The moon is an ally. Lunar planning secrets

The moon and female nature are inextricably linked. According to the ancient knowledge of our ancestors, female nature, our emotions respond very subtly to lunar influence. Therefore, if you still do not feel clearly enough that you are the creator of your life, who does not need helpers, then the beautiful night celestial body will help you on the path of development.

The moon and the woman are very similar. Just like a woman, the moon has its own cycles, its own unchanging rhythm to which it is true. She fascinates with her beauty just like a holistic woman who lives in harmony with herself. She is mysterious and infinitely beautiful, like every woman who has comprehended her true harmonious nature!

Personally, as a child, I simply reveled in the beauty of the moon, I could look at it for hours, sitting on the window late at night. However, this has not yet passed ;-) And I practice such a ritual very often, and now I am even more attentive and sensitive to my need for such lunar communication.

Now I will tell you about exactly how you can consciously begin to interact with the moon and your lunar nature in order to master another unique tool for your own benefit and fruitful development. And this will definitely bring you even closer to your state of inner harmony.

We will talk about lunar planning and the benefits of the growing moon for our growing femininity, for the fulfillment of all our desires and for the harmonization of the inner female world.

I want to make a reservation right away for women who may not yet fully feel and allow their femininity to be, and for whom such trifles as a woman’s communication with the moon, in general with nature as such, interaction with the elements, and so on may seem trifling.

If such “insignificant” things cause resistance in you, but you want something more ambitious or global, then more than ever you really need to feel the energy of the moon. After that, the desire to accomplish feats in the name of anything disappears, and the woman calms down, begins to live her life.

Lunar nature makes us dive into ourselves and live based on our inner feelings, relying on our inner world, our rhythms, our values.

The moon teaches a woman to contemplate, accept, be herself and feel real, to carry her into her space, to enjoy her nature, to be outwardly calm, but by the power of her acceptance to attract the desired events into life.

A harmonious moon inside a woman is a favorable emotional background, happy motherhood and many other aspects that relate to various facets of femininity.

So, new moon! What gives us this unique period?

We can give growth and development to everything we want in life. This is the period of the birth of everything new, when the moon begins to grow and simply pulls with its enormous power everything that is ready for growth and development! The ebb and flow very clearly demonstrate the power of the moon, which offers us its opportunities and potential - take it and use it for good!

This is where planning comes in handy. For a woman, lunar planning of affairs is very favorable and effective.

Personally, I practice lunar planning already more than a year It's like a habit and I really like the results. I don't even know why I'm only sharing this with you now. But, this, apparently, is from the category - “I didn’t notice the Elephant”! =)

What results from lunar planning and interaction with the moon have I received?

ღ I began to understand more clearly and clearly what I still need. It's like with the practice of a wish list - it helps to better understand yourself, your needs, and most importantly - VOICE them and send your intention to the Universe!

ღ I more clearly realized the interconnection of my desires and their realizations, that one cannot exist without the other. If there is a desire, then there is a way to fulfill it! Necessarily!

ღ The fulfillment of my desires has become more familiar, I felt that the World interacts with me very subtly and responds to all my requests.

ღ I realized that if a desire is not fulfilled, it is only because I did not give it time, did not look beyond fears and resistance, and not because “someone” or “something” in the Universe prevents me from living happily !=)

ღ I began to calmly relate to periods of decline in creative and vital activity, the so-called “rollbacks” or “stagnations”, and their duration has decreased significantly! Now it can be a couple of days, as opposed to weeks before. And then, in these two or three days I just live, almost in the usual rhythm and observe the manifestation of my nature, and do not stomp my feet, resist and flutter like a fish thrown ashore.

In short, conscious interaction with the moon and its rhythm was very helpful for me to discover my personal rhythm and begin to follow it.

And as a result, I can enjoy my life and my rhythm calmly and with a feeling of deep satisfaction, and not endlessly torment myself with the thought that something is happening better or faster for someone!

How to plan for the new moon?

Very easy and simple!
Find out in the lunar calendar when the new moon is. Favorable first lunar day. Almost the same strong and the second lunar day.

You light a candle. Then write on a piece of paper the title “My happy January-February, for example.

The lunar month does not go in unison with the solar month, and therefore usually captures two months. Next, write what you would like to receive in the new lunar month!

And what is very important, express your desires in the form of an already accomplished event and in the form of feelings. That is, what would you like to receive on the sensual plane as a result of the accomplishment of some event!

For example, "I am happy and enjoying the good time with my husband" instead of "I want my husband to pay more attention to me" Do you feel the difference? We launch intention into the Universe in the form of a result!

At the end, after all the intentions, plans and desires, you can add: “So be it! Easy and joyful! With love and gratitude! In the best and highest way! For the good of me and the world!

Before planning for the next lunar month, you can read all your previous plans. As time passes, you will see them with different eyes, you will be able to understand a lot and understand a lot, or at least realize the presence of constantly unfulfilled intentions and be inspired to resolve them!

Wishing you a happy lunar month and happy planning!

There are a few more minutes, read the article on how to become the mistress of your life, the moon in your own universe! ;-)

( for the club lesson "Lunar planning".

Probably, many people know that since ancient times, when there were no clocks and calendars, people checked the time by the sun, and planned by the moon. Moreover, the moon is feminine energy, and God himself ordered us to use the lunar charter. Although I know several successful male businessmen who make daily decisions in accordance with the lunar cycles.

I must say right away that planning and executing the planned is not my forte. I am a master of improvisation =) But I consider this skill useful, so I am seriously determined to learn it.

After two months of planning lunar calendar Together with the Academy, I clearly noticed what my main difficulties are, what prevents me from achieving my goal:
1. It is very difficult for me to keep all 12 areas of life in my head (I will talk about this later) and make sure that my desires and goals are fulfilled in each of them
The way out that I found for myself, so as not to jump off the process of lunar planning at all, is to determine a minimum program for myself. The main thing is to keep the “Accent of the Month” in mind, adding other areas of life if possible. The most important thing is not to scold yourself for what has not been done, but to praise yourself for what has been done!!!

2. Somehow I can't seem to find the time to reread my plans regularly throughout the month, there are always more important things to do. I keep putting it off "for tomorrow". As a result, the end of the month, and I have completely forgotten what I planned there at the beginning. The result is the same. How can you come to a place where you yourself do not know and do not remember. Conclusion: read the plans every day, not postponing for tomorrow. Let it be a habit.

3. Too many plans or plans too grandiose, far from reality. I have such a feature, I do not know how to wish in a small way. “Well, why should I wish for what I myself can achieve without lunar planning?” - I think. And I wish for something that I would never be able to realize without the help of higher powers. Such a kind of check for weakness. And then it's easy to say: "Well, you see, your lunar planning is not working." Two months later, I came to the conclusion that even for the realization of small real desires, the support of the Universe is necessary. Therefore, one should not be afraid to include more simple, easily realized desires in the plan.

4. Time began to run even faster. =(And this is not really happy. The lunar month is usually shorter than the calendar month, and now, it seems like you just wrote a plan for the month yesterday, and it's time to take stock. Awareness of this helps to mobilize forces to achieve goals and stop postponing until Monday what needs to be done now!

5. Summing up. I always skip this moment and rush to make new plans. But it is very important, before starting something new, to put an end, to thank, to realize, and only then move on.

Now I will tell you how to plan your life according to the moon.

Lunar cycles:
First quarter of the month. It is necessary to devote this time to planning and accumulation of forces and resources. You write down what you would like to achieve and think about what you need to do to get there. It is on the 1-2 lunar day that classes on lunar planning are held at the Academy, which is very convenient. You can also purchase an online lesson, why this is important, I will tell you a little later.

Second quarter of the month. This is the beginning of practices and active actions, that is, it's time to re-read your plan again (which I never fucking do =() and start implementing it.

third quarter(comes after the full moon). At this time, there is a peak of activity for the implementation of the plan, brilliant ideas can visit you, and people come into life who can help you achieve your goal as easily as possible.

fourth quarter. This is a rest, as well as a summing up, an analysis of what was done in a month, what was successful and why, and what was not successful, and how to do it so that you still achieve what you want.

I have never seen such an approach to lunar planning as in the Academy. Usually it comes down to watching what lunar day it is and trying to do or not do something on that day. But it can hardly be called planning, it is rather an action according to circumstances. Lunar days I also use it, I have a lunar recommendation alert set up from the Academy app for iPhones (very handy). The only negative is that the application does not show the exact beginning and end of the lunar day. If I need to determine the exact time of the beginning and end of a lunar day, I use the site

So, for planning you will need:
1. Journal-diary "Lunar planning" (you can buy at the Academy) or take any notebook as a replacement, you just have to write a little more
2. Meditation "Lunar planning". I recommend that you at least once attend a lesson on this topic at the Academy or buy their online lesson. Very convenient, because access is given for 1 year, which means you can plan for a whole year. Meditation allows you to plan not only what your brain wants, but also what your subconscious mind wants!

There are 12 accents (the order in which they follow each other is important):
1. Appearance and image
2. Finance and investment
3. Information, contacts, training
4. Family values
5. Creativity, hobbies, entertainment
6. Order and health
7. Love
8. Sex and liberation
9. Rest and dreams
10. Power and reputation
11. Friendship, partnership, cooperation
12. Spiritual development

First you need to calculate your individual accent of the month. Your personal lunar year always begins with spiritual development. For example, I was born in July, which means that the focus of July is Spiritual Development. Next, we count in order. For example, it turns out that my personal accent in January is Order and Health, February is Love. In March - Sex and Liberation. It is important that we do not mean a calendar month - but a lunar one, for example, my lunar February will end on March 8th.

As I already wrote, it is very difficult for me to keep all 12 spheres in my head, so I concentrate all my strength and energy on the accent of the month. It saves.

In addition, my desires associated with the accent of the month come true especially easily. Everything around seems to contribute to the realization of this desire.

After you have determined your accents, you can proceed directly to planning. We open the academy diary on the page with the accent of your current month, turn on the “Lunar Planning” meditation box and let's go. The diary has fields where you enter your plans for all 12 areas. If there is no diary, we simply write down our plans in a notebook, according to the accents listed above.

Write down your goals as if they have already been achieved. For example, "I enrolled my child in Kindergarten"," I met and fell in love with the man of my dreams.

For this process, you need to allocate 1.5-2 hours of your time so that no one distracts. Turn on the candles, create a relaxing environment, breathe feminine breath, connect with your self.

After you have written plans for the month for all 12 areas, you need to open the diary on the page with annual goals, select 1-3 of the most important desires for you this month.

In January I wrote down 3 goals, in February I took into account my difficulties with multitasking =) and wrote down only one goal (which, by the way, came true for me!).

And the most pleasant moment - it is imperative to write what you will give yourself if the goal is achieved. Visualize very well both the goal itself and your gift. And during the month, remember this gift more often. This will allow your dream to come true more easily and naturally. In this way you deceive your mind, as if replacing difficult task easily achievable. After all, making a gift to yourself is easy.

If the wish came true, it is vital to make a gift to yourself, otherwise the Universe will stop helping you, since you do not keep the promises made to yourself.

By the way, the well-known Wish Map also contributes to the fulfillment of dreams, you can read about it, and the Meditation Notebook with Magic Mandalas is about him and.

And further important point! In the diary, next to the accent of the month, an affirmation is given for this accent (oh, how I enjoyed the affirmation about Love, I pronounce it directly, and happiness fills me). This affirmation must be read every day.

How many times? This is a great question! To which no one will answer you exactly =)))) Ahahaha. Because even at the Academy, the versions of teachers differ from each other and from what is written in the diary. The options may be:
- 108 times every day (recommended by Anna Babich)
- the number of repetitions is a multiple of three: 3, 6, 9, 12, etc. (from the lunar planning diary)
- 15 minutes (from the lunar planning diary)

210 times (from Lunar Planning Diary)

Affirmations can be repeated both mentally and aloud. Both in one sitting and throughout the day. I usually start my morning with it and read it before bed - a great sleeping pill for those who cannot sleep =) Last month I read 108 times, this time I did not pay attention to the number at all.

Well, that's it, I ran to sum up the results of the month and buy myself a present, because my wish came true. In the following articles I will definitely write about the results that I achieved thanks to lunar planning and about what practices I did to emphasize the month of Love =)


This is the day of PURIFICATION, the day when we begin to create our reality, dreaming and making plans for the month. And we are cleansed of old, obsolete patterns and old patterns of behavior, we are freed from resentment against the world, against our family, against our parents, as well as from things that carry the energy of previous relationships, for example, gifts presented former lovers or husbands.
If it is a pity to part with some things, you can simply clean them in salt water to remove the invisible energy threads that bind us to the old. Sometimes on this day troubles begin to haunt us, showing us our vulnerabilities. Like a lamp, highlighting what you should be afraid of, where you should not go, showing what it is time to get rid of.
The main thing on this day is to realize the lessons of the world and find a solution so as not to step on the same rake. And at the same time, this is the day we can create new reality. Write down everything you dream about in accordance with 12 areas of your life (12 lunar aspects of life in a special project by Larisa Renard “Lunar planning. A journal for women”) and, looking at the fire, imagine that everything has already happened. The more vividly we present what we want, the more details we add, the more we rejoice at what can happen, the more likely it is that everything will be realized.
At the end, say: "As conceived, so it is written, as it is written, so it is performed."

Important on this day: write down your plans for the month.
Not worth it on this day: start new business.

Practice "Getting rid of insults to the world"

Resentment against the world is our resentment that we were born in the wrong family, in the wrong country, at the wrong time, resentment that we can no longer change. Such grievances take away our energy, depriving us of health, strength and joy.

We get up, feet shoulder-width apart, hands down. As you exhale, raise your arms in front of you to chest level. Fists clenched, thumbs up - show the world: "I'm fine!" On exhalation, they turned their fists with their thumbs down and lowered them to the level of the lower abdomen: they remembered their resentment against the world. And raising the insult up the center of the body - along the road of life - we take a long breath. When the palms reach the top of the head, we exhale sharply and shout: “Ho!” Throwing our hands sharply up - and throwing out resentment, raising our thumbs up - telling the world that we are worthy of everything and thank the world for its generosity. We smile and “tie” a wide smile at the back of the head so that it lasts all day. The practice is done once.

Meditation "Lamp of the Night"

The moon is called the lamp of the night. And any lamp symbolizes life, immortality, wisdom, intelligence, guidance.
His light is our good deeds and plans, tearing apart the darkness of chaos and revealing everything hidden until now.

We stand before the veil of the future, holding a bright lamp in our hand. We lift the veil and illuminate the possible future. Here are all our dreams and aspirations, our plans and wishes. We carefully examine everything that our lamp shows us, every impulse of the heart, every chance in the future. We add plans for the realization of our most cherished desires from the opportunities we have seen. And we illuminate our plan with the fire of a lamp so that it is imprinted in our minds, in our future and be seen by everyone Higher Powers that we need to help. We absorb the power of making our dreams come true and slowly lower the veil of the future so that it retains its secrets until next time. Now we have the strength and ability to overcome any difficulties in the implementation of our plans. We walk with our light.

The Western world is accustomed to living according to the Gregorian calendar, which in general takes us away from the Earth and its natural cycles. We know what date is on the calendar, but we don't know when the new moon or full moon is. Why is this bad? It's just that we don't use a simple, affordable tool to plan our lives. Indeed, on these dates we can understand how our life is moving and set goals, filling them with the energy of the Moon, and the whole world will contribute to this.

9 months of my life in Bali and constant communication with local population and semolina (monks) formed very clear recipes for achieving “their” goals and transforming their lives based on them.

New Moon - the beginning of the cycle and setting goals

This is the day when we set goals for ourselves for the month and sum up the results. To begin with, we need to understand what we came to the new moon month. This can be done if you constantly write down your goals instead of replaying them in your head. Next, it is very important for us to understand what our goals are, what we really want to achieve for the next lunar cycle. To do this, you can pre-meditate to calm the mind. Or use the proven technology, which I will discuss later.

As a practical marketer, I will say that the second important aspect are the goals themselves. They should be: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time bound. In fact, it is popular in project management SMART system. Check each of your goals and describe it that way.

I do not recommend setting more than 10 goals per month for advanced people. Be kind to yourself and be honest about your options. Try to make sure that the goals affect different aspects of your life. Be sure to write everything down and highlight the 5 main goals that you want to achieve by all means. And one of the most important for you this moment, the one that, in your opinion, can greatly improve your life in every sense. And write down what concrete steps you can take now to achieve it. If you want, list one goal that is just your “wishlist”, perhaps you don’t have anything right now to fulfill it, and here you should rely on the Universe, relax and observe.

Full moon - the period of completion

On this day, we can send our intention to let go of everything that prevents us from being happy, healthy and blessed into the Universe. You already know your goals for this lunar month, so sum up the intermediate results of what the Universe has done to realize your plan and what you have done. Be honest with yourself. And this is also such a meditative process. Because by looking back and thinking about each point, we can notice missed opportunities or understand what specifically prevents us from fulfilling our plans.

For example, you intended to go to the gym 3 times a week. We looked at what we visited 2 times in 2 weeks. Recall what prevented you from sticking to your plan. Only honestly, if laziness, then laziness. This is your life, and there is no point in pretending and looking for the “right” excuses. But then, honestly admitting to yourself, on the full moon you can let go of your “laziness” and other obstacles. This is the case in all areas: we release everything that is not needed with love and gratitude (in general, this is a whole technology, which I, apparently, will talk about separately).

Another interesting thing is this: after some time, did the goals become less relevant? Or why didn't you do anything to achieve them? After you have written everything down again, I recommend that you bathe. Get under the shower and make your bath meditative. Remember everything that prevents you from achieving your goals, everything that you would like to get rid of. And imagine water washing it off of you.

Moon Notebook - your life

I highly recommend that you keep a separate notebook where you will write down all the information for the new moon and full moon. This will help you see your life and your transformation. When we just think or do something from time to time, we do not see the picture and do not understand what to work on. And then our life is controlled by the weather, society, currency quotes. I wish you to become the creator of your own destiny, and these are the first steps and very important ones - they will definitely lead you in the right direction.

Well, I, in turn, as a yoga teacher and coach, developed an online master class on lunar planning. Together we will go through all the steps once, I will give specific technologies and you will have a working tool to help you achieve concrete results.
All information here, join.

If you are told that you need to dry the snake skin on the day of the hedgehog, otherwise things will go down the drain, do not believe it. And throw away the snake skin. There is much less mysticism in astrology than in what is written about it.

On Sunday 09/09/2018, a new lunar month begins, about how to make your life more efficient by following the rhythms of the moon - in the article.

Astrology was created simply - the ancients watched what was happening in the sky and correlated this knowledge with their lives. Most of the matches were recorded as a rule, the smaller ones were ignored.

I propose to be closer to nature and sometimes, to understand how to plan your life according to the moon, go outside and look at the night sky. I myself, as an astrologer, adhere to this rule in Everyday life. For most life tasks, this is enough.


When the moon grows, we increase activity. When the moon is waning, we reduce activity. We always increase activity in proportion to the growth of the moon. We always reduce - in proportion to its thinning. However, on the old moon, under the new moon, nature will reduce activity for most of you.

By activity, I mean any - physical, intellectual, business and other types of activity.

We learn to synchronize with natural rhythms in order to increase our productivity. You can call it magic.


These phases are the main ones for our tasks:

Full moon- when a huge fat moon looks at you like the lonely eye of a Cyclops.

New moon- black night haze.

These phases are usually all easily distinguished from others.

These are optional:

First quarter- The moon seems to be torn in half. At the same time, it grows.

Last quarter- half of the moon is also missing, and it tends to thin out.

How to determine by eye whether the moon is growing or decreasing? I was taught this as a child. Perhaps you too. Raise forefinger up and apply it evenly to the cut of the moon. If the result resembles the letter "P" - the moon is growing. If it resembles something else (I was told that the letter "U", but I'm not sure if it looks like this) - the moon is waning. This is true for the Northern Hemisphere. In the South it's exactly the opposite.


Before the thin bracket of the young month appears in the sky, pick up a pencil, a piece of paper, or open a laptop or moleskin. Get planning. Ideally, a month in advance, but we have lunar planning. Write down the goals you want to achieve for the month.

The moon is not a magician, but she is a good helper to those who will act. At least I believe that you will get through the first stage.

You may have a lot of plans, but there is still little strength to implement them. This can happen if you are addicted to lunar rhythms. This period of reduced activity usually lasts about a week - three days before and three after the new moon. Then the forces will begin to arrive.

Not everyone likes to plan, I don’t urge you to do this, you don’t have to plan at all, just look for the main trends, what things are better to do or start doing at what phase of the moon.


If possible, do not set yourself tasks that require maximum physical, intellectual and emotional return on the new moon and the intervals when the month is thin and weak. Wait until he grows up and gets stronger.

If you wanted to start a business that you have been putting off for a long time or were afraid to start, start it on the growing moon - this will give you strength. Wanted to start your own business, but were waiting for the right moment? He came! Would you like to learn how to write cool texts? This is your time! Wanted to start skiing but kept putting it off? Start if you, like me, live in Siberia.

But if you wanted to start losing weight on Monday - do not start at this phase, wait for the waning moon, and your Monday will be there.


The largest volume of cases, the highest activity - in the phase when the Moon approaches the full moon, and then begins to wane.

If you want to do something to be noticed as much as possible, it is better to do it on days from half of the growing moon to half of the waning one.


As the Moon becomes thinner, so our activity can gradually slow down. If you are addicted to lunar rhythms, your activity will decrease naturally. There is no need to be afraid of such a decline.

A noticeable decline in activity begins to be after exactly half of the moon remains in the sky and it continues to fade.

There is an analogy for lunar phases that when the moon grows, its gaze is turned to the future, and when it decreases, it looks to the past. And as the moon gets older and thinner, it starts to slow down and get decrepit, and take old photos and memories out of the boxes.

And this is a good time for us, from the farthest folder on the desktop, to get the report postponed for later and finish it. Fulfill a promise long ago made to a friend. And also start all that you put off until better times. For example, weight loss. Or finish all the unfinished.

Don't want to finish? Throw out! This is the best time for this. Things, things and people that you no longer want to return to. According to the circumstances and without fanaticism, of course.


When the moon is about to disappear into the impenetrable darkness of the night, your strength may not be so much. If you have the opportunity to lie low, take advantage of it. If this is not possible, plan as little as possible for this phase. And don't beat yourself up about it.

But things that should be hidden from prying eyes - it is better to plan for the Old Moon and New Moon. For example, draft or espionage work, psychological analysis of the blockages of your subconscious.

Soon the Moon will be reborn in the sky, get ready for a new cycle and new challenges.


Western tradition astrologers believe that for the exact phase +/- four hours from the Full Moon, New Moon, First and Last Quarter, it is better not to start doing anything. This is due to the fact that the Moon strongly influences the psyche of a person and all living beings, the consequences of these undertakings can be ... unexpected. Keep this in mind.
