Evolution. Natural selection (Evolution)

Opponents rarely can do something.

Firstly, in order to attack, you need a predator with a body weight of 2, and this is -2 cards out of three available in the hand in the first round, and even then, if you're lucky. It is far from always that a predator gets into the distribution, and there is an opportunity to exchange cards for tablets regardless of the distribution.

Secondly, even if someone makes a predator for 2 cards, then I lose only 1 animal and at the end of the second round I have 3x, and the player with the predator and the rest only 2. My playing advantage is +1 card in the next hand.

Thirdly, in order for the opponents to start doing something actively, it is necessary that such a player goes first and everyone sees it.

Bottom line: opponents need a fair amount of luck to resist, and they are lagging behind in development.

You must have played some other version of the game.
As you have described above - everything in the game is normal with the balance.
1. optional. Enough of the card "attack in a flock" - and go into building up the population. The probability of its loss is the same as any other card. What can not be said about the "Predator" card - there are most of them in the deck.
2. A couple of times your beast will be eaten (not necessarily one person) - and you will be completely left without cards and software. And predators - they will safely stuff them on you.
3. Absolutely not necessary. Does the word "planning" mean something to you? A good player, seeing what is happening on the table, knows what cards and where to play. The opponent is building up mass - we are trying to surpass him. If this is not possible, we look for other possibilities. Yes, no one canceled chances - and a card successfully played by an opponent can ruin plans, but betting everything all-in ... is still an idea. It does not matter at all whether the cards will be played in turn, or at the same time.

Total: not your game and you just don't know how to "cook" it. That is, as mentioned above - the problem is not the game, but the participants.

Tired of repeating yourself repeatedly, or you are not listening carefully. Everything that is described above applies to 1-2 rounds!!! Even Radoslav wrote in black and white: "If at the very beginning of the game massively lay out new tablets of animals ..." About what "enough attack by a flock" in question? Each player has 4 CARDS in their hands, and after the discard, ONLY THREE! Pick up a deck, draw 4 cards at random from it, at what attempt will you get "predator + pack attack"? Yes, and you will get one predator in much less than 50% of cases. You talk as if at the very beginning of the game you have some choice from all sorts of aggressive strategies, and any cards for any taste. And not everyone who receives it plays this card in the first round. Well, if they play, they will eat a maximum of one. And it's not a fact that you have.

Played with different players different levels experience. +3 and +2 tablets at the very beginning give a very big advantage over the others, as in any computer strategy, where it is more important to get more resources in the first minutes. Probably I need to learn how to "cook" somehow correctly in order to start losing, I will try.

Well, the statistics do not agree with you at all. Play online and compare;) How many such attempts were there at the start to place 4-5 animals, and such players simply consistently occupy 3+ place. Maybe in a game for two, of course, everything is different, but 3+, just no chance. By the way, surprisingly, the strategy from one big beast even very effectively can work, though not always. If they don’t eat you, they will starve you to death, and if you are prudent in terms of hunger (long neck + cooperation + norness), they will still be eaten in the end for sure)

Question 1. What is natural selection?
Natural selection - this is the predominant survival and reproduction in nature of more adapted individuals of each species. At the same time, less adapted individuals reproduce with less success or even die. Main result selection is not simply the survival of more viable individuals, but the relative contribution of such individuals to the gene pool of the daughter population.
As an elementary evolutionary factor, natural selection operates in populations. The population is the field of action, individual individuals are the objects of action, and specific traits are the points of application of selection.
A necessary prerequisite for selection is the struggle for existence - competition for food, living space, a partner for mating.

Question 3. What forms of natural selection do you know?
There are several forms of natural selection, which depend on the conditions external environment.
Stabilizing selection leads to the preservation of mutations that reduce the variability of the average value of the trait, that is, it preserves the average value of the trait. For example: in flowering plants, the flowers change little, and the vegetative parts of the plant are more variable. The proportions of the flower in this example were influenced by stabilizing selection.
Another form of selection is driving selection, in which there is a change in the rate of reaction in a certain direction; such selection changes the average value of the feature. Changes in traits or properties under the influence of motive selection can occur very quickly. An example of such selection is the gradual replacement in industrial areas of light-colored individuals of the birch moth moth with dark-colored ones.

Question 4. Under what environmental conditions does each form of natural selection operate?
Driving selection operates when external conditions change. It manifests itself only from time to time and acts until the average value of the trait in the population reaches its optimal value under new conditions.
Stabilizing selection operates at constant external conditions. It manifests itself constantly, limiting the range of trait variations and thereby perpetuating the effect of motive selection.
In the course of selection, an analogue of driving selection is artificial selection aimed at breeding a new breed (variety), and stabilizing selection corresponds to human efforts to preserve the properties of the breed, when only individuals with the “necessary” phenotype are allowed to cross.

Question 5. What is the reason for the appearance of microorganisms, pests Agriculture and other pesticide resistant organisms?
The reason for the emergence of resistance to pesticides in microorganisms, pests of agriculture and other similar organisms is the involuntary selection carried out by humans. When pesticides (or antibiotics) are used, almost the entire population of pests (causative agents of the disease) is destroyed. Only those individuals survive that previously had a completely useless and not manifesting trait - resistance to this poison. The offspring of these individuals will retain this stability and gain an advantage. As a result, the trait will be fixed in the population, and soon it will generally become immune to the pesticide (antibiotic). For example, some pathogens infectious diseases have now acquired resistance to drugs discovered in the middle of the 20th century. (penicillin and other antibiotics). Actually given example illustrates the action of motive selection.

The year 2001 became a landmark for the Russian board game industry. This year saw the light "Evolution" candidate of biological sciences Dmitry Knorre. original idea managing evolutionary processes and breeding animals that adapt to changing conditions brought the game popularity and many awards. Inspired by the success, the following year the publishing house "Pravilnye igry" released it to the world market. Foreign partners appreciated the unusual theme of the game, but remained dissatisfied with the mechanics and design. And in 2014, North Star Games enters the kickstarter with a revised version of Evolution, which solves the main problems of the original: a large influence of chance on the formation of food supply, the dependence of the final game on the decisive last move, and weak design. This year, the new "Evolution" has finally reached us!

Evolve it!

The game uses one deck of cards that are responsible for the properties of animals. She is also responsible for the condition for the end of the game - as soon as the supply of cards runs out, the game will end. Animals are represented by convenient ergonomic tablets, on which their population and body size are marked with wooden cubes. From the start, each participant receives one such tablet. The gameplay is divided into several simple phases:

All players receive three Attribute cards from the deck and then draw one more for each type of animal they have (tablet).

Players then create a pool of available herbivore food for the current turn by face-down placing one of their ability cards on the watering board. The values ​​on the maps can be both positive and negative, which allows you to artificially regulate the population of competitor animals.

Starting with the first player, everyone takes turns playing any number of ability cards from their hand, either by attaching them to animals or discarding them to create the new kind or increase the characteristics of an existing one. Body size is responsible for security - predators can only attack animals that are smaller than them. And the population for the amount of food consumed, that is, for the victory points received during the game.

After all participants have played the desired number of cards, the feeding phase begins. The cards previously placed on the watering hole are turned over, the available amount of food is calculated, and the players take turns feeding their pets. Herbivores take food from a watering hole, while a predator attacks other creatures, receiving as much food at a time as the size of the victim's body. That is, the fatter the animal, the more difficult it is to hunt it, but it also brings more food, allowing you to build an aggressive strategy. If there is not enough food for everyone, for each unit of food not received, the population of the species decreases by one. All eaten food goes into the players' personal bags - at the end of the game it will bring victory points.

This simple mechanic is adorned with a good interplay of various properties, allowing you to create bizarre but effective hybrids and even raise creatures to feed your own predators. The limitation on the number of properties also only benefited the game - it will not work to create an ideal creature, but all properties are competitive. The mechanics of population and body size work perfectly - you have to constantly adapt to changing conditions and keep track of your neighbors' tablets. It is interesting that if one of the players gets too carried away with aggression, the ecosystem will balance itself - having eaten the last herbivore, the predators will have to eat each other.

No more than three properties in one paw!

The quality of the components in the Russian version is excellent - the cards are dense and pleasant to the touch. Food tokens and tablets are made of thick cardboard, cutting is close to ideal. I cannot fail to mention the original first player token, made in the form of a plastic dinosaur of one of the sixteen types. For example, I got the ceraptopsid family. But I didn’t appreciate the plywood lizard that comes as a bonus to the boomstarter edition. Yes, she is a symbol of the series and made to last. But it is too bulky and it must be glued, carefully adjusting the halves, since it does not hold without glue in the stand.

The disadvantages of the domestic edition also include the lack of an organizer (there was one in the European one), budget bags and even the absence of bags for cards and tokens. By the way, the cards of the domestic edition differ from the Western one by the absence of a black frame around the edges and the Russian text on the shirt. Therefore, if you decide to buy an English-language add-on, take care of the colored protectors that hide the differences.

Otherwise, the new "Evolution" is an excellent strong family - simple, incredibly beautiful and addictive. And most importantly, that it maintains a balance of continuity and innovation. Therefore, both fans of the original and those who did not like the original will appreciate it. I give the game a big fat plus for the atmosphere - you can finally feel that one of your animals is a dexterous, cunning and dangerous predator, and the other, for example, is a clumsy and fat good-natured man, shielding himself from danger more small species. If you were wondering if it's worth taking new version- take it, you won't regret it. Moreover, you still have the opportunity to order a game through boomstarter.

And I can't wait to master the add-on, which adds birds to the game, like separate view- with their own unique tablets and a separate food base, as well as event maps. If only it could be localized!

Evolve. Adapt to changing environment. Learn to fight off predators, or become one yourself. Find food. Survive in competition with other species. Develop. Win!

"Evolution. Natural selection" - localization of the world hit evolution. Two years ago, when Evolution was first published, it became one of the most significant events of the year. Since then, her popularity around the world has been steadily growing.

Having received the widest recognition, the creators of "Evolution" continued to refine and improve the game. Now we present to you the latest, second edition of the game, which took place in two years - you can't say it better! - natural selection of the most successful game features.

Retail price of the game "Evolution. Natural selection” will be at least 2,700 rubles. By supporting Evolution right now on Boomstarter, you will purchase the game for only 2090 rubles. Or even for 1970 rubles, if you are among the first hundred people who will support our project!

In addition, as a gift you will receive exclusive first player token in the formhornedlizards!

The game will come to you in the first half of November, at the latest. More likely already September or October, as we will start sending out in just two to three weeks after the end of the campaign!

"Evolution" is designed for both experienced players and beginners. These are not just words! The rules of "Evolution" are simply told in ten to fifteen minutes. Regardless of board game experience, players instantly learn what to do and how to do it.

"Evolution" is a very colorful game! All cards were drawn by the famous artist Catherine Hamilton. The unique colors were obtained due to the fact that Katrin did not draw on a computer, but live, with watercolors. It's hard to believe, but it's true! Before your eyes - "live" drawings.

Catherine's work blurs the lines between fiction and documentary scientific approach. The stunning animals created by Katrin are fictional and surprisingly believable at the same time. See for yourself:

Another great feature of "Evolution" is a very fast preparation for the game. Five minutes pass from the moment you open the box to the start of the game, and even less with proper skill.

Many other games with as many game components as Evolution take 15-30 minutes to play out. Here, almost immediately you plunge into the game!

One game lasts approximately an hour if 4+ players participate. Sometimes faster. You can play from the age of 10. And from the age of 12, as indicated on the box, you definitely no longer have to play along with your son or daughter so that they defeat you! =)

detailed instructions , how to add an organizer and / or six linen bags, is at the very bottom of the page - in the section "FAQ".
As for acrylic food tokens, you can add them by purchasing the very first reward.

The first player token and the organizer are laser cut from HDF. The fine engraving you see on the lizard is also laser-etched!

The abbreviation "HDF" comes from the English HDF (High Density Fiberboard) - fibreboard high density. This is a high-quality and very dense material created from pressed crushed wood.

HDF is strong and reliable. If, exaggerating, you do not hit it with a hammer, do not set it on fire (previously pouring kerosene on it) and do not throw it from the tenth floor, it will serve you for many years. To top it off, HDF is not very prone to scratching and getting dirty.

Another remarkable feature of HDF is that the cuts are very smooth and even, do not contain nicks and burrs. HDF is also very pleasant to the touch.

Everyone who supports us in this Boomstarter campaign by purchasing a copy of Evolution. Natural Selection”, will receive a horned lizard token from the cover as a gift!

The lizard has long been the symbol of the entire Evolution series of games. She stood on the very first, Russian "Evolution", and her symbol is on all other games in the series. The first edition of the foreign Evolution was with a certain animal reptile that replaced the lizard. But in the second edition, the lizard, which has grown its own horns (predators are now afraid of it, and he also ran away!), Returned to the cover.

The lizard token you receive has detailed engraving on both sides. The lizard stands on a platform, which is folded in two parts and harmonizes with the “Waterhole” stand (sold with an organizer). The lizard token fits perfectly into the game box and organizer.

The lizard is huge. If you can't visually imagine what 12.5 cm height is, let's just say: it's a LOT. She proudly towers over the decomposed game components, watching what is happening and as if saying: "Well, well, let's see which of you is the fittest here...".

Assembly: You will receive the disassembled lizard. Collecting it is a matter of seconds, but it will need to be glued together. It's easier than ever. Use ordinary PVA glue, it is sold at any office supply store.

The organizer freely accommodates the entire Evolution game set. There will also be room for the next addition to Evolution - Flight, which we may publish in the near future!

We made an organizer exactly in the form of a box with a game. It stays in it evenly and very tightly. Sections for cards, tablets and tokens are designed for the Evolution game set. Card slots are made with a small margin, in case you decide to put cards in cases.

Three-section compartment with tokens - removable! During the game, take it out of the organizer and put it on the table. You don't have to think about where to put the tokens! On the game table it takes up minimal space. The food token section is slanted for easy access.

Inside the organizer, the three-section compartment is closed with a separate lid so that the tokens do not crumble when carried. And above - Attention!- a stunning stand "Waterhole" is placed.

Together with the organizer, you get a Watering Tablet. During the game, tokens of plant food are laid out on the watering hole, which serves as food for all herbivores. Here, the players put cards face down, which will later determine how much food will be added (and sometimes decreased) in this round.

So, we made a beautiful tablet stand that adds banks to the watering hole. It runs exactly along the contours of the playing field, without covering anything superfluous and creating an incomparable gaming atmosphere!

It is more convenient to play with the stand "Waterhole". Cards can be stacked on the "shores" of the stand, and not to the tokens. The tokens themselves will not crumble now, even if you wave your sleeve unsuccessfully, since the three-stage (!) "shores" pass from all sides.

Thus, the stand "Waterhole" serves for atmosphere, for convenience during the game and as a closing cover for the organizer. Three in one!

The cost of the organizer and stand "Water" - only 950 rubles! This is an exclusive price for Boomstarter. Subsequent retail price will be from 1300 rubles.

Assembly: The organizer and stand "Waterhole" come to you disassembled. The assembly is easy, but with the "Waterhole" you will need to act carefully, there are a couple of tricky moments. Of course we will supply you detailed instructions! It will be necessary to assemble and glue both the organizer and the stand (it is also advisable to carefully paste the “Water hole” field inside). The gluing process is a little easier than elementary. The most common PVA glue will do, it is sold in any stationery store!

With each copy of Evolution, we include six velvet pouches designed to store tokens of consumed food. At the end, these tokens count towards the victory points. These are quality bags, you can be sure!

But linen bags are even better! Especially with native illustrations from the game. We produce them together with our old friends from the Studio « Pandora Box.

Linen is a material that breathes well. It is pleasant to the touch and very reliable. The bag can be washed, nothing will happen to the illustrations. Many consider linen pouches to be the #1 choice for storing tokens and dice!

How linen bags are made: First, we purchase high-quality linen fabric. Then a picture is printed on the fabric - a special printer specially designed for such tasks is used for this. Then the fabric passes through a thermal press. High-temperature processing forever holds the picture and fabric together. And only after that the bag is sewn on the machine.

We offer you six linen bags at once in a single set - according to the number of players! The cost of six bags is 1150 rubles. This results in less than 200 rubles per bag. This is a unique price especially for Boomstarter. After the end of the campaign, the price of six bags will rise by at least up to 1890 rubles. Thus, by purchasing them now, you save over 700 rubles.

When you purchase a copy of Evolution, you receive 180 double-sided Meat/Vegetable Food Tokens. Basically, plant foods are “eaten”, because. many predators at one table do not survive. There are always more herbivores. Just like in nature.

Following the requests of our sponsors, we made plastic food tokens. 160 for plant food and 80 for meat. Jokingly speaking - now there is enough food for everyone!

Plastic tokens - transparent and look beautiful during the game. Their diameter is like that of the original cardboard tokens, but at the same time they are about twice as thick! Thanks to this, plastic tokens are more convenient to hold in your hands.

We are giving away 240 (!) tokens for 1370 rubles. It's fantastically cheap! Approximately 5 times less than similar tokens usually cost in Russia and in the world.

How to purchase: You can buy two or more rewards on Boomstarter. The reward with food tokens is placed on the page very first. Just purchase it in addition to your basic reward!

You will receive Acrylic Tokens at the same time as everything you ordered during the campaign.

Shortly before the start of the Boomstarter campaign, we received the first test copies of the printed Russian Evolution. Natural selection". Taking advantage of this, we sent the game to the most popular domestic board reviewers.

1. "Newer, better, prettier." Review on Desktop Blog

Excerpt from the article: “My verdict is this - the game turned out to be very pleasant. Fit, beautiful, smart, interesting. I sincerely recommend to anyone who likes the old "Evolution" to try the new one. And simply - to all beginners in the world of board games.- Yuri Tapilin.

2. Review from "Table Addiction"

Excerpt from the article: “We received a completely updated edition called “Evolution. Natural selection" with bright design and modified rules. (...) There are more opportunities to play cards - more decisions, more up to the players.”- Dr. Nik.

3. “Evolution. Metamorphoses of Rebirth". Review on 2fishki.ru

Article excerpt : “The workmanship and design of the new Evolution evoke exceptionally positive emotions. As I mentioned earlier, I have not held such a stylish booklet of rules in my hands for a long time. Cardboard, illustrations, components - everything is on top of what Evolution does great gift for all fans of board games.- Alexander Gorshechnikov.

4. Review "Natural Selection" on Ludofan

Excerpt from the article: “Familiar to many domestic “Evolution”, through English localization and several editions, returned to the Russian-speaking audience completely updated - from balanced mechanics to outstanding illustrations and extended equipment with wooden and cardboard components. We have waited and hoped for a long time, and finally, we have waited for this moment.”- Alexey ‘Ludofan’.

5. Review in the Bearded Blog

Excerpt from the article: “The quality of the components in the Russian version is excellent - the cards are dense and pleasant to the touch. Food tokens and tablets are made of thick cardboard, cutting is close to perfect.» - priceless.

6. Review by "Mazz_O Boardgamer"

Excerpt from the article: “In terms of visual perception and overall ergonomics... the game gets a solid "excellent". When, after a game, the players begin to carefully read the hint tablet and think about different combinations properties - this is already a victory for game mechanics.- Maxim Trofimenko.

7. Let's play in the video blog Beznal 72

in let's play Sergey first shows the unboxing of the game, and then there is a game of four, with the participation of an experienced 11-year-old geek =) The players sat down for the first time, so you will see not only the gameplay, but also how the game is learned. Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes

8. Let's play on the FamilyPlay video blog

Igor, channel host, plays Evolution with his wife and daughter. This was their second batch. It is indicative in terms of how the party looks when the players have already figured out the game mechanics! Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes

9. Video review of the American version of Evolution (first edition) in the video blog “Two Cubed”

When Alexei published this video, he didn't even think that he would represent our campaign on Boomstarter! Note that the video shows the first edition of the game. English, of course. It differs from the second edition offered to you in terms of game equipment and in a number of points in the rules.

Follow our updates! We will continue to update you with new game reviews as they become available!

More than a million species of living beings inhabit all corners of our planet. evolutionary theory Charles Darwin explains the reasons for their amazing biological diversity.

Due to natural selection, individuals that are better adapted to their environment survive and pass on their useful properties to their descendants. Now, thousands and even millions of years later, we can only wonder how something like this could have developed naturally!

In Evolution, you yourself become part of the mechanism of nature and can see firsthand how your animals evolve, adapt and reproduce, or die out, losing in competition with more successful and efficient species.

Next, we will briefly tell you how to play Evolution. Of course, this is not a literal retelling of the game rules. You will get an idea of ​​how the game is going, and for the subtleties and nuances, refer to the rules, which you can download on this page!
At the very beginning, each player receives a pouch for storing consumed food tokens and a board of one type of animal. In convenient recesses on the tablet, the player places two wooden cubes: this base values populations and body size.

The course of the game is divided into rounds. At the start of the round, each player draws 3 cards from the Trait deck, plus one card for each of their animal species. Accordingly, at the beginning of the game, these are four cards, since each player has one type of animal.

Each card has a number in the lower right corner. The players face-up place one card each on the watering hole board. Later, these cards will determine how much food will be available for sustenance.
The remaining cards may be placed face down next to their animal boards. Cards can also be discarded to gain more animal species or to increase the population and body size of existing species.
Then comes the moment of truth! All cards laid face down on the table are revealed. The players know Yu t, how much food is at the watering hole. The properties that they assigned to their animals with the help of cards come into play.
And then it turns out that...

There isn't enough food for everyone. Animals with a long neck have time to grab food before others. Cooperation makes it possible for two or more species to feed at once. Gluttonous beasts "eat" two tokens at a time. Any tricks are on the way! Yes, yes, all this happens due to the ability cards that the players have distributed among the species!

But not only that. It turns out that one of the animals became a predator (or maybe more, or all remained herbivores). Predator can no longer consume vegetable food from the waterhole. His food is different kinds!

But someone has learned to climb and hides in the crowns of trees, and if the predator has not developed the same property in himself, he cannot reach the climber. Another animal has built up a strong shell, and someone has gained such a body mass that a small predator can not care for him ... unless he gains weight himself or starts hunting in packs!

The predator reduces the population of other animals, getting meat food, or dies itself. Herbivores that do not get plant foods lose in the population, or even die out altogether. Exactly the same happens in nature! The fittest survive.

Then all the "eaten" food tokens are sent to the bags held by the players, and a new round begins.

Property maps assigned various types animals stay with them. Each animal can have up to three properties, and players have to choose how to develop their pets. If necessary, properties can be changed, replacing them with new cards.
The game ends when the property deck runs out. Players count victory points. They are given for tokens of food eaten, for the population of surviving animals, and for the ability cards assigned to them. Thus, the player whose species proved to be the most efficient during the evolutionary process wins the game!

You can download the Russian Evolution rules by following on this link. Format PDF.

it Final version rules. We add that they are printed on thick paper, so they give the impression of a real tome. You'll like it!

The localization of the game was led by Sergey Machin,one of the authors of "Evolution" and Executive Producer of The Right Games(Publisher of the Russian version of the game). The translation also involved professional editors and fans of the game series.

Just before the end of the Boomstarter campaign, we have prepared for you "Evolution. Natural selection" in questions and answers". Format PDF. Based on questions posted on BoardGameGeek and your questions. Use to solve almost any non-obvious moments during the game!

At the game - interesting story, largely reflecting its name. She evolved in the most natural way!
It all started with the fact that in 2010 the company "Correct Games" published a board card game"Evolution". The main author of the game was Dmitry Knorre, candidate of biological sciences. Currently, Dmitry is an employee of the Research Institute of Physical and Chemical Biology. Dmitry tried to create a believable game that would captivate and visually show the evolutionary processes. And he did it!

I gave Dmitry's ideas an edging Sergey Machin, one of the famous domestic game designers. Behind Sergei "Potion" and other games that are loved by the players.

"Evolution" quickly won the recognition of players throughout Russia. It was also recognized by game critics. Below you can see the main awards and titles received by Evolution.

An add-on came out the following year. "Evolution. Time to fly", followed by a second addition - "Evolution. Continents». Then it was time for a successful campaign, which was dedicated to the next stage in the development of the game - the release of "Evolution. random mutations.
Today "Evolution" remains one of the most popular board games created in our country!

Evolution has been translated into many languages ​​and published in several countries. Soon an American company became interested in her. North Star Games.

NSG wanted to publish Evolution but change a lot about it. The game designer of the updated version was Dominic Crapuchettes, head of North Star Games. All cards drawn Catherine Hamilton(she also subsequently created the cover of the second edition of Evolution).

The gaming equipment has expanded phenomenally: tablets, tokens, a playing field have appeared ... The gameplay has become more exciting and dynamic.

In the spring of 2014, NSG launched Evolution on Kickstarter (the international prototype of Boomstarter). And the bomb went off. The game exceeded NSG's expectations by 12 times, collecting a record $124,000 at the time! To next year the whole world was already playing Evolution, and it became strange to get involved in board games and not know about it.

Two more Kickstarter campaigns followed in the next two years, introducing English versions of the add-ons. flight and Climate. Fees amounted to ... 279 thousand dollars and 337 thousand dollars. The popularity of the game has grown rapidly and continues to grow - the second of two campaigns took place no later than at the beginning of this year!
Thus, today there are two branches of "Evolution". Russian, for which add-ons continue to be published, and international, which is now at its zenith.

By participating in this Boomstarter campaign, you will be the first in our country to receive a localized edition of Evolution, which has conquered the whole world. The second, expanded and revised edition is waiting for you!

Delivery anywhere in Russia is 300 rubles. For residents of Moscow it is possible Express delivery will cost the same amount. Mail or courier - at your discretion!

You can also pick up the game yourself in the shop "Far Far Away" near the metro station "Sokolniki" in Moscow. In this case, you will not have to pay for shipping. If this option is optimal for you, then choose a reward marked "Pickup".

Delivery of the organizer and linen bagsin Russia is free of charge. The only restriction: if you want to take more organizers than you buy copies of the game, contact us first.

Outside Russia we are also ready to send, but the postage, unfortunately, will rise a lot. For example, shipping cost one copies of the game: Belarus - 1470 rubles, Ukraine - 1770 rubles, Germany - 1880 rubles, USA - 1830 rubles. and so on. In this case, each subsequent copy of the game, as well as the addition of an organizer, change the cost of delivery. To clarify the cost of delivery outside of Russia, please write to us. To do this, click on "About the Author" at the top of the page on the right, and there on "To write a message".

WHEN: We plan to send all rewards until October 15, 2016. Thus, at the latest - in early November, you will receive the expected package! Probably even much earlier - alreadyin September or October, since shipping will begin literally two to three weeks after the end of this campaign!

The Right Games company has been on the Russian market for over 12 years. Over the years, we have published dozens of board games. This is our fourth campaign on Boomstarter. Before her, there were, and. All sponsors received rewards exactly as promised.

Together with you, we are now bringing to the domestic market a unique, stunningly beautiful and interesting game"Evolution. Natural selection". Our goal is to quickly raise funds to release the game as soon as possible. And if everything goes really well, then in the near future we will also publish in Russian and additions to the "Evolution"!

As the campaign progresses, we'll be talking about the game and possibly the people who made it. We also always welcome your questions and comments!

Incredibly beautiful game about evolution

Already popular in many countries of the world, "Evolution" was developed in Russia. It has been on sale in Europe for several years, and now North Star Games decided to re-release it and improve it a bit - also quite natural mutations that biologists love so much. The new Evolution is an incredibly beautiful set that will please a lot of people. You want to not only play such a game, you want to put it in plain sight and get it when your beloved friends come.

Everything according to Darwin

Indeed, as a result of the constant process of natural selection, certain types of animals survive on the planet, while others die out or are transformed. The game "Evolution" realistically and scientifically reveals the principle of selection: the dependence and changes of animals due to the external environment, available food, attacks by predators. The winner here is the one who can collect and save the most animals at the end of the game with the largest number properties, as well as feed for them.

For fans of civilizational strategies

In this competitive but rather relaxed game, you start with a young and weak species, and then feed them, strengthen them, protect them to make them as capable of survival as possible. And all this with the help of cards and chips!

How is "Natural Selection" different from the usual "Evolution"?

  • Feed does not appear in the game by chance (earlier, someone could simply be unlucky). Now all players form feed base for every round.
  • During the development phase, the player may add properties to the species, but no more than three to one. In this phase, he can separately increase the population or the size of the individual.
  • The strict feeding phase reduces the size of each population to the amount of food it has collected. And predators that devour smaller or herbivorous animals now calculate the result very conveniently: they reduce the prey population by 1, and receive the amount of food from its size.

Maybe some of you helped the publishers!

This set is the result of the work of many specialists, and the faith of the fans of the game, thanks to which the crowdfunding campaign for the re-release of the game gained a whole million instead of 100,000 rubles. Expectations of fans were justified, enjoy! One of the most famous animal illustrators in the world was invited for the new edition. Moreover, for "Evolution" Catherine Hamilton painted all the images not on a computer, but manually, in watercolors.

Such a rich composition of the game

  • waterhole playing field,
  • First player token in the form of a dinosaur,
  • 129 cards with properties,
  • 24 animal species plates,
  • 48 wooden cubes in two colors
  • 180 cardboard food chips
  • 6 cloth bags for used food chips,
  • 6 memos,
  • Rules of the game.

Additions and editions:

  • Evolution - basic set games
  • Gift Evolution — base game set + add-ons "Time to fly" and "Continents"

    Evolution. Continents are an addition, a habitat is added. Suitable only for the basic version

    Evolution. Time to fly is an addition, flying animals are added. Suitable only for the basic version

    Evolution. Plants - addition, plant cards are added. For example, predators will be able not to attack other animals, but to feed themselves on their own - berries

    Evolution. Flight is an addition to base game"Natural selection" where flying animals are added

    Evolution. Climate - An add-on to the Natural Selection base game that adds climate conditions


“The game is just awesome, you can’t say otherwise! I took it as a gift to my eight-year-old son with the fear that it would be too difficult (age 12+ on the package). As a result, we play three of us: me, my son and a five-year-old daughter! They mastered the rules, got involved ... Children laugh endlessly at those whom they created :) It is very addictive, I don’t want to stop. In general, one love! The game was bought before NG and we have bags of 4 colors :) »
