Testimony of the servant of God Andrew about the afterlife. "I am your eternal debtor

Transcript of an audio recording made on December 5-6, 2004 in Sergiev Posad. The text retains the stylistic features of the author's speech.

“... but God chose the foolish of the world to shame the wise, and God chose the weak of the world to shame the strong” (1 Corinthians 1:27)
The servant of God Andrei is a bright phenomenon in the Church life of the entire Orthodox world. Everything he experienced and saw on the night before the Assumption touched the hearts of Orthodox people, made many seriously think about the meaning of life on earth, about the immortality of the soul.
Andrey's testimonies are an addition to Church Tradition. They do not contradict the Church’s teaching on ordeals, which reflect similar testimonies of the separation of the soul from the body - the nun Theodora (“The ordeal of St. Theodora”), the baptized, but unchurched K. Ikskul (“Unbelievable for many, but a true incident”), as well as testimonies other people from all over the world. Andrei's narrations about the future of Russia are consistent with the prophecies of the holy fathers of the Church, as well as with the prophecies of well-known saints of God who have not yet been glorified. But in the case of Andrei, there are significant differences: not everyone who has been in the other world, went through 20 ordeals and visited many villages of Heaven and hell, not everyone was open to the future, not everyone was honored to see the Trinitarian God, talk with the Lord Jesus Christ and His Most Pure Mother, as well as with four more saints especially revered in Russia!
The event that happened to Andrei is the grace of God! The Lord thus sends us His help - to prepare for the inevitable trials, to resist the temptations near the coming Antichrist and worthily pass into eternal life. Such help is needed in our troubled and evil time, when many believers feel like sheep without shepherds. "Where are the mentors? They are not here!" - said Blessed Pelageya of Ryazan, prophesying our time. Andrei gave answers to many questions that tormented people, destroyed modern heresies, and strengthened many in the correctness of the chosen path. He voiced the truth, as it is, without reference to human teachings, and received suffering for this. “Go to Temples to the last, participate in all the sacraments of the Church, do not accept numbers and new documents, repent of all sins while you have the opportunity,” these are the main instructions from Andrei’s testimonies. Andrey speaks briefly and simply about the most difficult issues - only what was revealed to him and only what is necessary for the salvation of the soul.
We do not have many such witnesses of the afterlife as the servant of God Andrei, therefore his assessment of modern spiritual life is extremely important for us, living in the time before Christ.

About the future of Russia

That's what he said, yes, what was shown to me, it's all like a prophecy, as if I confirm the prophecies, I only saw it in 2001. It was all with me at the Dormition of the Mother of God. Such will be the disasters in Russia: first, it will start from Moscow, ... there will be a failure, there will be three failures in Moscow, after the first failure there will be no passage! Something connected with Lenin... his reburial, something like that, there will be no more holy relics at this time, the Lord will remove them. There will be no holy relics in Moscow! There will be a disaster in Kazan... Kazan, Saratov, Volgograd region.., Volgograd and Astrakhan regions will be flooded with water. Kazan - there will also be some disasters; St. Petersburg will be flooded with water. After these disasters, China will go to war, when China sees that Russia is in such a distressful situation, China will go ... and many of our people will die. They will reach the Urals and will be stopped by the Mother of God. There will be a manifestation of the Queen of Heaven from Heaven and the Mother of God will stop them, they will be afraid and run away from here, from Russia. Many will turn to Vera, this will stop the war in Russia. It will be about a few months, maybe eight months this war will last.
Then, this part of Russia will remain: this is the Vladimir region, Yaroslavl, Moscow, except for Moscow. Times will be hard. Sergiev Posad will be crowded with people, people will run here as if to a holy place, a saving place, there will be many people here.
- And Diveevo?
- Diveevo will remain, Diveevo will not be subjected to anything like that ... There will be a Tsar in Russia! The tsar will be in Vladimir, the capital will be Vladimir ... that Russia will not perish, this will be the Resurrection of Russia, the Revival of Russia will be! Under the Tsar, life will improve in Russia, some time will pass, and then, as you know, they will elect one tsar for the whole world. It will be the Antichrist! Then there will be persecution of the Orthodox again.
- In our country?
- Yes, in our country and everywhere ... (Rev. 13:7 - Ed.)
The ninety-ninth year could be the end of life altogether! So many people have sinned that the Lord already wanted to destroy us for our sins. And then the Mother of God belittled the Lord, so that the Lord would give time for repentance, at least a little time.

Can I take communion now?

- Andrey, the question is, now many believers have the opinion that in Moscow it is already impossible to take communion in Temples, well, because many priests have accepted the TIN and the Temples themselves have already accepted the TIN and there are six-pointed asterisks on the walls, is it possible, that's it - still now to receive communion in some separate Temples?
- You have to do it yourself, people have to figure it out and understand it themselves! If I now say that, for example, in Moscow you can’t go to Church, you can’t understand it that way! In the Church, - I was told so, - to go to the last, confess, take communion, and where to go, it's up to you to see where it is better for you, how the Lord leads you!

Rule of schema nun Anthony

- Andrei, about the rule of schema nun Anthony about begging for aborted babies?
- Follow, follow the rule of Anthony, you will beg for your children, and you yourself will be saved!

Commemoration of the dead

I saw many relatives and acquaintances in hell, and many of them had loops on them! They were directly tied with these nooses and could not raise their heads. Then I asked the Angels, and these souls said, shouted that our relatives did this to us, who do not go to Church, do not order for us, do not pray, do not remember us, but decorate with these wreaths. And the wreath is a loop! And on some souls there were many, many of these nooses. Those who buy wreaths, put - these are loops! To make it easier for them (to the deceased - Ed.) and alleviate your sin, which of you put these wreaths, you need, firstly, to remove them from there, from the cemeteries, and repent, so that the Lord would have mercy on us and these deceased who are in hell, in such sufferings with these loops!
It is better to commemorate, to commemorate the biggest - this is magpie! Sorokousty - the more ... in 3 places, you can order more, up to 7 Churches, so that there is a constant prayer for the deceased. So they are saved, they leave hell completely, they are transferred to a new place where it is easier, from one difficult place ... to where it is easier. And so, over time, the soul is freed.
- And what to read for the dead?
- Psalter! It is best to commemorate with spiritual food: this is kutya (boiled rice with raisins - Ed.) and kolivo - grain (wheat - Ed.) fried with honey. This is considered the most spiritual food! It is very bad to commemorate sweets - sweets are there, like that ... it’s better not to commemorate, sweets are bad!
- Can't you bring sweets on the eve?
- On the eve - no! It’s better to commemorate with such food, well, bread - of course you can, then such food - apples, grapes - this is spiritual food!
On the graves - no fences are needed, nothing, wreaths - in no case! Flowers - only live - put or plant, only live, artificial is impossible!


- Tell me how the ordeal went, the ordeal, especially the ordeal!
- Ordeals... Death itself is terrible, but after death it is even more terrible! Sinners are very scared! As it was with me - until the age of 31 I didn’t go to Church, I didn’t repent of my sins, there were sins, I had a lot of sins. It is very difficult to be saved without repentance, it is hard to go through these ordeals! Angels expose all good deeds, and demons show sins, those sins that are unrepentant. Sins are all written down. The Lord accepts repentance, to the last! ..

General confession, unction

Most of all, it even happens that when a person comes to God at some 30-40 years old and begins to repent from that time, and not from childhood, not from childhood, and many sins remain from the age of 7, as in school years ... Then everything is shown there, starting from the age of 7 and they show it in such a way that you yourself see it and understand that even a thought - this is how it comes ... What it comes in is there is no sin that he came, only you need to drive him away! If a person accepts it, this is such a sinful thought, then a sin is already committed, and if he does not accept, there is no sin in this.
- It turns out that unction does not remove all sins?
- Unction - removes! But unction is like this - if after unction some sin is revealed, the Lord reveals it, shows it, then it is necessary to confess it! Some people, it happens, are afraid of some sin or are ashamed and go to unction so that this sin is not called, but that the Lord forgives this sin. Unction - forgotten sins are forgiven, and if a person remembers, then it is necessary to confess!
Such a cleansing is going on ... Unction - they anoint 7 times, and in fact up to 2 liters of this holy oil enters a person (maybe 2 liters of blood is cleared - Ed.) and there is a complete cleansing. And after the unction, as you know, a person should be in purity, carnal and spiritual, then for several days you can’t bathe. This oil enters a person and there is such a purification! Especially sick people to unction. Which person is healthy - once a year is enough, in Lent, in general, more often it is impossible. And patients can be more often, who are seriously ill.

Paradise, the blessing of the Saints

When I was already in the Kingdom of Heaven, I saw the Guardian Angel, he let me down, there were five Saints: St. Sergius, the Mother of God, St. Nicholas, Job of Pochaevsky and Father Seraphim. They talked about the fact that life is now the last on earth, the Lord has given this time for repentance, that you will tell people that you heard that we bless you, as I already spoke about this ahead ...
- Have you seen the Healer Panteleimon?
- I saw the monastery of the Healer Panteleimon ... This is such a palace, like crystal, all shining! I haven't been inside, of course, but I've seen it from a distance. I saw the abodes that are waiting for those people who still live on earth. For them, the Lord has prepared such abodes, they will occupy these places.

About charity, penance

By charity many sins are forgiven. Almsgiving should be a secret with us... There, this almsgiving that we give, they redeem the soul with it. Angels provide alms, all the good deeds that a person has done.
- And when you give alms, do you say for whom it is or you can just give it and that's it, the Lord himself knows?
- It is possible and so and so!
- Andrei, I'm interested in when this happened to you, you probably did not know all the saints, but you saw them there, how did you recognize them?
- It's such that with God everything is clear there, everything is open ... Even if you have never seen a person, but there you already know him. There everything is revealed by God, in the Kingdom of Heaven!
Trade is the most serious sin - trade in alcoholic beverages, if a person does not work in a store, but sells from home (moonshine - Ed.). This makes money, collects money ... for cigarettes, alcohol, home brewing.
A person gives - there he acquires, what he gives to another, for example - fed a person, shod, dressed, let him sleep in the house - these are the things that are asked, they are shown by Angels. So the demons asked me, show him his good deeds, that he is going to God, but does he have this or that? The angels showed what I had: when I let someone in, friends - who spent the night with me, and it was counted!
- You said that two Angels carried the soul, but one is the Guardian Angel, and the other is the one from birth? Who is second?
- The other is the one we hear the thoughts of. Here comes the thought - this is from the Good Angel who instructs us!
It is best not to consider a person when giving mercy, but if you know that he is some kind of drunkard, you can feed him, not give money, feed him, and in general, alms if a person asks ... The Lord says: “Give to the one who asks.” You can give it to him, there will be no sin, he already uses it himself. There is also a sin when we give, and then we consider it: what a drunkard he is, he is so bad, and we also gave him money! Here, then, it is not mercy that comes to us, but we receive sin! The most important thing is to give and forget, so that it is a secret!
- Andrey, here fornication is the same terrible sin as abortions, but there is a rule of mother Anthony for murdered babies, but what about fornication?
- Fornication, here you need to repent and leave fornication. If unmarried - get married! Fornication is very serious...
- That's who works out penance here on earth, they probably go through the ordeals there more easily?
- Of course, this is removed, penance removes sin. There, if a person has suffered punishment for his sin, the Lord forgives this person. If he sinned, but did not receive punishment or there was no repentance, then he has to answer!
- If a person repented, will they still show what he did?
- If he repented, forsook sin, already made amends with good deeds, these charters by the grace of God all disappear. Everything that the demons write down, it all disappears!
Most of all, this is what is asked at the first ordeal - idle talk! Idle talk, condemnation, fornication - it will be hard at these ordeals! Fornication and adultery is very difficult! If a husband and wife live in infidelity, married, then they have to answer for it. If a person has not stopped, he will not be able to pass, he simply will not be able to pass!
- If the married man repented of treason?
- If you repent, then you still need to take forgiveness, for example, from your wife from your husband, or from each other, so that they forgive. The only way! For this they ask, they strictly ask!

Help at ordeals

When we went through the ordeals, it was hard to go, the angels said: “I would have prayed earlier, I would have read the Mother of God, then the Mother of God would have helped you in passing.” And here the Mother of God must be read, when we go up the stairs or go down, here we need to read the Mother of God!
- Do you mean 150 times, or just?
- No, it's easy! Here you go, rise and fall - you read the Virgin!
- And she will help in the ordeals?
- Mother of God will help, yes help! Saw Angels: Wednesday, Friday! These are those who fast on Wednesday and Friday, the Angels protect, help in the passage of ordeals. But I didn’t fast on Wednesday and Friday at that time, but I had such a thing that I usually didn’t eat until lunchtime, so I taught myself from childhood, and this was already help, it was a big help, because didn't eat before lunch!

Exodus and return of the soul

The soul comes out through the mouth, comes out in the form of steam such as a cloud flies out. It weighs from 3 to 5 grams in total, but it looks like a human face, everything else, it just looks young, the soul has no old age. No matter how long a person lives, at least 100 years, when the soul comes out, it is young! As people say: in the soul like a child, this is the soul!
- Do you feel any pain when it comes out?
- No, no pain! The only thing is that my soul did not come out and death was 20 minutes!
For 20 minutes the soul could not, did not leave the body, then the Angels brought the cup of death. Such a liquid is poured in this cup, and when I took a small sip, the soul immediately came out. The soul cannot stand this bitterness, it is a very bitter, bitter drink, and it is not easy to swallow it!
And how did she enter ... when the Guardian Angel had already returned the soul (upon returning the soul accompanied by only one Angel - Ed.), it was 8 hours with me, this death, then I didn’t want to go back, even though I knew that the Lord gives it to us, to tell people that we also have to live ... But when you see the Kingdom of Heaven, it’s simply impossible to return from there , is simply impossible! When the Guardian Angel and I stood by my body, then my soul cried and said that now I don’t want to go back, and the Guardian Angel said that we agreed on 8 hours, and that time had passed! And so they stood - talking, and then there was the voice of God, the Lord ordered the soul directly to enter its body, immediately enter its body! I don’t remember how I entered, but my soul was frightened from fear, and I don’t even know how I entered, I don’t remember exactly!
When the soul entered the body, the body came to life, the resurrection took place, and since the body had already completely frozen in such a time, then it moved a little, but it was hard. And something hot passed through the veins, as if burning, and the blood began to work! The Guardian Angel said: "Get up!" When the soul had already entered its body, the Guardian Angel was no longer seen; He was next to me, but he clearly did not see him! I got up from the bed, told my parents ... And my mother came into the room at night, I was dead then, but she did not know about it. She went in, opened the door ajar, but the light did not turn on! She thought I was sleeping - the body is lying! If she, of course, turned on the light, she would see - the dead man lies! But the Lord did not allow!

About Guardian Angel

- Andrey, but who influences our lives the most, the Guardian Angel or some heavenly patrons, when we pray, who is most involved in our lives? You said that there were many cases when the Guardian Angel helped, but after all, some saints of God, patrons, they also help?
- Help, help! Who are we praying to? Guardian Angel - now, if a person is baptized, but he is in great sins, has mortal sins, does not pray, but when he is in danger, mortal danger, since the Lord is waiting for us all, then the Guardian Angel helps! The Lord is waiting, does not allow our death, the Guardian Angel is coming (for help - Ed.). It was in my life, for the first time - a car almost hit me - I was driving, I had a motorcycle with a sidecar, I started to go around a puddle on the road and the car was going at high speed, now I feel that I can’t turn the steering wheel to the left! One, as it were, a voice tells me - let's turn faster, and once - someone stopped the steering wheel! Then I realized that it was not from me, and then, literally in a couple of seconds, a car slipped by, a foreign car at high speed! If I turned the steering wheel to the left, and she went to overtake, then at such a speed she would not be able to slow down, and she would hit! saw this car. She came out of the climb at high speed, and I was already at the top ...
- You were unchurched then, and still the Guardian Angel helped!
- I always believed in God, I knew that it was sinful, that it was impossible to do, I stopped somewhere ...

About Angels: Wednesday and Friday

- Regarding Wednesday and Friday... at the ordeals, how do these Angels help?
- They protect, they simply transfer the soul, transfer the soul, free from this ordeal! This is a great help if a person strictly observed Wednesday and Friday, the Angels will help! Precisely for the post, on Wednesday and Friday!
It is good when we ask forgiveness from each other, even if sometimes we are not guilty, the enemy trembles!

Protection from sorcerers

- Andrey, what if a person is under witchcraft influence?...
- Here is the first defense against sorcerers, it is very simple - it is prosphora and holy water in the morning, confession and communion! No enemy will come, he will not be able to do anything, absolutely! Unless there is God's permission, but this is not often allowed, if we do not violate ... The Lord does not allow!

About grace in monasteries

- Is there grace in the Lavra or is it already less?
- There is grace, yes there is! Grace leaves those, - this is the Reverend word of the Rev. Sergius - Ed.), Now I will not speak on my own, - by the fact that you have to work in monasteries without money. By this man earns his salvation. Here, right now, it began to go away, in the Lavra they began to pay money ...
- The priesthood?
- No, I'm not talking about the priesthood, I'm talking about ordinary people who are obedient! Those who work without money, this is grace! Which people come, come as pilgrims, so he can come, work, this is very good - he earns salvation, help for himself, and the monastery feeds on this! Grace is due to the fact that people go - pilgrims, that they are fed, they are met, that they pray, this is grace!
Leaves by not hiring! Now if people work for us at work, they work all the time, and another person who can come and help, earn salvation for himself, they no longer want to let him go there! This is grace!
Help the monastery well without money, work and that's it! If you are hungry, there will always be food! It’s good to work at least for a while, to work for the glory of God, to help - this is a big deal! There (in monasteries - Ed.) it’s better not to receive money, but if you take and then distribute something, it’s not ... (no use - Ed.)!

Angelic praise

At ten o'clock, that is, at 22 o'clock, as in our time, the angelic glorification of the Lord takes place there, the praise of the Lord, - the angels sing! This singing - you will not come off! Listen to this singing - I would never leave from there, from these places! And so we need to try until ten o'clock, so that after ten o'clock - not to eat food! After ten do not drink, do not eat! Who will do this, it will be a big deal! It is strictly forbidden to eat after twelve: eat and drink after twelve at night, and better after ten, after ten in the evening! ..
The King needs to pray (To Nicholas - Ed.), pray to the King! And there will be a king! I saw the king, who will be, soon already, soon it will be! Around 40 years old...
Should we pray for power?
- Power! I know that the authorities will be different, the authorities will now change: one, another, a third, in general, before the Tsar, this will be, there will be no stability!
- Everyone is waiting for 2005, it is predicted ... something terrible will happen, did they say anything about it?
- What will start from Moscow, it was told to me like this - from Moscow, in connection with Lenin - they will bury him there, transfer him somewhere, the first failure will go from here, there will be three failures, traffic will be blocked, then it will be impossible to pass through Moscow ...
- From Moscow too it will be impossible?
- Well, they will run away from there, whoever they can will run away ... Sergiev Posad will be crowded with people, there will be a lot of people - under a million, there will be no passage here!
Where else will they run?
- Vladimir region, Yaroslavl region ... So do not buy expensive apartments at home; people are now worried - they are recruiting, working, trying to earn money.
- You can’t buy it in the city, but in the village you can?
- It's better in the countryside - some kind of house and with heating, so as not to depend - there is gas, water (Plumbing - Ed.)- you can do without it!
There will come a time like in America, in America cities will go underground, this will happen! Everything will fail, there will be such disasters, without war it will be. America is the one that offers us everything, dictates everything, and we fulfill everything ...
- Is it for Serbia, Iraq?
- For godlessness, there is the very root of evil, everything from there, and computers ...

About prayer

The prayer itself is when the lamp is on, but there is no light or a lit candle. Here is the prayer! Better turn off the lights, light a candle and pray!
- How in ancient times?
- Yes, that's how it is! Food that is cooked on the stove, and that is made on electricity, on gas - all this is of great importance. . You need to be more careful with the food that you take in the store: sprinkle it with water, baptize... Barcodes need to be torn off!

Hegumen Boris and Hierodeacon Alexei

- Here, in the Lavra of St. Sergius, monks, abbots died, did you see anyone there?
- About two I can say, whom I knew, and it was said, shown. There was Hierodeacon Alexei (Pisanyuk - Ed.), it was said about him that in a year and a half, approximately, the Lord would take this person to the Kingdom of Heaven, and that you would live in the Lavra and you would know him. Knew him then!
Father Boris (Khramtsov - Ed.), it was said that in five days, that is, September 5 (2001 - Ed.) The Lord will take the soul of Father Boris. That later you will know him that he lived in a skete ( Chernihiv-Gefsemane Skete - Ed.) this man served a lot, how he knocked out sins from people! Now he was in the cemetery, great power comes from his grave, such a light is coming! Those who come with faith, will pray, will receive healing... Deulino is not far from here, right outside the city, you can get there by minibus. You can take the land, oil ...
Here are two I know who got from here to the Kingdom of Heaven, Alexei - later, more than a year after Father Boris; I saw Alexei's mother, she is in Diveevo.

In the Kingdom of Heaven

- Andrei, did you see the Optina martyrs, Vasily, Trofim, Ferapont, who were killed on Easter?
I saw, I saw, I saw!
- How are they, are they saints?
- Of course, it's good for them, very good!
There, in the Kingdom of Heaven, there are no stops, everyone has achievements according to their merits, you can achieve more and more and more, there are no barriers (no limit - Ed.).God has no barriers! The Lord can thank every soul, reward ... (on merit - Ed.) I saw many saints, I saw the Apostles! I saw Elijah and Enoch bodily, but the Lord took them bodily. They are ordinary people, just like us! The soul then also in its growth, but differs from the body. The Lord took them with their bodies, so they are there, in the Kingdom of Heaven, the same people as we are sitting here now! It is so easy there, the soul of a person moves - as it flies, it moves freely, no effort is needed. And what love is there, how they meet each other, and even me, such a sinner! Love is the same for everyone, who is in the Kingdom of Heaven, what are the holy souls, what are the rest, only the abodes are different. There is no conversation, just thought - there is a thought, and there is an answer.
I saw the Archangels, Archangel Michael! Archangels are bigger, bigger (than Angels - Ed.), have great power. I saw God the Father, at such a distance as to the horizon, it is impossible to see closer, even the Angels do not come closer!

About dancing

- Andrei, but such a sin as dancing
- In hell there are places where burning coals! I saw these souls, and they danced there, on these coals, constantly shouting, cursing, crying! .. Without repentance, those who leave can end up in such places!
- At my religious processions, for ballroom dancing, my legs burn, as if I'm walking on fire, but I myself think: my legs are already in vado - they never cool down!

new earth

There will be a new earth, it will be after the end of the world, everything will be new, life will be without the devil, without demons. There will be a pure life, there will be a completely different life. The earth will be renewed, but after the Last Judgment, after the end of the world. Here on earth there will be a pure life, just like Adam and Eve, when they lived without sin... (Rev. 21:1 - Ed.)
Very well, I saw those who leave virgins - the Lord gives these people a very big one! And to those who live in purity - unmarried and unmarried, and to spouses who live as brother and sister. Not everyone needs to get married or get married!
Always remember in your notes “And for all Orthodox Christians!”

Many Orthodox know the servant of God Andrei from the film "Meeting with Eternity"

We bring to your attention a transcript of the audio recording of the conversation with the servant of God Andrey, which took place on December 5-6, 2004 in Sergiev Posad

(The stylistic features of the author's speech are preserved in the text)

“... but God chose the foolish of the world to shame the wise,
And God chose the weak of the world to shame the strong” (1 Corinthians 1:27)


The servant of God Andrei is a bright phenomenon in the Church life of the entire Orthodox world. Everything he experienced and saw on the night before the Assumption touched the hearts of Orthodox people, made many seriously think about the meaning of life on earth, about the immortality of the soul. Andrew's testimonies are an addition to Church Tradition. They do not contradict the teaching of the Church about ordeals, which reflect similar testimonies about the separation of the soul from the body - the nun Theodora (“The ordeal of St. Theodora”), the baptized, but unchurched K. Ikskul (“Unbelievable for many, but a true incident”), as well as testimonies other people from all over the world.

Andrei's narrations about the future of Russia are consistent with the prophecies of the holy fathers of the Church, as well as with the prophecies of well-known saints of God who have not yet been glorified.

But in the case of Andrei, there are significant differences: not everyone who has been in the other world, went through 20 ordeals and visited many villages of Heaven and hell, not everyone was open to the future, not everyone was honored to see the Trinitarian God, talk with the Lord Jesus Christ and His Most Pure Mother, as well as with four more saints especially revered in Russia!

However, Andrei's testimony is stubbornly ignored and hushed up! The only reason for this is the topics he touched on TIN, electronic documents, recent times ... The event that happened to Andrei is the grace of God! The Lord thus sends us His help – to prepare for the inevitable trials, to resist the temptations near the coming Antichrist, and worthily pass into eternal life. Such help is needed in our troubled and evil time, when many believers feel like sheep without shepherds. "Where are the mentors? They are not here!" - said Blessed Pelageya of Ryazan, prophesying our time.

Andrei gave answers to many questions that tormented people, destroyed modern heresies, and strengthened many in the correctness of the chosen path. He voiced the truth, as it is, without reference to human teachings, and received suffering for this. “Go to Temples to the last, participate in all the sacraments of the Church, do not accept numbers and new documents, repent of all sins while you have the opportunity,” these are the main instructions from Andrei’s testimonies. Andrey speaks briefly and simply about the most difficult issues - only what was revealed to him and only what is necessary for the salvation of the soul. We have few such witnesses of the afterlife as the servant of God Andrei, therefore his assessment of modern spiritual life is extremely important for us, living in the time before Christ.

About the future of Russia

That's what he said, yes, what was shown to me, it's all like a prophecy, as if I confirm the prophecies, I only saw it in 2001. It was all with me at the Dormition of the Mother of God. Such will be the disasters in Russia: first, it will start from Moscow, ... there will be a failure, there will be three failures in Moscow, after the first failure there will be no passage! Something related to Lenin… his reburial, something like that, there won’t be any holy relics at that time, the Lord will remove them. There will be no holy relics in Moscow!

There will be a disaster in Kazan… Kazan, Saratov, Volgograd region…, Volgograd and Astrakhan regions will be flooded with water. Kazan - there will also be some disasters; St. Petersburg will be flooded with water. After these disasters, China will go to war, when China sees that Russia is in such a distressful situation, China will go ... and many of our people will die. They will reach the Urals and will be stopped by the Mother of God.

There will be a manifestation of the Queen of Heaven from Heaven and the Mother of God will stop them, they will be afraid and run away from here, from Russia. Many will turn to Vera, this will stop the war in Russia. It will be about a few months, maybe eight months this war will last.

Then, this part of Russia will remain: this is the Vladimir region, Yaroslavl, Moscow, except for Moscow ... the time will be difficult. Sergiev Posad will be crowded with people, people will run here as if to a holy place, a saving place, there will be many people here.

And Diveevo?

Diveevo will remain, Diveevo will not be subjected to anything like that ... After this war, right? There will be a Tsar in Russia! The tsar will be in Vladimir, the capital will be Vladimir ... that Russia will not perish, this will be the Resurrection of Russia, the Revival of Russia will be!

About the icon of the Mother of God "Resurrection Russia"

That there was a manifestation of the Mother of God, everything was told to me, I saw, all this was revealed - that the Queen of Heaven appeared to this woman ...

Olga, yes! That there were many temptations with the icon, and there was such a delay - they could not immediately paint the exact image of the Mother of God, and then, now, now, as everyone already knows about it, that this icon is a miraculous icon, many healings, I confirm this, since everything saw it!

- ... about which one, are there a lot of icons now?

About "Resurrection Russia"! And Russia, as I said, will rise again, before that, of course, there will be many troubles in Russia, not everyone will live! To the King!

Under the Tsar, life will improve in Russia, some time will pass, and then, as you know, they will elect one tsar for the whole world. It will be the Antichrist! Then there will be persecution of the Orthodox again.

In our country?

Yes, in our country and everywhere... (Rev. 13:7 - Ed.)

Year 1999

The ninety-ninth year could be the end of life altogether! So many people have sinned that the Lord already wanted to destroy us for our sins. And then the Mother of God begged the Lord to give the Lord more time for repentance, at least a little time. And this short time, which has been going on since the year 99, when the “Resurrecting Russia” Mother of God appeared, to this day, is the Lord waiting for our repentance!

New passports, TIN, seal

And with these disasters, the seal of the Antichrist will also be stopped! Because people can't stop themselves! What they are given, what they are offered, they accept everything, starting with passports (passports of a citizen of the Russian Federation - Ed.), which cannot be taken ... Anyone who takes passports, TIN - he renounces God!

And who took the passport?

Who took the passport, I was told: I need to hand it over! Hand over - where they took it, to the one who gave you and repent! You will have to answer for all this! So we need to repent now.

Insurance policy?

Polis, you can't take anything like that!

A foreign passport, if it is machine readable, is also, probably, equated to such documents?

Maybe yes! The one who takes the number, it is the evil one who gives out these numbers, and this number ... he already dooms himself, as it were, he moves away from God and Satan gives him this number. And the Lord said: “I don’t know who will accept the TIN!” Then this time will come - our life will end, and then he will not be able to be saved, even to people there will be no death, those who will depart from God and take everything upon themselves.

How about with children?

Do not receive documents (for children - Ed.) either! Both children and adults, everyone who received it will have to answer for this!

Can I take communion now?

Andrey, the question is, now many believers have such an opinion that it is already impossible to take communion in Temples in Moscow, well, because many priests have accepted the TIN and the Temples themselves have already all accepted the TIN and there are six-pointed asterisks on the walls, so is it possible, after all now to receive communion in some separate Temples?

You have to do it yourself… people have to figure it out and understand it themselves! If I now say that, for example, in Moscow you can’t go to Church, you can’t understand it that way! To the Church, - I was told so, - go to the last, confess, take communion, and where to go, it's up to you to see where it is better for you, how the Lord leads you!

How about withdrawing money from the savings bank? If there is money in the savings bank on the book - withdraw it?

Of course, don’t expect any percentages there… It’s better to have some kind of house in the village, to help each other, to gather Orthodox!

Rule of schema nun Anthony

Andrey, about the rule of schema nun Anthony about begging for aborted babies?

Fulfill, fulfill the rule of Anthony, you will beg for your children by this, and you yourself will be saved!

Did you see her there, in the Kingdom of Heaven?

Saw! It’s good, when it’s such a sin, to blot out the cover of his good deeds, which means to stop someone who is going to have an abortion, for example, to persuade him, to beg, maybe to help him with money or something. This is the very forgiveness of sin, when we stop another person from what we ourselves were once guilty of.

Commemoration of the dead

I saw many relatives and acquaintances in hell, and many of them had loops on them! They were directly tied with these nooses and could not raise their heads. Then I asked the Angels, and these souls said, shouted that our relatives did this to us, who do not go to Church, do not order for us, do not pray, do not remember us, but decorate with these wreaths. And the wreath is a loop! And on some souls there were many, many of these nooses. Those who buy wreaths, put - these are loops! In order to relieve them (the deceased - Ed.) and alleviate their sin, which of you put these wreaths, you need, firstly, to remove them from there, from the cemeteries, and (secondly - Ed.) to repent, so that the Lord has mercy us and these dead who are in hell, in such sufferings with these nooses!

It is better to commemorate ... to commemorate the biggest - this is magpie! Sorokousty - the more ... in 3 places, you can order more, up to 7 Churches, so that there is a constant prayer for the deceased. So they are saved, they leave hell completely, they are transferred to a new place where it is easier, from one difficult place ... to where it is easier. And so, over time, the soul is freed.

Psalter! It is best to commemorate with spiritual food: this is kutya (boiled rice with raisins - Ed.) and kolivo - grain (wheat - Ed.) fried with honey. This is considered the most spiritual food! It is very bad to commemorate sweets - sweets are there, like that ... it’s better not to commemorate, sweets are bad!

Can't you bring sweets on the eve?

On the eve - no! It’s better to commemorate with such food, well, bread - of course (you can - Ed.), then such food - apples, grapes - this is spiritual food!

On the graves - no fences are needed, nothing, wreaths - in no case! Flowers - only live - put or plant, only live, artificial is impossible!

About pigeons

- Andrei, how else can you help the dead?

It is very useful to feed the pigeons! Pigeons even beg for suicides! When they peck bread or grain, these are bows for the deceased, there is a purification, therefore, the more doves, the more bows.

Do other birds beg?

No, only doves!

Is it possible to help the living in this way?

About the processions

- Tell me, does participation in religious processions give something to our deceased there when we go?

Processions of the cross, in general, saved Russia! Russia is saved by processions of the cross!

Was there anything said about it?

Religious processions - it is not so easy to conduct them - they said that you go, take your children, go yourself!

Are any sins forgiven by participating in religious processions?

Processions, yes, sins are forgiven, the Lord forgives!

For the whole family or just members?

To the participants, to those who walk, who visit, pray... Much grace! When I was at the procession a year ago in Moscow, the Cross came out in heaven, from heaven! Everyone saw it, you know? The Lord gives many such manifestations in processions: the sun plays, a rainbow!

This year we saw the sun, and around it - a rainbow, around the sun! …

The most terrible thing is the fire (Gehen - Ed.), in the fire - this is the most difficult!

For what sins?

For grave sins, mortal sins. It will also be that before the end there will be manifestations from demons, there will be many such things from heaven, but it will not be God's!


Yes! To seduce people, this will happen, you need to be careful with this already!


- Tell me how the ordeal went, the ordeal, especially the ordeal!

Ordeals ... Death itself is terrible, but after death it is even more terrible! Sinners are very scared! As it was with me - until the age of 31 I didn’t go to Church, I didn’t repent of my sins, there were sins, I had a lot of sins. It is very difficult to be saved without repentance, it is hard to go through these ordeals! Angels expose all good deeds, and demons show sins, those sins that are unrepentant. Sins are all written down. The Lord accepts repentance, to the last! ..

General confession, unction

Most of all, it even happens that when a person comes to God at some 30-40 years old and begins to repent from that time, and not from childhood, not from childhood, and many sins remain from the age of 7, as in school years ... Then everything is shown there, starting from the age of 7 and they show it in such a way that you yourself see it and understand that even a thought is how it comes (demons show - Ed.) ... That it comes , it is not a sin that he came, only you need to drive him away! If a person accepts it, this is such a sinful thought, then a sin is already committed, and if he does not accept, there is no sin in this.

It turns out that unction does not remove all sins?

Unction - removes! But unction is like this - if after unction some sin is revealed, the Lord reveals it, shows it, then it is necessary to confess it! Some people, it happens, are afraid of some sin or are ashamed and go to unction so that this sin is not called, but that the Lord forgives this sin. Unction - forgotten sins are forgiven, and if a person remembers, then it is necessary to confess!

Such a cleansing is going on ... Unction - they are anointed 7 times, and in fact up to 2 liters of this holy oil enters a person (perhaps 2 liters of blood are purified - Ed.) And there is a complete cleansing. And after the unction, as you know, a person should be clean (both carnal and spiritual - Ed.), then you can’t swim for several days. This oil enters a person and there is such a purification! Especially sick people to unction. Which person is healthy - once a year is enough, in Lent, in general, more often it is impossible. And patients can be more often, who are seriously ill.

Concerning spouses in the last times

Now we need, while we still have such time, to get married urgently, to baptize our children, to be baptized, who is not baptized, and - a wedding! Difficult times will come, then people will pray (turn to God - Ed.), but then it will no longer be performed, since it will no longer be possible to perform such sacraments as baptism and weddings!

And if my husband and I live like brother and sister, should we get married?

If like brother and sister! Has it already been decided?

Yes! That's how I decided! For three years already - like brother and sister, unmarried!

So we have to get married! If you just lived for many years? Yes?

Yes, but for three years now I have been living as a brother and sister, just under the same roof!

Then you need to repent for the fornication that lived in fornication!

Tell me, if a person has been living in purity for a long, long time, does it somehow need to be discussed with the priest, say, for more than 10 years?

This is very good, who can live like this! Now, this is the time that is now, I was told that married - live better as brother and sister! First, such a time, a difficult time. There will be children, then what to do with them? Now life ... at any time it can come (disasters - Ed.)! ... So it's better to live like a brother and sister! There will be a hard time, it will be hard with children! With small children it's hard! …

- (Question - illegible) - Ed.

You need to be strengthened, believe, go to Church, so be strengthened! The Lord said: “Whoever follows me, who endures whatever comes, will not be left anywhere. Everyone will be saved!”

Andrey, did you say on the cassette (the first video cassette about Andrey - Ed.) that the Lord will give the opportunity to exist on the old passport, that is, will it be extended? Now many are waiting for this!

That's how it is, it is extended! Now they receive a pension on the old passport? Get! Those who are afraid, they have already taken it all, do not want to return these passports back, and those who believe and hope are still living with these old passports. Many who have given up on these pensions altogether!

How to live without a Muscovite card?

With prayer you will walk, pass, ride ...

Most importantly, you need to die with dignity, that means with repentance, with Faith in God ... There I realized that death, it is not terrible for a person if he lived with God. The most important thing here is to do more good deeds, to serve God more! Help each other, love each other - that's what we should do!

Holy Warrior Eugene

I saw a lot of warriors whom the Lord does not leave, warriors who go for their Motherland, go for their Fatherland and give their lives!

Yevgeny Rodionov, right?

I saw Yevgeny Rodionov with the saints, in the Kingdom of Heaven, where the saints are! And that now he is ordinary, like any saint, has the same power, you can pray to him, and you will receive help.

I saw military leaders (in Paradise - Ed.)! I saw Zhukov, yes! Zhukov and in the Navy ... - Ushakov, Admiral Ushakov! They said ... everything is visible there, who is doing what, what is happening in our troops, what is happening in the navy. You can't hide anything anywhere, what's going on here on earth! From there you can see everything freely. For the saints, the whole world is visible at once, for the human mind it is simply not possible to perceive! And hear and see! Even people who never pray, the saints know us! With God, everything is possible!

Holy King John

- The attitude is interesting - that is, what you saw, what you can say - specifically to the Tsar - Ivan the Terrible, since now there is a lot of talk, and the Patriarchate is against canonization, but Ivan the Terrible is the Tsar, he was already canonized, Moscow saint! And this, as it were, is not recognized, so how can we still pray to him as a saint?

Of course, of course, of course!

Paradise, the blessing of the Saints

When I was already in the Kingdom of Heaven, I saw the Guardian Angel, he let me down ... there were five Saints: St. Sergius, the Mother of God, St. Nicholas, Job of Pochaevsky and Father Seraphim. They talked about the fact that life is now the last on earth, the Lord has given this time for repentance, that you will tell people that you heard that we bless you, as I already spoke about this ahead ...

Have you seen the Healer Panteleimon?

I saw the monastery of the Healer Panteleimon, the monastery ... This is such a palace, like crystal, all shining! I haven't been inside, of course, but I've seen it from a distance. I saw the cloisters that are waiting for those people who still live on earth, but the Lord has prepared such cloisters for them, they will occupy these places.

About charity, penance

By charity many sins are forgiven. Almsgiving should be a secret with us... There, this almsgiving that we give, they redeem the soul with it. Angels provide alms, all the good deeds that a person has done.

And when you give alms, do you say for whom it is or you can just give it and that's it, the Lord himself knows?

It is possible and so and so!

Andrei, I'm interested in when this happened to you, you probably did not know all the saints, but you saw them there, how did you recognize them?

There it is that with God everything is clear there, everything is open ... Even if you have never seen a person, but there you already know him. There everything is revealed by God, in the Kingdom of Heaven!

Trade is the most difficult (a grave sin - Ed.), Trade in alcoholic beverages - if a person does not work in a store, but sells from home (moonshine - Ed.). This makes money, collects money ... for cigarettes, alcohol, home brewing.

A person gives - there he acquires, what he gives to another, for example - he fed a person, put shoes on, clothed him, let him sleep in the house - these are the things that are asked, they are shown by Angels. So the demons asked me, show him his good deeds, that he is going to God, but does he have this or that? The angels showed what I had: when I let someone in, friends - who spent the night with me, and it was counted!

You said that two Angels carried the soul, but one is the Guardian Angel, and the other is the one from birth? Who is second?

The other is the one whose thoughts we hear. Here comes the thought - this is from the Good Angel who instructs us!

It is best not to consider a person (when giving alms - Ed.), but if you know that he is some kind of drunkard, you can feed him, not give money, feed him, and in general, alms if a person asks ... The Lord says: “To the one who asks give". You can give it to him, there will be no sin, he already uses it himself. There is also a sin when we give, and then we consider it: what a drunkard he is, he is so bad, and we also gave him money! Here, then, it is not mercy that comes to us, but we receive sin! The most important thing is to give and not to know (forget - Ed.), so that it is a secret!

Andrey, here fornication is the same terrible sin as abortions, but there is a rule of mother Anthony for murdered babies, but what about fornication?

Fornication, here you need to repent and leave fornication. If unmarried - get married! Fornication is very serious...

That's who works out penance here on earth, they probably go through the ordeals there more easily?

Of course, this removes, penance removes sin. There, if a person has suffered punishment for his sin, the Lord forgives this person. If he sinned, but did not receive punishment or there was no repentance, then he has to answer!

And if you refuse meat for the murdered babies? From sausages, from meat?

That's right, right, right! Those who have had abortions, the first thing to do is to give up meat and not eat meat, not to eat at all.

Should I take a blessing?

Take the blessing! The most important thing is to lag behind sin by repentance and be punished, and then this leaves sin.

If a person repented, will they still show what he did?

If he has repented, left sin, has already made amends with good deeds, these charters by the grace of God all disappear. Everything that the demons write down, it all disappears!

Most of all, this is asked at the first ordeal - idle talk! Idle talk, condemnation, fornication - it will be hard at these ordeals! Fornication and adultery is very difficult! If a husband and wife live in infidelity, married, then they have to answer for it. If a person has not stopped, he will not be able to pass, he simply will not be able to pass!

If the married man repented of treason?

If he repented, then you still need to take forgiveness, for example, from a wife from her husband, or from each other, so that they forgive. The only way! For this they ask, they strictly ask! Here I had such that I lived in fornication, and then, if where I allowed infidelity with one, then I had to answer! It was so! Everywhere the Lord loves fidelity, even those who live in fornication for some time, they can come to God, get married, live as husband and wife. So fidelity, justice, truth ... - The Lord loves this!

Cause of fornication in children

That's fornication, it comes from parents! That's how fornication from my parents was on me! Now I will explain how: since my parents lived unmarried, although there were believers, they did not get married. When they got married, they got married in the Church, but they themselves ... that time was so serious, they couldn’t then, and then it somehow went away over the years, already old - 70 years old, they were no longer going to get married. Then, when this happened to me, only after this incident, by the grace of God, they got married. And since the parents live unmarried, the children turn out to be fornicators, and then all this passes on to them, to the children. This burden, so to speak, is transferred from parents to children. So, first of all, everyone must get married, and then live!

If, married, and do not visit the Temple?

You can’t do without the Temple at all, you need to attend Divine Services, confess, partake of the Holy Mysteries ...

Help at ordeals

When we went through the ordeals, it was hard to go, the angels said: “I would have prayed earlier, I would have read the Mother of God, then the Mother of God would have helped you in passing.” And here the Mother of God must be read, when we go up the stairs or go down, here we need to read the Mother of God!

Do you mean 150 times, or just?

No, just! Here you go, rise and fall - you read the Mother of God!

And she will help in the ordeals?

The Mother of God will help, yes help! Saw Angels: Wednesday, Friday! These are those who fast on Wednesday and Friday, the Angels protect, help in the passage of ordeals. But I didn’t fast on Wednesday and Friday at that time, but I had such a thing that I usually didn’t eat until lunchtime, so I taught myself from childhood, and this was already help, it was a big help, because before lunch did not eat!

But in Diveevo, you pass along the ditch, the Mother of God takes you under her protection?

Yes, of course, of course! The Mother of God stays on the groove every day, and at what time, this is already ...

Andrey, and if, as I think, what I saw this year, when I was in Diveevo on a holiday ...

Was there a procession?

Yes, Kursk-Diveevo!

We were there with the Tsar (with the Nadym icon of St. Tsar Nicholas - Ed.)!

- ... so I think that I saw the Mother of God on the groove! When a person sees her on the ground, does that mean anything?

It's very good, very good!

When you see the Mother of God (in the afterlife - Ed.), the soul becomes ... the soul is cleansed immediately, it takes on such a childish, infantile appearance. She takes so much pressure off her! It is easier for the soul, I know from myself and I say it this way, the soul changes. Such joy happens in the soul - to see the Mother of God - it is such a joy, such a joy!

About icons

- But when there are a lot of icons at home now, what can you do with them?

I’ll tell you about the icons, these plastic ones, that I was told that you can’t buy them, you can’t put them in houses, you can’t give them to others, these plastic ones ...


Yes, these are laminated, which are made through a computer - do not take these icons!

And icons made on photographic paper from CDs (digitally - Ed.) Are also not allowed?

You can't, they went through the computer!

Yes, these disks are computer…

What went through the computer is impossible!

But after all, there were cases of myrrh-streaming of such icons?

Well, that's the grace of God! No, it's still not possible!

(Ed. - Presumably, the reasons here are as follows: firstly, the entire computer network (WWW) is polluted, as it is informationally connected to the super-computer "The Beast" in Brussels. Secondly, the modern, digital way of transmitting images, consists in that each point of the image is assigned a set of numbers in the binary system (image digitization), and the image (image) itself is a digital identifier! corresponds to a set of chemical elements.Thirdly, laminate (plastic) is an unconventional material for icons, as it is made on the basis of synthetic polymers from oil.)

About lamp oil, candles

Oil for the lampada can only be used natural, vegetable origin and only that which is suitable for food! Vaseline oil cannot be used (petroleum oil - Ed.)! .. Olive oil is best (Wood - Ed.), but sunflower oil is also possible ...

Sunflower oil does not burn!

Burning! There are varieties that burn, for example, "Milora", "Golden Seed", you just need to take refined, purified. Paraffin candles can not be used, put only wax!

(Ed. - The requirement for oil for the sacrifice used in the lamps, passed to us from the Old Testament (Exodus 27.20). Also in the Educational Charter of Divine Services (St. Petersburg, 1907, p. 43), edited by Archpriest Konstantin Nikolsky, it says : “Oil is used in worship from the vegetable kingdom, woody ...”)

About the pectoral cross

- Andrei, is it possible to wear a cross that belonged to relatives?

No, that's exactly impossible, impossible - relatives or other people's relatives! Only to be your own!

And which one, wooden or metal is better to wear?

And it doesn't matter! And you need to keep your cross, that's the most important thing, so as not to change it. Here is this pectoral cross, with this cross the soul goes through death, with the same cross. That's when he was dying, there was death, then what was on my body - there was a cross, with the same cross it was ... It is also important that the soul comes out in underwear, the soul goes in this. When death comes, the soul leaves the body and she is in this dress.

Should a woman wear a shirt?

A woman in a shirt, yes! And for men - this is such a white shirt, only with a long sleeve, not a sleeveless T-shirt, but a shirt, simple, but with a long sleeve and bottom trousers. This is where the soul goes...

Is this worn all the time?

Always always! A person should not sleep without a T-shirt, without these clothes ...

I have two questions regarding the cross! The first question is: if the cross lies on the road, can it be raised? And how to use it? And the second question: when I was baptized, I didn’t wear a cross, because I was an October child, then a pioneer, and so on, how to consider this period, because it was simply impossible?

From there we need to look and repent from these times - school times, when we listened to what teachers told us, that we descended from a monkey, and all that ... There are many sins at this age, you need to be more careful!

So if the cross is on the road?

Well, you can pick it up, cross it, but you can’t wear it! Take it somewhere to the Temple!

And if, here I was walking, and the icon fell, I picked it up, - Royal martyrs, can the icon be raised?

Of course, of course, of course, this is such a shrine - the Lord has given!

Andrei, I was baptized as a child, they gave me a golden cross, but it was from someone else, that is, it was not new, it was from relatives. Now I'm wearing a simple one - copper, but I have that one, and I didn't understand which one to wear?

Wear one and one that no one wore, so that no one would wear it!

... The most that is given to us is not to accept the seal of the Antichrist, not to accept documents, starting with the first passports and ending with what will happen next - cards, what else they will give, come up with ... TIN - this is given a tax number, and this number is given by Satan ! Whoever accepts, Satan already writes this person down under that number, and then, let's say, death will come, he is already accepted (by Satan - Ed.). They take him into destruction, and there he is already branded. Those who have received it must get rid of it, they must repent, give it all up, go to Church and ask with tears for the Lord to have mercy!

Father Seraphim will come, come, it will come!... He will come alive, many will follow him, many young people will go, there will be repentance, people will run after him. ...War will be! There will be war with China, with China, with China! From the beginning, disasters will come in Russia, after these disasters, China will go. They're on their way now...

Andrey, Vyatka region, - Kirovskaya, what will happen to it, is it in the north?

The north won't be so touched!

But the relics are in Diveevo, can you venerate them?

The relics that exist must be applied to everyone!

Are these the relics of Seraphim of Sarov?

I don't know! Any power - you can apply! There are a lot of all sorts ... whoever says what! But Father Seraphim will rise again, and they will even show him on TV!

What if there is no spiritual father?

Not everyone has a spiritual father. You need to be more attentive to yourself, take care of yourself! We somehow need to be closer to each other, not to have evil - this is the best thing. The hardest thing is the one who does not forgive one another. That person cannot be saved if, for example, anything happens in life, something happens and harbors this insult, evil!

Exodus and return of the soul

The soul comes out through the mouth, comes out in the form of steam such as a cloud flies out. It weighs from 3 to 5 grams in total, but it looks like a human ... face, everything else, it just looks young, it has no soul of old age. No matter how long a person lives, at least 100 years, when the soul comes out, it is young! As people say: in the soul like a child, this is the soul! Like a child, ... the size of a child! This is how they saw on the icons of the Mother of God (the icon of the Dormition B.M. - Ed.), the Lord accepts it, such is the soul of a person.

Do you feel pain when it comes out?

No, there is no pain! The only thing is that my soul did not come out and death was 20 minutes! For 20 minutes, the soul could not ... did not leave the body, then the Angels brought the cup of death. Such a liquid is poured in this cup, and when I took a small sip, the soul immediately came out. The soul cannot stand this bitterness, it is a very bitter, bitter drink, and it is not easy to swallow it!

And how I entered ... when the Guardian Angel already returned the soul (upon returning the soul was accompanied by only one Angel - Ed.), It was 8 hours with me, this death, then I didn’t want to return back, even though I knew that the Lord gives it to us, to tell people that you will also have to live ... But when you see the Kingdom of Heaven, it is simply impossible to return from there, simply impossible! When the Guardian Angel and I stood at our body, then the soul cried and said that now I don’t want to go back, and the Guardian Angel said that we agreed on 8 hours, and that time had passed! And so they stood - talking, and then there was the voice of God, the Lord ordered the soul directly to enter into its body, immediately enter into its body! I don’t remember how I entered, but my soul was frightened from fear, and I don’t even know how I entered, I don’t remember exactly!

When the soul entered the body, the body came to life, the resurrection took place, and since the body had already completely frozen in such a time, then it moved a little, but it was hard. And something hot passed through the veins, as if burning ... and the blood began to work! The Guardian Angel said: "Get up!" When the soul had already entered its body, the Guardian Angel was no longer seen; He was next to me, but he clearly did not see him! I got up from the bed, told my parents... And my mother came into the room at night, I was dead then, but she did not know about it. She went in, opened the door ajar, but the light did not turn on! She thought I was sleeping - the body is lying! If, of course, she had turned on the light, she would have seen - the dead man lies! But the Lord did not allow!

Her soul, too, probably felt something?

Here is the soul, it freely transfers one to another ... freely transfers a thought, even a conversation, only mentally! This is when we bury our loved ones, the soul speaks freely ... You just need to be somehow more attentive and you will hear, she can say everything, just like a living person, only mentally.

And if a person dies of starvation, does the Lord forgive his sins?

The Lord forgives by martyrdom, yes! If the torment is for ... for God's sake!

About Guardian Angel

Andrei, but who influences our lives the most, the Guardian Angel or some heavenly patrons, when we pray, who is most involved in our lives? You said that there were many cases when the Guardian Angel helped, but after all, some saints of God, patrons, they also help?

Help, help! Who are we praying to? Guardian Angel - now, if a person is baptized, but he is in great sins, has mortal sins, does not pray, but when he is in danger, mortal danger, since the Lord is waiting for us all, then the Guardian Angel helps! The Lord is waiting, does not allow our death, the Guardian Angel is coming (for help - Ed.). It was in my life, for the first time - a car almost knocked me down - I was driving, I had a motorcycle with a sidecar, I started to go around a puddle on the road and the car was going at high speed, now I feel that I can’t turn the steering wheel to the left! One, as it were, a voice tells me - let's turn faster, and once - someone stopped the steering wheel! Then I realized that it was not from me, and then, literally in a couple of seconds, a car slipped by, a foreign car at high speed! If I turned the steering wheel to the left, and she went to overtake, then at such a speed she would not be able to slow down, and she would hit! saw this car. She came out of the climb at high speed, and I was already at the top ...

You were unchurched then, and still the Guardian Angel helped!

I always believed in God, I knew that it was sinful, that it was impossible to do, I stopped somewhere ...

How can we improve contact with the Guardian Angel? Is it a prayer or something else?

Prayers, veneration of Monday! Monday is an angelic day, well, who can - in fasting this day. ... Wednesday, Friday, Monday, but Monday is if a person sets himself up like that!

About Angels: Wednesday and Friday

... but Wednesday, Friday - you need to try harder; Wednesday, Friday - stricter!

Regarding Wednesday and Friday… in the ordeals, how do these Angels help?

They protect, they simply transfer the soul, transfer the soul, free from this ordeal! This is a great help if a person strictly observed Wednesday and Friday, the Angels will help! Precisely for the post on Wednesday and Friday!

It is good when we ask forgiveness from each other, even if sometimes we are not guilty, the enemy trembles!

Protection from sorcerers

- Andrey, what if a person is under witchcraft influence?...

Here is the first protection from sorcerers, it is very simple - it is prosphora, prosphora and holy water in the morning, and communion, confession and communion! No enemy will come, he will not be able to do anything, absolutely! Unless there is God's permission, but this is not often allowed, if we do not violate ... The Lord does not allow!

If, for example, a priest tells me: take your passport (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation - Ed.), I can repent of my sins with him, but I will never listen to him! Because I know this, there is nowhere to be more precise, everything was open and shown!

Can he repent?

You can repent, sins are forgiven through a priest, the Lord forgives!

About grace in monasteries

- Is there grace in the Lavra or is it already less?

There is grace, yes there is! Grace leaves those - this is the Reverend word (St. Sergius - Ed.), now I will not speak on my own - that you have to work in monasteries without money. By doing this, a person earns his salvation. Here, now it has begun to disappear, in the Lavra they began to pay money ...


No, I'm not talking about the priesthood, I'm talking about ordinary people who are obedient! Those who work without money, this is grace! What people come, come as pilgrims, so he can come, work, this is very good - he earns salvation, help for himself, and the monastery feeds on this! Grace is due to the fact that people go - pilgrims, that they are fed, they are met, that they pray, this is grace!

And since we are beginning to be pressed: every grandmother - they are ready to take the last thing from her, they demand some documents from her - a passport, she doesn’t need it by nature ... and so they infringe! This is bad, this leaves grace! Leaves by not hiring! Now if people work for us at work, they work all the time, and another person who can come and help, earn salvation for himself, they no longer want to let him go there! This is grace!

Help the monastery well without money, work and that's it! If you are hungry, there will always be food! It’s good to work at least for a while, to work for the glory of God, to help – this is a big deal! There (in monasteries - Ed.) It's better not to receive money, but if you take something and then give something away - it's not ... (no use - Ed.)!

Angelic praise

At ten o'clock, that is, at 22 o'clock, as in our time, the angelic glorification of the Lord takes place there, the praise of the Lord, - the angels sing! This is singing - you will not come off! Listen to this singing - I would never leave from there, from these places! And so we need to try until ten o'clock ... (eat food - Ed.), so that after ten o'clock - do not eat food! After ten - do not drink, do not eat! Who will do this, it will be a big deal! After twelve - it is strictly forbidden to eat and drink - after twelve at night, and better - after ten, after ten in the evening! ..

You need to pray to the Tsar (Nikolai - Ed.), Pray to the Tsar! And there will be a king! I saw the king, who will be, soon already, soon it will be! Somewhere around 40 years of age ...

Does he look like Ivan the Terrible?... Should we pray for power?...

Power! I know that the authorities will be different, the authorities will now change: one, another, a third, in general, before the Tsar, this will be, there will be no stability!

Everyone is waiting for 2005, predicted ... something terrible will happen, did they say anything about it?

What will start from Moscow, it was told to me like this - from Moscow, in connection with Lenin - they will bury him there, transfer him somewhere ... the first failure will go from here, there will be three failures, traffic will be blocked, then it will be impossible to pass through Moscow ...

From Moscow, too, will it be impossible?

Well, they will run away from there, whoever they can will run away ... Sergiev Posad will be crowded with people, there will be a lot of people - under a million, there will be no passage here!

Where else will they run?

Vladimir region, Yaroslavl region ... So do not buy expensive apartments at home; people are now worried - they are recruiting, working, trying to earn money.

You can't buy it in the city, but in the village you can?

In the village it is better - some kind of house and with stove heating, so as not to depend - there is gas, water (water supply - Ed.) - you can do without it!

The most important thing is the non-acceptance of passports, TINs, cards, everything else, and then think for yourself what to do so as not to fall ...

If a person unknowingly accepted, not a TIN, but some kind of hidden code?

If he brings repentance, and will not wait for the last day, but immediately, while there is time now! And then, when these disasters come, then people will all run to repent, everyone will repent, but it is necessary now, before this has happened yet, ... then it will already be hot ...

There will come a time like in America, in America cities will go underground, this will happen! Everything will fail, there will be such disasters, without war it will be. America is the one that offers us everything, dictates everything, and we fulfill everything ...

Is this for Serbia, Iraq?

For godlessness, there is the very root of evil, everything is from there, and computers ...

About cell phone, TV

- Has anything been said about cell phones?

No need to use!

Meaning - harmful, or? ...

It's unhealthy! Harmful and sinful, and this and that! This is the effect of cosmic communication, it acts on the brain. That's when they apply it to the temple, it works like that ... such a device is mounted there, the radiation goes to the brain, like a chip. It's like a fluorography: if you take it often, you won't live. It's all closed, everything is hidden from people. That's all gone: TVs, videos, computers - all this is spreading, all this absorbs people, people are drawn in. If you watch TV, you won't tear yourself away from it later! I know for myself, four years ago I watched TV, often watched it.

And if you do not watch TV, but only church video cassettes?

Better not! TV in the house can not be kept! And so, where are you going to hide it in the barn? You can't have a TV at all! If you have a TV, this demon lives in the house! The devil approaches the man! If there are icons, and you pray, and there is a TV nearby, the demon approaches the person! There is no prayer!

(Ed. - The harmful effects of mobile phones on the brain and other human organs have been scientifically proven. For those who cannot do without cellular services, it is recommended to use a simple and inexpensive additional device "Hands Free" (remote earphone with a microphone on the wire), which several times reduces the exposure from a working mobile phone.)

About prayer

Prayer itself is when the lamp is burning, but there is no light (electric - Ed.), or a lit candle, or a lamp (in oil - Ed.). Here is the prayer! With the light there is no prayer, there is no grace - with electricity. Better turn off the lights, light a candle and pray!

How in antiquity?

Yes, that's how it's supposed to be! Food that is cooked on the stove, and that is made on electricity, on gas - all this is of great importance. You need to be more careful with the food that you take in the store: sprinkle it with water, baptize ... Barcodes need to be torn off!

Hegumen Boris and Hierodeacon Alexei

- Here, in the Lavra of St. Sergius, monks, abbots died, did you see anyone there?

I can say about two that I knew, and it was said, shown. There was Hierodeacon Alexei (Pisanyuk - Ed.), it was said about him that in a year and a half, approximately, the Lord would take this person to the Kingdom of Heaven, and that you would live in the Lavra and you would know him. Knew him then!

Father Boris (Khramtsov - Ed.), It was said that in five days, that is, on September 5 (2001 - Ed.), the Lord will take the soul of Father Boris. That later you will know him, that he lived in a skete (Chernigov-Gefsemane skete - Ed.), This man served a lot, how he beat people's sins! Now he was in the cemetery, great power comes from his grave, such a light is coming! Those who will come in faith, will pray, will receive healing. ... Deulino is not far from here, outside the city right away, you can get there by minibus. You can take zemlyachki, oil ...

Here are two I know who got from here to the Kingdom of Heaven, Alexei - later, more than a year after Father Boris; I saw Alexei's mother, she is in Diveevo.

(Ed. - Hegumen Boris and Hierodeacon Alexei are buried at the Lavra cemetery in the village of Deulino near Sergiev Posad.)

In the Kingdom of Heaven

- Andrei, did you see the Optina martyrs, Vasily, Trofim, Ferapont, who were killed on Easter?

I saw, I saw, I saw!

How are they, are they saints?

Of course, they are good, very good!

There, in the Kingdom of Heaven, there are no stops, everyone has achievements according to their merits, you can achieve more and more and more, there are no barriers (there is no limit - Ed.). God has no barriers! The Lord can thank every soul, reward ... (according to merit - Ed.) I saw many saints, I saw the Apostles! I saw Elijah and Enoch bodily, but the Lord took them bodily. They are ordinary people, just like us! The soul then also in its growth, but differs from the body. The Lord took them with their bodies, so they are there, in the Kingdom of Heaven, the same people as we are sitting here now! It is so easy there, the soul of a person moves - as it flies, it moves freely, no effort is needed. And what love is there, how they meet each other, and even me, such a sinner! Love is the same for everyone, who is in the Kingdom of Heaven, what are the holy souls, what are the rest, only the abodes are different. There is no conversation, just thought - there is a thought, and there is an answer.

I saw the Archangels, Archangel Michael! Archangels are larger, larger (than Angels - Ed.), They have great strength. I saw God the Father, at such a distance as to the horizon, it is impossible to see closer, even the Angels do not come closer!

About dancing

- Andrei, but such a sin as dancing? ...

There are places in hell with burning coals! I saw these souls, and they danced there, on these coals, constantly shouting, cursing, crying! .. Without repentance, those who leave can end up in such places!

At my religious processions, for ballroom dancing, my legs are burning, as if I’m walking on fire, but I myself think: my legs are already in hell - they never cool down!

new earth

There will be a new earth, it will be after the end of the world, everything will be new, life will be without the devil, without demons. There will be a pure life, there will be a completely different life. The earth will be renewed, but after the Last Judgment, after the end of the world. Here on earth there will be a pure life, just like Adam and Eve, when they lived without sin ... (Rev. 21:1 - Ed.)

Very well, I saw those who leave virgins - the Lord gives these people a very big one! And to those who live in purity - unmarried and unmarried, and to spouses who live as brother and sister. Not everyone needs to get married or get married!

In your notes, always remember "And for all Orthodox Christians"!

The servant of God Andrei is a striking phenomenon in church life not only in modern Russia, but in the entire Orthodox world. His testimonies are the most valuable part of Church Tradition. Everything he experienced and saw significantly complements the information about the afterlife accumulated by the Orthodox Church. Andrey's narratives do not contradict the Church's teaching on ordeals, they do not contradict the evidence recognized by the Church about the separation of the soul from the body - the nun Theodora ("The ordeal of St. Theodora"), the baptized, but unchurched K. Ikskul ("Unbelievable for many, but a true incident"), and as well as many other similar testimonies around the world. His prophecies about Russia agree with the prophecies of the holy fathers of the Church, as well as other saints of God who have not yet been glorified. But in the case of Andrei, there is a significant difference: not everyone who has been in the other world, went through 20 ordeals and visited so many villages of Paradise and hell, not everyone was open to the future, not everyone was honored to see the Trinitarian God, talk with the Lord Jesus Christ and His Most Pure Mother, as well as with four more saints especially revered in Russia! The only reason why his testimonies are stubbornly ignored and hushed up is the topics he touched on TIN, ungodly documents, the last times. It is for this reason that the media represent Andrey in a negative way, and discrediting rumors are spread among the people through malicious people. The forces of hell are trying by all means to break him, to slander him, to silence him, but many Orthodox do not understand this and give in to rumors! The event that happened to Andrei is the grace of God! The Lord sends us His help through such people - to prepare for the coming trials, posthumous ordeals and worthily pass into eternal life. Such help is needed in our troubled and evil time, when many believers feel like sheep without shepherds. "Where are the mentors? They are not here!" - said Blessed Pelagia of Ryazan, prophesying our time. Andrei gave answers to many questions that tormented people, destroyed modern heresies, and strengthened many in the correctness of the chosen path. Andrei speaks briefly and simply, only what was revealed to him and what is necessary for the salvation of the soul. There are not many among us such witnesses of the afterlife as the servant of God Andrei. His testimonies are the way to salvation! (The author's stylistic features are preserved in the text) Prophecies That's what he said, yes, what was shown to me, it's all like a prophecy, as if I confirm the prophecies, I only saw it in 2001. This was all with me at the Dormition of the Mother of God. These are the disasters in Russia: first, it will start from Moscow, ... there will be a failure, there will be three failures in Moscow, after the first failure there will be no passage, something related to Lenin ... his reburial, something such, there will be no more holy relics at this time, the Lord will remove them. There will be no holy relics in Moscow! There will be a disaster in Kazan ... Kazan, Saratov, Volgograd region ... Volgograd and Astrakhan regions will be flooded with water. Kazan - there will also be some disasters; St. Petersburg will be flooded with water. After these disasters, China will go to war, when China sees that Russia is in such a distress, China will go ... and many of our people will die, they will reach the Urals and will be stopped by the Mother of God. There will be a manifestation of the Queen of Heaven from Heaven and the Mother of God will stop them, they will be afraid and run away from here, from Russia. Many will turn to Vera, this will stop the war in Russia. It will be about a few months, maybe eight months this war will last. Then, this part of Russia will remain: Vladimir, Yaroslavl, Moscow regions, except for Moscow ... the time will be difficult. Sergiev Posad will be overcrowded with people, people will flee here as to a holy place, a saving place, there will be many people here. - And Diveevo? - Diveevo will remain. After this war, yes ... You need to pray to St. Tsar Nicholas II! And there will be a Tsar in Russia! I saw the king, who will be, soon already, soon it will be! The tsar will be in Vladimir, the capital will be Vladimir. Somewhere around 40 years of age ... - Does it look like Ivan the Terrible? Should we pray for the authorities?.. - The authorities... I know that the authorities will be different, the authorities will change now: one, the other, the third, in general, this will be before the Tsar, there will be no stability! Russia will not perish, there will be the Resurrection of Russia, the Revival of Russia will be! Before that, of course, there will be many troubles in Russia, not everyone will live! To the King! Life will get better under the Tsar... New passports, TIN, seal And these disasters will stop the seal of Antichrist! The most important thing for us is not to accept the seal of the Antichrist, not to accept documents, starting with the first passports and ending with what will happen next - cards, what else they will come up with ... TIN - this number is given by Satan! They take him to destruction, and there he (man) is already branded. Anyone who has received this passport (Russian, new model) needs to get rid of it, you need to repent, go to church and ask with tears for the Lord to have mercy! - Insurance policy? - Polis, you can't take anything like that! -A foreign passport, if it is machine readable, is also, probably, equated to such documents? - Maybe yes! The one who takes the number, it is the evil one who gives out these numbers, and this number ... he already, as it were, dooms himself, he departs from God. And the Lord said: “I don’t know who will accept the TIN!” Then this time will come - our life will end, and then he will not be able to be saved, even people will not even die, those who will depart from God and take everything upon themselves. Do not receive documents (for children) either! Both children and adults, everyone who received it will have to answer for this! Father Seraphim will come, come, It will come!... He will come alive, many will follow him, many young people will go, there will be repentance, people will run after him... Participation in religious processions - In general, Russia is saved by processions! Russia is saved by processions of the cross! - Did they say anything about it? - Processions of the cross - it's not so easy to conduct them ... they said that you go, take your children, go yourself! - Are any sins forgiven by participating in religious processions? - Processions, yes, sins are forgiven, the Lord forgives! - To the whole clan or only to the participants? - To the participants, to those who walk, who visit, pray... Much grace! When I was at the procession a year ago in Moscow, the Cross came out in heaven, from heaven! Everyone saw it, you know? The Lord gives many such manifestations in processions: the sun is playing, a rainbow... Is it possible to take communion now? - Andrey, the question is, now many believers have the opinion that it is already impossible to take communion in Temples in Moscow, well, because many priests have accepted the TIN and the Temples themselves have already all accepted the TIN and there are six-pointed asterisks on the walls ..., so is it possible , after all, now to take communion in some separate Temples? - You must be here yourself, ... people must understand and understand this themselves! If I now say that, for example, in Moscow you can’t go to Church, you can’t understand it that way! In the Church - I was told so - go to the last, confess, take communion, and where to go, you yourself see where it is better for you, how the Lord leads you! Saint King John - Interesting attitude - ie. what you saw, what you can say - specifically to Tsar Ivan the Terrible, tk. now there is a lot of talk, and here the Patriarchate is against canonization, and after all, John the Terrible is the Tsar, he was already canonized, a Moscow saint! And this, as it were, is not recognized, so how can we still pray to him as a saint? - Of course, of course, of course! About TV TV in the house can not be kept. You can't have a TV at all! If you have a TV, it's the demon that lives in the house! If there are icons and you pray, and there is a TV nearby, the demon approaches the person! There is no prayer! Schema nun Antonia's rule - Andrey, what about schema nun Anthony's rule about begging for aborted babies? - Follow, follow the rule of Anthony, you will beg for your children and you yourself will be saved! - Did you see her there, in the Kingdom of Heaven? - Saw! It’s good when such a sin is corrected by covering his good deeds, stopping someone who is going to have an abortion from this, for example, persuading him, begging him, maybe help him with money or something. This is the very forgiveness of sin when we stop another person from this, which we ourselves were once guilty of. Based on the materials of the brochure "Testimonies of the servant of God Andrey about the OTHER WORLD"

This story took place in one of the strict regime colonies in the North Caucasus, where a robber sentenced to a 20-year term, having become ill with diabetes and cancer, came to the Lord and, having been released to die, ended his days in monastic vows. His diary, which we publish on the day of the Holy Great Martyr Anastasia the Destroyer, is an amazing document, honestly, without embellishment, telling that Christianity - it is always the way of the cross. The diary is published with abbreviations.

January 3, 2009, Saturday. Pain, pain, pain ... I will not blame anyone, but today I had such pain that tears flowed from my eyes. And for a long time I could not stop until the pain was released. And, hobbling back from the nurse so that no one could see my tears, I lowered my head low. They offered to help me get to the ward, but I thanked and refused so that these good people would not see my tears. So big, but crying ... The bodily pain, of course, is severe, and not everyone is able to endure it, but how much more severe is the mental pain and longer, and there is no relief and salvation from it! Only, in my opinion, salvation is the Orthodox faith, but this is only in my opinion, and I will not impose it on anyone. So today it grabbed me that even though it was Saturday and a bathing day, I could not go to the bathhouse. Before going to bed I read the Gospel of Matthew.

That's all, good night everyone! I don’t talk about myself, in the near future I am doomed to a bad dream.

Golovko Andrey

January 5, Monday. I woke up at 3 o'clock in the morning, drank holy water, prayed, and on the rosary too. And the receiver listened until 8 o'clock in the morning. At 8 o'clock after the procedures, he went to bed and got up only to take another dose of medication. Companion Lenya, not knowing how much I have to endure, says that I invent a disease for myself. I won't tell him anything until he drives me to the edge.

Today the head of the colony's medical unit, Nonna, saw me and said: "The tumor has rattled a lot." I have strong doubts that the next date will be long. So it’s necessary, blood from the nose, this time to take out all the wood crafts for a date with mom, as well as an icon. I feel that this year the Lord will call me to Himself. Wait and see. That's all, good night everyone!

Golovko Andrey

January 19, Monday. I got up at 4:30 in the morning, lit a candle and prayed. Today is the Holiday - the Day of the Baptism of the Lord and Savior of our Jesus Christ.

... When the nurse Svetlana Petrovna came to give insulin injections, I gave the documents to the head of the hospital. The day, thanks to the Lord, went well, made the gifts a good friend in the zone. The only thing was that in the evening I could not move from weakness and fell asleep, slept for an hour and now I feel much better. Good night everybody!

Golovko Andrey

January 20, Tuesday. I finally got up at 2:30 in the morning and, after praying, went to bed at 6:30. I woke up at 7:30 in pain. After dinner, I took care of the vegetables that my mother brought. Basically, I distributed them to the sick, and left for one carrot salad and beetroot. I treated Lenya in the ward, he also does not walk. Everything went without change until the end. I learned that Batiushka was coming over the weekend and was very happy. I will prepare leaflets for health and peace. That's all, good night everyone!

Golovko Andrey

January 29, Thursday. I got up at 2:30 in the morning, I began to have nightmares, and I really dreamed that I was calling someone from the next room, knocking on the wall. And he actually knocked. They came to me and it was uncomfortable. I got up, drank holy water, drank some tea and then read a fantasy book. At 5 am I prayed and made tea for Rashid. And the day went on as usual, it did not bring me any events. Thank God, I have enough strength to pray and read the five hundred (a special prayer rule). In the evening I decided to read the Acts of the Apostles. Good night everyone!

Golovko Andrey

January 30, Friday. I got up at 1 am, drank holy water, and prayed. The day passed without changes, only I feel that my “dragon”, which lives on my left shoulder, began to show signs of growth, which causes me pain. I hope my mother will set me free. I pray, constantly remember in prayers and ask the Lord. They brought me historical books from the library today, and one was written by a demon-man. I felt the dark power of this book. He sprinkled it with holy water and removed it. When I read the books, I'll return them all together. That's all, good night everyone!

Golovko Andrey

February 4, Wednesday. At 12 o'clock brother Vladimir came from the church, and the brothers wanted to carry me on a stretcher to the church - our dear father arrived. But the stretcher left yesterday with the one who was activated, and then I said that I would not be able to see the priest. After they left, I ate, as my whole body was cowardly from exhaustion (I fasted, I wanted to confess and take communion). But the Lord decreed differently, and at 4 p.m. I saw the priest. He came to the hospital, we talked to him, he brought me gifts and sermons on audio cassettes - I really need them, I'm alone here. And what especially delighted me was the gifts from the holy land of Jerusalem, and there was a small crucifix. The Lord gave me what my soul longed for - a real crucifix for which I can pray. This is how my day went. I wrote a letter to my mother and father, I will send it this week. How great is the Lord, and how He loves even sinners like me!

Golovko Andrey

February 7, Saturday. I slept badly, finally got up at 2:30 in the morning, prayed, and at 6:15 in the morning I woke Rasha to work so that he would not oversleep, and went to bed. At 8 in the morning, the procedures were completed, and I went to bed again, after 10 o'clock I did not go to bed. I took a tape recorder from Tolik to listen to the Orthodox audio cassettes that the priest brought me. I listened to 1.5 cassettes - no strength, strong weakness. He prayed to the Most Holy Theotokos 150 times, “Virgin Mary, rejoice ...”, then he gave the tape recorder, since such precious recordings need to be stretched longer. In addition to sermons, there are also Orthodox songs - it makes me very happy. If only my dear father knew what a great help he does to me. And he is right: the tumor is growing, and the pain is with it, the pain is like a cleansing fire for me.

Now I don’t wish harm to anyone, on the contrary, when they blaspheme the Lord, His Mother, the Church, I ask the Lord to forgive them

No one knows the sinfulness of a person, except the person himself, and I know how low and sinful I am. I'm not even worthy to go near the church. But the Lord brought me to the Church and cleanses me with diseases, changes me. And earlier I was known as a merciless, cunning, vicious person. Now I don’t wish evil on anyone, on the contrary, when they blaspheme the Lord, His Mother, the saints, the Church and Orthodox people, I ask the Lord to forgive them, because it’s not them, but the enemy of God pushes a person to this. And in the soul, mostly constantly quiet joy, I myself am amazed. I answer insults with a smile. Great is the Lord! And if I am worthy of eternal life, it is not because of my deeds, but only thanks to the all-forgiving love of the Heavenly Father. If the Lord vouchsafes, I dream of accepting monasticism, confessing and partaking of the Holy Mysteries before my bodily death - I dare not wish for more. There is little time, and I must have time to get ready to appear before the Judge, my beloved. Lord, give me the strength to be at least a little worthy of Your Divine Love!

Golovko Andrey

February 11, Wednesday. I woke up at 4:30 in the morning, prayed, woke up Rashid, drank tea. During that day, I had many emotional experiences. First, I decided for myself never to get married. The truest service to God is monasticism. I looked through my whole life and came to the conclusion that I should have lived like this for a long time, according to God, but I showed self-will. My second discovery is a pamphlet brought by the priest. Reading it, I discovered a prayer to the Life-Giving Trinity: Most Gracious Father and Most Holy Son and Holy Soul, Holy Trinity, Inseparable God, save me, a sinner. Amen.

Golovko Andrey

If they didn’t release me, then I don’t need it, it’s even dangerous for me

February 12, Thursday. Thursday. I woke up at 4:30, drank baptismal water, prayed, made tea for Rashid and myself, woke me up at 6:15, shaved. After the procedures, he went to bed, woke up at 10:20, took pills, and prayed to the Most Holy Theotokos. At 1 pm they told me to get dressed, they would take me to the assembly hall, to the club of the colony, where my question would be resolved. An exit court arrived from the village of Chegem, headed by a judge. They brought me a lawyer. They put me in the hall on a stretcher. I said that, of course, if I was released, the court would never regret it. I became a completely different person. Although the doctors underestimated the level of my disease, I am not offended by anyone, I do not blame anyone. Even after the judge denied me release when he left, I thanked him for coming. They could not decide anything, only the Supreme Lord is able to decide and judge, everything is in His power. And if they didn’t release me, then I don’t need it, it’s even dangerous for me to go free.

As they brought me, many asked about the decision of the court and said: “How dare they!” I trust in the Lord, let everything be according to His will. I was so tired of the transfer that when I returned, I fell asleep and got up only at 15:40, drank coffee, then prayed. I read the pamphlet that my father brought me. This is how my day went.

Golovko Andrey

February 14, Saturday. He asked Nafiza to varnish the crucifixion of Jesus. The guys from the zone came, brought an envelope so that I could write a letter to my mother, and wires for the boiler. And also material to sheathe a bag of holy earth from Bethlehem, where our Lord Jesus Christ lived. And today I sewed a bag with a cord to always carry with me. In the evening I read the monastic five hundred. This is how my day went. I need to write to my mom!

Golovko Andrey

February 20, Friday. I slept badly all night, finally got up at 4 in the morning, prayed, drank tea. After the morning procedures went to bed. At lunch I prayed to the Most Holy Theotokos, had lunch. And he began to cook for his companion Lena: today is his birthday, and I think that all of us, Christians, should be helpers to those in need. How our Lord Jesus Christ, being Lord, washed the feet of His disciples and said that it should be so. A person cannot take with him after his death anything but his good deeds. Good deeds are our treasure. So I think. I want to please the patient and cook him fried potatoes, although I know that if I strain, do something physically, I immediately get tired. But the Lord sees everything. Everything that I do for my own salvation, I try, as best I can, to do for the good of others.

Golovko Andrey

P.S. I am vain and proud. Praise the Lord that there is a priest next to me, who points out to me my sins and sinful inclinations.

February 26, Thursday. I woke up at 2 am, drank holy water at 5 am, and prayed. In the morning, Lenya's neighbor began to insult me, as a result of which I spent the whole day in a difficult state of mind. And all because of the book they brought. I feel defenseless against human evil, there were thoughts of moving to another ward, but on reflection, I realized: this is from the devil. And by my behavior I grieved the Heavenly Father. This is not what he expects from me. I will live as before, enduring senseless attacks. It greatly upsets that Lenya splashes anger on the Orthodox Church, ministers and all Orthodox believers, cursing obscenities and rejecting the living word of the Gospel. And there is nothing I can do to bring him to the path of life. Forgive, Lord, my sinfulness and weakness!

Good night everyone!

Golovko Andrey

March 2, Monday. Went to bed at 6 am, before waking Rashka to work. What can I say, there is a dreary feeling in my soul because it is hard to be in the hospital ward with Lenya. I, unlike him, do not want to condemn anyone. And I also do not want to hear from anyone any filth against the Orthodox Church, the Lord and the saints. This is sacred, and if a person is embittered and breathes poison into the whole world, what can I, a sinner, do? Only to ask the Lord not to punish him, he himself does not know what he is doing. Here's what I can.

I am thinking of moving down from this ward to another ward, arranging myself like a monastic cell, praying and reading Orthodox literature, which the priest brought me. I feel better today, more strength in my body. I would like to find a quiet corner where I could pray in silence. But isn't this self-will? I hope the Lord will manage everything in my life. I prayed in the evening, and the day, one might say, passed.

Golovko Andrey

March 3, Tuesday. …Due to the behavior of my companion Alexei, I wanted to change my location. I don't think I'm innocent for being treated like this. On the contrary, I think it's my fault. My fault is that I could not teach him my vision of the world according to God, but he sees everything in a worldly way, therefore our disagreements. Another thing is that I cannot calmly listen to blasphemy against the Lord and His Church. I prayed to the Lord to teach me what to do in such a difficult situation for me. And today the Lord showed me how to be. Of course, this is difficult for me, but I will try to stay here, pray, trust in the Lord.

Golovko Andrey

March 14, Saturday. I went to bed at 5:50 in the morning, before that I prayed, and on the rosary too. I woke up at 7:50, had the procedure, and went back to sleep. They woke me up at 10 o'clock and carried me on a stretcher to the head of the colony Etezov Boris Khambievich. He was in a good mood, we talked to him. I asked him for forgiveness for paying evil for good. He forgave me, that's what it means not to look for excuses among people! If God pleases, He will justify, this is my whole hope. And also asked for help in the issue of release on activation, so that at least a few days before my death I would be released. So that I can prepare for my bodily death in a Christian way, and I did not say that I want to take monastic vows before death.

The rest of the day ends without excitement and new news. Good night to you, my dear people!

Golovko Andrey

March 20, Friday. Father is supposed to arrive today, but I have a strong weakness, and I slept until 2 pm. At 2:15 pm they came for me and took me to the church. But they let the priest in only at 4:15 pm, he celebrated the unction, the procedure was carried out in the church. At 8 pm I was taken back to the ward. Tomorrow we will go to church again, the opportunity arose for the priest to ask Vladyka for monasticism for me. God grant that everything works out. Now I will write a petition to Bishop Theophan with a request for monasticism. That day has passed. May God grant me to fast and take Holy Communion tomorrow.

Golovko Andrey

March 22, Sunday. I got up at 7 in the morning, prayed, and on the rosary too. The morning procedures were over, and I had breakfast, praying to God. Yesterday my mother gave me a rosary and a printed prayer to Archangel Michael. For me, these are holy things, since mother's husband is a priest who died as a martyr.

March 26, Thursday. Everything is so good with me lately, it's a sin to complain. The Lord loves me so much that He provides everything I need. In the evening I learned from the newspaper that the church where the priest serves had been robbed. This once again proves that the dark forces hate this church. And if so, then the living Word of Truth lives there, which the Lord Jesus Christ brought to us, and I rejoice that I am an Orthodox person. And to the best of my strength given to me by the Lord, I will also wage an internal war with this evil spirits, and may my Lord be my shield in the battle with them.

Golovko Andrey

And the pain of deceit touches me,
Everything in the world will overshadow itself.
And old wounds open
And the soul chills, chills.

I won't seek solace
Cross out both friends and dreams.
And my unearthly torments
No one will take it, not even you.

I will close the melodious shutters
And light a wax candle
With this pain I will stand before the Lord,
I will whisper the words of the publican.

God, be merciful to me, God,
Remember your forgiveness,
In a mournful hour, unreasonably anxious,
Alien spirit away from me.

And then the pain of deceit will depart,
The evening will be bright and quiet.
And old wounds will close

Like shutters on my windows.

Hieromonk Roman

Who I was, disgusted with myself, and who I have become! The Lord allows me to praise and praise Him. What happiness!

April 3, Friday. I was only able to get up at 10 am. And until 11:10 he made up for the missed morning prayer. This is not necessary for the Lord, of course, but for me, since I must reverently relate to prayer - a conversation with my beloved God and everything connected with Him. It is so dear to me that I am writing these lines, and inside everything shudders from reverent gratitude to the Lord. Who I was, disgusted with myself, and who I have become! The Lord allows me to praise and praise Him. What happiness! Soon April 19 - Bright Sunday of Christ, Easter.

April 5, Sunday. For half a day I was untransportable, I only ate pills and slept, ate and slept. After dinner, he made up the washed bed linen, and in the evening they helped to make a cracked basin. I can’t do without it, but I don’t want to bother others with laundry requests, I try to take care of myself. I took on the responsibility of keeping the curtains clean in the ward. We must live by serving people, as our Lord served and showed how it should be for everyone who follows Him, washing the feet of His disciples.

April 13, Monday. Today I have a day of spiritual joy: the painkiller in the hospital has ended. It is my Lord who sends me the opportunity to gather a worthy fruit through the patience of pain.

Neighbor Lenya persuades me to fight for liberation. But why, if I'm happy here, because the Lord is with me?

... Neighbor Lyonya persuades me to fight for liberation. But why, if I'm happy here, because the Lord is with me? I want to make a box for my mother to remember me. I don’t want to give Batiushka anything, because he is a monk and he doesn’t need a passion for things, he has a different life and other aspirations. If I have a chance, I'll try to treat him with bread, which is baked here in the colony. I believe that it is a great blessing for a believer to feed a priest and a monk. Monks are God's beloved children, and feeding one of them is like feeding God.

Servant of God Andrew

April 16, Thursday.... Brother Vladimir came to visit, brought posters that the father sent, I sent them to the zone to an old man who regularly attends church. I gave it to the next ward and cut out an icon from the poster, I will ask you to make a frame for it.

April 18, Saturday.... I am getting ready at night to worthily meet the Bright Resurrection of Christ - Easter. I prepared consecrated oil, a candle and a candlestick and a prayer book with a bookmark on the Easter canon. The only case when I am glad that there is a TV: they will broadcast the Easter Liturgy at night.

April 22, Saturday. I went to bed at 3 am, woke up at 6:30 am. I prayed, drank painkillers and prayed on the rosary. Weakness, slept and lay around until 2 pm.

The policemen came and took away the electric stove from us, they said that it was not allowed. He prayed on the rosary to the Most Holy Theotokos. Then I wrote poetry, I want to give it to my mother on a date so that I can take it to an Orthodox newspaper that is published in our city. Mom brought me painkillers today.

May 4, Monday. I think that it is impossible for a man to be saved. Only in the Baptism with the Holy Spirit is salvation. It is necessary to baptize immediately in childhood, because then a person is drawn into this sinful world and without the support of God and the protection of the Guardian Angel it is impossible to be saved. Yes, and it is impossible for the baptized to be saved by their own works, only trusting in the Lord and His mercy. Save, Lord, and have mercy on me, a sinner. Somehow I got up, prayed at 11 o'clock and at 13 o'clock fell asleep again, even from prayer I get very tired, and only sleep restores my lost strength.

I ate a minimum of pills, the pain is completely inconsolable, but I think it's good. This is my guardian

May 8, Friday. Today I was able to pray both in the morning and in the afternoon. I ate a minimum of pills, the pain is completely inconsolable, but I think it's good. This is my guardian, who constantly reminds me that the enemy wants to drown me in sin.

... I am reading a book about cancer, written by an Orthodox priest, and tears flow from me: what happiness the Lord sends me! Glory to Thee, my God, be glorified forever and ever!

Your sinful servant Andrei

... I try to take painkillers only when I go to bed, and I distribute the saved medicines to the sick, they even come from the zone. After all, this help in the name of the Lord serves for their salvation and mine! The Lord Himself knows when and at what time to bring them to Himself. Usually we call on the Lord and go to Him when we are in a very difficult situation and there is nowhere to wait for help.

I myself came to You, Lord, when the cup of Your patience was overflowing, and I did everything and committed terrible sins. Now I try not to drink medicines that would relieve my constant pain, so that suffering would drown out the attraction to sin. I want to leave a good memory behind.

May 13, Wednesday. Everyone is trying to condemn their neighbors, how terrible it is! I, too, sometimes fall into this sin, forgetting who I am. Anger sometimes seizes me, and I myself justify my actions and deeds. What am I, your accursed, sinful servant, Lord, thinking about! My place in hell, there is only my place for my deeds! ... I, Lord, also sinned by thinking badly about the actions of the medical staff of this hospital. It turned out that everything was wrong. Forgive me, Lord! I pray to You - and worse than many sinners! Only Your real help and my Guardian Angel, otherwise I would have long ago embarked on my old path of sin and vice.

... In the evening I was engaged in solving my everyday problems. I made a screen and remade the bed, I was very tired, I lay in bed for 30 minutes. I look at everything I've done and I really like it.

Sinful servant of God Andrew

May 20, Wednesday. We condemn ourselves to eternal torment, living in sin and leading a sinful, unholy life. It hurts me to think and watch how the world that You created, O Lord, perishes, and it hurts even more because I, a sinner, can do nothing to help. They swear at God and at themselves, splashing saliva on everything that surrounds them, inside they have evil and destruction.

They don't even want to listen to me, considering me a holy fool. No one is able to help them if they themselves do not even think about salvation. I hope, Lord, in Your philanthropy and mercy, open their eyes, let them see that they have surrounded themselves with their own spiritual impurities and are drowning in sin. I beg you, Lord, reason with us sinners, and let us take this first step towards You with Your help.

Your sinful servant Andrei

May 30, Saturday. I finally got up at 6 in the morning, drank holy water, applied crosses with consecrated oil on my body and hands, drank painkillers and prayed, and on the rosary too. I sewed a pouch of bright red fabric, it used to be a women's blouse, now it has become my ceiling and pouch. I really like the red color - it is the color of martyrdom, it is the color of blood that every Christian is ready to shed for the name of the Lord.

June 1, Monday. Tonight my tumor gave me a fever. He endured and that only he drank - nothing helped. The doctor, the surgeon, was right: only drugs will help me now. Until 12 noon the pain did not go away. I think that the Lord allowed these pains to be, so that I, His cursed servant, would understand that it was He who held back all these pains while I was waging a spiritual struggle. But as soon as I fell into sin again, He said, "If you want to live again on your own, see how it will be." Woe to me, a sinner; Lord, forgive and have mercy. And I also understood and decided not to move anywhere to another room. Firstly, it is even harder for one, and secondly, the Lord, if He wanted to, would have changed everything long ago.

In the evening I prayed, and they called to the doctor for diabetes. But when I somehow made my way to the office, I met the surgeon and talked to him. He said that in 10 days they would receive an analysis from the oncological hospital in Nalchik to see if I had metastases. Help, Lord, to fulfill my dream and at the end of the earthly path to become a monk.

June 6, Saturday. How much the tumor hurts and around it! But the more it hurts, the more often I read the Jesus Prayer. I see how everyone is whispering behind my back, they see and understand that I am slowly dying. Even strangers see it. Companion Lenya again staged a scene for me, saying that I was a fanatic and incorrectly believe in God. He asked me to ask, is it really necessary to believe, from the priest. He does not understand what faith is, but God is his judge.

So another day has come to an end, in the morning I will pray and go to bed.

Servant of God Andrew

June 17, Wednesday. In the morning I listened to the CD-record "The New Testament for Children" on the player. When I heard about the Mother of God Mary, tears flowed: can I, a sinner, be able, after my bodily death, to draw closer to the Lord and His Mother? ..

June 27, Saturday.…Nothing helps. If it goes like this, then my illness will make another strong breakthrough - and I won’t even be able to cover myself with a blanket without outside help ... There is some kind of emptiness in my brain from constant severe pain. Hard days have come.

July 13, Monday.... Two of our ward were written off to the zone, both Muslims. Moved to the window in the ward, it's better there. Firstly, I was able to hang all my icons, and secondly, a window opens here, from which the wind blows and brings me freshness and smells of forests, rivers and mountains ...

July 15, Wednesday. The body is getting weaker and weaker. Lord, take me to You, I will never be ready anyway, much cursed, sinful before You!

Then the brothers from the church came for me with a stretcher and took me to the temple. There I experienced a shock when the priest poured holy water on me from the cross so that I could wash my face. I shed tears of repentance and repentance for my sinful life and did not stop until the end of the service. I confessed and partook of the Holy Blood and Body of Christ and one more step closer to the Lord. I hope!

... Lord, I pray, do not let me fall away from Your flock on my last day, strengthen me, weak and weak, with Your sovereign hand!

The mind is befuddled. How can one turn to the Lord in such a state? I refuse these injections

July 25, Saturday.... They gave me one injection yesterday, and I regretted it. They did not sleep in the ward all night because of me, as I gritted my teeth very much. I got up several times, trying to pray, but to no avail. The mind is befuddled. How can one turn to the Lord in such a state? It's like a drunk trying to pray... I'll refuse these injections.

August 3, Monday.... Old man Sergei from the zone came to say goodbye: he goes to freedom, where no one is waiting for him. I wrote a note to my mother to accept him, help me get a job and find a roof over my head. Vladimir came from our church in the zone, said he would bring me another poster. I decided to hang it over the nightstand of a seriously ill patient. Very strong weakness, malaise, I began to get used to living so weak and infirm. My Lord, King and Master, I ask for monasticism in order to draw closer to You while still living in this world.

August 10, Monday.… The day is coming and I am glad that I can pray, it has become important for me. As breathing is for my body, so prayer is needed for my inner man.

... The pain returns with renewed vigor. Give, Lord, the strength to endure and pray to You until your last breath!

August 11, Tuesday.... I feel like a cancerous tumor, which is located in the joint bag of the left shoulder joint, has grown and breaks the joint. A tumor sticks out in the crack of the faults, and even from the outside you can see it in the resulting bumps. I can no longer do something and do something with my hands - I have no strength and health, so I look at this world as a person who does not belong to him. Waiting for the Lord to call to Himself.

August 25, Tuesday. All my life, until I got here, I lived only by feelings and bodily needs. My soul was silent, hardened from my constant sins. And now, when I have known the happiness of living and spiritually perceiving this whole world that surrounds me, I understand what I missed in my life. The whole day I was tormented by my cancerous tumor and weakness ...

It is simply a miracle that there is strength not only to pray to You, my Heavenly Father, but also to read the five hundred on the rosary.

August 26, Wednesday. He slept badly all night, but managed with almost no painkillers. Thank you, Lord, for helping such an unworthy servant. I prayed in the morning and, when I was reading the five hundred on the rosary, I noticed that a patient from our ward was walking around (he had cirrhosis of the liver and dropsy). It was as if someone whispered to me: you have the consecrated oil from the pilgrim's kit from the holy city of Jerusalem. After reading the five hundred, I gave him a bottle of this oil, explained how to use it and where I got it from. God bless the sick! Then he poured holy water for him and taught him the Jesus Prayer. Thank you, Lord, for giving me the opportunity to help and sending me those in need of help.

At 10 o'clock the brothers from the church came and carried me to the church - our dear priests arrived. It’s very hard for me, I’m getting ready to partake of the Holy Mysteries, I don’t drink painkillers, but I endure.

After the service, I gave the power of attorney written by me to use the shooting of a documentary film with my participation to the priest at his own discretion. I often think: what have I managed to do worthy in my sinful life? Perhaps only participation in the filming of this film will be the only truly worthy deed in the face of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. And I hope that the example of my falling into sin and returning to the Heavenly Father will save someone's life, enlighten them and not let them stumble. We talked for a long time with Batiushka about death. When I talk about it, I am overwhelmed with boundless happiness from the hope of drawing closer to the Lord.

September 17, Thursday. One patient was released from our ward. Muslims are now in the ward. They came up to me, tried to convince me that only Islam of all religions was correct. Didn't argue with them. I know that only Orthodoxy gives that which no one and nothing will give. I've been through this myself, I know it the hard way.

September 18, Friday.…Today I had a detailed and very unpleasant conversation with a Muslim who proved to me the wrongness of my faith in my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I had to make excuses, it became very unpleasant. I had to abruptly end this conversation.

September 24, Thursday. It is necessary to look for someone to help according to God. I heard how one complained to another about the lack of warm clothes, but it became cold. I called him and dressed him in a sweater and gave him warm woolen socks. He rejoiced so much, well, and I thanked the Lord for this saving opportunity for me.

…Of course, I am a sinner, doing this for my own salvation. But when I do this, I experience heavenly pleasure, and my soul rejoices. I am afraid that this joy is my payment for what I have done. I'm so afraid of getting paid on earth!

I am despised, cursed and driven away from myself because I confess my Lord. Give me, my Savior, to be faithful to You to the end

The Muslims who are here with me are so aggressive towards me that I even wanted to stop them, but then changed my mind. It was the Lord who enlightened me, and I understood the depth of my happiness: after all, they despise me, swear and drive me away from myself because I confess my Lord. Give me, my Savior, to be faithful to You to the end and not stray from the chosen path! After yesterday's puncture, he suffered all night from very strong pains and came to his senses only in the evening. With God's help lived another day.

September 27, Sunday. I woke up and waited for the Muslims to pray and fall asleep so that I could adequately celebrate the Christian holiday of the Exaltation of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord. And while they were praying, he ate prosphora, drank holy water, and applied consecrated oil to his body. I am amazed: I smear the oil, I smear it, but it does not decrease. I prepared a candlestick and a candle with matches. I do not want them, the poor, because of me, a sinner, to be put to shame and punished on the Day of Judgment. As soon as they fell asleep, I prayed with spiritual joy by a lit candle.

September 28, Monday. I suffered all night, the pills do not help. At 3 in the morning I prayed, did not pay attention to the fact that Muslims were aggressive towards me and towards the Orthodox faith. Of course, I feel sorry for them, but I am also grateful to them. With their evil attitude towards me, they help me to go to heaven. Thank you, my Savior, for sending all this to me, a sinner. Among themselves, they constantly talk about me, call me an unfaithful dog and say that it was Allah who punished me with terrible diseases because I stopped doing prayer, left them and became a Christian. Maybe, Lord, my Heavenly Father, this is what pride and vanity speaks in me, but all their attacks in my soul only give me joy and joy. I am happy that I was able to endure, at least in a very small part, what the saints of God had previously endured when there were terrible persecutions of Christians.

Muslims say: "Do not give bread crumbs to this infidel." And I want to do them a lot of good

I see how they, sated to their heart's content, say to each other: "Do not give crumbs of bread to this infidel, so Allah has commanded us, and we are doing his will." But I am happy, and I want to do them a lot of good for their great help to me. Everything they ask me for, I give them. Even when they ask for pain medication, I give them mine.

September 30, Wednesday. Now I drove into the OMON zone, they will conduct a scheduled check and search of the convicts. I am not so afraid of losing anything from things as gifts made of wood, which I prepared for father and mother Ekaterina.

... They took everything from everyone, they took away the rosary from the Muslims and much more, but no one touched my things and me! Everything remained intact - this is a visible miracle that the Lord created. Only the blind, after all this, will doubt the Orthodox faith and will not believe in the Lord. My soul is overflowing with happiness that I am Yours, Lord, and that You are helping me so much here.

P.S. Today they did another puncture from a cancerous tumor on the left shoulder. I won't tell my mother. If it pleases the Lord and my Savior, I will be rewarded with more bounties from my God, and He will lead me, a sinner, out of prison.

October 2, Friday. All night the hellfire raged in my body, no medicines help. I accept everything, Lord, according to my sins, only have mercy! And more is worth enduring for a heavenly life, where there is neither disease nor pain.

... The whole day the pain did not let go, although he constantly drank medicine. The night will be very difficult - strengthen, help me, my Lord. Yesterday I gave icons cut from Orthodox calendars to the zone, let them take those who don’t have them.

October 3, Saturday. The local Muslim leader set himself the goal of convincing me and getting me out of the error in which, in his opinion, I am. He cannot understand how much the Lord has given me and has been giving me constantly since I came to Orthodoxy, began to pray, confess to the priest. I will not convince him, I will not change him and myself too.

The Lord humbled the local Muslims, and they no longer treat me as angry as before. I don't know what is best for me...

October 5, Monday. The Lord humbled the local Muslims, and they no longer treat me as angry as before. I don’t know what is best for me, but I believe that the Lord did this for my salvation. He can see! In the evening, Vladimir came from the church and made me happy: on Wednesday, the priest can come.

October 6, Tuesday. I got up early in the morning, drank holy water and prayed. Then he woke the Muslims for morning prayers. It is we Christians who can pray at any time of the day, and they cannot be late even for one minute. Thank You, my Lord, for teaching me, a sinner, and a vain, and a proud servant of Yours, a humble attitude towards everything in this world.

During the day I was alarmed, again hid the gifts that I had prepared for the father and mother. I hope they arrive tomorrow. He hid and sat anxiously, waiting, but the alarm turned out to be in vain. These were the firemen. Everyone is dressed the same here - colony employees and firefighters.

October 7, Wednesday. Father came and took me to the church. He said, "endure to the end and you will be saved."

But it seems to me that this is the least that I can do. As we crucify ourselves on our cross in this crazy world, so the Lord will reward us. Whoever perishes in the name of the Lord will be saved to eternal life. It is not those who can destroy the body that should be feared.

… I hope that on the air ordeals on the way to the Lord, after the death of my body, the Lord will help me, as I tried to help others. Kind, joyful faces for me are a great happiness, therefore, with such zeal, I hasten to do good, as before I was in a hurry to do evil and murder. The Lord gave birth to me again.

October 9, Friday. Thank you, Lord, that for people like me, here in a strict regime colony, You showed a miracle and established an Orthodox church. Now all who are here can confess and partake of Your Holy Gifts. In the midst of the surrounding evil stands Your Church, which radiates Light and Love.

I did nothing to make You treat me like that, only for most of my earthly life I drove You away from me. In true repentance, we should stretch out our hands to You - and You forgive us everything. Everything is ready to give us, ready to save us from eternal death. Just take a step towards You - and You, God, our Lord, are ready to lead us to the Kingdom of Heaven, where together with You we will live forever in Happiness and Love.

October 10, Saturday.…Thinking about everything that has been and is happening in my life, seeing how the cancer progresses, I ask, I pray to Thee, Lord: make sure that I finish my earthly journey in prison. I am not worthy of another for my sins, and I believe that this is good for me. The only thing I want to free myself is to finish the film I started with the priest and confess before my bodily death. But yes, let everything not be as I want, but as You, Merciful and Generous Lord, my Heavenly Father! Only the father sees how I have changed, how You have reborn me, a sinner. Everyone else treats me the same as before. For them, I am a particularly dangerous criminal.

October 11, Sunday. Thank God I survived that night. The Lord gave me the strength to endure bodily sorrows! It is good to endure all this, constantly communing with the Lord! It is many times more terrible and worse to endure hellish torments forever away from the Lord. My sorrows are nothing compared to the sorrows of those in hell.

October 12, Monday. At night I turned to the nurse for help, and she gave me an anesthetic injection, which was available. In the morning she asked how she spent the night, I thanked her from the bottom of my heart, said that it helped a lot. I did not want to upset her, and she went home calm. If my disease eats up the body, the pain is very strong, I think there is no need to torment others. After all, if you look deeper at what kind of torment it is, the Lord took and removed the entire burden of my condition. He filled my soul with joy and joy. When it's hard for me, I laugh, when it's hard, I smile. Well, when the pain does not even let me breathe, the light in my eyes fades - I read the Jesus Prayer and am grateful to the Lord and My Savior for help.

October 13, Tuesday. Got up at 4 am. Woke Muslims up for prayer. Of course, I understand their attitude towards me, they have not changed it. I don’t even want to write what they call me among themselves. But that's what the diary is for, to reflect the whole truth of my life here. I'm not angry with them, I just can't understand: every morning I wake up for prayer, and because of this they sometimes talk to me, smiling indulgently. But God is their judge. I learned today that the eldest Muslim among them fought in Chechnya on the side of the Wahhabis and is lying here because of a wound in his leg. At first, I took this news aggressively, since many acquaintances and friends died in this war, and perhaps he was to blame. But this soon passed, and I thanked the Lord and asked for forgiveness for my pride and vanity. I fulfill any of their requests, this is how I see my place in this life. I need to fight more with my evil tendencies and I need more humility in my daily life.

They handed over painkillers and ascorbic acid, ketorol - it was my mother who came today.

He treated the Muslims with the products that the mother brought. I saw that they did not expect this, they were at a loss

P.S. Of those products that my dear mother brought me, I treated the Muslims. I could see from their faces that they didn't expect this from me. They were at a loss, but we, Christians, always pay good for evil, for blasphemous words addressed to us - with gratitude and a smile.

October 15, Thursday. I believe that an incurable disease is a gift that the Lord gives us for our reason. Sometimes sin takes us so far away from the paths leading to the Lord that without God's help we will not be able to return on our own. Of course, it’s hard for me, my body has known sin in its worst manifestation. And he constantly strives to fall into the sin of fornication, condemnation, vanity, so you constantly need to keep yourself under control. What I sometimes forget to do and, forgetting, I go on about sin.

October 19, Monday. I woke up at 3 o'clock, read the five hundred on the rosary, woke up the Muslims for prayer. At 8 in the morning they, thinking that I was helping them because I wanted to pray to Allah, began to explain to me that I was an idolater, worshiping pictures. And they argued until 10 o'clock, I defended my right to be a Christian, then, exhausted, fell asleep, woke up and fell asleep again. The pain is constant and stable, but no one knows what I have to go through. And most of the people who surround me waste their strength on trifles.

October 21, Wednesday. Recently, even 10 steps is difficult to go to the toilet or take medicine on your own. But I, Your sinful servant, Lord, as far as my weak strength is enough, I will stand on the path to You chosen by me, my Beloved Judge! Strengthen me, Lord, give me strength, let me endure everything in my path to the end! With You I will overcome everything!

I want to help the priest make a documentary so that as many people as possible, after seeing this film, stop and think

I want to help the priest make a documentary so that as many people as possible, after seeing this film, stop and think. Otherwise, they follow the lead of the devil, who, rejoicing, leads them straight to hellfire.

Today I witnessed a dispute among Muslims: some said that the strongest struggle for a believer in the One God is a struggle with oneself. Others said it was the murder of infidels. So they remained each with his own. I remembered the murdered holy martyr Father Igor from the town of Tyrnyauz. Why do I consider him a saint? Yes, because he was killed for the Orthodox faith, having the physical strength to resist the very evil emanating from this murderer. He did nothing, trusting only in the Lord. Nothing in this world has changed: as they persecuted, killed, tortured and mocked Christians, so it continues to this day, only all these diabolical machinations have become more sophisticated.

October 26, Monday. Once again, comparing the Orthodox faith with the faiths of other peoples, I am convinced that they are mired, bogged down in a worldly and human-bodily relationship both to the world and to the surrounding creatures of God. While Orthodoxy is built on mortifying one's bodily passions, building one's life in preparation for bodily death and for eternal life.

In the evening, Vasya came, who makes the cross, we talked with him about his work. I told him that I want him to work in the church upon his release, where his salvation is. Of course, it does not fit in his head yet that a person who does not know him will help.

October 27, Tuesday. I decided that in addition to personal assistance to Vasily, I would give the money that I have, and I would remember him in my prayers - this is the greatest thing I can do for him. Pray that he will cling to our Orthodox Church and become, with the help of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, a deeply religious person.

October 31, Saturday. All night long, there was very, very severe pain, I had to call the doctor on duty. The tumor has grown so much that even carrying it is difficult. Everyone says that she has grown so much that she is about to burst. Where can it grow further? Of course, it is hard, but I trust in the Lord and feel that my days are numbered. I constantly pray to my God and Savior to give more patience on my way. All these sorrows, I know, are for my sins, and the Lord will not give anything, no heavy burden that we cannot bear. And I am happy that, while dying bodily, my mind is miraculously clear and in such a very difficult state I can praise my Creator and Creator, the Most Holy Theotokos, all the saints and my Guardian Angel.

November 6, Friday. They brought one Muslim from prison, vehemently opposed to Christians, only those Muslims who were here began to treat me peacefully because I wake them up every morning for prayer so that they do not wake up. Christians in this world must hold fast to what the Lord commanded us to help and serve the people around them. The one who was brought began to push the Muslims against the Christians, saying that we were enemies and idolaters.

...Today they made an anesthetic injection, and I was able to go to the bathhouse. It was very hard and painful in the bathhouse, but I cried and prayed to the Lord and my Savior Jesus Christ. Somehow returned. It hurts to watch and listen to all this filth that comes out of their mouths, with which they themselves condemn themselves, recognizing our Lord Jesus Christ as a prophet, but not the Son of God. But I do not judge them, I myself am sinful to the ends of my hair, I myself pray and trust in the mercy of God and His forgiveness.

November 7, Saturday. The harder it gets for me, the more I think about God and man. It is typical for human nature that does not know God to fall into philosophy and set the highest bar for itself, although he himself is low and sinful, and not to try to change his sinful life. Of course, it is easier to justify yourself and your actions with philosophy. To change in oneself, worshiping one's Creator and Creator, recognizing His infallibility in everything and praying to Him, fighting one's pernicious passions is much more difficult.

November 8, Sunday. Thank God spent another night. The Lord helps me in everything, a sinner and a weak one. What can I be dissatisfied with? I, such a terrible sinner, am favored by the Lord, despite the fact that I did and spoke against Him.

Today I met a man from my past life whom I swore to kill

... Everything goes on as usual. Mostly slept during the day. Today I met a man from my past life, whom I swore to kill when the opportunity arose. When he saw me, he began to swear, but it didn’t go any further, since I don’t care about him. I do not consider him an enemy, on the contrary, I feel sorry for him and prayed to the Lord for him. Have mercy on him, Lord, and forgive him. My war is more spiritual, and the enemy is the devil. It was on this occasion from my life that I saw how I became different and my Beloved Lord changed me!

November 9, Monday. For some reason they stopped issuing half of the medicines, but I do not lose heart. Only physically hard, the body does not rest, and sometimes I doze for 10-15 minutes. Medicines don't help the way they used to. Looks like the tumor is on the offensive. I'll be patient a little, I know: she will be satisfied and calm down for a while, digesting everything. Well, I made myself a new icon of "Joy of All Who Sorrow." It was on the Orthodox calendar for the month of November, I cut it out from there and pasted it on cardboard, glued the name on the bottom. That's my joy!

November 10, Tuesday. My cancer has entered a new phase of development, and I must change my attitude towards myself, towards people, but most importantly, I must change myself and my life. If somewhere I allowed myself relaxation and agreement with what I disagree with in my soul, now this should not be present in my life. The time is right.

…I can't believe I'm going to take off this body like an old dress. What to hide, it's my own fault that it has become like this. I loved sin more than anything else - and I myself am to blame for everything! But I trust in the mercy of God, in His forgiveness and help. I look at myself and think: “Here you were in the camp of enemies, you lived denying God, you committed many terrible crimes. How could you imagine that you would be on the other side and ready to do everything for the Lord, even to death? So His Love for you has changed you.”

... Committing a sin earlier, I thought: "I will have time to ask the Lord, and it is not such a terrible sin." Well, now you are on the brink, you crafty servant of God, and you must say to any attack of the crafty enemy: “I am going to the Lord, get out of my way!”

...Today, the prosecutor of the Chegemsky district came to me, wrote an explanatory note instead of me, why I refuse the services of doctors. My mother wrote the complaint. I won't explain to them that my healer and physician is the Lord. They don't understand this, they think I've gone crazy from the pain, but God will be their judge! And so, with God's help, another day passed. Thank you Lord for everything!

Your lazy and sinful slave Andrei

November 11, Wednesday. I just found out today that doctors from the Ministry of Health of the KBR came along with the prosecutor. They demanded x-rays and my medical documents, the issue of my release on the basis of certification was decided. What to hide, I want to get out of prison, but I trust in my Lord and Savior, as He pleases. What is this life? A moment, and it was given to us to love our God more than anything else.

I still have a little to go: today they said that I had less than a year to live. And they look at me with fear: forgive us for talking about such things so frankly. I say: "Nonsense, I thought there were fewer." They looked at me like I was crazy, but there's nothing to be done - they look through the eyes of this world.

November 12, Thursday. The fathers have arrived. The guys carried me on a stretcher to the church so that I could partake of the Holy Mysteries. Although I forgot the sheet with the prepared confession, I did not miss anything, since I wrote all this, repenting and worrying, even though my memory had become bad. I confessed and took communion, praying that the Lord would allow me, a sinner, to taste His Body and drink His Blood. Then there was a tea party, and we talked with the priest. I told him all my news, how I live. Then I asked the priest to bring a rosary for 100 grains, as I often go astray - a bad memory or demons knock down. And the father took off his rosary from his hand and gave it to him. In the first minutes I was numb - I did not expect such a dear gift for myself. Lord, help me to accept them worthily and use them worthily. In the evening, when I returned from church, I prayed on these rosaries. I get great pleasure. And in addition, it is many times easier to read the five hundred than before. I wrapped my old rosary in cellophane; when a Christian appears to whom I can give them, I will give them.

I do not consider my position difficult. The Lord leads me in this way, so it is necessary for my salvation

November 13, Friday. Batiushka said yesterday that he could not bear a life like mine. Thank you, my dear father, for the words of comfort and support to me, a sinner and a weak one. Batiushka is a monk, and that says it all. But even if he was not, but was a priest from the white brotherhood, he would have acted exactly the same. Well, how else to support with words in my position? I don't consider my position difficult. The Lord, as a loving Father, leads me in this way, well, that means it is necessary for my salvation.

In the evening, with God's help, I read the evening prayers, finished by reading 100 Jesus prayers on the rosary. Thank God, I have enough strength to pray in the morning and in the evening and read the five hundred 2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening.

Many here, seeing my zeal in prayer, say: it atones for terrible sins. I do not enter into a conversation with them on this topic, why ?! The Lord sees that now this has long ceased to concern me - it is still not in human power to beg forgiveness for myself. Prayer has become like air for me: without air a person will die - and without prayer, without communion with the Lord, I see no point in living. For what? What can replace this great happiness of communion with God?

There is no worthy occupation in this material world for the creation of God, like communication with your Creator.

November 14, Saturday. What can I say: this day began for me with the fact that a cancerous tumor on my shoulder began to progress and grow. Bumps on the tumor began to crawl out everywhere. It remains to wait until it bursts, and then, therefore, there is generally little time left to resolve their issues. One question remains: are you ready, servant of God, to stand before your Creator and Creator and are you ready to give an answer for the life you have passed? Probably, a person will not be ready until the last second and will try to delay the moment when everything that happens here loses its meaning and only that small handful of good deeds that you have done, guided by the Holy Spirit and the Guardian Angel, will remain. I am not trying to change anything in what awaits me. After all, I will not be able to justify myself before the Judge of my Beloved - I am too sinful. I console myself with the hope that my faith has surpassed my black deeds. There are no minor sins, they all lead to eternal damnation. But a person is so accustomed to underestimate the degree of his guilt! And he convinces himself and tries to justify himself, starting from paradise and to this day. What can I, a sinner, do? I am not only like everyone else, I am 100 times worse than all the creatures of God. Lord, have mercy and forgive Your sinful creation!

Today I spoke with a patient from our hospital and found out that he knew the murdered priest Igor from the city of Tyrnyauz and communicated with him. We talked about him, although he is a Muslim, both of them became brighter and easier at heart.

November 16, Monday. The body has become weaker than the patience that the Lord gave me. I read more than half of the morning prayers, but the pain in my shoulder haunted me to such an extent that I forgot the beginning of some prayers. But I no longer had the right to stop, because, standing before God, praying to Him, I had to bring the morning prayer to the end. Well, the fact that it was given to me so hard is even better: I suffer for my own sins, not for others. I rested, woke up the Muslims for prayer and read the five hundred on the rosary. Then he made tea and drank and thanked the Lord for all the blessings of the earth, which He gives me undeservedly by me.

I returned, fell on the bed, the pain twisted for another 10 minutes, arched my body ...

November 20, Saturday. Yesterday evening I planned to hand over my things to the laundress and go to the bathhouse. I left things for the laundress, but there is a problem with the bathhouse. I made the first jerk at 10 o'clock in the morning, drank painkillers, and it was enough just to go to the bathhouse door and take off my T-shirt. And then I realized: I had to run, getting worse and worse, hobbled to the bed and came to my senses for two hours. Then there was lunch, after lunch I made a second attempt. The nurse gave an injection of Ketorol, and I again went to the bathhouse, managed to wash my winter hat, wash my hair, and rinse my body with water. Hellish pain twisted me, and I fell. When he came to his senses, he went back as soon as possible until the next attack. I am walking, crying from pain, tears are flowing, and I am reading the Jesus Prayer. With God's help, I overcome pain, hobble. Everyone I meet on the way shied away from me - a terrible expression of anguish and tears on my face. I returned, fell on the bed, the pain twisted for another 10 minutes, arched my body, then slowly began to decline, and only after half an hour the body stopped bending and twitching. I took some painkillers and fell asleep. I woke up, read the five hundred on the rosary and decided: if the Lord helps, I will fight.

Now, going for pills, I feel such severe pain that I can’t stand still, a groan breaks out and my body shakes. In the evening I read prayers for the night lying down, since I have no strength to sit, I can’t even believe that my body is so disobedient to me. But that's even better: I won't be able to sin. Only the most important thing is to stand in your thoughts in our Orthodox faith, and I can pray and read the five hundred on the rosary while lying down. I can’t swim on my own - already terrible pains; it is also very difficult to relieve my need in the toilet, but as long as I can at least crawl, I will do it on my own - I don’t want to be a burden to someone.

Monasticism is something I can only dream of, a sinful and crafty servant of God.

What am I thinking about now? Basically, about nothing, only about keeping to the established prayer rule, not deviating from it even a step.

And I would like to live my last days and hours as a monk, although I am not one.

But the Lord sees and knows everything. And, of course, what to hide, I would like to finally cross the threshold of the Church of St. George the Victorious, fall on my face, burst into tears sincerely and heartily and pray by candlelight under the images of the saints. Confess and take communion before a long journey - and you can die. As I write, tears flow. Forgive me, have mercy on me, Lord, Thy sinful creature, that I, a cursed, sinful one, am strong before You, my Savior, I dare to Thy bounties! Forgive me, but I can't help myself.

I am Your eternal debtor, and every day the debt only grows, so I do not dream of giving it to You. I only pray: have mercy and forgive me, give me strength to go all the way to the end, without losing my way and trusting in You, Lord, until the last second!

Your slave sinful and cursed Andrew

Helping a seriously ill old man. I am in the place where I must carry the word of God not in words, but in deeds

November 25, Wednesday. Now I mainly help here one seriously ill old man, with whom we often talk about life and death. I am in the place where I must carry the word of God not with words, but with deeds, since this world is full of meaningless words and therefore people do not believe the words. In the evening, with God's help, I read prayers for the coming dream. It's getting worse and worse, the night is ahead, I trust in God's help and the help of the Mother of God, the Most Holy Theotokos.

November 26, Thursday. Basically, all Muslims were decommissioned today, only two remained. The atmosphere in the room immediately changed. New patients were admitted and even brought back from the general regimen. Basically, they recall their former cheerful life, but this revival in the ward makes me feel better: life beats around me. Here they put one sick Georgian, I help him in every possible way, and he asked for a pectoral cross - this is a good, God-pleasing deed. I immediately wrote to brother Vladimir in our Orthodox church in the zone and asked to bring it as soon as possible. It is impossible for a Christian without a cross - this is protection, support. And in a big sense - this is the meaning of life. I don’t know why, but I feel comfort, lightness in my soul.

December 2, Wednesday. Probably, the time has come not only to carry your cross, but also to crucify yourself on it. Now I am weak and weak and live only thanks to the help of those who surround me here. Thank you Lord for bringing them all here! A sick person came to visit today and gave me a white T-shirt. Of course, I had to tear the sleeve, because the tumor did not want to crawl through. Here it is - the time to test yourself, how faithful you will remain in your thoughts to your God, King and Heavenly Father. Many words were said while everything was fine, but when sorrows came, everything became so ghostly and unsteady. The enemy launches, like tentacles, his ungodly thoughts: is it not in vain that you suffer and remain faithful to Him? Maybe everything is not at all the way you imagine and what are you preparing for? And with what spiritual joy I put my shield from all troubles on these arrows of the enemy of men - the Cross of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

December 4, Friday. It is a holiday today - . I read the morning prayers, and read the five hundred on the rosary. I sent a letter to my mother and the rest of the day I struggled lying down with pain. And in the evening at 17 o'clock the pain gripped me so much that those who saw it were frightened: as if in my body someone else had forced the muscles of my face and body to contract, my whole body was cowardly and writhing. After an injection of an anesthetic, I only came to my senses in half an hour. And, as it became easier, he smiled at everyone and asked for forgiveness for frightening everyone so unexpectedly.

December 6, Sunday. In the morning I got up with God's help, ate prosphora and washed it down with holy water, then applied consecrated oil crosswise on my face and body. I read the morning prayers and the five hundred on the rosary, and again, exhausted, fell asleep. When I woke up, I went and took the pills. Came back and lay down. I sniffed my hands, for some reason the smell was pleasant, it seemed to be the smell of the most pleasant perfume that I had ever smelled in my life. Wherever I've applied crosswise ecclesiastical consecrated oil, there is now such a wonderful smell. I asked the neighbors, maybe someone smeared, no one knows. I don't know what to think, but my heart is full of joy. Hope this isn't a scam. In the evening I read the five hundred. The doctor on duty came, the pains today instead of 17:00 began at 16:00, and it is impossible to completely anesthetize. He suffered and asked for help and quickly read the Jesus Prayer.

Everyone around whispers: "He's dying." But I'm only happy

December 7, Monday. Everyone around whispers: "He is dying." But I only rejoice: after all, in this world we are all only travelers to our native home, the Lord leads us. The Lord consoled me today, and I received a letter from home, an envelope, and in it envelopes and New Year's and Christmas cards. I immediately distributed them to the sick, made them happy, saw how their faces shone.

Printed with abbreviations.


The first thoughts about monastic vows in Andrei, who was being healed from sin, appeared two years before his death. Played a role and reading spiritual books, and communication with the priest-monk, and participation in the Sacraments of the Church - and this is above all! But the real depth of the human heart is known only by the One Omniscient God. Andrew several times wrote petitions to the ruling bishop, and the Lord, the Life-Giving One, controlled everything by His Providence.

On December 31, 2009, on the day of memory of the Hieromartyr Thaddeus, Archbishop of Tver, the heavenly patron of the temple and the brotherhood of a strict regime colony, the robber Andrey was released due to illness. Having begged with his petitions for a blessing to be tonsured by Archbishop Feofan (Ashurkov), at that time the ruling bishop of the Stavropol and Vladikavkaz diocese, under the personal spiritual responsibility of Hieromonk Igor (Vasiliev).

Andrei Golovko in the church of the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious in the city of Tyrnyauz was tonsured a monk with the name Thaddeus.

This could be the point. However, with the tonsure, the most severe - spiritual temptations - were added to physical suffering from diseases. The last month and a half of the life of the repentant robber, who became a monk, were filled with demonic intrigues, misunderstanding and rejection of his relatives.

Mom, loving her son in her own way, insisted that the monk Thaddeus live with her. But even being in another city, 100 kilometers away from his father, who tonsured him a monk, he asked for spiritual help. And the priest went to the monk Thaddeus, consecrated the house, confessed, communed the Holy Mysteries of Christ and instructed to endure the last trials - trials from loved ones, perhaps the most difficult ...

After his death, the relatives took the body of the monk Thaddeus to the morgue. In the same place, on a concrete table, a funeral service was performed according to the monastic rank.

Robber or Monk? What will be the judgment of God?

The servant of God Andrei is a striking phenomenon in church life not only in modern Russia, but in the entire Orthodox world. His testimonies are the most valuable part of Church Tradition. Everything he experienced and saw significantly complements the information about the afterlife accumulated by the Orthodox Church.

Andrey's narratives do not contradict the Church's teaching on ordeals, they do not contradict the evidence recognized by the Church about the separation of the soul from the body - the nun Theodora ("The ordeal of St. Theodora"), the baptized, but unchurched K. Ikskul ("Unbelievable for many, but a true incident"), and as well as many other similar testimonies around the world.

His prophecies about Russia agree with the prophecies of the holy fathers of the Church, as well as other saints of God who have not yet been glorified. But in the case of Andrei, there is a significant difference: not everyone who has been in the other world, went through 20 ordeals and visited so many villages of Paradise and hell, not everyone was open to the future, not everyone was honored to see the Trinitarian God, talk with the Lord Jesus Christ and His Most Pure Mother, as well as with four more saints especially revered in Russia!

The only reason why his testimonies are stubbornly ignored and hushed up is the topics he touched on TIN, ungodly documents, the last times. It is for this reason that the media represent Andrey in a negative way, and discrediting rumors are spread among the people through malicious people. The forces of hell are trying by all means to break him, to slander him, to silence him, but many Orthodox do not understand this and give in to rumors!

The event that happened to Andrei is the grace of God! The Lord sends us His help through such people - to prepare for the coming trials, posthumous ordeals and worthily pass into eternal life. Such help is needed in our troubled and evil time, when many believers feel like sheep without shepherds. "Where are the mentors? They are not here!" - said Blessed Pelagia of Ryazan that prophesied our time. Andrei gave answers to many questions that tormented people, destroyed modern heresies, and strengthened many in the correctness of the chosen path. Andrei speaks briefly and simply, only what was revealed to him and what is necessary for the salvation of the soul. There are not many among us such witnesses of the afterlife as the servant of God Andrei.

His testimonies are the way to salvation!

(The text retains the stylistic features of the author)


That's what he said, yes, what was shown to me, it's all like a prophecy, as if I confirm the prophecies, I only saw it in 2001. This was all with me at the Dormition of the Mother of God. These are the disasters in Russia: first, it will start from Moscow, ... there will be a failure, there will be three failures in Moscow, after the first failure there will be no passage, something related to Lenin ... his reburial, something such, there will be no more holy relics at this time, the Lord will remove them. There will be no holy relics in Moscow!

There will be a disaster in Kazan ... Kazan, Saratov, Volgograd region ... Volgograd and Astrakhan regions will be flooded with water. Kazan - there will also be some disasters; St. Petersburg will be flooded with water.

After these disasters, China will go to war, when China sees that Russia is in such a distress, China will go ... and many of our people will die, they will reach the Urals and will be stopped by the Mother of God. There will be a manifestation of the Queen of Heaven from Heaven and the Mother of God will stop them, they will be afraid and run away from here, from Russia. Many will turn to Vera, this will stop the war in Russia. It will be about a few months, maybe eight months this war will last.

Then, this part of Russia will remain: Vladimir, Yaroslavl, Moscow regions, except for Moscow ... the time will be difficult. Sergiev Posad will be overcrowded with people, people will flee here as to a holy place, a saving place, there will be many people here.

And Diveevo?

Diveevo will remain. After this war, yes ... You need to pray to St. Tsar Nicholas II! And there will be a Tsar in Russia! I saw the king, who will be, soon already, soon it will be! The tsar will be in Vladimir, the capital will be Vladimir. Somewhere in the 40s...

- Does it look like Ivan the Terrible? Should we pray for power?

The authorities... I know that the authorities will be different, the authorities will change now: one, another, a third, in general, this will be before the Tsar, there will be no stability!

Russia will not perish, there will be the Resurrection of Russia, the Revival of Russia will be! Before that, of course, there will be many troubles in Russia, not everyone will live! To the King! Under the King, life will improve ...

New passports, TIN, seal

And these disasters will stop the seal of the Antichrist!

The most important thing for us is not to accept the seal of the Antichrist, not to accept documents, starting with the first passports and ending with what will happen next - cards, what else they will come up with ...

TIN - this number is given by Satan! They take him to destruction, and there he (man) is already branded. Anyone who has received this passport (Russian, new model) needs to get rid of it, you need to repent, go to church and ask with tears for the Lord to have mercy!

Insurance policy?

Polis, you can't take anything like that!

A foreign passport, if it is machine readable, is also, probably, equated to such documents?

Maybe yes! The one who takes the number, it is the evil one who gives out these numbers, and this number ... he already, as it were, dooms himself, he departs from God. And the Lord said: “Who will accept the TIN, I don’t know!” Then this time will come - our life will end, and then he will not be able to be saved, even people will not even die, those who will depart from God and take everything upon themselves. Do not receive documents (for children) either! Both children and adults, everyone who received it will have to answer for this!

Father Seraphim will come, come, It will come!... He will come alive, many will follow him, many young people will go, there will be repentance, people will run after him...

Participation in the processions

- Processions of the cross, in general, saved Russia! Russia is saved by processions of the cross!

Was there anything said about it?

Religious processions are not so easy to conduct ... they said that you go, take your children, go yourself!

Are any sins forgiven by participating in religious processions?

Processions, yes, sins are forgiven, the Lord forgives!

For the whole family or just members?

To the participants, to those who walk, who visit, pray... Much grace! When I was at the procession a year ago in Moscow, the Cross came out in heaven, from heaven! Everyone saw it, you know? The Lord gives many such manifestations in processions: the sun plays, a rainbow ...

Can I take communion now?

Andrey, the question is, now many believers have the opinion that it is already impossible to take communion in Temples in Moscow, well, because many priests have accepted the TIN and the Temples themselves have already all accepted the TIN and there are six-pointed asterisks on the walls ..., is it possible, still now to receive communion in some separate Temples?

You must be here yourself, ... people must understand this and understand it themselves! If I now say that, for example, in Moscow you can’t go to Church, you can’t understand it that way! To the Church - I was told so - to go to the last, confess, take communion, and where to go, it's up to you to see where it's better for you, how the Lord leads you!

Holy King John

Interesting attitude - i.e. what you saw, what you can say - specifically to Tsar Ivan the Terrible, tk. now there is a lot of talk, and here the Patriarchate is against canonization, and after all, John the Terrible is the Tsar, he was already canonized, a Moscow saint! And this, as it were, is not recognized, so how can we still pray to him as a saint?

Of course, of course, of course!

About TV

TV is not allowed in the house. You can't have a TV at all! If you have a TV, it's the demon that lives in the house! If there are icons and you pray, and there is a TV nearby, the demon approaches the person! There is no prayer!

Rule of schema nun Anthony

Andrey, about the rule of schema nun Antonia about begging for aborted babies?

Follow, follow the rule of Anthony, you will beg for your children and you yourself will be saved!

Did you see her there, in the Kingdom of Heaven?

Saw! It’s good when such a sin is corrected by covering his good deeds, stopping someone who is going to have an abortion from this, for example, persuading him, begging him, maybe help him with money or something. This is the very forgiveness of sin when we stop another person from this, which we ourselves were once guilty of.

Based on brochure

"Testimonies of a Servant of GodAndrew

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