Self-training oge social studies. Glossary of terms social science oge

Tasks. There are 31 tasks in the OGE in social studies.

1–20 → short answer tasks covering all the main topics of the social studies course. They need to choose only one answer option: enter the number of the option in the appropriate field on the form or fill out the table for compliance.

21–25 → short answer tasks where you need to use knowledge from different sections of the course. In these tasks, you need to select one or more answers from the proposed options and arrange them as a sequence of numbers without spaces or commas. For example, 234.

26–31 → tasks with a detailed answer related to the analysis of the proposed text on a specific topic. They need to state the course of their thoughts, adhering to logic and using arguments from a text or a social science course.

Course sections. The OGE will test knowledge of the following sections:

Man and society, assignments 1–4

Spiritual culture, 5–6

Economics, 7–10

Social sphere, 11–13

Politics and social management, 14–16

Law, 17–20

All exam requirements are listed in the 2019 specification. Familiarize yourself with it in order to clearly understand what topics will be on the exam.

Time. The exam lasts 180 minutes. It takes 1–4 minutes to solve one problem of the basic level of complexity from the first part, advanced level difficulty - up to 10 minutes.

The tasks with a detailed answer from the second part are solved the longest:

Task 26 → 15–20 minutes

Task 29 → 15–20 minutes

Task 31 → 10–15 minutes

How is work evaluated?

1 point → tasks 1–21, 23–25

2 points → tasks 22, 24, 26–28, 30–31. Task 22 is worth 2 points if there are no mistakes, and 1 point if one mistake is made. In tasks 26–31, points are given depending on the completeness and correctness of the answer. If the answer is complete, you will get the maximum score.

3 points → task 29. You will receive them if the answer contains all necessary components. If something is missing, you will be given 1 or 2 points - depending on the completeness of the answer.

The maximum you can get at the OGE in social studies is 39 points. They are translated into an assessment on a five-point scale.

15–24 → "3"

25–33 → "4"

34–39 → "5"

How to solve problems with a short answer

1. Carefully read all the words in the condition

They contain the key to the answer. There are usually no superfluous words in tasks, everyone has the knowledge for the right solution.

Exercise 1. Distinctive development trend modern society is an:

1. Mechanization

2. Industrialization

3. Modernization

4. Globalization

Solution. In this case, the key word is "modern". To give a correct answer, it is necessary to correlate the terms with modern society, and not with society as a whole.

Answer: 4.

2. Learn all the terms and definitions

Knowing the terms, you can easily find the correct answer.

Task 2. What concept is traditionally used to refer to the totality of socially significant qualities of a person acquired throughout life?

1. Personality


3. Individual

Solution. We recall the definitions: “personality is a concept developed to reflect the social nature of a person, considering him as a subject of sociocultural life, defining him as a carrier of an individual principle, self-revealing in the context social relations". It follows from this that the correct answer to the task is personality.

Answer: 1.

3. Read primary sources

This is especially true for tasks on the topic of politics, state structure and rights. Use not only textbooks and manuals, but also the Constitution of the Russian Federation, laws and codes. They are written plain language and contain all the necessary information.

Task 18. According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces Russian Federation is an:

1. President of the Security Council

2. Minister of Defense

3. Chief of the General Staff

4. President of the Russian Federation

Solution. We turn to Article 87 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation: "The President of the Russian Federation is the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation."

Answer: 4.

4. Be careful

At least 20% of mistakes in the social studies exam are made by students due to inattention, and not due to lack of knowledge. Before filling out the form, check all the answer options several times and make sure that you filled out all the columns correctly and did not mix up the numbers.

Task 21. Compare civil and criminal liability. Select and write down in the first column of the table the serial numbers of the similarities, and in the second column - the serial numbers of the differences:

1. Comes only for the committed crime

2. Applied by the competent authorities of the state

3. Strictly regulated by the rule of law

4. Involves a criminal record of a citizen

Answer. The completed table with the answer should look like this:

5. Do not use additional information unless it is specified in the condition

If there is no data in the task, then you do not need them. Do not seek to demonstrate erudition and breadth of outlook. In tasks with a short answer, this will do more harm than good. After all, you risk getting confused and making a mistake.

Task 23. During one of the Internet surveys, the question was asked: “Which positions would you prefer to hire a non-smoking specialist?” The survey results are shown in the chart below.

Survey results for task 23

Solution. What conclusions can be drawn from the chart data?

1. Employers give preference to non-smoking office workers.

2. Most importantly for employers, account managers should not smoke.

3. It does not matter for employers whether their accountant smokes or not, many will accept a smoking person for this position.

4. The vast majority of surveyed employers would like to see non-smoking administrative staff.

5. Employers do not focus on the smoking of medical staff.

You need to analyze the diagram and find a few correct options response. Do not involve additional knowledge to solve the problem and do not calculate anything, because there are no numbers and percentages on the diagram. A simple comparison will suffice.

❌ Option 1 is not suitable, the column "Office employees" is not high enough to indicate the preference of employers.

❌ Option 2 is not suitable. You can't tell from the "Account Managers" column that this is all that important to their employers.

✔️ Option 3 is fine. According to this plate, more than half of employers will hire a smoking accountant, and this is really "many".

✔️ Option 4 is fine. The column dedicated to data on "personal assistants" is the highest - such a majority can be called overwhelming.

✔️ Option 5 is fine. The column relating to the medical staff suggests that employers really do not focus on his bad habits.

Answer: 345.

What to pay attention to. The correct answer entry looks exactly like this - 345, without spaces and commas.

Task 24. It is related to task 23, to solve it you need to use the same diagram.

The results of the survey, reflected in the diagram, were published and commented on in the media. Which of the following conclusions directly follow from the information received during the survey?

1. If you want to become a personal assistant to the head of a reputable company, you should reconsider your views on smoking, as many managers will prefer a non-smoking assistant to a smoker.

2. Doctors should set an example for other citizens and give up bad habits.

3. When employing office workers, a negative answer to the question about smoking will often play a decisive role.

4. Artists, musicians and other creative workers most often smoke, which does not interfere with their successful career.

5. In the summary of the secretary, it is worth indicating that there are no bad habits, as this will increase the attractiveness of this employee.

Solution. When doing this task, refer exclusively to the diagram. Be guided by the presented data, and not by how correct the statement looks. It may be absolutely true, but not related to the diagram.

In this case, options 2, 3, and 4 are incorrect; no such conclusions can be drawn from the diagram.

Answer: 15.

What to pay attention to. In task 23, there are usually three correct answers, and in task 24, two options.

How to work with text

On the exam, you will receive a short text snippet. You need to read it and complete six tasks. They test your ability to understand the text, divide it into its constituent parts, highlight the main thing, search for the necessary information, analyze it and give examples that illustrate the ideas of the text.

Text for tasks with a detailed answer

Text for tasks with a detailed answer

1 - task 26. Plan your text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.

  • Highlight the main points, and then head them.
  • The plan should have at least 4-5 points.
  • The plan should be related to the text and touch on all the ideas that are covered in it.
  • Ideas don't always match paragraphs.
  • The plan should be short and concise. Don't use long sentences.
  • You can use interrogative sentences.
  • The plan should form a holistic impression of the text.
  • When making a plan, imagine that you need to make a report on the text, and the plan is your cheat sheet for the speech. If, looking at the plan, you can remember all the main theses from the text, then it is written correctly.
  • The beauty of the wording will not be evaluated, only their correctness. But try to be clear and concise.

2 - task 27. What is the relationship between patriotism and state policy noted by the author, quoting V.V. Putin? What concepts are closely related to this?

  • Do not start answering the second question of the assignment until you answer the first.
  • When answering questions, stick to a clear structure. It is best to start with the words indicated in the task. "Quoting the words of Putin, the author notes that the policy of the state should be based on patriotism." "The author says that the concepts of political and economic stability are connected with this."

3 - task 28. What definitions of the Motherland does the author note? Indicate two features that characterize the patriotic attitude to the Motherland, highlighted by the author.

  • If the condition refers to definitions, then there must be at least two of them.
  • Rewrite the definitions, abbreviating them in your own words.
  • Find the indicated features in the text and choose two of them.

4 - task 29. What definition of patriotism is closest to the author? Using social science knowledge, give two examples of such patriotism.

  • Find the correct definitions in the text.
  • Determine which one is closest to the author.
  • Examples should not be from the text, but from a social studies course, books, films, the Internet or your own experience.
  • In 2-3 sentences, explain why this particular example seems appropriate to you.

This means that one example must be taken from the text, one from other sources.

  • Find in the text those features that are mentioned in the condition.
  • Choose two of them.
  • Choose features that you like best and that are easier for you to explain.
  • For each line, give an example not from the text.
  • Justify your idea in a few sentences.

Topic: Society and man.
Scientists believe that social life began simultaneously with the appearance of man on Earth. Even ancient people united in a tribal community, a tribe. The unification and interaction of ancient people helped the human race to survive in difficult natural conditions, defend against enemies, explore new territories. This is where the concepts of "community" and "society" come from.
The concept of society is used in a broad and narrow sense.
In a broad sense:
Society is a part isolated from nature, but closely connected with it. material world, which includes the ways of interaction between people and the forms of their association.
Broad meaning: all of humanity as a whole:
1) part of the material world;
2) dynamic system;
3) a set of ways of interaction and association.

In a narrow sense:
Society is a collection of people in some way.
Narrow meaning:
1) a certain group of people;
2) the stage of development of society;
3) joint activities;
4) a certain country.

The concept of society has many meanings:
1. Stage in the history of mankind
3. All mankind (world community)
(primitive society, slave society, etc.)


2. (association) 4. Region, country, state (Russia, European
Circle of people united
common goals, interests
(sport Club)

Man can satisfy his material and spiritual needs only in society. And also in society, social relations develop between people.
Social relations are relations that develop between members of various social groups.

Society not only arises with the advent of man, but also develops with him, which means that society is dynamic system.

A distinctive trend in the development of modern society is globalization.

Globalization is a process of worldwide economic, political, cultural and religious integration and unification.
Main global problems:
1) the unresolved problem of eliminating aging in people and the weak information of the society about neglect ¬zhikmom old ¬re¬nii;
2) the “North-South” problem - a gap in development between rich and poor countries, poverty, hunger and illiteracy;
3) preventing a thermonuclear war and ensuring peace for all peoples, preventing peace with the community of non-sanctioned tsi-o-n-ro-van-no-go distribution of nuclear technologies, radio active pollution of the environment;
4) prevention of catastrophic pollution of the environment
5) reduction of biological diversity;
6) providing mankind with resources, exhaustion of oil, natural gas, coal, fresh water , wood, non-ferrous metals;
7) global warming;
8) ozone holes;
9) the problem of heart-related diseases, onco-logical diseases and AIDS;
10) demo graphic development (democ graphic explosion in developing countries and demo graphic crisis in development), possible famine;
11) terrorism;
12) asteroid hazard;
13) underestimation of global threats to the existence of humanity, such as the development of unfriendly ¬th artificial intelligence and global catastrophes.

Characteristic features of society as a dynamic system.
Self-development, self-regulation, the ability to adapt and integrate, the withering away of old parts, the emergence of new ones.

Society has subsystems (parts of the system)

Spheres public life
State and authorities state power
(president, government, parties, army, police, tax and customs services)
(goods, services, enterprises (firms), production process.
Interaction of various social groups, strata of the population, personality.
4. Spiritual
(morality, culture, science, education, art and religion)

All societies can be divided into 3 historical types:
1. Pre-industrial (traditional or agricultural)
- people are busy agriculture, prevails manual labor, primitive tools, communal way of life, low social mobility, cultural backwardness.
2. Industrial
- people are engaged in industrial production, the development of private property, machine labor prevails, the growth in the number of cities and urban populations, collective values, average social mobility, social life and cultural development.
3. Post-industrial
- people are mainly employed in the service and information sector, dominated by Information Technology, computerization and automation of labor, the value of the individual, human rights and freedoms, high social mobility, the influence of the media.
(social mobility is a change in the position of a person or group in society)

Interaction of society and nature
It is important to realize that society and nature are interconnected and influence each other.
nature is habitat human habitat.
Differences between society and nature
- creates culture
- develops under the influence of human activity.
The difference between nature and society:
- able to develop independently
- has its own laws, which do not depend on the will and desires of man.

- a biosocial creature, i.e. it intertwines the social and the biological.
is a representative of the human race, with unique natural features. (one of the people; singular)
-uniqueness, originality, richness of the inner world, features that are characteristic only of a certain person.
- this is a person as a social being with his inherent features and relationships that manifest themselves in interaction with people.
Socialization is the process of becoming a person
Socialization agents
1. Family
2. Education
3. Professions
4. Social environment
5. State
6. Media
7. Self-education
Stages of socialization
1. Initial
2. Middle (youthful age)
3. Final

The main differences between humans and animals
1. Thinking and articulate speech
2. Conscious purposeful creative activity
3. Human creator of culture
4. The ability to make tools and use them.

Human activity.
Activity is a human activity aimed at achieving a goal. As a result of his activity, he transforms both nature and society.
Activity structure
1.Subject of activity (the one who carries out activities)
2. Object of activity (what it is aimed at) or (what your attention is directed to.
The object can be not only objects, but also people (the teacher teaches students).

A person who starts any activity sets a goal.
The goal is what we expect as a result of the activity.

In order to reach our goal we need:
1. Funds
2. Actions
3. Result

A motive is something that motivates us to act. (Vasya reads a newspaper (action) to find out sports news (motive).

Human activity is aimed at satisfying needs.
Three groups of needs (or classification of needs):
1. Biological (food, sleep, air, water, etc. They are innate, bring us closer to animals)
2. Social (communication, self-realization, self-affirmation)
3. Spiritual (needs for knowledge of the surrounding world and the person himself)

This classification is not the only one. American psychologist A. Maslow.
1. Physiological (food, breathing, movement)
2. Existential (in safety, comfort, confidence in the future)
(1,2 - innate needs)
3. Social (in communication, in caring for others, in understanding)
4. Prestigious (selfish) - in self-respect, success, recognition
5. Spiritual (self-actualization, self-expression)
(3-5 - acquired)

Main activities- Labor, play, teaching.

Types of activity - practical, spiritual (associated with a change in people's consciousness), destructive (wars, acts of vandalism, cutting forests), labor, educational, creative, etc.

Creativity is about creating something new.
(helps us to create - imagination, fantasy, intuition)
Labor activity is an activity that is aimed at obtaining a deliberately useful result.
Gaming or leisure activities are focused not so much on the result as on the process itself - entertainment, recreation.
Learning is a type of activity whose purpose is to acquire a person's knowledge, skills and abilities.

Social and interpersonal relations of a person. Communication.
Social relations are relations between a leader and a subordinate.
Forms of social relations: one-sided (hidden, open conflicts), mutual (accessible and clear social reality).
interpersonal relationship - attitude between friends.

Society is a collection of social groups.
Social group - a group of people identified by socially significant features.
Functions of a social group
1. Instrumental - to perform any work (department, dean, team of workers)
2. Expressive - for satisfaction social needs in respect, approval or trust (Alcoholics Anonymous)
3. Supportive - to relieve unpleasant feelings. (protection of the interests of social groups (trade unions, etc.))

Communication is communication between people as a result of which they exchange information.
Types of communication: verbal (verbal), using words and sounds
non-verbal (non-verbal), with the help of facial expressions and gestures

Forms of communication:
- official (business)
- everyday (household)
- persuasive
ritual (the process of observing the prescribed behavior)
By content and semantic orientation:
-opinion exchange
Interpersonal conflicts
Interpersonal conflict is a clash various points vision.

Ways to resolve conflicts
1. Dialogue-communication between people.
2. Compromise agreement based on mutual concessions.
3. Consensus - a form of expressing agreement with the arguments of the opponent in the dispute.

Social sphere
Social classes, large groups of people, differing in their place in the historically defined system of society production, according to their relation (for the most part fixed and formalized in laws) to the environment production.

Nation (from lat. natio - tribe, people) - social-economic, cultural, political and spiritual naya generality of the industrial era.

Social classes (social classes) - social communities, distinguished by relation to the property and the social division of labor.

Conditions - social-legal groups of subjects, by their legal position by any definition in a divided way from the rest of us .; at the same time, differences are transferred by inheritance.

The presentation "The final lesson on the topic" Social sphere "is intended both for the current control of students' knowledge and skills on this topic, and for targeted preparation for.

The target audience: for grade 11

The presentation "The final lesson on the topic" Sphere of spiritual culture "is intended both for the current control of students' knowledge and skills on this topic, and for targeted preparation for the OGE in social studies.

The tasks of the first part are presented different levels. The answers are presented in the presentation itself. The work can be used in different educational situations.

The presentation "The final lesson on the topic "Man and Society" is intended both for the current control of students' knowledge and skills on this topic, and for targeted preparation for the OGE in social studies.

The tasks of the first part of different levels are presented. The answers are presented in the presentation itself. The work can be used in different educational situations.

The presentation "The final lesson on the topic" Sphere of Politics and Social Management "is intended both for the current control of students' knowledge and skills on this topic, and for targeted preparation for the OGE in social studies, grade 9.

The tasks of the first part of different levels are presented. The answers are presented in the presentation itself. The work can be used in different educational situations.

Target audience: for teachers

The presentation "The final lesson on the topic" Economics "is intended both for the current control of students' knowledge and skills on this topic, and for targeted preparation for the OGE in social studies, grade 9.

The tasks of the first part of different levels are presented. The answers are presented in the presentation itself. The work can be used in different educational situations.

Target audience: for teachers

The summary and presentation "The final lesson on the topic "Man and his rights" are intended both for the current control of students' knowledge and skills on this topic, and for targeted preparation for the GIA in social studies. Tasks of parts A, B, C of different levels are presented. Answers are presented both in the abstract and in the presentation itself.The work is focused on the textbook Kravchenko A.I., but nevertheless it is universal in nature and can be used in different educational situations.

Target audience: for grade 9

The goals and objectives of the presentation are to effectively prepare 9th grade students for the GIA in social studies, to consolidate the material.
How to work with a presentation?
The presentation details one of the sections of the GIA in social studies - "The sphere of spiritual culture".
The presentation contains 23 slides. 22 slides are devoted to the topics of this section, slide 23 contains literature and Internet resources on the section.
1 slide - title slide - contains information about the author of the presentation
Slide 2 - contains a list of elements (topics) checked by the GIA tasks in this section
Slides 3 to 22 clearly and easily explain the main terms, contain practical tasks parts A and B from P.A. Baranova "A complete guide to preparing for the GIA. AST. Astrel. M. 2013.

Target audience: for grade 9

The presentation "Law, Part 2" is intended to prepare 9th grade students for the GIA in social studies. There is methodological support for the presentation (tasks, goals, main content, test tasks, sources). In the presentation, the following nine questions of the "Right" codifier are clearly and accessible to students. Test tasks from official demo options FIPI 2009-2012 The presentation contains a large illustrative material.

We present to your attention the section on preparing for the OGE in Social Studies. This subject is the third most popular after compulsory and the first most popular among elective exams. We are pleased to provide you with the most useful and necessary material for each task with a detailed explanation and theory. We are sure that this section will help you pass the exam in social studies in grade 9 with excellent marks!

General information about the exam

The OGE in social studies consists of two parts, which in total contain 31 tasks.

First part contains 25 tasks with brief answer. The second part - 6 tasks with deployed answer.

For execution examination work in social studies assigned 3 hours(180 minutes). Answers to tasks 1-20 are written as one digit, which corresponds to the number of the correct answer. Answers to tasks 21-25 are written as a sequence of numbers in the answer field in the text of the work.

Part 2 includes the text and 6 tasks for it. To complete these tasks, you must:

  • select the required information from the text
  • disclose (including examples) its individual provisions
  • correlate the information from the text with the knowledge gained during the course
  • apply existing knowledge to analyze social situations
  • express and justify your own opinion.

Answers to the tasks of part 2 are written on a separate sheet. When performing tasks can use draft. Draft entries do not count towards the evaluation of the work.

Theory for the OGE in Social Studies

Brief theory for the successful completion of tasks (recommended for reading before analyzing options).

  • Man and society

    Interaction of society and nature. spheres of public life. Personality. Human activity. Interpersonal relationships.

  • Sphere of spiritual culture

    Science in the life of society. Education and its importance. Religion and freedom of conscience. Morality. Humanism. Patriotism.

  • Economy

    The role of the economy in the life of society. Goods and services. resources and needs. Economic systems. Production and labor productivity. Exchange and trade. market mechanism. Entrepreneurship. Money. Income. Taxes (in this part of the program, one of the main problems of schoolchildren is solved - the inability to solve economic problems).

  • Social sphere

    social structure society. Family. Social values ​​and norms. social conflict. International relations.

  • Sphere of politics and social management

    Power. State forms. Political regime. Participation of citizens in political life. Elections, referendum. Political parties and movement. Civil society and the rule of law.

  • Right

    Rules of law. Offenses. Legal liability. The constitutional system of the Russian Federation. Federal structure of the Russian Federation. State authorities of the Russian Federation. Law enforcement agencies. Protection of human rights and freedoms. Civil relations. Family relations. Labor relations. Administrative relations. Criminal law(in this section, schoolchildren have a lot of confusion in terms - we give information in a convenient circuit form).

  • Work with text
