When the scholar turned to his guide with a similar question, he silently took him to a small room at the back of the temple. In this room, in a wooden chest, there were several pieces of agate, among which were the two pieces found during the excavations. The priest said that these pieces were parts of a cylinder donated by the temple steward to Kurigalzu. The cylinder was sawn to make ear ornaments for the statue of the god, and one piece was split. On it, there were those inscriptions that were part of the whole text. At the request of the archaeologist, the priest read this text, dating back to 1300 BC. e. Awakened, Gilprecht wrote down his dream and the exact transcript of the text.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

To irritation, anger through one's own fault, change. The departure of a sister always means happiness, to see a dead sister - a lack of certainty about the future. An unknown girl declares herself your sister - promises a quick marriage of one of your friends. family. Cousin - to family strife.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Sister - sister will dream - fortunately. “Sister is dreaming - you will receive a gift” - a titmouse - household chores; guests; true love.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

The images of brothers and sisters in your dream can be understood in two ways. Firstly, it is often a simple reflection of kindred feelings and related worries. However, in a broad sense, the image of a brother and sister in a dream is a reflection of your own self. Conflict with a brother or a sister in this sense means internal discord, fraught with failures and mistakes in reality. Seeing your brothers and sisters full of strength and rejoicing in it: portends you a successful course of affairs. Seeing them sad is a sign of impending misfortune.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

To meet your sister - to feel someone's care or get into circumstances that only family ties with someone can help you get out of safely. If your own sister marries in a dream. Perhaps even you yourself. Seeing a half-sister - experience intrusive guardianship.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

To dream of your own sister in good health - a dream means good relations with relatives. Imagine that you give your sister a good gift, such as earrings with precious stones.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Seeing a half-sister is an annoying guardianship and painful inspection. Also see Cousin.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

If you dreamed of a sister, your dream means that in reality you will face the betrayal of a person close to you.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Sister - to the scandal.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

A dream about her portends news about her or from her. See what she looks like. If it's good, then the news will be good. And vice versa. If you have a bad relationship with your sister in life, then a dream about her portends trouble, new quarrels and worries. See interpretation: relatives.

Seeing the ex-girlfriend's sister

Dream Interpretation See the sister of an ex-girlfriend dreamed of why in a dream to see the sister of an ex-girlfriend? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see the sister of an ex-girlfriend in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Ex-girlfriend, wife

The dream in which your ex-lover appeared suggests that the past still lives in your heart, although you may diligently avoid memories of it. You are waiting for something to change for the better in your life, secretly dreaming of returning gone bright, joyful days and doing nothing. The dream tells you: stop waiting for the weather from the sea, be more active, and luck will certainly smile at you. If you dreamed that your ex died, this means that a new period will begin in your life very soon. While it is difficult to say how favorable it will be. However, it is absolutely certain that you will not be bored; you will simply have no time to indulge in memories, whatever they may be - pleasant or vice versa.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Seeing a sister in a dream means unforeseen difficulties, troubles and worries. If in a dream you quarrel with your sister, this portends the collapse of all hopes for the future, the promise of an unrealizable one. If you dream that you are saying goodbye to your sister, this means that a period is coming in your life when you can rely solely on your own strength, without expecting help from outside. A dream in which you see a dying sister promises you a deterioration in your financial situation. If in a dream you see a half-sister, then this means that in your life there comes a period when everyone has a desire to advise you and be interested in your affairs, to actively interfere in your affairs. By the way, the famous archaeologist G. Gilprecht for a long time could not read the disparate ancient Sumerian text on two fragments of agate found during excavations. This find was mentioned in a book he had just written and which was to be delivered to the publisher the next day. However, without deciphering the ancient Sumerian inscription, the text of the book turned out to be incomplete. Therefore, Gilprecht sat in his office until late the night before, to no avail sorting out and comparing various versions of the translations of this inscription. The archaeologist did not notice how he dozed off in his chair. In a dream, he saw a middle-aged man wearing ancient Sumerian priestly robes standing next to him. At the sight of this man, Gilprecht was surprised, hastily got up, but not from the chair, but from some stone step on which he found himself sitting. The man ordered the archaeologist to follow him, promising to help him. Although the stranger did not speak at all in the ancient Sumerian dialect, but in English, this did not at all surprise the sleeping Gilprecht. The scientist and the priest walked for a short time along some deserted street, passed several huge buildings located quite close to each other. In one of these massive houses, which seemed larger than the others, Gilprecht and his strange companion entered. They ended up in a dimly lit room. When asked by Gilprecht where they were, the guide replied that they were in Nipura, between the Tigris and Euphrates, in the temple of Bel, the father of the gods. The archaeologist knew about this temple. During the excavations, it was not possible to find a treasury - a room that, as scientists knew, was located at the temple. When the scholar turned to his guide with a similar question, he silently took him to a small room at the back of the temple. In this room, in a wooden chest, there were several pieces of agate, among which were the two pieces found during the excavations. The priest said that these pieces were parts of a cylinder donated by the temple steward to Kurigalzu. The cylinder was sawn to make ear ornaments for the statue of the god, and one piece was split. On it, there were those inscriptions that were part of the whole text. At the request of the archaeologist, the priest read this text, dating back to 1300 BC. e. Awakened, Gilprecht wrote down his dream and the exact transcript of the text.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

To irritation, anger through one's own fault, change. The departure of a sister always means happiness, to see a dead sister - a lack of certainty about the future. An unknown girl declares herself your sister - promises a quick marriage of one of your friends. family. Cousin - to family strife.

Dream Interpretation - Former boyfriend, husband

A former young man or ex-husband who appeared in a dream symbolizes your excessive passion for the past. This is what prevents you from moving forward, developing as a person; former love does not want to give love a real place in your heart. The dream in which you parted with this person suggests that it is time to change priorities, the collapse of old ideals. After this internal revision, things will go much better for you, and in all areas of life .

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Sister - sister will dream - fortunately. “Sister is dreaming - you will receive a gift” - a titmouse - household chores; guests; true love.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

The images of brothers and sisters in your dream can be understood in two ways. Firstly, it is often a simple reflection of kindred feelings and related worries. However, in a broad sense, the image of a brother and sister in a dream is a reflection of your own self. Conflict with a brother or a sister in this sense means internal discord, fraught with failures and mistakes in reality. Seeing your brothers and sisters full of strength and rejoicing in it: portends you a successful course of affairs. Seeing them sad is a sign of impending misfortune.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

To meet your sister - to feel someone's care or get into circumstances that only family ties with someone can help you get out of safely. If your own sister marries in a dream. Perhaps even you yourself. Seeing a half-sister - experience intrusive guardianship.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

To dream of your own sister in good health - a dream means good relations with relatives. Imagine that you give your sister a good gift, such as earrings with precious stones.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Seeing a half-sister is an annoying guardianship and painful inspection. Also see Cousin.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

If you dreamed of a sister, your dream means that in reality you will face the betrayal of a person close to you.

See sister as a bride

Dream Interpretation See sister as a bride dreamed of why in a dream Seeing a sister as a bride? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see your sister as a bride in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Seeing a sister in a dream means unforeseen difficulties, troubles and worries. If in a dream you quarrel with your sister, this portends the collapse of all hopes for the future, the promise of an unrealizable one. If you dream that you are saying goodbye to your sister, this means that a period is coming in your life when you can rely solely on your own strength, without expecting help from outside. A dream in which you see a dying sister promises you a deterioration in your financial situation. If in a dream you see a half-sister, then this means that in your life there comes a period when everyone has a desire to advise you and be interested in your affairs, to actively interfere in your affairs. By the way, the famous archaeologist G. Gilprecht for a long time could not read the disparate ancient Sumerian text on two fragments of agate found during excavations. This find was mentioned in a book he had just written and which was to be delivered to the publisher the next day. However, without deciphering the ancient Sumerian inscription, the text of the book turned out to be incomplete. Therefore, Gilprecht sat in his office until late the night before, to no avail sorting out and comparing various versions of the translations of this inscription. The archaeologist did not notice how he dozed off in his chair. In a dream, he saw a middle-aged man wearing ancient Sumerian priestly robes standing next to him. At the sight of this man, Gilprecht was surprised, hastily got up, but not from the chair, but from some stone step on which he found himself sitting. The man ordered the archaeologist to follow him, promising to help him. Although the stranger did not speak at all in the ancient Sumerian dialect, but in English, this did not at all surprise the sleeping Gilprecht. The scientist and the priest walked for a short time along some deserted street, passed several huge buildings located quite close to each other. In one of these massive houses, which seemed larger than the others, Gilprecht and his strange companion entered. They ended up in a dimly lit room. When asked by Gilprecht where they were, the guide replied that they were in Nipura, between the Tigris and Euphrates, in the temple of Bel, the father of the gods. The archaeologist knew about this temple. During the excavations, it was not possible to find a treasury - a room that, as scientists knew, was located at the temple. When the scholar turned to his guide with a similar question, he silently took him to a small room at the back of the temple. In this room, in a wooden chest, there were several pieces of agate, among which were the two pieces found during the excavations. The priest said that these pieces were parts of a cylinder donated by the temple steward to Kurigalzu. The cylinder was sawn to make ear ornaments for the statue of the god, and one piece was split. On it, there were those inscriptions that were part of the whole text. At the request of the archaeologist, the priest read this text, dating back to 1300 BC. e. Awakened, Gilprecht wrote down his dream and the exact transcript of the text.

Dream Interpretation - Bride

To dream of a bride in a wedding dress and with flowers portends deceived expectations and unfulfilled dreams. To see the bride's wreath is a happy resolution of an uncertain and predicament. Kissing the bride in a dream promises reconciliation of the warring parties. The bride, who, having drunk at the wedding, kisses all the guests in a row and not in one circle, such a dream portends a lot of good friends to those who see him, with whom you can always have fun in close company. Seeing yourself in a dream as a bridesmaid at her wedding, whom the newlywed kisses with tears of happiness in her eyes - this is to a wonderful state of health throughout the coming day. Kissing a bride in a dream, in whose place you could be, means that you will not be pleased with the success of your friends and will not be pleased to communicate with them. unforeseen and highly undesirable circumstances that in real life will overshadow her upcoming marriage soon. If a bride dreams that a young husband gives her a precious necklace and bracelet on her wedding day, this portends that she will have doubts about his fidelity during a drunken and stupid wedding.

Dream Interpretation - Bride

A young woman who sees herself as a bride in a dream will receive a good inheritance. But this is only if she gladly put on a wedding dress. If at the same time she had unpleasant sensations, she will be disappointed. The one who kissed the bride in a dream will have a happy reconciliation with friends. A dream in which the bride kisses you promises you excellent health. If a real bride sees in a dream that she is indifferent to her fiancé, then she will have to endure disappointment in him. A woman who sees in a dream that she is a bride and her beloved - the groom, soon there will be changes in his personal life. Perhaps she will make peace with someone with whom she no longer hoped to renew a relationship. She just should not insist too much on formalizing the relationship. By moderating her ardor, she will achieve more. If a woman saw her daughter as a bride in a dream, then in reality she subconsciously compares herself with her, and the comparison is usually not in favor of the mother. It is bitter for her to realize that she has grown old, has lost her former attractiveness, and her character has not changed for the better. She wants to be in the place of her daughter and have the same success with men. A man who sees his partner or even his wife in the guise of a bride is not sure of his masculine strength. In reality, he always expects failure, and in a dream he returns to the time when success was guaranteed. If a man saw his daughter in the image of a bride, then he will have a pleasure walk, from which he will receive great pleasure. Perhaps this will be a long-awaited meeting with someone whom he had not seen for a long time, but very much desired it.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

To irritation, anger through one's own fault, change. The departure of a sister always means happiness, to see a dead sister - a lack of certainty about the future. An unknown girl declares herself your sister - promises a quick marriage of one of your friends. family. Cousin - to family strife.

Dream Interpretation - Bride

The dream in which the bride acts symbolizes the expectation of something. For a man, this is also the hope for success in business. In his personal life, this is a deception, sadness (if a man dreams of a bride that he does not have). Kissing his bride is to make peace with friends, and if she kisses others, many joys and cheerful meetings await you. If the bride kisses you, the dream promises health and prosperity, and if you notice that the bride is tired and looks sickly, the actions of your friends will upset you. If a woman dreams, that she is someone's bride, love and income are waiting for her (most likely an inheritance). Such a dream promises all sorts of benefits only if the mood in the dream is joyful. Otherwise, disappointment in personal affairs is expected. A real bride who feels in a dream indifference to the future husband, in reality will experience a lot of trouble immediately after the wedding.

Dream Interpretation - Bride

If a young woman sees herself as a bride in a dream, this portends her receiving an inheritance that will greatly please her. But only if she is happy to put on a wedding dress. If at the same time she has unpleasant sensations, she will suffer from disappointments in her affections. To dream that you are kissing the bride means a happy reconciliation of friends. If the bride kisses others, this portends you many friends and pleasures. If she kisses you, the dream promises you excellent health. It is possible that your beloved will unexpectedly receive an inheritance. Kissing the bride and noticing that she looks tired and sick means that you will not be pleased with the success and actions of your friends. If a real bride sees in a dream that she is indifferent to her husband, this portends a lot of unpleasant circumstances that will spoil her for several days in her new life.

Dream Interpretation - Bride

Bride - For a woman to dream of herself as the bride of her loved one means a quick change in personal relationships. Perhaps this will be reconciliation after a long quarrel with someone with whom you have long despaired of making contact. Your problem is that you are too demanding from your chosen one the official recognition of your relationship. Moderate your ardor a little, perhaps after a while your chances will be much higher. - If in a dream you (we are talking about women) saw your daughter as a bride, then such a dream suggests that you subconsciously compare yourself with her and often the comparison is not in your favor. You note that you have grown old, your appearance has changed, your character has deteriorated. You imagine yourself in her place, you want the same success that she has. - If a man saw his partner or even his wife in the guise of a bride, then such a dream suggests that he is currently not sure of his male strength, it seems to him that he is about to fail. And in the dream he is trying to go back to the time when success was guaranteed. - If a man saw his daughter as a bride, then this dream portends the dreamer a quick pleasure walk, which he will spend with great pleasure. Perhaps this will be a long-awaited meeting with someone whom he has not seen for a long time and secretly would like to see.

Dream Interpretation - Bride

You will receive an unexpected inheritance, a “white streak” will come in your life if you see yourself in a dream as a bride who rejoices in her dress. You will be disappointed in your chosen one or in your chosen profession (if you are studying, you will change your place of study), if in a dream you were reluctant to try on a wedding dress. If in a dream you, congratulating the bride, kissed her on the cheek, then in reality you will make peace with the person with whom you have been in a quarrel for a long time. If you see yourself as a bride and kiss others, your future life will be full of pleasure, you will have many friends. If a bride kisses you in a dream, for many years you will not complain about your health. It is possible that your chosen one will receive a rich inheritance. Kissing a bride dissatisfied with the ceremony means envy towards relatives and friends.

Dream Interpretation - Bride

To see the bride - to money. If you are young - expect to meet your life partner soon. You kiss the bride - to good luck in business. The bride dreams - to wealth. If the bride dreams of a young girl - she will find her true love. Kiss the bride - be sure of multiplying states.

Dream Interpretation - Bride

Bride - To be a bride. For a girl - you have to remain unmarried, possibly due to the war. For a married woman, she will remain a widow due to social troubles, the danger hangs over your husband. Widow, divorced - to tears. Seeing a bride for a woman is a renewal, expensive gifts. For a man - profit, luck. The groom his bride - an improvement in life circumstances associated with marriage.

Seeing my sister leaving

Dream Interpretation See how the sister leaves dreamed of why in a dream See how your sister leaves? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see your sister leaving in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Seeing a sister in a dream means unforeseen difficulties, troubles and worries. If in a dream you quarrel with your sister, this portends the collapse of all hopes for the future, the promise of an unrealizable one. If you dream that you are saying goodbye to your sister, this means that a period is coming in your life when you can rely solely on your own strength, without expecting help from outside. A dream in which you see a dying sister promises you a deterioration in your financial situation. If in a dream you see a half-sister, then this means that in your life there comes a period when everyone has a desire to advise you and be interested in your affairs, to actively interfere in your affairs. By the way, the famous archaeologist G. Gilprecht for a long time could not read the disparate ancient Sumerian text on two fragments of agate found during excavations. This find was mentioned in a book he had just written and which was to be delivered to the publisher the next day. However, without deciphering the ancient Sumerian inscription, the text of the book turned out to be incomplete. Therefore, Gilprecht sat in his office until late the night before, to no avail sorting out and comparing various versions of the translations of this inscription. The archaeologist did not notice how he dozed off in his chair. In a dream, he saw a middle-aged man wearing ancient Sumerian priestly robes standing next to him. At the sight of this man, Gilprecht was surprised, hastily got up, but not from the chair, but from some stone step on which he found himself sitting. The man ordered the archaeologist to follow him, promising to help him. Although the stranger did not speak at all in the ancient Sumerian dialect, but in English, this did not at all surprise the sleeping Gilprecht. The scientist and the priest walked for a short time along some deserted street, passed several huge buildings located quite close to each other. In one of these massive houses, which seemed larger than the others, Gilprecht and his strange companion entered. They ended up in a dimly lit room. When asked by Gilprecht where they were, the guide replied that they were in Nipura, between the Tigris and Euphrates, in the temple of Bel, the father of the gods. The archaeologist knew about this temple. During the excavations, it was not possible to find a treasury - a room that, as scientists knew, was located at the temple. When the scholar turned to his guide with a similar question, he silently took him to a small room at the back of the temple. In this room, in a wooden chest, there were several pieces of agate, among which were the two pieces found during the excavations. The priest said that these pieces were parts of a cylinder donated by the temple steward to Kurigalzu. The cylinder was sawn to make ear ornaments for the statue of the god, and one piece was split. On it, there were those inscriptions that were part of the whole text. At the request of the archaeologist, the priest read this text, dating back to 1300 BC. e. Awakened, Gilprecht wrote down his dream and the exact transcript of the text.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

To irritation, anger through one's own fault, change. The departure of a sister always means happiness, to see a dead sister - a lack of certainty about the future. An unknown girl declares herself your sister - promises a quick marriage of one of your friends. family. Cousin - to family strife.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Sister - sister will dream - fortunately. “Sister is dreaming - you will receive a gift” - a titmouse - household chores; guests; true love.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

The images of brothers and sisters in your dream can be understood in two ways. Firstly, it is often a simple reflection of kindred feelings and related worries. However, in a broad sense, the image of a brother and sister in a dream is a reflection of your own self. Conflict with a brother or a sister in this sense means internal discord, fraught with failures and mistakes in reality. Seeing your brothers and sisters full of strength and rejoicing in it: portends you a successful course of affairs. Seeing them sad is a sign of impending misfortune.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

To meet your sister - to feel someone's care or get into circumstances that only family ties with someone can help you get out of safely. If your own sister marries in a dream. Perhaps even you yourself. Seeing a half-sister - experience intrusive guardianship.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

To dream of your own sister in good health - a dream means good relations with relatives. Imagine that you give your sister a good gift, such as earrings with precious stones.

Dream Interpretation - Leave

To leave is a change of position.

Dream Interpretation - Leave

If you dream that you are leaving somewhere from your home, then expect big changes in your position. See interpretation: leave.

Dream Interpretation - Leave

A noble man leaves on a horse - clarity in official business.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Seeing a half-sister is an annoying guardianship and painful inspection. Also see Cousin.

Hug your dead sister

Dream Interpretation Hugging a dead sister dreamed of why in a dream Hugging a dead sister? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to hug a dead sister in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Hug

If in a dream you hug with your relatives, it means that soon you will have the opportunity to gather them all on the occasion of a big family celebration. Warmly hugging friends who have come from afar after a long absence of friends portends a brilliant course of affairs and excellent prospects in the future. Hugging with strangers - to get acquainted with the future chosen one. Love hugs with women - suspicion of committing a dishonorable act will fall on you. Hugging your husband - get a gift from him, if he hugs you - he will drink his salary. Hugging children in a dream is a sign of family joys and peace in the house, if they wrap their arms around you and kiss you, you will be courageous in misfortune with loved ones, not giving vent to tears. Desired, affectionate hugs mean success and prosperity. If in a dream you avoid the embrace of a hateful accustomer or tipsy don juans - in real life you will experience a painful feeling of loneliness - and orphanhood.

Dream Interpretation - Hug

It is believed that hugging a loved one in a dream with a feeling is a good sign and promises a trusting relationship with this person; hugging a stranger is a sign of deception. Sometimes such a dream suggests that an unexpected guest will come to you soon. Hugging a person of the opposite sex or a lover in a dream means that you will soon learn about betrayal and betrayal. After such a dream, be prepared to part with it forever. For spouses, such a dream predicts quarrels. Hugging your enemy in a dream means reconciliation. Perhaps reconciliation will not be obvious, but reconciliation in the soul. Hugging a dead person in a dream is a sign of death for the patient, unless it is your loved one. For healthy people, such a dream predicts obstacles in business.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Seeing a sister in a dream means unforeseen difficulties, troubles and worries. If in a dream you quarrel with your sister, this portends the collapse of all hopes for the future, the promise of an unrealizable one. If you dream that you are saying goodbye to your sister, this means that a period is coming in your life when you can rely solely on your own strength, without expecting help from outside. A dream in which you see a dying sister promises you a deterioration in your financial situation. If in a dream you see a half-sister, then this means that in your life there comes a period when everyone has a desire to advise you and be interested in your affairs, to actively interfere in your affairs. By the way, the famous archaeologist G. Gilprecht for a long time could not read the disparate ancient Sumerian text on two fragments of agate found during excavations. This find was mentioned in a book he had just written and which was to be delivered to the publisher the next day. However, without deciphering the ancient Sumerian inscription, the text of the book turned out to be incomplete. Therefore, Gilprecht sat in his office until late the night before, to no avail sorting out and comparing various versions of the translations of this inscription. The archaeologist did not notice how he dozed off in his chair. In a dream, he saw a middle-aged man wearing ancient Sumerian priestly robes standing next to him. At the sight of this man, Gilprecht was surprised, hastily got up, but not from the chair, but from some stone step on which he found himself sitting. The man ordered the archaeologist to follow him, promising to help him. Although the stranger did not speak at all in the ancient Sumerian dialect, but in English, this did not at all surprise the sleeping Gilprecht. The scientist and the priest walked for a short time along some deserted street, passed several huge buildings located quite close to each other. In one of these massive houses, which seemed larger than the others, Gilprecht and his strange companion entered. They ended up in a dimly lit room. When asked by Gilprecht where they were, the guide replied that they were in Nipura, between the Tigris and Euphrates, in the temple of Bel, the father of the gods. The archaeologist knew about this temple. During the excavations, it was not possible to find a treasury - a room that, as scientists knew, was located at the temple. When the scholar turned to his guide with a similar question, he silently took him to a small room at the back of the temple. In this room, in a wooden chest, there were several pieces of agate, among which were the two pieces found during the excavations. The priest said that these pieces were parts of a cylinder donated by the temple steward to Kurigalzu. The cylinder was sawn to make ear ornaments for the statue of the god, and one piece was split. On it, there were those inscriptions that were part of the whole text. At the request of the archaeologist, the priest read this text, dating back to 1300 BC. e. Awakened, Gilprecht wrote down his dream and the exact transcript of the text.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased, deceased

to see your deceased father or grandfather, mother or grandmother alive in a dream - to get rid of difficulties and problems. Seeing living loved ones dead means that their life will last. A dream in which the deceased beats the dreamer means that he has committed some kind of sin. Whoever sees that he has found a dead man will soon get rich. If the deceased, whom you see in a dream, does something bad, then he warns you against doing this. To see a single dead man - to marriage, and a married deceased - to separation from relatives or divorce. If the deceased, whom you saw in a dream, did some kind of good deed, then this is a sign for you to do something similar. To dream of a dead person alive and testifying that he is alive and everything is fine with him indicates a very good position of this person in the next world. The Koran says: “No, they are alive! They obtain their inheritance from their Lord.” (Sura-Imran, 169). If the dreamer hugs and talks with the deceased, then the days of his life will be extended. If in a dream the dreamer kisses an unfamiliar dead person, he will receive blessings and wealth from where he did not expect. And if he does this with a familiar dead person, he will acquire from him the necessary knowledge or money left by him after himself. Whoever sees that he is having sexual intercourse with the deceased (who is dead, will achieve what he has long lost hope for. Whoever sees in a dream that a dead woman came to life and had sexual intercourse with him will be successful in all his endeavors. See silent in a dream of a deceased person, which means that from the next world he favors the person who saw this dream.He who sees that the deceased gives him some good and pure thing will receive something good and pleasing from the other side in life ", from where he does not count. And if the thing is dirty, then he may commit a bad deed in the future. Seeing the deceased rich in a dream means that everything is fine with him in the next world. To greet the deceased in a dream is to receive favor from Allah. If the deceased naked in a dream, it means that in life he did not do good deeds. If the deceased notifies the dreamer of his imminent death, then soon he will really die. The blackened face of the deceased in a dream indicates that he died without faith in Allah. The Koran says: And those whose faces blackened, (it will sound): “Didn’t you renounce the faith that was accepted by you?” (Sura-Imran, 106). Whoever sees that he, along with the deceased, enters the house, and does not leave it, he will be within a hair's breadth of death, but then he will be saved. Seeing yourself in a dream sleeping on the same bed with a deceased person is for longevity. Whoever sees in a dream that the deceased is calling him to himself will die just as the deceased died. Seeing in a dream the deceased performing Namaz in the place where he usually performed it during his lifetime means that he is not very well in the afterlife. To see him performing Namaz in a place other than where he performed it during his lifetime means that in the next world he is destined for a great reward for earthly affairs. The dream in which the deceased is in the mosque indicates that he is devoid of torment, for the mosque in a dream means peace and security. If in a dream the deceased leads the prayer of those who are alive in reality, then the life of these people will be shortened, for in their prayer they follow the actions of the dead. If someone sees in a dream how some previously deceased righteous people came to life in some place, this will mean that good, joy, justice from their ruler will come to the inhabitants of this place, and the affairs of their leader will go smoothly.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

To irritation, anger through one's own fault, change. The departure of a sister always means happiness, to see a dead sister - a lack of certainty about the future. An unknown girl declares herself your sister - promises a quick marriage of one of your friends. family. Cousin - to family strife.

Dream Interpretation - Hug

Embracing your husband - portends a happy event. Embracing your spouse - portends a joyful situation. Embracing your son or daughter - portends a squabble.

Dream Interpretation - Hugging

Dream Interpretation - Hugging

Hugging - If you dreamed that you were hugging your chosen one and could not restrain your feelings, you were promised peace and many years of happiness. If feelings are muted, then you are not destined to be together.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Sister - sister will dream - fortunately. “Sister is dreaming - you will receive a gift” - a titmouse - household chores; guests; true love.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

The images of brothers and sisters in your dream can be understood in two ways. Firstly, it is often a simple reflection of kindred feelings and related worries. However, in a broad sense, the image of a brother and sister in a dream is a reflection of your own self. Conflict with a brother or a sister in this sense means internal discord, fraught with failures and mistakes in reality. Seeing your brothers and sisters full of strength and rejoicing in it: portends you a successful course of affairs. Seeing them sad is a sign of impending misfortune.

Miller's dream book

The stepsister you saw in your dream- means intrusive guardianship and painful inspection.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

sisters- symbolize the need for friendly feelings, female support.

For women, it can mean rivalry in love.

Seeing a sister in a dream- portends new worries and troubles.

Freud's dream book

Sister for a woman- always symbolizes a sexual competitor.

For a man, a sister- symbolizes the desire to change a sexual partner or have another new one.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

The image of brothers and sisters in your dream- can be understood in two ways. Firstly, it is often a simple reflection of kindred feelings and related unrest.

However, in a broad sense, the image of a brother and sister in a dream is a reflection of your own "I". A conflict with a brother or sister in this sense means internal discord, fraught with failures and mistakes in reality.

To see your brothers and sisters full of strength and rejoice in this- portends you a successful course of affairs.

See them unhappy- a sign of impending misfortune.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

Seeing a sister in a dream- means unforeseen difficulties, troubles and worries.

If in a dream you and your sister quarrel- this portends the collapse of all hopes for the future, the promise of the unrealizable.

If you dream that you are saying goodbye to your sister- this means that in your life there comes a period when you can rely solely on your own strength, without expecting help from outside.

A dream in which you see a dying sister- promises you a deterioration in your financial situation.

If in a dream you see a half-sister- this means that in your life there comes a period when everyone has a desire to advise you and be interested in your affairs, to actively interfere in your affairs.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Sister- you will not be able to get rid of the annoying and annoying admirer for a long time and you will have to listen to his confessions and praises.

Play or talk with your sister- some people from your environment would really like to get close to you in order to be aware of all your events and news and use them for their own benefit.

New family dream book

The half-sister who appeared to you in a dream- can bring on you someone's intrusive guardianship and painful control over all your affairs.

Modern combined dream book

Seeing your sister in a dream- a sign of good health.

If in a dream you say goodbye to your sister- in some business you will have to rely only on yourself; see dying sister- to the deterioration of the financial situation.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Sister- a woman will help out in trouble.

Children's dream book

Sister- to scandal.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Sister- the need to combine disparate fragments into a whole picture. The need to realize the unity of all life on Earth.

Older- the need for advice, support, protection.

Junior- the need for care for oneself and / or the need to take care, to protect someone (something).

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Sister dreams- Memories of childhood.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, December

Sister- to the news of her illness.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Seeing a sister in a dream- to hope for help.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Sister to see or talk to her- good relations.

General dream book

If you dreamed that you have a sister or saw your sister in a dream- you'll be doing well soon.

In your dream you killed your sister- by your own stupidity, lose a large amount of money.

If you dreamed that you suddenly had a sister- in the near future, a relative may appear, the existence of which you did not suspect before.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Seeing a sister in a dream -

The departure of a sister always means happiness, seeing a dead sister- lack of certainty about the future.

If an unknown girl in a dream declares herself to be your sister- this promises a quick marriage of one of your friends.

Dreaming about your husband's sister- to calmness and mutual understanding in the family, cousin- to family strife.

Medieval dream book of Daniel

Reclining with sister- to losses.

Arrange your sister's betrothal- to losses.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Woman's sister- a typical pattern of struggle between brothers, returning to Cain and Abel.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Sister- guardianship, unnecessary influences, interference in business; for woman- treacherous rival younger sister- she herself.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

see sister- irritation, anger through one's own fault / change.

Plant her in a trough- a shameless act / to give out in marriage.

Death, sisters see- always unfortunately.

Her illness- can mean diseases of the hands or feet.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Sister- for luck, to receive a gift; cousin- lies, gossip, resentment.

Ukrainian dream book

Sister will dream- Fortunately.

Collection of dream books

Sister- family ties; sisterhood.

sisters- reward for hard work.

If you dreamed of a sister- your dream means that in reality you will face the betrayal of a person close to you.


Why is my sister dreaming? The dream reflects the need for support from a woman, friendship. It can also promise problems and fuss, minor chores in the future.

What kind of family ties do you have with the sister you dreamed about? Which sister did you see in your dream? What events related to your sister happened in a dream? Was there anyone else near your sister? What age was your sister in a dream?

What kind of family ties do you have with the sister you dreamed about?

Sister Cousin

What is the dream of the wife's sister

The dream about the wife's sister is not accidental. He says that in reality you have views of her and experience serious attraction. Think about the possible consequences of your desires.

Ex-boyfriend's sister Husband's sister

Seeing a second cousin in a dream

I dreamed of a second cousin - avoid rash acts in your personal life, do not rush to make decisions. A dream may portend a break in family ties or a minor injury.

Dreamed half sister

A half-sister is dreaming - the guardianship established over you causes irritation and a desire to free yourself from constant teachings. You have to be patient and show restraint.

The guy's sister is dreaming

Why is the guy's sister dreaming? A dream portends the appearance of a rival on the horizon. Someone will spread rumors and gossip about you, slander behind your back. Get ready to accept it and resist.

Which sister did you see in your dream?

Deceased sister Naked sister Pregnant sister

Dreaming of a sister without a right hand

The dream book considers a sister without a right hand extremely negatively. In reality, you will part with your loved one or soul mate, who is truly dear and close to you.

What events related to your sister happened in a dream?

Sister gave birth Sister cries Birth of sister Sister's death Sister died Sister is getting married

Lost sister in a dream

The dream of losing a sister is an alarming sign. He portends that relations with someone close (it is possible that with the sister herself) will noticeably deteriorate.

Fight with sister

Was there anyone else near your sister?

Dreaming of a sister with a child

A sister with a child in a dream promises vanity and difficulties in reality. However, with proper determination it will not be difficult to cope with them, it is enough just to show perseverance and diligence.

Brother and sister

What age was your sister in a dream?

Dreamed of an older sister

The dream book considers the older sister as the appearance of an insidious rival on the horizon. You will have to try hard to overcome it, and you will not receive guarantees that this is possible.

Seeing a younger sister in a dream

The younger sister dreamed - look around. Your loved ones need support or your attention. Surely, there are such people, so we need to provide them with assistance and assistance.


Why dream that a sister died in a dream

Do not be afraid of dreams about death, because they, as a rule, usually mean, on the contrary, good health and a long life. In addition, death is often interpreted as the beginning of a new stage, a fundamental change in relations, and the resolution of problems.

This dream is especially favorable if the sister is sick in real life: she will probably recover soon. True, you should be wary if the sister not only dreams of being dead, but also talks to you. It is advisable to remember the words and phrases that are spoken in this conversation, since such a dream can be, to a certain extent, a warning about the trials that await you in the near future.


Dream Interpretation Sister gave birth

Why dream Sister gave birth in a dream from a dream book?

I dreamed about how my sister gave birth - in reality, get ready for significant changes in family life. Specifically, they will not concern the sister, but they will affect all family members.

Whom did the sister give birth to in your dream?

Dreaming that the sister gave birth to a girl

She dreams about how her sister gave birth to a daughter - in reality, you are close enough with her and trust each other. It is possible that your fates are similar. Pay attention to the details of the dream, they contain important clues.

I dreamed that my sister gave birth to a boy

Why dream about how a sister gave birth to a boy? The dream is auspicious in all respects. Replenishment in the sister's family promises positive changes and an increase in material condition.



Dream Interpretation Sisters relatives dreamed of why the Sisters are dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see Sisters in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Dream Interpretation - Sister

To irritation, anger through one's own fault, change.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Perhaps even yourself.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Sister - to the scandal.

Dream Interpretation - Sister


To see a sister reporting

Dream Interpretation See sister reporting dreamed of why in a dream Seeing a sister reporting? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see your own sister in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Seeing a sister in a dream means unforeseen difficulties, troubles and worries. If in a dream you quarrel with your sister, this portends the collapse of all hopes for the future, the promise of an unrealizable one. If you dream that you are saying goodbye to your sister, this means that a period is coming in your life when you can rely solely on your own strength, without expecting help from outside. A dream in which you see a dying sister promises you a deterioration in your financial situation.

If in a dream you see a half-sister, then this means that in your life there comes a period when everyone has a desire to advise you and be interested in your affairs, to actively interfere in your affairs.

By the way, the famous archaeologist G. Gilprecht for a long time could not read the disparate ancient Sumerian text on two fragments of agate found during excavations. This find was mentioned in a book he had just written and which was to be delivered to the publisher the next day. However, without deciphering the ancient Sumerian inscription, the text of the book turned out to be incomplete. Therefore, Gilprecht sat in his office until late the night before, to no avail sorting out and comparing various versions of the translations of this inscription. The archaeologist did not notice how he dozed off in his chair. In a dream, he saw a middle-aged man wearing ancient Sumerian priestly robes standing next to him. At the sight of this man, Gilprecht was surprised, hastily got up, but not from the chair, but from some stone step on which he found himself sitting.

The man ordered the archaeologist to follow him, promising to help him. Although the stranger did not speak at all in the ancient Sumerian dialect, but in English, this did not at all surprise the sleeping Gilprecht. The scientist and the priest walked for a short time along some deserted street, passed several huge buildings located quite close to each other. In one of these massive houses, which seemed larger than the others, Gilprecht and his strange companion entered. They ended up in a dimly lit room. When asked by Gilprecht where they were, the guide replied that they were in Nipura, between the Tigris and Euphrates, in the temple of Bel, the father of the gods.

The archaeologist knew about this temple. During the excavations, it was not possible to find a treasury - a room that, as scientists knew, was located at the temple. When the scholar turned to his guide with a similar question, he silently took him to a small room at the back of the temple. In this room, in a wooden chest, there were several pieces of agate, among which were the two pieces found during the excavations. The priest said that these pieces were parts of a cylinder donated by the temple steward to Kurigalzu. The cylinder was sawn to make ear ornaments for the statue of the god, and one piece was split. On it, there were those inscriptions that were part of the whole text. At the request of the archaeologist, the priest read this text, dating back to 1300 BC. e. Awakened, Gilprecht wrote down his dream and the exact transcript of the text.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

To irritation, anger through one's own fault, change.

The departure of a sister always means happiness; to see a dead sister is a lack of certainty about the future.

An unknown girl declares herself to be your sister - it promises a quick marriage of one of your friends.

The sister of your husband who dreamed about you - to calmness and mutual understanding in the family.

Cousin - to family contention.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Sister - sister will dream - fortunately. "sister dreams - you will receive a gift" - a titmouse - household chores; guests; true love.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

The images of brothers and sisters in your dream can be understood in two ways.

Firstly, it is often a simple reflection of kindred feelings and related unrest.

However, in a broad sense, the image of a brother and sister in a dream: this is a reflection of your own "I".

A conflict with a brother or sister in this sense means internal discord, fraught with failures and mistakes in reality.

Seeing your brothers and sisters full of energy and rejoicing in it portends you a successful course of affairs.

Seeing them sad is a sign of impending misfortune.

Cousins, sister - the uncertainty of relations with a person.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

To meet with your sister is to feel someone's care or get into circumstances that only family ties with someone can help to get out of safely.

If your own sister marries in a dream.

Perhaps even yourself.

Seeing a half-sister is experiencing annoying guardianship.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

To dream of your own sister in good health - a dream means good relations with relatives.

Imagine that you are giving your sister a nice gift, like gemstone earrings.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Seeing a half-sister is an annoying guardianship and painful inspection. Also see Cousin.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

If you dreamed of a sister - your dream means that in reality you will face the betrayal of a person close to you.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Sister - to the scandal.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

A dream about her portends news about her or from her. See what she looks like. If it's good, then the news will be good. And vice versa. If you have a bad relationship with your sister in life, then a dream about her portends trouble, new quarrels and worries. See interpretation: relatives.


Sister in a dream

Native sister

The day before the wedding in a dream

I am a young woman, married, no children. I dreamed about the day before my wedding. Registration should take place on the river bank, my brother and I went to check if everything was organized. As he approached the man, I noticed the chairs that stood there, their legs sinking into the mud. And on this day, the brother cut the unknown girl with a typewriter. Then it turned out that it was me with the haircut. I prefer long hair, but the haircut seemed good to me. Then I went to another house, where I was met by a relative of my husband (I saw this person for the first time) and we talked.

Dream about a house

I am in the village, in my home. It's warm and cozy there. In place of our Russian stove - a new one. Very smooth oven surfaces. My sister is next to me. I don't see her, but I feel that she is. Summer, the sun (you can see its rays from the windows). There is no door in the house, but there are windows. I'm looking for a way out of the house. The door to the stove is metal, closed with a bolt. I open it carefully so as not to burn myself. There is a fire in the stove, some kind of cheerful, no smoke, no crackling, high, even fire. I understand that you can’t leave the house here - I’ll burn myself. Here the sister says that you can climb out the window. We open it and I start to crawl out feet first. This is where I wake up.

Resurrected grandfather in a dream

I dream that my sisters and I live in some very dilapidated house. Cramped, damp, somehow confusing, it’s scary to touch the pipes - they will fall apart. The stairs are wooden, the planks are broken. And that's where we live. And we will soon find out that our grandfather died, and a long time ago, but we need to bury him.

He dreams that he is lying on a bed in this house of ours, quite well preserved. I am rather squeamishly shocked when my younger sister takes grandfather, undresses and carries it to the bathroom - to wash before the funeral. There is little visible naked body - the back and that's it. As soon as she put him in the bath, grandfather opens his eyes, clings to the upper crossbar of the opening with his hands and begins to sway back and forth. I'm horrified, my sisters seem to be too, but somehow it's not like that. We run with them along a narrow corridor, I drive them up this fragile ladder, I myself try to crawl after me, but fear has fettered me so much that I can’t. As a result, I somehow climbed up too, grandfather followed, we squeak, and the next moment everything is somehow different. One sister washes the dishes in the kitchen, the other is in the same place, they already treat what is happening as if grandfather has been living with us for a long time, and for me a minute has passed ... And I run from him down the corridor, again, with great difficulty every step is given, and he is angry to the point of horror, he makes terrible sounds. I run into the kitchen to the girls, slam the door, shout: "Give me salt, I'll sprinkle the threshold!" I lean on the door with my back, my grandfather breaks, and I read "Our Father", and I forget the words! .. I wake up in horror.

I would be grateful if someone could interpret this dream. I feel like I'm doing something seriously wrong in my life. Thank you in advance.

It is strange that our mothers were only indirectly mentioned once in a dream.

Orange carpet and my shoes in a dream

I don’t remember that I’m in some other apartment, I don’t remember mine, but if it’s mine, then I sort of overpowered myself in another apartment, but it’s not very beautiful, simple, or I was visiting my sister, it’s not possible to say for sure about this moment can. But I used to store my shoes in the closet in this apartment. And then the sister showed the room what she bought two carpets, I saw one of them well in a dream, my sister laid it on the floor, the carpet was bright orange, during a conversation with my sister, I suggested to her that this carpet is very beautifully combined with tulle in this room because they are the same color. I also saw some people in this dream that I didn’t know, and we talked with them and even played some kind of game, I remember these people because they were a husband and wife, a young couple, but to my surprise, the young man spoke Turkish because and I, this surprised me, because in my city, apart from a few people, no one knows this language.

Here mench is most interested in what my shoes could mean, these people and a carpet of this color, well, what does my sister have to do with it

Torn off limbs in a dream

My sister dreamed that I, she and my mother somehow found themselves in the entrance of the house where we lived for many years and where we left a few years ago. Then the sister hears her mother's cry and sees her mother with my limb (most likely a leg). Then my sister found my second limb and also screamed in horror. Then my sister found me without legs and carried me somewhere. At the same time, I was very large! And alive!

The birth of an embryo in a dream

I am with my younger sister in the apartment. Suddenly I want to go to the toilet, I go, sit on the toilet and suddenly a slimy lump immediately jumps out of me. I peer, and this is a small embryo. I get scared, it turns out, could be a child! My little sister and I don't know what to do.

The older sister arrives. Panicking, I grab the embryo and stuff it into the trash can so my sister can't see.

Tell me, please, does this mean pregnancy, as they say in all dream books?

Library and boatman in a dream

My sister and I went to the library [it was huge]. My sister took a large book, and I took a small magazine "Dalai Lama", the letter "y" was not visible on it. When we left the library, it was raining outside, we got wet and red, almost pink, stripes appeared on the book with the magazine. We went back to the library to talk about it. They demanded 22 rubles from us. My sister had only 17, I also had a change, but I did not give them away, but quarreled with the librarians. They did not argue with us, they gave us some drawings and even donuts.

Then we left and walked around the city. In the center of the city there was a small river (instead of the main road). The water was crystal clear, although there were many swimmers. A boatman, a little boy of about 12 years old, was transporting people across the river. My sister began to swim, and I looked at the boatman, at his big blue oblong boat.

A trip to the sea in a dream

My sister and I came to the sea. We approach the shore, a small wave accelerates on us, I run closer, stretch out my arms, and it breaks right next to my feet. We laugh with my sister and go to the hotel.

The hotel has a long corridor. And while we go to our room, we meet my friend. Both I and my friend were delighted to meet, we start fooling around, he runs after me along the corridor, we both laugh.

I wanted to go to the toilet. I went to look. I go in, look, where is the toilet itself? Surprised, she turned to ask someone, then changed her mind and walked past the empty booths. And a little further I found toilets. Only they are in the bath, on top in 4 rows of clothesline. Uncomfortable, terribly, somehow crawled through and did its job.

From a conversation with my sister, I understand that we only have one day left and that we will need to wake up at 6 to at least swim once.

And then a piece: I knead the dough, it doesn’t work, I take it, and in my hand there is some kind of T-shirt. I start kneading it again, now it worked. I'm glad.

Fish in a dream

Yesterday I had a dream, I, my sister and a large company of our friends were sailing on a big ship or ferry .. I don’t know where, but to rest .. We had fun., swam .. Danced .. And there was a feeling of a little chaos from the number of people around .. And there was a feeling that I was kind of like with everyone, and at the same time, as if on my own. At some point, we went for lunch. There was a large table in the cafe, where there was a lot of food, but I went for coffee and porridge to go to the bar. The last one was brewed for me in a water filter jug) When I returned to the table, my sister stood by a small refrigerator with desserts and ate them all, which caused her wild delight and laughter, well, if not all completely .. Then for the most part. While I was sitting down, everyone left without paying the bill. I drank coffee and also went to look for my sister and everyone else. I searched for a long time, and when I found it, my sister, as if nothing had happened, said that she was sailing away to some island, but would return soon ...

We said goodbye. And when I go down from the upper deck, it is no longer a big ship, but some kind of small, 2-deck .. And almost fishing. I go up some stairs again, I am wearing a suit of fish skeletons, and they are all very bizarre and different. Just a bunch of fish skeletons on a string, around the hips and neck. Turning my head, I see that another similar vessel is attached to us, but on its sides there are many carcasses of fish - different. Somewhere there are skeletons of fish, somewhere with meat, they are just caught... And at that moment a huge killer whale jumps out of the water and starts to rush at these carcasses.... Then onto our ship.. Jumps.. Passes over the roof and in front of the ship straight back into the water and back. At first I was uncomfortable, and then I calmly stand and watch her. She overturns the second ship with carcasses .. And then ours. We are already near the shore, and I immediately landed on land from the ship. Under the feet are ordinary pebbles, and a slight rise. I'm trying to climb a little higher to see. What does a killer whale. The earth and stones on this climb are the same color as the killer whale - black and white, and soft a little, but I start to climb up a little ..

Bull attack in a dream

I sat with my girlfriend on the bench. These were dachas and the bench stood on the side street where the cars were passing by. The place is completely unfamiliar to me. It was evening, the sky was dark. She and I looked at the "lightning catchers" that stood in the areas opposite. I said that, they say, one neighbor did it - it doesn’t work for him, and for another, lightning runs through this “catcher” - supposedly, he caught it, it works (it was round in the form of a frame). Then I saw my sister walking towards us, smiling. She greeted us and we greeted her. But she went on, and I see that the bull is following her. Sister is pregnant (she is). I got up and tried to stop the bull, trying to take him by the horns, but he insistently walked on. The sister noticed, turned around and began to go back. The bull also turned around, and I also held him by the horn. I was afraid of him. He began to accelerate, and so that he would not knock me down, I began to move to the side without letting go of him and trying to stop him. But he, turning from my efforts, still knocks his sister sideways and she falls. At this point, I woke up. After I saw the bull, I no longer saw my girlfriend in a dream.

Visiting grandmother in a dream

Hello dear interpreters of dreams!

I would be very grateful if you could help me figure it out.

I had one of the symbolic dreams, you can immediately recognize them, they are different from the rest, after the end you immediately wake up at an unusual time.

The action took place in the apartment and yard of the grandmother's house, who died in 2009, and now a cousin lives there, whom the grandmother raised. I myself live very far from my native city.

So, a dream: I came to visit my grandmother with my own sister, we are standing on the threshold, we understand that there was a quarrel between the grandmother and her pupil and we no longer want to stay. At the same time, the grandmother calmly says that she will die today. And we are not that much surprised, but confused.

Then some gap in the dream. I probably don't remember.

And so my sister and I in the yard of my grandmother's house hang on ropes to air and dry our things, good, solid: leather bags, shoes and outerwear. My sister calls me to go about my business, and I'm worried that as soon as we leave, things will be stolen right away and you can't leave them. I ask you to give me the keys to the apartment (grandmother's) and I will bring them back. After bickering, she gives three keys on the ring. I understand that there are a lot of things and it will be hard for me to wear them alone.

I go into the entrance and start unlocking the door, I pick up the keys, there are a lot of holes, I have to tinker, the key turns tightly and turns around many times. I go inside, there is no one inside, and then I understand that my grandmother is no more, melancholy rolls over me, tears well up. I go out, again fiddling with the locks for a long time. I understand that it got dark outside and a heavy thunderstorm began with a downpour, things can no longer be brought, but this does not bother me, the main thing is ... Grandma is gone. And I burst into tears. Water leaked from the ceiling near the door and trickled onto the floor. Then a boy of about 8 came into the entrance, sat down on the stairs and stared at me, and I realized that I shouldn’t cry in front of him.

And then I woke up.

Cats in a dream

I dream about how I wake up from some rustle at night. I get up and see that in addition to my cat, there is another one in the apartment - someone else's. I was frightened and went to wake up my sister in order to drive out someone else's cat with her. We leave the sister's room and see that there is not one cat in the apartment, but many! We started catching them and throwing them out of the square. All the cats were somehow shabby, not beautiful ... Then, unexpectedly, two large black dogs appeared (they were beautiful and well-groomed). My sister and I froze in fear. The dogs themselves calmly left the apartment ...

On this I woke up.

Garbage pit in a dream

I went out into the garden with my cousin and began to take the bags out of the garbage pit. The bags were full of papers and something else. They are all tied separately, so they are easy to pull out.

I only saw old, yellowed papers. All the bags are white with a green pattern, such bags I usually bring home from the supermarket with food.

I explained to my sister that I want to pull them all out to clear this hole. The hole itself is not deep, it is covered with green grass like the whole garden. Why I decided to empty the hole, I do not know. (in fact, such a pit does not exist), And the place where everything happens is like my house, or rather my garden, but I don’t remember such a place. It slightly reminds me of my grandmother's garden, where my sister and I used to play as children.

The deceased mother called with her in a dream

My sister had a dream. She approaches the house where she used to live (she moved half a year ago). There are cars in front of the house. One is the local police.

She passes by, and her mother slowly walks towards the meeting (she and my sister and brother got into a car accident 13 years ago, my mother and brother died) and says: "Let's go for a ride with me."

The sister began to drive her away, to swear at her. Then she turned around and ran to her house. Basically ran away.

Ferris wheel in a dream

I dreamed about how my sister and I were riding a Ferris wheel, at first everything was fine, the wheel was moving slowly, but after a while, it stopped. My sister and I are sitting at the very top and for some time we did not worry and thought that the stop would not be for long. But the Ferris wheel did not move for a suspiciously long time. But then a crack (or knock) was heard, the wheel spun, but at an unusual speed. Very fast. I nearly fell out of my seat. Then the Ferris wheel was spinning either quickly or slowly. This gave me a chance to jump out of the booth when it was close to the ground. I was standing next to this wheel, I was calm at the same time and I thought about my sister, I wanted to help her jump out, but I couldn’t, because I didn’t even see where exactly she was sitting there.


Sister in a dream

Here you can read dreams in which symbols occur Native sister. By clicking on the link Interpretation of a dream under the text of a particular dream, you can read online interpretations written for free by the interpreters of dreams on our site. If you are interested in the interpretation of sleep according to the dream book, follow the link Dream Interpretation, and you will be taken to a page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, in the form in which they are interpreted by various dream books.

To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream in the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what the dreams of a Sister mean, or what it means to see a Sister in a dream.

Step sister with black beautiful hair in a dream

My half-sister comes up to me, much younger than she really is. She has a beautiful hairstyle, black hair, fluffy and shiny. Smiling. I run my hands through my hair. I feel their softness.

Dead sister in a dream

My sister died exactly 10 months ago. And on August 12, I dream that she is alive but dying. We were at home. She lay in dirty, yellow sheets and was dying. I screamed in horror that I could not help her with anything.

She died. I jumped out of bed in sweat, screaming in horror. My sister died in the hospital. She was unconscious.

What does this mean? Is there any fault I have with her? Thanks.

Earthquake volcano eruption in your hometown in a dream

Evening hometown creates the illusion of relaxation... Returning home beckons more than in the late afternoon... Here it is evening... With a friend in the subway (there is no subway in our hometown) we return home. We go along the transition from station to station ... Push ... More ... And ... Along the transition towards us, a lava flow ...

With a turn through the wall, we jump out of the passage (how?!) into the ventilation shaft and up! We jumped out of the mine to the surface ... We managed to run a little and behind the explosion of a lava fountain ... But for some reason the place is old - it has been gone for 25 years - an old forest opposite across the road from the house and old wooden two-story buildings - there is now a new microdistrict of skyscrapers - a pine forest and the ruins of an old little shop... Everything in puffs of fire and ashes takes off into the air...

Crowds of people, horror, screams, panic, everyone is running through the mountains, forests and swamps... But everything is useless... Nuclear burial grounds... Trillions of megatons... The last flash of reason... The last scream... And.. With open eyes you return to this world...

The death of the deceased in the reality of a native in a dream

I dreamed that I was arguing with my boyfriend because he bought unnecessary, light clothes in the winter and wasted money on himself. That he only thinks of himself. He was offended. Me too.

Then I heard that he was in another room, then I hear him go out, how the lock on the door snaps into place.

Then I see my mother, who died 8, 5 years ago, enter the room. She comes up to me and I see her light gray (almost blue) eyes full of tears. And she says to me: "I don’t even know how to say .... Maybe write .. ". I start to panic and ask: “What happened. Something with Kostya?” (By that time, for some reason, the person with whom I quarreled was not my boyfriend, but my own older brother - he died in reality in a car accident 1, 5 years ago.)

Mom points to the door. For some reason, it's already wide open. I run out to the landing and see that my brother has hanged himself. I start screaming heart-rendingly, crying, trying to take it off, asking them to bring me a knife. They bring me a knife, I cut the rope and it falls from a height onto the stairs on the floor below and breaks into pieces. I run down the stairs to him and look at all these fragments. I take a fragment of a face with lips (they are red, like made up) and I see that this is not my brother's face, but as if part of the face of a porcelain doll, but in my subconscious it is he (my brother). And the fragments were glass, not transparent. Then 2-3 rats appeared, they began to crawl among these fragments, either to drag them away, or to lick or eat them. I began to drive them away, drive them away and woke up in horror.

Why dream of a wedding already being a married sister in a dream

I haven’t seen dreams for a long time, but today I had a dream ... I have a native older sister, married, two children, and not so long ago, after a long (more than 10 years of not seeing each other) separation, I met with brothers, relatives after 10 knees. It so happened that I secretly fell in love with the youngest of them.

In a dream, I dream that they, along with their mother, came to my birthday, but there were (I don’t remember what) circumstances that I can’t celebrate my birthday, and my older sister decides to marry the older one. She quickly frees herself from the bonds of her first marriage, and at the feast prepared for my DR, we celebrate the wedding. I wasn't at the actual feast. Because, in a dream, I felt the bitterness of resentment that it was not I who became the center of attention, as it should have been, but the wedding. I remember that the mother of the brothers told them: let's get married as soon as possible, and go home after dark. Outwardly, I did not show that I was upset, hugged my daughter and saying that everything was fine, went into the house ..

Then I woke up, fell asleep again .. And I dream of a continuation. What, now I'm married to a younger one. (I didn’t see the wedding itself), but I saw in a dream that we were supposedly already married. We lie in the same bed, talking and smiling at each other. Then he got up, left the bedroom, and I remained to make the bed.

Rearranging rice slippers sister in a dream

My sister dreamed that my bathroom was larger than usual and the bathrooms were rearranged. A toilet stands instead of a washing machine, a washbasin instead of a toilet bowl. There is no door, instead of a door there is a curtain. The kitchen has a refrigerator instead of a gas stove. I go into the kitchen and put a bag of uncooked rice and her yellow slippers in the fridge.

Sleep Uncle Sister Red My New Underpants

I had a dream today that a dead uncle is standing, telling me something. Then I was with his daughter, tobish cousin. With whom we have not communicated for many years, she lay down on the sofa to sleep, covered herself with a blanket in a duvet cover, saw a sheet. On which lay down and pillow bedding white.

White bed also I saw my swimming trunks that I recently bought red in them!

I was quartered by my brother and mother in a dream

What I experienced cannot be described in words: horror, fear, pain, disgust, injustice. I begged them to give an injection or immediately cut off the head, but they were relentless. At the same time, I had to reincarnate in another body. There was a clear confidence that I would appear, but different (new). And they are just executioners killing the body. They broke me! Killed! They were guided by the fact that in the past I was a terrible monster and I need to pay for it. At the end of the dream, I saw it all as if from above. I was just watching this atrocity, START WITH HANDS! Woke up feeling nauseous :(

Blood from the veins in a dream

I dreamed that I was collecting blood from people's veins in special bags. When I approached a person, he himself extended his hand to me, I cut a vein, collected blood and then did it as if there was nothing (sutured a vein or otherwise healed a wound) and approached another person. People stayed alive.

A man was walking next to me, but it was not clear who it was, like a silhouette, and it seemed that he was telepathically directing me to collect blood, he was silent, but I understood what he was telling me. In a dream, it seemed that he was male, 35-40 years old. I didn’t drink blood, I just collected it in bags.

The action of the dream took place in some kind of room, not a street. And the last person from whom I took blood in a dream is my own sister.

When I woke up in the morning, I was seized by the desire that I needed to open my veins ... (such a feeling was at the moment of awakening from sleep)

Devil in a dream

In my real life, I have a 2 sister, she is 4 years old. So in a dream she killed people, did various dirty tricks, not at all like a child. Everyone was terrified of her, even her parents. We tried to kill her, drown her, threw her from the 3rd floor, but there was not even a scratch on her.

We came to the conclusion that it was not her, but the devil who possessed her. Basically a nightmare. It was very scary. I caught her and she told me everything, like she is the daughter of some other parents who mocked her ... She took revenge on them and came to us ... She is 4 years old! We told her that she had to leave, otherwise we would kill her. She went to the closet, took a knife...

And she left ... And only I from the whole family cried uncontrollably ... I woke up in a cold sweat and immediately went to my sister ... Thank God everything is fine with her .... Please explain to me what does it mean the Devil in a dream?

Moving in a dream

Dreaming as if my parents and I were moving to a new place of residence. Packing things, taking them out. I put my rabbit in a box (he lives in my apartment) in another bracket I put hay in him. Then all our belongings are in some kind of building, some kind of institution, but I know that this is temporary and this is the building of our friend.

Here in the building, there is some kind of fun going on, in my opinion a wedding. I constantly make sure that my rabbit does not get out of the box and that he is not scared or crushed. I know that we will live in a private house and I think that my dream has finally come true - my own housing. Then, as if we are starting to get ready to take things out, as if loading them onto a car.

In a dream, I see my cousin, as if she and her friend went to smoke, so as not to help us.

Rival in a dream

I see in a dream a rival, an ex-husband, an ex-husband's sister and myself at the festive table, and the ex-husband does not pay attention to me, but it hurts me.

Birth in a dream

I had a dream, as if my sister had given birth and the child was lying on the bed, but I don’t remember the gender, but I tell her they say, you see, everything turned out and you said that there would be no children, do you think it’s good

Hug a deceased relative in a dream

I just had a dream that I was standing on the street with my maternal cousin (she is now alive) and she was taking my maternal cousin, who died more than 5 years ago, somewhere. I hug him, But for some reason he is blind in a dream. Doesn't see me. Then I lead him somewhere by the hand, because He does not see himself. Then he stays on the street, and I go into some store and wake up.

Now (in life not in a dream) I have an old maternal grandfather. He is blind. Maybe there is some connection here? Please tell me how you can interpret this strange dream? It turns out that he dreamed me from Thu to Fri. During life, my cousin and I did not get along very well. He greatly deceived all his relatives. Also, in a dream, when I hug him, he seems to start to whimper (it is possible that I just heard the whimpering of my child who is sleeping next to me in a dream, and it seemed similar in a dream) please help me figure out such a dream. It's creepy, somehow hugging the deceased.

Thank you in advance.

Pregnant women in a dream

Recently, pregnant women often act in film, then a mother, then a sister, then some other women. And they are quite skinny.


Sister in a dream

Here you can read dreams in which symbols occur Native sister. By clicking on the link Interpretation of a dream under the text of a particular dream, you can read online interpretations written for free by the interpreters of dreams on our site. If you are interested in the interpretation of sleep according to the dream book, follow the link Dream Interpretation, and you will be taken to a page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, in the form in which they are interpreted by various dream books.

To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream in the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what the dreams of a Sister mean, or what it means to see a Sister in a dream.

Twenty hanged in a dream

I had a dream that my sister and mother left home on business. Arriving home, they learned from their father (they are divorced from their mother) that when he came, he saw 20 hanged people in the kitchen (goosebumps already ...). Like this is my cousin (who died recently) brought friends and they first cooked - you can see the peeled vegetables, and then like this ... My father took them off. We didn't see them. There was no one there already. What did the hanged dream about in a dream?

Perhaps this is a prophetic dream? I'm interested in the number 20.

A snake or a worm inside me in a dream

Today, from Monday to Tuesday, I have a dream. First, that my sister is also giving birth to a boy. On ultrasound today they said it was a boy. Then it’s like I go up to my mother and say. Mom, someone is crawling inside of me.

And I feel it, I look under the skin crawled on my arm. He tells me that this is a snake or a worm, he calls the name that she bought for herself in order to treat her stomach and says that it's not scary. I got scared and said that I don’t need such treatment, take it out of me, I have a panic.

She brings me an herbal decoction, I drink it, I go to some kind of pit, inside it is cement and I see how something like a brown earthworm about a meter climbs out of my leg and falls into this pit. I look inside there are 5 more of these. I don't know if alive or dead. Then I woke up and realized with relief that it was a dream. But still annoying...

Dolls in a dream

In a dream, my sister gave me dolls and fashion magazines. When I'm about to leave home, I can't find the dolls, I found magazines, but no dolls. There are a lot of people in this house, and my employees, and others. And then someone says that one of them is an elderly uncle, very cool, in the sense that everyone is afraid of him, that he will find. I'm looking for him, and suddenly I see him rushing to the toilet, and it's busy there. He breaks the latch and a little boy comes out of the closet. I'm sorry, all in shit. So he was thrown out. And the boy, showing me his hands in shit, also messed me up. In general, I stand and wait for this uncle, so that he finds dolls.

Golden ring in a dream

In a dream, I swam in the pool, I was not alone, with my parents and sister, the water in the pool was clear and clean, we dived, swam and had fun ...., then, when I left the pool, I saw that I had lost a gold ring (not engagement) from the little finger. I began to carefully look for it everywhere: in cracks, corners, on window sills, but I came across other gold rings and jewelry that I did not take for myself - it seems like it’s someone else’s, although also lost .....

At the same time, I thought that this ring was a gift from my girlfriend and I need to find it, because I like it so much. The ring was never found, then I woke up.

dream wedding

Wedding. I leave the entrance and move forward along the red carpet. The registry office is literally across the sidewalk. I enter the building along the same path. But my sister is already standing at the altar in a wedding dress with a bouquet of flowers, next to it is the dark figure of her fiancé, a man unknown to me. I find myself alone in the aisle, in a dress but without a bouquet ....

Boiled rat in a dream

It was like that. I went out of some private wooden house into the yard. In the courtyard, everything is as usual in the village: firewood, chickens, a barn, pigs ... Near the house, on the porch, there was a small enameled dish in which 4 dead large gray rats lay, but two of them still somehow showed signs of life with their antics. The cat came up to them and bit them to death. Then, somehow, the sister and niece received money from some kind of charade for the capture of these rats, money, 700 rubles each.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, my acquaintances appeared - two friends from work (I don’t remember their faces) and began to cook these rats in a large cauldron. The rats were boiled in the broth directly with the wool. Then this soup was cooked, these rats were laid out on plates. And only I and some unknown guy ate praising this dish. I was eating. It smelled fragrant and tasted delicious, but the appearance was very unpleasant and disgusting.

When I wake up, I'm scratching my head. Why is it all?

Shot at a loved one in a dream

I don’t remember what happened before that, but I remember that someone fired a pistol at my loved one, and when he turned around, I saw that this was my sister’s husband. In a dream, I immediately ran up to my man, he was lying and I thought that he would die, but he did not die, only he was in a coma in the hospital. After this, troubles began to happen in my parents and him, we thought it was damage, then I constantly ran with a nut and it was as if my beloved’s eyes were in it, as if this nut was alive, then I woke up.

Barbecue in a dream

I lay out the pieces of cooked meat on a huge dish for guests. I don't know why me? The guests are not mine, but my husband's sister. She has an au pair actually. But in a dream, it was I who laid out the Table, for some reason, it stood in the basement, in the open air. That is, not just at someone's house, but just below ground level. I don't recognize this place. I laid out the meat, it is so juicy, soft, fried and very appetizing. I ate a couple of bites. Then I look around a lot of my husband's relatives, they all stand on top and look at me silently. One of the pieces of meat fell out of the dish on my chest, or rather between the chest and shoulder on my naked body, I am dressed in summer clothes, my shoulders are bare. I ate this piece too. Closest to me and also from above, was my daughter. We talked with her throughout the dream. I don't remember what they talked about, but nothing important.

The birth of a puppy Niece in a dream

Hello, I had two such strange dreams: 1- I dreamed of a quick and easy birth. I was a mother and gave birth to a puppy. My mother took delivery.

2 - Supermarket. My twin sister and I walked along it with our niece. A cute blonde girl wanted a T-shirt with a horse on it.

We don't have a niece, just nephews.

Burn the doll in a dream

Wooden house. At the beginning, she put out a small fire that engulfed the stove. Then she began to burn a lot of garbage. In the end, I threw 3 baby dolls into the oven. The younger sister cried, asked to return them. At the last moment, she took out one baby doll with a poker, he did not have time to burn. I saw the rest, body, melted hair and eyes.

Dead father in a dream

I dreamed that my younger sister, me and our friend found the things of the deceased father, which we did not see in his lifetime, including the watch, which of us started it. Everything takes place in an unfamiliar place, where we also see an unfamiliar black man. What does it mean?

Daughter's dress in a dream

My daughter tries on a denim dress in front of a mirror, and I let my mother try on a white dress, but she refuses. And the daughter's sister was trying on a white dress, she was sitting alone on the sofa

Dream about a cemetery

Today, from Thursday to Friday, I dreamed that I was standing in the cemetery at the grave. The weather is good, summer, sunny, I am all so elegantly and expensively dressed. There are 2 graves with monuments in the fence. The grave is not fresh, but very beautiful and well-groomed. One monument is larger, with a sign and a photo of my mother on it. The second is smaller, there is a photo of the sister and for some reason the year of death is not indicated. By the way, both are alive, my sister is 10 years younger than me. She is now 24, her mother is 59. Both are healthy and do not get sick.

Open the door with a key in a dream

I dreamed that I arrived at my mother's apartment. I mean, in that apartment. Where was my childhood. I opened the upper lock, but I can’t do the lower one, I just can’t. I just stand at the door, people pass. And my door won't open. Then I take it and open it with such ease with the same key and go to my mother.

Tell me what a dream can mean Open the door with a key. Then I dreamed of a dark chocolate cake. Very tasty. Why is this. Thank you in advance.

Dreamed loved ones in a dream

Most likely it would be my birthday, or some kind of holiday in which we all gathered. I used to see my relatives often. 10 years ago I left for St. Petersburg, and life changed) But I didn’t mean this, there were disagreements with my father in a dream, they say I let him explain that my grandfather gave me more, so my attitude towards him is better, and you need to calm down. (grandfather has not been with us for a long time, he was not in a dream).

I have a good relationship with my father, but he did not take care of my upbringing. And he did not participate much in my life, but for all this I do not hold a grudge against him, nothing. Mother even for the elements asked not to disturb him)) All this is jerky.

People were all happy to see me, because the closest ones with whom I grew up, whom I treat well, and yes, at the end of the dream there was some kind of trouble with people whom I didn’t seem to know, but I didn’t make out what was happening.

And you know, when I have dreams, I attach great importance to them, because I get various experiences, or what is missing, or who is missing.

Earlier the other day I broke up with a girl, maybe this is also some reason.

Well, or I just don’t have enough relatives and people close to me 1000 km away from me, and they want to support me. Because the time is also not the best for me now, young, courts, life circumstances ...


I saw my own sister naked

Dream Interpretation - Naked

Loss, trouble, illness. A man to see a naked beauty is success; self-deception, illusions. Be yourself, see situations.

Dream Interpretation - Naked, undressed to be

Scandal; monetary collapse, ruin, need; disease; self-knowledge. Other naked troubles, malaise; drunkenness.

Dream Interpretation - Naked

Being naked in a public place is to your vulnerability and weakness. Your secrets have become the property of the environment, and it spreads gossip about you.

Water sign in the 3rd house.

Dream Interpretation - Naked

Seeing yourself naked is good.

Dream Interpretation - Naked

Seeing yourself naked in a public place is a threat to close relatives. Therefore, after such dreams, it is important to protect family members from the dangers.

Dream Interpretation - Relatives

Relatives - as you dream that one of your relatives is sick, then this portends troubles, sadness, or some kind of family event.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Seeing or talking to her is a good relationship

Dream Interpretation - Sister

For luck, get a gift; cousin - lies, gossip, resentment.
