By law, minors are not allowed to have gas canisters. How is this justified, and how then to defend yourself? Where to fill a propane gas tank

Since May 25, in eleven cities of Russia hosting matches of the World Cup, it is forbidden to carry weapons. Is it only about small arms, or will the owners of gas pistols and injuries also fall under the distribution? What pitfalls should even law-abiding citizens be wary of?

At the same time, any prohibitions are observed only by law-abiding citizens, who do not pose any threat anyway, but crime does not pay any attention to them. About the degree of efficiency measures taken can be judged by last year's example, when from June 1 to July 12 in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan and Sochi, similar restrictions were already in effect during the FIFA Confederations Cup. Despite all the prohibitions and increased control, on the second day of the decree in the west of Moscow, an armed showdown took place, during which two people were killed and three were injured.

In total, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, during this month and a half, about thirty thousand crimes against a person occurred in Russia, including more than a thousand murders, three thousand cases of intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm and about four hundred rapes.

Persons under the age of 18 are not allowed buygas cylinder chik, but carry it with you, as well as closed a bottle of vodka is not prohibited by law. The main thing is to use it for its intended purpose, otherwise - 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Why the sale is prohibited (personal opinion):
First of all, for the reason that a teenager is often not able to adequately assess the danger. Some teenagers (especially teenage boys) are still prone to violence, hooligan behavior and pointless showdown. Imagine a group of kids who, out of hooligan impulses, spray tear gas on a crowded bus. Or maybe underage thugs using spray cans to seize mobile devices and wallets from passers-by. Or just an overly vengeful girl who pours pepper over the eyes of a supposedly unfaithful youth. In general, teenagers are unlikely to use it for its intended purpose - mostly for personal showdowns.
In general, if a teenager thinks about getting a pepper spray (a gun, a knife, a baseball bat, a shocker), he will still get it. But this device is still a weapon (according to the law "On weapons"). Therefore, I believe that in order to prevent the mass use of this device by teenagers for criminal purposes, there is a restriction on the sale.

And now about the ways of self-defense for teenagers:
1. Trained legs - the ability to run away from danger is not a sign of cowardice, but a way to save life. If you think that there is a threat to your life or health - run, you will not be mistaken.
2. "Buzzer" - I don't know what this thing is called, but when you press a button, it creates a very loud and annoying sound. This can temporarily discourage the attackers, attract the attention of others, make it possible to escape.
3. "Sand in the eyes" - if the terrain allows, the attacker can throw sand in the eyes. This will temporarily blind him and give him the opportunity to hide.
4. Loud voice - calling for help is not a shame. Especially when the opponent is stronger. Especially when armed. Especially when there are more of him than you. It is a shame to foolishly enter into an unequal fight.
5. "Kick in the balls" - if you kick a maniac-rapist (for example) in the balls, it will definitely stop him. Together with trained legs, it works great.
6. A bright flash of something - of course, blinds.
7. Teeth, nails, knees - if an adult uncle grabbed you, try not to fall into a stupor - bite, scratch, shove and scream. Sometimes it is enough to press hard on the eyes or a strong blow to the attacker's Adam's apple to discourage the desire to continue the attack. Sometimes not. If a woman attacks you (and this happens) - hit in the nose, under the knee or in the jaw.

And finally, I’ll tell you about the most important way - REASON. It is prudent not to walk alone at night. It is prudent to look around if you still got in the dark. It is prudent to stay in crowded places and use public transport. It is prudent not to listen to music with headphones at night. It is prudent not to ride in an elevator with suspicious individuals. It is prudent not to provoke conflict and not to dress too provocatively (so that you do not have to "explain for the gear" or become a victim of rape because of too tight leggings). It is prudent to alert family and friends of your location in "non-childish times" and generally keep relatives aware of where you are (ideally speaking on the phone through one earpiece on the way home, so you will be able to instantly warn about what is happening).

Situations are, of course, always individual. Sometimes self-defense is really necessary and you have to make physical contact. The law treats you, as teenagers, much softer, and therefore do not be afraid to use all the above-described means for self-defense - if you interfere in the process of fighting for your honor, dignity and life, you will most likely be more trusted. But don't resort to violence unnecessarily. Develop your body sports activities and competitions (even if it is "boring", you should not sit at a computer or a book all the time - especially since you are interested in this question and you are reading this answer). Follow the rules of discretion. And do not skip OBZH :-)


3 minutes ago

You are the same person who introduces ridiculous age restrictions, a typical stereotype, a 16-year-old allegedly cannot adequately assess the danger, but an 18-year-old already automatically owns 50 martial arts (of course not, a 20-year-old will be confused, oh, or rather, a 25-year-old)

Believe me, I have no doubt that people over 18 years old can be stupid and aggressive animals))) And, fortunately, I don’t impose ridiculous age restrictions, and I really hope that I won’t have to participate in this, except through democratic voting and similar methods. And even more so, I don’t think that the average teenager will not understand that an uncle with an ax is dangerous, and a girl with balloon no.
In my response, I stated that some teenagers can spray pepper spray in the face of a little girl for the sole purpose of hooliganism (exaggerated). The situation is trivial but probable, and it's not about age, but about upbringing and mental health.
Indeed, in young body hormones are seething, and a variety of thoughts are hovering in the minds of boys and girls, forcing teenagers to go from extreme to extreme. But the problem is by no means the use of self-defense (pepper) by children for hooligan purposes.
Let's look at the rules for owning weapons as such (albeit not lethal, traumatic). Before its official acquisition, you go through a psychologist, demonstrate shooting skills at a shooting range and generally try to prove that you know how to use it and will not use it to the detriment of yourself and others. A gas cartridge is the same means of protection, it is regulated by the Federal Law "On Weapons". I mean, it's still a weapon.

However, I just read this law in more detail, and nowhere is there a ban on the "wearing" of this means of self-defense. There is a purchase ban. Thank you for your message, I would never have known)

In many country houses gas cylinders are used, which must be regularly refilled. Although they are used in production. Refilling is much cheaper than buying a new cylinder. They are used for heating and domestic purposes. When living outside the city limits, the question of where to fill the gas cylinder becomes natural. This is discussed in the article.

Pros and cons of gas cylinders

The self-contained tank is a convenient thing to use. Its advantages include:

  1. Mobility. It can be rearranged, transported.
  2. Unlimited storage period. It can be used later.
  3. Big choice. You can purchase a container of any size, purpose, made of various materials.

Of the minuses are:

  1. Fire hazard. If the tank is located in the area of ​​a fire or a sudden change in temperature, this can lead to a threat to life and health, as well as damage to property.
  2. The presence of sediment in old tanks with prolonged use. They need to be cleaned for future use.
  3. Gas leakage if the equipment has been used for a long time. You need to change the jet regularly to prevent this.
  4. Danger from sudden overturning. There is a risk of a pressure surge and a sudden burst of flame. And it’s almost impossible to pay off everything on your own.
  5. Risk of substance inhalation. If the equipment is malfunctioning, then people living in the house can be poisoned by carbon monoxide.

Where to apply?

Household gas cylinders are sold at specialized points. Usually there is home delivery. Where to fill the gas cylinder if it is empty? In these specialized centers, the filling of containers is carried out. As a rule, these points are located at stationary automobile gas stations.

Other items

Where else is propane? There are several options:

  1. Plant. But this option is not very convenient, besides not cheap.
  2. Companies that have received the right from Gostekhnadzor. These include the exchange of cylinders.

Factories and companies should have special rooms that meet the requirements, as well as the equipment that is needed for such work. Where to fill gas This work is performed by the same specialized points.

Where should you not go?

Although you can perform this procedure at almost every gas station, where there are not even special balloon points, you can buy liquefied gas it's not worth it. This is quite risky because:

  1. After this procedure, there is no check for gas leakage.
  2. There is no control of tankers, which is why the use of such gas equipment will be unsafe.
  3. Due to the format of the filling column, the balloon cannot be filled with high quality.

According to the norms, the filling volume should not exceed 85%. This creates a "vapor cap" in the cylinder, which protects against the risk of the cylinder exploding due to high temperatures. In automobile cylinders, in comparison with household ones, there is a cut-off valve to prevent gas overflow. Therefore, the equipment must be checked on the scales. Where is the best place to fill a gas cylinder? You can also apply to car gas stations, if only there is special equipment and a license.

Filling process

Refueling centers are called gas filling stations. They may have different equipment. Usually the procedure is performed in 3 ways:

  1. Pumped: A pump is used.
  2. Pump-compression: gas is taken with a pump and under high pressure compressor enters the cylinder.
  3. Pump-evaporator: in the gas supply system there is a heater-evaporator that provides increased pressure.

All refueling methods are safe if the rules and procedures are followed.

station requirements

If you are interested in where you can fill the gas cylinder, then you should check the station for the presence of:

  1. Exhaust and pump installations.
  2. Reservoirs for gas.
  3. Technical tools for transportation.
  4. Additional devices - dispensers, devices for measuring the density of a substance.

Where are household gas cylinders filled in cities? This is usually done by gas services that connect and maintain this equipment. They deliver containers with the substance according to a certain schedule. Delivered to the villages gas equipment, delivering it on special machines.

The procedure is carried out according to standard requirements. They must be observed, as there is a risk of explosion. For example, the procedure is not performed if there is one of the shortcomings:

  • the equipment is faulty;
  • there is no necessary pressure in the cylinder;
  • there are valve or valve defects;
  • rust is visible on the surface;
  • peeling paint;
  • there is damage.

Therefore, you need to check compliance with these regulations regarding where you can fill the gas cylinder. They should be labeled "compressed gas". A sticker is also attached, indicating an explosion hazard. Only in this case, everything complies with safety standards, so refueling in such a company can be performed.

Refueling rules

Before the procedure, the balloon is freed from condensate and remaining gas. Filling is carried out on the basis of the characteristics indicated in the data sheet, so that the equipment will work safely. During the procedure, there should be no fire, sparks, coals and other hazardous substances nearby. Work can be done in 2 ways:

  1. Exchange. A person gives away his reservoirs, and he is provided with filled ones. This saves time. But the disadvantage is the receipt of other equipment, which may not have quite high-quality parameters.
  2. own balloons. A person leaves their tanks for refueling, and after a while picks them up. Then only your equipment will be used. But you will have to spend money on shipping and wait a while.

After refueling, the equipment must be properly maintained. It should not be affected by precipitation, sunlight. Cylinders should be stored upright. Equipment should be checked regularly for proper operation. It is better to eliminate any defects immediately, without waiting for adverse consequences.

What does the price depend on?

It is important to know not only where to fill the gas cylinder, but also the price of these services. The cost depends on:

  • service level;
  • availability of transport services;
  • electricity costs;
  • gas prices.

In case of violation of refueling procedures, firms are held liable. If they do not comply with the rules and regulations, then for these cases it applies. Therefore, if you need to fill a gas cylinder (50 liters or another volume), you should contact specialized companies that operate on the basis of a legally issued permit. Then the procedures for filling the cylinders are performed correctly, which is safe for the life and health of people.

initiative investigative committee Vladimir region to limit the sale of gas lighters and cans was supported by the Legislative Assembly of the region.

At present, the representative body of the region is preparing an appeal to State Duma Federal Assembly Russian Federation on the need for acceptance federal law, which establishes a restriction on the circulation of portable gas lighters and gas cartridges for their refueling among minors, as well as administrative liability for its violation.

Recall that deputies of the Kovrov City Council also spoke out for the introduction of a ban on the sale of these dangerous goods to children and adolescents. We wrote about it.

The need for this proposal was caused by the results of the analysis of annually recorded cases of the death of minors from inhalation of domestic gas vapors. Investigative practice shows that since 2014, 8 minors have died in the region, who, in order to obtain an intoxicating effect, inhaled gas from cylinders for refilling lighters (in one case, from a cylinder with domestic gas). In 2018, 2 teenagers died for the above reason, one of them is a young Kovrov woman. The tragedy occurred on December 2, when the girl was walking with her friends. You can read more about this. The child could not be saved, the cause of death was not established, but, according to the former head of the Kovrov police department, Ilya Isachenko, the disaster could have been prevented. Watch the video of the performance.

Informing the Legislative Assembly about the findings, the Investigation Department stated that one of the priority conditions contributing to the spread of this form of substance abuse among young people is the absence of any restrictions on the sale of gas canisters and lighters, which can be freely purchased even by young children.

Given the relevance and importance of the topics of child safety, preserving the health of the younger generation and educating moral principles, the Investigation Department proposed to establish a ban on the sale of these goods to persons under 18 years of age (similar to alcoholic products and tobacco), as well as provide for administrative liability for violation of this prohibition by retailers.

The Legislative Assembly of the region confirmed the urgency of the problem of the use of gas mixtures by minors, which exists in many regions of the country.

The Acting First Deputy Governor for Social Policy was also informed about the situation. Within competence authorized bodies the administration of the region was asked to implement additional measures to prevent substance abuse among adolescents.
