Methods of psychological self-defense. Psychological Sambo

I found an excellent article about the psychological foundations of self-defense and self-defense: V. Mokshin. Psychological methods of self-defense against intruders. - Fundamentals of safety and life.

The psychological foundations of self-defense are more important than the physical foundations. So, if a person uses the data described below, then, in fact, he will not need physical impact.

This article echoes a series of articles about the Intention to Win, which has already been touched upon earlier on our website. So, let's move on to the article. A couple of comments and a few changes have been added to it, which, in our opinion, will improve the understanding and applicability of the material.

Victimology, that is, the science of victim behavior, can explain how a street robber or rapist is guided in choosing a victim. Studies have shown that it takes an offender an average of seven seconds to assess the potential target of an attack - his physical fitness, temperament, etc. The offender notes everything: uncertainty of the look, timidity of movements, sluggish posture, physical disabilities, mental depression, fatigue - in a word, everything which will play into his hands.

This does not mean that criminals are mindfulness geniuses or super observant people. Literally a week of training - and you will also be able to notice these signs.

To find out the main features of the personality of a potential victim, pedestrians were filmed on videotape. The recording was shown to prisoners serving time for various crimes. And here is the result. The vast majority of the convicts, who were interviewed individually, chose the same people from the extras who, in their opinion, could become easy prey.

It turned out that criminals usually identify potential victims according to some distinctive features of their movements. This may be their general inconsistency, clumsiness of gait - too sweeping or mincing. Two categories of people have been identified:

the so-called "risk group". They can be conditionally called squishy: they are poorly physically organized, relaxed and unassembled.

and those with little or no risk of being targeted. These are self-confident, as they say, "well tailored, tightly sewn", they look and step confidently.

First of all, it is important to know what behavior can help you avoid encountering intruders. The following table helps answer this question:

We on the site so far have little touched on such a part of self-defense as emotions. But note that the list of traits in the left column is typical for a person in the "Fear" emotional tone. So a simple “I will not be a victim” will not get off here. But more on that in future articles. We return to the main text.

Well, now about how to learn to behave confidently, thereby reducing the risk of attack by intruders.

Self-defense is an act of self-confidence. It is a refusal to accept "victim status". So the training of aggressiveness and self-confidence turns out to be an integral part of the self-defense system. What's the point of training technique if you don't have the courage to apply it!

Assignment: give some examples from your life when you implemented the “act of self-confidence”, that is, when you successfully carried out self-defense?

But what is confidence? Confidence is a special type of behavior that helps us express - clearly and intelligibly - our feelings and desires. It is the opposite of passive behavior, where our utterance is often lost in vague or indecisive actions. Confident behavior, therefore, does not give rise to misunderstandings. You know what you want and what you don't want.

Consider the typical responses of a confident person to unsolicited attacks and threats. You should work on such answers, pronounce with conviction and with appropriate gestures: “Come on, don’t mess with me”, “So I gave you my bag”, “Stop it right now!”, “Get out of my house!”.

Task: give some examples from your life when you showed confidence - that is, did not give rise to misunderstanding of your words or actions.

How can you show your confidence? There is a technique for showing confidence called “broken records” where you keep repeating what you want or don’t want, in a determined tone, until the listener either relents or leaves. To effectively apply this method, it is necessary to replace some words, while maintaining the general meaning of the statement. For example, "You dare not enter my house!" changes to "So I let you in!" or “Why hang around here in vain, I won’t change my mind: you won’t enter the house” - and so on until your statement is accepted. The purpose of using the broken record method is to show perseverance.

Important note: your statements must be submitted in a new unit of time with the intention of being understood. Otherwise, you will really be perceived as a broken record or an answering machine. And they will act accordingly - that is, they will not pay any attention to your words.

Also note that this technique can be used not only when someone attacked you - but in any case, when you need to be understood.

Challenge: Successfully perform the broken record technique on people several times.

Learn to show your anger in front of the aggressor. Many people try to never get angry, preferring "a quiet life by any means." Most insecure people accept other people's behavior too easily. Meanwhile, you should not forget that you should also have your own opinion. Remember that you are not obliged to do anything that would be contrary to your desires. This is your life.

A little higher we have already touched on emotions. Now let's go back to them briefly. The paragraph about anger does not apply in all cases of life. It is applicable only when the attacker is in the "fear" emotional tone. He is afraid of rebuff, receives it in the form of anger - and runs away without salty slurping. However, if the attacker is on the “anger” tone himself… Well, in that case, you should learn to run fast and long.

Task: give some examples of why you should be able to show your anger?

In the face of aggression, a trained person does not act like a superman who knows no fear. Training develops self-discipline and self-control. It forms the ability to act properly in spite of fear. The ability to cope with fear and direct it into the mainstream of successful self-defense is the result of the efforts spent on the exercise.

Task: What is the ability to cope with fear?

By your confident actions, you make it clear that you are ready to stand up for yourself and should in no way be perceived as a potential victim.

Also keep in mind that "showing" confidence, "showing" the absence of fear at the moment when you are really afraid, may not help you. Many people can feel other people's emotions. Criminals are no exception (at least some of them are). So either you run away or you really are not in the “fear” tone.

In many cases, it is better for you to take the initiative and go on the offensive yourself, rather than waiting for events to develop, which can lead to even more complication of the situation. As Robert Browning, a nineteenth-century English poet, said, "When the fight is kindled in you, consider that you have won half the battle."

Task: give an example from your own life that confirms Browning's words.

Many conflicts and attacks occur through the fault of the victim himself, who shows by his appearance that he is either “ripe” (turned up in the wrong place and at the wrong time), or malleable (too easily accessible), or defenseless (drunk, scared, excited, too trusting ). By eliminating these factors, you will greatly reduce the risk of becoming a victim.

Task: analyze your behavior for “maturing”, pliability and defenselessness - and eliminate at least a few (or better all) factors that make you a victim.

First of all, you should try to influence the potential aggressor by persuasion methods. At the same time, it is permissible even to forget for a while about your own pride. However, you must always be aware of the fact that the offender can attack at any moment and be ready to fight back.

If there is a possibility of a peaceful resolution of the conflict, it is worth trying to relieve tension, reach a mutually acceptable solution, or even seize the initiative.

Success in relieving tension or taking the initiative in a dangerous situation depends on your own actions.

* Or will not force. It happens differently.

** Most often, this sentence comes from the lips of the aggressor in the form of "Let's go, let's go." But if he forgot then you can remind

*** You may have noticed, but this paragraph conflicts with the previously mentioned “do not be afraid to show anger”. It seems that the authors of the article themselves understand that anger is not always useful. But they don't know what to do with it. However, you already know when anger works.

**** Why not encroach, if wisely? Read more in the article “Safe distance. Own safe space”

So, not all tips from this table are perfect. But of course, there is no one recipe for all occasions!

Task: give a few more examples of how to act in a collision.

The next important security factor is the ability to disrupt the plans of the attackers. This can be done with the help of unexpected, unconventional actions, causing confusion for attackers.

Exactly, surprise is what you need. Read more in the article “Surprise in self-defense”

If the victim resists, whether it be a word, a physical action, or both, the surprise factor works against the perpetrator in exactly the same way that it should have worked against the victim in the first place. This is true in all circumstances, regardless of the type of incident: extortionists, purse rippers, burglars, they all rely on surprise. Depriving them of this factor is the first step to avoiding the unenviable fate of the victim.

Challenge: Come up with MANY examples of how you can thwart your attackers?

Do not freeze, but use the same important principle - surprise. Let us give a rather striking example of unexpected actions.

Success story: it happened in Italy. A criminal who tried to rob a pensioner lost his finger. An unknown person attacked a quiet old man who seemed to him absolutely harmless when he left the post office, having received his monthly allowance there. He tried to snatch the purse from the pensioner, but the old man, without hesitation, bit off the finger of the robber. Mad with pain, the robber rushed to run, forgetting about the wallet. On the same day, the bandit went to the clinic, not suspecting that the meticulous old man, although he kept his money, decided not to leave the attack without consequences and told the police. The carabinieri soon arrived in the hospital ward, showing the criminal his finger. Alas, the victim was forced to give up his own finger, so as not to end up behind bars. However, the police did not take his word for it: a forensic medical examination was scheduled.

Challenge: Again, give MANY examples of unexpected actions in self-defense.

The more examples you come up with, the less you will need to think in a critical situation.

If the conflict cannot be hushed up, you should use affordable and effective self-defense techniques.

There are many ways to confuse an attacker. For example, if you drop money on the ground, the aggressor may bend down to pick it up. This will give you the necessary moments to escape, and if escape is not possible for any reason, it will leave the enemy’s face vulnerable to a kick.

In the same situation, you can point out what is currently out of sight of the aggressor. Pretend that you see a policeman behind him. If the intruder looks back, you thereby gain valuable time again. Turning your head can throw your opponent off balance, which you should immediately use: a push or a blow to the face will further upset his balance, and you will accordingly have more time to escape.

You can pretend that one of your friends is approaching behind the back of the aggressor. By accompanying the gesture with a call for help addressed to imaginary people, you can take advantage of the confusion of the aggressor.

Another variant of the distraction technique is known as the simulation method, where you convince the attacker that you are about to give in to his demands and hand over, say, a purse, wallet or tape recorder, and you yourself take the opportunity to stun him by hitting him in the face, in the groin or in the throat , which will give you the seconds you need to escape.

Assignment: And again, give MANY examples of unexpected self-defense actions.

Simulation can take many forms. Real life example: when the robbers demanded all the cash from the head of the post office in Broadstairs, he, holding his heart, crashed to the floor and shouted for the criminals to call an ambulance. As a result, the frightened robbers fled with nothing. When the intruders fled, the head of the department got to his feet and called the police station.

If there is no way to retreat in front of superior enemy forces, play the role of a person with powerful support, who is about to be approached by reliable defenders (father, older brother). For example, entering the entrance, where the drunken company is located, the boy shouts, turning back (depicting that he is shouting to his backward father): “Dad, hold Jack! No matter how he breaks the guys in the entrance! - and, taking advantage of the confusion of hooligans, quickly passes by.

If you are detained and things are going to a conflict, try to make a compliment, divert the attention of the attackers to themselves. Hold on with dignity, do not be humiliated. For example, a girl who should not have expected anything good from tipsy guys in a dark alley turned to them with a request: “Guys, I see you are not timid! Walk me out to that house. I live here".

In a difficult situation, when several people attack you, identify a leader among them. Contact him. Try to play on his ego. So, one of the strongest sambo wrestlers in Altai, a very strong man, was squeezed from both sides on the roof of the train by armed criminals. Sambo techniques did not guarantee safety here. And then he turned to the leader of the gang: “Commander, I will take some of your guys under the wheels with me! Let's talk better on the ground during the stop. If you need money, vodka, I have something ... ”And this appeal worked: the guy was left alone.

Task: and back, give MANY examples of unexpected actions in self-defense.

In a situation where a criminal demands something from you, try to offer such options for fulfilling the requirements in order to gain time, change the conditions or place of the collision, change the balance of power in your favor. The most typical use of this technique for women. They invite rapists to their homes: there is music, wine, comfort. They declare that they like the man, but the meeting place (park, street, elevator, entrance) does not suit them. They bring a gullible villain home (not necessarily to themselves), and there ...

Task: give examples of using the considered protection technique.

If you think possible, try to arouse sympathy, pity in the attacker. Say that you are terminally ill, that you are going to get medicine for a seriously ill mother, that your father is under investigation, and that you have to take care of your younger brothers. For example, a teenager says to the robbers: “Uncles! Let me go or my mom might die. I urgently need to buy medicine for her. She has diabetes."

If you were abducted in a car, you can tell the attackers that one of your relatives saw everything and remembered the number of the car, the appearance of the abductors. It is known that by the number of the car (if it is not stolen), its owner can be found very quickly. In this way, the Barnaul girl Natasha secured herself, who told the unlucky kidnapper that she was escorted to the bus stop by her brother, who has a professional memory for car numbers: he is a taxi driver. And it worked. Not every criminal would like to deal with taxi drivers.

Task: Compare the listed methods of self-defense. How similar are the recommendations? What is their difference?

In the event of a sudden occurrence of an extreme situation associated with the threat of an attack or the attack itself, you can perform a technique, look up, while taking a full deep breath, and lowering your eyes to the horizon, exhale the air smoothly, freeing your lungs from it as much as possible, and at the same time relax all the muscles . You can relax the muscles only when the breathing is in order. It is worth breathing evenly and calmly in an extreme situation, as the muscles relax too, and you will calm down very quickly. A few full breaths and exhalations - and everything is in order.

Task: practice this exercise regularly; don't expect problems.

Do not allow the manifestation of despondency and apathy. Strive to be or at least look cheerful, energetic in movements, speech, actions. Strive even in a difficult situation to find something good, pleasant or funny. Attackers prefer not to deal with people who are energetic, cheerful, endowed with a sense of humor. Yes, and humor itself can often help in an extreme situation.

In this regard, the case that happened with Yuri Nikulin is typical.

Late one night Nikulin was returning from the circus. There was not a soul on the dark streets of the city. Suddenly he was detained by armed robbers. Threatening with weapons, they demanded money from him. Nikulin was not taken aback. He laughed and stunned the robbers: “What are you, guys! I just got robbed around that corner! Catch up with those guys, they have all my money!” The unlucky robbers had to be content with communicating with the great artist. But in the dark they did not see Nikulin and let him go without asking for autographs.

Watch your appearance. Try not to stand out from the surrounding people with excessive extravagance, bright and unusual clothes, expensive things and jewelry. All this attracts the attention of not only law-abiding citizens, but also criminals. When choosing clothes, dark colors (dark brown, black) should be avoided, as they can increase the aggression of people around.

Task: pay attention to how people who are usually lucky, who rarely get into dangerous situations, who get out of the water "dry" behave. How do they achieve this? What can be learned from their experience? Strive to notice your mistakes and oversights to ensure personal safety. Learn from the bad experiences of others. Try not to make such miscalculations in the future.

Many may object: if you constantly think about danger, you can get to the point that you will startle at every sound, you will see an enemy in every person ... However, being vigilant and being cowardly are not the same thing.

Being alert means paying attention to what is going on around you. Vigilance is a state of mind. In the context of self-defense, it is also a state of mind in which observation is brought to such an automaticity that it is used at the subconscious level and is not associated with any effort. Vigilance should only become conscious when danger is either seen or suspected. Caution and vigilance can be developed in oneself to such an extent that they become second nature. Thanks to these habits, you will know how to avoid an unpleasant situation before it arises.

And, of course, none of the tips is guaranteed to help if you do not work out their application in model situations with varying degrees of complexity. Tasks must be completed with a partner, since it is he who will evaluate how natural and complete the tasks turned out. Accordingly, I recommend doing the following practical tasks:

Talk to the "stranger" in such a way that he feels your confidence, readiness to stand up for himself.

In a collision with an "intruder", refuse to fulfill his requirements so that he feels your determination and courage.

Practice self-confidence with the broken record technique.

Try to behave aggressively, offensively, proactively when meeting with the “attacker”.

When faced with a "hooligan" try to act unexpectedly, in an original way. Disrupt his plans, puzzle him, create unforeseen circumstances for him.

Try to find a peaceful solution to the conflict at the very beginning, when the intruder is trying to find a reason to clash.

When meeting with the “aggressor”, try to relieve tension: speak in a confident tone, address the interlocutor with respect, etc.

When meeting with the "aggressor" try to confuse him, then to take advantage of his confusion.

During the “collision”, divert the attention of the “attacker”: call your father, hail a policeman, etc.

In a difficult situation, mislead the “attacker”: feign fainting, illness, deafness, etc.

Try to behave in such a way that the “attacker” suspects: “Something is wrong here! What good, his friends will come!” etc.

Depict an accommodating person, ready to fulfill the requirements of the “attacker”. Taking advantage of the fact that his caution is blunted (puts "booty" in his pockets, etc.), act unexpectedly and decisively: "hit" or run away.

Practice overcoming excessive excitement, fear.

Try to behave with the "attackers" in a way that will play on their ego.

Talk to the “attacker” in such a way as to buy time, move events to the place you want, change the balance of power in your favor.

Practice speaking like this with the “attacker” in order to arouse sympathy, pity in him.

Try to act in such a way that the "aggressor" has no desire to deal with you (vomiting, runny nose, etc.).

You pass by a car. You are asked to come up, tell about how to get to the market, shop, etc. What are your actions in this situation.

A suspicious man is standing at the elevator door, offering to enter together. What will you do in such a case?

You have been kidnapped and taken in a car. Talk to the "intruders" in such a way that they decide not to touch you and let you go in peace.

You are walking along a deserted evening street. Suddenly you notice that you are being pursued, preparing for an attack. What are your actions in this situation?

During the "collision" depict a person who is weak, lethargic, incapable of fighting back. Lure the vigilance of the "attacker", act quickly and decisively (hit, run away).

During the game, demonstrate such a level of self-confidence that the "attackers" have doubts whether it is worth continuing the attack, whether it will turn out to be a big trouble for them.

During game “collisions”, try to determine what your partner is up to: just asks for a smoke, asks about something, or looks for a reason to fight, attack, etc. Your interlocutor should sincerely play either an attacker or just a passerby (in the pocket of him, respectively, different objects).

When confronted with a partner, try to determine in which case cruelty, insidious plans are hidden behind kind words. In another case, you need to discern inner softness and kindness behind the severity and rudeness. A partner playing the role of a kind aggressor or a rude kind man must show some acting skills.

Working in pairs, try to play decisiveness and even aggressiveness with words, intonation, facial expressions, and gestures. Try being aggressive in a form of refined politeness, such as, “Yes, of course, I'll give you a jacket, I like you so much. My older brothers also really “love” such brave guys!”

You were attacked. You are being threatened. They demand things, money, etc. Try to use humor. Act like you're laughing, but it's not the "intruders" who are laughing, but your financial capabilities, as if you were just robbed, etc.

Play the situation when you were attacked by an "armed robber". Act in a way that reduces the risk of him using weapons against you.

You have been attacked. You were left without things, etc. Describe the appearance, speech, demeanor, clothing, physique, and other signs of "criminals". To begin with, practice describing those who are now in front of you. Then give a description of the person, turning away from him.

The task of psychological sambo techniques is to protect oneself from the devastating consequences of a barbaric attack and manipulation, to help oneself cope with stunnedness, confusion, and an emotional storm in the soul. SAMBO techniques allow you to gain the time needed to regain self-control and restore your ability to function in the intellectual layer of interaction with a partner.

We are talking about self-defense, not self-defense, since at least three important differences can be distinguished between these concepts: 1.

They usually defend the weak, but the strong can defend themselves if they are attacked. 2.

You can defend yourself in any territory, while defending on your own land. 3.

The best way to defend is a counter attack, defense is the transformation of the material and form of the attack into new material and a new form for the emotional neutralization of the situation.

Psychological Sambo requires:

a) the use of clear speech formulas;

b) correctly chosen intonation - for example, calm, cold, thoughtful, cheerful or sad;

c) solidity in the answer, which is achieved: ?

pausing before answering; ?

slow response; ?

the orientation of the response into a space deeper and more extensive than that which is the immediate zone of collision.

A pause is perceived by the majority of attackers as a sign of strength, unless, of course, the addressee is silent not because he “has lost the power of speech.” The pause should be accompanied by a thoughtful facial expression and an attentive (even to some intentness) look into the face of the interlocutor. Too hasty response means that the addressee is not able to cope with the intervention and is in a hurry to "throw" the nucleus thrown into him, as they try to throw away a hot potato.

However, to tossing a hot potato is to engage in manipulation or to respond with an attack for an attack. Contrary to the attacker's expectations, the addressee keeps the potato for some time, examines, examines, weighs it - and only then returns it to the invader in an unrecognizable form.

Self-defense requires calmness and thoughtfulness, perhaps even sadness. Once in a training session, I used the metaphor of a six-winged Seraphim majestically bathing a barbarian attacking him or an imposing manipulator with his wings. one.

Majestic wing flapping. 3.

Verbal response:

And indeed ... To fly, you need something other than wings ...

Calm, thoughtful and sad intonations of the answer leave space for reflection, and therefore contribute to the transfer of interpersonal intervention into an informational discussion.

The use of other intonations, for example, assertive or caustic, will mean a retaliatory attack, again throwing a potato.

In the case of using the technique of an English professor, it is sometimes acceptable to use a cheerful intonation (see below). Cold intonation can be used only in those cases when the addressee uses the technique of external agreement and at the same time wants to make it clear that he is forced to agree with the manipulator, although this may not be very pleasant for him.

Each of the techniques of psychological sambo is not only a method of socio-psychological interaction, but also a method of reflection. Using speech formulas appropriate to these techniques, we return ourselves to reflection. The answer to the interventionist in the technique of psychological self-defense means that we remind both ourselves and him: not only hot potatoes fly, but also swallows, snow, comets, airplanes ...

  1. Self-defense or self-defense - response actions of the state, legal entity or private person, taken to ensure the rights violated by the attack of another state, legal entity or private person.
  1. Compared to any historical period, we live in the most civilized society. Many laws are designed to protect and maintain order. Not a day goes by without innocent people suffering from various acts of violence. Seeing the inability of the authorities to cope with crime, people seek to protect themselves and loved ones. Each person, being a member of society, has the full right to defend himself against unlawful encroachments on life and health.

It is this goal that leads many to engage in martial arts. A martial arts teacher is obliged to do everything in his power so that people can feel safe and live without fear for their own future. They can do this by teaching self-defense techniques and when and how to use them.

There are many different techniques that are equally applicable in different situations. Explore your needs and determine at a glance which techniques are most appropriate for size, strength, age, and physical ability.

Beginners are primarily taught simple and effective actions that they can easily remember and apply in various circumstances.

It is extremely important for beginner athletes to feel the practical effectiveness of the techniques being studied. When they come home, they will try to test the effectiveness of new techniques on friends and relatives. Therefore, when introducing students to techniques directed against the vital and most vulnerable organs (eyes, throat, groin, nose, shins, knees), be sure to understand that a properly executed attack can be extremely dangerous to the health of their loved ones.

Athletes who have moved to higher stages of training are introduced to holding joints and throws. Learning these techniques should be slow and gradual, before the athlete must fully learn to comply with all safety rules. Before throws are introduced into the training program, you will be taught how to fall correctly, otherwise you will not avoid back and neck injuries.

In addition, learn to immediately stop putting pressure on the joint as soon as the partner gives the appropriate signal, thereby feeling the enemy. Being trained under the competent guidance of a qualified instructor, athletes will be able to fully and safely master complex and effective self-defense techniques.

When teaching self-defense techniques by a coach, it is extremely important to focus on the fact that none of the learned techniques can be applied in practice outside the training hall, unless there are good reasons for that. At the self-defense sections, you will definitely be informed how the laws in the country interpret the use of force in self-defense.

  1. Self defense rules:

Be able to identify potentially dangerous situations;

Avoid dangerous situations. This is the best way to self-defense;

Avoid combat if possible by any means;

If the attacker demands material values, it is better to give them to him. Do not risk your life for money or other property;

Active self-defense is the last resort. In this case, act decisively, quickly and powerfully, making full use of all knowledge and skills.

  1. Psychology of self-defense:

1) Calm down and relax;

2) Try to humanly negotiate with the attacker;

3) Try not to anger your opponent;

4) Try to divert the attacker's attention and make him relax and attack when he least expects it;

5) For the sake of saving a life, do not hesitate to use all possible methods of self-defense.

psychological self defense

psychological foundations of self-defense,

psychological methods of self-defense,

psychological self-defense of the individual

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The protective mechanisms of the human psyche are aimed at reducing negative and traumatic experiences and manifest themselves at the unconscious level. This term was introduced by Sigmund Freud , and later developed more deeply by his students and followers, most notably Anna Freud. Let's try to figure out when these mechanisms are useful, and in what cases they hinder our development and better respond and act consciously.

website will talk about 9 main types of psychological protection, which are important to realize in time. This is what the psychotherapist does most of the time in his office - he helps the client to comprehend the defense mechanisms that limit his freedom, spontaneity of response, distort interaction with other people.

1. Displacement

Repression is the elimination of unpleasant experiences from consciousness. It manifests itself in forgetting what causes psychological discomfort. Repression can be compared to a dam that can burst - there is always a risk that memories of unpleasant events will break out. And the psyche spends a huge amount of energy on their suppression.

2. Projection

Projection is manifested in the fact that a person unconsciously attributes his feelings, thoughts, desires and needs to other people. This psychological defense mechanism makes it possible to relieve oneself of responsibility for one's own character traits and desires that seem unacceptable.

For example, unreasonable jealousy may be the result of the projection mechanism. Protecting himself from his own desire for infidelity, a person suspects his partner of infidelity.

3. Introjection

This is the tendency to indiscriminately appropriate other people's norms, attitudes, rules of conduct, opinions and values ​​without trying to understand them and critically rethink them. Introjection is like swallowing huge chunks of food without trying to chew it.

All education and upbringing is built on the mechanism of introjection. Parents say: "Don't put your fingers in the socket, don't go out into the cold without a hat" - and these rules contribute to the survival of children. If a person in adulthood "swallows" other people's rules and norms without trying to understand how they suit him personally, he becomes unable to distinguish between what he really feels and what he wants and what others want.

4. Merge

In merging, there is no boundary between "I" and "not-I". There is only one total "we". The mechanism of fusion is most clearly expressed in the first year of a child's life. Mother and child are in fusion, which contributes to the survival of the little person, because the mother very subtly feels the needs of her child and responds to them. In this case, we are talking about a healthy manifestation of this protective mechanism.

But in the relationship of a man and a woman, merging inhibits the development of the couple and the development of partners. It is difficult for them to express their individuality. Partners dissolve into each other, and sooner or later passion leaves the relationship.

5. Rationalization

Rationalization is an attempt to find reasonable and acceptable reasons for the occurrence of an unpleasant situation, a situation of failure. The purpose of this defense mechanism is to maintain a high level of self-esteem and convince ourselves that we are not to blame, that the problem is not with us. It is clear that it will be more beneficial for personal growth and development to take responsibility for what happened and learn from life experience.

Rationalization can manifest itself as depreciation. A classic example of rationalization is Aesop's fable "The Fox and the Grapes". The fox cannot get the grapes in any way and retreats, explaining that the grapes are "green".

6. Denial

7. Regression

Regression allows you to adapt to a traumatic situation due to an unconscious return to the forms of behavior familiar from childhood: crying, whims, emotional requests, etc. We have learned on an unconscious level that such forms of behavior guarantee support and safety.

Regression makes it possible to throw off the burden of responsibility for what is happening: after all, in childhood, parents were responsible for a lot. Abuse of regression leads to the lack of a successful life strategy, difficulties in relationships with other people and the emergence of psychosomatic diseases.

8. Sublimation

Sublimation is manifested in the fact that in an attempt to forget about a traumatic event, we switch to activities that are acceptable to us and those around us: we begin to engage in creativity or sports. Sublimation is a productive defense mechanism that has given the world a huge number of works of art.

It is much more useful both for oneself and for society to write poetry, draw a picture, or simply chop wood, rather than get drunk or beat a more successful opponent.

9. Jet formation

In the case of reactive formation, our consciousness is protected from forbidden impulses, expressing opposite impulses in behavior and thoughts. This protective process is carried out in two stages: first, an unacceptable impulse is suppressed, and then a completely opposite one manifests itself at the level of consciousness, and at the same time it is rather hypertrophied and inflexible.

Most of those reading this are probably familiar with the concept of shielding as a form of psychic self-defense. If not, then - shielding, in essence, implies the creation of a barrier of energy around oneself, either to block energy from outside, or to save one's own energy. Shielding works very well in terms of protecting against harmful energy, but you should also be aware that this method has several disadvantages, for example, the shield does not protect well from attempts to consume your energy. This disadvantage arises from the fact that the shield is formed directly from your energy, and everyone can feast on the shield itself. It is somewhat like a wooden fortress built to protect against a termite swarm. I would like to briefly talk about some alternative methods of protection against external forces trying to cause your energy to drain. It should be noted that there is no absolutely sure way to protect your spirit, just as there is no absolutely sure way to protect your body. The methods I have described will simply complicate the process of absorbing your energy.

Aura Pull:

This method is based on the same principles as the turtle's ability to retract its body into its shell. You will draw your aura into your body, using it as a shell to protect your spirit.

Start the exercise in any position that is comfortable for you. We are all different, and I believe that it will be more effective if you personally find out what works best for you. After preparations, start by using visualization to draw in your aura. With regard to your limbs, imagine your aura contracting in your body; reduce its border, starting from the surface of the skin and moving it closer to your bones. Ideally, you want your spirit to be something of a stick in these areas. For your torso and head, I think the best thing to do is to try to pull/compress your energy into the chakras. In my personal experience, the arms and legs are more suitable for compressing the energy in the direction of the center line. It's like crushing clay. And in the case of the torso, I feel that it is better to concentrate energy in the chakras, as magnets attract iron filings each to itself. I usually try to match the process to my breathing. For the limbs, I usually breathe out as I draw energy closer to the bones, and for the head and torso, I breathe in as I draw energy into the chakras.

I find that this method usually helps to protect against something/someone attacking or draining your energy, plus I find that since you are no longer emitting as much energy as before, it makes you much less visible to malicious astral beings. A word of caution: even if you don't normally see your aura, you will most likely be able to notice its absence when you look in the mirror. The first time I used this technique, I was somewhat disturbed by the fact that my reflection was inexplicably "dead". It happened because my aura was not visible. So don't be scared if something like this happens to you.

Aura Temper:

This method is almost the opposite of the method mentioned above. This method involves the compression of your energy not to the center of the body, but its concentration on the surface, creating some kind of "spiritual armor".

Prepare everything in the most convenient way for you and get ready to use visualization. You can start with any part of the body you like. I find it helpful to think of some tough/durable substance/material and associate the strength of your defense with it. Many people may find it useful to look at their own photo during the formation of their aura, where they will be depicted in medieval armor. Imagining things like iron or stone is also good, and it will work just as well. Personally, I use/represent forged steel to facilitate this visualization. Whatever you choose, simply begin by imagining and feeling the surface of your aura, compacting it to the strength of your chosen material. Feel the aura around your arms, legs, chest, head, etc., strengthen it to form your psychic armor and continue until you are fully protected by this sheath. Remember that you don't form a normal shield, so your armor shouldn't extend further than your aura normally does. I believe this method naturally draws energy to the surface of your aura and I have never needed to do anything special to redirect my energy to the surface. I can't speak for everyone, so the method may or may not help you "push" your energy to the surface.

I think this method is best used when there is no need to be invisible, for example, if you are exhausted physically or through some astral being that constantly bothers you, it will be useful. There is no 100% guarantee of your safety here, as there may be things/creatures strong enough to feed on you, no matter how carefully you protect yourself. But there is no doubt that this method makes your energy denser and harder to steal. It is something like the difference between sucking water or molasses through a straw: the latter will be much more difficult to do due to the density of the substance.

In any case, I hope that the methods given here will help at least a few people who read this article. And I hope that this will broaden the repertoire of those who consider shielding their only line of defense against astral predators.

One of the means of protecting the mental health of the individual is psychological self-defense. Psychological self-preservation in stressful and traumatic situations is mainly carried out on a subconscious level. But there are also purposeful ways and techniques of psychological self-defense of the individual from.

This topic began to be thoroughly studied by the founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud. He wrote that the term "psychological defense" introduces a general designation of all the techniques that a person uses to save himself from neuroses.

In the modern sense, psychological protection is a psycho-regulatory system for stabilizing the personality, minimizing the consequences of psycho-traumatic and uncomfortable influences.

The number of psychological defenses and their classifications is very large, and even meaningful definitions can be different.

Consider the most basic and common methods of psychological protection of the individual.

Each of us does not use all methods in stressful situations, we choose psychological defense that is more suitable for us and the situation, it can be said more that each of the psychotypes chooses a certain method of protection.

1. Repression - the suppression in the mind of traumatic or personally unacceptable influences, the removal from consciousness of everything that causes anxiety. Certain negative qualities of a person that are not recognized by him may also be subject to repression. For example, as a child, a boy was bitten by a dog very badly, when he grew up he became afraid of these animals, but he doesn’t remember why - “I’m just afraid and that’s it!”.

2. Identification - assimilation to a person, a representative of an elite group, the use of his methods of behavior, copying his manners.

3. Rationalization is a logical explanation of the “defects” of unattainable goals, self-justification of dubious actions. Rationalization is used by a person to get away from feeling, or to maintain his status, so as not to “fall face down in the dirt”. Freud wrote that this method of protection is most often characteristic of schizoid personalities, as well as. A famous example of rationalization is the fable "The Fox and the Grapes". The fox cannot get the grapes in any way and retreats, rationalizing this by saying that the grapes are "green". As we can see from this example, rationalization can be very useful and objectively beneficial. But it can also bring problems, for example, when a person explains his destructive behavior, that it is necessary and right.

4. Denial - a person's rejection of everything that is not acceptable to him, which also causes anxiety. Children love this way of protection, for example, when they hide under the covers and as if the evil monsters cannot find and catch them there. People who lose their loved ones because of their death often say they don't believe it, don't want to accept the fact that their loved one has died - it's all denial.

5. Sublimation - the transfer of mental energy (libido) from instincts unacceptable to the individual to socially acceptable forms of behavior. For example, the sublimation of aggression into sports, going into religion.

6. Projection - subconscious attribution of one's personal qualities and value orientations to other people. Predicting the behavior of other people using their models. Reducing anxiety and guilt by finding in people the corresponding behavioral defects in other people.

7. Reactive transformation - replacing unfulfilled desires with opposite actions. For example, pulling the pigtails of a girl you like is replaced by hatred for her, because she does not share his love.

8. Compensation and hypercompensation - the special meaning of these terms is approximately the same as the ordinary consciousness puts into them: overcoming and compensating for one's shortcomings while developing functions partially preserved in the affected area (hypercompensation) or intensive development of one's abilities in another, unaffected area (compensation). An example of overcompensation is a man confined to a wheelchair, but at the same time a good basketball player. An example of compensation - a girl athlete in athletics broke her leg, the doctors forbade her to continue playing sports, she compensated for this by becoming an athletics coach. A more complex example of compensation - a person is impolite and aggressive towards people, criticizes for any reason, but realizing his behavior, does not recognize this, and unconsciously tries to compensate with very high politeness, tries to be an ideal person.

9. Regression - a return to previously passed primitive forms of behavior, the development of dependent behavior, its infantilization. For example, a twenty-five-year-old girl was denied her request, but she, in turn, reacted like this: she pouted her lips and cried.

This article describes not all types of psychological self-defense. You can learn more about how to learn to understand people, what opportunities open up for those who study profiling, as well as how the human body works and how to use its signals and signs to determine the truth of words and behavior, you can from the materials.

I will touch on the important topic of women's self-defense in the face of an aggressor. Being a girl, it is hard to step over the female role implanted by society. Be gentle, beautiful, sensual and supple. Excellent qualities, but when faced with aggression, they only exacerbate the situation. Due to the fact that we are weaker, we cannot physically fight back men and fall into a stupor. At the same time, we lose the last opportunity to somehow influence the situation with the help of psychological techniques.

We have lived all our lives in a society where a vivid display of emotions is considered a weakness, because a person must be able to iron control his feelings. If an emotional volcano suddenly erupts, then the person receives unflattering nicknames “weak”, “spineless” or even “sick”. We prefer to ignore and stop strong emotions, both in ourselves and in other people.

That is why we get lost when we meet a real aggressor, we turn to stone and fall into a stupor. Thus, we deprive ourselves of the last opportunity to resist. Schools don't tell us what to do when we meet a rapist or a murderer, and we lose precious seconds. Although there are effective psychological ways to stop a person, albeit for a couple of seconds.

Template break

According to Erickson, "pattern breaking" is a technique for inducing a person into a shock trance by purposefully interrupting an automated action. The second way to break the pattern is the mixing tactic. For example, at a fast pace, mutually exclusive instructions are given that cannot be followed.

In other words, it is necessary to go against the expected reaction. What behavior does the rapist expect from his victim? Tears and fear, maybe even physical resistance, that's what he's counting on. The first thing a woman needs to do is disgust herself and are not afraid for her attractiveness.

From theory to practice

Now I will name a few cases from the real life of my friends, others are taken from the forums. All situations clearly demonstrate the power of such psychological tricks. Living people told me, believe me, that means it worked.

Girlfriend simulated an epileptic seizure when an aggressive man squeezed her in the entrance and already lifted her skirt. Acting abilities opened in her suddenly, out of fear. She rolled her eyes, foamed and twitched convulsively as she lay on the floor. The aggressor believed, got scared and, apparently, in order not to dirty his hands, fled. How she came up with such an idea, the girl herself does not know, but it worked effectively.

With the same effect, you can wet yourself, portray a mentally retarded person, stick out your tongue, foam, make terrible faces, or even induce vomiting. Everything you can think of and have always been embarrassed to do in public under the pretext of "it kills my beauty." Do everything to kill the sexual desire and attraction of the rapist.

Don't cry, don't be afraid, don't ask

Another story is already from the Internet forums. The girl returned late from work, had to go through a dark alley. There, a man attacked her, grabbed her and immediately threw her to the ground. There was nowhere to wait for help and the girl did a very unusual thing, she intuitively started stroking his head and back. The man began to shout obscene words, apparently in his hearts blaming some woman who had offended him. He burst into tears and vanished without doing anything.

This is the same as saying to the rapist “finally, I have been waiting for this for so long and sincerely smile.” What aggressor would not be surprised if he heard the cries of "Hurrah" in his honor? And there, you see, the saviors-neighbors will have time to appear. A few seconds won can save the situation, so you should use any means possible.

Aggressor you can try to scare. For example, say: “I am being met, and now there will be people here” or “I have cops on my tail.” Pretend that you have already dialed 112, shout "Fire" or throw stones at the windows of nearby houses. Even cold water in the face also sometimes works and gives time to dodge and run away. The minimum task is to avoid dark alleys at night and remember about a gas spray and a stun gun. Caution and unusual behavior can help a woman avoid being attacked by her aggressor.

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