What pan do you need for pancakes. Pancake pan - which is better to choose? Special pancake pans

Pancakes are a popular dish in many countries and you need a good frying pan to fry them. Today, many manufacturers offer a wide range of such devices. A pancake pan can be crafted from different materials and each has its pros and cons.

What is the best pancake pan?

  1. Pay attention to the height of the sides, so the maximum size is 1 cm. Thanks to this restriction, it will be much easier to turn pancakes. Some designer products have sides from 2 to 10 mm.
  2. The diameter of the pan for pancakes ranges from 15 to 25 cm. The choice should be made solely from your own preferences.
  3. It is recommended to pay attention to the length of the handle, which is related to safety. The larger it is, the less chance of getting burned. It is convenient if the handle has a silicone coating.

Cast iron pancake pan

The traditional device for frying pancakes is, which has been popular for more than a dozen years. Among others, she stands out for her long term services. To understand which pan is better for pancakes, it is worth pointing out other advantages of the cast-iron version, as the metal presented has a low chemical inertness, that is, it has practically no effect on the products used during cooking. In addition, the surface heats up evenly and retains heat for a long time.

Cast iron has a porous structure, so during frying it accumulates oil, which improves non-stick properties. It is worth noting the resistance of cast iron to acids, so during cooking and cleaning you can use lemon juice and vinegar. After using a pancake pan, you can leave it unwashed to preserve the oil coating. As for the disadvantages, there are only two of them: the heavy weight and brittleness of cast iron.

Induction pancake pan

Induction bottom appliances are becoming popular because they can be used on all types of stoves, including the newfangled induction technology. Heating is due to electromagnetic current. heats up quickly and evenly. Many devices have special indicators that change color when heated. It is worth noting that if the product is damaged, then the heating of the surface will be uneven.

Electric pan for pancakes

Such a device appeared relatively recently in stores, but many housewives have already been able to appreciate its advantages. There are two types of electric pancake pan: flat and with notches for small pancakes. In the first case, you can cook pancakes of any size and shape, and in the second case, the dough will not spread and you can immediately bake several small pancakes. Many models have non-stick coating and automatic regulator temperature.

Has an electric pancake pan and cons, so, flat device requires skill so that excess dough does not overflow. In addition, washing such equipment is not easy. As for the crepe maker with notches, it is overall, so it is not suitable for small kitchens. For many, the downside is the fact that pancakes in such a pan have a diameter of no more than 15 cm. When choosing a device, consider the power, size, presence of a thermostat and accessories.

Submersible pan for pancakes

Another option for an electric pancake maker, which looks like a regular frying pan, but only with a convex bottom. Included is a special bowl where the dough is poured. The device, connected to the network, warms up and when the indicator goes out, the pancake submersible pan is dipped with a working surface into the dough for a few seconds. After that, it is turned over and the pancake is kept for another 1-2 minutes, and then it is removed.

Electrical appliances are dependent on the power grid and are more expensive than conventional appliances. Among the advantages are fast heating, ease of use, the presence of a non-stick coating, compact size, the ability to cook thin and well-baked pancakes. It is important to first learn how to use such a pancake pan in order to lower the entire surface of the device into the dough.

Pancake pan with non-stick coating

This is the most common pancake maker. Among the advantages, one can single out the lightness of the pan, but at the same time it has a thick bottom, which will ensure uniform baking. Due to the presence of a non-stick coating, baking is easily removed and you don’t even need to additionally grease the surface with fat. A pancake pan with a non-stick coating has disadvantages: surface deformation during rapid heating, cracking when overheated, and the ability to use only wooden or silicone spatulas to turn and remove pancakes.

Pancake pan with ceramic coating

It is believed that a product with such a coating is environmentally friendly. In addition, it withstands high temperatures and is scratch resistant. Even if you overcook the pancake, turning it into a "coal", then this will not affect the integrity of the coating. a pancake pan has drawbacks, for example, it is not durable and is afraid of temperature changes that occur when cold dough is poured onto a hot surface. Do not wash this product dishwasher, since ceramics do not tolerate an alkaline environment.

Pancake marble pan

One of the analogues of ceramic coating is a variant. It is made from crushed granite and marble. To decide which pancake pan is better to buy, it is worth noting that the presented version is made of cast aluminum, has a thick bottom and a special coating that can withstand scratches. The advantages include resistance to high temperatures and the exclusion of burning. When frying pancakes, you can not use oil. The disadvantages include the high cost.

Pancake pan with detachable handle

It is not easy to find such a device, since a handle is needed to make pancakes, and a long one. Thanks to this, you can easily flip pancakes, and professionals can even toss them. When figuring out which pancake pan is the best, experts recommend giving preference to monolithic options, since the removable handle can break off. The detachable handle is convenient for cooking in the oven and for compact storage.

Pancake pan - rating

Many manufacturers offer products for making ruddy pancakes. So that the purchase does not disappoint, it is recommended to take into account the ratings of manufacturers. For those who are wondering which pancake pan is best, here are some popular options.

  1. Pancake pan "Nadoba". Products of this brand are of high quality and you can cook on them without oil, without fear that the dough will burn. The silicone handle makes it comfortable to use.
  2. Pancake pan "Vari". Famous Russian manufacturer manufactures products using innovative materials. The quality of pans meets European standards.
  3. Pancake pan "Kukmara". A manufacturer from Tatarstan manufactures products from aluminum. The pancake pan has a thickened bottom, which causes uniform heating. It is worth noting the high quality of products.
  4. Pancake pan "Frybest". This manufacturer has products with an ecological Evergreen ceramic coating. The handles of the pan are long and silicone-coated for ease of use.
  5. Pancake pan "Tefal". One of the most popular manufacturers from France, which offered products with non-stick coating. Pans stand out high quality, are made of different materials and have an indicator indicating heating.

pancake pan care

After cooking is completed, it is necessary to wait for the surface to cool completely. The pan for making pancakes can be washed with any liquid detergent with a soft sponge. If used Cast-iron pan, then it is not recommended to wash it at all, so as not to remove the resulting oil coating. To prepare a frying pan, it is recommended to put a little oil and a spoonful of coarse-grained table salt. Ignite the mixture on fire, and then remove it with a soft cloth. After this procedure, you can not be afraid that "the first pancake will be lumpy."

To please your home with delicious pancakes, it is not always enough to have a recipe. The quality of the pan plays an important role. Caring housewives dream of having a comfortable, reliable crepe maker. But it is not always possible to choose the right pan the first time. User reviews help you make the right purchase.

Delicious ruddy pancakes are obtained mainly on grandmother's cast-iron pancakes. But what if there is no such “rarity” in the house? Do not despair, because a modern manufacturer offers products not the worst quality than half a century ago.

Why you need a pancake pan

Should I buy a special pancake maker when there is a regular one, and pancakes are rarely prepared? buy because delicious pancakes with a golden crust can only be obtained with a special pan for pancakes. Any pancake has the following features:

Advice. If you use a pancake pan only for its intended purpose, pancakes will never burn, their crust will always be golden, and the taste will always be pleasant.

Types of pans for pancakes

Pancake pans differ in the material of manufacture:

  1. Cast iron. In such a frying pan, fragrant and tasty pancakes are obtained. The advantage of a cast iron skillet is durability. Thanks to the thick bottom, the dishes do not cool down for a long time, and the dough is baked evenly and quickly. The only downside is the weight of this cookware. Even if the cast iron pan has low sides, it weighs more than 2 kg. A cast iron pan is quite expensive, but worth it.
  1. Teflon. Thanks to the Teflon coating, pancakes can be fried without oil. Teflon is applied to any metal surface: steel, aluminum and other alloys. The better the Teflon coating, the more expensive the pan will cost. Having dishes made of such material in the house, it should be noted that you need to use special spatulas - wooden, silicone or plastic. In no case should metal kitchen tools be used, as the coating will be scratched, and such a pan will no longer be suitable for use. To date, there are still disputes about the safety of Teflon for human health, so whether or not to buy Teflon-coated dishes, each consumer decides for himself.
  1. Ceramics. It is considered a safer non-stick coating than Teflon. Has a perfectly smooth surface white color. The disadvantage of a pancake pan with a ceramic coating is the fragility of the material and the high price.
  1. Marble. Dishes made of such material appeared on the market quite recently. You can cook pancakes in a marble-coated pan without the use of greasing oil. The bottom of the cookware heats up evenly and quickly. Marble-coated utensils are environmentally friendly, as they do not emit harmful substances. It practically does not give in to mechanical damage, therefore it serves for a long time, but such a frying pan is not cheap.
  1. Copper. Copper-plated pans are most commonly used professional chefs. In the household, such crepe makers are rarely used due to the complexity of maintenance. It takes a lot of oil to cook pancakes in such a pan. But in terms of the quality of frying, such dishes are in no way inferior to cast iron, but they weigh much lighter.

Crepe makers differ among themselves not only in material, but also in shape, size and, accordingly, price. If speak about designer models with 10 cm diameter emoticons, you can cook several pancakes at once in them, which saves a lot of time.

How to choose a pan for pancakes

When choosing a pan for pancakes, you should consider some factors:

  • the weight of the pan - the lighter, the less tired the hand;
  • the height of the sides - the smaller it is, the easier it is to turn the pancakes. Designer cookware has sides from 2 to 10 mm, which makes the task even more convenient;
  • the length of the handle protects the cook's hands from burns;
  • the material from which the handle is made should not heat up;
  • bottom thickness - the thicker, the less pancakes burn;
  • the shape of the dishes is square or round. It is more convenient to wrap the filling in square pancakes.

Attention! For induction cookers pans are not suitable for all materials.

A pancake pan is chosen for more than one year, so it is advisable to give preference to dishes made of quality materials. Because the durability of dishes and its safety for human health depend on this factor.

In their reviews, many housewives advise buying pancake makers with a thick bottom, small sides and a non-heating or removable handle. When buying, you should pay attention not only to the price, but also to the quality of the products offered.

In order for the pan for pancakes to last a long time, the following recommendations must be observed:

  • Use dishes only for cooking pancakes and pancakes;
  • When frying, use vegetable, melted fat or lard;
  • Store in a special case or separately from other kitchen utensils;
  • When using the cast iron pan for the first time, ignite it on the stove with salt;
  • Do not wash the crepe maker with an iron sponge for washing dishes, but wipe the surface of the pan with a towel or paper towel;
  • In order not to scratch working area pancakes, turn the dough over with a strictly wooden, plastic or silicone spatula.

Compliance with such elementary rules extend the life of the product.


Today, crepe makers are produced by more than 100 manufacturers from different countries peace.

The most popular of them:

  • Italian - Flonal S.P.A.;
  • French - Vitesse, Tefal;
  • German - Rondell, Wellberg, Bergner, KAISERHOFF;
  • Chinese - Kitchen Star, BERGNER, SNT, Con Brio, Hilton, Gipfel
  • Russian - Scovoi, Neva.

Manufacturers offer a wide range of pancake makers, which helps every housewife to choose the model that she needs. It should be noted that when buying a product of an unknown brand, there is a risk of acquiring a low-quality product.

How to choose the right pan for pancakes: video

In Russian cuisine, pancakes take pride of place both in Everyday life, so on holiday table. Such a treat is prepared with a variety of salty, spicy and sweet fillings, and served with butter, honey, jam, condensed milk for tea. Baking this delicious and fragrant traditional dish has its own tricks and nuances. Especially it is worth paying attention to the dishes for frying.

It's all about the form

To prepare everyone's favorite treat, you will need a small set of available products (eggs, flour, milk, salt, sugar, soda, vegetable oil for frying) and a good pancake pan. You can, of course, fry in ordinary dishes, but experienced housewives and leading chefs unanimously say that this dish must be prepared using special kitchen utensils. The thing is that in conventional frying dishes, the walls and bottom are either equally thick or equally thin. A pancake pan differs from its counterparts in the kitchen with a thick bottom and thin walls. It is this feature that contributes to good and fast frying of both thin and thick truly Russian pancakes. In addition, the pancake pan has low rims, which makes flipping much more convenient. The forms of such special vessels are very diverse: round of all possible diameters, oval, in the shape of hearts and bears, with a ribbed bottom and even. The most convenient is the classic version - round with an average diameter. In such a pan, you can bake both thick pancakes with butter, and thin ones for the filling. Although the kids, of course, will really like breakfast in the shape of a muzzle of some kind of animal.

Frying pans old-timers

Many people still have pancake pans from their mothers and grandmothers in their kitchens. This kitchenware from past centuries it is most likely made of cast iron. These are also produced today. A cast iron pancake pan is very good for baking fragrant dough, as it heats up perfectly evenly and keeps the temperature at the same level. But there is one significant drawback - products made from this material are very heavy. They cannot be placed on modern ovens with glass coatings, and in order to deftly turn pancakes in such a pan, you need some skill.

A few decades ago, aluminum reigned in the kitchens of all housewives: pots, spoons, forks and, of course, a variety of frying utensils. An aluminum pancake pan is light and cheap, but that's where its virtues end. Standard stamped specimens have a thin bottom, as a rule, they do not have coatings, they are easily deformed, they heat up and cool down too quickly. Not every housewife will be able to cook this dish in such a frying pan - pancakes will burn, curl up or not fried enough. There are also thick cast products, but you should not forget that cooking in such dishes is not very safe. This is one of the reasons why many have abandoned this relatively cheap and common material for making dishes.

Modern assistants

The most common today is pancake. This kitchen utensils are made from a special modern coating. The coating material is safe for health and greatly facilitates the frying process, preventing sticking and burning of the dough. When choosing such a frying pan, you should pay attention to the thickness of the bottom and the number of layers of coating. Three layers are considered ideal. In this case, the cookware will last longer, since its service life directly depends on the integrity of the applied non-stick layer and its quality.

The induction pancake pan is a great invention of the last decade. Special coating bottom evenly distributes heat over the entire surface, making the frying process a real pleasure. And most importantly, such kitchen utensils can be used on modern ones without worrying about the integrity and safety of expensive equipment.

Producers of pancake happiness

Today, there are a huge number of manufacturers of kitchen utensils on the market, including pancake pans. Here are the most popular ones:

1. French manufacturers: Tefal, Vitesse.

2. Italian masters: Flonal S.P.A.

3. Made in China: Kitchen Star, SNT, BERGNER, Con Brio, Gipfel, Hilton.

4. German quality: Rondell, Bergner, Wellberg, KAISERHOFF.

In total, the market presents the products of more than 100 manufacturers from around the world. Many of them have very decent models and interesting prices.

Of the domestic companies, it is worth noting the Scovo company and, of course, the Neva pancake pans. Products of the plant "Neva Metal" are produced on modern equipment, with considering latest trends industry and centuries-old traditions of cooking Russian dishes. Wide the lineup products will allow each hostess to choose something for herself.
Of course, there are also cheap products of little-known or completely unknown brands, but when buying such a thing, you always risk getting a low-quality product. First, cheap frying pans of unknown origin can contain toxic substances and be harmful or even hazardous to health. Secondly, such kitchen utensils usually do not last long, quickly become unusable and go to the trash.

Where to get?

You can buy a good pancake pan in a store or on the market, or you can order it on the Internet. It is best, of course, to purchase such a product directly from the manufacturer and its official representative. So the buyer will receive complete confidence in buying the original, and not a handicraft fake.

Pancake pan: reviews of hostesses

Many housewives, from beginners to the most experienced, having tried to cook pancakes in a modern frying pan, are very satisfied and refuse inherited copies, whether cast iron or aluminum. Those with experience will appreciate the ease and convenience. Those who are just starting out in the culinary field will be happy with a good result at the first cooking without experience.

Everyone who tried to fry in the pans of the Neva Metal Posuda plant notes great taste pancakes without additional "fragrant" chemical additives, as well as low weight and a very high-quality non-stick coating. It is thanks to the top layer that the dish can be cooked practically without oil, which is very useful and economical.

Every housewife should have a frying pan designed specifically for baking pancakes. To make pancakes fluffy and tasty, and the cooking process does not take much time and effort, you need to know how to choose a pancake pan.

What should be a pan for pancakes

There are many pans for baking pancakes, differing from each other in shape, size, material and quality of coating. But they must all meet the following requirements:

  • low sides, thanks to which you can easily flip or toss the pancake;
  • thickened bottom, able to withstand a huge temperature difference;
  • long, poorly heated handle.

A round frying pan is considered a classic version of this dish. Although today there are also square models, because it is much more convenient to wrap the filling in such pancakes.

Depending on the material of manufacture, pans are divided into several types, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

For those who are just starting to master the art of making pancakes, a pancake pan with a non-stick coating is perfect. You can fry on it almost without oil, while the dough does not stick to the work surface and the product easily turns over.

One of the advantages of such dishes is their low cost, availability and ease of maintenance. To start cooking pancakes in a non-stick pan, simply heat the surface to desired temperature and oil once.

Teflon cookware has some minor drawbacks.

A Teflon-coated frying pan must not be heated to temperatures above 220°C. Otherwise, the frying surface begins to release toxic substances.

Manufacturers supply modern models with special indicators that help control the heating temperature.

In addition, the pancake pan with non-stick coating does not tolerate careless handling. It can only be washed with a soft sponge using liquid detergents. To flip pancakes, use only wooden or plastic spatulas, protecting the surface from scratches and chips.

To prepare stuffed pancakes, you should choose a frying pan with a diameter of 25 cm. If you plan to cook small pancakes, you can purchase a model that has a diameter of 15 cm.

Many experienced housewives prefer cast iron pans for baking pancakes. First pancake cast iron skillet appeared in the 3rd century BC. e. and still remains the most reliable and durable.

Pancake pans made of cast iron are distinguished by their significant weight, which sometimes reaches 3 kg. Before cooking, such dishes require pre-treatment.

  1. A new cast-iron pan should be thoroughly washed in water with detergent, wiped dry, covered with salt and put on fire.
  2. For an hour, warm the dishes for strong fire until the salt turns dark. This procedure can be done two or three times. Salt will draw out the burnt and technical oils used in the manufacture of dishes.
  3. Continuing the preparation process, it is recommended to pour half a glass into the pan vegetable oil and heat it up until it smokes. It is necessary to heat the pan with oil for 20-30 minutes, then the dishes should be cooled and washed cold water. After such treatment, a thin oil film forms on the frying surface, and the pan will be ready for use.

Before choosing a pancake pan made of cast iron, you need to carefully examine the quality of the frying surface. It should be absolutely even, without ruts and sagging, with barely noticeable roughness. Over time, such dishes do not lose their properties and only get better.

The pancake cast-iron frying pan has sides of 1-2 cm, and the buyer chooses the diameter according to his taste. It must be remembered that the larger the frying surface, the heavier the dishes.

When starting to bake pancakes in a new cast-iron pan, you need to prepare for the fact that the first pancakes will be “lumpy”. This is quite normal, and already from the third or fourth time everything will work out, you just have to remember to add oil before each new pancake.

After completion of work, the pan should be cooled, washed in warm water and dry with paper towel.

To prevent the cast iron pan from losing its properties and from becoming rusty, it must be stored absolutely dry.

Ceramic-coated frying pans belong to the new generation of cookware. They are cast products made of cast iron, steel or aluminum, the frying surface of which is covered with a smooth layer of ceramics.

Unlike Teflon cookware, a ceramic pan has several advantages:

  • the surface for frying is more durable, resistant to destruction;
  • pancakes in a ceramic pan do not burn, as ceramics have high non-stick characteristics;
  • dishes are environmentally friendly, not afraid of high temperatures and do not emit toxins, because ceramics consists of natural materials- sand, stone, water.

Of the shortcomings of ceramic-coated pans, only the high cost can be noted, which is fully justified by the quality of the dishes.

Before using a frying pan with a ceramic surface for the first time, it should be washed, wiped dry, heated over medium heat and, after pouring a little oil, ignited. Ceramic coating will absorb fat, after which it will be possible to cook pancakes without adding oil.

Ceramic dishes should be kept clean and dry. Pancake pans after frying long time in a dirty state, will not last long. Despite the strength of the ceramic layer, it is recommended to use wooden or plastic spatulas to turn the pancakes.

Frying pans with marble coating

An analogue of the ceramic component in the production of dishes is a marble coating, which is made from marble and granite chips. Marble coated pancake pan made of die-cast aluminum with a thick bottom and non-stick layer light color Incredibly scratch resistant.

Such dishes are not afraid of high temperatures, do not emit toxic substances, and pancakes in a marble-coated pan never burn. This is ideal for novice housewives deciding which pan is best. Pancakes bake perfectly even without oil, besides, before the first use, the marble-coated pan does not need to be cooked. Simply put the dishes on the fire and start frying the pancakes.

Ware with a marble layer is quite expensive, but with good care and lasts a very long time. The rules for caring for marble dishes are the same as for a frying pan with a ceramic coating.

Convenient and high-quality pancake pans will help decorate the menu with golden pancakes, and baking will bring real pleasure.

Cast iron pans for pancakes are a time-tested solution. They have been produced for more than a dozen years and continue to be produced to this day. Let's talk in more detail about the features of such dishes and some manufacturers.


Cast iron pan for pancakes - dishes designed for frying pancakes, less often thin pancakes. It is distinguished from other types of frying pans by some design features - low sides and a perfectly even and smooth bottom surface. The diameter of the dishes can be different - models of 15-16 cm are ideal for small pancakes without filling, pans of 20-22 cm are well suited for pancakes that will be stuffed later, but products over 25 cm are almost not in demand, they are less convenient. You may also be interested in information on how to use

Advantages and disadvantages

Cast iron pans are incredibly durable - now in the kitchens of many people you can find such products, released almost 30-40 years ago. And over time, they almost do not lose their performance characteristics.

On the video - a description of the cast-iron pan for pancakes:

Other significant advantages of cast iron pancake pans are:

  • Uniform heating of the entire surface of the bottom - this eliminates the possibility that part of the pancake will be fried, and part will remain raw;
  • Absolute safety for cooking - cast iron does not emit any toxic compounds;
  • Affordable price;
  • The surface of the material is not afraid of scratches and will not be damaged by falling from a small height.

Of the disadvantages of such pans, only their large weight can be called (compared to aluminum or steel). Also, like any other pancake pans, they have a limited scope - they are designed only for making pancakes or pancakes.

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Cast iron pans are great for making pancakes on their own. However, their properties can be further improved by adding a non-stick coating. It allows not only to minimize the likelihood of food burning, but also to greatly reduce the consumption of oil for frying. At the same time, the prices for dishes with such a coating are only slightly higher than for ordinary ones.

The non-stick layer is made from:

  • Teflon (polytetrafluoroethylene);
  • Ceramics (composite polymer with the inclusion of the smallest particles of sand);
  • Teflon with the addition of fine marble chips;
  • Non-composite materials - titanium, granite or diamond.

The disadvantage of having a non-stick layer is that it requires careful handling. To avoid scratches, you will have to use wooden or plastic spatulas; you need to wash such pans without abrasive products and hard brushes, and it is also better not to drop them.

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Manufacturers and prices

Although it seems that a cast-iron pancake pan is a fairly simple device, it turns out that a lot depends on the manufacturer. If you want your purchase to be not only durable (after all, cast iron itself provides this characteristic), but also of high quality and convenient, pay attention to these companies and their products:

  1. Fissman. Relatively inexpensive brand made in Korea. The approximate cost of one pan is 1,500 rubles, but often this brand arranges sales, therefore it is often possible to purchase an appliance at half price. The brand's pans are quite heavy, which indicates the quality of the cast iron. None characteristic features, a good compromise. But how a cast-iron pan is used correctly and which one is suitable for induction cookers is indicated in great detail

    A well-known brand that produces fairly high-quality and heavy cast-iron pans

  2. seaton. Budget domestic brand. The price of one pan is in the region of 700-800 rubles. The cast iron is quite thick, the cookware is great for induction ovens, but not suitable for ovens. A relative minus is the fact that the handles of this manufacturer are wooden. Although they are comfortable to grip, over time they can fall off and have to be replaced with something. Luckily, it comes with an extra handle. You may also be interested in information on how exactly it is used

    Mainly used for individual ovens

  3. Enamelware. Simple, uncomplicated, but reliable frying pans from the Republic of Belarus. belong to the middle price category(about 1000 rubles apiece). The material is heavy, good quality. The brand's products look uncomplicated, such pans will serve you reliably, but are unlikely to decorate your kitchen.

    The pan is heavy and easy to handle.

  4. Biol. Ukrainian brand with many years of experience has been specializing in the production of high-quality tableware for over 17 years. The manufacturer's range of cookware is wide - including a lot of cast iron among it. Pancake pans Biol belong to the middle price category and cost about 1000 rubles apiece. They look very neat, have removable handles and can be used in the oven, which not all other manufacturers can boast of. But what happens best frying pan with a non-stick coating and how exactly it should be used for the best result is indicated

    The pan is very easy to handle as it has a removable handle and can be used in the oven

  5. Staub. Premium cookware manufacturer. If you want a really high-quality pancake pan and are willing to pay a little extra for it, then this French brand is what you need. You should focus on the cost in the region of 6-7 thousand rubles. For this you get an elegant and stylish enameled pan that can be washed in the dishwasher and used for baking in the oven, and not just in induction furnace. But what a double-sided non-stick pan looks like and how to use it is indicated

    This pan can be used both in the oven and on the stove, has a very reliable coating.

  6. regent. The Regent company produces a huge amount of the most different utensils but she succeeds good level maintain the quality of a wide variety of kitchen utensils. The same pancake pans of the company, albeit at a price higher than average (about 1500-1700 rubles), are durable, suitable for washing in a dishwasher and for use in the oven. Relative minus - wooden handles. They are removable, but spares are not included. But what is better a grill pan or an electric grill is indicated in great detail in the article

    A good durable frying pan is designed for long-term use

  7. Mayer&Boch. Despite the “expensive” name, Mayer & Boch is quite a budget tableware. But that doesn't mean it's a bad choice. A frying pan from such a company will cost only 600 rubles, but for this money you get a non-stick coating and the ability to wash dishes in a dishwasher. The downside is that cast iron is quite light, and therefore relatively less high-quality, but for most tasks, the products of this brand are more than suitable. But what good frying pan with ceramic coating is used most often by consumers, you can read

    The pan has a high-quality non-stick coating, but at the same time it can be washed in the dishwasher
