Irrational equations and ways to solve them. Irrational equations

Municipal educational institution

"Kudinskaya secondary school No. 2"

Ways to solve irrational equations

Completed by: Egorova Olga,




higher qualification

Introduction....……………………………………………………………………………………… 3

Section 1. Methods for solving irrational equations…………………………………6

1.1 Solving the irrational equations of part C……….….….……………………21

Section 2. Individual tasks…………………………………………….....………...24




Mathematics education received in general education school, is an essential component general education and general culture modern man. Almost everything that surrounds a modern person is all connected in one way or another with mathematics. BUT recent achievements in physics, engineering and information technology leave no doubt that in the future the state of affairs will remain the same. Therefore, the solution of many practical problems is reduced to solving various kinds equations to learn how to solve. One of these types are irrational equations.

Irrational equations

An equation containing an unknown (or a rational algebraic expression from the unknown) under the sign of the radical, is called irrational equation. In elementary mathematics, solutions to irrational equations are found in the set real numbers.

Any ir rational equation with the help of elementary algebraic operations (multiplication, division, raising both parts of the equation to an integer power) can be reduced to a rational algebraic equation. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the resulting rational algebraic equation may turn out to be non-equivalent to the original irrational equation, namely, it may contain "extra" roots that will not be the roots of the original irrational equation. Therefore, having found the roots of the obtained rational algebraic equation, it is necessary to check whether all the roots of the rational equation will be the roots of the irrational equation.

In the general case, it is difficult to indicate any universal method for solving any irrational equation, since it is desirable that as a result of transformations of the original irrational equation, not just some kind of rational algebraic equation is obtained, among the roots of which there will be the roots of this irrational equation, but a rational algebraic equation formed from polynomials of as little degree as possible. The desire to obtain that rational algebraic equation formed from polynomials of the smallest possible degree is quite natural, since finding all the roots of a rational algebraic equation can in itself be a rather difficult task, which we can completely solve only in a very limited number of cases.

Types of irrational equations

Solving irrational equations of even degree always causes more problems than solving irrational equations of odd degree. When solving irrational equations of odd degree, the ODZ does not change. Therefore, below we will consider irrational equations, the degree of which is even. There are two kinds of irrational equations:


Let's consider the first of them.

odz equation: f(x)≥ 0. In ODZ, the left side of the equation is always non-negative, so a solution can only exist when g(x)≥ 0. In this case, both sides of the equation are non-negative, and exponentiation 2 n gives an equivalent equation. We get that

Let us pay attention to the fact that while ODZ is performed automatically, and you can not write it, but the conditiong(x) ≥ 0 must be checked.

Note: This is very important condition equivalence. Firstly, it frees the student from the need to investigate, and after finding solutions, check the condition f(x) ≥ 0 - the non-negativity of the root expression. Secondly, it focuses on checking the conditiong(x) ≥ 0 are the nonnegativity of the right side. After all, after squaring, the equation is solved i.e., two equations are solved at once (but on different intervals of the numerical axis!):

1. - where g(x)≥ 0 and

2. - where g(x) ≤ 0.

Meanwhile, many, according to the school habit of finding ODZ, do exactly the opposite when solving such equations:

a) check, after finding solutions, the condition f(x) ≥ 0 (which is automatically satisfied), make arithmetic errors and get an incorrect result;

b) ignore the conditiong(x) ≥ 0 - and again the answer may be wrong.

Note: The equivalence condition is especially useful when solving trigonometric equations, in which finding the ODZ is associated with solving trigonometric inequalities, which is much more difficult than solving trigonometric equations. Check in trigonometric equations even conditions g(x)≥ 0 is not always easy to do.

Consider the second kind of irrational equations.

. Let the equation . His ODZ:

In the ODZ, both sides are non-negative, and squaring gives the equivalent equation f(x) =g(x). Therefore, in the ODZ or

With this method of solution, it is enough to check the non-negativity of one of the functions - you can choose a simpler one.

Section 1. Methods for solving irrational equations

1 method. Liberation from radicals by successively raising both sides of the equation to the corresponding natural power

The most commonly used method for solving irrational equations is the method of freeing from radicals by successively raising both parts of the equation to the corresponding natural power. In this case, it should be borne in mind that when both parts of the equation are raised to an odd power, the resulting equation is equivalent to the original one, and when both parts of the equation are raised to an even power, the resulting equation will, generally speaking, be nonequivalent to the original equation. This can be easily verified by raising both sides of the equation to any even power. This operation results in the equation , whose set of solutions is the union of sets of solutions:" width="95" height="21 src=">. However, despite this drawback , it is the procedure for raising both parts of the equation to some (often even) power that is the most common procedure for reducing an irrational equation to a rational equation.

Solve the equation:

Where are some polynomials. By virtue of the definition of the operation of extracting the root in the set of real numbers, the admissible values ​​of the unknown" width="123 height=21" height="21">..gif " width="243" height="28 src=">.

Since both parts of the 1st equation were squared, it may turn out that not all roots of the 2nd equation will be solutions to the original equation, it is necessary to check the roots.

Solve the equation:" width="137" height="25">

Raising both sides of the equation into a cube, we get

Given that" width="195" height="27">(The last equation may have roots that, generally speaking, are not roots of the equation ).

We raise both sides of this equation to a cube: . We rewrite the equation in the form x3 - x2 = 0 ↔ x1 = 0, x2 = 1. By checking, we establish that x1 = 0 is an extraneous root of the equation (-2 ≠ 1), and x2 = 1 satisfies the original equation.

Answer: x = 1.

2 method. Replacing an adjacent system of conditions

When solving irrational equations containing even-order radicals, extraneous roots may appear in the answers, which are not always easy to identify. To make it easier to identify and discard extraneous roots, in the course of solving irrational equations it is immediately replaced by an adjacent system of conditions. Additional inequalities in the system actually take into account the ODZ of the equation being solved. You can find the ODZ separately and take it into account later, but it is preferable to use mixed systems of conditions: there is less danger of forgetting something, not taking it into account in the process of solving the equation. Therefore, in some cases it is more rational to use the method of transition to mixed systems.

Solve the equation:

Answer:" width="109 height=27" height="27">

This equation is equivalent to the system

Answer: the equation has no solutions.

3 method. Using the properties of the nth root

When solving irrational equations, the properties of the root of the nth degree are used. arithmetic root n- th degrees from among but call a non-negative number, n- i whose degree is equal to but. If n- even( 2n), then a ≥ 0, otherwise the root does not exist. If n- odd( 2 n+1), then a is any and = - ..gif" width="45" height="19"> Then:





Applying any of these formulas, formally (without taking into account the indicated restrictions), it should be borne in mind that the ODZ of the left and right parts of each of them can be different. For example, the expression is defined with f ≥ 0 And g ≥ 0, and the expression is as in f ≥ 0 And g ≥ 0, as well as f ≤ 0 And g ≤ 0.

For each of the formulas 1-5 (without taking into account the indicated restrictions), the ODZ of its right part may be wider than the ODZ of the left. It follows from this that transformations of the equation with the formal use of formulas 1-5 "from left to right" (as they are written) lead to an equation that is a consequence of the original one. In this case, extraneous roots of the original equation may appear, so verification is a mandatory step in solving the original equation.

Transformations of equations with the formal use of formulas 1-5 "from right to left" are unacceptable, since it is possible to judge the ODZ of the original equation, and hence the loss of roots." width="247" height="61 src=">,

which is a consequence of the original. The solution of this equation is reduced to solving the set of equations .

From the first equation of this set we find" width="89" height="27"> from where we find . Thus, the roots given equation can only be numbers (-1) and (-2). The check shows that both found roots satisfy this equation.

Answer: -1,-2.

Solve the equation: .

Solution: based on the identities, replace the first term with . Note that as the sum of two non-negative numbers on the left side. “Remove” the module and, after bringing like terms, solve the equation. Since , we get the equation . Since and , then" width="89" height="27 src=">.gif" width="39" height="19 src= ">.gif" width="145" height="21 src=">

Answer: x = 4.25.

4 method. Introduction of new variables

Another example of solving irrational equations is the way in which new variables are introduced, with respect to which either a simpler irrational equation or a rational equation is obtained.

The solution of irrational equations by replacing the equation with its consequence (with subsequent checking of the roots) can be carried out as follows:

1. Find the ODZ of the original equation.

2. Go from the equation to its corollary.

3. Find the roots of the resulting equation.

4. Check if the found roots are the roots of the original equation.

The check is as follows:

A) the belonging of each found root of the ODZ to the original equation is checked. Those roots that do not belong to the ODZ are extraneous for the original equation.

B) for each root included in the ODZ of the original equation, it is checked whether they have identical signs the left and right parts of each of the equations that arise in the process of solving the original equation and are raised to an even power. Those roots for which the parts of any equation raised to an even power have different signs, are extraneous for the original equation.

C) only those roots that belong to the ODZ of the original equation and for which both parts of each of the equations that arise in the process of solving the original equation and raised to an even power have the same signs are checked by direct substitution into the original equation.

Such a solution method with the indicated method of verification makes it possible to avoid cumbersome calculations in the case of direct substitution of each of the found roots of the last equation into the original one.

Solve the irrational equation:


The set of admissible values ​​of this equation:

Setting , after substitution we obtain the equation

or its equivalent equation

which can be viewed as a quadratic equation for . Solving this equation, we get


Therefore, the solution set of the original irrational equation is the union of the solution sets of the following two equations:

, .

Cube both sides of each of these equations, and we get two rational algebraic equations:

, .

Solving these equations, we find that this irrational equation has a single root x = 2 (no verification is required, since all transformations are equivalent).

Answer: x = 2.

Solve the irrational equation:

Denote 2x2 + 5x - 2 = t. Then the original equation will take the form . By squaring both parts of the resulting equation and bringing like terms, we obtain the equation , which is a consequence of the previous one. From it we find t=16.

Returning to the unknown x, we get the equation 2x2 + 5x - 2 = 16, which is a consequence of the original one. By checking, we make sure that its roots x1 \u003d 2 and x2 \u003d - 9/2 are the roots of the original equation.

Answer: x1 = 2, x2 = -9/2.

5 method. Identity Equation Transformation

When solving irrational equations, one should not start solving an equation by raising both parts of the equations to a natural power, trying to reduce the solution of an irrational equation to solving a rational algebraic equation. First, it is necessary to see if it is possible to make some identical transformation of the equation, which can significantly simplify its solution.

Solve the equation:

The set of valid values ​​for this equation:" width="292" height="45"> Divide this equation by .


We get:

For a = 0, the equation will have no solutions; for , the equation can be written as

for this equation has no solutions, since for any X, belonging to the set of admissible values ​​of the equation, the expression on the left side of the equation is positive;

when the equation has a solution

Taking into account that the set of admissible solutions of the equation is determined by the condition , we finally obtain:

When solving this irrational equation," width="60" height="19"> the solution to the equation will be . For all other values X the equation has no solutions.


Solve the irrational equation:" width="381" height="51">

Solution quadratic equation The system gives two roots: x1 = 1 and x2 = 4. The first of the obtained roots does not satisfy the inequality of the system, therefore x = 4.


1) Carrying out identical transformations allows us to do without verification.

2) The inequality x – 3 ≥0 refers to identical transformations, and not to the domain of the equation.

3) There is a decreasing function on the left side of the equation, and an increasing function on the right side of this equation. Graphs of decreasing and increasing functions at the intersection of their domains of definition can have no more than one common point. Obviously, in our case, x = 4 is the abscissa of the intersection point of the graphs.

Answer: x = 4.

6 method. Using the domain of definition of functions when solving equations

This method is most effective when solving equations that include functions" width="36" height="21 src="> and find its area definitions (f)..gif" width="53" height="21"> .gif" width="88" height="21 src=">, then you need to check whether the equation is true at the ends of the interval, moreover, if a< 0, а b >0, then it is necessary to check on the intervals (a;0) And . The smallest integer in E(y) is 3.

Answer: x = 3.

8 method. Application of the derivative in solving irrational equations

Most often, when solving equations using the derivative method, the estimation method is used.


Solve the equation: (1)

Solution: Since" width="371" height="29">, or (2). Consider the function ..gif" width="400" height="23 src=">.gif" width="215" height="49"> at all and therefore increasing. Therefore, the equation is equivalent to an equation that has a root that is the root of the original equation.



Solve the irrational equation:

The domain of definition of the function is a segment. Find the largest and smallest value the values ​​of this function on the interval . To do this, we find the derivative of the function f(x):" width="37 height=19" height="19">. Let's find the values ​​of the function f(x) at the ends of the segment and at the point : So, But and, therefore, equality is possible only under the condition" width="37" height="19 src=" > Verification shows that the number 3 is the root of this equation.

Answer: x = 3.

9 method. Functional

In exams, they sometimes offer to solve equations that can be written in the form , where is a certain function.

For example, some equations: 1) 2) . Indeed, in the first case , in the second case . Therefore, solve irrational equations using the following statement: if a function is strictly increasing on the set X and for any , then the equations, etc., are equivalent on the set X .

Solve the irrational equation:" width="103" height="25"> strictly increasing on the set R, and" width="45" height="24 src=">..gif" width="104" height="24 src=" > which has a unique root Therefore, the equivalent equation (1) also has a unique root

Answer: x = 3.


Solve the irrational equation: (1)

By virtue of the definition of the square root, we obtain that if equation (1) has roots, then they belong to the set DIV_ADBLOCK166">

. (2)

Consider the function" width="35" height="21"> strictly increasing on this set for any ..gif" width="100" height ="41"> which has a single root Therefore, and equivalent to it on the set X equation (1) has a single root

Answer:" width="145" height="27 src=">

Solution: This equation is equivalent to a mixed system

If the equation contains a variable under the square root sign, then the equation is called irrational.
Consider the irrational equation

This equality, by definition of the square root, means that 2x + 1 = 32. In fact, we went from the given irrational equation to the rational equation 2x + 1 = 9 by squaring both sides of the irrational equation. The method of squaring both sides of an equation is the main method for solving irrational equations. However, this is understandable: how else to get rid of the sign of the square root? From the equation 2x + 1 = 9 we find x = 4.
This is both the root of the equation 2x + 1 = 9 and the given irrational equation.
The squaring method is technically simple, but sometimes leads to trouble. Consider, for example, the irrational equation

By squaring both sides, we get

Next we have:
2x-4x = -7 +5; -2x = -2; x = 1.
But the value x - 1, being the root of the rational equation 2x - 5 = 4x - 7, is not the root of the given irrational equation. Why? Substituting 1 instead of x in the given irrational equation, we get . How can we talk about the fulfillment of numerical equality, if both its left and right parts contain expressions that do not make sense? In such cases, they say: x \u003d 1 is an extraneous root for a given irrational equation. It turns out that the given irrational equation has no roots.
Let's solve the irrational equation

The roots of this equation can be found orally, as we did at the end of the previous paragraph: their product is - 38, and the sum is - 17; it is easy to guess that these are the numbers 2
and - 19. So, x 1 \u003d 2, x 2 \u003d - 19.
Substituting the value 2 instead of x in the given irrational equation, we get

This is not true.
Substituting the value - 19 instead of x in the given irrational equation, we get

This is also incorrect.
What is the conclusion? Both found values ​​are extraneous roots. In other words, the given irrational equation, like the previous one, has no roots.
An extraneous root is not a new concept for you, extraneous roots have already been encountered when solving rational equations, checking helps to detect them. For irrational equations, checking is a mandatory step in solving the equation, which will help to detect extraneous roots, if any, and discard them (usually they say “weed out”).

So, an irrational equation is solved by squaring both its parts; having solved the resulting rational equation, it is necessary to make a check, eliminating possible extraneous roots.

Using this derivation, let's look at a few examples.

Example 1 solve the equation

Solution. Let's square both sides of equation (1):

Next, successively we have

5x - 16 \u003d x 2 - 4x + 4;
x 2 - 4x + 4 - 5x + 16 = 0;
x 2 - 9x + 20 = 0;
x 1 = 5, x 2 = 4.
Examination. Substituting x \u003d 5 into equation (1), we get - the correct equality. Substituting x \u003d 4 into equation (1), we get - the correct equality. Hence, both found values ​​are the roots of equation (1).
O n e t: 4; five.

Example 2 solve the equation
(we encountered this equation in § 22 and we “postponed” its solution until better times.) of an irrational equation, we obtain
2x2 + 8* + 16 = (44 - 2x) 2 .
Then we have
2x 2 + 8x + 16 \u003d 1936 - 176x + 4x 2;
- 2x 2 + 184x - 1920 = 0;
x 2 - 92x + 960 = 0;
x 1 = 80, x 2 = 12.
Examination. Substituting x = 80 into the given irrational equation, we get

This is obviously an incorrect equality, since its right side contains a negative number, and its left side contains a positive number. So x = 80 is an extraneous root for this equation.

Substituting x = 12 into the given irrational equation, we get

i.e. . = 20, is the correct equality. Therefore, x = 12 is the root of this equation.
Answer: 12.

We divide both parts of the last equation term by term by 2:

Examination. Substituting the value x = 14 into equation (2), we get is an incorrect equality, so x = 14 is an extraneous root.
Substituting the value x = -1 into equation (2), we obtain
- true equality. Therefore, x = - 1 is the root of equation (2).
A n t e t : - 1.

Example 4 solve the equation

Solution. Of course, you can solve this equation in the same way that we used in the previous examples: rewrite the equation as

Square both sides of this equation, solve the resulting rational equation and check the found roots by substituting them into
original irrational equation.

But we will use a more elegant way: we introduce a new variable y = . Then we get 2y 2 + y - 3 \u003d 0 - a quadratic equation with respect to the variable y. Let's find its roots: y 1 = 1, y 2 = -. Thus, the task was reduced to solving two

From the first equation we find x \u003d 1, the second equation has no roots (you remember that it takes only non-negative values).
Answer: 1.
We conclude this section with a rather serious theoretical discussion. The point is the following. You have already gained some experience in solving various equations: linear, square, rational, irrational. You know that when solving equations, various transformations are performed,
for example: a member of the equation is transferred from one part of the equation to another with the opposite sign; both sides of the equation are multiplied or divided by the same non-zero number; get rid of the denominator, i.e., replace the equation = 0 with the equation p (x) = 0; Both sides of the equation are squared.

Of course, you noticed that as a result of some transformations extraneous roots could appear, and therefore you had to be vigilant: check all the roots found. So we will now try to comprehend all this from a theoretical point of view.

Definition. Two equations f (x) = g (x) and r (x) = s (x) are called equivalent if they have the same roots (or, in particular, if both equations have no roots).

Usually, when solving an equation, they try to replace this equation with a simpler one, but equivalent to it. Such a change is called an equivalent transformation of the equation.

The following transformations are equivalent transformations of the equation:

1. Transfer of terms of the equation from one part of the equation to another with opposite signs.
For example, replacing the equation 2x + 5 = 7x - 8 with the equation 2x - 7x = - 8 - 5 is an equivalent transformation of the equation. It means that

the equations 2x + 5 = 7x -8 and 2x - 7x = -8 - 5 are equivalent.

2. Multiplying or dividing both sides of an equation by the same non-zero number.
For example, replacing the equation 0.5x 2 - 0.3x \u003d 2 with the equation 5x 2 - Zx \u003d 20
(both parts of the equation were multiplied term by term by 10) is an equivalent transformation of the equation.

Non-equivalent transformations of the equation are the following transformations:

1. Exemption from denominators containing variables.
For example, replacing an equation with the equation x 2 \u003d 4 is a non-equivalent transformation of the equation. The fact is that the equation x 2 \u003d 4 has two roots: 2 and - 2, and given equation the value x = 2 cannot satisfy (the denominator vanishes). In such cases, we said this: x \u003d 2 is an extraneous root.

2. Squaring both sides of the equation.
We will not give examples, since there were quite a lot of them in this paragraph.
If in the process of solving the equation one of the indicated non-equivalent transformations was used, then all the roots found must be checked by substitution into the original equation, since among them there may be extraneous roots.

Topic: “Irrational equations of the form ,

(Methodological development.)

Basic concepts

Irrational equations called equations in which the variable is contained under the sign of the root (radical) or the sign of raising to a fractional power.

An equation of the form f(x)=g(x), where at least one of the expressions f(x) or g(x) is irrational irrational equation.

Basic properties of radicals:

  • All radicals even degree are arithmetic, those. if the radical expression is negative, then the radical does not make sense (does not exist); if the root expression is equal to zero, then the radical is also zero; if the radical expression is positive, then the value of the radical exists and is positive.
  • All radicals odd degree are defined for any value of the radical expression. Moreover, the radical is negative if the radical expression is negative; is zero if the root expression is zero; is positive if the subjugated expression is positive.

Methods for solving irrational equations

Solve an irrational equation - means to find all the real values ​​of the variable, when substituting them into the original equation, it turns into the correct numerical equality, or to prove that such values ​​do not exist. Irrational equations are solved on the set of real numbers R.

The range of valid values ​​of the equation consists of those values ​​of the variable for which all expressions under the sign of radicals of even degree are non-negative.

The main methods for solving irrational equations are:

a) the method of raising both parts of the equation to the same power;

b) the method of introducing new variables (method of substitutions);

c) artificial methods for solving irrational equations.

In this article, we will focus on the consideration of equations of the form defined above and present 6 methods for solving such equations.

1 method. Cube.

This method requires the use of abbreviated multiplication formulas and does not contain "pitfalls", i.e. does not lead to the appearance of extraneous roots.

Example 1 solve the equation


We rewrite the equation in the form and cube both sides of it. We obtain an equation equivalent to this equation ,

Answer: x=2, x=11.

Example 2. Solve the equation.


Let's rewrite the equation in the form and raise both sides of it into a cube. We obtain an equation equivalent to this equation

and consider the resulting equation as a quadratic one with respect to one of the roots

therefore, the discriminant is 0, and the equation can have a solution x=-2.


Answer: x=-2.

Comment: The check can be omitted if the quadratic equation is completed.

2 method. Cube using a formula.

We will continue to cube the equation, but at the same time we will use modified formulas for abbreviated multiplication.

Let's use the formulas:

(minor modification known formula), then

Example3. solve the equation .


Let's cube the equation using the formulas given above.

But the expression must be equal to the right side. Therefore we have:


Now, when cubed, we get the usual quadratic equation:

, and its two roots

Both values, as shown by the test, are correct.

Answer: x=2, x=-33.

But are all transformations here equivalent? Before answering this question, let's solve one more equation.

Example 4. Solve the equation.


Raising, as before, both parts to the third power, we have:

From where (considering that the expression in brackets is ), we get:

We get, .Let's do a check and make sure x=0 is an extraneous root.

Answer: .

Let's answer the question: "Why did extraneous roots arise?"

Equality leads to equality . Replacing from with -s, we get:

It is easy to check the identity

So, if , then either , or . The equation can be represented as , .

Replacing from with -s, we get: if , then either , or

Therefore, when using this solution method, it is imperative to check and make sure that there are no extraneous roots.

3 method. System method.

Example 5 solve the equation .


Let be , . Then:

How is it obvious that

The second equation of the system is obtained in such a way that the linear combination of radical expressions does not depend on the original variable.

It is easy to see that the system has no solution, and therefore the original equation has no solution.

Answer: No roots.

Example 6 solve the equation .


We introduce a replacement, compose and solve a system of equations.

Let be , . Then

Returning to the original variable, we have:

Answer: x=0.

4 method. Using the monotonicity of functions.

Before using this method, let's turn to the theory.

We will need the following properties:

Example 7 solve the equation .


The left side of the equation is an increasing function, and the right side is a number, i.e. constant, therefore, the equation has no more than one root, which we select: x \u003d 9. Checking to make sure that the root is suitable.

Equations are called irrational if they contain an unknown quantity under the root sign. These are, for example, the equations

In many cases, by applying once or repeatedly the exponentiation of both parts of the equation, it is possible to reduce the irrational equation to an algebraic equation of one degree or another (which is a consequence of the original equation). Since when raising the equation to a power, extraneous solutions may appear, then, having solved the algebraic equation to which we have reduced this irrational equation, we should check the found roots by substituting into the original equation and save only those that satisfy it, and discard the rest - extraneous.

When solving irrational equations, we restrict ourselves only to their real roots; all roots of even degree in the notation of equations are understood in the arithmetic sense.

Consider some typical examples irrational equations.

A. Equations containing the unknown under the square root sign. If this equation contains only one Square root, under the sign of which there is an unknown, then this root should be isolated, that is, placed in one part of the equation, and all other terms should be transferred to another part. After squaring both sides of the equation, we will already be free from irrationality and obtain an algebraic equation for

Example 1. Solve the equation.

Solution. We isolate the root on the left side of the equation;

We square the resulting equation:

We find the roots of this equation:

Verification shows that only satisfies the original equation.

If the equation includes two or more roots containing x, then squaring has to be repeated several times.

Example 2. Solve the following equations:

Solution, a) We square both sides of the equation:

We separate the root:

The resulting equation is again squared:

After transformations, we obtain the following quadratic equation for:

solve it:

By substituting into the original equation, we make sure that there is its root, but it is an extraneous root for it.

b) The example can be solved in the same way that example a) was solved. However, taking advantage of the fact that the right side of this equation does not contain an unknown quantity, we will proceed differently. We multiply the equation by the expression conjugate to its left side; we get

On the right is the product of the sum and the difference, that is, the difference of the squares. From here

On the left side of this equation was the sum of the square roots; on the left side of the equation now obtained is the difference of the same roots. Let's write down the given and received equations:

Taking the sum of these equations, we get

We square the last equation and, after simplifications, we get

From here we find . By checking we are convinced that only the number serves as the root of this equation. Example 3. Solve the equation

Here, already under the radical sign, we have square trinomials.

Solution. We multiply the equation by the expression conjugated with its left side:

Subtract the last equation from the given one:

Let's square this equation:

From the last equation we find . By checking we are convinced that only the number x \u003d 1 serves as the root of this equation.

B. Equations containing roots of the third degree. Systems of irrational equations. We confine ourselves to individual examples of such equations and systems.

Example 4. Solve the equation

Solution. Let us show two ways of solving equation (70.1). First way. Let's cube both sides of this equation (see formula (20.8)):

(here we have replaced the sum cube roots number 4, using the equation).

So we have

i.e., after simplifications,

whence Both roots satisfy the original equation.

The second way. Let's put

Equation (70.1) will be written as . Moreover, it is clear that . From equation (70.1) we have passed to the system

Dividing the first equation of the system term by term by the second, we find

An irrational equation is any equation that contains a function under the root sign. For example:

Such equations are always solved in 3 steps:

  1. Separate the root. In other words, if there are other numbers or functions to the left of the equal sign in addition to the root, all this must be moved to the right by changing the sign. At the same time, only the radical should remain on the left - without any coefficients.
  2. 2. We square both sides of the equation. At the same time, remember that the range of the root is all non-negative numbers. Hence the function on the right irrational equation must also be non-negative: g (x) ≥ 0.
  3. The third step follows logically from the second: you need to perform a check. The fact is that in the second step we could have extra roots. And in order to cut them off, it is necessary to substitute the resulting candidate numbers into the original equation and check: is the correct numerical equality really obtained?

Solving an irrational equation

Let's deal with our irrational equation given at the very beginning of the lesson. Here the root is already secluded: to the left of the equal sign there is nothing but the root. Let's square both sides:

2x 2 - 14x + 13 = (5 - x) 2
2x2 - 14x + 13 = 25 - 10x + x2
x 2 - 4x - 12 = 0

We solve the resulting quadratic equation through the discriminant:

D = b 2 − 4ac = (−4) 2 − 4 1 (−12) = 16 + 48 = 64
x 1 = 6; x 2 \u003d -2

It remains only to substitute these numbers in the original equation, i.e. perform a check. But even here you can do the right thing to simplify the final decision.

How to simplify the decision

Let's think: why do we even check at the end of solving an irrational equation? We want to make sure that when substituting our roots, there will be a non-negative number to the right of the equal sign. After all, we already know for sure that it is a non-negative number on the left, because the arithmetic square root (because of which our equation is called irrational) by definition cannot be less than zero.

Therefore, all we need to check is that the function g ( x ) = 5 − x , which is to the right of the equal sign, is non-negative:

g(x) ≥ 0

We substitute our roots into this function and get:

g (x 1) \u003d g (6) \u003d 5 - 6 \u003d -1< 0
g (x 2) = g (−2) = 5 − (−2) = 5 + 2 = 7 > 0

From the obtained values ​​it follows that the root x 1 = 6 does not suit us, since when substituting into the right side of the original equation, we get a negative number. But the root x 2 \u003d −2 is quite suitable for us, because:

  1. This root is the solution to the quadratic equation obtained by raising both sides irrational equation into a square.
  2. The right side of the original irrational equation, when the root x 2 = −2 is substituted, turns into a positive number, i.e. range arithmetic root not broken.

That's the whole algorithm! As you can see, solving equations with radicals is not so difficult. The main thing is not to forget to check the received roots, otherwise it is very likely to get extra answers.
