How to determine the nature of a kitten by the muzzle. All breeds of cats: description and character

Young researchers from the UK (not "British scientists" yet, but almost) have discovered five "personality types" of domestic cats. A team of researchers from Lincoln University's Center for Cat Care, led by School of Science researcher Lauren Finka, carefully interviewed more than 200 cat owners about their pets' behaviors and habits.

Photo: Lauren Finca and cat Hamish, Cat Welfare Center

According to the results of the survey, they concluded that all cats can be divided into five “personality types” according to their character and behavior.

These are Cats-People, Cats-Cats, Cats-Hunters, as well as Stubborn Cats and Inquisitive Cats. The difference in personality types of cats is due to the complex interaction of hereditary factors, upbringing and life experience.

Describing feline "personality types" will help you understand what type your cat is and how best to handle it.

I. Cat-Man

Human cats, as a rule, are happy to share with the owner his house, his life and even his personal space. Such a cat can be recognized by its characteristic movement: from time to time it likes to gently “butt” its owner with its head. And she also loves to lie on the owner’s lap and, most likely, regularly “tramples” or “claws” him with her paws.

The ideal environment for a Cat-Man is an active family, with members to rub noses or take naps on their laps. Such cats most often become characters in funny photographs on the topic "If it fits, I sits" - "If I fit, then I sit."


For a friendly Cat-Man, nothing is more important than human attention. And the more of it, the better.

II. Hunter cat

All cats are born hunters, but for cats of this type, hunting becomes the meaning of life. No one but them knows how to track, sneak and attack like that. You can recognize a hunter cat by its attitude towards realistic soft toys. With these toys, the Cat-Hunter most often does this: he clamps it in his teeth and begins to desperately thrash with his hind legs.

Photo: Helen Cook /

The best place to live for such cats is a country or country house. There, in freedom, the Cat-Hunter finds himself: he endlessly explores the surroundings, tracks down prey and hunts. And all this - without the risk of falling out of the window of a high-rise building or getting hit by a car on a city street.

III. cat cat

Just as Cat-People become like this as a result of close - from early childhood - communication with a person, Cat-People grow up from kittens who have had positive experiences with other cats. These Cat-Cats do not perceive other cats as a threat to their territory or resources. From an early age, they get used to living, communicating and playing with other cats and kittens.

These cats are easy to recognize by their communication with other cats: they poke their noses, always ready to play and lick each other.

Cat cats do best in feline company, but even highly socialized cats can be very picky about friendships.

This type of cat is best suited to those who spend most of the day outside the home - for example, young couples. Left to themselves, Cats-Cats (unless there are less than two of them) have a good time in the absence of their owners. But loneliness for them, like Cat-People, is contraindicated.

IV. feisty cat

These cats can disappoint with their low tolerance for others and especially for physical interaction with a person. They seem to always be on high alert for some kind of trouble. Building a comfortable relationship with such cats requires a lot of effort and time.

Distinctive features of the Stubborn Cat are independence, an increased need for personal space for games and, despite a normal relationship with a person, a dislike for “hugs” and other physical tenderness. These are the same cats that "walk on their own."

You can’t pick up a quarrelsome Cat just like that: you need to wait until she takes the first step herself.

V. Curious cat

“Curiosity killed the cat” is about them. Curious Cats are tireless explorers who sniff around anything and everything. Their curiosity is the result of both heredity and the habit from early childhood to interact with new objects, smells and sounds.

Photo: Kalle Scharlund /

An inquisitive Cat is recognizable by its desire to explore and study everything that is around it in the most comprehensive way. It will be very interesting for her to live in a hospitable house where someone comes all the time, and even in the office. But keep in mind: the Inquisitive Cat will not miss without "checking" a single object that has fallen into the zone of her attention, whether it be a bag, a box, a shoe, a person or an interesting detail of his clothes.

Now tell us what "personality type" your cat is!

In the life of mom and dad, there is such a moment when thoughts come to their mind that they need to give a kitten to a child. But along with it, they can bring home chlamydia, worms, lichen and other dangerous diseases, so parents should know the rules for choosing an animal for a baby.

How to choose the right kitten for a child?

First of all, before buying a kitten, it must be carefully examined, but it is better for parents to do this without the presence of a child. Remember, it is best to make a purchase in two stages, at the first stage - choose a cat for parents, and at the second stage show the child the choice of mom and dad!

Parents often have a question about whom it is better to buy a cat or a kitty. In such a situation, it is worth knowing the advantages of both sexes. The fact is that cats are more affectionate, they like to spend more time in the hands of the owner, and cats have a calmer temperament, they love loneliness.

In addition, you need to remember that these animals are purposeful and if they notice something, then, as a rule, everything that is in their path can fall, break and break.

If it comes to an amorous issue, then you need to remember that the animal may be subjected to sterilization or castration. If this goes away quickly in cats, then after the operation, cats need time for rehabilitation, this should also be taken into account when buying an animal.

In addition, it is worth considering the age of the kitten, it is recommended to buy it at the age of 2.5 months. If you buy a very small animal, then bringing it home, it can easily pick up a viral disease. In addition, he will need to be potty trained for a long time, he will not be able to properly care for himself.

Also, when buying, he must be vaccinated, this is done without fail so that he does not get sick. Therefore, the seller must show the buyer a special card, which indicates that the cat is vaccinated.

You should also pay attention to the coat - it should be smooth and shiny, when stroking the animal, the hand should simply slide. Next, you should focus on the skin of the animal - in light breeds it should be light pink in color, and in dark breeds it should be dark blue. There should be no scratches, bald patches on the skin, there should not be any spots, redness, fleas.

It is necessary to carefully examine the eyes, they must be clean, bright and focused on the person who examines the animal. There should not be any redness, souring, tears on the eyes. It is also worth paying attention to the ears - they should have pale pink clean skin.

It is worth assessing the condition of the oral cavity, for this you need to lift the upper lip and look at the bite of the kitten, in ideal condition the upper jaw should overlap the lower one. After that, it is worth evaluating the mucous membrane of the mouth - it should be pale pink in color, there should be no plaque, spots, wounds on the tongue, cheeks.

Thus, guided by such simple rules, you can easily give your baby a fluffy bundle of happiness.

Choosing a kitten by color

When choosing, many do not think about what character a particular animal has, everyone looks at the breed and appearance. But in order to acquire a four-legged friend, you must have at least a little idea of ​​​​what the character of the kitten will be. Character can be understood by the color of the animal.

So, if you want an active kitten that will constantly devote time to you, play and make itself felt, then you need a black kitten. These cats are very active and kind, they love to be around people. There is nothing bad to say about this coloring.

In some cases, they may show aggression, they may be indifferent to strangers, they may not be given into hands. Therefore, if you notice that your kitten does not go into the hands of other people, you do not need to force him, this is just his character.

The most common color is black and white. Such kittens have great patience, they can withstand absolutely all mental situations, they also have an angelic character.

This is not to say that they cannot show aggression, but they will not show aggression unless provoked.

As practice shows, such kittens love to spend time with small children, so if you have a child, then they will definitely make friends with him.

Kittens that have a red color show more aggression towards people they don't like. They are not very active, but if there comes a time when they show their activity, it means that they want to play.

Such kittens will often show their character, especially if there is another animal in your house. For example, if you have a dog at home, they will not get along. Basically, the kitten will cause a fight between him and the dog.

Choice between cat and cat

Kittens are fluffy little crumbs, just looking at them lifts the mood. At first, they are forgiven for various antics. Over time, such a small lump turns into an adult animal, you will have to live with it for many years. Before you take a kitten, you need to decide who is better suited for a cat or a cat.

Who is this cat?

He is independent, but he will love and respect his master, he can afford to squeeze, play with him and much more. Housing for him is not only an object of residence, but also a large territory in which you can hide and unexpectedly attack.

He is very curious, striving to explore everything not only on his territory, but also within it. New items, things the cat will definitely study. He may be interested in any business of the owner. You will wash, clean up - he will definitely look at it.

If you want him to obey and not force him to endure various antics, it is necessary from the first days to show him who is in charge.

Unlike a cat, it has a very pungent smell, which can be a good argument to have a cat in the house. But if you take good care of your pet, unpleasant odors can be avoided. read here.

Who is a cat?

She is much more gentle than a cat, not so curious, she does not go to get acquainted with the situation or with new objects, she carefully gets used to everyday life. The cat is better at showing affection to his owner, they like to spend time with children. Such a pet is very clean, it can clean its hair for a long time.

Today, most people prefer to get themselves not dogs, but cats. They do not need to be trained and they do not need to be walked every day. But whatever it was, you need to approach the choice of a kitten correctly.

Read about the breed here.

Are you choosing a kitten? Then remember that when choosing, attention should be paid not only to the breed, but also to the color of the animal: according to the research of German scientists, it is the color that will largely determine the character of your pet and its basic habits. The coat color of kittens helps to divide cats into several typical groups, and knowing this, by the color of the coat of a pet, you can determine at a glance what it will be like when you bring it home.
White - timid, affectionate Golden - calm, love to be combed Red - smart, playful Color-point (Siamese) - sociable, very attached to the owner
Striped - resourceful, mischievous
Gray - independent, freedom-loving
Blue - contact, friendly
Marble - flirtatious, flexible
Chocolate - demanding, cheerful
Smoky - phlegmatic, reasonable
Tortoiseshell - devoted, mischievous
Black - kind, obedient It is believed that black kittens are the most obedient, quivering and sweet.
For a long time, black cats were perceived as bringing bad luck, and centuries of hostility have taught these animals to be very sensitive and loving affection. Such a kitten will always be sociable and will easily become attached to you if he feels sincere sympathy, and will also easily find contact with the child. At the same time, by the way, it is believed that black cats are the most affectionate and accommodating, not cats. It is they who more often make contact and delight their owners with unconditional obedience. However, if you are too strict with your pet, he will very quickly become nervous and withdrawn and will be afraid to do something so as not to annoy you. Therefore, try not to upset the baby in vain. Moreover, to this day, in many countries of the world, a black-and-white cat is considered an assistant to everyone who is experiencing severe blows of fate, because only she helps them endure more steadfastly. So black cats have always enjoyed great respect in the world, and today this respect is only growing stronger day by day. Black cats bring not only happiness and good luck, but also peace of mind. Black cats are medicinal animals. The owner, as a rule, is a dreamy, self-absorbed romantic. Gray kittens are good not only for the unusual color of their amazing skin, but also for their extraordinary abilities.
It is believed that it is the color that can influence the character and endow the cat with a lot of hidden qualities, and in this regard, gray animals are considered no less popular than magical black cats. In particular, folk beliefs claim that cats of even the most ordinary gray color are able to give their owner inner and outer beauty and harmony. They are also considered the best house guards from the brownie, and a dream with a gray cat is a warning to the sleeper that he is in danger of some kind of trouble or even danger. At the same time, as the dream book testifies, a gray cat is far from always a symbol of these troubles, it only helps to prepare for them and overcome them with dignity. Gray cats are also believed to have healing powers. For example, they can contribute to the normal course of pregnancy in women, and gray-greenish cats even know how to treat their owners at night, allegedly using lunar energy for this. As a rule, all gray cats have a reputation for being very strong and at the same time docile and phlegmatic animals. They are distinguished by an even and gentle character, as well as a remarkable mind and true devotion to their master. In addition, it is believed that a cat with gray eyes is always very affectionate and generous and does not have a typical "feline" vindictive character.
The most quick-witted, of course, are red kittens (it is no coincidence that such scientists are selected to study the nervous activity of animals or training). Animals with this coat color from the very first day will be able to get used to your requirements and will obey you. However, do not be surprised if it turns out that their obedience is just a cunning plan, and in fact the pet is just trying to get something from you in this way. This desire for naive deceit can eventually even make a little insolent out of a kitten, but still be sure: you will never get outright hooliganism from a ginger kitten! This kid, if he will be naughty, is only to have fun, or, more likely, to entertain you: red cats feel very well when you are sad, and will gladly come to support and amuse you. It is believed that red cats in the house are for the well-being of the owner. Their owner is an energetic, independent person.
A pure white kitten is magic! Not only modern happy owners of such animals think so - even our ancestors were sure of this. Already in ancient Egypt, white cats were especially revered, believing that they are the best to help people whose lives are associated with risk and heavy physical exertion. In addition, at different times, white cats were considered the personification of purity (both physical and purity of thoughts) and purity. As for external features, white cats are an example of the purest colors that have been respected and admired at all times. According to the standards, the coat of such cats should not have any impurities or shades of color, as well as blotches and spots, although markings of any color on the head are allowed in kittens, since such spots disappear over time. A special place among snow-white cats is occupied by white cats with blue eyes: it is believed that they belong to the deaf breed. Indeed, such animals are most often distinguished by a timid character, since they have hearing impairments. However, this does not always mean complete deafness. In addition, scientists have proven that only 5% of white cats are actually born deaf, while the rest hear their owners quite well. Albinos are also found among white cats - this is a white cat whose coat has become snow-white due to the lack of pigmentation. As a rule, such cats are also distinguished by reddish eyes. It is believed that white cats bring happiness to their owners. And in England they are considered medical cats. White cat - personify the world in the house! The owner of the "blondes" is a neat, pedantic person who cares about the beauty and harmony of his surroundings.
Striped (patterned) - Secretive, closed, independent and very independent. Their owner is endowed with the same features and, in addition, he is usually a person of a creative mindset.
Bicolors (two-colored) - Sociable, attached to their owner, easy to contact with other pets, love children. Their owner is a contact person with a subtle sense of humor. Tricks of colors However, the color of your future kitten is not the only sign by which you can determine the nature of the pet. Like it or not, the basic habits also largely depend on upbringing, and if you give your pet enough time, he will never be capricious in vain.
And one more nuance: in two- and three-color cats, the characters depend on the predominance of colors in their suit, but at the same time, it is believed that two-color kittens are more playful and cheerful, and three-color kittens are complaisant and devoted to their owners. So if you do not want any one color to be the main color in the coloring of the kitten, choose a motley pet and you will not be mistaken! However, even if you buy the most quarrelsome kitten, do not be upset: he will still give you a lot of pleasant minutes and will be a favorite of your whole family, who will love him not at all for his color features!

Cat characters

Any owner of a cat will tell you that his ward is a pronounced individuality, a “real character”, unlike others, with his own tastes, habits and characteristics. If all cats were similar in appearance, like twins, would we be able to distinguish them from each other by their behavior? This behavior is an expression of the unique individuality of the cat, its mannerisms, style, if you like. Because we live in close proximity to our pets, we can identify a set of traits that define their behavior. By domesticating cats, taking them under our protection, we may be freeing them from the obligation to hunt for food and thereby help to develop and manifest other behavioral traits more fully. If we talk to the owners of different cats, then we will get a description of many cat personalities that are completely different from each other. But what allows a cat to become such a pronounced individuality? Of course, we still have not found an adequate answer to this question, even in relation to our own species, because it is this question that underlies the eternal dispute about hereditary and acquired qualities. Therefore, we cannot say with complete certainty how great the influence of the immediate environment on the cat is, which of the properties are determined by heredity and passed on from parents or ancestors, and whether the personal experience of the cat can somehow affect them. Why is this cat afraid of everything - is it because her parents were like that or because she had an "unhappy childhood"? There are many traits and properties that make up the character of a cat: whether she is decisive, whether she is a good hunter and, most importantly, how a cat treats us, other cats and other people.


Does the "friendliness" of parents affect how friendly their kittens will be? Few studies have shown that friendly cat fathers produce friendly kittens, despite the fact that kittens almost never meet their fathers. Therefore, they inherit the potential ability to be friendly, and do not learn this by copying their parents. There is no doubt that a friendly mother does her part and the kittens can learn a lot from watching her and imitating her behavior. In an experiment where a cat must press a lever to get food, kittens who saw their mother doing the task also did well. Those who did not follow the mother could not solve the problem. Therefore, if the mother is calm and communicates with people without fear, it is very likely that the kittens, imitating her, will behave in the same way. Of course, a huge number of factors come into play. For example, a friendly mother, on the one hand, will pass on her predisposition to friendliness through genes, but, on the other hand, an example of this behavior (a calm reaction to people approaching kittens) will also help them successfully merge into this human family from an early age.

The health of the parents, especially the mother, determines not only the physical growth of kittens, but also their psychological development. An emaciated and weak mother will have to work hard just to successfully feed her babies, and she will most likely not be able to fully fulfill her other mothering duties, such as teaching them communication skills. Kittens from half-starved mothers are less able and learn more slowly. They often demonstrate antisocial behavior towards other cats, are exaggeratedly shy and aggressive. They also have many skills that are normally characteristic of cats, for example, they have difficulty keeping balance. Kittens of a half-starved cat had to spend more time getting enough, and even competing with siblings for limited supplies of milk. Maybe because of this, they simply did not have time to learn the game or have a quiet rest. Early training is vital to acquiring any skills, both social and physical, that a cat needs in her adult life.


American researchers identified two types of feline characters in the groups of kittens they studied. They subdivided them according to their reactions to the various situations offered: some cats reacted violently - we might call them excitable or nervous; others were much calmer in their perception of life and the problems it raises. Cat breeders can do this kind of research themselves, observing broods of kittens and deciding which of them to classify as which type.

Recent work on personality in adult cats has confirmed that they, too, clearly have two distinct types of sociability expression. The first type, perhaps corresponding to the idea of ​​​​an ideal pet, is a cat that feels the need to communicate with people and other cats and calms down, feels better in their company. The second type enjoys the company of one or two members of the human family, no more. Such a cat only tolerates communication with other people, and usually does not gravitate towards friendly relations with other cats.

So, some owners enjoy communication with personalities of the first type, and they consider such cats to be normal, while others are upset that they can not manage to establish friendship with the second type. The situation is complicated by the fact that in response to the cares of the owners, to all their flirtations and efforts to please the cat with their company, the cat only keeps itself even more aloof. Cats of the second type are usually the first to not make contact, and all attempts to strengthen relationships cause a backlash. The owners of such cats will probably immediately recognize this portrait and calm down a bit, realizing that their cat is so “unfriendly” through no fault of their own. It happens that people who had to have a cat of the second type, after her death, would never want to start another one. Nor do they believe in fairy tales about close and loving relationships between humans and cats. They are sure that all cats are indifferent, cold creatures, and you can’t get any return from communicating with them.

Whether these two personality types of adult cats correspond to the two behavioral patterns of kittens from the American study is not yet very clear. What causes some adult cats to be affable and loving while others are not? What is the reason - in early impressions or insufficient care in the first, especially important weeks of life, or maybe those same excitable, nervous kittens become like that when they grow up? Clearly, more research is needed to answer this question, and not just on kittens - one has to watch them as they grow up to see what type of personality each one develops into. Of course, the easiest way is to sit in a comfortable chair and say it's obvious; it is actually very difficult to collect information about the natural behavior of cats if we are talking about their "natural behavior within the family." When we ask cat owners to answer questionnaires, the results are always very subjective, but if an outside observer comes into the family, the cat, as a rule, stops behaving naturally, especially cats of the second, reactive type. So it seems that a lot of time will pass before people manage to reveal all the secrets of the cat's personality. We have yet to find the keys that will help improve relationships with our cat friends.

Be that as it may, if you got a cat of an unfriendly type, but you want it to become friendly, unfortunately there is no way out yet. You just have to accept this situation. Love your cat for who he is, admire her from afar, from a distance, and be proud if she turns her royal attention to you and allows herself to be petted. Try to look as attractive as possible in the eyes of your pet so that he wants to approach (instead of chasing him, scaring him away with his perseverance); often feed in small portions; taking advantage of his weakness for warmth and comfort, sit next to him in front of a fireplace or heater. (Just turn off the rest of the heaters - maybe then your "beech" will come and sit next to you!) If the cat is the first to take the initiative, do not reject it, be sure to respond, but try not to overdo it. Maybe you decide to get another cat in the hope that it won't cause the first one to run away from home and the second one will turn out to be an outgoing type of cat. Take a closer look this time, and you will definitely pick up a "friendly" cat or kitten.


Relationships between kittens are formed easily and without difficulty in the first two months after birth, when people and other animals can be included in the group and accepted with joy. Fear is still unknown to them, and tolerance is high. Getting older, the kitten is more wary of everything new, loses its curiosity. If the early period is missed and the kitten did not have time to get close to representatives of another species, later it can be much more difficult for him to communicate with both people and other cats. It has been proven that in many respects the friendliness of adult cats towards people depends on how much they were engaged in childhood.

Care and attention at an early age affect whether the kitten becomes bold or nervous and shy, and not only that - in fact, the whole attitude of the future cat to life depends on it. A study of cat behavior showed that kittens who were regularly handled at an early age and who met people in the first month and a half of life were more lively. They showed more interest in unfamiliar objects and were more willing to make contact with strangers than those who did little. Another observation is also interesting: kittens that grew up alone behaved more calmly in unfamiliar situations and were friendlier to people than kittens from large litters. Perhaps trying to compensate for the lack of brothers and sisters, at this crucial age they are more willing to communicate with another species, that is, with us. It seems that it is during this early period of development (let's call it the research period, or the period of imprinting) that we can do especially much to determine our future relationships. Kittens treated between two and seven weeks of age were more welcoming than those treated before or after that age.

Will the kittens retain these properties for life, will their characters remain the same in adulthood? Do timid kittens become timid cats? Do the brave remain the same decisive for life? It seems that the answer to all these questions will be yes. The reaction of nervous cats to stress is due to both heredity and environmental influences. They always react exaggeratedly, and they cannot learn balance and ignore the “disturbing” events that life presents every day, although they could already understand and remember that these innovations do not bring any harm. Their reaction does not improve, no matter how much attention is paid to them. This agrees well with the theory of two psychological types of cats: easily excitable Moiyr panic in changing conditions, while the "calm" type does not panic under any circumstances and takes everything in life calmly.

So, there are hereditary inclinations that determine the level of friendliness, but this, of course, is a difficult question. As we have seen, early contact with people can affect whether a cat becomes a good pet in our understanding, that is, calm and friendly, if it is initially endowed with a good character. The development of cats has also been traced in some long-term experiments. Care and attention to kittens at an early age not only promotes the socialization of kittens, but also accelerates their development, as a result of which they become more confident and balanced.

There may be a temptation to “attach” a kitten to yourself, completely taking over its feeding and upbringing. However, oddly enough, kittens fed by humans or too early taken from their mothers develop deviations in behavior: they may seem quite friendly, but in the next moment they become aggressive and rush at people, including their “adoptive mother”. They can also treat other cats either with fear or aggressively; they are not so easy to learn and lag behind in physical development from their peers raised by a cat mother. These behavioral deficiencies, or deficits, arise perhaps because we are not able to teach them to "talk like a cat", to teach them the lessons of correct behavior in the way a mother cat does, and we fail to introduce them to subtleties of communication of adult cats, which they usually absorb with mother's milk. Aggressive behavior towards human owners is more difficult to explain, but may be the result of confusion in the teachings. Although we are physically weaning them from milk, we are not able to fulfill the role of the mother, so to speak, in behavioral feeding. She must be teaching the kittens to be independent, and soon after she stops breastfeeding them, she begins to voluntarily withdraw from them. Human-raised kittens have not learned from their mother how to direct the cat's energy and aggressiveness in the right direction, be independent and stand firmly on four legs; they feel vulnerable and respond aggressively.


There are two other factors that can influence the behavior and change beyond recognition a cat that we considered “normal”. The first factor is any severe, traumatic events in the cat's life: accidents, illnesses, injuries. The attack of an angry dog ​​and bites can lead to the fact that the cat will not only become afraid of all dogs, but also begin to shy away from the most innocent objects that she had not even paid attention to before. It seems that after such a meeting, the cat completely ceases to believe in itself, in its ability to sneak away and now takes “too close to its heart” any situation that seems dangerous to it. Confidence may gradually return, although the cat's fear of dogs sometimes persists for life.

Diligently caring for a sick cat, you can also achieve changes in her character. It happens that a cat, previously "wild", becomes completely tame after weeks on end the owners cherish it, treat it and groom it. Perhaps the reason here is that illness and weakness make the cat, as it were, involuntarily return to the position of a kitten, and the people next to her play the role of a loving, caring mother. Such a memory of childhood gives the cat a chance to "relearn", reconsider its relationship with people or, in extreme cases, with one particular person. Too weak to follow the instinct that dictates "grab and run", she suddenly realizes a change: she has been afraid of people all her life, and they do not offend her at all, but on the contrary, they feed and support, give warmth and their friendship. After all, a cat could initially belong to a friendly type, but something did not work out in relations with people - she was frightened, offended, or simply not given love at an early age, when it is so important. Once in trouble, the cat gets its first chance to enjoy close relationships with people.

The second factor that can greatly influence "normal" behavior is sex hormones. It may be objected that their influence is also “normal”, but so many domestic cats are neutered, so that feline reproductive behavior, in fact, does not affect the relationship between a person and a cat. Of course, cat breeders do not keep sterilized animals. However, it is unlikely that they would have brought an uncastrated cat at home as a pet, since an adult male, whose behavior is determined by male hormones, becomes aggressive, and even marks the territory, abundantly spraying everything in the apartment with a strong smelling liquid. In addition, non-neutered cats try to establish themselves on the largest possible territory, patrol their area, bully other cats and often come out of fights with heavy losses. They come back skinned, the wounds from scratches and bites aches, and the bills from the veterinarians grow to alarming proportions. Add to this the risk of frequent anesthesia, because few cats will allow their wounds to be treated or stitches without anesthesia.

A full-fledged cat marks the territory with all his might, spraying urine with a pungent strong smell. Such cats can become overexcited when they are stroked and scratched, and this excitement can result in a fit of aggression or unwanted sexual reactions. He can cling to the hand stroking him, as if it were a cat's neck, and believe me - this grip cannot be called tender! These are too risky caresses for the owner who wants to relax in the company of his beloved cat.

For these reasons, people castrate their cats, especially if they live in an apartment without going outside. Sterilization often leads to the fact that the very desire to fight for territory disappears, the habit of marking almost disappears. A sterilized cat still marks, but now it does it mostly outside the home and with less smelly urine. Castration also reduces the chances that the excitement that occurs during the caress of the cat develops into aggression: it becomes more calm, sociable, and this is perhaps the main benefit of the operation. There are other benefits: the cat becomes more tolerant of rivals, more obedient and playful in dealing with us, and often requires more attention. Now that his hormones aren't spurring him on and he doesn't feel the need to constantly scour and assert himself, he has freed up time for games and socializing. It happens that the owners of unneutered cats are unfamiliar with such problems, but for the most part we do not want to take risks, preferring not to jeopardize our friendship with a pet and his health, namely the endless wounds received in battles and fights. Castration of a cat is a very simple operation, it lasts only a few minutes, and the cat recovers from anesthesia quickly, without even realizing that something has happened to him.

As for the sterilization (removal of the ovaries) of females, it does not cause such a radical change in character, but it helps to get rid of the nerve-wracking problem - the screams of a cat calling for a male. During the period when the female is ready for breeding (usually this happens twice a year, but, having begun, estrus can cycle again and again with small breaks every few days for three weeks, until the cat becomes pregnant), she tries to announce her the state of every nearby cat. Loud calling cries are especially audible at night, and owners of especially vocal breeds, such as Siamese cats, have to resort to earplugs or some kind of especially effective soundproofing to fall asleep during such a performance. This alone is usually enough to convince cat owners that they don't really need a litter of kittens and that spaying isn't such a bad idea. Like castration, this operation takes place very quickly, under anesthesia, the wound remains small - one or two stitches, which are removed after about a week. (This may not be necessary if a self-absorbing suture is used.) There is almost no difference in our relationship with cats of different sexes. It is better if they are sterilized at a fairly young age, when pronounced sexual behavior has not yet had time to develop, but even in unsterilized animals the difference between the sexes is not as great as, say, in dogs. Dogs of different sexes, even sterilized ones, are very different from each other in behavioral characteristics and in the way their relationships with their owners are built. Therefore, for those who have a family and children and who want to get a good-natured and accommodating dog, I, regardless of the breed, would recommend getting a bitch. If we are talking about acquiring a cat, then there is practically no difference between a male and a female if the animal is sterilized.


We talked about genetic factors - about whether the ability to "befriend" people and other cats is inherited, and about how scientists are trying to better and more fully understand the mechanism of inheritance of character in cats. But you can especially see how certain genes lead to different types of cats by studying the appearance of cats of different breeds. The differences between them are very noticeable - from the proportions of the body and the shape of the head to the color and length of the coat. Breeds are bred and maintained, either allowing cats with certain characteristics to breed only with partners with the same characteristics, or getting certain breed changes to occur under control.

Thus, through crossing and selection when breeding cats, there is every chance to pass on to their next generation not only external characteristics, but also some behavioral characteristics of their parents.

Some breeds were originally formed in geographically isolated regions, others were created specifically by selecting animals with certain properties or with random mutations and managing their further reproduction. For example, the Siamese or Angora cats developed in isolation from other groups of cats and formed the basis for the breeds we know today, but we have made further changes through breeding, and so there are different color variations and some changes in body shape.

Breeds such as the Somali originated from crossbreeding (in this case, the Abyssinian breed was introduced with a gene responsible for long hair).

Norwegian Forest and Maine Coon are breeds bred by, one might say, natural, free crossing of cats.

Other breeds have evolved as a result of breeding from one or two kittens born with some random mutations. Such breeds include, for example, the breeds of the Reke group with their sparse curly hair, hairless sphinxes and short-legged munchkins, or dachshund cats. Hairless cats, Sphynxes, have to deal with especially serious problems in everyday life: they are, of course, especially sensitive to the cold, and what should they do, given that other cats devote a third of their lives to grooming their coat? Do they still have an instinctive behavioral need for this, and if they nevertheless experience this need, how should they act - just lick the skin? The absence of vibrissae can generally be regarded as a disability, the loss of one of the most important sense organs, since vibrissae help cats to “see” and feel what is around them. Some even tried to breed dwarf cats, but so far to no avail. Is it necessary to pursue breeding new breeds just for the sake of increasing the variety of cat types? After all, we are surrounded by cats of various colors and personalities - is it not possible to limit ourselves to this and not strive for innovations achieved at the cost of the health and welfare of animals?

But we are now interested in another question - the behavior determined by the breed. Are there differences in behavior between cats of different breeds as clear as, for example, in dogs? Over the millennia of living next to people, dogs had to perform various functions: they became watchmen, shepherds, bloodhounds, and even fighters. Other breeds were bred to make companions: they tend to be friendly and good with people. Of course, dogs have perfectly adapted to human society, since our social structure is very similar and they fit perfectly into our “pack”, as a rule, willingly occupying the lower steps in the hierarchical structure. Cats, however, are solitary hunters, and although they may live in groups, these groups do not have such a rigid hierarchical structure. They also lived next to man for thousands of years, but at the same time they were guided by their own rules, besides, no one expected or demanded that they perform any specific tasks, “services”. In the past, a cat could subsist on what fell to her - a little milk in the kitchen or some scraps from the table; selection, if at all we can speak of at least some kind of special selection directed by man, was carried out according to hunting qualities, in other words, according to the ability to protect food from rodent attacks. Rather, it is about natural selection: kittens of cats that have proven themselves to be good mousers and rat-catchers were in demand. Today, cats do not need to be good hunters: most often, the owners prefer that they do not catch anyone at all, or, in extreme cases, hunt badly and be unable to catch at least someone.

Until now, there has been very little scientific research on breed-specific behavioral characteristics, but some trends are well known to breeders and owners of cats, which can sometimes be quite difficult to explain. We must learn the main thing: the range of individual characteristics within any group of cats is very wide. Therefore, when we try to draw generalized conclusions about a certain breed, we must not forget that among its representatives there can always be a cat that is completely different from all the others.

Anyone who wants to get a long-haired (Persian) cat must remember that hair care is vital for her, that long-haired ones are, as a rule, peaceful and docile and allow their owners to do whatever they want with their skin, even every day. What came first - the need for grooming or submissiveness? It can be assumed that only obedient and understanding cats were neat and combed, while others looked terribly sloppy, because they did not allow themselves to be touched, and the owners did not dare to comb their beloved pet. And yet, even among the Persians, beeches are not uncommon.

Of all breeds, behavioral features are most pronounced in representatives of the Oriental, Siamese and Burmese breeds, as well as all others in all their variety of colors. Siamese cats have proven themselves to be sociable and open, talkative, demanding attention, loving and loyal, and I'm sure most of their owners would agree with this characterization. Burmese cats are said to love the company of man and are very affectionate but overly demanding of constant attention. Abyssinian cats are said to be shy and fearful of strangers, and the Somali (the long-haired form of the Abyssinian) is described as having a good disposition, although somewhat timid. Here are brief characteristics of some breeds (according to British standards. - Note. transl.): Turkish vani - live; ragdoll - patient and indulgent; angora - likes to frolic, friendly; Russian blue - cautious and calm; Tonkin - extremely loving and tender; river - playful; korat - wonderful easy character; Balinese - like Siamese, but somewhat calmer. Although it is doubtful that you can reliably describe the breed in one or two words, but you have to start somewhere!

In British short-tailed cats, including mongrel cats, it is often possible to determine the character by color. This is not as strange as it may seem: there appear to be behavioral characteristics associated with certain coat color variations. When you hear about a female with a red or chestnut head, you immediately imagine a wayward, even violent person; although "red-haired" cats are often considered calm and friendly, but if they are irritated, then the thought involuntarily arises that the factor of the red head takes place here too. By the way, only 10 percent of red cats are females, while the "variegated" coloring is practically not found in males. Black cats are said to be calm but difficult to train.

In recent years, several studies have been carried out in order to collect at least some information about the behavioral characteristics of different breeds. Bruce Fogle, author of Cat Intelligence, asked 100 veterinarians to rate six different breeds or breed groups - Siamese, Burmese, Longhair (Persian), Somali, Abyssinian - on 10 personality traits. World of the Cat magazine asked readers to answer similar questions about their cats. The results of both surveys seem to confirm the fragmentary information that had been previously available. Judge for yourself.

Siamese, Burmese, Abyssinian and short-tailed (non-British) breeds require more attention than British short-tailed or Persian cats. Burmese cats were ahead of others in activity, while Siamese were not much inferior to them. As for confidence, the Siamese and Burmese are ahead of everyone here. All breeds showed themselves to be gentle and devoted, but the Persians interacted less actively with their owners. Siamese, Burmese and Abyssinian cats are also ahead of others in talkativeness and contact: they initiate contact more often than others, go to it first. According to polls, Siamese cats are very playful, but they are more "destroyers" than others. Persian cats are the most taciturn, the owners rarely hear their voice, they are less prone to games than others, they are not so emotional, but they rank high on the “controllability” scale. Ordinary outbred short-haired pussies turned out to be the friendliest in relation to other cats.

The responses of cat owners to the question of whether their cats suffer greatly when left alone in the house confirmed that short-haired breeds deal with this problem most easily. The Burmese are the worst off, and this result confirms that they are especially in need of the company of man. Abyssinian cats and Somalis were somewhat less dependent on people.

Burmese cats have established themselves as the owners of strong characters, and perhaps the best characteristic of the breed can be considered excerpts from the letters of some owners, published in the magazine “Cat World”: “Very smart and very loyal, they are determined and loving creatures. They have a tendency to demand increased attention to themselves, the worst thing for them is if there is nothing to do or if they are ignored. Another owner adds: "Wonderful companions, iry just like joyful kids." I have to add that, speaking of behavioral problems, Burmese cats are very often aggressive towards other cats. When such a strong nature grows into a despot, which is quite real, it can become a real thunderstorm for other cats in the house and even on the same street. There are even isolated cases when such cats invaded other people's houses, ate cat food, left their odorous marks in the house, and to top it all, they beat the cats living there! Of course, these are out of the ordinary examples, this happens extremely rarely, but, you see, it is even impossible to imagine that, say, a Persian cat would do something similar. At the same time, cases when some kind of problem or stress leads to a violation of "toilet" habits are especially frequent with Persian cats - this was helped to identify one of the surveys on cleanliness problems in the house. All other breeds took high marks as neat, only the Persians let us down. However, these cats are not just beautiful, but in addition, according to most owners, they are unusually delicate, polite, calm, calm and noble. Many people will prefer a cat with this type of personality to a restless and demanding Oriental.

The data bank on the behavioral characteristics of the most popular breeds continues to grow, so some generalizations can already be made to give owners any chance to choose what they want or avoid some unwanted things. However, this is much more difficult when it comes to less common or completely new breeds. In this case, it is better to consult with the breeder and try to find out what behavioral features are inherent in the parents of the cat or cat.

One of the breeds in which it was possible to combine a friendly attitude towards a person with the appearance of a wild animal is the Bengal, which was bred by crossing with a real wild cat - a leopard. Serious doubts and worries about whether the representatives of this breed would be aggressive turned out to be, hopefully, untenable; Now this breed is officially recognized in the UK. However, the Governing Body of Cat Fancier Organizations (GCCF), The oldest breed registry in the country has announced that it will no longer recognize any breed that has been bred using any type of cat other than the domestic cat. Felt catus. Thus, the council announces the inadmissibility of using any species of wild cats for breeding new breeds - they simply will not be recognized. It is a very wise decision to try to stop people, especially non-professionals, who recklessly crossbreed cats of different types and breeds, completely unaware of what consequences this can lead to. We already have enough variety of beautiful coat colors, and all new variations appear on the basis of existing breeds. So let's not include wild species in this process: it is better to protect them and maintain their numbers where they live in the wild.


There's an aspect of our cats' personality that we rarely get to see, and that's their street selves. In the house, a cat can be meek and good-natured, behave like a playful and affectionate kitten, but once in the yard or in the garden, your Fluffy is transformed - now it is a tracker, hunter and killer. In the paws that so gently touch your hand in the morning, claws are suddenly found that are deadly for the victim (though not very large). All senses are sharpened, the pupils are dilated, the ears are pressed, the muscles are tense and ready for action - we have a hunter in front of us in combat readiness. This stranger - alter ego your homemade pussy.

We can catch a glimpse of this world when a cat plays or quarrels with its fellow, but we (fortunately!) rarely have to experience the true power of its claws and fangs. And if this is destined to happen, then it is unlikely to be forgotten. An interesting example of this is the case that happened to a cute cat named Bomber (“Bomber”) from the south of England, who lived most of the time in the house with his mistress. He liked to sit by the window, and when he saw a rival in the garden, he became very excited. At such moments, he was ready to attack the first thing that fell under his paw, and this first often turned out to be his owner. The case ended with the unfortunate lady going to the hospital when deep wounds on her ankles and calves became inflamed. As a result, the cat was allowed to spend more time outside, and since then his outdoor life has no longer overshadowed his indoor existence.

We forget that our domestic cats are miniature versions of lions and tigers, the big cats we fear and call "fierce." What a blessing it is that our pets can and, most importantly, want to change their behavior, helping us and making our life easier with them. The author of the book "Claws and Purrs", a specialist in feline behavior Peter Neville, tells just about this. He has studied both sides of the feline nature and says that we should respect its wild aspects. Neville notes: our pet is able to survive in almost any environment, adapt to the most adverse conditions, and not only hunting skills help him in this, but also the ability to find food among the garbage and the ability to organically get used to human society.

It is hardly possible to find a cat that is not endowed with these instincts, because they are inherent in them from birth. However, some cats are much more adventurous and more successful hunters than others. Often, if the mother is a good hunter, hunting talents are passed on to her offspring. This may be partly due to heredity, but also, no doubt, the mother cat teaches the kittens well, and they imitate her. If the cat is not very keen on hunting, her kittens can master this on their own. science, but it is unlikely to reach great heights.


Can all this facts and knowledge help the average potential owner choose a cat - purebred or mongrel? We now know that the first requirement when choosing a kitten is that it be generally friendly towards people; then we need to deal with him more and give him the opportunity to get as many impressions and learn as much as possible at an early age, a period of special receptivity. Subsequently, we can strengthen friendships through food, love, and our knowledge of their natural behavior - this will help us communicate as much and closer as possible.

Cat breeders, if they are interested in getting calm and friendly cats to their customers, can try to influence the temperament and character of their kittens, getting offspring from cats and cats with a stable nervous system and culling hysterical or aggressive animals. Usually the breeder keeps purebred kittens until the age of 12 weeks - these are the terms officially recommended GCCF. However, if you decide to get not a high-born aristocrat, but a simple, purebred kitten, you can take him as early as six to seven weeks old. It is only important for the time being to protect your kitten from contact with other cats that may not have been vaccinated. Then the kitten will be almost completely protected from the danger of getting infected. Behavior experts say it's best for a kitten to find a home as soon as possible after weaning - around seven weeks of age; then the new owners have every chance to strike up a strong friendship with the baby, because it is at this early age that kittens grasp everything especially easily. Those who breed purebred cats spend a lot of time with the kittens, take care of them and provide them with different types of experiences, introducing them not only to people, but also to dogs and other cats. They need to be very careful not to allow infection and at the same time do everything possible so that the kittens grow up good-natured, disposed towards people, non-aggressive and self-confident.

Before you go to choose a kitten for yourself, determine for yourself what kind of cat you need. Do you want your pet to be independent, able to stay alone for a long time and only occasionally appear in your field of vision? Or do you need a more sociable companion who would need your company and the company of other cats?

You must decide what kind of cat you want to have - purebred or simple - and how much time you are willing to spend on caring for your pet. Caring for the coat of a Persian cat, for example, needs to be given a lot of time every day. Many people like Oriental cats, but they are afraid that they require too much attention, or they are worried that such cats can get bored and even sick when they stay at home alone for a long time. It is not easy for a cat of this breed to live in a room position, not being able to go outside. If you just want a companion who will easily and easily fit into your family's life, I recommend considering a regular mongrel cat - this is the best option. You can take such a pussy at a tender age, when kittens more easily adapt to your family and all the features of home life and, growing up, overcome all obstacles without any effort.

It is not uncommon for people to have two kittens at once. This is a wise decision. Two cats will keep each other company, especially when the owner is away. We faced just this problem when we chose a certain breed - Siamese, but could not agree on the number. One, so that it is more attached to us, or two, so that they are friends and occupy each other? In the latter case, won't it turn out that they will love each other and ignore us? We decided to have two and do not regret our decision. I often thank fate for the fact that they have each other, because we, people, simply could not spend a lot of time with them, stroke, caress, play with them. Now I am spared the terrible feeling of guilt in front of a pet that I cannot pay enough attention to. In the first month, our kittens spent almost all the time in each other's company, and then they met Bullet, who willingly stepped down from the pedestal, deciding that he would not lose his dignity if he made friends with them. They played together, but as soon as they were called, they played with us with pleasure or curled up on our laps, allowing themselves to be stroked - what could be better? Definitely, if your cat has to live without leaving the apartment, it will be difficult for her to sit alone all day. Two cats will endure this test much easier than one.

When choosing a kitten, the most important thing, of course, is his health. Make sure that the kitten has clean, clear eyes, clean fur (check under the tail for signs of indigestion). In excitement and excitement, it is very difficult to remember also to try to figure out his character. You can be taken for a nitpick, but still take your time, take a little more time to choose, try to play with the kittens, ask the seller about the character of each. Be sure to ask how much they were engaged in, whether they had to meet with other animals. If you want to have an affectionate, calm cat that loves the company of people, try to find a kitten that will happily play and not shy away from strangers and who will run towards you. A kitten huddled in a corner will not suit you - most likely, this is a nervous, shy animal, and all your efforts to establish contact with him will go down the drain. Of course, this is the most general plan of action, but at least it will help you not to choose a nervous coward. Keeping all this in mind, you will be able to pick up a friendly and non-hysterical cat, living next to which will be pleasant and joyful. Remember that the cat you choose in a matter of minutes can live in your house for 20 years!

When you bring your kitten home, make sure it is warm and sheltered. Try not to fuss too much around him, but don't go to the opposite extreme, leaving the kitten to himself. Until your new pet is fully settled, feed him the same food and offer the same litter that he is used to. Then, if you want, you can gradually change both. Keep the kitten in one room at first (you can put him in a cage to introduce to the rest of the house - see chapter 7 for more details), let him gradually settle into the house. Very soon, usually in a day or two, he will feel confident enough to start exploring all the nooks and crannies.

Of course, there is no guarantee that the cat will grow up exactly the way you imagined it, but, as a rule, we find ourselves captivated by the charm of this creature and understand that we fell in love with him (or her) - no matter what.


Now we know what a cat is capable of. How can we influence its development, how to ensure that its personality is revealed to the fullest?

Determine what breed (if you want a purebred cat), with all the features of its appearance and character, is best for you.

Try to take a kitten in a house where kittens and their mothers live among people, dogs, other cats, where kittens are taken care of, they are given enough attention.

Choose kittens born to confident, healthy parents who get along well with people.

Consider getting two kittens instead of one.

Look for an active, sociable, calm and friendly kitten.

Your new pet will need a lot of love, attention and new experiences.

Warmth and tasty food will help you bond with an unsociable cat.

Do not impose your society on the cat, do not pursue it, otherwise it will simply run away and hide.

Our conversation we want to dedicate are our favorite pets. It is simply impossible to describe all breeds of cats within the framework of one article. But we will try to talk about the brightest representatives of the family.

What breeds are the best?

If you are planning to have a cat at home, then you have certainly already thought about which breed to prefer. People have different approaches to choosing pets. Some want to have others - the most beautiful, others make some other demands ... However, when making a choice, you should be based on what kind of care and nutrition the cat needs and whether you can provide him with the necessary conditions. All breeds of cats are beautiful, smart, and affectionate. But it should be based on what the needs of the animal are and whether you have the opportunity to give the pet as much attention as it needs.

There are a lot of cats, and every owner will say that his pet is the best, dexterous, well-fed, beautiful, thoroughbred, devoted ... Of course, this is true. Therefore, let's agree that in the article we will talk about some types, since it is simply impossible to describe all breeds of cats. At the same time, we will try not to adhere to any ratings, highlighting the “most, most”. Each breed is good and worthy of attention. And, if you liked the animal, then by all means take it, because it is very important that there is contact between the owner and the cat. And everything else is not so important.

Maine Coon

If you like Maine Coon you will certainly be interested. After all, this is the largest domestic cat, which is incredibly attached to the family and loves all its members.

The breed belongs to the semi-longhair and has American roots. It is believed that the ancestors of these animals lived in the US state of Maine. In translation, the name of the breed means "Manx raccoon". Such a name is not at all accidental, since cats are actually somewhat similar to raccoons due to their color, large build and huge fluffy tail.

Maine Coon cats are not in vain considered one of the largest in the world. The average weight of males varies from 7 to 12 kilograms. The average size is from 5 to 6 kilograms. It is difficult to imagine that an adult animal can reach 15 kilograms. The breed is currently incredibly popular in the world.

Maine Coon cats have a strong muscular body and large ears with tassels. Nature endowed these animals with amber and green eyes. The paws of cats are quite large and strong. Animals have a shiny and silky coat, which is naturally heterogeneous in length. Maine Coon colors can be quite varied.

Maine Coon character

Maine Coon cats are very cheerful, but at the same time calm. They do not make a mess in the house, as other animals do. From the outside, it may seem to a stranger that these pets are completely indifferent to people. But it's not. It’s just that animals of this breed do not immediately begin to trust a new person. But after a while they become devoted and truly loving.

Behind the impressive size of Maine Coons hide real good-natured people, ready for friendship with all neighbors: dogs, hamsters, cats and other living creatures. Although the life experience of their ancestors taught cats to hunt on farms, they do not touch even the smallest living creatures in the house. Small rodents are more like toys for them. Cats have a balanced disposition, but do not really like to be picked up, because with their weight in the hands of a person they do not feel very comfortable. But in a dream, they stretch to their full height, causing a smile of tenderness and pride in their pet from the owners.

When wondering what breed of cat is smart and kind, do not hesitate - this is a Maine Coon. Animals have a very highly developed intellect. They have an excellent memory, remembering even the intonations of the owner’s speech, understanding him even just by looking. Such smart cats, if desired, can even be taught some tricks.

Almost all breeds of cats periodically plague their owners with heart-rending meows. But this does not apply to Maine Coons, which have a completely unusual melodic voice. Moreover, each cat has an individual and unique timbre. Quiet pleasant purring even looks very contrasting against the background of the large physique of the animal.

Cats are not too demanding in content. It is not so difficult to take care of your pet's coat: it is enough to comb your pet once a week. Closer attention should be paid to wool only during periods of molting (cats molt once a year).

Maine Coons do not spoil furniture, they prefer to sharpen their claws on carpets and rugs, so they just need to organize a special horizontal device for procedures. Then the carpets in the house will remain intact.

British cat: breed description

The history of the British goes back to the period of Ancient Rome and Egypt. But in Britain, they already got, thanks to the Roman legionnaires, during the period when Rome held the islands under control. In this simple way, shorthair cats settled in Britain, where they began to interbreed with forest cats. The animals very quickly became the favorites of the British for their aristocratic character and a truly sophisticated look. It was they who became the ancestors of the current British.

British breed cats are short-haired animals with soft but thick hair. Nature endowed them with large copper-colored eyes. The head of the cats is round, and the body is quite strong. Representatives of the breed are characterized by short paws, broad chest and shoulders, plush tail.

Brits can come in a wide range of colors: solid, smoky, tortie, bicolor, tabby. The most common is blue, and therefore even has its own name "British blue". But other colors of animals are not a deviation from the standard.

The British are large and medium in size, as well as a strong physique. The weight of the female is from 3 to 5 kilograms, and the male - 5-7 kilograms.

The character of the British

Undoubtedly, all breeds of cats (photos are given in the article) are good, but the British are known as the best companions, especially if you prefer smart animals that are unpretentious in care. The first acquaintance with such a cat will amaze you with true British restraint. However, with a closer acquaintance, you yourself will not notice how the pet will become truly loving and devoted. The more time you spend with an animal and give it your love and care, the better your relationship will be.

A British cat is always a calm creature, from which you should not expect dirty tricks. Animals of this breed are playful. Loyal, but not hyperactive. If a pet lives in a family, then he adores all its members, without choosing one. The British are very social animals, but still they need their own space for privacy in order to feel happy. By nature, they are not tame, but at the same time they prefer to curl up next to a person to be stroked.

The British are angered by too much attention from the owners, so they periodically disappear into their secluded corner. But at the same time, animals calmly accept other cats into the family without squabbles and jealousy. Cats are not distinguished by shyness and are quite confident in themselves, and therefore get along even with dogs.

Features of the content of the British

If you want to get a clean pet, then you probably think about what breed of cat is the neatest. Even newborn babies, having just learned to walk, run to the tray themselves, so there are no problems in order to accustom the animal to the correct behavior for a long time.

Not all breeds of cats (photos are given in the article) calmly endure the absence of owners. The British are very calm in this matter. They will sleep or find something to do until the family returns home. At the same time, they do not spoil at all, do not spoil furniture, curtains and wallpaper, they quickly get used to the scratching post. Cats have an endlessly patient nature. They never yell for food or attention. If you are busy, the animal will wait until you are free and will not bother you.

British cats are excellent hunters. If they are given the opportunity to hunt, they will not miss it. For all their massiveness, the animals are very dexterous and fast, but at the same time they do not cause damage to household items. Caring for these pets is not difficult at all. Like any animal, the Briton needs a balanced diet, toys and water. In addition, once a week you definitely need to comb your pet's thick coat. Several times a year, the animal must be bathed and do not forget about cleaning the ears and eyes.

breed history

The cat of the Siberian breed is a semi-long-haired animal with a very thick, moisture-proof coat, a cute face and a fluffy tail. Currently, such pets are incredibly popular because they are considered hypoallergenic. This breed was bred in Russia by crossing native cats with eastern representatives.

The first mention of this breed dates back to the sixteenth century. In those distant times, they were distributed throughout Russia, and they were called "Bukhara". It is not known exactly when and how the animals got to Siberia. There are several versions. Each of them claims that cats were brought by settlers. If they were indeed brought by merchants from Central Asia, then it is likely that the Persian, Siberian and Angora breeds had common Asian ancestors.

Gradually, the animals spread throughout Siberia. In severe weather, cats acquired long and dense hair with a thick undercoat.

Description of the Siberian breed

Siberian cats are animals with a well-developed and large body. Adult females weigh up to 6 kilograms, while males are somewhat larger, they can reach 12 kilograms. Siberian cats have a large, well-developed body with muscular paws. A distinctive feature of the breed are pieces of wool between the fingers, inherited from the steppe and forest cats. Cats can range in size from medium to large.

Siberian cats resemble Persian cats in many ways. Both breeds have a fur collar around the neck and panties on the hind legs. The indisputable advantage of the Siberian cat is its fur. But it is not its length that is valued, but the almost complete absence of allergies in people. The coat consists of a hard part and a thick undercoat, which is due to nature itself.

Animal hair is completely waterproof. Therefore, bathing such a pet is a troublesome business. Although the coat of Siberian cats is quite long, it does not require special care. As for colors, the efforts of breeders have created a huge number of options for all kinds of colors, most of which are not found in their natural habitat. Natural colors help animals to camouflage themselves in the wild. It is worth noting that the natural color is not popular among housewives and cat lovers.

The nature of Siberian cats

Siberian cats are affectionate, loyal and loving. They are quite playful, smart, they are interested in absolutely everything that falls into their field of vision. The owners of such animals claim that their cute pets are ready to go to any length to get what they need. Sometimes it may even seem that they are thinking ahead of their actions.

Siberian cats are not noisy at all, but they certainly need to go out for a walk somewhere to throw out their energy. Pets perfectly remember their nicknames and always respond to them. The breed is strong, but at the same time very flexible for its size. From a height, animals can jump fairly decent distances. Owners of Siberian cats note the love of pets for water. They like to watch the water ripple or toss toys into a bowl of water.

Representatives of the breed are very friendly to strangers, dogs and other cats. They love all family members. If the baby will unnecessarily torment the pet, then the cat will endure everything, but in the future it can bypass the child.

For cats of the Siberian breed, the highest happiness is the opportunity to climb a tree in the yard. The same love for heights is observed in kittens, which can climb on the closet, so the kids need to be monitored.

pet care

This is not to say that Siberian cats are very demanding in care, but their long and thick coat requires more than careful supervision. The “fur coat” of the animal must be combed regularly with a good comb. This must be done at least twice a week. It is necessary to comb the covers very carefully so that the comb does not slip through individual sections, this leads to the formation of tangles later. Wool requires special attention during the molting period.

Reproductive begins quite early - at five to six months. This amazing fact has a fairly simple explanation. Siberian cats are directly related to wild animals, which often died at a young age. The offspring of one female, as a rule, consists of five to six babies. Males of this breed are known as very caring dads. Cats help cats take care of their offspring. They willingly live together. And some cats stay with the same male all their lives. The nature of the Siberian breed is such that its representatives feel better and happier in a pair. The presence of the second half has a positive effect on the emotional background of animals.

Instead of an afterword

We hope that our article will be of interest to all those who love pets such as cats.

The names of the breeds given by us, or rather their number, in no way reflect the number of species that exist throughout the world. It is not possible to describe all the breeds within the framework of one article, and therefore we decided to focus on only a few. All animals, without exception, are good. Each breed has its own merits, and therefore a description of several species will allow you to get to know the characteristics of pets more closely in order to understand which animal you would like to see next to you as a friend and companion.
