Signs and consequences of a tick bite. Tick ​​bites in humans

We tell you what symptoms of diseases can appear after a tick bite, and how to avoid them.

Every year, as soon as the spring sun comes out, we gather a large company and go to nature to enjoy delicious shish kebab. And then the insects wake up, which are impatiently waiting for us there. We are used to mosquito bites, all the more it is enough to take a mosquito spray with you, but tick bites can lead to serious consequences.

Tick ​​season usually starts in early April, but last years with the first bites, the victims are treated already in March. It lasts until September-October, so even in summer we must not forget about these little pests. Why are ticks so dangerous, what diseases do they carry? Read on for more information about the symptoms that a person may experience after being bitten by a tick.

Tick ​​bite: symptoms in humans

AT Europe experts know 15 diseases, and 7 of they are dangerous to people. These are Lyme disease (borreliosis), tick-borne encephalitis, ehrlichiosis, tick-borne relapsing fever, tularemia, babesiosis, spotted fever. The first 4 are the most common. These diseases appear after a tick bite, but the main danger in that some of they are asymptomatic.

Doctors never tire of reminding you that after a tick bite, you should immediately go to the hospital and take the tick for examination. Most people neglect this rule - they remove the tick and immediately forget about it. You can’t do this, and so that you are not among them, we will tell you what diseases these insects carry and what are the first symptoms of infection.


In 1975, in the city of Lyme (Connecticut), many cases of rheumatoid arthritis in children and adults after contact with a tick were recorded. After the research, scientists were able to establish the cause of the disease - bacteria of the genus Borrelia.

The first signs of borreliosis appear later 7-14 days after a tick bite.Main symptoms:

  • fever, chills;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • at the site of the bite - a bluish-red ring, its diameter gradually increases.

Bacteria affect literally all systems - nervous, circulatory, digestive, musculoskeletal. The disease penetrates all organs and tissues, and if at first the symptoms resemble ordinary poisoning, then by the 4th week they will develop into impaired speech and memory, facial paralysis, arrhythmia and dizziness.

Note that there is no vaccine for the prevention of borreliosis. The best prevention- protect yourself from being bitten.


Bacteria of the genus Ehrlichia enter the human blood with tick saliva. The first signs appear after 7-20 days after the bite.The disease manifests itself in the following symptoms:

  • increase in body temperature;
  • pain in muscles and joints;
  • general weakness;
  • at the site of the bite - a watery vesicle (vesicle), which later turns into an ulcer and becomes covered with a crust.

Ehrlichiosis may be asymptomatic, especially in adults.


The Babesiidae bacteria that cause this disease infect red blood cells. Symptoms:

  • dark color of urine;
  • constipation and diarrhea (alternating);
  • elevated temperature;
  • general weakness;
  • yellowness of the mucous membranes.

The disease can be asymptomatic, in which case it can be detected only after a blood test. It is also known how long after contact with a tick signs may appear: 7-15 days.

tick-borne relapsing fever

A very serious disease, the symptoms of which appear almost instantly:

  • high temperature, up to 40C;
  • headache and muscle pain;
  • work disruption nervous system.

Pay attention to how the bite looks: it turns into a small papule, and later a rash appears all over the body.

spotted fever

This disease manifests itself quite quickly - after 1-2 days after bite infected tick. Of the symptoms:

  • elevated temperature;
  • nosebleeds;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • disturbances, temporary loss of consciousness.

After a few more days, hemorrhages can be seen on the mucous membrane, rashes appear on the skin, replaced by reddish nodules.


This is another dangerous disease that is transmitted through the bite of a tick. Of the first symptoms that can be found at home:

  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • lethargy and weakness;
  • intoxication.

Treatment of the above diseases should begin immediately. Diseases can develop into a chronic form and even lead to death or disability. Moreover, after one bite, you can pick up several diseases from a tick at once!

After returning from the street, be sure to inspect the entire body for bites. Most often, a tick can be found on the head or on the leg - it is these areas of the skin that remain less protected.

As you can see, we talked about all the diseases, but we kept silent about one. Tick-borne encephalitis is a very serious disease and, unfortunately, the most common, so we will talk about it in more detail.

Symptoms of an encephalitic tick bite in humans

To begin with, we note that the word "encephalitic" does not refer to a tick belonging to a particular species: it means that it is infected with the encephalitis virus. What is this disease?

Viral encephalitis is an acute inflammation of the brain, accompanied by damage to the spinal cord, peripheral nerves. If treatment is not started in time, the disease begins to progress: a person’s speech and memory fail, intellectual abilities decrease, personality degradation / change occurs, paralysis and death are possible.

By appearance, it is impossible to determine whether an insect is infected or not, which is why doctors ask you to bring ticks that you have suffered from for analysis in order to eliminate the risks of the disease.

Remember: after a tick bite, you need to urgently see a doctor. There are risks of contracting encephalitis if you do not feel well in the first few days, namely:

  • you have elevated body temperature up to 39-40 C, chills;
  • the bite site is reddened and very painful;
  • you find it difficult to look at the light;
  • a rash appeared on the body;
  • have nausea and vomiting;
  • you experience headache and weakness, aching muscles and joints.

With viral encephalitis, symptoms may subside within a few days, so it is easy to confuse it with the common cold. But after some time they repeat, and there can be about 10 such waves.

Symptoms may appear after 2 days, or after 3 weeks. Sometimes the disease is asymptomatic, and this encephalitis is even more dangerous, because the more the disease progresses, the more difficult it is to cure.

Summarizing all of the above, we can draw a specific conclusion: after a tick bite, you should immediately consult a doctor to eliminate the risks of diseases. When you remove a tick, try to do it as carefully as possible so that it remains alive. Then put it in a small jar - and run to the laboratory! You will also need to donate blood there.

But it is best to avoid tick bites. When going outdoors, wear closed shoes and long sleeves. Cover your neck, armpits, head, and tuck your pants into your socks. Girls must braid their hair and hide it under a hat or scarf. Don't forget about special means from insects.

Remember that ticks mostly live in bushes and dead wood, so do not climb there unless necessary. As soon as you get home, inspect all your belongings, shake them thoroughly. Only in this way will you protect yourself from the dangerous diseases that these insects carry!

Ticks penetrate through the sleeves, trousers or collar, crawl through clothes and attach to the human body. Bloodsuckers are connected with the help of a hypostome - an unpaired outgrowth ("proboscis"). Common puncture site:

  • abdomen, lower back;
  • groin area;
  • ear area;
  • chest, armpits.

First signs

Do not forget to check after a walk in the forest or through thick grass. The first sign will be the presence of an insect on the human body. The lesion is painless, so it is not immediately possible to detect the problem. The first signs of a bite encephalitis tick:

  • weakness;
  • headache;
  • photophobia;
  • chills;
  • drowsiness;
  • muscle pain;
  • aches in the joints;

Depending on the sensitivity of a person to tick saliva, there are additional symptoms, for example:

  • indigestion, vomiting;
  • nausea;
  • wheezing breathing;
  • Strong headache;
  • hallucinations;
  • dizziness.

The first serious manifestations of the disease are observed 7-24 days after the attack of the tick. Cases were noted when deterioration was observed only after 2 months, but it was very rapid. Symptoms are redness and itching. They pass quickly, without a trace, if the insect is not infected. If an infection has occurred, then the symptoms are as follows:

  • neck numbness;
  • photophobia;
  • aches in the joints and body;
  • general weakness;
  • drowsiness;
  • chills.

The puncture site itself does not hurt in any way, there is only a visual manifestation in the form of redness. Symptoms may have varying degrees manifestations. The intensity depends on the general condition of the person, individual features, age, number of bites. Successful treatment with timely medical care.

Contact the clinic immediately if you experience any of the following symptoms:

  1. Temperature. This is a common manifestation of a tick bite, there is a rapid growth in the first 2 hours after the bite. An allergic reaction to bloodsucking saliva as a symptom can also occur after 7–10 days, when a person no longer associates this symptom with an insect.
  2. Redness of the bite site. This indicates the development of Lyme disease. The bite site of the skin takes the form of a red ring. This happens on the third day after the defeat. A rash may occur, and the bite site may increase in size (become larger). After 3-4 weeks, the rash gradually disappears, and the stain disappears completely.
  3. Rash. It is also called erythema migrans, which also indicates Lyme disease. The central part stands out visually, the color of the spot is bright red. Sometimes the rash turns blue or dark red, which looks like a simple bruise.

Symptoms of encephalitis after a tick bite

The disease is a viral disease, the main manifestations of which are severe intoxication of the human body, hyperthermia, damage to the central nervous system (encephalitis, meningitis). Neurological pathologies cause personality changes, in some cases leading to paralysis, disability or death. The first symptoms appear a week after the insect bite.

You must immediately contact ambulance upon detection of such signs:

  • a sharp increase in temperature up to 40 degrees Celsius;
  • chills;
  • vomiting, nausea, diarrhea;
  • lack of appetite;
  • photophobia and eye pain in harsh light;
  • reddened and sore bite;
  • aching joints, muscles, weakness;
  • headache;
  • rash all over body.

This is a disease of a bacterial nature, which causes a sharp increase in temperature, intoxication of the entire human body, and fatigue. In medical practice, it is often called Lyme disease. Early manifestations can be observed 7 days after the lesion, but there have been cases of the development of pathology after 3 weeks. Bacteria affect almost all organs and systems of the human body. The disease is chronic and requires antibiotic treatment. Symptoms of borreliosis:

  • itching, burning of the bite;
  • erythema, which then crusts and leaves scars;
  • sore throat;
  • runny nose;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • swelling of the skin;
  • enlargement of the lymph nodes.


In nature, a person expects not only beauty and peace, but also a lot of insects, the bites of which can lead to disastrous consequences. Doctors say that knowledge of the basic safety rules and the symptoms of many diseases will help to avoid problems or prevent complications in time. Find out what a tick bite looks like in a photo, what consequences such a “close acquaintance” can have, and what parts of the body should be examined after a trip to nature.

What does a tick bite look like

The activity of ticks falls in the period of late spring and early autumn, when the soil has already warmed up well. These insects have a well-developed sense of smell, so they feel their warm-blooded prey 10-30 meters away. The habitat of ticks is tall grass or low bush. They dig into places with delicate skin: lower back, armpits, auricles, inguinal zone, stomach. In the zone of the sucked insect, the appearance of redness, rash, and inflammation is characteristic.

Incubation period

The weaker the blood-brain barrier, the sooner the first symptoms appear after a bite. As a rule, it takes from a week to 24 days. In rare cases, the first symptoms may begin two months after infection. For these reasons, immunologists strongly recommend that you carefully monitor your health, at least 2-2.5 months. Pay attention to sharply increased headaches, unstable body temperature, chills.

Why are blood-sucking mites dangerous?

Ticks can carry diseases such as viral encephalitis, a disease that affects the human nervous system. However, not every insect is a carrier of the virus: out of the total number of ticks, this disease is found in only 10-15% of individuals. In addition, depending on the location of the insect, they can spread infections such as tick-borne borreliosis, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, typhus, Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever And so on.

Viral infections

The territory of Russia is characterized by the presence of a pathogen in the saliva of which viruses are present. A tick bite can provoke the development of:

The bite of a tick, a carrier of rickettsia, differs in severity - from sluggish forms to dangerous diseases that threaten a person's life. Immunologists focus on:

  • Marseille fever is an acute zoonotic rickettsiosis characterized by a benign course.
  • Spotted Astrakhan fever - rickettsiosis with a sluggish course. Clinically, the disease is manifested by an increase in the spleen, liver, structural changes in the lungs.
  • Tick-borne typhus is a disease that affects the lymphatic system of the body and is manifested by skin rashes. Infections are carried by insects living in the regions of Siberia, the Krasnoyarsk region, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Khabarovsk region.
  • Q fever is an infectious natural focal disease. The main symptoms are: back pain, migraine, fatigue, dry cough, loss of appetite, insomnia.
  • Smallpox rickettsiosis is a benign infection. It is characterized by the appearance of moderately severe fever, papular eczema.

protozoal infection

Among the invasive human diseases Special attention give babesiosis. In Russia, the area of ​​possible infection is the forest-steppe part of Siberia, the northwest and south of the European part of the country. In humans, the infection develops against the background of a decrease in immunity. Insect attacks are particularly susceptible to:

  • elderly people;
  • patients undergoing surgery;
  • AIDS patients.


  • General malaise, weakness, loss of appetite - appear if ticks that spread viruses stick to a person.
  • If, after removing the insect, redness of the skin, itching, small rashes appear, we are talking about microbial and rickettsial infections.
  • Increase in body temperature. In Lyme disease, hyperthermia begins from 10 to 18 days after the bite. With ehrlichiosis, fever is characteristic for 8-14 days, and with anaplasmosis - after 2 weeks.

Signs of an encephalitic tick bite in humans

After detecting and extracting ticks, they must be handed over to the laboratory, where specialists will establish whether the insect was a TBE carrier. Symptoms of viral encephalitis appear suddenly: a person's body temperature rises sharply, headache and chills appear. Sometimes patients complain of muscle pain and paralysis of the limbs. A characteristic sign of infection is appearance a victim who has red spots at the bite sites.

Symptoms of Lyme disease

The symptoms of borreliosis look much clearer. This type of infection is characterized by the appearance of macular erythema. At the same time, redness can change in size over time, sometimes reaching 60 centimeters in diameter. The spot in shape resembles an irregular oval, in the center of which there is a small white or blue blotch. Gradually, at the site of the bite, the skin is rougher, a crust appears, and after a scar. With proper treatment, the scar disappears on its own in a few weeks.


If the presence of an insect is not noticed in time, the consequences for the body can be unpredictable. For example, for tick-borne encephalitis There are three variants of the course of infection, each of which has its own characteristics. A favorable outcome is characterized by:

  • the appearance of chronic weakness, which will last for one to two months of treatment, followed by the restoration of all body functions;
  • moderate - with a recovery period of up to 6 months;
  • severe form - with the resumption of all functions for 2-3 years.

An unfavorable outcome can bring complications in the form of:

  • decline motor activity, general weakness without progression of symptoms.
  • Decrease in all body functions with periodic progression of symptoms and relapses. Patients are at risk of infection alcohol addiction, pregnant women and the elderly. Contribute to the progression of symptoms malnutrition, stress, overwork.

The prolonged presence of symptoms of infection is the reason for the determination of a disability group by a special commission:

  • Disability of the 1st group is given in the presence of severe impairment of motor functions, epilepsy, acquired dementia, loss of self-care abilities, inability to move without outside help.
  • The second group is issued in the presence of severe paresis in combination with epileptic seizures, with changes in the psyche, loss of labor activity.
  • Disability category 3 is assigned if the patient has a neurological syndrome with impaired motor activity of the limbs, loss of some labor skills, rare epileptic seizures.

What to do with a tick bite

First aid

The sooner the tick is removed, the less likely it is that infectious agents will enter the open wound. If you are unsure that you can get to the nearest medical center in 1-2 hours, the first aid for a tick bite is to pull out the insect yourself. The affected area must be treated with alcohol or iodine. There are several ways to get a sucked tick:

The safest way is to remove the tick at the nearest hospital, where there is a trauma department. As a rule, in each region of the country there are round-the-clock first aid points. Then, depending on the situation, you will be referred to an infectious disease specialist, internist or surgeon. If you are in an area with a high percentage of tick-borne encephalitis infection, within three days after the bite, you will be given an injection of anti-tick immunoglobulin.

Insect examination for infections

If symptoms of an allergic reaction or suffocation appear, an ambulance should be called immediately. Your algorithm of actions before the arrival of doctors should be as follows:

  • Open the windows, rip the neck of your T-shirt or loosen the top buttons of your shirt, loosen your pants belt or waistband.
  • Apply a cool compress to the swollen area.
  • Be sure to give the patient an antihistamine - Diazolin, Loratadin, Suprastin, Zodak, Erius.


Anti-tick therapy is performed using drugs from different medical categories:

  • With tick-borne encephalitis, immunoglobulin is prescribed in the first days. If meningitis is observed, ascorbic acid and B vitamins are prescribed. To eliminate respiratory failure, ventilation is carried out.
  • With borreliosis, tetracycline drugs, bacteriostatics and intravenous injections of bactericidal antibiotics are prescribed. The lack of fluid is stopped by the introduction of blood substitutes.

Method of specific immunotherapy

During the treatment of borreliosis, it is important in the first 72 hours to carry out emergency prevention of infection through intravenous administration of immunomodulators. If a tick bite provoked the development of viral encephalitis, prescribe such medical preparations:

  • Prednisolone - applied 1 time per day. The medicine is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components and the presence of a skin fungus.
  • Reopoliglyukin - intravenous injection. Helps eliminate multiple symptoms of encephalitis fever. Often leads to the development of allergies.

Antibiotic therapy for bacterial diseases

An effective remedy, which will help to cope with the infection and eliminate the symptoms of the acute stage, is the drug Bicillin - 5. It is used only in a hospital in the form of 5-10 daily intramuscular injections. To relieve puffiness, Lymphomyosot is additionally prescribed. Bicillin injections are supplemented with antibiotics of the whole-fasporine and tetracycline series. These are the drugs:

  • Ceftriaxone;
  • Timalin;
  • Sumamed;
  • Claforan;
  • doxycycline;
  • Realdiron.

Drugs to suppress the reproduction of protozoa

  • Clindamycin and Quinine;
  • Azithromycin plus Atovacon;
  • Cotrimoxazole, Pentamidine, Diisocyanate.


To avoid possible complications and prevent the development of dangerous diseases, it is worth adhering to simple rules prevention:

  • When hiking in nature, choose the most closed clothing, put a cap on your head, choose sliding fabrics.
  • On bare parts of the body, apply special repellents, which can be bought at any pharmacy.
  • After returning home, carefully inspect the body for ticks, paying special attention to the ears, hair, groin, lower back.
  • Go through the procedure for the prevention of tick-borne encephalitis - vaccination. Prevents tick bites for 365 days. It is necessary to repeat the vaccination every three years.


The main thing that a tick bite is dangerous for a person is infection with pathogens of serious diseases that can be in his saliva. The most severe of them are typhus and borreliosis. Diseases arising from a tick bite often have complications that destroy the gray matter and membrane of the brain, heart, spinal cord, and central nervous system.

Having stuck to the site on the human body, the insect gradually absorbs blood and increases in size, it is at this time that it is possible to determine its presence.

In most cases, signs of a tick bite are found on those parts of the body where skin especially thin: armpits, inner side knees, part of the head covered with hair, neck. It is in such places that a tick in a person does not immediately become noticeable. But there are times when insects are attracted to other parts, such as a hand.

It is quite difficult to understand that a tick has bitten, as already mentioned. Since a tick bite does not cause any discomfort in a person, it is not immediately detected. After visiting forests or park areas, you need to carefully examine your body in order to prevent possible intoxication of the body in time.

First symptoms

Consider the main symptoms of a tick bite in humans:

  • chills;
  • decreased performance, weakness;
  • constant fatigue and drowsiness;
  • pain in the joints;
  • fear of the world.

The most important and accurate sign of how to recognize a tick bite will be the detection of a pest on the body. It is necessary to look for it exactly where we have already said. First aid for a tick bite involves removing the insect. If it is infected with an infection, the patient is treated. In this way, negative consequences can be avoided.

Symptoms that appear the next day

If the attached organism was not noticed on the first day, then on the second, the symptoms after a tick bite in a person will intensify. In some cases they are reminiscent of colds but you have to be on the lookout.

After a tick bite, the temperature usually rises to 38 degrees. This reaction is accompanied by a rapid heartbeat and a decrease in blood pressure. Itching, swollen lymph nodes, skin rashes are noted. Sometimes, the pathogen entering the body causes other symptoms:

  • dizziness and severe headache;
  • the appearance of hallucinations;
  • breathing problems;
  • feeling of nausea, turning into vomiting.

If a change in temperature occurs immediately after a bite, this means that an allergic reaction to saliva is developing. If the high temperature persists and does not go away for a long time, it means that the causative agent of the infection has entered the body.

Symptoms of an encephalitic tick bite

Without timely treatment, the consequences of a tick bite can be deplorable, this also applies to encephalitis related to viral diseases. The incubation period after a bite lasts about a month. Characteristic features will become:

  • headaches and fainting;
  • disruption of the heart and digestive system;
  • the temperature rises to 40 degrees.

Lyme disease symptoms

Borreliosis is infection, which negatively affects the heart, central nervous system, musculoskeletal system. Here it is important to know what a tick bite looks like on the body. In this case, we have a red spot that is rapidly increasing in size. If first aid for a tick bite is not carried out, then in the absence of invasion, the speck disappears after 3 weeks. You can recognize Lyme disease by the following symptoms:

  • headache, joint and muscle pain;
  • constant fatigue and weakness;
  • hearing loss, sleep disturbance;
  • sore throat, paralysis.

Everyone probably already understands what to do with a tick bite. You need to quickly contact a specialist with a problem and undergo a treatment course, if necessary. Otherwise, the disease can provoke the development of serious diseases, often leading to death.

How to recognize a bite

In the event that the study showed that the insect was not infected, and a bump remained on the body after a tick bite, then this is a sign of improper extraction or allergy to saliva. If the bump does not go away after a tick bite and worries the patient, you should contact a medical facility.

Most frequently asked question, of course, how to treat a tick bite? Any antiseptic is suitable for this: hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, brilliant green.

What Not to Do

What to do after a bite is in no case impossible so as not to aggravate the situation:

First aid

- This is scratching at the site of the bite. In the case when the insect was removed incorrectly, and its head remained in the wound, this can cause inflammation, itching and burning. If, after removing the tick, the damaged area itches, and the itching does not go away for a long time, you should consult a doctor.

It remains to tell how to treat the site of a tick bite. Any alcohol-containing agent is suitable for this: brilliant green, iodine or vodka. After 10 days, it is worth doing a blood test.

Health care

The question sounds rather strange, where to go when bitten by a tick. Of course, any medical institution where an infectious disease specialist deals with such problems. Treatment after a tick bite should be prescribed only by a qualified specialist, so you should not take any drugs at your own discretion. It should be noted that immunoglobulin is often prescribed for a tick bite to prevent the development of encephalitis.

Antibiotics are also often used to prevent the reproduction of pathogens when bitten by a tick. It is important to remember that certain course treatment is formed only after the delivery of a blood test, which will help identify the presence of infection.

The consequences for a person after a tick bite can be very different, even leading to death. It must be understood that the speed and literacy of the measures taken are important here. If everything is done correctly after a tick bite, then the risk of developing life-threatening diseases will be minimized.

But there are also not the most friendly arachnids that are carriers of dangerous diseases, the most famous of them in Russia are encephalitis, anaplasmosis, Lyme disease and ehrlichiosis.

Even a safe (sterile) tick on the human body can cause a severe allergic reaction. An interesting fact is that one tick can simultaneously carry several types of pathological microorganisms. Such mixed carriers make up 10% of all mites.

What does a tick bite look like

A typical example of a tick bite would be a spot in Lyme disease. In this case, erythema appears, it gradually increases and can reach 20 or even more than 50 cm. The shape of the bite spot is necessarily round or oval. After a while, a bulge appears along the edge. The color may be white or bluish in the very center. After 24 hours, the stain becomes like a donut, a dry crust appears. After 2-3 weeks, no bite marks remain.

The bite itself is never accompanied by pain, and if a person also has no allergies, then it is impossible to understand at all that a tick has attacked. The first manifestations will be noticeable after a few hours - the reaction time depends on the characteristics of the organism.

anxiety symptoms

The first and obvious sign is the detection of the tick itself on the body. Severe symptoms often manifested in children, persons over 60 years of age, in people with immunodeficiency and a tendency to allergies.

After a few hours, you can observe characteristic manifestations:

  • general weakness, apathy, fatigue;
  • drowsiness and soreness in the muscles;
  • fever, photophobia.

The first dangerous symptoms:

  • soreness and redness;
  • temperature rise to 38 degrees;
  • decrease in pressure and heart rhythm disturbance;
  • itching, urticaria in case of allergies;
  • enlargement of regional lymph nodes.

Less commonly, symptoms such as migraine, shortness of breath, intestinal upset, and even hallucinations, visual or auditory, can be observed.

Arachnids usually stick in areas of sensitive skin, where the capillary network is well developed. At the same time, there are two types of ticks of different age groups.

  • Imago are adults, their feature is the presence of four pairs of legs.
  • Nymphs are larvae, they have three pairs of limbs.

The symptoms of a fever differ depending on the infection.

  • Encephalitis. Hyperthermia appears 3-4 days after the attack, lasts for 14 days. The temperature returns to normal, but after 7-9 days it rises again.
  • Anaplasmosis. The temperature rises after 2 weeks.
  • Borreliosis, or Lyme disease. Hyperthermia is a secondary sign, it is combined with muscle pain and chills.
  • Erlichiosis. Fever begins in 1-2 weeks, lasts for 20 days.

An increase in body temperature is characteristic of any infection that ticks transmit. If this symptom occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor.


Can suffer from a tick bite various organs and body systems

  • liver - due to indigestion;
  • nervous system - headache, epilepsy, paresis and paralysis occur;
  • joints - arthritis and arthralgia;
  • lungs - internal bleeding and pneumonia;
  • kidneys - glomerulonephritis or nephritis;
  • CCC - increase and decrease blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmias.

When attacked by an encephalitic tick, both a favorable and an unfavorable outcome is possible. In the first case, a person has asthenic syndrome, that is, severe weakness that lasts about 2 months. There is no dysfunction internal organs and the body is fully restored over time.

A favorable outcome is also possible with moderate severity of the disease, recovery period which can take six months. An unfavorable outcome is likely in case of impaired respiratory function and with a constant increase in symptoms.

The resource site dwelled in more detail on studying the consequences of a tick bite and stated that stress, alcohol consumption, and severe physical overwork can aggravate the condition. It is possible to improve the prognosis and quality of life if these negative factors are avoided.

Diseases from a bite

Ticks transmit microbial, protozoal and viral infections. They are common and found in every corner of the world.


  • tick-borne encephalitis;
  • hemorrhagic fever;
  • rare forms of tick-borne fever.


  • erlichiosis;
  • anaplasmosis;
  • borreliosis.


  • Marseille fever;
  • paroxysmal rickettsiosis;
  • typhus;
  • rickettsiosis smallpox;
  • Astrakhan spotted fever;

Tick-borne encephalitis

After a bite, many people pull out a tick and throw it away, as there are no symptoms, and with them a suspicion of any disease. But it is strongly recommended to take the extracted tick to the laboratory for research. In case of danger, this will allow treatment to begin even before dangerous symptoms appear.

Tick-borne infection develops quickly, a person's temperature rises to 38-39 degrees, weakness, severe migraine, muscle aches are felt. The skin becomes red, coordination is disturbed and convulsions begin.

This infection can result in irreversible damage to the nervous system. The most severe consequence is paralysis of the legs. In about 2% of cases, the disease, without appropriate treatment, ends in death within a week after the onset of the first signs.


No less insidious disease is borreliosis, the first sign of which is, at first glance, a harmless redness in the bite area. But soon the red spot reaches 10-20 cm, and in severe cases even 60 cm. After a while, the spot becomes blue or white, then covered with a crust.

A month later, symptoms of damage to the nervous system, lungs, heart and musculoskeletal system, especially muscles and joints, are already developing. This period is characterized by flu-like symptoms. Violation of the NS leads to paralysis, insomnia and can cause deafness.

Complications of this disease are various pathologies from the nervous system, heart and joints. Unfortunately, such consequences sometimes develop even in those who seek medical help on time.

First aid after a bite

The skin after removing the tick is processed antiseptic, pre-washed running water with soap. Be sure to make sure that no particles remain under the skin. Reddened skin can be treated with a wound healing ointment, but at the same time small plot in the area of ​​​​the bite itself, leave open.

Those who live in disadvantaged areas are advised to purchase special tick removal kits in advance. It can be a "Uniklin Tick Twister" or a "lasso pen". After removing the tick with tools, it is also placed in a sealed vial, which is signed and sent for research.

If during the extraction of the tick it was possible to get only half of it, you must definitely go to the hospital. Some agencies that operate around the clock provide first aid for bites.

When to go to the doctor

Urgent help is also needed for the development of Quincke's edema. Its symptoms:

  • labored breathing;
  • pallor or blueness of the skin;
  • swelling of the lips and eyelids;
  • soreness in the muscles.

This is a severe allergic reaction, in which you must immediately call an ambulance and provide first aid to the victim before the doctor arrives.

First aid:

  • give an antihistamine drug - it can be "Erius", "Zirtek" or "Suprastin";
  • well ventilate the room, provide air access;
  • if possible, introduce the drug "Prednisolone" - 60 mg intramuscularly.

All subsequent treatment activities will be carried out in a medical institution after the examination.


If a sterile tick bite occurs without an allergy, treatment is not required and there will be no consequences. Drug therapy is carried out when attacked by an encephalitis tick or a carrier of other infections.

The principle of treatment of a patient with encephalitis:

  • compliance with bed rest;
  • the entire period of high temperature the patient is in the hospital;
  • the first 2-4 days immunoglobulin is prescribed;
  • shows the use of prednisolone, ribonuclease, reopoliglyukin;
  • with respiratory failure, intensive ventilation is carried out;
  • in case of inflammation, ascorbic acid and vitamin B are prescribed.

During the rehabilitation period, treatment is carried out with tranquilizers, anabolic steroids and nootropic drugs. Antibacterial drugs may also be prescribed to prevent complications in the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory and hepatobiliary systems.

Principles of treatment of a patient with borreliosis:

  • hospitalization for symptoms of neurological abnormalities;
  • with a disease in the stage of erythema, bacteriostatics and tetracycline are prescribed;
  • relief of the neurological syndrome is carried out with antibiotics of the penicillin series for intravenous administration;
  • the water balance is necessarily restored, physiological solutions are administered intravenously, vitamins and drugs are administered intramuscularly to normalize blood circulation.


After getting acquainted with the rather unpleasant facts about the tick bite and its consequences, it's time to analyze the preventive measures and find out how you can protect yourself from the carrier of the infection.

The likelihood of a tick bite depends on several factors:

  • place of residence;
  • frequency of being in the forest and field;
  • visits to unfavorable areas where tick-borne infections are common.

It is better to be vigilant once again and check for ticks on the body while walking in the danger zone. Ideally, this should be done every half hour, during which time the tick will not have time to stick and it can be easily removed.

Preventing the bite itself is not so easy. To do this, you need to completely avoid areas with trees and other plants. But you can do prevention of the consequences, which is more effective and will give a real result.

The main measure of primary prevention is vaccination. Additionally, specific immunotherapy can be carried out, which is indicated for suspected infection. People working in the forest are advised to wear a special protective clothing. You can also use special means to destroy or repel ticks.


Vaccination is carried out solely for the purpose of primary prevention, it is contraindicated to vaccinate a person after infection.

Preparations used in Russia for vaccination:

  1. "EnceVir". Introduced from the age of 18. Produced in Russia.
  2. FSME Immun Junior. Introduced from 1 to 16 years. Produced in Switzerland.
  3. Encepur Children. Introduced from 1 to 11 years. Produced in Germany.

It is also possible to carry out an emergency vaccination. It is indicated when an urgent departure to a potentially dangerous area is necessary. This vaccine has a short duration of protection.

Means for scaring and destruction

When leaving for an unfavorable area or hiking in the forest, it is recommended to apply on open skin and clothing. protective equipment. They exist in two types - repellents (scare away) and acaricides (kill). The former are used to scare away various insects. They can be sprayed on clothes, arms, legs, neck and other parts of the body.

Aerosol representatives:

  • "Beeban";
  • "Raptor";
  • "Breeze-antiklesch";
  • "Ultraton".

Acaricides can kill ticks, but such products can only be used to treat clothes and various items. In pharmacies, you can find products of this group that are allowed to be applied to the skin, but this is not recommended, as there is a risk of poisoning and allergies.

Even if biting has become commonplace, do not forget about the potential danger. Faced with such a problem once again, one cannot hope for the usual favorable outcome, because it is much easier and safer to be examined by a doctor once than to undergo a course of treatment for several months.
