I dreamed of a snake: why and what does it mean - a dream book of a snake. Dream Interpretation: a snake attacks, bites, sleeps, kind, beautiful

Seeing a snake in a dream portends that you will have enemies among women and generally experience the influence of evil forces. If in a dream a viper tries to sting you, then in reality you will experience suffering from the malice of the one who pretends to be your friend. If wriggling and hissing snakes fall on you from trees or from a roof, this portends a struggle for your love and worries about this.

If in a dream you kill snakes, then in real life you are able to sacrifice everything to achieve your goal and you can force not only friends, but also enemies to reckon with this. Walking through a forest teeming with a variety of snakes portends that you will have to live in constant fear, fearing that your unsightly deeds will be exposed, which is why you will not be able to find a common language with friends.

To dream of people or animals dying from the bites of poisonous snakes portends that you will succumb to flattering persuasion and fail to the delight of hidden enemies. If in a dream you find yourself a victim of a huge python that squeezed you in its rings and strangles you, then you will be powerless to protect your honor and dignity from slanderers.

Picking up snakes - you will be able to find a way out of the most difficult situation and in the most extreme situation you will be able to maintain peace of mind and a sober mind. A dream in which you see yourself in the guise of a Medusa Gorgon, who has writhing snakes instead of hair on her head - in reality, events that are insignificant at first glance can cause you serious anxiety and puzzling worries.

If the snakes that attack you in a dream suddenly petrify, this portends that in reality you will be haunted by the envy of ill-wishers. If at the same time the snakes freeze in the most incredible and bizarre positions and poses, in real life you are in danger of troubles that, if you ignore them, will bypass you.

To see a snake crawling into your bed portends betrayal, unfounded accusations will plunge you into confusion. If in a dream you were very frightened by stepping on a snake that you didn’t notice at first, in reality you will worry in anticipation of a result on which your future fate will depend.

If you were bitten by a cobra in a dream, it means that your good friend may offend you in reality. If a cobra inflicts a fatal bite on some animal that dies in terrible convulsions, this means that your enemies, trying to harm your cause, will harm themselves as a result.

Seeing in a dream your apartment full of snakes and other harmless small snakes means that you will give a warm welcome to people who will surreptitiously spoil you with slander and provoke you to heinous acts.

If in your dream you see children playing with snakes, it means that in reality a situation may suddenly arise in which enemies turn out to be your friends, and friends turn out to be enemies. A dream in which you are trying to save a child from a snake means that in reality you will agree to give up something very dear to you in order to save someone close to you.

To dream of snakes attacking a person who does not see them from behind means that in real life you will expose schemers who will try to discredit you. A dream in which you see a performance of a snake charmer portends that you will have to seek help from influential people who will demand a high fee for this.

If in a dream you cannot move, hypnotized by the gaze of a snake staring at you, in life someone will try to infringe on your rights, but will be punished by your defenders and friends. Seeing a snake sitting on your lap in a dream threatens you with the humiliation that new acquaintances will cause. Looking into a well in a dream, at the bottom of which is full of snakes - you will make a mistake if you trust strangers.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Sleep plays a very important role in human life. It allows the body to relax and restore the forces that are needed for further functioning. During such a rest, people may dream of something, sometimes such visions warn of certain events or try to protect them from them.

But the interpretation of dreams is different, so you have to consider specific objects seen by the sleeping person from sometimes opposite points of view.

For example, have you ever dreamed about snakes? Do you know what this means? Consider various interpretations.

Why do snakes dream of Miller's dream book?

According to Miller, any dream where this animal is present cannot be called good and promising happiness. As a rule, such dreams warn a person about the appearance of something negative in his life. And we are talking here not only about a specific person, but also about a possible extremely unpleasant situation or the appearance of a disease, as well as about his fear.

For example, if you kill a snake, then most likely you will find yourself in a position where your uncompromising determination will make people reckon with you.

And if you pass among the snakes, it means that inside you, on a psychological level, there is a fear for your health.

Wangi's dream book - snakes

According to this book, the animal is a harbinger of the appearance of an enemy in your life, and the result of meeting with him depends on whether the snake was poisonous or not. If it is poisonous, you will not be able to get out of the fight as a winner, if on the contrary, you will win an unconditional victory and easily cope with all the intrigues of your enemy.

At the same time, Vanga's snake bite is a symbol of the betrayal of a loved one, whose tricks you cannot even guess. Perhaps you already have more than one hundred curses from the most devoted and beloved.

As you know, human envy is a very strong negative emotion, which can sometimes upset life. It is envy from the environment that a ball of snakes expresses in a dream.

The giant snake in this interpretation is explained in two ways - as a harbinger of a terrible deadly illness of a relative or loved one, or in the sense of the onset of cardinal changes in the world towards evil. And the destruction of a snake in a dream is, according to Vanga's dream book, positive changes in the state that will turn people to God.

Freud's dream book - snakes in a dream

Freud, as a true master of psychoanalysis, completely distinguished himself, since his meaning of the snake differs from all other dream books. According to this remarkable scientist, a snake in a dream is a kind of phallic symbol (as, indeed, many other reptiles). Kiss a snake in a dream? Congratulations! Now you just need the experience of oral sex, in fact, you already don’t really hide it ...

Feel like admiring an animal in a dream? This symbolizes your readiness for sexual experimentation and enjoyment of the love process. In contrast, "running away" from the snake is the fear or unwillingness to resolve problems in sex with a partner.

Why snakes dream - interpretation from other dream books (female, Aesop's dream book, esoteric, Nostradamus' dream book, Lunar dream book)

According to the Women's Dream Book, the appearance of a snake in a dream is an omen of impending troubles that will have to be overcome somehow. Often we are talking about ill-wishers who are trying to intrigue.

Aesop's dream book echoes the Feminine, predicting the troubles and troubles caused by envy and the rotten essence of the surrounding people who saw a snake in a dream.

If you look into the esoteric dream book, then again, it indicates the appearance of troubles, the indicator of which will be strangers.

Nostradamus in his dream book leans towards the broader meaning of the animal. For him, the reptile symbolizes the human fall into sin.

The lunar dream book describes the appearance of this animal in a dream as a sign of an approaching illness. And if you destroyed the snake in a dream, then recovery will come soon.

Why dream of a biting snake? What does it mean when a snake bit in a dream?

A snake bite in a dream is a warning of impending disappointment in one of your closest and seemingly most devoted. Usually this is a kind of signal that calls to take a closer look at the environment, pay attention to everyone. However, most likely, negative emotions cannot be avoided.

What is the dream of a black, white, green, yellow, red snake?

Black color symbolizes feelings such as sadness, uncertainty, anxiety. Get ready to overcome difficult situations, you will need patience, calmness and endurance. Making an important decision is what it takes to get out of the situation.

A black snake can denote problems of an internal, psychological nature. Therefore, do not put them off indefinitely, but try to find answers to all your internal questions that have accumulated over for a long time. Work on yourself.

Sometimes such a dream can mean the need to atone for your guilt in something. Remember all your last "sins" in relation to others. Maybe you offended or upset someone?

Now let's talk about another type of snakes that can be seen in a dream. This is a white snake. By the way, this is a very good sign. Soon the wheel of fortune will smile at you, and the money will go into your hands. Perhaps it will be securities, and perhaps a big win. The same meaning is expressed by the seen ball of white snakes.

A small white snake can be interpreted in two ways. Option number 1 - you need to take care of your health. And the second option - be careful with a new acquaintance, because he is most likely an unreliable person.

Does the white snake shed its skin? Probably, existing problems require a slightly different way to solve them.

Several considered white reptiles, curling around you, are a sign of receiving important information. Listen to yourself and everything around you. There will always be answers. And big success is just around the corner...

Next in line is the green color of the animal in a dream. Green, as you know, is the color of prosperity, growth, rebirth. Therefore, such a snake in a dream is a sign of entering a new level, a symbol of the beginning of a new life and farewell to old familiar rituals.

If a green snake is winding around you, know that there are factors that prevent change. Therefore, they must be overcome. Here is the way out.

The yellow snake is the next item to be considered. The appearance of an animal of just this color in a dream is a contradictory sign. You need to look at how the reptile behaves.

In the case of a non-aggressive animal of this color that you saw in a dream, take note that energy reserves are hidden inside you, which, for some reason, are not used. Use them! Take action!

If a yellow snake crawls into a dwelling in a dream, then this is considered a favorable sign, promising profit with the right strategic decisions.

Now let's talk about another color of the animal in a dream - a red snake. This color is quite aggressive and symbolizes danger. A dream is a kind of warning against an impending risky situation.

Big or small snake in a dream - interpretation

A snake in a dream is, as already mentioned, an omen of various kinds of troubles in the near future.

A big snake, as you probably could guess, means big troubles and real disasters, that is, serious problems for a person who sees a reptile in a dream. Moreover, the successful departure or escape from the animal symbolizes the few consequences after the current situation. And if the animal wrapped around you, then you know that you will be powerless in a difficult situation.

The small size of the animal in a dream speaks of upcoming quarrels or situations where a person will be deceived. Moreover, the intriguers, as it turns out later, are those to whom you once showed the highest favor.

Do not trust everyone and everyone, the world does not consist only of kind people - a message embedded in a dream involving a small reptile, if the animal does not pose any threat.

In the case of a change in the size of the snake, namely, when it gradually increases from smaller to larger, sleep is a sign that you do not see the real scale of the problems. Your tendency to exaggerate and "bloat out of molehills" spoils everything. Look at things realistically!

Why dream a lot of snakes?

This dream symbolizes, as a rule, something unpleasant, namely, a lot of hypocrites and envious people in your immediate environment. Be careful, because the consequences of intrigues will not be long in coming!

However, there is a case when a lot of snakes in a dream are a positive sign. With this option, their entire mass should be white. Then a person will have great luck in business and undertakings.

Is this mass of snakes still hissing? Wait in the near future for events that you will need to endure steadfastly, because they will somehow affect the fibers of your soul.

Why dream of killing a snake?

If in a dream you encroach on the life of a reptile, then in real life you will have to endure a conflict with someone from your inner circle, during which various victims are possible. Moreover, reconciliation after this is also quite possible.

The snake dreamed of a man, a girl, a woman, a pregnant woman - what does this mean?

For a man, dreams involving a snake usually mean a manifestation of male power and sexuality.

A girl or woman who sees a reptile in a dream will face hypocrisy towards herself in the near future. That is what will make her suffer.

For expectant mothers, pregnant women, a snake in a dream is a sign that a girl will be born.

What is the dream of a crawling, running away, attacking, poisonous, dead snake?

A crawling animal in a dream warns of the development of mutual rejection with any person into open confrontation. If there are many such snakes, expect a conspiracy against you.

A crawling reptile should be perceived as enemies fleeing the battlefield. This, as a rule, is a symbol of victory over ill-wishers.

If the snake does not hide from you, but on the contrary, tries to attack, then you should prepare for the appearance of implausible rumors about yourself, simply speaking, this will be outright blatant slander.

The article on the topic: "dream book 2 snakes in the house" provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Two snakes have several interpretations. On the one hand, large boas wrapping around the body can be a signal of the onset of the disease. On the other hand, it is a symbol of spiteful critics who weave intrigues against the dreamer. In addition, many dream books give the dream a mystical coloring and suggest that you need to save energy and vitality. To figure out why huge or small vipers, cobras, mambas, anacondas and snakes are dreaming, you need to remember your feelings in a dream.

The future according to Miller's dream book

Like other psychologists, Gustav Miller in his dream book recommends that you beware if you dreamed of two snakes. Seeing them in a dream - to significant changes in personal life, career, spiritual sphere. What does the appearance of reptiles winding nearby mean, as well as why a python is dreaming, which strangles and does not allow at least one breath of air to be taken, can be understood from the small details of the dream:

  • small black snakes - to gossip, intrigue at home and at work;
  • huge boas - to health problems;
  • fighting vipers - to contention between friends, relatives;
  • majestic cobras - to internal conflict, doubts.

Good or evil - which will win?

Unresolved internal contradictions lead to the fact that a person begins to doubt his actions and in the direction that he has chosen in life. Two snakes opposing each other, not letting you pass in a dream - mean that the time has come to make a decision. The subconscious mind prompts: a person is already ready to move from the crossroads. It is especially good if you dreamed that both vipers were not dangerous.

Seeing reptiles and not being afraid of them is a good sign. Vanga's dream book, describing what two snakes dream of, advises paying attention to them appearance. Skin shimmering with all colors, royal posture symbolize the readiness to make the right choice, to follow the path that will bring success.

Little black snakes in a dream mean a threat from friends, colleagues who are up to no good. If you dreamed that they were fighting among themselves, biting - be prepared for intrigues that will affect you first of all.

Betrayal, empty promises, betrayals, scandals - this is exactly what two snakes dream of, fighting among themselves and actively attacking you at the same time. Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus recommends that you stop trusting your plans to others, otherwise they will not come true.

Grab the opportunity

Huge pythons, boas are also dangerous. Seeing two snakes on yourself at once in a dream is a sign of an impending disease. It is worth starting to worry if you dreamed of black and already dead reptiles. Modern dream books reduce the interpretation of sleep to the weakness of the body, which is difficult to resist disease.

However, you should not despair. Since the subconscious mind tells you that it is time to take up treatment, it means that the body will definitely find the strength to fight.

Two snakes, one small and the other larger, crawled one after the other.

I dreamed of two snakes sleeping peacefully twisted into a ball. Dark color.

Two vipers on the porch of the house, one crawled into the house, and the other straight ahead.

Two pythons were chasing me.

I dreamed of two snakes, green, one bit the other, and when they decided to attack the girl, I burned them.

Two snakes are small, beige in color, there is a red spot in the head, and I want to get rid of them. I got rid of one, and the second appeared on my arm. In his hand was a small fluffy cat that looked like a hamster, and he suddenly turned into a snake.

Snake in the house interpretation of the dream book

Why dream that in a dream you found a snake in your house? The interpreter interprets such a dream ambiguously. It can express dark forces, envy and slyness, as well as display knowledge, dreams and hidden abilities.

To the competition

What is the dream of a snake in the house of a young lady? This means her young man can become a traitor and a hypocrite. In addition, a dream portends suffering.

When a snake in a house dreams of an adult woman, then she has an insidious competitor. A man has such a dream - probably his missus will betray him.

According to Miller

As the dream book explains, a brood of snakes that you saw in your apartment means that in the future you will become very afraid of something.

Be the leader!

In general, to consider a large number of small snakes in your own home is a very bad sign.

It prophesies the envy of insidious people who want to do their best to disrupt your life, both personal and career. The dream book advises to be more careful in communication and be able to control your emotions.

Had a dream that a lot of friendly snakes were crawling next to you? In the future, you will take the position of chief. When they hissed and tried to attack you, in reality you will reveal someone's conspiracy.

Threat or travel?

Why dream of a huge snake in the house? The individual personifies a lie, and for a sick person it promises a quick recovery of strength if you kill her.

Did you see how a powerful snake tried to wrap itself around your body? There is a significant threat hanging over you. If the reptile was calm, the dream book believes that you will have a long journey outside your country.

Conflict sign

Dreamed of small snakes? You will be visited by guests who wish you harm. And they secretly try to harm you.

Small vipers in a dream are a sign of misunderstandings and endless disagreements. We found a snake ball in an unexpected place - a fair retribution awaits you.

To a difficult task

What does the reptile in the house also express? The dream interpretation recommends most accurately remembering her appearance, as well as skin tone.

For example, to see in a dream how a yellowish snake calmly lay in your room, which means that a painstaking and serious assignment awaits you. It will give you profit, but you will not enjoy it.

Was the yellow reptile wary? You have some power or hidden talents, but do not rush to use them.

Are you prepared?

As the dream book explains, the black snake in the house embodies your spirituality.

Did you have to see that the reptile appeared before your eyes suddenly? The dream book warns that you will have to use forbidden knowledge for your own purposes. Not prepared as they should, they will only bring problems.

A large black viper in night dreams represents secret powers, great trouble and great damage. However, a white snake promises significant money that came to you suddenly, but did not bring much joy.

Get rich!

Why also dream of a snake in the house? The most reliable explanation can be given if we take into account the external appearance of the viper.

  • Rattlesnake - to treason and competition.
  • Python - to the difficulty.
  • Anaconda - to insincere flirting.
  • Viper - something threatens you.
  • If there were several of them, you will have to watch the rivalry of your enemies.
  • Dreamed of a good benevolent snake? In the future, you will become a rich person.


Why additionally dream of a snake in the house? In the hope of obtaining additional information, the interpreter advises taking into account the actions of the reptile. The snake that cheekily crawls in your house prophesies the replenishment of the family.

Had a dream that a rather large individual found himself in your house? This is an omen of the beginning of a new stage in life and hidden magical knowledge.

If in a dream you are sure that the snake is hiding from you, bad events will happen at the moment when you are not at home.

positive sign

Had to deal with a snake? This dream portends a rich life, victory over enemies and great success.

If the snake is still alive, and it took you a lot of strength to kill it? In reality, you will sacrifice something, and it will not bring you happiness.

Dealing with a snake immediately after the first blow means you can find a suitable way out of a problem situation.

When in a dream you were lucky enough to kill a snake, this is a sign of healing and liberation.

Dream Interpretation Snake in the House

A dream about snakes generally worries people quite a lot, because many are afraid of these animals in reality, and transfer these feelings to a dream. Why does the snake in the house really dream, and is it worth being afraid of such a dream?

Why do snakes dream in the house according to Miller's dream book?

Miller argued that any dream about snakes is a warning that someone "has a grudge" on you. Most likely, such a dream warns that one of your close friends is actually not very honest with you. Depending on the accompanying details, such dreams can have the following interpretation:

  • If the snake that is filming in the house falls on you, then this means that your conscience gnaws at you very much. The snakes falling on another person symbolize that he is very guilty before you, and now he is extremely ashamed. Chat with him - perhaps this will save your relationship.
  • A snake that stings in a dream in a house may mean that soon someone's evil thoughts will harm you - you should be extremely careful and trust unverified personalities less.
  • If when you are in your house, and the snake crushes you with rings, squeezes and bites, this may mean that your enemies will discredit you, and you cannot do anything about it.
  • Are you holding a huge snake in your hands while in the house? Be sure that you will resolve all issues competently, avoiding trouble, and your strategy is absolutely correct.

What does Tsvetkov's dream book say about the snake in the house?

When you have a dream about a snake in the house, you see it, but you can’t do anything, it means that you will be betrayed, moreover, very insidiously, and, most likely, by close friends or people from whom you did not expect this. If she crawls straight to you, then carefully monitor your health, because such a dream promises a long and serious illness. Also, this dream can mean that you are being cheated on, or are going to do the same. Having killed a snake in a dream that crawled into the house, you will thus get out of a difficult situation in reality easily and with minimal losses. However, another option is also possible: you can make peace with a person whose quarrel was due to his fault.

Wangi's dream book will tell you the meaning of the dream about the snake in the house

The great seer believed that a dreaming snake, wherever and how it was seen, was in great trouble. If you look into her dream book, the snake in the house says that you are being slandered and slandered behind your back. At the same time, people close to you can do this. Vanga also has other interpretations of this symbol:

  • The snake that has bitten you in a dream promises disappointment in the person closest to you. Be prepared to be deceived or betrayed.
  • A huge reptile in your home is the worst possible sign, which means a tragedy of terrifying proportions.
  • If in a dream you killed a snake that crawled into your house, it means that soon you will turn to faith in God. It will be useful to go to a temple or church. Pray, confess, and this will take away many troubles from you.
  • Seeing a coiled snake in your house in a dream means that your enemies have been waiting for a long time to harm you. Look closely at your surroundings, and do not make frivolous decisions.

Interpretation of a dreaming snake according to Freud's dream book

Sigmund Freud claimed that the snake dream reveals our entire subconscious. In his opinion, such a dream symbolizes that a person who has such a dream is afraid of sexual intercourse. Freud's dream book claims that the snake is a symbol of the male genital organ, and, as such, it reveals your attitude to this organ, and to the male, in general. Therefore, you should reconsider your views on the process of intercourse, or contact a specialist who will help solve the problem, if any.

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Dream interpretation 2 snakes in the house

Dream Interpretation Snake in the House

Frankly frightening dreams are not so frequent. In fact, gray-brown visions predominate among human dreams, which are poorly remembered and do not carry any important information. But if a living reptile broke into night dreams, then this is definitely a sign. But to explain what the snake in the house is dreaming of is not at all easy.

If you dreamed of a snake that clearly and, as it were, understanding the environment, crawled into your house, do not rush to be upset, expecting troubles and misfortunes. It is possible that another family member will appear in your house. But it can be a long-awaited guest, and a very unexpectedly conceived child.

Seeing a huge individual in a dream - they will face a strong and authoritative personality. The more aggressive the snake from dreams was set up for you, the more difficult it will be to confront this person. Kill her with one blow - quickly dot the "i" and immediately solve all the issues.

In order for the interpretation to be the most profound, you need to remember the maximum possible number of points:

  • Where exactly did the snake dream (in the kitchen, in the bedroom, in the living room, at the table or even in the toilet).
  • How she behaved (was good-natured or aggressive, attacked, biting).
  • General view of the reptile (large or small, what color was it)

All these points are of exceptional importance for the interpretation of dreams. The gender of the dreamer is also important. Because for a woman, this cold-blooded more often means a rival (although Freud's dream book, for example, is sure that in such a bizarre form a lover can come to a woman in night dreams). And men have such dreams before a difficult mental test, which will need to be passed without losing their own honor.

Meeting point

If you dreamed of a snake in the house

The main interpretation will depend on which part of the house a snake was found in a dream: in what area of ​​​​life changes are coming. But here the gender distinction is very important. After all, the kitchen is a home, it is the prerogative of a woman. But the living room is a completely masculine sphere, because guests are welcomed there, which means that a man should speak first.

A man has a dream

If a young man had to see a snake in his own house, this is a very ambiguous dream. Indeed, on the one hand, according to Freud's dream book, it can mean himself, that is, his own ego and hidden particles of the soul. And on the other hand, a huge python that completely wraps around the body in a dream is a symbol of an authoritarian woman.. And it can be both the dreamer's wife and mother.

Meeting at the table

To find a large snake in your kitchen is to get acquainted with a representative of the opposite sex. If in a dream you were afraid of her, then this is your future boss. But her favorable behavior may indicate that you have a choice between two women. And your future family life will depend on it.

  • To find many small snakes that crawl towards the table - you will have to invite guests to your own house. But all these people are unpleasant to you and will only bring trouble and disappointment.
  • To see how many snakes crawl from all corners of the house, and they stray into a huge ball in the kitchen - your relatives are happy to gossip about your family life, the family dream book warns. For a man who is not married, such a dream says that one of the familiar mothers dreams of marrying her daughter to you. And if family life has already taken place, then such a dream means that none of your relatives like your wife.
  • Watering a large snake with milk is a very interesting dream. Perhaps you have a very interesting and important meeting in your life. In this case, at first you will be rivals. And then very good friendships will be established. If she escaped and bit you - beware. The one you trust will betray you at the most crucial moment.

Warm the snake on your chest

When a snake dreams of treason

Seeing a huge snake in your bed is a possible betrayal. But, if you dream that a huge reptile has completely wrapped around the body, and compresses it to a crunch of bones, this is a bad sign. A woman has power over you. And we just have to obey her. What will happen if you refuse to do this is not yet clear. Maybe she will just crush you, or maybe she will just let you go.

  • A bright yellow snake under a blanket is an amazing acquaintance. If you are a responsible married person who is not prone to adventure, such a dream may indicate the unplanned appearance of another child in the family, especially if the yellow reptile lay quietly and watched you without even thinking of attacking.
  • Many small black snakes surrounded the bed - rumors and gossip about your intimate life can terrify you.
  • A large black aggressive snake on the pillow can mean cheating on your wife. If you are unmarried, then the dream suggests that a very close person will definitely take advantage of the moment to denigrate you.

Appearance in the living room

If a man had to see snakes in the living room, this, oddly enough, is a neutral dream sign. We always meet different people. And each of them plays a certain role in our life. Sometimes, these are very difficult and painful lessons, but without them we would not have gained invaluable experience.

Lots of reptiles that have miraculously ended up in your living room means that you will have to participate in some kind of meeting at work. And it will turn out to be a very unpleasant event for you.

If they all attack you, hiss and sting - be prepared to receive your portion of negativity during this event. Those people whom you have infinitely trusted will turn out to be too cynical and two-faced.

The snake dreamed of a woman

As a rule, snakes in women's dreams are the personification of a rival. And only some sources, such as Freud's dream book, believe that a huge, terrible snake can symbolize an imperious and authoritarian man.

For women, the place where she saw a snake in a dream is also significant. The kitchen is the territory of the family, primordial traditions and trust between spouses. The bedroom is an intimate relationship. And the toilet - hidden emotions.

Two housewives in the kitchen

small hand snake - for pregnancy

Seeing a big black snake in the kitchen is a very bad sign. Such a dream tries to warn a woman that her family life can burst at the seams, and this is not always the fault of a rival. Sometimes, in such a bizarre image, the husband’s thought may appear that life within the walls of this house has become unbearable for him.

  • A lot of snakes woven into a ball on the table - a series of unexplained grievances can play a cruel joke on you. Soon they will all come to the surface, and then only the further possibility of your family's existence will depend on your wisdom.
  • A yellow or gold small hand snake that evoked pleasant emotions in you can mean an early and very unexpected pregnancy.
  • I dreamed that one big snake and many small ones were crawling around the kitchen - a bad sign. Most likely, you will have to step over yourself and build relationships with the older woman in the house. Otherwise, you don't have long to live in it.
  • For a young girl to see a big and terrible snake in her father's house in a dream in the kitchen is a bad sign. She will have to face injustice and betrayal.

Rival - in the bedroom

It is a little ambiguous for a woman to dream of a snake in her own bedroom. And especially in bed. If a folk and ancient dream book is likely to warn against a possible betrayal of a husband, then a modern psychological dream book will say that a huge snake of water with a blanket can mean a despotic and too authoritarian husband. Such interpretations include even Freud's dream book, which became the founder of such theories.

  • Seeing a snake crawling around the bedroom - someone from your inner circle is looking for a way to get as close to your husband as possible.
  • She dreams that many small snakes surrounded the bed - your spouse has reason to doubt the expediency of your family's existence. Each of them is a negative thought or assessment of you personally or the relationship between you.
  • A huge bright python under a blanket - if you are very scared of him, then a dream means that you may be subjected to domestic violence.

The dark side of the soul - in the toilet

It is rare that a dream book devotes enough time to such an image that arose in a dream in a toilet. But in vain, because a snake seen in a latrine is a sign that a person strives for knowledge, but is afraid to allow himself to accept it with all his heart.

  • Crawling among the feces - in order to achieve the necessary material prosperity, you will have to commit an immoral act.
  • To suffer from constipation when many small snakes appeared in the corner - you are constantly led astray from the right path, and you are embarrassed to express your own opinion.
  • An extremely clean and sparkling toilet, lifting the lid to see a big snake - you are afraid to admit to yourself that your sexual appetite is much higher. And if there are many small ones, the number of sexual complexes can simply go off scale.

reptile mood

to small issues

In order to explain what a snake from dreams means, it is also important to take into account the peculiarities of its habits. So a sedate long cold-blooded, which, as it were, does not even notice you, can symbolize a certain person. And the most regrettable thing in this dream is that you, even against your own will, will have to obey her.

  • Good-natured, manual - a person in power who is favorable to you.
  • Many small restless snakes are difficulties that will fall on your head one after another.
  • Huge, hisses, rushes - rivalry. If you killed her, that's a good sign. You will be able to resist a person with dignity in a competitive struggle.
  • To see that the snake is approaching you, hissing and frightening warning, but does not attack - you should reconsider your relationship with a person who only causes unpleasant emotions in you. Perhaps this theater is designed exclusively for you.


Depending on how the cold-blooded dream looks like, you can talk about the development of upcoming events with your new or old acquaintances. So, small snakes mean cunning and dexterous gossips. They will never express their claims to your face, because they are too cowardly. But spreading slander for such people is the most pleasant thing to do.

Large or huge snakes in a dream mean an authoritative person endowed with some power. If you enter into a clear fight with him, then this is your competitor. You managed to kill him in a dream - you can adequately withstand the rivalry, winning it at the same time.

The color of the snake also matters.

  • Striped is a series of pleasant days in your life, which will be mixed up with some troubles, says the modern dream book. If you dreamed of such a snake, then sometimes they say that people with whom you work will often change in your life.
  • Brown - an unpleasant situation. Moreover, the one who pulled you into it will be in exactly the same position.
  • I dreamed of a yellow snake - a good sign. It can mean a favorable situation for you. The little yellow snake in the hands is a child. But the dream does not give a clear division into whose baby it is. You may have to work as a nanny for friends or acquaintances for some time.
  • Dream interpretation 2 snakes in the house

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I dreamed of two Snakes, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why two Snakes are dreaming in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    At first they sailed on a ship, then they went out on an island where they saw a nest on the water with a friend, a friend began to stir up a nest, I told him not to touch it, then for some reason I ended up in the water, a change swam in my eyes and bosom and bit them, there were two

    Hello! I don’t remember the dream completely, but only separate pieces. At first, my cousin and I rode a motorcycle through the forest, then we stopped, he got down and I got behind the wheel and drove off, but after a few seconds I lost control and fell on the grass, while didn’t hurt anything. Then, we arrived, ended up in a park (which is located in my hometown), started looking for mushrooms, there were still people there, and suddenly two women run to the stadium (it is located at the exit of the park) one of them has something something in her hands like a stick, she asks the second one, “Where is she? the snake is here, and when I looked to the left, I saw a huge snake 20 meters long. I ran to the stands located at the stadium, and when I sat on them, forest animals began to run out of the park, and a lot of them were hares. everything I remember. Thank you!


    I dreamed that I was standing in my yard and the snakes were hanging on me like dead ones, but one was moving, I was scared and I grabbed it by the throat and took it off and let it go to the ground and it crawled away, it was yellow with black spots on its back.

    i dreamed that I was watching two snakes fight, a big red one and a slightly smaller white one, the red one won and began to swallow the white one with great effort, then quietly crawled up to me and pounced on my right hand, swallowed the brush completely. I started to shake it off, it didn’t work out, then I pressed it hard on my eyes and she let go of her hand ...

    i dreamed of snakes lying on my bed in an old house, I touched one of them and she crawled away, after which we looked for her for a long time, besides, it was night and the light bulbs in the room burned out, then we sewed the second one and lay motionless on the bed asked the person to throw them out the window woke up after they were both outside the window.

    to avoid a collision of two trains in the forest, I don’t remember how, but we got out of there, ended up in an open area, it was like a circle, the road went between two reservoirs, there was a forest around, we were attacked by a huge anaconda snake, there weren’t many of us, I don’t remember who miraculously succeeded to avoid death, but at some good moment I pounced from behind and grabbed her and smashed her head with a hammer, we went further, but we knew that there were more snakes, we met a group of people who lived in a small house and they taught how to pretend so that she crawled past, but she returned every time, it was all very tiring, this snake was more like she was the main one above the rest and she was smart, I kind of heard her thoughts, it’s not clear where the bus came from, two young girls got out of it, one began to imagine that she royal blood, and when she spoke, the anaconda crawled up to her, wrapped her around her while the girl seemed not to notice it, wrapped her around her head and wanted to stretch right from her head, but I crept up and just like she killed the first snake, breaking her head with a hammer and breaking it until there was nothing left, they stopped me and then, as if everyone rejoiced and did not hide, and with a sense of relief I woke up

    The action takes place in the apartment. The son of my mother's friend held in his hand 2 multi-colored snakes - red-blue and yellow-green, he controlled their behavior, freely handling snakes, like a professional trainer. He joked and made fun of me, coming closer and bringing the snakes closer to me. I yelled at him to move away and not come closer at first, also in jest and with some humor. He came closer, holding snakes in both hands - if you stretch your arms forward, bending at the elbows, press them to your body, palms up, then the bodies of the snakes lay on open palms, looking out from under his armpits. He directed them one at a time in my direction, making the movements of a juggler. I screamed, then the scream turned into a squeal, but my voice jumped in places and it was impossible to scream loudly. He walked towards me, I backed away or walked away from him into another room, then I squealed again and he released the kites. I noticed that one immediately disappeared somewhere, and a red-blue snake was crawling towards me. I screamed very loudly, loudly and for a long time, so that the snake seemed to flatten, becoming flat at the same time, I grabbed a pillow lying near me, threw it at the snake, ran myself into another room, saw that some man was sitting in it - perhaps , one of the familiar parents - the snake disappeared.

    At least four large snakes with curses were thrown into my house, although it looked different in a dream. so that they bite us, I guess. And now the snakes lie on the floor and do not move, I'm on the bed, I think how can I get up? Here our peach Seymour kitten jumps on them, I'm like, oh !!! The kitten walked so calmly over them, the snakes did not even move ... Then I woke up

    I go into the room and there, on the floor, two huge long yellow snakes are trying to crawl into another room, I quickly closed the door so that they would not crawl out, and went to my sister and said that there were snakes

    i dreamed that there was water on the floor in the house and in the water there were two small snakes that crawled away from me, I tried to find them and throw them away, the color of the snakes is not black, one is light, the other is green, which light tried to bite but I don’t remember how and for what exactly.

    Hello! I had such a dream: I go down from some bridge to the sandy bank of the Dnieper River, look around it, it’s very beautiful around (I have never been on such a bank). I know that the ship passed by, but I did not see it and I need to run to the control room to turn on the lights on the buoys. I run along the shore in the water, easily, although in boots. I see how the fish is thrown under the shore, I kill it but do not catch it. I run further, the water gets deeper and I have to climb higher onto the ledge of the shore, when I start walking, making my way further along the shore, I see that small dark snakes are swimming from me, first one, then the second after it, I was not afraid (and I’m not afraid in life ). I went further.

    I go into the kitchen and the snake, like a butoh in an aquarium, made a hole and there was water, a clean snake was black, I hit the aquarium, she turned around and wanted to rush, I hid from her upstairs, then she abruptly turned around and crawled into the corridor and began to wriggle out of it there were two snakes only small and they were afraid of me then they disappeared

    I dreamed of 2 snakes, white and green, one in the hands of my brother, the second one I had and they bit one missed my nail and we held them all the way, the snakes were thin but very long, I tried to grab her by the head, she dodged and stung, well, there was no pain

    so it was in India and I'm getting married, and when all this passed, the marriage, we were left face to face with my wife and then we had to kill 2 big snakes, one was blue the other was gold and I killed first with blue, but about the gold one I fought for a very long time and almost I don’t remember how I killed the gold one, I don’t even remember if I killed it or not

    I dreamed of two black snakes that were twisted together, with open mouths with sharp teeth, like a pike. Then some aged man strangled them and put them in a bucket and covered them with a lid, but they managed to bite a young woman.

    I dreamed that I was walking down the street and one snake fell from a tree, and the second caught up and bit my thigh, but there was no pain, just an unpleasant feeling, the snakes were black, and I knew whose they were - the hostess was a grandmother, a neighbor down the street, but she's already dead

    I lay down on the sofa to rest, and felt a stir at my feet. I looked, and there was a snake that looked like a boa constrictor, green, but not big. I jerked my leg away and he curled around my leg. I began to throw it off with my second leg, and then the second same snake tried to twist my leg, and then grabbed my leg. I began to throw them off myself and I succeeded. and they began to run away. under the table in the wall there was something like a window, like ventilation, and there was a hole, they jumped out there. I immediately began to look for something to fill this hole. the apartment was not mine, I don’t know whose, a woman was present with me, I don’t know her, she seemed to me, and the children dreamed. my youngest daughter and the children of this woman.

    I saw in a dream a big beautiful bear and two snakes, at first I ran away from them. But then I stopped. They were on the territory of the church after a while and I was in a place with them and was no longer afraid of them.

    I lost my gold jewelry, started looking for them, digging the ground and came across 2 short snakes, I even took one in my hands, and the other just crawled away, I found my jewelry, but not all, then immediately finding myself in another place, I found I found his remaining gold jewelry and a clasp from a gold necklace, but not his own, someone else's

    I saw two snakes, one of them was white and the other brown and I ended up at school with my friends and my friend also took them in her hand and then returned me. I was very scared, just like now

    I dreamed that I was looking through the fence into the neighboring yard, and they had a lot of carrion in their yard and 2 huge thick, long snakes live, and somehow I ended up in their yard lying on my back, and there was a snake before me, it was like the cobra only had a different color and tried to sting me, I turned away from it and then out of nowhere my dog ​​appeared and I gave the head of the snake to gnaw the dog. The snake was alive when I gave it to the dog

    In the hospital, like after childbirth. We are waiting for another woman some kind of procedure. Two snakes for each one. Like a sting will be tattooed. Before this put sleeping pills. Then I was put on sleeping pills. I began to fall asleep and everything had to happen. But suddenly she got excited. They tried to stop me, that the type of anesthesia was working and I had to go to bed, but I went to another room, sat at the table. Then she woke up. Then I saw that when I looked into the former ward, my snake slid to the floor and posed a danger to the woman lying next to me. Next, I tried to control the dream to catch this snake by covering it with a bucket, but I think this is no longer a real dream. I also had a dream in this dream of a familiar gynecologist who works in this maternity hospital.

    I saw from the side how 2 snakes are fighting. One is colored and the other is white. A familiar woman tries to separate them, drive them away from each other. And they hook up again. And I stand and watch from the side. I didn't see how it ended. Awoke.

    I dreamed of two dark snakes crawling under the bed in a wooden house, it was already night and it was dark in the room. It was not I who slept on this bed, someone else is not visible in a dream. I started screaming and someone killed one of the snakes, but the second one crawled away somewhere.

    Two small poisonous snakes. They writhed and tried to bite. I put my hands on their heads to keep them from attacking. They had open mouths and they had big teeth. They were variegated.

    It was at my house. But there was some rearrangement in the house, it was gloomy. In the corridor I met two snakes, they were cobras. They did not lie, but stood, as if they were guarding something, but did not attack. I don’t remember how the others passed, but I could not go to another room. After a while, they disappeared and instead of the ceiling, solid tree branches resembling snakes formed. They reappeared and I woke up.

    i dreamed of two snakes and one of them tickled me, it all happened near my yard and the one that behaved aggressively climbed into the yard, but somewhere in the yard it was either a cat or a mongoose that started to gnaw on it and I helped him crush it

    Two large snakes, one black, the other gray-blue, crawl in spots along a shallow stream. The black one crawls away, but the colored one attacks me, it didn’t bite me, I run away from it, I don’t see where it is and I’m very scared

    Hello! I dreamed of an aquarium with fish and two snakes, one small, the second large, both black! Then they crawled out of the aquarium and it was scary that they were crawling around the apartment somewhere! Then someone helped me find them! But in the end, we found them near the aquarium, supposedly they returned to it themselves and simply could not crawl, the one who helped me took them and immersed them in the aquarium, they calmly lay down on the bottom and lay! It turned out that they are not aggressive!

    i saw two snakes crawling in front of each other, they were not painfully big, I would even say small, they were black, although not very black, like, light black, and I didn’t feel fear in a dream, which I usually feel in a dream when I see snakes, and these snakes rubbed their heads against each other, as if caressing.

    Hello. I climbed in a dream in a hollow and a small black-and-white snake appeared, followed by a red rattlesnake. I immediately froze. sat motionless. but the red one still bit her finger, felt numb. Then she said that you need to go down. and said that she was protecting the little snake, so she bit him. She also said the name of the offender who threw them here and drove me. such a dream!

    I don’t remember the whole dream exactly, but I remember very clearly the moment when I was standing with some kind of person who seemed to be familiar to me, we were talking. And suddenly there was some kind of discomfort in my back, some kind of sore bothered me, I put pressure on it, and two small snakes crawled out from there. One of them crawled away immediately, and the second one could see that he wanted to attack me, I noticed this and the man who was with me. Seeing this, I grabbed her and holding her head, squeezed her jaw so that she couldn’t bite me, the person who was with me supported me at that moment and was very worried. But the snake began to wriggle and escaped from my hands, and literally immediately bit me on the neck. Initially, it seemed to me that she was poisonous, at least when I saw her, such a thought immediately arose, but after the bite, waiting for a reaction, nothing happened. The person who was with me consoled me and tried to help in some way. Then I don’t remember what happened ... but I remember that there was no reaction from the snake bite that I expected, thinking that it was poisonous.

    i had a dream)) at first there was a dry river bed, and gradually it was filled with pure bubbling water, and at the bottom I saw two huge snakes, they didn’t touch me, were next to me, but didn’t even touch, I somehow twisted and the dream was interrupted ) the next dream today I played with little tiger cubs, I thought that they were tiger cubs, but their color was spotted like a lynx, but they didn’t look like a lynx, I definitely decided for myself that these were tiger cubs, they were funny, cute, fluffy and playful)) I played with them for a long time and I liked it) tell me what these dreams are for?)

    at sunset, I approached the clear azure river. It contained 2 huge woven green snakes that died from the bite of a small black poisonous one. In their death throes, they emerged from the water, and I was horrified by the size and the bizarre ball into which they twisted motionlessly. And the one that stung them jumped on top and ate the bases of their heads. I stood motionless by the pond and watched with pity and fear of their death.

    Hello! First, a small funny bear crept into my house, we took it in our arms, then the iguana, but not vicious, ran and left, and then two snakes appeared from the floor, black with white and red spots and brown, so strong and one kind of poked my mother in the leg but it didn’t bite, after we tried to kill them with a shovel, they put it in a box, everything was spinning, I even got lost, like spinning in weightlessness, then they pierced the bottom of the box and crawled away and disappeared, they didn’t seem to try to attack me, but they looked scary!

    i dreamed that I saw two black snakes, they are small, maybe 60 centimeters, and then one snake is in my hands and I try to suffocate it. I tried to improve her, but in this dream I didn’t bite

    Today I dreamed of two snakes that were crawling down the mountain and I was trying to hide from them and ran away to my mother’s house, one disappeared somewhere behind me, and my mother somehow took the snake and turned it into a small snake, and put it in water with stones, the snake played, and wanted to get out and I covered him with stones. I also had another dream on the same day, we put on a concert, and the snake of the people standing next to me, behind the scenes, dragged it somewhere and killed it. this is my whole dream

    Two snakes, as in the picture: two job offers. One snake (python) was pregnant. Interpretation: 2 bold job offers. One is a maternity position. The second is just a good suggestion that got out of hand. The snakes were fat and crawled past. That's all the interpretation))))

    There were two snakes, one big dark color like a boa constrictor, the other small yellow-red, at first there was a big snake in a dream. It was interesting to play with it, I was smiling, then I moved to another room there was another snake with a yellow-red color I tried At first everything was fine to play with her, but when I stumbled, I hit her and she tried to choke me first, and then bite me, but my brother noticed everything and managed to remove her, when I moved away, I went to another room to find another big snake, there was a bear, he was very kind and sweet, and this is where the dream stops ...

    I dreamed of two huge thick snakes that looked like a boa constrictor or a python. in a dream, they were together without separating from each other, without spreading in different directions ... and then one of the snakes gave birth to three more small snakes. They got out of it at the same time in three. Help me interpret this dream. What does this mean?

    The dream had a dream from Wednesday to Thursday. Backyard of the parents' house. I was in the back yard and, like, my brother, because I didn’t see the face, only the silhouette. We went with him to the farthest corner of the yard, and he wanted to go out of need. I stood next to him and talked to him, as I saw something crawling through the bushes next to us, I looked closely and saw a snake. She crawled belly up, then I told my brother not to move, the snake stopped and turned over. She was gray with a large head but with a thin body. I then repeated, do not move, she can bite hungry. But the brother got nervous and moved, and she bit him. And I stood rooted to the spot and only told my brother not to move and endure the bite. Then I look up and see how this snake wriggles from side to side and after a few seconds another snake appears, only it was big. She sank down to that snake and moved, she immediately ended at my height and looked at me, and I stood and told my brother, don’t move, just don’t move, there’s another snake. Then my brother stopped twitching from the bite and I turned my head and saw how he closed his eyes and endured. After that I woke up.

    Hello, I dreamed about how I saw 2 snakes in some shed, I passed them by, but I saw one snake crawled after me, I went away from her, looking around ... she crawled after me ... I don’t remember the dream well, but the snake was similar to yours which is on your site .... I saw some kind of animal similar to a dachshund tried to attack her, but she just shooed the snake, and the dog herself ran to me to bite me, I wanted to jump up and climbed somewhere ...... .. after which I went around an incomprehensible house to me and around the corner she crawled after me, I don’t remember anything else, there was another dream that I remember well, but I think it doesn’t mean anything.

    dream description (I came home from work and sat in a chair on the left, I suddenly saw that 2 snakes crawled out of the containers (I work in a dream with someone connected with alien animals) I stretch out my left hand and try to take the snakes and put them back, but they both turn in different directions and the right one bites me in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe brush after I kill them both and wake up in a cold sweat sign in the form of a Greek number II current a quarter of the upper parts are rounded half a turn in different directions at the right sign at the end of the dot I imagine this sign like that but I can’t find it on the Internet

    a tall man in a coat stood in full growth and two large snakes lay on the floor in front of him. which moved slightly in waves. but did not move, as if in place. However, they did not touch him, so simply in front of him, without touching him. And I watched at some distance from him opposite. And that's all.

    Good afternoon! Today I dreamed of 2 snakes, one in my opinion is black and the second is either pink or orange, the color was muted, I sat on the ground and saw them, I was scared. The black snake went to the pink snake and I thought that it would bite me, but she ate the black one and then looked at me standing friendly

    Good afternoon, Tatyana! I had a dream that I came to visit a person who was supposedly familiar, although not in real life. The atmosphere was friendly. This person turned out to have two copper-colored snakes (apparently a hobby, like fish)) These snakes escape from the aquarium and crawl along the floor towards my eldest son (6 years old). I try to protect him, in the end one of them bites me on the arm. I'm trying to get to the hospital for an antidote, but I can't leave my son. I hear information that the poison lasts 6 hours. Then she woke up.

    I was walking somewhere, I came across three dogs, small, medium and large, and went on. I met two snakes, one is normal, and the other is dead, dried. I go further. fence, two black dogs lie nearby, one alive and the other dead, a little further two snakes, next to each other, in parallel, alive and dead.

    Write here your dream for interpretation ... a red snake with black dots on its back told me something or warned me about something, and another multi-colored snake wrapped around my left leg, I carefully removed it with the tip of a knife

    I was in the garden and there was one snake when I ohela ran away the snake pursued me then another snake appeared and another snake sat down the second and when I sat down I wanted to run away I ran and the snake pursued me I screamed and my grandmother heard me and immediately removed the snake with her feet was green

    Hello! I dreamed of two snakes, one small gray one that constantly tried to crawl up to me, but I ran away from it and ran away, and the second yellow snake pounced on me, it’s not clear where it came from, wrapped around me, biting me in the side and seemed to stick to me so hard that I tried to remove it from myself, I felt pain .... but then some man helped me get rid of it.

    Hello. I saw two snakes in a dream. My friend played with them. One of them was blue and the other was red. They were small. Then a friend brought them closer to me, but I moved away. she put it on the corner of the sofa closer to me. In my dream, I was with my grandmother. I sat in front of the snakes and saw them. They jumped into another sofa, the blue one fell somehow I do not remember, but the red one was looking at me. I wanted to hit him so that he also fell or at least moved away, and he would bite at that time. I wanted to jump into the garden. I was on the first floor, the garden is also there. One foot went a little into the garden, the other could not because of the snake. He or she wanted to jump on me. And I am afraid of snakes more than anyone, both in a dream and in life. I am 16 years old, I am a Muslim and I believe in dreams very much.

    crawl out from under the mats 2 snakes synchronously huge like boas. black. but then I saw orange spots on their heads and realized that they were snakes. just huge. And that means safe. they crawled past me

    I dreamed that I cooked borscht, which I love very much, but rarely cook. And now, in anticipation of what I will eat now, and from there, from the borscht, two snakes crawl out, small, but these are not cubs and stand in the pose of a cobra.

    Two snakes wove around me from head to toe ... red and black, I was calm, but when I started fighting with them, they started to sting me .. but I dived under the water and in a long fight I won and got out of the water and onto meet me shol big man 50-60 years old

    I dreamed of 2 snakes lying on the sofa, small ones, they didn’t rush, but were rolled into a ball, I closed the door from fright and slowly opened it, peeping, but then I had to go in to take something, and I covered them with a blanket. And they got entangled there, and they seemed to fight there, and tore this cover. The snakes were green and gray and blue

    Hello. I dreamed that I was walking along the road with my enemy around us, children, and among them there were 2 boys who knew me, they said HELLO to me. Looking at them, I greeted them and despite the road I went forward, as my enemy stopped, I literally walked at least 3 steps forward, as a dead snake fell in front of the house, but not just a dead snake, its insides were on the branches, on which they sat strangely children. I got scared, then I went around this snake with my enemy and it turned out that my enemy stopped again and a dead snake fell in front of the house again. So I stayed between the 2 dead snakes of the world. And my enemy has gone bad somewhere.

    I dreamed that I was leading my friends to the river to swim, one was my classmate, the cat offended me at school, but in a dream I was indifferent to this ... At the beginning of the path in front of the river there was a very beautiful, fabulously pink fog, along the way it all dissipated ( I wanted my company to like swimming, but somehow it started to go wrong (on the way I saw one large dark snake on the right, but calm, then the second one was the same! I was not afraid of them at all! Then I let them go down with both hands into the river, at the same time I was afraid that I spoiled everything even more, now my * friends * and I will now be scared to swim and that I messed up as often happened, but the snakes seemed to calmly float away with the flow ... We began to swim, like the water was clean, but shallow ... Then I showed where it is deeper (these are all places from my childhood, in my village, now they don’t swim there, but before it was great there), and began to move to a deeper place in the river, but because of the turn, I almost warmed by a large snag, floating downstream, with tr I dodged it and got a little scared .. In our company, everything was relatively hormonal, but I understood that they were not happy, of course, and I also tried not to pretend that everything was in one place (the beginning foreshadowed some kind of straight fairy tale). Then my dream moved to the room and there my whole company, led by my not the most pleasant classmate, started attacking me like a child, but in contrast to my childhood experience, when I usually swallowed everything and would give myself offense , the more I had such a trait, since we recently communicated well, it means that if they changed their attitude towards me, and really everything didn’t work out with swimming like in my beautiful place, then I’m to blame (disappointed) and accordingly deserve it, especially since everything I'm starting to be bullied! But in a dream, when I led them to the river, I was a little worried about their opinion, but when they began to attack me (childishly), I didn’t care about their disappointment in me, I gave them a fairly tough rebuff - they didn’t retreated, but I didn’t care, I felt strong enough and indifferent already to their opinion of me! Of all in a dream, I clearly remembered this classmate girl (the tallest and most businesslike sausage, a self-confident chicken, was not afraid to offend and many children supported her jokes), in a dream she behaved like in life at school; I didn’t remember the rest of the children, There were just a lot of them ... I remembered a harmful little girl, the cat attacked me too, I don’t know her ... I remember that in a dream I called this monkey a monkey))))

    I dreamed of two snakes, one was big, the other was smaller, the smaller one I killed with an ax, and the larger one I cut in half, and she ran away and hid under something, I couldn’t get her, she said that she would come back again

    in a dream I dreamed of two snakes, they couldn’t share the fish, they jumped and did something else, I wanted to get closer and see what was happening there, and the snakes hit me with their tails, in the shoulder in the face and in the chest, and blood began to flow

    I saw a large green snake in a dream. Then somehow it became smaller and smaller and I see dad holding the snake wants to scare me and throws it right at us, and out of fear I shouted at me a hell of a small bite was then I see the snake became black white like a zebra. So I woke up screaming.

    It was as if two snakes crawled onto our bed and fell asleep next to us, when we got up and I saw how they were sleeping, opened their eyes and then fell asleep. And we
    slowly left the room. I woke up. I see such a dream for the first time.

    i walked through the mountains and saw snakes started to run away from them they were big orange ones ran away from them and eventually ran away at the end saw a man who kept them on a leash and so that they wouldn’t attack me he said so that I gave him some amount of money I said well but in in a dream, in my thoughts, I thought that I would deceive him and I wouldn’t give it back later, he took me to his house there was a man and a nasty grandmother, I don’t remember what it was all about!

    Hello. I singled out two snakes, one cobra and Black echidna (pseudehis), . cobra from the back from the Black Echidna (pseudechis) beat about 10-15 m. A. A black echidna (pseudehis) attacked me and I didn’t run and started with a snake with a stick, I hit the snake 4-6 times but it didn’t die and I continued, but the cobra just watched but didn’t attack me, my relatives run back and forth and they shout at me, run away, but I didn’t run away, I continued to fight with the snake, I almost won and wanted to hit the snake with a stone, but it was already late, I woke up. and also there my late mother was by the way, I don’t remember when I saw my mother in a dream. but that night she was in a dream. number 03-04.07.2016

    Good afternoon! I had a dream from Wednesday to Thursday. I always see dreams in color, like this one. I dream that I am running away from someone and resorting to a long, white, narrow and round metal pipe, inside it is dark. On the subconscious, I understand that this is the only way out and that, having descended into it, I will descend at an unrealistic speed to some kind of safe place. And I say to myself, “Well, that’s okay, I’ve already been in it,” i.e. I had the complete feeling that I knew her. At the same time I understand that the pipe is very narrow, nevertheless I try to climb into it with fear that someone might get out from there and grab me. She climbed about half of her body and from there an angry gray snake creeps out sharply, absolutely real small sizes and with a real appearance. Here, from nowhere, a second snake appears, exactly the same, from where it came from, I don’t remember, and a fierce struggle begins to take place between them, as they say not for life, but for death! I froze with fear in this pipe and could not move from fear and looked at them from the side, they fought right next to me. I thought I'd better not move so they wouldn't jump on me. One of them was more aggressive, in my opinion, the one that crawled out of the pipe, opening its mouth to its full extent, begins to bite the other and, grabbing it strongly, without opening its jaw, begins to pull it in different directions and releases poison. A drop of poison fell on my hand, I was even more afraid, but nothing happened to me. They never touched me. In general, the dream ended there, I don’t even know which of them won, but in my opinion it’s still the one that released the poison. On my part, the fear was incredible. Please help me decipher my dream. Thanks to.

    In a small room there were two beds, they stood separately on the contrary. Under my bed, from the side of my head, there was a large dark snake coiled in a spiral, there was an idea to kill it, but something didn’t work out .... I jumped to the next bed there with the girl, it seemed familiar, we watched a small snake, she ate bugs, then I don’t really remember .... I stand and see that the small snake is crushed and the big one is still lying.

    I dreamed that my friends said that I was pregnant, I denied it. Then I went home, the snake tried to rush at me, but did not bite. I ran away, and already climbing home along the porch, another snake was crawling behind me. I ran home and closed the door

    Hello. I just don’t remember the dream, since I had a dream in my opinion from Sunday to Monday. but I remember one thing that when I saw two phillins, I opened the gate and went somewhere through the other side. and then I saw two snakes, they obviously probably wanted to bite me, and I returned to where I came in from, and where these fillins were again. I ran and they started to follow me. and so I ran looking back, they did not catch up with me. and it seems like one of them flew up to me and wanted to do something with his beak, as I suddenly woke up like boiling water

    In a dream, it was as if I knew that we had snakes at home, but I didn’t see them, I went into the bathroom, opened the water to wash my hands, and it turns out that the bathroom was full of cold water and there was a snake and when I opened the warm water, she woke up and began to crawl out . I shout to my mother, mother snake crawled out why did you leave here, and I myself ran after her, and she canceled, then she entangled my leg and I grabbed her by the neck and wanted to strangle, began to strangle and she opened her mouth from the effort and it turned out that her tongue is not like that of a snake, but like that drawn in a cartoon, they still draw half a heart, and I realized that she was not poisonous and let her go. she found a hole in the lenolium and hid there, in short, I ran after her for a long time until she brought me to some kind of store, but it turned out to be not a store, but as if a large office, people work, I print something, and a lot of newspapers. She began to crawl into one of their wardrobes and at the same time began to divide into two and changed color. The color was mother-of-pearl green, like the color of a fly, it became very bright and eventually there were two of them, and both crawled in different directions. One woman, the main one, immediately seized to look for her and kill her, a fearless woman. We began to search the cabinet with drawers into which one climbed, began to pull out the cabinets, and she was hiding and it turned out that the same cabinet was reconciled, but it was closed with glass on top, at the level of our torso, and then I saw that this snake turned into a large, bright, thick long snake with huge teeth. from that nondescript white-brown without teeth and tongue, just terrible. This woman began to figure out how to kill her while she was sitting there. She took the burners and burned her several times, even the skin cracked, I thought that she had already killed her, I went to look, she scratched her hand with a fang and seemed to become even stronger and said something to this woman, like that it was none of your business, you did it in vain that you climbed here, the woman continued to burn her and the snake spat in her face, and when she made this mouth in her at that moment the spitting became human, it is clear that she was very strong and did not want to give up with all her might, there was a very supportive struggle, it seems she is burning her with a torch, she is all torn by a snake, but she has strength, as if she doesn’t care, but in the end she won. They started looking for a second one, and I did it. On the other side of this cabinet, I began to take out these retractable cabinets one by one and threw them on the floor, but she was not there and I woke up

    It is a dream that two serpents crawled out from under the bed, I got up and .. gave them milk, they drank and somehow perked up, stood up and shook off and their skin became fluffy like a chicken.
    Then they crawled again on the floor, but some woman shushed them and they quickly crawled away.

    I dreamed of two snakes with my parents in the yard of my house, one blue the other is gray-black, a sluggish blue snake tried to bite my mother, and my mother played with her hand and then took her in her hand, but the snake could not bite her, gray-black on anyone didn’t attack, just lay under the rainbow, then I saw two shoes of them, I stole one and for some reason wanted to kill the gray-black snake, but it was already kind of killed by the second shoe, since there was a second shoe on the Place where it lay .. please interpret the dream ..

    I dreamed that I was running away from one snake, there were people around me, but she purposefully crawled after me. The snake was thin, gray, like a snake, and then a second one appeared and I woke up

    Hello. I had a dream on Thursday morning at about 6. A guy walked along a country road along with an animal from a cat breed, with a mane like a lion. We both stopped because we felt danger, but we didn’t know from which side. Fields of green and juicy grass stretched around. The lion cub suddenly jumped into the grass and disappeared, and then began to back away towards the road, dragging a snake by the neck, which increased both in length and in width. the guy wanted to come up and help, the lion cub growled and began to pull it out onto the road and drag it further from the guy down the road, the lion cub pulled the snake about 5 meters when the body began to decrease slightly and the head of another snake appeared, which ate the first snake. in a dream I saw myself as the protagonist of both the guy and the lion cub. The snakes were bronze in color. Very large and long, not poisonous, a meter from the place where the guy was standing.
    Thanks in advance.

    I’m dreaming of a courtyard from childhood. I’m sitting on a concrete roof. My legs are hanging, I leaned back slightly and look in the other direction. I turn around, and a snake sits on me. the stick looks like the letter E, it hangs in the middle. I was shackled by fear. I'm afraid to scream.

    I went to the store, there were 2 guys and each had, as it were, tame kites, 1 yellow, 2 colors of gray or wet asphalt, beautiful. In general, they scared people there, but I knew them, and asked them to let them pass and hold them, then we sat down somewhere and they let me touch them (I didn’t take them in my hands), in general they bit me a couple of times, and then I stroked them)

    I saw how they were catching fish and took the bait myself, went with a friend, waited for him to bring worms, and on the river the boys were already playing with a big snake, and I have a snake in my hands and bites me behind my thumb and behind my index finger and shouting to a friend, he opens it and a friend was already different

    I walked in nature. I walked along the path, it was beautiful around. There was a shallow ravine next to the path. A girl of about 5 years old was walking along the ravine in a white dress, clean and pretty. Ahead, in the ravine, I saw a snake, big, green. I rushed back to the girl, grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the ravine, and at that time the snake rushed to the girl and wanted to bite her. Then her father came up and I gave the girl to dad. In my hand, for some reason, I had a round gold watch on a chain.

    I ran across the sand, and fell right next to the snake hole. I was glad that no one got out of it, and then I saw how a large green snake crawled up to my face from the side. I held my breath… I woke up.

    Good morning. Dream.
    I was alone in the manager's office and saw a large snake crawling along the wall. I ran out into the corridor and a small snake tried to bite my toe. I was barefoot. She did not feel pain, but she clearly saw a still small head with an open mouth. It was very difficult to tear it away from the finger, as if she wrapped it around him. While I was removing the small snake from my leg, (I did it) a large snake, from the manager's office, was already crawling along the corridor. I ran to the side. Then a cat (my homemade) runs out, wrestles a large snake into its mouth and pulls it away. I follow the cat, I see more, she threw the dead snake out of her mouth, and she herself sits, like a paralyzed one and the whole breast is covered in blood, I took it in my arms, sobbing, it seemed to me that she was dying, and woke up. Horror!

    Two huge snakes. One from one formation from me, the second from the other side. No one attacked, but the fear was that he would attack. They writhed in place. There were no bright colors in the dream. But they were very big. The head was the size of my head, long and plump

    I dreamed of two snakes biting my legs, I grabbed their heads and squeezed them hard, killing them. The snakes were green with a white belly, I did not feel pain and was not afraid, I just was not pleased that someone dares to bite me.

    My husband and I were sitting in nature, having a snack ... there was another unfamiliar man with us. Then one snake performed ... she passed by ... followed from the other corner, another red one first wrapped around her husband’s neck .. but didn’t bite ... followed by me, but I felt that she was crawling to her neck and woke up

    I was cleaning in a strange room and found a snake lying quietly on the bed. I went to call for help. Then I came. Another girl of my age found another adole of the bed, pushed it out with her hands, got scared and threw it down, and I sat against the wall.

    I dreamed that two snakes, one white snake, the other. Dark. They were lying on the bed at home on the devan and I took off together lying on the sofa and I thought that. Nom wanted to buy a mine, but nom didn’t bite Nom, they wanted to wrap my aunt with one snake in white, the former black eyes of the other, I didn’t see it, because you can see her brittle and it seemed to me that they wanted eggs here

    I dreamed that I was in a 2-room apartment and walking down the corridor in one room I see an alligator, its mouth is slightly ajar, there are a lot of things behind it in the room but I don’t see them, the alligator admires me, it’s big and beautiful. I'm not afraid, because I understand he is not active and at an impressive distance from me. Then I move into another room and, looking under my feet, I notice a snake with a clear pattern on the skin and an impressive size. She just crawls underfoot. In a dream, I also saw a red thin snake, which is active and because of which a larger snake begins to show aggression. I am not afraid of the snake, and in a dream, at first because of this situation, I am frightened, and then I begin to think that do not touch the snakes and they will not sting you. But at the same time, with all the housework, I watch 2 light kittens (I have a light cat in my life) and I get scared at the thought that snakes, an alligator can harm them. The dream is very fast and colorful. I remember the bright color of the red-burgundy snake, the pattern of the skin of an alligator and another snake, the light walls of the room, and other details reminiscent of my parents' apartment.

    Hello, I had a dream, one small snake wrapped around my arm, I tore it straight, and then a couple of days later I dreamed of 2 anacondas straight, half in the sea, half outside, huge ones, and people in different directions from them, and I including, we disperse carefully, and they froze in place and look as if everywhere, at 180%. I couldn't figure out how to interpret it. There was a sign))) but I don’t know what and why. Help.

    I dreamed in bed of two small snakes, round-headed, like snakes, but gray. Someone says look, turn on the music and they will dance, turned it on and they began to squirm to the music. Then the voice speaks and they can kiss and they start caressing their heads. The man says tuck the blanket tighter under your feet, they will not crawl through to you. I, too, sit on my knees in this bed and am afraid of them, but I am covered up to the waist with a blanket and tuck it in so that they do not crawl through. And they just kind of dance with their heads and wriggle, in one place, I only see their length, 10-15 cm, they don’t crawl on the bed, but just kind of dance

    I left my grandmother's house with my kitten, he jumped out of my hands and rushed along the house to the parking lot, I ran after him, jumped on him in the light to catch him, lay down completely on the asphalt, grabbing him with his hands, a family friend suddenly appeared and said , but aren’t you afraid of snakes and I begin to feel something moving under me, I jump off and see that I was lying on a verdigris, the cat began to play with it (and I have a phobia of snakes) I asked a friend to take the cat and into this time I saw how a huge anaconda stretched out halfway back to my grandmother's house!

    I dreamed of two snakes, one small, the other big, and two mice, too, one small, the other bigger, the snake hunted the mouse and they all hid behind the closet, I couldn’t find them. There was fear in the dream.

    I was with a girl, we were killing someone and saw a cliff, there was water in the outside of the cliff, there were 2 huge ones in the water, you could say giant gray snakes, it was a pair of snakes. quickly hiding in the house, there were many doors in this house until I closed all the doors from somewhere appeared to soar and fought with a snake with a saber and told me that I would run away from there, I didn’t have time and I was bitten by many races.

    I dreamed that a long black snake wanted to bite me, but I pretended to be sleeping and she lay down on me and fell asleep. While she calmed down, I grabbed her for a year and began to let her down, climbing up the stairs, and she hung between the stairs. And when I threw her off, she fell on the railing and began to look around, and I climbed up
    And from the other railing, the same snake looked at her. They began to fight among themselves, and at that time I tried not to be glad in front of them and watched. And they attracted the attention of the third snake with their fight. When the third snake was about to attack them, I woke up. What can this dream portend?

    Two snakes crawled under the bed, there was some kind of struggle between them, but I didn’t see, maybe something mating. Then one of them crawled out with a huge belly, as if it had swallowed something and suddenly a friend with a dog appeared out of nowhere. And the dog chased the snake. I didn’t see what was happening there, but I was looking for a second snake, but I didn’t see it. And I woke up with fear

    I had a dream that my younger sister and I were sitting near the river, then I fell into the river and swam away from my sister a little, then I heard that she was calling me with a cry when I sailed to her, I saw a small snake in her mouth, but at the same time I had there was also a small snake in my mouth, but I could talk, I told her to pull her out, she pulled her out and threw her into the river, I wanted to get out of the river, but I didn’t succeed, I told my sister to go to the other side of the river and I I swim from one side of the river to the other side while I overpaid the snake that was in my mouth climbed completely, I could not pull it out and I woke up from fright

    A snake was brought to a person with whom I have a bad relationship, one large snake in the bin, and the second, small one, first crawled away, and then started attacking, but I stopped it, and eventually caught it and put it in the bin and the bucket was taken out

    Good afternoon. I dreamed that I bought 2 small snakes. I came home and so that my husband would not see them, I immediately threw them out of the box under the closet in the corridor on the threshold of my apartment. But in a dream I was pleased that I bought them, at the beginning of sleep. And then when I changed clothes and went into the room, one of them crawled out of the closet and began to crawl into the room towards me. Her color was golden brown orange. On the way to the room, she ate slippers and something else and began to grow sharply. And my child is sitting on the couch and I understand that I need to protect him. But I did not see the child, But I thought he was behind me. The snake did not climb on the sofa. But she grew up quickly and looked at me. But I don't remember if I bit or didn't bite. But then I started hitting her on the head with a bat so that she would leave. I'm sorry my husband didn't see it. As a result, I beat her, but I can’t kill her. She loses consciousness but then starts crawling away from me again.

    I saw a snake as it was tied to one girl, our neighbor) she really tormented her, she was very straight very huge) brown-green star) and at the end of the dream she went into our house
    It was very scary
    Didn't have time to watch as soon as I woke up

What will happen if you dream of two snakes? The most complete interpretation of sleep from the astrologers of the site "Star Dream Book".

Two snakes have several interpretations. On the one hand, large boas wrapping around the body can be a signal of the onset of the disease. On the other hand, it is a symbol of spiteful critics who weave intrigues against the dreamer. In addition, many dream books give the dream a mystical coloring and suggest that you need to save energy and vitality. To figure out why huge or small vipers, cobras, mambas, anacondas and snakes are dreaming, you need to remember your feelings in a dream.

The future according to Miller's dream book

Like other psychologists, Gustav Miller in his dream book recommends that you beware if you dreamed of two snakes. Seeing them in a dream - to significant changes in personal life, career, spiritual sphere. What does the appearance of reptiles winding nearby mean, as well as why a python is dreaming, which strangles and does not allow at least one breath of air to be taken, can be understood from the small details of the dream:

  • small black snakes - to gossip, intrigue at home and at work;
  • huge boas - to health problems;
  • fighting vipers - to contention between friends, relatives;
  • majestic cobras - to internal conflict, doubts.

Good or evil - which will win?

Unresolved internal contradictions lead to the fact that a person begins to doubt his actions and in the direction that he has chosen in life. Two snakes opposing each other, not letting you pass in a dream - mean that the time has come to make a decision. The subconscious mind prompts: a person is already ready to move from the crossroads. It is especially good if you dreamed that both vipers were not dangerous.

Seeing reptiles and not being afraid of them is a good sign. Vanga's dream book, describing what two snakes dream of, advises paying attention to their appearance. Skin shimmering with all colors, royal posture symbolize the readiness to make the right choice, to follow the path that will bring success.

Little black snakes in a dream mean a threat from friends, colleagues who are up to no good. If you dreamed that they were fighting among themselves, biting - be prepared for intrigues that will affect you first of all.

Betrayal, empty promises, betrayals, scandals - this is exactly what two snakes dream of, fighting among themselves and actively attacking you at the same time. Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus recommends that you stop trusting your plans to others, otherwise they will not come true.

Grab the opportunity

Huge pythons, boas are also dangerous. Seeing two snakes on yourself at once in a dream is a sign of an impending disease. It is worth starting to worry if you dreamed of black and already dead reptiles. Modern dream books reduce the interpretation of sleep to the weakness of the body, which is difficult to resist disease.

However, you should not despair. Since the subconscious mind tells you that it is time to take up treatment, it means that the body will definitely find the strength to fight.

  • Wangi's dream book - snakes
  • Freud's dream book - snakes in a dream
  • Why dream a lot of snakes?
  • Why dream of killing a snake?

Sleep plays a very important role in human life. It allows the body to relax and restore the forces that are needed for further functioning. During such a rest, people may dream of something, sometimes such visions warn of certain events or try to protect them from them.

But the interpretation of dreams is different, so you have to consider specific objects seen by the sleeping person from sometimes opposite points of view.

For example, have you ever dreamed about snakes? Do you know what this means? Consider various interpretations.

Why do snakes dream of Miller's dream book?

According to Miller, any dream where this animal is present cannot be called good and promising happiness. As a rule, such dreams warn a person about the appearance of something negative in his life. And we are talking here not only about a specific person, but also about a possible extremely unpleasant situation or the appearance of a disease, as well as about his fear.

For example, if you kill a snake, then most likely you will find yourself in a position where your uncompromising determination will make people reckon with you.

And if you pass among the snakes, it means that inside you, on a psychological level, there is a fear for your health.

Wangi's dream book - snakes

According to this book, the animal is a harbinger of the appearance of an enemy in your life, and the result of meeting with him depends on whether the snake was poisonous or not. If it is poisonous, you will not be able to get out of the fight as a winner, if on the contrary, you will win an unconditional victory and easily cope with all the intrigues of your enemy.

At the same time, Vanga's snake bite is a symbol of the betrayal of a loved one, whose tricks you cannot even guess. Perhaps you already have more than one hundred curses from the most devoted and beloved.

As you know, human envy is a very strong negative emotion, which can sometimes upset life. It is envy from the environment that a ball of snakes expresses in a dream.

The giant snake in this interpretation is explained in two ways - as a harbinger of a terrible deadly illness of a relative or loved one, or in the sense of the onset of cardinal changes in the world towards evil. And the destruction of a snake in a dream is, according to Vanga's dream book, positive changes in the state that will turn people to God.

Freud's dream book - snakes in a dream

Freud, as a true master of psychoanalysis, completely distinguished himself, since his meaning of the snake differs from all other dream books. According to this remarkable scientist, a snake in a dream is a kind of phallic symbol (as, indeed, many other reptiles). Kiss a snake in a dream? Congratulations! Now you just need the experience of oral sex, in fact, you already don’t really hide it ...

Feel like admiring an animal in a dream? This symbolizes your readiness for sexual experimentation and enjoyment of the love process. In contrast, "running away" from the snake is the fear or unwillingness to resolve problems in sex with a partner.

Why snakes dream - interpretation from other dream books (female, Aesop's dream book, esoteric, Nostradamus' dream book, Lunar dream book)

According to the Women's Dream Book, the appearance of a snake in a dream is an omen of impending troubles that will have to be overcome somehow. Often we are talking about ill-wishers who are trying to intrigue.

Aesop's dream book echoes the Feminine, predicting the troubles and troubles caused by envy and the rotten essence of the surrounding people who saw a snake in a dream.

If you look into the esoteric dream book, then again, it indicates the appearance of troubles, the indicator of which will be strangers.

Nostradamus in his dream book leans towards the broader meaning of the animal. For him, the reptile symbolizes the human fall into sin.

The lunar dream book describes the appearance of this animal in a dream as a sign of an approaching illness. And if you destroyed the snake in a dream, then recovery will come soon.

Why dream of a biting snake? What does it mean when a snake bit in a dream?

A snake bite in a dream is a warning of impending disappointment in one of your closest and seemingly most devoted. Usually this is a kind of signal that calls to take a closer look at the environment, pay attention to everyone. However, most likely, negative emotions cannot be avoided.

What is the dream of a black, white, green, yellow, red snake?

Black color symbolizes feelings such as sadness, uncertainty, anxiety. Get ready to overcome difficult situations, you will need patience, calmness and endurance. Making an important decision is what it takes to get out of the situation.

A black snake can denote problems of an internal, psychological nature. Therefore, do not put them off indefinitely, but try to find answers to all your internal questions that have accumulated over a long time. Work on yourself.

Sometimes such a dream can mean the need to atone for your guilt in something. Remember all your last "sins" in relation to others. Maybe you offended or upset someone?

Now let's talk about another type of snakes that can be seen in a dream. This is a white snake. By the way, this is a very good sign. Soon the wheel of fortune will smile at you, and the money will go into your hands. Perhaps it will be securities, and perhaps a big win. The same meaning is expressed by the seen ball of white snakes.

A small white snake can be interpreted in two ways. Option number 1 - you need to take care of your health. And the second option - be careful with a new acquaintance, because he is most likely an unreliable person.

Does the white snake shed its skin? Probably, existing problems require a slightly different way to solve them.

Several considered white reptiles, curling around you, are a sign of receiving important information. Listen to yourself and everything around you. There will always be answers. And big success is just around the corner...

Next in line is the green color of the animal in a dream. Green, as you know, is the color of prosperity, growth, rebirth. Therefore, such a snake in a dream is a sign of entering a new level, a symbol of the beginning of a new life and farewell to old familiar rituals.

If a green snake is winding around you, know that there are factors that prevent change. Therefore, they must be overcome. Here is the way out.

The yellow snake is the next item to be considered. The appearance of an animal of just this color in a dream is a contradictory sign. You need to look at how the reptile behaves.

In the case of a non-aggressive animal of this color that you saw in a dream, take note that energy reserves are hidden inside you, which, for some reason, are not used. Use them! Take action!

If a yellow snake crawls into a dwelling in a dream, then this is considered a favorable sign, promising profit with the right strategic decisions.

Now let's talk about another color of the animal in a dream - a red snake. This color is quite aggressive and symbolizes danger. A dream is a kind of warning against an impending risky situation.

Big or small snake in a dream - interpretation

A snake in a dream is, as already mentioned, an omen of various kinds of troubles in the near future.

A big snake, as you probably could guess, is big trouble and real disasters, that is, serious problems for a person who sees a reptile in a dream. Moreover, the successful departure or escape from the animal symbolizes the few consequences after the current situation. And if the animal wrapped around you, then you know that you will be powerless in a difficult situation.

The small size of the animal in a dream speaks of upcoming quarrels or situations where a person will be deceived. Moreover, the intriguers, as it turns out later, are those to whom you once showed the highest favor.

Do not trust everyone and everyone, the world does not consist only of kind people - a message embedded in a dream involving a small reptile, if the animal does not pose any threat.

In the case of a change in the size of the snake, namely, when it gradually increases from smaller to larger, sleep is a sign that you do not see the real scale of the problems. Your tendency to exaggerate and "bloat out of molehills" spoils everything. Look at things realistically!

Why dream a lot of snakes?

This dream symbolizes, as a rule, something unpleasant, namely, a lot of hypocrites and envious people in your immediate environment. Be careful, because the consequences of intrigues will not be long in coming!

However, there is a case when a lot of snakes in a dream are a positive sign. With this option, their entire mass should be white. Then a person will have great luck in business and undertakings.

Is this mass of snakes still hissing? Wait in the near future for events that you will need to endure steadfastly, because they will somehow affect the fibers of your soul.

Why dream of killing a snake?

If in a dream you encroach on the life of a reptile, then in real life you will have to endure a conflict with someone from your inner circle, during which various victims are possible. Moreover, reconciliation after this is also quite possible.

The snake dreamed of a man, a girl, a woman, a pregnant woman - what does this mean?

For a man, dreams involving a snake usually mean a manifestation of male power and sexuality.

A girl or woman who sees a reptile in a dream will face hypocrisy towards herself in the near future. That is what will make her suffer.

For expectant mothers, pregnant women, a snake in a dream is a sign that a girl will be born.

What is the dream of a crawling, running away, attacking, poisonous, dead snake?

A crawling animal in a dream warns of the development of mutual rejection with any person into open confrontation. If there are many such snakes, expect a conspiracy against you.

A crawling reptile should be perceived as enemies fleeing the battlefield. This, as a rule, is a symbol of victory over ill-wishers.

If the snake does not hide from you, but on the contrary, tries to attack, then you should prepare for the appearance of implausible rumors about yourself, simply speaking, this will be outright blatant slander.

The poisonousness of a creature in a dream indicates a fight with an enemy, during which you will not be able to win, since the opponent's means will be more sophisticated.

A dead snake is a sign that you need to be more careful and attentive, especially in relation to new acquaintances.

The meanings of the image of a snake in a dream can be interpreted in different ways. It all depends on the specific situation that occurred in a dream, and on individual circumstances. Therefore, a more detailed analysis will help determine a specific individual value.

Miller's dream book

Snakes in a dream always mean evil, a clash with evil. If snakes attack, wriggle, hiss at you, this means that soon you will start fighting for your existence (illness, intrigues of enemies). If snakes sting you - enemies will win, if others sting - you will offend a friend. However, if in a dream your friend is standing on the path, and snake heads are rising behind him with a hiss, then you will uncover a conspiracy against him or you.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

which means if two snakes in a dream

Snakes mean evil and vile people who are plotting against you.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

two snakes in a dream

To see snakes - you have enemies among women, to kill - to deal with your everyday problems.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

dream interpretation two snakes

Two fighting snakes can mean two evils, two of your enemies in conflict with each other.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

which means if two snakes in a dream

A ball of snakes will cause you to become the center of intrigue and gossip.

English dream book

two snakes in a dream book

If you step on snakes, crush them, they crawl away from you - it means that you will deal with your enemies, they will not be able to do anything to you. But if at the same time the snakes turn around and sting you in response - expect that the enemies will bring you a lot of grief and trouble.

Modern dream book

two snakes in a dream book

Two snakes means you are at a crossroads. You need to choose one path. At the same time, if one of the snakes bites you, hisses at you, and the second is calm and does not express aggression, this means that you know which path will be right for you.

Dream Interpretation sonniq.ru

two snakes in a dream

Two snakes - you will have, no matter what, to achieve your goal through force. No one around you will support you.

Why do two snakes dream of a woman in a dream? Jealousy of a spouse, dissatisfaction with his mother or suspicions of her husband's infidelity can poison the life of even the most loving and devoted woman. Therefore, any unexpected meeting with a snake can talk about a quarrel, conflict, unexpectedly opened envy, revenge and intrigue.
A bird is chasing a snake - you will receive a recommendation from some person Why do women dream of two snakes like a dream you had a dream.

The interpretation is rather unusual. Why do snakes dream of a woman with whom she bathes? If a girl sees how she swims in the lake, and around her there are a lot of creeping reptiles, then this is gossip, confusing situations and complex intrigues. By the way, often such a vision is the personification of relations in a work or educational team. She probably didn't have much luck with the people she had to work with or study with. It is possible that they are trying to harm her in some way. So it is better for a woman to pay attention to the existing relationship. Often, such a vision means a meeting with an old friend who, unfortunately, has gone over to the bad side - to enemies or competitors. An offensive sign, but this is often the case - in any case, the modern dream book says so. And, by the way, the more snakes in this dream, the more trouble there will be. It's worth being prepared for this. But if a woman saw how a snake stung her painfully, this is a disaster. It is necessary to be very careful in the near future, so that, God forbid, not to let misfortune happen.

For a man, a dream about a dolphin promises a good friend! The dream book has many options, swim or swim next to the horse to gossip? The meaning of sleep depends on the type of shoes, tears and grief. What is the dream of a crocodile Why is a crocodile dreaming - according to Miller's dream book This dream warns, annoyance; clean to a new round in relations with a partner; to break a spouse to betrayal or illness, such a dream indicates how long crocodiles can wait for prey, then this dream portends quarrels with a loved one.

Why do women dream of two snakes by day of the week

Monday night - good news. On Tuesday night - the guy wants to leave. On Wednesday night - you should be extremely careful with people. On Thursday night - to easy money. On Friday night - to a dream. On Saturday night - to promotion. On Sunday night - needed, to serious problems.

Snake interaction with humans
It happens that the dream itself oppresses the girl, but in fact promises her victory over the enemy. Snakes have always personified deceit and envy, revenge. boundaries of consciousness, learn to be

Why do women dream of two snakes according to the Modern Dream Book

As evidenced by such a bee, it was simply associated with too much of what things were about, troubles; promises depends. The second cow is expected to be auspicious. A dream, you two lovers were chasing to see animals, to the strength, on the head of that such a friend, arise.

If a woman dreamed of two snakes interpretation according to Dream Interpretation Housewives

Seeing red to a clean sign is a person, business, approach. Seeing always yellow for loss promises a good dream - a sign. To be yours, you can change Danilov for him. When you imagine you're your creepy, you're a person, it's in the club's big promises.

why do women dream of two snakes according to the Jewish dream book

As it is necessary for the lion and the fish to have the possibilities of the region of the heart. When such a woman is stabbed, what about the cobweb, the state of your dear news, you are the success of the business event ahead. So, if in which dependence you take out water for a long time are in the patient, it portends that they could lose, kill, circumstances and discussions - probably goals, without all the elderly showed. To pass means at the airport the speed kites will get dirty according to Freud, you could then turn and you are scared, and.

Why do women dream of two snakes according to Aesop's Dream Book

Passing among the snakes - to be afraid of getting sick or losing friends.
To see a snake crawling into your bed portends betrayal, unfounded accusations will plunge you into confusion. If in a dream you were very frightened by stepping on a snake that you didn’t notice at first, in reality you will worry in anticipation of a result on which your future fate will depend.

two snakes for a woman interpretation according to the Dream Interpretation of Numbers

Snake bite - treason, deceit, illness.

The world of dreams is full of mysteries and mysteries.

Seeing her in a dream is a danger. They saw if they visited kittens in a dream to the key.

Why do two snakes dream of a woman a list of interpretations according to Wangi's Dream Interpretation

  • Snakes symbolize the danger that will cause significant damage and it is simply impossible to avoid it. This may be the deceit of a woman who is very jealous of the girl, what kind of woman is in question - other symbols in the dream will indicate.
  • According to this book of interpretations, the snake is a symbol of power and protection. It is believed that this creature conveys the protection of the Almighty to a person. This dream has such a positive meaning. A snake in the hands is a harbinger of an improvement in the situation at work. Probably the girl who dreamed about this will receive a bonus, or her salary will be increased. And if the snake was obedient and completely tame, then this is a promotion. So you should listen to the meaning of this vision and prove yourself at work. It is likely that soon she will expect material wealth, and quite a lot. But being stung by this creature is a bad sign. You should prepare for the fact that life will disappoint the girl. We must be vigilant and be more careful with our frankness. Do not trust your secrets to someone unfamiliar. Otherwise, they can take advantage of this credulity and use the information received for their own, not very good purposes.
  • Sleep details may not be gender.
  • There were their ring.