How to protect yourself from a tick. Clothes from ticks: how to dress in the forest? Encephalitis tick vaccination for humans

A picnic, summer vacation sometimes lead to sad consequences - insect bites. What to do if a tick left a mark? For the safety of yourself and your loved ones, you need to take precautions. Everyone needs to know how to protect themselves from ticks.

Diseases resulting from a bite

Depending on the immunity of the infected, the disease develops from 2 days to 4 weeks. The disease has a severe form: the musculoskeletal, nervous, circulatory, the cardiovascular system person.

Anaplasmosis, typhus, are the sad consequences of a careless walk of a person.

Most diseases end in death.

Ways to protect against ticks

Going to the forest, vacationers ask themselves the question: how to protect themselves from ticks in nature?

How to protect yourself from ticks has long been known. "Triple" cologne, "Asterisk", cinnamon, cloves, mountain ash, camphor smells repel insects.

  • An effective method of how to protect yourself from ticks in the forests is to wrap your entire body in clothes. Sweatpants need to be tucked into socks, T-shirts into trousers. Women are advised to tie a large scarf on their heads, men to use mosquito nets.
  • The use of special clothing "encephalitis".
  • For quick detection of insects, it is recommended to wear light-colored clothing.

Ticks bite mainly on the abdomen, groin, and thighs, so these parts of the body must be reliably protected.

Ticks live in tall vegetation, so beaten paths - the best place to move through the forest.

It is difficult to protect a child from ticks because of his activity, the baby's clothes must be treated with permethrin.

Precautions for ticks indoors

Tick ​​bite

Attacking people from behind bushes, tall grass, ticks long time crawl on clothes, then go to the skin. Being on the human body, they begin to search appropriate place for a bite.

If a person does not feel anything on himself, then the bite will also remain invisible to him. This is explained by the fact that when a tick sucks blood, an anesthetic liquid is injected under the skin. A few hours later, a small tubercle appears at the site of suction, and a tick that has drunk blood next to it. In this case, you need to immediately go to the hospital, you cannot remove the tick from the skin yourself.

Treat the bitten place with an antibacterial solution, seal with a plaster. After 2 hours, lubricate the wound with an antiseptic. Seek medical attention as soon as possible.

It's pretty hard to get rid of ticks. the best option is timely to feel its crawling. To distinguish what kind of insect is on the body, you need to feel the crawling of an ant, spider, and other harmless beetles.

How to protect yourself? After several trainings, when an ant crawls over the body during rest, a person can be sure that there is no tick on him. Carrying out such a procedure helps to relieve tension, deal with stressful situations.

Child protection

Every parent should know how to protect a child from ticks. The kid needs to explain who ticks are, their dangers, ways of protection.

How to protect yourself from ticks to an infant?

  • Carriages of children, toys must be inspected every 30 minutes.
  • Treat with aerosols against ticks outside strollers.
  • Cover the stroller with a net that prevents any insects from entering the baby.
  • After the end of the walk, carefully inspect the stroller, things, toys, bathe the baby.

Anti-tick immunoglobulin

The first cases of tick bites in 2016 were registered in the Altai Territory on March 23. The victims are residents of Rubtsovsk, Bystroistoksky and Loktevsky districts. During the second week of April, 216 people applied to the region's polyclinics with complaints of tick bites, including 105 children under 14 years of age. Among the residents of Barnaul, 43 people have already suffered from the suction of ticks, including 14 children. All children who applied were given immune globulin free of charge, and they were under medical supervision. Cases of tick-borne encephalitis in the Altai Territory have not yet been registered.

The basic prevention measures are the same for any region where these dangerous insects are present: protective clothing, regular inspections and the use of repellents. Recommendations in case of a bite are also traditional: pull out the tick, treat the bite with alcohol or iodine, if possible, take it to the laboratory for analysis.

By the way, the “stay at home” method is not considered universal. In the city, cases of tick bites are also recorded.

Why are ticks dangerous?

Even if the tick bite was short-lived, the risk of contracting tick-borne infections cannot be ruled out. The situation is complicated by the fact that during a bite a person does not experience pain and discomfort, so it can not be detected immediately. The most common and dangerous "tick" diseases: tick-borne encephalitis, typhus, tick-borne paralysis, tick-borne borreliosis (Lyme disease).

Therefore, if you find a stuck tick, remove it as quickly as possible. The longer the tick drinks blood, the more infection enters the body. Ticks should not be crushed by hand, as the virus can enter the human body through microtrauma.

Archive FBUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Altai Territory".

What to wear?

  • light-colored clothes (it’s easier to see a tick on it), we fill the jacket in trousers, trousers - in socks;
  • headdress;
  • closed shoes;
  • Biostop suit - specially designed by entomologists and Russian manufacturers a suit that protects against tick bites.

How to protect yourself?

If you do not vaccinate and do not take special medications, then:

  • repellents. True, they only repel ticks. Experts recommend: "DEFI-Taiga", "Off! Extreme”, “Gall-RET”, “Gal-RET-cl”, “Deta-VOKKO”, “Reftamid maximum”. The spray is applied to clothing and exposed areas of the body in the form of circular stripes around the knees, ankles and chest. The tick avoids contact with the repellent and begins to crawl in the opposite direction. They, depending on the concentration, can be applied not only to clothing, but also to the skin. There is also "Pretix" - a pencil produced in Novosibirsk. They draw several encircling stripes on their clothes.
  • acaricidal. These are means for processing the territory. They do not scare away, but kill ticks. The most famous among them are Apollo (destroys adults and larvae), Flumite (dangerous for ticks at all stages of development), Neoron (effectively destroys ticks long time, stable on land and in water, universal for personal plot), "Ortus" (has a powerful paralyzing effect on all ticks);
  • insecticidal-repellent. These include drugs of combined action: both killing and repelling ticks. The most accessible and versatile is "Cifox" (complete destruction of ants, cockroaches, fleas, bedbugs, ticks, larvae and adults of mosquitoes and flies, lice in a large area). Means for applying to clothing: “Mosquitol-spray. Special protection against ticks”, “GardeksEkstrim Aerosol against ticks”, “Tick-kaput aerosol”.

What should I do if bitten by a tick


When going on a hike or a walk in the forest, remember that you should not climb into the impenetrable thickets of bushes unless absolutely necessary. Raspberry bushes, hazel, alder thickets are places that the tick loves very much. Avoid places where they grow deciduous trees. Most often, a tick gets on the bodywhen it clings to a branch or blade of grass.

Take care of the appropriate clothing. It is best to wear rubber boots. Legs must be closed; in no case do not go out into the forest in shorts. Tuck sweatpants or tights into socks. Preferably, the outerwear had a hood, and the sleeves had tight cuffs on. In any case, it should be covered with a headdress, for example, a cap. Tuck long hair under a scarf.

When you return from a hike or walk in the woods, shake out your clothes immediately, including your underwear. Examine the body for ticks, if necessary, ask loved ones to help with. Comb your hair thoroughly with a fine comb. Especially carefully inspect the head, armpits, inner surface thighs and groin.


When planning forays into the forest, to the country house or a walk in the park, wear clothes that will not be easy to penetrate under. These can be jackets or raincoats with long sleeves, high lace-up boots or boots, a tight-fitting headdress. Cuffs, tight-fitting wrists, zippers are welcome. Tie a scarf around your neck.

If your dacha is located in a forested area, mow tall grass and lawns for protection. Or treat the area with special acaricides. In a specialized store, you can be offered drugs such as Tsifoks, Breeze, Alfatrin, Taran, Akaritoks, Sipaz Super, etc. These products are available in and in liquid form. More effective - the latter. Mowing the grass will reduce the risk of an attack even if you came to the forest to rest and pitched in a clearing.

Use repellents - special chemicals that repel or paralyze ticks. Pharmacy or store household chemicals you can purchase popular repellents "DEFI-Taiga", "Reftamid maximum", "Gall-RET" and others. Also in demand is the Italian “Off! Extreme" and Slovak "Biban". These products are good because they can be applied to the skin (to open areas) and to clothes. There are also special preparations. For example, "Biban-gel", "Kamarant", "Pihtal", "Efkalat", etc. When using chemicals, treat the trousers especially carefully, because it is to them that ticks cling most often. You would be wise to tuck your trousers into your boots or boots. Make sure that the garment fits snugly to the body in the area of ​​the cuffs, collar and belt. Treat these places with repellent.

Get vaccinated against tick-borne encephalitis. To do this, contact the vaccination office medical institution to which you are attached. Nowadays, there are inactivated vaccines. Immunoglobulin also has a preventive effect, however, with a single injection, its effect does not last long - one month.


It is widely believed that ticks live in trees, from where they jump down on people, reacting to heat. This is not true. Ticks live in the soil, they leave it with the onset of heat and climb the grass, sometimes shrubs, whose height does not exceed one and a half meters. Trees are not their level.

With the advent of warm spring days in city parks, squares and forests, small, but very dangerous creatures - ticks begin their hunt for people. They themselves can not bring much harm to a person. However, it is ticks that are the main carriers of such serious infections as borreliosis and encephalitis. In order to avoid infection, it is important to know how to protect yourself from forest mites.


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  • How to protect yourself from ticks and how to remove them

In summer, people tired of the harsh cold winter trying to get out into nature. They go to camp sites, rest in the forest and in the country. However, vacationers often forget about such a danger as ticks. These small insects are carriers of deadly infectious diseases such as encephalitis. Therefore, before going to nature, you should think about protecting your body.

Wanting to protect yourself from vinegar mites, try not to go out into nature from late May to mid-July. The habitats of these, at first glance, harmless insects are fields, forests, clearings and even parks. However, it is impossible to predict where a tick might bite you. Therefore, you must use other methods of protection.

Pick up clothes before going to nature. It should be as closed as possible, for example, you can wear a jacket and trousers with elasticated cuffs. Avoid bright and light-colored clothing, as it attracts ticks. If you have an anti-encephalitis suit, use it. This clothing has places that are impregnated with an acaricidal paralyzing solution. The suit is made of natural cotton, thanks to which the person will feel comfortable in it.

Get vaccinated against tick-borne encephalitis beforehand. Of course, this will not save you, but the vaccine will protect you from negative consequences in the event of a virus infection. This vaccination is possible even starting from the 3-year-old.

Protective equipment will help you scare away ticks. AT pharmacy you can purchase repellent and acaricidal. You can also use . The smell of garlic repels these dangerous insects. By treating clothes with garlic juice, you thereby protect yourself. They also can't stand the smell. essential oils like lavender, tea tree, carnation, geranium.

Check yourself regularly. Ticks, before biting, can crawl over the body for 2 hours! If you still notice that the insect has bitten you, treat the bite site with antipyrine and seek immediate medical attention. medical care.

The topic of how to avoid a tick bite becomes especially relevant in the spring, when many people go out into nature to relax. Not always the insect is the carrier of the infection. But it's much easier and calmer not to encounter them at all. To do this, you must follow the rules of conduct. There is a certain safety technique that has long been known to avid tourists. A few simple tips will help you avoid a tick bite.

Take some tape with you. When you find a tick on your clothes, it will need to be removed. It is not recommended to do this by hand. Scotch tape will easily help to remove it without touching it. Just stick the insect on the sticky side and seal it with a second layer of tape. Then it can be burned in a fire so that this tick does not bite someone else

light clothes
When going to a forest or a park, choose light-colored clothes. For example, blue jeans are quite suitable. Protective coloring of trousers is one of the most undesirable for a hike in the forest. On a light background, it is much easier to notice a crawling tick.
No need to dress in dirty dark clothes. You can buy a special anti-tick suit. He usually white color and has flaps on the chest, sleeves and pants in which ticks get stuck.

If the weather is not very hot, girls can wear thin pants under nylon tights. In them, ticks get entangled and cannot crawl further.

Access to the skin of the body
The tick crawls only upwards. It does not change direction. It is enough to tuck trousers into socks, and a T-shirt into trousers, in order to make it as difficult as possible for the tick to access the skin. Maybe such appearance and not particularly attractive, but will protect you. With this form of your clothes, the insect will crawl for a long time where you can easily notice it.

In stores, you can now easily buy special deterrent repellents. They are applied to clothes and remain on it for quite a long time, some even after washing. It is better to process clothes not on yourself, but on outdoors some time before putting it on.
Carefully process the legs and sleeves. It is in these places that it is easiest for ticks to catch on. Also don't forget your backpack. It must be sprayed with repellent, because you will put it on the ground.

Headdress and tied hair
For owners of long hair, it is advisable to braid a braid or a tight tail. This will make it easier to notice the tick on the head along the edge of the hair. You can also wear a light or bright solid color bandanna or cap that clearly shows the tick.

Rules of conduct in the forest
To minimize the risk of a tick bite, it is necessary to behave in the forest in a certain way. Walk only on trodden paths and paths. Ticks often sit in tall grass. There are far fewer of them on the trails. And there is a high probability that someone before you has already passed here and “collected” them for themselves. Therefore, it is better not to swing your arms wide and do not go off the path.
One of the most common situations in which a person clings to a tick is going to the toilet. If you need to relieve yourself, you should not go far into the bushes or thicket of the forest. Ask your companions to go ahead and not look back. Trust me, it's much safer to pee on the trail.

There is a myth that ticks are dangerous only in spring, but in reality, everything is different. Every year, hundreds of thousands of people suffer from these insects, and cases of infection with tick-borne viral encephalitis and other viral diseases are not uncommon.

To protect yourself from sucking ticks, you need to choose open sunny glades for walking and relaxing, avoiding nearby shrubs, fallen trees, last year's dry branches and tall grass. When moving through the forest, try to stick to the middle of the trail.

Be careful when choosing clothes for travel. There is a main rule here: on your body should be as little as possible open spaces. Before hiking in the forest, apply on clothes special means repelling insects. Never sit on the grass without a mat. Regularly conduct independent and mutual examinations of the body for the presence of ticks.

If you take a pet for a walk, do not forget that ticks are also dangerous for your pet. Do not bring home forest and wild flowers.

The most important rule: do not neglect the vaccination that is carried out in medical institutions.

Adhering to these simple rules, you can protect yourself from unpleasant consequences and enjoy outdoor recreation.

If a friend went on a journey, and a friend seeks out of town, breathe clean air- well, not to sit in a stuffy city! Especially in the first summer days when soul and body yearned for clear skies, distant horizons, the rustle of leaves and the softness of grass. It is in the grass and on the trees that the main danger and the main drawback of this idyllic picture awaits. Just in late May and early June, ticks are most active, small but formidable enemies of all nature lovers. Of course, ticks do not have a personal animosity towards you personally. Moreover, nature itself created them just like that. And you can coexist peacefully and even share the same picnic lawn if you know how to protect yourself from ticks in nature.

By and large, the tick is not as terrible as the media and neighbors at the entrance describe it. The ability to protect themselves from ticks is proved by their example by people living in rural areas and still not sick with either tick-borne encephalitis or other terrible diseases attributed to ticks by popular rumor. Returning to the topic of hiking, remember and immediately forget the absurd advice "tuck your shirt in your socks" from pioneer printed sheets. In fact, you can simply protect yourself from ticks in nature and relax with pleasure, without consequences. To do this, it is enough to know and apply effective means to protect against ticks, including inexpensive folk.

Tick-borne encephalitis, tick attacks and other social myths
It is customary to consider ticks as enemies, so let's get to know our enemy "by sight" (or what does he have?). If the tick had a face, it would be tiny, because even the largest representatives of this species (they got drunk on human blood, not otherwise!) barely reach a couple of millimeters in length. So small and so dangerous, the tick isn't even an insect. All mites, up to microscopically miniature ones, are arthropod arachnids, which are studied by a separate section of biology. Like any spider, the tick has 8 legs, as well as a torso and a head, which often breaks off when trying to remove the tick from under the skin of a person.

The tick gets under the skin for food: it sticks to the blood vessels. A tick will not drink a lot of blood, but through its proboscis it can transmit pathogens of dangerous diseases into the blood. Or maybe not convey. Let's talk sensibly about the dangers of ticks:
All this proves that the probability of picking up a tick in nature is small, and the danger of this incident is not as great as is commonly believed. Therefore, the first thing you should do is stop panicking and being irrationally afraid of ticks. And in order to feel completely safe at T-shirts, picnics and barbecues, you can additionally protect yourself from ticks with special means.

How to protect yourself from ticks in nature with folk remedies?
Do not wait for recipes like "three spoons of chamomile in a bucket of water" - folk wisdom has long understood that The best way protection is to try not to pick up a tick in nature. Therefore, any grandmother in the village, especially a lover of picking mushrooms and berries in the forest, knows how to protect herself from ticks. This information is very useful for city dwellers who have a rest in nature:
Finally, if you have not succeeded in protecting yourself from a tick in nature, consult a doctor to remove it from under the skin and, if necessary, administer anti-tick immunoglobulin. Spend time outdoors safely and with pleasure!

Protect yourself from ticks modern world quite simply, since there are a huge number various means for this purpose. There are several means of protection against ticks: mechanical (suits, for example), chemical (aerosols, ointments) and biological (vaccination).

At the same time, protection against ticks in most cases is absolutely safe for humans and animals, which can only please.

This, of course, is about fields, gardens, forests and so on. Moreover, microscopic mites even live in bed, although this particular type of mites is one of the safest.

It turns out that you need to protect yourself from the attacks of ticks first of all when going out into nature. In the forest, a forest tick can wait for a person, when leaving for a barbecue in the field - an ixodid tick, and in bed - a house tick.

You also need to protect yourself from ticks when you go hunting or fishing, as the standard clothing for this pastime (as a rule, this is a camouflage uniform) is not suitable for full protection against bites.

But how to protect yourself from ticks in the forest, fishing and own house? Fortunately, for this science has created many tools available to every person.

Methods and types of protection

If you do not take into account folk ways protection against ticks and other blood-sucking insects, namely, these methods are very doubtful and are not recognized by official science, then there are four main ways to deal with ticks and protect against them. Each of the methods is effective in its own way and is used in certain conditions.

In addition, if we talk about vaccination, then it only protects against a limited number of infectious diseases, while many others freely enter the human body.

Protective suit

The use of protective suits is justified when going fishing or hunting, while for living in an epidemiological area or in the presence of ticks in own apartment, this method is not suitable. Also, protective suits are not eternal and they need to be changed every 2-3 years, which is sometimes difficult, since the price of such overalls is very painful for the pocket.

Another problem is that the suit can be torn while hunting or fishing. In the absence of patches and the ability to close the hole with them, the risk of being bitten by a tick increases significantly, which is undoubtedly the biggest disadvantage of this method of protection.

Protective suits against ticks are made for the whole family: there are models for children and adults, as well as models distributed by gender.


The most famous vaccination, one way or another protecting against tick bites, is the encephalitis vaccine. On this, in principle, everything. From other deadly infectious diseases that are transmitted through tick bites, there are either no vaccinations at all, or they are simply not available in the CIS countries.

Meanwhile, borreliosis (Lyme disease) is an equally common disease in Russian Federation like tick-borne encephalitis. Considering that there are no vaccinations against it, it becomes clear that something else is needed when going to nature besides vaccination against encephalitis.

Moreover, even a successful and timely The encephalitis vaccine does not provide 100% protection against it.. It is not uncommon for the disease to develop in vaccinated people, although in most cases it proceeds in an erased manner, with virtually no consequences.

It turns out that vaccination against encephalitis is only an additional means of protection to the main one. You can even say that this is insurance in case the main protective agent won't work.

special means

Special means from ticks have enough high efficiency, however, some people are contraindicated, usually due to health problems and allergies to active substances drugs.

Traditionally, special means against ticks include:

Special means against ticks are produced in various forms: These can be sprays, aerosols or skin ointments. Ointments have the most contraindications, since people with specific allergies or chronic skin diseases such chemicals can exacerbate the disease.

For processing summer cottages and areas of the forest against ticks, insectoacaricidal agents are used.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, the use of only the following means of this group is allowed:

  • insecticide "Medilis-Ziper";
  • ram;
  • insecticide "Samarovka";
  • means "Breeze";
  • akaritox;
  • alphatrin;
  • acaricide "Acarocide" and "Cipertrin";
  • yuraks;
  • acarifen and Baitex SP (forty percent).

Enough to process apartments wet cleaning and washing bed linen at a high temperature (from 60 degrees Celsius). For obvious reasons, the house cannot use the means that are used to process forest areas and summer cottages.
