Muck measuring the temperature of hot water. DHW temperature: SanPiN requirements and standards

2019 regulations defining temperature hot water, supplied to the premises, are established by a special document - the prescription of SanPin. Just like last year, this indicator remained unchanged, which means that all Russians living in multi-storey buildings, have the right to demand from the service organization the full provision of comfortable living in apartments, including the supply of hot water.

It should be noted that the problem is not even that the water has temperature regime not quite suitable for use. The problem is related to the danger posed by a water supply that is treated contrary to accepted technology. Today we will talk about what norms are in force in Russia and what rights the residents of MKD are endowed with.

Not every owner knows that the water temperature is determined by the water supply system. For each type of plumbing device, the indicator is set to its own, such as:

  • for an open system - from 60 degrees Celsius;
  • in closed system- from 50 degrees Celsius.

According to the standards of 2019, the DHW temperature should not be higher than 75 degrees. The top level is no longer dependent on the type and configuration of the system.

This standard must be observed very strictly, and there are several well-founded reasons for this. In particular, we are talking about these important points:

  • too low a temperature indicator can cause the liquid in the pipes to become viscous, and infectious agents will begin to appear in it. When the temperature threshold is observed, harmful bacteria die and do not reach the human body;
  • Excessively hot water can cause severe burns to the user. Even at a temperature of 55 degrees, the risk of getting burned is very high, so to avoid such a situation in open system water supplies usually “mix in” cold water as well;
  • an excessive increase in the temperature regime of hot water can lead to deformation of parts plumbing system made of plastic. The danger of this kind began to rise, especially in last years when people more and more often install plastic pipes in the apartment.

It will be very difficult to find the guilty person here, since there were no measurements of the temperature of hot water initially. This means that compensation will also not work.

What deviations from the norms are allowed?

Sharp drop and rise DHW temperature can lead to serious violations and failures in the water supply system and even to possible injuries to citizens. However, there are a number of permitted deviations from the established standards. It is about the following points:

  • in daytime days (from 5 am to 24 pm), the water temperature can be lowered by no more than 3 degrees, that is, up to 57 degrees Celsius;
  • at night (from midnight to 5 am), the maximum possible drop threshold is 5 degrees, that is, up to 55 degrees Celsius.

Suspension of DHW can occur in two situations. In the first case, we are talking about an accident. The second option is to carry out planned preventive measures. In any case, the occupants should not suffer, and the maximum allowable hot water shutdown period is 4 hours.

Ways to find out the temperature regime of water

To defend your point of view and receive compensation for violation of rights, it is not enough to go to the Criminal Code or write. It is necessary to present them with irrefutable facts that not too much flows from the tap. warm water, preferably obtained empirically and not subject to doubt.

When an injured tenant wants justice and compensation, the first thing you need to do is find out what the property is doing at the moment. The procedure is quite simple and short. Moreover, no complicated and obscure devices are required for this.

To get the information you need, you will need to arm yourself with a simple thermometer with a scale of 100 degrees. It is this device that is suitable for measuring the desired indicator. When using the device, you will need to strictly follow the specified algorithm. This will give you the most accurate results. The procedure should be as follows:

  1. Open the faucet with hot water and wait at least 3 minutes. This makes it possible to remove the accumulated liquid, the performance of which is somewhat lower.
  2. Substitute a glass under the jet and hold it so that the water overflows it. You can’t just take water into a glass and take it to the table, because during this time it can cool down by a couple of degrees.
  3. It is important to lower the thermometer carefully into the glass closer to the center.
  4. After the reading stops rising, you can record the data.

If the temperature obtained is below the permitted one, then it will be necessary to file a complaint with the Criminal Code or the housing and communal services department. If there is no reaction, then the next instance for a complaint is the prosecutor's office and the court.


In conclusion, it is worth noting that if the temperature of hot water drops below 40 degrees Celsius, the tenant will pay for it as for cold water supply. During the time of violation of existing standards, a citizen also has the right to demand a recalculation.

According to the rules of SanPiN ( for an apartment, the hot water temperature norm in apartment building from the tap is laid in the range of 60°C-75°C, regardless of the heating system. Decree (No. 354-PP RF) allows deviation:

  • at night - within 5°C (0.00-5.00),
  • during the day - within 3°C (5.00-00.00).

The water temperature in the batteries determines the temperature norm for the premises, which is -18 ° C for the living room, kitchen and separate toilet, 20 ° C for the corner room, and 25 ° C for the bathroom. In the daytime, downward deviation in the residential premises is not allowed, at night - within 3 ° C, and upward - limited to 4 ° С. At the same time, if the temperature regime is not observed, the consumer has the right to expect a reduction in the amount of payment. However, for this it is necessary to correctly measure and take into account a number of legally stipulated requirements.
Legal requirements

The lower temperature limit for hot water supply, according to SanPiN, is due to:

  • prevention of infection with viruses and bacteria (in particular Legionella Pneumophila), which in an environment with
  • minimizing the content of chloroform,
  • prevention of skin diseases and pathological changes in the subcutaneous tissue.

If the temperature deviates more than the allowable limit, for every 3°C the amount of payment during the period of violations is reduced every hour by 0.1%. This time is calculated by the amount of time during the billing period. If temperature measurements show a value below 40°С, payment for hot water is made at cold water tariffs.

A possible break in DHW, after which the fee for each hour will be reduced by 0.15%, is:

  • per month - 8 hours in total,
  • at the same time - 4 hours,
  • on a dead end highway in case of an accident - 24 hours.

For heating, for each hour of deviation from the norm and exceeding the allowable break, the payment is reduced by 0.15%, and the allowable break itself is:

  • per month - 24 hours in total,
  • at a time - depending on the temperature of residential premises: 4 hours (8-10°C), 8 hours (10-12°C) and 16 hours (from +12°C).

Detection of violation of the established temperature regime

To correctly determine compliance with the regulatory parameters at the point of draw-off (for example, from a tap), the cooled water is drained from the pipeline for 3 minutes (no more). It is assumed that the control measurement is made into a glass, where a thermometer with a scale of at least 100 ° C is then lowered. The presence of water-saving devices similar to modernized aerators ( does not affect the quality of the measurement.

Heating quality control is carried out:

  • in the largest living room,
  • at a height of a meter and at a distance of half a meter from the battery,
  • in the center of planes that are half a meter away from the outer wall, and in the center of the room.

Owner's rights in case of deviation from the temperature range

For multi-apartment and residential buildings, the Rules governing the provision of public services in paragraph 31 determine that the maintenance company must carry out maintenance of engineering systems and recalculation for improper or untimely provision of services. That is, in the event of a violation of the temperature regime, the owners do not have to pay for the elimination of the causes of this violation.

If the state of heating or hot water differs from that in apartments in residential buildings beyond the agreed tolerances and represents a systemic problem, the consumer can:

  1. Notify the service organization about the problem and find out about its causes. At the same time, it is advisable to record the appeal and the data of the executor receiving the information.
  2. In the absence of measures taken, apply to government agencies in order to initiate an audit (according to Article 33 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation). For violations of utility standards, a fine is provided (Article 7.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses).
  3. Fix the deadlines for receiving a response and eliminating the violation. Within 30 days, the official must send a response to citizens' appeals. (In the case of sending an appeal by mail, you must add the forwarding time). Lack of an answer threatens the official with a fine (Article 5.59 of the Code of Administrative Offenses). The terms for eliminating violations are not the same for different houses, however, on average, they are 45 days.
  4. Increase the flow of similar requests to increase the likelihood of execution. Relatives or friends can write, even if they do not live in the house.
  5. Contact the prosecutor's office if there are no actions aimed at correcting the situation on the part of authorized persons.

If the correction process is launched, then a commission (an employee of the REU and a representative of the heating network) should come to the consumer after the appeal to confirm the fact-reason for the appeal and draw up an appropriate act. After the problems are fixed, another act is drawn up confirming this.

In chronological order of their publication.

Headings of invalid (cancelled) norms are crossed out.

For an abbreviated list, see the end of the file


see the current Code of Rules SP 30.13330.2012

… 2.2. The temperature of hot water in the places of water intake should be provided:

a) not lower than 60 °С - for centralized hot water supply systems connected to open heat supply systems;

b) not lower than 50 °С - for centralized hot water supply systems connected to “closed heat supply systems;

c) not higher than 75 °C - for all systems specified in subparagraphs "a" and "b".

Code of rules SP 30.13330.2012


Updated edition of SNiP 2.04.01-85*

"... 5.1.2. The temperature of hot water at the points of water intake must comply with the requirements of SanPiN and SanPiN and, regardless of the heat supply system used, must not be lower than 60 ° C and not higher than 75 ° C."

SanPiN 4723-88

see current SanPiN

(approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the USSR in November 1988)

"... 1.7. The temperature of hot water at the points of draw-off, regardless of the heat supply system used, should not be lower than 60 ° C and not higher than 75 ° C.

Note. For a hot water supply system made of galvanized pipes with a closed heat supply system, it is allowed to have a water temperature of at least 50 ° C and not higher than 60 ° C. Under these conditions, after repair work or elimination of emergency situations in the systems, it is necessary to maintain the temperature at 75 ° C for 48 hours.


GOST R 51617-2000.


"... 4.16.3 The temperature of hot water at the points of water intake for consumers should be from 50 to 75 ° C




"1 area of ​​use

1.1. Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations establish hygienic requirements for water quality and organization of centralized hot water supply systems (hereinafter referred to as STSHV), as well as rules for monitoring the quality of water supplied by STSGV, regardless of departmental affiliation and ownership.

1.2. These sanitary rules are binding on all legal entities, individual entrepreneurs whose activities are related to the organization and (or) provision of centralized hot water supply systems ....

2. General provisions

…2.3. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for hot centralized water supply systems are aimed at:

Prevention of hot water pollution by highly contagious infectious pathogens of viral and bacterial origin, which can multiply at temperatures below 60 degrees, including Legionella Pneumophila;…

2.4. The temperature of hot water at the points of water intake, regardless of the heat supply system used, must be at least 60 C and not higher than 75 C.

3. Requirements for the design, construction, operation of centralized hot water supply systems

3.1.10. During the operation of the STsGV, the water temperature at the points of water intake should not be lower than + 60 ° C, the static pressure should not be less than 0.05 MPa, with pipelines and water heaters filled with tap water ....


(approved by the Decree of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation of September 27, 2003 No. 170)

“… 5.3. Hot water supply

5.3.1. ... The temperature of the water supplied to the water points (faucets, mixers) must be at least 60 degrees. C in open hot water systems and not less than 50 degrees. C - closed. The temperature of the water in the hot water supply system must be maintained using an automatic regulator, the installation of which in the hot water supply system is mandatory. The water temperature at the outlet of the water heater of the hot water supply system must be selected from the condition of ensuring the normalized temperature at the water points, but not more than 75 degrees. WITH."


see current Post. No. 354

"…Appendix 1

…P. 5 Ensuring the temperature of hot water at the point of analysis:

not less than 60°C - for open district heating systems;

not less than 50°C - for closed district heating systems;

no more than 75°C - for any heat supply systems"



Appendix 1


to the quality of public services

5. ... Ensuring that the temperature of hot water at the tapping point complies with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation (SanPiN

P.S. There is an interesting document: “DESOLUTION OF THE SUPREME COURT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION OF MAY 31, 2013 N AKPI13-394”, which, among other things, establishes:

“SanPiN, as follows from the content of its clauses 1.1 and 1.2, establishes hygienic requirements for water quality and organization of centralized hot water supply systems (hereinafter referred to as STsGV), as well as rules for monitoring the quality of water supplied by STsGV, regardless of departmental affiliation and forms of ownership, and is mandatory for all legal entities, individual entrepreneurs whose activities are related to the organization and (or) provision of centralized hot water supply systems.

According to the specified SanPiN, the temperature of hot water at the points of draw-off, regardless of the heat supply system used, must not be lower than 60 ° C and not higher than 75 ° C. These sanitary and epidemiological requirements for hot centralized water supply systems are aimed, among other things, at preventing hot water pollution by highly contagious infectious agents of viral and bacterial origin that can multiply at temperatures below 60 degrees, including Legionella Pneumophila, as well as at preventing skin diseases and subcutaneous tissue, due to the quality of hot water (paragraphs 2.3 and 2.4).

Thus, sanitary and epidemiological rules define the requirements for the quality of hot water supplied to consumers in the provision of public services for hot water supply in terms of such an indicator that ensures its safety as temperature. This indicator is characterized by a minimum (not lower than 60 ° C) and a maximum limit (not higher than 75 ° C) and does not allow deviations from the specified temperature regime, subject to which the quality of public services is ensured.

The temperature of hot water at the points of water intake, regardless of the heat supply system used, must be at least 60 C and not higher than 75 C.


clause 5.1.2 of SP 30.13330.2012 " Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings»

Updated version of SNiP 2.04.01-85*;

clause 2.4 SANPiN "Hygienic requirements for ensuring the safety of hot water supply systems";

5.3.1 « Rules and norms for the technical operation of the housing stock"(approved by the Post. Gosstroy of the Russian Federation of September 27, 2003 No. 170);

clause 5 of Appendix 1 "Rules for the provision of public services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings" (approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 No. 354).

Compiled by Housing and Public Utilities Specialist Yury Kalnin

Such amenities as heat, gas, electricity and water are perceived by us as part of the usual comfort of a city dweller. It is especially difficult for us without hot water, which is sometimes planned to be turned off.

But what if hot water can only be called that because it comes from the corresponding tap. In fact, it is slightly warm, but not hot at all. Let's look at the standards and find out what temperature it should be.

Hot water temperature standard according to SNiP

The temperature regime of hot water supplied to the water supply systems of an apartment building is established by the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service, SNIPs and GOSTs.

SanPiN Resolution lists the following hot water standards:

  • at least 60 degrees in the open heating system;
  • at least 50 degrees in a closed heating system;
  • not higher than 75 degrees, regardless of the system.

The lower threshold is set in a range that allows you to protect water from pathogenic bacteria. If the upper limit (75 degrees) is exceeded for any reason, this may lead to a breakdown of the plastic water supply system. Such systems are now in every modern house.

The temperature of hot water from the tap should not be lower than 60 0 С and not higher than 75 0 С

It is worth noting that in the legislation you can find permissible deviations in the temperature of hot water. They should not be more than:

  • three degrees in the daytime;
  • five degrees at night.

If the deviations are greater than the specified values, consumers have the right to demand a reduction in fees. When the water in the hot tap does not reach 40 degrees in temperature, its cost should be calculated according to the standard, as for cold water supply.

How to measure the temperature of hot water in the faucet

Before making a complaint and demanding measurements, you can independently check the temperature of the water from the hot tap. To do this, you must first open the tap and let the water flow for two to three minutes. This is necessary so that the water in the water supply system takes a constant temperature. Then it is collected in a container where the thermometer is immersed. You can use the usual device for water.

After the temperature on the thermometer becomes constant, write it down and take a series of measurements at other times of the day. When, during all the measurements made, the instrument column shows the temperature below the standard, you should contact the management company.

What to do if the DHW supply is not up to standard

It is necessary to report a discrepancy between the water temperature and the specified standards based on the results of the measurements made, since you pay for the resource and have the right to demand compliance with the standards. The management company must accept applications both in writing and by telephone.

All actions aimed at finding out the causes of violations must be recorded by the dispatcher. He, in turn, is obliged to notify the applicant about the work being done on the water supply line. In the absence of problems on the water supply line, a representative of the management company (MC) is obliged to come to the address indicated in the application and take measurements. The estimated exit time is set within two hours, unless otherwise agreed with the applicant.

In the process of taking measurements in the presence of a representative of the Criminal Code, all thermometer readings are recorded in an act. This document must be completed. It is on its basis that you can demand the recalculation of fees for hot water supply. Two copies are made: one for the applicant, the second - in the Criminal Code.

If the temperature regime is violated regularly and repeatedly, the consumer has the right to contact the utility service with a complaint. It will certainly be considered, but it is important to draw up the document correctly and argue the problem as clearly as possible.

Main points of complaint:

  1. In the header, in addition to the organization and official to whom it is addressed, it is necessary to indicate your data: full name, full address of registration, telephone number for contact.
  2. The text should contain all the information about the problem, indicating the measurements made. Data is taken from the act drawn up jointly with the representative of the Criminal Code. Be sure to indicate the date when the measurements were taken, the temperature according to the readings of the device and the data of the representative. Here you can also specify the dates of appeals and visits on this issue.
  3. At the end, the complaint contains requirements to eliminate the causes of deviations from the standards.
  4. The complaint is sealed with the signature of the person concerned and the date of its preparation.

The complaint can be made in printed form or by hand in two copies. One of them is transferred to the management company. At the same time, during a personal visit, you can be required to register it in the presence of the applicant and put the incoming number on the second copy, which remains in the hands of the applicant.

Sample application for measuring the temperature of hot water

The term for considering a complaint is set at 30 days, although management companies often respond to written requests much faster. The speed of solving the problem can be affected by a collective complaint if there are several dissatisfied with the quality of the water.

In case of inaction of the Criminal Code, one should contact the state supervision structures - Rospotrebnadzor and the prosecutor's office.

We are accustomed to the amenities that are available in our homes. Electricity, heating, gas - all this an integral part of our comfort.

Hot water is one of the most requested services. This is especially acute in the summer season. planned water shutdown, but it lasts a short period.

Dear readers! Our articles talk about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique.

If you want to know how to solve exactly your problem - contact the online consultant form on the right or call free consultation:

What if during the year from the tap instead of hot water arrives slightly warm? And what temperature should the water in the tap of an apartment building be? We will talk about the standards for the temperature of hot water in the apartment below.

What should be the quality?

What do SNIPs, GOSTs and SanPins say? In accordance with the Decree of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service (SanPiN paragraph 2.4) certain rules have been introduced on the temperature mode of delivery of water to residential premises.

This document indicates the temperature limits for water supplied to apartments. They are range from 60°С to 75°С.

It is this range that was not chosen in vain. If the temperature at the entrance to a residential building is above 75 ° C, then the likelihood of getting burn injuries will increase several times. This is especially true for children's and medical institutions.

At a threshold below 60°С the risk of growth of infectious agents, such as legionella, increases in a warm environment. At 70°C-80°C, complete disinfection occurs. An indicator of 40 ° C contributes to the best reproduction of this bacterium.

In the SanPiN Decree, paragraph 2.2, it is written that the water supplied to residential buildings must be of high quality: without an unpleasant odor, without any taste.

Must comply compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards. In case of violations, organizations supplying utilities need to establish the cause of the supply and eliminate it.

Permissible deviation at the draw-off point

Government Decree No. 354 adopted the permissible deviation rates for the temperature regime of hot water supply:

  • for night time from 00:00 to 05:00 they correspond to 5°С;
  • for daytime from 05:00 to 00:00 - no more than 3°С.

At the same time, if the deviation from the standard exceeds these values, then for every 3 ° С it is possible demand a reduction in utility bills by 0.1% per hour deviation.

If the device shows a temperature of 40 ° C and below, then payment must be made according to the standards of cold water. But for this it is necessary to have an official measurement certificate confirming the deviation from the norms.

How to write a complaint?

At repeated violation the temperature regime for the supply of hot water should be supplied to utilities.

It is important that this document is written correctly and reasoned.

In the header of the document, you should correctly indicate which organization and, if the specific name of the responsible person is known, to whom the complaint is directed.

The heading of the complaint is written:

  1. Statement of Violation of Regulations providing the population with public services in accordance with Federal Law No. 195, article 7.23
  2. The text of the statement states crux of the problem. It is obligatory to mention the measurement carried out and information from the drawn up act is entered: the date of the measurement, the name of the employee who carried out the measurement, the water temperature.
  3. At the end of the text of the complaint, a requirement is written to eliminate the causes that cause failures in the supply of hot water. It is worth pointing out the need to inform the applicant about the work carried out.
  4. The document ends with the indication of the date of its compilation and the signature of the applicant.

It is important to set a period for which recalculation is to be made.

The beginning of the period is considered to be the date specified in the official act, and the end should be the date when final check done after eliminating the reasons for the supply of water that does not meet temperature standards.

In case of refusal to recalculate, you should either apply to the court.

In cases of violations in accordance with Federal Law No. 195, article 7.23, persons those responsible may be subject to penalties.: for officials, the amount of the fine will be from 500 to 1,000 rubles, for an organization - from 5,000 rubles to 10,000 rubles.

When paying for utilities, any user wants to receive a quality product for their money. That is why you should not give up if slightly warm water flows out of the tap.

Knowing the hot water temperature standards, you can try to affect the services providing utilities: take measurements, draw up an act, recalculate, file a complaint with a higher authority.

On the provision of utility services for hot water supply of inadequate quality and a reduction in fees for hot water.

You can learn about how management companies cash in on the supply of hot water at insufficiently high temperatures from the video:
