Laminate pros and cons: we compare flooring with expensive and cheap laminate according to reviews. Laminate floors

In the 90s of the last century, the Russian building materials markets were flooded with all sorts of new products, including in the field of flooring. At the same time, many of our fellow citizens first got acquainted with the laminate, which was created in order to replace parquet. It should be recognized that the new flooring coped with the task quickly, and soon surpassed the parquet in many respects. In appearance, a quality-made laminate can only be distinguished from parquet by an experienced specialist.

And yet, the materials from which the coatings are made are completely different, although the basis of both is wood. we recently comprehensively reviewed and discussed, and today we will pay attention to artificial laminated coating.

Laminate construction

Of course, all manufacturing companies use their proprietary laminate production technologies. However, the general principle of its manufacture remains unchanged. Laminated parquet consists of the following layers (from bottom to top):
  • stabilizing- the bottom layer protects the coating from moisture and compensates for the stresses that occur during manufacture;
  • basic- the base layer of the coating bears the main loads. The basis of most laminates - HDF(high density fibreboard), less common MDF(medium density fibreboard). The first is obtained at higher pressure, so it has better characteristics (higher strength, water resistance). HDF divided into moisture resistant and non-moisture resistant. Usually the level of moisture resistance is not indicated on the packaging, but the price of the product increases;
  • decorative- above is a decorative layer that resembles plain paper with a pattern. Images on it can be very diverse. The most popular "plot" is an imitation of a wood pattern of any shade and breed. For kitchens and corridors, stone and tile prints are often used. There are drawings that create the effect of an old floor, depicting scratches, cracks, footprints;

  • protective- the lower layers of the laminate are glued or pressed. Manufacturing technology depends on the manufacturer. And then laminated: in other words, covered with plastic. In fact, this is a layer of resin - acrylate or melamine (maybe with the addition of corundum particles). Such an artificial material can withstand heavy mechanical loads (high-heeled shoes, roller mechanisms), is resistant to many chemicals, and there will be no trace of a quickly raised lit cigarette on it. It was the resin layer that gave the name to the new product.
In addition to those listed, leading manufacturers introduce additional layers that are responsible for certain properties of the floor product: so that the floor surface is not electrified, they use special films (the presence of which is indicated on the package) and others.

How is laminate tested?

The top layer defines, probably, the most important characteristic of a laminate - wear resistance. He answers for the durability of the coating, for how long the surface of the floor will remain without scratches and damage. Wear resistance is determined using the Taber test (the sample is placed under a rotating circle, the "task" of which is to damage the top layer of the laminate). However, this method of verification is gradually falling out of practice.

In the middle of the zero years, the author of these lines had a chance to participate in a television discussion of the quality of the laminate. The test to check it, we must pay tribute to the organizers of the show, was invented by the original. They made a spacious frame, which they filled with samples of laminate from different manufacturers. And this frame was laid on the floor at the entrance to the well-known Moscow store "Children's World". And it was at the end of the year, on the street - sand, dirt, "chemistry". After a week of testing, the frame with the samples was returned to the studio and presented to the experts for evaluation of the quality of the materials.

the same« Child's world» . Photo by the author dated 01/09/2018

In 1994, the Association of European Laminate Flooring Manufacturers was founded in Germany. EPLF, which attempted to standardize laminate quality testing. In addition to the abrasion resistance test, light fastness, heat resistance, chemical resistance and so on are also tested.

According to the European standard EN 13329, laminate is divided into 6 classes (31, 32, 33, 21, 22, 23). The first digit of the class indicates in which rooms it is desirable to use it. "Three" means that the laminate is intended for use in public buildings, "two" - for home use.

Naturally, if a laminate intended for public spaces (class 31, 32, 33) is laid at home, then its service life will increase. The second digit of the class is an indicator of the load experienced by the room: 1 - light load, 2 - medium, 3 - intense. Thus, we get that class 21 can be used in domestic premises with a low load (bedroom), and class 33 - in public buildings with an intense load. Each class has a graphic designation, which is indicated on the packaging. But even here there are pitfalls: many companies indicate the class of laminate on the packaging without proper testing. Therefore, you need to find out if the company is included in the pan-European EPLF, or on what grounds it assigns a class to the laminate.

Advantages and disadvantages

Some special properties of the laminate are usually indicated by the manufacturer in the form of schematic pictures (sometimes with inscriptions). The special properties of the laminate include: noiselessness, increased resistance to mechanical stress, ease of cleaning, the possibility of using a coating for underfloor heating.

Noiselessness is an important factor when choosing a floor covering. Now most manufacturers produce "silent" laminates, when walking on it does not produce a sonorous sound.

But not every laminate can be used for underfloor heating. Most laminate flooring is sensitive to temperature changes.

When laying, there is an adhesive and locking method of connection. If glue is supposed, then the edges of the "boards" are smooth. If it is a lock, there should be a groove on one side and a ledge on the other.

At the same time, the elements are well and quickly connected to each other (at the same time, a small click is heard - the lock is slammed shut). Most laminate floors come with click joints. Therefore, another characteristic of the laminate appeared - tensile strength. The connection must withstand a load of about a ton.

Again, recalling my own experience in operating a laminate, I want to focus your attention on one of its shortcomings in the connecting node. The fact is that some docking planes are not laminated, so they are afraid of moisture. True, when installing the lamellas, it is advised to glue them at least with PVC glue, but this is an unreliable protection - "water will find a way." It is worth accidentally spilling water on the floor, and it will rush into the gaps between the slats and try to penetrate them. I remember my kitty decided to mark the boundaries of the property in her own way: the result is a swollen laminate in the place of the domestic tiger's leprosy.

The laminate is able to expand and contract with changes in humidity and temperature, so it is laid in a floating way. At the same time, an expansion gap must be left between the wall and the coating, and the floor is not attached to the base.

Undoubtedly, laminate is a durable, practical, economical, easy-to-install and pleasant-looking coating that can decorate your summer house.

When choosing flooring, you should be guided by its characteristics. Based on them, you select the appropriate material for certain areas of your home. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of laminate flooring when using it in order to choose an acceptable option for yourself.

Laminate, perhaps, today is the leader in demand. It is functional, beautiful, easy to mount, dismantle, moderate in price, has a lot of advantages. It imitates various types of materials, complementing the overall design of the room with its diversity.

There are several types of it, which makes it possible to choose the right one for home, office and other premises. But, like any material, it is endowed with both positive properties and has its drawbacks when used, which we will focus on.

Advantages and disadvantages of laminate

The aesthetic side is your preferences, but in order not to make a mistake when choosing, we will briefly consider the pros and cons of the laminate in the apartment.

Benefits of laminate

Disadvantages of laminate

Considering the advantages and disadvantages of the laminate when using, let us now dwell on the main disadvantages.

Choosing a laminate class for an apartment

When you are ready to go shopping for building materials, then in addition to the quantity, you must decide on the class of laminate. There is a single rule - the higher the class, the stronger, more durable the laminate.

If the bedroom is intended only for relaxation, then class 31 is quite suitable. When you have a crib there, for example, that is, the intensity of walking increases, then prefer 32. This is the most commonly used, one might say, universal class.

Class division

As a builder, I always take with a small margin, so in the rooms (living room, nursery, study, dining room) I would lay 32. For a hallway, where there is an increased degree of traffic, 32 or 33 would be a good solution.

In the kitchen, it is better to provide a moisture-resistant version of class 33. This is dictated by the operating conditions of the premises - mopping, the possibility of food stains, unexpected small leaks, impacts from accidentally dropped objects.

In fact, many factors influence the choice of color, classiness of the laminate. This is the number of people living in the apartment, the presence of small children, teenagers, pets, and other factors.

It is worth individually approaching the selection of laminate for your home. Given all the advantages and disadvantages of the laminate when using, you will choose the right option for each room in your apartment. This video will help you.

There are a lot of options for flooring on the market today, but when we want our floors to look really great, the choice is usually between parquet and laminate. What are their similarities and differences? What would be preferable for a person who is not ready to spend fabulous sums, but at the same time wants to see his gender as really beautiful? What are the advantages of parquet over laminate and vice versa, and what are their disadvantages? We will analyze all these questions in this article.

The parquet board is known to us for a long time. Such floors were actively laid back in Soviet times, but now their increased variety allows us to keep a high level of demand. Like laminate, parquet is a multi-layer system, but all layers in a parquet board are of natural origin, which is one of the main advantages of this material. Wood species can be very different, and both visual characteristics and price, coupled with technical properties, depend on them.

Advantages of parquet boards

  • Noble material. If you want your floor to look like something high-end, then this finish is the way to go. The rarest, most expensive and unusual types of wood at your service;
  • Environmental friendliness. If we are talking about a quality option, then you can not worry about its safety at all. This factor is especially important for those who have small children, since the latter often like to play on the floor;
  • Strength. When compared with laminate, which usually lasts about five years, we can talk about a lifespan several times longer. The material is incredibly strong due to the fact that the wood fibers in its layers run perpendicular to each other;
  • Sturdy lock construction. According to this indicator, parquet is definitely better than laminate. Strong locks allow you to make less demands on the evenness of the floor. Of course, quite serious flaws have to be corrected, however, total alignment, as in the case of laminate, does not need to be done.

Disadvantages of parquet boards

  • Despite the fact that parquet is stronger than the same laminate, it is more capricious. The fact that natural materials are its basis makes this flooring method subject to constant external influences. To reduce this influence and eliminate its consequences, the parquet is polished, scraped and varnished;
  • High price. If we talk about a quality product, then the price can be much more expensive than in the case of a laminate. And this is not the only cost item, even if we take into account the care described above;
  • Serious requirements for the qualification of the installer. Another serious cost item and a very serious one, as really high-class professionals know their worth. After all, all the advantages of a parquet board can fade in the event of its unprofessional installation.

By the way! Parquet and parquet board are different. The second is cheaper and larger in size, so it is easier to stack. Parquet, on the other hand, offers a large number of appearance options, but is more expensive and requires filigree installation. Otherwise, these materials are similar.

Laminate - a real hit in flooring

Over the past ten years, the laminate has greatly spread throughout our country. And if earlier it could be found on the floors in rooms with a very high-level renovation, now everything is different - the product has become truly popular.

A multi-layer construction is also present here, but unlike a parquet board, all components of the laminate are artificial. Moisture-resistant paper, fiberboard, decorative layer and similar artificial components are included in its basis. This is both an advantage and a disadvantage. But more about everything.

What are the advantages of laminate

  • Affordable price. Of course, there are very different types of laminate, and among them there are those that many of us cannot afford. But at the same time, you can find quite inexpensive options, moreover, of very decent quality;
  • Unpretentiousness. If you want to lay down the floor and forget about it, then laminate will suit you better. Scraping, polishing, etc. is absolutely not necessary for a laminate. It is not affected by the sun's rays and the like, which over time leads to fading of other floors. However, its service life is still several times less than that of high-quality parquet;
  • Variety of species. The artificial structure allows you to create almost any texture and pattern. Today you can choose the perfect laminate for almost any interior design. Imitation does not have to touch wood - it can be stone and metal;
  • Convenience in the version with heated floor. Laminate flooring has excellent thermal conductivity, which in turn makes it an ideal combination with heated floors;
  • Ease of installation. Of course, everything is relative. So, in comparison with linoleum, laying parquet is very difficult, but when compared with a parquet board, and even more so with parquet, then laying a laminate really looks simple and fast.

Disadvantages of laminate floors

  • Artificiality. For some, this will not be a minus, but for those who want to use exclusively safe materials in home decoration, this is extremely important. Of course, laminate can also be safe. But for this you should not buy the cheapest options, in the quality and chemical composition of which you are not sure;
  • The high cost of really high-quality models. If you want to be sure of the high quality of the laminate and that you won’t have to re-lay the floors for the next ten years, then you need to take only high-quality foreign laminate, the cost of which can be comparable to the cost of a parquet board;
  • Bloating, blistering and creaking. All this occurs in the case of using a low-quality laminate, or in violation of the technology of its installation. So laying these floors on your own in the absence of experience is also not recommended;
  • Laminate floors are noisier. Walking on them in shoes and especially in heels creates a lot of noise. So in a nursery, for example, such a choice would be very doubtful.

Important! Laminate is not suitable for installation in rooms with high humidity. As an exception, it is worth highlighting models with a wax coating.

What is the result?

Without a doubt, in the absence of unlimited budgets, the choice is not even worth it, and the floor should be finished with laminate flooring. But at the same time, and with a very limited budget, laminate is also not worth buying, as its quality will be mediocre.

If you do not take the economic component, then it depends more on personal preferences, design tastes and attitudes towards decorating the house with exclusively natural components. In general, both materials have many advantages that compensate for the disadvantages.

Alternative view

If you want to look at flooring more widely, not limited to the main characters of this article, then the choice becomes even wider.

Linoleum. It wins over laminate, parquet boards and especially parquet with its low price and extremely simple installation. However, the cheapest options are also not worth taking, as they will fail quickly enough. And of course, you need to look at the strength of the product, choosing it depending on how you plan to use the floors.

array. Like the parquet board, it is a completely environmentally friendly natural material. Differs in the big sizes and thickness. So, if the rooms have low ceilings, it may not be suitable for finishing the floor. At the same time, parquet, and even more so laminate, provide a much larger number of appearance options.

There is also paint and self-leveling floors. Not to mention finishing this part of the room with stone or tiles. So the choice is really great, and ultimately it all comes down to personal preference, the level and purpose of the room itself and, of course, the thickness of the wallet.

Hardware stores in our time are replete with various materials for flooring. And, perhaps, in the widest range, a laminate is presented, the pros and cons of which will be discussed in this publication. But before you stop your choice on it, you should familiarize yourself with some of its features.

This coating is currently quite popular, as it is actively advertised by both manufacturers and sellers. However, to ensure the reliability of this material, it is worth listening to not only those who are interested in increasing sales. More truthful information is contained in the reviews of customers who managed to "test" at home, laying the laminate in the premises of their house or apartment.

What is a laminate?

As a rule, first of all, any buyer pays attention to the appearance of the material, and only then begins to study its technical and operational characteristics. However, one should not immediately purchase a coating just because it has an aesthetic design, since quality should still come first. To figure out where the catch may lie in a particular type of coating, it is necessary to consider its structure and understand the materials that are used to produce it.

Expensive and cheap laminate - is it worth saving?

Before talking about the advantages and disadvantages of the laminate, it is necessary to clarify that these evaluation criteria are not equally valid for all models of such a coating without exception. On sale are expensive and affordable varieties of this finishing material. And the price of the most high-quality products exceeds economical options by three to four times.

As a rule, experts warn consumers against buying deliberately cheap flooring. Such laminate models do not have high performance characteristics and most often absolutely do not meet international quality standards.

Affordable laminated coatings usually include products of Chinese and domestic production, belonging to a maximum of 31 reliability classes and having a small thickness.

Often, it is almost impossible to distinguish an expensive floor covering from a cheap one in appearance, and the signs are visible only to specialists. In addition, the boards themselves can have exactly the same decor. Therefore, it is worth determining the criteria with which such a difference in their cost may be associated:

  • The first distinguishing feature lies in the raw materials from which the main rigid layer of the laminate is made. So, for the production of cheap products, an inexpensive fiberboard is used from fibers and sawdust of species that are not considered high-quality wood. Expensive flooring models include MDF or HDF, made from more durable woods such as birch or ash, which are highly durable. Therefore, such products are less prone to deformation.
  • The rigid middle layer is covered on both sides with a resin-impregnated coating. The bottom layer is balance paper, thanks to its presence, the laminate does not bend. The top decorating layer with a textured pattern is also impregnated. In the process of pressing products under the influence of high temperatures and pressure, the resins of the upper and lower layers are fused with the base, making the material more resistant to moisture. In the manufacture of high-quality laminate models, more resins are used, and the emphasis is not on cheap phenol-formaldehyde, but on acrylic, epoxy, polyurethane, which are more resistant to stress, which makes the coating more moisture resistant.

For the same reason, cheap laminate tends to have poor impact resistance. For example, when a heavy object falls on the surface of the coating, microcracks form on it, which contribute to the gradual destruction of the structure of the board.

  • Due to the fact that in a cheap laminate the protective layer is only “marked” or made too thin, it is impossible to completely erase the protective layer applied to its surface with a felt-tip pen or line marker - color stains usually remain. If there is a small child in the house who also loves to draw, then there is no need to be surprised that soon the entire floor covering will be full of solid colored spots. From an expensive new laminate, the trace of a felt-tip pen or marker is easily erased without leaving marks.
  • Testing an expensive and cheap laminate for resistance to open fire showed that the surface of both materials is unstable to it. So, if a burning match falls on it, which cannot be extinguished in time, a black spot will remain on the material. True, in this case, the acrylic or polyurethane coating shows higher resistance rates.
  • On the lock lines of expensive laminated boards, an additional wax layer is applied. Manufacturers of cheap laminate usually do not bother with such a problem.

Wax is intended both for easy and reliable operation of locks, and for protecting the joints of the boards from the penetration of moisture between them. Therefore, a coating of high-quality expensive laminate is able to withstand the presence of water on its surface for a longer time, without any damage. (But this does not mean at all that water on such a floor can become the norm - we are talking about unforeseen situations). And a cheap option will begin to show signs of delamination and warping after the first serious contact with moisture.

  • Another feature of an expensive coating is often the addition of thin corundum chips to the top layer of the coating, which makes the laminate more resistant to abrasion. This is usually indicated in the model passport.

So a low price should not be a determining criterion when choosing the optimal coverage model either.

Find out which model to choose in a special article on our portal.

Advantages and disadvantages of laminate

Having dealt with the main reasons for the difference in the cost of this material, it is worth considering how much the same “pluses” and “minuses” have expensive and cheap coating models.

The real and far-fetched benefits of laminate flooring

Manufacturers and sellers, as a rule, talk only about the positive qualities of products, comparing only them with each other. The characteristics they voiced look very attractive, but some of them can be challenged.

  • It is claimed that the laminate has high strength qualities - it is resistant to mechanical abrasion, to high loads.

In fact, only some of the most expensive coatings have these characteristics - as already mentioned above.

  • A wide range of decorative laminate finishes provides an opportunity to choose the one that suits the developed design of the room. With the help of various shades and textured patterns of the boards of this flooring, you can visually expand or lengthen the room, as well as mask small irregularities and defects in the main floor. Laminate of different colors and patterns can be used to form geometric ornaments, as well as zoning the room.

It is difficult to dispute this statement of both manufacturers and interior designers, since the new flooring really looks aesthetically pleasing and presentable.

  • Attracts the ease and clarity of installation of the coating, which can be done by any homeowner on their own. To connect and hold the board in the flooring along its edges, special locks of various types are provided (the more expensive the model, the usually more reliable and at the same time - the lock connection is easier to assemble). Laminate is never fixed to the floor surface, as it must be laid on the principle of a "floating" coating. Therefore, if necessary, you can even replace a damaged board without much difficulty.

But such positive characteristics are possessed by high-quality laminate models that have reliable locks with clear shapes that fit perfectly together. And yet, even the most expensive laminate cannot be laid easily and quickly if the base is not prepared for it. If the base is uneven, then even an expensive one will not save the situation, because it will be quite difficult to lay a sagging coating, and over time, or even deformations will definitely appear.

Cheap laminate locks often do not differ in accuracy of fit, quite often jam during installation, so the boards may not fit together well.

  • Laminate does not require special care or special treatment. There is no need to scrape it and cover it with varnish, oil or wax, like traditional parquet. It is enough to vacuum the coating or wipe it with a damp cloth.

This statement of the manufacturers is absolutely true, since the coating really has a similar quality.

  • Laminated boards withstand mechanical stress, which cannot be avoided during the operation of the floor covering. Almost all characteristics say that the material is not afraid of sharp heels, heavy furniture and its movement, a fallen burning cigarette or match, etc.

You should not immediately deceive yourself so much - in fact, it is not so “rosy”. Yes, some expensive material models show high protection against such influences, but they also have their own load resistance threshold. For example, heels will not leave marks on either expensive or cheap laminate, but none of the models of this material can withstand the legs of heavy furniture or open fire.

  • The coating resists abrasion loads well. Such an impact on the floor is quite natural, and the laminate must be resistant to it.

However, cheap laminates will not remain in their original state for long, especially if you cover the hallway, kitchen or children's room with this material.

For example, furniture wheels from an office chair can completely erase both the protective and decorative layer of the material. It is possible that a more expensive laminate will be able to withstand such an impact for longer, but over time, most likely, the result will be the same.

  • Laminate, compared to other coatings, has a more affordable cost.

However, if we take the price of expensive models, then this statement is far from always true. For example, quality sometimes has the same cost or even lower.

  • This type of coating creates additional thermal insulation of the floor.

Such a statement is not true, since the laminate itself is not a heat-insulating material. Insulation can be created by a substrate made of cork, polyethylene foam, polyurethane, jute or felt, which is necessary when installing boards on floors, or a “warm floor” system installed under the floor covering. Laminate by itself will not make you warmer.

Laminate flooring prices

underlay for laminate

  • Some manufacturers position laminate as a soundproofing material that dampens the impact of falling things, trampling, as well as heel strikes.

This characteristic can only be attributed to models made from natural cork, which has unique qualities. It should be clarified that even a heat-insulating porous substrate with a conventional laminate will not be able to provide sufficient sound insulation.

What do they say about the shortcomings of the material?

After considering the claimed positive characteristics, and evaluating how the laminate actually behaves during its operation, it is necessary to talk about the “cons” that users have already encountered who have laid such a coating in their residential properties.

  • The presence of phenol-formaldehyde components in the composition of the material adversely affects the health of the residents of the apartment, especially in cases where a heating system is installed under the coating. In addition, many complain about the strong chemical smell that persists in the room for a long time after laying the laminate. So when choosing, preference should be given to models with an emission class of E1 or E0.5. Some expensive models are made without the use of formaldehyde binders at all - only on the basis of completely harmless resins.
  • Low moisture resistance is typical even for expensive coating models. In the event of an emergency, accompanied by pipe breaks and water ingress into the gaps between the boards, it is unlikely that it will be possible to avoid swelling of individual boards and deformation of the entire coating. However, this is a common drawback for most floor coverings, for the manufacture of which wood is used in any form.

The same consequences can be expected with increased humidity of the base. For example, if the coating is installed on the first floor, under which there is an uninsulated damp basement, and the waterproofing of the floor is ignored or of poor quality.

Even wet cleaning with excessive use of water can adversely affect such a floor covering.

  • The noisiness of the laminated floor brings a lot of inconvenience to both the residents of the apartment and their neighbors. The clatter of heels, objects falling to the floor, and even the sound of footsteps - all of these actions reverberate, as laminate flooring is an excellent sound resonator. Some users think that a thicker backing will get rid of this unpleasant quality of the material. Misconception - it can only lead to deformation of the joints of the boards under loads on the coating and even to a break in the locks, since the laminate will not have a rigid support.

  • Susceptibility to deformation during sudden changes in temperature, and sometimes - it would seem, even for no apparent reason. There is certainly a reason, and most often it lies in violation.
  • Any laminate can not be attributed to durable materials. Its maximum service life is 7÷8, maximum 10 years. And this is still at best.

Linoleum prices


  • Inexpensive coatings are characterized by low resistance to scratching and other mechanical abrasion. For example, it is easy to damage it when dragging furniture.
  • It is difficult to remove greasy and colored stains from the surface of the laminate, so it is not recommended to lay it in the kitchen, in the hallway, as well as in the children's room.
  • The boards have a cold surface, which is especially unpleasant in the cold season.
  • The coating is quite slippery, which also cannot be called a "plus".
  • Laminate is able to accumulate static charges, which is undesirable in cases where there is a large amount of computer equipment in the room. Therefore, for such premises, it is recommended to choose a floor material with an antistatic coating.
  • It is not recommended to install heavy furniture on the laminate floor. It can be able to prevent the free expansion of the material when the temperature in the room rises. This factor can also lead to an increase in the gaps at the joints between the boards and to the deformation of the coating.
  • Low resistance to open fire. When exposed to it, a considerable amount of toxic smoke is released that can cause asphyxiation or chemical burns of the respiratory tract.
  • In order for the coating to be of really high quality, the base for it must be leveled, for example, made or used for this purpose. This leads to additional costs and delays the repair.

Self-leveling floor prices

self-leveling floor

But to be honest, it's hard to call it a disadvantage. Almost any modern decorative flooring requires careful preparation of the base.

* * * * * * *

So, the use of laminate, and especially its “budget” options, as a decorative coating in an apartment or residential building is still associated with a number of both pronouncedly negative and controversial points. In fairness, it must be said that any of the modern coatings has its own "pluses" and "minuses". Therefore, before choosing one of them, you should carefully compare their characteristics and consumer reviews.

At the end of the publication - a traditional video story on the topic of conversation.

Video: What is important to know about the advantages and disadvantages of laminate flooring?

Laminate is the most popular flooring on the market today. It is considered the most practical, reliable and profitable material for the floor. He, like all coatings, has its own characteristics, which you should familiarize yourself with before buying it in order to avoid trouble in the future. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of the laminate.

Nowadays, due to the development of production, there is a laminate not only with a pattern of various types of wood, but also marble, granite and others.

Laminate has the following advantages:

  1. It is resistant to external influences - pressure, abrasion and stress. When interacting with heavy objects, no marks or dents remain on it, and when moving furniture on wheels, you can not be afraid that scratches will remain on it.
  2. High temperature tolerance and fire resistance. A fallen burning match will not cause any harm to the floor, which cannot be said about linoleum.
  3. Does not need constant care. To do this, it is enough to sometimes wipe the laminate with a damp cloth, but the parquet needs constant polishing and sanding.
  4. It is considered an environmentally friendly material, as it does not contain substances harmful to health. It also does not let dirt and bacteria through, does not cause allergic reactions, so it can be used for laying floors in children's rooms.
  5. It is easy to install. It can be laid on seamless, wooden, linoleum-covered floors, as well as on PVC and heated floors.
  6. Durability. Service life at high-quality laying can reach 10 years.
  7. Affordable price. The cost for this coating is much less than for parquet.

In addition to the numerous advantages of the laminate, there are also disadvantages that you can find when choosing or installing it:

  1. A variety of laminate depending on the load. When choosing this type of coating, it must be taken into account that it has several classes, each of which corresponds to a certain level of permissible load. For the bedroom and study, class 21 (low load) is suitable, for the living room and nursery - 22 (medium), and for the kitchen and hallway - 23 (high). Class affects cost and durability.
  2. Surface for laying. It must be strong and dry. It is very difficult to meet these criteria if the laminate is laid on linoleum or wooden floors.
  3. Fear of moisture. Due to the constant ingress of moisture, the joints between the laminate panels can crumble and crack. Therefore, they must be treated with a waterproof solution.
  4. Bloating and blistering due to improper styling techniques.
  5. Creaking. This problem can be encountered when laying laminate on an uneven or wooden floor.
  6. Price. When choosing a high-class laminate, you need to take into account that its price can reach the cost of parquet.

From the video you will learn all the pros and cons of the laminate.

When choosing a laminate, carefully weigh the pros and cons. Approaching this procedure with all responsibility, you will undoubtedly achieve good results and your floor will serve you for a long time.

Additional Information:

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  • Laminate is perhaps the most popular flooring today. The advantages of laminate, thanks to which it has received worldwide recognition - wear resistance, ...
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  • Laminate as a modern flooring began to be used in our country relatively recently. There are various grades of laminate that can be…