Sleeping on a buckwheat husk pillow - health benefits and harms. Benefits of a buckwheat husk pillow

IN modern world there are objects, it would seem, completely from unexpected materials. For example, who would have thought that buckwheat husk can be used as a filler for a pillow. In our article we will tell you what are the benefits and harms of such a product and how to care for it.

First, let's understand what is buckwheat husk . Surely, everyone noticed the black husk in the groats, so it is the husk. After the stage of purification from flour, it began to be used as a filler for pillows.
On an industrial scale, it is obtained during crop processing. First, the nucleoli are treated with water, then using dry air. Then the groats are threshed, and, as a result, husks are obtained, which are used to make pillows.

Important!Be sure to monitor the thickness of the product, adjust it for yourself, because if it is very thick, in addition to simple discomfort, this can lead to diseases with the spine and blood flow.

Buckwheat husk is a natural bio-filler, which is distinguished by orthopedic and massage properties. Such a product is able to remember the shape from the first use. Products with a denser filler have a higher orthopedic quality, as a result of which the massage effect of the head and neck becomes noticeable.

The product happens different sizes and density, which allows you to choose it, taking into account your needs. However, thanks to the presence of a zipper on the side of the pillow, you can always get or add husks, thereby customizing the products for yourself.

  • pain in the spine;
  • scoliosis;
  • sleep problems;
  • frequent headaches;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • snoring
  • increased sweating;
  • allergies to feathers, wool, dust.

TO useful properties buckwheat husk pillows include:
  • husk is environmentally friendly pure material which does not cause allergies;
  • thanks to the ability to take a comfortable position, you will not snore;
  • has a massage effect on the neck and head. This contributes to the study of bioactive points, which helps to get rid of headaches, restores blood microcirculation in the vessels of the brain, relieves chronic fatigue;
  • mites do not gather in the husk, which are often the appearance of allergies and asthma;
  • husk contains essential oils that help improve the functioning of the respiratory system;
  • the product does not retain or give off heat, so it is very comfortable to sleep on it - not cold and not hot;
  • It is possible to independently adjust the height of the pillow.

Buckwheat husk bedding is an indispensable thing during pregnancy. Quite often, expectant mothers complain of pain in the back, lower back, neck, and it is the correct position during sleep that can relieve these terrible sensations. The buckwheat product takes the necessary shape, which creates comfort during sleep. Some are afraid to buy it, because they believe that it has a lot of weight, and it is impossible to lift weights during pregnancy.
In fact, this is not at all the case - the husk, of course, has a certain weight, but it is quite safe to lift during pregnancy.

Buckwheat husk and children

You can buy a buckwheat pillow for a child, but only if he is over 2 years old. In this case, you need to choose a product with a small amount of husk, gradually adding filler to the pillow.

Some babies at first reject such an unusual object, in which case it is necessary to accustom the child to the pillow gradually: during illnesses or at moments of overexcitation. Sometimes, in order to enhance the therapeutic effect, buckwheat husks are mixed with different herbs-, hops, cedar shavings.

Did you know? In India, buckwheat is called "black rice", as it is the second most common after this cereal.

Using husk bedding for children has the following advantages:

  • prevents deformation of the skull;
  • prevents the development of torticollis;
  • reduces the increased muscle tone in the neck;
  • fixes the head and provides a restful sleep.

Before purchasing this product for a child, you should definitely consult a doctor, as in some situations there may be contraindications.

Even considering great benefit that the use of a particular pillow can bring, some are in no hurry to acquire it for some reason. Let's consider them.


Depending on the size of the pillow, its weight can be from 2 to 3.5 kg. Of course, if you get it for a child, it will be quite difficult for the baby to lift and shift it himself. It is this moment that often stops parents from buying things.

Presence of odor

Unfortunately, buckwheat husk has a specific smell, and despite the fact that it has a beneficial effect on the respiratory tract, not everyone can tolerate it normally. There are cases that, having "breathed" buckwheat, people cannot eat porridge for a long time.

A rustle in a dream

People who are light sleepers are unlikely to be able to decide on such a pillow. Every time you roll over, you will hear the rustle of husks. You should also not forget about the one who is next to you - this moment will also interfere with his sleep.


The effectiveness of orthopedic exposure lies in the degree of rigidity. However, for some, a hard pillow can be uncomfortable and they can't get used to it. It is for this reason that people may refuse it.

Short shelf life

Unfortunately, over time, the husk is crushed from the use of the pillow, and the massage effect becomes less noticeable. On average, the shelf life of the product is approximately 2 years, after which it is recommended to either purchase a new pillow or fill it with new buckwheat husks.

FROM medical point vision, the harm from using a pillow may be allergic reactions to the husk. In addition, after the expiration date, the husk can have negative impact on the human body, isolating harmful substances Therefore, it is very important to replace the filler in a timely manner.

Not just for sleeping, buckwheat seat cushion

Buckwheat pillow can be used not only for sleeping. It will become an essential item that will provide you with convenience if you spend a lot of time at the computer, in the car. It can be put on a chair, on a sofa, on a chair.

Buckwheat peel has a tonic, conditioning and light massage effect. Using a pillow will help eliminate pain, promote blood flow, and also prevent diseases in the genital area and diseases of internal organs.

  • give preference to a cover made of natural fabrics;
  • get a pillow with a zipper on the side- this will allow you to adjust its height and replace the husk at the end of the expiration date;
  • choose a case of light colors, so you can notice when fine dust will spill out of the product;
  • optimal size - 60 by 40 cm. If you are the owner of high shoulders, it is better to purchase a product 50 by 70 cm, for children it is better to purchase a pillow no more than 50 by 40 cm;
  • the most comfortable form- rectangle. Square and round products will not be very suitable for relaxation.

Product Care Rules

Over time, buckwheat flakes rub against each other, which leads to a loss of product volume. However, if you follow some tips for caring for your pillow, it will look like new for a long time.

  1. It is not recommended to carry out wet processing of a product.
  2. Dry clean every 2 months. A vacuum cleaner is suitable for this. For the first time after purchase, it is worth vacuuming the product 2 times a month.
  3. It is recommended to periodically sift the husk - this will help get rid of the worn particles.
  4. Ventilate the product on the balcony, in the summer - dry the filler.

Important! Bedding made of buckwheat husks should have two covers, since small dust particles that are dangerous to the eyes can wake up through one layer of material.

Summing up, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of the main fillers for pillows.

To the virtues feather filler refer:

  • very soft and comfortable;
  • able to quickly restore shape, it is easy to beat;
  • retains heat well, has a breathable effect;
  • long service life - up to 7 years.

To disadvantages feather filler refer:
  • increased hygroscopicity, which leads to the formation of a humid environment in which microorganisms and dust mites develop;
  • can cause ;
  • difficulties in care;
  • does not provide support to the spine, can inject.

To the benefits synthetic winterizer refer:

  • has good elasticity;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • light, airy;
  • easy care, can be washed in a washing machine.

Among the cons synthetic winterizer :

  • during use, elasticity is lost;
  • serves no more than 4-5 years.

To the pluses buckwheat husk refer:
  • has a massage and aromatherapy effect;
  • hygroscopic;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • has antibacterial properties.

By cons buckwheat husk refer:

  • pretty tough;
  • heavy;
  • short service life;
  • quickly loses shape; very noisy when using.

Did you know? Buckwheat is a low-yielding cereal: from 1 hectare you can collect only 4-10 centners, while for rice this figure reaches 60 centners.

Bedding made of buckwheat husks - perfect solution if you often suffer from headaches, have a sedentary and sedentary job. Using this product, you can significantly improve your well-being.

The husk of buckwheat has the shape of a "pyramid", with the help of which, upon contact, a light, acupressure micro massage occurs. Neck muscles relax.

Buckwheat pillow will help you relieve tension and keep your muscles in optimal condition throughout your sleep.

Filler composition: 100% buckwheat husk

Pad: 100% cotton, removable cover with zipper

Weight: 50x70 cm - 4500 gr.

Height: 14 cm, rigid

Service life: 5 years. Russia, Ivanovo

Buckwheat pillow buy 50x7050x70490 rub.
Buckwheat pillow buy 40*6040*60 390 rub.
Buckwheat pillow buy 40*4040*40 290 rub.
Buckwheat pillow buy 40*2040*20 250 rub.

Buckwheat pillow reviews

Vera, Moscow

Used for 5 years. They worked out their resource in four years. General feeling - tough. I like

Vera, St. Petersburg

Honestly - pillows like pillows. Nothing special

Anna, Moscow

When choosing a pillow, I stopped at the "buckwheat husk", because the "bamboo" seemed too big to me. I like smaller and firmer. This is what makes them different. Well, the names, of course.

Write your opinion about the pillow. Leave your feedback!

Pillow orthopedic anatomist 50x7050x701100 rub.

Pillow orthopedic therapy

To improve the quality of sleep and enable the body to fully relax, a person resorts to all possible ways. It's no secret that one of the elements of a healthy sleep is how comfortable the pillow you choose is, especially if you have back problems. Modern manufacturers of this bedding, taking into account this factor, are expanding the range of pillows offered to consumers, giving preference to environmental friendliness of materials, convenience and therapeutic effect.

Particular attention is paid to the filling of pillows. And if down pillows or pillows with holofiber have already become familiar to us, then, for example, filler in the form of coconut or bamboo is often surprising. And some could not even think that a pillow could be filled with buckwheat husks (husks)! But such pillows exist, and for a very long time - buckwheat husks were used to stuff pillows back in Ancient China and Japan.

IN Asian countries pillows with buckwheat husks are still very popular, especially among representatives alternative medicine. In the US, this bedding is also in demand, and rehabilitators often recommend this device for back treatment and posture correction.

What does the buckwheat husk pillow owe its popularity to? Is it really that effective and does it have any drawbacks? Having studied the reviews of people who have experienced its effect on themselves, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with a pillow stuffed with buckwheat husks in more detail.

What are the functions of a pillow with buckwheat filling?

Crispy eco-pillow made of buckwheat husk, according to manufacturers, is not only able to improve sleep, relieve headaches and muscle pain, align the spine and provide correct posture, but also to prevent the appearance of dust mites in the pillow. As for the latter, few such studies have been carried out in our country, but Korean experts presented facts according to which the number of dust mites in a synthetic pillow was several hundred times higher than in a pillow made of buckwheat husks.

If the manufacturer approached the cleaning of buckwheat husk from the remnants of flour with all responsibility, then the pillow will be completely safe for everyone, including allergy sufferers and asthmatics. And if you have any doubts before the first use, the buckwheat husk pillow can be frozen - this will not give dust mites any chance!

It is better to buy pillows filled with buckwheat husks from companies whose specialization is the development of environmentally friendly products. In Asia, the USA and Canada, this matter is approached with all responsibility, exposing the husk to multi-stage cleaning, which reduces the risk of allergies to almost zero. Such a pillow can take the correct anatomical shape and, in combination with the orthopedic properties of the bedding, provide external micromassage and inhalation. essential oils buckwheat, benefiting the body from the inside.

The main function of a buckwheat husk pillow is to provide a comfortable and full sleep with simultaneous orthopedic action. Repeating the outlines of the head, such a pillow relieves excessive load from the cervical and shoulder regions, and provides support to the spine. With the help of this bedding, it is possible to align the spine and correct posture.

Advantages of a pillow filled with buckwheat husks

  1. Convenience for everyone - the volume of a pillow made of buckwheat husks can be easily changed, adjusting for yourself personally. The amount of filling can be reduced or increased using a convenient zipper compartment.
  2. Supporting the head and neck during sleep in the correct position. Adapting to the curves of the body, evenly distributing the load, the buckwheat husk pillow helps to relieve pain and relieve neck tension, which is especially important for cervical osteochondrosis.
  3. Micromassage. A light massage, somewhat similar to acupressure, affects the shoulders, head and neck, improving blood flow and lymph flow to the brain, which helps relieve headaches, normalize blood pressure and combat chronic fatigue.
  4. Pain reduction. Approximately one-fifth of those who regularly use buckwheat-filled pillows noted a significant reduction in pain in the cervical region. Only 5% of consumers were dissatisfied with the pillow and complained of pain caused by its excessive rigidity.
  5. Snoring. Since the head and neck are in the correct position during sleep, snoring decreases and in some cases disappears altogether.
  6. Pillow with buckwheat husk does not accumulate heat and moisture, has high air permeability. Thanks to this, it will not be hot to sleep on it. However, after the expiration date, the husk compaction occurs, and the ability to pass air gradually decreases.
  7. Eco-friendly and hypoallergenic. Thanks to natural and safe materials it is possible to avoid allergies during the operation of the buckwheat pillow, as well as to prevent the development of asthma.
  8. Breathing benefits. Essential buckwheat oils contained in the husk have a healing effect on the respiratory system.
  9. Minimal maintenance. The pillow cover can be washed after removing the buckwheat husk from it. If the pillow has strayed to one side, it is corrected by shaking it well. The only thing the manufacturer does not recommend doing is to wet the husk, as it will quickly become saturated with moisture, which will be very problematic to dry out.

Disadvantages of buckwheat husk pillow

All the pillows stuffed with buckwheat husks have, appear mainly on initial stage use. It could be:

  • the need to get used to the pillow because of its hardness and weight;
  • at first, the rustle of the husk can interfere with sleep;
  • it will take some time to determine the optimal pillow volume for you personally;
  • short service life;
  • some are irritated by the smell of buckwheat from the pillow.

A pillow with buckwheat husks is indeed more rigid than our usual down or feather bedding. This is especially true for those who are not used to sleeping on their backs. Lying on their side or on their stomach, some have noted that in the first days of use, there is more pressure on the ears and a tingling sensation appears. However, you need to remember that if the pillow with buckwheat husks was purchased by you in medicinal purposes, then sooner or later you will have to learn how to sleep on your back so that your neck and head are placed in a dream in the correct position.

The next disadvantage is weightiness. A pillow with buckwheat husks does not provide for coups during sleep, therefore, its weight is appropriate - 1-5 kg.

You will also have to get used to this, as well as the fact that in order to move such a pillow, more effort will be required.

The rustle of buckwheat husks at first distracts some from sleep, which is not surprising - such pillows are considered hardly the noisiest. This greatly interferes, again, with those who sleep on their side and stomach, leaning their ear against the pillow. However, many users claim that this deficiency disappears after a maximum of 3-4 days. Getting used to the crunching of buckwheat husks, at first, over time, you generally stop noticing it.

To determine the size of the "buckwheat" pillow, it will take several days to experiment with the amount of filler. Considering that the manufacturers have foreseen everything and made the adjustment process as comfortable as possible (a cover with a zipper, an additional amount of buckwheat filler comes with the pillow), this drawback is also not so significant.

But the limited service life of a pillow with buckwheat husks is a more serious inconvenience. As the husk gradually compacts during use, the size of the pillow is gradually reduced. You can, of course, regularly add husks (if it is in stock), however, experts recommend completely updating the filler of the “buckwheat” pillow every 2-5 years. The refresh rate here depends on how well you care for the pillow.

The unpleasant smell from the pillow, which bothered users in the first days, also disappeared over time.

As you can see, almost all the disadvantages of a pillow with buckwheat filling are associated with the primary inconvenience of use. Considering that most of the people who use it note that they are satisfied with the purchase by about 4 points out of 5, it should be assumed that the benefits of a buckwheat husk pillow are still much greater. By the way, the manufacturer also played an important role in the evaluation, so before buying, carefully study the sites with the product and try to evaluate it in terms of the quality and reliability of the supplier.

How to care for the "buckwheat" pillow?

As we already wrote, there is nothing complicated in this matter. To extend the life of the pillow with buckwheat filler, it is necessary to carry out several manipulations:

  1. Do not wash the entire pillow. Send only the bedclothes to the wash. In this case, it is better to pour the filler into a sealed bag and protect it from moisture. Although it is preferable to clean the bedding with a vacuum cleaner. It is recommended to clean the pillow with buckwheat husk at the beginning of use several times a month, and then you can do it as needed.
  2. Don't forget to ventilate the pillow. If possible, pour the filler into a suitable container and dry in the sun (just keep it away from the wind!).
  3. Shake the pillow regularly - this will help to avoid quickly knocking down particles of husk.
  4. Sift the filler periodically to get rid of crushed husk particles.

We are all used to sleeping on soft feather or synthetic pillows. Lying down on them, as if drowning in a cloud. And how strong will the dream be if the filler turns out to be much more rigid material? In this case, we are talking about buckwheat husks. Manufacturers claim that such pillows are not only very convenient and comfortable, but also very healthy. Taking the shape of the body, this filler provides the best support for the neck, head and overall alignment of the spine and pain relief. Is it so? What are the real benefits and harms of a buckwheat husk pillow?

It is believed that buckwheat husk is one of the best pillow fillers.

Buckwheat husk: what is the filler

Buckwheat husk is a product that is obtained from cereals at the last stage of its processing. After harvesting, buckwheat is washed and thoroughly dried, after which it is threshed. As a result, the scales are separated from the nuclei. They are harvested and used as pillow fillers.

Useful properties of a pillow

What exactly is a pillow for? – To ensure a sound and comfortable sleep throughout the night. However, not all of them fulfill their intended purpose, and the proof of this is insomnia, which affects quite a few city dwellers and those who have a sedentary job. Of course, on the state nervous system lifestyle and the frequency of stressful situations largely influence, but at the same time, the quality of sleep accessories also plays a huge role.
The pillow filled with buckwheat husk provides a good rest because it takes the shape of the head, supporting both it and the spine. As a result, the muscles of the neck and forearm are completely relaxed during a night's sleep, which improves blood circulation in the head.

Down and feather products are known for their ability to collect and accumulate dust, which often negatively affects the well-being of people with bronchial asthma and those prone to allergies. Buckwheat pillow does not have such qualities. This was proven back in 2004 in the course of scientific research.

Advice! If you still doubt that a pillow filled with buckwheat husk does not collect dust mites and is absolutely safe in this regard, then for complete certainty you can withstand it for several hours, preferably a day, in freezer. With such low temperatures dust mites die!

If you snore, then a buckwheat husk pillow can solve this problem. Due to the fact that the head and shoulder area are in an optimally comfortable position, you sleep soundly and at the same time do not interfere with the rest of the household.

Buckwheat husk has sharp peaks, thanks to which, during the rest, you also get a wonderful massage, which in its action is similar to acupressure. As a result of careful study of bioactive points, which are located both on the neck and on the shoulders, headaches disappear and blood microcirculation is established in all parts of the brain. In addition, such a massage helps to normalize arterial pressure relieves fatigue and helps to relax as much as possible. Plus, you get a unique opportunity to take care of your appearance just while you sleep. And this is again due to acupressure, as a result of which the skin becomes fresher and younger, as fine wrinkles are smoothed out, and the hair is shiny and strong, which is associated with the effect of thin angles of the husk on the hair follicles.

The structure of buckwheat husks is such that air circulates freely through it. This allows the pillow to be very comfortable and comfortable even in summer - it absorbs sweat and at the same time does not create a thermal effect, and therefore it is not hot on it.

Disadvantages of buckwheat pillow

A buckwheat husk pillow may seem rather uncomfortable at first, and all because of the specific filler. The husk of buckwheat is quite tough and at the same time noisy. And despite the fact that a high-quality pillow is not capable of causing any harm to health, some refuse to use it precisely because of these disadvantages. Let's consider them in more detail.

  • The pillow with buckwheat husks is noisy. The noise effect is created due to the fact that the husks rub against each other, and it will be especially bright when a person sleeps on his side, that is, directly with his ear to the pillow.
  • The accessory is very hard. Such complaints are usually heard from those who are used to sleeping on their stomach or, again, on their side. In such situations, the ears and cheeks “suffer” the most. But at the same time, those who sleep mainly on their backs experience practically no discomfort.
  • And lastly, a lot of weight. It all depends on the size and height of the pillow you choose. Its weight can reach five kilograms, and this is really quite a lot, especially when children or the elderly have to cope with such a sleep accessory.

Main selection criteria

For some reason, many people believe that absolutely all pillows with buckwheat husk inside are exactly the same in their action. However, this opinion is erroneous. The result of using this accessory will depend on many criteria.

Case material

Preference should be given to pillows in which the material of the cover is satin. He will the best option, as it is quite dense, and, accordingly, durable, but at the same time it will not interfere with normal air exchange.
If we consider other fabrics, for example, coarse calico, then it is much thinner and, with constant contact with the sharp edges of the husk, will quickly become unusable. Teak is characterized by low hygroscopicity, and therefore is able to significantly reduce the therapeutic ability of buckwheat pillow. As for synthetics, but in this case there can be no talk of it as a material for a cover, since such a fabric will simply negate the benefit of the product.

Buckwheat husk quality

What could be easier than filling a fabric case with husks, which is a residual product of the processing of kernels? But in fact, the filler filler is different, since the husk must certainly be clean, without debris and plant residues.

On a note! You can only determine the quality of the composition by touch, checking with your fingers for fragments of twigs and small fragments of debris among the husks. But it’s quite difficult to check whether the composition is good by eye!

The ideal material for filling such a product is a calibrated husk. She is undergoing additional heat treatment, as a result of which it is disinfected and becomes less fragile. A pillow with such a “stuffing” will spring a little, which will provide an excellent orthopedic effect.

In addition, during operation, buckwheat husks should not go astray. good filler it will be free-flowing and necessarily free of foreign odors.

The lineup

Pillows with buckwheat husks may have different shape and sizes. It is believed that products 40 cm wide and 60 cm long have the best effect. They perfectly take the shape of the body and relieve stress from the shoulder area. If you have a figure with high shoulders, then in this case you should pay attention to pillows with dimensions of 70 × 50 cm.

At the same time, rectangular models are best suited for sleeping. As for round and square products, their shape does not allow to accept all the anatomical features of the body, respectively, they are not suitable for many hours of night rest. On sale you can also find pillows in the form of a roller - such products can only come in handy on the road, when there is no way to fully relax.


If you choose a buckwheat husk pillow for a child, then a product with dimensions of 40 × 50 cm will be suitable.

Important! Buckwheat pillows can be used by children who are at least two years old!

At the same time, you must regulate the amount of filler yourself, adding it in portions as the child grows. If your baby cannot sleep all night on such a pillow and wakes up often, then at first it is advisable to limit it to only short-term use, for example, several times a week during daytime sleep or during illness. In addition, today many manufacturers produce buckwheat husk pillows with medicinal additives: oregano, mint, lemon balm, hops, lavender, etc.

You can also find on sale orthopedic seat from buckwheat husk. Such a product is sure to come in handy for those who spend more than 4 hours a day sitting. It can be used in the office, in the car, on a hike, as well as at home, for example, while watching TV, sitting on the floor, while working at a computer or reading a magazine in your favorite chair. This accessory perfectly tones and has a conditioning effect. In addition, the orthopedic seat, like the pillow, provides a kind of micro-massage, which improves blood circulation in the pelvic area and prevents congestion.

And the last thing I want to draw your attention to is the care of a pillow made of buckwheat husks. You can only wash the cover, the filler cannot be wetted. From time to time it is desirable to sift the husk and remove crumbled particles. In the summer, it is recommended to dry the product for fresh air, but only that it is exclusively in the shade, not exposed to sunlight.

Sleep is primarily rest for the body. Health, performance and even mood depend on the quality of sleep. To make it complete, we must try to create for it good conditions. Very important point is choosing the right accessories for sleep. A buckwheat husk pillow will help you relax and sleep well at night. It owes its positive effect on the body to its filler.

The husk, or husk, of buckwheat is the shell of buckwheat grains. It is obtained by processing buckwheat and is an absolutely natural product. Before the husk becomes a filler, the following happens to it:

  • it separates from the grain;
  • processed with steam;
  • carefully sieved;
  • dried with air;
  • cleaned by special technology.

The whole process takes place under strict control, and at the end of it, a hypoallergenic material is obtained for filling pillows of any kind and shape.

The processed husk looks like small triangles that fold into pyramids, with an air gap between the scales. This allows such a filler to retain heat, have good breathability and take the anatomical shape of the head or body of its owner.

The benefits and harms of buckwheat husk pillows

After the appearance of such a sleeping accessory as buckwheat pillows, their benefits and harms are constantly discussed by consumers. Numerous studies have shown that pillows with such a filler are orthopedic, which means they are useful for human body properties. However, they are not suitable for everyone, so before buying it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the recommendations for their use in detail.

Positive sides

After purchasing a buckwheat husk pillow, its benefits quickly become apparent. After all, it contributes healthy sleep and improving overall well-being. She has mass useful qualities, among which:

Disadvantages of buckwheat filler

Despite the undeniable usefulness of this subject not everyone can get used to it. The main disadvantages of its consumers include:

If we weigh all these shortcomings, we can see that all of them, except for allergies, are insignificant. The therapeutic effect of the pillow is much more important.

Indications for use

A pillow made of buckwheat husk is also suitable for bedridden patients, it will make their life more comfortable.

In order not to be disappointed in the purchased product and do right choice, several factors must be taken into account:

Varieties and rules of care

In addition to sleeping pillows, on sale you can find accessories with this filler, designed for other purposes. Among them:

Compliance simple rules care will increase the life of the accessory. Here are the rules:

  1. Wash only the lining.
  2. Clean the contents with a vacuum cleaner, without removing it from the cover and avoiding sunlight.
  3. Periodically ventilate the filler in the fresh air.