How to choose the right runes for beginners. Runes for beginners

Nowadays, most people know what runes are, but ten or fifteen years ago there was very little knowledge about them in the public domain. Now there is a sea of ​​information, but how much of it is useful - not all beginners can appreciate it. Runes are the Old Norse alphabet, which has been used for magical purposes since ancient times. Runes are widely used by esotericists, someone adheres to tradition, and someone else creates new bizarre forms of runic practices, so it is difficult for a beginner to understand this.

Practitioners who first encounter runes and the Northern Tradition are concerned with the same question: how and where to start? From the acquisition or manufacture of a set of runes for divination, the development of this divination itself, acquaintance with ancient texts and Scandinavian mythology? It would be right to do it at the same time. If the practitioner does not have the experience of divination, then this will also have to be learned. Of course, you need to remember the names of the Elder Futhark runes and their meanings. Then you can get acquainted with Scandinavian mythology, in the retelling of modern authors, and only then study the key texts of the Northern Tradition: first of all, these are the Elder and Younger Eddas, runic poems.

It is advisable to remember all the Scandinavian gods: legends about them, mentions in ancient texts, which of them is friends or enemies with whom, what signs each deity has or what may indirectly indicate it. The study of runes must necessarily include immersion in the mythology of the northern peoples. It will be great to make the first rune set with your own hands, with some effort, while showing creativity.

Ethics in working with runes

The society of ancient Scandinavia adhered to a radically different morality than the Christian one, characteristic of our society. Recall at least the Vikings and human sacrifices to the gods. Therefore, the ethics of a particular magical work is determined by its author. If he is able to do something with the help of magic (even if it is a love spell or damage) and knows how to use the runes correctly, then he has every right to do so.

How runic amulets and runes work

The symbols or formulas depicted on the carrier already have power in themselves. It is enough to activate them so that they begin to work. Activation is done by the four elements, breath and blood. Traditionally, runes were carved on wood or stone, sometimes stained (with the blood of a person or animal, as well as with ocher, the composition of which is closest to blood). Many practitioners draw runes simply on paper, explaining that it is made of wood, which means that it is quite a suitable medium. Indeed, this is so, but it is worth remembering that the runes were precisely “cut”, a knife was traditionally used in the process.

How rune bundles are built

Clear rules by which galdrastavs or formulas are compiled are not known for certain, although they most likely existed. If you look at how authentic ancient galdrastavs look like, you can see that the runes are connected through common parts, one can be the main one and larger than the others in size, and the rest, as it were, are secondary, have an equal size. There are formulas simply written in a row - runetains.

There are a lot of author's works on the net with runes repeating many times and a complex pattern resembling patterns for crocheting napkins. This is superfluous: one does not need to repeat the rune many times in order to put enough of its power into the work. If the operator does not know how to empower one symbol, several will not help him. The exceptions are well-known formulas, for example, three fehu, four turisaz. In them, each sign has a different property and purpose. For example: "I cut runes, tours and three more: lust, madness and anxiety."

Do you trust the runes

Not knowing how runes work, how to use them in your magical work, of course, breeds distrust. However, without this, nothing will come of it. To understand how to work with runes, a beginner does not need detailed instructions, but immersion in Scandinavian mythology and tradition, reading the Elder and Younger Edda, runic poems. You need to feel the runes with your heart. They are often harsh in their responses, like a close and devoted, but somewhat harsh friend. It must be remembered that the runes came from the depths of centuries, proving their magical power and unconditional benefit to humans. So, rather, you need to put the question this way: is it possible to trust yourself, as a practice, with your knowledge and experience.

How to master the rune technique

In order to start using the runes for your own purposes, you need to immerse yourself in the Northern Tradition, establish contact with the gods in order to become "one's own" for the Scandinavian egregor. The better you manage to do this, the stronger any magical work will be. The very technology of fortune-telling and carving runes is simple, even a beginner can master it. It is important to establish a deep connection with the Nordic gods on a spiritual level, to understand how people lived in ancient Scandinavia, and to adhere to the same life principles. For example, be brave and resilient. It is also important not to be afraid of life's difficulties, but to be sincere in relations with people, to say directly what you think, to appreciate friendship, to be hospitable. To better understand how to achieve this, you can read, for example, "The speeches of the High."

Then you can develop divination skills and cut runic staves. They are made for a variety of purposes. Ancient northern magicians used magic to heal and attract wealth, win love, protect against enemies, heal animals, and get a good harvest. Therefore, one should not be limited only to spiritual goals, such as gaining wisdom and developing vision. A wise and insightful magician will first take care of the earthly.

How to use runes without hurting yourself

There are several rules, following which you can be sure that the study of northern magic will not end in failure for a novice practitioner. Many novice magicians think that runes are dangerous, but they are not. Yes, their influence is really very strong. There is a high threshold for entering the tradition, a set of rules and a vector for working on oneself. In order not to harm yourself, you need to follow safety precautions. Then everything will be fine and the results will be achieved, but no one will suffer, including the practitioner himself.

  • “The one who does not understand them should not cut the runes,” this is the most ancient and main rule. It is necessary to study the runes themselves and the Northern Tradition in detail before starting practical work.
  • Working with runes is always an appeal to the gods. For the work you need to be grateful - leave gifts. If this is not done, the god or ace can choose his own payment for help, and one that the practice does not like.
  • Some practitioners believe that it is necessary to stain the carved runes and staves with their own blood, but this can only be done for “their own”, family members, loved ones and loved ones. But not for casual acquaintances, and not for clients.
  • It is impossible to work without preliminary diagnostics and a layout for the result of the work.
  • It is forbidden to "do good" to people with magic without asking.
  • You need to really monitor your capabilities and not take on everything.

Rune diagnostics for beginners

Rune divination was first mentioned by Tacitus. According to him, the ancient magicians of the north threw wooden sticks with symbols carved on them (presumably runes) onto the canvas, taking them out of the bag, and according to the location of these sticks they made predictions about the future. Modern runologists do the same. You can get a special canvas for throwing runes, on which you can embroider, for example, Scandinavian motifs, as well as a beautiful bag for storing a rune set. You need to throw while standing, from yourself, spreading the canvas in front of you on the floor. For one question, several runes are taken, ideally 3 - 5. First, those that are closer are interpreted, and then distant ones. You can’t guess more than once on the same question if you don’t like the answer. It is advisable not to ask many questions at once, 2-3 is enough.

If you don’t have the necessary skills, knowledge and the ability to make a rune set yourself, you can buy runes for beginners, preferably from a master, and not in an esoteric store. In an extreme case, these will do, but then you need to accustom them to your own energy for some time, and then devote them with the help of the four elements. Such a tool will be “alive” and working.

Sometimes runes for beginners cause fear - after all, in fact, these are magical tools. The desire to unravel them and understand their work ends at the first stage of training. To many, working with symbols seems too complicated and incomprehensible, but you need to be aware that before you dive into the fascinating world of runes, you need to have an energy reserve. After all, any magic requires costs.

Do not think that the study of runes for beginners ends with the names of the symbols. It is important to get into all the subtleties of working with them. You must realize how the direct and inverted positions of the sign differ, how it combines with other runes, and what areas of life it has an effect on.

The main thing you should stock up on: diligence and patience. And then the ancient secrets themselves will begin to open before you.

Where to start learning

So: acquaintance with runes - where to start? There are a few rules to keep in mind. They are quite simple, but play a very important role in the entire learning process.

Let's take a closer look:

  • Never neglect theory

No wonder all sciences begin with books. Only after careful work with the theoretical part does the student have a chance to penetrate the mysteries of practice. To make it easier for you, use a notebook. It is important to know all the symbols of the rune series - their features, subtleties of meaning, pronunciation, all variants of names. Take your time: wisdom and experience come with time.

  • Workouts with runescripts

It turns out that understanding individual symbols does not yet give the right to use runic magic. The interpretation of formulas is an equally important part of the learning process. Feel free to ask for advice from knowledgeable people, seek help from literary sources. Runic magic for beginners is described in an accessible language.

Do not try to learn new information selectively - gradually move towards your goal. And soon the runes will open new horizons for you.

  • Listen to your inner voice

Each rune has a different effect on different people. It all depends on many factors: character, temperament, willpower. There is no clear line in this matter. Therefore, when starting to learn the runic alphabet, get ready to work with the creative aspect. The result of your hard work will be the ability to predict fate and future events.

  • Use non-standard methods

A very effective way to learn rune magic is to apply it to the body. Depicting sacred signs on yourself, you begin not only to see them, but also to feel them. The symbols merge with you into one.

How runic formulas work

A rune becoming can even consist of one rune - it all depends on the ritual. If there are more symbols in the formula, the emphasis is on the combination of the energies of different signs and the subtleties of their interaction.

Usually the runic formula is aimed at a certain result: money, personal happiness, career.

It can be applied to paper, wood, or even the body. The energy of the stav begins to act after the activation procedure.

How to choose

There is no consensus on the choice of a personal rune set. The first thing you should pay attention to is the inner flair. Intuition will tell you which of the sets is compatible with your personal energy.

Runes love order, so they must be stored carefully and handled very carefully. Always put them in a special bag.

You can make a set yourself, but it will take time to choose the material of manufacture. Carefully consider every pebble that falls under your feet. Listen to your intuition and collect minerals.

When you find the right amount, free them from the negative energy. Hold for ten minutes under running water. Then lay them out on a dry cloth and let them dry well. Runic signs are applied with special paint.

Wooden runes will also serve well. Go to the forest and ask the trees for help. If you come across a broken branch on the way, use it. When you get a branch, put some coins under the root. This is a fee for services rendered.

When cutting wooden dies, make them flat. Dip each in drying oil to prolong their life. When applying images, say them out loud - runes love when their names are praised.

How to activate correctly

The activation procedure is mandatory - this is a special process that adjusts the characters to a specific person. This is the start of the mechanism: only after it can it be argued that the magical creature of the rune has begun its work.


I greet you friends on the learning and self-development portal, today we will give some tips on handling runes for beginners, since runes are a very well-known thing in our time, but few people really know what it is and why they are really needed.

Well, first of all, I would like to note that the runes are not a newfangled esoteric toy, as many people think, and not even a simple tool for divination, moreover, in the hands of an unwise person, they can harm him himself, since it is rather a very, very long time ago developed an objective mechanism for controlling the energies of the universe. And the sages of the past and the most advanced runologists of our time say that "what is written in runes, it is not given to change even God."

Therefore, the first and most important advice to novice runologists (namely, this is what specialists who study the action of runes are called): remember once and for all - as soon as you use any rune separately or a bunch-formula (for yourself), you somehow change yourself ...

Depending on which runes are used, there are several options for such a change:

  1. You change and at the same time (because of this), you change the situation.
  2. You change the situation and because of this, you change yourself.

But the main thing is that it is always so, the first two points are always interconnected.
Regardless of how exactly this happens, you yourself change uniquely and irrevocably ...

Ethics in working with runes

If you cut runic symbols to someone else, he changes. Before someone cut the formula, remember this.

According to the ethics of professional work with runes and just safety precautions for you and others, it would be very nice to understand the person himself before understanding what he will become after the work you have done ... After all, one will overlap another ... One rune on another ...
Remember that you can come to the same result in different ways ... And you can choose this path too ...

Also, you should be asked to do something for another person. After all, you interfere in his fate. So not only do it because you think it's best for him.

It's none of your business, even if it's the closest person to you. Another thing is that you can offer your help and explain what kind and what will come of it. But in the end, it's up to the individual to decide.

How runic amulets and runes work

One more thing - having made a bunch to a person, tell what can happen and how ... Explain that the talisman you made must be obeyed. And then...
You made a protective amulet, and the person believes that nothing bad will happen to him, by definition ...

Everything in him and around him protests against him going to the meeting place ... And the lock breaks, and the phone distracts, and he sprained his leg. But he still jumps on one leg, headlong. And then a brick will fall on his head… Ahh. Amulet not working!!!

But I also hope it is clear to the beginner that the wise action of the runic amulet in this case was to cause these troubles so that the person would not get to the meeting.

Therefore, the owner of such “magical” things must have the wisdom to notice in which direction they change situations and not prevent them from changing, with their thoughtless and chaotic actions. And if you already know everything, why do you need runes? So if you decide to work with them trust them.
And even more so, one must understand that the amulet for protection against fire “does not work” in the case when a person is flooded with water ...

How rune bundles are built

Usually bundles of runes consist of 3 parts. In any case - (than) - (how) - (total).

Now I'll explain in more detail

How- by what force, from what place, under what circumstances, where do we start, etc.

how- the path itself is written. There may be one rune, there may be several ...

The result is what we will come to or want to come to using this bundle. Here, too, there may be one rune or several. A few are intermediate results.

As an example, we will earn money and we will be happy about it. Here, as you can see, there are two runes. Or two groups of runes...

Since if we, as beginners in working with runes, do not prescribe the second part, then the money that has come can cause even more trouble than before, so here it is imperative to “formulate your desires correctly” so that later you don’t regret that they were fulfilled in a wrong way as we thought and expected it in our head.

Runic formulas

Now, literally in a nutshell, how to compose runic formulas

The rune formula itself can consist of one rune, two, etc. If there are more than nine, we separate this nine with a dot. The more runes in the formula, the less opportunities you have for improvisation, the clearer the path is prescribed, and for beginners, the fewer mistakes they can make ...

And therefore, if something can be solved with one rune, do not cut two, if possible with two, do not cut three, etc. The recommended number is no more than five. And even better, no more than three ... But here, it all depends on what you exactly want to achieve. Sometimes only one rune will be the best option.

If you just need to get out of depression, just to add strength to yourself, just to find knowledge or insight, you cut one rune. Why do you need more. This one rune already has both the path itself and the result.

But the mantika of runes is a completely different topic, and very serious, and requiring a separate presentation ... At the starting point of the path, turn on the scent and go.

Proven formulas are naturally averaged for everyone and will not give an ideal result in your particular situation, keep this in mind.

Therefore, I recommend that even beginners, for the purpose of learning, try to calculate, decompose, think over and understand these formulas - how they work, how they work, what will change both in the situation and in the person who uses this formula, etc.

That is, I offer you a kind of research work with these formulas, and build your own. But sometimes, it is useful not to reinvent the wheel, but to use what has already been invented, at the same time understanding how they ride it. After all, he goes and gives real results, but what else do you need?

Runes can be cut and charged, drawn in front of you in the air, "implanted" into a person, drawn on a hand, drawn on a piece of paper, used as energy flows, etc. In general, everything that your imagination is enough for ... But it is from you it depends on how they will work, how long, in what cases, etc.

According to the classics, they cut an amulet (talisman) and perform a ritual so that a bunch of runes works. And it depends on the ritual itself how long this talisman will work.

Rune diagnostics for beginners

Now let's talk about diagnosing with runes, sometimes, for example, when you are attacked or you need to stop the blood, relieve pain, it is clearly not needed. You know exactly what is happening and immediately take adequate measures. But, if you are making a specific talisman, doing specific work, it is necessary.

“The patient always lies” (“House MD”) The client (and often you yourself) will never (almost) tell you the truth and what is really happening. He (or you) is always white and fluffy and not "guilty" of anything. If he knew what the matter was, he would have coped without your help ... Here is such a strange habit, everything is either time or we do not finish speaking, and neither to ourselves nor to others.

Therefore, in order to avoid the mistakes of beginners in working and diagnosing runes, before doing something to someone, spread the runes and read what is really happening ... Why is the “patient” poor, sick and the girl does not love him ... And only then will you understand what can be done about it.

Sometimes, in order for his girlfriend to fall in love, you just need to get a person out of depression. And in order for him to earn a million, he needs to deal with his wife or his children or parents ... Here is the right Way for you. These are the forces with which we will work.

Do you trust the runes

Sometimes, when diagnosing situations, runes, from your point of view, give out complete nonsense. No need to immediately think that you are an idiot, or your runes, and stop trusting them. Write down the alignment, meditate, think, compare all the information available, ask questions.

The answer will definitely come... It is very good in this case to change the question, to break one big question into several small ones. Up to the point that the runes have to clarify what was meant.

You understood what was the matter and quickly composed the formula ... Do not rush. Let this formula settle down for you. Calculate in advance how the situation will change, the person himself and, accordingly, his character, health, etc. How much does this formula correspond to this particular person ... Go through the different options, maybe you will find a better alternative.

Check everything before use

If a person has a sick heart, are you sure that you need to force him to actively rush forward ... Maybe softer, thinner ... If this is an old grandmother, does she need to cut the same formula as a healthy young man? If a person is a cynic and a callous cracker, is it necessary to aggravate these qualities of him.

To be 100% sure that you will not harm yourself and others, it is very useful to ask the runes what will happen, how the situation will change if you make this bundle and use it, and what will happen if you do NOT.

Surely you will get a lot of information to think about. Especially at first, if you still do not have enough experience. Yes, it will naturally be longer and more difficult, but you will be able to work with runes like a professional, and not like a drunken monkey with a grenade in his hand.

In general, before you joyfully benefit a person by solving his problems, think about how you are going to do it ...

And one more very important point - sometimes the runes will tell you that nothing can be done to this person. In this case, calmly refuse to help him. Just don't do anything.

Most likely, this is his working out of something, or something that he is destined to go through on his own ... His is what they like to call the beautiful word “karma”. You have no right to interfere. Neither you nor him will benefit from this intervention.


So the last rune advice for beginners today is to have the wisdom to change those situations that are necessary, and not influence situations that are not worth influencing. Then your practice will be successful and long, and your advice will be the most working and effective, which is what I wish you. And in the next article or video, see others and much more related to this ancient esoteric system.

In fact, you can do a lot of things with runes, but it’s better to start with divination, because it helps to “build relationships” with runes, improves the perception of their whispers and helps to rake the Augean stables of the subconscious of the magician himself.

Why acquaintance with runic magic should begin with fortune telling

When an inexperienced beginner dabbles in some kind of magic, he awakens in his subconscious a mysterious and dangerous Something that comes out for a walk, turning the beginner's life into a nightmare. Some get off with a fright, others go crazy, get seriously ill or get into trouble. This is due to the fact that during the current (and past lives) any frightening, exciting, frightening, strange experience is forced into the subconscious. Suppressed desires and inexpressible fears formed there a huge "garbage dump of the soul", which psychoanalysts had just begun to rake up. In addition to unpleasant findings, it contains answers to every question that a human being can ask.

Runes for the beginner. Initiation

Acquaintance with runes begins with the purchase of cookies and a notebook. On the first page, you should write out the entire rune row from Fehu to Dagaz and a brief interpretation of them. It's also a good idea to record an invocation to Odin as the Lord of the Runes. Something like: "Odin, Lord of the Runes, bless my spiritual work."

Take the first cookie, put on it the first rune - Fehu. Eat a cookie and listen to your feelings: there will definitely be something unusual. Further, during the day, note and write down events and "signs" thematically related to the adopted rune, and interesting dreams.

Each rune will require from 1 to 9 days to tell about itself, which means from 24 to 216 days of daily fascinating introspection)). Cookies can be replaced with something of your choice, as long as you can draw on it, and then accept the rune.
This variant is taken from "Northern Magic" Aswinn Freya, you can also read about the connection of runes with the deities of the Northern pantheon - this will be needed when consecrating the rune set.

How to choose runes. Buy or make

Selecting a ready-made set. The advice of specialists on the choice of material for the rune set is extremely contradictory. But if you've already passed cookie initiation ”- you have enough right flair to choose a set that is organically compatible with your energy. Do not forget to buy a bag for the runes to store them, the size of your hand should fit in it.
Not bad if a runic phrase is embroidered on it "rat runor rata rett"("runes whisper the right advice") - it is pronounced with every question of the runes, but unusual enough to fly out of your head at the most inopportune moment.

Create your own set. An exciting quest of finding material for runes begins for you. If the desired material is rocks or shells- you have to walk for the next time, looking under your feet, and pick up stones that “look at you”.

At home, they need to be rinsed under the tap and put to dry on the windowsill. When there are more than 24, it's time to get to work. Apply runes immediately with waterproof paint or engrave and then paint. For stability of the paint, you can additionally coat the pebble with varnish. It is important that your runes are flat.- otherwise they will scatter when spilling out of the bag.

If the material is selected wood, you should decide on the breed, and go in search. Any but aspen will do. If you come across an already cut or broken branch, as if "to order" - this is a good sign: the Gods like your idea. If not, find a suitable tree, say hello and ask to give you a branch for a good deed.

You cut off a branch as thick as a finger and leave money, a lock of your hair or a crust of bread at the roots as payment. At home, you remove the bark from the branch, saw it into dice up to half a centimeter thick, and soak it in drying oil for a day so that the wood does not rot or crack. Now you can start carving runes. They love to have their names sung while carving.

25 rune - why is it needed

Attention! A few decades ago, Ralph Bloom introduced the 25th blank rune. This is an analogue of the fifth wheel, completely meaningless from the point of view of runic magic. However, when making runes, it is useful to stock up on a few empty runes in case you lose the stones from the working set.

Runes - consecration

Any rune set needs consecration. The essence of any magical consecration is to cleanse the object of alien energy influences, to bring in and fix the desired energy.

Consecration is carried out on the altar; home, or arranged in any secluded place of power. On the north side of the altar is ice and / or salt, on the east side is a feather or incense, on the south side is a candle, on the western side is water. A bowl with runes is installed in the center.

The place of a magical operation is protected from extraneous influences with the help of "Hammer of Thor": with a ritual knife or just a straightened palm, an inverted “T” is drawn in the direction of the four cardinal points, Heaven and Earth, with the words:

Hammer of Thor, protect this sacred place from the North (East, South,..)!

Finally, the altar itself is blessed. After that, you can light a candle (strictly with matches, not a lighter!) And proceed to the consecration.

The runes are successively showered with salt (or placed on ice), fumigated with incense or swept over with a feather, carried over the fire and sprinkled with water with the words:

I cleanse you with the power of the element of ice, rune set: the power of wind, the power of fire, the power of water ...

Then the bowl is placed in the middle with the words:

The runes are clean and ready for birth

Beer is poured into a glass and an invocation to Odin is made, something like: « Runemaster, wisest Odin, breathe life into these runes through me! «

After you need to pour a little on the ground (floor), drink a little yourself, pour the rest into a bowl with runes. Catch from there one by one and turn to the deity associated with this rune. For example, Vunyo - “Lady Freya, allow some of your divine power to reside in this rune. Let it be so!" . With these words, the rune lying on the altar is circled three times with a finger and blown on it three times ( One, I remember, breathed life into the logs so that they become people. The magician breathes life into a piece of wood or stone to become a Rune.).

After drying the rune with a napkin, it is placed in a rune bag, where it will live from now on. When all 24 runes are consecrated, you need to thank Odin for being invisibly present and helping you. Then, with gratitude, the “Hammers of Thor” are removed in the reverse order: from the altar to the north side, and even the sign of the inverted “T” itself - first the horizontal bar from right to left, then the vertical one - from bottom to top. A burnt-out candle and the ashes of paper napkins are buried in the ground, salt, water and beer can be laid to rest in the ground or running water.

Taras Odintsov(C)2016 especially for website

What are runes and how to work with them? Before you start working with runic magic, be it staves or scripts, they must be activated - both in your mind and in their physical embodiment. This is not difficult to do, but you cannot do without this procedure if you want to work with runes correctly.

In the article:

What are runes and how to work with them

World Tree Yggdrasil

Before you start working with traditional Scandinavian mystical symbols, you should learn what runes are and how to work with them correctly. These signs are the quintessence of the universe itself, embodied in various combinations of nine branches. world tree.

The number nine itself was sacred for the Scandinavian and German peoples. She was paid even more attention than the three - one of the most popular magic numbers, which is found in the esoteric tradition of most of the peoples of the Earth.

Icelandic skald Egil Skallagrimsson. Illustration for the edition of Egil's Saga. XVII century.

In ancient times, the art of reading runes and, moreover, using them in magic was the lot of the elite. The people who knew the runes were called erils. The most famous of them was a certain Egil - the hero of many Old Norse legends and traditions. The most famous and practically preserved work about him is the one written by Snorri Sturlsson "The Saga of Egil". Egil was not distinguished by either beauty or valor, but he was not to occupy the wisdom and depth of knowledge of the mystical sciences. This work is one of the main sources of information on how to work with runes correctly. It contains both recommendations and warnings against the rash use of the power hidden in these signs.

Nevertheless, now any person has the opportunity to touch the mysterious tradition of the Old Norse peoples. There are no restrictions for this - the power of ancient signs can be available to everyone. The main thing is just to know how to work with runes correctly.

How to start working with runes - the process of activating them

The main thing is to set up a connection with the runes

Before starting practical work with the magical signs of ancient Scandinavia, you should activate them in your mind. This process is extremely important - it allows not only to study the direct meaning of each symbol, but also makes it possible to independently draw conclusions regarding the work of each of the runes and its properties. In no case should you neglect them, otherwise the probability of making a mistake in the process of work will be extremely high.

First of all, it is worth noting that the activation of runes in the mind cannot be called a quick task. To learn how to start working with runes, you need to devote at least one, three or nine days to studying each of these signs. You can meditate on the runes, print out images of them, or just think about them constantly and try to find your own associations with them. Such a process of spiritual knowledge should not replace, but supplement practical information about these signs. You will definitely feel the end of the activation process of each rune - at this moment you can tell yourself that you are exactly aware of the meaning, meanings and properties of each of the runes.

Thus, it is necessary to work with each of, and only after that proceed to any practical work. It will not be superfluous in the form of a fortune-telling kit. This does not require any special tools, and this process is described in more detail in a separate article on our website. Here we will consider first of all the direct activation of the runes.

How to work with runes and amulets - learning to activate them

When you make your first runes, each of them will also need to be activated. First of all, this action lies directly in the manufacturing process. When you work with these ancient signs with your own hands, you are already establishing a spiritual connection with them.

In creating a runic set, it is recommended to follow a certain sequence. First, you need to prepare blanks for your future runes, after which you carry them with you for some time and get used to the dice themselves. You can touch them in your hands and meditate with them to understand that these blanks are suitable for you. After that, it is necessary to proceed to the direct manufacture of runes - their cutting and coloring. Runes are made strictly in turn - you take one blank, cut a symbol on it, color it and activate it. The easiest way to activate is to add one or more drops of your blood to the coloring composition.

Another option involves the use of elemental magic. After staining each die, you should carry it over the fire, fumigate with incense smoke, sprinkle with salt and hold it under running water. Also, you can turn to the Northern Gods and Odin- the direct patron of the magical arts and knowledge associated with the runic tradition.

The activation of the finished runic set should also be given quite a long time. It is not recommended to activate more than one plate in one day. Thus, for the second time, you will be able to know each of the runes and further deepen your knowledge in this area. As a result, you will literally feel your dice and accurately solve their predictions when divining on runes.

Making and activating talismans and runic staves

Remember about the service life of the created talismans

When you go through the above stages of immersion in runic magic, the question of how to activate is unlikely to be too difficult for you. Any runic amulet is activated in the same way with a rune set. There is only one additional point - when working with each individual amulet, you must clearly set its validity period. At the end of this period, or upon reaching the intended goals, the amulet must be committed to the earth or fire, thanking him for the work done.

Also, many followers of the Scandinavian tradition and runic magic believe that a necessary element in the manufacture of each of the amulets is an appeal to the Gods of the North. Chief among them is Odin. This is not an entirely correct opinion - most practitioners believe that the runes are fundamental signs in which all the symbolism of the Universe is embodied. And the Northern Gods are only conductors of this knowledge, but not monopoly masters.

Therefore, turning to them and a deeper study of the pagan traditions of the Scandinavian and Germanic peoples, of course, can help in working with runes. But it is by no means an obligatory part of rituals and runic magic. So a person of absolutely any religion can use runic magic without any regard for alien religious traditions.

Why runes don't work - beginner mistakes

The main reason and answer to the question why the runes do not work is their incorrect activation and haste in the process of learning these signs. If you rushed to activate, you should repeat this process from the very beginning, slowly and thoroughly - then you yourself will be able to understand what exactly your mistakes were. It is worth noting that if the runes do not work, this is much better than if they would work, but out of ignorance they could cause harm.

Use only your own runes or from proven masters

If your runes do not work when divining and do not give correct results, then one of the reasons for a possible error is the use of someone else's set. Purchased sets can attract with their aesthetic beauty, however, they are extremely rarely made in accordance with all the traditions and methods of working with these ancient symbols. Moreover, even if the runes were made by a master, they always carry the imprint of his energy, and it will be quite difficult for an outsider to tune in to them.

Also, the cause of problems with the work of divination runes and amulets may be their use by other people. Such things are purely personal, and strangers should be completely forbidden to touch them. It is best if no one knows about them at all except you, or the person for whom you made the talisman.

In general, the process of activating runes is extremely simple, however, it can take a long time. But haste in working with these symbols is much more dangerous than any problems that could be solved with their help. And if you work with runes correctly, study them and learn their capabilities, then you can achieve almost anything.

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