Preparation and conduct of outdoor games in the second junior group of kindergarten. Synopsis "card file of outdoor games in the second junior group"

Natalya Bobkova
Summary of the outdoor game in the second junior group"Sparrows and a cat"

Abstract of the outdoor game in the 2nd junior group

« Sparrows and cat» .

Target. Develop auditory skills motor activity, the ability to follow the rules games.

Tasks. Teach children to run in different directions throughout the site without bumping into each other, start moving and change it at the signal of the teacher, find their place, learn to perform figurative movements as shown by the teacher (flap wings, peck grains, jump).

Equipment: emblems - sparrows, toy sparrow, cat's hat, tambourine, hoops, disc with singing sparrow.

1. Collection of children for PI

Singing sparrow on the record.

caregiver: "Children, who sings this?".

Children's answers. (put on bench)

Jumping, jumping Sparrow(toy display - sparrow)

Cries of little children

Throw crumbs sparrow

I will sing you a song: “Chick-chirp!”

2. Create interest in PI

Story about sparrows:

Sparrow wants you something tell:

“It was a clear sunny day. The red cat was dozing in the sun. Little gray ones sparrows flew around the garden and looked for grains or insects. They flew up to the puddle, jumped, drank some water and flew away again. sparrows chirped so loudly with joy that they woke the cat. cat loud meowed: "Meow". sparrows got scared and quickly flew away to their houses - nests.

3. Rules games.

Let's play a game like this the sparrow will look at us. you will be small sparrows. (Glue emblems - sparrows) . Let's remember how sparrows fly, jump, peck grains, drink water, chirp.

They fly down the street, live under the roof (flapping wings).

Sparrow darting around the yard, collects bread crumbs (bend over or squat).

Small bird, has claws, can’t walk, wants to take a step, it turns out a jump (jumping on two legs).

And now the rules games: Children - « sparrows» sitting in their "nests"- these are hoops on one side of the site. On the other side of the site - sitting "cat". As soon as "cat" doze off « sparrows» "fly out" on the road, "fly over" from place to place, looking for crumbs, grains, jumping, chirping loudly. But here "wakes up" "cat". He is loud "meows" and runs for « sparrows» , which "fly away" in their "nests".

indication: We do not push each other, "wings"- we don’t touch each other with our hands, when we run - we look ahead.

4. Game play and management.

Play with children.

"Fly in sparrows in nests - houses " (tambourine is silent). And I'll be the cat.

"The cat fell asleep - run out sparrows from the nest(tambourine sounds). Children run, peck grains, jump, chirp loudly. "Cat woke up: (tambourine is silent) "Meow". I'm catching up sparrows - children. When all the children have taken their nests, I say: "Well done, sparrows, quickly flew away, the cat did not catch anyone. Sophia will be the cat now. And we will continue the game. A game repeated 3-4 times.

5. End games

sedentary game"Where did you hide sparrows.

“Guys, did you like the game? Let's give thanks sparrow, but where is he? He decided to play hide and seek with you, find him. Children are looking for sparrow, find, offer to take him to group and feed.

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Abstract of the outdoor game

Abstract of the outdoor game in the I junior group

"Sparrows and the Car"

Target. Develop auditory qualities, motor activity, the ability to follow the rules games.

Tasks. Teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other, start moving and change it at the signal of the teacher, find their place, learn to perform figurative movements as shown by the teacher;

Equipment: a toy car, a tambourine, a toy steering wheel, sparrow hats.

1. Collection of children for PI

Sparrow singing on record

caregiver: "Children, who sings this?".

Children's answers.

Jumping, jumping sparrow

Cries of little children

Throw the crumbs to the sparrow

I'll sing a song for you Chik-chirik!

Throw millet and barley

I will sing to you all day

Chick-chirp! Chick-chirp!

2. Create interest in PI

- story about sparrows:

“Once upon a time there were little gray sparrows. On a clear sunny day, they flew around the garden and looked for grains or insects. They flew up to the puddle, drank some water and flew away again. One day a big car suddenly appeared and hummed "bi-bi-bi". The sparrows got scared and flew away to their nests.

3. Rules games.

Let's play this game. You will be little sparrows. The chairs will be your nests, and I will be the car.

Turn around yourself, turn into a sparrow!

Let's remember how sparrows fly, jump.

I fly down the street, I live under the roof (flapping wings)

Sparrows are looking for crumbs in the yard (bend over or squat)

Small bird, has claws, can't walk (jumping on two legs).

And now the rules games: sparrows sit on chairs, these are nests. On a signal, they fly out, jump, peck the grains. And as soon as the car, I'll be the car, buzz "beep beep", all sparrows fly into nests.

4. Explanation games in progress

Play with children

“Sparrows have come to us. And they began to live in nests here on chairs. "Fly sparrows into the house" (tambourine is silent).

“And here in the garage was a car (I take a toy car and put it aside)". "The car is in the garage - run the sparrows out of the house (tambourine sounds). Let's wave our wings (showing, pecking at the grains (showing). We chirp with joy ( "chirp")". I go to the car, take a toy and I say: "The car drove out of the garage - b-b-b - fly the sparrows to the house so that the car does not crush you" (tambourine is silent). I drive a car by a rope. When the children all sat on the chairs I say: “Well done, sparrows, they quickly flew away, the car didn’t crush anyone”. I'm taking the car "to the garage": "The car has left - fly out sparrows". The game is repeated 3-4 times.

And now the machine will be driven by another driver, Dimochka. And we will continue the game.

5. End games.

sedentary game"Let's drive a car"

And now all the sparrows will sit in a big car and go for a ride. I put the chairs in pairs in one direction, assign a driver, give the child a toy steering wheel.

Analysis outdoor games in the first junior group.

This game teaches you to control your behavior. The task of children is to perform game actions in time, which are determined by the role. The game situation provides for the alternation of two groups actions - active movements and their inhibition, which requires certain efforts. The activity of the imagination in the performance of the role taken on makes it easier for the children to make these efforts. Thus, this game also contributes to the development of imagination.

Created an emotional mood for holding

goal achieved

prospects: continue to work on children learning the rules in games

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Outdoor games for children 4-5 years old

Nikitishina N.A.

P / and "Owl"

Goal: learn to stand still for a while, listen carefully.

Course of the game: The players are freely located on the court. To the side (“in the hollow”) sits or stands “Owl”. The teacher says: "The day comes - everything comes to life." All players move freely around the court, performing various movements, imitating with hands the flight of butterflies, dragonflies, etc.

Unexpectedly says: "Night comes, everything freezes, the owl flies out." Everyone should immediately stop in the position in which these words found them, and not move. "Owl" slowly passes by the players and vigilantly examines them. Whoever moves or laughs, the "owl" sends to his "hollow". After a while, the game stops, and they count how many people the "owl" took to itself. After that, a new "owl" is chosen from those who did not get to it. That "owl" wins, which took more playing.

P / and "Homeless Hare"

Purpose: to run fast; navigate in space.

Game progress: A "hunter" and a "homeless hare" are chosen. The rest of the "hares" are in hoops - "houses". The "homeless hare" runs away, and the "hunter" catches up. The "hare" can get into the house, then the "hare" standing there must run away. When the "hunter" has caught the "hare", he himself becomes him, and the "hare" - the "hunter".

P / and "Fox in the chicken coop"

Purpose: to learn to jump gently, bending the legs at the knees; run without hitting each other, dodge the catcher.

Game progress: On one side of the site, a “chicken coop” is outlined. In it, “hens” sit on a perch (on benches).

On the opposite side of the site is a fox hole. The rest of the place is a yard. One of the players is designated as the “fox”, the rest are “hens”. At a signal, the "hens" jump off the perch, walk and run around the yard, peck grains, flap their wings. On a signal: "Fox!" - "hens" run away to the chicken coop and climb onto the perch, and the "fox" tries to drag the "hen" that did not have time to escape, and takes it to its hole. The rest of the "hens" jump off the perch again, and the game resumes. The game ends when the "fox" catches two or three "hens".

P / and "Run quietly"

Purpose: to learn to move silently.

Game progress: Children are divided into groups of 4-5 people, divided into three groups and lined up behind the line. A driver is chosen, he sits in the middle of the site and closes his eyes. On a signal, one subgroup silently runs past the driver to the other end of the site. If the driver hears, he says "Stop!" and the runners stop. Without opening his eyes, the driver says which group ran. If he correctly indicated the group, the children step aside. If they make a mistake, they return to their places. So alternately run through all the groups. The winner is the group that ran quietly and that the driver could not detect.

P / and "Airplanes"

Purpose: to teach ease of movement, to act after the signal.

Game progress: Before the game it is necessary to show all game movements. Children stand on one side of the playground. The teacher says “Ready to fly. Start the engines!" Children make rotational movements with their hands in front of the chest. After the signal "Let's fly!" spread their arms to the sides and scatter around the room. At the signal "To land!" The players go to their side of the court.

P / and "Hares and the wolf"

Purpose: to learn how to jump on two legs correctly; listen to the text and perform movements in accordance with the text.

Game progress: One of the players is chosen as a "wolf". The rest are rabbits. At the beginning of the game, the "hares" are in their houses, the wolf is on the opposite side. "Hares" come out of the houses, the teacher says:

Hares jump hop, hop, hop,

To the green meadow.

Grass is pinched, eaten,

They carefully listen to see if the wolf is coming.

Children jump, perform movements. After these words, the "wolf" comes out of the ravine and runs after the "hares", they run away to their houses. Caught "hares" "wolf" takes to his ravine.

P / and "Hunter and hares"

Purpose: to learn to throw the ball at a moving target.

Game progress: On one side there is a “hunter”, on the other side there are 2-3 “hares” in drawn circles. "Hunter" goes around the site, as if looking for traces of "hares", then returns to his place. The teacher says: "Hares ran out into the clearing." "Hares" jump on two legs, moving forward. At the word “hunter”, the “hares” stop, turn their backs to him, and he, without moving, throws a ball at them. The “hare” that the “hunter” hit is considered shot, and the “hunter” takes him to himself.

P / and "Zhmurki"

Purpose: to teach to listen carefully to the text; develop coordination in space.

Game progress: Blind man's buff is selected using a counting rhyme. They blindfold him, take him to the middle of the site, and turn around him several times. Conversation with him:

- Cat, cat, what are you standing on?

- On the bridge.

- What's in your hands?

- Kvass.

- Catch the mice, not us!

Players scatter, and blind man's blind man catches them. The blind man's blind man should recognize the caught player, call him by name, without removing the bandages. He becomes a creep.

P / and "Fishing rod"

Purpose: to learn how to bounce correctly: push off and pick up your legs.

Game progress: Children stand in a circle, in the center is a teacher with a rope in his hands, at the end of which a bag is tied. The teacher twists the rope, and the children must jump over.

P / and “Who is more likely to the flag?”

Game progress: Children are divided into several teams. Flags are placed at a distance of 3 m from the starting line. At the signal of the teacher, it is necessary to jump on two legs to the flag, go around it and run back to the end of your column.

P / and "Birds and a cat"

Purpose: to learn to move on a signal, to develop dexterity.

Game progress: A “cat” sits in a large circle, “birds” sit behind a circle. The "cat" falls asleep, and the "birds" jump into the circle and fly there, sit down, peck at the grains. The "cat" wakes up and starts to catch the "birds", and they run away around the circle. The cat takes the caught “birds” to the middle of the circle. The teacher counts how many there are.

P / and "Don't get caught!"

Purpose: to learn how to jump on two legs correctly; develop dexterity.

Game progress: A cord is placed in the form of a circle. All players stand behind him at a distance of half a step. The leader is chosen. He becomes inside the circle. The rest of the children jump in and out of the circle. The driver runs in a circle, trying to touch the players while they are inside. After 30-40 seconds. The teacher stops the game.

P / and "Traps"

Game progress: With the help of a counter, a trap is selected. He becomes the center. The children are on the same side. On a signal, the children run across to the other side, and the trap tries to catch them. Caught becomes a trap. At the end of the game, they say which trap is the most dexterous.

P / and "Run to the named tree"

Purpose: to train in quickly finding the named tree; fix the names of the trees; develop fast running.

Game progress: the driver is selected. He names a tree, all children should listen carefully to which tree is named, and in accordance with this, run from one tree to another. The driver carefully watches the children, whoever runs to the wrong tree takes them to the penalty box.

P / and "Find a leaf, like on a tree"

Purpose: to teach to classify plants according to a certain attribute; develop observation.

Game progress: The teacher divides the group into several subgroups. Everyone offers to take a good look at the leaves on one of the trees, and then find the same ones on the ground. The teacher says: “Let's see which team will find the fastest desired leaves". The kids start looking. The members of each team, having completed the task, gather near the tree whose leaves they were looking for. The team that gathers near the tree first, or the one that collects the most leaves, wins.

P / and “Who will collect it sooner?”

Purpose: to learn to group vegetables and fruits; to cultivate speed of reaction to words, endurance and discipline.

Game progress: Children are divided into two teams: "Gardeners" and "Gardeners". On the ground are dummies of vegetables and fruits and two baskets. At the command of the educator, the teams begin to collect vegetables and fruits, each in their own basket. Whoever collected first raises the basket up and is considered the winner.

P / and "Bees"

Purpose: to teach to act on a verbal signal; develop speed, agility; practice dialogue.

Game progress: All children are bees, they run around the room, flap their wings, buzz: “F-f-f”. A bear (chosen at will) appears and says:

The bear is walking

The bees will take away the honey.

The bees answer:

This hive is our house.

Go away, bear, from us,


The bees flap their wings, buzz, chasing the bear away.

P / and "Beetles"

Purpose: to develop coordination of movements; develop orientation in space; exercise in rhythmic, expressive speech.

Game progress: Beetle children sit in their houses (on a bench) and say: “I am a beetle, I live here, buzz, buzz: w-w-w.” At the signal of the teacher, the "beetles" fly to the clearing, bask in the sun and buzz, at the signal "rain" they return to the houses.

P / and "Find a mate"

Purpose: to teach to run fast without interfering with each other; fix the names of the colors.

Game progress: The teacher distributes multi-colored flags to the players. At the signal of the teacher, the children run around, at the sound of a tambourine they find a mate according to the color of the flag and hold hands. An odd number of children must take part in the game so that one is left without a pair. He exits the game.

P / and "Such a leaf - fly to me"

Purpose: to develop attention, observation; exercise in finding leaves by similarity; activate dictionary.

Game progress: The teacher with the children examines the leaves that have fallen from the trees. Describes them, says what tree they are from. After a while, he gives the children leaves from different trees located on the site, and asks them to listen carefully. Shows a leaf from a tree and says: “Whoever has the same leaf, run to me!”

P / and (Russian folk) "Wintering and migratory birds"

Purpose: to develop motor skills; reinforce the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe behavior of birds in winter.

Game progress: Children put on hats of birds (migratory and wintering). In the middle of the playground, at a distance from each other, there are two children in hats of the Sun and Snowflake. "Birds" run in all directions with the words:

Birds fly, grains are collected.

Little birds, little birds».

After these words, "migratory birds" run to the Sun, and "wintering" - to the snowflake. Whose circle gathers faster, he won.

P / and (Russian folk) "Bees and a swallow"

Purpose: to develop dexterity, speed of reaction.

Game progress: Playing "bee" children squat. "Swallow" - in its nest. "Bees" (sitting in a clearing and humming):

Bees fly, honey is collected!

Zoom, zoom, zoom! Zoom, zoom, zoom!

Martin: - The swallow flies and catches the bees.

Flies out and catches "bees". Caught becomes a "swallow".

M/p/i “Dragonfly Song”

Purpose: to develop coordination of movements; exercise in rhythmic, expressive speech.

Game progress: Children stand in a circle, pronounce words in chorus, accompanying them with movements:

I flew, I flew, I didn’t know I was tired.

(Wave hands gently.)

She sat down, sat down, flew again.

(Get down on one knee.)

I found my friends, we had fun .

(Smooth wave of hands.)

She led a round dance, the sun shone.

(They lead a round dance.)

P / and "Cat on the roof"

Purpose: to develop coordination of movements; develop rhythmic, expressive speech.

Game progress: Children stand in a circle. In the center is a cat. The rest of the children are mice. They quietly approach the “cat” and, shaking their fingers at each other, say in unison in an undertone:

Quiet mouse, quiet mouse...

The cat is sitting on our roof.

Mouse, mouse, watch out.

And don't get caught by the cat!

After these words, the "cat" chases the mice, they run away. It should be noted with a line the mouse's house - a mink, where the "cat" has no right to run.

P / and "Crane and Frogs"

Purpose: to develop attention, dexterity; learn to navigate by signal.

Game progress: A large rectangle is drawn on the ground - a river. At a distance of 50 cm from her, “frogs” children sit on bumps. Behind the children, a “crane” sits in its nest. "Frogs" sit down on the bumps and begin their concert:

Here from the hatched rotten

The frogs splashed into the water.

And puffed up like a bubble

They began to croak from the water:

"Kwa, ke, ke,

Kwa, ke, ke.

It will rain on the river.

As soon as the frogs utter their last words, the "crane" flies out of the nest and catches them. The "frogs" jump into the water, where the "crane" is not allowed to catch them. The caught “frog” remains on the bump until the “crane” flies away and the “frogs” get out of the water.

P / and "Hare hunting"

Purpose: to develop attention, dexterity, fast running.

Game progress: All the guys are “hares” and 2-3 “hunters”. "Hunters" are on the opposite side, where a house is drawn for them.

Educator: -

There is no one on the lawn.

Come out, bunny brothers,

Jump, somersault! ..

Riding in the snow!

"Hunters" run out of the house and hunt for hares. Caught "hares" "hunters" take home, and the game is repeated.

P / and "Zhmurki with a bell"

Purpose: to entertain children, to help create a good, joyful mood in them.

Game progress: One of the children is given a bell. The other two kids are morons. They are blindfolded. The child with the bell runs away, and the buffaloes catch up with him. If one of the children manages to catch the child with the bell, they switch roles.

P / and "Sparrows"

Game progress: Children (sparrows) sit on a bench (in nests) and sleep. In the teacher's words: Sparrows live in the nest and everyone gets up early in the morning”, the children open their eyes, say loudly: "Click-chick-chick, chirp-chick-chick! They sing so merrily." After these words, the children scatter around the site. In the teacher's words: « They flew into the nest!- return to their seats.

P / and "Bunny"

Purpose: to develop agility, fast running.

Game progress: 2 children are selected: "bunny" and "wolf". Children form a circle holding hands. Behind the circle - "bunny". In the circle "wolf". Children lead a round dance and recite a poem. And the "bunny" jumps around the circle:

A little bunny jumps near the mound,

The bunny jumps fast, you catch him!

The "wolf" tries to run out of the circle and catch the "bunny". When the "bunny" is caught, the game continues with other players.

P / and "chanterelle and hens"

Purpose: to develop fast running, agility.

Game progress: At one end of the site there are chickens and roosters in the chicken coop. On the opposite side is a fox. Chickens and roosters (from three to five players) walk around the court, pretending to peck various insects, grains, etc. When a fox creeps up on them, the roosters shout: “Ku-ka-re-ku!” At this signal, everyone runs into the chicken coop, followed by a fox that tries to stain any of the players.

If the driver fails to stain any of the players, then he leads again.

P / and "Hares and Bears"

Purpose: to develop dexterity, the ability to transform.

Game progress: The “bear” child squats and takes a nap. Children- "hares" jump around and tease him:

brown bear, brown bear,

Why are you so gloomy?

"Bear" gets up, answers:

I did not treat myself to honey

That's where everyone got angry.

1,2,3,4,5 - I start to drive everyone!

After that, the "bear" catches the "hares".

P / and "Where have we been"

Purpose: to develop motor skills and abilities; develop observation, attention, intelligence, breathing.

Game progress: The leader is chosen by the counting room. He goes out to the veranda. The remaining children agree on what movements they will do. Then the driver is invited. He says: "Hello children! Where were you, what were you doing?" Children answer: “Where we were, we will not say, but we will show what we did!” If the driver has guessed the movement performed by the children, then a new driver is selected. If he couldn't guess, he drives again.

P / and "At the bear in the forest"

Purpose: to teach to navigate in space; develop attention.

Game progress: A line is drawn at one end of the court. This is the edge of the forest. Behind the line, at a distance of 2-3 steps, a place for a bear is outlined. At the opposite end, the children's house is indicated by a line. The teacher appoints one of the players as a bear (you can choose a rhyme). The rest of the players are children, they are at home. The teacher says: "Go for a walk." Children go to the edge of the forest, pick mushrooms, berries, i.e. imitate the corresponding movements and say : "At the bear in the forest,

I take mushrooms, berries, And the bear sits and growls at us.

The bear gets up with a growl, the children run away. The bear tries to catch (touch) them. He takes the one he catches to himself. The game is restarted. After the bear catches 2-3 players, a new bear is appointed or selected. The game is repeated.

P / and "Bird Flight"

Purpose: to learn to move in one direction, quickly run away after a signal.

Game progress: Children stand in one corner of the site - they are birds. In the other corner are benches. At the signal of the teacher: “The birds are flying away!”, The children, raising their hands, run around the playground. On a signal: “Storm!”, they run to the benches and sit on them. At the signal of an adult: “The storm is over!”, the children get off the benches and continue to run.

P / and "Cucumber ... cucumber ..."

Purpose: to form the ability to jump on two legs in forward direction; run without bumping into each other; perform game actions in accordance with the text. Game progress: At one end of the hall is a teacher, at the other is the children. They approach the trap by jumping on two legs. The teacher says: Cucumber, cucumber, don’t go to that tip, The mouse lives there, it will bite your tail off. After the end of the speech, the children run away to their house. The teacher pronounces the words in such a rhythm that the children can jump twice for each word. After the game is mastered by children, the role of the mouse can be entrusted to the most active children.

P / and "Trap, take the tape!"

Purpose: to develop dexterity, to cultivate honesty, fairness in evaluating behavior in the game.

Game progress: The players stand in a circle, choose a trap. Everyone, except for the trap, takes a colored ribbon and lays it behind the belt or behind the collar. The trap stands in the center of the circle. At the signal of the teacher "Run!" children run around the playground. The trap catches up with them, trying to pull the ribbon from someone. The one who has lost the ribbon temporarily steps aside. At the signal of the teacher "" One, two, three. Run into the circle!" the children gather in a circle, the trap counts the number of ribbons and returns them to the children, the game restarts with a new trap.

P / and "Colored cars"

Purpose: to teach, in accordance with the color of the flag, to perform actions, navigate in space.

Game progress: Children are placed at the edges of the site, they are cars. To each his own colored circle. The teacher is in the center, he has three colored flags in his hands. He picks up one, the children who have a circle of this color scatter in different directions. When the teacher lowers the flag, the children stop. The teacher raises a flag of a different color, etc.

P / i (Russian folk game) "Potato"

Purpose: to introduce the folk game; learn to throw the ball.

Game progress: Players stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other without catching it. When a player drops the ball, he sits in a circle (becomes a "potato"). From the circle, bouncing from a sitting position, the player tries to catch the ball. If he catches, then he again becomes the players, and the player who missed the ball becomes a potato.
The game continues until one player remains or gets bored.

P / and "Birds and the car"

Purpose: to develop motor skills and abilities; develop auditory attention; the ability to move in accordance with the words of the poem.

Game progress: Children stand in a circle. These are "birds" in nests. On the opposite side is the teacher. He represents a car. After the words of the teacher:

Birds jumped, small birds,

They galloped merrily, pecked at the grains.

Children - "birds" fly and jump, waving their arms. At the signal of the teacher: “The car runs along the street, puffs, hurries, the horn is buzzing. Tra-ta-ta-ta, beware, step aside. Bird children run away from the car.

P / and "Mousetrap"

Purpose: to develop dexterity, the ability to act after a signal.

Game progress: The players are divided into two unequal groups. A smaller group of children, holding hands, form a circle. They represent a mousetrap. The remaining children (mice) are outside the circle. Depicting a mousetrap, they begin to walk in a circle, saying:

Oh, how tired the mice are,

Divorced them - just a passion.

Everyone ate, everyone ate

Everywhere they climb - that's an attack.

Beware, cheaters

We will get to you.

Let's close the mousetrap

And we'll catch you right away!
Children stop, raise their clasped hands up, forming a gate. Mice run into and out of the mousetrap. At the signal of the teacher “Clap”, the children standing in a circle lower their hands, squat - the mousetrap slams shut. Mice that do not have time to run out of the circle (mousetraps) are considered to be caught. Those caught become in a circle, the mousetrap increases. When most of the children are caught, the children switch roles and the game resumes. The game is repeated 4-5 times. After the mousetrap is closed, the mice should not crawl under the hands of those standing in a circle or try to break the clasped hands. The most dexterous children who have never fallen into a mousetrap should be noted.

P / and "Run and do not hurt"

Purpose: to develop dexterity of movement.

Game progress: A chain is laid out from large snowballs. The task of the players is to run between the snowballs and not hit them.

P / and (Russian folk) "Snow Woman"

Purpose: to develop physical activity.

Game progress: "Snowman" is chosen. She squats down at the end of the playground. Children go to her, trampling,

Baba Snow is standing,

Dozes in the morning, sleeps during the day.

Quietly waiting in the evenings

At night, everyone is going to be scared.

At these words, the "Snow Woman" wakes up and catches the children. Whoever he catches becomes the "Snow Woman".

P / and (Russian folk) "Duck and drake"

Purpose: to acquaint with Russians folk games; develop speed.

Game progress: Two players represent the Duck and the Drake. The rest form a circle and hold hands. The duck becomes in a circle, and the Drake behind the circle. The Drake tries to slip into the circle and catch the Duck, while everyone sings:

Drake, catches a duck,
The young one catches the grey.
Go duck home
Go, gray, home.
You have seven children

Eighth drake.

P / and "Get in the hoop"

Purpose: to develop accuracy, eye.

Game progress: Children throw snowballs into a hoop from a distance of 5-6 m.

P / and "Snowballs and wind"

Purpose: to develop motor skills.

Game progress: Children stand in a circle, holding hands. At the signal of the teacher: “The wind blew strong, strong. Fly away, snowflakes! - they scatter in different directions around the site, spread their arms to the sides, sway, spin. The teacher says: “The wind has died down! Come back, snowflakes in a circle! The children run into a circle and hold hands.

P / and "Beware, I'll freeze"

Purpose: to develop dexterity.

Game progress: All players gather on one side of the playground, the teacher is with them. “Run away, beware, I’ll catch up and freeze,” says the teacher. Children run to the opposite side of the playground to hide in the house.

P / and "Empty place"

Purpose: to develop speed of reaction, dexterity, speed, attention.

Game progress: Children hold on to the hoop right hand, and move clockwise, and the leader goes in the opposite direction with the words:

I walk around the house

And I look out the window

I will go to one

And softly knock:


All children stop. The player, near whom the host stopped, asks: “Who came?” the host calls the name of the child and continues:

You stand with your back to me

Let's run with you.

Which of us is young

Will you hurry home?

The leader and the child run in opposite directions. The one who gets it first wins empty place at the circle.

P / and "Shaggy dog"

Purpose: to develop attention, fast running; learn how to designate objects in the game in different ways.

Game progress: Children stand on one side of the playground. The driver - the dog - is on the other side. Children quietly approach him with the words:

Here lies the shaggy dog,

Burying your nose in your paws.

Quietly, quietly he lies,

Not dozing, not sleeping.

Let's go to him, wake him up,

And let's see what happens!

After these words, the dog jumps up and barks loudly. Children run away, and the dog tries to catch them.

P / and "We are funny guys"

Purpose: to develop dexterity, attention.

Game progress: Children stand on one side of the playground beyond the line. A line is also drawn on the opposite side - these are houses. There is a trap in the center of the site. The choir players say:

We are funny guys, we love to run and jump

Well, try to catch up with us.

1,2,3 - catch!

After the word "Catch!" the children run across to the other side of the playground, and the trap tries to catch them. The one whom the trap manages to touch to the line is considered caught and moves aside, skipping one dash. After two runs, another trap is selected.

P / and "Carousel"

Purpose: to learn to move and speak at the same time, to act quickly after a signal.

Game progress: The players stand in a circle. A rope lies on the ground, the ends of which are tied. They approach the rope, lift it from the ground and, holding it with their right (or left) hands, walk in a circle with the words:

Barely, barely, barely, barely

The carousels are spinning

And then around, around

Everyone run, run, run.

The players move slowly at first, and after the word "run" they run.

At the command of the head "Turn!" they quickly take the rope with the other hand and run in the opposite direction. In words:

Hush, hush, don't rush

Stop the carousel

One and two, one and two

Here the game is over.

The movement of the carousel gradually slows down, and stops with the last words. The players put the rope on the ground and scatter around the site. On a signal, they rush to sit on the carousel again, that is, take hold of the rope with their hands, and the game resumes. You can take places on the carousel only until the third bell (claps). A latecomer does not ride the carousel.

P / and "Kittens and puppies"

Purpose: to learn to move beautifully on toes, to combine movement with words; develop dexterity.

Game progress: The players are divided into two groups. Children of one group depict "kittens", the other - "puppies". "Kittens" are near the bench; "puppies" - on the other side of the site. The teacher offers the “kittens” to run easily, gently. To the words of the teacher: “Puppies!” - the second group of children climbs over the benches. They run after the "kittens" and bark: "Av-av-av." "Kittens", meowing, quickly climb onto the bench. The teacher is there all the time. "Puppies" are returning to their houses. After 2-3 repetitions, the children change roles and the game continues.

P / and "Bubble"

Purpose: to teach children to form a circle, changing its size depending on the game actions; develop the ability to coordinate actions with spoken words.

Game progress: Children, together with the teacher, holding hands, form a circle and pronounce the words:

Inflate a bubble, inflate a big one.

Stay like this and don't break.

The players, in accordance with the text, step back holding hands until the teacher says “The bubble has burst!”. Then the players squat down and say "Clap!". And they go to the center of the circle with the sound “sh-sh-sh.” Then they become in a circle again.

P / and "Cat Vaska"

Purpose: to develop attention, dexterity.

Game progress: Children lead a round dance, in the middle the cat “sleeps”.

Mice dance
A cat is napping on a couch.
Hush, mice, don't make noise,
Don't wake the cat Vaska.
How Vaska the cat wakes up
Will break our round dance.

The cat wakes up, catches mice. The mice run into the houses.

P / and (Russian folk) "Cabbage"

Purpose: to develop dexterity of movements.

Game progress: The circle is a garden. In the middle, shawls are folded, denoting cabbage. The "master" sits down next to the cabbage and says:

I'm sitting on a pebble, amusing pegs of crayons,

I amuse the pegs of crayons, I am building my own garden.

So that the cabbage is not stolen, they did not run into the garden

Wolves and tits, beavers and martens,

Mustachioed hare, clubfoot bear.

Children try to run into the "garden", grab the "cabbage" and run away. Whoever the "owner" catches is out of the game.

P / and "Who lives where"

Purpose: to teach to group plants according to their structure; develop attention, memory, orientation in space.

Game progress: Children are divided into two groups: "Squirrels" and "bunnies". "Squirrels" are looking for plants behind which they can hide, and "bunnies" - under which they can hide. "Squirrels" hide behind trees, and "bunnies" behind bushes. They choose the driver - the "fox". "Bunnies" and "squirrels" run around the clearing. On a signal: "Danger - a fox!" - "squirrels" run to the tree, "hares" - to the bushes. Whoever completed the task incorrectly, those "fox" catches.

P / and "Children and the wolf"

Purpose: to develop motor skills and abilities; learn to understand and use past tense verbs and imperative verbs in speech.

Game progress: Children stand on one side of the playground in front of the drawn line. On the opposite side, behind a "tree" (a chair or a column), sits a "wolf" - the leader. The teacher says:

The children were walking in the forest harvested strawberries,
There are many berries everywhere - both on the bumps and in the grass.

Children disperse around the playground, run. The teacher continues:

But here the branches crackled ...

Children, children, don't yawn
Wolf behind the spruce - run away!

Children scatter, the "wolf" catches them. The captured child becomes the "wolf", and the game starts over.

P / and "Butterflies, frogs and herons"

Purpose: to develop motor activity, attention.

Game progress: Children run freely on the playground. At the signal of the educator, they begin to imitate the movements of butterflies (waving "wings", spinning), frogs (down on all fours and jumping), herons (freeze, standing on one leg). As soon as the teacher says: “Let's run again!”, They again begin to run around the site in random directions.

P / and "Dove"

Purpose: to develop coordination of movements, orientation in space; practice pronunciation of sounds.

Game progress: Children choose a “hawk” and a “hostess”. The rest of the children are pigeons. The "hawk" stands aside, and the "hostess" drives the "pigeons": "Shoo, shoo!" "Doves" scatter, and "hawk" catches them. Then the “hostess” calls: “Guli-guli-ghuli” - and the “pigeons” flock to the “hostess”. The one whom the “hawk” caught becomes the “hawk”, and the former “hawk” becomes the “mistress”.

P / and "Transfer objects"

Purpose: to develop coordination in space, agility, speed of reaction.

Game progress: 2-4 circles are drawn on the ground on opposite sides. Different objects are placed in one circle (skittles, cubes, toys), the other remains free. Children stand in two lines (or one column) and, at the signal of the teacher, begin to transfer objects one by one from another circle.

P / and "Traps with squats"

Purpose: to develop dexterity, speed.

Game progress: Players choose a driver, and they themselves scatter around the court. The driver catches up with them, trying to tarnish. The player who is being overtaken by the driver can crouch down and touch the ground with his hand. In this position, it cannot be stained. However, the driver can stand a stone's throw from the crouched one and count to five. If the player does not run away with a count of "five", the driver can stain him. The game is played within the area, the border of which is not allowed to leave. Anyone who breaks this rule becomes a leader. The winner is the one who has never been in the role of a driver.

Target. Develop auditory qualities, motor activity, the ability to follow the rules games.

Tasks. Teach children to run in different directions throughout the site without bumping into each other, start moving and change it at the signal of the teacher, find their place, learn to perform figurative movements as shown by the teacher (flap wings, peck grains, jump).


masks - sparrows,

picture Sparrow,

cat hat,

audio recording of singing sparrow.

1. Gathering children for an outdoor game

Singing sparrow on the record.

caregiver: "Children, who sings this?".

Children's answers.

Jumping, jumping Sparrow(picture display - sparrow)

Cries of little children

Throw crumbs sparrow

I will sing you a song: “Chick-chirp!”

2. Create interest in outdoor play

Story about sparrows:

Sparrow wants you something tell:

“It was a clear sunny day. The red cat was dozing in the sun. Little gray ones sparrows flew around the garden and looked for grains or insects. They flew up to the puddle, jumped, drank some water and flew away again. sparrows chirped so loudly with joy that they woke the cat. cat loud meowed: "Meow". sparrows got scared and quickly flew away to their houses - nests.

3. Rules games.

Let's play a game like this the sparrow will look at us. you will be small sparrows. Let's remember how sparrows fly, jump, peck grains, drink water, chirp.

They fly down the street, live under the roof (flapping wings).

Sparrow darting around the yard, collects bread crumbs (bend over or squat).

Small bird, has claws, can’t walk, wants to take a step, it turns out a jump (jumping on two legs).

rules games:

Children - « sparrows » sitting in their "nests"- these are hoops on one side of the site. On the other side of the site - sitting "cat". As soon as "cat" doze off « sparrows » «fly out» on the road, "fly over" from place to place, looking for crumbs, grains, jumping, chirping loudly. But here "wakes up" "cat". He is loud "meows" and runs for « sparrows » , which "fly away" in their "nests".

indication: We do not push each other, "wings"- we don’t touch each other with our hands, when we run - we look ahead.

4. Game play and management.

Play with children.

"Fly insparrows in the nests - houses "(the tambourine is silent). And I'll be the cat.

"The cat fell asleep - run out sparrows from the nest(tambourine sounds). Children run, peck grains, jump, chirp loudly. "Cat woke up: (tambourine silent) "Meow". catches up sparrows - children. When all the children have taken their nests, say: "Well done, sparrows, quickly flew away, the cat did not catch anyone. And now the cat will be .... And we will continue the game. A game repeated 3-4 times.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational

Establishment kindergarten of a compensating type No. 17 "Ladushki"

Synopsis of an outdoor game in the second junior group

"Wolf and Hares"

Prepared by the teacher

Krasavina M.K.

Purpose of the game:

Continue to teach children to listen carefully to the teacher, perform jumps and other actions in accordance with the text;

Continue to learn to navigate in space, find your place.

To develop the general outlook of children;

Raise interest in collective gaming activities.

Equipment: wolf hat, hare hats, hare toy.

Game progress.

Educator: Guys, look, a hare came to visit us. He is sad not happy. Let's ask the bunny what happened?

The teacher asks the bunny what happened, why is he sad not cheerful?

Educator: Guys, the bunny told me that he has no friends and he has no one to play with. Let's make friends with the bunny and play. Bunny loves to play the game "Wolf and Hares" We all know this game. Let's remember the rules of the game, what can not be done?

Answers of children (you can not scream, push during the game)

Game description:

Each bunny will have its own house, this is a high chair.Rabbit children sit on chairs. On the side is a wolf. Hares run out into the clearing, jump, nibble grass, frolic. At the signal of the teacher: "The wolf is coming!" - hares run away and sit on a chair. The wolf is trying to catch up with them.
The text used in the game is:
Bunnies jump: lope, lope, lope,
To the green meadow.
Grass is pinched, eaten,
Listen carefully
Is the wolf coming?
Children perform the actions described in the poem. With the end of the text, a wolf appears and begins to catch hares.
Instructions for carrying out. The child playing the role of the wolf should be away from the children where the children are sitting. Then the child playing the role of the wolf runs out and catches the children - bunnies. (the game is repeated several times).

Guys, look, the bunny has become cheerful, he liked to play with you, but it's time for him to return to his forest.

Did you guys enjoy playing?

Well done!

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Summary of educational activities (using an interactive whiteboard) in the second junior group " Fox and hares"

Formation of children's knowledge in a playful way about nature, about wild animals....

Synopsis of the outdoor game in the second junior group "Taxi"

To improve children's running in one direction. Strengthen the ability to move in pairs. To develop in children dexterity, attention, speed of reaction ....
