Critical reflection on the book by F. Rozzakov and M

Not so long ago, I had a meeting with US Secret Service Special Agent Jason Pietramica. He offered me a job in Russia, taking into account my high qualifications as a scout, as well as a sniper of the Nabat special group. The object was not named, but I refused, because everything was clear to me. The elimination of Putin, the main condition for a successful war with Russia.
In connection with my refusal, the task will be carried out by a group of hitmen from the Secret Service - special agents Chris Lineman (tel. 718-840-1263), Susan Klemm (tel. 718-840-1472), Jean Gurevich (tel. ), office address - 335 Adams Street, 30th floor, Brooklyn, NY 11201. How do I know them exactly as killers - a separate conversation and it is connected with the problems that I had with the CIA and personally with Hillary Clinton, as well as operations for political murders (see attachments)
I believe that the patriots of Russia will report this information to the president of the country - this is not the time for him to receive a bullet in the forehead.
I have no doubt that US President Barack Obama will give President Putin an exhaustive explanation regarding the above-mentioned assassination team before these bastards have yet had a car accident.

I can't prevent a world war myself. Let's do it together.

Mikhail Kryzhanovsky, former KGB and SBU intelligence officer, former CIA and FBI agent, dissident
New York
[email protected]


Operations to eliminate Yeltsin, Clinton, Obama, which I had to prepare or be an object (number 5)
1. Operation Yeltsin
2 Operation Bill Clinton
3. Blackmailing Hillary Clinton
4Operation Obama
5. Operation to eliminate M. Kryzhanovsky

1. Operation Yeltsin

Shortly after the August "putsch" of 1991, Ukraine declared its independence. The eternally drunk Yeltsin, through his press secretary, suddenly announced that he would not allow the complete separation of Ukraine from Russia, even if this required the use of force, which caused a violent reaction from the nationalists. A group of deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine urgently left for Moscow and managed to extinguish the brewing conflict.
It became obvious that it was time to start a big intelligence operation against Russia, create an illegal residency in Moscow and promote agents in Yeltsin's entourage so that in the future they could participate in the presidential elections in Russia.
Kyiv had no idea what to do and I decided to take the initiative. I learned that the poet and publisher of the Nostalgia newspaper, Nikolai Chaika, was creating an All-Union Literary Association and writers from all regions of Russia were invited to the congress in Moscow. It was a convenient suggestion. I wrote a report, the document went to the very top, reported to the Chairman of the Supreme Council (since December 5 - President) of Ukraine L. Kravchuk, and I received his personal sanction to start an operation against Yeltsin and absolute freedom of action, up to murder. This was a unique case in the history of intelligence in general and Ukrainian intelligence in particular - as you know, only James Bond had uncontrolled freedom of action.
September 5, 1991, Moscow
I went to Moscow and at the congress of the Free Creative Association (STA) I was elected its vice-president, responsible for establishing international relations. Next, it was necessary to create their own political image. Within two months, I wrote the first short textbook of applied political science in the USSR, and it began to be published in the Nostalgia newspaper under the title What is Politics? This allowed me to reach, for example, the Supreme Soviet (through a prominent scientist, professor at Moscow State University), in particular, the chairman of the Constitutional Commission O. Rumyantsev and the Social Democratic Party headed by him. I was present at meetings of this party and suggested to Rumyantsev and Deputy Orlov that an article on free elections be included in the Russian Constitution. Later, Yeltsin changed the draft Constitution, but the new version, adopted on December 12, 1993, included Article 3, clause 3: “The highest direct expression of the power of the people is a referendum and free elections” - this is my text word for word. This is how an illegal intelligence agent can influence big politics.
Then people appeared who could give access to Primakov, Rutskoy and Zhirinovsky, for whom I already saw the future. Zhirinovsky, by the way, can be easily manipulated, since his megalomania is steeper than that of Gorbachev ten times. I was also brought into contact with the publisher of the bulletin, who had access to Yeltsin as a photographer. He invited me to become his assistant and do his work in the future. In February 1992, I could go with him to the Gorky region, where Yeltsin was planning a trip. If the President of Ukraine had authorized the liquidation, Yeltsin would have received a bullet in the forehead from my favorite SVD or Stechkin sniper rifle with a silencer. I studied in Gorky in 1985 at counterintelligence courses (201st KGB school) and we were involved in security during the visit of the Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR A. Gromyko, so I knew the security system very well.
At the same time, I began to engage in business in Moscow, realizing that without money, and large ones, it would be difficult to approach Yeltsin. In Ukraine, I had people who began to bring alcohol to the capital in order to enter the wholesale supply and take over the entire vodka business in Moscow. In addition, there was an oil and gas institute in Ivano-Frankivsk, many of whose graduates were already engaged in the oil business. It was not difficult to contact them, and two of my student friends, for example, were already working with Swiss companies and banks
May 20, 1992, Moscow, Moscow State University
From a source used "in the dark" from among the professorial staff of Moscow University, I received very serious political information that Vice-President A. Rutskoi is preparing a coup and his people are storing weapons in apartments in different parts of Moscow. Naturally, this information was immediately reported to the President of Ukraine L. Kravchuk (for this I went to Kyiv). He did not warn Yeltsin, but decided to wait for the development of events. As you know, we had to wait until October 1993, when Rutskoi and Khasbulatov openly opposed Yeltsin, who in response shot the parliament from tanks.
September 21-October 5, 1993
Kravchuk's concealment of my information led to a tragedy. The Congress of People's Deputies and the Supreme Soviet of Russia was dissolved by Presidential Decree No. 1400 of Yeltsin, in violation of the Constitution of the RSFSR, and then a two-week confrontation began, culminating in mass executions of the defenders of the Supreme Soviet on October 3-5 near the television center in Ostankino and in the White House area. The official list of the dead, provided by the Russian Prosecutor General's Office, included 147 people. List compiled on the basis of parliamentary hearings in the State. The Duma of Russia included 160 surnames. In 1994 Novaya Daily Gazeta reported the existence of a special secret certificate for senior officials about the victims on October 3-5 - the certificate, signed by Grachev and Yerin, indicated 948 killed. On October 4, 1993, an information message went through the media: "Europe hopes that the number of victims will be reduced to a minimum." On October 5, 1993, the head of the presidential administration, S.A. B.N. called Filatov. Yeltsin instructed to announce the figure of 146 dead - in response, Filatov said the following: "It's good that you said, Boris Nikolayevich, otherwise it seemed that 700-1500 people died."

March 1992, Moscow, creation of own party
My next step was the creation of a party that could unite the Russian intelligentsia. To do this, I decided to use the Free Creative Association, which has already begun to open its branches in Russia (I proposed to take such a decision at the congress). I drafted program documents and all that remained was to carry out a political trick - to accept current and future members of the STA as members of the new party. Everything was legal, because The association was registered with the Russian Ministry of Justice with the right to engage in political activities. In general, the legalization went well and then it was necessary to closely deal with the top leadership of Russia. I convinced the leadership of the Security Service of Ukraine that I personally had the opportunity to enter Yeltsin's entourage, and for this, of course, I had to officially resign from the SBU, move to Moscow for permanent residence, create an illegal residency and develop the operation. Everything would look quite natural, because. in 1992, the KGB of Ukraine was transformed into the National Security Service (SNBU) and many Russian-speaking officers, not wanting to serve the nationalists, either quit or were transferred to serve in Russia. My mother is Russian and moving to Russia with the adoption of citizenship would not raise any special questions. “According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, a citizen who has permanently resided in the Russian Federation for at least 10 years can be elected president” (Chapter 4, Article 8), which meant that by 2002 I could become a real candidate for the presidency of Russia. In any case, I had to reach a position where I could influence the decisions made by the President of Russia, and, above all, with regard to Ukraine.
And then the unexpected happened. In June 1992, Yeltsin and Kravchuk signed an agreement that Russia and Ukraine would not conduct intelligence against each other. I was told about the termination of the operation, with which I categorically disagreed and stressed that the President of Ukraine was making a major strategic mistake. In August 1992, I was fired. What happened?
President Kravchuk simply “surrendered” me to Yeltsin in exchange for friendship or a profitable economic deal. If you've seen the movie The Professional, it uses a similar scheme. Approximately six months after my dismissal, I received information that there was a threat to my personal safety in connection with my Moscow operation. It became clear that the elimination of an unwanted witness was being prepared. I turned to the leadership of the SBU, which categorically refused to answer my questions. I had no choice but to urgently leave Ukraine with my family for Poland. There I received information from my connections that the SBU agents had been instructed to find me in order to liquidate me.
In 1995 I managed to emigrate to the USA.

"BARACK OBAMA - "MOLE" SVR. Mikhail Kryzhanovsky, former KGB and SBU spy, CIA agent.

If, without naming the surname "Obama" and the country "USA", they outlined the scheme of his government and asked me to make an analysis, I would come to the conclusion that the president was recruited as an agent of influence and works in the interests of the SVR (Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia) according to collapse of their own state. I would also say that the States are being severely avenged for the destruction of the USSR. The Union disappeared from the maps of the world with the active assistance of a CIA agent of influence, recruited in 1959 in the United States,
Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Alexander Yakovlev, chief adviser to the combine operator-perestroika Gorbachev.
Yakovlev, at the suggestion, the CIA advised the moron Gorbachev to "fight against drunkenness", after which the production of alcohol (30% of the USSR state budget) almost stopped, the economy collapsed and the country fell apart. Do not find fault - the fight against alcoholism, a holy cause. Materials for the development of Yakovlev as a traitor KGB Chairman V. Kryuchkov reported to Gorbachev, who immediately realized that with the arrest of the "architect" of perestroika, Yakovlev, he himself would turn from a "great reformer" into a bunch of shit, so he did not give a move.

Let's get back to Obama.
1. In 2008, during the presidential campaign, he suddenly announced that "We must create a civilian national security service" - something like the KGB. The flurry of indignation was such that he could very well not become president - 69 million voted for him, and 59 for McCain. Obama shut up until he became the master of the White House.
2. In 2010, in the midst of the most severe economic crisis, wild unemployment and inflation, a terrible national debt of $ 13 trillion (with an annual budget of $ 3 trillion), Obama is tearing up and thrashing about, pushing through unnecessary and dangerous health care reform - super strange universal insurance . For the poor in America, the state pays for medicine, the rest are bought by themselves, and NOBODY and NEVER complained about this system - everything is fair. Obama carried out the reform with the full support of Congress, the money for the reform - $ 1 trillion, which is not in the treasury, he put on the shoulders of the states, where there is also no money and everything that is possible is being cut. As a result, the poor will have to pay part of the medicine out of their own pocket, but if not, go home to die or rob passers-by on the street. Absurd? No, Obama can hardly be called an idiot - this is a well-planned operation, as a result of which the poor sections of America will die out, as well as old people with small pensions.
3. In June 2010, the FBI arrested 10 illegal SVR agents, incl. the now famous Anna Chapman. They did not even have time to properly interrogate them, as Obama ordered everyone to be released to Russia, exchanging them for four useless failed traitors - CIA agents. 10 intelligence officers could give valuable information about the work of the Russians in the USA and Obama to justify
this blow to US national security, moved the "trick" that he did it in the name of the mythical "reset" of relations with Russia.
4. "The Mole" Obama went to great lengths to push through immigration reform quickly while Congress was under the Democrats, but after the November 2010 election, the Republicans restored the balance and Obama's "reform" was in his ass.
I explain on my fingers how he wanted to destroy America completely.
a) There are 12 million illegal immigrants in the United States from poor countries in Latin America, mostly from Mexico
b) in 2012, according to the reform, they receive green cards, i.e. legalized as permanent residents of the United States. After this, Obama receives the most powerful support of millions of citizens of the country, immigrants from the same Lat. America, in the presidential elections in the same 2012.
c) in 2016, these 12 million receive citizenship and call all their relatives here - at least 100 million people in a US population of 300 million.
These 100 million will immediately require:
- work that will not be
- free medicine
- government money for food, $150 per month
- state assistance in cash, $200 per month
Naturally, they will not receive anything, because there are no and will not be any means to provide for such a wild number of unemployed and poorly educated Latinos.
So, what is next? Revolution, gentlemen, and "plunder the loot." Fuck America without any jokes.
5. In 2009, the traitor Obama approves a new US national security strategy - everything is beautiful and correct, except for one tricky fad, namely:
"Analysts, agents and officers who protect us, must have access to all relevant information throughout the government" - "Analysts and intelligence officers who protect us must have access to all relevant government intelligence."
I explain on my fingers what it means.
Let's say you work in the FBI's Homeland Security Department (I met with the guys from this Department) and deal with the illegal sale of nuclear materials. Obama gave you access to owls. secret documents on this subject of the entire US intelligence community, namely:
- US Air Force and Navy Intelligence
- intelligence of the Coast Guard
- Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense
- State Department Intelligence Bureau
- Intelligence Department of the Ministry of National Security
- National Security Agencies
- National Cartographic Agency
Tomorrow the SVR will recruit you for a million dollars and get access to all these special services and documents, and according to the information it is quite easy to figure out the agents.
Famously? Not that word. No country in the world has such a "strategy" of national security, but the United States does.
Because the President of the United States is a TRAITOR.
6. And for dessert - the most interesting.
In reality, the President of the United States does not rule much - big business does this, where there is competition and a smart president can play on it. The American big oil and gas business is a serious political force capable of "recommending" foreign policy enemies and places for coups and wars to the president.
It is no longer a secret that the world's reserves of oil, gas, drinking water and food will begin to decline sharply in the next 20 years. In this regard, the two leading world leaders, the US + Zap. Europe and China are going to fight for Russian gas, oil, water and timber - something that Hitler also came to Russia for.
The leader of Russia, Putin, can be called a dictator and a usurper, but no one can be a fool. He understands the situation and will delay the inevitable war. So:
a) he is friends with China and will give Siberia to the Chinese in pieces
b) will try to reorient the vector of the strike of the United States and radical Islam from Russia to another object
What does it mean?
Since January of this year. in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya there were "popular revolutions" like a chain reaction or "domino principle" (I developed this strategy back in 1996).
Many people think that the CIA is behind these revolutionary upheavals, but I am sure that the SVR.
Who benefits from these "sudden" revolutions?
Take a map of the world and see how well these countries are located around Israel, and after all, radical Islamists come to power in these states, who have one small claim to Israel - it must disappear. Throw in Syria, Iran, and Palestine, and you'll see Israel encircled.
Who so stubbornly pushes the US to war with Iran? Israel? Or maybe Russian agents in the Israeli government? After an attack on Iran, the war in the Middle East will instantly become global and Israel and its ally the United States, along with NATO, will be drawn into it.
Ideal option for Russia.
That's why the SVR needs "mole" Obama.

Mikhail Kryzhanovsky, an outstanding world-famous scientist, founder
applied political science, author of the system of higher political management
"Professional" (actively used by President Bill Clinton in
1996-2000 d.), a former intelligence officer of the KGB, and then the Security Council of Ukraine,
emigrant, has been subjected for a number of years to political persecution by
side of a US government agency.
M. Kryzhanovsky refused the offer of the CIA to participate in surveillance of
members of the US Congress and demanded to eliminate the criminal
mafia anti-American organization, which is the Central
intelligence department. Back in 2001, 3 months before the attacks
September 9th, which claimed the lives of 3,000 people, he warned the White House and
The US Senate on the collapse of the entire national security system. Senators, in
including Joseph Biden, now vice president of the country, ignored this
information, thus betraying the interests of the American people. Hillary
Clinton was the only exception.
Currently, despite the fact that his textbook, White House Special
Handbook, or How to Rule the World in the 21st Century, studied at
250 universities around the world (see, a US President
Barack Obama used technologies created by Kryzhanovsky to win the
elections of 2008, the author himself is deprived of the opportunity to work and forced to live
away from the family for their safety.
Senator Hillary Clinton, now US Secretary of State, provided some help
scientist, but she was not able to resist the CIA. It is also known that
in 1993, the already seriously ill Jacqueline Kennedy, widow of President John
Kennedy, warned First Lady Hillary Clinton and her husband, the President
Bill Clinton on the need to be "extra careful"
- even in this state, she did not dare to speak directly about the CIA.
The White House also prefers not to interfere in the affairs of the CIA, as does the most
"free" American press - "New York Times", "Daily News" and "New
York Post.
In addition, it is politically very disadvantageous for the US government to admit that
the country is actually ruled on the instructions of a former KGB intelligence officer, which
policy of President George W. Bush. based on strategies
preemptive strike, world domination through forceful
the spread of democracy, as well as technologies of "democratic"
("color") revolutions - these developments of Kryzhanovsky were appropriated and
actively used by the Bush team, including Vice President Dick
Cheney and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. (Under these conditions, mocking
looked like a letter from the chairman of the Republican National Committee
Melman: "Your loyalty and patriotism prove that you are
leader on whom President Bush can rely to fight for
America's security." (A platinum membership card was attached to the letter.
committee card).
Since 1996, all US presidential administrations have been building relationships with
big business (banks and corporations of the country) on the basis of the "law
Kryzhanovsky" - "help, protect, do not interfere." In this, many
see the main reason for the crisis that has gripped the United States and the world, with which he himself
the scientist strongly disagrees - any attempts to deviate from this
laws will lead to complete economic disaster and the establishment of
totalitarian regime.
Once in the position of a dissident, Kryzhanovsky continues to work on
new textbook and opened the site of the online National Security Institute

However, it is not excluded that the conflict with the CIA and the apparent passivity
political leadership of the United States, may result in the use of extreme measures
regarding the scientist.
We call on the citizens of Russia, all people of good will who cherish ideals
freedom and democracy, to come out in defense of Mikhail Kryzhanovsky.
Please send letters to US President Barack Obama demanding
stop persecution of Mikhail Kryzhanovsky for political reasons.

Please send letters to the following address: Barack Obama The U.S.
President 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20500 [email protected] We hope that
President of the Russian Federation Mr. Dmitry Medvedev,
Prime Minister of the Russian government Mr. Vadimir Putin and
Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Sergei Lavrov at meetings with the President
United States Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will be able to raise the issue
about the suppression of dissent in the United States.
We express our sincere gratitude to the editors of the leading Russian-language
US newspapers "Russian America" ​​and "Komsomolskaya Pravda in America",
who supported Mikhail Kryzhanovsky and published his "anti-American"
articles "Why I want to disperse the US Secret Service", "Kennedy assassination
- conspiracy in action", "US national security: the bluff of dilettantes".

We also thank all those who support the activities of the Institute
National Security Mikhail Kryzhanovsky.
[email protected]

The Kryzhanovskys belong to an old noble family with Russians and
Polish roots. The coat of arms of the Kryzhanovsky nobles was approved by the Emperor
Paul I in 1801. (From the "General armorial of noble families
of the All-Russian Empire", p. 145).
Mikhail Kryzhanovsky was born in 1958 in Kolomyia, Ukraine.
Graduated from Chernivtsi State University (foreign language), Courses of the KGB of the USSR in Gorky
(counterintelligence) and Courses at the Institute. Andropov PGU KGB in Moscow
(intelligence service).
In 1982-1991 he served in the intelligence of the KGB of the USSR, for a number of years he was a member of
in the anti-terrorist group "Nabat". According to the results of work for
1991 became the best intelligence officer of the territorial bodies of the KGB.
In 1992 as an illegal intelligence officer of the Security Service of Ukraine
conducted an operation in Moscow to infiltrate the immediate environment
President of Russia B. Yeltsin. After the signing between Russia and Ukraine
Treaty to stop espionage against each other, was fired and forced
was to leave for Poland as an unwanted witness.
Since 1995 lives in the USA. In 2009 he founded the online Institute
US National Security (not supported by US
As political scientist Kryzhanovsky believes that the US Constitution gives
the right of any citizen of the country, including an immigrant, to be elected
President of the United States - just read Art. 2,
Part 1 of the Constitution:
"No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United
States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be
eligible for the Office of President."
In this regard, he considers possible his participation in the presidential
elections in 2012.
If he is elected, the first decree will liquidate the CIA, and
political intelligence functions will be transferred to the Ministry of Defense.
February 24, 2009 New York, USA

M. Kryzhanovsky, CIA: "I did everything for Putin to win"
Barack Obama and the "Mikhail Kryzhanovsky Case"

03/05/2012 As a former KGB spy, I would like to congratulate my colleague Vladimir Putin on his victory in the 2012 presidential election and once again warn that the US administration, headed by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, is actively preparing for a war with Russia.

I was born in the west of Ukraine, in the city of Kolomyia in 1958, I graduated from the foreign language of the Chernivtsi State University. In 1982, he was invited to work at the KGB in the Ivan-Frankivsk region, graduated from the counterintelligence course in Gorky and worked in the city department. He graduated from the Courses in Moscow at the Institute of PSU KGB. Yu.V. Andropov, after which he was transferred to the intelligence department of the Directorate and worked in the United States.

Probably, according to the results for 1991, I could be called the best intelligence officer of the KGB of the USSR through the Directorate "RT" (reconnaissance from the territory) of the PSU - I personally sent 20 cipher telegrams in a year. About the operation "Kremlin" Mikhail Gorbachev likes to put into conversation the phrase that the whole truth about the State Emergency Committee and the August 1991 putsch is known only to him (meaning that he himself organized the pseudo-putsch in order to save the USSR from collapse). Mikhail Sergeevich is lying - he had no idea about the putsch.

Back in April 1991, unusual operational meetings of personnel were held in all regional departments of the KGB of the USSR, where the generals sharply criticized Gorbachev, accusing him of destroying the USSR. These meetings were sanctioned by the Chairman of the KGB V. Kryuchkov in order to probe the mood of the Chekists and prepare them for a coup. Interestingly, Gorbachev never found out anything - not one of the 50,000 KGB officers informed the country's president about the conspiracy.

Shortly after the 1991 putsch, Yeltsin, through his press secretary, suddenly announced that he would not allow the complete separation of Ukraine from Russia, up to the use of force, which caused a violent reaction from Ukrainian nationalists. A group of deputies of the Verkhovna Rada urgently left for Moscow and extinguished the conflict, but it became obvious that it was time to start reconnaissance against Russia, create an illegal residency in Moscow, penetrate the Kremlin and influence Yeltsin. There was still the USSR, but the situation changed quite a bit - Ukraine became independent and the KGB of Ukraine suddenly turned into the same independent from Moscow SBU, although we, former communists, took a new oath, putting our hand on the Bible, only in January 1992. For those who do not wanted to serve Bandera Ukraine, they offered to either quit or transfer to Russia.

I took the initiative and suggested the beginning. General I. Levenko of the KGB to send me to Moscow for the 1st Congress of the All-Union Free Creative Association (STA) as an illegal immigrant under the guise of a journalist and political scientist and deal with approaches to Yeltsin and his team. He received Presidential approval. SBU E. Marchuk, and he, of course - from the President of Ukraine L. Kravchuk. I was given absolute freedom of action, which was a unique case in the history of intelligence in general and Ukrainian intelligence in particular. Under such a sanction, Boris Nikolaevich could have been liquidated, given that I once took part in measures to protect the Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR A. Gromyko during a visit to Gorky in 1985, and knew perfectly well how "nine" ( 9th Directorate of the KGB of the USSR) organizes this protection. In September 1991, I left for Moscow, was elected Vice-President of the STA and began to publish in the newspaper "Nostalgia" as a political scientist. This allowed me to reach out to the Supreme Council, in particular, to the chairman of the Constitutional Commission O. Rumyantsev.

Through the Moscow professorship, I began to contact E. Primakov, A. Rutskoy and V. Zhirinovsky and select sources for illegal residency. I was put in touch with a newsletter publisher who had access to Yeltsin as a photographer and who offered to work with me. Already in February 1992, I could go with him to the Gorky region, where Yeltsin planned a trip - "Stechkin" with a silencer - and there was no "Tsar Boris" (the banal flu prevented me - I fell ill for a week). At the same time, in early 1992, I received information that Vice President Rutskoi was preparing a coup, and his people were storing weapons in various places in Moscow. Having received my information (for this I went to Kyiv and prepared a document for a report to the president), L. Kravchuk did not change the history of Russia and warn Yeltsin, but began to wait for the development of events until October 1993, when Rutskoi and Khasbulatov openly opposed Yeltsin, and he responded by shooting the parliament from tanks. Probably, the relatives of the dead and injured in those days are entitled to compensation from the current millionaire Kravchuk.

Then I began to create my own party on the basis of STA, which was registered with the Ministry of Justice with the right to engage in political activities. Having looked closely at the Russian political elite with its rather average level, I began to think about the possibility of personal participation in the future in the presidential campaign. To do this, it was necessary to supposedly resign from the SBU, take Russian citizenship and live in Russia for 10 years - and by 2002 it would be possible to stand as a candidate for the presidency of Russia. The operation developed successfully, and then Yeltsin and Kravchuk suddenly agreed in June 1992 to stop mutual espionage, and this was not without information leakage.

I can imagine the reaction of Boris Nikolayevich when he was informed that an illegal SBU, a former sniper of the Nabat special group and a winner of the KGB closed championships in hand-to-hand combat, was looking for approaches to him. I was announced the termination of the operation, handed gratitude to the Preds. SBU E. Marchuk, a cash prize and asked to "forget everything." I categorically disagreed with this decision, saying that President Kravchuk was making a major strategic mistake. Russia.

I left for Poland, where I planned to stay, but then they told me that "they would kill me there too" (thanks to my former intelligence colleagues). I was lucky - as a political scientist with publications in the Moscow press, I received an American visa and in July 1995 flew to the States. CIA Operation Millennium Hilton. I did not have to discover America, because in intelligence I was engaged in this country and worked both with our agents who traveled to the USA through various channels, and with Americans arriving in the USSR. I knew that when I arrived, I should not reinvent the wheel, but do what you do best, in my case, espionage. As I dialed the office number of CIA Director John Deutsch, the last thing I thought about was millions of dollars - I wanted to stay in the profession in any capacity. Instead, I became the first "Russian dissident" in American history.

In August 1995, in Room 3111 of New York's Millennium Hilton Hotel, I was recruited as a Filament "joint" agent in the political division of the CIA's Special Operations Directorate and the FBI's Homeland Security Division. (The secret CIA office in New York is located at 26 Federal Plaza, I have been there). I can say that Russia remains the number one enemy of the United States, that they are going to destroy it ethnically and take away gas, and that the CIA had agents in Yeltsin’s entourage and that approaches are being conducted on the orders of Medvedev and Putin. Professionally, the CIA reigns, as I call it, "Newton's syndrome" - they gut the traitors-initiators falling from everywhere until, in the end, their own counterintelligence gets to them.

I created for them a modern system for training intelligence officers and counterintelligence officers, described the technology of interrogation and assassination, which were then "run in" by the CIA in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as in the Guantanamo prison. Once they discussed the experience of the Gestapo and I asked about the fate of Muller - the reaction was very sharp and I was advised not to return to this topic. Then came the conspiracy. I wanted to work in Europe in any capacity, but it turned out that the main concern of the CIA (with the assistance of the FBI) ​​is not intelligence and not the national security of the American people, but surveillance of Congress (senators and congressmen) and control of the White House, that is, anti-state activities and securing one's own existence.

They liked my Moscow operation and decided to use this experience in Washington. My CIA training reform was also well received. I was promised to solve everything: my immigration problems, issues of housing, money and medicine. For this, I had to perform two tasks:

1. Create a modern system of political management for the White House with an emphasis on strengthening the role of intelligence services in domestic and foreign policy, total control of society, new, aggressive foreign policy strategies. President Bill Clinton, who knows about me, is personally interested in such a system.

2. I was supposed to become a supplier of political ideas, the "lever" of the CIA's influence on senators and congressmen, a kind of "think tank" of the US Congress.

In principle, it was not difficult - the Director of the Library of Congress, the main information service of the highest legislative body, James Billington knew me as a political scientist back in Moscow and spoke well of my series of articles "What is Politics" (my friend, a representative of the Library in Moscow M. Levner).

Next, it was necessary to establish personal contacts with leading legislators (at that time - Edward Kennedy, the president's brother, John Kerry, the 2004 candidate, Joe Biden, the current vice president). I must say right away that there were trips to Washington, and acquaintance with the charming Irene Steckler and the creation of his own political image in America, and something else.

The first task was much more difficult, but I still made a special textbook, which I called "Professional Top Political Management System". President Bill Clinton became an excellent diplomat on my advice until he got bogged down with 1998 until the end of his term in impeachment. A here is George Bush Jr., whose father was both the Director of the CIA and the President of the United States, won the elections of 2000 and the re-elections of 2004 according to my political technologies, voiced my strategy of "US domination in a unipolar world and the forceful spread of democracy", launched the process of total control society through the Patriot Act of 2001 and started a war with Iraq for oil.

The propagandistic support of Bush's policy and the manipulation of public consciousness, his chief adviser Karl Rove, copied verbatim from me. According to my schemes, the "Rose Revolution" in Georgia and the "Orange" Revolution in Ukraine were carried out, which both President Saakashvili and President Yushchenko are modestly silent about. Obama takes my advice. In addition, in his campaign speech in July 2008, he announced the need to create a civilian national security service - many people think that he will try to create something like the Gestapo, but it will actually be a carbon copy of the structure and methods of the KGB - exactly in my opinion instructions.

(In 2007 Algora, a small publishing house in New York, published The Professional (in a truncated form, of course) under the title "White House Special Handbook", my "presidential" textbook is already being studied in 300 universities around the world, including Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, Yale, Munich, Cairo, Montreal, Toronto, New York. in Russia).

However, back to the CIA. At one of the meetings I was asked how I shoot, to which I replied that even as a student I showed good results in shooting from sporting weapons, and later, in the KGB group "Nabat", I decently worked with a sniper rifle and machine gun. I was informed that there is a very important and difficult job just in my specialty and taking into account shooting experience. There is no work in Europe, in Russia there is nothing to even think about working in the Kremlin, but in America there is. Engage in political assassinations in the States? This was already interesting, especially considering that Bill Clinton, like President Kennedy, had a difficult relationship with the CIA.

Do the guys at Langley want me to be another Lee Harvey Oswald? This is where my cooperation with the CIA ended, although they, already under the leadership of Leon Panetta, are sure of the opposite. They began to put pressure on me according to my own instructions. I calmly accepted the demonstrative surveillance, but when in the center of the city they began to click the camera and shoot on video right in my face, it began to get on my nerves. They also defiantly searched the apartment in my absence, stealing notebooks, correspondence and breaking into the mailbox. I endured silently, but when I was arrested for nothing and kept overnight behind bars, when my family reunion was blocked, I began to fight.

Three months before the September 11, 2001 attacks, I wrote a confidential letter to President George W. Bush and the US Senate about the anti-state, anti-American activities of the CIA and the FBI, and the collapse of the national security system. Of the hundred senators (including current Vice President Joe Biden), only Hillary Clinton supported me - she intervened and the issue of the family's arrival was resolved positively (the CIA put pressure on me for 6 years), but the question of eliminating the CIA was not raised. The current Secretary of State, who believes that "by definition, a KGB officer cannot have a soul" answered me quickly - on August 23, 2001, two weeks before the attacks, assuring me that she would quickly figure everything out. It was a lie - she, as a legislator, did not initiate any emergency measures in the field of national security, and even more so investigations and sanctions against the two named special services, and no one called me to Washington for hearings in Congress to testify.

On September 11, terrorists blew up two skyscrapers in New York and killed 3,000 people - Secretary of State Hillary Clinton should take some responsibility for the tragedy, as well as current Vice President Joe Biden. After the attacks, I spoke with Luz Mendez, director of Senator Clinton's New York office, and she bluntly explained to me that "Mrs. Clinton will not deal with my case and will not interfere in the work of the CIA and the FBI" - it turns out that US national security is my personal problem, Damn this American gossip! Finally, after a year of deliberation, on September 12, 2002, Hillary Clinton agreed to somehow weaken the CIA blackmail and obtained permission for my family to emigrate from Ukraine.

(The question is - why was President John F. Kennedy killed in public? Because it was at the same time an act of intimidation called "Hands off the CIA" - since then the CIA has not touched a single president, despite total failures, including the tragedy of September 11, 2001 The President's widow, Jacqueline Kennedy, was afraid to mention the CIA in a conversation with Hillary Clinton, even when she was terminally ill with lung cancer.Here is what Hillary Clinton writes in her Living History: "Jackie ... she never spoke directly, but she implied that he (Bill Clinton - M.K.) could also be targeted. He must be very careful," she told me. And repeated: "Very careful").

On September 17, 2002, also after a year of deliberation, the White House answered me - the Bush administration "washed its hands" and sent a request to the Ministry of Justice - there is still no answer, because FBI Director R. Muller has absolutely nothing to explain to Obama now about a "joint project with the CIA" by the name of Mikhail Kryzhanovsky.

In the meantime, blackmail continued, I was actively prevented from getting a job (I omit the technical details), and I again turned to President Bush in 2006. In response, I received a platinum card from the Republican National Committee and a letter: "Michael, people like you are leading this country forward." I contacted the US Secret Service, which is in charge of protecting the president - they said: "If you have problems with the CIA, deal with the CIA."

The most striking thing is that not only journalists from the New York Times, New York Post and Daily News reacted in the same spirit, but also human rights activists from the Civil Liberties Union, Human Rights First and the Center for Constitutional Rights. New York State Attorney General (now former) Eliot Spitzer sent a letter, the meaning of which was the same. The next Attorney General, Andrew Cuomo, the current governor of New York, also remained silent. And here is what Hillary Clinton's "replacement" New York Senator Chuck Schumer, a promising leader of the Democratic majority in the US Senate, offered me on March 24, 2010:

"We recognize that this is a matter of American national security. However, you'd better contact your lawyers. We will not investigate anything, but if you want, you can send us your correspondence with the CIA - we will put it under control. Susan Orlof, Director of Senator Schumer's Office, tel 212-486-4430.”

Thanks for that too. On June 8, a curious piece of information came in, an indirect admission of my innocence from Washington, from the office of Patrick Fitzgerald, Prosecutor for Special Cases (if you remember, his predecessor, Ken Star, successfully brought President Bill Clinton to impeachment proceedings):

"Your claim that Mr. Leon Panetta [Director of the CIA - M.C.] is involved in the CIA-FBI conspiracy you call the Millennium Hilton, even if true, does not fall under the Hatch Act (prohibition federal employees to engage in political activities at their place of work.) Therefore, we are closing this case. Erica Hamrick."

Don't Forget Kind Words
And good deeds
Don't fill up with rubbish
Otherwise you will be deceived
Fate predicted by time.
Nika Turbina.

To the 75th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Semyonovich Vysotsky - the great Poet and Citizen.

We know Vysotsky as a poet, artist, composer, director. But just recently I read another creation of F. Razzakov, already familiar to me (this time in collaboration with M. Kryzhanovsky, a former KGB-SBU-CIA officer), namely, the book "V. Vysotsky - KGB Super Agent".

The book mentions the service of V. Vysotsky in the KGB. Of course, now it is difficult to talk about this - there is no documentary evidence of this. Nowhere but this book. But what changes for us, admirers of his talent in this fact of his biography, even if this circumstance took place? Never mind. As he was a Poet and a Citizen, he will remain so for us forever. As we unconditionally loved, so we will love and remember his songs, poems, restless soul.
You can deny everything, they say - it can not be. But you can try to rethink. And look at all this through the prism of his work and life. In his songs, poems, try to find an answer about his attitude to public service, to life ...

"I hate gossip in the form of versions,
Worms of doubt, honor the needle,
Or when everything is against the grain,
Or when iron on glass.

I don't like well-fed confidence
It's better to let the brakes fail!
I'm annoyed that the word "honor" is forgotten,
And what is the honor of slander behind the eyes.

If Razzakov and Kryzhanovsky do not lie (as Vysotsky wrote): “If, indeed, it is, well, at least a third ...”, then the semi-mythical Stirlitz of Julian Semyonov, Tatyana Lioznova and Vyacheslav Tikhonov is not suitable for Vysotsky in terms of scope and scale of activity. Judging by the text of the book, V. Vysotsky is mainly an employee of the PGU of the KGB of the USSR, that is, the current foreign intelligence service of the Russian Federation, and participated in operations far beyond the borders of the Soviet Union, along with his "French" wife, Marina Vladi. I doubt that he was an "initiator", since the KGB preferred to recruit employees, especially on foreign business trips. In any case, I already looked at the poetic work of V.S. from a different angle. Vysotsky. And if there were any doubts about the violent death of Vysotsky, then they largely dissipated. Read this book, but do not make hasty conclusions (the above applies to a greater extent to the younger generation), because, in my opinion, there is an attempt to denigrate V. Vysotsky, his work. After all, most of the works of his poetry are definitely political. It is now that belonging to the punitive organs of the USSR is not something shameful and vicious, but for people who lived in Soviet times, not everything was so simple. Reading his poems, listening to his songs performed by himself, many of his contemporaries did not doubt at all that their author directly experienced all this himself. Although Vysotsky repeatedly denied all this, they say: "did not sit, did not fight, etc." Now it is clear that much of what he sang about, Vysotsky really experienced already in modern (at that time) conditions.

One point is interesting. In an article devoted to the baptism of V. S. Vysotsky in Armenia in April 1970, an inaccurate indication of the date of Vysotsky's departure from Armenia was described in the book "V. Vysotsky. A trump card in a secret war" by the same F. Razzakov. my friend, and posted on the Internet on August 5, 2012. It is possible that someone has already expressed my hypothesis on the Internet. A new book by F. Razzakov in collaboration with M. Kryzhanovsky "V. Vysotsky - the super agent of the KGB" was signed for publication on September 5, 2012. I then pointed out the reason for the inaccurate dating, since at that time Armenians around the world celebrated the most tragic date in their history (55th anniversary) in the Turkish (Ottoman) Empire, as a result of which millions of Armenians died during the period 1895-1920 - this happened with the tacit consent of the great powers. In the new book, F. Razzakov and his Russian bosses, Mikhail Kryzhanovsky and his American bosses decided not to raise the Armenian topic, which could arouse sympathy. And the episode with the stay of V. Vysotsky in Armenia in April 1970, his baptism in the Armenian church and participation in mourning events on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, it was decided not to mention at all. Although it was very relevant - Vyotsky's concerts in Yerevan were held at the KGB club, however. But the terrorist attack in the Moscow metro was mentioned, and A.D. was condemned. Sakharov for blaming the KGB for the attack.

Sakharov was a very influential and well-informed person, and he made this statement for a reason, there were reasons for that. The then head of the KGB Yu.V. Andropov apparently professed the principle of A.Ya. Vyshinsky, known for the trials of 30 years: "the confession of the accused is the queen of evidence." Confessions were knocked out or obtained by blackmail. Believe me, this can be achieved from any person who has fallen under the rink of violence, especially state lawlessness.

By the way, the authors of the book did not disdain, as I assumed, a deliberate lie, accusing Vysotsky of liquidating the Soviet bard Galich and the Bulgarian dissident Markov. They even accused V. Vysotsky of organizing an assassination attempt on Pope John - Paul II, although this event took place after the death of Vysotsky. And he probably tried to warn Galich about the KGB attempt on him, although I do not rule out that at first Vysotsky considered his work as a service to the Motherland. Of course, Vysotsky was in no way mistaken about the true nature of Soviet power and those in power at that time. But that was in the beginning. In addition, the head of the KGB was an "enlightened" ruler, from the point of view of liberals - Westerners and a "sovereign" from the point of view of Russophiles - soil.
In addition, cooperation with the KGB in both camps was a very common phenomenon. What was the title of Vysotsky? He answers this question himself:

"The enemy did not know, fool, - the one to whom he entrusted everything,
There was a Chekist, intelligence major and a wonderful family man.

"He is rendered harmless, and even he is tonsured and planted.
And in the hotel "Soviet" settled peaceful Greek ".

Subsequently, Vysotsky's friend, David Karapetyan, placed in the book of his memoirs about Vysotsky a patent for conferring the title colonel, issued by the Cossacks of St. Petersburg to V. Vysotsky (posthumously) and Yesaul - D. Karapetyan. So we can assume that V. Vysotsky rose to the rank of KGB colonel during his lifetime. This is quite justified, given that he visited many more countries on intelligence matters than Standartenführer Stirlitz and NKVD Colonel Isaev. The work was very hard, difficult, but extremely interesting. In his poem "It's not yet evening" Vysotsky sings:

"Here the flagship frigate turned sideways,
And the left side was painted with smoke.
A return volley - by eye and at random.
Away fire and death. Good luck with us!"

"BUT captain sends us a familiar sign:
It's not evening yet, it's not evening yet.

According to Razzakov and Kryzhanovsky, Vysotsky has been a KGB officer since 1968. But after several years of service, Vysotsky began to develop a negative attitude:

"It's my own fault - and I shed tears,
And ooh-
Got into someone else rut
I set my goals
Choice by myself
And now out of the rut
Don't get out..."

I want to remind you that in Soviet times, the abbreviation KGB was deciphered as the Office of Deep Drilling (folklore). The attitude towards his main boss, the KGB chairman Yu.V., is also changing for the worse. Andropov:

"Kissing the banner in the dusty crack
and spitting out dentures in desperation,
field marshal called :
Forward, my glorious regiment,
Despise death my thugs!"

And in another poem that became a song, he directly says:

" AND special officer Suetin -
Our tireless! -
Even then I noticed
And took a pencil.

He dragged into the light and dragged
Pinned, hemmed material -
Nobody could do anything...
Not! The only one who didn't shoot could."

It is noteworthy that V. Vysotsky was apparently forced to change the text and then the song sounded like this: "... But the strange type of Suetin ...". Here, apparently, this is what: Suetin is a surname similar to Jewish, information about the Jewish roots of Yu.V. Andropov is no longer a secret, both from the side of the father and from the side of the mother. And the Greek surname Andropoulos, according to some sources, is the surname of Yu.V. Andropov. Here is the question: who is this person who refused to shoot at Vysotsky, and who then died, apparently in the line of duty. (Meaning the official activities of Vysotsky in the interests of the state security of the USSR). V. Vysotsky saw from the inside this system, called the Soviet one: its party apparatus, special services and predicted their death:

Already the trumpeter fell silent without honors,
No copper is heard, only the sound of iron,
Oh, glorious regiment, reliable faithful regiment,
In which entirely some thugs.
And further:
"... Banners trampled into the mud, crumpled silk,
Field marshal's batons and prostheses.
Ah, glorious regiment!.. Was there a glorious regiment,
In which there are only thugs?"

He clearly felt the danger: "I know exactly where and how I will be deceived", "they shoot at the wheels ...",

"Shorten the poet!" - the conclusion is clear.
"And a knife in him!" - but he is happy to hang on the edge,
Stabbed to death for being dangerous!"

Yes, that's right, "Whoever ends his life tragically is a true poet!" In our country

"Poets walk with their heels on the blade of a knife
And they will wound their bare souls in the blood.

There is less and less doubt that V. Vysotsky was killed, killed by enemies, enemies of the Soviet people, whose poet he was, despite his epithet to the then existing power - "Soviet". How can one not recall another great poet M.Yu. Lermontov:

"The poet died, the slave of honor,
Fell, slandered by rumors ... "this is already about A.S. Pushkin, but it is quite suitable for V. Vysotsky. I think that they killed Vysotsky for the same thing for which Igor Talkov was killed 11 years later. Both of them acted with their talent, the burning of the soul against the collapse of the state. Of course, Vysotsky was a more informed person than Talkov, and I think he learned from the inside the facts of the criminal activity of both the liberal-intelligence and state-intelligence camps. Here it must be admitted that in the fights between these camps by the end of 80 1960s, the liberal-undercover camp won, in the words of Vysotsky himself - "moderate people of the middle ..." Suffice it to recall who Yu.V. Andropov, our all-Union "policeman - president", brought closer to him. This is M. Gorbachev N. Yakovlev, G. Aliyev, E. Shevardnadze, etc. He often dealt with those who were not among his associates, organizing cases of "corruption" against them, or physically eliminated them. ", handed over their country geopo lytic enemies. The union collapsed, perestroika ended in a shootout. Vysotsky found out about these plans, and apparently wanted to inform the world community about them (his conversation with a Polish correspondent). As for drug addiction and alcoholism, I think that this was part of Vysotsky's undercover legend. And he was not going to leave the Soviet Union: "How could you believe this nonsense. Don't worry, I didn't leave, and don't hope I won't leave." I also have another version. Perhaps, due to the nature of his activity (working in the KGB), he had to deal with drugs. Therefore, having easy access and, perhaps, the desire to figure everything out on his own, and perhaps also a momentary weakness due to psychological overstrain, prompted him to use drugs. Knowing his emerging weakness for drugs, the secret services (perhaps foreign ones, since Vysotsky worked against the United States in the interests of the USSR) could "slip" synthetic drugs in order to eliminate the poet who had become objectionable.
Perhaps this was done by the one "who sees everything and knows" (Read the book "Vysotsky - the super agent of the KGB"). Further, "fellow writers" write that suitcases with his poems, tape recordings, immediately after the murder at dawn on July 25, 1980, were dragged away by persons associated with the Americans, they say, it all ended up in the USA. In my previous article on Vysotsky's baptism in Armenia, I suggested that his unpublished works, in particular about Armenia, are in the KGB archives. Messrs. Razzakov and Kryzhanovsky turned their arrows to America. Now I am even more convinced that the unpublished, and therefore forbidden, not only from the point of view of the "Soviet" government, but also the current, outwardly "democratic", and, therefore, dangerous both for those rulers and for the current ones who are in Russia, are in the archives of special services or in the archives of the President of the Russian Federation. It remains to find out which fund, case, inventory, sheet contain this material. Apparently, the next move by Razzakov or some other "whistleblower" will be an attempt to convince the admirers of V.S. Vysotsky that someone else was the author of his poems and songs. In this regard, I would like to quote a poem by another poet - Nika Turbina:

Nika Turbina "Don't I write my poems?"

"Don't I write my poems?
Well, okay, not me.
Am I screaming that there is no line?
Not me.
Am I afraid of dark dreams?
Not me.
Am I not throwing myself into the abyss of words?
Well, okay, not me.
You wake up in darkness
And I don't have the strength to scream.
And there are no words...
No, there are words!
Take a notebook
And write about
What you saw in a dream
What was painful and light
Write about yourself.
Then I will believe you, friends:
I don't write my poetry."

"My poems are not written,
No more pain and anguish."

"I'm standing at the edge,
Where does the connection with the Universe end?
Bridges are built here
Exactly at midnight -
That time is permanent.
I'm standing at the edge.
Well, step!
And you'll be instantly immortal."

Poems of a poetess who passed away from hopelessness, total betrayal, lawlessness and collapse 10 years ago. All this leads to the conclusion that Vysotsky is more relevant than ever and his words may sound prophetic in the future. As he wrote:

"I'll be back, of course.
All in work and deeds,
I'll be back of course
It won't even take six months...

You can remember A.S. Pushkin: No, I won’t die all ... "or Igor Talkov:

"but a tyrant is not betrayed,
declared war on the country
and there is no end in sight to this war ...

I'm not going to prophesy
but I know for sure that I'll be back
even after a hundred centuries
to the country of not fools, but geniuses

and, defeated in battle,
I will rise and sing
at the first birthday of a country returning from the war...

Talkov was killed 20 years ago.

PS: I beg your pardon if there are inaccuracies somewhere in the text of poems and songs. I wrote from memory what was learned by heart, for our generation read and knew his songs and poems. These are just versions. Versions of events are written by me on the basis of available information, books, articles. If someone disagrees, or if there is other, more weighty evidence regarding the topic discussed, write. I would be glad if you share your conclusions, sources, photos. That, it seems, is all.
As for the books of Razzakov and others like him - decide for yourself who is right. I expressed my point of view, which does not coincide with the point of view of these gentlemen. V. Vysotsky is too great as a Poet, as a Personality, to somehow cast a shadow on his life. Time will put everything in its place. And he will repay what he deserves.
