Runic becoming to instill disgust and contempt. Runic love spell

The essence of the runic lapel remains the same as that of any other magical effect performed with the aim of withdrawing love.

Only the instrument changes. Such rune lapel is being done.

In order for the lapel with runes to turn out flawlessly, without consequences, you need to learn how to communicate with them, understand them.

On the other hand, his behavior is also changing not for the better.

Under the influence of runes:

  • a strong person can fall into hysteria,
  • weak - to become foolish,
  • kind - become a doppelgänger of a witch
  • etc.

Runes are powerful, but dangerous. Let's repeat:

experience and skill are required to work with them.

Consider the technique of performing the ritual.

Let's talk about them below. Specialists will figure it out themselves, and for beginners, we will give several long-developed combinations, explaining the nature of their influence.

Now let's talk about the method of applying runes. It is slightly different from what is usually done.

For a runic lapel, it is necessary to draw signs on the forehead or wrist of the victim.

For applying runes, an image is selected from which a person looks directly at the viewer.

His eyes should be clearly visible, his face calm and open.

It is advisable to take a photo specifically, just for the ritual. It must be relatively fresh. You understand that there is a lot of work.

To make a runic lapel, you need black paint or your own blood.

You need to draw a rune with your finger, carefully following its image in the picture.

Beginners often make mistakes, which harm not only the victims, but also themselves.

After applying the rune must be activated.

This is done through blood or breath.

But first, a special condition for the abolition of the magic formula is spoken out. The mage chooses it himself.

For example, if you burn a photo, then the magical effect will be interrupted.

You can set the condition as you wish. Cross out the rune, interrupt the influence.

This is necessary in order to correct your mistake, if it has already been made.

When the magician forgets about this area of ​​\u200b\u200bwork, nothing can be corrected.

Rune "Isa"- helps to overcome nascent or already inflamed feelings.

It is applied to the forehead of the victim (photo).

It should be done at night, in the moonlight.

Write the rune in black ink.

Letters from our readers

Subject: My life has changed for the better!

From whom: Svetlana(sv****** [email protected])

To whom: Responsible for the site

Hello! My name is Svetlana and I want to tell the readers of the site my story of how I was lucky to change my life for the better and get rid of constant lack of money!

I lived like many of us: home, work, children, worries .... and a constant lack of money. You can’t buy toys for children, new clothes, or please yourself with a beautiful dress. My husband also does not have a job.

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Of course, we in the family have learned to live with our finances. But in my heart there was always a constant feeling of resentment and pity for myself. Why is that, I asked myself. Look, others have money, they bought a new car, built a dacha, it is clear that there is prosperity.

I have already begun to lose hope for a good life. But one day I stumbled across the internet.

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But, all this would not have happened if I had not come to this site.

Don't scroll past. Find a couple of minutes for .

But this does not mean parting. Indifferent people get along well with each other, if it is convenient and profitable for them.

To expel love from your heart, the rune "Isa" is applied to the wrist of the left hand.

In the morning, after activation, it can be washed off if it is inconvenient to appear in public with this sign.

However, the rune must remain on the skin for at least seven hours.

But the runes are not washed off from the photo. Just carefully store the images so that no one interferes with your magical actions.

Skill Rune - Hagalaz is used when they want to separate people, destroy their connection.

This is a powerful rune of change.

Its side effect is that it destroys everything that was created before. Nothing remains after her.

Therefore, the magician must apply it with particular care.

Think about what exactly it should touch. It's better to write it down.

Otherwise, it will completely change the life of the victim, not necessarily in a good, convenient way for you.

If you put it on the forehead of the victim, then it will work for one person.

At the time of application, say what exactly should be destroyed. Example:

“I wish that the love (name) for (name) is completely gone. So that he or she sees only flaws in a partner. Let his desire for a partner collapse without a trace. Let him no longer see in other people the traits that aroused sympathy. Let his heart cool forever!”

You can add whatever you want to this list, depending on the situation.

When "Hagalaz" is drawn between partners, it causes quarrels and scandals. They cannot see each other, and not accuse of all possible sins.

In this situation, you also need to say what exactly you want to destroy, not forgetting about the ways to escape from the magic circle. That is, to the description of the action should be added: "if I tear the photo, then the action of the rite will be interrupted."

You can use a combination of these two runes.

It will already be a classic ostuda.

People just quarrel once and part forever.

They are written on the foreheads of both.

If you choose one victim (there may not be enough strength for two), then draw runes between the images.

Lapel Rune Activation

It is not enough to select and apply the necessary signs.

It should also start a magical influence.

When everything is ready, you checked several times whether everything was thought out, whether you left marks for deactivating the rite (tear the photo), and proceed to activation.

  1. To do this, light candles around the photo.
  2. on the rune.
  3. Say these words:

“From this moment, the enmity begins. Quarrels and fights between you (names) happen forever. Never return love. My intention is firm, my hand is strong. My will will never be changed!

Sometimes runes are activated by breathing. This is often talked about.

However, such activation requires experience of interaction with signs.

If there is none, then act with blood.

Here are the simplest runic lapels.

Although this tool can do more complex things.

For example, the combination can be used "Gebo-Turisaz-Isa". It is applied between lovers.

She is fast and irresistible.

People don't understand what happened.

In this way, they destroy families that build their lives happily ever after.

Please note that mindlessly copying complex combinations is extremely dangerous!

The basis of our universe is energy. Properly managing it and directing it in the right direction, you can achieve almost any goal. It works on the principle of energy movement. In love magic and stavas are often used to perform love and lapel rituals.

The main tool of runic magic are sacred symbols - runes. Magicians make up by placing these sacred signs in a certain sequence. Passing through a given formula, the energy of any ritual takes on exactly the form that the magician needs to achieve the desired result.

Most often, the runes of the elder futhark are used in magic. This is a special runic alphabet, consisting of 24 characters.

Runes and lapels

To carry out the most powerful and effective lapel, a sign in the form of a vertical line is used. She acts as a symbol of cooling and freezing. You can use it for the purpose of lapel only once and very carefully. Otherwise, you risk harming your loved one: the abuse of this rune can affect the brain activity of the person being turned away and deprive him of his strength. Repeated use of this sign can also lead to incurable impotence in men, and completely deprive women of the ability to love.

Important nuances

Rune Lapel requires slander- a special spell designed to program the runic formula in the right direction.

I want to warn you that the words for the slander must be chosen very carefully and carefully, to voice in them everything that you want to achieve as a result of the ritual.

This is because runes take the intention of the magician in the most literal sense and looking for the easiest way to solve a given problem. For example, if in a clause you indicate that you do not want to see a person, then it is very likely that you will simply begin to lose your eyesight.

An appeal to the ancient Scandinavian gods will help speed up the action of the runic chain. This issue is decided by the performer of the rite on an individual basis. Remember only one thing: if you made a lapel, asking for help from a certain god, you must definitely leave him gifts.

The phase of the moon for the runes does not matter. But if you wish, you can use the classic condition of love magic: love spells are carried out on the growing moon, lapels - on the waning one.

How to make a runic lapel yourself

When starting the ritual, be sure to familiarize yourself with all the runes and study the principle of work and the meaning of each of them.

Cool yourself off man

If you want to get rid of unnecessary feelings for a certain person and end relationships that do not bring happiness and cause only negativity, you can cool your feelings with the help of runes.

For the ceremony you will need your own photo, on which you need to apply a runic becoming (you can use a marker): — — . Draw the same formula on your body. At the same time, pronounce a reservation - it must be formulated in your own words, but in such a way that your intention is clearly formulated in the spell. The clause might sound something like this:

“Let this cool cool my heart to (name of the chosen one). Let indifference to him settle in my soul. Let the runes (names of the runes) help me feel free from his love.

strong way with photo

The rite is used if you need to turn two people away from each other, to separate them. The runic formula is applied to a joint photograph of the victims of the lapel ritual and looks like this: — — (upside down)

Let's take a closer look at the rune love spell complex - with a detailed description of all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

Here we individually clean and remove all unnecessary things from the head

rabbit, blocks, corrals, etc. I usually bet for 3 days, but it is possible for 7-9 days.

If before that you imposed something on your rabbit, then in parallel we do

cleaning from staves, so that the rabbit is clean, fresh and ready for

work. I usually use nauthies-soulo-nauthies also for three days with

We remove insults, especially if there was a strong quarrel and the rabbit does not make contact. Becoming

this one is applied with one's own blood without fail. I usually put it like this

same for three days.

We erase unpleasant thoughts and memories of ourselves, any negative that crawl

can remember, for example, a quarrel or resentment, we erase all this, so that

for sure. I put it at the same time as becoming a hat. work together

Usually I stipulate that the crawl could not think badly of me, could not remember unpleasant moments, etc. Becoming breaks any

trying to think about what you say.

Surprise and the Muslims also went with me, I just pulled what I needed

do exactly that.

In each church I put 3 candles for the funeral. We turn the candle over while we go to the mortuary table, quietly peel off

wick on the back so that your manipulations are not noticed. We put

candles, we say in a whisper: “God rest the WILL of the slave (.) in the kingdom

yours." You can visualize a submissive rabbit while doing this.

You can do according to Stepanova “I light three candles”, but the truth itself is not

did, advised, so I can’t say anything about this ritual.

We can also add weakening with Runes, in the photo there are 4 inverted crosses

algiz, in the corners 4 inverted teyvaz (you can teyvaz in the middle

hagalaza, as precisely the destruction of the will). Photo with easing I don't burn up

horror, he suited me the most. I usually paint with blood on my photo, but

here, as you like.

Only black magic!

store, modeling volta is a very interesting activity. She shed her blood.

I’ll tell you right away I didn’t have bindings, so I put a photo inside the volt

man in full growth.

Of the runic love spells, I can advise "The Scarlet Flower", I'm sorry I don't remember the authorship, a love spell for 3 or 7

chakras, but there are also many nuances for their implementation, for a joint

I like the photo PNP - a love spell on streams, someone goes well with “packaging

for a rabbit ", then choose for yourself, on different rabbits - different

the result, however, compared with Mansour, is short.

In runes, the result still depends on the offering. Turning to Freya

I always make a honey drink and pour it under the tree. Worked once

a love spell of three runes just with a good offering, it still holds

now, so it’s not necessary here once in a while.

The only prisushka, becoming the Labyrinth (so that the rabbit wanders in his

thoughts and feelings for you, of course, close from all the women and become longing

from the Trap. In parallel with becoming melancholy, I use to cause melancholy / thirst with

depends on the opinion of society and everyone tells him that being with you is nonsense -

we change the stereotype of his thinking and he stops listening to society

and so on., here, too, everything is individual, but I think you get the point. This standing on

this moment always amazes me with its results.

I supplement immediately with a Magic pendel or something else that I'm good at

goes, so here look at your practice. Once there was a situation

so neglected that Mansour had to do "Cry out the soul", but this

quite an extreme case. More calls on the Seraphim are going well.

Here, you may even have to sweat for more than one day. But if the crawl does not go to

contact means most likely either the protection was poorly penetrated or not suppressed

Zmeelov's pipe if you want your partner to open up to you, as well as

add before meetings on his photo "the joy of communication", "sexy

gingerbread "+" thoughts only about you. "So that the crawl is completely occupied with thoughts

only about you. I do not recommend adding bets on jealousy, the last time

my rabbit didn't talk to me for a week because of a phone call, until

I always use THREE staves at the same time - with a black marker on their

joint photo. Works ALWAYS.

Remember the names of the stakes:

- Becoming a Claw of Discord - instill disgust or contempt. We put on the photo

rabbits or on their joint. We don’t put on a rabbit, you can screw up and

his disgust will go to you.

Damage of any complexity. Love witchcraft. Working with thieves. I don’t work with sub-settles, I don’t drive demons.

Love complex from personal practice

I will say right away - Krol is complex, almost impenetrable (to everything else, he is also a Muslim).

I fought for a long time, wrote down everything I did, and eventually came to such a complex, which I now use on other people.

In each church I put 3 candles for the funeral. We turn the candle over while we go to the mortuary table, quietly peel off the wick from the back so that your manipulations are not noticed. We put candles, we say in a whisper: “God rest the WILL of a servant (.) in your kingdom.” You can visualize a submissive rabbit while doing this.

You can add De-ja-vu from the Trap, with the stipulation to return to the time when you had feelings with the crawl, and so on.

Remember the names of the stakes:

Becoming Divorce. You can try the gap arrow.

And according to the classics - a cross on the rails of relations.

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Complex of love spells and challenges (runes)


1. cleaning him and her first with rosenrot, then with lily of the valley

2 Laguz + Dagaz + Soulo. Second plan: Manaz, Uruz

Left and right of Manaz:

Quort + Tours + Raido + Naut. Second plan: Evaz

Far left: Laguz + Soulo + Naut. Second plan: Teyvaz

Far right: Laguz + Naut + Yera

2. Snow bulls demolish protection.

The second plan we get is the hidden Hagazaz.

Uruz is pure force, energy. And this is the power of the Runic egregore.

The situation with Tuzik and a heating pad.

3. cleaning yourself. - any

4. candles for the doves for the repose FOR REMOVING THE PROTECTION OF THE CHRISTIAN ERGREGOR

5. burned cleansing.

6. her: tantrums, a cross on the rails of relationships, an ice pick on the head and heart, a cold bed, age the enemy.

7. him: pecked with calls to pendel 1 and 2 at once for one photo.

8. activated by incineration.

9. lapels from her, gebo-tur-isa, Eyvaz isa, Ice pick, Naud-hagalaz-gebo-hagalaz Naud.

in the end, madam kicked the rabbit out.


Formula "Outbursts of uncontrollable rage" Turizas-nautiz-isa-hagalaz

Your tantrums are the result of any conversation.

You hit them

Fencing off the sense of common sense with a fence.

You are angry that the sun is shining.

You are unhappy that the children are laughing.

Eyes teary and head spinning.

And there has been a rumor about you for a long time

that you are a hysteric and a terrible migera,

And your relatives are about to run out of nerves.

Tolerate you, your tantrums.

You lost everyone and loneliness is a reward

After all, life with you has already become hell!

If the visa does not suit you, just say it in your own words.

And how to do it "by letter" you, probably, no one will help you, tk. everything is purely individual and developed with practice.

Overcoming everything. (Evie)

And the power and strength will help us,

All prompting to action. (Yuss)

Heat will warm your soul

The fire will burn in your chest. (Kow)

Communication is a gift, like a gift of the Gods,

Unity and love longing. (Gabe)

You are the hammer of Thor and the gate

You are sexual desire. (Tauss)

Like an explosion of love, desires, feelings,

The need to see, to touch.

You are led to me by God,

Come to me without regret.

Kenaz + Gebo - desire for you (both sexual and any other).

Thurisaz - sets the direction of the runes going in front of him, enhances their effect and sexual desire, if necessary.

All together - this is a kind of explosion of feelings and desires, the need to see, touch, feel.

1. Eikhvaz + Urus - a powerful impetus to action

2. Kenaz + Gebo - desire for you. call, come, see.

3.Turizas-clearing obstacles, challenge

Ringing stream of a mountain river

With the power of passion carries you (Eyvaz-Tours-Laguz)

In the arms of the one that is desired

You need it (Kenaz-Gebo-Laguz)

The one that is your happiness and joy (Vuno)

I tried it myself. Powered by "Hurrah" There is a slight love spell effect. Do you recognize the "feminine attractiveness" of Kenaz-Gebo-Laguz? Previously, there was a desire to come, see, fill up, but here the tenderness and attractiveness emanating from you beckon him around all the obstacles to strive into your arms.


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    I will say right away - Krol is complex, almost impenetrable (to everything else, he is also a Muslim).

    I fought for a long time, wrote down everything I did, and eventually came to such a complex, which I now use on other people.

    1. Becoming "cockroach cleaning" from Sam.

    Here we individually clean and remove all unnecessary things from the head of the rabbit, blocks, pens, etc. I usually bet for 3 days, but it is possible for 7-9 days.

    If before that you put something on your rabbit, then at the same time we do a cleaning of the staves so that the rabbit is clean, fresh and ready for work. I usually use the nauthies-soulo-nauthies cleansing also for three days with the appropriate stipulation.

    2. Becoming a "Hat" from Orobas - from insults and blocks.

    We remove insults, especially if there was a strong quarrel and the rabbit does not make contact. Becoming this is applied with your blood without fail. I usually do the same for three days.

    3. Becoming "Eraser" from the Trap - erase from memory.

    We erase unpleasant thoughts and memories about ourselves, any negative that the rabbit can remember, for example, a quarrel or resentment, we erase all this, to be sure. I put it at the same time as becoming a hat. They work together just great.

    4. Becoming "Tumbler" from Orobas - turn off unnecessary thoughts. Having become this one, I leave it to work for the whole complex, that is, I don’t burn it at all.

    Usually I stipulate that the rabbit could not think badly about me, could not remember unpleasant moments, etc. Becoming breaks any attempts to think about what you say.

    In each church I put 3 candles for the funeral. We turn the candle over while we go to the mortuary table, quietly peel off the wick from the back so that your manipulations are not noticed. We put candles, we say in a whisper: "God rest the WILL of a servant (.) in your kingdom." You can visualize a submissive rabbit while doing this.

    You can do “I light three candles” according to Stepanova, but I didn’t do it myself, they advised me, so I can’t say anything about this ritual.

    We can also add a weakening with Runes, in the photo there are 4 inverted algiz crosses, in the corners 4 inverted teivaz (you can teivaz in the middle of hagalaz, how exactly the destruction of the will). I do not burn photos with attenuation until the end of the work.

    6. We break the protection of the rabbit. I use becoming "Scrap" for 3-7-9 days, and removing the protection on the egg.

    7. Before the love spell itself, we put runic protection on ourselves. I put on a helmet of horror, it suits me the most.

    8. On growth, I imposed a Love spell acute Mansur. It is not difficult to carry out. I order wax in an online store, modeling a volt is a very interesting activity. She shed her blood. I’ll tell you right away I didn’t have any bindings, so I put a full-length photo of a person inside the volt.

    Of the runic love spells, I can advise “The Scarlet Flower”, I’m sorry I don’t remember the authorship, a love spell for 3 or 7 chakras, but here there are also many nuances for their implementation, I like the PNP love spell on streams in a joint photo, someone goes well with “packaging for rabbit, then choose for yourself, for different rabbits - a different result, though compared to Mansur - a short one.

    In runes, the result still depends on the offering. Turning to Freya, I always make a honey drink and pour it under a tree.

    You can add De-ja-vu from the Trap, with the stipulation to return to the time when you had feelings with the crawl, and so on.

    9. In parallel with this, I do it on different days (while the love spell unwinds) Becoming the only prisushka, becoming the Labyrinth (so that the rabbit wanders in his thoughts and feelings for you, of course Close from all the women and becoming longing from the Trap. In parallel with becoming on I apply longing to cause longing / thirst with salt in the photo.

    10. In difficult situations, I add a chic becoming SPIM - a change in stereotypes of behavior and thinking. For example, if a person depends on the opinion of society and everyone tells him that being with you is nonsense - we change the stereotype of his thinking and he stops listening to society, etc., here Everyone is different, but I think you get the gist. This standing at the moment always amazes me with its results.

    11. In order for the rabbit to communicate, we put Becoming a “Smerch” from Orobas, usually I immediately add a Magic Pendle or something else that works well for me, so look here according to your practice. Once there was a situation so neglected that Mansur had to do “Cry out the soul”, but this is already a very extreme case. More calls on the Seraphim are going well.

    Here, you may even have to sweat for more than one day. But if the rabbit does not make contact, then most likely they either broke through the defense poorly or the will is not suppressed.

    12. When communication begins, here you are already on yourself - the Sun, the Bright Star, and so on. When meeting with a partner, make a serpent's pipe on yourself if you want the partner to open up to you, and also add “the joy of communication”, “sexy gingerbread” + “thoughts only about you” before meetings in his photo. So that the crawl is completely occupied with thoughts only about you. I don’t recommend adding bets on jealousy, the last time my rabbit didn’t talk to me for a week because of a phone call, until it burned down.

    13. Well, do not forget to put protection on relationships.

    14. I completely forgot about my rivals. Usually, if you need to destroy a relationship, I always use THREE staves at the same time - a black marker on their joint photo. Works ALWAYS.

    Remember the names of the stakes:

    - Becoming a Claw of Discord - instill disgust or contempt. We put on the photo of the rabbit or on their joint. We don’t put on the rabbit, you can mess it up and his disgust will go to you.

    Becoming Divorce. You can try the gap arrow.

    And according to the classics - a cross on the rails of relations.

    And that's it. The result will not keep you waiting.

    15. Good luck to all of you on the way to your happiness!


    Work complexes for love spells

    Any situation requires more than one or two rituals for its solution. All magical effects are carried out in a complex, and it is very important to correctly build this complex in order to achieve a result.

    So, the scheme that is used in cases where there is no rival, you only need to bewitch a person.

    1. Cleaning (necessarily done before any impact, so that it lays flat).

    2. Removal of protection (if the diagnosis shows this protection, or there are suspicions that the person is not easy).

    3. Weakening of will.

    4. Love spell first (usually black).

    5. Love spell of the second (usually cemetery).

    7. In the intervals between love spells, you can make calls, troubles.

    8. If there is a need, between paragraphs 4 and 5 - egylet.

    If there is a rival, on the waning moon between love spells we make a lapel-string complex. Which is done in the sequence of cooling - lapel - splitting.

    How and what should be done? Everyone's situations are so similar - and at the same time SO different - that there can be no single recipe. But you can try to deduce the main steps, which should not be neglected after all.

    1. The object of the love spell should at least know you, know where to look for you, at least one sexual contact in the past is almost always desirable (if nothing is happening now).

    2. Cleaning and cleaning again. Often the reason for a breakup or unwillingness to communicate lies in the fact that too much negativity has accumulated on you, on him, or in the "space" around you. So, in order for the love spell to fall into place correctly, the negative must be removed, this can be compared with the rules for gluing two surfaces: apply glue to a clean, fat-free surface, and so on.

    3. Do not get carried away: sometimes you need to be able to wait. If you sculpt one love spell on another without any measure and system, there is a backlash. It is no longer him, and you begin to be bewitched by him.

    4. Rivals and rivals. They must be taken into account always and without fail, even if nothing is known about their existence.

    5. Contact with the bewitched. It's always good to have it. If it is not there, you need to create it, while not giving the object the impression that you are obsessively looking for communication with him, even if he is on the other side of the planet, there are always means of communication (in our time).

    6. Stop in time, you ALWAYS need to maintain in the mind of the object of love spell the idea that you seem to love him, but at the same time you can go somewhere, and God forbid, forever. If he is initially sure that you are always at his feet, that he is your one and only, that no one else can even slightly interest you, nothing good will come of it. This is psychology, not magic, but its share in relationships always has a place to be.

    Universe of secret knowledge - Runic Magic, Tarot, Club of practitioners, Black magic and runes

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    Runic love spells

    Perto-Kenaz-Gebo-Nautiz is a rather hard love spell.

    Gebo-Kenaz-Vunyo - “flame of love”

    Gebo-Inguz-Evaz - runes love spell, probably with marriage;

    Nautiz - Kenaz - Mannaz - Uruz - Vunyo - rabbit packaging.

    Mannaz is an object whose energy the Rune feeds on

    Kenaz - the flame of passion (?)

    Gebo - partnerships

    Vunyo is the joy of this ..

    Gebo - again relationships and partnerships

    Otala - common home, family

    And read the reviews too. It seems to work as a love spell or a challenge, I don’t remember, but still.

    When I find that material, I’ll post it right away, I just don’t remember where I read the discussion of this formula

    ergi ok æði ok óþola;

    svá ek þat af rist,

    sem ek þat á reist,

    ef gerask þarfar þess.""

    just like cutting

    I will give you lust, sorrow and madness.

    But I can save that evil divination

    And remove the spell whenever I want."

    Read the original sources - and you will be happy.

    that is, it’s not about a love spell, but about such a punishment - like run to me, because if you don’t run, the Tursy will punish you and still bring you to me.

    something like this (I do not pretend to be true)

    You will want wildly sex, you will climb the wall, but it will be removed at the behest of the one who did it. And he must remove the causes and harmonize the Chaos that will be.

    Richard» 26 Sep 2014, 00:56

    Let the spell act for as long as the caster wants it.

    (You can write it directly - let the spell be valid for 2 (or other) days from the time it was cast.)

    Laguz let me find an approach to the object and he does not feel compelled.

    (Here Laguz is used to circumvent the subject's natural defenses: love for another (oh), moral and ethical attitudes, etc., to hide the impact)

    Kennaz make the target feel sexually attracted to me.

    Let a talisman be created that starts and stops at the will of the owner.

    Let the owner of the talisman become the subject of the spell, and the object chosen by the subject (it is clear that it is different every time)

    Nauthiz - let the object unconditionally obey the spell - we suppress the will of the person - we subordinate him to the "will" of the talisman, "dry", we force him to fulfill the spell's algorithm.

    Kenaz - let lust take over him and overshadow his mind

    We cause an attack of passion, desire in the object and we add an obsession with the realization of these desires, otherwise people are different - you can lust even at a distance and do nothing.

    Laguz - let the experience not leave a mark and / or leave a desired mark - we take care of the consequences and our comfort - so that later we don’t have to deal with a sudden love on the basis of successful sex; we remove possible remnants of the strong influence of Nauthiz + Kenaz - we wash it off with water (Laguz), we stipulate one-time use and at the same time we leave ourselves the possibility of further manipulations by a person - what if you like it.

    (It would be better to say - "let all the effects of this spell be removed, except for those that the subject wishes.")

    Let this spell work on (name)

    May the spell take effect when I wish and end when I wish.

    Kenaz - let the victim burn with passion for me

    Naud - let the victim be forced to urgently realize his desire.

    Winjo - let both parties have fun

    Laguz - let the victim not guess about witchcraft.

    Visualization (optional): a person is attracted to me by a magnet.

    It makes sense to make the spell final, because a constant love spell based on sex can lead to unforeseen circumstances.

    Multiple-final is better. Those. this is a spell that will "shoot" small end spells. It's better because a love spell is almost a one-time thing, and it's hard to cast the final spell every time.

    1) Let the target of this spell be<имя>.(If a love spell is done for another person, then it makes sense to take, say, Gebo or Eihwaz to symbolize the connection between these two people. Because identifying only an object or only a subject with runes will not be a complete identification, it is better to identify both of them, but in context love spell "both" can be identified exactly Eihwaz.Type of rope with marked ends - this end clings to (name), and this one to (name).)

    2) His will will be broken and he will obey the spell (Hagalaz)

    3) Let him/her want to have sex with me (or someone else) (Kenaz)

    4) The spell will expire when the caster (subject) wants it.

    Let a talisman be created, wearing it - the subject, and the one whom the subject mentally points to - the object

    Kenaz - let the object be overwhelmed with sexual desire towards the subject

    Naud - let him not be able to resist and be forced to seek sex with the subject.

    Gebo - let the object and the subject enjoy, and their relationship on this in an amicable way (without tantrums) will stop if the subject does not wish otherwise. (if desired, this spell must be replaced by something else).

    Richard» 26 Sep 2014, 00:57

    Hagalaz (destruction of barriers, elimination of "complexes", everything that interferes) + Kenaz (passion, desire, irresistible craving) + Naud (push, coercion, indication of the need for action)

    Turisaz (removal of obstacles, push) + Kenaz + Naud (passion, desire) + Vunyo (mutual joy, elimination of shyness, insecurity) + Gebo (to strengthen further relationships, complete mutual understanding)

    Soulo (eliminating obstacles, complexes, everything that can hinder the development of relationships, giving self-confidence) + Kenaz (passion, desire) + Eyvaz (mutual passion, bonds, mutual understanding) + Vunyo + Gebo (further joyful development of relations, joy from resolved problems etc.)

    Teyvaz (push, victory over oneself, determination, getting rid of fear) + Kenaz (passion, desire) + Vunyo (joy, achievement of the plan).

    edge» Sep 30, 2014, 06:47 pm

    How to stipulate, just every rune?

    Sory if this question was and I'm repeating myself.

    The clauses in the topic are given - it is written how to stipulate each rune. That's how you stipulate.

    Nyd (naud) (main and secondary) - longing, strong need for a person, coercion,

    Gyfu (Gebo) - the desire to be together, marriage, partnership, the connection of 2 energies.

    Odal - the desire to have a family with the subject,

    Wyn (Vuno) - be happy, live in harmony, rejoice with the subject,

    Yera is a stable, fruitful result and closing in a constant cycle.

    As - Divine power and support,

    Ac - Mighty nourishment of the union and reliable support.

    Rad (3pcs) - the direction of energy in the right direction, as well as all attention, all the roads of the object lead to the subject, the whole life path is only with the subject.

    Thorn (thurs) - aggressive defense that does not allow outsiders into this union,

    Elhaz (Algiz) - protection of the union,

    Ear - without a subject - death to you.

    "At midnight, I will light the spring candles, I will call, I will wake up the sisters of Ognevits

    You wake up fire sisters

    how the streams of God flow from east to west

    I will choose one of the seven streams

    I'll fill it with flames

    A stream will flow, a fiery river

    This fiery river will carry

    Fire sisters to Mother Earth

    And that scorching river will ascend, the fiery river into the soul of my man-husband (name)

    Murder his clean eyes

    A fiery fire will kindle in his chest

    Zapolit zealous heart

    Dry up his mind (name)

    To think about me

    Hours and days of the day yearned for me

    Father and mother of relatives did not remember

    Dreamed of me alone

    So that his thoughts about others pass away, disintegrate into ashes

    No matter how his soul cries, fights back

    Let the fire burn in the soul

    In fiery fire, love fire, land fire.

    Working runes: Mannaz + teyvaz (secondary) - a man, an object of influence. Berakana clinging to him - respectively Zhn.

    Ansuz (zerk) love spell energy, acting through words.

    Nautiz (secondary) - coercion, stabilization of a love spell.

    Ansuz + Nautiz make "him" think about "her".

    Jera makes it permanent, never-ending.

    Kenaz - "hot sisters of Ognevitsa" + Laguses - streams of passion that lead to "love" rallying.

    Vunyo make relationships harmonious and joyful.


    Sometimes we really want two certain people to stop communicating with each other, end their relationship, quarrel. Moreover, we can talk not only about a love union, which we want to break because of falling in love with one of the partners, but also about friendship, relationships between colleagues or relatives. Although, to be honest, formulas for discord in the love area are the most popular. Leaving aside the moral background of the question, let's talk about how it is possible to forcibly break the connection between people, and the runic quarrel will help us in this forever.

    What is a runic squabble and how does it work?

    Despite the fact that completely different runes can be used in such formulas, the principle of the tie for a quarrel will always be the same. Ancient magical symbols change the character of people or the circumstances in which they are, send them a haze, and instead of a good relationship with each other, these people begin to swear among themselves, scandalize, and in most cases stop communicating altogether. We can say that the runic standing-strife is a wall between people that grows suddenly, out of the blue.

    Rules for applying, negotiating and activating bets on a split

    In order not to repeat the same thing ten times when describing each stave, we will immediately tell you about the general rules for working with these runic formulas. It is best to apply them on a joint photo of those people whom we want to separate by different roads. We negotiate in full or in full (depending on your desire or the advice of the author of the formula). We activate in the way that we consider the most appropriate.

    Runic becoming "Lightning"

    This simple runic becoming is a quarrel of friends, lovers, relatives. Used as a general purpose.

    Runes that work

    • - this is lightning that burns love or friendly affection
    • Two Ises - cold, alienation of partners, as well as a "fixer" of the stav
    • Hagalaz - responsible for the destruction, destruction of relationships
    • - leads people in different ways

    A simple rune quarrel "Ice of relations" from D. Raven

    This runic stav-rassorka from the runologist Dmitry Raven works very effectively, although there are only four working runes in it, three of which are repeated.

    • Gebo is a symbol of relationships that we want to destroy
    • Three Ises - ice that freezes all the good feelings people have for each other

    Rupture Arrow Runic Formula by Vitoria

    The runic standing-rassorka "Arrow of the gap", according to the words of the author (runologist Vitoria), acts very gently and imperceptibly, i.e. lovers begin to experience cooling to each other not instantly and immediately, but gradually, which will allow them not to notice outside interference in the relationship. It is better to negotiate in a punny way, be sure to focus not just on quarrels, but on the breakup of the couple.

    Runes involved in the formula

    • Hagalaz destroys relationships between people
    • forcing people to break
    • The reverse destroys the joy of communication between lovers with each other
    • Mirroring reduces their mutual sexual attraction
    • lowers the level of libido of both partners
    • Inverted Ansuz destroys understanding and provokes scandals
    • Isa blocks the exit, does not allow people to get out of the situation without breaking the relationship

    Rune becoming "The collapse of relations" from forest Fairy

    This runic becoming is a quarrel for a husband and a mistress, or for legal spouses (in case it is just the third side of the love triangle that does it). The author is a runologist with the nickname forest Fairy. Under the influence of the runes, constant quarrels, scandals begin to occur in the couple, the feelings of lovers cool down and, as a result, the relationship falls apart.

    Runes that work

    • Two Hagalaz - destroy relationships
    • Two Ises - freeze, cool people's feelings for each other
    • Two Fehus make quarrels permanent
    • Inverted - responsible for the constant cooling of the senses

    Runic formula "Cross of relations" from D. Raven

    Another work from a runologist named Dmitry Voron. This runic becoming is a quarrel under any circumstances. It is impossible to predict in advance exactly how the runes will work, because when they are used, the relationship will destroy itself. But the fact that the result will be fast is for sure. The author promises the separation of the couple two weeks after. The formula resembles the “Ice of Relationships” above, but one is removed from it and Hagalaz is added. First you need to draw the central part of and Hagalaz, then draw two Isa along the edges of the tie. Discussed in full.

    Formula "Quarrels, swearing, dirt" from Insolate

    Icelandic black runes

    • Úr, causing partners mutual irritation at the sight of each other
    • Ýr, provoking constant scandals and disagreements
    • Æsingur, causing people to hate each other

    When making a reservation, we mention the names of people and pronounce the general effect of the formula (irritation, scandals, disagreements, disgust).

    Runic rassorka "Corrida" from Insolate

    Another runic squabble from the same author. Relationships collapse under its influence, and the showdown becomes not just stormy, but also public - people begin to swear not only in private, but also in front of relatives, friends, acquaintances. Such a "show" simply could not be called otherwise than "Corrida". Becoming created to quarrel with colleagues at work, but, according to practicing runologists, it also works on married couples.

    Icelandic black row

    • Úr - makes people look like a pair of wild, angry bulls
    • Ýr - is responsible for the "circle" of quarrels, disagreements and scandals, provides a "permanent basis" for showdowns
    • Hagall - blocks the way out for partners, thereby preventing scandals from being avoided
    • Æsingur - causes all the dirt (disgust, desire to scandal, call names, insult each other), undermines the moral foundations of people
    • Stunginn Kaun - awakens all the vices in people, reveals their negative sides, and sometimes even forces them to dissolve their hands

    Runic becoming "Wall between people" from Anwar

    The runic “Wall between people” stand-up works on a slightly different principle than the previous formulas. He makes the “experimental” not violently sort things out, but silently hate each other, not trust - and gradually their communication is reduced to nothing. Under the influence of runes, a special psychological block is created between people.

    Symbols included in the ligature

    • Two - means two people whom we want to quarrel
    • Stan - wall, stone, barrier between them
    • (inside the Stan rune) - distrust, gossip, deceit, and other things that arise between people

    We put on a photo where people are standing next to each other - Mannaz on their heads, and Stan with Ansuz turned on - in the middle.

    Here we have such an impressive list of rune squabbles. I don’t think it’s necessary to talk about the consequences for the operator conducting the ritual - any violent intervention in someone else’s life, and even more destructive, leads to a powerful rollback - but, however, this does not stop everyone. So proceed solely at your own peril and risk.
