How I learned Polish (from scratch and on my own). Books for learning Polish

Of course, the site site is the brightest representative of learning the Polish language za darmo. But it is not the only one on the web dedicated to the Polish language, and I am always for “more is better” with all my hands. And therefore, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with good options on how to learn Polish on the Internet for free.

Polish: sites for free learning

1) I consider the Popolskupopolsce website to be the best resource for systematic study of the A1 level. Looking through all his lessons, I learned something that I have ever dreamed of creating myself. God and Anya grant that I succeed even better.

The site is wonderful! There are all the sounds, clean and well recorded, all the important and necessary topics for the first level. The site provides an opportunity to do exercises and test yourself without sending any tests to anyone, but observing the result immediately. The resource expounds grammar very well Polish using interactive lessons, pictures, buttons, puzzles and much more. Oh this is probably best lessons Polish that you can ever find on the net! The site and, accordingly, all the material, is divided into 16 blocks, in which various topics intertwine in an interesting way, not necessarily studied by you in one lesson in courses or with a tutor. But you can always skip something or go back to something, the whole site is available at any time, so remember? - it's free online study Polish, from scratch and basics.

In the first lecture, this pretty alphabet, as if created specifically for visuals, immediately catches the eye. And also for audials, because all the pictures, each letter is clickable, you can hear how the letter is read correctly, and what is the name in Polish of what is depicted next to it.

Convenient and correct tests are a huge plus of the site. You can listen, choose your answer, check yourself, prompt yourself and, by clearing your answers, try again without reloading the page. And there are a lot of such tests, such and similar ones, where you don’t need to write anything, just choose the right answers - hello kinesthetics!

And at the end of each lesson there is a section where you honestly have to answer the questions posed, and if everything is “yes” to you, then you remember the lecture perfectly.

The downside of the site is that it is designed only for level A1.

NEW!!! The book has finally arrived! Which I'm sure is just great! You can buy, the price is also good!

2) The second site (here not for convenience, but just the second one that came to mind) site

In my opinion, it is much less convenient than the previous one. First, to access the lessons, you need to register. If you don't want to do that, then you won't be able to learn. The lessons themselves look like a PowerPoint presentation, taking up only one-third of the screen, that is, two-thirds are just white boxes. And in test tasks Lessons often require writing. Also, all explanations and tasks are written in Russian, the Ukrainian button does not work for me, there is no Polish version at all. It’s more convenient for someone, but as for me, it’s better to immediately immerse yourself in the language, and not continue to stumble upon Russian, which only gets in the way. But the material itself is worthy, this site can be another addition to your studies. If it seemed to someone that I somehow described this resource too coolly, I’ll say this: the site is generally on this moment does not have any clickable and voiced material, so the PolskiJazyk site is even better than that. But I still like the first one better 🙂 Try both and decide for yourself.

3) The next nice resource is Mówić po polsku. For Russian speakers, the disadvantage may be that the explanations there are in English (or German), but if you are already a more or less “advanced user”, you can only pay attention to Polish.

I like that everything here is in video or podcast format. I dream of starting to shoot videos myself, because I quietly envy those who are already doing it. It also seems to me that navigation here is very convenient - not always sites for free learning of the Polish language can boast of such (why go far - the site cannot boast of this yet either).

If someone told you that it is impossible to learn Polish on your own, don't believe it! Independent study of the Polish language is possible, but for this you need the right textbooks and books that will help you understand difficult and incomprehensible moments. We have prepared for you a list of the most popular Polish language textbooks and books in Polish, which you can download on our website for free!

"Simple Polish" Plotnikova O.V.

A great option for those who are going to learn Polish from scratch. The training course contains text materials and audio files. 75 entertaining lessons are waiting for you, each of which is devoted to a specific topic. You can listen to Polish audio lessons at home, at work, in the car. This course was developed by Russian teachers together with Polish philologists. All you need to do is listen to the audio lesson and repeat after the speaker.

"Polish from scratch" Mochalova T.S.

Miło mi panią poznać Aleksandra Achtelik

Another tutorial for those who are just going to learn the basics of the Polish language. With this book, you will quickly master the basic vocabulary and learn the most commonly used in Everyday life phrases. The book describes 20 life situations with the most likely dialogues. The course is suitable for self-study of Polish.

“Polish for everyone. Read. Listen. Speak” Palyanova G.V., Palyanova I.V., Borisevich E.V.

The manual is suitable for those who are just starting to learn the Polish language, as well as for those who want to improve their level of knowledge. The book contains the basics of grammar, as well as texts for all levels: beginner, intermediate and advanced. Each text is accompanied by a dictionary with new words. In addition, in addition to text materials, audio lessons are also included with the book. The textbook can be used for self-study of the Polish language.

"Podręcznik Gramatyka? Dlaczego nie?!" Joanna Machowska

Workbook for self-study of the Polish language. The textbook was compiled by a Polish author and is intended for A1 level students. You will find 6 interesting sections that will help you master the real life situations, acquire a certain vocabulary, understand Polish culture in reality. The artistic design of each lesson will allow you to include associative images in the learning process.

"Conversational Polish in Dialogues" Yermola V.I.

The manual is designed for learning spoken Polish. Suitable for those who want to talk decently in Poland with locals, and for those who meet foreign guests in their own country. Perfectly matched life situations and dialogues, maximally adapted to modern realities, will help you master colloquial Polish in the shortest possible time. The textbook is suitable for self-study of the language. Download Course

"Hura!!! po polsku 1" Małgorzata Malolepsza, Aneta Szymkiewicz

A traditional manual for learning the Polish language, consisting of three parts. Each subsequent part of the tutorial is designed for more high level mastery of Polish. Tutorial"Hura! po polsku 1" contains text materials, including workbook, and audio lessons. Classes are divided into topics, ranging from the simplest to the most complex. With this Polish textbook, you can easily learn to speak Polish and understand native speakers without difficulty. Download Tutorial Download Notebook Download Audio

"Hura!!! po polsku 2" Małgorzata Malolepsza, Aneta Szymkiewicz

The second part of the manual for learning the Polish language, consisting of three parts. If the first part is for students entry level, then the second part is suitable for those who are going to go to average level. Like the first part, the Hura! po polsku 2" contains text materials, including a workbook, and audio lessons. Classes are divided into topics, ranging from the simplest to the most complex. Listening also comes with increasing difficulty. The manual is suitable for self-study.

We think that such a title does not need long introductions. If you came to this site, then you are probably interested and planning to move here. And the language is simply necessary for this. In this article, we will try to systematize known ways Polish language learning useful links and add as much personal experience as possible.


Let's say you don't have the money or time to go to a course or a tutor. Let's see what you can do on your own.

1. Textbooks, tutorials

An option for those who are not lazy can pull themselves together and set aside time every day to read the chapters of the textbook and do the exercises. Personally, I "started" with the AST publishing house tutorial. It is not bad for beginners, it is sold along with a CD-ROM, on which interesting dialogues are recorded.

There is also an excellent series of textbooks called Polski, krok po kroku. And textbooks are actively used by my friends who attend language courses.

I will not list other books, because on our website with all the necessary links for downloading. My linguist friends especially recommend the third paragraph from there - an old one, but very good tutorial Vasilevskaya and Karoljak.

Polish language textbook Karoljak and Wasilewska

By the way, we have another post, but there are already more secondary materials.

2. Online services

There are many sites on the net for learning languages, including Polish. Personally, I recommend a quality course for beginners Everything is free, you just need to register. The presentation of the material is similar to a tutorial, however, after each piece of theory there are verification tests, including those with audio materials.

I was also recommended the resource. It has 7 video lessons of Polish for beginners. There is also an app for smartphones. And for an additional fee, you can work out the whole theory, communicating with the teacher.

3. Applications for smartphones

In fact, this item could have been described in “online services”, but it was singled out separately. Almost everyone now has smartphones, they are constantly in hand or at hand. Here you are driving in transport, reading out of boredom Twitter or In contact with, but you might as well launch the app and practice your Polish instead!

First of all I recommend free program"Duolingo" (applications are available for popular platforms: iOS, Android and Windows phone). This is a complete course for beginners, well and visually compiled, with tests for memorization, writing practice. The only negative is basic English, that is, they teach you through English, there is no Russian yet. With my knowledge of English at an intermediate level, this is not a problem - I understand everything.

Another quality app with audio lessons and tests is "Learn Polish" by ATi Studios (iOS, Android). But only a small part is available for free there.

Books are also an option. I will not give specific links, what exactly to read, everything is individual here. Although again - my friends highly recommended starting with Harry Potter or Robinson Crusoe. Children's books usually have a simple and understandable language. But, in my opinion, it is better to find those books that you have previously read in your native language and that you liked so much that you could not tear yourself away. There is a chance that you will not come off in Polish either. Well, there will also be a basis for understanding.

I’ll note right away that it’s hard to find on the Polish Internet modern books free of charge, it is more “civilized” in contrast to Runet, Bynet or Uanet. So I recommend buying books, for this there are enough different services, for example, Virtualo or Woblink.

If you are reading from a phone, then there are very good apps, sharpened specifically for reading in foreign languages ​​(one-click translation). For Android, I advise - Reader-Translator, for iOS - Diglot.

All experts in the field of language learning recommend actively replenishing lexicon and work with dictionaries. An unfamiliar word comes across - write it down, then repeat it until you learn it. This again will be very helpful applications for smartphones, where you can create cards with foreign words. For iOS, I recommend Learn On the Go, for Android - FlashWords.

5. Listen to people, talk to them

There is such a method as passive language learning with immersion. Let's say you have already arrived in Poland and you can't get away from here. And this is fine, since the language environment is the most the best way! Listen to what and how people say, communicate with them if possible. Something will turn out even from scratch, because Polish is the language of the Slavic group, it is partially similar to Russian, even more - to Ukrainian or Belarusian.

No need to switch to English or ask for more experienced acquaintances, if you need, for example, to call and make an appointment with a doctor, talk to the director kindergarten, explain something in a beauty salon ... Use translation programs (Yandex.Translator, for example, in terms of Polish is very good), prepare the text in advance, understand it, remember it. Feel free to speak, even if you see that the interlocutor is straining to understand you. In any case, you will not see any negative, Poles are usually polite and positive, they are pleased that visitors are trying to learn their language.

Learning with someone's help

There are not so many options here, as a rule, they require more money and time. But they also differ in efficiency.

1. Group courses

The most obvious way to learn a language. Courses are available everywhere, often inexpensive or even free. For example, in our city (Lublin) there are two options for free courses (both for beginners and experienced ones) from volunteer organizations and foundations. Their start is usually from September-November, it’s not so difficult to get in if you don’t come to last moment. In addition, there are private companies with language courses, courses at educational institutions.

My husband has a lot of newcomers from the CIS at work, they found a teacher and regularly study in the office, pay a split - also an option.

If you are not yet in Poland, then in major cities In Russia/Ukraine/Belarus, there are also probably Polish schools. Learning in a group is interesting - you listen to colleagues, communicate with each other. Of course, this method takes time - you need to travel somewhere several times a week. But you are unlikely to be lazy (which happens when self-study), you will have to say and remember something in any case.

2. Tutor in person or online

It is believed that an individual teacher is more effective than group lessons. After all, his time and attention is devoted only to you. Such lessons are again offered by language companies, and you can also find tutors on the net, on classifieds sites, for example. Of course, it's more expensive.

If you do not have the opportunity to go to the teacher or invite him to your home personally, the Internet will come to the rescue. The easiest thing to do is skype. Again, such teachers can be searched for on major classifieds sites (in Poland - There are also special catalog sites for tutors, such as or They provide information about the experience of the teacher, publish student reviews. Among the tutors there are both native speakers of the Polish language and visitors from the CIS. The second option, of course, is cheaper and, perhaps, quite optimal for a start.

In addition, it is possible to communicate with native speakers for free! There are sites on the network that allow you to find interlocutors in the language you are interested in. In return, you will communicate with them in your own language - a benefit to everyone! I recommend ConversationExchange and HelloLingo (formerly LiveMocha). Of course, you will not meet a professional teacher there, but just practicing the language is already great!

Well, that's all the tips for learning Polish. I hope they were helpful to you! I no longer began to write all sorts of banal things like “do it regularly” and so on. In learning a language, the main thing is desire. If you understand why you need it, success will not be long in coming. And there are enough methods of studying, and thanks to the development of the Internet, all of them are now more than available. Choose the right one, good luck!

Modern technologies offer a person ample opportunities for improvement and development in many areas of life. Education is no exception. Today, a huge number of mobile applications, which allow you to learn foreign languages ​​in a convenient format and at any time. In our review, we will talk about several programs that will help you learn and / or improve the Polish language.

To improve your Polish language skills, you need not only theory, but also practice. Download apps, read, listen correct speech and, of course, talk.


A free app that allows you to learn the most common Polish constructions and phrases. All words are spoken by native speakers, so you simultaneously learn to perceive speech by ear and put the correct pronunciation. To evaluate your progress, you can record phrases in the "Recording Studio" section. The program is designed for a beginner, so you can learn the language from scratch.

iTalk Polish

The program offers to study not just individual words, but whole phrases. Agree, it’s more expedient and convenient to learn phrases, because ligaments are better remembered, and it also helps to feel the language, its structure, construction. You can record and analyze your progress. You can also take Quiz tests daily and work on your mistakes.


A handy application that works without an internet connection. There are three levels: beginner, intermediate and advanced. In total, the dictionary contains more than 6,000 words that come with pictures and transcription, as well as voiced by native speakers. All words are divided into topics and smaller subtopics. You can learn vocabulary through games, which will especially captivate children. The program also offers various methods memorization of the material, its development and consolidation.

We learn and play. Polish free

Great mobile Polish tutor for beginners. The application is more like a game with elements of studying phonetics and vocabulary. All the words presented in the program are used in everyday life, so that the student learns immediately correct pronunciation, writing and listening to a new language. The application has visual and sound accompaniment. There are also tests for verification, texts.


A popular language application that is well-written and understandable. This is a complete Polish course for beginners, containing memory and writing exercises. The only downside is the interface English language. However, a basic level of English is enough to understand the material. But in fact, it will help to learn two languages ​​at once: English and Polish.

Polish in 7 lessons

The application will help you learn the basics of the Polish language from scratch in the shortest possible time. The course is very simple, logical and well structured. Includes audio and video materials with explanations, interactive exercises, tests. All lessons, with the exception of the video, are already in the program, so a permanent Internet connection is not required.


L-Lingo is 65 Polish lessons on the main topics (at home, at the airport, in the store, etc.). These are words and phrases that were recorded by native speakers, and they are also understandable pictures for memorizing whole expressions. Some of the content is paid.

Rosetta Stone

If you want to learn Polish with full immersion in the language environment, then this application irreplaceable. It suggests learning a language through association, repetition, and communication. There is not a single Russian or English word, only Polish phrases and designs. With each new lesson, the level of difficulty increases. There is paid content.

Learn Polish the easy way

A free Polish phrasebook that will help you learn the basic words quickly and easily. All presented words come with the original pronunciation. Vocabulary is easy to memorize using flash cards. You can test your knowledge through quizzes, earning points. The free version has 11 categories for learning: basic dialogue, numbers, greetings and others.

Translation of an article from

I am often asked the question “Why did you decide to learn such and such a language?”. I confess that I do not have a universal answer to this question. I have learned every language I speak different reasons and under different circumstances.

How I started learning Polish

If the reason for studying foreign language everyone has their own - subjective and personal, then the question"how to teach"will be of interest to many. Especially for those who plan to study independently and from the basics.

The first thing I did after visiting Poland was to buyPolish course from famous company ASSIMIL, which publishes a series of courses on the study of European and other languages.

I chose this particular course because it is the most suitable for my method of learning foreign languages.

Here are the top benefits of ASSIMIL books:

  • Funny dialogues from life
  • Texts in two languages
  • Phonetics explanations
  • Grammar on the fingers
  • Effective Exercises
  • Lots of pictures
  • Audio recordings in target language only

Polish pronunciation - the first difficulties

When you just start to dive into another language, everything seems new and unfamiliar.

As for the Polish pronunciation, two things (both aurally and visually) struck me:nasal sounds and consonant combinations. The nasal sounds were familiar to me, since I already spoke French and Portuguese. The nasal “en” in Polish is written as “ę” in such a word as “węch” (smell).

But I was much more surprised by the combinations of consonants:

Cz, dz, dż, dzi, dż, drz, sz, ść, szc

Learning to pronounce these sounds separately will not take you much time. But imagine them in a sentence:

“Skąd moge wiedzieć dlaczego przestal pisać do ciebe?”

At first it seems that learning to pronounce all this is almost impossible, but with a certain approach there will be no great difficulties. But more on that in future articles.

Is Polish grammar difficult or easy?

As in any Slavic language, Polish has cases and declensions. But those who know Russian, Ukrainian or Belarusian can perceive the meanings of many words even by ear. Learning grammar will also be much easier for them.

Tip: don't pay too much attention to grammar, it will come latently with the gradual mastering of the language.

Be positive

Although Polish may seem difficult to learn at first glance, remember how many people learned how to communicate in it before you. The main thing is the attitude to the language. I won't say anything new, but regular classes for 20-30 minutes in a few months they will bring such a result that you will even be surprised. There is another way - to immerse yourself in the language environment for several months in Poland. If you have the opportunity, I recommend you go.


You can learn to speak Polish in 2-3 months if your native language is part of the Slavic group. Watch a video lesson of Polish for beginners.
