Ok, what is it for. How to find out the OKDP code of an organization by TIN

All activities, services and goods in Russian Federation have their own code. And not just one, but several. Types of economic activity are assigned a line and value in the classifier of types of economic activity and the classifier of activities and products. Why do we need codes, how does OKVED differ from OKDP and how to use them in business processes?

Encoded and decoded

IN government statistics, various normative documents and informatized systems, there are certain standards that describe the type of activity of an enterprise or individual entrepreneur and the products they produce. This is logical, because it allows you to avoid inconsistencies and difficulties in understanding counterparties.

For example, a cleaning company (from the English clean - “cleanliness, clean”), in fact, is no different from a company that provides cleaning services. However, in some cases, such a discrepancy in the service provided can be harmful. For example, an automated marketplace will ignore "cleaning" and leave it on the list. Statistical information systems may also not know that the difference between cleaning and tidying is only in name.

One more example can be given. One company makes markers, and the other makes thick-tipped markers. There is no difference in products, but difficulties in commercial activities may arise for the reasons described above.

That is why in Russia OKDP and OKVED were developed - classifiers of economic activity and products. In these documents, each type of activity, service and product was assigned its own numerical code. This helped to avoid confusion. However, immediately after this, new difficulties arose. Where should I use OKVED and where is OKDP? What are their differences? How to transfer one system to another? Let's look into this issue.

OKDP and OKVED - classifiers of economic activity and products.

Local and global classifier

In order to understand the differences between two similar systems, it is necessary to know the prerequisites for their creation. OKDP was put into effect in 1993, exactly at the moment when Russia needed a single code for activities and goods. OKVED is a reaction to integration into the European market. In this system, economic activities are classified and coded according to international standards. But both of these systems remained in force. It’s just worth understanding that OKDP is a local Russian document, and OKVED is legitimate in the European economic space.

OKVED and OKDP differ in a number of functions.

With the help of OKVED, the authorities receive the following information:

  1. Information about economic activity, which will be conducted by the subject of the national economy.
  2. Data on the type of activity of the subject of the economy. The main type of activity and secondary ones are determined.
  3. On processes in the economy at all levels.
  4. On a unified description of the type of activity for all types of activities and goods.

OKDP is a local, Russian document, and OKVED is legitimate in the European economic space.

OKDP, on the other hand, does not describe in detail the direction of management, but goods or services. Therefore, this document has found a very common application in procurement financed by the state budget.

The encoding itself in the documents also differs. OKVED codes have a four-digit structure, and in OKDP the code is seven-digit. This is a simple sign that allows you to determine whether the code belongs to the first or second document.

It is important to understand one more feature of classifiers. The OKVED code is assigned to a company or individual in the status of an entrepreneur during the registration process or later, when expanding or expanding areas of work. In various official papers requiring the indication of OKVED, legal or individual has the right to operate only with those codes that are indicated in the constituent documents.

OKDP codes do not require registration. They are assigned to products or services during the certification process (if required). If you do not need a certificate, you can simply find the appropriate code in the directory and use it to describe the product or service. You may need it if you participate in tenders and auctionsorganized by the state ( the federal law No. 44-FZ).

OKDP codes do not require registration. They are assigned to products or services during the certification process.

However, this code may also be needed when conducting transactions with large counterparties. Purchasing departments large companies also use OKDP to describe the goods and services required from partners.

Despite the fact that OKVED and OKDP are documents that are somewhat different in meaning, a business can compare the codes. The lookup table is created using a so-called transition key. The tool and instructions for use can be downloaded from the official portal of the Ministry of Economic Development.

In order not to get confused in the codes, you need to understand that OKVED consists of 4 digits, and OKDP - of 7. Also remember that the OKVED code will be assigned to you during registration and you will use it when communicating with the tax office, statistical authorities, non-budgetary funds. You do not need to specifically receive OKDP if you do not participate in tenders and auctions organized by the state.

The All-Russian classifier is a kind of system that is recognized by the current Goskomstat of Russia. Usually this is a systematic list of objects, indicating special designations for them. When exchanging data between industries, the use of such names becomes mandatory.

OKPD 2 codes are used as classifiers for services or works, products. They are relevant for municipalities And state entities placing orders or organizing auctions. The information helps to accurately classify what is needed from the performers.

The second version of the codes officially entered into force in 2014. It deciphers and supplements the items that were previously present in the system.

When the customer draws up a procurement plan, he must indicate the current OKPD code, which also contains data on:

  • type of procurement object;
  • subgroup;
  • subclass;
  • class.

The dot separation between characters in the code is present in order for the designation to comply with the rules that are used by members of the European Union. The letter designation in Latin is used for the largest sections. The sixth and seventh characters are also separated by a dot, if present. a large number of difficulty levels.

How to use correctly

In this case, the classification is types of economic activity. This information is important when an individual entrepreneur, LLC goes through the registration procedure, or when a company changes its activities.

At the same time, there are no restrictions on the number of codes that one organization can indicate when registering. The main thing is to select one that will be the main one.

The largest percentage of profits received should be the main criterion for commercial enterprises. Non-profit should be based on the number of employees who are employed in certain areas.

The use of OKPD is mandatory for public procurement (No. 44-FZ). This helps to classify the subject of auction, to designate it with a digital combination corresponding to the section of the classifier. Then the code is indicated in the procurement process, when publishing notices or drawing up schedules for orders for the following periods.

OKPD is a similar classifier. It is used to identify groups of the same name for services, works and goods for which an order is placed.

Both types of codes are product types that are used in a particular area. But for any of them it is easy to find information. It is even easy to determine one code by another - just look at the first digits. In either case, they refer to economic activity. If you know these first numbers, then further designations become much easier to find.

For start-up entrepreneurs, the question of whether how do OKVED and OKPD codes relate to each other. The structures of the classifiers are almost identical to each other, but there are some differences.

  1. Both classifiers consist of sections. In both cases there are seventeen of them, their designation consists of only one Latin letter.
  2. Subsections in OKVED are indicated by only one Latin letter. In OKPD, two digits are used for this.
  3. OKVED consists of classes and subclasses, which are encoded with two and three letters. There are no such groupings in OKPD.

Documents for download (free)

What else is taken into account when using codes

OKVED allows state authorities to obtain the following data:

  1. Unified description of activities for all areas.
  2. Processes in the economy, at each level.
  3. Data on the type of activity of a particular economic entity. It is important to determine not only main view activities, but also secondary ones.
  4. The economic activity of a subject.

OKPD thoroughly describes goods with services, and not a line of business. OKVED is a four-digit structure, and OKPD consists of seven characters.

OKPD codes do not require registration. They are assigned during the certification process. If it is not required, then the information is easy to find in the directory. This is true when participating in auctions organized by the state.

This information is also needed if cooperation with a major counterparty is organized. OKPD is used by purchasing departments in large organizations.

Code mapping tables are created using transitional keys. This tool can be found on the official website of the Ministry of Economic Development minfin.ru.

Create directories

When creating catalogs for goods and services, many are wondering what exactly to take as a basis. The main requirement is the use of a classification that is simple and accessible to everyone who studies the document. Customers often indicate incorrect OKPDs that do not correspond to their objects. This is due to the fact that customers simply do not understand the very structure of the classifier.

Rules for choosing

When choosing a type of economic activity, it must be remembered that some of them require licensing, while others are subject to special prohibitions. For example, auditors should only be responsible for Accounting, and banking institutions are engaged in the corresponding type of activity.

It all starts with choosing an industry. After that, the codes are determined in more detail. In order to register, one activity will be enough. The maximum recommended no more than 30 positions so that there is no confusion. According to the new standard, there is no need to provide a transcript for each designation.

If the code is lost, it is easy to restore it using a classifier that is in the public domain. Then it remains just to confirm the change before reporting is submitted. If you cannot resolve the issue on your own, then you must submit an application to Rosstat. They will give the necessary information, but already on a paid basis.

Checking in code changes is a rather complicated process. There are special companies that provide services for registering codes, employees of these companies instantly respond to any changes in legislation.

You can contact Rosstat to register information only after you have the appropriate certificate on hand. It will be impossible to open a current account of the company without an information letter stating that the registration was successful. This document must be present both for individual entrepreneurs and for legal entities.

In JQAP, the seventh and ninth digits will have a value of 0 if no product detailing is done at the national level. This must be taken into account when the designation is placed in the catalogs. In the international market, slightly different rules may apply.

Particular attention should be paid to the explanations for each position, which can also be important. There is no liability for incorrect designations, but this simplifies the work of registration authorities.

You can learn more about the new classifiers from this video.

Source: http://znaybiz.ru/forma/postanovka-na-uchet/okved-2-po-okpd-2.html

OKPD2 code: what is it and where to get it

OKPD2 is the All-Russian classifier of products by type of economic activity, approved by the Order of Rosstandart dated January 31, 2014 N 14-st. This classifier is freely available, which can be found and downloaded in any format convenient for the customer: in the form of an excel table, text or other.

The structure of the OKPD2 classifier

The OKPD2 classifier is built using a sequential coding method and based on a hierarchical classification method. This means that its structure is basically represented as follows: class, subclass, group, subgroup, species, category, and subcategory.

For example, in order to fill in information about the contract in the schedule, the customer needs to fill out the OKPD2 code for the provision of postal services related to written correspondence.

This service belongs to the section of transport and warehousing services, then you need to select the group "Postal services common use"And finally, select the category" Public postal services related to letter post ", then look at the resulting code. In this case, the OKPD 2 code is

Sometimes you can use the search bar to try to find the right code.

Code search problems in the OKPD2 classifier:

Most customers use the OKPD reference book at zakupki.gov.ru. Searching for a code often takes 5 to 15 minutes, because

there are many positions in the classifier, and the search string gives results only if the search query is contained in the code name.

For example, in the OKPD2 search bar on the UIS, you can find brooms for the query “brooms”, but you cannot find a scoop for the query “scoop”, because in the classifier there is an item "Brooms and bills for ..." and there is no item "Shovels".

Often, the purchased goods, works or services cannot be found in the OKPD2 directory by keywords, and the customer has to manually search for the appropriate code in the entire directory.

How to get free materials about the OKPD2 code?

To receive useful materials, fill the form.
Click the button and get:

  • Review of explanatory letters on the choice of OKPD2.
  • Webinar recording on how OKPD2 affects:
    1. method of determining the supplier;
    2. the need to apply benefits to penitentiary institutions and organizations of persons with disabilities;
    3. application of national treatment, application of model contracts.

To receive this information, as well as to receive useful materials on 44-FZ and the public procurement system every two weeks, subscribe to the newsletter. It's free.

Source: https://zakupki44fz.ru/okdp2/

Code structure in OKDP

A synonym for the All-Russian classifier of types of economy. activities ( OKVED) is an OKDP.

The conclusion from the above is simple: OKDP- just an abbreviation for the FEA classifier.

OKDP- one of the components in the Unified system for coding and grouping information of a socio-economic nature in the Russian Federation. 1993 -year of the beginning of the application of OKDP in the Russian Federation.

The classifier was introduced by the relevant resolution of the Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization. And it was developed taking into account the requirements and recommendations of the UN. The "parents" of this classifier are the Center for Economy. conjuncture under the Government of the Russian Federation and the Center for Economics. classifications.

Without this classifier, more than one classification system and the provision of codes both in economics and in statistics will not do. Speaking more in plain language, then OKDP was introduced for the purpose of unified accounting of the country's production.

Enterprises manufacturing products in Russia using this code can determine the name of the product, work / service that they produce or provide to the consumer.

And of course, its use is one of the tools for regulating and controlling the Russian economy by the country's leadership.

OKDP classifier

The All-Russian classifier consists of 2 - 9 digits. Visually, you can write the code in the following form YY.YY.YY.YYY.

This code, or rather the classification of products, has its own structure:

  • first 2 digits(YY.YY.YY.YYY) is a class of products, works;
  • next 3rd digit OKPD(YY.YY.YY.YYY) - defines a subclass;
  • further numbers OKDP(YY.YY.YY.YYY) is a group of products, goods, services;
  • 5 digits OKDP(YY.YY.YY.YYY) are already a subgroup;
  • 6 digits OKDP(YY.YY.YY.YYY) - this is already a type of product, service / work
  • last figures(YY.YY.YY.YYY) define the category and subcategory of the product or service being produced.

Some features in OKDP

In order to ensure consistency in the codes, characters are necessarily separated by putting down a dot. Letters can also be found in OKPD.

If there is no need for detailing in 7, 8, 9 characters- the designation is used - "0", this is used if there is no need to divide the species into categories.

What is the scope of the OKDP?

As mentioned above, the system of codes and systematization of manufactured products, services / works provided is used primarily as a kind of “ mutual language» for domestic production.

From this it can be logically concluded that the classifier is used by all organizations and enterprises on the territory of the Russian Federation. These enterprises can be state, municipal, private.

Those. this code is used by all enterprises of the Russian Federation without exception and the scope of the OKDP, respectively, is all the production of goods, services and works on the national market of Russia.

Since OKDP was developed not only as a "common language", but also as a tool for regulating the country's economy, it is advisable to consider the tasks that it allows to solve.

Main tasks:

  • ensure the functioning of the state systems wholesale trade within the country;
  • ensure the operation of the system state contracts;
  • help with the connection according to the scheme"producer - consumer" at the same level;
  • in the international arena to provide data on the products of manufacturers countries by coding;
  • ensure the operation of enterprises in the field of taxation;
  • organize accounting in the state statistics;
  • OKDP codes are the language in which requests are made in IoT networks at the international level when interacting with banks
  • ensure the operation of trading exchanges in electronic information exchange systems (ISO EDIFACT).

What are the OKDP objects to be classified?

Consider at the section level what is to be classified:

  • A- Agriculture, hunting and forestry;
  • B– Fishing;
  • C- Mining and quarrying;
  • D- Processing industry;
  • E- Electricity, water supply and gas;
  • F- Construction;
  • G- Wholesale and retail; car repair, household appliances and items for personal use;
  • H- Hotels and restaurants;
  • I- Transport, warehousing and communications;
  • J- Fin. mediation;
  • K- Real estate and leasing activities; research and commercial activities;
  • L- State. management and defense; obligatory social insurance;
  • M- Education;
  • N- Health and social. services;
  • O- Activities for the provision of other public, social and personal services;
  • P- Activities for the management of private households with hired services;
  • Q- Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies.

Attention should be paid that the above sections include, in addition to everything, their subsections.

The broadest is section D. For a general understanding, consider the number of subsections that are included in each section listed above, namely:

  • A- includes 2 subsections;
  • B- consists of 1 subsection;
  • C- 5 subsections;
  • D- 23 subsections;
  • E- 2 subsections;
  • F- includes 1 subsection;
  • G- 3 subsections;
  • H- 1 subsection;
  • I- 5 subsections;
  • J– 3 subsections;
  • K– 5 subsections;
  • L– 1 subsection;
  • M– 1 subsection;
  • N– 1 subsection;
  • O– 5 subsections;
  • P– 1 subsection;
  • Q– 1 subsection.

What does the code in OKDP consist of (its structure)?

Any code has its own classification objects. OKDP is no exception classifying three objects. What are these objects?


  • products and its types;
  • services and their types;
  • economy activity in terms of its types.

Let's take a closer look at the classifier in the context of each object separately:

  • The classifier and its structure according to economy. activities.

This structure has several so-called steps, namely: section, subsection, group, subgroup. All together, this is the classification by type of economy. activities.

It can be visualized as follows:

  1. B "Fishing" is something other than a section;
  2. 0500000 “Fishing products, fish farms, fishing services” - subsection;
  3. 0511000 "Fish alive" is a group;
  4. 0511110 "Atlantic herring" - this is a subgroup.
  • The classifier and its structure by produced goods and services.

This class definition system also has several so-called levels or components, namely product class, subclass and kind. It is also necessary to mention: an additional non-standardized code is applied to the levels, which is increased to the main manufacturer based on the wishes.

Visually looks like this:

  • first 4 digits 0112000 The "vegetables" of code are a class;
  • 0112020 "Cabbage and root vegetables" is a subclass;
  • 0112121 "Sweet Potato Tubers" is a species.

For ease of use by the manufacturers of OKDP, a program-information complex was developed. The basis of the complex is the classifier.

This complex received a certificate in the State. test center. It allows you to quickly and quickly solve the problems of any user: search for classifier positions, view codes, print reports and generate them.

To work with it, it is not necessary for the user to have professional skills or special skills. preparation.

Source: http://ip911.ru/ostalnoe/struktura-koda-v-okdp.html

What is an organization's OKDP and where can I get it? — Base of answers to any questions

When filling out some documents, it is necessary to indicate the OKDP code, and for many individual entrepreneurs this requirement becomes quite a serious obstacle.

Not everyone knows what the OKDP of an organization is, and even more so where to get it to fill out the paperwork.

What is OKDP?

Do not be afraid of the emergence of a new abbreviation: OKDP is nothing more than the good old classifier of economic activities. It contains a list of activities for the production of products and services, divided into qualification groups. The classifier was developed as an important part of the classification system of economic statistics and is designed to automate the accounting and collection of statistical data on entrepreneurial activity.

Sections of the classifier, as well as its functions and nature of use, are developed taking into account international standards. It is expected that over time the system of statistics in Russia will be completely unified with the system used by other most economically strong countries.

What is OKDP for?

The OKDP classifier is used by all organizations, departments and enterprises of Russia, regardless of the form of ownership. It solves a number of problems, including:

Establishing horizontal links between companies producing different kinds products, or providing services, and consumers of these services and goods;

Simplification of the work of the domestic state system wholesale trade and contracts;

Facilitating the informing of foreign market participants about enterprises producing various types of products, using the appropriate transitional keys;

Facilitating the activities of tax services through the automation of information collection;

Creation of a complex of accounting and collection of statistical data in state system statistics;

Development of information systems to support trading exchanges, connection to international electronic trading systems;

Embedding in international system information banks through the use of OKDP codes as one of the request languages.

Unified in accordance with international practice OKDP codes do Russian business more transparent and accessible to the rest of the world.

How is the classification built in OKDP?

In the all-Russian classifier, a rather coherent system for breaking down types of activities and their results has been created. It is maximally adapted for use in a market economy with elements of centralized management.

Classifications are subject to the activities themselves in various industries economy, with services and products being used as classification markers.

As a result, it became possible to create a holistic scheme that describes any enterprise as a diversified economic entity.

On the basis of OKDP, unified automated systems regional, departmental and corporate subordination, where the classifier codes become the language of description.

OKDP code structure

The classifier uses seven-digit codes, in which almost all types of activity known today are encrypted. OKDP considers three types of classification objects:

The variety of types of products produced by the enterprises of the country;

Variety of services provided by enterprises;

Variety of economic activities.

All objects are structured by classes, subclasses and groups. The first two digits of the code indicate the class, the next two - the subclass, and the last three - respectively, the group. The seven-character coding allows any level of detail to be applied to indicate activities, products and services.

Where to get OKDP?

The easiest way to find OKDP is to use the capabilities of the official website " All-Russian classifiers».

In the section on OKDP, all types of activities are presented, moreover, with transcripts. You can also download the current OKDP reference books there.

Individual entrepreneurs are increasingly trying to compete for the right to supply products / services to government agencies and face a number of difficulties. The first question that arises is why classifiers are needed, and what is the difference between OKVED and OKDP.

Meaning of classifiers

In terms of their structure, the codes are similar to each other, but there are a number of differences. For entrepreneurs trying themselves in the field of public procurement, it is important to understand how OKVED differs from OKDP.

All-Russian KVED

The classifier of types of economic activity (OKVED) groups all types of production, works and services that are allowed to be carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation. This handbook is ordered according to the international classifier and harmonized with the European Union.

With the help of the classifier, the state performs a number of tasks:

  • encodes and classifies the areas of work specified in the application during registration, which the legal entity plans to deal with;
  • determines the main and secondary works (services) of the organization;
  • observes with the help of statistical bodies the processes of economic development and influences them;
  • compares the development of a particular sector of the economy with international processes;
  • encodes the types of work, services or production on various information services.

All-Russian KDP

The All-Russian classifier of activities and products (OKDP) classifies activities, products and services. An important difference between OKVED and the classifier of products and services is that the latter is relevant for issues related to public procurement.

It is used as a unified language of communication between producers and consumers of all types of goods and services.

What are the similarities and differences

There is an opinion that OKDP and OKVED are the same, but there are still some differences between them.

OKVED was created later and is considered more modern. The similarity of directories is manifested in the presence of sections marked with Latin letters. But there are no classes in OKDP.

The next sign of how OKVED differs from OKDP is the structure of the code. The last seven-digit, the first four digits in it mean the direction in the economy, and the rest classify the products directly.

As for the subsections, there is a difference here. In KDP they are encrypted with two digits, and in KVED - in Latin letters. In addition, it contains classes and subclasses.

The division into groups is noticeably different: in OKVED there are much more of them than in OKDP, while the coding method is also different: four and three characters, respectively.

The OKDP and OKVED subgroups also differ in number in the first case - they consist of 4 digits, and in the second they consist of 5 characters. In addition, the FEA classifier also contains types consisting of 6 characters.

OKVED 2014 came into force: Video

Consider what is the difference between the OKVED and OKPD classifiers.

From this article you will learn:

  • All-Russian classifier of types of economic activity (OKVED);
  • All-Russian classifier of types of economic activity, products and services (OKDP);
  • what is the difference between OKVED and OKPD;
  • introduction of OKVED2 and OKPD2.

Procurement customers operating under Law No. 44-FZ and Law No. 223-FZ are required to use the identification codes of the All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities (OKVED) and the All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities, Products and Services (OKDP) at different stages of the process. In particular, this is due to the planning documents and the requirements for the form of the procurement plan, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 17, 2012 No. 932.

The difference between OKVED and OKPD

If we explain in a nutshell the functional difference between the classifiers, OKVED serves to determine what types of activities an enterprise has the right to carry out. OKDP, in turn, determines what kind of goods and work it produces. OKVED and OKDP have a direct relationship - in fact, these are descriptions of various aspects of the same business activity.

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In order to identify a supplier, contractor or contractor, it is first necessary to plan electronic procedures. Get an electronic signature. Choose the site that best suits your organization and register. Next, create documentation and a notice, carry out procedures and determine the supplier and conclude a contract, taking into account the characteristics of each of the procurement methods.
See solutions for each electronic way: auction, competition, request for quotations, request for proposals.

We see that structurally the two classifiers are quite different. Nevertheless, quite often the question arises of how to determine OKVED according to OKDP, and there is a simple answer to it. As a rule, the first four digits of the OKDP correspond to OKVED code(for example, we have OKDP code 7220000 " Consulting services for software”, we take the first four digits and check the code according to OKVED. Indeed, there is a corresponding position there - 72.20, and, in addition to consulting on software, this section also includes its development.

However, in no case should one rely on this correspondence without checking against the classifiers themselves, there are both exceptions and inconsistencies. It is always necessary to exercise increased attention to the numbers of codes, especially after the end of the transition period for the introduction of the new OKVED2 classifier (January 1, 2017).

It is very important to understand that OKDP and OKVED, despite the similarity and often duplication of the first digits of codes, are fundamentally different indicators. The use of only one of them, or an attempt to form OKDP and OKVED as the same determinant of the entrepreneur's activity, may lead to adverse consequences. Their potential range is very wide - from the failure of the contract and participation in the auction due to incorrect filling of order forms, and up to getting into the "black list" - State Register false data, or the impossibility of state registration by the enterprise of its constituent documents.

It is necessary to understand very well what OKDP and OKVED are, what is the difference between them, and which code exactly corresponds to the activities carried out and products manufactured. The supplier is obliged to carefully study the statutory documents of the enterprise, determine which classification the products manufactured by him fall under, and find out in detail the requirements of customers regarding the delivery. Only then should the information for the application be generated. The customer, similarly, needs to specify the codes for the products and services that they require as accurately as possible, since it is incorrect specified code can serve as a reason for a complaint and cancellation of the results of the competition.

You will find more answers to questions about procurement in the new issue of the State Order in Questions and Answers magazine.

OK 034-2014 (CPE 2008) approved by the Order of Rosstandart dated 01/31/2014 N 14-st) (as amended on 05/12/2016) with the effective date of February 1, 2014

In accordance with the Order of Rosstandart dated January 31, 2014 N 14-st (as amended on November 10, 2015) All-Russian classifiers OKDP OK 004-93, OKPD OK 034-2007 (KPES 2002), OKUN OK 002-93, OKP OK 005- 93 are canceled from January 1, 2017.

classification of products according to OKPD ...

The Russian OKPD 2 product classifier is built on the basis of the Statistical Classification of Products by Activitа in the European Economic Communitу, 2008 version (CPA 2008).

OKPD code XX.XX.XX.XXX is 9 digits separated by dots. Dots separate various levels classifications - class, group, species and category

The first 6 digits of the OKPD code XX.XX.XX .XXX (class, group and type) correspond to 6 digits of product codes in the European KPEC 2008 classifier.

The last 3 digits of the code XX.XX.XX.XXX (category) reflect the features of accounting for products in Russian economy. If the product details on Russian level no, the last 3 digits are 0.

OKPD 2 is built on the basis of compliance with the CPA 2008 classifier (Statistical classification of products by type of activity in the European Economic Community). In CPA 2008, the first 4 digits of the product code are the code for the type of economic activity for the production of this product in the NACE Rev. 2 classifier (Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community version 2 - Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community). Therefore, the first 4 digits of the OKPD code XX.XX .XX.XXX are determined by the code of the corresponding type of activity in NACE Rev.2.

– Russian classifier of types of economic activity – also built in accordance with the classification of the European Community NACE Rev.2. The OKVED 2 code consists of 6 digits, the first 4 digits XX.XX .XX are determined by the activity code in NACE Rev 2, the last 2 digits XX.XX.XX reflect the specifics of the Russian economy.

Those. OKPD 2 and OKVED 2 codes coincide at the group level (first 4 digits), because are determined by the type of activity code in the European classifier NACE Rev. 2.
