The better to finish the steam room with linden or aspen. Which is better - lining made of linden or aspen

For those who complain about their weak immune system and cannot do without pills in cold weather, scientists have proposed a simple method - jump into a snowdrift or pond after a steam room. Therefore, if you have not yet acquired your own sauna, you can find out how to do it from rounded logs below in the article. Before you decide what your bath will be built from aspen or pine, and maybe from linden, it's time to find out the advantages and disadvantages of this choice.

Aspen - building material

Buildings made of aspen attract buyers with relative cheapness. The material is much more accessible than pine, and even more so cedar.

Maybe because hardwoods are valued less than conifers? What's the matter, what are the pros and cons of an aspen bath and will you later regret such a choice?

What disadvantages should be expected

Aspen was considered a weed tree for a long time. And now some experts do not like her.

  • probability of defects;
  • a very soft core, which, if it starts to rot, will infect the entire log.

Scratches and dents may remain on the fresh surface of the wood. But later it becomes almost “stone”, so it is almost impossible to process such an aspen. Dark spots are another effect that can be considered a disadvantage, as they visually age even a new building.

What are the advantages

Some disadvantages can be avoided if the selection process is taken seriously. For example, trunks with a damaged core will be received only by those who will be too lazy to check them for defects.

Tip: pre-treat the wood with an antiseptic to avoid stains.

Aspen has low thermal conductivity and low water absorption, in addition, it has long been noted that the material has bactericidal properties. For example, in such wells, water does not bloom even in extreme heat. For lovers of everything unusual, we can say that there is a belief that aspen can take away negative energy.

We start building

Below is a general instruction that will help you understand the main stages of construction.

Column Foundation

There are several types of bases for a wooden bath, but the foundation of pillars is considered the most promising. The price of such a foundation is much less than other options.

The main element of the pile (pillar), made of:

  • wood;
  • bricks;
  • concrete;
  • reinforced concrete;
  • asbestos pipes filled with concrete.

Poles can be installed with your own hands in the corners of the building, under the joints of walls and other places with a heavy load. The usual step between piles is 2 m, if it is larger, intermediate supports should be placed.

Most often, concrete blocks are used, under which a pillow is made of sand. From above, they must be closed with a waterproofing material, for example, roofing material in two layers.


Now it's time to build walls, and you can save on construction by buying a rounded log.

The initial cost will be offset by the lack of additional interior finishing.

  1. Connection in the "bowl". The logs made on special machines have a perfectly smooth surface, and the sawn bowls exactly match the radius of the logs. This gives a guarantee that the log house will be practically airtight, and an ideal microclimate is created in the room.

If you want to carve the bowls yourself, consider whether it's worth it. The price of the material will increase by only 20%, and you will have to spend more than one day and not the fact that you can beat the woodworking machine.

  1. Warming. Each crown must be laid with a special linen-based jute fabric that is not afraid of moisture, rodents and insects do not eat it.
  1. Log fastening. Attach the crowns to each other with wooden dowels. Before this wood drill, holes are drilled in adjacent logs.

Windows and doors

You can start sawing them in a log house after laying half of the logs. However, do not rush, as some will have to be left in the form of binders for now. They will allow the walls during shrinkage not to lose their verticality.

roof construction

The final stage is the installation of the roof in the bath and its insulation. Its design depends on the size of the room, the type of foundation and the terrain, its shape can be varied.

Its role cannot be overestimated, it protects the bath from:

  • wind;
  • snow;
  • rain,

and also allows you to effectively save heat in the room.

Characteristics of linden logs

Before answering the question of what is better for a bath linden or aspen, you need to know the features of both materials. We talked about the latter above, now the turn of the linden has come.

What can be said about her:

  • it has a low density;
  • dry material is light in weight;
  • has low resinousness;
  • has low thermal conductivity;
  • soft in structure;
  • dries quickly;
  • has a light tone.
  • rarely cracks;
  • does not settle;
  • has a pleasant aroma, which, according to traditional medicine, can relieve tension and calm the nerves;
  • affordable price due to easy processing of the material.

Advantages of linden

In addition, the smell irritates rodents, which is why in Russia barns made of linden were considered the best, mice went there very rarely and the grain in them did not deteriorate.


One should be singled out - the fragility of operation due to the soft structure. Because of this, the surface of the log becomes vulnerable to moisture, which inevitably leads to the formation of fungus. To increase the life of the log house, you will have to diligently look after it.

Tip: use linden for buildings that are needed for a short time or are located close to where you live so that it is not expensive to monitor them.

From the above, we can say the following, although linden baths in Russia have been built since time immemorial, but today there are better materials for such buildings.

And if you take a pine

Pine log cabins are noticeably superior in quality to aspen log cabins, but in some respects they are inferior to analogues made of elite cedar or larch (see also the article “Larch bathhouse - exquisite economy”). The material is optimally suited for people with average incomes. Before you understand which bath is better from aspen or pine, you need to know the characteristics of the latter.

What's Good About Pine Wood

  1. The trunk of a pine is naturally flat and has relatively few small knots on it. This indicator is considered the most important advantage of the material.
  1. The second advantage is environmental friendliness. The healing properties of the resinous coniferous smell have been known for a long time. It helps fight cardiovascular diseases, makes life easier for people who regularly endure stress.
  1. Other natural characteristics:
  • wide coniferous has the best thermal insulation;
  • red is the most durable;
  • yellow is the densest;
  • white - universal, its price is cheaper than the rest.

Growing conditions also play a big role for pine wood. Northern breeds are valued higher, but only if they have not grown on marshy soils.

What causes complaints

  1. During humid and hot seasons, pine logs may develop a slightly reddish or bluish tint, which somewhat reduces their aesthetic appeal. This is not rot and this fact does not affect the reliability of the design of the bath.
  2. You can get rid of this effect with the help of protective compounds, which should be applied on the surface of the logs in time.
  3. Pine is a resinous material, so it should be used carefully in the “hot” places of the bath, where, under the influence of temperature, the resin can cause skin burns. It can be pre-melted, but the cost of such material will be significantly higher.


The materials we have considered have different characteristics. Everyone can be used in one capacity or another for the construction of a bath, the main thing at the same time is to correctly understand their features so that the building stands as long as possible. In the presented video in this article you will find additional information on this topic.

Which lining is better for a bath - an overview of materials for a bath, dressing room and shower

After erecting a building for a bathhouse on a personal plot, it is necessary to decide on the option of interior decoration. And here a lot of questions arise. The interior design of the bath can be done using various materials. Whether it is the well-known lining made of various types of wood or more expensive material (for example, finishing or salt stone).

Of course, you should opt for lining. This natural and environmentally friendly material will be an excellent solution for the internal arrangement of the bath. The attractive design of the bath will please the eye not only of true connoisseurs, but also of ordinary lovers of taking a steam bath. In order to understand which lining is better for a bath, you need to familiarize yourself with the characteristics and classification of the future lining.

As a rule, any bath consists of a waiting room, a steam room, and sometimes a shower room. For each of these premises there are a number of requirements for safety and environmental friendliness. Therefore, finishing materials must differ in their functionality, appearance and technical characteristics. But the general rule is resistance to water, moisture and high temperatures.

The interior decoration of the bath is an aesthetic component. But the main criterion for choosing one or another wooden coating is safety. When heated, seats and walls should not leave burns on the human body. In addition, some types of wood (for example, softwood) emit characteristic resins that can be harmful to health. Prolonged exposure to a room with such a finish can cause allergic reactions.

Options for lining for a steam room

Clapboard lining is a popular way of wall cladding in a bath. The type of material used, the class and method of processing, determines the main criterion for choosing a lining for a bath. You should also choose the right material for the seats, shelves and additional decorative elements.

For installation work in the steam room, panels made of deciduous trees (alder, aspen, beech, ash, etc.) are used. This material has a flat and smooth surface without various kinds of damage. And the beneficial substances released under the influence of high temperatures have a beneficial effect on human health.

Depending on the density of the structure and the outer surface, the lining is divided into classes. Classes "Extra" and "A" are of the highest quality (smooth surface without damage and deformation). Classes "B" and "C" are somewhat lower in quality due to the presence of visible surface imperfections (knots, cracks). A separate subspecies includes eurolining. Due to a different way of processing wood, it is distinguished by a large thorn-groove connection and the ability to remove excess moisture through special grooves.

The choice of lining for the dressing room

The dressing room serves as a relaxation room in the bath. This room is not exposed to high temperatures. Therefore, a lining made of any type of wood can act as a material for wall cladding (read also: "How the dressing room is finished - stages of work and arrangement options"). Wall cladding with softwood panels (pine, spruce or fir) will fill the entire room with its unforgettable aroma. Aspen, linden and birch are also popular materials for wall decoration in the bath.

It should be remembered that it is best to use the same material to cover the ceiling and walls. But the use of paints and varnishes is not the best idea. To extend the life of the lining in the dressing room, special protective impregnations and varnishes are used.

Real gourmets of sauna rest recommend decorating the walls in the dressing room with pine clapboard. The special structure of wood perfectly withstands high humidity, and the release of coniferous oils is minimized. An additional advantage is the low cost of the material.

The choice of lining for the steam room

The walls and ceiling of this room are lined with clapboard of the highest quality. It perfectly withstands high temperatures, high humidity, as well as constant exposure to water and steam.

Knowing the technical characteristics of different types of trees, you can easily decide which lining to choose for the steam room. Of course, the best option is panels from deciduous trees, since conifers under the influence of high temperatures will release poisonous resins.

The manufacture of lining from various tree species determined its characteristics and properties. Knowing all the advantages of wood material, it will not be difficult to answer the question of which lining is better in the steam room.


Excellent material that is durable and wear-resistant. High resistance to water prevents the appearance of small cracks and deformations during drying.

Linden panels have high thermal conductivity. Lining linden for a bath is able to evenly quickly distribute heat in the steam room, at the same time, reducing the cooling time of the walls. Low heat capacity will not allow you to leave burns on the human body in case of accidental contact with the surface.

Even at its low cost, the material has a dense structure and excellent characteristics. The pleasant aroma of wood is known for its relaxing and soothing effect on the human body. Linden lining will be an excellent option for the interior design of the steam room.


As well as linden, aspen lining has a number of advantages. First of all, this material has a low traumatic ability (does not leave burns on the body), and also does not deteriorate after drying.

The great demand for aspen paneling contributed to the development and creation of a huge range of different shapes and sizes of finished panels (read: "Which aspen is best for a bath - planning a log house"). What is better for a steam room linden or aspen is a strictly individual question. Before buying, you must carefully check the surface for damage, chips and the presence of small knots. High-quality material determines the durability and visual appeal of the finished coating.


Alder lining for a bath is to the taste of more authoritarian lovers of bathing. This material is somewhat more expensive than the previous ones, and is of higher quality. The perfectly smooth surface has no defects, therefore, after installation, it does not require additional processing by a grinder.

Various versions, technical characteristics of the material and the choice of colors directly depend on the financial solvency and individual wishes. Alder for a bath is a great choice in favor of sophistication and functionality.


Panels made of this material are used for decoration in more expensive and elite establishments. This material gained particular popularity due to its extraordinary beauty and special healing properties. Cedar wood does not require a special approach in the manufacture, processing and installation process.

Essential oils emitted by wood have a beneficial effect on the human respiratory system (read also: "Essential oils for a bath - application, origin, rules of use"). Therefore, lining made of cedar for a bath is used not only for decoration, but also for therapeutic prophylaxis. Of course, over time, it becomes a little more difficult to catch a pleasant woody aroma, but the delightful appearance of the cedar finish remains for a long time.


Larch is rightfully considered the best material for wall decoration in a bath. This material is distinguished by an unusual internal pattern, a strong structure, and due to the special composition of the wood, it has a high moisture resistance.

Larch for a bath has its drawbacks. This material is difficult to process - the risk of splitting and various damages is high. It also does not have special thermal insulation properties.

rare breeds

Clapboard "Extra" class has a high cost due to the quality of the wood used. Excellent technical performance, durability and beauty of materials distinguish it from other, cheaper options.

Oak is considered the most refined material. Heavy panels installed from this material have a beautiful texture. There is also no need to talk about the durability of the material.

The use of the African Abashi tree is gaining in popularity. Its unique property is the ability of wood not to heat up under the influence of high temperatures. Due to this, this material is more often used in the manufacture of shelves in the steam room. Options for finishing walls and ceilings are not excluded.

Panels made of pine family wood - Hemlock, brought from North America, are distinguished by high quality. The material is highly durable and durable.

Choice of lining for the shower

As a rule, it is customary to veneer all rooms in the bath with wood. The shower room is no exception. With high humidity and the constant presence of water, panels made from coniferous trees (for example, pine or spruce) will do just fine.

To improve the properties, protect against decay and extend the life of the floor covering, you can apply special water-repellent agents. To do this, the cleaned and polished surface of the skin is coated with protective wax or water-based paint. Sometimes several layers are applied for the best effect.

Waxing allows you to create an invisible barrier to water and air, as well as enhance the beauty of the natural grain of wood. The use of paints allows you to paint the surface in any color and shade (read: "How and with what to process the lining in the steam room - tips from practice").

Depending on the purpose, each room in the bath is finished with a certain material. The lining for a bath made of aspen or linden has characteristics that meet all safety requirements.

When calculating the cost of finishing work, it is necessary to take into account the costs for the purchase of facing panels, materials for the frame structure and fasteners, as well as antiseptics.

Which lining for a bath is better: a comparative review, features and reviews

Lining is called a thin narrow board, equipped with a special lock, usually working on the tenon-groove principle. The main advantages of this material are: ease of installation, environmental friendliness and aesthetic appearance. Initially, passenger train cars were sheathed with such boards. Hence the name of this material. Lining can be used for facing buildings of various purposes. Very often this material is used, for example, for sheathing baths from the inside. In this case, it is very important to choose the right type of board. Further in the article, we will figure out which lining for a bath is better and how not to make a mistake when buying this material.

How can a board be classified?

When choosing a lining, first of all, pay attention to the following factors:

    the type of wood used for the manufacture;

    material class;

    country of manufacture.

In any case, special requirements are imposed on the material intended for lining the bath, since it will subsequently be constantly exposed to moisture in combination with elevated temperatures.

Cedar and pine

Coniferous board for lining steam rooms from the inside is used extremely rarely. The best answer to the question of which wall paneling is better for a bath is this: hardwood. The fact is that a coniferous board contains just a huge amount of resin. Therefore, when heated, hard-to-remove, quickly hardening “tears” appear on its surface. In addition, such material begins to emit a very strong smell. However, despite all this, some conifers can still be used for lining steam rooms. These include, for example:

    Canadian or Altai cedar. This wood for baths is allowed to be used primarily because it contains very few resins. Even with strong heating, these viscous substances do not have a special effect on the microclimate in the steam room.

    Pine. This type of wood can only be used in steam rooms with electric heaters. The fact is that such equipment warms the air in the room not too much. Such a temperature at which pine resin begins to melt never occurs in baths of this type. The wood of this breed is heated at elevated temperatures not too much. At the same time, she looks quite beautiful. When using a wood-burning or gas stove, pine is allowed to finish only dressing rooms.

Alder, linden, aspen: which is better?

Hardwood lining for a bath is better than coniferous. In principle, almost any such board is suitable for sheathing a steam room. You can use for this purpose even, for example, an inexpensive birch. However, if you are interested in the answer to the question of which lining for a bath is better from hardwood, then these are:

A board made from such wood has simply remarkable performance characteristics, looks beautiful and lasts a very long time. These varieties of material cost more than birch, but the bath with their use is much more comfortable and convenient for people taking water procedures.

As you can see, there are different lining for the bath. Which is better? Prices, for example, for alder boards from most suppliers are not too high. This is a very good option. At the same time, such a board is not at all afraid of prolonged exposure to moisture and practically does not heat up in the steam room. However, at elevated temperatures, alder begins to emit a slightly bitter smell into the air (in principle, not too unpleasant).

Linden lining is more expensive than alder, but it can also last much longer. In addition to good resistance to moisture, such a board also has the advantage that it is never damaged by wood bugs. It is impossible to get burned on such boards while taking water procedures, since they do not heat up. It is believed that it is linden lining for facing baths that is best suited.

Aspen, like alder, can emit a bitter characteristic odor into the air. Such boards usually serve for a very long time. But only if they are not damaged in any way during operation. Around any scratch or chip on the aspen board, a rotted area can quite quickly form.

Which clapboard is better to sheathe a bath: an African novelty

Recently, many wealthy bathhouse owners prefer to trim the steam rooms with abash wood boards. This material looks great on the walls and ceiling. Abash tree grows in Africa. Its main advantage is the ability to remain pleasantly warm even at very high air temperatures in the steam room. Abash lining does not heat up, including in places located in the immediate vicinity of the heater. The color of the board of this variety has a pleasant beige.

Which lining is better for a bath: a comparative review of the material by class

The lining produced by modern industry, among other things, can also differ by class. On this basis, there are mainly three classes of board on the market: A, B and C. For steam rooms, only lining marked with the letter A is usually purchased. Such material, according to standards, has practically no damage and contains a very small number of knots. As a last resort, you can also purchase a lower-quality cheap lining B for a steam room. The material marked with the letter C is completely unsuitable for wet rooms.

Very often, lining of the class "Elite" or "Premium" is also used for baths. Such material looks very solid and neat and lasts a long time. However, this type of board is quite expensive.

Comparison of domestic material and imported

Next, let's figure out which lining is better to use for a bath - domestic production or imported. On the Russian market today there is a board of both varieties. At the same time, domestic lining is the most popular among the owners of baths in our country. The quality of the Russian material is quite worthy. It costs much less than imported ones.

Eurolining for lining baths, of course, can also be used. From domestic imported material differs mainly only in more accurate compliance with standards. All foreign-made boards are carefully sized. Domestic lining in some cases may have a slightly inappropriate width declared by the manufacturer. In addition, foreign-made boards are distinguished by a deeper lock groove.

Choice by appearance

When deciding which lining for a bath is better, among other things, you should pay attention to how this material looks. Previously, only one type of cladding of this type was sold in building supermarkets - a flat board. Today, if desired, for finishing the bath, you can also buy a special lining - a block house. This is the name of the board, which in appearance resembles a very even narrow slab. Mounted on the wall, such material imitates a log in an unusually realistic way.

In addition to the usual material and block house, in our time there is also an American board for sale. This option is also a good answer to the question of which clapboard is better to sheathe the bath from the inside. A board of this kind on the wall imitates a beam. The American lining looks very beautiful. However, it should only be used for facing baths of a very large area. The fact is that this material has a significant thickness.

Lining processing

Such a board comes to the market already completely ready for installation. However, since the microclimate for wood in the bath is not very favorable, it is advisable to process the lining before installation. Most often, inexpensive drying oil that does not emit harmful substances into the air is used for this purpose. However, unfortunately, this finish is not very durable. Therefore, when deciding which means is better to process the lining in the bath, many owners of suburban areas choose a special oil. This material also does not emit harmful substances into the air and lasts much longer than drying oil. But at the same time, oil is, of course, a little more expensive.

lining cost

Of course, one of the main factors that influences the choice of board type is the price. The cost of lining depends primarily on its thickness and width, as well as the type of wood and quality class. For example, the price of a lime board 14 x 96 x 1000 mm "Extra" is approximately 550 rubles. Alder lining grade A 14 x 80 x 2700 mm costs about 250-270 rubles. For aspen material 12.5 x 42 x 500 mm class B, you will have to pay 100-120 rubles. Cedar eurolining of the "Extra" variety 14 x 85 x 2500 mm costs about 1500 rubles. The price of an abash block house 16 x 85 x 3000 mm is about 1200-1300 rubles. Prices are for 1 square meter of material.

Options for lining for a steam room
The choice of lining for the dressing room
The choice of lining for the steam room
Choice of lining for the shower

After erecting a building for a bathhouse on a personal plot, it is necessary to decide on the option of interior decoration. And here a lot of questions arise. The interior design of the bath can be done using various materials. Whether it is the well-known lining made of various types of wood or more expensive material (for example, finishing or salt stone).

Of course, you should opt for lining. This natural and environmentally friendly material will be an excellent solution for the internal arrangement of the bath. The attractive design of the bath will please the eye not only of true connoisseurs, but also of ordinary lovers of taking a steam bath.

Lining for a bath, what to choose? Aspen, linden or cedar

In order to understand which lining is better for a bath, you need to familiarize yourself with the characteristics and classification of the future lining.

As a rule, any bath consists of a waiting room, a steam room, and sometimes a shower room. For each of these premises there are a number of requirements for safety and environmental friendliness. Therefore, finishing materials must differ in their functionality, appearance and technical characteristics. But the general rule is resistance to water, moisture and high temperatures.

The interior decoration of the bath is an aesthetic component. But the main criterion for choosing one or another wooden coating is safety. When heated, seats and walls should not leave burns on the human body. In addition, some types of wood (for example, softwood) emit characteristic resins that can be harmful to health. Prolonged exposure to a room with such a finish can cause allergic reactions.

Options for lining for a steam room

Clapboard lining is a popular way of wall cladding in a bath. The type of material used, the class and method of processing, determines the main criterion for choosing a lining for a bath. You should also choose the right material for the seats, shelves and additional decorative elements.

For installation work in the steam room, panels made of deciduous trees (alder, aspen, beech, ash, etc.) are used. This material has a flat and smooth surface without various kinds of damage. And the beneficial substances released under the influence of high temperatures have a beneficial effect on human health.

Depending on the density of the structure and the outer surface, the lining is divided into classes. Classes "Extra" and "A" are of the highest quality (smooth surface without damage and deformation). Classes "B" and "C" are somewhat lower in quality due to the presence of visible surface imperfections (knots, cracks). A separate subspecies includes eurolining. Due to a different way of processing wood, it is distinguished by a large thorn-groove connection and the ability to remove excess moisture through special grooves.

The choice of lining for the dressing room

The dressing room serves as a relaxation room in the bath. This room is not exposed to high temperatures. Therefore, a lining made of any type of wood can act as a material for wall cladding (read also: "How the dressing room is finished - stages of work and arrangement options"). Wall cladding with softwood panels (pine, spruce or fir) will fill the entire room with its unforgettable aroma. Aspen, linden and birch are also popular materials for wall decoration in the bath.

It should be remembered that it is best to use the same material to cover the ceiling and walls. But the use of paints and varnishes is not the best idea. To extend the life of the lining in the dressing room, special protective impregnations and varnishes are used.

Real gourmets of sauna rest recommend decorating the walls in the dressing room with pine clapboard. The special structure of wood perfectly withstands high humidity, and the release of coniferous oils is minimized. An additional advantage is the low cost of the material.

The choice of lining for the steam room

The walls and ceiling of this room are lined with clapboard of the highest quality. It perfectly withstands high temperatures, high humidity, as well as constant exposure to water and steam.

Knowing the technical characteristics of different types of trees, you can easily decide which lining to choose for the steam room. Of course, the best option is panels from deciduous trees, since conifers under the influence of high temperatures will release poisonous resins.

The manufacture of lining from various tree species determined its characteristics and properties. Knowing all the advantages of wood material, it will not be difficult to answer the question of which lining is better in the steam room.


Excellent material that is durable and wear-resistant. High resistance to water prevents the appearance of small cracks and deformations during drying.

Linden panels have high thermal conductivity. Lining linden for a bath is able to evenly quickly distribute heat in the steam room, at the same time, reducing the cooling time of the walls. Low heat capacity will not allow you to leave burns on the human body in case of accidental contact with the surface.

Even at its low cost, the material has a dense structure and excellent characteristics. The pleasant aroma of wood is known for its relaxing and soothing effect on the human body. Linden lining will be an excellent option for the interior design of the steam room.


As well as linden, aspen lining has a number of advantages. First of all, this material has a low traumatic ability (does not leave burns on the body), and also does not deteriorate after drying.

The great demand for aspen lining contributed to the development and creation of a huge range of different shapes and sizes of finished panels (read: "Which aspen is best for a bath - planning a log house"). What is better for a steam room linden or aspen is a strictly individual question. Before buying, you must carefully check the surface for damage, chips and the presence of small knots. High-quality material determines the durability and visual appeal of the finished coating.


Alder lining for a bath is to the taste of more authoritarian lovers of bathing. This material is somewhat more expensive than the previous ones, and is of higher quality. The perfectly smooth surface has no defects, therefore, after installation, it does not require additional processing by a grinder.

Various versions, technical characteristics of the material and the choice of colors directly depend on the financial solvency and individual wishes. Alder for a bath is a great choice in favor of sophistication and functionality.


Panels made of this material are used for decoration in more expensive and elite establishments. This material gained particular popularity due to its extraordinary beauty and special healing properties. Cedar wood does not require a special approach in the manufacture, processing and installation process.

Essential oils emitted by wood have a beneficial effect on the human respiratory system (read also: "Essential oils for a bath - application, origin, rules of use"). Therefore, lining made of cedar for a bath is used not only for decoration, but also for therapeutic prophylaxis. Of course, over time, it becomes a little more difficult to catch a pleasant woody aroma, but the delightful appearance of the cedar finish remains for a long time.


Larch is rightfully considered the best material for wall decoration in a bath. This material is distinguished by an unusual internal pattern, a strong structure, and due to the special composition of the wood, it has a high moisture resistance.

Larch for a bath has its drawbacks. This material is difficult to process - there is a high risk of splitting and various damages. It also does not have special thermal insulation properties.

rare breeds

Clapboard "Extra" class has a high cost due to the quality of the wood used. Excellent technical performance, durability and beauty of materials distinguish it from other, cheaper options.

Oak is considered the most refined material. Heavy panels installed from this material have a beautiful texture. There is also no need to talk about the durability of the material.

The use of the African Abashi tree is gaining in popularity. Its unique property is the ability of wood not to heat up under the influence of high temperatures. Due to this, this material is more often used in the manufacture of shelves in the steam room. Options for finishing walls and ceilings are not excluded.

Panels made of pine family wood - Hemlock, brought from North America, are distinguished by high quality. The material is highly durable and durable.

Choice of lining for the shower

As a rule, it is customary to veneer all rooms in the bath with wood. The shower room is no exception. With high humidity and the constant presence of water, panels made from coniferous trees (for example, pine or spruce) will do just fine.

To improve the properties, protect against decay and extend the life of the floor covering, you can apply special water-repellent agents. To do this, the cleaned and polished surface of the skin is coated with protective wax or water-based paint.

Sometimes several layers are applied for the best effect.

Waxing allows you to create an invisible barrier to water and air, as well as enhance the beauty of the natural grain of wood. The use of paints allows you to paint the surface in any color and shade (read: "How and with what to process the lining in the steam room - tips from practice").

Depending on the purpose, each room in the bath is finished with a certain material. The lining for a bath made of aspen or linden has characteristics that meet all safety requirements.

When calculating the cost of finishing work, it is necessary to take into account the costs for the purchase of facing panels, materials for the frame structure and fasteners, as well as antiseptics.

Which lining is better for a bath - an overview of materials for a bath, dressing room and shower

Let's talk about how to trim the bath clapboard. As you know, this material can be different. The best option for a bath (especially for a steam room) is aspen lining. Why she is - the inquisitive reader will ask. The advantages of such a coating are obvious: wood is distinguished by its texture, has a noble color - all this fits very easily even into sophisticated interiors. Aspen wall paneling is good because it does not darken over the years, cracks do not appear on the surface, and it tolerates moisture perfectly. That is why this tree is often chosen for finishing baths, saunas, steam rooms.

To make shelves from abash or aspen? An overview of the properties of wood for shelves - from species to cut shape

However, first things first, because finishing a bath with clapboard is a serious matter.

The main advantages of aspen

Before we figure out how to finish the bath with clapboard, let's talk in more detail about the material. Aspen - is a hardwood, the density of wood is somewhere around 490 kg per cubic meter. It is an excellent alternative to coniferous trees - it has excellent characteristics, quite reasonable cost: thanks to all this, aspen is in great demand as a finishing material.

How to finish the bath with an aspen clapboard to get something like this? It's possible.

The structure of the tree appears inexpressively - it is weakly visible, and pronounced odors are not felt either. The wood itself is homogeneous, soft, if we talk about strength - it corresponds to the characteristics of linden.

Another interesting feature of aspen is that it dries out moderately, cracks very little, bends well and lends itself perfectly to various types of processing. It splits easily, polishes without problems, and paints wonderfully.

Many may ask - how to finish the bath with clapboard so that in the future you do not get burned when you touch the walls. Very simple - use aspen material: there will be no burns, even at sufficiently high temperatures in the steam room. But the use of dry finishing mixtures is better to postpone for another room.

How to decorate a bath from the inside with aspen lining - this topic worries many

Finishing the bath with clapboard made of aspen will give you a nice white wall, the fiber structure of this material is very thin. What is most interesting is that both moisture and heat resistance are available. This option is just as practical as laying a parquet board on the floor in any room.

Aspen is good because it has very few knots, so it can be easily processed in any way. That is, finishing the bath inside with clapboard is not only possible, but also recommended by experienced builders. Moreover, aspen materials retain their aesthetic appearance for a long time, do not crack, which also speaks in favor of the previous statement.

Aspen products (including wall paneling for baths) boast impressive strength and resistance to decay. Although there is still one drawback - the core of the aspen often rots, especially if the tree is mature. Therefore, in construction and decoration, it is customary to use only those trunks that are not older than 40 years.

Pleasant white color - aspen eurolining may look like this

Do not forget that building materials made from aspen have antibacterial properties, they have a beneficial effect on human health - here they have an antitussive effect and an anthelmintic effect. In other words, it is difficult to find a material that would be better suited for finishing bath rooms.

Types, varieties and sizes of aspen lining

What sizes of aspen lining are most common?


  • Thickness from 12 to 15 mm;
  • Working width from 80 to 88 mm;
  • The total width (including the spike) is 97 mm.
  • Lengths can be from 100 to 300 cm (it is extremely rare to find an aspen lining 400 cm long).

Lining ready for packing


What can be said about the types of material? If you are thinking about how to decorate a bath with clapboard, you should talk about standards. On the territory of the Russian Federation, GOST 8242-88 applies, while in Europe they adhere to DIN 68126.

What are the differences between these guests? In fact, there are many parameters: processing quality, humidity, grade, dimensions.

What is most interesting, the Russian lining is made without longitudinal grooves (they are usually on the back side on European material - they are needed in order to remove condensate and provide ventilation).

Eurolining, in turn, has an enlarged ridge (up to 8 mm) and a groove, respectively, that is, this minimizes the risk of cracks between the planks, especially when exposed to high temperatures in a humid environment. In other words, the strength of eurolining joints is much higher. Finishing the bath inside with clapboard is a very good choice, many have already seen this.

Varieties of eurolining

It is known that eurolining can be of four varieties - they are also the main ones. Let's figure out how one variety differs from another and which one is the best when decorating a bath with a clapboard with your own hands.

  • Extra - this eurolining is considered the highest grade, it does not have knots and any defects.
  • Grades A, B, C. They differ from each other in the number of defects, quality. The lowest grade of them can be called C - this lining contains a lot of falling knots. However, the cost of this material is also low.

As part of the final production, eurolining is sorted, packed in a special film (shrinkable material), each package includes ten planks.

Bath finished

Aspen clapboard trim - features

When finishing the bath with a clapboard with your own hands, the material should be installed only in two directions - vertically or horizontally. In the case of vertical installation, short, cheap boards can be used, while the joints in this case are simply hidden under decorative elements or shelves.

In addition, under the shelves, where the aspen lining is almost invisible, boards of a lower grade can be used than on those sections of the wall that are visible. This method will allow you, when finishing the bath with clapboard, not only to reduce the risk of cracks due to high temperature, but also provide additional savings.

Finishing clapboard in the bath

How do the installation of aspen lining in the bath? In fact, there is nothing complicated.

  1. First of all, you need to make the thermal insulation of the walls and ceiling. For this, basalt stone wool is perfect, a thickness of 50-100 mm is quite enough. Depending on the thermal conductivity of the walls, the thickness of the thermal insulation should be made.
  2. Cotton wool is placed between the bars. The bars themselves have a cross section of 5 by 5 cm, there are also options for 100 by 50 mm - the crate is made both on the walls and on the ceiling.
  3. When the cotton wool is laid, a vapor barrier is placed on top of it - how to finish the bath with clapboard without it and whether this is possible: it's hard to judge. What is vapor barrier? It is a foil that reflects heat. All joints must be connected - foil self-adhesive tape will help in this work.
  4. Now the frame is installed. For arranging the frame, planed slats are perfect, the cross section of which is 20 by 40 mm. In those places where you attach the slats, it is also necessary to put spacers 10-20 mm thick so that there is a ventilation gap between the aspen lining and the wall.
  5. And so, finishing the bath with clapboard after all this can begin. Usually taken to work from the left corner.

A very convenient way to install aspen lining is laying with kleimers. They are fastened with screws or nails to the crate.

The final stage

  • When installation work is completed, the joints of walls, ceilings, corners of the room are closed - fillets and internal corners are used for this. If necessary, you can also use external corners, flashings.
  • You can put shelves, backs, other decorative elements, without which you can hardly feel comfortable in a sauna or bath.
  • It is also recommended to treat the aspen lining with protective compounds: oils, wax. This will help to avoid pollution, the life of the wood will increase significantly.

Be sure to watch the educational video.

Finishing the bath with clapboard is shown here quite clearly, even a person without building experience will be able to understand the whole principle of work.

At the stage of arranging a bath, you can safely use different inserts from a different type of wood: cedar, alder, linden. The room will look more refined, which will please any owner.

Not only lining - different products are made from aspen

The excellent properties of aspen - good strength, impressive durability, excellent moisture resistance, all this allows developers to use this breed as a finishing material in different rooms. Decorating a bathhouse with an aspen is not the only thing you can afford. This wood is often used for the manufacture of benches, shelves, cabinets, and other products. Aspen is also known for making plowshare - specially shaped planks that are used in wooden architecture. For example, the plowshare has been used to decorate the roofs of churches and temples for a long time.

Outside, lining is often used for finishing work.

For more than a dozen years, this coating will serve you properly, because aspen wood responds well to negative external influences (it will not crack). What else can be said about this wood? Aspen is actively used in the match industry (when burning, the material does not produce soot). Carved products are often made from it, it is in demand in turning works due to its softness.

You can evaluate the article "How to decorate a bath with clapboard":

Aesthetic and useful linden lining often used to finish the bath, but it is important not to confuse it with other breeds. Unscrupulous sellers or just companies, due to employee errors, can sell boards not from linden, but, for example, from aspen. These trees are very similar in appearance, however, knowing all the differences between them, everyone is able to gain a skill that helps to avoid mistakes.

Why is linden lining better than aspen?

The aroma of linden is more pleasant, so it is purchased more often for interior decoration. Other motives are listed below.

Advantages lime lining:
. High tensile strength. Linden has 85 units, while aspen has only 69 (N/mm2).
. Low humidity. In the felled state, the linden has only 60%, while the aspen has 82%.
. bactericidal effect. Aspen does not have the ability to kill bacteria, as linden does.
. Ease of color restoration. Surface lining from linden darkens over time, but it is very easy to revive it. It is enough to grind - and the original shade is restored.
. Donor tree.

Linden or aspen for a bath which is better

Since ancient times, linden has been considered a wood that fills a person with energy. The reputation of the aspen is contradictory: the tree, on the contrary, takes away energy (albeit negative), according to old Slavic beliefs.

Price for linden lining higher by 15-25% (about 800 rubles against 650 when choosing a 3-meter board), for this reason, irresponsible sellers of aspen boards can consciously give out for it.

Fact. Linden lining and aspen are similar in several parameters: density, thermal conductivity (low values), high resistance to cracking and resistance to swelling. Even without the use of protective impregnations, the aesthetic appearance is preserved for a long time.

5 ways to recognize linden lining

The main attention should be riveted to the aroma, but not only it is a "hint" that helps to determine the "fake".

Signs of lime lining:
1. Color. There are more than 80 varieties of linden with different shades (from almost snow-white-cream to pink), so it is difficult to determine the "original" by this criterion. The buyer should pay attention to the presence of inclusions that linden has and are absent from aspen. Another sign is the presence of a golden sheen, which is often absent in aspen.
2. Aroma. Linden board has a honey and faint spicy aroma, however, in the store, the lining may exude a faint aroma or not smell at all. Only under heating can the olfactory organs feel the linden aroma. Taking a small piece from the board (or chips obtained by scraping), the potential buyer places them on the stove. Linden emits a spicy-honey smell, and aspen - sour or even tart-bitter.
3. Heat capacity. If the board is placed in a steam room, then it will heat up only slightly (like an abash). For this reason, linden curtains are very often created due to the protection of the body from burning when it comes into contact with the bench.
4. Weight. Identical aspen or linden boards differ in weight: the second type will always be heavier.
5. Layers. If a on a linden lining, which is in doubt, there are resinous layers, then the board belongs to conifers.

Distinguish linden lining from aspen is almost impossible in terms of hardness: both options are soft rocks, which, when rough impacted, leave defects on their surface.

Attention. Non-uniform shade and damage are detected on the surface of the linden if the board is grade C or D.

What material can be used for the steam room so that the high temperature does not affect the quality and appearance of the board? Having been working in the field of construction and wood finishing for a long time, we know how this or that type of wood behaves in operation, which material will be environmentally friendly and most durable.

So, finishing the bath with a clapboard, which option from the following is suitable for the interior cladding of a room with a high temperature?

An important condition for lining the bath with clapboard is the absence of resins, the ability of the material to withstand both sudden changes in temperature and high humidity. And of course, the natural beauty of the panels is very important here - texture and high performance.

Photo 1. Linden steam room

Photo 2. Arrangement of the shelf


Very beautiful in its texture, has in its composition few pitches, due to which it practically does not heat up.

The disadvantage of this material is that aspen quickly loses its natural beauty. and begins to look dirty gray, its service life is not short, but, unfortunately, its appearance, after a couple of years, will force you to sheathe the room with another clapboard for the steam room.

Photo 3. Aspen wood bath

Photo 4. Health cabinet

Photo 5. Harvia oven


Facing with lime eurolining for a bath is a pleasant and rewarding job. From time immemorial, the properties of this wonderful material have been known - low thermal conductivity (due to the absence of resins), light, healing aroma (lasts for the first six months), beautiful, white lime color. The choice of such lining for your bath is an excellent option.

By the way, a very common question is, what is lighter in weight - linden or cedar?

Linden lining weighs less than cedar, but not by much. If a cube of linden weighs 400 kg, then a cube of cedar weighs 420 kg.

Photo 6. Sauna from linden grade "Extra"

Photo 7

Photo 8

Of the minuses can be emphasized high cost high grade "EXTRA" (in grade "A" and "B" - this tree does not look beautiful due to frequent black knots) and the fact that it is almost impossible to find a calm profile in the market, and eurolining has gone out of fashion, although it has more high performance properties.


Cedar lining for a steam room is perhaps the most attractive option for every zealous owner. Who has not heard about the miraculous properties of this Siberian giant? Its wonderful aroma (when lining the steam room, the smell will open with each kindling), its healing phytoncides, which, getting into the air from the heat of the stove, will penetrate into every cell of the body, providing a medical effect, increasing your immunity and mood.

Yes, the cedar bath is an invention of strong, healthy inhabitants of Siberia, for the inhabitant of the metropolis it will be a source of health and longevity.

Photo 9

Photo 10. Clapboard made of cedar on the ceiling of the sauna

Photo 11

Of the minuses cedar lining for the sauna can be noted only one - the knotty of the board. Unfortunately, nature decreed that the fragrant oleoresin of the cedar is located precisely in the area of ​​​​the knot and high-grade panels have practically no smell, although they retain other properties: they do not heat up, they do not grind, such lining lasts a long time in the bath, eventually acquiring reddish hues and an interesting contrast between hard and soft wood layers.

Do I need to cover the panels in the sauna and relaxation room with oil wax?

I also want to tell you: no matter what clapboard you choose to sheathe your steam room necessarily need treat it with a special tool. This is done not only so that it lasts longer, but also so that the green spray from the broom is easily washed off the walls and shelves with a simple rag or sponge. Admit it, it’s not very pleasant to invite guests to a sloppy spattered bathhouse.

An important indicator of the quality of such a product is the absence of oils.. It is better if you use pure wax (for example, Hartwatches from GNature), because the oil not only yellows the wood, but also penetrating into the upper layers, deprives the surface of the properties of low thermal conductivity.

Photo 12. GNature sauna wax

Online store "LesoBirzha" is engaged in the implementation of environmentally friendly materials for the bath, including wall paneling and waxes, you will also find lining for a rest room, shower room, home, balcony and other premises, as well as get competent advice from our specialists.

Wood is the best material for a bath. Linden, cedar, alder, birch remarkably retain heat and create a healthy microclimate. However, not every wood is suitable: pine, for example, contains too many resins, apple trees retain heat worse. But the pros and cons of an aspen bath provide it with the highest popularity.

Larch bath

When choosing a material for a bath, you need to take into account not only the heat capacity of wood, but also other characteristics. Unlike a residential building, here the wood is exposed to intense effects of steam, water and temperature fluctuations, because the building is heated only during bathing. Not every material can withstand such a load.

A great option for a bath is larch. The tree belongs to conifers, that is, it contains a fairly large amount of resin. High resin content provides amazing larch resistance to decay, to fungi, to the action of water.

If the products are made of pine, it is necessary to varnish and protect them from moisture. Larch does not need this. On the contrary, over time, it only becomes stronger than oak resembles.

The advantages of wood are not limited to the unique resistance to decay. Accordingly, a larch bath will have the following features:

  • strength - the density of larch is only slightly less than that of oak, the structure of this tree will last a long time, as it is not subject to mechanical damage;
  • resistance to rain, snow and heat ensures the durability of the bath;
  • larch lining includes a small number of knots, which means not only aesthetics, but also greater strength of the boards and logs themselves;
  • the tree has a beautiful texture and is very attractive;
  • a larch log cabin does not need any protection measures, there is no need for periodic treatment with antiseptics, insect repellents, stains;
  • lining made of this material has the same advantages as logs.

There are also disadvantages to a larch bath:

  • it is at least 2 times more expensive than pine;
  • the tree is processed with some difficulty, so the bath itself from it will also cost more.

Comment! European castles still use larch floors. Its age reaches 300-400 years.

Aspen bath: pros and cons

If larch is used both as the main material and as a finishing material for the steam room, then the situation is different with aspen. This tree is very specific and not cheap. Moreover, the cost is determined not by high qualities, but by the features of the workpiece.

Aspen grows in wetlands, because of this, the inside of the trunk is susceptible to decay. You can harvest only the tops of aspen up to 4–5 m in length. The rest of the tree is unusable and is simply thrown away. In addition, harvesting of aspen is possible only from March to May, while aspen is relatively easy to process. This "seasonality" makes the collection and supply of material very costly.

And yet it is this material that people often prefer to linden and alder. In fact, the disadvantages of aspen turn into advantages when it comes to the steam room:

  • aspen - hardwood, boards or lining do not emit resin from it, which is a valuable quality for a sauna;
  • the tree does not heat up as much as many other species, this eliminates the possibility of a burn;
  • out of 3 trunks, only one turns out to be suitable for construction, but it is extremely resistant to moisture and does not rot;
  • wet aspen is processed easily, when dried, it shrinks strongly, but at the same time the tree acquires exceptional strength.

An aspen bath serves for decades, and over time it only becomes stronger.

Important! Aspen wood is very wet and shrinks a lot when it dries. However, after drying, it becomes hard as a stone.

Linden or aspen for a bath: which is better

It is really difficult to choose between these two materials. Linden is traditionally considered the best tree for a bath and deservedly so. However, aspen, despite its outward ugliness, is a serious competitor to it.

Linden wood is soft, it is easily processed, respectively, the construction of a bath requires less cost. If dried logs were used, the building does not shrink and can be used immediately after construction is completed.

Aspen, on the contrary, is processed with great difficulty. Since a well-dried material is needed for a bath, this makes construction an expensive and time-consuming task.

The softness of linden is also its disadvantage - the tree is short-lived, and dry aspen acquires the hardness of a stone and lasts an exceptionally long time. Linden does not need to be processed for aesthetic purposes, even an unskinned log looks great, not like lining. To give the aspen an aesthetic appearance, you should cut off the bark from the log, sand it and cut it off. In addition, repeated grinding will be required - the latter is performed 3 years after the laying. Otherwise, instead of a silver-white bath, you get a gray, unsightly and with dark spots.

The linden is unstable to rotting and defeat by a fungus. The bath needs periodic treatment with special preparations. Aspen is not subject to rotting or fungus. The only processing that may be needed is from wasps. For some reason, the latter are very fond of this tree.

The cost of linden is higher than that of aspen, so it is really difficult to choose.

Important! A log house for a bath made of aspen and linden, which is confirmed by the reviews of the builders, does not require additional finishing of the steam room. Both breeds are certainly suitable for sauna cladding.

How to distinguish linden from aspen

Lining made of linden and aspen is very easy to confuse. Distinguishing wood is not easy.

First of all, pay attention to the color. The wood of the linden lining is very light, but still has a coffee tint. Against its background, aspen has an almost snowy whiteness.

Linden board has a characteristic sweet aroma. The smell of aspen is bitter, more like birch sap. Aspen lining is rarely truly smooth, since this tree is difficult to process, while linden is smooth and silky;

Knots in aspen lining come across more often. They are darker and more visible. In category B, even falling knots are possible here.

To distinguish a lining made of linden from a board made of aspen, you need not only to inspect, but also to try it by touch.

What is better in the steam room: aspen or linden

The choice between lining made of linden and aspen is even more difficult. The materials have a number of common, very useful properties for the sauna and steam room:

  • both linden and aspen do not heat up as much as other types of wood;
  • shelves and walls trimmed with clapboard remain pleasant to the touch and do not burn;
  • wood of both species emits aromatic oils that are beneficial to health;
  • lining looks equally aesthetically pleasing;
  • both linden and aspen tolerate steam well.

There are also differences between linden and aspen:

  • the smell of the linden tree is deservedly considered the most pleasant, while that of the aspen is bitter and not everyone likes it;
  • linden darkens with time, aspen practically does not change color;
  • linden lining is susceptible to fungus, the finish should be processed, and aspen is free of this drawback;
  • linden costs almost 2 times more than aspen lining, but linden wood includes much fewer knots and streaks and looks more beautiful.

For a steam room, lining made of linden or aspen is equally good. The choice determines the taste of the owner.

Bath cedar

The noble cedar tree belongs to the category of elite. The material has exceptional qualities, and not only functional, but also healing.

Cedar wood is impregnated with not quite ordinary resinous substances. They call it gum, emphasizing its special qualities. It has an antibacterial effect not only on the wood itself, but also on the environment. When heated, the substances begin to evaporate, disinfecting the room and relieving a person of a wide variety of diseases, so cedar is ideal for a steam room.

Important! In Siberia, a bath, trimmed with cedar clapboard, is advised to those suffering from diseases of the respiratory system. The tree can even cure bronchial asthma.

Log cabin from cedar

Cedar is the best option for a bath. The qualities of wood provide a log house and durability, and beauty, and convenience:

  • cedar has the lowest thermal conductivity compared to other conifers; in a cedar bath it is warm even in the most severe frosts;
  • the wood is resinous, provides excellent antiseptic properties, respectively, it does not rot, is not subject to the action of fungus, and even insects are not able to damage it;
  • cedar resins are healing, cedar finish provides an excellent antibacterial effect and natural air ionization;
  • cedar is resistant to moisture and temperature extremes. The cedar bath is very durable and will last at least half a century;
  • both logs and lining are very beautiful, and do not need any processing: the natural color and texture are beyond praise.

The disadvantage of cedar wood or lining is only one - the high cost.

Lining from a cedar for a bath

Cedar lining for a bath has all the advantages of a log. For a steam room, this material is ideal, although not as effective as aspen:

  • gum resin evaporates, but does not stand out when heated, so the cedar lining does not burn and does not leave resinous stains;
  • lining made of cedar guarantees a wonderful healing effect;
  • the specific fibrous structure of the tree ensures the absence of cracks and chips even at the ends;
  • the lining is very beautiful: the colors are even, muted, the knots are small, the panels are smooth and delicate to the touch;
  • the material is not afraid of moisture, steam, mold, or decay, so it does not need any processing.

Important! Over time, the cedar lining darkens, or rather, acquires a brownish tint.

Bath from cedar: photo

Cedar is an excellent building material and allows you to implement any projects - from a traditional Russian bathhouse to a complex hotel complex.

Finishing with a pair of cedar clapboard is no less spectacular and beautiful and is suitable for any style.

Alder for a bath

Another traditional material is gray and black alder for a bath. The wood of these species has a very unusual porous structure. This feature makes alder lining a suitable option for a bath:

  • gray and black alder practically does not shrink. Due to the high porosity, moisture evaporates very quickly, this quality makes the lining an extremely suitable solution for the steam room;
  • the wood is soft, easily processed at any stage, so the construction of an alder sauna does not require large expenditures;
  • lining for a bath from an alder does not warp and is not deformed even after several decades;
  • remarkably beautiful shades - from fiery to brick, give the structure a real beauty;
  • in the dressing room it is recommended to open the lining with wax to emphasize the color and texture.

However, alder for a bath, judging by the reviews, has serious drawbacks.

  1. Wood is not very resistant to water. On the one hand, in the steam room, moisture evaporates from the pores, and this is a plus. However, at low temperatures, it stagnates in the pores and causes decay. The log house from the outside requires periodic processing.
  2. Over time, the alder darkens almost to black.
  3. The cost of lining is very tangible. The fact is that alder wood includes many knots. To get rid of them, a very thick layer of wood is cut from the trunk. In this case, the whips are short, and the material is expensive.
  4. The alder bath needs to be insulated: there are too many joints.

Alder baths are built in middle latitudes, where there is no need to insulate it.


The pros and cons of a bath made of aspen, linden or cedar make both options optimal. With different durability and resistance to decay, both materials provide heat retention, ease of use and aesthetics. Other options are either too expensive or have serious drawbacks.

The healing effect of staying in Finnish baths is explained by the special microclimate, which is supported by special thermal equipment and finishing materials.

The best option for cladding a sauna is wood, a popular variety of which is. High-quality wooden planks, made from suitable species and correctly mounted on surfaces, have a relaxing, healing effect on the body.

Benefits of wood in a hot room

The Finnish bath is called a sauna. Initially, dry air is heated in it and humidity indicators do not exceed 15%, temperature values ​​are kept in the range from 65 to a maximum of 110 ℃. Then you can give steam - pour water on the heater, which increases the humidity.

Materials from wood shavings, fibers are deformed when heated intensively. Plastic sheathing will provoke the formation of condensate, in addition, many polymers break down with the release of toxic gaseous substances when the temperature rises.

Wood materials of certain species cope well with the temperature load, which you need to choose with skill. The advantages of wagon products made of wood are as follows:

  • thermal resistance;
  • invariability of properties with the moisture present in the steam room;
  • ease of installation;
  • environmental safety;
  • the possibility of long-term use with proper care;
  • worthy aesthetic impression on visitors.

What can I say, a tree for a sauna is the best option. Several species of deciduous and coniferous trees are used to cover the steam rooms of Finnish baths. Materials differ in performance properties, availability, prices.


Linden has a pleasant softness, demonstrates the ability to quickly increase the surface temperature and cool for a long time. The small thermal conductivity of the lining made of linden for baths and saunas is very handy. It contributes to the preservation of heat for a long time. Linden wood does not need to be specially processed, it has amazing healing properties.

Note! Linden is the most common material in steam rooms.

The impossibility of long-term use somewhat overshadows the positive impression. The loose structure tends to collapse over time, so the skin will have to be changed. For the price, lining made of linden is one of the most inexpensive.


Aspen lining is characterized by greater strength and the possibility of prolonged use in sauna conditions. It has a low thermal conductivity, as well as linden products, cools slowly, retains a pleasant appearance, without releasing resin droplets.

The originality of aspen lies in its inherent light shade, which eventually becomes a golden, bitter smell and special energy, which is repeatedly described in Russian folklore. In ancient times, there was a belief among the Russian population that the aspen takes away all the negativity from a person, keeping it in itself, and at night it feeds all evil spirits with negative energy.

People who do not tend to believe in mystical prejudices like lining made of aspen in a sauna.

Note! After pre-treatment of the surface with moisture-proof compounds, aspen sheathing can serve for a long time, maintaining an even light shade, emphasizing the feeling of cleanliness.

Many are interested in which lining is better for a bath - from linden or from aspen? These two breeds are similar, but aspen is more durable, because it is not afraid of moisture, it does not crack. In terms of cost, they are also close, although it all depends on the size and variety. If you take the highest grade, usually lime is a little cheaper. Some people don't like the smell of aspen and prefer the linden sauna finish.


Visitors and owners of saunas like the external qualities and healing effect of the alder lining. It has a dark reddish color, low thermal conductivity, which is good for the steam room. It releases into the space physiologically active compounds from the group of tannins, has a therapeutic effect on a person with a cold, diseases of the joints and spine.

The inconvenience when using alder lining for a bath lies in the fragility in the open air at high humidity. Although, being underground or under water, it is not inferior to oak in terms of strength and durability. It will be difficult to find really high-quality material, and its cost will be higher than, for example, linden.

Other breeds

Oak, birch, ash are also used for the manufacture of finishing planks of wood. Oak slices have a beautiful dense texture, give the sauna a luxurious appearance, which is reflected in the high cost of production. Ash wood has an expressive pattern, the positive qualities are complemented by the strength, durability of the material, which, with such advantages, cannot be cheap.

Birch lining is inexpensive, but is characterized by much less resistance to moisture and microbes. It is not recommended to use it for a steam room and for a washroom. You can finish the dressing room or other more or less dry room.

From coniferous trees

A common feature of all types of coniferous wood is a high concentration of specific essential oils that have a beneficial effect on the body, with the exception of rare cases of individual intolerance. A pair of needles soothe, cleanse the respiratory tract, promote the removal of mucus and toxins.

Canadian cedar has a special beauty and resistance to high temperatures and moisture, the advantages of which, accordingly, are reflected in the high price. The material can be used for a long time in a sauna, which justifies the cost of finishing.

A specific feature of larch - the ability to secrete gums that protect wood material from moisture and putrefactive microbes, ensured the popularity of lining from this raw material. Wood has a high density, which is good during operation, but inconvenient during installation. When preparing the slats for installation, they can split, forming a lot of marriage. A limiting factor is also not a very good ability to retain heat.

In many countries, including Russia, spruce wood materials are used for lining surfaces inside the dressing room (changing room) of the sauna. Sometimes it is used in the steam room. It has a loose structure that helps retain warm air in the pores. This property creates a predisposition to the accumulation of moisture, so all spruce coatings must be treated with special moisture-resistant agents.

In general, conifers (pine, spruce, larch) are not recommended for use in the steam room. They are better to finish the room for relaxation.

How to choose

The lining, made according to domestic or European standards, has convenient dimensions - both length and width.

The standard thickness of euro lining is 12.5 mm, width 88 mm plus spike 8 mm. Thinner boards can lead, especially in the sauna. All types of planks have grooves for connecting into a single surface.

Eurolining is additionally characterized by the presence of channels on the reverse side for draining condensed moisture, differs from domestic products in surface treatment methods, prices.

The material must be dry, the normative humidity must not exceed 12%, which is possible only with proper production and storage.

During the packaging of the planks, the company sorts them according to their appearance, the number of flaws on the surface. Lining without defects in the form of knots, microcracks, scratches belongs to the premium or extra class, has the highest cost. For an ordinary sauna, you can choose grade A and even B (second). Planks with noticeable defects make up the cheapest class C products (sometimes called the third).

When selling, all types of lining must be wrapped in a protective film, which allows the buyer to gain confidence in the conformity of the products to the declared quality.
