After a tick bite, a bump appeared, what should I do? Edema after a bite of an encephalitis tick.

In addition to ixodid ticks, the class of these insects has many other varieties. An army of arachnid harmful individuals lives with us almost everywhere: in a dwelling, on household plots, in forested areas. Are ticks dangerous to humans? What do they look like, how to find them? What to do if bitten by an encephalitis tick? How to provide first aid to the victim?

Attacking Varieties

These individuals do not differ in aggressiveness, but they can bring harm. Among them:

  • Argas mites. They live in burrows, caves, cracks. They can settle in the crevices of village houses, attack people at night, however, episodes of daytime attacks have also been recorded. They are the causative agents of various infections: hemorrhagic fever or relapsing fever. The infection is transmitted quickly, within a minute, the disease progresses rapidly. If you are bitten by a tick of this type, you should immediately seek the advice of a medical institution.
  • Gamasid mite. Mostly they bite birds, but if there are none nearby, they are able to attack people. They live in chicken coops or bird nests.
  • Subcutaneous mite. This tick on the human body can live long time, without revealing anything. It feeds on dead cells. But with a decrease in immunity, they are able to penetrate deep under the skin, provoking various suppurations and rashes. Most often they affect the scalp and face. You can get infected with this tick household way or from animals.
  • bed mite. The opinion of many people that this type of tick is capable of attacking is erroneous. Its danger lies only in the fact that it can provoke allergic diseases. It feeds on purely obsolete skin cells, does not consume blood at all.
  • Barn mite. From the name it is already clear that he lives in barns and food storages. Feeds on cereals. Getting into the human esophagus through dirty hands or products infected with it, it can provoke various food poisonings.

However, the most great harm forest mites bring human health. Let's dwell on them in more detail.

Bites of forest ticks

They attack both animals and people, in most cases in forest plantations. Recently, however, ticks in the Moscow region are quite often found in park areas and squares. They hibernate in fallen leaves, but as soon as the snow cover disappears, they begin their hunt. The peak of activity is noted in the middle of spring, but they can attack a person and bite in autumn period. forest mites are divided into two groups:

  1. The infected are carriers of dangerous viral diseases.
  2. Sterile - individuals that do not pose a danger to the human body.

Effects tick bite in humans can be extremely dangerous, since these insects are carriers of many various diseases. Upon contact with the body, this insect may not bite immediately. Before suction sometimes takes several hours.

What does a forest tick look like

A small arthropod that resembles a small beetle. It has 8 legs, the body of the tick is covered with a shell. The length of the insect is about 4 mm. It is very difficult to see with the naked eye the blood-sucking parts of it (head and trunk), since they are very miniature.

Males are even smaller. A well-fed female can reach a size of about 2 cm, since she is able to drink blood from her victim 10 times her own weight, being hungry. What a tick looks like on the body can be seen in the photo given in the article.

Attention! The tick has no eyes, but it is excellently oriented in space thanks to a highly developed sense of touch and smell. Scientists were able to prove that the tick is able to feel its prey, even being at a distance of about 10 m from it.

How a forest tick attacks a person

There is an erroneous opinion: if a tick stuck into a person’s head or stuck on his neck, then he fell from a height, for example, from a tree under which the victim was or simply passed by him. This is far from being the case, because the insect never rises above 50 cm.

General information about bites

The severity of symptoms depends on the number of bites and the physique of the bitten. The most difficult to tolerate bites are old people, children, people suffering from chronic diseases, allergy sufferers.

The main symptoms of a bite:

  • The body temperature rises.
  • There is a headache.
  • In some cases, itching may occur.
  • The blood pressure goes down.
  • The heartbeat quickens.
  • A rash appears on the skin.
  • The lymph nodes are enlarged.
  • There is a general weakness.

The consequences of a tick bite in humans depend on the type of insect: infected (encephalitic) or sterile (uninfected). Much more dangerous bite encephalitis tick. The symptoms are very severe and extremely dangerous:

  • Paralysis.
  • Stopping breathing.
  • Cessation of brain activity.
  • Death.

If the victim was bitten by an uninfected tick, the diseases that may appear are of a slightly different nature:

  • Suppuration of bite sites.
  • Allergy of a different kind.
  • Edema up to Quincke's edema.

It is impossible to understand by eye which tick has stuck.

Important! If you've been bitten by a tick, early treatment can help protect you from more dangerous diseases.

Tick ​​bites: what they look like

Insect saliva contains a biologically active substance that has an anesthetic effect, so a person may not even suspect in the first hours that he was bitten by a tick. Only after this time can the first symptoms begin to appear.

Place of the bite of an infected tick: redness of the skin and swelling. They do not appear immediately, but after a while. If the spot expands in an annular pattern, immediate medical attention is required. This is the first symptom of Lyme disease.

What to do with bites

Tick ​​bite detected. What to do if the general condition worsens? In this case, the patient should be given an antihistamine to drink. It is better if these are Zirteks, Suprastin preparations.

How to remove a tick from the body

An insect on the human body is fixed extremely firmly. The fact is that his saliva acts as a cement composition. The proboscis is quite firmly glued to the skin. Therefore, the removal of the tick should be done carefully and extremely carefully. Recommendations for this procedure:

It is not recommended to smear the affected area with kerosene, gasoline and other liquids. If the insect crawls out of the wound, then after that it simply may not be accepted into the laboratory.

Diseases from tick bites and their symptoms

The consequences of a tick bite in humans are varied - from simple redness to severe and dangerous diseases:

  • Encephalitis. The initial stage is very similar to the symptoms of a common cold. The incubation period can last up to 7 days. No examination can give an accurate analysis of the infection if 10 days have not passed since the bite. For accurate diagnosis, you need to present the insect itself for examination, but only alive.
  • Lyme disease (borreliosis). This disease can be formed if the tick was a carrier of the spirochete virus. Symptoms may not appear immediately, but after several months, this is usually: an increase in lymph nodes and aching joints.

Modern medical preparations able to completely cure tick-borne infections with timely detection and proper therapy.

Important! Tighten with the extraction of the tick is not worth it! The longer he drinks blood from the victim, the more pathogens enter the body.

Signs of the development of encephalitis

According to experts, the symptoms of this severe and extremely dangerous disease begin to appear only after 10-14 days from the moment a tick bite was detected in a patient. What to do? Do not panic and needlessly worry. And an increase in body temperature and discomfort, especially in the muscles, can be interpreted as a protective psychological reaction to the fear of the victim. The formation of the disease takes place in several stages:

  • Sudden and short-term manifestation of chills, after which the body temperature rises to 40 degrees. According to the clinical picture at this stage, the signs of the formation of encephalitis are similar to a flu attack.
  • After some time, the victim observed: nausea and vomiting, severe headache attacks. At this stage, the symptoms resemble food poisoning.
  • A day later, the patient begins to show signs of arthritis or arthrosis. Headaches pass, they are replaced by aches in the bones and joints. Motor activity is severely limited, breathing becomes difficult. The skin on the face and body turns red and swells, purulent masses are released from the lesion.
  • Further, the symptoms only intensify, since at this stage the virus that has entered the patient's blood begins its destructive activity in the body, and the consequences can become irreversible.

Therefore, if you find that a tick has stuck into the body, then you need to immediately remove the insect. This can be done on your own or you can contact the sanitary and epidemiological station. There, doctors will be able to remove it and examine it. Only laboratory analysis is able to determine what type this tick is. Treatment, if it is prescribed, must be completed in full.

Important! Take any tick bite very seriously, as it can be encephalitic.

Signs of the development of borreliosis

This disease is diagnosed more often than encephalitis. The disease is extremely dangerous, very often occurs in a latent form. In chronic forms, it can lead to disability. The incubation period can last from several days to a month. The process of formation of borreliosis is divided into several stages of development:

  • The first stage is a localized flow. A typical sign is reddening of a round shape on the skin. The tick bite site, as the disease progresses, increases in diameter, especially its peripheral edges, from 2 cm at the beginning to 10 cm or more at the end. The edges of the skin in the epicenter of the focus in comparison with healthy areas rise slightly. In the center skin covering acquires a bluish tint, the immediate site of the bite is taken with a crust, then a scar forms instead of it. Lasts about 3 weeks, then slowly disappears.
  • The second stage is disseminated, or, as it is also called, widespread. Symptoms begin to appear several months after the bite with CNS disorders, damage to the heart and joints, and pain in muscle tissues. Arise arthritis, encephalitis, myocarditis.
  • The third stage is chronic. Formed in the complete absence of treatment. At this stage, there is a rapid defeat of the central nervous system with polyarthritis, multiple sclerosis, atrophy of the skin and other symptoms.

Forecasts are favorable with timely and proper treatment. The transition of the disease to a chronic form can lead to disability.

How is the process of infection with borreliosis

Treatment for tick bites

The first is removing the tick and examining it for the presence of the virus. After a confirmed diagnosis, the patient is prescribed complex treatment. In acute forms, the strictest bed rest is prescribed in combination with intensive therapy, the purpose and task of which is to reduce intoxication in the body and suppress the activity of the virus.

The patient is administered intramuscularly "Gammaglobulin". The sooner this drug enters the body, the faster the therapeutic effect will come. The agent acts for 24 hours, after which the patient's temperature drops to normal, the symptoms of encephalitis and meningitis decrease, sometimes disappear altogether.

To reduce the symptoms of poisoning, infusion detoxification treatment should be carried out. To do this, the patient is given fluids that help restore electrolyte balance, and glucocorticoids are also prescribed.

Antiviral medications

In the territory Russian Federation more commonly used:

  • For adults and children over 14 years old - "Yodantipirin".
  • For small children (up to 14 years old) - "Anaferon" for children.

Advice! If at the right time these drugs are not at hand, then they can be replaced by Cycloferon, Arbidol or Remantadin.

  • The drug "Immunoglobulin" is advisable to use only in the first three days.

Emergency prevention - take a tablet of the drug "Doxycycline", but no later than 72 hours: for an adult - 200 mg, for a child aged 8 years and older - 4 mg per kilogram of weight. Small children and pregnant women are not recommended to use the drug.

Preventive actions

Most effective method prevention of diseases from tick bites - vaccination. Especially for people at risk - living in unfavorable areas or near forest belts.

On the territory of our country, six types of vaccine are officially used, and two of them are intended for children. It is best to graft in late autumn. However, there are also urgent vaccination schemes provided for emergency situations.

In the warm season, you can also be vaccinated, but with the condition that after vaccination, a person will not visit places where insects live for a month. The effect of vaccination will come only after the specified period. After this time, re-vaccination is done. Then you can get vaccinated every three years. If for some reason the period between vaccinations exceeds 5 years, then you will have to double-vaccinate again.

How to protect yourself from bites

First of all, you need to have a clear idea of ​​​​the places and areas where ticks can most often live:

  • Favorable terrain for them - wet lowlands with trees and thick grass, ditches, forest edges, especially birch, ravines, coastal areas near water bodies. Moreover, it is on the edges and forest paths that there are much more of them than inside the forest.
  • Trails and paths keep human and animal tracks - these are the most attractive places for ticks.

When going to such places on vacation, it is best to dress in light-colored clothes. Against its background, the clinging insect is easy to notice. Be sure to cover your head with a cap, scarf or panama. Every 2-3 hours, carefully examine the body, clothes, especially the head. Buy special creams, ointments and sprays, use them before visiting places where these dangerous insects are likely to live.

Meetings with ticks are fraught with various unpleasant consequences. AT best case- these are local allergic reactions, and at worst - serious illnesses various human organs and systems. After an encounter with a blood-sucking arthropod, the body often reacts locally. That is, a bump or swelling after a tick bite, hyperemia and itching may appear on the skin.

Causes of bumps

If, after checking the bloodsucker in the laboratory, he turned out to be healthy and the victim has no symptoms of a viral lesion, but a bump remains at the site of the bite, then you need to look for other reasons for its appearance. There may be several of them:

  • The tick was incorrectly removed. In some cases, with careless attempts to remove an arthropod, its proboscis may remain under the skin. In this regard, the inflammatory process and suppuration are not excluded. Swelling occurs as a result of immune system which rejects the foreign protein. It happens that a tumor after a tick bite does not appear immediately.
  • Allergy to saliva. This is the most harmless thing that can happen after contact with a tick. Most often, the seal does not cause discomfort, it looks like a small, painless, mobile pea that can be felt under the skin.

What to do if there is a lump after a tick bite

The tick is dangerous because it is a carrier of at least four infections - Lyme disease, monocytic ehrlichiosis, tick-borne encephalitis and granulocytic anaplasmosis. The incubation period of these diseases is up to one month. If there is no disturbance of well-being and an increase in temperature, then the bump that remains after the removal of the tick is not a cause for concern. This is typical for a local reaction to a bite. Such swelling does not require treatment, but may not go away for a long time.

Any inflammatory process, suppuration in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdensification requires an appointment with a specialist. After the examination, the doctor can open the skin and remove the focus of inflammation if necessary. It is impossible to heat, cauterize or smear anything on your own. Thus, if a bump appears after a tick bite and it worries, in order to avoid complications, it is necessary to consult a medical institution.

A bump after a tick bite in a dog is a fairly common phenomenon and is considered the norm. Some animals survive the bite without the formation of seals, which is also not a violation. When a bump appears, if the animal’s condition does not otherwise worsen, you should not panic, as this is not an indicator of the onset of the development of the disease.

If the health of the pet is good, then the effects of a tick attack disappear within a few days. Deterioration of the general condition is a sign of piroplasmosis - a disease that, without urgent treatment, leads to the death of a dog. An allergy to a tick bite is only possible local, and therefore the depression or weakness of the animal is an indicator of infection with piroplasmosis.

Reasons for the appearance

Bumps appear on the body of a dog for several reasons. Depending on what caused the seal, its treatment is also carried out. There are three main reasons why a bump appears.

  1. Local allergic reaction. This is the main reason for the appearance of compaction. With it, after a bite, a bump remains on the body of the animal, rarely exceeding a pea in size. With a very violent response, the body may have a seal with a cherry, but not larger. It does not hurt and does not fester. Externally, the skin in this place is usually pink or red. To the touch, the bump is dense and fairly solid, of a homogeneous structure. In most cases, in the first days after the bite, the seal itches, which is why the pet can gnaw it, which threatens with infection and the development of inflammation. To relieve itching, the affected area is smeared with brilliant green. Iodine will only increase the itching. Depending on the strength of the allergic reaction, the seal can persist from several days to 6 months. It does not change in size and disappears suddenly. Giving antihistamines rarely brings results.
  2. Retaining part of the tick at the site of the bite. In this case, the dog has a bump at the site of the tick bite 2-3 days after it was removed. If the extraction of the tick was unsuccessful, then its head remains in the skin of the dog, and then inflammation begins to develop, which should eventually remove it from the body of the animal. In such a situation, the tumor after the bite gradually grows and can reach a significant size. At first, it is hard to the touch and resembles a small nodule, somewhat painful, which is why touching it causes a negative reaction in the pet. The skin is light, sometimes whitish. As the suppuration develops, the bump becomes soft and increases in size to a cherry tomato. Its soreness intensifies, and the skin becomes red. On closer inspection, you can sometimes see a dot on the bump that looks like an almost healed wound or a clogged pore. If it is available, then it is worth putting ichthyol ointment on it, which will quickly draw out the pus. When there is no such place, it means that it is practically impossible to break through the abscess in a natural way, and its surgical opening is necessary. The operation is performed under local anesthesia. The abscess is opened, and its cavity is cleaned and treated with an antiseptic. After that, the sore spot is lubricated daily with brilliant green until complete healing, which usually occurs after 10-14 days.
  3. Infection. It occurs if, in the process of removing the tick or after that, until the wound has had time to heal, an infection has been introduced into it. The lump in this case appears after a few days. It is painful, red, soft and suppurating. Such a bump after a tick bite in a dog is quite dangerous, because if left untreated, there is a risk of developing blood poisoning. Immediately upon detection of such an abscess, it is necessary to wash it with chlorhexidine or a strong solution of manganese and then apply a compress with a mixture of levomekol and ichthyol ointments, taken in a 1: 1 ratio. As soon as the bump stops festering and begins to subside, the treatment is stopped. In 1-2 weeks, the tissues will heal.

Sometimes, in individual dogs, a bump after a tick bite can last more than six months, and occasionally more than a year, which is their individual feature. This should not frighten the owner, as it is not a sign of disease. When the lump does not fester, does not hurt or grow, and does not bother the dog, there is no need to treat it, as it will gradually go away on its own.

Bump after a tick bite in a dog photo

What can not be done?

Mistakes by the owner when a bump is found in his pet after a tick bite can seriously harm the animal, and in a particularly severe case, cause his death. In order not to harm the dog, you can not do the following:

  • squeezing a bump - if suppuration occurs after a bite, then squeezing can cause the infection to enter the bloodstream, resulting in sepsis;
  • independently conduct an autopsy of the cone;
  • warm up the bump - with a purulent process, this will only worsen the condition of the animal.

When a dog has a lump at the site of a tick bite , Don't be afraid, but don't take it lightly either.

When, after a tick bite, the skin swells, turns red and hurts, this is a sign of a dangerous disease or an allergy. The saliva of a harmful insect may contain numerous bacteria. It is necessary to respond in a timely manner to the symptoms that appear. When, after a tick bite, this place swells and hurts, you need to go to the clinic.

Cause of strange symptoms

When people pull the bloodsucker out of the skin incorrectly, inflammation of the epidermis may occur, which will affect the subcutaneous tissue. If it's probably an infection of the body.

In the saliva of the insect there is a special protein secret that creates something similar to a cement case around the proboscis of the pest. Due to this, it is firmly fixed on the skin, and when it is carelessly pulled out, the head comes off and remains inside. Severe inflammation and a purulent process begin, and in advanced cases, phlegmon or an abscess may develop. The bite site swells and turns red after a week. It is especially dangerous if

Sometimes the place after a tick bite turns red and swells due to an allergy to the saliva of the pest. In this case, the seal is small, painless and does not fester. In size, the affected focus does not increase, and by about 5-6 days it resolves itself without a trace.

What to do?

The risk of infection with borreliosis

The so-called Lyme disease is one of the popular diseases carried by ticks. One of the obvious symptoms is swelling and redness. These signs appear approximately on the 6th day, and gradually the swelling increases and reaches 15-25 cm in diameter. In the middle, the skin gradually brightens and a kind of ring is formed, which cannot be confused with anything (annular erythema).

Gradually, the swollen bite site may decrease and the symptoms will disappear, but this does not indicate the retreat of the disease. The causative agent, even in this case, can continue to develop in the body, so it is impossible to do without the help of an experienced doctor.

Allergic to bite

If, after a tick bite, the place is swollen and reddened in a child, the cause may be an allergy. The body reacts to the irritant in this way, and in addition there is itching and burning. All these signs pass in a week and after them there is not a trace left.

In some cases, the bite leads to Quincke's edema and even anaphylactic shock. Sometimes allergy sufferers have difficulty breathing and the victim loses consciousness.

Redness and swelling of the bite due to encephalitis

Encephalitis, which affects the central nervous system, is considered the most dangerous infection carried by ticks. In advanced cases, paralysis and even death can occur. Symptoms of the disease are varied, but almost always the site of a tick bite swells, hurts and turns red. Additionally, there is weakness in the legs and arms, severe vomiting appears, general well-being worsens, hyperthermia occurs with an increase in temperature up to 40 degrees and unbearable pain in the head occurs. If these symptoms are detected against the background of swelling of the tick bite site, hurry to the doctor, who will do tests and identify a possible infection with encephalitis.

The extracted bloodsucker from the skin must be submitted for testing to the laboratory to make sure there is no infection.
Signs of a bump at the bite site:
  • Not all parts of the tick's body were seized.
    There could be a proboscis that will provoke suppuration. The bite site swells, because the body is trying to protect itself from a foreign insect.
  • Allergic reaction to saliva.
    It is completely harmless and painless.
They are afraid of a tick not because it is a formidable insect, it can carry infections:

All of these diseases have an incubation period of up to one month. How to understand that the tick was not infected? If the state of health has not changed, then you should not worry. The bump will pass, although the process may be delayed. Of course, it is necessary to consult a doctor to make sure that everything is in order.

How to deal with a bump on your own?

It is not worth panicking from the appearance of a bump, especially if after the bite the condition has not changed in any way, has not worsened, the body temperature is stable. Another situation when available:
  • Headache;
  • elevated temperature;
  • Chills.
In this case, immediately contact a specialist in a medical center. It must be remembered that the tick is a carrier of dangerous infections. After removing the tick, a lump remains? If it doesn't bother you in any way, then there is nothing terrible in it, it will pass. If pus occurs in it, you should also consult a doctor. The skin is covered with a red circle and causes discomfort, the symptoms are similar to Lyme disease, which promises serious complications. Do not self-medicate with anxiety symptoms.

Prevention and treatment of cones from ticks

After a tick bite, you need to remove it immediately. On your own or in a clinic - it's up to you to decide. Lubricate the bite site generously vegetable oil. This manipulation will block the access of air, and the tick will begin to move. Gently pull the ass of the insect that has appeared on the surface of the skin with tweezers.

Make sure the tick is pulled out completely along with the proboscis. Then treat the bite site with hydrogen peroxide. Three weeks will have to lubricate the skin with antibiotics, and in case of deterioration, consult a doctor.
How to prevent a tick bite? If you are a fan of constant pastime in nature, especially in areas where there are a lot of ticks, get vaccinated against them. When nature for you is limited to rare picnics, then dense fabric clothing will protect against insects, and a special cream - exposed skin. Long hair should be kept under a cap or scarf.
Symptoms after tick removal do not appear immediately, but if stayed only traces cones, complications can be avoided.
Remember that many sad outcomes have been recorded, be vigilant.

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