Why dream of a new job for a woman. In a dream, get a new job

To quickly deal with this or that dream, it is worth opening the dream book. Getting a job in a dream is not a warning to the dreamer about something bad. Rather, on the contrary, dreams in which a person gets a job have a positive meaning.

What if you dream of getting a job?

If you dream of an interview, then this means that the sleeper has a firm position in life and his own point of view on everything. But that's not bad at all. Rather, on the contrary, it brings him positive results. So don't try to change yourself. We must also continue to stand firm. Unless it will be useful to learn more and listen to the opinions of others. This is especially true for family members and close friends. Perhaps excessive firmness and confidence solely in one's own rightness provokes misunderstanding, as well as quarrels and serious clashes with them.

If in a dream a man or woman is looking for a job for a long and difficult time, but the search is not crowned with success, then this means that the sleeper is not sure of his financial situation and is not satisfied with the financial condition of his family. Since a new place of service cannot be found in a dream, this means that a person will have to work hard to change the current situation. Only in this case financial questions finally stop disturbing the sleeper.

If in a dream a person remains at his former place of work, but at the same time he simply performs a task that is not characteristic of his position, then this means that a surprise can be expected in the near future. If the task was to the liking of the sleeping person and is easily given to him, then most likely he will be pleasant.

If the dreamer sees how he gets a job, and his relative is in the office or somewhere nearby, then soon you should expect a business proposal from one of your relatives and friends. There is no doubt whether to agree to it. The new business will be very beneficial for everyone. It will bring the sleeper not only financial, but also moral satisfaction.

Sometimes in a dream a person can see how he gets a job that is completely unusual and unfamiliar to him. Such a dream means that very joyful positive events are coming soon. True, they will not concern the sleeping person directly, but one of his friends or close relatives. But they will also please the dreamer very much. Perhaps even bring him a significant profit.

By the way, often those people who in reality experience problems in this area see a job search in a dream. In this case, you should not try to interpret your dreams. This is just a consequence of the day's experiences. As soon as a job is found and the question disappears, they will simply stop dreaming of a man or woman.

What portends?

Getting a job in a leadership position in a dream portends that in real life a person can hurt or inconvenience someone close to him or even strangers. Thanks to sleep, you can reconsider your behavior and try to avoid it. For example, show more attention to your family and not ignore their problems. Perhaps, for example, parents need urgent help for a long time, and the dreamer simply does not notice this because of his own busyness. It's time to stop at least for a while and make time for the people you love. They will definitely appreciate it.

If, when applying for a job in a dream, a person receives a sharp refusal, perhaps even suffers from the anger of the employer, hears his angry scream and insults, then this portends the appearance of problems in real life that the sleeper has long anticipated and is very afraid of them. It will not be possible to hide from troubles, and, trying to play for time, one can only "dig" deeper into problems. Therefore, it is important to start addressing them as soon as possible. Only in this case it will be possible very soon to throw off the annoying burden from your shoulders and finally breathe easily and freely.

In order to accurately interpret a dream in which a man or woman dreams of getting a job, you will need to carefully delve into your memory and remember all the smallest details. Only in this case, the interpretation will turn out to be as truthful as possible and, perhaps, will serve as an important hint on how to behave for the dreamer.

A person often dreams of what occupies his thoughts in reality. This suggests that the subconscious is looking for answers to an exciting question. This explains the fact that in the world of dreams, stories on everyday topics are so common. Let's try to figure out what the dream is about in which you happened to get a job. We will arm ourselves with famous dream books and touch the secrets that appeared to us in a dream.

Short description

Hurry to find out what to expect from the day that has come, but you can’t remember the details of what you dreamed about? Then this section is for you. Brief interpretations will tell you what you are preparing for. Let it be without details, but still you will not be left in ignorance, dream books promise. So, get a job in a dream:

  • On the one where you work in reality - to success in your career.
  • see another workplace- you agree to some kind of experiment.
  • Perform tasks that are not characteristic of you in reality - to surprises: if you like the tasks - to pleasant ones; it is difficult for you to fulfill them - to unpleasant surprises.
  • They offered you a raise - to increase the money.

Miller's dream book

Getting a job in a dream, according to Miller's dream book, is a favorable combination of circumstances that will lead to an unforeseen enterprise proposed by a friend or relative. Do not be afraid to take risks, your risks will be justified.

Change of field of activity - to joyful events

If you want to understand what the search for a new job means in a dream, then pay attention to the interpretation of the White Magician's dream book. On its pages you will find a clue: the dream in which you are looking for new job, although in reality you are satisfied with your current specialty, it means good news regarding you personally.

But if you dreamed that when you got a job, you were striving to master a new specialty for you, then this means that joyful events will not concern you, but someone close to you, but these events will also please you.

To be reinstated, or the Goals will be achieved ...

In a dream, do you see that you have returned to your former job? Perhaps you are trying to real world to prove something to someone, to defend their point of view. And if you happen to get a job completely different, but in your own former position, then, most likely, you will succeed in achieving what you want thanks to assertiveness. But for this it is necessary to draw up a clear plan of action and strictly adhere to it.

It has always been a real problem all over the world. Especially now, when you have to do it yourself, attending numerous interviews, finding a good job is becoming increasingly difficult. The search for a new job in reality is familiar to everyone, but what if such a plot is revealed to you in a dream? This article will tell you what the new job is dreaming of, its search and other details related to it.

What is coming in reality?

Change of workplace

Among the dreams of a new job, the most ambiguous and varied plots in which you changed the place of your work are considered.

Getting fired from your last job and getting a new job is a sign that in reality you are very optimistic and no difficulties can prevent you from achieving what you want.

Not so good is the dream in which you were fired, and your position was transferred to someone else - it promises you serious conflicts with work colleagues.

If you have been offered a good job - this is auspicious sign. Joyful events and pleasant meetings await you.

Also interesting is the meaning of dreams in which you had to change your field of activity. What new profession did you choose in a dream?

  • Teacher (teacher, lecturer)- soon you will be able to become a good adviser for someone.
  • Medical worker (doctor, nurse) You may have health problems in the future.
  • Worker (miner, builder, metallurgist, etc.)- this one promises you a rather laborious, but at the same time well-paid job.
  • Intellectual worker (scientist, engineer)- a sign that in reality you have the gift of foreboding and well-developed intuition.
  • Dangerous job (cop, firefighter, lifeguard)- in the near future you may be in serious danger. But do not despair - caution and prudence will allow you to avoid any problems.

If in a dream you enter a new job in a position that is not in the position that you occupy in reality, such a dream means: in reality, luck will turn to you for a long time, and you will be able to change your life for the better. If in reality you are not satisfied with your salary, rejoice - such a dream promises you not only an increase in salary, but also a bonus or award.

Dreams are considered ambiguous in which you were forced to change jobs for external reasons.. It all depends on the details of the dream and your mood in the dream. So:

  • You changed jobs because you moved to a new location You are in for a major life change. If you were upset in a dream, the changes will be sad and bring you grief. If you were happy, the changes will be joyful and make your life better.
  • You changed jobs because of problems with- oddly enough, such a dream should be understood the other way around - it promises you good health and great success in the future.

New office

The new office that you liked is a sign that promises the dreamer the opportunity to get rich and climb high up the career ladder.

If in a dream you came to work and saw a new office that you didn’t like, in reality, trouble awaits you in the service.

To be dissatisfied with your office, and look for a more suitable one - such a vision should be understood as a call: become more determined, kill your insecurities and fears, and act in accordance with your desires.

You have been transferred to a new office, and you cannot work in it - your constant discontent and unwillingness to obey will irritate people in your address.


Find a new job and get it - in order to gain respect for yourself, in reality you will have to show all your abilities and talents. Also, a dream of this kind means that soon a good monetary profit awaits a person, but at the same time he will have to work hard.

What is the dream of a new Job in a dream from a dream book?

A dream about a new job often promises a change for the better. Your diligence will not go unnoticed and will be rewarded. It is also likely that ahead is an interesting and innovative project that will require non-standard thinking.

The plot of the new job portends positive changes not only in the business sphere. Personal life will also be affected by favorable trends. Lonely people will have a chance to meet their fate, while family people will have complete understanding with their partner.

Who dreams about a new job?

New job in a woman's dream

According to the dream book, the new work that the woman dreamed of reflects her subconscious desire to change her occupation. However, for some reason, financial or personal, she cannot leave her current position.

Why dream of Work, dream book Work to see in a dream what does it mean?

Dream Interpretation of Pastor Loff

Why dream of Work in a dream?

According to the dream book, see Work - It is believed that there are three things that can be watched tirelessly: a blazing fire, pouring water and a working person. And they say that patience and work will grind everything. Work occupies one of the central places in our life, so dreams that are somehow related to this topic can be a simple continuation of our worries during waking hours, but they can also symbolic meaning. If you dream that you yourself are working, then this dream indicates that you will achieve success. If you see how others work, then such a dream promises you wealth and prosperity. But delegating your work to another person can promise losses in real life or trouble in the service. Dreams in which you are looking for a job for yourself can predict success as a result of a happy coincidence, and the loss of a job in a dream can talk about future difficulties that you will overcome with enviable optimism, as the predictor predicts.

Office - Coming to the office in a dream promises in most cases bureaucratic obstacles that the dreamer will have to face and spend a lot of strength and energy fighting them, as the dream book predictor reports.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why dream of Work in a dream?

Seeing Work in a dream means - Work. Seeing in a dream how someone works hard - to a change in circumstances for the better; it’s hard to work yourself - to success, for which you have to work hard. Looking for a job - an unforeseen, random venture will end in profit, profit for you. Transferring your work to another is a nuisance. If a woman dreamed that she was hired as a domestic worker, a servant - to a long, joyless work to the detriment of her interests and pleasures. To work with pleasure yourself - to good luck, to see how others do it - to wealth, many dream books interpret such a dream in this way.

Engineer - long or long trips in which the meetings you desire will take place, as the dream book says about this dream.

Office - in vain to bother, ask something from the authorities.

Partner (colleague). If in a dream you make him a suggestion, a reprimand - things will get better, you will be able to correct mistakes, this is how the dream book interprets the dream that you had.

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife

Work for what dreams in a dream:

According to the dream book Work to see what it means - Work - Work - earn respect for a conscientiously completed task. Get a job - you must defend your point of view, thanks to your integrity you will achieve success. Hard work - you will inadvertently arouse the wrath of people who can easily ruin your career. Being late for work - you will not keep your word. Losing a job is a frivolous attitude to one's duties. Worker - expect the arrival of important guests. Resting worker - big trouble awaits you

Secretary - Personifies composure, efficiency, many small things. For a man: a secretary - a pleasant acquaintance awaits you. For a woman: the secretary portends a lot of trouble and worries

Psychological dream book

Why dream of Work in a dream?

Dream Interpretation: Work - A dream in which you work hard warns: in order to succeed, you will have to put in a lot of effort. If you dream about how others work, interesting communication awaits you. Had a dream that you are looking for a job? Don't miss your chance to get rich

Engineer - Dreaming of a tedious trip, the impression of which will be brightened up by joyful meetings

Dream Interpretation of Gypsy Seraphim

Why dream of Work in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream book: Office - working environment; look for specific associations associated with this type of activity, this is how the dream book interprets the dream that you had.

Diligence - something is done with enthusiasm.

Modern dream book

According to the dream book Work, which means sleep:

Seeing Work in a dream - If in a dream you were doing hard work, then in reality you will achieve well-deserved success. We saw others at work - which means that the circumstances will be very encouraging. Looking for a job - you are waiting for some unforeseen and profitable enterprise. Lost your job - you will be fearless about difficulties. Faith in success will help you own forces. They entrusted their work to someone else - ahead of trouble in the service.

Office - If you see yourself working in modern office, although in life this is absolutely not the case - in reality you are striving for change. Perhaps you will change jobs. Came to someone else's office and got lost in it - do not be mistaken in your partners. Wash the floor in the office and wipe the dust - in reality you experience dissatisfaction because of your lack of demand.

Responsibility - If in a dream you were engaged in some kind of responsible activity, you will achieve success, albeit very insignificant. Saw themselves a member of some important firm- be sure to carry out your risky plans.

Partner - If you dreamed that your business partner or colleague inadvertently dropped a basket or box, then in reality the situation may worsen due to the fault of careless and unscrupulous partners. If in a dream you made a remark negligent employee, then things will get better.

Summer dream book

Why see Work in a dream?

Interpretation of sleep: Work - Seeing your work in a dream - you will be noted at work with gratitude.

Change the position - Get a new appointment in a dream - in reality you will vegetate at this job for the rest of your life.

Promotion - Get a promotion - to an insult.

Take time off from work - To absenteeism.

Housekeeper - To dream that you are so rich that you were able to hire a housekeeper - the opposite awaits you in reality.

Ration maker - To see a ration maker in a dream - live on meager means.

Downgrade. If you were demoted in a dream, in reality you will be promoted.

Autumn dream book

Why see Work in a dream?

Why dream of Work - You will not be up to work, because you get sick, and when you get better - your place will be taken, as the dream book says about this dream.

Unemployed - Unemployed dreams of hopelessness.

Position - To dream that you are in a higher position - to be demoted, or you will lose your job altogether.

Take time off - Take leave in a dream from work under a plausible pretext - to be cunning with superiors for the time being.

Firm - Someone will violate your rights.

Housekeeper - Seeing in a dream that you hired a housekeeper - you have hard homework to do.

Normizer - Seeing a rationer in a dream - writing income declarations.

Promotion - Get a promotion for a soldier - to the guardhouse.

Demote - If you had a dream that you were demoted, you will have to experience very unpleasant moments in life.

Spring dream book

Why see Work in a dream?

According to the dream book Work, which means in a dream - Work - being at your usual job - to a reprimand from your superiors or to some kind of trouble associated with your work.

Dreamed / dreamed Unemployed - Seeing yourself in a dream looking for work in vain, uselessly applying to various authorities - to a promotion, soon you will switch to high paying job.

Unemployed. Seeing yourself unemployed, looking for a job for yourself, going with a request for employment - to an insult from subordinates in an offensive form.

Change a position - change a position in a dream - to work in one place until retirement.

Promotion - to humiliation.

To take time off - to take time off from work in a dream, or to see how someone is asking for leave - to dismissal, loss of a job.

Firm - the enterprise you have conceived will end very successfully, but you will lose a lot of time and effort in this matter.

Housekeeper - to see a housekeeper in a dream - to thankless work around the house.

Clerical button - to boredom.

Normalizer. To dream of a rater is a limitation in funds.

Downgrade - if in a dream you are demoted, then wait for a promotion.

I dreamed about Work, what is it for, what does Work mean in a dream

Slavic dream book The meaning of sleep Work:

You dreamed of Work, what it is for - hard work, but prosperity. 6th house of the horoscope.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great What does it mean to work on a dream book?

Why dream What does work mean in a dream - you seem to be doing hard and painstaking work - in real life you are ready to take on any work, you are not afraid of difficulties; you do everything, perhaps not very quickly, but with high quality; if you do not change your principles, you can count on success. You see some people at work - perhaps not everything is going well in your life now, perhaps you are in a situation that you consider hopeless, but do not lose hope for success - it will support you; pay attention: perhaps there is a woman named Nadezhda next to you. You seem to be looking for a job - you will actually make a profit where you did not expect to get it; you will do something along the way, at the same time - and it will turn out to be a great success for you. It’s like you lost your job - you will soon have difficulties, but with your optimism you will be able to easily overcome them; One of your most important qualities is the ability to organize work. In a dream, you entrust your work to another person - you may have trouble in business; you do not always have the endurance to bring the matter to the end; in the coming days, do not leave work early and do not ask for time off.

Creative dream book The meaning of sleep Work:

You dreamed of Work, what is it for. 1. Dreaming about being at work illuminates experiences or difficulties that can actually haunt us in a work situation. We can actively try to make changes in our lives, and these changes in the dream will be reflected in the work situation. 2. Often what we do at work has nothing to do with what we consider real work. Dreams very often help us to change the situation by recognizing our real talents and gifts. When we dream of working on something that has no place in our daily lives, the best way out may be to explore the potential within that line of work. So, if a housewife dreams that she is a business woman, then this may mean that she needs to apply business methods in her daily work, while otherwise it may mean her secret aspirations to be a housewife. Since work can also represent what other people think of us, such a dream will tend to show the best of us. 3. There may be a degree of activity in the next spiritual activity. The dreamer can move forward towards new spiritual work.

Dream Interpretation of the Subconscious What does it mean to work in a dream:

What does work mean in a dream. Work is usually associated with creativity or aimless fuss. At times at work, we are forced to take on unpleasant responsibilities and rush. The atmosphere of the workplace in a dream is of great importance. Did you feel tension or were you in a state of directed creative activity? The sleeper should try to find possible associations between the dream job and the real job in his life.

Positive value

A work-related dream predicts positive changes in your personal life.

Negative implications

The inability to get into the office may portend the loss of property or personal belongings.

Working in an office absorbs a huge amount of physical and emotional energy. What did you feel: satisfaction or stress? Your feelings may be relevant to real life both at work and at home.

Closed office. A closed office may indicate that something important is missing in your life. Crowded office. It is possible that you feel overwhelmed by excessive demands. Problems at work. Office problems can signal a fear of disagreement in real life.

Dream Interpretation Work

Work, Work, Job Change

What is the dream of the plot Working in a dream? Does such a dream mean that your Work haunts you even in a dream? Dream Interpretations do not consider such dreams prophetic and fateful and give them rather a psychological meaning. For example, a job change that you dreamed about does not mean at all that this is exactly what awaits you in reality. But, As the Dream Interpretations say, Such a vision shows your hidden dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs.

Work in your sleep- in order to realize your plans, you have to work hard and hard.

Such a dream, First of all, can visit a person who, in reality, has gone headlong into work and cannot think of anything, Except, As soon as about her. At present, nothing worries you more than the end result of your professional activity(this may be a temporary emergency, the need to meet the deadline, etc.). Hard work and responsibility are excellent qualities. But here is a complete immersion in business, Experiences only about them (without the opportunity to fully relax and be distracted) - an extremely dangerous state, And above all, personally for your health! Try to relax and think about something else. Save your strength, you will still need it very much.

Working in a dream, Seeing other people's work in a dream, Work is enjoyable- a favorable combination of circumstances for you; profit, success.

Working in a dream, Seeing other people's work in a dream, Work is not enjoyable, Tiring your efforts will be in vain.

Such dreams indicate the real state of affairs in your professional activities. The work that argues in a dream, And in reality it will turn out to be quite doable and pleasant. And vice versa - tired of working in a dream, Take it as a signal of the subconscious. You probably perceive your specific actions in reality as useless, empty, ineffective. Or you do not fully understand (and realize) what exactly should be the logical result of efforts on your part. Work is not always joyful, But any hard work should have a specific goal - think about it.

To dream that you have changed jobs- promising proposal; otherwise - dissatisfaction with the current state of their finances.

Most likely, the dream is provoked by the work of your subconscious. Even if you are afraid to honestly admit to yourself that your business is not going uphill at the moment, you realize that you are not receiving proper payment for your work. Subconsciously you reconcile yourself to a new position, Trying to imagine what will happen If you completely change your professional field. Perhaps, it is really time to put the question "edge" and decide something once and for all regarding the burdensome and low-paid work for you.

Getting a job in a dream speaks of your individual point of view, which you will defend and defend in almost any circumstances. However, this has nothing to do with stubbornness. This only confirms the correctness of your principled position, which will lead you to success.

If in a dream you were looking for a new job and were able to get a job, this does not always mean a real search for another job. Sleep can be regarded as a sign that you have the opportunity to significantly improve your financial affairs. However, it will not be easy money, you will have to work hard. A dream is also a reflection of your insufficiently strong financial situation.

New apartment according to the dream book

New housing in a dream means important changes in life. The dream book will tell you about what they will be - good or bad. before you find out what the new apartment is dreaming of, you need to remember the dream itself in all details.

So gloomy housing, even if new, means plans that are not destined to come true. Such a dream that a young girl had was interpreted by the dream book as a sign of impending dangers.

Moving to a new apartment in a dream promises troubles and new expectations in the real world. The dream interpretation interprets such a dream as the beginning of a completely new stage in the life of the sleeper. It means serious changes in the usual pace of life, new meetings, new work, and even a change in life principles.

Sometimes moving to a new apartment in a dream can have a somewhat negative meaning. In some cases, this dream symbolizes a transition to another state or simply death. You should not be afraid of such a dream, because a lot depends on the individual features of sleep, which can completely change the interpretation.

Often the interpretation of such a dream depends on the size of the room. So new house or apartment small size, but very cozy and clean, dreams of a speedy fulfillment of desires. The dream promises happiness and prosperity.

New big flat in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as quick changes for the better. The sleeper can hope that a white streak of good luck and luck will come in his life. Sleep also means good health, physical and emotional, a good job and a stable financial situation.

According to Miller's dream book, a new apartment is dreaming of big changes. If it is bright and spacious - this is good luck, if housing causes disturbing sensations, then you can’t count on success in this case.

Why else dream of a new apartment in a dream

When interpreting sleep, it should also be remembered that if the new apartment is too luxurious, then this is more likely a so-called shifter dream. In real life, it portends material decline, poverty and even poverty.

Of interest is the dream in which the dreamer was lucky enough to buy a new apartment. The dream interpretation interprets it as a successful investment of money. Selling your living space in a dream is a big profit.

There is another interpretation of what dreams of buying a new apartment. Sometimes such a dream carries unbearable obligations, but at the same time it means some promising business. In this case, the sleeper should correctly assess his capabilities. To do this, you should pay attention to new housing. If it is beautiful and pure, then difficulties will be overcome.

The original interpretation gives a dream book to a dream in which you get a new apartment. For unmarried people, this means a quick marriage. Again, its quality should be judged by the interior decoration of the room.

If you dreamed of a new apartment with furniture, this means that all your undertakings will be a complete success. Arranging furniture yourself - the dream book interprets this as disagreements in the family circle. Move to a new place of residence large quantity things - expect a change for the better.

Often interested in what dreams of repair in new apartment. Often such an event seen in a dream means that you have a very strong family. And together you are ready to overcome any difficulties. Sometimes the dream book says that repairs in a new apartment are dreaming of pleasant new things.

Why dream of Work?

You can find out for free in the dream book, what is the dream of Work by reading below the interpretation of dreams from online dream books Houses of the Sun. If you need to find out what it means if you see in a dream not Work, but something else, use the search form for online interpretations of dreams.

Why dream of Work

To dream that you are working hard means that you will achieve well-deserved success by concentrating all your energy on this.

Seeing others at work portends hopeful circumstances for you.

Looking for a job - portends the benefits received as a result of some unforeseen enterprise.

To remain without work in a dream - promises you a fearless attitude to future difficulties: your optimism will be based on faith in your own strength, in your ability to work.

If you dream that you entrust your work to another, the dream means trouble at work.

If a woman sees that she has entered someone's housework, this portends a long joyless work for which she will sacrifice time and pleasures.

Seeing in a dream Work

If you dream that you have lost your job, then soon you will be very scared of the coming changes. Change can be good or bad. It depends on a detailed consideration of the symbols of your dream.

Doing hard work in a dream is a sign of great trouble, need, poverty. If in a dream you do not quit this job or something does not change before you wake up, then you will have a long period of failure. But if in a dream you take up work that you like or see that your business is arguing, then in the near future you can count on favorable changes in your destiny. A dream in which you saw that another person is doing your work, then soon you will have to meet with troubles in the service. Sometimes such a dream indicates that failures in business and disappointment await you.

Active work in a dream portends the successful promotion of your business.

Being an employer in a dream means that you will soon have to make an important decision on which the well-being of other people will depend. Such a dream indicates to you your responsibility for the fate of other people.

What does sleep mean? Work

well-being; to entrust your work to someone - illness, dismissal; work - good luck; working - wealth.

See in a dream Work

You will not have time to work, because you will get sick, and when you recover, your place will be taken.

What do dreams mean Work

Being at your usual job - to a reprimand from your superiors or to some kind of trouble associated with your work.

Dream about work

Seeing your work in a dream - you will be noted at work with gratitude.

What does work mean in a dream

If a girl or woman dreams that she has become a housekeeper, this means that she will have to give up her personal life because of the hard work that she has to do.

The meaning of dreams Work

The dream in which you get a job suggests that in any case, you must remain true to your beliefs and only then will you find success. Hard work - show disagreement and obstinacy in reality, provoking the wrath of people who can ruin your entire career. Being late for work means that in reality you don’t keep your word, truant during working hours - you will be ignored. Take a day off - you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation.

What does work mean in a dream

If you worked hard in a dream, it means that if you concentrate all your energy in the right direction, you will definitely achieve well-deserved success. Seeing others at work portends a favorable set of circumstances for you.

The meaning of sleep Work

If in a dream you were doing hard work, then in reality you will achieve well-deserved success.

We saw others at work - which means that the circumstances will turn out to be very encouraging.

We were looking for a job - some unforeseen and profitable enterprise awaits you.

Lost your job - you will be fearless about difficulties. Faith in success and in your own strength will help you.

They entrusted their work to someone else - ahead of trouble in the service.

Interpretation of sleep Work

If the work is argued and brings satisfaction: portends you success and spiritual uplift.

The dream in which you see the coordinated work of other people has the same meaning.

Such dreams suggest that in the near future your affairs and relationships with others will develop successfully.

Hard, joyless work: a sign of wasted efforts. Perhaps in reality you are not doing your own business or are taking up business from the wrong end.

Lose your job: a sign of mistakes made that may cast doubt on the result of all your work and efforts.

Arguing about work: a harbinger of failure and conflict with competitors.

What in a dream predicts Work

Lose your job - you may expect trouble in your personal life or in relationships with your loved one.

To be unemployed is to fail in a business that you had high hopes for.

Looking for a job is an unexpected income.

Entrusting your work to another - to trouble in the service.

Hard work - to well-deserved success, new beginnings.

Others dreamed of working - you will have hope for a favorable course of affairs.

What does it mean to see work in a dream

If you do some work in a dream, good luck awaits you in reality.

Hard work - to achieve great success in business.

To see others at work is to wealth.

Looking for a job is an unexpected benefit.

Reassign your work - to trouble in the service.

Staying unemployed - to resilience in the face of life's difficulties.

Working at home or in the country - to financial difficulties.

In a dream, to work at your former workplace is to achieve success in a new place of work and prosperity in reality.

Interpretation of sleep Work

Everything suits you.

If you feel uncomfortable, then you better take a vacation.

If you are fired, then you are afraid of something, you have a bad feeling.

If you have protection - you are confident.

Dreaming of working in your position - you feel pride and satisfaction.

But if you are very unhappy and restless, this is a warning that you are overworked.

You need to take a vacation or take up a hobby that is fundamentally different from work.

If you dream that you are losing your job, this reflects a loss of confidence, a sense of security.

Perhaps you have to go through the loss of a loved one or home.

If you are helped in career advancement, you are confident in your abilities and in reality you will also be promoted or have a salary increase.

What predicts sleep Work

To hard work, but prosperity.

6th house of the horoscope.

Dream Meaning Work



Another dream. I got my old job, but in a different position. But I understand that I can’t work there, they don’t have to refuse. Since I’m starting my own business and I’m very worried about this.


In a dream, they offered a new job with a good salary


Got a job order


To Java I'm in long vacation. Now I'm going to go to work. But I'm so worried about this. First, because of the children. And most importantly, 2 people quit after my release and I have to go to a difficult area of ​​work. .and in connection with this, all my thoughts are clogged with work. And so I see a dream at night: as if my predecessor (she replaced me for 2 years) does not transfer the case to me and does not tell anything, she hides everything. And she is going to leave. And all this is so unpleasant for me. Thanks in advance!


I was offered a job in a dream, in Moscow, and even she tells me that she wrote an application instead of me, and I tell you that how I will fly every day, on an airplane, she replies: - YES you will fly.


I dreamed that I went to a new job with good kind people, but I thought that I would get less than at my last job, and this excited me. I thought with relief, it's good that this is a dream.


I dreamed that I forgot to complete the task at work. I woke up with the intention of running to work, although today is Saturday. Then she came to her senses that there was no task.


hello, my name is Igor, lately I have had the same dreams, either I lose my job, or I die in my life in my youth, then suffering and torment in life, what is it with me.


having closed outlet with my partner, I returned to this point again and people flew in ... that juice, that ice cream, that milkshake, then my partner came (as it turned out my best friend came in real life), we continued to work and the dream was interrupted by my mother's screams about getting up


I dreamed that I returned to my old job, they welcomed me well there, everyone smiled and greeted me. I myself was very happy to return, I liked my work. But this is all strange, because I left there because of the unbearable workload, constant nerves and a terrible team (a snake lair). In general, I very often dream of my past job, its team, although 7 months have already passed since I quit.


i dreamed that I returned to work with which I recently quit and I was on my own, and others looked at me with surprise


I dreamed that I was in another city, digging new friends and working with my brothers for some Armenian. We rebuilt him gym. They built it quickly, in one day, but they did it very very beautifully. And the next morning he was already paying us for our work. True, I had a feeling that he would not pay me extra. And then I woke up.


I dreamed that I came to some building on business and unexpectedly got a job there, I liked it there. What does this mean?


Hello, I had a dream as if I were at a former job but did not work there
the manager with whom she was not on bad terms in a dream promised to help with work during employee holidays


the former employer offers to return to the company where I once worked, gave me time to think, and I agreed!


dreams of an old workplace from time to time, I worked at a factory, shift.
i dreamed that my female colleague was scolding me for the mistakes made in my work, this upset me. I even remembered my mother, asked her for support. She has been gone for 6 years. Why dream of an old job? I am a teacher by profession. Thank you.


At the moment, I sent a resume to one company. In a dream, I dreamed that I was invited to an interview, where I felt very comfortable and gave answers to questions with a clear sense of knowing the subject of the conversation. There was a sense of goodwill on the part of the interviewer.


Last night I had a dream in which I already wanted to get a job half a year ago, today they should call tomorrow from this work, and I had a dream that I was already working there


i dreamed that I was working, everything seems to be fine, although at the moment I have problems at work, I don’t understand why I have a dream that I’m working, but at the same time it’s bad while I’m doing business, so I want to know if it’s bad or good ?!


I am looking for my job, my girlfriend shows me where it is (I have to go through her organization where she works - we are still waist deep in water) Then she shows me where I work - 200 meters from her.


I dreamed about my workplace, I’m sitting at the office at the table, and it’s all littered with papers, documents, really a whole mountain. The boss comes up, and I lean back in my chair, freak out and say that they piled too much on me, I'm tired and I can't do it anymore. To which he told me that no one piled on anything, this is my job and left. This is a dream, and today I have to go for an interview, there is a desire to change jobs


I do not remember the details of the dream, only the sensations: I am at work and suddenly I realize that I have not been fulfilling one of my duties for a very long time and I am painfully trying to understand, remember what exactly I am forgetting to do. At the same time, I still feel fear and bewilderment: why this has not yet been discovered and what will happen when it opens. And I have this dream quite often.


I don’t work, but I dreamed that I work in a store and I have a very good relationship with the director !!! what is it for?? I just don’t have any hope that I can find a job, I constantly hear refusals !!!

[email protected]


At the moment I am not working. I dreamed that I got a job, I like everything, but the fact that the same person because of whom I quit did not make me very happy.


Demotion and appointment to the old position in another city. The salary is getting smaller, it does not suit me, I want to quit my job and find a better paying job.


hello. i dreamed that our friend came to our house and said that next Thursday I could start working in my profession .. she agreed with my potential employer. this is not the main dream, before that there were still moments when I was in conflict with my dormitory neighbor, then it seems my brother was at our house .. in general, I think I had a dream about work because I am now looking for work no more ..


I got another job, but knowing that they pay less (than I get now), travel very far and work every day. I approached the manager and asked if I got a full job or can I still leave? she said completely. I asked to be allowed to work 3 times a week and she allowed it. I really regretted that I got a job there, and did not understand why I did it.


I saw colleagues at my old job, where I worked for 7 years. As if one says, our boss moved to work in another city on a promotion. As if they were calling me to my previous job


I’m really waiting to be offered a job, and now I’m dreaming that I’m going to that office and asking if there are already places and you will still take me, but they tell me that there aren’t any places yet, you need to look for work somewhere else, then maybe when there will be a place we will call you. but not now


I found myself without a job and without a home. Not where they do not hire. They offer a room, but for a lot of money, but there is no work. I cried the whole dream


I dreamed about my former colleague - this old man who said that he knows what kind of work I had and something about money and said that he respects me. something like this


An old factory, I organized a deal to sell scrap metal in the yard, I also dreamed of an old bus that was also supposed to be sold for metal, the whole dream was in search of a metal buyer, at the end of the dream I found a profitable buyer and was pleased with the deal


Good afternoon Tatyana! i dreamed that I work very hard and there is no time to rest, as if I work 24 hours a day without interruptions and I am very tired of work


in all they don’t take a job that they really wanted to get, instead they take another person and I persuade them to take me to a worse position.


I was visiting, we celebrated something there, then I went home and went out to the pier, where there were many ships, then I could not find a way to get to another ship, my sister came and held out her hand to me. So I ended up on a ship. Then a man appeared who offered me to work on this ship, showed me where I would work and I really liked it.


i dreamed that I was sitting cross-legged at work, which I don’t have in real life. And all the time someone called me, hurried me or something! and I said in a rather strict voice that I was at work


Hello. I dreamed that I was offered another job in another city. and I can't decide what to do, but at the same time I'm already at a new job. but I remember the old work. and I know for sure that at a new job the salary is many times higher


I dreamed of my rival at work, offered a job as a housekeeper in Kindergarten. And I do not know this work was not bewilderment. Didn't know whether to agree or not. I am currently unemployed


i dreamed that they show buyers of our products on TV, how they praise it and regret that our enterprise will no longer work as before


Hello, I dreamed that I was at work and trying to do something at work, but not what I want is done, then my boss comes and I'm afraid of him and at the same time I'm not afraid, then my husband came to my work and I ran headlong to him, talked a little and climbed the stairs quickly and my husband walked up the stairs when he went to work for me. Then I came to our company’s store for work and started arguing with the administrator (before that we had a small conversation in raised voices) Then I dream of an explosion, but I don’t see it, but I feel a powerful shock wave and this wave lifts me up and strongly and vibrates terribly, and then I woke up.


I dreamed that I was at a new job, but everything in the building was old: shelves, cabinets, everything was painted with paint in many layers. I wash a lot of green grapes, it is good. but there is a soft one. I wanted to put it in the refrigerator so that it would not deteriorate. On the wall at the top left I saw fried cutlets, I also wanted to put them in the refrigerator.


at the moment I'm on vacation, but I dreamed of my real place of work. as if I were walking around the building, talking to everyone


I left work without being fired, now I dream of this job as if they forgave me and took me back to work! (I dream very often) I really liked the job, I left out of stupidity! what could that mean?


I saw in a dream that I was looking for a job as an interpreter for my sister. Went to college and school, talked to them, both were hired. And I think if my sister can work as a translator, can she translate and that’s all


Hello, I myself love numerology, astronomy, and everything that is tied from our dreams and things like that, I can say that I have a dream, and I try to remember what I dreamed and what I could have dreamed after a dream. I know that I’m planning to go there to speak about the vacancies, I even know that for the vacancy the manager of the trading floor doesn’t seem to tie me up with them. my cousin practiced there, then I had fun on the її after having cooked, you can say that sports fun is still practiced by a friend, it’s true that a friend and sister practiced already at least 2 years ago) well, I don’t know if your opinion will be


My director dreamed that she was driving me to another job to another director and gave me a phone number (the director's name is Sasha) because he pays more, and she pays little and will not raise her salary. But I didn't leave and said I'd stay.


when I came to work, I was immediately fired after a call, as soon as I answer the phone, 100,000 rubles lying next to me disappear. all


I dreamed that I was at work, sitting in a closet with the guards with one of them in an embrace. And he keeps repeating to me that I am too thin and I need to get better. It goes away and comes back and repeats everything again. Then the dream abruptly moved to the shopping center, it is located next door. I understand that this is exactly the mall, but inside everything is different. I go up to the second floor, meet two more girls from work. They lead me to some window, and there, outside the window, 2 benches are nailed to the wall. They go there to smoke. At the same time, they reproach me for being afraid to sit next to them. One generally holds on to the bench with one hand, and rests her feet against the wall. I'm leaving them. I manage to do some shopping at some point, I go down to the storage rooms. And next to the graves in the middle of the store. I go back to the second floor, because it seems that I forgot someone. I go up to this window with benches, and there two of my aunts fly up to me. They shouted that I was too thin, I answered that I eat as much as I want and they should not worry about it. I woke up on this.
And how are the details. When I climbed the stairs for the first time, it ended on the second floor, but I knew that the building there was much higher. When I got up the second time, I saw that guard from the first half of the dream and it was a shame that he did not notice me. I got up already in pajamas, although at first I was dressed normally and in a winter jacket. It was summer outside. And in the first half of the dream there were ambivalent feelings. It's nice that the guy hugs and it's a shame that he directly calls skinny.


I dream that I came to my job, but in my subconscious I guess that I was fired, but the authorities do not confirm this


Hello, I had a dream as if I was working at an old job (I worked there 19 years ago), the same environment and employee, what is it for at the moment I am looking for a job Thank you


Hello! Tell me please! From Thursday to Friday, I made a dream about where my beloved person would work, since he is the head of the guard and there is a certain time to sleep, the dream was like this: his workplace is in the office, where he straightens the bed. Thank you for your reply!

the dream was such that he straightens the bed in his office, what does this mean?

Alexander Titkov:

I left the hard job where I worked for the last 6 years. I found an easier job, but I'm afraid I can't handle it. Therefore, I am tormented by dreams about work, that this is not mine and that I was also exhausted during the day ....

[email protected]:

I left work because of a dispute with my superiors, and today I had a dream that I was offered to return to my old job


dreamed of a friend who offered a better paid, the same job, but with a heavier schedule. old and best friend.


I came to the Bank to work and my friend is an intern, we are not happy.
And I dreamed of a gray cat just sitting on the ground.


Every night, I dream about my work, these dreams are different, but I fulfill my professional duties, today, for example, I was looking for a chocolate-colored armrest and could not find it, I asked the painters whether they painted it or not, they told me yes they painted it and it was in such and such a place, but I never found it


I came to my familiar restaurant-type kitchen, met a friend, but he didn’t shake hands with me, the chef came and offered me a job because I was waiting for an offer from another person, I told him about it and he told me to think about it and left after that everything they began to congratulate me and that person extended his hand to me with a smile and said that’s why I didn’t extend my hand to you, I didn’t want to hurry with congratulations


i dreamed that I returned to my previous place of work again and was very glad about it. Although I really really want to go back there.


It was as if they offered me a new job, they signed a contract with me, I couldn’t get out because I was a small child at home. but the work is good. What is it for?


Hello! Sunday morning at about 5 o'clock, I had a dream in which I was demoted and I start working in another institution, I saw in a dream how I wrote this position in which I was demoted .... I woke up, went to the toilet .... and somewhere at 6-30 I went to bed again, and now I dream that the Head of the District (and the former one) offers a job in my position (head of the d / s) but in another place, I refuse, he insists, I don’t like everything there …


i dreamed that they were taking a job for which I want to sign an agreement, etc. (I'm just looking for a job and really want to get this job that I dreamed of) will they really take me to this job? they will say the answer in 2 days, the dream was on the morning of the 5th


a woman called and offered a job in her specialty, my friend advised me to her. We agreed to meet after 5:00 pm. I asked my uncle to pick up my son from kindergarten and take him for a walk while I go to a meeting. I went to make photocopies of documents, passed by the yard where my uncle and son were playing, the mood was very good, then I got on the bus and went to my destination, and almost when I arrived I woke up


The company seemed to have flourished, obviously the institution where I work was larger than it really was, the authorities were busy and treated me indifferently, I was itch at that moment to go to the toilet and I didn’t know where the toilet was, I really wanted to go to the big one, no one answered me my question is, in the end, I went to the Manager’s office (she is a woman) and did my job behind her chair, then I went out and walked along the corridor there was a flower department from somewhere * home flowers (from somewhere a man appeared in a gas mask and started screaming and chasing me, I fled as best I could until I ran into a fence ... I jumped over the fence and that guy in a gas mask threw a marble stone at me, with his fist (I know this stone, I always carry it with me) .... when he threw at me already woke up (sister woke up because I was screaming)


Hello. I work as a veterinarian on a farm, I work with cows ... So, almost all my sleep I continuously give injections to both cows and calves without exception ... In a dream, the feeling of fatigue increased and no help was planned from anyone, ...


I dreamed about work. Evening or morning, for the light was dimmed. There was energetic music playing. In general, a normal working day. I stood in my play area and waited for the kids. The flow was the usual 4-8 people in 30 minutes. I was very thirsty and there was some need to contact the head of the radio, which is a common thing, but I could not find the radio, I kept putting it off until later.


I dreamed that I returned to my previous job and everyone was happy with me and the boss hugged me (because of her unfair words in real life, I quit). In real life, I forgave her and took it as a lesson. I am currently looking for a job


Hello. I dreamed the following: as if I got a job (I'm unemployed) and as it turned out, a young man I like works there. I remember that I was interviewed, I said that only half the rate. The director of the institution spoke to that young man and they took me. I got a job as a teacher and during my sleep I found mutual language with students and found. I had to go to work in another wing of the city. I had never dreamed of this young man before.
Tell me, why dream that I and my sister got married in a dream, but I don’t remember how it was, but I know that I got married. I didn't see my husband. I dreamed about it on the 27th lunar day.


Hello! The dream was long, but I remembered what the emphasis was on! At first, my young man traded me for another and told me nasty things, but she took my side. Then they tried to kill me and at the same time two dogs tried to bite me. Then I was offered many vacancies and job options, and I tried to get to the sixth floor to my lover, but I left for 92!!!


I dreamed that I was re-hired for an old (former) position and in a dream I was given a large amount of banknotes
The bottom line is that I left this place for a year and a half, but nevertheless I would like to work there again
Thanks in advance
Yours faithfully


I dreamed about my last job, all the employees are the boss .... the administrator, because of which I left, as if I dyed my hair from black to blonde, but the bangs remained black ....


they scold me why I don’t go to work, but in fact I don’t work now. some strangers scold me, at times it seems to me that I know them, and sometimes people I don’t know. I kind of tell them that it's none of your business.


I am a mother on maternity leave. For a couple of weeks now, I have been dreaming of a robot. Then, I just come there as a visitor, then I hand in reports and I’m all very busy ...... (I’m not going to go to work yet, and in principle I didn’t think about it)


i dreamed of a new job with the former boss and a yellow bird flew there and all as one began to shout that this was good, that this was a good omen,


I dreamed that I came to my former job at Rostelecom LLC and wanted to buy something there, I saw my former colleagues who were glad to see me. I told them where I work now. Next, I see my colleague from my current job, who did not expect to see me here, we talked with her, and she says that she arranges her brother here for the position of chief, and that’s all I woke up. In real life, she has no brother.


In general, nothing special, I just walked around suddenly he called big company you've been hired. Then I vaguely remember how it was to work in a team. I woke up and everything


hello, I was hired in a dream in a kindergarten, I don’t remember the number of the garden, I asked the employees they said that kindergarten 263, and on the wall there was a license that kindergarten 262 was written, they were hired as a teacher, there were stairs when going up and down cool and lacquered wood. I don't actually work.


Hello, I had a dream from Saturday to Sunday that I was invited to work. I am unemployed


hello. I dreamed that I was invited for an interview about getting a job.


I came to my old job there in a different way and I cry and I can’t find my former colleagues.


I stood on the tower and jumped down, I flew like a bird, I saw everything clearly everything was beautiful and large-scale and I landed successfully :) on the ground I did some kind of work after which I was invited to a permanent


dreamed about my work today. There were a lot of orders, but I managed. all the familiar girls were sitting, and 2 families were sitting at the same table. There was a conflict with my son, but without the use of physical force, because. his father took him. Also broke 2 hookahs and burned the sofa.


I dream of being returned to my old job, I am very glad. Every time a new person helps. In reality, I really want to return to this job. Today I also dreamed of a deuce.


I dreamed of a job offer, in the same place, but a slightly different activity, I am a nurse, and the offer to make reports is like a part-time job.


Combination at work of a smaller position and salary increase. Increased work schedule. In a dream and on a willow I was very pleased


Tatyana, welcome!
The dream was from Thursday to Friday. I kept trying to get a job where I had already worked before in my life, only in the subdivision below, in fact, which was subordinate to me, well, and which I didn’t really like. It was an attempt, but I didn’t seem to get settled until the end, I woke up.
The dream was brightly colored. There was a residue of effort and great perseverance.
Thank you.


Hello! I dreamed of a real place of work, also two cats, one adult, red, my cat. Second little kitten chocolate color. The second one is very affectionate, fluffy, well-groomed. Playing with a small kitten, I forget about my cat, which turns out to be on the street, then my cat starts meowing outside the door, I let him in, at this time, a small kitten shat on the floor,


Hello, I saw how a close friend offers me a very good job, but in order to get a job I will have to move from home to a hotel, I was very glad because I really wanted privacy. Behind that, in the same dream, I saw a frozen river, and two parts, one part on the bridge, the second was either a boat or just a pier, I had to go towards the bridge, but the old man suggested going the other way and crossed it safely without falling, so I also had to return back, without slipping on the ice, holding on to the sides of the bridge, I returned. I also had a dream in which I was with a former colleague (she smiled at me in the face, but everything was different behind her back). I saw how I, she and her boyfriend are walking, but her boyfriend gives me signs of attention and I am embarrassed, I throw the phone and leave


I dream of my previous work and colleagues in it


like, in some kind of public catering (like a subway) and there you have to stand and make all kinds of food, and I say to them like this “yes, I don’t know how to do anything at all”, and they told me “here, you suit us in appearance , you will just stand and study ”and also,“ we get 30k each, they always give out a salary ”I was so freaked out, I also ask“ how about the san-book? should I do it?" , and they are like “no, don’t, we’ll buy it for you, it’s much faster”


I went back to my old job. and that makes me very happy. I would really like to go back there


In a dream, an employer offers a job for whom I no longer work, this is not the first time I have had a dream of this content


dreamed as if I woke up to go to work but I forgot where I work


dreaming of a former job that paid well working with animals and then quit, tried again to get a job filled out a questionnaire and I’m waiting for an answer hoping for a good answer I would like to know why such a dream thanks in advance


This dream is periodically repeated, it is more emotionally similar to a nightmare. For some reason, I missed work and I don’t have a sick leave, I’m terrified in my soul what to do, I come up with a lie that I was out of town, I didn’t have time to arrive, the phone was dead. The boss does not like me, so she decides to make trouble for me. (My father and I used to work at the same factory, although he died a long time ago) She tries to get through to her father, but does not get through, she goes to higher authorities and decides to transfer me to another department, to a lower salary. When I found out, I could not help laughing, I was bursting. Everyone looks at me and is surprised, but it’s funny to me, I can hardly restrain myself. Immediately I remember that I didn’t go to the institute for a long time and now I need to do something, how to justify myself or recover. For the first time in many years, I somehow find an opportunity, internal at least, to look for solutions, and not to panic. True, and two plots at once, which make me panic, I dream for the first time.


I dreamed very vivid dream Where am I at my new job? I was surrounded by people whom I had not seen for a long time. Everyone was cheerful and bright and showed me increased attention.


in a dream, I dreamed of a former colleague whom I arranged my time for this job, tells me in a dream that there are vacancies at my previous job, in a dream I tell him that my former colleague should contact me


I was fired from my job because of the refusal to marry (this is a fact). Now a dream: The translator called and said that I should not get another job and wait 2 weeks, as the workers ask me to be reinstated to work. The instigator of everything was the translator guy with whom I worked for 2 seasons. The management seems to want to hire me, but they offer me their own conditions. (Unfortunately, I woke up). Everything! Thank you!


I got a job at a new good interesting job and enjoy it. She started a white poodle and dreams of walking with a young man and two affectionate dogs on a sunny day.


I dreamed that they offered a new position with an increase at the old place of work.


Received an offer of a highly paid job in a large company. Suggested by a friend who was asked to find an employee, and he recommended me. Our conversation took place in a smoking room, we often go to smoke together. That is, this proposal sounded, as if by the way. The conversation was informal.


Today I dreamed that the director of one office asked me to work on the weekend, his employee fell ill, I told him that I would not have days off then, but he insistently asks and I had to agree, although in real life I don’t work for him.


My dance teacher asked me to stand in for him and lead a group class. I was doing the lesson.


I am currently working on one project. And I dreamed today that I completed the project without errors, quickly in one day (although it takes several months), and everyone is happy. What does this mean, more specifically and in detail?


Good afternoon, Tatyana. Today I dreamed that a person in uniform offers me the opportunity to change jobs, but offers not just in words, but gives contacts that I need to contact. There were several people with me, but he turned to me. Tell me the meaning of this dream. Thanks in advance.


I found a job and was very happy with it. In addition, there I met a man whom I had long wanted to meet in reality.


I dreamed of a job that I really want to get a job and this may happen soon


At work, they studied papers, reports, and began to look for shortcomings and make claims to me about poor work. \I couldn't understand\. what happened and why. Surprise, but no fear and disappointment. My workplace disappeared and a glass table appeared for me. I got angry and refused to work for him. Then I began to guess that they wanted to get rid of me at work, although I had always been a highly qualified specialist. I calmly waited for the resolution / current situation, then woke up.


I often dream of my former place of work and former employees, where I rummage through papers


I dreamed that I work as a doctor, although in reality I am a chemist and I succeeded and had job satisfaction


Hello! The dream was like this: My husband and children and I moved to live and work in another city and the work is good and everything is fine with housing, in fact, I really want to live in this city. Maybe that's why this dream does not give me rest?


I dreamed that there was an increase in salary at my former job. What does it mean. Thank you.


I ended up at my previous job, where I no longer work (in a dream), but I would like to. (While I was on vacation, they pressed me, those who believed). Continuation of sleep - I understand that I returned because they called me. Guests of the hosts arrange Christmas trees with colored lights around the house, I understand that this is the Jewish New Year. The owners need to leave the house and they want to leave me on the farm, but they did not warn me. And I told them that if you had told me in advance, I would have taken my night clothes. (and according to these words, I remembered that I had already told them the same thing in a dream, which means the dream was repeated). In a dream, I hoped that they hired me again and experienced interrogative pleasure.

A person often dreams of what occupies his thoughts in reality. This suggests that the subconscious is looking for answers to an exciting question. This explains the fact that in the world of dreams, stories on everyday topics are so common. Let's try to figure out what the dream is about in which you happened to get a job. We will arm ourselves with famous dream books and touch the secrets that appeared to us in a dream.

Short description

Hurry to find out what to expect from the day that has come, but you can’t remember the details of what you dreamed about? Then this section is for you. Brief interpretations will tell you what you are preparing for. Let it be without details, but still you will not be left in ignorance, dream books promise. So, get a job in a dream:

  • On the one where you work in reality - to success in your career.
  • Seeing another workplace - you will agree to some kind of experiment.
  • Perform tasks that are not characteristic of you in reality - to surprises: if you like the tasks - to pleasant ones; it is difficult for you to fulfill them - to unpleasant surprises.
  • They offered you a raise - to increase the money.

Miller's dream book

Getting a job in a dream, according to Miller's dream book, is a favorable combination of circumstances that will lead to an unforeseen enterprise proposed by a friend or relative. Do not be afraid to take risks, your risks will be justified.

Change of field of activity - to joyful events

If you want to understand what the search for a new job means in a dream, then pay attention to the interpretation of the White Magician's dream book. On its pages you will find a hint: a dream in which you are looking for a new job, although in reality you are satisfied with your current specialty, means good news regarding you personally.

But if you dreamed that when you got a job, you were striving to master a new specialty for you, then this means that joyful events will not concern you, but someone close to you, but these events will also please you.

To be reinstated, or the Goals will be achieved ...

In a dream, do you see that you have returned to your former job? Perhaps you are trying to prove something to someone in the real world, to defend your point of view. And if you happen to get a job completely different, but in your former position, then most likely you will succeed in achieving what you want thanks to assertiveness. But for this it is necessary to draw up a clear plan of action and strictly adhere to it.

If you dreamed of any return to the past, for example, to your first love, to your former profession, to an old apartment, etc., this is a kind of sign that you are strong in your principles, very rarely compromise them and when necessary, know how to defend them. This interpretation of sleep is given by the Eastern Dream Book.

Unusual occupation, as a symbol of unexpected changes

Did you dream that you see yourself doing a task that is not typical of you in reality? Pay attention to your emotions and feelings at that moment. If your actions brought satisfaction and joy to you, then a pleasant surprise awaits you. Well, if you experienced internal discomfort while carrying out an assignment, or did something against your will, then beware of trouble.

You will also have problems if you dream that you are forced to get a job that brings pain, misfortune or humiliation to other people, the Gypsy dream book warns.


Dream book work

If the work does not let go even in a dream, you will have to be as active as possible in the service - you clearly feel sins behind you. If the plot is repeated over and over again, this can be an important signal of trouble, and not necessarily in professional field. Dream Interpretations will decipher the details and explain why service problems are dreamed of.

being late

The nightmare of a manager of a modern large company is the fear of oversleeping and being late for work. Survival in the face of fierce competition, focus on a fast-paced career, unwillingness to lose status make you be impeccably efficient and punctual.

If in such a situation you dreamed that you were late for the office, dream books do not give this a predictive meaning. Most often, they advise you to listen to your feelings - are you satisfied with the place of service, are you sick of your previous work. Changing jobs can open up new perspectives and bring back harmony—a great alternative to living in fear of being kicked out.

Otherwise, the dream books explain why they dream of being late, if everything is relatively in order in the professional sphere. Then they predict annoying gossip, friction with superiors.


There is a huge difference - to quit oneself or fall out of favor, this applies to real life and night fantasies, only dream books often consider such situations “on the contrary”.

According to the Noble Dream Book of Grishina, dismissal in a dream really turns into a sudden increase in income, a win, and if you quit yourself, your career will go uphill.

According to the Eastern Dream Book, making the decision to part with the old place of service means that life has put the dreamer in front of a serious choice, on which the fate of loved ones depends. If you suddenly find out that you were fired, when everyone already knows about it, you cannot avoid a scandal in reality.

The great Freud notes in his dream book: if in a dream you were the boss and fired an employee, your sex life could be more diverse. Your sexual partner suppressed your will, in the old days this suited both, but now the loss of initiative weighs on the dreamer.

From one job to another

If in a dream you decide to change a prestigious and profitable position to another, dream books predict that you are in great shape, nothing will threaten your position.

Why dream of a nightmare in which all family members simultaneously decided to change their place of service? This is a harbinger of significant changes and new family troubles associated with it.

If there is a feeling that even in a dream there is no strength to change anything, to search, the dreamer will vegetate in life. If you are looking in a dream, in reality you will get a job in another company. Why dream that they are offering a new vacancy and even sent an invitation - there is a chance to be unemployed.

A man dreamed that he was changing jobs - he would get a promotion. Why dream that they offered a new job? If accepted for a good position, joyful events are ahead. They scheduled an interview and took on a vacant place - they predict a pleasant meeting for you. Whatever vacancy they find, the meaning of sleep is either for profit or for a pleasant conversation.

In general, if you dream of an active search, getting a job, dream books are interpreted as independence and having your own point of view on what is happening, and the offer and subsequent reception - for favorable changes in life.

Did you dream about the desired field of activity? In reality, you may already be invited - look in the mailbox.

New and former

In dreams again and again - an office? Most likely, the problems that concern the dreamer revolve around a career and indicate a lack of self-esteem.

According to Miller's dream book, hard work in a dream is a sign that in reality you have to achieve results with a lot of effort. I dreamed that you were a housekeeper - also to a routine tedious process. But washing the floors at work means that the authorities consider you irreplaceable.

Seeing your current job in a dream - you are a workaholic and will succeed. Repair in the office is interpreted by dream books as an attempt to heal mental wounds, a fire is a radical change in professional terms. If a woman dreamed of a feast at the workplace, it is time for her to prepare for maternity leave.

Remembering your former job and former colleagues indicates that for you the service is just a way to earn money, but by no means the most important part of life. Often, the past service returns to dreams when psychologically the dreamer did not come to terms with the conflict situation that existed when he worked at his former job.

A boring former office may dream of new unexpected sources of income. If there the director underestimated the dreamer's labor contribution, then he is not sure that he is a valuable employee. If you often dream about your previous job, then you miss your colleagues and regret that it is no longer possible to return to your old job.

Nevertheless, it is pleasant that not all dreams about work reflect professional activities, sometimes interpretations are given regarding personal life.

Why does a woman dream of a male work colleague: she is on the verge of a new romance, and so far she underestimates unambiguous signs of attention. An argument in a dream with a woman work colleague warns of vigilance - do not let yourself be humiliated in life. If employees dream of being surrounded by a crowd, a major celebration awaits you, such as a wedding.

In general, seeing colleagues is explained as a desire to surprise a loved one. To meet a pregnant colleague in a dream - the dreamer himself should expect a surprise.


A change of work in a dream is a harbinger of change. It can be both financial, career and personal changes. In the same way, you can interpret the meaning of sleep in which you are offered a new job. If in a dream you refused this offer, the dream promises a prosperous family life. It also indicates your desire to take part of the work home. For newlyweds, the dream of a new job is interpreted as joy, happiness and mutual understanding.

If in a dream you got a new job, joyful events await you in reality. Sleep will bring you profit and pleasure from communicating with nice people. Also, a dream may indicate a desire to change jobs, in which you do not dare to admit even to yourself. Perhaps you are waiting for a promotion or an increase in salary.



Numerological Dream Interpretation

If you dream that you spend eight hours a day at work- this suggests that in reality you do not want changes in your personal life, but they happen against your will.

If in a dream the very fact of the need to work 8 hours a day depresses you- in reality, after 8 days you will come to terms with the fact that everything in life is changing, and you will accept what is happening.

But if you are happy that 8 hours of your day is devoted to work- in life, you will never be able to accept changes with your heart, because, in your opinion, they bring nothing but pain and fear with them.

If you dream that you are offered a job, and you refuse it, because an eight-hour working day seems tiring to you, this is fortunately in family life.

If this dream is a dream for newlyweds- this suggests that their life together will be joyful and full of love.

Miller's dream book

To dream that you are working hard- means that you will achieve well-deserved success by concentrating all your energy on this.

See others at work- portends hopeful circumstances for you.

Looking for a job- portends the benefits received as a result of some unforeseen enterprise.

Stay in a dream without a job- promises you a fearless attitude to future difficulties: your optimism will be based on faith in your own strength, in your ability to work.

If you dream that you entrust your work to another- sleep means trouble at work.

If a woman sees that she has entered someone's housework- this portends a long joyless work, for which she will sacrifice time and pleasures.

Freud's dream book

Any job that requires physical effort- is a symbolic image of sexual intercourse.

If the work does not achieve the result or the goal- the dreamer is tormented by fears about fading potency or lack of erection.

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

If a girl or woman dreams that she has become a housekeeper- this means that she will have to give up her personal life because of the hard work that she has to do.

Aesop's dream book

Everything in your dreams is related to work- can be associated with sayings: “Work is not a wolf, it won’t run away into the forest”, “You can’t recycle all the work”, “You can’t even catch a fish from a pond without labor”, “Who doesn’t work doesn’t eat”.

If in a dream you are looking for a job- this indicates your dissatisfaction with your financial situation or your duties in the service, even if you are not aware of this, your subconscious mind sends you a signal in the form of this dream.

In a dream, write a statement and quit your job- this dream suggests that you lack the determination to take some important step, so in the near future you will experience a period of reflection and doubt.

If you get fired from your job- in reality you have to work hard to earn the respect of others and gain a foothold in your place, to prove your worth as a professional.

Work outside your specialty- a test awaits you, which you will pass with honor, as a result of which you will prove yourself as a reliable partner and responsible person.

If you dreamed that you were being promoted- this dream portends disappointment and resentment in the near future, because you have hopes that cannot be fulfilled in this period.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Work in a dream if the work is arguable and brings satisfaction- portends you success and elation.

Hard, joyless work- a sign of wasted efforts. Perhaps in reality you are not doing your own business or are taking up business from the wrong end.

Lose your job in a dream- a sign of mistakes made that may cast doubt on the result of all your work and efforts.

Argue in a dream about work- a harbinger of failures and conflicts with competitors.

New family dream book

If in a dream you are hard work- in reality you will achieve a well-deserved success.

Seen others at work- means the circumstances will be very encouraging.

looking for a job- you are waiting for some unforeseen and profitable enterprise.

Lost your job- be fearless in the face of difficulties. Faith in success and in your own strength will help you.

Outsource your work to someone else- ahead of trouble in the service.

Modern combined dream book

If you dream that you are working hard- in real life, fully concentrating on some business, you will succeed.

See others at work- means a promising environment.

Looking for a job- a sign that in reality the case will help you get rich.

Eastern female dream book

A dream in which you work hard- warns: in order to succeed, you will have to make a lot of effort.

If you dream about how others work- An interesting conversation awaits you.

I dreamed that you were looking for a job- do not miss the chance to get rich.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Work- a reflection of the desire for action (also the need for action). Reflection of the desire to prove oneself (also an opportunity)

Endless ("Sisyphean Labor")- a reflection of the fear of failure (also a reflection of the futility of the activity).

It is necessary to distinguish between activity (which is from the mind and almost always a waste of energy) and actions from the mind or intuitive spontaneous actions that bring Force. It is necessary to act less (especially imitate the action), and do more.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Dream about your work- you will be recognized at work with gratitude.

Hiring in a dream- to a good job.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, December

Work- you will not be able to work because you will get sick, when you get better- your place will be taken.

Settle in a dream to someone for hire- get addicted to someone.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Stay at your regular job- to a reprimand from superiors or to some kind of trouble associated with your work.

Hiring to apply for a job- to a lawsuit.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

The dream in which you get a job- says that in any case, you must remain true to your beliefs and only then will you find success.

Hard work- in reality, show disagreement and obstinacy, provoking the wrath of people who can ruin your entire career.

Be late for work- means that in reality do not keep this word, walk during work hours- you will be overlooked.

take time off- get into an unpleasant situation.

Women's dream book

If in a dream you worked hard- this means that if you concentrate all your energy in the right direction, you will definitely achieve well-deserved success.

See others at work- portends a favorable set of circumstances for you.

If in a dream you entrust your work to someone else- possible trouble in the service.

If a woman dreams that she has entered someone's housework- this portends her a long, joyless work, taking away all her time and strength.

Looking for a job in a dream- to benefit as a result of some unexpected enterprise.

Stay unemployed- indicates your fearless attitude to the upcoming difficulties: your optimism is based on faith in your own strength, in your ability to work.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Lose your job in a dream- means that in reality you may expect trouble in your personal life or in relationships with your loved one; dream of being unemployed- means to fail in a business on which you had high hopes; look for a job in a dream- to unexpected income; delegate one's work to another- to trouble in the service.

Working hard in your sleep- to well-deserved success, new beginnings.

Dream about how others work- a sign that you will have hope for a favorable course of affairs; if the employees are men- This is a sign of successful work or good health.

A woman to see herself as a housekeeper- predict! boring work for which she will sacrifice time and pleasure.

Medieval dream book of Daniel

Get a position- to joy.

Do work- to difficulties.

To work in the garden- for pleasure.

Modern universal dream book

And who just came up with the job? In the moments when we enjoy life, someone always strives to send a bill, and you have to pay it!

What kind of work do you do in your sleep? If this is a new activity for you- Perhaps you should change your place of work or occupation?

Work- is associated with obligations, so correlate this with the obligations that you have in real life. Work also symbolizes self-expression: it is a way to express yourself in life.

If work has just such a meaning in your dream- Pay attention to the feelings you are experiencing. This will help you understand whether you are on the right path in your professional life or not.

Work provides a livelihood, so your work Is it just a way to earn a living?

Dream interpretation of a gypsy

Dreaming of working in your position- you feel pride and satisfaction. But if in a dream you are very unhappy and restless, this is a warning that you are overworked. You need to take a vacation or take up a hobby that is fundamentally different from work.

If you dream that you are losing your job- this reflects a loss of confidence, a sense of security. Perhaps you have to go through the loss of a loved one or home.

If in a dream they help you in moving up the corporate ladder- you are confident in your abilities and in reality you are also waiting for a promotion or a salary increase.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Work- well-being; entrust your work to someone- illness, dismissal; - luck; working- wealth.

Collection of dream books

Work- to trouble.


Dream Interpretation Job Change

What is the dream of changing Work in a dream from a dream book?

Change jobs in a dream - to increase self-confidence. The competence of the dreamer is not in doubt among the current leadership, which means that nothing threatens his position.

Also, the plot about changing jobs can symbolize subconscious fatigue from the current profession. It is possible that you need a vacation with family and friends or even a new activity.


Dream Interpretation Work

Work, Work, Job Change

What is the dream of the plot Working in a dream? Does such a dream mean that your Work haunts you even in a dream? Dream Interpretations do not consider such dreams prophetic and fateful and give them rather a psychological meaning. For example, a job change that you dreamed about does not mean at all that this is exactly what awaits you in reality. But, As the Dream Interpretations say, Such a vision shows your hidden dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs.

Work in your sleep- in order to realize your plans, you have to work hard and hard.

Such a dream, First of all, can visit a person who, in reality, has gone headlong into work and cannot think of anything, Except, As soon as about her. At present, nothing worries you as much as the end result of your professional activities (this may be a temporary emergency, the need to meet deadlines, etc.). Hard work and responsibility are excellent qualities. But here is a complete immersion in business, Experiences only about them (without the opportunity to fully relax and be distracted) - an extremely dangerous state, And above all, personally for your health! Try to relax and think about something else. Save your strength, you will still need it very much.

Working in a dream, Seeing other people's work in a dream, Work is enjoyable- a favorable combination of circumstances for you; profit, success.

Working in a dream, Seeing other people's work in a dream, Work is not enjoyable, Tiring your efforts will be in vain.

Such dreams indicate the real state of affairs in your professional activities. The work that argues in a dream, And in reality it will turn out to be quite doable and pleasant. And vice versa - tired of working in a dream, Take it as a signal of the subconscious. You probably perceive your specific actions in reality as useless, empty, ineffective. Or you do not fully understand (and realize) what exactly should be the logical result of efforts on your part. Work is not always joyful, But any hard work should have a specific goal - think about it.

To dream that you have changed jobs- promising proposal; otherwise - dissatisfaction with the current state of their finances.

Most likely, the dream is provoked by the work of your subconscious. Even if you are afraid to honestly admit to yourself that your business is not going uphill at the moment, you realize that you are not receiving proper payment for your work. Subconsciously you reconcile yourself to a new position, Trying to imagine what will happen If you completely change your professional field. Perhaps, it is really time to put the question "edge" and decide something once and for all regarding the burdensome and low-paid work for you.


Found a job

Dream Interpretation Found a job dreamed of why in a dream Found a job? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream. Found a job by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Work, labor

Dream Interpretation - Work

Dream Interpretation - Work

Dream Interpretation - Work

Dream Interpretation - Work

Dream Interpretation - Work

Dream Interpretation - Work

The dream in which you see the coordinated work of other people has the same meaning.

Such dreams suggest that in the near future your affairs and relationships with others will develop successfully.

Dream Interpretation - Work

Lose your job - you may expect trouble in your personal life or in relationships with your loved one.

To be unemployed is to fail in a business that you had high hopes for.

Looking for a job is an unexpected income.

Entrusting your work to another - to trouble in the service.

Hard work - to well-deserved success, new beginnings.

Others dreamed of working - you will have hope for a favorable course of affairs.

Dream Interpretation - Work

The dream in which you get a job suggests that in any case, you must remain true to your beliefs and only then will you find success. Hard work - show disagreement and obstinacy in reality, provoking the wrath of people who can ruin your entire career. Being late for work means that in reality you don’t keep your word, truant during working hours - you will be ignored. Take a day off - you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation.


Get a new job

Dream Interpretation Get a new job dreamed of why in a dream to get a new job? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream about getting a new job by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Work, labor

Everything that is connected with work in your dreams can be associated with sayings: “Work is not a wolf, it won’t run away into the forest”, “You can’t recycle all the work”, “You can’t even catch a fish from a pond without labor”, “He who doesn’t work, he doesn't eat."

If in a dream you are looking for a job, then this indicates your dissatisfaction with your financial situation or your duties in the service, even if you are not aware of this, your subconscious sends you a signal in the form of this dream.

In a dream, write a statement and quit your job - this dream suggests that you lack the determination to take some important step, so in the near future you will experience a period of reflection and doubt.

If you are fired from your job, then in reality you have to work hard to earn the respect of others and gain a foothold in your place, to prove your worth as a professional.

To work not in your specialty - a test awaits you, which you will pass with honor, as a result of which you will establish yourself as a reliable partner and responsible person.

If you dreamed that you were being promoted, then this dream foreshadows disappointment and resentment in the near future, because you have hopes that cannot be fulfilled in this period.

Dream Interpretation - Work

Work in a dream - good sign. The dream promises stability and well-deserved well-being.

Seeing yourself in your own workplace - the authorities will thank you for your conscientious work. Perhaps you will be given a little vacation.

If in a dream you worked hard, it means that your efforts will be crowned with success. To see how others work - share the joy of your friends. Join their work - you and your friends will be able to get rich.

Looking for a job in a dream and finding it - you will do a profitable business. If you dreamed that you could not find a job in any way, this means that the fulfillment of desires is not yet possible.

In this case, imagine that your best friend puts you in a good place.

If you entrusted your work to someone, and you yourself went to rest, this means that in reality they can sit you down.

Imagine that you yourself have done all your work and only then allowed yourself a little rest.

If you do work for someone, it means that you will be offered a promotion or a pay increase.

You can work out a dream about work in a universal way if you imagine that you work with joy, work adds strength to you.

Dream Interpretation - Work

If you do some work in a dream, good luck awaits you in reality.

Hard work - to achieve great success in business.

To see others at work is to wealth.

Looking for a job is an unexpected benefit.

Reassign your work - to trouble in the service.

Staying unemployed - to resilience in the face of life's difficulties.

Working at home or in the country - to financial difficulties.

In a dream, to work at your former workplace is to achieve success in a new place of work and prosperity in reality.

Dream Interpretation - Something new

Dream Interpretation - Work

To dream that you are working hard means that you will achieve well-deserved success by concentrating all your energy on this.

Seeing others at work portends hopeful circumstances for you.

Looking for a job - portends the benefits received as a result of some unforeseen enterprise.

To remain without work in a dream - promises you a fearless attitude to future difficulties: your optimism will be based on faith in your own strength, in your ability to work.

If you dream that you entrust your work to another, the dream means trouble at work.

If a woman sees that she has entered someone's housework, this portends a long joyless work for which she will sacrifice time and pleasures.

Dream Interpretation - New Year

Dream Interpretation - Work

If you dream that you have lost your job, then soon you will be very scared of the coming changes. Change can be good or bad. It depends on a detailed consideration of the symbols of your dream.

Doing hard work in a dream is a sign of great trouble, need, poverty. If in a dream you do not quit this job or something does not change before you wake up, then you will have a long period of failure. But if in a dream you take up work that you like or see that your business is arguing, then in the near future you can count on favorable changes in your destiny. A dream in which you saw that another person is doing your work, then soon you will have to meet with troubles in the service. Sometimes such a dream indicates that failures in business and disappointment await you.

Active work in a dream portends the successful promotion of your business.

Being an employer in a dream means that you will soon have to make an important decision on which the well-being of other people will depend. Such a dream indicates to you your responsibility for the fate of other people.

Dream Interpretation - Work and the number eight

If you dream that you spend eight hours a day at work, then this indicates that you do not want changes in your personal life in reality, but they happen against your will. If in a dream the very fact of the need to work 8 hours a day depresses you, then in reality after 8 days you will come to terms with the fact that everything in life is changing and accept what is happening. But if you rejoice that 8 hours of your day is devoted to work, then in life you will never be able to accept changes with your heart, because, in your opinion, they bring nothing but pain and fear with them.

If you dream that you are offered a job, and you refuse it, because an eight-hour working day seems tiring to you, then this is fortunately in family life. If the newlyweds have this dream, then this indicates that their life together will be joyful and full of love.

Dream Interpretation - Work

If in a dream you were doing hard work, then in reality you will achieve well-deserved success.

We saw others at work - which means that the circumstances will turn out to be very encouraging.

We were looking for a job - some unforeseen and profitable enterprise awaits you.

Lost your job - you will be fearless about difficulties. Faith in success and in your own strength will help you.

They entrusted their work to someone else - ahead of trouble in the service.

Dream Interpretation - Work

If the work is argued and brings satisfaction: portends you success and spiritual uplift.

The dream in which you see the coordinated work of other people has the same meaning.

Such dreams suggest that in the near future your affairs and relationships with others will develop successfully.

Hard, joyless work: a sign of wasted efforts. Perhaps in reality you are not doing your own business or are taking up business from the wrong end.

Lose your job: a sign of mistakes made that may cast doubt on the result of all your work and efforts.

Arguing about work: a harbinger of failure and conflict with competitors.


Found a new job

Dream Interpretation Found a new job dreamed of why in a dream Found a new job? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream. I found a new job by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Work, labor

Everything that is connected with work in your dreams can be associated with sayings: “Work is not a wolf, it won’t run away into the forest”, “You can’t recycle all the work”, “You can’t even catch a fish from a pond without labor”, “He who doesn’t work, he doesn't eat."

If in a dream you are looking for a job, then this indicates your dissatisfaction with your financial situation or your duties in the service, even if you are not aware of this, your subconscious sends you a signal in the form of this dream.

In a dream, write a statement and quit your job - this dream suggests that you lack the determination to take some important step, so in the near future you will experience a period of reflection and doubt.

If you are fired from your job, then in reality you have to work hard to earn the respect of others and gain a foothold in your place, to prove your worth as a professional.

To work not in your specialty - a test awaits you, which you will pass with honor, as a result of which you will establish yourself as a reliable partner and responsible person.

If you dreamed that you were being promoted, then this dream foreshadows disappointment and resentment in the near future, because you have hopes that cannot be fulfilled in this period.

Dream Interpretation - Work

Working in a dream is a good sign. The dream promises stability and well-deserved well-being.

Seeing yourself in your own workplace - the authorities will thank you for your conscientious work. Perhaps you will be given a little vacation.

If in a dream you worked hard, it means that your efforts will be crowned with success. To see how others work - share the joy of your friends. Join their work - you and your friends will be able to get rich.

Looking for a job in a dream and finding it - you will do a profitable business. If you dreamed that you could not find a job in any way, this means that the fulfillment of desires is not yet possible.

In this case, imagine that your best friend is giving you a good job.

If you entrusted your work to someone, and you yourself went to rest, this means that in reality they can sit you down.

Imagine that you yourself have done all your work and only then allowed yourself a little rest.

If you do work for someone, it means that you will be offered a promotion or a pay increase.

You can work out a dream about work in a universal way if you imagine that you work with joy, work adds strength to you.

Dream Interpretation - Work

If you do some work in a dream, good luck awaits you in reality.

Hard work - to achieve great success in business.

To see others at work is to wealth.

Looking for a job is an unexpected benefit.

Reassign your work - to trouble in the service.

Staying unemployed - to resilience in the face of life's difficulties.

Working at home or in the country - to financial difficulties.

In a dream, to work at your former workplace is to achieve success in a new place of work and prosperity in reality.

Dream Interpretation - Something new

Changing doors to new ones is the birth of a noble offspring.

Watching a new banner being made is a great happiness.

Putting on a new robe is a new wife.

New grave - portends deliverance from anxiety.

Newborn son or daughter - portends great happiness.

New curtains, curtains - portend a good wife.

New coffin - predicts getting rid of anxiety.

rebuilt bridge - portends a great coincidence.

Opening new gates - wealth, nobility.

To move to a new house belonging to another person is fortunately.

fold, collect new clothes- there will be various adversities, failures.

Dream Interpretation - Work

To dream that you are working hard means that you will achieve well-deserved success by concentrating all your energy on this.

Seeing others at work portends hopeful circumstances for you.

Looking for a job - portends the benefits received as a result of some unforeseen enterprise.

To remain without work in a dream - promises you a fearless attitude to future difficulties: your optimism will be based on faith in your own strength, in your ability to work.

If you dream that you entrust your work to another, the dream means trouble at work.

If a woman sees that she has entered someone's housework, this portends a long joyless work for which she will sacrifice time and pleasures.

Dream Interpretation - New Year

To meet him in a dream is a harbinger of new, profitable business or new happiness.

A dream about the New Year is always favorable and predicts new impressions, hopes, new happiness, new successes. Such a dream often portends the fulfillment of a desire. If, after such a dream, you woke up in a gloomy mood, then domestic squabbles and troubles await you. See interpretation: Christmas tree.

Dream Interpretation - Work

If you dream that you have lost your job, then soon you will be very scared of the coming changes. Change can be good or bad. It depends on a detailed consideration of the symbols of your dream.

Doing hard work in a dream is a sign of great trouble, need, poverty. If in a dream you do not quit this job or something does not change before you wake up, then you will have a long period of failure. But if in a dream you take up work that you like or see that your business is arguing, then in the near future you can count on favorable changes in your destiny. A dream in which you saw that another person is doing your work, then soon you will have to meet with troubles in the service. Sometimes such a dream indicates that failures in business and disappointment await you.

Active work in a dream portends the successful promotion of your business.

Being an employer in a dream means that you will soon have to make an important decision on which the well-being of other people will depend. Such a dream indicates to you your responsibility for the fate of other people.

Dream Interpretation - Work and the number eight

If you dream that you spend eight hours a day at work, then this indicates that you do not want changes in your personal life in reality, but they happen against your will. If in a dream the very fact of the need to work 8 hours a day depresses you, then in reality after 8 days you will come to terms with the fact that everything in life is changing and accept what is happening. But if you rejoice that 8 hours of your day is devoted to work, then in life you will never be able to accept changes with your heart, because, in your opinion, they bring nothing but pain and fear with them.

If you dream that you are offered a job, and you refuse it, because an eight-hour working day seems tiring to you, then this is fortunately in family life. If the newlyweds have this dream, then this indicates that their life together will be joyful and full of love.

Dream Interpretation - Work

If in a dream you were doing hard work, then in reality you will achieve well-deserved success.

We saw others at work - which means that the circumstances will turn out to be very encouraging.

We were looking for a job - some unforeseen and profitable enterprise awaits you.

Lost your job - you will be fearless about difficulties. Faith in success and in your own strength will help you.

They entrusted their work to someone else - ahead of trouble in the service.

Dream Interpretation - Work

If the work is argued and brings satisfaction: portends you success and spiritual uplift.

The dream in which you see the coordinated work of other people has the same meaning.

Such dreams suggest that in the near future your affairs and relationships with others will develop successfully.

Hard, joyless work: a sign of wasted efforts. Perhaps in reality you are not doing your own business or are taking up business from the wrong end.

Lose your job: a sign of mistakes made that may cast doubt on the result of all your work and efforts.

Arguing about work: a harbinger of failure and conflict with competitors.




I dreamed that at work I was told that I no longer had a job. And on April 4, I dreamed that some unknown man dressed me in a transparent burgundy dress. What is it for?

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Zoya, perhaps the dream in which you were told that you were fired from work suggests that in reality there may be serious disagreements there.


I dream that I am at a new job. like a watchman in the ice palace. and I see: the door was closed for lunch and all the employees are going somewhere. and I'm behind everyone. and there they brought food and everyone can take it. everyone is picking up and I'm taking. They take all the pasta, and I take some exotic vegetables, the last one I took peeled onions. It seemed that everyone could take a certain amount for a certain amount, and as if they had this once a month, there was still some kind of fabric there. I clarified it was possible and it was to be taken, but I decided to take it later

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Natalia, perhaps the dream suggests that in reality you may find yourself in some unusual situation in which you can slightly enrich yourself.


For the second time in recent years, I have been dreaming that at my own work I am moving to another workplace, to another office, to another table.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Yaroslava, perhaps a dream about moving to another place at work, speaks of a change in the current position at the current workplace in reality, or is it your subconscious dreams.


I dreamed today that they called me from the place where I did my internship (I am a student), and they told me to go to work, I was already accepted and registered. And I got out :)
In reality, in practice, I liked it, and I would like to get this job. the only "but" - I'm still learning ... What could my dream mean ?!

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Elena, the dream most likely reflects your subconscious desire to be hired in reality.


I dreamed that I was at a new job, exactly the one that I wanted to work. What is it for?

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Elina, perhaps in the future, this work will be yours.


I'm waiting for a call about work and I’m dreaming that I was refused. Help, please, what is this for?

Julia Dream Interpretation:

ghoul, a dream in which you do not get a job, most likely just a product of your experiences.


I'm getting a job with a cat who quit ... .. everyone walks and asks with a smile, why? I smile and don’t know what to answer… in doubt whether I should or not I woke up…. what is it for?

Julia Dream Interpretation:

valery, probably, such a dream indicates that you are worried about the loss of this job.


I dreamed about my workplace and that I was looking for the missing tool that should not be there, what is it for?

Julia Dream Interpretation:

sergey, you are probably in for a period of minor troubles at work.


Good afternoon!
I dreamed that I didn’t go to work, although I should have (but I still have the second half of the day to go there and justify myself), I feel my delicate situation and think over possible consequences absenteeism.
But in a dream, the feeling does not leave me that most likely everything will work out, everything is somehow easy, as if in a fog.

What does this mean? Thank you.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Maria, what you dreamed probably means that you will have to choose between personal life and work.


Good afternoon!
Tell me, please, I had a dream from Saturday to Sunday, as if I was sitting at an interview without clothes, a man was sitting at the table in front of me and my classmate she was his assistant, and at school we were not friends with her and now we don’t communicate), in general , he gave me a task in mathematics, I solved it, and the man told me that everything was correct and they hired me. I was worried in my sleep, but I was glad.
In real life, I don’t work yet, and it doesn’t bother me much.
Thanks in advance.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Alina, the fact that you were without clothes probably means that you are embarrassed to get a job.



I dreamed that at the request of my director I hired electricians. Moreover, she invited me to interviews and the entire responsibility for the selection of such personnel fell on me.
Moreover, I accepted a very good electrician, but he asked for a salary, which surprised me. Moreover, I stipulated the amount several times more, and he himself set the condition that he would work if his salary was exactly 3200.
Why is this and why such a figure?

Julia Dream Interpretation:

tatyana, the fact that you selected workers in this dream most likely indicates that you will soon be responsible for someone's work.


Tell me, please, I dreamed of my director from my former job (I haven’t worked there for 3 years), asked me to return ... What does this mean?


Hello, I had a dream, as if I was at work, and my common-law husband was there, we hugged and kissed, he wanted to make love to me, but I was afraid that the authorities would see. I also sat and powdered my face, this my boss saw it and was unhappy with it. Why such a strange dream.


hello, I had a dream in which I got a job in which you don’t need to work - they just pay money there! What does it mean?


Hello! In a dream I saw an old place of work (the very first place where I worked 3 years ago in accounting). What is it for? Thank you.


I dreamed that I was carrying some documents for another job. They look and want to accept. They are looking for where to put me according to their schedules. I understand that I have a main job, where they pay more and have more time, I start to worry. I go out to call a friend (she walked with me) if she is ready to work now and what should we do. And I wake up without calling her. How to understand it?

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Such a dream, in which you were looking for additional income, most likely indicates that you may be faced with a lack of money.


Good evening. I dreamed that I met my classmate, and she told me that she was unemployed (although in reality she works). And I was surprised by this fact.


I’m on maternity leave, and I dreamed that I came to work with my husband, I work at the post office, all my colleagues are sitting at tables and doing their job, I leaned over the table and fell under it, and for some reason my husband went into the office to the boss for a salary, then went out and began to talk with my colleagues


last night I dreamed that I was interviewing for a good position as a personal assistant to the head of a company. she is an unpleasant woman, she interviews me herself. She obviously liked me and quickly makes a decision and offers me a job. I tell her that I need to think (since at the moment either I have a job, or there are other offers). Then she gets angry and changes her mind. what would that mean?

Julia Dream Interpretation:

The dream, in which there were such details of getting a job, most likely indicates that you can go through difficulties in this matter, make concessions.


I had a dream from Saturday to Sunday that I was hired to work in a brothel as a secretary and I came to work in a red dress, it made me so slim and so it went for me and there was a casting they took girls and guys to shoot and I just reassured that everything would work out that everything will be fine then they brought me some papers to print, I took them but never printed them. Then a young man came, also casting, I straightened the bed and I really liked him, I remember a kiss with him

Julia Dream Interpretation:

The dream in which you were employed in such a position most likely indicates that you may receive an offer of illegal earnings.

CHERRY 2011:

I see myself in the office, I see that the office is not yet fully functional - there is a female boss, another girl and I (like I got a job). The tables are still empty, we are just starting to work. And I see a stack of papers, I take them in their hands - and the sheets are written, I see that each line has a different handwriting. I understand that these people were interviewed, and each of those who came wrote a couple of lines about work, and since I see that there are a lot of such lines on one sheet, and a whole paper bale - I understand that those who want to work a lot in this office. And I am calm from the fact that I have already settled down without fighting for my place.
In real life, I don't work, I don't look for a job, and I don't think about it. Why?

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Your dream probably indicates that not all conditions are favorable for career growth yet.

A drop:

I enter the shopping center, very beautiful, made of glass. And I see a guy walking along the corridor (to whom I am not indifferent in real life) and he sees me, our eyes meet, I am glad that we saw each other and I understand that HE is here, and now and I'm here. (I must say, he lives abroad in real life). I move on purposefully, go into the office, just ask for something. And they offer me a job, and even abroad, I didn’t expect this. And I see how I’m already working there, strange, I myself am surprised that I got to such a place so quickly! And then the boss tells me that it will be necessary to control (and names the country and the place where this guy will actually marry in real life). Why?

Julia Dream Interpretation:

A dream of such a plan, most likely, indicates that you need to get rid of troubles, retire to rest.


Good evening!
Today I had a dream that I was driving in a car with a work colleague (in reality, he often drives me to work, from work), his driver's seat has armrests, like an office chair. I rested my hand on this armrest, and he removed my hand from the armrest, and shifted it to his belt, while looking into my eyes. And I woke up, as if from this look.
What could this dream mean?


Help me understand the dream. Repeats every other day.
Sleep - I'm driving in a car with a work colleague (in reality, he often gives me a lift to work, from work), his driver's seat has armrests, like an office chair. I rested my hand on this armrest, and he removed my hand from the armrest, and shifted it to his belt, while looking into my eyes. And I wake up really straight from this look.


Hello, I need your help because there is no explanation for such a dream in the dream books. It was told to me by my supervisor at work. She (in a dream) comes to work and finds out that I'm not there, starts asking the rest of the employees. Everyone answers her that I took a day off for 2 days when she first hears about it. What does this dream mean?

Thank you in advance for your response

Ennika1 2012:

Today I dreamed on February 1 that I found a job, at first I was at a job that I liked - in my former school I was like an organizer of creative events. I was in the assembly hall, on the stage (but I didn’t lead the holiday yet, it began, everyone just sat down in their places, noise and din all that)))) I was on the stage behind the curtain. Then for some reason I slipped a little, but it was dark and no one noticed it. Then I walk along the street of my city - not far from home, where we have a store. Previously, I already worked there as a seller, but then this magician. burned down, everything has changed, now there is another store in its place.
At the entrance (it’s dark, the weather is evening, it’s a little rainy in autumn, the lights are at the entrance to the store), I’m offered to go to work in this store (new, built on the site of a burned-out one) (I would have liked working in the new one more than in the one which was before). But even more I liked the work of the organizer at school. And in a dream ((I (((in my great regret, I exchanged my job at school for a job as a seller because they pay more for it. In addition, when I came to this store, I see - not the one that is new built, but inside it is the same one that I already worked in, many years ago, everything is the same as before, I like it less. If I wanted to go to that store, then only to the new one, and according to the old type, there is no desire to return. I started working there, but what he was like - unpromising, uninteresting, the relationship is not the same, they pay little, even the aunt is the same as she used to work in this store, we talked about something, like she said to me: “And you became older, smarter, now you are better suited to work in a magician, you used to be small, not at all. " the counter, the atmosphere - like when I worked there before. And on the palm of my hand, I wrote in large, block letters, I had a list of what to buy. 4 things. Hairpins, rubber bands for a child, a pen (which to write) home and something else.
Thanks in advance for your interpretation!


I had an interview yesterday. in the evening I dreamed that I did not pass. men were interviewing and in a dream the woman refused me and that I did not pass


I saw in a dream that the boss to several employees, including me, though I didn’t see the rest of the people (it seems people were unfamiliar), says that we were laid off due to the closure of the company. what does this dream mean.


I constantly have the same dream - that I am being transferred to another organization without my consent. And today, from Thursday to Friday, I dreamed that I was transferred, but not to another organization, but to another department, and, as always, I am very worried. Explain, please, what does this mean? Thank you in advance!


I dreamed that I was getting a job somewhere, they mocked me and didn’t want to take it, then they gave some sheets of paper and said learn the contents, I have a good memory, but for some reason at that moment I couldn’t remember and started to stutter, they smiled and accepted me to work, what does that mean?


I dreamed that I was transferred to work at another enterprise. The next morning I went by bus to a new place of work, I lost something, I don’t remember, then I found it. At the new job, I saw a familiar face from the previous place of work, that he was also transferred. The boss at a new job with an unfamiliar evil face immediately told me that I was fired. I asked how I offended him, in response I heard that nothing.


I dreamed that I was getting a job at Vodokanal. I am going through an interview and the HR department said that the salary is small, but there are many benefits. I decided that this kind of work does not suit me: I am already retired and may not work at all (this is true in real life as well). But now my son is unemployed. And I asked if he could get a job with them. I was told that he should come. My son is actually without work and is looking for her. I had a dream on the 28th lunar day. Thank you in advance.


I dreamed that I got a job as a waitress, but I had a bunch of other duties that did not correspond to my profile and employers assigned a lot of work, but I didn’t manage to do anything, it was very difficult. what is this for?


I dreamed that I came to a new job, and there they gave me some kind of prize (it was written on the box that it was a jeep). In a dream, I was very happy with my new job and went to the buffet for lunch and bought myself all the best to eat. In real life, I really want to change jobs, I already don’t have to work at the old


I want to line up for work, in a certain organization. That night I dreamed that I got a job, I dreamed of everything in great detail, even how happy I was with my job, and I also dreamed of a little gray kitten that played with me and scratched my legs.


Currently, I am working at a certain place of work from March 2012 to the present. Before that, I worked at another job, and I dreamed that I returned to my old job again, and was not very happy with this, or rather, very disappointed. What does it mean?


I dreamed that I was coming to a new job. They met me well there. Then I met with the CEO and we went for a walk around the city with him. We communicated very well, on the way he met his daughter and they talked about something, I waited and we went on.


I dreamed that I changed jobs, and dramatically. In real life, I work in the real estate industry, but in a dream I ended up in a new clinic, as part of a group of novice interns who came here for own will. Moreover, everyone around understands that we do not have a medical education, but this is considered normal, we are taught, prepared, practiced, etc. There is some kind of euphoria in me, I know that everything will work out, that I can do everything, but when I encounter my first patient, I understand that I don’t know anything! I can’t tell him anything, because I don’t understand anything about medicine at all! I apologize, I leave the office and start calling my colleagues on the cell, professional doctors, the same trainees, so that someone examined the patient, because he needs help! And I myself think that I am deceiving myself, this is not mine at all, and nothing will work out for me ... And with this thought I wake up. Can you please tell me what this dream means? He was very bright and lively.


I am currently not working. But I'm thinking about options that would suit me. I dream that I meet a man who runs an electronics store and in a dream it feels like this is my last chance to get a job. I asked him to hire me as a salesperson. And later we find ourselves in the same apartment, like a communal apartment. What does it mean?


I dreamed about a new job today, as if my friend and I were in a new place for the first day, where all the old employees present their reports in a creative way, some sketches, body movements, etc. But now it's lunch time, my friend runs away, I tell her wait for me, I need to get dressed, I'm getting dressed, my friend is already in the new dining room, and there is nothing there! Different dishes, salads, the truth is worth it pretty much. I choose mashed potatoes, go to the cashier, my friend tells me that she ate a thousand, and I think you’ll go broke spending so much on lunch. Feelings from sleep are strange, as if it was all in reality.


I dreamed that in a dream I had a fight with my husband, on this I started bleeding, and then at night I went into the dining room and asked for a job and that my daughter and I were given an overnight stay, the employees did not want, but the boss gave

[email protected]:

I dreamed that in one dream I managed to visit the school where I studied, my old job, and a date with an ex-boyfriend


I dreamed that the former boss offered to return to work and at the same time gave an envelope in which money, then called all the staff and introduced me. What is it for? I used to work there as an accountant.


I dreamed that the former boss offered to return to work and at the same time gave an envelope supposedly with money, then gathered staff to introduce me. What is it for?




I dreamed that I was first fired from my job, then they hired me again, but I didn’t agree with some condition, although it was clear from the dream that they were still hired back


I saw a desk at a former job with a powerful computer and office equipment (as if for me) I don’t work here in my sleep. After that, the chief engineer, the culprit of my dismissal, sees me off, encouraged by my return, I'm leaving for my current job, but I still don't get it…. what kind of dream help to understand


hello! I had a dream where I got a job. I remember badly. in a dream there were a lot of people, men and women. the dream is not colored. everything is almost in the dark


I dreamed that I went to work from where I quit with swearing two years ago. And I dreamed that I had a lot of money and I would pay off all my debts.


i got to the football field ... and there I got a call and they offered me a job for the company YUACITY as an Internet provider, and promised career growth
today, in a dream, my father did anything and I beat him with a shelf.
before that, two days ago, I dreamed of bread


In general, it’s as if I ended up at an old job, performing official duties, and I understand that I’m still working at the main one.


I had a dream from Thursday to Friday that they wanted to fire me. And they really sent a new employee, but I don’t know whose name it is. Although I work fine, I just don’t get along very well with one master.


Hello, I dreamed that I was at an interview in some organization, and then my mother’s friend called me and said: “if you don’t find a job, come to us, I’ll take you.” In reality, I want to change jobs.


i dreamed as if I was returning to my former job and they greeted me there with a chill, I enter into an excuse conversation and explain why I quit. I express to the person because of whom I quit in reality, everything with such anger that I can’t stop. in a dream I was tormented by doubts whether I was doing the right thing


I'm 16 and recently it occurred to me to find a job for the summer. So, on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday, I dreamed that I was hired as a waitress in a newly opened creative cafe (by the way, I always wanted to try working as a waitress). It was so cozy and from this cafe, literally a mile away, some kind of charisma, inspiration or something. In general, it was bright and like As a rule, very creative people gathered there. I remember everything very vaguely, but I remember that once I sat down at the piano and started playing, and then I was offered to work there as a pianist. Then I woke up.


A night later, I dream that I am again at my previous place of work. Because of this, I cry in a dream, I worry. And suddenly, in a dream, I remember that I have a job where I work now


Today I dreamed that I was changing jobs. And I remain working in the same organization, but in a different position. And this makes me happy in a dream, because in a new position I will not intersect with an employee with whom I do not have a very pleasant relationship, and at the same time this position scares me - will I cope. What does this mean?


I have been looking for a job for a long time, and after the holidays I will have an interview, and last night I dreamed that I had stopped preparing for the interview, because it was as if I had already been hired. I was wearing a black skirt and a white blouse. in the hands of some folders. it feels like I'm leaving the interview and as if I've already been hired.


I dreamed that I went to work in a store as a sales assistant, worked for two days, and was not even tired, I was happy, I talked with friends. then the dream changed, I met a guy, we decided to get married, but they tried to kill me, and they were animals, they said they were sent, but I don’t remember who. But as soon as they came, I climbed to a height (tree, bench, table). And then the alarm clock, and I woke up


my junior boss sends me to another job. Allegedly, I will already work there, but I don’t like this job. I was worried. But I like where I work now


I dreamed that I came to a friend at work. They sat there for a while and then left. Then we returned to her work again and my friends (from my work) were already sitting there, while they were having lunch. Her boss also seated me at the table and offered to dine with dumplings. Something like this. Oh, yes, the first time I went to her place of work, I went up to her in an elevator that got stuck and I had to get out on my own


I'm on maternity leave and want to go back to work. Today I had a dream about my first day after the decree at work. Everyone is happy to see me. I feel very comfortable. And I went to the director to report on one working issue. I went in beautifully dressed but for some reason in flip flops. And when I talked with him, I saw a peeled manicure. When I left he immediately wanted to put myself in order.


I work in a bookstore. Recently (about three months) I often have dreams related to my work. In a dream, there are quite a lot of visitors in our store. My colleagues and I are actively helping them pick up fairly large stacks of books and additional goods. (Although in reality, the work is often very stressful - the store is visited by a large number of buyers, often with large-scale goals). More often than others in a dream, I see my colleague, with whom at one time I rented an apartment together. In a dream, we don’t quarrel, we work together, at the same time we help people in choosing books, or she works with a client in the hall, and I release the purchase at the checkout, and vice versa, I bring the buyer to the checkout where my colleague makes a purchase. Sometimes a thought arises in a dream, then she, my colleague, works more efficiently than me and I need to tighten up in order to keep up. Other employees also appear: colleagues and the manager, but much less often. I don’t get tired of working in a dream, but seeing work during the day and so often at night is too much even for me. Maybe he is dreaming of something, this dream?


I dreamed that I returned to my old job and I had a lot of things to do urgently, and I dreamed of a man I knew, we used to work with him indirectly at this enterprise. and he says to me: I told you that you will never leave here, and I told him: I can’t quit the enterprise, I need to help the boss


I dreamed of a big kind brown bear, I hugged and fed him. And one more dream and drank tomato juice and drank all sat at work and there were a lot of young people around (young employees). (And I'm not working now, I'm looking for)


I dreamed that I unexpectedly found a job, I am a graduate student, despite the fact that the job was given by the new head of the company, although he himself had been in his position for 1 day, he came to get acquainted with the team, handed me 3 small locks interconnected and 2 bunches of keys


I dreamed that I found a second job and also got my mother to work there .... at first they didn’t want to take me, they said that all the places were occupied, but somehow I forced them to take me to work, and after a couple of minutes my mother ... .and they didn't mind...work was good...in some office...
Thanks in advance!


i dreamed that they told me that they had hired me, but they had not yet called from a new place of work. They said they would call in the next few days.


in general, so, I came to get a job, where once upon a time I did an internship, since then this company has changed a lot, and it seemed to me that it has become quite successful. Inside the building, everything was different from what I saw when I was doing my internship. So, I went in, there was a rectangular table in front of the house, a young pretty girl was sitting behind it, it immediately seemed to me that you should not put your finger in her mouth in a conversation, she seemed to me a little boorish, but within reason, from the first words of our conversation with her, we are not very got along. For some reason, she knew me, but I didn’t know her, and so impudently asked me: are you back to practice?
and her smile was so wicked. I answered that no, I actually came to get a job all the time, she immediately seemed to have swallowed her tongue, or broke off, so to speak. She immediately offered to take me to the director. Well, then we went word for word, she had already begun to giggle from my stories, a sickly sympathy and attraction became noticeable in her eyes, to be honest, this alerted me, I have a girlfriend, and I don’t change her, and when something like this happens in real life it just also worries me and I start to get lost and think over my every word, but oh well, let's return to this topic again. We got into the elevator, there were a couple of three people in it. But the elevator was so unusual that there are simply no words. Not only was it round, but it also rose, as it were, in a spiral. Here, out of nowhere, I have a rope in my hands, as it seemed to me that bales of bacon are rolled up with such a rope in Kalkhozes during the harvest. And while I was thinking about it, I myself did not notice how I wound it from this rope on my index finger right hand a couple of nodes. Then, sharply, this girl says raise her legs, I think to what kind of obor? I look in short, and all the passengers took hold of the handrail that was attached to the wall of the elevator, and, in general, hung on it above the floor, I repeated everything, and in the same instant, even everything happened faster than a moment, the floor of the elevator disappeared somewhere! And the elevator shaft was visible, there were some incomprehensible pipes, but the most important thing I realized that if I had even hesitated a little with raising my legs from the floor, then my leg, by the way, also right, would have been squeezed between the lower side of the elevator and one of these wonderful incomprehensible pipes . And it seemed to me that I was shod in safety shoes. And I didn’t have time to watch how I almost lost my leg, how the rope that was wound around my finger, in addition, wrapped itself around one of the pipes in some way! and began to pull me by the finger! I did not give up until the last moment in an attempt to untie the knots on my finger, it even seemed to have almost untied, but due to the fact that the elevator was moving in a spiral, the knots were tied again, then I woke up, realized that this was a dream, almost immediately fell asleep again, and returned to this it's a dream! Only we had already left the elevator by that moment, I didn’t pay attention to the finger, everything seemed to be in order, and we were already moving up the stairs but down. Here this girl is screaming, well, not quite screaming, she’s just like on a nix, the director is coming! You can’t be here, you don’t have a pass, grabbed my wrist and we ran up the stairs. We went out to some kind of attic, and witnessed how some serious men were solving questions about supplies, sort of like weapons, among these men there was one from my current job, and he recognized me, and he says, damn it, you didn’t sit at work, you have to was to slip. They grabbed us and wanted to shoot us, then they asked what I was actually doing here, I answered as it was, I came to get a new job, then the same director from whom we ran away appeared, said to let go. Something else happened but for some reason I don't remember. Here the cut is not big and I’m already kind of working in this company, I’m sitting in a change house, and for some reason on the bed, then some guy comes to me, I kind of didn’t meet him anywhere in my life, but in a dream I talked as if all my life I worked with him, Well, we’re chatting and then beauty crawls through the crack in the floor with such a hard loud noise, I scream beauty! We must extinguish it! And the walls in the change house were upholstered with plywood, and from the fact that the change house stood in one place for a long time, the sheets of plywood were shattered and went in waves, the rat naturally heard me, and the impression that it also understood. She darted into the plywood wave, and I was wearing a thick and dense quilted jacket, and this rat somehow ended up in my collar! But the man saved me, he pulled it out and knocked it with a metal club, the rat issued a pre-death kliya for help and a second one appeared. But then I find myself lying on some kind of sofa in my hand, there was a phone, and that girl was lying behind her back and kept crying, to me, I didn’t know how to get off her, and then an SMS comes from my girlfriend, something like how are you or are you where or what you do, I don’t remember, and I’m burning leave me alone, give me an answer, this is my girlfriend, by the way, she blurted out something to me in response, I tried to concentrate all my attention on SMS, and I answer you enough and the fact that I kissed you, well, kissed her after these words, he began to write an answer to SMS, and turned away, by the way, the sofa was folded into a mode not for lying, but for sitting, and there was not enough space, and she stubbornly climbed on me and her right where was clamped by the bend of her elbow, this started me at first excite, even squeezed a little, but then quickly cooled down and finished writing SMS and finally woke up.

I apologize for grammatical and punctuation errors


Dreamed of previous work. I was invited to a corporate party. I stand in their office, they ask me how things are going, they ask me to help with something. And they give a salary, but not all but partially. I'm surprised but I'm pleased in a dream. Throughout the dream, I feel the presence of other employees, but I definitely see and communicate only with the accountant and the director. The dream is broken. Had a dream on the night of Mon to Tue, 05/27/2014


at first of my sleep, I came to an old job and they took me to work, and then I found myself at some construction site and in some warehouse where I found a lot of useful things for myself and it was at night and when I got a job it was day and as far as I remember the dream was colored ... …..thanks in advance for your reply…..


I dreamed of a boss who, in reality, offered me a dismissal at my last job. In a dream, we talked, and she offered to continue working, explained why she suggested that I quit, telling a completely incredible story (supposedly because I was constantly seen talking with a male colleague ... jealousy). At the time of dismissal in reality, she referred to that the management is not satisfied with the quality and speed of my work, (it was in the middle probationary period and I had to delve into everything on my own, since there was no special advice and help to expect from anyone, I tried as best I could, every day I sat up to 7-9 hours, went out on weekends and of course there were some misses, mistakes ...) In a dream, I agreed come back and try again…it was a good feeling. Now I am actively looking for a job, but for the third month nothing, absolutely nothing comes across ...


At the moment, I'm looking for a job, I went through a series of interviews in one good company Now I'm waiting for an answer this week whether they take me or not. today I dream that they take me to this place where I want to go, the dream was short, but very clear, I remember everything.


A month ago I was asked from work, and today I saw in a dream that they were inviting me again, but somehow I was not very happy in my dream.


Good afternoon!. I dreamed that we were on some kind of ship or ship, but it also looked like land at the same time. somehow I find myself in the sea, it is calm, clean .. and then someone like a whale picks me up, I sit in his open mouth, as it were, and rolls around the sea. having rolled, he brings me back to this ship, where I climb. and then from the side I watch the beginning of the storm. I don’t seem to be going anywhere, but I see that the bridge, along which you can get to the other side, is flooded with waves and I think that if I needed to, then I would have to run along it so that it doesn’t blow away. and once again I dreamed of my old job, which I only go to when I'm on vacation. I know for sure that the vacation will end and I will return to the job where I work now. What would all this mean? Thank you.


work in entertainment center but is now on vacation. I dreamed that Alla Borisovnaya repeatedly visited our institution, with a somewhat inadequate search for entertainment. two Russian artists, one playing the role of a jester, and the other the head of security. after another venture, suspicions of theft arose, and a personal search followed, which I endured with patience and without visible discontent. this served as a job


I dreamed that they decided to repaint the floors in the office of subordinates, and move them to another office for this time. They opened that office, and there were a lot of tables, there was dust on them, I wiped it. And there were tables there, better than in the first office, and we began to choose which of them can be changed.


I dreamed that the colleagues with whom I previously worked refuse to work with me, scream and accuse me of something, but I don’t know what?


I had a dream about work. I counted the results of the documents, put them in a separate folder and was going to hand over the reporting of the documents to the boss! Only the third time passed, because I woke up 3 times at night! And then there was an intimate day in a dream between me and my girlfriend and then I wake up!


I dream that I came somewhere (like to my place of work), in real life this place does not exist. I look at a small building standing near the sea itself, and the waves reach its walls on the right side (I think that more a little time will pass, we will be washed away by waves along with this building) On the left side there is a large University. I read a sign on it: “University of Economics” and say: “Before, it was not here. I calculate something, figure it out and say that it was built quite quickly, literally in a month! Some building boards are blocking the entrance to my store, I ask the workers (who built this university) to remove them. They clean up, I go in. This is a stationery store (now I work in such a store in real life). But in a dream it is my own store. I start cleaning, sweeping, dusting, etc. In a dream, I’m kind of just going to open (it’s not clear I bought this store or rented it, or something, but there was already a product in it) Inside my store dilapidated, and looks more like someone's former apartment than a retail office space. It is rather dirty in it, I swept out a lot of dust and debris. The first buyers came in, stepped over this garbage (having reacted quite normally), I sold something to them, they left satisfied and happy. I continue cleaning. Girls are sitting on the sofa (with my real work employees) look at me. I tell them smiling, jokingly: See how your director works? They are smiling. I go to a closet that looks like a kitchen cabinet, with a lot of drawers, and I hear a rustle in it. I begin to quickly pull out all the boxes (there were a lot of them), look for a mouse .... Then I dreamed something else, but I don’t remember, I only remember what I thought in a dream: “It’s good that this university was built nearby, students always need an office!”


I dreamed that I finally got the job that I wanted - a photographer! I was given a salary and I was delighted. It was so real that in the morning I was upset that I didn’t have this job (


I myself am from Moldova, before, yes, I was in Russia 2 times, i.e. 2013-2014 year. Now here’s the dream itself: As if I again went to Russia Arkhangelsk to work with my brother, uh (I had this dream 2 times in half a year, 1 dream of almost the same content was like I went 2 times to Russia and regretted that I went because there they seemed to treat me badly, i.e. with disrespect. This dream had a dream around January before leaving. And now, in fact, the 2nd dream is almost the same as the one I had yesterday, i.e. from 28.06 to 29.06. How I said that I was treated badly I somehow went there again 3 times (although in reality I was only 2 times) and to my surprise they were glad that I came to work with them, but again I regretted that I came. can it be? Or is it just that I miss this city of Arkhangelsk in a dream? I just don’t even miss it in reality.


I dreamed that I changed my job to a more relaxed and highly paid one. The new place of work has a pool with big fish, but the water is blue and almost clear, and I swam in the pool. Then they brought some grandmother, who is unconscious and cockroaches are pouring from her. In general, after sleep, an anxious feeling.


I came to get a job in the direction of the employment service, but hurried to say that they wrote a refusal. And then she changed her mind and told the employer to show what the work is connected with. I liked this job and I insisted to stay there to work, but I was not told no no no yes. And they also treated me to a cake, I ate it. I also bought a vampire magazine for my child there.


Well, I was fired not long ago, or here I am walking down the street and there the hostess is sitting in the car and telling me to come here, then and in the end I realized that I was taken back to work for the same one.


Well, in general, the dream was like I was working in a structure in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and, as it were, had a fight with a senior comrade! like that and all what is it for?


I dreamed about my previous work that I returned there, and in a dream I was glad, although in reality there is no such intention and desire.


I had a dream that I was going through an interview with the head of the enterprise, he asked if I was a good person, and asked one more question, but I don’t remember, it seems to be normal, then I also talked with a woman next to me in the office of the head of the financial department, a lover to talk seems not bad, no one none of them promised me anything


I dreamed that the former leader gathered employees from the previous place of work and the current one and offers to return, but not to everyone, but selectively. I was offered to return to my competitor from a previous job, while he suggested that we talk about the formation of the team later.


Hello! Today I dreamed that I came to my former job and tried to get a job, I saw a lot of people there taking some kind of test and only one former employee, and the rest are all people who don’t know a couple of times, for some reason my nails broke in my hands, either on one finger or on the other and all I woke up…….. nov I am not working at the moment


I had a dream that I was at work and my cousin was with me, supposedly he replaced one of the employees for one day, then the phone rang, I picked up the phone and there the girl screamed for help and the dream ended


Hello. I dreamed that I came to get a job and they accepted me. I was glad that the work was close to home. Thanks


i dreamed that on the first day I went to work after my vacation (now I’m on vacation), it turned out that on the first day, without warning me, the authorities scheduled a major event, and everything went wrong on it, I had to urgently look for a way out out of position, instead of my student, to complete her task, which she failed, and also in a dream there was a disgruntled director of our university.


From Thursday to Friday, in one dream, I dreamed of all my 5 managers from my previous job. (Recently, she left of her own free will). I dreamed that one insisted that I leave earlier, the other leader danced with me and complimented me


I dreamed from Thursday to Friday all my five former leaders from a previous job. Moreover, that one offers to stay and not leave, the other is not happy with this, the third dances with me and compliments me, the fourth insists that I leave not on the 10th, but on the 25th (half a month earlier) ....


for a long time I can’t get a job, today I dreamed that I was hired and I was very happy about this in a dream because I wanted to work there


I often have the same dream that I return to my old job, against my will, afraid to refuse. Although I really like the new one with a free schedule and opportunities. Why am I dreaming about this?


I was going somewhere I don’t remember where, and for some reason I went to the company I want to get a job with now .. and they immediately hired me ... but then when I was already in the yard, I met a friend ... and she says that this job is generally not very good ... Why would it all?


i dreamed that a close person called me and said that my business had burned down (there was a fire) when I drove up my loved one stood on the porch and said that everything inside burned down to the question that something could be done, said that everything happened very quickly and unexpectedly


I have a dream a couple of times that I’m returning to my previous job. That they offer me to work for them and I go to work. I work as a seller in a store. I quit 3 months ago. Help me figure out what this can mean.


I dreamed of working as a massage therapist, whom I previously worked for now, due to circumstances I don’t work, and I dreamed that I was torn between several clients.


was at work and resolved the issue of dismissal and employment for a new one Called my sister and found out the advantages of a new job


Hello, Tatyana! My dream: I saw a meeting of shareholders. After the meeting, I spoke with Vitaliev, the main representative of the owner. At the meeting, he decided to open a banking business on his own. I asked him to take me to work. He held my hands and was very friendly. I don't remember his answer. Thank you.


I dreamed that I came to my former job, from where I was laid off. I talked to the head of personnel and he sent me to his girls to draw up documents.


i dreamed that I started skipping school and working for no reason, but the robot was not legal to collect money from people and take a percentage for myself


they came and asked me to accept the post office where I went to reality as a student but didn’t fit the boss, and in a dream she asks to accept the job because there is no one to work


I dreamed of a former job, where I went to see how they work, what they do, to the questions of the guys, I answered that everything is fine with me, here I am in passing, although in fact I am unemployed


Good afternoon, Tatyana! I dreamed that I was at the workplace in a familiar environment. Then the door opens and the chief enters. Informs that a profit has been received from the client to the account of the organization. That's actually all I remember.


In a dream, he cursed with his buchlalter, proved his case, and in the end, after long disputes (loud, screaming, with gestures), he proved his interests.


I dreamed that I was kissed by the boss whom I encounter at work. Very passionately, with the words how sweet your lips are. After that, she saw her bare chest, to which he reached out with his lips and squeezed his hand.


I want to get back to the job I left two years ago. But I’m very worried and I had a dream: I came, I clearly see everyone, I talk as if in reality, they talked to me and offered me another position, but I refused, I wanted to leave, but it doesn’t work, they stop me and they offer something and so the whole dream. Tell me what it's for. Thank you.


Hello! I dreamed that my dad got a call and was called to work, and maybe he couldn’t find her for a long time, everyone was very happy and congratulated him


I saw factories, workshops, roads - for some reason, in a dream, all this was connected with my work (although I work in a completely different area). There were some problems and everything was very hectic and tense. And at the end I dreamed of a house and I could not light the gas in it and was very afraid that it would explode - on this I was awakened by a phone call.


Hello! I dreamed that the director scolded me in a dream, that I was working inefficiently, and that an employee would soon be leaving maternity leave and they would not need me, so conclusions must be drawn.


I am a refugee from Donetsk, my company is not closed but does not work either. I work at another place part-time in Kyiv. And now I dream that they call me to my main job and I sign contracts for services to my former company.


At the moment I’m not working, I dreamed about the same job as I did before, but in a different context. I used to work as a Freight Forwarder on a car and dreamed that I was also working but with a different car and new people interspersed a dream as if I was happy at work with invoices


nothing special) I work as a waitress in a cafe, until 12, I come home, I go to bed, and in a dream I work again, I wake up as if I had just come from work) I often have a dream that I work, and in all seriousness I run after orders in a dream, I take them)


I dreamed that I had come to a new job that was not at all professionally related to what I was doing now - I was an accountant. In a dream, the occupation was not just different, but radically - they are engaged in some kind of experiments, something related to perfumery and plant growing, a lot of employees, especially young ones, completely unfamiliar before, although the lady herself is of Balzac age. There was a young boss there, and why there are many not only laboratories, greenhouses, but also beds. In a dream, there was discomfort and understanding that tomorrow you would not come here for anything, although all the employees were either indifferent, so if you weren’t the first day at work, but had been working there for a long time, or very kind and attentive, but a bad feeling and discomfort felt constantly


I had a dream today, they called me in a dream by phone and said that I was hired, wait for the call to send the necessary documents


Hello! I dreamed of a former job, at a mine. In this dream, I run, and I am looking for an opportunity to get a person out of the mine because of his lack of sobriety. I am dreaming of a mine lamp room, a mine shaft, I am looking for this person to make a claim, but I cannot do it.


as if I work in a big store as a salesman and some other guy works with me. and I call my husband and I can’t get through, I think where he climbs, we walk, and maybe he came to watch how I work with whom.


Hello. In a dream, I was transferred to another place for the same job. And I was very pleased. I work in plant cultivation


i dreamed that I didn’t go to work and didn’t warn anyone about it. I just went about my business and was worried about what would happen to me


Hello, here's what I came up with.
I dreamed of work colleagues, and the workshops themselves, only they were slightly changed. I was talking to one worker, and then I saw ghosts (ghosts) - one was in the form of a child, the other in the form of a girl - and I screamed loudly, I was scared. one of the workers said that you should not be afraid of them, but these ghosts took one worker with them, I cried out of fear, but did not run away. I wanted to go outside. then I ended up on the street, it was night, there was snow. I walked to the exit from the territory, looking around, looked at the windows in the shops and saw how ghosts look out of the windows, follow me and then hide. I was still crying along the way. there was a closed barrier at the exit and I saw a girl and a guy waiting for something. At first I passed by, but decided to return to them. I went up to the girl, in her eyes I saw that she was crying too. I really liked her. I told them that we need to go, and as soon as we moved away from the barrier in the direction from which I came, I burst into tears. through a short time we went further, just past those workshops in which there were still ghosts, the guy was already gone at that moment, I knew that the ghost had taken him, I saw him at the very last moment. when the girl and I walked on, I knew that this plant was abandoned at that time. passing by a small building, I walked ahead of the girl and turned around to see where she was. the girl was just approaching this building, and then I saw a ghost also in the form of a girl. I shouted to my companion that there was a ghost, but it was too late. it grabbed her and dragged her along. and I cried again, tears flowed in a stream, and through them I rushed to her in order to wrest her from the ghost. I was scared, but I wanted to take her away, not to let the ghost drag her away. and as soon as I almost ran up, I shouted: “do not touch her!” ... and the dream ended.
I opened my eyes with the same words, only I whispered them ... I had a feeling that ghosts were taking all the girls out of my life. somehow I knew it was. I sat up in bed and cried for about 30 minutes… I slept from 3am to 6am and woke up after 2 hours.


i dreamed that I was at work and they made a remark to me about the fact that I was not performing my duties correctly and about some kind of shortage


i stayed at work on urgent orders, worked until night, a friend called, he couldn’t sleep, something was disturbing, to which I also answered him in the same way, on the go I got dressed and ran towards his house, running up to the house, sharply turn around and run back to work, running to her my friend, whom I don’t see often, is drunk and the hall with the office is turned upside down, I’m hysterical, and then a woman knocks on the door, I know that you are here, open it, and I hid with him, and I catch a glimpse of the boss's wife and actually him, I have a panic, I run to my warehouse, and at that moment a friend opens the door to them and tells what is happening. the boss, seeing me and everything that happened, hit me, explanations began, and suddenly a boy with a girl aged 4 years 5 ran out from behind my back, I asked them where you were from here and they said that you brought us here, it shocked me more, and called the police so that they figure it out, all the familiar faces gathered and listened to the boss tell something, then the police came and the mother of the two children who were with me, she says send me and the police for me, the police have already disappeared somewhere, and I’m going after her insane, because of this I turned around and went to the store, then familiar faces began to ask how it happened, and I woke up in an alarming state. I think let me see what the dreams are interpreting, but no one had this, maybe you can say something ... You are probably a psychologist at least, and if you have been interpreting for more than 7 years and everything converges with people, then an experienced psychologist or the power of words goes off scale. It will be interesting to listen to you


Hello, I dreamed of a former job, I appeared at an old job, for some reason I met a person from an even older job, I didn’t know the rest at all, and I saw that there was a complete mess, I started to manage everyone, set them up for a wave of work while they were fulfilling my instructions, two more bosses arrived the elders and one was pleased with my instructions to others, and the one above said that I stole a Zhiguli 4 car from him, I began to explain to him that this was not my doing, and he said that you had to keep track of this, and he said that you fired.


I am currently looking for a job. And I am very interested in one organization. In a dream, there was an interview, after which I was hired. They told me yes.



Good afternoon!! My name is Lyudmila, I had a strange dream, I dream that while I have a job I earn good money, my husband, meanwhile, will not be able to work, he can’t even get a job !!! And in Java this is exactly what happens, what is it? Why is that???


Hello, the Dream was in color, I dreamed that they took me to a very paid job, where they immediately gave me a large salary, a car, etc.


I dreamed that I was at a new job, but this enterprise of mine is also closing (the work is connected with documents) and I understand that I need to look for a new job, I also dreamed that some strange people came to work (with red eyes, similar on vampires) and they should not be let in, but they have already entered, there are many of them - about 7-10 people, they were dangerous. On this I woke up


Hello! I dreamed on March 11 that I seemed to want to get a job at my former job (I haven’t been working there for 9 months already). But the director refused to hire me. Give me an answer please, I'm looking forward to it. And what does it mean?


i dreamed that it was as if I got a job in a grocery store, and began to book, I remember the cash register well, just buttons. and I seemed to have a dirty head and I was very ashamed. what is it for?


not so long ago I was laid off from work, and from March 19 to March 20 I dream that I am working again, all my employees. Does this mean that I can return to this job?


Today I dreamed that I came to work at a new airport. I work at the airport, but in a different one) Where everything new came, it’s beautiful, there were even decorations from many topiaries))) At first I thought that I was alone there, but it turned out that there are many such new employees, a whole team of several people, all about my age. In short, I liked it there) Why would it? For worse or for good?))


I dream today that I give a bribe to the boss, and she takes me to the position that I want in reality. But I was going to do it tomorrow for real! Why did I dream it?


Hello, Tatyana! I've been wanting to work for 2 months now! The boss said that she would take me as soon as the place was free. And now she does not know to take me, or another girl! And I'm going to go tomorrow to bribe her with a bribe)) So I dream today that I gave her money and she took me! How can I understand this dream?


I was looking for a new job in different places, and I was offered a high-paying job, but labor-intensive


I dreamed that I had 2 places of work and study, I could not figure out where to take my sick leave in the first place. And the former boss dreamed.


I dreamed about the last 2 places of my work, I just looked at them as if from the side and at the same time there was some kind of feeling of being locked up, as if I was looking through glass, and then I tried to break this glass with my feet, and after the glass there was barbed wire.


i dreamed that I returned to my previous job and started working, the dream was not in color, but before that I had a very nightmare as if someone wanted to kill me and I screamed so hard my husband started to wake me up but I couldn’t wake up I barely woke up the dream I don’t remember well but it became very scary


Drafted a drawing. Due to lack of data, the work was suspended. A colleague with whom I had worked for a long time said that the work was not urgent and there was no need to rush. Asked to approach the manager and clarify the relevance of the work


I was at work, I didn’t really work, that is, I didn’t do my job, being pregnant, for about 4 months (I don’t know the gender of the child). Currently I am not pregnant but married (has a child). Sleep was good and restful. Then evening came and I began to pick up speed (I was driving along the road), but without any transport. Picked up a lot of speed. And I heard the voice of my colleague: “what are you doing, where are you flying like that, stop…”. All this time I felt pregnant, and I was afraid of losing the child. But I enjoyed the speed. What could it be? Can you advise me.


I had a dream from Friday to Saturday, that is, June 13, as if I went to the office for an interview to get a job. There, in the office, all the employees and the director were gypsies, the director asked me something about my work experience, and then a gypsy woman came up to me and told me to go up to the wall, and I stood with my back to the wall. And on the wall was either an icon or some kind of tarot card, and she looked at me and calculated all the information about me. there was a construction company, then I somehow ended up on the street, near the office, and there were several private houses, then I went into one of these houses, and there were a lot of gypsies in the room, and they talked to each other, and at the same time they had dinner, but not at the table, but some on the beds, others on chairs. And they offered me to eat, I kind of ate a little bit from the plate, then I went outside and saw one woman, started talking to her if she had been working for them for a long time Well, and so I woke up !!!


I don’t remember why I came to my old place of work (or called), saw the boss. I said hello to me, I immediately began my duties. I saw my old colleagues, talked with them, started working together. Basically everything.


Hello. Today (from Wednesday to Thursday) I had a strange dream. It was as if I got a job (at the moment I am actively searching). In a dream, it was a children's art school, where children prepare musical performances to this activity). I remember that in a dream there were many children and the dream was colorful and warm.
Thanks in advance!


Hello! I had a dream last night where I was fired from my job. Besides, I'm on good terms with my boss. I saw how I was framed by an employee whom I now do not trust and we have a strained relationship. In a dream, I was collecting things and I was very offended that I was fired illegally. Then I saw how my boss sat down at a clean table and in a new room. Then I packed orchid flowers in a flowerpot, but already dried up.


dreamed. that I'm standing in front of expensive clothes open door and ask the person for a job. I'm standing on the street. and he's at the door. and he answers me. Judging by your clothes, you don't need a job. I say needed. and then he calls me 59 dollars. it is very small. but i agree


At my workplace (trade, I am an entrepreneur), a huge, fat mouse came out from under the refrigerator. I tried to catch her. I don't remember the final result.


I dreamed: after absenteeism, I could not remember where I work and in general what I do in life. I'm in my parents' apartment (where I grew up). Summer is warm. a lot of greenery, blue clear sky, a large school stadium with almost no children (parents' apartment in a house near the stadium in reality) Inside, there is emptiness and confusion. Mom says go to school, but I understand that my class is gone.
I am now 52 years old.


I dreamed that my resume was viewed on the site and answered by mail, they said that the resume was very good, even very good, and that they asked me to send them all the necessary documents


I just found my first job in real life and I love it. Today I dreamed that I came for an interview, I was hired (I don’t remember by whom and where), and then they call me and say that they don’t take me anymore. I never worked a day.


I dreamed that I got a job from which I had previously quit. In my dream, I set to work and thought to myself how everything had changed: requirements, working conditions, etc., but at the same time, the turmoil and the madhouse were the same


I had a dream that I moved into a new office with a promotion. They congratulated me. There were many familiar friends, flowers.


i dreamed of an old job and old comrades and aggressive bosses, I packed my things and left and my brother worked well, why this dream?


I’m looking for a job, I went to an enterprise where I worked 10 years earlier, it’s not clear there, yes or no, now I dream that I’m with them at a corporate party, at the table, someone comes up to me, I say something wrong, and I think that I don't care, they didn't take me.


Hello! I dreamed that my boss found me a better paid job. She gave me a book that contained all the information about the product that I needed to study and began to persuade me to accept the offer. In real life, I work as a storekeeper in a fabric store. After listening to the boss, I decided to go, she was very pleased with me. Tell me, please, why would this dream?


I want to change jobs... I dream that I am sitting in an office with a future boss, filling out forms and she is talking on the phone. All this happens in the office at a large expensive table


Yuppie went to work after an illness and the director didn’t say hello to me At work, there was a repair from my office, everything was pulled out and being repaired, I started looking for my things and didn’t have time to pick them up


As if I work at a former job from where I was fired, I am now in the position of dreams almost every day to act


Good afternoon, I had a dream from Friday to Saturday. In this dream, I changed jobs. This dream will come true or not. P.S.: Lately I've been actively looking for a new job.


Every night and day I dream of the former director, then he promises to work back, then he jokes in a dream, then he calls for some kind of internship.

Alla Alekseevna:

I dreamed that I found a job, but when I began to get acquainted with official duties, it turned out that I was offered to work as a prostitute in some firm


i dreamed about the dining room of our organization that three women and a man broke in, everyone threw food into bags, food dishes. I chased them away, called security, but they disappeared.


I dreamed that I could not go to work and could not warn my master about this, and I was not pleased that I could lose my job


i dreamed of my employee who was very jealous of me .. and in reality she framed me with intrigue and they fired me .. and in a dream she ran into me and she had fear in her eyes


I am talking to someone that I have to work the next day. And not even expected, but I am glad because I will have a better job than before. but I'm not working at the moment.


I have a dream from Friday to Saturday: in a dream, an unfamiliar man asked for money. but I had no money and said that I did not work and there was no money. then a woman tells me to come to me after tomorrow we will find something. I was very happy, but when I realized that this was a dream, I was upset.
(Actually I am not working and looking for a job.)


I’m in a restaurant (I don’t remember how I ended up there) around some other girls and we all take turns to work, including me (if it’s important, I was dressed in a T-shirt or shirt and skirt). Filled out some paperwork


Hello. I had a dream about how I was leaving for lunch while working in a store, left a frying pan on the stove and it caught fire. When I came back, the store burned down. The boss said that it was because of the wiring, but I knew it was my fault.


I have been looking for a job for a long time, today I was already accepted in a dream, but when filling out the documents I made a mistake and the meeting was rescheduled for tomorrow. Why would it? Thanks in advance!


so the dream I walked up the stairs I started to fall grabbed the railing then everything was gone I only heard voices that I held on to the railing for too long and well done that I didn’t fall further when I opened my eyes I saw that I was in Moscow however I had never been to Russia I saw the streets of the building I walked along the street I went up to a beautiful building I went up the stairs I turned to the personnel department that I came to get a job in the police but they refused me then I decided to leave and wanted to go down the stairs but the general stopped me and called me to him and then the one who refused to accept me said that they would hire me and I asked me I'm from Belarus, I answered yes, he asked from the village, I answered yes, he said that he was also Belarus and rural, and therefore I should be at work tomorrow


meeting of directors, everyone is sitting at a large table (men), my husband is standing and holding a work book in his outstretched hand. He stood for a long time, then they took the book and threw it on the table. Before that, he was invited to work in a new position (in reality).


today I had a dream about how the hostess came to me and measured some things and at the same time said, like, take a rest and go back to work and saw all the employees as if they also came to me as a lady, but I don’t live in this house now, and there I lived with my parents before marriage and how as if it has shabby walls


I dreamed that I was applying for a pass for a new job and I was a little worried


I had a dream that my employees and I moved to a new office. I transplanted all because I did not like how they sat down. I put the accounting department separately and put myself and my deputy in separate offices, and the rest of the employees in one large room. The office is big. And there was a door through which I entered, and a Meadow (field) opened up in front of me where horses were grazing, the sun was shining. Why is this.
But I wasn't blown away by this office, it was just big. But this is not the office I always imagined. He didn't impress me. But we have already moved and I did not bother.


I’m dreaming of a guy who I really really like, the dreams are short and clear, I remember where and what they talked about, and we communicate well like that, but in real life we ​​don’t talk


I’m at a classmate at work, this is an office. A gypsy is sitting there, guessing on my left hand, then her brother leaves and comes, I ask a question / will Misha and I be together, to which he answered no. I told him: SO HE SAME LOVES ME, HE ANSWERS: HE DECEIVES YOU. IN THE RESULTS, WE WITH A CLASSOME GIRL AND HER COLLEAGUES ARE AT MY MOTHER'S HOUSE, SHE WAS CLEANING, WE GO TO SLEEP, BUT MY JAW DISCLOCATED AND THE TEETH STARTED TO FALL OUT AND CRUMBLE SAID: I WATCH WHAT IT IS FOR THE TEETH. I WAS RULED 3 TIMES, AND FOR THE THIRD TIME IT HAPPENED, BUT THE FRONT TEETH WAS NO LONGER


I go into the office to work, and there, there is no my desktop, that is, an empty place, in the middle of the office there is another table assembled, I also thought why they broke my table and assembled another


I go to work, my desktop is not in the same place, and in the middle of the office there is another assembled (clean) table, I also thought why they broke my table and assembled a new one


I had a dream that in my new capacity, the hostess of the house (hotel), I give orders to many workers. I have gorgeous hair, thick and tied in a heavy knot. I saw my ex-husband in one of the rooms, he casually lay across the bed. work.


I saw I drank clean water ... cold .... and could not get drunk .... and I also saw how clients at work were not satisfied with me


I come to my old place of work. I worked in the reception of the head of the department and the deputy director of the plant (this is one reception), I had two bosses. And my head of the department takes me to the office of the deputy director and says that I work for them again that day. Then we go out together with the boss to the reception and he tells the girl who works in my place that I came to her place. She begins to cry and says that she knew it and that there is no justice in life. I feel very sorry for her, and very happy for myself. I am unemployed and it is very difficult for me. But I didn't wish her any harm.


I dreamed about how the boss works and I help him do something, before that the military came. com. but he needed not me, but another person, and even earlier they sat at the commemoration in a large company.


I am a worker of culture in life, a husband a lawyer dreamed that his husband was hired on my special, but I’m not even some singers laughed at me not openly, but with a mockery, like who? Nicholas promised to take you?


I'm working now! I dreamed that I was fired! I used to dream that I was working! Explain what it means to dream that you were fired!


i dreamed that I took time off from work for an hour on business, my friend was doubtful, but I don’t remember who exactly and we drank beer and went to another friend of mine to congratulate her on some holiday and her guards noticed that I was smelling beer from me and immediately reported this to the guards from my work that I was drunk. And then I realized that I don’t need to go to work toy to return to work if I go there they can fire me with a reprimand


I left my old job for a new one, and I was laid off at my new job, after 8 months I’m very worried, now I’m getting my old job again, but I don’t want to go out of hopelessness, so I had a dream that they were taking off the delay, but as if in in a dream, I still don’t work there, but I work as a seller in products, so in a dream I ate expired butter of 3 types, it’s still moldy, and carried the girls to the warehouse so that they would clean it, why did I dream about it?


Tatyana, good afternoon! help me understand the dream. Today I dreamed. that I was invited to work in one organization, at first they offered me a low position. but they said that there is a prospect of being transferred to a high position, because the person there is leaving soon. I agree and tell you what I can do.


in a dream, I came to get a job at a reputable company. Looked like it should be in such cases: hairstyle, appearance. I was told that there are no vacancies, but I can apply to a man (I forgot my first and middle name). He brought me to some workshop where people were already working, doing dirty work, and asked if I agreed. I agreed, although I was going to get the most worthy position. I worked conscientiously, hoping that I would still have better luck.


I’m waiting for work in reality, in a dream I’m also waiting for it, everyone received a resolution that they were taken and I have to wait


The second day I dream, then one or another girl from the last place of work (kindergarten) is right in front of my eyes, what is it for?


videla vo sne cto pozvanila kolleqa s bivsey raboti i qovorilla cto dela u nix bez menya ne xorowo idut


I work as a military contract driver, but I dream about my former job all the time, I worked as a turner at the factory, as if I go back there, but I don’t do anything, I look at the people there, the wrong others work there


I dreamed about work. It was as if my supervisor was typing something without raising her head and as if a lot of paper writing was jumping out of the computer. And there was fuss around the supervisor!


I dreamed that I was going to get a job. I was hired, and then I didn't like the behavior of the boss. We had a fight and he fired me the same day he accepted me.

Employment in a new place is accompanied by many motley emotions. Because of this, the human subconscious at night is often visited by dreams associated with a new position, a new team. They can be caused both by the banal processing of new information in the brain, and carry a symbolic and prophetic meaning. The dream book will help you understand what the new job is dreaming of - remember the details of the dream.

A favorable omen is a dream in which the dreamer happened to get into a new, unfamiliar workplace. Such a dream portends a gift of fate - a chance to get rich significantly.

At the same time, a rather bad sign is a dream in which you come to your usual job, but for some reason the place is unfamiliar to you. Such a night vision portends serious problems at work.

If you dream about how you are looking for a new job, wanting to find the best option than your current activity - in real life you should overcome your own doubts and fears, become more determined and purposeful.

If a new job in a dream turned out to be too difficult for a sleeping person, in real life he risks incurring the wrath of his superiors or other high-ranking people by showing disobedience and self-will.

An unfavorable omen is a night vision in which a sleeping person receives a promotion. This dream prophesies unfulfilled hopes and speaks of the unfulfillment of any desire that exists in reality.

A dream has an ambiguous meaning, in which the dreamer was offered to work not in his specialty. On the one hand, it portends the most difficult life test, and on the other hand, during it it will be possible to discover unique traits of one's character.

The dream in which the dreamer was offered to find another job suggests that in reality he will hold out for a long time in his workplace and, even if it is not easy for him, will achieve the respect of his colleagues and the disposition of his superiors with his work.

Look for a new job - interpretation

Dreams in which a sleeping person has to look for a new job also have their own symbolic meaning and can be interpreted.

  • A good sign is a dream in which the dreamer happened to look for a new job. He prophesies receiving benefits from the business started in reality. A dream also personifies dissatisfaction with one's own financial situation and portends a chance to rectify the situation. If everything is done rationally, the financial situation will soon improve.
  • Also a favorable sign is a night vision in which a sleeping person calls numbers from various ads and attends interviews. The meaning of this dream is that in reality the dreamer will achieve what he wants thanks to his perseverance and diligence.
  • If a sleeping person in his charge is actively looking for work, but his efforts are in vain - in reality the dreamer is trying to find a way out of the current unpleasant situation, which has occupied his mind for a long period. If this is not the first time you have dreamed of such a picture, it is worth urgently taking at least some action to change circumstances.
  • If in a dream a person was looking for a new job and successfully got a job, in real life he will have to take on the role of a leader, defend his own opinion and interests. This will lead to the strengthening of authority in society. Also, a dream portends an improvement in financial situation.

Interview dreams - meanings

For the correct interpretation of dreams in which a sleeping person had an interview, it is important to take into account the success of this event and other details of sleep.

If the dreamer in front of the dreaming employer showed himself from the best side and received the coveted position, this is a good omen that prophesies the embodiment of the most daring ideas in real life.

If a person who already has a job in reality has a dream in which he is late for an interview or is very nervous during it, it may be worth looking for another place. Probably, the dreamer is really not busy with his own business.

Another important detail that you should pay attention to when interpreting such dreams is the month of the dreamer's birth. For dreamers born between September and December inclusive, the dream of an interview has a negative meaning and portends a disease that will make it impossible to continue current activities.

For people born between May and August, a dream in which an interview appeared portends receiving sincere gratitude from different people in real life. It can also be a gift of fate for the previously done right deeds.

Such dreams have an unfavorable meaning for dreamers born between January and April. In their case, to see a new job or an interview in a dream - to difficulties or disciplinary actions at work. Even litigation is possible.

Miller's dream book

According to the interpretation provided by this dream book, the new work in a dream is an ambiguous symbol. If the dreamer had to work hard, in real life he will definitely come to his goal if he concentrates all his strength on it.

A night vision in which the dreamer had a chance to look for work portends an unexpected profit from an equally sudden event - do not miss the opportunity.

An unfavorable omen for a woman is a dream in which she got a job as a housekeeper. Such a sign promises debts and hard work, the rewards for which are disproportionate to the efforts. Besides, she won't like him.

Dream interpretation of Prozorov

A good sign is hard work in a dream. It portends a reward for the efforts made in real life. Look for a new job in night vision and eventually get it - to a successful combination in reality.

If the diligent search for a new place has not been successful, then your dreams are not yet destined to come true. However, do not be discouraged, because these circumstances are not eternal.

Aesop's dream book

A dream in which a sleeping person is looking for a new job indicates that in real life the dreamer is not satisfied with his own financial well-being or the work responsibilities that he has to perform at his current job. This dream is a sign that a person's subconscious sends.
