See yourself alive in a coffin. Other interpretations of dreams

The coffin can be considered a symbol of the completion of any business. There is no need to be afraid of such a dream, perhaps it only means that the physical and moral efforts you expended to implement your plan have finally been crowned with success. Significant changes in your views on life and habits are not excluded. However, such a plot can have another interpretation. It is possible that you are afraid of the world around you, do not trust people and seek to hide from them. Perhaps you should not be so critical of yourself, it is better to trust fate, because hiding from problems all your life will not work.

If in a dream you see yourself in a coffin, then in reality you have to assure some business. The dream also warns that you will soon feel changes in yourself. Your outlook on life and habits will change.

If in a dream you sleep in a coffin, then this can predict fun. If a sick person saw himself sleeping in a coffin, a dream can mean complications of the disease and even death. If in a dream you see yourself in a coffin, but then get up from it, then in reality you will find replenishment of strength, peace. You will have a second wind and a lot of energy will appear. If you are sitting in a coffin or on it, then the dream predicts quarrels and remorse for your actions.

Also, seeing yourself in a coffin in a dream can be a symbol of excellent health throughout your life.

What does it mean to see yourself in a coffin in a dream? Soothsayers almost unanimously assert: this is an unfavorable sign. Get ready to survive betrayal, hatred, scandals and other troubles in reality. For a more complete picture, you need to take into account the little things that happened in a dream and your emotional state.

According to Miller

A psychologist, if you were sitting or lying in a coffin, predicts conflicts with others. In addition, Miller's dream book strongly recommends visiting a doctor and checking your health. For a seriously ill person, sleeping in a coffin in a dream is an omen of death.

Trials and bad luck

Have you seen yourself in a coffin? The dream book warns against rash actions. Having committed a dishonest, illegal act, you will deeply repent, but you will not be able to correct the situation.

The negative interpretation of events in a dream is enhanced if you held a cross. This is a warning about upcoming misfortunes and troubles in which other people will be guilty.

Why dream of lying in a coffin and holding a cross? Higher power warn of a difficult test. You will be accused of a serious crime, and it will be very difficult to prove your innocence.


Remember how you reacted when you found yourself lying in a coffin in a dream, what emotions you experienced.

Fear - trouble at work and fear of dismissal.

Panic horror - a dream book predicts great difficulties in almost all areas of life. Unfortunately, it is not possible to cope with the difficulties on your own.

Pleasure - you are exhausted and depressed. The dream interpretation recommends finding time to rest, it cannot go on like this for a long time.

Calm - now you dream of being alone with yourself in a quiet environment. Only in this way can you slowly think about the situation and gain strength.

End of the project

Why dream of seeing yourself dead? You can finish the long haunting business. If you are dead in a dream, then the work is coming to an end, it is permissible to start planning a new project.

What happened in a dream is interpreted by seers in a different way: the habits that interfered and that they dreamed of getting rid of died. Perhaps your beliefs will change dramatically. Soon, the people around you will notice how much you will change when you are reborn.

open up

Why else dream of being in such a gloomy environment? The seers say that you do not trust others, expect a blow at any moment and seek to hide. Relax, people are not as hostile as they seem. The dream interpretation advises to open up and try to be friends.

Favorable forecasts

Climbed into a coffin for a prank? The dream interpretation foresees a lot of joy and laughter in reality. Don't be afraid to be funny and enjoy the respite you get.

Some visions are flips, meaning the opposite. In this case, lying in a coffin in a dream portends long life.

They lay alive in the domino - you will radically change your beliefs and views.

Why else dream of ending up in a coffin alive? You are tired and exhausted. Find time to relax, and when the forces return, feel free to proceed with the implementation of your plans.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Coffin in a dream why dream

Seeing a coffin in a dream or making it - for the upcoming wedding, making a profit or promotion, for lovers - for the upcoming wedding, open and empty to see - to danger.

Seeing a coffin floating on the water is a great wealth, if the coffin itself appears from the grave - fortunately.

To lie in a coffin in a dream, and then get up from it - to the revival of strength, gaining peace and self-confidence.

To see the tomb - good luck and patronage await you, to be inside it - to disappointment, difficulties in business.

Seeing a hearse in a dream - to separation, changes in business.

Miller's dream book

Why dream of a coffin in a dream

If in a dream you see a coffin, then you are expected by the loss and early death of a dear relative.

A coffin standing in a church and decorated with flowers - to an unsuccessful marriage.

Seeing a man carrying a coffin means that the enemy will infuriate you, constantly testing your honesty. This dream also means that you will oppose well-known organizations and become obnoxious to friends.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

If you dreamed of buying a coffin

The coffin is the embodiment of how a person acquires a protective shell after death, in order to be reborn later. Etymologically, it is associated with the word "grave", and symbolically - with the mystical womb. In the coffin, a person receives a second life, salvation and atonement for lifetime deeds. The new, eternal “dwelling” of the deceased has been an attribute of the funeral rite since the beginning of Christian times. To prepare a coffin for yourself in advance according to the dream book is to build yourself a “house” for the afterlife, which you should take care of in advance.

Why dream of a coffin - a dreaming coffin frightens dreamers in vain. Often this is a positive image, pay attention to the details of the dream, the atmosphere, and the interpretation of the symbol will become clear. Alive in a coffin - a dream is interpreted based on who you saw. If you are in a coffin - it's time to start leading healthy lifestyle life, discard old habits that are harmful to health. If there is a living friend in the coffin - good sign for him, he will not need, and will also support you. A familiar person in a coffin - solve problems, and do not hide away. Reconsider your circle of contacts, perhaps there are people with whom you have long ceased relations.

Psychological interpretation of dreams according to Ivan Furtsev

What did the Coffins dream about

  • Seeing a coffin, which, according to Freud, represents a woman's womb, means that soon you will establish financial affairs, you will be surrounded by children.
  • Why dream of a broken coffin - beware of infertility.
  • A cheap coffin is a dream when a person "buried" his aspirations under a mountain of complexes and fears.
  • A zinc coffin portends ailments, and in the intimate sphere too.
  • A dream about a coffin in a temple strewn with flowers - be careful in choosing a spouse. Marriage will not bring happiness.
  • Seeing a moving coffin in a dream - to health problems and a marriage overshadowed by problems.

Romantic dream book

What is the dream of the Coffin

  • Coffin - Seeing a coffin for young people is a wedding and happiness in the family, spouses have such a dream for profit.
  • For family people to see two coffins in a dream is a prediction that the spouses will die on the same day when the time comes. Fear sudden death after such a dream is not worth it.
  • An empty coffin according to the dream book - to the desire to fill the inner emptiness with love, the search for a life partner. Also, the symbol "offers" thereby to forget the past betrayal and pain in order to step towards a new relationship.
  • Digging a hole for a coffin is marriage for love, and happiness will be a lifetime.
  • Why dream of a red coffin upholstery or a mahogany coffin - happiness in love and family relationships.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

What is the dream of the Coffin

  • A wooden coffin with your name is dreaming - change not only your habits, but also your lifestyle, as a person must change with age.
  • An empty coffin in a dream symbolizes inner emptiness and spiritual hardships.
  • You go in a funeral procession for a coffin or carry a coffin - in reality you will commit an ugly act that will bring close person many troubles and troubles.
  • Hammering nails into the coffin lid - you will do everything in your power to get rid of vices and weaknesses.
  • A fallen coffin is dreaming according to a dream book - a good omen, a guardian angel will help to avoid a dangerous catastrophe.
  • A coffin covered with earth means the presence of a terrible, incomparable evil.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

What does a dream with a coffin mean, taking into account the date of birth

  • In the spring, why see the coffin with the dead - for the funeral.
  • In the summer, why dreamed of making a coffin - to the coffin in the house.
  • In the fall, what the coffin dreamed about - time is moving towards death, you sin too much.
  • In winter, why dream of a coffin - for a long life.

Dreams about a man in a coffin do not always portend something bad, but often simply warn of what is to come. According to dream books, such visions can promise not only troubles and dangers, but also future changes, important news, and also warn against rash acts. Before proceeding with the interpretation, one must recall the small details of the dream, this will help to more accurately understand what the world of dreams promises.

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      Variants of dreams in which a coffin, a dead person or a funeral appears

      From the details of sleep, the interpretation changes diametrically opposite. Small fragments and circumstances should be carefully recalled in order to understand what the dream means. The options are different:

      • a living person was seen, who appeared dead in dreams;
      • funeral of a deceased person;
      • the dead is seen in a dream as alive;
      • see the funeral of a friend, relative or loved one;
      • a man is dreaming in a coffin, but he is unfamiliar to the dreamer;
      • may dream of their own funeral.
      • Dreaming with a dead person, a coffin or a funeral does not always promise grief, trouble or loss. It is important not to succumb to emotions and approach the decoding of signs with a calm heart. Excessive impressionability will harm impartial interpretation and cause unnecessary unrest.

        If you happened to see a living dead in a dream

        When a living person appears in sleeping dead, the first reaction is always associated with fear for the life and health of the dreamer. But there is no need to panic. This dream has the opposite meaning and promises good. The one who dreamed of the dreamer will be in in perfect order, he is not in danger. On the contrary, such a vision portends a long life, good health and well-being.

        See in a dream alive dead - good omen also for the dreamer. Such a dream promises him a successful resolution of cases, positive changes in fate and possible cash receipts. Soon the dreamer's affairs will go smoothly, new opportunities will appear and problems will be solved by themselves. The main thing is to see in time and not to miss the given chance.

        When a dead person dreams

        Sometimes a dead person is dreamed of, who during his lifetime did not play an important role for the dreamer. For example, an old colleague, neighbor, acquaintance, classmate. Such a vision promises changes that cover several areas, but do not affect fate in a global sense. For example, if a deceased colleague is dreaming, then changes will affect the sphere of work, a neighbor - places of residence, a distant acquaintance - personal connections.

        Change can be both positive and negative. It depends on the emotions of the sleeper that he experienced. If the deceased caused fear, disgust, or appeared in a repulsive form, then the changes will worsen life. If the emotional coloring of the dream was positive, and the deceased is friendly, pleasant and cheerful, a change for the better is not far off.

        Why dream ex-husband- interpretations in dream books

        If a long-dead person appears alive

        With such dreams, you should not try to prove to the deceased that he died a long time ago or try to drive him away in some way. The main thing is to remember what exactly the deceased said or did. It may be advice, a warning, or a request, often seemingly illogical. Don't dismiss them or downplay them. It is important to remember that every word or gesture is important and meaningful.

        In the case of a request, it is necessary to try to fulfill it, if advice or warning - be sure to follow. The speeches of the revived deceased are signs from the human subconscious and take the form of a dialogue if the dreamer in reality cannot find a solution to his problems or doubts his actions.

        If you dream of the funeral of a friend, loved one or loved one

        It is a completely normal situation when, shortly after the funeral, people who were dear and loved appear in dreams. Similar visions caused by grief and do not carry mystical signs of fate. Best recommendation for the dreamer - warmly and lightly say goodbye to the dear deceased, say what was not said during his lifetime, and let him go.

        If close people are through long time after the funeral (without any prerequisites) - this is a bad sign. In this case, it is strictly forbidden to take any gifts from them, enter into conversations or go anywhere with them. This promises a serious illness, loss or difficult parting. The best way out is to simply try to wake up or leave the meeting place with the loved one in a dream.

        A stranger is buried in a dream

        The funeral of a stranger is an abstract sign of fate. Promises positive changes in life, new meetings or good news. The dreamer will soon cease to be lonely, make new friends or meet his love. Dream Interpretation recommends not avoiding new acquaintances and companies. They can give a new chance and change life for the better. Fill your everyday life with joyful conversations and positive communication.

        Dead strangers- harbingers good news and future changes. Such a dream prophesies a chance to get rid of burdensome obligations and throw off the annoying burden, if you do not miss the opportunities that turn up and do not lock the doors in front of the symbols that life throws up.

        See your own funeral

        It is important to understand that if dreams about one's own burial haunt the dreamer, are periodic and repetitive, this is most likely due to lifelong problems or fears of death. The most frightening version of funeral dreams is your own burial or preparation for it, but do not worry in advance. Classical dream books interpret such visions as a sign of the dreamer's happy fate. If the funeral is magnificent, solemn and dignified, then seeing yourself in a coffin is a sign of calm and serene longevity.

If our dreams were filled entirely with pleasant images, going to bed in the evening, each of us would fall into our own personal relaxation session. Alas, this is far from the case. In the night dreams of any person, the worries experienced during the day, hidden fears, and sometimes frankly gloomy symbols are bursting every now and then. How unpleasant it is to see in a dream, for example ... a coffin!

The general meaning of the dream according to different interpreters

It is easy to guess that most dream books do not favor dreams about coffins, considering them a bad omen.

  • Miller's Dream Interpretation: The coffin is definitely a bad symbol, promising losses, failures and quarrels.
  • Noble dream book Grishina: A dream betrays despondency, fears that torment the dreamer's soul, and indicates his desire to hide from the world. Have you noticed any signs of depression lately?
  • Dream Interpretation Hasse: A coffin means an obstacle on the way to the goal.
  • Danilova's erotic dream book: Try to avoid quarrels with your soulmate, there is a danger that your relationship will "play in the box." By the way, Danilova echoes the dream book of the Lovers, prophesying the dreamer parting.
  • Modern dream book: The "owner" of sleep is threatened with misfortunes and financial losses. But, even if you are aground, do not get into debt - you will get bogged down.
  • English dream book: Vision predicts a loss that either the dreamer himself will suffer, or a large number of people - for example, as a result of a natural disaster.
  • French dream book: The appearance of a coffin warns of a protracted period of lack of money or of an unpleasant situation in which a person who has a dream will feel humiliated.
  • Summer dream book: An extremely negative dream prophesying death.

Some gloomy symbol does not scare at all

However, not only the Goths manage to find positive in the cemetery theme. There are interpreters who know how to fish out a good prediction from the darkest dream.

  • Chinese Dream Book of Zhou Gong: No matter how disturbing your daydream is, problems will soon be resolved, and anxiety will subside.
  • dream interpretation Yellow Emperor: You are ready to admit and "bury in the ground" the mistakes of the past, fears, bad habits, doubts and painful, albeit familiar relationships. You are doing the right thing! This is a good time for any change. Success in your career, victories on the personal front, a complete change in lifestyle - everything will be given to you almost effortlessly.
  • Dream Interpretation of Medea and Denise Lynn: One Important life stage completed and another begins. Time to set new goals and make plans.
  • Autumn dream book: Let this sound like an inappropriate joke, but soon you will have a desire, and most importantly, the opportunity to acquire real estate.
  • Spring dream book: Go from the contrary. We saw a coffin in a dream - get ready to live a long time.
  • Lunar dream book: A lonely dream speaks of a wedding, married and married - an impressive profit.
  • Oriental female dream book: You are waiting for shifts in worldview and the emergence of new unexpected interests.

There are also neutral predictions. For example, an old Russian dream book says that dreams about coffins portend changes in life, but it cannot be said whether they will be for good or for worse.

Interpretation by the sex of the dreamer

By the way, Snow White met her prince with the help of this creepy item.

According to Freud's dream book, the coffin is a modified prototype of the female uterus or genitals. If the fair sex sees him luxurious and good, she is physically healthy and ready for procreation. A crumbling box, somehow knocked down from rotten boards, warns of problems associated with the reproductive sphere. Cheap - indicates an inferiority complex. The dreamer does not feel her femininity and attractiveness for the opposite sex.

There are also more "specialized" predictions:

  • A dream involving a gloomy symbol will upset an unmarried romantic young lady, but it can also please a practical one: mutual love he does not promise, but predicts a strong marriage of convenience.
  • A married woman can count on an influx of money into her wallet or participation in a fun holiday.
  • Interpretations for pregnant women vary. Some dream books confidently call the coffin a symbol of danger, predicting a woman the threat of miscarriage and difficult childbirth. Others are full of optimism and argue that after an eerie vision, troubles will retreat from the dreamer for a long time.

For some reason, interpreters almost do not spread about male dreams. But they make an important remark: if both the husband and wife dream about the coffin in a short period of time, their relationship has cracked. In the future, strife, divorce and even the possible death of one of the spouses loomed.

Characteristics of the coffin

So that the variety of predictions does not confuse you, pay special attention to analyzing the details of the dream.

By number and size

  • A hundred or two years ago, a dream about several coffins was considered an indication of a lean year and the loss of livestock, which in the old days really threatened the peasants with death. Today, such a vision rather warns of a protracted financial crisis. Start a ledger to record expenses: you have to learn how to save.
  • If you dream of several black coffins at the same time, you should be more careful. You are in danger of an accident, and you will not be the only victim.
  • A large weighty coffin means ... harmony and prosperity in the house. Who would have thought!
  • Small, on the contrary, predicts continuous failures. He threatens a businessman with a failure in business, family people with scandals, lonely people with empty chores. In addition, a dream warns of major financial losses and a threat to life.

By material

But dream books do not mention glass. I wonder why?

The wooden domina symbolizes barriers that will force a person to stagnate for a long time and uselessly. It may also happen that circumstances will put the dreamer in front of a difficult choice between a career and personal life. Whatever his decision, something significant, alas, will have to give up.

A metal coffin promises well-being, prosperity and warm relations in family. With two clarifications:

  • If the dreamed metal turned out to be gold, you will have a major success that will not come immediately, but deservedly.
  • If you have seen zinc, take care of your health. Possible "malfunctions" associated with the reproductive organs, as well as failures in bed.

by color

The black coffin means longing and disappointment. True, there is a dream book of Veles, who calls him a symbol of future success, profit and a fun life. But in fairness it is worth recognizing: this is perhaps the only positively minded interpreter. All other blacks are frankly afraid.

Red in different interpretations has several meanings, from danger and serious illness to success and longevity. Consult with your inner “I” and draw a conclusion for yourself what is so important it was trying to tell you. One thing is clear - an extraordinary event is prophesied to you.

White is a sign of fulfillment of desires, with the condition that you learn to think positively and firmly believe in success.

Dreaming of a cover

  • Carry it - cherish empty hopes and engage in business doomed to failure. Be careful in dealing with superiors, there is a high risk of getting an influential and vindictive enemy.
  • Stumble on the lid - discover an unexpected obstacle, become the object of someone else's intrigues, or quarrel with your soulmate.
  • To see lying on the ground next to the grave - to a change in weather to a cold snap. Or to an ailment that will quickly fly in, but will be defeated just as quickly.
  • The cover, half-covered with earth, requires caution. Your unwise actions can bring problems to the whole family; learn to finally calculate the consequences of your steps!
  • Sometimes this symbol is interpreted not as a sign of impending events, but as an indication of confusion in the dreamer's soul. Low self-esteem, fear of not being able to meet your obligations, an empty and unnecessary quarrel, which, in a good way, should have been put to an end a long time ago - all this is the very “lid” that prevents you from seeing the sky and enjoying life.

Open, closed or empty?

Danger, luck or subconscious advice to deal with internal problems?

Two dream books, XXI century and Ukrainian, agree that closed coffin brings positive changes to a person’s life: profit, career success, successful marriage, health, long life. But open and empty serves as the embodiment of danger - "traps" the dreamer. Partially, this interpretation is confirmed by Vanga's dream book, which considers an empty coffin a sign of discouragement, painful thoughts and moral exhaustion of the dreamer.

But the whole company dream books - Tsvetkova, Slavic and Esoteric - think differently. An empty closed coffin they call a harbinger amazing adventures, and those who "dreamed" an open domino for themselves are promised fun and good luck in the business they have begun.

The interpretations of psychologists sound like this: an open coffin is an offer from your subconscious mind to get rid of some unnecessary information or dark memories that prevent you from moving on. Closed simply symbolizes some completed work.

Whom to believe, decide for yourself.

Old or new

A new coffin predicts deliverance from fears and anxieties. Old and falling apart warns of health problems or peace of mind. Ailments or complexes in the near future will greatly complicate your life if preventive measures are not taken against them.

See yourself lying in a coffin

This, to put it mildly, unpleasant dream promises even more trouble in reality.

  • If you saw yourself sitting in a hearse, sudden illness fill your life with anxiety.
  • Lying in a coffin means getting a whole bunch of problems. Beware of failures in business, the collapse of plans and quarrels with loved ones. And since, most likely, the quarrels will happen through your fault, a feeling of remorse and remorse is attached to the troubles. However, a dream may turn out to be just a reminder of a case that you forgot to complete.
  • If you single yourself out as if from the outside, dead, perfectly calculated plans will collapse due to circumstances that are not in your favor.
  • The image of a funeral procession with a coffin on which your name appears is the last attempt of the subconscious mind to convey to the owner the idea that the chosen way of life is no good. You are literally killing yourself.
  • However, this dream is not without hope for a favorable development of events. For example, if, after lying down for some time on an unusual bed, you got up and went about your business, the breakdown will soon pass, and you will again feel the taste for life.
  • Finally, Gypsy dream book assures: who saw himself in a coffin in a dream, he will be endowed with good health in reality.

If a person who is now deceased is seen

Any actions on the part of the dead in a dream are considered dangerous.

Most often, such a dream only indicates that the deceased remains in the dreamer's thoughts. They remember him, think about him, miss him - and the subconscious obediently draws a familiar image during a night's rest. It is considered a bad sign if the deceased calls you or tries to drag you along. Dreams involving an "active" dead man are always unfavorable, and this one promises a serious, even life-threatening ailment.

It prophesies illness and a dream in which you give your things to the dead. But if we are talking about a relative, the dream takes on a positive character: along with a personal object, some kind of misfortune was taken from you, so only happiness awaits ahead.

... Or dreamed alive

  • Did you see a familiar, but not close person to you in a coffin? It seems that in reality you do not like him and would not mind knowing that this character has disappeared from your life.
  • Seeing a friend in the coffin means receiving valuable news and support from him. And such a dream can also be a reason for joy, though not for itself. According to the interpreters, in the near future everything will turn out fine for your friend, both materially and emotionally.

Nightmares in which we see a living relative lying in a coffin, can throw anyone into a cold sweat. But in reality, they embody the dreamer's anxiety for a dreaming family member rather than a real threat - at least that's what psychologists say. Perhaps your loved one is going through not the best period in life right now? Or have your relationships gone wrong, have you moved away from each other and deep down you suffer a lot from this?

But let's leave the psychologists alone and return to the dream books. This time it will be very difficult to understand their predictions, because they promise the hero of your dream personally and his entire family as a whole either prosperity and happiness, or a mortal threat. However, the most widespread is the positive version of the interpretation, which says: a person who during his lifetime dreamed of one of the family members in a coffin will be endowed with longevity, and if he is sick at that time, he will certainly recover.

Interestingly, a dream about men from the older generation - a father or grandfather - is often explained by amazing events that should soon occur in the dreamer's life. And if one of the older women in the family, a mother or grandmother, appears before you, a dream is often considered an omen of a difficult test. Seek advice from someone experienced and wise, and the problem will not only be neutralized, but also turned into a personal triumph.

Mourning a loved one in a dream does not mean losing him in reality.

The dream about the spouse lying in the coffin has three different interpretations:

  • An insidious rival (rival) is trying to take your partner out of your life.
  • Your marriage is waiting for tests in the form of illnesses and scandals up to divorce.
  • The dream portends complete well-being, good health and harmony in the family.

In this case, confusion plays into our hands. Take the phrase “Thought is material” into service and focus on good option predictions. What we believe more has a higher chance of being fulfilled.

What do dreams about strangers in a coffin mean?

  • If you saw a man, you are promised success in all your endeavors.
  • A woman threatens with obstacles and delays in business.
  • Children mean the danger that will arise due to your unreasonable behavior.
  • An old man or an old woman is a warning to be more careful with unfamiliar people. Someone dishonest will betray you or stab you in the back in order to achieve their goals.
  • The stranger, who remained an obscure silhouette in the coffin, portends troubles, numerous, but small.

Interpretation of your actions

Any interaction with the coffin in a dream is undesirable

  • To see how the coffin is carried to the cemetery is to find out the sad news.
  • To participate in the procession yourself - voluntarily or involuntarily harm a loved one.
  • To buy a coffin for yourself or someone else is to live in abundance. True, before you can incur large expenses, but do not worry, everything will return a hundredfold.
  • To do - to take on difficult work that will exhaust you, but will be well paid.
  • Opening the coffin with the dead - unfortunately, empty - to danger.
  • Bury - get a chronic ailment.
  • Dig up - the secret that you considered securely hidden will be made public.
  • If in a dream you saw yourself in a closed or buried coffin, seriously engage in introspection. Usually such dreams are people who are desperate, who have lost the meaning of existence, driven into a psychological dead end, from which a person cannot find a way out on his own.
  • The one who, in his dream, slept peacefully in a coffin, and then got out of it, will take responsibility for his life and begin to put it in order.

The dream in which you carefully boarded up the coffin has several interpretations. Either there is something that you would very much like to bury forever in your memory, or you are seriously aiming to do away with the old bad habits. Neither interpretation is appropriate? It means that there is too much negativity in your life, which you subconsciously seek to get rid of.

Actions independent of the dreamer

  • A dead man falling out of a coffin is a sign of danger. Take care of yourself to avoid injury or injury. And at the same time, try not to “tighten the screws” in relations with a partner, you can be left alone.
  • If the dead man stirred in your dream, expect failure, and not one.
  • He opened his eyes and silently stared at you - to trouble.
  • I got up - to the arrival of unexpected guests from afar.
  • He shouted and reproached you for something - to a big scandal.
  • Crying is not good.
  • With a cry, he turned away and left - to improve his financial situation.

A falling coffin is a good omen. It is usually explained by the timely actions of your guardian angel, who pushed the trouble away and did not allow it to get close to you. But a box moving without any outside interference prophesies shame and cooling in relations with a partner.

Where the coffin is located

As long as you're not inside the tomb, it's all right

  • Domovina, floating on the water, brings wealth.
  • Seen in own house predicts career growth.
  • in the middle great hall- promises prosperity.
  • The cemetery promises sadness and many failures.
  • In the earth - symbolizes great evil.
  • Those who in a dream saw a coffin covered with flowers in a church were promised an unsuccessful marriage - the dreamer literally buried his hopes for a happy marriage.

The tomb represents the patronage of Fortune and influential friends, if you looked at it from the side. But it threatens with disappointment and failure if in a dream you are inside.

There are circumstances under which any, even the most realistic and vivid dream remains just a dream. For example, if you think too much about death. Or you are very impressionable, and just the other day you saw a coffin, even if it was on TV. Or your life is full of experiences, and dreams are nightmares. In any case, be careful in your interpretations and do not rush to lose heart. Even dark dreams sometimes carry good news.
