Installation of glazing beads on wooden windows. Window glazing bead: what is it and how to put it

Tell me, my wooden windows are 17 years old, made of oak, bivalve, varnished. In general, one outer sash began to leak, which flows about 20 grams of water into the middle between the sashes. The window itself is closed so that the seam between the window and the frame is not covered by anything with a glazing bead flush with the window, i.e. it does not overlap the seam of the frame and the window. When it rained, I took off the bottom glazing bead, it is easy to see that at one time there was some kind of lubricant on it, not silicone, and the place under the glazing bead was moisture. I had to dry it with hot air (hair dryer). I dried the glazing bead, cleaned it a little, smeared it with varnish again, then passed it with silicone at the junction of the window (on the rifle) and smeared the glazing bead a little below and on the part that is adjacent to the window. Attached hammered cloves.

A question. Do I need to change the glazing beads so that they look out of the window so that the water flows to the ebb and is there any point, again, there is a gap between the window sash and the frame. I insulated them for the winter with self-adhesive foam rubber 10 mm. But I was told that self-adhesive is better on the inner sash, and not on the outer one, that is, the rain will still pass through the foam rubber, even though it is pressed against the frame.

Tell me how to do it right, what to check and what to redo so that water does not pass. I really could not identify the place where the water came from either through the glazing bead and along the sash into the gap between the sash and the frame or immediately into the gap.

Vasily, Samara.

Hello, Vasily from Samara!

You really can't figure out on the spot where the water is leaking through your window, and you want me to determine it without seeing it, and hundreds of miles away from you. It's a bit difficult to do this.

According to the classics of the genre window panes framed with beads. In this case, the outer glass is always (!) Inserted from the outside and after that a glazing bead is installed around the entire perimeter. (This prevents water from penetrating behind the glass). Beads on the top and sides are usually made flush with the surface of the window sash, but the bottom bead is sometimes made with a shelf bigger size so that water can drain off the bottom surface of the sash.

Some craftsmen-kulibins put glass and bead from inside the room and at the same time a selection of a quarter of the window sashes is located outside. This is fundamentally not true. I won't explain why.

Naturally, earlier all such places were smeared with window putty, now they do it with colorless silicone.

In double-leaf windows, the joint between the two sashes is usually covered with a strip-layout (otherwise a flashing), which is nailed to one of the sashes, which closes after the first sash is closed, on which there is no such strip. This prevents the penetration of water along the junction of the valves. At the same time, the bar protrudes beyond the outer surface of the sashes and the rain rolls down along it onto the window tide.

A tree is a tree, it can dry out and get wet, which is why cracks appear through which water can penetrate from the street inside. Much depends, of course, on the type of wood and the degree of fitting of window elements, the service life, but it is not always possible to completely prevent the penetration of moisture. Reduction of gaps can be achieved by replacing old elements with new ones, by adjusting window hinges.

And the foam rubber sticker is really done only from the inside. Previously, foam rubber strips were not in use, and I personally used gutta-percha rubber, which was used to seal diesel doors. But you still have to get it

I remember a case when, in a similar situation, the owner country house in general, at first I pasted adhesive tape on the outside, which really didn’t last long, and then I smeared the problematic window on the outside with silicone through all the cracks so that it became airtight.

Conclusion - universal way no. Adjust the window elements so that the mosquito does not stick its nose. I can't recommend anything else.

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Glazing beads for plastic and wooden windows differ fundamentally only in the material of manufacture and the cross section of the profile. Regardless of the type, these elements perform important functions - they fix the double-glazed windows in the light openings of door and window blocks and complete the sealing procedure for the frames. In addition, glazing beads decorate windows, since they create an area with their help. smooth transition from the main profile to the glass. They also close all the gaps between double-glazed windows and sash frames.

PVC glazing beads

PVC window glazing beads are made from the same plastic as the main profiles for assembling sashes and frames. They should have exactly the same snow-white White color. At the same time, some manufacturers, in an attempt to save on components, use recycled glazing beads to fix double-glazed windows. This is unacceptable, since such elements have a grayish tint and are of poorer quality. Read more about the requirements for polyvinyl chloride at WindowTrade.

Structurally, plastic window glazing beads are a hollow rail from the inside. Due to the presence of an air chamber, it is possible to further reduce the heat exchange between the street and interior spaces. The length of such profile elements is usually 6.5 m. Depending on the modification, the glazing beads are equipped with 1-2 sealing contours made of elastic materials. According to the profile section, these elements of window structures are divided into:

  • square;
  • rounded;
  • flat;
  • bevelled;
  • curly.

For fixing in frames and sashes, the glazing beads have a special constructive ledge that enters the profile and snaps into place. That is, the manufacturers of PVC systems in this case used the classic and secure lock thorn-groove type. Plastic glazing beads differ not only in the shape of the profile section, but also in dimensions. When assembling window structures, they are selected depending on the mounting depth of the frames and selected ones. If single-chamber models are used to complete windows, then they are fastened with wide glazing beads. For fixing two- and three-chamber double-glazed windows, narrow rails are used.

In the basic configuration, windows are usually equipped with glazing beads rectangular section. If you need another form of transition from a profile to a double-glazed window, you need to discuss this nuance with the manager in advance.

Beads for wooden windows

Wooden glazing beads for windows are solid slats, which, by analogy with plastic ones, can have a rounded, rectangular, figured and beveled profile section. For their manufacture, the same type of wood is taken that was used in the production of Eurobar. Since it is in the installation area of ​​the glazing beads that the most condensate accumulates, the slats must be carefully treated with antiseptic impregnations. This procedure is necessary to slow down the processes of wood decay. Before installation, glazing beads, like all other elements of window structures, are coated several times with paints and varnishes and polished.

In the manufacture of windows from eurobars, double-glazed windows in the light openings are fixed somewhat differently than in models made of plastic. To fix them, carnations with invisible caps are used. They are hammered through the rail into wooden profile almost close to the glass in that area of ​​​​the glazing bead, where a special recess was made for the sealant. This procedure can be performed only with the help of a special pneumatic or electric hammer, reminiscent of the principle of operation of a stapler. After fixing the glazing beads around the perimeter of the light openings, all the cracks are sealed with transparent silicone, the excess of which is then removed with a rubber spatula and a special wash.

Replacing glazing beads in a plastic window

Although in theory plastic glazing beads are designed to be the same as the frame structure, they can loosen prematurely. This is due to the unequal thermal expansion of different elements of the frames, as well as the effect of condensate and ice on the rails. To prevent possible depressurization of the window, it is necessary to replace the glazing beads in time. This procedure can be performed both with the help of a wizard, and on your own. At self replacement you will need an accurate angle cutter, a metal spatula, a rubber mallet, measuring tool and a pencil. In the process of performing this procedure, you must adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

It is recommended to start dismantling the mounting rails with the longest elements. Most often, these are vertically arranged glazing beads. During the entire procedure, you need to make sure that the double-glazed windows do not fall out of the opening. When there is not enough experience, it is better to invite a window company specialist.

Replacing glazing beads in a wooden window

Buying glazing beads for is not a problem. They are sold in almost every hardware store. However, it is unlikely that such products are suitable for eurowindows, so in any case you will have to contact specialists. In addition, due to the lack of a special hammer, it will not be possible to drive in cloves imperceptibly. If you do this with a conventional tool, you can damage the double-glazed window, so in the case of wooden euro-windows, it is recommended to immediately order the service from the masters.

We are publishing another article to clarify the terminology adopted in our professional field installation of plastic windows

A glazing bead as a structural element of a plastic window is used to fix a double-glazed window in window frame. It is a narrow long rail, which is made of plastic profile and is equipped with a rubber gasket. Rake can be various sizes and shape, which directly depends on the design of the window profile.

If we talk about the functions of glazing beads, then they are not limited only to fastening a double-glazed window to a window frame. They also contribute to the tightness of the window, retaining heat, reduce air exchange, protect against dust and street noise. In addition, they give the window aesthetic appearance and extend the life of the entire system.

The main types of glazing beads are rectangular, rounded and figured. Manufacturers tend to use a rectangular bead by default, so if you want this part in a different look, you should let us know in advance.

In addition, glazing beads are wide and narrow - the choice of width depends on the type of double-glazed window. So, when installing a window with a single-chamber package, a wide one is used; narrow ones are more suitable for triple-glazed windows. And for four-chamber structures, a reinforced glazing bead is used at all.

When glazing beads are made from polymer, this is done as follows: first, a hard part of the rail is made, and then soft rubber or is attached to it. But more and more of them are made of glass composite.

Glass composite is a material that has excellent plasticity, and in its structure consists of a filler and a binder. The filler in this case is quartz, fiberglass, etc. Such glazing beads have excellent thermal insulation properties and are also very resistant to environmental conditions.

To attach the bead to the frame, use special grooves. As a rule, such grooves are drilled in the sash, and if the windows are deaf (when the glass is installed directly into the frame), then it is attached to the frame itself.

To achieve impeccable structural strength, a special sealant is used. Glazing beads are also often made directly with a sealant, which is a monolithic product.
As an option, there are decorative caps for the glazing bead groove, which are not obligatory element and are installed at the request of the client, giving the window a more aesthetic appearance and facilitating maintenance of the structure.

There are times when you need to replace the glazing beads on a plastic window. It's easy to do it yourself. You can buy them in companies engaged in the production of profiles. Their usual rectangular types are cheaper, figured ones are more expensive.

Glazing beads are inconspicuous protectors that protect fittings from corrosion, and the entire structure from deformation.

From the article you will learn:

The glazing bead plays an important role in the plastic window. It depends on him whether the light-transmitting system will fully protect the adjacent room from the penetration of dust, noise and draft into it. Without a properly installed glazing bead, the window will be a structure that closes the opening of the room only from strong gusts of wind, while not being able to maintain heat at the proper level.

Sometimes the glazing bead (represents an elongated rail) needs to be dismantled. Most often, the reason why the rail must be removed is the replacement of a broken double-glazed window. Consider given element plastic window details.

What is a staple?

The figure below clearly shows what a bead is. For a tighter fit to the wall of the double-glazed window, it is equipped with a sealing rubber. Beads differ from each other in size and shape.

They may be:

  1. curly
  2. round
  3. square

A wide bead is used in double-glazed windows that have only one chamber in their composition, while a narrow bead is designed for a three-chamber double-glazed window.

The composition of the glazing bead is polyvinyl chloride (PVC). However, the latest window models, as a rule, are equipped with similar elements, which are based on glass composite, which differs from plastic (PVC) in better properties.

Why does a window need a bead?

The glazing bead keeps the double-glazed unit from falling out, and it is attached only from the inside of the window, there is no need for a rail from the outside.

Such an element prevents the penetration of dust, drafts, street sounds into the room; complements by making her appearance aesthetically complete.

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The glazing beads themselves rarely need to be replaced, only in case of significant damage, or if they lose their original properties.

How to remove a bead from a plastic window?

To remove the glazing bead with your own hands, you do not need to be a "jack of all trades", it is enough to be able to use a hammer, spatula and chisel. To remove each glazing bead (and there are 4 of them in each sash: two vertical and two horizontal) for an unprepared person, it will take 3-5 minutes, no more.

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Bead removal sequence:

  1. A chisel or spatula with a sharp end is placed in the gap between the glazing bead and the frame (closer to the middle).
  2. By pressing the tool like a lever (a hammer to help), we are trying to raise the glazing bead.
  3. We intercept the freed part with our hand and carefully remove the rail of interest.
  4. We put the bead aside so that when installing it back, it will not be confused with another.
  5. In the same way, we dismantle the rest of the elements.

For more information on how the window glazing bead is removed, see the videos below.

It should be remembered that the top rail of the plastic window is removed last, and during subsequent assembly it is installed first.

The wind blows into the joints between the glass and the glazing bead. How can I replace the glazing beads with new ones more modern way insulation?

Can be done as follows. Insert the glass into the frame. Secure with nails. Leave them hanging out just a little bit. Next, seal the seams with sealant. It can be silicone, it can be acrylic for painting. If you make a thin exit hole, you get a very neat seam. After applying the sealant, carefully level it with your finger. The sealant will not only secure the glass in the frame, but will also fill the small gaps between the end of the glass and the wood. If the windows are painted white, then for work will do white silicone sealant. And you don’t have to paint, and the water is not terrible. Excess sealant on glass and wooden frame Easily removed with a tissue or dry cloth.

Glazing beads can only be replaced with beading beads, which are an integral part of fixing the glass in the frame.

Theoretically, it is possible, of course, to make a frame with grooves for glass and insert glass into it at the frame assembly stage, but there are many minuses, the main one is the impossibility of replacing glass without disassembling the frame.

In the USSR, sometimes they "went" in a funny way, instead of glazing beads putty and nails.

A year later, the putty cracked all over, the glass burst when hammering nails, it is extremely difficult to remove a nail that has sat in the frame for several years.

In the most modern windows there are glazing beads everywhere, they are different, but they exist.

Modern hacks use silicone (sealant) instead of putty, the same nails, but instead of putty, a silicone side, but this is not right.

Silicone loses color over time, "gathers" dust and it hurts to look at the window.

The problem is rather difficult to fix.

Using sealant on top of the glazing bead to seal the gaps will most likely not help.

To get rid of this problem, you have to remove the glazing beads, remove the glass and grind seat, of course, we remove all old paint, putty and so on.

Then we apply a sanitary sealant to the frame (I advise you to work with Makroflex sealant, it has never let me down).

We insert the glass, you can temporarily press it with carnations so that it does not fall out.

Now we apply another layer of sealant.

Remove excess silicone immediately with a damp cloth.

The silicone will dry and the wind will no longer bother you.

Previously, even during the union, it was the norm to use window putty instead of glazing beads. It was plastic and easily applied to the place between it and the frame, or it was used to cover up large chips on the frames. Putty for windows is now also being produced, but I don’t think it has much success compared to modern technologies window production, so, the maximum is used by older people in their dachas, and even then out of habit. Big minus was what was already on next year all the putty cracked and it was necessary to rip it off again and spread new layers, and the plus was the ability to paint it with paint like the frame.
