Fortune telling by matches for a loved one online. What to expect in the new year

Kan Victoria Vladimirovna

Specialist in divination and spiritual practices. For 2 years she traveled in Tibet and India. Conducts fortune-telling sessions for readers of our resource for free.

Articles written

Fortune-telling with matches is very popular among people, since the element of fire has a spiritual connection with the universe. It can help you find answers to some questions. From ancestors, the method of divination with matches and water passed to us.

In the article you will learn how to correctly guess on matches.

Fortune telling with matches should be done at night when it is dark outside. If you do it during the day, the results will be wrong.

Divination by desire

Option one

The easiest way to guess. You need matches and a candle. The latter will serve as a link to the universe. You need to do the following:

  1. Light a candle.
  2. Make up a question in your head and take a few matches without counting them.
  3. Throw on the table
  4. Do the math.
  5. If their number of matches is even, the wish will come true. Odd - no.

Option two

Find big matches. So that they burn longer than usual. Try to light one. If a:

  • They could not light it right away, the desire was not destined to come true.
  • It will break when you try to set it on fire, in order to fulfill a dream you will have to overcome many obstacles.
  • Not burned out - there will be a good start, but still not fulfilled.
  • If the match burns and the fire is bright, it will soon come true.

Divination for love

Method one

Light the matches and see which way they lean:

  • If both are drawn to each other, you love each other.
  • Only one bent over - one of the lovers has more feelings.
  • The match burned out without bending. It means he doesn't have feelings for you.
  • One of the matches turned away from the other. A person experiences only negative emotions towards you. It is impossible to build a relationship with him.

Method two

Here we need matches and water. We need to do the following:

  1. Pour water into a bowl so that it is half empty.
  2. Light a match and wait for it to burn out.
  3. Throw into the water.
  4. Repeat one more time.

If there is a long distance between matches, then you cannot be together. If the matches are nearby, then this person is your other half.

Method three

This fortune-telling on matches is a little more complicated than the previous ones. It is rather. You need to do the following:

  1. Find two candles. Best in church. It is you who should buy them, and not another girl.
  2. On one candle, scratch the capital letter of your name with a needle. On the second - beloved.
  3. Light one candle. Wait until the match is half burnt.
  4. Throw a match into a bowl.
  5. Repeat with the second candle.
  6. Take two candles, and drip hot wax into the center of the container for half a minute.
  7. An image will appear on the water. Look at him: Circles appeared - you will have a happy relationship; Heart - there will be some obstacles; If both matches were connected with wax, you will marry him.

There are many ways to guess on matches for love. These three are the most common.

Fortune telling on the betrothed.

This type of ritual is necessary if two guys are after you and it's hard for you to make a choice.

You need:

  1. Take three matches and put them on the table. Use plasticine.
  2. Give the matches names. Yours and loved ones. Install yours in the center, because the choice is yours. Men on the side.
  3. Set fire to the one in the middle. Wait for the result.
  • If she burned out and did not lean towards either of the others, both men will not become your betrothed.
  • If she turned, but not to other matches, but in a different direction, then there is another man whom you know and who will be your betrothed.
  • If she leaned towards one of the men, you will be with him.

Definition of spoilage on matches

Fortune telling with matches will help you find out if damage has been imposed on a person.

Method one

So you need:

  1. Take a glass and fill it halfway with water.
  2. Wrap your arms around it for a few minutes. This is how you transfer your energy to the water.
  3. After a while, throw salt into the water.
  4. Light a match. Wait for the flame to reach your fingers.
  5. Throw into the water. Repeat this two or four times.
  6. Look into the water.
  • If everyone drowns, you have been heavily corrupted. You may not be able to remove it yourself, and you will have to ask the magician.
  • If it drowned, two or three matches, then the damage is weak, and you can remove it at home.
  • If none of them drowned, then there is no damage to you.

You can use bread instead of matches.

Method two

Another way is a bit similar to the previous one. But it can only be done on Friday.

  1. It is necessary to fill the glass with water so that a couple of centimeters remain to the edge.
  2. Take three matches.
  3. Light one and throw it into the water as soon as it burns out. You can not shift it from one hand to another or put it on the table.
  4. The same goes for the rest of the matches.
  5. Leave the glass until morning. If the matches are afloat, there is no damage. If one drowned, the damage is weak. Two is strong. Everything, damage to death.

Removing damage with matches

Fortune telling on matches can not only determine damage, but also remove it. There are several ways.

Ritual with nine matches

You need to call a friend, because it is he who will guess.

  1. You need a glass of water from a spring.
  2. Take a new box and pour out all the extra ones so that only 9 matches remain.
  3. Sit opposite the assistant. He should take a match, look at you through the fire, and say:

God, help your slave(s) (name). Pure heavenly blood, save and save (name) from the black evil eye, from the evil hour, from the male, from the female, from the spoken, from the spoken, from the envious and hated. Amen.

  1. When the flame reaches his fingers, he must throw the match into the water and repeat this 8 more times.
  2. If none of the matches sank, then there was no damage. If several drowned, then it was, and you successfully removed it. If everyone drowned, then the damage is very strong and it cannot be removed in one day. It is necessary to repeat the ritual two more times over the next two days. (If even after a few days all the matches sink, then only a real magician can remove the damage)
  3. On the third day, you need to take 4 sips of this water, one on each side of the glass and say:

God help me! Do not leave your servant (name). Amen.

  • Go outside and pour out the rest of the water. Definitely over the left shoulder. (Away from your home)

Ritual with three matches

Take a jar of water. Say three times:

Save and heal the mother queen, save and heal, and have mercy from the day, from the noon, from the night, from the midnight, from the hour, from the half-hour, from the second, from the half-second thin eye. Amen.

  • Burn three matches one after the other. At the same time, baptize the water, repeating:

Fire and water dashing in the eye.

  • Now throw the matches into the water. Sprinkle yourself, or the one who was spoiled with water, saying:

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

  • Now you need to drink this water. Recommended several times. Wet your hands, face and hair with it. Dry off the wrong side of your clothing.

Christmas divination


You need:

  1. Fill a cup with water and place it next to the bed.
  2. Make a square well out of matches. He must wrap the cup. It is important that it looks exactly like a well, and not like a fence.
  3. Put a padlock on the handle and close it.
  4. Place a thimble next to the well. It will act as a bucket.
  5. Put the key under your pillow.
  6. You will need willpower, because you will have to eat two teaspoons of salt. Go to bed quickly and don't talk to anyone until morning.

At night the bridegroom will come to open the well and give you water.

There is another option if you do not want to eat salt. Will come to you in a dream future husband. He will ask you for the key to the well in order to give his horse water to drink.

What to expect in the new year

Take 7 matches and throw them on the floor. The results will depend on what the dropped drawing resembles:

  • Home - A happy family life awaits you.
  • Bird - Mutual love.
  • Something like a roof - comrades will support you.
  • Beast - In the new year you will meet a good friend.
  • Tree - A baby will appear.
  • Cross - Problems, obstacles or conflicts.
  • Heart - You will meet your love.

Guessing with matches and water is very simple, and there are many options for guessing with matches. This article provides better ways. As a rule, the results are correct.

In addition to fortune-telling on matches for love, there are other rituals.

There are a lot of different options for fortune telling on matches. It all depends on what or who you need to guess.

Fortune telling with matches is an easy way to find out the future, determine how your loved one treats you and get answers to other questions that concern you. Let's talk about how to guess on matches correctly.

Fortune telling with matches seems very simple, so it is not clear why it can provide answers to many questions. But the fact is that fire is a very powerful element. It has a lot of energy, passion, strength and power. Fire is able to purify, energize, destroy or revive a person. That is why it is so attractive for use in magical rituals.

Fortune telling on matches for a loved one

This is a very popular fortune-telling among girls who want to know how their chosen one treats them.

For divination, you will need a box of matches. Draw two at random - they will symbolize you and your lover.

Fasten the matches so that they stand upright. To do this, it is convenient to use plasticine or any other viscous material. Choose which match will be you and which will be the man. Then set them on fire at the same time.

Watch how the matches burn out. Divination has the following meanings:

  1. If the “match-guy” burned out quickly, remaining straight and even, then the chosen one does not have any romantic feelings for you. Stop trying to make him fall in love with you and pay attention to a more worthy gentleman
  2. If the matches, burning out, leaned towards each other, this auspicious sign. It indicates that there is a lot of tension between you. But keep in mind that it can be either love or just a strong sexual attraction. Your task is to determine what
  3. If the match of a man deviated in the opposite direction from the match of a girl, then he has feelings for another. You have a rival, but he does not have feelings for you. On the contrary, there is a strong rejection - he would not want to see you in his environment, even as a friend.

If the result of fortune-telling was disappointing - do not be discouraged. You should not dream about a man who does not love you. Pay attention to those who are interested in you - your "prince" is waiting for you to reciprocate.

Love triangle

This fortune-telling method helps you choose from the two choices of the one who suits you best. You can also find out which of the two girls the guy is more drawn to - you or your opponent.

It is necessary to get three matches from the box. One will symbolize you, the other two - other people from the existing "triangle".

Matches must be placed vertically so that they are very close to each other. In the center is the match of the person who chooses - yours, if you are rushing between two suitors, or a guy who cannot decide between you and your rival.

Light the center match and wait until it burns out. In which direction it will lean - the choice will stop there. If it remains even, then the chooser will be left alone - he does not feel feelings for anyone, but only plays.

If the match is completely tilted in the opposite direction from the rest, there is one more person in the situation with whom a couple will turn out.

Complicated fortune-telling with matches

It's over difficult option fortune-telling, for which, in addition to matches, you will have to cook wax candles and a container of clean water.

Using a sharp object (needle, toothpick, knife), scratch your name on one candle, and the name of the chosen one on the other.

Light the candles with two different matches, which then need to be thrown into a container of water. Wait a few seconds for the flame to ignite. Then tilt the candles over the water and start dripping wax onto its surface.

Pay attention to the outlines of wax figures formed on the surface of the water:

  • Did you see one big wax blotch? This is an auspicious sign that indicates that you and your chosen one are one and are perfect for each other. You are either very similar, or, on the contrary, opposite, and this attracts you to each other. There is every chance to create a strong and harmonious union
  • If you saw a heart, in the near future there will be a strong emotional shake-up in your relationship. It can be both positive and negative. The outcome of events depends on you - whether it will be a bright romantic date or a stormy scandal with breaking dishes
  • If a single figure did not work out, wax drops float on the surface of the water, this is an unfavorable sign. You and your chosen one are completely unsuitable for each other, so the relationship will end soon - there is no reason to continue it

Watch a video on how to guess with matches:

Effective fortune-telling with matches and a cigarette

If you smoke, you can apply this method. You will need two matches from a new box and a cigarette.

Set the matches vertically. One of them will symbolize you, the other - the guy you are guessing at. Light both matches and light from them. Take a few puffs, wait until the flame goes out. See which way the matches are leaning:

  • If they "turned away" from each other, your relationship with the chosen one will decline. You realize that the feelings have passed, and peacefully part, but remain good friends.
  • If the matches are leaning towards each other, all is well. There is a strong emotional bond between you. There is every chance to create a healthy and harmonious relationship
  • If one match deviated from the other, then the one whom it symbolizes is indifferent to the partner, or will soon fall out of love

Important: do not use this way divination too often, otherwise a truthful interpretation will not work. It is best to guess during the full moon, at night. You should also use only new matches purchased specifically for the magic ritual.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

Sometimes it seems that in modern world, painted by science "from" and "to", there is no place left for a miracle. But sometimes you want to trust higher powers, ask them for help and advice!

And even though not everyone will agree to seriously practice serious rituals of black or white magic based on ancient knowledge, hardly anyone will refuse to just tell fortunes.

There are a great many tools with which you can ask fate for advice, and there are even more ways to apply these tools. This and the usual playing cards, and taro, and pebbles and much more. Sometimes divination requires acquisition special materials, but sometimes the answer can be seen in the most straightforward things.

One of the simplest and most tool-free methods is fortune-telling with matches. It has a lot of advantages:

So how, with the help of such ordinary things, to enter into a dialogue with fate?

Divination for love

One of the most popular motivations that pushes people to resort to fortune-telling is the search for answers in matters of the heart. Sometimes relationships are so confusing that without help and advice from higher powers, it is simply impossible to figure it out. So how do you know how the chosen one feels for you? How to conduct the simplest fortune-telling on matches for a loved one?

On two matches

To begin with, go to the store and buy a new box - already opened and used for base household purposes is not good, its energy is broken and it is hardly suitable for such a sacred action. Try to clean your mind, distract from all the affairs and worries.

Imagine yourself next to the object of divination, visualize the image as much as possible - it should stand in your thoughts, as if alive. Open the box and take two matches. Try not to consider them, act intuitively. Do not forget that now you are only a conductor for the will of higher powers. One of them will represent you, the other - the one whose location you are guessing.

Prepare something in advance with which you can install them in an upright position without fear of starting a fire. Of course, if your beau rescues you from a burning house, it will exhaustive proof his feelings for you, however, the essence of fortune-telling is a bit different. A piece of chewing gum or plasticine is best. Light both, stick into the prepared base and observe the nature of combustion. It will be an illustration of the relationship between you:

On the water

As in the previous divination, you will need a new box of matches, from which you will extract two pieces in the same way, representing you and your partner. In addition, you need a container of water.

Try to choose dishes so that the diameter of the water surface is no more than 15-20 centimeters. It is also highly desirable that the container be made of natural and maximally unprocessed material - wood, clay, metal.

The process of divination is extremely simple.- you need to burn the matches as far as they can burn out, and then throw them into the water one by one. It is important not to aim at a certain place when throwing and to allow higher powers to guide your hand. The interpretation of the result is simple - the closer the matches are to each other, the stronger the attraction between your hearts.

With a candle

Preparing for the ritual resembles the previous divination, however, this time you will also need two candles. You certainly must buy them yourself, the less other people's hands touch them - the better. The most suitable will be candles purchased in the temple, however, store-bought ones will also do. It is highly undesirable to use paraffin wax - the artificial material does not carry the natural power that natural wax possesses.

To begin with, you should carve the initials on the candles.- on one - his own, on the other - his betrothed. This must be done with a sharp metal object - an awl, a needle, a knife. Take a match and light a candle representing you. When the fire reaches the center of the wooden part of the match, throw it into the water. It is desirable that the fire goes out not during the flight, but upon contact with water, which will allow you to combine two very powerful elements. Then do the same manipulations with the second candle.

Place the bowl in front of you, take a candle in each hand. The one that represents you should be in the "hand of the heart", that is, the left. Keep the male right hand, "the hand of the mind". At the same time, tilt both candles over the center of the water container so that the wicks touch each other and the wax drips into the water. Close your eyes and count to thirty. Open your eyes and look carefully at the wax that has accumulated in the liquid. The meaning of divination will be in it:

The course of the ritual is almost no different from what is happening in the very first divination. Only this time there should be three matches - one for each corner love triangle. At the same time, the match representing you must be strengthened in the middle, between the matches of your potential halves, but slightly in front, so that they form a triangle. T The interpretation of the results has much in common with the first fortune-telling:

Forecasting prospects

No less than love, people guess at the fulfillment of desires. It is interesting for everyone to peep into the future and find out what to prepare for, especially in such matters as the embodiment of innermost dreams. How to ask fate if a wish will come true?

per number

The ceremony should be carried out exclusively at night, preferably when full moon. Close all doors and windows in the room, light a candle and put it on the table. For a few minutes, stare at the flame and try to clear your mind. Then close your eyes and state and imagine your question as clearly as possible.

Decide for yourself, will be a positive answer even number matches or odd. Without opening your eyes, take a few matches from a previously opened new box - as many as your fingers grab the first time. Mentally repeat your desire and pour the matches on the table. Open your eyes and count. If even / odd coincided with what you made up, the wish will come true.

On the figure

Preparation is no different from preparing for divination by a number. The only difference is final stage. Instead of guessing and counting, you should pour out the matches and see what shape they will form. This is the most free version of fortune-telling with matches in interpretation. It is impossible to give exact options, deciphering the signs sent by higher powers in this case is your prerogative. How literally to understand what you see is also up to you.

For the near future

This is one of the most elementary ways of ascertaining the future of all those given here. All you need is a match. Although, of course, for more accurate fortune-telling, one should not purchase ordinary matches, but elongated ones, which are used to light the fireplace. The process is that you light a match and watch it burn:

In general, to observe exactly each item or to surrender to intuition is solely your choice. In turning to higher powers, the form is often not as important as the intention and purity of thoughts. Therefore, trust your instincts and fate will surely answer you!

Attention, only TODAY!

Julia Alekseevna Caesar

Hereditary witch. Tarologist. Runologist. Reiki Master.

Articles written

What could be easier than matches? But this method of magical prediction is effective, it allows you to know for sure whether a wish will come true. Fire allows you to look into the future. That is why fortune-telling with matches is so popular. Creative visualization is a powerful addition to divination, so before starting the ritual, you need to forget about all fears, restrictions and tune in to the right way.

How matches predict fate

The technique is easy to use, most often fortune telling on matches for love.

Love does not love?

If you decide to find out if the person you are thinking of has love feelings for you, take two matches. Place them side by side so that they do not fall, you can stick them into the dough, but not deep. Light it up and watch how they behave.

Divination interpretation:

  • mutually tilted - both sides experience mutual attraction;
  • symbolizing the guy remained direct: he does not feel reciprocal feelings for you or just loves himself more;
  • the farther his match turned away from yours, the more unpleasant you are for the person you are guessing;
  • the match symbolizing you turned away: most likely, you are confused in your feelings - this is not love, but it only seems that the passion for this person will soon pass.

Third wheel

If you are jealous of your loved one for another woman, and you are tormented by a difficult question: who will he choose, take three matches, put them vertically and light the middle one, which should symbolize the person you have hidden.

Read also: Guessing and learning about the feelings of a loved one

Divination interpretation:

  • the middle one remained straight, your loved one is indifferent to both;
  • turned away towards your rival - your doubts are justified, most likely he will not choose you;
  • leaned towards you - they love you

If the match does not ignite, otherworldly forces there is no answer to your question yet.

Divination for the betrothed

Do you want to know the identity of your future spouse? Before going to bed, make a well of matches and put a container with a handle filled with water inside it. Hang a small lock on the handle and close it with a key. The key should be put under the pillow, and going to bed, read magical conspiracy on a betrothed-mummer. At night, you should dream about it. When performing the ritual, no one should distract you. Therefore, it is better to turn off the phone.

Divination with matches and water

You will need matches and a glass filled with water. Take the glass in your hands and hold it in front of you for a few minutes, thinking about your questions. You must free yourself from all extraneous thoughts during fortune-telling with matches.

Matches are a fairly widespread magical attribute that is used, among other things, in divination. For example, you can determine the attitude of a particular person towards yourself, find out the presence of negative energy, or evaluate the prospects for the fulfillment of a particular desire. But each fortune-telling on matches has its own characteristics. Let's figure out which ones.

Guessing on the betrothed

Simple fortune-telling on matches will help determine the likelihood of fulfillment of love desires. The most common way of divination is as follows: you need to take two matches, one of which symbolizes you, the second - your partner or person whose attitude you would like to know about yourself. Matches need to be stuck in salt, poured into a deep saucer. Light the third match and from it almost simultaneously light two control matches.

The main indication that feelings are mutual is matches leaning towards each other

See result. The matches were burned and leaned in opposite directions from each other - it is obvious that great difficulties await your couple and there is a possibility of a break, especially for those who are in a quarrel. If you are guessing at a person you like, but with whom you have not yet formed a relationship, you have not met him yet, then such a fortune-telling result means that the prospects for getting them are not great. Another thing is if the burnt matches leaned towards one another. This is a sure sign mutual love or at least clear sympathy, if the relationship is at the very beginning. Partners will quickly find mutual language and that spark will definitely flare up between them.

During fortune-telling for love with the help of matches, it is important to initially relax, “let go” of the situation and stop expecting some concrete result. Attitude as a game and will give the most reliable result.

It also happens that one match leaned towards the other or the opposite. Interpreting the meaning is simple - see which of the partners this match denotes and evaluate the location towards you or your own. If one of the matches burned out and remained upright, this indicates that one of the partners in the pair, in principle, has no feelings. Another meaning is that the partner, perhaps, will feel sympathy for you, then he definitely loves himself more.

Complicated fortune-telling with matches and a candle

Use the salt that was used for divination in the future only for occult purposes, for example, for another divination or ritual, but in no case for food. If desired, you can conduct a more complex version of fortune-telling with matches. To do this, you will additionally need two thin wax candles and a deep container of water. On one candle with a needle, write the first letter of your name, on the second - the first letter of the name of the person you are guessing at. Light one candle from the first match, the second from the second match. After that, throw the matches into the water.

Please note that the candles that you will use during divination must be bought on your own, without entrusting it to others.

It is necessary to throw a match into the water after it has burned down more than half.

Start dripping wax from two candles into the center of the water container. Continue for 20-30 seconds. Wax on the surface of the water forms a certain pattern. Consider it carefully. Quite often, such fortune-telling gives a clear indication of the future of the relationship. A strong connection, for example, means a circle, as well as other figures that have clear outlines and are connected to one another. But the heart means that you will have an emotional shake-up, however, it will benefit the relationship and will only unite you even more. If the wax "captured" both matches, wait for the wedding. In general, the interpretation of values ​​in each case is individual. "Turn on" perception and you will be able to correctly interpret your own result of divination.

How to use matches to determine the presence of damage

There is a fairly accurate way to diagnose the presence of negative energy with the help of water and matches. It is better to conduct a session on a date that coincides with your birthday. For example, you were born on January 10, which means that you can diagnose damage on the 10th of any month. It is better to do this either after sunset or before sunrise. Pour into a small but deep flowing container cold water. Light the wax candle. Let it burn for about a minute. After that, bring a match to the fire and when it burns more than half, throw it into a container of water.

A box of matches that you plan to use for occult purposes must be bought on the full moon and not used in everyday life

See what happens to the cinder. If a burnt match floats on the surface of the water, negative energy in your field is missing, that is, oh serious negative program basically it's not being discussed. If the match immediately went to the bottom, there is a negative in your energy shell. Did the match sink and fall apart? It is quite possible to assume the presence of damage. If a we are talking about strong envy from the side certain person, the head of a burnt match will fall off. Does the match sink smoothly, does it spin in one direction? This is a clear indication that you are surrounded by evil tongues.

The interpretation of the results of such divination requires a subtle approach. Carefully follow the signs that appear in divination, but do not rush to conclusions.

There is also such a diagnostic option when not one, but twelve matches are used. All of them should also burn out almost completely, then lower them into the water. If more than six matches are sunk, there is definitely negative energy. Moreover, if several matches seemed to “hang” in the water in a vertical position, negative impact not only does it take place, but the ill-wisher plans to continue sending negative messages in your direction. In this case, not only cleaning is recommended, but also the formation of energy protection.

Will the wish come true

With the help of matches, you can tell fortunes for the fulfillment of any desire. The same paraphernalia plus salt is used. Pour into a deep bowl running water. Add a teaspoon table salt. Stir until the salt is completely dissolved. Stir clockwise. At the same time, you need to look at the water and say a conspiracy: “Water will remember, water will tell, water will show the future.” After that, light a thin wax candle. Tilt it over the water, one drop of wax should remain on the water. Place the candle to your right.

During divination, it is good to use Thursday salt

Get one match at a time, clearly formulate a question that implies an unambiguous answer "yes" or "no". Bring a match to the flame of a candle and then lower it into the water. A positive answer if the match remains on the surface. A negative answer if the match quickly sank. If the cinder slowly sinks, lingering in the water column for some time, the desire can be fulfilled, but it will require considerable effort from you. If the match sinks in waves, it means that you yourself have not really decided what you want, and you are not completely sure that you would like your plan to come true.

The question must be formulated as clearly as possible. The answer will be just as clear.

In the case when you light a match from a candle flame and it immediately flares up like a torch and quickly burns out, it means that you passionately desire the realization of your plan and thereby postpone the fulfillment of your desire. If this match floats on the surface of the water - as soon as you "loosen your grip." Take this match out of the water. Take some water from the same bowl right palm, pour into left palm and say: "I allow the wish to come true." The water will drain into the container. After that, immediately extinguish the candle with your fingers. The water must be drained into the sink, the stub of the candle and the match wrapped in a new handkerchief. The match must be burned after 21 days.

Fortune telling with matches is easy to perform and does not require special paraphernalia. At the same time, it needs to be taken seriously. This method of divination is one of hundreds of other options. What matters is your attitude. Open your heart and during fortune-telling you will receive a reliable answer to any question that interests you.
